' ' MONKOE COUNTY - nf V.ia rate of Insurance is one dollar on Ihe thousand dollars insured, after wliinli navuicut no subsequent tax mi be levied, exceflt to cover actual loss or damage by fire, that may fall upon mem bnrs of the coiunanv. The nett urofits arising from intcres or otherwise, will be ascertained yearly for which each member in proportion to his. her. or their deposit, will have f.nulit. in the company. Each insurer in or with the said company will be a mem ber thereof during the term of his or her policy. The principle of Mutual Insur ance bas been thoroughly tested has been tried by the unerring test of expert ence. and has proved successful and be nnnm T-tr 11 n nil W. Tt, affords the great est security ajraiust loss or damage by fire, on the most advantageous and rea Rnnnliln term?. Applications for Insurance to be made n person, or by letters auarcsseu to Wm .K. Haviland, Secretary. MANAGERS . Stogdcll Stotkc, Robert Boys. James H. Walton, "Silas L. Drake, C. D. Rrodhead, Ilonry Peters, jr. Geo.C. Ransberry, Chas. It. Andre, Joseph Fcnner. Chas. Shoemaker, Samuel Melick, Stephen Kcstler, R. S. STAPLES, President. J. II. Walton, Treasurer. Stroudsburg, Sept. 17; 1857. J. JLAKTB, DENTIST Has permanently located him self in Stroudsbunr, and moved his ofllr.fi next door to Dr. S. Walton, and neatly oppositeS. Rees's IIat&. Cap store, where he is fully prepared to treat the natural teeth, and also to insert incorrupt ible artificial teeth on pivot and plate, in the latest and most improved manner. Most per sons know the danger and folly of trusting their work to the ignorant as well as the traveling dentist. It matters not how much experience a person may have, he is liable to have some failures out ot a number of cases, and if the dentist lives at a distance, it is fre quently put off until it is too late to save the tooth or teeth as it may be, otherwise the m convenience and trouble ot going so far. Hence the necessity of obtaining the services of c dentist near home. All work warranted Mc'REAS CELEBRATED LIQUID GLUE, THE GREAT ADHESIVE. Most useful article ever invented, for house, store and office, surpassing m util ity every other glue., gum, mucilage, pr.se or ce ment ever Lnoicn. A I wars rc!;j;i5' Application ADHESIVE OX PAPER, CLOTH, LEATHER. FL'HM- TURE, PORCELAIN, CHINA, MARBLE OR GLASS For manufacturing Fancy Articles, Toys, etc., it has no superior, not only possessing greater strength than any other known arti cle, out adheres more nmcklv, Jeannsr no stum where the parts are joined. Never Pails. Within the lact three years upwards of 25f.O00 bottles of this justly celebrated LIQUID GLUE have been sold, and the great convenience w hich it bas proved in ev ery-cuse, has deservedly secured for it a de mand which the M.nuiacturer has found it at t'mes, difficult to meet; acknowledged by nil who have used it, that its merits are far above any sim'lr article or imitation ever offered to the public OCj IViis GLUE is extensively counter feited oqscrvc the label "Mclica s Vclebra- liiquid Clue, the Great Adhesive."1 Take no other. TWENTY-FIVE CENTS A COTTLE. Manufactured and Sold, Wholesale and Retail, by WM. C. McREA, Stationer, No. 007 Chesnut St., Philadelphia. fjjrLiberal inducements oQered to persons desirous of Eelling the above article. October 15 1857. ly. New Wholesale and Retail WITCE & STORE, !roc2dsI!&!, Fa. The undersigned would inform Land ords and the public generally, that he continues the abore business in Strouds- btii-g. in the store house formerly occupied by John H. Itlelickas a Jewelry Store, and had on hand a large stock of YJIHIIS AfiD LIQUORS of all kinds and of the best quality, direct from the Custom House, which he is prepared to sell to Landlords and others on the most rea sonable terms. Our stock consists of French Brandy, dark and pale. A'so, Peach, Black- berrr. Cinnamon and Cherry Brandy; Hoi land Gin, N. E. Rum; Irish, Rye and Apple WhiBkey; Liisbon, Claret, Port, Sweet Mala ga, Currant and Champagne Wine, &c. Sic. Also, on hand a large stock of Bitters of all kinds. Demijohns, from to 5 gallons; bottles, and generally any thing that can be asked for in our line. Landlords will find it greatly to their ad Tantage to deal with me. I have no hired egentc to sell and distribute liquors for meat great expense, which must he paid for by the consutatftTUfrChose dealing with me I intend 6hall jMtiaft! with the article they get, as well aG'ikiufrtMb, and whenever they are not, I will fcjjfiiia8ed to have them return the PqpMimMf.MMibie the fact known, for I in MM" $e ' mk it a permanent bnsiness, and pH i eijfi ,4.6 J)y dealing honorably. All wirAjiantLWi jifdatage drivers or others, will tet. jkcipmtt0t d,.to,?t h e same as though tM person was preeeiiCdcaling for himself. Jaly 8, 182. ffi. S. POSTENS. - BIOLfTION. Tie co-paTtneriHy?B-etofore existing eteen u. xt. Andrer Henry Shoe jatkr iB.tkJiercankl ade, under the is this day RY SHOEMAKER. P. S. The Business will be continued at the old stand by the nubsoriber who .desires a liberal share of patronage. HENRY SHOEMAKER. "No such. Word as Fail.5 A RESISTLESS REMEDx. HOLIiOWAT'S OINTMENT Circular to tlio Sick. The first hnsuhal sumeons and medical nublicits of Europe admit the unparalleled unit -inflammatory and healing properties oi this Ointment: novernments sr.ncion us use in their naval and military servires; ana uie " . ... i .i . masses in this country and throughout the world repose the utmost confidence in its rnr.iiirfi tifonerties. It penetrates the sources of inflammation and omuplion whir h under lie the external evidence ol disease, ami neutralize the fiery elements which leefl and exasperate the malady. ttlicumalisiii) Scrofula, Erysipe las. These are among the most terrible and agonizing diseases of the muscles, and fleshy fibre of the skin; yet in the worst forms, and when seemingly incurable, they invariably disappear under a persevering application ol this soothing, healing, antidote to pain ami inflammation. Salt IS lie ii in, Fever Sores, Stiff Joints. In cases of Salt Rheum, where modiccl waters, lotions, and every recipe of the phaimacopra have proved uselss, the Oint ment will accomplish a thorough cnie. Fe ver Soces heal quicKly under its influence, and its relaxing effect upon contracted sin ews is truly wonderful. Discharging Uloer?. A most remarkable and happy change is produced in the appearance of malignant ul cers after a few applications of this Oint ment. The surrounding redness vanishes. and grannies of healthy flesh begin to take the place of the disi-harced matter- Thi.- process goes on more or ies3 rapuny utiin the orifice is hlled up with sound material. ami the ulcer radically cured. A Word to UJ others. The young are the most frequent sufferers from external injuries, and therefore everv mother should have this hraling preparation constantly at hand. It is an absolute spe cific for sore breasts, and quickly removes ihe enerusted sores which sometimes disfig ure the heads and faces of children. Significant Facts. This Ointment is universally used on board the Atlantic and pacific whalitio fleet as cure for scorbutic affections, and as the bei possible remedy for wounds and bruises Large supplies of it have recently been or dered by the Sultan of Turkey for hospita purposes. Both the Ointment and Pills should be used in the following cases Bunions, Skin Diseases, nunis, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Fistula, Gout, Lumbago, Mercurial Eiuptions, Piles. Rheumatism, Ringwoirn, Sail Rheum, Scalds,, Swelled Olaut'5, Sore Legs, Soie HreaS'ts, Sure Heads, Stire Thmats, Sore of all kinds,, Spniins, Stiff Joints. Teller, Ulcers. Veucionl Sores, Wounds of all kinds. Caution None are genuine unless the words Hoihncau , New York and London' are discernible as a Water-mark in every leaf of ihe book of directions anund each pot or box; the same may be plainly seen by huldirtc the leaf to the litht. A handsome reward will be given to any one rendering Mirh information as may lead to the detec tion of any party or parlies counterfeiting the medicines or vending the same, know ing them to be sonrious. Sold at the Manufactory of Professor Holloway, 80 Maiden Lane, New York, and by all respectable Druugists and Dealers ii Medicine throughout the United States and the civilized world, in boxes at 25 cents, 6 1-2 cents, and 1 ea h. There is a considerable saving by taking ihe larger sizes. N. Ii. Directions for the guidance of pa l:ents in every disorder are aflixed to eac box. Sold in Stroudsburg bv Hollinshead & De trick. July 23, !857.-lv. ALLEN'S GREAT MEDICINE, THE ARABIAN PAIR EXTRACTOR, For the cure of Rheumatism, Dyspep sia, &c., for sale wholesale and retail, at HOLLINSHEAD & DBTRICK'S Gothic Hall Drug Store, This is the only place in town where thin Medicine can be had. N. B. Mr. Allen is the man who was in town during the May term of Court, selling his Medicine in the street. Januajy 7, 1858. tf. THE Shoals and Quicksands OF YOUTBI. Just Published, ilie 3d Edition. On SPERMATORRHEA or SEMINAL DISEASES, A scientific Treatise on the treatment and perfect cure of Nervous Debil ity, Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Emis sions, Impotence, &c, resulting from vicious habits acquired during- the critical passage from Youth to Manhood, by Dr. CULVER WELL, member of the Royal College of Sur geons of England, (1827,) Licentiate of the Hall, (1624.) and 30 years Resident Prac tioner in London: Author of the " Guide to Health," "Green Book," "How to be Happy," "Memoirs of Single and Married Life," &c. This small, but highly valuable Treatise, written by a world renowned Physician and Surgeon, points out the only sure and perma nent cure for all diseases resulting from self abuse, and is the only publication of its kind written in a benevolent spirit and by a scien tific man. It should be in the hands of all who value their life and health and huppi hess here and hereafter. Price, 12 cents, or 4 stamps, at the receipt of which it will be sent, post free, and well secured, by DR. CH. KLINE, No. 420, 1st Avenue, Box 4586, New York. January 28, 1858. 9mo. Sold iu Stroudsburg, by Hollinshead & Detriok. CHARLTON BURNET,. Attorney at Law, STROUDSBURG, MONROE COUNTY, PA. Office on Elizabeth street, formerly oc cupied by Win. Davis, Esq. BLANK MORTGAGES For sale at this Office iLwiSMi MttMnw nnwewai m--1 '' ' a n KMMCTM"B3M J- v '. and simrulnrly successful remedy for the ,.,f tl Tiillnns discuses CostlVCllCSS, lnO ecstion. Jaundice, Dropsy, Rheumatism, men, 6out, Humors, Nervousness, IrntaLihty Inflamma tions Headache, Pains in the Breast, Side. Back, i a iiiAi, -- and Limbs, l-'cmaie vompiaiiiw, vcrv few are the diseases in which a Purgative Medi- " :.. , nr lo rcnmrcU. antl lnUCIl SlOh.- ness and suffering might, be prevented, if a ham - less but cncciuai wiuia""- " ----. , No person can feel well while a costive habit of body prevails; besides it soon generates serious and oftenfatal diseases, which might have been avoided by the timely and judicious use of a good purgative. This is alike true of Colds, Feverish symptoms, and Bilious derangements. They all tend to become or produce the deep seated and formidable distempers Li.;m. tt,A Tin.irRps all over the land. Hence a reliable family physic is of the first importance to the public health, and this Till has been perfected i. ,i l-;u in mppt that demand. An Willi cuiisii""'"" -- . . i.r- ofc;,.o tr?nl nf its virtues bv Physicians, 1 rotes sors, and Patients, has shown results, surpassing any thing hitherto known of any medicine. Lure? stantiated by persons of such exalted position and character as to forbid the suspicion of untruth. Amonc the many eminent genucmcn uu iw. testified Tn favor of these Pills, wc may mention : !.. a 1I.VL-C a, nlvttfnl Chemist, of Hoston and State Assavcr of Massachusetts whose higf profassional cliaracrer is eimuip j 1 tt.. T?.n.nin Rvrhstt. Senator of the U. o llOHEUT C. WINTHROP, liX-&pcaKCr ox uiu lUil uuiirti" " , - TT of Kcpreser.taiivcs. . , f John B. Fitzvathick, Catli. Bishop of Boston 'Also. Dk. J. H. Chilton, Practical Chemist, ot A iiitATT I . WM r.f!l' i1111INll'l I- I Ul I i i'n"'"" New York City, enaorsctt oy Hon. w. L.. .uahcv, oecrciarj i ." . nr.. -n t, ti, rJfliot m:in in America Sliu CoTl of the MotropoUUiP Hotel, and others. , ,r.i,ifi mvn many iiuiuiit ... . , .1 x certificates, from all parts where tho.IMU. to been used, but evidence even move commuiij; the experience of eminent puonc their cticcts upon mai. A These Tills, the result oi lon; niaus " studv, arc offered to the pumic as ....v most complete which the present state of nicchca science can allbrd. They Ure compounded not oi thcdmtjs themselves, but ot tlic mci nciuai uun onlv of Vcuctablc remedies, extracted by chennca process in a sfc.tc of purity, and combined togethe such a manner as to insure Uic uosi icmuis. am system of composition lor medicines nas uecn iouih in the Uncrrv i'cciorai aim x ni mn, . more efficient remedy than had hitherto been oh- . . , , . 'II. nprrwrlv oh uunca oy any process. iw..,.; ; j - vions. While bv the old mode of composition, eve: medicine is burdened with more or less of acn monious and injurious qualities, by this each nidi vidual virtue only that is desueu lor uie cur.mM effect is present. All the inert anu oimoxious ouai itics of each substance cmpioyeu are icn uuuuiu, curative virtues onlv being retained. Hence it self-evident the etl'ccts should prove as they have proved more purelv remedial, anu tnc i ins a surer mnrr. nmvo.rful antidote to disease than any othei medicine known to the world. . As it is frequently expedient iat my medicine should be taken under the counsel of an attending Physician, and as he could not propern jiiuac m rcmcdv without knowing its composition, 1 have supplied the accurate Formula- by which both mj Pectoral ana l ins are mauc m n... " Practitioners in the United States and British Amer ican Provinces. If. however, tiicro snouiu oe .im one who has not received tiicm, incj wiu promptlv forwarded bv mail to his address. Of all" the Talent Medicines that are offered, few would be taken if their composition was know Their life consists in their mystery. I have mysteries. . The composition of my preparations is laid to all men, and all who are competent to judge 1 1 the subject freely acknowledge their conviction's o their intrinsic merits. The Cherry Pectoral pronounced by scientific men to be a wonder! -medicine before its effects were known. Many cm incnt Physicians have declared the same thing f my Pills,and even more confidently, and arc wn. ing to certify that their anticipations were moi than realized" bv their effects upon trial. Thcv operate bv their powerful influence on th internal viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it into healthy action remove the obstructions 01 the stomach, bowels, liver, and other organs of the body, rcstoimg their irregular action to health, and by correcting, wherever they exist, such derange ments as arc the first origin of disease. Being sugar wrapped they arc plcasart to take, and being purely vegetable, no harm can uise from their use in anv quantity. For minute directions, see wrapper c e Sf K. Samuel Rees, Jr., and by Ilol'.insbead & Detrick, Stroudsburg, Pa. August Kl, 1 857.-1 v. nOYER'SMOUlF "hair dye. The tesiimnnv of Prof. Booth and Ur Brinckle liantig previously been publishhed, the following is now added : From Prof. McCLOSKKY, formerly Pro fessor of theory and prariiee ol Medicine in the remale Medical (college ol re -svlvania, and late J'rofessor of Surcery in the Ameriran ('ollege of Medicine. &c. Philadelphia, Nov. 27th, lFOfi. ilr. Joseph E. Hover: A trial of your LIQUID HA lit DYE will convince the most skeptical, that it is a safe, elegant ana efficacious preparation. Unlike many others, it has in several instances proved servicea ble in the cure of some cutaneous eiuptions on the head, and I has e no hesitation in com mending it to those requiring sucli an appli cation. Yerv respectfully, J. F. X. McCLOSKEY. M. D., 475 Race St. above 13th HOVER'S WRITING INKS, inrhidinn HOVER'S WRITING FLUID, and HO VER'S INDELLIIiLE INKS, still main tain their high character, which has always distinguished them, and the extensive de mand first created, has continued uninter rupted until at present. Orders, addressed to the Manufactory, No. 41fi Race sweet above FOURTH, old No. 144. Philadelphia, will receive prompt attention bv. JOSEPH E. HOVER, Manufacturer. December 21, 1857. 3m DR. WALTCWS AMERICAN PILLS. JOY TO THE AFFLECTSD. Young America. Victorious! One small box of Pills cures ninety-nine cases out of a hundred. No Balsam, no Mer cury, no odor on the breath, no fear of detec tion. Two small pills a dose; tasteless and harmless as water. Full directions are jiv- en, so that the patient can cure himself as certain as with the advice of the most expe rienced surgeon, and much better than with the advice of one of little experience in this class of disease. Sent by mai! to any part of the country by enclosing one dollar to Dr. D. G. Walton, No. 154 North Seventh st. below Race, Phil adelphia. A liberal discount to the trade. None genuine without the written signature of D. G. Walton, Proprietor. Ur. VV.'s treatment for Self-abuse, Weak ness, &c. is entirely different from the usual course. Dr. W. has cured hundreds who have tried others without benefit The treat ment is as certain to cure as the sun is to rise. Enclose a stamp, and address Dr. W. as above, giving a full history ol your cose, as the sun is to rise. Enclose a stamp, and address Dr, W. as above, giving a full histo ry ot your case, and you will bless the dav you made the effort to secure what is certain -A RADICAL CURE. January 28, 1857. ly. j0AP. Fine scented Soaps for wash ing and shuvincr a so the celebrated shaving cream, for sa'e by , , . , SAMUEL MELICK. Stroudsburg, January 1, 1855. Of all disease; ihe great, firstxaOse Springs from neglect of Nature's laws. BUFFER NOT! When a CURE is guaranteed IN ALL STAGES OF SECRET DISEASES, T-Abuse. Ncrvoits Debility, Slrictu n.tr 4 1 Tvr TlnUlUl,, SHrinlnrtv ocy - c, y Gleets, Gravel, Diabetes, Diseases of the at Kidneys and Bladder, Mercurial Kfieu- matism, Scrojula, I'ainsin tnc uones anu Ankles, Diseases of the Lungs, Thrat, Tvnsp nnil Kims. Ulcers uvon Hie ISoaii or , - - t - - 4 w Limbs, Cancers, Dropsy, Epileptic Jtte, 67. Vitas Dance, andalldiseases arising from a derangement of the HexMul Organs R..h n Wrvons Trnmblina Loss ol Memory, Loss of Power.General Weakness, Dimness of Vision with peculiar spots ap- pearing ueiore me ejus, wim '"t to Wakefulness, Dyspepsia, Liver Disease Kruntions nt.on the lace, Pain in the back and head. Female irreularilies and all mi UroneJ diarhrrues from lioth sexes. It mat ters not from uhar cause the disease origi naled. however long stanuing or ousiinate . .. . .. ' ihe rase, recovery is certain, anu m a t,m.r- ler time than a permanent cure can oe e..ec led bv anv other treatment, even alter the disease has baffled the skill lor eminent pi' siciansand resisted all iheir means of cure The medicines are pleasant without odor, sickness and free from mercury ra using no or balsam Duriim twenty vears of practice 1 have rescued from the jaws of Death many iiirtncniids n tin. in tlm last staves of the a- hove mentioned diseases had been .veu up I to die by their phisicians. which warrant, me in nromiii to the afflicted who mav dace themselyes under my care, a pcrleci mil mustm)eedv cure. Secret diseases are the prealest enemies to health, as they aie the first cause of Consumption. Scrofula and many other diseases, and should he a . Kitikinf, limilir Acn iiorrnnriMiit I It riWl HI lilt; liuiiiuu miiiiu no . jv. uiuuv in 1 .-ure is scarcely ever ('fleeted, a majority ol ihe cases lalling into the hands ol mcompe lent persons, who not only fail to cure the diseses but ruin the constitution, filling ihe system Willi mercury, won 11, uuu uie c t-cc, hastens the suffeier iiito a rapid Con sumption Hut should tlie disease and the treatment not cause death speedily and ihe victim marries, the disease is entailed upon the hildren, who are horn with feeble const it u lions, and the current of life corrupted by a lirus which betrays itself 111 Scrofula, lei ier, Ulc,ers, Eruptions and other afTections. d'tlie skin, Eyes, Throat and Luna., en lailing upon them a briul existence of suf7er m and consigning them to an early grave SELF A RUSE is another formidable en emy to health, for nothing else in the dread catalogue of human diseases causes so de structiiea drain upon the .system, drawing Us thousands of vi tims through a few year." of sufleiiny down to an untimely grave. Ii destroys the Nennus system, rapidly waste. away the eneigies ol life, causes mental ie laiigement, prevents the proper development ol the system, disqualifies hr marriage, so ciety, business, and all earthly happiness, and leaves the snfTeier wiecked in body an" mind, predisposed to consumption and a Main ol evils more to he dreaded than death itself. With the fullest confidence 1 assure ihe unfoiiunate victims o Self Abuse that a permanent and speedy cure can be effected, and with the abandonment of ruinous prac- tices my patients can be e restored to robust, vigorous health. The afflicted are cPutioned against the use of Patent Medicines, for there are so ma ny ingenious snares in the columns of the public prints to catch and toh the unwary! sufferers that millions have their conslitu lions ruined by the vile compounds of quit k doctors, or the equally poisonous nostrums vended as "Palent Medicines.' 1 have care- fully analyzed many of the so called Patent Medicines and nnn mai nearly an 01 mem contain Corrosive Sublimate, w hich is one of the strongest preparations of mercurary and .lofwltif wic.,i ivbifli inctoid (f mritwi ihe (lupflee disables the svstem for life " Three-fourths of the' patent nostrums now in use are put up by unprincipled and ignorant persons, who do not understand e "en the alphabet of the materia mcdica, and are Piiually as destitute of any knowledge of the human system, having one object on ly in view, and that to make money regard less of consequences. Irregularities and all diseases of males and females treated on principles establish ed by twenty yeats of practice, and sane- tinned by thousands of the most lemarkable cures. Medicines with full directions sent to any part of the United Slates or Cauadas. by patients communicating their symptoms by letter. Business correspondence strict ly confidential. Address J. SUMMERV1LLE. M. D. Office No. 1131 Fillberl St , Old No. 109. below twelfth, PHILADELPHIA. July 23,'1857.-Iy. REMOVAL !! Wholesale iuul Retail 'Soot anb SI)oc 1V1 JXLy U JC A u 1 U it I ' 1 he subscriber respectfuly informs his customers and friends that ho has removed his Bool and Shoe Manufac- Innla the store room former v orcnnipH hu . J , o. . M ,, f ' j Joseph Sigman. in Northampton street, onr door above Hamilton street, and between Mrs. E. II. Harmony's Millinery and Pete Pomp's Drug Store. He has just received a larce assortmeni oi uoois ano onoes, among winch are Calf i-. 1 "... Congress Boots, Lnarneled Concress Boots' Calf Napoleon Boots, Palent Morocco Na poleon Boots, Brogans, &c. for Getlemen and Boys. Also on hand a large assortment of Shoes for Ladies and Misses. Women's fashion hie Gaiters of every variety, made to order at short notice. A large assortment of Chil- drens Shoes always on hand. GUM Shoes of all desciiptions and kinds, which he is elling CHEAP FOR CASH. The goods are manufactured of the hes materials and in the neatest and most fash ionable manner. He employs none but the nest workmen about his establishment. Thankful for the liberal patronaoe hereto fore received, eveiy effort will be made to merit a continuance of the same. THADDEUS SCIinCIT. Easton, September lfi. 1852. New Goods, Very Cheap. JOHN N. STOKES, having just finished his selections, is now re ceiving a choice and fashionable assortment of new and seasonable goods, to which he invites the attention of the public. Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware &c, &c, in variety, and of superior quality win oe tound m his store, at prices unusually low. The public are invited to call and see. No charge for showing goods. J. N. STOKES. Stroudsburg, Oct. 8, 1857. MB LOTTERIES. The Lotteries of Samuel Swan &. Co., are chartered by the State of Georgia, and , have sworn commissioners appointed to superintend their drawings, and certify that everything connected with the same is done in a strictly honorable manner.- rn i rr l .1. kltn n rnif nnnnrtttni. incy oner io iuu puuiiu n""";Hin ..fnnnt tlio intereStS Ol TiartlnS F .mu, . a distance being as well protracted as thou"b they were present. Ihe J1 ana- ,d rcSDCCtfunv ca trl rnennnl full V nnll ntteOtiOD tOllinnls tllfi llinfrs. niirifies the blood, lmpart- t gona baye a iegai right . . , r . , . . I confJ nrrinrs tor tickets to lieOrIa. US to s0ry the lotteries of Samuel Swan & Co. ore authorized by the Lcgisla ure of that State. A lottery will he drawn every Saturday throughout the year, al order received heiug nllcu in tnc arawing next take place alter tuo same comes to hand. According to the scheme one tick- et in every nine must draw a prize. Tick- .... - r- r- t ota orn SMI? tu rns. !SO: nuarters. I?.OU. No tickets sent unless the money accom- w j 1 t i -1 i - j 1 panic tne oraer. xue urawiuga uio up- fin. .1 : on the principle or one uunmer ou eacu licl.etj an(1 arc so p,mplc that none can f fA linjni.m ,i,m Thorn U nn b; j f numbcrs t0 niysttfy the ""uu,ua"u" r..... puyer. rnzes vary irom ? to 5) u,uUU, every prize being drawn, and result of drawing forwarded to all purchasers. trPA'lnft of the numbers that are j r' . .i l ' . i . . a , . . ..,,, tn w; , h. " ". " y 7 llsbed after every drawing; in tbc follow- mg paper.": mew untuua iuuoiic Lieislci Uharleston blanuara, iNasvtllc Gazelle, AHlauta TidcUingencer, Savannah jfclcs anj ow York Weekly Bail Book, . xTn, 'vnru Rmirlm, Tihrnilrh. fhnt nisntitrli , , ', . p ainly, and direct to , Augufcta, OeorgiH. ' -mj 1 J" - p o. o xi .v ugu.iu, v..c.... Prizes paid in lull uo percentage de- ducted from prizes as in other lotteries. communications strictly couadctittal. April 10, 167.-ly. no PAY I if Dr. Tobias-1 celebrated Venetian Lin iment docs not cure Cholera. Djsenterv, (Jroup, Cholic. (Roughs. Dtspepsia. A outl ting. Mumps, Toothache. Headache, Chap- ned Hajids, Cold Feet, Muqnito Riles, In- sect slinks. Chronic Rheumatism. Swellings, Old sores. Cul, Burns, Rrutaes, and Pain or Wealues in the Limbs Rack and Chest, ft ij-S3ue2iSus---Try St. Dr Tobias has warranted his Liniment lor ei:ht year without ex cr havin .t demand iiiade tor the return of the money all thai is aked is to use It according to the diret: lions. ' So oiio will eve; be wiehcuf El, Alter once using it. II you do not find it neiler than any thing you h.ive ever tried be fore. Get your tflouuy roUsrircti! Thousands of Certificates have been re- cieved speaking 01 us rare vniues. i.ow a l.t r . VI days 11 is me me practice 10 1111 uie paper.- with ceiiificates Irom unknown persons, or given by those who have neer used the me- dicinc-now Dr. 1 obias offers to pay tLMij;irs to any one who will prove that he ever pub lished a false certificate during the time he has had his medicine heforethe Public Call on the agents and get a Phampnlei containing genuine certificates. As per- sons envious ol the large sate al the vein tian Liniment have stated it is injurious t tnkp it iniernallv. Dr. Tobias has taken the f0Hovin Oiii2i. I SAMUEL 1. TOBIAS, of the City ol New York, beiiui ilulv sworn, do denose thai I compound a Liniment called Venetian, and that the ingredients of which it is com P'sed are perfectly ha unless to take inier- nnly, even in double the quantity named in the Directions accompanying each bottle. . iUIiiAcs. iew loru. January yin, iouo. Sworn to this day before me, FERNANDO WOOD. Mayor. Price 25 and 50 cents, sold by the Drug gists and Patent Medicine Dealers through- out the United States, Also for sale Dr. Tobias' Horse Linamcni m pint bottles at 60 cent, warranted supe- rior to any other. Dr. Tobias' office. 50 Courtland St. N. Y. April 2, 1857. lamo. I2t. Sol-t in Stroudsburg, by Iloliiusheand and Detrick. G' UN SMITH. The undersigned respectfully in forms the citizens of Stroudsburc and vicinity, that ho has cotunienced the GUNSIUITISIftG BUSINESS, near Katitz's Blacksmith shop, on William of work in his line, with neatness and des patch. Having had twenty years ex perience in this business, he hopes will hn fin indnonmnnt fftP tho nnnnU n ..i , . . , r 1 uini a trial. -r. r n t ' 1 1 Kepainng of all kinds promptly atteud cci t0- ltlllcs niadeto order. . liiSWlS lvrJ LiN EST. Stroudsburg, June 14.1855. 1 ' Waaa. It. IllavifofiHi, ATTORN EY AT LAW, STROUDSBURG, MONROE CO., PA. Office at James II. Walton's, Esq. Collections made, and bustuess atteuded to with promptness and dispatch, Stroudsburg Juno 26. 1856. THE S EGRET INFIRMITIES OF YOU'S'IH ANO MATURITY, Just Published, Gratis, the 2oth Thousand. A few words on Ihe rational Treatment, without medicine, of Spermatorrhea or Local Weakness, Nocturnal Emissions, Genital and Nervous Debility, Premature Decay of the Syttero, Iir pediments to xMarringe generally, by B. DE LANEY, M. D. The i .iportant fact that the many alarm ing compljiints originating in the imprudence and solitude of youth, may he easily removed Without Medicine, is in this small tract, clearly demonstrated; and the entirely new und highly successful treatment, as adopted by the Author, fully explained, by means of which every one is enabled to cure himself perfectly and at the least possible cost, there by avoiding all the advertised nostrums of the day. Sent to any address, gratis and post free in a sealed envelope, by remitting two postage stamps to Dr. DE LANEY, 17 Lispenard Street, New York. October, 1, 1857.1y, IMi'OUTAlVr IMSUUYEUI CONSUMPTION AND ALL )JscasCS 0f the LimgS and Throat ARE POSITIVELY CTTRABLE BY INHALATION, UC rcmedies Q lh . . ... the un.rs through Uie air passages and . - - . .1; . ..t ..Sit. j: coming in aireci cu.u.i neutralizes the tubercular matter, allays- the cough, causes a tree and easy expectorations renewed vitality to the nervous system give inrf flint tnnn nrt nnnrrrtf tj I n A 1 C HO fl CJI Kl I IrtT" "o VI,4U 'IIU ""j " mu.s...uW.w the restoration ofhcalth. To be able to state Co .g curabJc inhaalion is lo mc a source of unalloyed ni-,n-lir It is mnoh niiflor ili rnntrril of me(jical treaMuent as any other formidable disease; ninety out of every hundred cases can be cured in wie ursi Situget?, and niiy per cenU in the second; but in the third stage i is impossible to suve more than five per cent. rnr tlm f 1111 rrc fO r II f II fl 111 T 1 1 0 A icon UO na to bid defiance to medical skill. Even, how lul "' -I- J ever, in the last stages, Inhalation affords ex- lruord;nJ ry reHcr t o the suffering attending ,h5s fearrui scourjje which annuallv destroys njnety-five thousand persons in the United c., r ct,... that ol the present population of the earth, :n n c,s.uj uulllu sumplive a graves. 1 ruly the quiver ot dcotn has no arrow so lal "soonsumpt.on i.i an ages.tnas oeen I iip iti MiifJiiiv ill iiii. iiir ii kiiii rt's iiimi nrr 0.w- u..w...j V. ...f - I ' a.gC "or bV,x bVl SWeep! ?tt Tc tml b.rR!?' me Deautiiui,iiiegraceiuj and ttie gmcd. ay the help of that Supreme Being from whetn comeiu every goou uuu perieci gin, 1 am en- abled to oiler to tlicalilicted a permanentand speedy cure in Consumption. The first causa ol tubercles is from impure blood, and the inl mt;uiiiie unuci pruuuet-u uy incu iiuiijiuiiii in the lungs is to prevent the free admission nf Bir illt,;iheilir w,,ich CBUgcs a wca. a.ed vitality lhrourh the entire system. uiediate efluct produced by their deposition a.e(i vtlaiuy through the entire system 'i'ien EI,rely it is more rational to expect nrcater "ood from medicines entering the cavities of the lungs than troni those adjiim- I-. - . . r I .1... . : . -It istcrcd through Ihe stomach; the patient will always find the lungs free and the brealhtiig easy, alter Inhaling remedies. Thus, Inha halation is a local remedy, nevertheless it acta constitutionally, and with more power and certainty ihan remedies administered by the stomach. To prove the powerful and direct influence of this mode of administration, chlo roform inhaled will entirely destroy sensibil ity in a few minutes, paralyzing the entire nervous system, so th.it a liu.b may be ampu tated without the slightest pain; inhaling the ordinary burning gas will destroy' life m a few hours. The inhalation of ammonia will rouse the system when fainting or apparently dead. The odor of many of the medicines is percep tible in the skin a few minutes after being in haled, and may be immediately detected in the blood, A convincing proof of the consti tutional effects of inhalation, is the fact that sickness is always produced by breathing foul air is not this positive evidence that proper remedies, carefully prepared and judiciously idministered through tiic lungs should pro duce the happiest results! During eighteen ye!Us practice, many thousands suffering ,'mm (ijECaies 0f xw un3 j,,j j,nat have been , d f offl.c,,t ,. remarkable cures, even after She sufferers have been pronounced in the last stages, which fully satisfies mc that consumption ia no longer a fatal disease. My treatment of consumption is original, and founded on Ion"- experience and a thorough investigation. My perfect acquaintance with the nature of tuber- cles, &c, enables me to distinguish, readily, the various forms of disease that simulate con sumption, and apply the proper remedies, rare- Ivncing mistaken even 111 a single case. This familiarity, in connection with certain patho logical and microscopic discoveries, enables me to relieve the lungs from the effects of contracted chests, to enlarge the chest, puri- fy the blood, impart to it renewed vitality, giving energy and tone to the entire system. Medicines with lull directions sent to any part of the United Slates and Canadas by pa tients communicating their symptoms by let ter. But the cure would be more certain if the patient should pay me a visit, which would gio me an opportunity to examine the lungs and enable me to prescribe with much greater certainty, and then the cure could le effected without my seeing the patient again. G. W.GRAHAM, M. D., Office, 1131 Filbert Street, (old So. 109,) below twelfth, PHILADELPHIA, PA. July 10, 1857.-1 y. Howard Association, PI1ILAELPIIIA. A Benevolent Institution, established by spe cial endowment for the relief of Ihe sick and distressed, afflicted with Viru lent and Epidemic diseases. To all persons afllicted with Sn.xu.il Dis eases, such as $pcrmaiorrha:,$emiiialWeak ness. Impotence. Gonorrhoea. Gleet, Syphillu, the Vice f Onanism, or self abuse. &c. &c. The HOWARD ASSOCIATION, m view of the awful destruction of human life, caused by Sexual diseases, and the decep tion practised upon the unfortunate victim of such diseases by Quacks, several years ago directed their Consulting Surgeon, a-i a charitable act, worthy of- their name, t- open a Dispensary for the treatment of th;s clas of diseases. 111 all iheir forms, and to give Medical advice gratis, to all who apply by letter, with a description of their condi tion. (age, occupation, habits of life, &c.) and in cases of extieme poverty, lo Jnr nish medicines free of charge. It is need less to add that ihe Association commands the highest medical skill of the age, ond will furnish the most approved modern treat ment. The Directois, on a review of the past, ftel assured that their labors in this sphere nf benevolent effort, have been of great benefit to the afllicted, especialy to the voung, and they have resolved lo devote themselves, with renewed zeal, to this very important but much despised cause. Just Published by the Association, a Ue port on Spermatorrhea, or Seminal Weak ness, the Vice of Onanism, Masturbation or Self Abuse, and other Diseases of the Sex ual Organs, by the Consulting Surgeon, which will be sent by mail, (in a scaled letter envelope,) FREE OF CHARGE, on receipt of TWO S TAMPS for postage. Address, Report or treatment. Dr. GK0 R. CALHOUN, Consulting Surgeon, How ard Association, No. 2 South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. y order of the Directors. EZR.-l D.,H EA RTWELL, President. GEO. KAIRCH1LD, Secretary. December 3. 1857.-ly. PAINTS & OILS. A good artiole of Pure White Lead White Zinc, Snow White Ziuc, French Zinc, Stone Colored Zinc, and Linseed Oil for sale at Easton prico, by HOLLINSHEAD & DETRICK. 1 June 11,1857,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers