"Tl'V nr.i hairiness. witu men, a little more more money; with women, a little more .iu 0.,uia, a nme-more ram. - - New York Markets. Wednesday, Oct. 20, 1858. Jb LOUR AND MEAL. The sales are 8,200 bbls. at S3a$4 for unsound State: 4 20aS4 40 for ttandard sunerGue do and superfine Western; $4 45aS4 00 for extra State and low grades of Western extra: S5 25a5 40 for thinnirtrr hmnrlo f round-hoop extra Ohio. Rve Flour held higher and is in fair demand: sales oi -Juu bbls. at S3 10384 25. Com Meal IS nrmlv lie Id: Sales of Jnrsiu nt.Si 2S- -V t . J " ' ' aUa 1 uncneans at i n ,7,. S lnfIudc S5'000hncntof pupils; those from a distance bush. Red Ohio, a fair article, at about 1 06. llye is quiet at 75a70c, with a fair supply on the market. Oats are more plenty and arc lower, sales of State at 44a46c, and 4R a 49e., for Western and Cannadian. Corn is abundant and is dull and lower; the arrivals in prospect large, which gives buyers the advantage; the sales are 34,000 bush, at G3a79o. for Western mixed, and small lots 71 a71 Vc. PROVISIONS Pork sales of 1 .000 bbls. at S16 40aSlfi 50 for Old Mess: SI 6 75 for New do. aud unispectcd Old do. but Meats are dull and heavy at h aoc. tor shoulder;', and oac for liams KI'iZSKEED. On tho 14th inst., at the Delaware Wa ter Gap, by Rev. II. S. Howell, Mr. A. J. Labar, and Miss Lizzie Snyder, both of the above place. 0.. I j . ,t i ur ackuowledgcnients to tho hapnv , 1 1 J pair for a superb cake. May those who rumMuujr u-uiou-. iwo i..mu.,.u , i i :.. this the coutunimation of their happiness never know ouolit lut sunshine and nrns - .... . . pcriry. 31 ay tllOir present happtness never be less, (of course they are happy; id nt wc net martied once, when we Were younger and better looking than nnn 1 nnA linnfnr ilnn't uo tnnw hnir to sympathise with a ue wly married pair?) T,"m;,11v n.v tYo linnnv mnnn in tl.oSr L. vaavj ww j J aa v w u a a. ar sa w case, lai-t a hundred year.", and thciri a ' name and poerity was jtron:j and nu merous in the laud. In Stroud town-hip, by Daniel Jaync, Esq., on the 16th int., Mr. Jerome Jircwer; and Mis-" Cathariuc Rhodes, all of Stroud tawnship. MUUDiij tO xii'jJN 1. A convenient dwelling suita- t it r.. .. :i.. . I iui a Lilian laii.nji iu luui p till the first of April next.- Pos-cssion given immediately. Lnquire at tins of- fice. Stroudsburg. Oct. 21, 1553. A . j , -iht . Estate of Dr. Samuel Stokes, lale of btroud.burg, Monroe county, deceased. ixoncc m uerioy eiven mat letters oi XT t .1 .1.. rl administration upon the above named es- tate have been granted to the undersigned by the Rcpiter of Monroe County. pleae present them to the undersigued for settlement. ANNA MARIA STOKES, RACHEL S STOKES, Administratrixes. Stroudsburg, Oct. 21, 1853. NOTICE Is hereby given, that the undersigned lias no connection with Alfred Counelly,! in the Lumbering Uuiness, in iobyhan M t I ttt lowusnip. nor anywhere ele. lue im jircs.-iou has gone abroad that he was partner of mine, and many persons have presented accounts to me of his contrac ting, for settlement. I wi-h it distinctly utidcr.-tood that all debts contracted b hinr-are upon his own re? ponibi!ity and not mine. JOHN CONNELLY. Tobyhanna t.-p., Oct. 1 1?5S. ESTRAY. Left at my prcuii-es, in Stroud town fchip, Monroe County, on the Hth int., two year old red Heifer. Sup posed to have strayed "from drove. No marks noticed about her. The owner or ownors thereof arc request ed to coiiie Forward, prove property, pay Charges and take her away or she wil be disposed of according to law. SYDENHAM PALMER. October 2 i. 165(5. - ,u - D SEWING- MACHINES. A Practical Pamily Sewing Machine for $5. lhcrctore all persons inuebtcd tothesaid ' ' j-m'-"" 0""i lll"J' will guarantee to make you I mi II rr ' itmnclac rich Ar Arn I V. . estate will nu-ase make itnu.cdiate pay-r m ' '- , ," -,, , , troubles, laugh almost a . . " J l To some it mav senm mcrednl nns that si . ' . e znent, and persons having demands will mailv Hi-.v.sP.ssl.m.l.n.P rpho,! hv op rt;J and grow fat Everybody Performing, fully equal work. No missing or ripping of sttiducs. Jro getting out of order. Any body can vse it every body will have it. SECURED nV linc'E.Vr GHA.NT OF LETTERS PATENT Exclusive liights for a few States and Counties will be placed withia the reach of any cuterprising business man. (A portion of the Territory already secured.) The proprietors codfidentlv feel they now place before the public the greatest chance for s profitable investment overpt- fered. A fewiog Machine containing the requisite qualities, which, by its astonish iog simplicity add low cost, will at once sult. go the wadscs, who have Deen anztoupij waitisg for the Machine to come within their grasp. IfST Parties wishing to purchase are requested to call t oacc, examine this aost wosderful achicresieDt, and eecare aaoaopoly of the State or County desir- KOVELTY $5 SEWING MACHINETJO., Oflicc Hartlett, & Go., Needle Manufacturers, 42f Hrpadway, cor. Canaj I JS.t. JN" Y. Cattor send for. a Circular ?citfi cuts of macldncSi 001.21,1858.-110, ras?- Wnnns tt a tt, d,;. now "all the talk' in fact it is on all sides conceded that it will make the hair grow; remove dandruffj make the hair soft and glossy; preserve the natural col or oi the hair to old age; keep it fro coming out and i3 the best toilet article or the hair now in use. For sale at Darlings, aud Hollinshead & Detrick's Ura& btores. bee Advertisement m an- otDer column, e-?-" ' STROUD SBURCx ACADEMY. STEPHEN HOLMES. .Tr PrinfiiTinl HISS M. S. MILLER. Assistant rvt t.?. r . I . uio XUOllbUllUU tVlll UIIUU iUl tUU VVIU - tor on Monday, the 18th day of October. "vi; iuui t will tru muuv iui iub uuvuulx' H.rrt (F,t 1 1 f .1 1 can bo supplied with board in the village a reasonable prices. TERMS. Common English 'Branches, Higher English, Languages. 83.00 4.00 5.00 For further information or for admin sion apply to, or address the Principal at btroudaburg, Pa THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. SIR JAMES CLARKE'S Coltibraiod Female Pills. PROTECTED LETTE.RS BY ROYAI. $SiH5t PATENT. Prepared from a presriplion of Sir J.Clarke, ill. D. Physician Extraordinary to the Queen. This invaluable Jdicine is unfailing in the cure of muse iiaiuiui ana u.iuuuiuus ureases iirnvnicn UlC L , , . . female constitution is subject. It moderates all excess ..li .i z..r..i JFj .ir . ami removes all obstructions, and a speedy cure may T() arri, Gaelics. ht is peculiarly suited. ituiii,masliprtu"inc,biingoi tl,e nonthly period with regularity. Each bottle, price One Dollar, bears the Government stimp of Great llritsin, to prevent counterfeits. CAfJTTlO.'V. I mi It'll. , ,1 . l e 1 1 1 -t,,. ,..,c r sure to bringon Miscarriage, but at any other time they are In all cases of Nervous and Sninal Affections, tiain in the bai-k and limbs, fatigue on slight exertion, palpita- tio of tl,c heal t. hysterics and whiles, these Pills will cffw-tHcure when ail other means Have failed; and ai- though a powerful remedy, do not contain iion, calo- mel, antimony, or anvthing hu.lful to the constitution, Full ilii-fjtmns intlio ti:imn!i!nr a-nnnd Mfth niipL-nirn .hilisho..l(l be carefully pweVved. r Sti i' ..in! !nrlft lutllfttl slsirp. n.l fftnrliln --o- .... jobmosus (L .tel. C. Btldwin t Co,.) Rochester, N. Y. N. B SI 00 nndfl ostase stanms enclosed to anv miihonzetl Aeenr. will iiiMiie a boitle. ccntaing 50 pills uv rei'irn man. for sa;e in sirouuiurg, oy July 1. IS - ly. J. N. BURLING. Acent. LSIIICV'S aicai Paill Extractor, In all diseases inflammation more or less )redominates now to allay inflammation Utrkes at the root of disease hence an im- memaie cure. UalLMis Ma meal fain KxLractar A ana nounng cisc, win allay iniiammation at once, and make a certain cure. LSlllltU O JIZU(Clllt L It lib JZl.Oll ULIUI win Cljre t!ie following amonrr a cataloirue of diseases; burns, scalds, cuts, chafes, sore nip- pies, corns, uunionp, strains, biles, poison, , , - ... . I chilblains, biles, Ecrofula, ulcers, fever sores, felons, ear ache, piles, sore eyes, gout, swel- rueumatiMii, scaiu neati, salt rneu,,:, cle; such an idea will vanish when reflection points to the fael, that the salve is a combina- tifin nf Jncrrpflipnt. o.ipIi nrirl nvarv nno nn. plying a perfect anlidotc-to its opposite dis- order. . . , . ' Valley S Magical fain JLXtraclorinrcc C0P,es 10 ouc aaaress, Unc Uol- In its eftects is tnasical, because the time is so short between disease and a permanent w-. I cure; and n is nn extractor, as it draws all disease out of the Jiffected part, leaving na- ture as perleet as belorc the injury. It is scarcely necessary to say thatnn house, work shop, or manufactury should be one moment without it. No Pain Extractor is genuine unless the box has upon it a steel plate engraving, with the name of llenrv Dalley, Manufacturer, .- , , . . ,V. . medicine dealers tnrouhou'. the United States and Canadas. Principal Depot, 1G5 Chambers St., New-York. C. F. CIIACE. Sold in Stroudsburg, by Hollinshead and Detrick. Feb. 25. 1853.-1 y. A PROCLAMATION TO T TT P. T. A "H T "FT. S Whereas, it appears that the days of rirWit, honor, and integrity are fast fadinn- away, and whereas, the unscrupulous and ignorant are daily taking advantage of the profound and learned. Bet it known therefore, to all, whether Maids, Wives, or Widows, that Dr. CheesmaiCs Female Pills are alone the cer tain panacea for the troubles incident to fe male disorganization; they alone correcting all painful menstruation, assuaging palpila 1 ions oiihe heart, disturbed sleep, pain in the side, ilnd causing health and happiness to Ihe whole sex: more cspecnlly to "the married portion, as they are certain to bring on the monthly period with regularity. And where as, these Pills are purely vegetable and en tirelv free from minerals, therefore perfectly harmless in their operations and whoif un like other medicines thrust upon the public, purporting to effect the, objects already de tailed. Therefore, be it known, that nothing but the said Pills of Dr. Cheesman- will ac- bomplish the desired object, when disappoint ment has been experienced under the regime other Pills; a nd the Ladies will cause this Proclamation to spread amongst them, to their own cverlusting benefit always premi sing that said Proclamation in one case must be considered null and void ; mat is to say, that the Pills must not be taken when any female is in an interesting situation, other wise a miscarriage will be the inevitable re Explicit directions, to be carefully read, accompany each box. Price $1. bent by mail on enclosing SI to Dr. Cornelius L. Cheeseman, JBox 4,531, Post Office, New- York City. Sold by one Druggist m every town in the United States. Given under my hand -nnd seal, C. L. CUEESEMAN, M. D. II. li. Hutching, General Agent for tho Uuited States, K55 Chambers-sL, N.- York, To whom all wholesale orders must be ad dressed. ' - " Sold in Stroudsbtig,by Hollinshead & De trick ; H. B. Semple & Col- Euston." Feb. 25, ly. Stroudsburg Bank. Notice is hereby given, that an election tor thirteen directors to serve the ensuing year, will be held at the Banking House, on Monday, the 15th day of November next, between the hours of ten A. 31. and three P. M. The annual meeting of the stockhold ers will bo held on Tuesday the 2d day of November next at 2 o'clock P. M., at the same place. J. H. STROUD, Cashier. Oct. 12, 1858. CRiTXEMDE&'S PMI I a uciuuvi vwmnivi villi wav..v iV. E. Corner Seventh and Chesnut Sts., PIIILADELrniA. An liiKtnnf inn rfnsirrneil to nronnro ' voiin men for active business. 0 ... , , j Established Sept. 1844. Incoporaled June 4, 1855. HOARD OF TRUSTEES., B..B. Comegys, David S. Brown. irancis Hoskms, A. V. Parsons, David Milne, Isaac Hacker, George II. Stuart, D. B Hinman, John Sparhawk, Frederick Brown, Joshua Lippincott, Jr. FACULTY. S H. Crittenden, Principal, Consulting Accountant, and Instructor in Commercial Customs. Thomas W Moore, Professor of Penmanship. George M. Thrasher, Professor of the Sci ence of Accounts. John Groesbeck, Professor of Book-Keeping and Phonography. Augustus Simon, Professor of Languages. Hon. Joel Jones, Lecturer on Commercial Law. W. H. Alldn, L. L. D.,( President of Girard College Lecturer on Political Economy. Catalogues, containing full particulars of of terms, manner of instruction, &c, may be had on applying at the College, either in per son or by letter. 03-CRITTENDEN'S BOOK-KEEPING for sale Price 81 50 Key to same, 50 cts October 14, 185S.-6m. " .asi, xt f.)bvj BMHaaBjuiiis," THE GREATEST PAPER OF THE AGE! A beautifully JUustated Monthly sheet and a Paper that is a Paper-. A budget of Wit, Humor, Facts, and Scenes drawn from life "Here you are 7. ... rt ? it ' right away, right away, Bradivay, Broad- iai. I lillll 111)! UUlV I'lltV UeDtS Mumn in and take a ride. Once nnf.nfl in Irf k Pur ummbus, wo wiueuaeavor to both ,) -11 1 . .. amuse and instruct vou. and yive von. in . . ' , ?cf. " fcUB tuuleu ul luujcai, at icusu unv cent, a worth of Fan and useful information.- We will show you up Broadway, down the nll 1fTt-oro tlirmtih f!lnflinrn .ir,l other principal streets, uivinir you amnle time to see the Elephat and get a good -WUW 4 I peep at the Peter Fuuks. Confidence Op- erators, &c. &c. We will show vou the city by daylight, by gas light, by moon liubt, by candle liiibt, by star lip-ht. and uuve iuu u.u.icua iu some parts of the city where there is no light We will endeavor to nost vou on nil ihp tricks e and traPs of the great metropoiig, and al- so amuse many an hour with interesting j: 11 1 1 'Ml. , , . leuuiug iimucr. --xuiuw puysio to the docs." If you have the Blues, the DyS' nepsia, Gout, Rheumatism, or are unfor- tunatcly trouhled with a scolding wife, forget your ;amst your wjll, should sub- p501"100 10 luc "UMMBUS" at once. Ihe JiR0AI)WAY OMNIBUS" will make its annnnriinnn On tho. firh nf onpli mnntli Oiled with amusement and iostructidn for all prit,ft . T?;ft f!onfa n ronr :n vnnno , . . X -i . ,ar lue cnecpesc paper in tne otatesi ITT t Ml m - I 'V ho will get us two subscribers and re ceive one copy free! All communications should be addressed to CHAS. P. BlllTTON, Editor "Broadway Omnibus," 297 Pearl Street, N. Y. October 14, 1858. 2m. j i- UK., Willow UU,1U" lUaiUil'U l(J I linn 111, in n fnm U- . - l. utu"u " "," nww, uv o very uimpie remedy, after have suffered several years with a severe Lung Affection., and that ' T Arr dread disease, Consumption, is anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the! mean3 of cure. To all who desire it he will send a copy of the prescription used Jree oj charge), with directions for pre paring and using the same, which tbey will find a sure Curo for Consumnlion. ''T''. T1 V'C' e 0Dl ob- . 01 in? a(lvcrilscr o sending the pre- scription is to beneht the afflicted, and be hopes every sutlcrer will try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and mav prove a blessing. Parties wishing the prescription will please addross, REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, Williamsburgh, Long Ldobd October 14,'1858.-8t. ON MANHOOD, AND ITS PREMATURE DECLINE. Just Published, Gratis, the 2Qth Thousand A few words on tho rational treat ment, without Medicines, of a perma- torrhea or .Local Weakness, Noctur nal Emissions, Genital and Nervous Debility, Impotency, and Impediments to Marriage generally, oy B. DE. LANEY, M. D. The. important fact that the many alarming complaints, originating in the imprudence and solitude ot youth, may be easily removed without medicine, is in this small tract, clear ly demonstrated ; and the entirely new and highly successful treatment, as adopted by! the Author,-fully explained", by fneansof which I every one is enabled to cure himself perfect ly and at the least possible cost, thereby a voiding the advertised nostrums of the day. Sent to any address, gratis and post free iu a sealed envelope, by remitting (post paid) two postage stamps to Dr, B. DE LANEY, 88 Eust 31st street, JNew York City. April 29, 1853. 6m. " N. S. LAWRENCE'S Paper, Printers1 Card & Envelope WAREHOUSE, No. 405 Commerce S)reel, Philadelphia , ft-Cnsfl buyers will find it t6 theif inter- est" to call.' , January 14 1858. ly. Esiate 6f teq-xta 7? D T.ATtATf Tr jnt(, nf x,,.j ,,,,;. 7ifi. - ' deceased. All persons indebted to said Estate, are requebted to make immediate pay ment; and those having just claims against me same, arc desired to present them in proper order for settlement, to JAMES H. STROUD, Executor. Stroudsburg, Oct. 21, 1858. 6t. !,5 MORE MEN WANTED. AS Aenls to circulate ranicl-sel- ling valuable FAMILY WORKS, which at tract by. their low prices, interestinc contents arid superbly colored plates. For circulars, with particulars, apply, if you live cast, to tttiKKY HOW!', No. 102 Nassau st., N. .; if West, to the same. Not 111 Main st.. ivincmnati. TOct. 7. 1858. 3:n. G. SfCLAKU & Co., No. 2fi Maiden Lane, New York, Manufacturers of Gold cj Silver Pencil Cases, and Gold Pens of eve ry description, offer their goods direct to the country trade at the prices others charge the city dealers, thereby saving the purchas er about 20 per cent which they would have to pay the dealers if bought from them our object is to sell for cash at one profit over the cost of manufacturing Samples will be furnished to those who mav desire to see the goods, at the dozen price, and can be sent by express, with bill to collect Oct. 7, 1853, 3m. 3. 1 BROWN, MANUFACTURING JEWELER, No. 2fi Maiden Lane, N. Y., offers his stock, consisting of a geneial as sortment of Lockets, Chains, &c, which are offered at the lowest cash prices. Great inducements to country cash buyers. Uct. 7, 105S. 3m. Dr. 13. JTAIQES, The Retired Physician, discovered while in the East Indies, a certain cure for Consump tion, Asthma, J3ronchitis, Coughs, Colds and general debility. The remedy was dis- coverod by him when his onlv child, a daughter, was eiven ui to die. His child was cured, and is now alive and well. De- sirous of benefitting his fellow mortals, he l'it',11 upnrl In lhr,cr violin ivlcli llo ru,.,n containtn" lull directions lor making and successfully using this remedy, free, on receipt oi their name. Address O. P. ty, N.J. Oct- 7, 185S. 3m LATS ARRIVAL. Opposite the Aufencan Hotel, corner Main and Green sts., Stroudsburg, Pa., has just opened a new stock of Goods for the fall and winter' trade, which for beauty, quality and cheapness, offer greater inducements than ever to purchasers. Having purchased these goods at the lowest I -i a Ci ij i ,rn tt a n t mnrnn nninnci r nm fTor;., n which must satisfy every one (f-k M Ulll UUWI l V. 1 1 U( II" ui in search of Cheap Goods. iII2k!iE? My stock consists of DRY GOODS, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Nails, EJoots & Shoes, BLACK AND FANCY" SILKS, Challies, Delaines, French Meuinoes, Cashmeres, all wool; Edings, Irish Linen, Gloves, bleached and unblreached Mus lins, Ticking, Drapery, Cloths, Cas simeres, Satinets, Jeans, Ves tings, red and white Flan nel, Prints, fast colors, rich and cheap. My Groceries are of the best qua! ity, such as Coffee, Sugar of all kinds, Molasses, Rice, Starch, Can ;dles, and Soap. I also offer for sale Wheat and Rye flour an-d.?'ee(! at t:?e,lowcst ch price. Persons w.snmg to purcua se goous mr casn or pro- uce will find it to their interest to call at lIenry Shomaker's cheap store. Sentember 23. 1859. 3m NEW lhc subscriber has purchased that Mk well established building formerly Clotning Store, in thfi hnrniifrli nf StrnndsVinrrr. nnd in- .j fnnfla tpPfllTlff -t .-6 - I.ftro'fi snr monf nf fllnHiino. v v" OJ to suit all seasons of the year, as low as they can bo purchased in any city of the State. Also, BOOTS. SHOES, CAPS, and a variety of Fancy Articles and No- tlons- He intends to devote his whole time ",, aifuuon 7'??. ana n?Pcs !,9 uu cw ineno win nonor mm witu a ca'i to examine ms extensive and cheap stocK ot goods, NICHOLAS RUSTER, N. B. All kinds of country produce, Sheep skins, and all kinds of furs rcceiv ed in trade. May 6, 1868. 6m. Stroudsburg, Qct. 22, 1857.-ff .4. r - Willi. K. Ilaviland, , ATTORNEY AT LAW, L STROUDSBURG, MONROE CO., HA?'.' Office at James H. Walton's, Esq. Collections, made, and business attended to-with promptness and dispatch.- u V: Stroudsburg, Juno 2(J,18a6. t i-a V UV ;u U1JS VtMuf I at THE' G ODD EN RIZE. THE GOLDEN PRIZE THE GOLDEN PRIZE. THE GOLDEN PRIZE. THE GOLDEN PRIZE. THE GOLDEN PRIZE. THE GOLDEN PRIZE. THE GOLDEN PRIZE. " ' THE GOLDEN PRIZE. THE GOLDEN PRIZE, THE GOLDEN PRIZE. ILLUSTRATED ! I LLUSTRATED ! ! I LLUSTH ASE D EVERY WEEK ILLUSTRATED EVERY WEEK. ILLUSTR ATED EVERY WEEK ILLUSTRATED EVERY WEEK. ILLUSTRATED EVERY WEEK. SPECIMEN COPIES SENT FREE. SPECIMEN COPIES SENT FREE. SPECIMEN COPIES SENT FREE. THE GOLBEM PRIZE ILLUSTRATED ! ILLUSTRATED ! The New York Weekly GOLDEN PilZE is one of the largest and best weekly nanei, oi uie cay. An Imperial tiuarto containm? eight pages, or forty columns, of entertaining original matter: and elegantly illustrated ev ery week. cr A Gift worth from 50 ceisls io 500 in Gold will Eo it resets led to cacEi nIMcribur imasiediuteSy on receipt ot tijo ?nbscriplioi: eiioij- cy. One copy for one year - - S3 00, and 1 gift. One copy for t o years - - 3 5i). and 2 gifts. One copy for three years - 5 00, and 3 pifts. One copy for five years - - 8 00, and 5 gifts. AND TO CLUBS Three copies one year ' $.7 00, and 3 gifts Five copies one year 8 00, and 5 gifts Ten copies one year 15 00, and 10 gifts Twcntv-one copies one yaar 30 00, and 21 gifts The articles to be distributed are compris ed in the following list. 2 Packages of Gold containing $500 00 each. 5 do do do 200 00 each. 10 do do do 100 00 each- 10 Patent Lever Hunting Case Wvtches.ltiO 00 each. 20 Gold Watches, 75 00 eaco. 50 do GO CO each. 100 do . 50 00ea-h. 300 Ladies Gold Watches 35 00 each 200 Silver Hunting Cased Watches 30 00 each. 500 Silver Watches S10 to 25 00 each. 1000 Gold Guard, Vest i Fob Chains 10 to 30 00 each. Gold Lockels, Bracelets, Brooches, Ear Drops, Breast Pins, Cuff Pins, Sleeve Buttons Shirt Studs, Watch keys, Gold and Silver Thimbles, and a variety of other articles worth from fifty cents to !$15 each. Immediately on receipt of the subscription money, the subscriber's name will be entered upon oursubscription book, opposite a number and the gift corresponding with that number will be forwarded within one week, to the subscriber, by mail or express post-paid. OC" All communications should be ad ressed to DEAN & SALTER, 48 & 49 Moffat's Building, 335 Broadway, IVetfl York. bpecimen copies sent free. Agents wanted. March 18, 18u8.-lamo. 12t. LIVERY BUSINESS. Valentine Kautz & Vm. Huntsman, (Successors to M. B. Postcns,) Having purchased the &100CK iaieiy ownea Dy iu. B. Postens take this opportunity to notify their friends and the public genJ erally, that they have added considerable new stock to the same; and will continue the business at the old stand, on Franklin Street, where they are prepared to hire Horses and carriages at the lowest cash rates. Their Horses aro safe, fast and gentle, and their vehickles consist of all kinds, to suit the tastes of the fastidious. Attentive ostlers always on hand, and dri vers furnished when desired, Call and see for yourselves. Strangers taken to any part of the country at the shortest notice. I bey will continue to run the new omnibus between this borough and the Railroad Depot. Persons intending to go on the railroad'will be called for at any part of the Borough, by leaving their names at their office near the stable. The omnibus will also be at the Depot on the arrival of trains to convey passengers into town. No pains will he spared to give satis faction to all who may favor them with their patronage. KAUTZ & HUNTSMAN. Stroudsburg, June 24, 1558. tf. . i Something New. The public are respectfully informed that the undersigned has opened, in the Borough of Stroudsburg, a NEW DRUG STORE, in the large four story building recently erected by Messrs. Fow ler and Wintemute, two doors a bove Robert Boy's Store, where be intends keeping always on hand, a, large assortment of Drugs and Medicines, Paints, Oils, Var nishes, French and Common Glass, c. The stock will also embrace FANCY NO TIONS in endless variety, from which all tastes can he gratified, including Perfumery, Plain and Fancy Glars Ware, Tooth, Hair and Toilet Brushes; Combs', &c. ALSO Pure WINES AND LIQUORS for medicinal purposes, which beer thpir own recommendation. Every nrticle will be warranted ;rc and fresh, and will be dispensed by an assistant whose experience in the business is such as to deserve the unlimited confidence of the public. Call and see. JAMES N. DURLING, Proprietor. Stroudsburg, Dec. .'), 1850. STOVES, STOVES, STOVES. THE subscriber, having purchased and taken the old store staud of Georgo Mnl ven, in Stroudsburg, would say, to the public, that ho is just opening a large assortment of STOVES iu all their variety. Cool&ing, Parlor, SIiop & Bar Koont, all sizes and kinds, for Wood or Coal. Groceries, In connection with tho Stove business, tho undersigned will keep constantly on hand a general assortment of Groceries, &c, vizrSugars, Teas, Coffees, Molasse3, Fish,- Salt, Raisins,- Spices, &c. Flour and Feed. Ho will ponstantly keep Flour ani Feed and whole grain. - ij Cider Vinegar constantly on hand. The public 'arc' ropecffally' invited to jdxamine'for themsolvos. " Strbudbttrgj' Nov. 2,I ?iT7 New Arrangement; 20 Delaware, Laclcawaniia & Western KAIL ROAD. NO MO HE STAGEINO. . New and expeditions broad guage route from tho North and West, via Great Bent and Scranton, and from the Lackawamia and Wyoming vallies, direcUy through (o New York and Philadelphia. (KrOn and after Friday, October 1, 1S5S, trains will be run as follows: The Cincinnati Express Train bound east on N. Y. & Erie Railroad arrives at Great Bund at 8:15 A. M., and connects with the Express Train which leaves Great Bund for New York and Philadelphia, at 8:;J0 a. in. Due at Montrose, - - - 9:04 " Tankhannttck, - - 9:42 ' Factory ville. ... tn nr Scranton, - . 10:50' u' Moscow, . . ii:';j;3 ' Stroudsburg, . . 1:23 p m. Water Gap, - 1:? " Delaware,(15 minutes todme) 1:58 ,.'' Jiridgville, - - - . 2:28,; Junction, .... 2:18 ' New York, - 7:15' Philadelphia, ... 9-15' it r tt t ,51 .i v Passengers from New York, leave Pier No. 2, North River at 7:30, a", nu From Phila. leave Walnut st. , ' ' ' Wharf at - - 0:00 Leave Junction, - - 21:10 "l Due at Bndgeville, - - 1 1 :5f Delaware, 15 min. dinner, 12:10 p. hi. Water Gap, - .- 12;4S . otroudsbtirg, - - j:00 'U it CC tt it Moscow, - - . Scranton, - Factoryville, - Tunkhannock - Montrose, - Great Bend, -Connecting at Great Bend with the Mail Train, west", at Accommodation Train leaves Scranton for Great Bend at Arrive at Great Bend, 2:47 3:25 4:11 4:30 5:13 5:45 5:55 8:35 a. hit 1:05 p. ni. Connectin" with the Dunkirk E.nrps W't at 1:55 and the N. Y. Expiess East at 2:35 p. m. Returning, leaves Great Bend, 2:45 p. m. Due at Scranton, ... 75 .t For the accommodation of way travel on the Southern Division, a Passenger Car will be attached to the Express Freight Trains leaving Scranton at 5:00 a. m: Due at Stroudsburg at 10:05 " " Junction at 2:05 p. m Returning, will leave Junction at 4:45 a. iu Due at Stroudsburg at 8:05 " " Scranton at 2:20 p. m. Passengers to and from New York and Philadelphia, will change cars at Junction. For Pittbton, Kingston, and Wilkesbarre, take L. &. B. R. R. cars at Scranton. For Jessup, Archbald, and Carbondale, take the stages at Scranton. Tickets sold and Baggage checked through: JOHN BRISBIN, Sitpt. Wm. N. Jenks, Gen'l Ticket Agent. Scranton, Sept. 24, 1858. PHO T O GRABS In every Style of the Art5. L. T. Tew takes this method to inform the inhabitants of this Town and vicinity, that having procured a new Tustrumeut expressly for tho purpose, Is now pre pared to take all the latest stjles of Type, combining all the newest improvements of Ambrolypcs, Melaionotype, Photographs i jSiclotypes, at his old Room near the Court House, in a style unsurpassed. 7' From his long expe rience as an Artist acknowledges no su perior. Those wishing good Likenesses of themselves of friends, aie invited to call and examine speoimens. No charge made unless perfect satisfaction given. L. T. TEW. Sept 10, 1658.-tf. 3 fcJa k 3 o -j a t - . " 0 a Q tt P a o 31 J U a S3 3 w o c- -2. CD 3 at a. CD CD j Beg ' Q" Hi 0 o hi O P err- p 2. K o- 5. Z. x - 2 o r to -rj . c a w n rr O 2 - O a cs C . - n 1 y d5 t" a U4 -t Q. o "2 ss 3 C 5 0 O 0 C " t o i 01 M U 1 o o r 7? a ra ZZ Ul O 3 6 w r ta a - e & L. c- - o 2" : 3 a 3 O B 9 t-4 Co JH si g a C O c fcxJ IT . 5 00 C 13 - c S I 2 c S SZJ 2: 2. Q n P Pi a n o o . 00 c- jrjOrdcrs may be left nt the Hrick Yard, or at the residence of Morris Ad ler, in the new brick building on Eliza beth street, opposite the residence of Jas. II. Stroud, in Stroudsburg. T"- " - PAY UP ! Notice u hereby given to all t jose 111 debtad either by Judgnieut Note or Book Account, to the following late firms, "to wit : Stroud &r Andre, C. R. Andre, and Andro & Shoemaker, to all, settle anJ pay the same on or before the first day of September next, otherwise cost must ensue, as the above firms have liabilities which must, bo wet. The Books &c, iro' in the hands of the undersigned, who can'' bo found at bia office, corner of 0re.cn and Monroe Streets, Soap and Candlo factory building. , -i C. R. ANDRE .a Stroudsburg, July 29, 1858. P. S.AU those indebted toSwartwood & Andre, and the late firm of Swartwood & Co., are requested to call upon Bhilipv Swartwood whoiaio attendanea, atstbSi Mill, and pay up immediately. .J SWARTWOOD k ANDjRJfe Stroudsburg, July 2U, 1,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers