l)C Jfcffcrsouiau. THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1858. The Late Elections, Arkansas. Arkansas is so well sat isOcd with tho present Administration that 110 Opposition organization any longei exists there. In tbe Grt district P. C Ilindaiuu i-i elected to Coogreoss without opposition aud in tiie second District Al bert Ku--t, the regular D-uio.ratic nomi nee. is said to be elected by a largo ma " jority over T. S. Drew, former Governor ' of tbe State, and independent candidate North Carolina. Returns from Cling man's di-trict .how large Democratic loss e.-, and the election of Vanco, Auier., to Congress over Avery, Dem. Ibis is i Democratic lo-s of a member of Congress Judge Ellis, Dem., is elected Governor, but his majority will not be as large as at first supposed. The Legislature, it l believed, will be Democratic. Tbero are two United States Senators to be tlccted. Kentucky. Official election returns from 70 counties give llevill, Democratic candidate for Clerk, 48,800, and bis A rnericau opponent, McKec, 48,79,. A: fompared with the vote in 1857, this is a Democratic loss of 9J9. Should llevill lose nothing in the 31 counties to be heard from, bis majority will bo 11, 05. rlh . Congressional Di-trict represented by the Hon. James 15. Clay gives a Democratic majority of Missouri. TboTeturns from the dif ferent cooiiresMonal districts of the State indicate tbe following roult: Second District Thomas L. Anderson, National Democrat, elected, 4,500 maj ority. Third District - John B. Clark, Nation al Democrat, elected, 4,500 majority. Fourth District James A. Craig, Ta ' "tional Democrat, elected; 4,000 majority. Tift- District Jatms A. Voodon, National Democrat, elected, 500 majoritv. Sixth Di:tri tJohn S. Phelps Na tional Democrat, elected, 5,000 majority. Seventh District John W. Noell, Na tional Democrat, elected, 3,000 majority. ; St. Louis Election. The official . vote of this election, as given in our di spatches, is even more remarkable than '.the figures previou-ly reported. Cora pared with the vote of 1-5G, it is as fol lows ; Blair. Am. vote Dem. vote. 1S5B, 6035 5549 211 1853. 0631 5053 7057 SCHOLARS NAMES. n -1 1 c . tt am . tcr, from which standard 1 is deducted Nothing of special importance has oo- our btate and Terrenes, wuy ux waiters nan for every error in the one, and for every cured during the past month. Since the . We find ,n theNnalLUficer Bridgeport August 12. ior every error in me u , j . r interesting compilation, showing the area Tue Hatters' Bank, of Beihe , Connec- misdemeauor io tbe other. At tue end vacatioD, me scnoiars, ior ma P) ofthe -, States, with that of tbe .:- of tbe month the aveiago is taken, which have applied themselves to their studies territory destined to be erected iuto Saturday night and Monday morning, of gives lu the present instance, the annex- with fresh interest, and aro mating com- States at no dit-tunt day, which exhibits 3700O in specie, 81300 in bills of other C(j rcsut mendablo progress. While clo.-ing the tbo laot mat tiie area or tne jortner m banks, and $78,000 in bills of their own Number of visitors during the month, third month under such favorable aupi- uar ia. ".cce.dd f 'L f u?' Tbe e"traDCe wfs cc'ed h& . .. 1 . , ... , . . ...... latter. 'Ihis will be leteresting to many the bottom of the vau fc. The robberv 3; visits trom the Uounty Superintend- ces, tne on.y source 01 regret is coat oniy of u eadeaj pro8Ume wbo have 1U. wa t diacovercd UQtil ; ht on accout em, i. uiuutu iuu.u i. Ue tluje l0 Spare ,n sluaying iue geogra ot tuo inab,,ty to open the vault yester (For average scholarship and deportmeut for the present year; and that consequent- phies of the country, and who know more da The officers caution the public a see third and fourth columns.) j the pupils who have made several about the business callings and pursuits gainst using the bills of tbe bank at pres- ; aTTTT? Hfr?d, onward in tho. nth of knowledm. oflifu tban tbeJ d f tbe k"-d-ri8 oI ent. 5. i 5 & , . , r . . , the States and Territories, lhe super- ... . , U ? I ? dur,DS the Preseut term' W,H ln anotber ficial area of tbe thirty one States compo- T,,e Allowing account of the robbery ; t: j-j ; e month be let loose into the streets, there posing the present confederacy, is tsct 3 taken trom the Hartford limes ot Aug. . 1. 1 .1 T T I 1 I II 1 I ll.l. Sq. Mile3. Between Saturday night and Monday 30,000 morning last, the Hatters' Bauk at Beth 0,200 el was robbed of $80,000 in specie and . 7,800 bills of that and other banks. The rob 1,300 bers are adepts at their business, as will 5,674 be seen by the manner io which tbey 10,212 proceeded to accomplish tbeir task. They 40,805 entered the main door of the bauk in the 8,300 night, by means of a skeleton key, pro 40,000 ceeded to the director' s room in the rear. 39,904 took up the carpet on one side of the 33,809 room, then sawed out a trap door under 55,405 the large centre table, through which 53,924 they entered to the vault below. Here 56,243 tbey worked evidently for a week, 50,914 (nights,) until they succeeded in under 183,000 mining the vault and taking therefrom 2,100 886,000. After they had flushed their 9,674 night's work, they came up through the 61,652 trap door, replaced it, and put down the 45,000 carpet again and tacked it down, and 24,500 left the bank apparently precisely as they 58,000 found it. For fear the table might be 50,722 moved and the trap-door get displaced 53,780 by being stepped on, tbey inserted screws 46,431 in the boads to keep them from moving. 52,19 Thus they proceeded each night until 67,380 they secured their pluuder and decamp 47,15(5 cd, unsuspected even. 45,600 On Monday morning the officers of the 37,930 bank went to tbe vault to unlock it, aud 237,32) fouud that the bolt to the inner door would not move, and supposing that the 9 ? Ti o STJfil'HiSfl HUiiMJfib, jr. Principal l4p923 8j 9 iiARGARETTA s. Miller, ) 5-1 0$ 9 John Nyce, V Assistants. 4hlSi 5) 9 Qeorqianna Blair. S c20 26i 9c 9 m J Increase 595 109 4876 As we have already tbown, the high ei-t total vote ever reached before that of the Congressional election of 1856 -was 13,765; and now we have 19,346 If th?re is no fraud here, St. Louis mu be congratulated upon an immense in crease of population during the bard times of the last two years J he st. Louis Dem oaaif. intimates that the election will be contested. Kansas Election. St. Louis, Aug ust 11. Dispatches from Leavenworth to the 8th, received per U. S. repress to Boonville to day, furnish the following re turns of the election. ' ; Majorities against the Lecompton con stitution: ; Atchison county, 336 Doniphan " 520 Johnson 272 Jefferson 284 Leavenworth " 1748 Douglas ' 1740 Eranklin ! 205 Brown 138 Brcckenridge 11 135 Itipley " 1 27 ' Shawnee " 752 Tbe total majority, as far as heard from, is now 6,353 Great complaint is made of tbe ravage of grasshoppers in Bucks county, where they are destroyiug'the corn, clo ver, and everything green. We copy the following from the Nor ilstown Republican.- The Grasshopper Plague When we stated last werk on the authority of a friend that a farmer lost a crop of Buck wheat by leaving the bars down, we thought hyperbole was exhausted; but we were told tbe past week that at some points on the Chester Valley Railroad, the ewarin of these insects falling upon the rails have eo oiled the wheels as to very seriously impede the speed of some of the trains; and the quantities caught up and killed on the asbpans of the locomotives have been prodigious. In crossing the Great Valley a few days since, we saw panels of fence that it I would have beeu difficult to find a space unoccupied as bre as a shilling piece. In some places they have feriously attack ed the corn, and we saw them eating iuto the bu-'ks on tbe cars. They appear to have a decided fancy for the sunshine, aud late in the day perch upon the sun ny f-ido of the fence aloue, looking, for all the world, like swarming bees. THIRD MONTHLY EEP0ET Of the Slroudsbiirg Uuiou School, por the month ENDING AUG. 13, 1858. Upper Department. Those studying Latin are marked thus, ; those studying Algebra, thu-, f; " Whole number of scholars, 129; boys, !65; gilrs, 61. Average number in atten dance each day, 72. Whole number of days present, 1590; whole number of minutes lost by tardi ness, 8100; equal to 22 school days. Average fccholart-hip for the entire school 8; average deportment, 8. Ia number of day present the signi-- rhedj.tnus, zili, denotes 21 : Jerfe.ct rocitatipns and correct deport aeut arc marked 10 in the school Be-'i- MALE.-. Leonard Andre, fS. K. liossard, Peter Brown, Michael Brown, Jacob Buskirk, James Buskirk, Daniel Brown, Philip Butz, Arthur Brown, f A. J. Clements, James Carmer. Willie Cook, John C. Cleckler, William Dean, Morrison Dean, Thomas Dunn, Silas Drake; Stephen De Youn( Daniel Dunneld, Benjamin Darling, James Ediuger, John Freeman, John Gross, John Huntsman, Theodore C. Hammon, Horace Huston, Milton Huston, Charles Kern, James Kera merer, Edwin Keller, John Keller, lharlcs Keller, -j-David Lee, 't James Larew, Franklin Wilier, Addison Meliek, Henry McGarrah, George Nixon, Arthur Newton, Frederick Oppling, Mancilue Predmore, Irvin How, William llobcson, Edwin A. Schocb, Frank Starner; George Staples, Charles Staples, Jospph Swiuk, George Swartwood, Charles Starner, Jacob H. Seiple, fJohn H. Teeter. fF. Josephus Williams, Ugll; 9 9 'Pi 4 i ? I no i ni n James Walton, Alartin Walton, Charles Wintemute, Sydenham Walton, George Walton, Willie Walton, John White, Frauk Walton, Eddie Wolfe, Anizi Wyckoff, Charles C. Walton, ' 111 they occupied before the commencement otates. LL:-S''-? of the school. It is to be regretted that Maine ?i vt it i ; S,i w, Rflim flourishing village like this, some 8W n ,uPsu,re 21 121 8 8 ' 6 Massachusetts 0051 oi 9 means cannot be found for keeping the llboJe j3land holO 6ll Oho public schools open more than four months (j0IJnecticut 16 1010 ,nthe year; thus allowing tbo children Vermont 14 84 6$ 8 d0ubie the time to forget that they have New York ! rSS&o iokarn- New Jersey dS 35 b:lu m , . . .. Pennsylvnnia I 90 4 of 9 --0 obviate in some measure the evils q-iq l0 I 16 8I0 attending such an arrangement, a Belcct lndianna 19)21 1 0; 9 school will be opened in the Academy, Illinois- 54 4h 6(10 ffr tL ci0!(;nj 0f fho Public School. Wiscousin 19 174 9 al . , , .f.,. Mic " 9l -iV . .it Iowj hoh 9 6v 8 men ts will be received on the most rea- QajforDja 8 l is 85 8 sonable terms. A short vacation will in- Delaware ( 1 j 4 e tervene between the closing of the Pub- Maryland 14 I 29 7 8 Hc aQj the opcin,, 0f tne golcct School. Virginia tl F. nih C8 . . M J, ;2in Ior fur,ucr information apply to the ;" ;90 i 'Ti 16 !l30; 8(10 Principal, or to iheo. Schoch, at the of- Georgja (14 111 6( 8 fice of the Jeffersouian. Alabama STEPHEN HOLMES, jr. Principal. Florida Louisiana Arkausas Mississippi Missouri Teunessee I 7, Terrible Hiil Storm in Minnesota. ) .1 5 J4' v:iv ClM,? i R . i $ti ; h'htH ,. m: '.hi i. : . , 4 Square miles. o On Friday afternoon of week before entucy "C I i . .i i t . . u'laa clfiJll9 l 9 la 8lorm D lifft;re"t parts of Wis- 20 204 9C10 00n,'u an Minuesota. At Mantorville, '22 15'loUo i Bodge County, iiinncsota, tbe heavens 'lUJloliloho werc earh' black just before the storm, c j 'I Abe average width of the storm was four gJ n Q(. y or ve ml-s- It was such a visitation as hi 25 8- 9 as never efre Deen known there. Af- 3 25v- 6- 0 ter r"'t (as'1 a" tUtre gcuu- 8 ' 1040 'ne caes 'ce lne grL'atCtt density, 5.,n hundred of which measured ten inches iu 10 74- 8- 8 c,rcumeronc' an'' weighed from one-ball io iureu quarters 01 a pounu eacu. .ti great part of the stones were of this size mi a during the entire storm, which lasted a- - 'ion! ri c Dout u'tven minutes. The effect of such a storm cannot be 1,461,010 lock was out of repair, they worked at it The superficial area of the Territories, until noon, when tbey succeeded in open- organized and unorganized, is as follows: lng lti aQd fouud a plug in the keyhole Territotie?. Kansas Minnesota Oregon Washington Utah New Mexico Nebraska Mesilla Indian THE GREAT WORK DONE. The Atlantic Telegraph in Operation, Tbe following despatch was received on Monday by tbe Superintendent of tbe American Telegraph: Cyras Station, N. F. To the Directors of the American Tele graph Company.' Europe & America United by Telegraph. 'Glory to God in the highest, on earth peace and good will to men." This news, wc learn was received in New York with firing of cannon, ringing of bells, &o., &c. QUEEN'S MESSAGE. To the Honorable the Pesident of the if. nitcd Ssatcc Her Majesty desires to congratulate the Prcsideut upon the successful comple tion of this great international work, in whioh tbe Queen has taken tho deepest interest. Tho Queen is convinced that the President will join with ber in fer vently hoping that the electrical cable which now connects Great Britain with the United States, will prove an addi tional link between the nations whoso friendship is founded upon their common interest and reciprocal esteem. Tho Queen has much pleasure in thus commu nicating with the Pre.-ident and renewing to him her wishes for the prosperity of the United States." THE PRESIDENT'S REPLY, To Her Majesty, Queen Victoria, Quern of Great Britain.' Washington, August 16, 1858. The President of the- United States cordially reciprocates the congratulations of her Majesty the Queen, on the success of the great international enterprise, ac complished by the science, skill, aud in domitable energy of the two countries. It is a triumph more glorious becau-e far more useful to mankind than waa ever won by conquerer on tbe fi. Id of battle. May the Atlantic Telegraph, under the blessings of heaven, prove to be a bond of perpetual peace and friendship between tbe kindred nations, au4 an icstruuent destined by tbe Divine Providence to dif fuse religion, civilization, liberty and law, throughout the world. In this view, will J i z it: o; o a i I u luti w Square miles Sq. Miles. 00 tQe inside, and the bottom of the vault J 1o Unu u uuuuu uuii. iiiis jis iuu ursi) iuiima-i 141 nOdUton they bad that the bank had been not nations of Christendom spontane- 237 000' molested. The robbers had worked in ou unite in the dccla ration that it sball 143 000 the rear and underground. be forever ue'utral, and tbatit- communi- 137 000 There werc two concerned in the rob- cat'ons shall be held .acred iu pasiug to- I - . t 210,000 pery; one boarded in the Hotel adjoining M1e,r IJ,!,ct;s ot uestiuatiou, eveu in tho fi-iR nnn tne bank, and the other boarded at Knr. "Jiu-i or uoatuities. 78,000 K-etcr s Hotel, in Danbury. J hey werr 187.000 wel1 Known by persons in the vicinity, but no one suspected their business. A 1,707,000 weelJ ag oaturday, the one who board JAMES BUCHANAN. -Torthampton County Matters. Mr. Htillick of Forks town-bip, return- ou the 10th inst., cl2 IIGI &: 8 9 I 5) 9; 9 ildly streets, seeking protection and shelter. The wind driving with violence from tin- north-west, the stones were dashed thro' any (.l4hl 410U0 . . , ' - . , . in, . J, 0 the windows of every house h aviojr t- - . 11.-. t.t . I , 1 ;:; "('; fully described. As it approached, men. 10 hc oove the great territory of Da- ea at lQe notci nest to tbe bank, le!t bi hDg home from Ea-ton, L n!,n women and children retreated for safety. cotan ,s t0 bc adtle(1. tbc precise extent rtoora ,ate tne evening witn a bos un- was thrown from his wauon and almost r ) ui U r- . . .... I r . i.;i. i .1 i ... Hii k!c n. J .1 ; 3 . . I. , .... . 7, 5 : r n Horses and cattle ran wildly through the ' 11 u ' uut uo",! anu cannot tbere- J ' U.1UJ a".u u,u uul again. instantly killed. Mr Daniel Kcihl of " " I .. !.: i i iT Inro hn rfiU'PTi itifn P'i -n ntm- A 3 1 in HriU.1V TlliMlt thn l.n-irHor o I I. T? ... I ... i w...i.wu. avium- j 1 . -i ouuiu iuu, uas an an eg wnicu was ing to the foregoing, the Territories of the Forester's Hotel, in Danbury, hired a aid by a small hen. which measures 72 uuueu oiaies contain mree Dundred and ,,,c lu u lu xraohueiu anu scay over by six inches. A horse thief was arreit-forty-five thousand nine hundred and nil and never returned. Repaid for led in ICaston, at Sei'frieds Hotel on mil r iv siiimitm n i pu nr lonri m t t . n tit inr imi.-ti in ;iu v;i nrn i in inro n r n i ,i - i.t . rt rn i ii5if , Auuseu. i-iiriy bii iue glass on tne j n Uiuiuau mu - ipu ujv uveniug ftu mst. rie bad sto TJ -( .. nortnsideot all the buildings in town wa- J OI,u iuwa io wnicu tuey belong 1 na u"nug uir ms uores on iuonuay, Men two horse.-, from Danville. A erand .f?",i li broken out, and a large quantity on tbe ln. comparison of extent, the largest coun- wuen lhe robbery was discovered. A Harvest Home Fe?tival will be held at fi ' , r.. I J i l c I IriflS nt H;nrnr.P rlroinrlln -r.:fT- , I orentlom.m nt liPtho TOhr L-notp tho noi-.l U...U:I rm , ., , v.ii. juv uuuuibu auu loriy-uve pane i . . . - t jiujuoc m- o jji- jjcmitumji, oo iiuisnay me ;nu or ocp were uroKen in tne tlUDbeil tlousc alone --- -uiuumj luus quoieu uui, uii uuviug leinocr nest But not only gla-o and sash were thu-. tUcn Soes ou t0 sPecul-'e in this wise : towards iew Uavcn yesterday, and there "it is seeu that the area of Kansas is were two personi in tne wagon 19,000 square miles greater than all New Deputy Sheriff Gr. W. Morris, from 1-ugland, New York and New Jersey; Danbury, was in this city to-day, to com- and and that tbe area of Nebraska is 95f. raunicate with the pol ice, tbe press, and UUU miles greater than the area of the tne -nks. It is probable that tbe rogue non-slaveholding States, except Califor- secn in the buggy went to a railroad sta nia. Uregon is equal m extent to all 'ton, and are now out of the State. exposed. Nearly all the glass on th 9i il lO 9hl98 8 9 hod'il'2 5- 8 merci,ess1-7 shivered, but in many places t o5 qi- O n lue i"ua "re iorccu inrougu me rool- Uc-l q of tbe houses. Young pigs aud chicken S1" l S ' " WPrp In it nnt de.5 on lrtui he4 62; 8l u 9h 3i ; $ 9: 9 FEMALES. Susan E. Angle, Elizabeth S. Brown, Sophia Burke, Anuie Burnett, Josephine Brown, Catharine Bryant, Mary Buskirk, Mary Carey, Marianna Carmer, Alice Dreber, Sarah Deabl, Lizzie Daily, Sarah V. Edingcr, Elizabeth Edinger, Caroline Edinger, Catharine Edinger. Allie Edinger, Hattie Huntsman, Annie Huntsman, Lizzie Holliusbead, Mary E. Hoffman,. Martba Keller. Eliza Knecht. Annie Knecht, Anna Keener, Wilbelmiiia Kautz, Ellen Keller, Sarah Kizer, Rachel Keener, Sarah Keller, Josephine Levanway, Josephine Miller, Sarah Mcllick, Berthia McGarrah, iiiiza Musslemau. Elizabeth Oyrnt, , Minnie Philips, iimma Primrose, Dmma How, Martha How, Kate Starner, Lizzie Skelton, . . Carrie Starner, Annie Swartwood, Sarah Swartwood, Emma Silvara, Eliza Stillwell, Susan Schocb, Julia Teel, Angeline Trach, ' fSusan Wintemute, fMiriam Waters, Mary P. Walton, Esther Wintemute, Mary Wintemute, Leuora Walton, Hannah Walton, Sophia Walton, Maggie Wolfe, Martha Warnick, Addie Wyckoff, Hannah Williams. ; Josephine Wooley J-llcn Walton, were laid out, and cattle most unmerci fully bruised. At Concord the house of Pyle was unroofed by the wind. The -i una iu ujuijv uiu.- over wmcu me Terrible Storm and loss of Life in Blair County. Hollidaysburg, Aug. 11. Last even ing between eight and nine o'clock, a terriGc rain storm, accompanied with vio lent thunder and lightning, occured in tbi- vicinity. Many fences were washed I 6h 19:10510 I I n 7 I 205 6c 9 16 J21710 9 l9hl -r)4; 910 (13 j 03; 9il0 cl3jl66- 7 7 5 I I 9 9 1 8 $186 7 14 I 9:10 a 1 I 1 I IV Cm tX H.nvl O nn IV n. r V 1 3 1 I I n ( irhntn -.mnl t I. UK ! .iorm passcu, are completely ruined, m " r ""fir"' "fcH A . L euusyivamo, ; v..a. u, tu uun awaji and the com in many fields was other places tbe damage was less severe. U!no and I"uana. - It is posMble that .100,000. lhe rogues took S36,000 of beaten down to the -round As yet we can make no estimate of tho Mexico and Mesilla will be embraced it $7000 in specie, and 81300 in bills A man named Sofoojon Wolf between entire amouut of damage done. But 10 0De territorial organization by Con- of other Banks, the balance in bills of the fifty and sixty years of ae was'killed by passinji a it did over a denselv settled gress, at the coming session, containing Bank. i;1T.f , - n..,c' . . I I -- C w " J UUIU lJLtti Ilia UUU3U a, and well improved portion of our county .yu square miles of territory, exced it must be great. Many individual far- ina tuat 01 f 11 New England, New York, mors have lot nearly their entire crops. Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiauaand Illinois. We have heard it stated that there wore UQ is nearJy equ-J '"n exteut to all New stones which fell in the storm which England. New York, Pennsylvania and measured 12 inches in circumference, ana Ohio. Washington exceed in extent all ' I XT 1 I 1 1 T TT . -m the If T.l - J S g weighed one pound eaob, and wo have no New England and New York. i.tnJ J c reason to doubt the truth of it. Territories should be cut up in the U nion would consist, when the were 18 106 9 & Jl3 24ho lO 194 U010 2 I 5 h'6hm 14 18 53 8$ Who owns Chicago. A Golden Offer. We find the following advertisement "running its time" of "one month paid' in iue inoumouQ oouut. inn iu ea is so novel, tbe inducement held out so "litter- in?, that for the sako of some nf our ns. Up intO otateS I nirin.r vmin. lorlinj vrn ntnn tUn nrl..- of the average size of the present States, lisemeDt ao insertion Gratis $20,000 REWARD. An aged child less lady is desirous of adopting a daugh about seven miles east of HoHidaysburg. .6- An ;-t,ii: . i" r 3,1 admitted, of between ixty and seven An intel igeDt correspondent of the ,v membc Tt is nnf ... ... , The shipments of coal South, via the Delaware, Lackawanna and "Wotcrn Railroad, to Elizabethport and interme diate poiuts, for the week ending Aug ust 7tb, amouuted to 14,226 tons, being an increase over the same week last year of 5,891 tons. The total shipmenta . m must be over 17 veara of aw M0"'" rom the .Lackawanna region the bly be di- an(4 hrin fn.ti fiirtni of irnnd hnr;iifip DTCSeiit acaQn ammtthfl o .ln rmo ,i t..i. -- f - 1 uu ULUiaaKJ iu- T, vniiniT hirlt? in ntipefinn tnn.t hn i,w J V " O J " M.. -4 . I M J I U U-IJ UII fr S r nit I .. w pnornl ;,.,-. . uu an oare(1 to encounter the trettu ness of a Ji i . r j - iM thaf-.f-- i i - n i - i i as l vi nr. . . m c n nn !,; r;,.f t -,:ii .l ruo pbiodbiuz io us suaii do um ri iii-on-o,! m ni.--. : a ui q thorif.v nf frlon.-t -k ... o otates, consist ot at least Uf being an increase of 110,788 tons, over 7 9 9 Uhority of a friend, wbo saw the records, L members 15 i 9? til 8 tuat tne assessed valuation of the taxable 19 I 16 9) 8 property of Chicago, last Spring, was a- Odd Fellowship in Pennsylvania and bo most liberally oared for, and at her 19 ij 9;Au uuu ?u,u,uuu, wuue cue amount re- Other wise she will be treated with the greatest kiudness; her support and education will A Democratic Paper, on Lecompton. We find iu the iluntiugdon Globe, a adopted mother's death, she will bo mn'.e Democratic paper, the following allusion New York. f u,! 335 o 8 corded upon bond and mortift.A u-hinli it The Albanv StJitn.-muin antra. Wo lr.-.. I heir to UU estate Worth S20.000. Anv to thn rnsnlf. rf tlm TCnn.n olrirttnn - ? "" . A "i .. . , .. o i - -' 7 : J "---iu .,. . , .. . 15: I 9 9 was pieugea to secure, was over one hun- from the Urand Secretary's printed re- Peris0U waning tne place, will please ap- -'Lecompton is dead. 20 I 83 7 dred and and nine millions of dollars ! port that there aro 44,119 members of t0 ,er aSeit, Kansas have declared 'a Joseiih Bolton. Tuscumbia, Ala., July 10th. e a4 29 6 Comment is unnecessary to explain the -he Order in this State, belonging to 5J8 518iS &45o:U .ai Danuruptoy ot thu inflated town. uodges. There were relieved duriur the 510i; 875 9ji0 Among tho older inhabitants there are pa.st year 5654 brothers and (542 widow I 74 6 9 9 a few meo of means; but tbe city belongs ed families. The number of brothers tlSil 9i 9; 9 toEastern capitalists, who hold it on bond buried amounted to 375, Total amount Life in Texas. amount Killing Indians ia ouo of the wild reject her ? The people of against the "awin- ile' by a large majority. Kansas will next present a me constitution, ap proved by her citizens, and will ask for admission into tho Union. Wbo willsar Buchanan will be too anx- 118 :i5fj 8j 7 and mortgage security, and who could not. paid for relief, 8113,091 75. The largest sports of the Texans. A subscriber of ious to have the question settled forever 14 141 Pi10 'I1 the fg"gt, realize thirty cents on amount expended for relief by any single tbo Troy Budget, residing in one of tbe to object to her immediate admission." ' f . ' no 'In Mm nn if lhm 1.1 .1... . , I .l . fi.K. i t . . CJ ., ... ..... io j -"' Uj-u - -"- D-m uui ,ue town to- wuugu was vzvi4,, Dy Lensington Jjodoe, oortnern counties ot Texas, wnes to that iWi 4. 9 9 morrow." iNo. 11. Uuttenburg Lodge, in 45 10 to m 83 9 9 Great Haul of Bass at Newport. .T I 1 l uavu uuuu ir-Ti i. u i i i. nnrf, 44H momhnr. l.: ..' .. T-,i:., f i. rn,.. JJJ-biius uvcu luuu.lll mai pCOD li j--.. ..-., uviul: III- UliZUCSl I ilUiJlliJti J.IIUIUU3 1UI liYU uiuuiua. lUBV ... .1 l .L l . l" i -r ' - c"v"31 ... . J are dnirnnrt n iini.m!rt tho? i nn li-n UUmDer. JjanCaSter IjaillfO Nn' RT Ul Pi twn fnnil llJ nf mt, n. i.h .nrs nnrl e'. v J -.r- I ... J I. . P A T a I t i ;im iiiiiir is iii i in ii iu4 nr iiiurnn.nio h ;iy ivi w v a iNewport correspondent writes under lucu--s'P oi nc-ing tde largest """ir oioou cnoo daily tor revenge. ily ,, .," f, . . . ' i- 14 date of Thursday: -Seven-j Ix bass ouido of Philadelphia. fa children .aid I Vas too old to after ' iJl T I Tr 7 8 5h aaj 8 9 weighiDg in the aggregate 2,500 pounds,' e TThe ndilion of lbe 0rdcr State Indians. I said I was of the ri,h t tau,p; 2000 " S 4i;167i a? 8 vvereseined last night, and tbe seiners sav ofNo York embracing tho Southern I know how to take them. Wo killed 74, F ion AiA f o-.. .!. . -t . land iN OrthCrn III rifln inf l nria nfflm r-ilr I find nnmn n fF pintnrimia Wn In.i -n I 1 OA? 24( 9)10 L'lmnl 1 o- i r ..i DreSeiJtS a SOrrv nifitnm hin o.---,l mnn nnd nni fpJAnilli Tn.li,,- T ... 7r . A ViU.U JJAUi. i HVing v 1 --tivui. x. li a v ( oir-ii nrvi'i :i ni run ti.ii wii-jui:i i - -wv. aumiuu. i 111 i f i t . i tour leirs. iwo Doaie. ana Strange Occurrence. time has this State coutained 44.000 mem- -ixtv three years aro' ners ot tbe Urder. After tho Statfi was am a na first time clt 23 9:10 which w i-hed upward of forty poundi.'" witl1 l al)0V0 statement of tho condition years old, but a soldier yet. I 19 212 7? 8 They were sold for 159. ' tue 0r(1.or in Pennsylvania. At no tive of Berlin; was iu Troy the H4d 3J 8iu I QU305 9l 7 13J 94 9) 9 v i i nt hi ii, vm mnrirnfl n rrn n Ahi m m i u . --. - iu woruiero iNew Xork ran up a member- Mrs. Chadwick. wife of Mr. George 177i 17 18 9? 10 522 S l0I0 2 is About 6ve months Ku -f T-i.- -'V uu.'ulu J'"'ooD8f tue urder a singular uase oi fanaticism. R.m.tin. flfH..rf..::;r:. "7. ' . ew York ra"P amember- Mrs. Chadwick. wife of Mr. Gc :T"i of a6.0 to 27,000. This was in Chadwick. of Peekskill Hollow. Putnnm .. . iqfant with three arms ii now on exhibition at Quebec. Tho infant is not quite six weeks old and is to ali appearance healthy, lively, and as inteli- geui as any child of its tize can be. fill- I U"K VM nnnlj nnrl r r sa I i I 11 " t"rV""rUBUr.u 1?P"' 1850-51. Now it cannot nnmhrlO.Oim ,nntc NT. Vnrlf . ir L "i ninni h .. .... I i - - - u u u ii v . -.w w v w r i ii.i iiuiiii . ui: ueSan All above that number cannot bu denon. twocn the wri,t and elhnw. wl.il.f lkr.r. ta-t They are worn so tf9 to be soarc. Hoops -The fashionables of Phila delphia no longer wear hoops to any ex- ent; about to be unwell, and show svmntoms of L...i ( homn IrnnK nl r.fl. .--. fill - - - " .-w .- emimpki UU rUUUU IUU UUU-l ICIIIUU3 UJLUI IU III C DL. rtllRniirl oo 3 in or"u6 "uuu,l'u ",W1 "w'uia. xue Dar-urt i.. i. u - ., , . . . I ..,i .;..r..i r t i ... . ::,e ents cot medicine for a nf h, J r 1 X 1 .. uo.Bv "ssments imposeu on recently ooen irequontly heard to ay'H "uu . u, nooP3 a l'JU u r nr..... o... . V " me subordinates bv tbe Grand Lod-o. thine hand offond tho. Ant it nff tk ui 1.U-SU3 oucouc, anu i?avo it tr n . - . . . . ' --ut; to the child, whereupon tho worms were Ti, ' i"-"-" n wranu iouge, wouuu is a .ernoie one, anu uer reooverj 1 1 5 18 17 on when the tax gatherer goes round ing under religious excitement. She had perceptible, which gives theaa a noat anu gracetui lorm. iiarge hooj now only woru by the under crusi. I0J10 79 9 9 X 4 104 9 8 driven from the child. havin the hnnkX , 0f?ln fl,0S8,D' a P,an which doubtful. Hush Elmore has been appointed As and eyes around their body, rown nart a , . I. , U,C bUrdeD f debt : aociate justice of tbe Supremo Court of on them. This appcars to be an unheard L . L : K" J 17J W 9; 8 f circumstance Trrfy 2VMfc. 17 U44 35 '9 9 Kansas, vinn .Tnrlcrn Hntn mat-noil and cut itn subordinates loose from the nights since, the wifo of Janios Sutton. Judge Elmore was removed from: the machinery imposed upon it by the Grand wagon maker of this place, gave birth to 8amo position during tho Administration. Lodges and its District Grand Commit- a child with a full t of nth nnd of President Pierce. " :c c flarrir nnr b:-lu..i . , . K .7 . - M&IIUU)r H nr -AO nn r Itaaa -!!. IU..'. . . I . ... . ' muted, i rfgk. ,-8d ti-";, ST'" ".""'Dg."iar"'V,D,I"? 111:9 ." Tht. over our shoulders .. ---.-.-.-.., ,mi rcpuor 100 uroor queer pronS o Mature is Toriflcfl bv Mr. OT Growing fi n e -1 h e, b u e k w he a t ai I w. ,,vv, unamners. j - corn crops.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers