TUB ONLY ARTICLE UNRIVALED EV3ARKET, WITH IMMENSE HOME IKD EUROPEAN DEMAND. The reason why, is that by Nature's own process it restores the natural color perma-f nently alter tne nair Becomes gray ; supplies the natural fluids, and thus makes it grow on bald heads, removes all danrnff, itching, and heat from the scalp, quiets and tones up the nerves, and thus cures all nervous headache, and may bo relied upon to cure all diseases- of the scalo und hair: it will stop and keep n from falling off; makes l soft, glossy, health v and beautiful and if used by the young two or three times a week, it will never fall or become gray, then reader, read the following and judge lor yourselves : New York, Jan. 8, 1558. Messrs. 0. J. Wood & Co., Gentlemen: Having heard a good deal a- bout Professor Wood's Hair Restomtivc, and my hair being quite gray, I made up my mind to lay aside the prejuuice which i, in com mon with a great many persons, had against all manner of patent medicines, and a short lime ago I commenced using your article, to test it for myscll. The result has been so very satisfactory that I am very glad I did so, and in justice to you, as well as for the encouragement of others who may be as grey as 1 was but who having my prejudice without my reasons for setting it aside, are unwilling to give your Restora tives a trial till they have further proof, and the best proof being occular demonstration, I write this letter, which you may show to any such, and also direct them to me for fur ther proof, who am in and out ol the N. Y. Wire Railing Establishment every day. My hair is now its natural color and much improved in appearance every way, being glossier and thicker and much more healthy looking. I am, Yours, respectfully, HENRY JENKINS. Cor. Columbia & Carroll sts. Brooklyn. Livingston, Ala., Feb. 14, 1858. Prof. Wood Dear Sir: Your Hair Restor ative has done much good in this part of the country. My hair has been slightiy dimm-ir-hing for several years, caused, I suppose, from a slight burn when I was quite an in fant. 'I have been using your Hair Reten tive for six weeks and I find that I have a line head of hair now growing, after having used all other remedies known, to no effect. I think it the most valuable remedy now ex tant, and advise all who are afflicted that way to use your remedy. You can publish this if yuu think proper. Yours, &c. S. W. nllDDLETON. Philadelphia, Sept. 9, 1857. Prof. Wood Dear Sir: Your Hair Restor ative is proving itcclf beneficial to me. The front, and also the back part of my head al most lost its covering was in fact buhl. 1 have used but 2 half pint bottles of your Re storative, and now the top of my heid is well studded with a promising crop of young hair, and the front is also receiving its benefit. I have tried other preparations without any benefit whatever. I ihink from my own per sonal recommendation, I can induce many others to try it. Yours, respectfully, D. R. THOMAS, M. D. No. 4G4 Vine street. The Restorative is put up in bottles of threp pizes, viz : large, medium, and small; the small holds a pint, and retails for one dol-J-tr per bottle; the medium holds at least 20 per cent more in proportion than the smali, retails for two dollars per bottle; the large holds a quart, 40 per cent, more in proportion, and retails for 83 a bottle. O. J. WOOD &, CO. Proprietors, No 312 Broadway, New York, (in the great N. Y. Wire Railing Establishment,) and 114 Mar ket st., St. Louis, Mo. And sold by all good Druggists and Fancy Goodf Dealers. J"Iy L 185S. 3m. NEW The subscriber bas purchased that well established building formerly occupied by Ilirscbkiud & Adlcr as a Clothing Store, - in the borough of Stroudsburg, and in tends keeping a Large Assortment of Clothing, to suit all seasons of the year, as low as they can be purchased in any city of the State. Also, BOOTS. SHOES, HATS, CAPS, and a variety of Fancy Articles and No tions. He intends to devote his whole time and attention to business, and hopes hi old aud new frieudH will honor him with a call, to examine his extensive and cheap stock of goods. NICHOLAS RUSTER. N. B. All kiuds of country produce, Sheep skins, and all kinds of furs receiv ed in trade. May G, 1868. 6m. Something New. The public are respectfully informed that the undersigned has opened, in the 'Borough f Stroudsburg, a NEW DRUG STORE, in the large four story buildim recently erected by Messrs. Fow ler and Winteinute, two doors a bove Robert Boy's Store, where he intends keeping alwavs on hand, a large assortment of Drugs and Medicines, Paints, Oils, Var nishes, French and Common Glass, cj c. The stock will also embrace FANCY NO TIONS in endless variety, from which all tastes can be gratified, including Perfumery, Plain and Fancy Glars Ware, Tooth, Hair and Toilet Brushes; Combs, dec. ALSO Pure WINES AND LIQUORS for medicinal purposes, which beer their own recommendation. Every article will be warranted pure and fresh, and will be dispensed by an assistant whose experience in the business is such as to deserve the unlimited confidence of the public. Call and see. JAMES N. DURLING, Proprietor. Stroudsburg, Dec. 31 , 1856. CAUTION. All persons are hereby cautioned not to j purcnase a Note for S3, given to Henry Miller, of Cherry Valley ..Monroe county, Pa. As I have not received full value for the Note, I am determined to resist the payment of the same, unless compelled by Jaw to do so. J0IIN D. E0IL Coolbatijjb tsp., June 25, 1853. Sf THE GREATEST N DISCOVERY OF THE AGE. MR. KENNKDY, of Roxbury, has (lis ov red in one of our common pasture weeds a iemedy that cures EVERY KIND OF HUMOR, FROM THE Worst Scrunfula down to a common Pimple. Two botiles are warranted to cure a nurs ing sore mouth One to thtee dottles will cure the worst kind of pimples on the lace. Two or three Louies will "clear the system of biles. Two bottles are warranted to cure the worst canker in the stomach Three oi five bottles are warranted to cure ihe worst kind of Erysipelas. One or two bottles are warranted to cure all humor in the eyes. Two bottles are warranted to cure run ning of the ears and blotches among the hair. Four to six bottles are warranted to cure corrupt and running ujceis. One boiile will cure scaly eruptions ol the skin. Two or three hollies are warranted to cure the worst kind of ringworm Two orthree bottles are warranted to cure the most desperate case of rheumatism. Three to four bottles are warranted to cure sail rheum. Five to eight hollies will cure the worst case of si'iofiila. One lo three hollies are warranted to cure the worst case of dyspepsia. 1 know from the experience of thousants that it has, caused by a canker in the stomach. One to iwo bottles are warranted lo cure sick headache. One to two bottles are warranted to regu late a costive stale of the bowels. One to two bottles will regulate, all de rangement of the kidneys. Four 10 six bottles have cured the worst cases of dropsy. One to three bottles has cured the worst case of piles; a relief is always experienced. w hat a mercy lo get relief in such an ex cruciating disease! Since its first discovory, 1 have from lime lo time added various other herbs to il : of one of them, Hippocrates, the Father ol Medicine, says: "It is an herb of Jubiier, and in ihe sin Leo. 'It openeth obstructions of the liver, gall and spleen ; it is an especial friend to the liver, worth all other herbs pui together ; cooling it when too hot, and warming il when too cold. "It createth an appelite, cureth allgone and sinking leelings in the pit of ihe stom ach, easeth all pains and stitches in the side. "It cnieih the jaundice by opening the gall, and reatoreth the native color of ihe body. "It expels all raw. viscous and slimv hu mors oui of the body; it cleanselh all inward ulcers and congealed bluod from ihe kid nes. "By opening obstructions of the spleen it pnrgelh all bunil choler and melancholy vapors which riseih lo the head and brain causing distressing headache, fearful fore boding of trouble, trembling of ihe hean fainting and swooning. "The herb boiled in wine is particularly ood to revive ihe drooping spiril of the a . .1 ...I I I : - gen, ;miu vitoeer oas a lingering SICKiiess altera fever, nothing restoreth him to health so quick as drinking the juice of this herb "The seeds boiled in water curelh ihe most offensne breath, and drank ai bedtime preenteth what is commonly called niht mare, and all melancholy dreams, a disease bullous people are liable lo. The Father of Medicine says of another herb in this composition, that "it is an herb ol the Sun, .nd in the sign Leo. "The sun is the source of all life, and ru lelh the heart; and this herb is the best cor dial, the greatest strenglhener of the heart of any that grows; il comforteih the heart, curelh all palpitation thereof; laketh awa trembling, fainting and smothering ol it; yet it must be taken carefully, or severe grip- ings wm ensue, wnit ii must be corrected wiih fennel seed or ginger. "So much for this herb, between which and the adder there is the utmost antipathy;. so mucn so mat the adder will not touch him thai has the herb about him " No change of diet ever necessary eat tne oesi you can get and enough ol it. Directions Jor use- Adults one table .spoonful per day Children over ten years, desert spoonful Children from five to eiht years, tea spoonful. As no directions can be applicable to all constitotions, lake sufficient to opearte on the bowels twice a day. Manufactured by DONALD KENNJSDY, No 120 Warren Street, Roxbury, Mass. Price SI 00. Sold in Stroudsburg, oy Hollinshead & Detrick, James N Durling, and by all Drug gists in Cily and Country in general. June 24, 1858. ly. NOTICE. Richard S. Staples, Merchant, takes this method of informing his frionds and customers, that he has associated with himself in the Mercantile business, his son Theodore B. Staples, who will hereafter continue the business at the old stand. The liberal patronage heretofore ex tended to this store, we hope will be con tinued, aj we intend to keep our estab lishment well stocked, and will sell at pri ces calculated to suit the most fastidious. Give m a call. E. S. STAPLES & SON. N. B. All persons indebted, or hav ing claims agaiost ine, are requested to call and settle their accounts without de lay. R. S. STAPLES. Stroudsburg, April 15, 1858.-3m. Hollinshead & Detrick DRUGGISTS AND CHEMISTS, Wholesale and Retail dealers in Drugs, Medicines, Faints, Oils, Dye Slu s, Glass, Peif Miner', &c. ace. &c. GOTHIC HALL DRUG STORE, STROUDSBURG, PA. N. B. German and English prescrip tions carefully compounded. WM. HOLLINSHEAD. c. s DETRICK. April 8, 1858. Jy. MEDICAL imp THE MEDICINE OF THE MILLION, PHILOSOPHY AflD PACT. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. The Exciting' Cause of Sickness. The blood is the life-sustaining agent. It furnishes the romponents of flesh, bone, muscle, nerve and integument. The Stom ach is its mauufactoty, ihe veins its distrib utors, and the intestines ihe channel through which the waste matter rejected in Us pro ductions is expelled. Upon the stomcch. the circulation and the boweb, these Pills act simultaneously, relieving indigestion, purifying the fluids, and regulating the ex- crelions. TIic National Complaint. Dyspesia is the most common disease a mong all classes in this country. It assumes a thousand shapes, and is the primary source of innumerable dangerous maliadies; bu: whatever its type or symptoms, however obstinate its tcsistanee lo ordinary prepara sions, it yields readily and happily to this learching and unerring remedy. Bilious Affections. The quantity and quality of the bile are of vital importance to health. Upon the liv er, the gland which secretes this fluid, these Pills operate specifically, infallibly rectify ing its irregularities and effectually curing Jaundice. Bilious Remittants, and all the va rieties of disease generated by an unnatural condition of the organ. Bowel Complaints. Unless the bowels perform their func tions properly, the whole body suffers. Tens of thousands die annually of Dysentery, Di arrhoea, Chronic Constipation, and other dis eases of these waste pipes of the system. me eneci oi tne nits upon all intestinal disorders, whether casual or epidemic, is a Z." a r , "V "A "E i r. v... uwvikiio, me iiinai ciiiiiuiiM macs of bowel complaint are 'promptly contiolled. A Word to Females. The local debility and irregularities which are the especial annoyances ol the weaker sex, and which, when neglected, always shorten life, are relieved for Ihe time being, aud prevented for the time to come, by a course of this rnild but thorough alterative. Hollowaifs Pills are the best remedy known in the world Jor the Jollowing diseases Asthma ireadacl.es Indigestion Influenza lflaiimmtion Tnunrd Weakness Liver Complaints Low linos of Spirits Tiles tone and Gravel Secondary Symptoms Vernal Affections Worms of all kinds llowel Complaints Coughs Colds Chfst Diseases Costivencss Dyspepsia Diarrhoea Dropsy Debility Fever and Ague Female Comjluints Caution None are genuine unless-lhe words 'JIuiloway, New York and London" are discernible as a Water-mark in every leaf of the book of directions arjund eacii pot or box; the same may be plainly seen by holding- the leaf to the light. A handsome reward will he given to any one rendering such information as may lead to the detec tion of any party or paities counterfeiting the medicines or vending the same, know ing them to he spurious. cJold at the Manufactory of Professor Holoivay, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine throughout the United States and the civilized world, in boxes at 25 cents, Cr2 1-2 cents, and SI each. There is a considerable saving by taking the larger size&. c N. 13. Directions for the guidance of pa tients in every disorder are affixed to each box. Sold in Stroudsburg by Hollinshead & De-, inch. July 23, 1857.-ly. ON MANHOOD, AND ITS PREMATURE DECLINE. Just Published, Gratis-, the 20th Thousand. A few words on the rational treat ment, without Medicines, of a Derma- lorrnea or L.ocal Weakness, Noctur 1 r . " . nal Emissions, Genital and Nervous Debility, Impotency, and Impediments to iuarnage generally, by B. DE. LANEY. M. D. The important fact that the many alarming complaints, originating m the imprudence .niu soiuuue or youth, may be easily removed without medicine, is in this small tntct, clear ly demonstrated ; and the entirely new and highly successful treatment, as adopted by the Author, fully explained, by meansof which every one is enabled to cure himself perfect ly and at the least possible cost, thereby a voiding the advertised nostrums of the day. Sent to any address, gratis and post free m a sealed envelope, by remittitijr fnost nnin two postage stamps to Dr. B. DR r.ANTTCV 88 East 31st street, New York City. April 29, 1859. Gm. CAUTION ! We hereby caution all nrsnnq nincf hunting or fishing, orgoin through raSH gram or orchards, upon either of our premises, as wo are determined to prose cute trespassers to the full extent of the aw. Charles Keller, Charles L. Keller, Leonard Andre, Henry Miller, Charles Drako, Ezra Hunsiker David Groner, John Shook, Henry Dennis, Charles Swink, Absalom Fetbermao, Geo. Houser. lDomas YV.llhodes, Aaron Croasdale. L. & J. Drake, Silas L. Drake. James R, Andre. May 20, 1 858.-1 y. STEEL'S HOTEL, Corner Main St., and North side Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. D. J. OSTRANDER, Projyriclor. N. B. Omnibus will run reularlv to and from the Railroad Depot, to con nect with the Cars, on every arrival and departure of the passenger trains. May 13, 185$. jjjOAP. Pine scented Soaps for wasb ing and shaving a so the ce ebrated shaving cream for sa'e by SAMUEL MELICK. btroudsburg, January 1, 1855', BLANICIORTGAGES For sale at this Office Mill Hiii. THE LIVER PREPARED BY DR. SA'NFORD, Compounded entirely from Giuns, Is one of the best Purgative and Liver me dicine's now before the public, that arts as a Cathartic, easier, milder, and more effectual than any other medicine known. it is not only a Cathartic, but a Liver remedy, acting first on ihe Liver to eject its morbid matter, then on the stomach and bowels to carry off lhai tnatter, thus accomplishing two purpo ses effectually, without any of the painful feelings experienced in ihe operations of mosti Cathartics It strengthens the system at the same time that ifpurges it; and when taken daily in moderate doses, will strength en and build il up with unusual rapidity. The Liver is one of tors of the human ho forms its functions the system are fuliy mach is almost en the healthy action of per performance of the stomach is at at fault, & the whole sequence of one or ing ceased lo do its eases of that organ, has made il his study than twenty years, to wherewith to coun rangements to which To prove that thisi ftiund, any peiton Complaint, in any of try a bottle, and con- These Gums Tc had matter from the their place a healthy ating the stomach, gest well, purifying and health- to the moving the cause ol inrr a radical cure. Jthe principal regula- dy; and when it per well, the powers ol developed. The slo tirelv dependent on the Liver for the pro its functions; when fault, the bowels are system suffe.rsin con gan the Liver ha duty For the dis. one of the proprietors in a pi act ice of more find some remedy leract the many de it is liable, re medy is at last troubled with Liver its forms, has but lo riction is certain, move all morbid or system, supplying in flow of bile, imigor causinir food to di Hhc bloody giving tone 4 ! whole machinery. re 'the disease effect Bilious attacks arej" cured, and, what is belter, prevented, by the Liver Jnvigora One dose after ea relieve the stomach from rising and sou E ahe occasional use of ?. for. 'il juiig is sufficient to and prevent the food ring.. . Only one close taken before retiring, pre vents Nightmare. Only one dose taken at night, loosens the bowels gently, and cures Convenes. One dose taken after each meal will cure Dyspepsia. ftj3 One dose of two teaspoonsfuls will always relieve Sick Headache. One bottle taken for female obstruction removes the cause of the disease, and makes a perlect cure Only one dose immediately relieves Choi ic, while one dose oiten repeated is a sure cure for Cholera Morbus, and a preventive of Cholera. fj Only one bottle is needed to throw out of the system the effects of medicine af tor a long sickness. IErOne bottle taken for Jaundice removes all sallowness or unnatural color Irom the skin. One dose taken a short time before eating gives vigor to the appetite, and makes food digest well. One dose often repeated cures Chronic Diarrhea in its worst forms, while Summer and Bowel complaints yield almost to the first dose One or two doses cure attacks caused by Worms in Children : there is no surer, safer or speedier remedy in the world, as it neter fails. IEPA few bottles cures Dropsy, by exci ting the absorbents. We take pleasure in recommending this medicine as a preventive for Ftver cj- Ague. Chill Fever, and all Fevers of a Bilious Type. It operates with certainly, and thousands are willing to testify to its wonderful irtues. All who use it are giving their unanimous testimony in its favor. ICF.Jtx water cji ilm niontSi with the f n viyorator, und swallow J uutit together. THE LIVER I N VI G ORATOR fx n SrJpn I ffif. Alrlirnl T)iernntrti mill ! iev ri.nlv ivni-ljincr cum. . i iniMfct inn nrpnl In lip. j.lnSR frirmir !,nn,.fU. .,l SpMm r.mrP 'than ! e. it cures as H bv mamr, een the iirst ,.,! rr.o.nroH .n i, i ,i t Liver complaint, from the worst Jaundice J or Dyspepsia to a common Headache, all of; which are the result of a Diseasad Liver. TRICE ONC DOLLAR PER KOTTLE. Dr. SANFORD, Proprietor, 345 Broad way, New York. And retailed by all Drug gists. Sold also by Hollinshead & Detrick, and James N. Durling, Stroudsburg, Pa. July 1, 1858. ly. Mc'REAS CELEBRATED LIQUID GLUE, THE GREAT ADIIESIVE. Most useful article ever invented, for house, store and ojjic.e', surpassing in util ity every other glue, gum, mucilage, paste or ce ment ever known. Always ready for Application. ADHESIVE ON PAPER, CLOTH, LEATHER, FURNI TURE, PORCELAIN, CHINA, MARBLE OR GLASS. For manufacturing Fancy Articles, Toys, etc., it has no superior, not only possessing greater strength than any other known arti cle, hut adheres more quickly, leaving no stain where the parts are joined. Never Fails. Within the last three years upwards of 250,000 bottles of this justly celebrated LIQUID GLUE have been sold, and the great convenience which it has proved in ev ery case, has deservedly secured for it a de mand which the Manufacturer has found it, at times, diflicult to meet; acknowledged by all who have used it, that its merits arc far above any similar article or imitation ever ottered to the public. (7 This GLUE is, cxtensivehi counter feited oqservc the label "McRea's Celebra. Liquid Glue, the Great Adhesive." Take no other. TWENTY-FIVE CENTS A BOTTLE. Manufactured and Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by WM. C. McREA, Stationer, No. 907 ChesnuL St., Philadelphia. fjt!r"Liberal inducements ollered to persons desirous of selling the above article. October 15 1857. ly. NEW Express Arrangement. Tho Hope and Howard Express Com panys are now prepared o forward Mon ey, Valuables of any kind Paskages, &o., with their own Cars, and special Messen gers, witb dispatch from Stroudsburgto a ny part of the world. JOHN N. STOKES, Agent, For the Hope and Howard Ex. Co'a Stroudsburg, Feb. 4, 1858. tf. r ;sl j3LANK DEEDS " For sale at this Office MONROE COUNTY irluiual Fire Insurauce Comp'y Finite rate of Insurance is one dollar on the thousand dollars insured, after which payment no subsequent tax will be levied, except to cover actual loss or damage by fire, that may fall upon mem bers oi the compauy. The nett profits arising from interest or otherwise, will be ascertained yearly, for which each member in proportion to his, her, or their deposit, will have a credit in the company. .Each insurer in or with the said company will be a mem ber thereof during the term of his or her policy. The principle of Mutual Insur ance has been thoroug-hly tested has been tried by the unerring test of expert ence, and has proved successful and be come very popular. It affords the great est security against loss or damage by fire, -on the most advantageous and rea sonable terms. Applications for Insurance to be made in person, or by letters -addressed to Wm. K. II AVI land, Secretary. MANAGERS . Stogdell Stotke?, Robert Boys, James H. Walton, Silas L. Drake, 0. D. Brodhcad, Ilonry Peters, jr. Geo. C. Ransberry,' Chas. R. Andre, Joseph Fenner, Chas. Shoemaker, Samuel Melick, Stephen Kestler, E. S. STAPLES, President. J. H. Walton, Treasurer. btroudsburg, oept. 17; 1857. Howard Association, PII1LAELPHIA. A Benevolent Institution, established by spe cial endowment for the relief of the sick and distressed, afflicted icilh Viru lent and Epidemic diseases. To all persons afflicted with Soxtial Dis eases, such as Spermatorrhea. Seminal Weak ness, Impotence, Gonorrhoea. Gleet, Syphilhs, the Vice of Onanism, or self abuse. &c. &c. The HOWARD ASSOCIATION, in view of the awful destruction of human life, caused ly Sexual disenses, and the decep lion practised upon the unfortunate vii;tnn of such diseases by Quacks, several years ago directed their Consulting Surgeon, a a charitable act, worthy of their name, to open a Dispensary for the treatment of this class of diseases, in all iheir forms, and to give Medical advice gratis, to all who apply by letter, with a description of their condi lion, (age, occupation, habits of life, &c..) and in cases of extreme poverty, lo fnr nish medicines free of charge. It is need less to add that the Association commands the highest medical skill of the age, and will furnish the most approved modern treat merit. , The Direclois, on a review of the past, feel assured that their labors in ibis sphere of benevolent eflurl, have been of great benefit to the afflicted, especialy to the oung, and ihey have resolved to devote themselves, with renewed zeal, to this very important but much despised cause. Just Published by the Association, a Re port on Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weak ness, the Vice of Onanism, Masturbation or Self Abuse, and other Diseases of the Sex ual" Organs, by the Consulting Surgeon, which will be sent by mail, (in a sealed letter envelope,) FREEJ3F CHARGE, on receipt of TW.0 STAMPS for postage. Address, Reporl or treatment. Dr. GEO- R" CALHOUN, Consulting blllgeon, IloW a rd A ssocialfon , fs o. 2 Soul h Ninth Street iladelp!iin. a. Bv order of the Directors. ! EZRA T). 1IEA KTWELL. President. GEO. FA IK CHILD, Secretary. December 3, 1857. -ly. REMOVAL ! ! WhoScsaic and Retail Boot nnu Sljoc MANUFACTORY!! 1,6 suhscrlber respectfuly inform i Hii customers ano" friends that he hat removed his Bool and Shoe Manufac tory to the store room formerly occupied by Joseph Sigman, in Northampton street, onr door above Hamilton street, and between Mrs. E. II. Ilairnony's Millinery and Pete Pomp's Drug Store. He has just received a large assortment of Boots and Shoes, among which are Calf Congress Boots, Enameled Congress Boots' Calf Napoleon Boots, Patent Morocco Na poleon Boots, Brogans, &c. for Getlemen and Boys. Also on hand a large assortment of Shoes for Ladies and Misses. Women's fashion ble Gaiters of every variety, made to order at short notice. A large assortment ol Cbil- drens Shoes always on hand. GUM Shoes of all descriptions and kinds, which he is selling CHEAP FOR CASH. The goods are manufactured of the bes materials and in the neatest and most fash ionable manner. lie employs none but the best workmen about his establishment. Thankful for the liberal patronage hereto fore received, every effort will be made to merit a continuance of the same. TJIAD DEUS SCIIOCII. Eastnn, September 10, 1852 New Gobds-Vci'y Cheap. 1 ATI 1T lT nninrrn,-. JuuiN i. at uMS, having just finished his selections, is now re ceiving a choice and fashionable assortment of new and seasonable goods, to which he invites the attention of the public. Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware &c.,"&c, in variety, and of superior quality will he found in his store, ol prices unusually low. The public are invited to call and see. No charge for showing goods. ' J. N. STOKES. Stroudsburg, Oct. 8, 1857. N. S. LAWRENCE'S Paper, Printers1 Card k Envelope WAREHOUSE, No. 405 Commerce Street, Philadelphia, OCrCnsh buyer's will find il to their Inter est to call. January 14 1859. ly. HI DR. WALTON'S AMERICAN PILL'S,, - r JOY TO THE AFFLICTED. ,u You lis America Victorious!.,, One small box of Pills cures ninety-nine cases out of a hundred. No Balsam, no Mey cury, no odor on the breath, no fear of detec tion. Two small pills a dose; tasteless ami harmless as water. Full directions are giv en, so that the patient can cure himself as certain as ivith the advice of the most exper rienced surgeon, and much better than with the advice of one of little experience in ithia class of disease. Sent by mail to any part of the country by enelosing one dollar to Dr. D. G. Walton, No. 154 North Seventh st. below Race, Phil adelphia. A liberal discount to the tfadef None genuine without the written signature of D. G. Walton, Proprietor. " - T Dr. W.'s treatment for Self-abuse, Weak ness, &c. is entirely different from the usual course. Dr. W. has cured hundreds who have tried others withoutbenefil. The treat ment is as certain to cure as the sun is to rise. Enclose a stamp, and address Dr.,W. as above, giving a full history of your case, as the sun is to rise. Enclose a stamp' and address Dr, W. as above, giving- a full liislo-' ry of your case, and you will bless the' day you made the effort to secure what is certain -A RADICAL CURE. January 28, 1S57. ly. ? New Wholesale and Retail u WIIVE & LI (IVOR STORE, Slroiulsbnrg, Ia. The undersigned would inform Land lords and the public generally, that he continues the above business in Strouds burg. in the store house formerly occupied by John II. Melick as a Jewelry Store, and has on hand a large stock of WINES AKD LIQUORS ; of all kinds and of the best quality, direct from the Custom House, which he is prepared to sell to Landlords and others on the mo'strea sonable terms. Our stock consists of French Brandy, dark and pale. A:so, Peach, Black berry, Cinnamon and Cherry Brandy; Hol land Gin, N. E. Rum; Irish, Rye and Apple Whiskey; Lisbon, Claret, Port, Sweet Mnla ga, Currant and Champagne Wine, &c. &c. Also, on hand a large stock of Bitters of all kinds. Demijohns, from to 5 gallons; bottles, anil generally any thing that can he asked for in our line. Landlords will find it greatly to their ad vantage to deal with me. I have no hired agents to sell and distribute liquors for meat great expense, which must be paid for by the consumer. Those dealing with me I intend shall be satisfied with the article they get, as well as the price, and whenever they are not, I will be pleased to have them return the liquor, and make the fact known, for I in end to make it a permanent business, and can only do so by dealing honorably. AM orders sent me, by stage drivers or others, will be promptly attended to, the same as though the person was present dealing for himself. -July 8, 182. P. S. POSTENS. ; SAMUEL" IlEES, Jr. DEALER IN Boots, Sljocs & Jutbings, Desires to call the attention of the public, to a new and well se lected stock of .fashionable Hats and Caps, which are just received and will be offered to the people of Strouds burg and vicinity, on very favorable terms for ready pay. Also, to a new stock and assortment of ladies and Gentlemen's fash ionable Boots and Shoes sold cheap for cash. Also, Shoe Findings of all descriptions such J as dressed and undressed Morocco Skins, Shoe Pegs, Hammers, &c. The subscriber also has the agency for the sale of Dr. James C. Ayefs Cherry Pectoral and Sugar Coated Cathartic Pills and Ger man Worm Seed. The above articles, and many others not mentioned belonging to his line of business, will be kept constantly on hand and for sale at the store lately occupied by John W. Rux ton, two doors above the Bakery and Confec tionary of Jacob Goefz. ' Positively no Credit. "Quick sales- and small profits" is his motto. . ' Please call and see and examine for your selves before purchasing elsewhere. Stroudsburg, Sept. 17, 1S55. , . ."5. BEiVTl'F rvJS-. Has permanently located Iiiin- &en in oironusuurg, anu moved his olllce next door to Dr.. S. Walton, and nearly opposite S. Rees's Hattfe Cap store, where he is fully prepared to treat the natural teeth, and also to insert incorrupt ible artificial teeth on pivotand plate, in the latest and most improved manner. Mostpeq sons know the danger and follv of trusting ,lheir work to the ignorant as well as the traveling dentist. It matters not how much experience a person may have, he is liable "to have some failures out of a number of cases, and if the dentist lives at a distance,, it is fr'e quently put ofT until it is too late to save the tooth or teeth as it m:iy be, otherwiscthein oonvenience and troubleot going so far. Hence the necessity of obtaining the services of a dentist near home. All work warranted. G UNSMITH. ' Ihe undersigned rcsDoctfullv ?ri- tortus the citizens of Stroudsburg; and viciuity, that he has commenced the GUNSMITH JAG BUSIKESS uear Katttz's Blacksmith shop, on William St., and is fully prepared to do all kinds of work in his line, with neatness and'des patch. Having had twentv voars a j j . - perience in this business, he hopes, will be an inducement for the people to give bim a trial. Repairing of all kinds nromritlv atfcnd1- ed to. liifles made to order. " , LEWIS KEINESK4,1 Stroudsburg, June 14, 1855. f n v Wm. K. llavilancl, ATTORNEY AT LAW1, STROUDSBURG, MONROE CO., 'PA At 1 ' " Office at JamfiS TT. Wnlfnn'a Won- collections made, and business attended . to witn promptness and dispatch. ; Stroudsburg, June 26, 1856.. . .fe CHARLTON BURNET, Attorney at LaY wl STROUDSBURG, MONROE COUNTY Office on Elizabeth street, form'crJy'$c cupied by Wm. Davis, Esq. ' b mil,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers