STROUDSBURG AC1DEMY. STEPHEN" HOLMES, Jr.. Principal This Institution will re-open on Mon day, January 24, 1859. TERMS. Common English Branches, $3.00 TTJ .Jir Enolisb. 4.00 o Languages. &.00 No deduction mado for absence unless in ca-e of protracted sickness. For further information or for adrni pion apply to, or addrees the Principal, Stroudsburg, Pa. NOTICE. Tlc undersigned having purchas ed the right for Monroe County, to manufacture and sell Mess. Apple- man & Robbina' patent Composition Gum Oils Art for painting purposes, hereby offer lass 3l lagU them lor sale at Jijiy per ccm. inseed oil prices. The article has ueen in t 11... use for the last three years and lias sioou mc tpst of exnenence. Lertmcaies can TT be seen at the Store, from some of SgHNi.P best oractical builders and tinintPrfi inlhe country. Also specimens of me paiimiiK- j-" "-- rights, Carpenters, and Cabinet . - . Ml t " 1 1 iuakers it win oe an inuispeu sable article. Shop or Town ship rights sold upon reasonable terms. WM. HOLLINSHEAD, C. S. DETRICK, C. M. PRICE, Siroudshurg, Nov. 23, 1858. Proprietors RACE STREET, ABOVE THIRD, SZDKS & CAKHAKY, Proprietors. Prices reduced to suit Oic times. TERMS, 81, 25 per day. Jtfn The undersigned, having become mFhi! nronnctors of the above well known ril'llLp.tnhlishmcnt. being thankful for the liberal patronage extended towards the old firm, would respectfully request a continu ance of llic same, -and, on account of in creased facilities and improvement are pre pared to accommodate all who may favor them with a call. The establishment offers great induce ments, not only on account of rcauced rates of Board, but also from its central location to tho avenues of trade, as well as the con conveniences afforded by several Paesenger Rkllvvajs running past and contiguous to it, wherchy guests can pass to and from the Hotel to the different Railroad Depots, atthe mere nominal ium of five cents, should they be preferred to the regular omnibus belong ing to the Hotel. We aie determined to dcrote ur whole nttention to business, and uallergurselves with the conviction that we shall Ije able to give general satiifiction. i Respectfully yours, PUTIiK SIDES, CVRUS CA It MANY. SIDES &CARMANY. Philad'a. Sept. 2, 185S. ly, Grand Gift Enterprise SEW DISTILLERY, FARM, &c The undersigned have determined to dis pcjHP, by means of a gift enterprise, of their new and splendid . Incnted in Klccknersville, Moore township Northampton county, Pa., just erected, to gether with a valuable Farm adjoining the Dictillery property, consisting of FIFTY ACRES of clenred land. The DifJllery is entirely new, 15 dories high, the lower story being built of .-.tone and the two upper stories'frame iiioairiiig 04 feet by 34 and finished through not hi the vp.rv best manner, at a cost of not IrU than SIO.(KH). It is situated in a rich a ncutitirnl region, convenient to a good inni het, mid is capable of distilling 150 bush Ie nl "mill a dy. The distillerv, which is now ih iu4i operation, is the property of Shall THhe taiprovcmente on the Farm are a two fctory Fi-anie House, 42 by 22 feel; a Barn 40 by 50 feel, with hlone blfiblmg; a brick spring house 20 by 24 feet, a never failing spring of water near the huu&c, a wagon house and other necessary out-ltuildms. The arm is in good order, in excellent cultivation -and cuntuins a good ToicHg" Apple Orchard. In uddition to the distillery and farm, they will also distribute to the holders of tickets the sum of $2,659 in Money. Every ticket, except those that draw higher gifts, will, in the first place be entitled to draw 10 cents m money, there beinjr no blanks. It is intended to have the drawing as soon as possible, with the expectation that the tickets will be sold in a short time, and possession (toirether with an indisDutable ti tie) will "be given to the farm on the 1st of April, IbGO, and to the distillery on the 1st of December 1659. The tickets will be drawn by 12 respectable citizens of North atnpton county, who will act under oath, and the purchasers of tickets may rest assured that the drawing will be .made in a strictly iionorable, upright manner. The whole number of tickets issued amount to 21,875. The first drawn number will en title the holder to the first gift, being the Distillery, valued at 10,000. The second drawn number will entitle the holder to the second best gift, being the Farm, valued at 7,000. The icmaining 263 gifts, will be divided among the holders of the tickets, as they are drawn in rotation from the wheel, as follows: 1. One Gift of 100,00 2. " " " 50,00 3. " " " 25,00 4. Ten Gifts of $10 each, 100,00 Twenty Gifts of 5 each, 100,00 6 Fifty Gifts ofM each, 50,00 7One Hundred Gifts of 50cts. each, 60,00 8-One 44 " " 25 cts. each, 25,00 Eery ticket that does not draw one of these gifts, will be entitled to 10 cents. PRICE OF TICKETS, $1,00. SHALL & HELMAN. Klccknersville, Pa.f Jarr. 13, 1859. -BLANK DEEDS For sale at. this 'Office J County Statement Of Receipts ami Expenditures of MonroeCounty, Jacob W. Kresge, Esq., Treasurer, in account with the Countv of Monroe, from the 1st day of Janua ry' A. D. 1858, to the 31st day of December, A. D. leoo, inclusive Dr. $20 81 IU 67 32 72 296 43 2871 60 To cash roe'd from CWfccfof s on account of Taxes for' year 1853. To cash ree'd from Collectors on accotint of Taxes for year 1854, To cash ree'd from Collectors on acconnt of Ttctes for year 1855. To cash ree'd from Collectors on account of Taxes for year 1856. To cash recM from Collectors on account of Taxes for vear 1857. To cash ree'd from Collectors on account of Taxes for year 185$. 2603 00 $5933 23 To cash ree'd frm John Sctzer, Collector of Paradise township for year li5b be ing an error in Auditors Settlement. To caMi ree'd from George Doll for Stove ami pipe in Commissioner's office To cash ree'd for costs .on entering Judg ments, as follows: George Miller, Henry Overficld, Robert W. Swink, To cash ree'd from Robert Brown for old lumber To cash ree'd on unseated lands To cash ree'd on seated lands To ree'd on two Tracts of unseated lands in Tdbyhanna township, upon which double payment was made as fol lows: Frey Joseph (part) Gentle James (part) To amount of Redemptions received in 185S on sales of 1856 (unseated) - To amount of Redemptions received in 1858 on salcs of 1858 (unseated) To amount of Redemptions rftceired in 1858 on sales of 1856 (seated) To amount of Redemptions received ia 1858 on sales of 1858 (seated) To cash received of James Consaules en Tract of unseated land in Middle Smith field township, as follows: Jayne David 21 00 5 00 62 62 C2 37 1011 19 308 08 13 44 6 30 407. 88 55 71 12 31 i c oq 2 25 $7800 90 577 11 8378 01 Balance due County Treasurer p Redemptions. By amount paid on Redemption checks 4C9 27 By amount paid Charlton Burnet late Treasurer. 122G 72 Bv amount paid Eastern Penitentiary 56 42 By amount paid Judgment in favor of Howe & Cowell (Bell's Bridge) Administration of Justice. By pay and mileage of Grand and Petit Jurors. Constables. Afnlrinrr rolnrnt milonrrp nnfl nftnr!!nfr 486 67 f . .v. ... , 0 o Court lUo Uo tt . ,n lT1 . m uiic.1.1 unit vjvin i a ctto iu uuiuui Thomas Uhnstman, Henry Casting, Henry Feller, N. Staples, II. B. Dufliu, Eno? Paul, Pnt Brown, Nelson Ray, Joseph Van Horn Boarding Prsoners. Paid Andrew B. Smith, Paid Joseph Dunficld, 40 28 17 Prothonotary. Paid John Edinper, 114 90 79 33 158 00 50 00 25 00 47 00 273 29 131 00 115 78 15 00 Commissioner's Clerk. Paid Edward B. Dreher for 1857. Paid Ldward B. Dreher for 1853. Commissioner's Council. Paid James H. Walton for 1 S57. Paid James ll. "Walton, for 1858. i County Commissioners. Paid Joseph Ileckman for 1857. Paid John C. Strunk, for 1857 and 1858. Paid Peter S Hawk, for 1857 andl858. Paid Robert Brown for 1857 and 1 858. Paid John D. Frailey, for 1858. Inquisitions. Paid Inqusition on infant child of Annie Correll, including Post MorteM Exami nation. Paid Inquisition on Joseph Musselman. Paid Inqusition on John Fitzsimmous. Assessors. Paid Assessors of different Townships. Auditors. Paid Edward L. Wolf, for 1857 and 1858. Paid Silas L. Drake, for 1857 and 1858. Paid A. J. Labar, for 1857. Paid A. J. Cuolbaugb, for 1S58. Division Line. Paid John C. Strunk and J. R. Fulmer for running the Division line between Pike and Monroe Counties. Road Damages. Paid P. Snyder, Hamilton. 28 00 10 77 10 86 366 84 25 50 25 50 12 00 12 00 150 94 25 00 90 00 2C 00 Paid Daniel Smith, Eldred. Paid Society of Friends, Borough. STATEMENT, showing the County Tax Duplicates, with Payments, Exonerations Com. missions, Over Payments and Balances yst due. Anrt Ye'r Collector's Names. Township, Dupli- cate. 1853 William Jones, Charles Price. Henry Albert, Henry Albert, Joseph Wilton, Jude Winters, Anthony Berger, John Kern, Philip McClusky, Joseph Moyer, Eldred, Price M. Smithfield, S308 72 106 28 it 757 20 544 45 82 59 101 96 246 74 1854 M. Smithlield, Uoolbaugn, Tobyhanna, Eldred, Stroud, n ; . t 588 67 122 36 116 10 Jackson, Coolbaugh, Jackson, 1855 John R. Osterhout, 158 82 323 55 1856 it K 11 1857 Reuben Krescre, Polk, Price, Josiah B. Snow, 104 62 Peter Merwme, jr., Michael Brown, Chas. D. Brodhead, Tobyhanna, Stroudsburg, Chesnuthill, Coolbauch, 134 13 557 89 466 85 145 55 143 57- Joseph Moyer, George A. Miller, Jackson, John Hanna. M. Smithfield, 700 79 347 91 127 27 George Dershimer, POllf, Joseph Moyer, Chas. D. Brodhead, Coolbauch, Chesnuthill Eldred, Hamilton, Jackson, 401 52 320 53 Joseph Hawk, Joun ilinkcr, 1028 u n it ti it it ti a tt it it tt 1858 t. i " ! " i Jacob Miller, S. D. Pipher, 148 65 M. Smithfield, 680 81 189 35 355 65 283 32 110 05 Levi Frantz, raraaise, Polk, Joel Berlin, Jacob Edinger, Pocono, Price, Ross, Harrison Sebrincr, Jocob Neyheart, 312 80 uaniel Walter, Henry D. Bush, William Hosteller. Smithfield, 708 30 Stroudsburg, Stroud, . Tobyhanna. 561 81 703 12 87 40 Samuel Hay, Sam'l Mildenberger, Way ne G. Drake. Tunkhannock, 66 54 btroudsburg, Coolbaugh, Chesnuthill, 724 69 146 79 582 44 402 03 Hiram Warner, Thomas Altamose, John Harter, Chas. Featherman, Glared, it tt tt tt ii tt tt tt it it tt tt launlton. 1289 41 barnet Kresge, Jackson. 179 76 855 37 .149 09 263 10 Emanuel G. Moshier, M. Smithfield, Joun M. Di bier, Charles Hilgert, George Warner, Levi F. Sbupp, Paradise, ocono, ,360 14 446 96 Polk, Ross, Charles Frantz, 383 31 879 81 852 92 Daniel Walter, William Mosteller, William Ebach, Smithfield, Stroud Tobyhanna, Tunkhannock, 167 34 Philip Greenameyer, 77 42 Those marked thus have since paid their - atv.uiui wjiu we county. DR. To.cgeh Received per Checlr. from Jan.!2, PaidTVm. S. "Wlntermub, Borough. Paid John Correll, Eldred. Paid Frederick. Sbupp, Polk, Paid S. J. Hollinshead, Borough. Paid Jacob Correll, Eldred. ' . " County Printing. Paid Join Defoung Paid Theodore ScBoch.- Bridge Yiews. Paid for viewing different Bridges.- Refunding. Paid on unseated lands. Paid to Collectors for over payments of Duplicates Court Crier and Tip Stave. Paid C. YT. W-arnick, (Court Crier.) Paid B. F. Freeman, (Tip Stave.) County Buildings. Paid for work repairs and wood at Court House, office and Jail. Elections. Paid for General and Township Elections. Bounties. Paid for Fox Scalps, &c. Postage. Paid David Keller, j Paid John DeYoung, Bridges. Paid Marshall's Creek Bridge. Paid Smithfield (Bells) Bridge. Paid Bells. Bridge. Paid Pencils Bridge. Paid Stoke's Bridge. Paid Kerr's Bridge Paid Pocono Bridge. Paid Kunkle's Bridge. Paid Long Pond Bridge. Paid Brodbead's Bridge. Paid Price Township Bridge. Paid Stoncy Run Bridge. Paid Henry's Bridge. Paid McMichael's Bridge. Paid Philips Bridge. Paid Bushkill Bridge. Paid Martin's Creek Bridge. i30 00 -60 00 50.00 125,00 fiO'OO 395,86 166 28 00 297 4 76.S2 18' 35 484 84 5 1 5 2 8 92, 207 145, 119 27 3 11 4 13 03 7 16 4 ' Paid Mackay's Bridge. 25' 00 15: 1 Miscellaneous Acconnt. Paid E. B. Dreher, for assisting Commis sioners in holding appeals. 6 SO 17 16 ! Paid George Malven, Merchandize. Paid E. B. Dreher freight on assessment 1 Books to and from Easton. 1 Paid James N. Durling Candles and Ink for Court House. 1 27 ram tu. a. urener uenvenng rocono ana Paid Emanuel Moshier, making Senatinal return for year 1857. Paid Henry D. Sbafer late Sheriff balanco due from County as per settlement. Paid Henry D. Sbafer late Sheriff for serr inr nrocess arrainst Collectors. 41 19 5 32 pn;,i Morris Adlnr. shirts for Patrin Hart. I 7 Paid M. B. Postens, for livejy conveyance, t Paid F. Dutot, administering oath to Shcr 676 74 i iff and Commissioners. j Paid Wm. P. Hallock for watching Pocono Bridge. i t:i r-.i:v. i. ir i a: uuiiuiu .iuiwuci, it;ii;uuuui2,i;, , Paid Melchoir Spragle, regulating5 un i seated lauds, , 2 : Paid Wm. S. Recs, Books for Recording 12 '2' office. 5 Cl ! Paid Leonard E. Courlright, interest &c. 2 t Paid Henry D. Sbafer, late Sheriff execu 1 ; i ting requsition. ' 'J , Paid Michael H. Dreher, making asscss- 5 I mcnt Of ennumeration. 1 10 Paid Robert Boys. Merchandize. 1 Paid Wilson D. Rouse, attending appeals on unseated lands. 33 00 2 69 30 00 1 00 17 43 2 00 75 . Paid J. K. Shafer making 13 election it! Tl T r l i Paid Godlieb Auracher, Lock & M'dz. 5 I Paid C. R. Andre, plank and wood. S 7 Paid .uelchoir Spragle laying out road from Whites Tannery. 14 Paid Jacob Miller, discount and- election "returns. 3 Paid Abraham Hilgert making road around liridge at Itansberrv s. 1 Paid E. B. Dreher, auditing Prothonotary Register and Recorder accounts. 5 Paid Witness Fees, 2 Paid E. B. Dreher bringing up accounts of unseated lands for Road and School Taxes, from 1848 to 1858. ' 30 Paid H. Haminann, binding assessment and Check Books. 46 Paid Samuel Mclick, Stationarv. 19 By Commissioners on receiving $7800,90 at 2 per cent. $156 By Commissioners on paying $8060,78 at 2 per cent. " 161 2 $8378 Examined and-allowed tqis 12th day of January A. D. 1859. E. L. WOLF, ) SILAS L. DRAKE, r County A. J. COOLBAUGH, j Aud. r. a. hawk. i ROBT. BROWN, County Commssioners. JNO. D. FRALEY, j Attest. E. B. DREHER, Clerk The amonnt of checks outstanding and unredeem ed, including the balance due Charlton Burnet late Treasurer, is, as near as can be ascertained about $3,100 00. In the statement ol the outstan ding checks published last year, the balance Charlton Burnet, late Treasurer, for 1856, was inciuueu. of Bal.due (last set Exone Paym' Com- mis'ns, Over tlemcnt rat'ns. Bal. due pay'ts S 35 16 5 5 00 $ 36 16 23 14 5 18 10 63 100 00 $13 3 $ 4 65 37 00 47 63 102 35 2 35 7 59 16 81 7 59 7 93 3 33 4 60 16 81 30 58 12 76 28 12 10 30 22 74 11 34 5 56 5 84 16 00 lfi 00 4 62 62 05 127 27 24 93 303 61 99 52 6 55 26 63 4 75 52 55 7 7 7 55 15 47 5 23 10 75 22 98 14 10 14 97 4 62 47 40 9 74 22 82 26 22 22 95 I 64 35 58 4 72 7 50 6 76 7 9 69 56 16 57 313 36 52 09 2 77 19 72 7 04 33 28 .17 86 260 36 17 09 17 14 127 27 351 52 9 4 16 60 154 53 136 1 2 52 13 79 15 90 50 73 28i 786 28 723 26 1. 50 98 65 680 81 121 25 151 52 33 32 73 72 360 53 16 67 5 97 106 90 52 00 8 38 13 68 19 64 61 50 152 88 53 28 68 05 161 61 89 89 395 21 15 33 20 87 6 60 .1 04 16 78 341 10 408 66 1 18 36 41 464 91 22 20 34.05 4 10 3 07 5 28 66 54 58 27 278 81 5 30 445 88 31 73 115. 06 140 17 482 27 295 91 106 12 503 91 785 50 60-00 12976 100 24 755 13 75 00 99 88 74 09 163 22 160 14 20.0 00 191 76 165 22 255 20 214 49 654 81 3 60 225 00 50 00 58 95 53 09! 802 92 16 .08 90 66 18 71 5 62 4678 015939 23 278 61 398 5? county dnniieflfn0 31 S3 6898 72 in full. CR, $106 56 154 50 Balance at last settlement. 1858 By services 103 daye,- 1658, lo date, 1859 Jan 11 Bal. due County 1 23 Robert Brown if! account with the County. DR. 1857 cash Received per Check 1858 " ,f " " 1859 January 1, Bal. due R. Brown", 821 97 6 Peter S. Hawk in account with the County DR. 1858rcash Received per Check, 111 1859 Jan. 1, Bal. due P. S. Hawk, 17 00 46 66 John D. Frailey in account with the County. DR. 1858 cash Received per Check, 15 00 1859 Jan, 1, Bal. due J. D. Fraley 9 00 Jacob W. Kresge, Esq. Treasurer of Monroe, in account with said county, on road taxes received on the sale &c. on Unseated Lands for the years 1856 and 1857, from January 1st, 1858, to December 31st, 1858. Dr. To ac-gregate amount of such Taxes an 20 24 received from the several tsps, 45 vr. uy casn paiu supervisors u& iujiu. liy casn paid mram vvarner, Coolbaugh township, 380 " Josiah Dowling, do. 380 t , it tir 6 25 t Wm. Serfoss, Chestnuthill, 28 " Wm. Belles, Jackson 41 Wm, W. Frutchey M. 35 2 00 .4 59 tt Smithfield, - 35 60 40 105 100 30 16 ti John Storm, Paradise, Chas. W. Transue, do Edvva rd Price, Price John K. Price, do Peter Transue, Pocono 4' 87 5 60 6 04 11 11 t CI Nicholas Dcpue, Smithfield 11 George Snyder, Stroud 2 Andrew Eachenbach, Tobyhanna Samuel Mildenberger Tunkhannock Jacob Allemose, do 275 156 80 00 4 1717 43 34 358 By Commissions on receiving 2153 24 at 2 per cent. By Commissions on paying 1717 59 at 2 per cent. Balance in the hands of Treasurer. 2 00 9 60 2153 1 50 STATEMENT showing the Stale Tax 50 commissions, 00 Ye Collertors Names. Townships. i 1842 1843 1845 184(5 1847 1850 1851 Aaron Driesbach Daniel Callaghan Jacob Price David Keller Joseph Troch David Keller Androw Woodling Pen Forrest Coolbaugh Price Hamilton Hamilton Stroud Hamilton Smithfield Polk Jackson Coolbaugh Price Chesnuthill 8 00 Geo. F. Bomberger Conrad Arable John Miller John IT. Yliet Kboeh Price Peter Gilbert Henry Ovrrfield Melchoir Barry John Kelly 24 1852 00 M. Smithfield! Stroud Coolbaugh Eld red Price Stroudfburir 00 1853 William Jones Charles Price Theodore Schoch Henry Albert Henry Albert G trge Getss Abraham Tranauo Joseph Wilton Jude Winter Elihu Postens Anthony Berger John Kern Philip McClusky Miohael Brown 00 00 20 M. Smithfield 185 M. Smithfield; 00 Ross Paradise 00 Coolbaugh Tobyhanna 34 02 Price Eldred Stroud 01 Jackson Stroudsburg Chesnuthill Coolbauiih 1855 Jacob Greenamoycr Joseph Moyer J. 11. Ousterhoudt John Hanna Andrew L. Storm Josiah B. Snow Peter Merwine, jr. Reuben Kresge Michael Brown Chas. D. Brodhead Joseph Moyer Jaokson M. Smithfield Paradise Price Tobyhanna Polk 1856 Stroudsburg Chesnuthill Coolbaugh Eldred Jackson due not Joseph Hawk George J. Miller John Hanna M. Smithfield Geo. Dersheimer Robert- W. Swink Charles Flouser Polk Stroud Tobyhanna 185 Joseph Moyer C. D. Brodhead Coolbabgh Chesnuthill Joseph Flawk" Eldred John Rinker Hamilton Jacob Miller Jackson $amuel Pipher Levi Frantz M. Smithfield Paradise Joel Berlin - Polk Jacob -Edinger Pocono Harrison Sebring Price Jacob Neybart Rosa Daniel Walter Henry J). Bush Smithfield Stroudaburg Stroud Tobyhanna Tunkbanock Stroudsburg William JVIostellor Samuel Hay Sam'l Mildenberger 1858 Wayfio G. Drake Hiram Warner Thomas" Altemose Coolbaugh Chesnuthill John Harter Charles Fctherman Barnet Kresge j Eldred Hamilton -Jackson Lmanael G. Hosier M. Smithfield John M. Diebler Charles Hilgert Georgo Warner Price Paradiso Pocono Polk Ross Smithfield Stroud Levi F. Shupp Charles Frantz Daniel Walter William Mosteller William Eboch Tobyhanna Tunkbanock Phil. Grecnatnoyer Those marked with a have since mciuuo.r uossaro, puenn ol Monroe coun iv. in nnrnnni ttriiii emi . nn j 1 "ihi otiiu iiuiuy, JJH. 10 nip loiiowing jury junds collected. Commonwealth vs. Lewis Keenest, assault arid battery, Si 00 ohn Merwine vs. Catharine Sliohi et..aj. Wo. 41 May T. 1857, 4 00 a.mes Kasslent vs. Fred. Miller et. alt No. 38 ept. T, 1857, 4 00 . F. Drinkhnuse vs. E. H. Walton I et. al. No, 1(5 Sent. T. 185R. ' A nn! Comstock fe Brothers vs. Charles Henry, No. 33 Feb T. 1S57. a nn William Ruff vs. Sydenham Walton. JVo. VS May T. 1856, 4 00 1 23 S262 29 Jtsaiance jvub vuuhuj, CR. 22 50 102 75 1857 By 15 days service, 1858 By 68 days service 0U 28 97 125 25 -6 97 1839 Jan. 1, Bal; duo R. Brown, CR. 2 50 126 00 Bal. due last settlement, 1848 By 84 days service 00 50 1859 Jan. 1, Bal. due P. S.Hawk, 17 50 CR. 24 00 S9 00 1858 By 16 days service 1859 Jan. 1, Bal. due J. D. Fraley, Jacob W. Kresge, Treasurer, in account with County of Monroe, on School taxes received from the sales, $c. on Unseated Lands, being from January 1st, 1858 to December 31st, 1858, inclusive, being tax es of 185G and 1857. 24 ;DR Tq at,rPRate amount of such taxes as ; received from the several town- ships 00 00 $1223 57 00 CK 00 P'd John Pope, Coolbaugh, Reulen Kresne, Jockson, James Palmer, Price, " John Alliger, Pocono, 14 Robert Brown, Stroud, Hiram Blowers, Tobyhanna, $-125 00 38 fil 118 00 24 OU 1 3: 152 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 $759 01 24 47 12 By commissions for rec $1223 57 00, " paying out ' 759 01 15 18 00 31 00 S79S fi(5 Balance in the hands of Treasurer 42191 $1223 57 59 06 35 24 Examined and allowed this 12th day oj January, A. D. 1858. EDWARD L. WOLF, SILAS L. DRAKE, A. J COOLBAUGH, County Auditors. 24 Duplicates for State payments, exonerations and balances yet due. Am'tol Ual. Uue 1 Exon- Com- I Balance 1 duplicate liaot set't. ments. tions. sions. yei cue. S 65 31; S 9 31 S 9 31 12 35 74 41 931 55 1014 31 2 60 7 21 1 78 52 81 58 91 2 00 414 37 75 13 71 39 21 55 05 92 "2 60 7 21 1 78 52 81 946 89 58 91 782 40 515 77 204 58 119 52 2 00 414 Hi 75 59 5 59 85 57 58 55 21 83 21 315 57 65 43 93'S28 73 15 20 24 29 489 52 56 38 321 57 24 35 167 49 61 94 76 03 32 09 838 57 63 20 207 58 74 94 301 13 321 57 24 16 10 00 61 37 30 00 26 00 51 76 515 09! 188 65 127 497 57 145 27 3 00 32 19 29 49 29 42 38 37 115 214 00 3 00 6 19 96 81 67 49 79 61 29 49 !9 03 6 67 3 72 72 90 219 82 38 37 41 82 146 82 57 88 106 96 48 64 47 29 96 59 129 92 105 00 538 58 106 96 29S 45 315 69 70 65 105 5U 1 22 37 9 30 26 21 30 36 47 29 4 01 72 61 48 64 70 05 81 51 101 24 30 00 115 05 13 56 188 89 4 00 5 08 500 86 3 83 24 85 109 16 72 88 3 16 60 88 67 90 3 16 3 35 5 84 27 53 75 54 67 90 211 15 131 15 39 49 10 26 359 53 308 09 8 57 17 36 15 22 207 84 76 97 155 17 69 89 3 73 03 76 97 76 97 222 72 101 89 144 00 64 07 11 14 76 5 06 482 11 478 18 IRQ RAl 291 3-1 229 36 164 26 116 73 51 45 71 78 146 59 6 53 11 14 21 72 439 73 95 01 51' 45 89 43 71 78 308 76 71 76 308 76 216 96 65 39 304 11 2.16 96 175 00 41 57 696 44 696 44 459 92 21 00 360 00 101 80 236 52 80 73 102 30 101 73 101 73 472 64 108 34 231 3 1 180 97 78 95 215 75 472 64 6 34 107 16, 5 36 8 86 229 45 50 00 12 13 179 45 78 95 20 09 78 95 212 75 487 67 303 30 487 78 49 53 37 39 202 10 10 65 487 67 363 30 488 02 459 81 3 66 24 20 203 00 lou diM 366 00 8 21 llO Ol 51 04 41 00 O UO 37 39 34 64 90 1 85 313 81 1 47 60 20 00 166 81 60 10 40 16 259 51 259 51 181 93 592 23 82 53 50 00 131 93 592 23 82 53 395 34 395 34 67 66 97 74 154 75 25 00 42 66 50 00 47 74 95 00 59 75 - 194 09 194 09 173 10 29 172 91 406 02 70 00 336 02 371 03 397 07 20 00 6 04 67 47 30 61 j 00 67 47 23 00 0 61 $0,000 00 paid their State duplioato in full. - iGriffin vs. Phillips, No. 21 Sent. T. ! ' 4 00 1 Brady vs. Keller, No. 39 Dec. T, 1856, Huston vs. Doll et. al, No. 33 Dec T. 1857. a uu 4 00 Saren's Administrator vs. Isaac Post " n r rn in.. 4 00 1 4fl nn Amount op Fines, Collectep Commonwealth vs. William Van- why, assault and battery, $5 00 do. vs. Lewis Keenest.'do. 20 00 do. vs. William Christman, for bastardy, 1 qj do. vs. Henry -SholerT set-'"'" ?r ling- liquor without Li 2500 51 00 : s. $91 00 cense, CR- . Summoning Jurors, Eeb. T. 1858 do-do-. May T. 1858, do. do. Sept. T. " T- u . Notifying Jury of Dec. T. 1858, not 10 attend, 815 00' 15 00 . 15 00 15 00 . 10 00 70 00 By cost in the following cases-settled by the' Commonwealth. Commonwcath vs. Henry Fel ler, capias 1 0OMi do. vs. Thomas Chiistman, 1 00 do. vs. Henry O'astinn I 00" By percentage on S3l 00 fines' . . , . collected at 3 per cent, I $y Advertising General Election of 1858. ' 73 15 Civil cases tried in Court. 1 87 $77 15 13 85 Balance due County, $9 P00 Auditors, E. L WOLF. SILAS L.DRAKE. A. J COOLBAUGH, P. S. HAWK, ) ROBERT BROWN, Co. Com'rx JNO. D. FRAILEY, ) Attest E. B. DREHER, Clerk. I59 POPULAK TRADE 185- is Ribbons and Millinery Goods, HIBB0NS ! RIBBONS ! ! EEBBOHSHr To Merchants, Milliners, Jobbers, Dealers in Ribbons, Millinery Goods, and Cash buyers in all sections of the Country. The Cash Ribbon House, 115 Chambers Street, New York, JNO. FARRELL. ESTABLISHED 1858. Wc have originated a new principle a. new era in the Ribbon Trade, whereby we muke this business plain, simple, and staple: as that of brown sheetings. AVE SELL FOIl CASIl! WE BUY FOR CASHl! We are satisfied with 5 per cent profit. Ask no Second Price. Have all our goeda marked in plain figures, so that man, woman and child "buy alike," and receive the saner value for their money. Our prices for best TafFeta Ribbons, alB colors, are No. 1 12 cts per piece, No. 4 351 cts. per puce- lo " " " (J57i 2 20J " " ' 9 87 " " 3 itf-i- " " " 12$I07i No. 10 per piece. WE OFFER FANCY RIUIJONS -ALL STYLES.' "ALE. COLORS.' 'ALL QUALITIES.' AT PRICE!? DEFYING COMPETITION, AND FOR CASH ONLY. Our Establishment is the centre of attrac traction for RIBBONS 'Quick Sales,' 2jgh3 Profits,' and 'Good Value,' for Cash. RoutrlK!! Ilouclies! New Styles and Paterns, ata saving: ofoTJi 13 per cent from credit prices. 67 BEoiiri Lsiee Quillings, &c. after. 55 Our line of these Goods always fulL Wes 92 Import and 'Job' them at once for 5 pmrcenE advance iMurked prices on all uocda Mm plain figure?.' A saving of 40 per cent on these Goods-fionv r.rptlit 35 Qur intention is to muke the Ribbon. Trade? 49 as staple, in regard to prices as domestic? goods. 94 To do this we must sell One Million jjollarsi 03 worth Goods per annum ! 28 c are Union AU-n. 4o jNorUi, 'no 27 oouin. we soncu tne patronage c iwcr- cnants, 111 every sect:on ot the Uniteactate3. and are the servants ol all who favor us withu their trade and patronage. JNO. FARRELL, CASH RIBBON HO STSE, 116 Chambers street, New York, near the Hudson River Railroad DepotL u. n. waller Jan. 13 59,r4m.. CAUTION ! We hereby caution all persons against? hunting or fishing, or gome through grass. grain or orchards, upon eitmir of our? premises, as we are detcrminedc to prose- cute trespassers to the full exteair of the? law. Charles Keller, Charles L. Keller;, Leonard Andrea Henry Miller. Charles Drake,. Charles Swink,. Goo. Houser. Aaron Crcasdalev Silas L. Drake. Lzra Hunsiker, David Groner. John Shook, Henry Dennis, Absalom tctherman Thomas W. Rhodes, 1 JLi. oc J. .Drake, James R. Andre. May 20, lS58.-ly. STEEL'S HOTEL, Comer Main St., and North aid Public Square, Wilkes-Jiarre, Pa D. J. OSTHANDER, Proprietor. N. "B. O mnibuses will run regularlyr to and from the llailioad Depot, .10 con nect with the (Jars, on every arrival , andi departure of the passenger trains May 13, 1858. QrDiscovcd at Last.j A certan Cure for Corns ruuniii. a nDP.110 ffl:j ...r,i. ,1 I crPKPIir'PQ nn ll CtiTant nnrfnnf on .-sic untl...... the aid of a surgeon or the knife, by usinp- SANFORD'S CORN PLASTER. Sent by mail, 'no&tuge paid, to an part ofx Uie country on receipt ot $1. Addrsss s. j. sanfohd; 241 Dock st. or Box 261 B. O. Jan. 6, 1859. 3m. Philadelphia. NOTICE ; Is hereby given, that I have loaned tm,- to Jacob Kcorner, of Paradise townsbipi. Monroe county, Pa., at mv r.leaanr. twn, yoko of oxen, two cows, one wagon. The public are cautioned against: med dling with said property. JAMES KIN2JZ Feb. 14, 1859. PLASTER FOR SAEL A large and constant sunnlv of (5roiiTA Plaster, at Do Witt & Fine's Mill t fornix ly Stoko's) at S8 per tun. DeWITT & FI&Ev Stroud township, Nov. 18, 1858.-.4cn. OflARLTON BURNERS; Attorn qj at Law, BTROUDSBURa. MONROU enuw-nv. Offioa nn TillnWl, oM T ---- -- " Aurmenv, od- upied by Ym. Dvis, Esq. BLANK MORTGAGES' For sale at this Office
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