mill i L General lection. SHERIFF'S PROCLAMATION. Whereas, by an act ol the General Assem bly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled 4,an act regulating the General Elec tions within the said Commonwealth," pass ed on the 2d day of July, 1839, it is made the duty of the High Sheriff of every coun ty, to give public notire ol such elections to bo holden, and to make Known in such no tice what officers are to hp elected There fore, MELCIIOIR BOSSERD, High Sheriff of the county of Monroe, do make known by this proclamation to the electors of the county of Monroe, that a General Elec tion will be held in said county, on Tuesday, llm Iltli of October next at the several election districts below enumerated, at which time and places are to be elected by the freemen of the county of Monroe. One Person For Auditor General of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. One Person For Surveyor General of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania. One Person for member of the House of Represenaiives, o represent the counties of Monroe & Pike, in the House of Representatives of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania. One Person For County Commissioner of the County of Monroe. One Person For County Treasurer of the County of Monroe. One Person For Auditor of the County of Monroe. Places of Vol in;;. The freemen of the township of Chesnut hill are to hold their election at the house of Felix Storm, in said township. The freemen of the township of Cool liaugh will hold their election at the house ol Melissa Vliet, (late John Vuet, deed) m said township. The freemen of the township of Hamilton will hold their election at the house of Jos. Keller, in said township. The freemen of the township of Middle Smilhfield. will hold their election at the house of James Place, in said K-wnship The freemen of the townhip ol Pot ono, vill hold their election at the house of Ma- liassah Miller, in said township. The Ireemen of the township of Paradise, will hold their election at the house of John i S. Vandoren, in said township. The freemen of the lownsntpol Polk, will hold their election at the house of Joei Ber lin, in said township. The freemen of the township of Price, will hold their election at the house of FreJerick Deubler, in said township. The freemen of the township of Eldred, will hold their election at the house of Jos. Hawk, in said township. The freemen of the township of Ross, will hold their election at the house of Jacob H. istocker, in said township. The freemen of the township of Smithfield will hold their election at the house of J Depue Labar, in said township. The freemen of Stroudsburg, will hold heir election at the Court House, in said borough. The freemen of the township of Stroud, will hold their election at the house of Si mon" Dieter, in the borough of Stroudsburg. The freemen of the township of Tobyhau na, will hold their election at the house ol Washington Winters, in said township. The freemen of the township of Jackson, wlil hold their election at the house of John Osterhoudt, in said township. The freemen of the township of T'lnk hannock, will hold their election at the house of Sam'l Mildenberger, in said town ship. Notice is Hereby &ivc!s, That every person, excepting Justices of the Peace, who shall hold an office or ap poinlmentof profit or trust under the United States or of this State or any city or corpor ated district, whether a commissioned officer or otherwise, a subordinate officer, or agents who is or shah be employed uwler the leg . glslative, executive or judiciary department of this State or the United Slates, or of any incorporated district; and also, that every member of Congress, and of the state legis lature and of the select or common coiinci if any city, or commissioner of any incor rmrated district is by law incapable of hold ing or exercising at the same time, lhe office of appointment of judge, inspector, or clerk -of any election of tins commonwealth, & that no inspector, judge or other officer of such election shall be eligible to be then voted lor'. And the said act of Assembly, entitled an act relating to elections of this common wealth, passed July 2d, 1839, further provides 1 hat the Inspectors and Judges shall meet at the respective places appointed for hold iner the election in the district to which they respectively belong, before nine o'clock in the morning of the second 1 uesday of Oc tober, and each of said inspectors shall ap point one clerk, who shau be a qualified vo Vex. "It shall be the duty of said assessors re spectively to attend at the place of holding every general, special, or township election during the whole time said electiong is kept open, for the purpose of giving information to the inspectors and judges, when called on in relation to the right of any person assess ed bv them to vote at such election, and such other matters in reletion to the assess ments of rotes as the said inspectors or judg es, or either of them, shall from lime to time require. Agreeably to the provisions of the sixty first section of said act every General and Special election shall he opened between the hours of eight and ten in the foienoon, and Ehall continue without interruption or ad journment until seven in the evening, when the polls shall be closed. Pursuant to the provision contained in the 6th section of the act aforesaid, the Judges of the aforesaid district shall take charge of the certificate or return of the election of their respective districts and produce them at a meeting of the Judges from each district at the Court House in the Borough of btrouds burg, on the third day after the day of elec tion, being for the present year on FRIDA Y. the 14th of OCTOBER next, then and there to do, arid perform the duties required by law of said judges. Also, that where a judge by sickness or unavoidable circumstances, is unable to attend said meeting of Judges then the certificate or return as aforesaid shall be taken charge of by one of the In spectors or clerks of the election of said dis trict, who shall do and perform the duties re quired of said judge unable to attend. (God Save the Commoniceallh ) MELCHOIIt BOSSERD, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office Stroudsburg, ) September's, 18yS). $ t'JUMIBatt TRIAL-LIST for September Term, 1859. John-Swartz vs. John.Merwine. Peter Kresge 'vs. David Krcsge. Nicholas Altcmoao vs. Jacob Huf- smith. John II. Nace and Solomon A.Steckel partners under the. firm of Nace & S.teck cl vs. Philip Hoffman, James Hoffman and Robert Winters Henry Dctriok vs. James Henry. Daniel 13. Nuruct vs. The Overseers of the Poor of Stroud Township. Reuben P. Micbe & Charles Kitoben. partners trading R. P. Miche & Go. vs. Jacob Stouffer. William Overfield vs. Elijah Depuy. David Krcsgo vs. Charles D. Brod bead. Abraham Giah vs. Matbias Brakely. Henry Edinger vs. Joseph J. Postens. Pugb Decker vs. Robert Huston. White Hart & Co. vs. Peter Gilbert. Schnurmon & Newhart vs. James N. Durling. JOHN EDINGER, Proth'jf. dourt iprodamation. Whereas, the Hon. George R. Barrett, President Judge of the22d Judicial District of Pennsylvania, composed of the counties ol Wayne, Pike, Monroe and Carbon, and Abra ham Levering and Michael H.Dreher, Esqr's, Associnle Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of the County of Monroe, and by vir tue of their offices, Justices of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail delive ry and Court of General Quarter Sessions in and for the said County of Monroe, have is sued their precept to me commanding that a Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace and Common Pleas, and Court of Oyer and Ter miner and General Jail Delivery and Or phan's Court, for the said County of Monroe, to be holden at Stroudsburg, on the 2Gth day of September next, to continue one week il necessary. NOTICE Is hereby given to the Cpnoner, the Justices of the Peace, and Constables of the said coun ty of Monroe, that they be then and there ready with their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations and other remembrances to do those things which their offices are appertai ning, and also that those who are bound by recognizances to prosecute and give evidence against the prisoners that are or shall be in the jail cf the said county of Monroe, or a- gainst persons who stand charged with the commission of offences to he then and there to prosecute or testify as shall be just. (God save the Commonwealth.) MELCIIOIR BOSSARD, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office Stroudsburg, ) September 1, 1859. Register's Notice. "jJOTICE is hereby given to all persons -"-Interested in the estates of the respec tive decedents, that the following accounts have been filed "id the Register's office of Monroe county, and will be presented for confirmation to the Orphans' Court of said county, at Stroudsburg on Monday, the 2fith day of September, 1859, at 10 o clock, a. m. Tbe Account of George B. Keller, one of the Executors of Joseph Keller, late of HnimltOD township, deceased Tbe Account of Jacob G. Frantz, Ad- rninUtrator of David Greensweig, late of Eldred township, deceased. The Account of Jacob G. Frantz, Ad niiuitrator of Jacob Johnson, late of El dred township, deceased. First Account of Peter P. Dornblascr, Administrator of George A. Dornblaser, late ot Paradise township, deceased. rirt Account of Samuel S. Keller, one of the Executors of Joseph Keller, late of Hamilton township, deceased. The Account of Anna Maria Stokes, and Rachel S. Stokes, Administratrix's of Samuel Stokes, late of the Borough of btroausbur, dccaed. The Account of Anna Maria Stokes, and Rachel S Stoke:, Administratrix's o Ellen L. Stokes, late of the Stroudsburg, deceased. Borough of WM. S. REES, Register. Register's Office, fctroudaburg, ? September 1, 1859. $ Persons -wishing to establish Manufactories in a new and thriving place where lupines-sis good. See advertisement of the Hammonton Settlement Books and Stationery. TIIF, OLD ESTABLISHED CHEAP BOOK STORE, No. 224 North Second Street, (Between Race and Vine Street,) Philadelphia, Country Merchants, Booksellers, Store keepers, School Boards, Teachers and everv body in want of Books and Stationery wil find at this establishment a complete assort ment of English and Classical Text Books tor Colleges, Academies and Schools, wheth or public or private Also, School and Fum ily Stationery in great variety. Besides an extensive stock of all kinds of Books, in eve ry department of Literature Family, School and Pocket Bibles, Prayer Books, Hymn Books, Blank Account and Memorandum Books, Ink, Pens, Siale and Lead Pencils Slates, Wrapping Papers, &c, &c., &c, al selling at the very lowe3t nett cash prices. LEARY, GETZ &, CO. Publishers & Booksellers, No 224 North Second Street, Philadelphia. 07 Particular attention paid to all orders by mail. August 18, 1859. Persons Wanting; Change o climate for health. See advertisement ol -Hammonton Lands, in another column. Wire Sieves, Screens, &c No. 53 South 4tli Street, EASTOfl, PA. All kinds ot Jiraes, iron and iiair Sieves and Screens constantly on band including a large assortment of Sieve Screens, for fanning mills, miners, iren workers and brick-makers, of the be quality made in tbe very best manner and sold at exceedingly low prices by ANTHONY POHL, at bis manufactory. No. 53 South Fourth street, opposite tbe Lutheran Church Easton, Pa. August 11, 1959. 6m. All Wanting Farms in a delighifu climate, rich soil, and secure from frosts. See advertisement of Hammonton Lands in another column. Siovcsl Stovcsl Sioytsl At it Again ! The subscriber would respectfully inform nis Irienas anu cusiumera, mat uc una ib commenced the - t . . Stove and Tin-Ware Business, .... a I f 1 at his old stand, where may ne louna a lull and complete assortment of Cook. Parlor, and all kinds of Heating Stoves, which wiH be sold at city prices. He would further say, that he has secured the servi ces of Mr. William Flory, a very superior worker in Tin and Sheet Iron, which will nable him to offer Tin & Sheet Iron Ware at wholesale, and at the lowest figure. He would respectfully invite merchants and ealears in his line to call and examine fori themselves. kuih1 iLt. 61 uu i iiij, ana an Kinu. f JOBBING promptly attended to. R. R. DEPUY. Stroudsburg, September 1, 1859. ly. NEW BAKERY, Confectionery and Ice Cream ESTABLISHMENT. The undersigned begleave to announce to the citizens of Stroudsburg and vicinity that they have opened a C A T fTVT OAJUvUll . where they offer an assortment of first class nnfnoii.i.H.rv. Finils. Wills. Ac. which surpasses in point of excellence any thing of the kind heretofore offered in this place. In the Baking department they have se cured the services of Mr. Samuel Hoffman, whose ability in that line -is too well known tn nnpd nnv rncomn.endation. xuuy win lui.usu BRGA D and CAIkEb, of a superior quality, every afternoon, at the doorsof their customers, without extra charge, They will also keep Ice Cream of a variety of flavors, Strawberries and Cream, SPARKLING SODA WATER, And Albany Imperial Cream Ale, flrntvn froshnn,! nnn from snnprmr fnnntnillB u I I . , . ... , , every ouiur ueparimeni or ijiterature, ciassi Fresli Oysters in season, will be served fi., j:,,.i c.j -.A un in every style. With a determination to spare no enort to please they respectfully solicit a share of pub ic patronage. L. H. DRAKE. April 1, 1859. Farm ZLaiBls for Sale 25 TOilc ui,iijnUhi i... l?ii,nrl ;n .hSi,i. r!D, T0-c0 Soil nmnn tho hoc! fr r J - Anricultural Durnoses. be ntr a nood oam soil, with a clay bottom. The land is a i - -7 c i aroe tract, divided into small farms, and hundreds from all parts of the country are now settlin"- and building. 1 he orops pro- duced are large and can be seen growing The climate is delightful, and secure from frne! Terms from SI 5 to &20 ner acre. payable within four yerrs by instalments To visit the nlace Leave Vine Street v harl at t'liiladeipnia at i-a iv. dv Railroad for Hammonton, or address- R. J. livrnes, by letter, Hammonton rost Utnre, Atlantic County, New Jersey, bee full ad- verusemeni in anoiuer coiunin. RODH & PUTZEL, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, XND DEALERS IN rnin Flour liWrt1 inil ftpnpral brain, fioui, ncca ana general rroauce, occ. IVo. 5 Eric Building, On Duane & Reade sts., near the N. Y. & E. R R. Depot, New York. TIT 1, . II.' T. we wouia mosirespecuuiiy mvue dealers ami mercnanis in uie country 10 lavor ubD-ca.0?iar.esWebster,s Enj.,ish French v.i.. ihc.i uiiiBicmucuui, uuu uu.u aou.c .1 .U... l. - . ; iiiuiii iuui Mian ue must uiiiiuitiiy wawu- mi or me interests 01 our customers, ana i'i p.i r . . r . . i promptly m giving them true and correct re- We will also carefu ly attend to any or- rs sent to us, and will weekly or oftener ders nform our consignees oi ine eiaie oi inc markets. , . ,, , . . n ti n . n f..ll rtnMulinin ... Ihn Tn t .n n nr. of our numerous friends in the country, and siirn our ourselves Your most obedient servants, DAVID RODH, MICHAEL PUTZEL. July 21, 1859. tf. References. John N. Stokes, Merchant, Stroudsburg, Penn'a. ucpue a. miner, bsq , rrest. siromlEDurg llank, do. P. S. Michler, Esq.. l'rcst. Far. Sc. M. D'k.. Easlon. Pa. Drake. Hulir.k, & 'o., Wholesale Grocers, do T. H. Sitreaves, Wholesale Liquor Dealer, do "boarding school FOR YOUNG LADIES. Stroudsburg Female Seminery Under the care of tho Rev. J. E. MILLER and Miss M. S. MILLER: Mrs. J. E. MILLER teacher of MuBic, Drawing and Ornamental work. Aiic jrcai uu uiviueu uuu uiicu wima ui A ! U lijjKftlb. For day scholars : For all the English branches usually taught in Seminaries of the first grade, and Latin : $5, per Session. Music on the Piano, 8 per quarter. " on the Guitar, 5 for full course. Pastel Painting, $5) Monochromatic, 4 Material furnished Leather Work 4 Six pupils will be received into the family of the Principal as boarders, nt a charge of 8200, per year, for Boarding, washing, and tuition in all tho English branches, Latin, and French. ilalt payment lobe made at tt t ... . the beg i f i ,.l neginning or eacn session, anu me re- mainder at the close. No deduction for absence, for either boar ding or day-scholars, excepting in case of sickness, or by Bpecial agreement. The opening: Session of this institution will commence on the first Wednesday in Seplem- ber. July 28, 1859. tf, NEW Express Arrangement. Tho Hope and Howard Express Com- panys are now prepared to forward Mon ev. Valuables of anv kind. Paskaees. &o.. -:.U r, nOM anA nQ;ol 1aaaan . , j . , n a.r j , . ny part of the world. JUHJN JN. ITUllJlib, Agent, For tho Hope and Howard Jfix.Uo'a Stroudsburg, Feb. 4, la&B. tr. life Ww XCP GIFTS. .SPLENDID GIFTS . . TO PURCHASED OF BOOKS AT THE OEtlGJff AK AKD THE ONLYr GIFT BOOK ENTERPRISE 3 Established in 1S51. 3-2 o HEAD QUARTERS FOR HIE UNITED STATES AT THE PUBLISHING KCUSE, OP aS OS 55. G. G. EVANS, H,lX. Ix. JCiViilNO, s 430 Clicsuut st. Philadelphia, Pa nArvA rnn-nr? or-Mm x.,nnn CATALOGUES SENT FREE, Since I originated the Gift Book Store En terprise, I have repeatedly called the alten tion of the public to my large stock of liber al offers, to which they have always respon ded. 1 can now, with more satisfaction than ever, call attention to my largely increased inducements to purchasers. Being very heavily enframed in publishing, 1 exchange my own publications for those of other hous- Us, and am enabled to procure all my books at the original cost of making, and thus can and do supply the majority of the other hou ses engaged in the Gift Book trade, with their "ks, cneaper man iney can procure them ,u,u Fi".". . un 'bo, y my heavy purchases of Watches and Jewelry, for cash, furnish them with their Gifts at lower rates than they can buy them from the manulacturers. Having such an advantage in buying, I jiVm-J Gifta with . hZ, T Z h3 can insure my customers - " X uuu tan shciiiv utfuuisa larper commission. 1 a valuable liift will be delivered with each Book at the tune of sale. Gifts worth SfiOO. at the lowest wholesale prices, will be im- partially distributed with every 1,000 worth ot iiooks sold. bend tor a catalogue, which will be mailed cause many preparations, pretending to be con free to any address, conlaing the most valu- ccntratcd extracts of it, contain but little of the able collection of Standard productions in .Literature, Philosophy, History, Geography, Travels, and the Science?, with all the fu- r,te WOrIS 0I FlCtlOn and Romance, and . l A . n t . 1 I urn on iiie-ii iifiiiw miiin inr ii uir you don't wish to order books, you will ob tain a very valuable Book for reference, as it contains all the desirable books in print, and will cost you nothing. Particular attention is requested to the list ot my publications, which will be found in the latter part of my Classified Catalogue. It contains a large number of deservedly pop- '" vumo, uv vaiiuusauuiors: umonj? which iiro nil nl I' X ArlhnfV Hrt, u,c a" ul x.o. nimurs ueSl WOfKS, Weil i . . 1 1 """"" anu pieut,,u ...ii -.1..-. - a. r i - i r u,u "img oiograpnies, irav c' vx"" Classification of Books. Agricultural 1 his department embraces all standard works upon general Agriculture, Cotton planting, Flowers, Gardening, Farm implements, horsns. shppn. nafilp Iipps An Albums Ladies' fa great variety) floral, cap nuarto. roval can. ilsmv nnarfn. nutntrrnnh oic. Annuals A large and elegant assortment Bibles A snlendid assortment of noefcet. pew anj family Bibles, in every style, from i to Prayer Books A complete assortment, in every form and at all prices. Hymn Books As used by the different de nominations. Biographical Works of Irving, Headley, WeemS) BparI.Sf Bancroft and everyoth- er standard author, Botanical By Comstock, Gray, Lincoln, Derby, Wood, &c. &c. Cookery Receipt and cook books, by Mrs. ! I ' Hale, Leslie, Widdenfield, M'Kenzie, &c. rmnStnnd.ird fiormnn litr.-.tnrp German. Soanish. Tjitin. Grnfik. Fin In n. I ' r - ' C!ur7nrirtlinsAU tlio RfnnH,, nnt?,orB u X v.w. 2Mrt;,;;Th0 ii ,i ; 1 school and other Geographies, Maps, and GeoZoy-The works of Hugh Miller, Hams Hitchcock, Lyell and others. Hislnrir.alv PrPSPnii Trvinrr -Rnnnrnft nUartr.n n...r ir.....i.. .,.3 I iiuunwuii) uuiu, uiuvuiis, iuatituicvi anu I jjumerous- Embraces a world of fun Juvenile Every description of illustrated books for children Law and Medicine The standard works of these professions. Mechanical ana scientific rue most ap proved works on Mechanics, Architecture, and the exact bciences. Poetry English and American. Octavo and liteary editions of the Etandard Poets; pocket and cabinet editions plain and 1 lustratcd, bound in every style to suit the taste of all. Works of fiction By Scott, Irving, Cooper, Dickens, and all the approved writers. School and Classical. Travels and Adventures. Games, Sports and Pastimes, Religious, Biblical and Theological. mustcai anu isiee noons, Odd Fellowship and Free Masonry. UTi infill nit tnM.& -Our lUisrnlln npnus lrnnrf - fnpnt pmi,rflrf,R Vfirv t , nrr not nr ni Pi n ...w.. . 'J t : instructive character, that is in print 0 The Gifts consits of Gold & Silver Watch es, Gold Chains, Ladies' splendid black and plaid Silk dresses, patterns, parlor lime-pie ces, silver plated ware, costly sets of cameos, mosaic, norentine, coral, garnet, turquois, and kva iewelrv. irold lockets, pencils, and pens, Ladies' neck and chatelaine chains, Gents bosom studs and sleeve buttons, pock- knives, portmonaies, and a thousand varieties ui umo ui use uuu vutuc. -.(r?:r. .. , , n.i .... . . Aecuts waisictt livcrywncre. 'I'n n rront a T rnn rriifP mnrp llhprnl iniliirn iulto li".ataW bonyo.l,or ments Dy any ouier i t i I?- I z : . r nouse. in auuiuon 10 larger commissions, a .ir J. : I I... is mucu uasior 10 get buoauuuma iui my cu- IClininu iiiiin uuy uiiici. " The nccu ar advantages are A ar?er stock, better catalogues to select from. A better assortment and Quality of Gifts. More punctuality and correctness in niling orders. By acting as agents for me, persons wishing I I II 11 ?. .: a vaiuaoie iiurary can procure a gruus. Those seekins an easy method of earning a livelihood can find it. For lull particulars, send lor a catalogue. Mv larce canitol, together with my long experience in the business, and consequent familiarity with all its details, gives me an almost aicumuiuuie auYumug.- vi www, ..I . : 1.. UI. ntlnnnlniTO rttroi all nt Ii rtr parties. All I ask is a trial. Send mo an order, .... .. and von will bo convinced mat mere is no exageration. DO not fouget to send for a CATALOGUE. Persons visiting the City, are reqnested to cal Qnd oxajhj0 for themselves. Gj G. EVANS, 439 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Branch Store, 45 Cornhill, Boston, Maes. June 30, lbOU.-tjm. Ayqr's- Saisaparilla, A compound remedy, in "which "fvo haro labored to produce the most effectual alterative tliat can bo made. It is a concentrated extract of Para Sarsaparilla, so combined with other substances of still greater alterative power a3 to afford an effective antidote for the diseases Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure. It is believed that such a rem'-' cdy is -wanted by those who suffer from Stru mous complaints, and that one which will ac complish their euro must prove of immense ser vice to tins large class ot our atilictcu tcllow- rifiypnc TTnw rotnnlctclv tins rnmnnnnil will doit has been proven by experiment, on many of the worst eases to bo found of the following complaints. t. -i- t tt I I'.RirPTinVS 1VT IMITTPTIVK I . t- 1 w"i"" icAoco, oil- Rheum, Scald Head. Stpihus axd Sti-hi- "TIC Affections, Mercurial Disease, Dropsy, Neuralgia oa Tic Doulockeatjs, Debility, Dyspepsia axd Indigestion, .Erysipelas, Hose, or St. Axthoxy s Fire, and indeed the wholo class of complaints arising irora impurity ov the Ulood. This compound will bo found arcat pro moter of health, when taken in tho spriufr, to ex pel tne toul humors which tester m tho blood at that season ot ttro j-car. By tho timely expul sion of them many rankling disorders are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by tho aid of this remedy, spare themselves from'thc endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which tho system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through tho natural channels of the body by an alterativo medicine. Cleanse oat the vitiated blood whenever jou uuu us mipuinius uursuug mruugu uio sum in pimples, eruptions, or sores; clcanso it when you find it is obstructed and sluirgish in the veins ; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder is felt, peoplo enjoy Iwltcr health, and live longer, for cleansing the uloou. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well; but th ,s !.Pb . of i'fo d.sordcredthcrecan 00 no iasnnS nc"l- . aooncr oria crsomctning mnct o-r. ix-mr, nn.i 1 .n imwit mnohmonr nr ft must go wrong, and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, tho repu tation of accomplishing these ends. But the worm 1 1 us ucuii egregiousiy uuemvvu uy prcpuni- 1.1 1 1 .1 1 t I tions of it, partly because tho drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed lor it, but more bo virtue of Sarsaparilla, or any thing else During late years the public have been misled by large bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsaparilla for one dollar. Most of theso have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sarsaparilla, but often no curative properties whatever. Mcncc, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of tho various extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until the name itself is justly despised, and has becomo synonymous '. . ., 4. II iviin imposition mm cucui. 01111 e um ma 1 compound barsaparilhi, and intend to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the name from the load of obloquy which rests upon it. And we think we have irround for believing it has vir m ....... . tues which arc irresistible bv the ordinary run of the diseases it is intended to cure. In order to secure their complete eradication from the sys tem, the remedy should be judiciously taken ac cording to directions on the bottle. TREPARED BY DR. J. C. AIEE & CO., LOWELL, MASS. Price, 81 per Bottle 5 Six Bottles for &5. A VPT S VjhfTTV r PCtOTal J J has won for itself such a renown for the core of every variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that it is entirelv unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been employed. As it has long been in constant use throughout this section, we need not do more than assure tne pcopie us qnainy is ncpi up 10 the best it ever has been, and that it may be re lied on to do for their relief all it has ever been. found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, TOR THE CURE OF Costivencss. Jaundice. Dyspepsia. Indigestion, Dysentery, Foul Stomach, Erysipelas, lliadache, Piles. Rheumatism. Eruptions and Skin Diseases, L,xver Complaint. JJropsv. Uetter. xumors ana Salt Rheum, Worms, Gout, Neuralgia, as a Din ner Pill, and for Purifying the Blood. They arcsngar-coatcd, so that the most sensi tive can take them pleasantly, and they arc the best aperient 111 tho world lor au the purposes of a family physic. Price 25 coat3 per Box ; Five Eoxes for SL00. Great numbers- of Clcnrvmcn. Physicians, Statesmen, and eminent personases. have lent their names to certify the unparalleled useful ness of these remedies, but our space here will not permit the insertion of them. The Agents below named furnish gratis our American Air- makac in which they are given; with also full descriptions of the above complaints, and the descrintions of the above complaints, and the treatment that should be followed for their enro. Do not be put off 5y.nriPJdcatefB with other preparations they make more profit on. Demand Avek's, and take no others. The sick want tbe best aid there is lor uiem, anu thev should have it. All our rcmeuics are ior saie Dy Sold in Stroudsburg by James N. Dor- ling and Hollinsbead & Detrick, and by druggists everywhere. Juno 2, 1859.-1 y. Wsm. IC. filavilnnd, ATTORNEY AT LAW, STROUDSBURG, MONROE CO., PA. Office at James H. Walton's, Esq. Collections made, and business attended to with promptness and dispatch. Stroudsburff, June 26, 1856 Iioc bnsincKs and Factorirs 1 nnn U rnrriprl nn nrnfilnhlv al Hammonton Spa nt vfirttsnment o liammonton JbandS HOUSE POWERS AND THRESHING MACHINES The Best in use. The undersigned having spared no ex Dense in getting up accurate patterns, are now prepared to furnish Doubled-Gearcd Tron Framed Horse Powers, and Iron Framed balanced Cylinder Threshing I . . ... . I :Uk unoa trhifh fnr rtomnaCLIll'SS. UL'Ul I 1 nnss. work n?r caDacitv. and durability, - 1 . ., i or.A U r.l l n." S ' . nilM;0. i uw iv vuui.m w r n .. . 1 Tnnrsplf ttit -n ot a tti?t?t?"d sv n i uiiu uuu u.m - j .,. il I m r i . A itnnm lUanuiaciururs oi ai:..uu..u.. ment, Steam Jbingmes, Mill Irons, 610., tVC. . .... A O Tanners vtlle, August 4, looa -tr. To nil wnnStusr Farms. See ad I -r I roriiQpmfint o Hammonton Ljnnns. P.RATJTiTON JiUKlNKT. . , . t JlCOI ne il uau, sTROUJiSEURQ, MONROE COUNTY , TA. 0ffi Elizabetli street, formerly oo . , , w n-via Ktn. 1 ' w Caution ! I horobv caution all porsons against hunting, fishing, or going through grass, grain or orchards upon my premises, as am dcterminca to proeoute trespassers to the full extent of tho law. JOSEPH HOUSER. SauthQeld tepM Aug, il, 1859. SOMETHING NEW The public are respectfully informed, that the undcrsigned'has opened ib.U Borough of Stroodaburg, au Oyster Saloon nnd Bakery, on Elizabeth street, at LorTer'a old Stand, opposite Samuel McIickV Jewelry Sfo're? where they intend keeping on band.Bread Cakca, Candies of all kinds, Oyster itf every style, preen Fruit of all varieties. choice dried Jbruitf, VJitron, Jellies or an flavors, brandy reaches, brandy Cherries, French Prunes, lomaloe, ricHlc., Jfep persauce. Lemon Svrup, Gooaeber i. Currants Oranges, Lemons, extra Green and Black Tea, Fpices, Obecsr, It re en and iSlack lea. Fpices ' . ,-,-i -nr. ... India White Honey. New Orleans i.olas- g c d t-jams Crackers, Butter, " o and Nuts of ail kinds. Thev also have fitted up a splendid Sa loon in their building where Ice Cream of all flavors will be served to their pat- rons. Also, Albany Crenm Ale, Chaifcpagno Wine,- Lager Beer, Lemonade, Mead and Soda,, Water, Choice Segars, and Tobacco Open day and evening, give them-1 call. DRAKE & FELKEB. Stroudsburff. May 12, 1958. tf. The Country Safe! The subscriber takes this method of informine his many friends, and (be pub-. allv .u has ' turncd from, " b . . ; , too cuius, hiiu a laruu JUb 01 Ready Made ioth!n or JL 0f tho latest stvlee. consisting of j t a Coats of all kinds and qualities IasitS of various styles of goods, and VcslSj of every grade. From his present stock he is satisfied that be can meet the demand of every tasta and "rig out " in a manner hitherto un- approached, the man with tbe single dol- lar, or the possessor of thousands. He bas also laid in, and will keep on . i . , . ,f.f f uau" au tt"u"BU' VL TR V Ci-Cl flTlS . . . r nnnciainr nf Hint ha I'nccimnrnc Vnofltlryo wiu-unn w vhjhu, uojjiluh.., jSotions. Hosiery, &c. &c. all 01 which be ,, ne has also a eolen- did lot of y r . t - at prices varying from 50 cents to So each; the latest styles of Mantillas, Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, &o. &c. and all at prices surprisingly low. P. S. Clothing rnade to order at abort notice and warranted. CALF and SHE VP SKINS taken in exchange for Gooda at cash prices. Tbe public arc invited to call as be is determined to sell his gooda cheaper than the ebeapest. NICHOLAS EUSTJfilw Stroudsburg, May 12, lSSD.-tf. NOTICE Is hereby given, tbat I have loaned un to Jacob Kcerner, of Paradise township, Monroe county, Pa., at my pleasure, two yoko of oxen, two cows, one wagon. Tbe public are cautioned against med dling with said property. JAMES KiftXZ. Feb. 14, 159 FRUIT TREES. Fruit and Ornamental Trees Flow ers, Shrubs, &c , &c, from the cele brated H. E. Hook, & Co's. Nursery. Rochester, N. Y. The undersigned is now receiving or ders for Fall and Spring planting. All those who order from us or oar agents wjJl DC supplied wi , r r , , , plants, c., to De aei th first class trees, 1: -j r.ii i viau-si "m k" uc ul",ulM -u" ia" "u" spring, at such places as agreed npon. A,j ordera jeft fc Q u jiuier'a Store, Stroudsburg, Pa., will be promptly filled D U3 W. C. LARZELLIER, & Co. June 2. 1859. Blairstown, N. J. LEWIS D. VAIL, QUtornci) at Caw, Office removed to No. 114 South Sixth st. (below Chesnut,) April 21, 1859 EMiiladclpliia. NOTICE T.s herebv piven. that I have leased un t0 josepu Booram, of Paradise townhbip, Monroe county, Fa., at my pleasure, one yoko of oxen. Tbe public are cautioned against meddling with said property. JAMES KINTZ. February 24, 1850. House and Lot for Rent. A two-story frame House, situ ate on Franklin street, with lot at tached, for rent Also a Ten Pin kAlley. For. terms, &c, appply to WILLIAM K. HA VJLANDk stroUusburg, April 21, 1859. UatTfciOn. - I vr-r. t. 1 1. i . T t. nonce i ucicuy uiven, mat nave u.i ntn tan a ik.v; r i .... " e to-n.lp. Monro, CoaMy, P.. pleasure, ono yoko of osen. The publie are cautioned, against meddling with said property, JACOB 33ISBING. April 5, 1869. MUSIC ! MUSIC ! ! Instructions on the Tsolin The subscriber would announceto the public that he is prepared to give Instruction to all who wish to take lessons on the Violin From his long experience and practical knowledge as a Musician, while in Germany and in this country, ho guarantees to give satisfaction to all those who may place them selves under his Charge. Terms reasonable. For further Information applv to GOTTLIEB KETTERER Stroudsburg, Nov. 4, 1853. ly. Grape Growers cnu Cnrvy. h their business most successfully' at Ham monton. free from frosts Some ?ufy .'Vibv yards set out the past seasen. Sejadyer tisement of liammonton liands, rnantnTsr column.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers