LtST. of JURORS tor MAY TERM, 1858. GRAND JUBORS. Chestnuthill Andrew Buskirk,- Felix Storm, Jonas ISarthold, Charles Sbupp, Joseph Arnold. Coolbaugb William Madden. Eldrcd Gcorgo-'A. Dordenilorf, Ja cob Frantz. Hamilton -Joseph Keller, Thomas Heller, Jacob Bitten bender. Jackson Michael Miller, Joseph Sin ger. .Middle Smithfield Benjamin. Piaco, Elijah Dcpuc. Ross George Flyto, Daniel Andrew. bmithticld 3Iathcw Devit, George V- jtJusb. Stroud John Stilwell, Israel Ilunscc Ker. t:Stroudurg Peter W.Buskirk, Hen iry. 0. Wolfe.. .Tobjianna P-Iiilip Hoffman. , PETIT JUROKS. Coolbaugb Samuel'Case. Eldrcd Reuben Stover, John Tarter, Hamilton Thomas Arnold, Evan , Spraglc, AVilliam McNcal, Peter Snyder, x . 'Ihomas JU. Middle Suiithfiuld Benjamin Dcpuc, , -Samuel Kroner, (son-of Martin.)' John Smith, Jacob II. Eilenbergcr, SiaiucI D. ' Pipher, Washington Overlleld. Price Peter Sees, John R. Price. 'Pocono G ccrge Tra nsuc 'John Alligcr Andrew Lcarn. .Polk Daniel Lobach Ross Jacob Roramel, Jo-eph Altc moe, Peter Re mm el, -George Gctz, Tim othy Marsh, Thomas Altctnosc. -Stroud Charles Foulk, Melchoir ' Drehcr. Sliif hfield Charles Pd-5tcn, Henry Strunk, Valentine Weaver, John Turpen- mg, Charles M. Strunk, Johu C. bush. Stroudsburg Henry D. Bush, William Iloliinshead. TRIAL LIST, for .May Term, 1S58. Leonard Kirby, Valentine Kirby and "William II. Kirby, partners under the 'firm of L. & V. Kirby, & Co. vs Richard S. Staples. Joseph Keller, i:s Melchoir Bosisard, J.icob Smith, vs. Georjrc House. Jatnes Clewer, vs. Jaiues N. Durling, Alcxauder FIornsLy, Matihiai Brakeley and William S. White. Frederick Cramer, vs Sarah Kiple Ex ecutrix of George Kiple deceased. John J. Griffin, vs. George. Philips. Jesse 11. Wei s, vs. Moca L No)e. Mary Predaore, vs James Iio"". Daniel Bailey, vs. Samuel S. Keller. William EInwk, vs. Henry NefF. Charles Christman, vs. Courad Frablc and Israel Sautz. Argument List for May Term, 1858. Timothy Van why vs. Moses W. Cool bau"h, Tbcmas Gratton and Jonathan II Cotton. Peter Gross vs. Conrad Driebach. In the matter of the report of the re view of the extension of Monroe Street in Borough of Stroudsburg. Comhtock fc Brother vs. Charles Henry. Commonwealth vs. Eno& Paul. Racbael S. Neigh by her next friend Richard S. Staples vs. George P. Neigh. H illiam Ruff vs. Sydenham alton. Oehler et al vs. George Michtley, et al. Reubeu P. Miehe & Charles Kitchen, partners under the firm of R. P. Michc &Co. vs. John L.Simons. CAUTION ! We hereby caution all persons against hunting or fishing, orgoing through grass, grain or orchard."!, upon either of our premises, as we are determined to prose cute trespassers to the full extent of the law. Charles Keller, Peter Keller, Ezra Hcmsikcr, David Grouer, Johu Shook, Henry Dennis, Absalom Fetherman. Charles L. Keller, James R. Andre, "Leonard Annre, "Henry" Miller. Charles Drake, Charles-S.wink, Go. Ilouser. Thomas ' W. Rhodes. May 20, IS5P.-1 j. ""public venduk The undersigned will sell at public vendue at the late reidejice of Samuel Deahl, in the Borough oi StriOudsbu.rg, on , 'Monday, live 'Wh day of May, 1 S58, ' the followiug articles, to wit: . l.Rockway Crriae, 1 truck Wagon, Cutting Box, 2 Bedheads, Bedding, 1 Settee, Breakfast Table, Kitchen Tabic, 8 good thrill Barrels, 1 Ten plate Stove, fcveral Chairs, 1 Plow, 1 Churn, 1 Meat Tub, 1 Trou Kettle, Lightuiug Rods, Bed Cords, Broom-, Earlbeu-ware, 2 half bar rels of Cider Vinegar, Cherry Brandy, Stone JuS, I Spinning Wheel and all the fixtures. Iron Pots, Trammels, 1 Shovel, 1 Pick, a lot of Mason Tools, and a va riety of -other articles too tedious to men tion. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, in the afternoooj when terms and conditions will be made known. HENRIETTA DEA1IL. 'Stroudsburg, May 13, 1858: ."STEEL'S" HOTEL," Corner Main St., and North side Public Square, "Wilkcs-Barrc, Pa. D. J. OSTRANDER. Proprietor. 'Nf B. Omnibuses will run regularly to and from tho Railroad Depot, to con nect,' witji'tbe Cars, on every arrival - and departure of the passenger trains. . jyiayl-iSSS. ' - N.S. LAWRENCE'S Paper, Printers1 Card & Envelope WAREHOUSE, No. 4Iwcrie Street, Philadelphia, (gr-pash "buyers will find il to their inter est io .call. , ..... ..K ' Wuary U lSSS.-ly. mJ BLANK 0KTgf(5ES ' II HI WmiI trough Ordinance. "Rolf DIMhIaiI Itn I. f11.:.f "I T " 'nZ 7 vulge , "u ui "e xorougn or otrouus- uurg,. anu it js nereby enacted by au- luoruy oi me same, That the Kiue or toot waiK on the South sido of Main (or- Jiliz- graded, curbed and paved with good uru .ioub auu guou uaru oriciis, toe ",u bluuu6 uwiui:, uu uuviug iw otJ. -aone Dy tue nrstaay ot epleraber next, under tho direction of the Town Council i .i -.:. uuu iu uoeoruance wun tne survey, as to neigntant widthjmadc by the some. rroviuca mat tue saia pavement in tront ot improved lots shall be of the width of uurtccD icct, ano iu iro.nt or unimproved lots of 'the width of soyen feet. And if any person or persons owning properly fronting on the atrcct above named should ucglcct to have the side or foot walks in front of tho same graded, curbed and paved in accordance with the above en 3i.tmni. miH .rithin t!ir f?m tUrn 7fi-T .1! u .uv.- x vnu wuuuv... unci IUB ....uu u. i...u ii iii u, , uavu u - . . . 9 same done at the exnense Ot the said property-owuers's accordiog-to the provis- ions-of the 'Act of Gcucral Asombly,-paV- . propeny-owuerss accoruiog-to tnc provis- fed. April 2, A. D. 185l. YurC2ulatinir Bo- rou.hii'' in such case madeand nrovdedJ j . o i i r tit r . i Approved th 3d day of May, AnLO Dominrone thousand eight" hundred an uuJl,"r' ' o. ur.iui v,n ei uurgc-b C? M TPr TV T l,U Tnl.r r ty I Attct Jackson Lantz. Sec'v. May (i, 1S5S. License Applications. .TEoiirttC CoiisilVj ss. 4.. ynn oiui.n S f . i n. -i r . ci. 0i uieounoi quarter oebiioni, in and lor said bounty do cer- tifv that tho following named Dcrsons iave G cd with mc, iu my office their res- ' . - I . - . I 'cclive petitions for Liccuscs, and paid he advertising fee, as follows, to wit : Robert Ilu'tqn, Stroud.sburg. (jeoric II eim SmitbQcld township. Tavern l!t!Jiss. Jacob Knccht, Charles" Troch, Peter Ki'unuerer, Simon Dieter, Philip Krcgc, Stroudsburg. - i it Chesnuthill township Merwinesburg. John, Cba. D. Brodhead, Brodhcadsville. Elizabeth Kresge, Chesuuthiil tsp. Thomas Altemose, " Johu J.Barthold, John Knecbt, Fennerville, Hamilton tsp Thomas E. Heller, Snydersvillo Charles Saylor, Saylor&burg, Simon Troch, Joseph Boasard, Bossardsville, John Jones, Jo.H-ph Keller, Keller-ville, Theodore Shoemaker, Jacob W. Kresge Polk township. Joel Berlin, Kresgcville, Charles Getz, John Behler, Jacob Fiukbincr, it (i Daniel Kersbner, Joseph Hawk, Kunkletown, Eldred tsp. James Eley. ltoss Common, lioss tsp. Rebecca Stocker, John R. Ousterhoudt John C. Bu-h Jackson tsp. Smithfield tsp. L. W. Brodhead, Thomas Brodhead Melchoir Depue James Place. Timothy Miller, (i M. Smithfield tsp. i Tobyhanna tsp. Henry Stoddard, Samuel Mildenberger Tunkhannock tsp; John Smith " Abraham Gull, Charles Henry, Samuel' Vahwliy, Charles Price John Reed, Paradise tsp. (i Price township, Stroud townvhip. Philip Lessig, Bartons.ville, Pocono tsp. Jacob Long, ianuersville Manast-a Miller, ' rK n l.irrnlt Qtnl. I. tTn ' Henry Whitescll, - Ooolbaugh tsp Elenora Mojcr, ' ; " Malice Vliet, - .' Samuel Case, -V hc" John P. Dowliug, " Abraham Slutter -- il t1 "id E M Price, .'Wituess my hand. ..and. the. iSeal of ' the said Court at Stroudsburg, this. 5th day of May, A. D. 1853. May , 1653.-3t. 2X3 111 b. t Ui i ' s C - V Z. sr. 0 - - tt 3 p pf o cr ' - S VT rp W : o ' ? G. 03 1 O-S -i. o - e u. T3 . B tt to .0 2 xi, A 0 eo B. C 51. r a, O C O . 2 jrj- J" O "" 05 s 5 a g on r. o ? 0 sr a 2 og-s S5 cr 1 1 x S" "a. P ..cj .teJ 0 P o O l2 5 o p s w 5 CO t 1 O I 03 a fcr o t- o g J3 0 Ore. crr3 in m 1 p c 3 o 2 a 5-S5 p? CO t" o -1 rrpOrders mtiY be left at theBrick auciu; street from tue present terinina- confirmation to the, Orphans' Court of kamc day on motion ot Mr. Davis, Attorney tion;of tiro pavement in front of Samuel' said county, at Stroudsburg on Monday Cr P,aJff' le 9ourt 8ro-nla f?rth' Pro' Emery's blacksmith shop to -the West end the 24th-'day of May next) at 10 'o'clock l'10 W of Johu, Palmers lot on said street, h m J 7 ' ' section 1st of Act of 8th of May, 1855. - - - J I i ill a I 5- p 9,5- I'll H W IH Yard, or at tuc residence or -aiorns au Ier,in t.henewbrjck' baUdigQj':jpD)za Seth street, opposite the .residenep of Ja?. H. Stroud, in Stroudsburg. I ftcmster's Jtoifce. J I -v rr.-r-'t", . ... W UXLUJS is hereby giyen to all. persons m- interested m the estates of therespec tive decedents, that the following accounts' have been Oled iu the Regi<er's office- of Monroe county, and will be presented for is inal account -of Gcor?e Itivtc. uuar- dian ot ltuth Smith, onoof the children and heirs ot rs'icho as AJtcmus. deceased, i . . ., . Account of Elizabeth KYcsgo, Admin- isfratrix of Melchoir fircsge, deceased. iqrst account of Jacob Altemose and Joseph Altemose Administrators of Mi chacl Altemose, deceased ; W. S, REES, Register. Register's Office, Stroudsburg.' j . April 21), 1858. f Borough Ordinance. f -r- r V, aim a o wn uouuc i oi iuu uui ougii V " . Strnnri.fnirir. nnn if ia hdfnhv nnilnmrl nr authority ot the same, That the side or If... . nn x crn .rruifft , prp nil f. lWWV fMaAfcj.'wVMWk.waMaww.rawaMa t named, be traded, curbed and Dav.ed . rt . :j. n:.. o.: e i viz; v usl siue oi i-'ruumiu oijieev, ii uui on, nt M . s. . vr nrtr. South jj " . 0;,U f Ann Sroof.n ti,o K-., 0,nf L t r ,t t .u ' r i 'z . tt , street to tue uourt iiouso square aiso rtr ft,n, mn!t? ; U,Af nu,U J . FrnnL-lIn strPPt hntwnnn IMnin Rtrnnt and tbe CoQrt QoQ3e squrexorth side 0f Ann street from the East side of Green street to the West !ide Franklin street and the South stde of same street from t frt tho Wot side of Centre street-Also Sarah street ., , ., - on both sides from the West side of Cen - tre sircci to Jiasi Biue or riauiiiin sireei .. .. . . . tne said grading, curbing, ard paring to be douo by the first day of September next, under the direction of the 1 own i. . . . Council, and in accordance with the sur- . ... ..... vevs. fas to helihr nnd widths mndfl hv thfl n ,!. AH nf thp nrn nr fnt n. t. - u j j . j tT? fi I L- C In h1 Anrnort YTltlt nnnrl ..Innn nvW .1 ui io vui uwu H itu uuuu riuuv 11 II u I nn ll. fnni- .nnM- 1. H7 . . : J f I iuub iuu luuu nam uu luc ) esi Slue UI Franklin street in front of Charles Traohs stable as as aforesaid, may be paved with bard brick on edge, or good flat stones. Ana it any person or persons owning 1 property fronting on the several streets above named, should neglect to have the side or foot walks in front of tho same. graded, curbed and paved, in accordance with the above enactment and within the time therein specified, then the Town Council after the expiration of the said time, will have the same done at the ex pense of the said property owner?, accor ding to the provisions of the Act of Gen eral Assembly, passed April 3, A. D. 18ol, ("relating to Boroughs, ) in such case made and provided. Approved the nineteenth day of April, Anno Domini one thousand eight hun dred and fifty-eight. SAMUEL ME LICK, Chief Burgess. AtteMt Jackson Lantz, Seo'y. May 6, 1859. NEW iltWMMfW? mWwWIW ,, , ., , . , . i lhe subscriber has purchased that t I wen esiaDuaueu uuuuiug lormeny UlOtiling StiOre, - 1 in the borough of Stroudsburg, and in- tends keenine a Ajaigc assui uuuui vi viuiuing) to suit all seasons of the year, as low as tney can oe purcnasea m any city or tne State, Also, BOOTS. SHOES, HATS, CAPS, and a variety of Fancy Articles and No tions. He intends to devote his whole time and attention to business, and hopes his old and new friends will honor him with a call,, to examine his extensivo and cheap stock of goods. NICHOLAS RUSTER. N. B. All kinds of country produce, Sheep skins, and all kinds of furs receiv ed in trade. May G, 18(38. 6m. ON MANHOO, AND ITS PREMATURE 0ECLINB. Just Published, Gr.alis, tjie;20lh: Thousand: , A few words on the ratiotial'treat ment, without Medicines, ofa perma- torrhea or Local Weakness, Noctur nal Emissions, Genital and Nervqus Debility, lm potency, and Impediments to Marriage generally, by B. DE. LANEY, M. D. The important fact that the many alarming complaints, originating in the imprudence and solitude of youth, may be easily removed without medicine, is in this small tract, clear ly demonstrated ; and the entirely new and highly successful treatment, as adopted by the Author, fully explained, by tncansof which every one is enabled to cure himself perfect ly and at the least possible cost, thereby a voiding the advertised nostrumsof the day. Sent to any address, gratis and pnst free in a sealed envelope, by remitting (post paid) two postage stamps to Dr. B. DE LANEY, 88 Eatst 31sl street, New York City. April 2U; 1859. Cm. Estate ofJA COB SPRAGLE,hUe of Cool haugh township, decrd. Whereas, Letters of Administration to the above Estate, have been granted to the subscriber, by the Register of Mon roe county, all persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment and those having 'just claims against the same, are desired to present them, in proper order for settlement, without delay, to .5 .ME LC H.01R 'gPIl A G LE, Stroudsburg, April 8 1858. Adni'or.' CHARLTON BURNET, Attorney at Law, 'STROUDSBURG, MO NltOl! C CPU NTfY ,,PA. Ofiice;on Elizabeth" street, formerly oc-i cupied by Wia..!DRyisJ!sq.xvifi2 Notice. I ' '. David' T. Meeker, ) In the Court of Com- - vs. ), mon Pleas of Monroe co Bczaleel Welsh. Pa., of Way Term, 1857. -iXo.-2.i. Foreign attachment. ' December 31st. 1857,!judgmcnt by default. Ln ik.i. ct. ia.-.6- ' The defendant is hereby notified of theJ above ru e and or the fi inn- (1r ih,. nffirinvit as above, fjifgf' i - - ... JOHN EDINGER, Prolhonoiary. "April 22, 1858. fit. Court Iprorlamation.;- Whereas, the Hon. Geough R. Barrett,' Presidenlilud'TC ofthe,22d Judicial Disstrictof Pennsylvania, composed of the 'counties of Wayne, Pike, Monroe and Carbon, and Abra- l T i 1 tt'tv i w .Associate Jud ftup,ea8 of the County of Monroe, and by vir- iuu oi uieir ouices, justices oi uie oounoi -Pii. cv ' t . . r r . . Oyer and Terminer and Genera! Jail delivc- rM nrl f'nrl nf'fnor,! n,.,rt 5., I" wiuwvl vnv.Mll Y, . I I IVI iUkTCJ Wild lit and lor the said County of Monroe, have is supH ill k'vvi-i" .""i.s aUourtof Quarter Sessions of the I'eace and Common Pleas, and Court of Oyer and Tor- miner and General Jail Delivery and Or- phan s Umrl, tor the aaid County of Monroe, tn bn imhlpn i'it .RimiwWmn'nn iiio ojh, ,uv - Silm,l' lh,? ?lh dj?' ISOTiTm fs hereby ffiven to the Cononer. the Justices. of the Peace, and Constables of the said coun- Monroe, that they be then and there " "I" . 7 ' , , are PPe"- iuu", uuu uiu uiui mutt; wuo are douiiu oy L ... 1 : :.j..i n(rn nr r clt,ll Ko e i w" " the jail of the said county of Monroe, or a gainst persons who stand charged with the commission ot ohenees to be then and there I . r . t iii prosecute onesuiy as snaii oejusi. I . i. r . i.i. (Uod save the Commonwealth.) WJJ-L.W1U1K. UVKU, Olientl. Sheriff's Office Stroudsburff, I D " Anrll 1 1 Qr;Q i -rj -i -3 O T 4. 1 MO - Slieaa 05 JJetriCK, flDIIPPIOTO AMR PUryjOTO UllUUUlOlO lU 01011010 II Wholesale and Retail dealers in Driagt, rfa-liiiM!s, paiuts Oils, !ye Stuffs, Glas, Perfumery; &c. &.V.. &c G0TH5C HALL DRUG STORE, Si KuyuSlJuIlG, PA. N. B. German and English prescrip tions carefully compounded. WM. HOLLINSHEAD. C. S. DETRICK. April 8, 1859. ly. NOTICE. Richard S. Staples, Merchant, takes this method of informing his friends and customers, that he has associated with himself in the Mercantile business, his son Theodore B. Staples, who will hereafter continue the business at tho old stand Tho liberal patronage heretofore ex tinned, as we intend to keep our estab lishment well stocked, ana will sell at pri- , , . , . .. .. . f aao fin in nfnH r cmt f net mnOt tnCtinmna M. n 4.VI m A A -A-J W " mm N. B. All persons indebted, or hav ing claims against me, are requested to call and settle their accounts without de- R S STAPLES stroudsburg April 15, 185S.-3m. Stroudsburg, Oct. 22, 1857.-tf JOHN STONE & SONS, 05 CIiosisEit a!ovc UigliUi, (Late of No. 45 South Second St.,) PHILADELPHIA, ARE NOW RECEIVING THEIR SPI&llYG I,tlPOKTAXl6S-6F Silk & Millinery Goods, consisting in part of Fancy Bonnet and Cap Ribbons, Satin and Taffetas Ribbons, Gros De Naples, (Glace and Plain,) Marcolines and Florences, ' " . Black Modes, r .. .s English. Crapes, , Maljne and Illusion Laces, etc i ALSO, a- FULL ASSORTMENTrOF ' ' FRENCH .& ABERIC lK'FI$& March IS, 1858. 2m, IVJBW -.1 Escpjess ArrangemeAt. Tho Hope and Howard Express Com panys are now prepared to forward Mon ey, Valuables of any kind, PaskageB, So., with their own Cars, and special Messen gers, with dispatch from Stroudshurgto a ny paft of tho world. ' JOHN N. STOKES, Agent, For the Hope and Howard Ex. Go's Stroudsburg, JPeh. 4, 1859. L at- A PROCLAMATION TO THE LADIES. Whereas, it appears, that the days of right, honor, and integrity are fadimr nwnv! and whereas, the unscrupulous and ujnorunt are daily taking- advantage of the profound and learned. Uct it known therefore, to all, whether Maids, Wives, or Widows, that Dr. Chedsmuns Female Mis are alone ihe cer tain panacea for the troubles incident to fe male disorganization; they alone correcting all painful menstruation, upatmniii.r nnlniin- 'tioiis'oflhe heart, disturbed sleej, peain in the b.ue, auu cau&mg iicaua and happiness to the whole, sex; more especially iu the married portion, aa they are certain to bring on the monthly period with regularity. aj where ap, these Pills are purely vegetable uud en tirely (rom minerals, therefore perfectly harmless in their operations and wholJv un like other medicines thrust upon the public purporting to etlect tne ohjects already de-l ta jjed Therefore, be it known, that nothing but the said Pills of Dr. Uheemnn will ac- bomplish the desired object, when disappoint ment lias been experienced Under the rem me ,01, outer ft'iils; und the LADiEa wiIlicause this Proclamation to spread amongst them, to their own everlasting benefit always premi sing that said Proclamation in one case must be considered null and void ; that is to say, that the Pills must not be taken when onv female is in an interesting situation, other- wist n miscarriuge will be the .inevitable re suit. ' Explicit directions, to be carefully, read, accompany each L6x7 'Price 6?l Sent by mail on enclosm'!' to Dr. Cornelius L. Ghecseman, 'Box1 4,531, Post 'Office, New- York -.City. - Sold by one Druggist iu every town in the United State?. T Given under my hand and seal, C. L. CIIEESEM AN, M. D. il. U. Ou!i:!iiu, General. Agent for the United States, 105 Chambers-et., N. York, To whom all wholesale orders must be ad dressed. Sold in Stroudtbug by Ilollinshcad &. De trick ; H. B. Semple &. Co. Easton. Feb. 25, 1858. ly. Dallcy's Magical Tain Extractor. In all diseases inflammation more or less predominates now to allay' inflammation strked at tho root of disease hence an im mediate cure. Baileys' Magical Pain Extractor, and nothing else, will allay inflammation at once, and make a certain cure. Dalle? s Magical Pain Extractor will cure the following among a catalogue of diseases; burns, scacds, cuts, chafes, sore nip ples, corns, bunions, strains, bites, poison, "chilblains, biles, Ecrofulu, ulcers,. fever sores. felons, ear ache, piles, sore eyes, gout, swel inigs, rheumatism, scald head, salt, baldness, erysipelas, ringworm, barbers itch, small no.v, measles, rash, &c, &c. To some it may seem incredulous that si many diseasesshould be reached by one arti cle; such an idea will vanish when reflection points to the faet, that the salve is a combina tion of ingredients, each and every one ap plying a pertect antidote to Us opposite dis order. Dalleifs Magical Pain Extractor In ita effects is magical, because the time is so short between disease and a permanent cure; and it is nn extractor, as it draws all disease out of the affected part, leaving na ture as perfect ns before the injury. It is scarcely necessary to say that no house, work shop, or manufactury should be one moment without it. No Pain Extractor is genuiue unless the box has upon it a steel plate engraving, with the name of Henry Dailey, Manufacturer, For sale by all the Druggists and patent medicine dealers throughout the United States and Canadas. Principal Depot, 105 Chambers St., New-York. C. F. CHACE. Sold in Stroudsburg, by Ilollinshcad and Detrick. Feb. 25, 1859.-1 y. Something New. The public 'are respectfully informed that the undersigned has opened, in the Borough of Stroudsburg, a NEW DRUG STORE, in the large four story building recently erected by Messrs. Fow ler and Wintemute, two doors a bove Robert Boy's Store, where he intends keeping always on hand, a large assortment of Drugs and Medicines. Paint's, Oils, Var nishes, French and Gammon Glass, cj c. Tho .stock will also embrace FANCY NO TIONS in endless variety, from which all pastes can be gratified, including Perfumery, Plain and Fancy Glars Ware, Tooth, Hnir and Toilet Brushes; Combs, &c'. ALSO Pure WINES AND LIQUORS for medicinal purposes, which beer their own recommendation. ' Everyarticle will be warranted nifreand fresh, and will be dispensed by an assistant whose experience in the business is such as to "deserve the unlimited confidence of the public. Call and see. JAMES N. DURLING, Proprietor. . Stroudsburg, Dec. 3r, 1856. ' STOVES, STOVES, STOVES. THE subscriber, having purchased nad taken the old store staud of George Mai- von, iu Stroudsburg, would say. t the public, that he is jut opening n large assortment of STOVES in all their variety. Cooking? Pinion Shop & Bur Jv ISO""1) all'sizes and kinds, for Wood or Coal. Groceries, In connection with the St ovp business, thV und'iTsigiied, will keep constantly on hand'a general .assortment of,,Grocerjs, &o., viz: Sugars, .Teas, Coffee! Molasses, Fish, Salt, Radius, Spices, &c. ' km -Ml- TJ1? W-nSvs VT" TTVi oVl -Ho will constantly keep Flour and Feed" arid .whole grain ' 1 Cider, yinegar constantly onhand. The puulio are respectfully invited to examino for themselves. 110BERT BtDEPUY. Stroudsburg, Nov. 12, 1 857. BLANK DEEDS' ?l 'For sa'ie ' at tins' kj mce Summer Arrangements, NEW K. H. ROUTE, Delaware, Lackaivaima & Wester , w RAIL ROAD. Jew and expeditious broad goage route from the North and West, via Great Bend and Scrnnton, and from the Lackawanna and Wyoming vallies, directly through to New York and Philadelphia, (p-On and after Monday, May 17, 1858", trains will be run as follows: The Cincinnati Express Train bound east on N. Y. & Eric Railroad arrives at Great Bend at 8:15 A. M., and connects with ihe Eaprrvs Train which leaves Geat Dancf for" New York and Philadelphia, at 8X0 a.- m. Due at Montrose, - - - 0:05 " T:filthiinhi":plf. - - Q-d7 Factory vilje, - - - 10:10 ' Scranlon, - - - 10:57 " Moscow, - - - 11:43 r Stroudsburr, - .- - 1:35 p. m. Delawnre,C15mimites to dine) 2:08 " Bridgvifle, Phila. passen gers leave, - 2:40' " Junclion .... 3.-30 ,r New Yurk,- - 7:i5 Philadelphia, - - 8;20'' " Passengers iVom New York, leave' Pier JTo. 2, North River at 7:30, a. m. From Phila. leave Walnut st. Wharf at - - - 6:00 Leive Junction, - - 10:50 4tf Due at Bndgcville, PlriFa. con nection, - - '- 11:40 ,r Delaware, 15' mirij dinner,- 12:00 " Stroudsburg, - - 12:47 p. m. ftloscow, - - . 2:36 " Scranton, - - - 3:15 r Factoryville, - - - 4:05 Tunkhannock - - - 4:25 Montrose, - - - - 5.08 Great Bend, - - - 5:40 u tt II II Connecting n't Great Bend w:ilh the Mail Train, west, at 5:55 " Accommodation Train leaves Scranlon for Great Bend at 8:31$ a. mV Arrive at Great Bend, - - 1:20 p. m. Connecting with the Dunkirk Express West at 1:55 and the N. Y. Expies3 East at 2:35 p. m. Returning, leaves Great Bend, 2:40 p. m. Due at Scranton, - 7:10 " For the accommodation of way travel on the Southern Division, a Passenger Car will be attached to the Express Freight Trains leaving Scranton at 5:00 a m Due at Stroudsburg at 10:15 " " Junction-at 2:10 p. m Returning, will leave Junction-at 4:00 a ra Due at Slroudsburjr at "7:20 n " Scranton at 1:50 p. m. Passengers- for New York will chengef cars at Junction. To and from Philadelphia, via B. D. R. R. leave or take the cars at Bridge ville. For Pittslon, Kingston, and Wilkesbarre take L. & B. R. R. cars at Scranton. For Jessup, Archbaldr and Carbondafev change cars at Greenville. Tickets sold and Baae checked through, JOHN BRISBIN, Sup'L Wm. N. Jenks, Gen'l Ticket Agent. DISSOLUTION, The co-partnership heretofore existing between C. R. Andre and Denry Shoe maker in the Mercantile trade, under the 6rm of Andre & Shoemaker is this day dissolved by mutual consent, Stroudsburg, March 13f 1858, C. R. ANDRE, HENRY SHOEMAKER, P. S. The Business will be continued at the old stand by the Kubscriber who desires a liberal share of patronage. HENRY SHOEMAKER. QjT A general assortment of Windovv" Shades, Wall Paper, &c,, for sale, which will be sold at city laies. (Jail and exam ine. May 7, 1857. ly. SAMUEL BEES. Jr. DEALER IN , Desires to call tbff attention of the public, to a new and well se lected stock of fashionable Hats and Caps, which are just received and will be offered to tfoe people of Strouds burg and vicinity, on very favorable terms for ready pay. --i'so, to a new stock and assortment of adies and Gentlemen's fash ionable Boo! and Shoes sold cheap for cash Also, Shoe Findings of all descriptions such as dressed and undressed Morocco Skins Shoe Pegs, Hammers, &C. The subscriber also has tfie agency for the' ile of Dr. James C. Averts Cherry Pectoral and Sugar Coaled Cathartic Pills and Gcr- man Worm Seed. The above articles, nnd many others not mentioned belonging to his line of business, will be kept constantly on hand and for safe? nt the" store lately occupied by JoJm.AYIiux ton, two" doors above the BiikengWoc- Pftsithclv Ho Credit. "QiWk saff..aftd small profits" is his motto, tlsk Pln.isn rulinnil sen ami oxamine lor Your selves before piirchasingKwlwre. Stroudsburg, Sepr, SIT, Wlk&TOSSiV ATTOIU'E IflrXSVT LA W ,nIlEt? removed his4ifie to his dweling honse,;fir3i dooffkm Hie office or JeffersoryBSwee," and airecuy isiftf S- Mead's Wll ouroujHBrx,' jjvv. r-v --" Cf)AP. Fine ; nri shnvinff a so the ce'ebrarted shavrfiff cream, tor. sa e by SA'MUEL MELICK, Stroudsburg, Jaiiuar 1, 18oo. 5 the . -r i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers