r ' , .. . ...... . - - - - -- ;'.w.-,.'V'fvwri.At ---TLyr,.rr . , - . - - . ..iJw Pcnnsvlvauia Magistrate's Law w Liurary ISINXS'S JUSTICE, Stromlsbur? and Eastoiu 1. AND BUSINESS MAN'S LEGAL GUIDE. Ncic and Sixth Edition, bringing the Law down to looo. A Treaties on the office and duties of Al ...r.tl.Mi nnrl Jiisfices.of the Peace in the Cotn- UUt ..- ...... - inonwcallh of Pennsylvania, inclndinga.il the 1 i." I I 1 I I 1 A I required rorms oi rrucess ana uockci mi- i i t..: i t.. Port JcrviSjMauch Chunk and Scranton t stage lines: The Stroudsburg and Eastern REMOVAL ! ! ' WHOLESALE MD RETAIL Boot nub 0I)OC MANUFACTORY!! WILBOK'S COMPOUND OF PURE COD LIVEE OIL AND LIME. MONROE COUNTY iTIiiinal Fire XiiMiraucc Comp Insurance is one dollar on pm., : . : .: . - "r thousand dollars insured, alter his customers and friends that he has A urefor Consumption, Scrofula, Coughs, rpifinvi'n nitz rwii firiii iiriif itirzriii I ill- i i.uiff:,- i aj il- iif 11111:1111 .v. it-n rr nr " " " " ' " , y ory to the store room formerly occupied by Blood, and all complaints of the l.ioiili Sinmnn in Knrthnmnlnn RlrPpt. nnp T.iintrs. uiui uiiuve j. a a iii i u aiiui, auu wuintnu i uc i lupuuiui iiuo outi-ttuuu nuui unct-juric oasKots watch chains anu Keys pen Mrs. Jii. Jl. Harmony's Millinery and reter tions ot Professor btone) in combining the i-n;VPe. m,c; i,nTna ,nrJinno. ,'s Drug Store. Oil and Lime so perfectly, that the taste ol t monaies t0uth d thimbles: gold has just received a large assortment the Oil, which is naueseuiis to persons gen- ntlo ' . t List of articles to be found at ' S. Melick's Jewelry Store. "Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry, Silver & Brit tania ware; Spectacles; Books and Stationery' fine perfumery, guns & rjistols: sun tabes, locks Mifc dl! aiiii i a a and wipers, powder horns, game bags, hair, tooth, nail and blacking brushes ; combs. manteL ornaments: lamps: toys: .....r .ro .:- r portmonaies. tooth powder, thimbles: cola lie has mst received a larpe assortment i m fii . w nr h is nniipsnuiis m nprsnns wn. r ' j-i.i, tmm Mj)i ment no subsequent tax will of liuois and Shoes, among xvhich are Call crally, is entirely overcome, and it can bo ta- P?nS' "wrmoractors, "cad and buttons 1 . . In r t.- i- i - m r . r . .. . . . I Tims iV nnPflmS- pniinfnrtnit ifnfortfnva nnrl ooiiltuss uuuis., lwnmeieu u-ounress wools, ken bv I ie most do icatc lemales Willi Dlcas- r : . jni, iujl win ui uuuis in" oiiuuo, .imuiiy wiui.ii inu van i craiiv, is entirely overcome, anu 11 can uc ta-1 . P . ' jaiO :uuui man ui """b tciimc iuu ucutii ium u iiifjiuu 1UV1UU, UXCCUu l0 UOVUi ulitUiil luoa ui I o 1 r I nun uy iim iiiuol uuntutu luuiaiuo nan pii-us- i - , . Walnut Ward, in the city of Philadelphia, cars for New ork, or stages to Bethlehem damage bv fire, that may fall upon mem- Napoleon lioois, Patent Morocco Ka- urc. And as regards the benefit of this ar- u- ".r"u 100 numerous to mention rpi.. o....u t.i:.: n;cnA nnrrnrtnH. r.nd anu a entown. , w- . i " ' ' - noieon i)oois urouans. oic. ior ue coicn Mi .n m,r.n i m r.i r.winrr men hv niiu luvuca 1110 uuunc 10 frivc mm n can 1 111- lllAI II jl I 11 II III. 1 9 lk9V.ua v.ww1w..m I fr-v f tr A f S f -- tl n 1- II ' - I llblu IMUl Uil Will VUU JWUUMIlli. ' T I A C3 ' w - - . . - ... I Ml- I.I I I I I I J I I II . preutly enlarged by Frederick C Brightly, Aline loMauch Chunk,leavillff The nctt nrofits arisinjr from interest Esq., Author of AL reai.es on uie 01 at 6 0.clock A. M on Mon(i Vednesd - m. ... - . ,ft "tained vc:irlv. Zl ""7 m ; 1 , rL, ' skePtlcal 'ou 7 s i3 01 . Cost.s" "Equity J urispruucncc,--xMsi rnus anu Friday, va Brodheadsvi e, where it r 1" 1 1 ' ,rf- 1' 1 i'iu' ngc. da T?.,rtrtc !Mitnr of " Purdon's Digest " &c Lno. . v-ii. U ' r -P- fr which each member in proportion to ble Gaiters of every variety, made to order TT r . , ..... Keports, Editor or 1 .union b uigesi, ccc. connects with lines to Wiikes-Daie & White , .. ,.. . , 1 -V, 1 . r-t :, "Her disease was one of unmixed DhthisipJwa lu one thick volume, Uctavo. Price only Haven, returning on alternate days msV '-'n P r' 1 1" I ren . SI es alwavs been expected to terminate in the m ci fin n-5Ti, rn.....; 1: 1 i credit in t,h nnmnanv. Each insurer m "rens onoes ai,wah on nana, u UAl bwcsl n ,. ., . ,, x ' r A "'"'i.l imcaiBdves i osiens .,, . , 1 J .,, i of all deSL-iimions ami kinds which hr. i course or a icw mmiiiis, miaiiy. i nc upper rwn Indian Queen Hotel, Siroudsburg, Pa. daily: or with the said company will be a mem- oldctnptiona and kinds, hich he lion COMPANION TO KINNS's JUSTICE. . A1"1? t0 J.eavin& f:!!:0"? " CMEAP FOR CASH. ? Pcs were beginning to - O GR IBO-S'S FOR12S S ' i V-ir1' 'V?8 -U'' ,JJin8Ina'' H "i Ar IMiUVlu Ui. ,x'iu;ua' The goods are manufactured of the bes- ? Mnf' txno tcaf was evitienuy a uau one j. witjjia. Choice and Milford. Returning, leaves Pon ancc has been thorouErhly tested has mn,pr... r.j ; tj, npn.cf nri mnc. roc.v Ihe treatment of cod liver oil was at first Forms of Conveyancing, and of Practice m Jems immediately after the arrival of the been tried by the unerring test of experi- ionable manner, lie employs none but the the courts of Common Ploas, Quarter Ses- morning train of cars to New York, at about encc. and has proved successful and be- best workmen about his establishment, sions, Oyer and Terminer, the Supreme and b o dock a. m. comc p0pUlar. It affords the great- , Thankful for the liberal patronage hereto- P Pivfl ln?l lX?lhc p A, ll,ie t0 Scrant0n having at est security against loss or damage by "ore received, every effort will be made to ous Civil officer,, and Justices of the Peace. O,dock A n va BartonsvilI T ontdt advantncous and rea- merit a continuance of the same. Fourth edition, revised, corrected, enlarged, ville,Vhere it connects with a line to Hones- 71 ?1 flrn aiUantagcous ana iea TJIADDEUS SCIIOCII. i.m .nHnnlml to t in nrescnt state of the law: j . lu sonablc terms. r. ,. . ... r . u.n, .uiu connecuug ai ocranton witn the t r t i i niaiun, oupiumuer iu, ica-i. with rnnmns nvnlanalorv Notes and Refer- L. r .u Annlications for Insurance to be made , r- j . uaia Jur lllt. west. ences, andancw tull, anu- comprelicnsivcin- These 1nes hoU 00t inducements itd.v. Bv Robert E. Wrmht. Esq. In one iii,atrfli;.. i.k . i noleon Hoots Bronans, &c. for Getlemen llolo ntor tlio nnrn nil llin fiillfilvinnr rnKP. hvlanu and Boys. rw Stnno. is sufficient to convince the most and see for themselves. dcnooi dooks. novels: new books ot tha y received as soon as published. Clocks, tches. and lewelrv repaired in the best anncr ana warranted to give satisfac- Produece taken m exchange. New s for the Holidays just received. SAMUEL MELTCK. Siroudsburg, Dec. 21, 1854. thick Octavo volume. Price only 3,50. ALSO, , , o o-- lions o! the countrv which cent and picturesque as any in the Union. T T . y . xiaving proviaea uiemselves with excel jri in person, or by letters addressed to X A Arras TT IV A T.TO'Nf finn'r LAW CIRCULAR. MANAGERS used, but without marked improvement. The phosphate of lime wns then administered with the oil, and the result, as in the case of many others, was soon apparent. The patient was rapidly getting well." Caution. On account of the preat repu tation of this Compound for all Lung Com plaints, the subscriber would caution the af- r a nicteu against using any except that manu- f ... 1 ... I i i t r. , . . . A. I J II IL IL'IUUVQ 1IJU1 ORTIIINGTON G. SNETHEN, Wash- llT?lby, ffi. aS J,C haS S.OT,y 'P1 500 planes, assorted, . ' . liiu uiiili;ii cjuiihh inr rnm mnn ir inn i-intKi inn .. i 1 i - - -- - - - - i iiii pnri 'nirnp n Mil iavi... r . i xij niui; niiu iu;r.r. 3. STROUD & B RIGHTLY5 S PUR- cellent coaches, good horses, and careful nftVJC nirT ITAO tcr; drivers, they feel confident that thev will be if UiVO 1Ilcri& X 1 ih9 10 tQOOi enabled to give entire satisfaction to all who a r,i, Tn,fn ...i : r- "'ill patronize them. l!.n vnnr Ono Thm.cnnH Sncnn TTnmlrM fft . . 1UUi' Ub i KAiSDER, the Eiffhth dav of May. One Thousand Eiuht -v 1 1' lSoi' Proprictos j ihe rirst rour Hundred and Fiftv-Five. Editions by the late John Purdon, Esq. The Fifth, Sixth and Seventh, bv the Hon. Geo M. Stroud. Eighth Edition, Revised, with .Marginal References, Foot Notes to the Ju -dicial Decisions: Analytical Contents: n Di gosted Syllabus of each Title; and a New, Full, and Exhaustive Index. By Frederick C. Brightly, Esq., Author cf "A Treatise on the Law of Costs," "Equity Jurisprudence," "iisi rnus Keports,'7 ;ditor tice," &c. One thick Royal ly 5,00. The freshness end permanent don d Digest are preserved by : annually of a Digest of the La each year. lhese annual 1 ranged in precise conformity win DOW SASH. The undersigned has on hand and fnr Kiln Window Sash, painted and glazed, of all sizes. U. U. WARNlfilC. Stroudsburg, March 9, 1854. Oldest, Safest and Surest TAIlORIiYfx ESTABLnittEiYT m EASTQN, PA, . t r- .. ' .. uiu uniii:u ouues ior comuinin'j . lUlUU. i. U,. LO Df KUKO n.. ...:.!. r : . mi Kichard S. Staples, Silas L.Drake, law cxclusivclv in the sunreme court and r i P f ",anner: inere ir TT Tirni.ni.. w.n S Whlfn cxciubnciy in tue supreme court, anu fore, as you value your hea th, purchase none M. 11. Dreher,- m. b. U bite, to attend to eases Worn nnnirrnssr .i .J. jl." - - -w-iwmj -.v- v- w LiiuL iuuuuiuv.iuii;u uy prosecute claims an settled accounts a- ALEX'R B. WILBOR, Chemist. gainst the departments, bureaus, and 1GG Court street, Boston, boards of commissioners; to procure pat- Sold in Philadelphia by T. W. Dyott & cnts for invention, at home and abroad So"'s and DruffgI'Bts generally, and to obtain pensions and bounty lands; ,inf,erJale 111 Slroudsburff' l7 F- tocollect debts, dividends legacies, and in- ,nNovCmbGr 0 1854.1 hentanccs m any part of the United states 3 and foreign countries: to make invest- Rnk-ino. -n?s-.? menus, of funds m loans and stocks and Ancl Consumption, pain In the side and on bond and mortgage, arid to negotiate nisrhlsu-mfs Asthma nriinmU,rn,h I R.nln nf Innnc! lorir?Q ornM I-.--:, J T Jacob Stouficr, John Edinger, dames Jl. Walton, Joscpn ivcrr, Jacob Shoemaker, John N.- Stokes Kobert Boys, John Kern, George II. Miller. 1L S. STAPLES, President. , H. Walton, Treasurer. Stroudsburg, Nov. 9, 1854. HARDWARE! HARDWARE!! The aubscrihers ofier for sale one of tho largest stocks of Hardware ever kept in thei establishment, consisting in part of the folr lowing articles. sn f., -n..,..i,., r. ri:ii-. -ii. r i ' uuu JJUILIHJ13 w, r iiiui.imi a omseic, t 25 doz Butcher knives, 10 ' extra self liped, ivory handle, 50 " till locks.- collee mill?. " glass knobs, assorted; 500 smoothing. 25 Witherbeys round face chisels, 10 .20 THE Cr 15 S3 AT ItSMS3lf5 About which so much has beer, said and published, is among us. Who has not heard irons, broad axe?, hatchets, bhovelf, forksr spades, circular and strait straw knives, cas tcel; miH, cross cut and circular taws; patenJ counter sc;:lcs and weights ; Tyler & Cobb patent haft brace end bits; auger and centcr: bits; spoke shave, shutter bolt.", shutter fns tenings; pulleys; spiral door spring?; 1000 rim and carpenters locks; WD doz. butt hm- of the Mexican Muslin Liniment il nnn 1UUII J millions of bottles have been sold and used to cure Rheumatism. Ulcers. Sores. Bruises. t.. ' . ' - . ' man s ji - or "imns s jus- curains, itinc-worm. r eloris. Salt K heum. r , . . -. . 8vo. Priceon-"T J H1DSEYS 1K0N Piles, Sore Nipples, and Caked Breasts. vU.V r A"JnvaluablfJi00f HAIS1NG T -RTTTTr yrrnn-.ri n t.i. 1 .. rr. vaJ? ftv'.fiV T&i-Z'. . for 2'o cents. ilEverv I . jaa.. is aw-, iiiiLer3, itcii, iorns on me i oes. ourp TtiHU.' 'W.- "n ., . . u nr.. -nr-i ..t rn... r ' 1,, :...i cj n.. t:. . MCvV Awiiowss J; amuy should have a our. iuhi viuu unui-kjb w ouia say 10 ins mentis and custom- "'rv owm-uu juiih -y 'Wg'-- i 7..i ... llin nnhlioatinn S tnmcrc. thr.!, ...j r .; t Or J.imbs. UutS. Sea I s. tir Sra M- Hrvwl JAJ JJTVWCX 1"J- ULIiawiUU 7f5-C5W are ar-peen tor JU years. No false representations " "" V4, a"-v u,,,ct ""l"3"1 can oe ' i yV0O A new ediiinn rpri. to the n nn nf nhnnt Sn film imril. f ci.i. i : rcrtciieu uy an eAierriai remeuv. And it liai , , . , . . . ' " nnvnri t.vr alwavs has been succressful. Tt ix enualh.x the purchase and sale of loans, lands arm palpitation oj 'the heart, Liver complaint hand saws; nails; assorted grindstones; ro- patent rights in any state of tho Union? Bronchitis, and all diseases of the tary pump fixtures; clover and timothy seed; " t t,b Fi-w-- T3lCi, throafc; lunSs and livcr cwrcd by Shcr- eans; dried apples; :J00 sacks suit; flour; .iU, IkllOlt luyscJf-." man's All-IIcaling Balsam. fish &c- - w w I J - w w j UT J II1C1L - v-jr uiv, v. cittm, imi m uuiiuuuua irom uic manuiactur- , - , ,- ,- , . :y r::y 77r. Hunter Mrin republished annually; are connected together ers; the goods we sell to be better than any "ni o,ShV T,n' TiZltt ! M 4c,c. Containing an ouu not live 1 1 v ti t niiiiiiri iirn v i n mnn rri i inniF nirtii i f-" n n ai.- i . t - w Bu.- iiii i s i mil. ij ui r:nr.i. i i . ... a i . une oi tne oriein. oroeress. treatment anH i anu improved, jusi issueu. x--j- jujniiij, i-u Dr. Hunter's Medical Manual and Hand did Il.im no good? and toJ lie coud BLOOD & CONSUMPTION "T faooto ana 5,r.or.crics, io. Kmnor m Krnn:vn xrfi I . y ith raising Wood, fowowed bv Ttirir e. T;nr,-r.r, aiu iu uiu fciuu, aim at uie u- Gaston, Januarv 20. 1654. 3hm. oins oi consumption, ne em- DOCTOR 1'OWRSEL!'! Jp n finnnrnl TndnY f nrpnn rf1 nnoiv onpli I linlw olen'o nm.,,.;.,,. l..i OT Harness j vt i uj iiu.uiiii" liuiutiiuiuu cuv cuners i c-.-r j , year.) which embraces the contents of the at large salaries, ete. etc.: but pursuim the o feilffn?f.s- LAnd " warranted to cure Ijiws of each year since the publication of even tenor of our wav. crivina fn . nil tvhnrnll t'H-'". luuy-uune, opiuu or ron evil, on liirjJmi'j Tlifrnct in nnn filnlmlinf nnd nro nnliln niinniLi. .3 , .i - i ,1 HOrSe The Pccket EsesBii$is3s : ONE II1S OWN PIIYSICIAJT. with one hundred engruT OR, EVK Hi rurdons Digest, in one alphabet; and are polite attention, good goods, and the identical 1. 11 n I .in .I'll K TJ.i (rlnn'f. i m. 1 r r. .1 1 1 J I . . 1 I . 1 . . "u""u i' a uiuuu a iij;i, uuu aiau sum uiics uiey seieci ; anu in snort to "lve them separately. general satisfaction. Thus the purchaser of Purdon's Digest will To his new friends and customers, he would always be in possession of the complete body say, most respectfully, that, havin- the con- of the Statute Laws of Pennsylvania down to fidence, from many years experience, he can the 'very hour when he purchases it. Those excel, in all kinds of fashionable Garment who have already purchased Purdon's may cutting; the goods to be as recommended; no w?w - MiTOi? STIW? P always complete it to date for the small sum fadhur of colors, nnt rntrnn W MmJ ' i JW1S& of Nfly Cents, the price of a volume con- j dye, firm, stromr, fast colors, of A MF.Ii TO A v I StroKdsbnrff, Pa. taimny all the annual Digests ij5suer? sinne FHEXrir A Y) PAnr rcrj nn-un cr I " - ' J JJilUiVloji JJJX. VJVLJ the first publication of the present edition of! CLOTHS, CASSIMERES and YEST- IG3 The Liniment is nut un in throe sizes. and retails at 25 cts, 50 cts., and 61.00. The large bottles contain much more Lini ment in proportion to the prices, and there fore cheapest. New Wholesale and Retail 4 i Purdon's Digest, as heretofore stated. KAY & BROTHER, Law Booksellers and Publishers, 17 & 19 South Fifth Street. First Store above Chesnut Uy Orders or letters of inquiry for Law Jii ks rom tne country, promptly attend ed to rnuadelphia, June 2s, lsuy. Jm GUNSMITH. J& The undersigned respectfully in forms -the citizens of Stroudsburg and vicinity, that he has commenced trio G IT 51 1 IV G BUSINESS, at Parscll's Blacksmith Shop, on Eliza beth street, near the Irocono Dndge, and is full' prepared to do all kinds of work iu his line, with neatness and despatch. Having had twenty years experience in this business, he hopes will be an induce ment for the people to give him a trial. Eepairing of all kinds promptly attend ed to. Hifles made to order. LEWIS KEIXEST. Stroudsburg, June 14, 1655. The undersigned would inform Land- Inrflc? rtnrl fVtn n..l.ltn n..nHnll .1 - "iiu -1 IO J - i7r-nii.'t u .u Li uuuili; " CUUi till V, lllilL x.iwo, vuii;ij win ocpieaseu to maKe up e cuiuinues ine aoove business in JStrouds- at short notice, and on reasonahlp iprme Or Full suits furnished at 12 hours no tice, if necessary. J. II. WrLKTNfJ. March jYo. 52 Northampton Street, 22, 1555. Easton, burcr, in the store house formerlv acenniRil by John II. JMelickas a Jewelry Store, and; ! nas on nana a large stock or WfrMES AHD LIQUORS TTonrinrr nf fllO trmifTorrnl nnrno -rv it. -rj ' o w ii ui.i4v..iui vmwo ij j i - ..r r it . i . I , . . . r uurC u. u.tjry mrm oi oisease coniracteu uy lormed by Sherman's Jialsam. he sent at r ...o., mu o'clock al buse or by sexual excess, with advice lor Tjiifrt 0f,.0f ...Wl. Lillyf V.IIIIUU, II 1I1ICU III tl llllillliai &IV1C, I IM I nvnJilinrr nil mriflirnl iorl.ni-ili! inc. on,! I tlKC a Cliani! rv thino that wnnlrl utrnnfl !hp pnr nf rWnn. C0U2h ! Be " - -w w wk w UWta'l CV: with an nntlinp nf rnmnlnirits inV-Jilom lift IV ns nlllo to Females, from the result of some twentv s.n-wl his lifn years' successful practice, exclusively de- 127 Myrtle Avenue, can attest it or ve;te0n-rturCeUrC 1 MisS Aim MastoVi, of Williamsburg private nature. h- . m ,t ' Q To which is added receipts for ihe cure ol UWI1a" Cf O0Utl1 ourtl1 st By William lonug, B. D. me auove niseases, and a treatise or, the cau- -J- "ouuiea witn a u no f h fa , d ses, symptoms and cure of the Fever and haclungcough and pain in tho chest, for oflho JEsculapws to his child. It may savj Ague- a long tune, which at last become so bad him fvm 0;.i r.n T.m n ,.,... Testimony of the Professor 0J Obslclrics that she was obliged to give up her school or xvoman enter info the secret obligations 'of Pcnn. College, Philadelphia'1 Da Hun- fnv n tl, n xi.il mn;.i i:r ...:.t rZ-i... . -vftjiw liignest import: iV married people, or those, ,'i-jr contemplating marriaee. Pa. n"'rti nt; 7 V juy. tuai, u& uunguu xo give up ner scnool or woman enter into the secret obligations of rMMmV anRtbnrUnf fqr mre tLan a yGar- She then commcn- married life without reading the Pocket jEs rJX "aling Balsam- fch;-- r55?ll? iseases of which it wmuu soon aneviateu ner Smptoms. She ? ' " j , "vuss nl ? tK- is now fast recovering nnrl L m.A ,,erv.0Us feellngs' and.lhe who,e train of Dvs- advertise to curs the di pill :Ty3iriHTiaB JOHN M. STOKES Has on hand a large and well se lected stock of ofall kinds and of the best quality, direct from 'reals is a graduate of one of the best Col- is now fast recovering, and has resumed pSLS tl.o fnctnm TTnnco ,i,;A u L leees ntbe United Stated. It affnrfl m0 her labor ions nemiTintinn nc n tOBni,n pepuc bcnsauons. ana given up oytneirphy ,iiiiv.ii nu jo iy.uLiiiic.ij j w -..v... ttiiii . i sicinn, ue anottier m- to sell to Landlords and others on the most rea- Pleasure to recommend him to the unfortu- 14 years Mr. John O'NciL 10th ave- Uultino the JEsculamus t I Dale. Or in IMA riMim n hrnprirn nc n I J oi i i rr t ..i ,1 .. . . ' su-iiin, be another miument without con- Have the married. Groceries, Hard ware, Stoves, &c. which have been purchased for cash and must i , Ta en Irf I - ""Ui I L'lnrfc? His experience in the Mercantile Bnsinnss. r. las enabled him to appreciate to the fullest Uenerallv degree, the wants and desires of the commu nity; and now flatters himself that ha has maue ample provision lor all who may favor him with their custom. Very thankful for the liberal patronajre which has been hpsfnur. ed upon him: he resncctfullv asks n rnntin. dance of the same, feeling "satisfied that it will be to the adt'antafre of all to p.vnminp luc stock before purchasing elsewhere. fetroudsburg, January o, 1853. , a I lirP to nrirl mv toot Demijohns, from I to 5 gallons; bottles, and ability of the Author of the " Medical Man- entirely cured merauy any ining mat can he astted tor m uai-. numerous cases, ol Uisease ol the pleurisy and cOiVsumption. WAR IN EUROPE. The undersigned begs leave to inform the public that they have fitted up the building, formerlv occunied bv the memhnrs nf tho M H. Church, on the east corner nf Gnnro-n .-inrl Monroe streets, iu the Borough of Strouds burg, as a SCMi' and CANDLE MANU FACTORY, and that they are fully prepar ed to furnish a very superior article ot SOAP AHD CANDLES Ashes and Gxeese taken in exchange for ooffj, at the highest market price. Cash paid for tallow, when delivered at the lactory, or uanaies given in exchange, if de sired. OMorchants and others are cordially in 'Vited to give us a call, as we are enabled to iurnipu any thing in our line, at Jsew York prices. PALMER & BRO. .Stroudsburg, January 4, 1855. ou." wmmi, 4Laper Hangei9 AND KOlSE AND SICW PAENTE5?. Shop on Jacob Street, Stroudsburg, Pa. March 17, 1854. ly. RADWAI'S READY RELIEF. Just received and for sale at this Office a our line Landlords will find it greatly to their ad vantage to deal with me. I have no hired agents to sell and distribute liquors for meat great expense, which must be paid for by the consumer. Those dealing with me I intend shall be satisfied with the article they get, as wen as tne price, and whenever they arc not, I will be pleased to have th em rpturn fbp i-.r.uor, and ma.';e the fact known, for I in end to make it a normanent bns5np5? nnA can only do so by dealing honorably. All f .... - .wwj w UIU . 1 a k- VU 11 o Uiu 1 IU i . CTenital Organs, some of. them of long stand- Mrs. Baggas, a lady apwards of 70 re mgw have como under mv notice, in whirliL.:.ii.. oooi. -jr.. i i n . his skill has been manifest in restoring t ! i MreJa"?'y;w peen perfect health, in some causes where. he attacs H"y, Kwamg paiicnt has been considered beyond modi- Si J31oa severe Lough, Shortness ol caiain. in the treatment ot Seminal weak- ui, ram m nor neatt and vanosu ness, or disarrangement of the functions parts of her body. Iler frionds believed produced by self abuse or Excess of vene- past recovery. The All-Healin" Balsam ry. 1 do not know his superior in the nm. rJInrJ o. r n i . i fession. I have been acquainted with the svmntonn ind nnir l.n ; ni 7 1 Author some thirty vears. and deem it nn symptoms, and now she is able to attend morn than instiVp in Imn no tvnl? no l.'inilnoec co ucr w0rJf. ....... , vw . ! UO 19 J t IW ilKIVIIKOC . I i . .... io me uniortunate victim ol early mdiscre- DU. WJi. YOUNO. No. 152 Svruce si. Philadelphia July 27, 1851 ly. ASTHMA AND WHOOPING COUGH. nrPrs Rpnt mn hv alntrn Arivnrc nr nllinni I I. . - w i i inn r r mrrmvfrf i. m n . . 1 i m ,s. iiiiiri.r.ii 11 A 1 1 L ii i...... few bottles of this medicine which will alkv he promptly attended to, the same as though " ' V V 1 5C T a t? T n -n i ' umis rH the effects of any Sutehl the person was present dealing for himselfr PIm"TZ " '"'i lnleS",y ,llCy may 5' S Bcals'0, DelanCy 8t W.H. man system maj bl I visited with July 8, 1S52. J P. S. POSTENS. COnMc tlleniselves. Youngs, 75 Walnut St.; know the value ol Ye who are suffering with any complaint Tf w"17 5nVr ' ALF?ED VVoomvARI)' M- D- tbl? Src"fc reiedy. whatever that gives you pain, whether it be u vye&i&U?&Uj This is ,vithotJl excepliont the mosl Ask for Sherman's All-Healing 3al- rheumatism, sore throat, croup, difficult ATTORNEY AT LAW, comprehensive and intelligible work pub- sam; antl Sfie. that his written signature is uicatuiu, iuuiu-ucne. tie nninKPllv. nmn ml I i uuu mi t my luie wuriv uuu-1 1 tt i . . ...... iisueu on mn r? ni ni icdicud ..f ... t..i. :. nn pap i hnffin .. . - ' 1 1IJ1S rdtnmmrt Ine nttiin l,r li: I ' "'"-' "I iiiuii III kunuiv tne Dreast or side, sprain or spasm, head-ache. uu'lufer treats. Aroidinn all technical tprm it nH. Phi nilfo ei , inflammation, stiff joints, cute. brmW nnim, uose nrst aoor elow the ollice of the dresses itself to The rn.1sn nf ,e " " n fa lZT ttUU sores, nrnmns in tfm ..nm,,!, i; " Jeffersonian Office." and dirfinrtv nrmn. h i frP frm .11 ..i.:.7";". i . h1, ouuuuiHrs vorm ana tJougfi Lozen- V ... uvvtiiuii) VUllVt IdiUlUi Li morbus. Lumbago, chilblains, fmsf C3 . j -w.. ui kv,.uj utivu I nf nnionnnno inennfo liulnnn1nk!.. I. . . . I r4"n ai. v uuiuuiiuuj i iii3Gi.Ln. ii viii iniiiii'ii.'i rir tcri iatrni i niii I'rii. wmui ir." il i i i i 1 1 h ii:i niiu rii n io onn w b . , . r " I " " . - , uia ouua. i uu JlJl AfifljJUa iTS BlStf',Sff VOlir rnnnlnint mn r ho tlmt r;,.o Oi Jl T.- in i or-n I nilthnr hnti flprnforl mm,. ,.r.r..n . iMiuaki, '""""j i"y avcttr win ruueve you -g- "WWT7" iwh. iiiuua uuuijniiniis ueaieu ol. uicner man any other Liniment. S.i vp. n. iA Yl ft WW n Ti-Hm m -i au. wim too little breath to nur. .mrt tn Pain Killer in use ' '1 "" vwttt4auiO. liale presumption to impose, he has offe ed Ihe act of Congress nnnroveil Mnmh Hip lo the world, al the merely nnminnl nrlnnni I klV I J --... MtlUUUI AIEir,K atv?i B2 AL F?7K ou' 'T' m"l ?"es or land to all per- Vcino' ",B, ruu 0 so"e twenty years in any of the wars in which this Country has iNo teacer or parent should be without ,4i flCMEDYFO LIVERY BUSINESS. This way for Good Conreyances The subscriber informs the trav- elinf nublic that he has Durchased P O 1 4 the interest of his late partner in the JLivcry JSusmess, he will continue the same, at the old stand on Ann btreet. His Horses and Conveyances are good, .and they are prepared to furnish Horses itiii Buggies, or Horses and Carriages si short notice, with or without drivers. 03" He has on hand a splendid Omnibus, .and are fully prepared at all times to accom modate large parties. Those wishing Horses and Carriages, are respectfully invited to call and suit them selves. The patronage of the public is solicited. M. BROWN POSTENS, Skzoudstourg, Teb. 9, 1855. i i ns been enframed sinnn 17H0. nnl nlen n the kliovvledce imuarted in this inv.nln.iMn i O rz .ww, .au .J LUUI t t ' ----- ... . tMiwvy cl O 1 I ' a i Tk f . . . I urnr!. It ...... r - ... Manufacturer and dealer in all kinds ot furniture, cabinet-ware, coffins, etc. at his stand on tho Mil ford m.-nl twn .. - . . l miles irom btroudsburg. OrReady-made coffins of ull qualities and sizes kept constantly on hand und for saio ai ine lowest cash price. A Hearse on hand at all times, and will at fan A fn nnrn li IT Theundersiffned having rei ?01u,ers 01 Ule evolutionary war, without ave years oi pain, mortih- , r on io-o , it";.,;Tll!.fi! VfTrnl!e: respect to len-rth of service, or to their WH. caUon ad so"vv to the youth under thei. 0ctober 20 18o3. ly. - I niro nr trtvnm. U . M1 1. T. I , IWlllllUC i'finillo p J si s, ui iiniiuj utiic. a iiubu wim nave ou- . , People's Advocate. moved his Saddle and Harness manufactory to three doorshe LI I . ' public that he will keep con stantly on hand a choice as sortment ot Front Street Wire lUaim factory. WATSON & COX, tained land under any of the former acts for . A l fuylenan clergyman in Ohio, writ- l . .. , T. . iniriir" lliiMlnr'u M,l;l M 1)1 a less amount than lbU acres, the difference '.P '"""-ai i.i.uimii says : vai i oana a VUil, under this act is granted them to make 1G0 1.,;)Usands,uPonhousarids of our youth, by Sieve, Riddle, Screen, and Wire loth Man acres in all. fvjl example and influence of the passions, ufacturers, The undersigned offers his services as e been led into the habit of self-polluiion, No. 4G North Front Slreet, nrrpm in iiman ,i, .f.-fij ,i.i wiuioiit realizing the sin and fearful conso- rwnft,,, ,.. ...ui n..7 i7 .. m,. . """"" iuiuiiu uimer nnnn tl,omi,Qio, ... r""" " . "ft cu' a .uuiDer- .juu.uo, ,tHlt.-c, or, iTAZjw, ovrrrffe tne auove act or any former act of Conres n"u " men posieri- Harncss, Sulky and Gis Harness. Team He mav be found nt hi, nftW in R,,,i3,.,.V - t he constitutions of thousands who are raising families have been enfeebled, if not broken down, and they do not know the cause or me cure. Anything tbat can be aone so io enngnten and influence the pub- Harness, Sulky and Gig Harness, Team He may be found at his office in Stroudsburr. Fly nets, Trunks, Valises, Carpet- March 22, 1855. iog-s, Curry-combs, Horse- cards and brushes, J. iLAWTZ, BEIVTIST, nn1 nil 1. ? 1 " 1 . Ii I I ITTl T-Tn 1 a . 1 I" auu an umur arucies in nis line ot business flFTiff Aluo Fclu,tt ueuuy jocaieu mm- ninv,A ,h: ,;j0 Oliron,j 0. ;J , Work made to ornnr nf tt,n d,rt,f Walton, and nearlv oonositoS. Meliek's Tpw. bl,n next.t0 ll?e re''fin of Jesus Christ, His mnterinls will hp nf,i, elrv store, where he is fullv nrpnnrnri m trp on Ine present ana coming generation In ry (Arch) Streets. PHILADELPHIA. Manufacturers of Stlnnrinr nnnliltr TImo- fl nil I rnii V trr. r n i t I oicvu.i ui uu Kinus; urass and u !Fr y, ,re uioin lor Taper Makers. &c . . ..ww w I'WU- I I ' I . .1 1 T- l - . . ' he mind as to cheek, and ultimately to ro. . era nu uaiKy 1ol,a covered in the mnro ihio wWa 0..i ' uusi manner. Ileavv Twilled Wirp fnr sn,.i. roii f 'evs 'r. B,rass an(j Iron Founders, Screen M innow wire, Safes, Traps, Dish Covers, Coal and Sand Screens, &c. Fan- jljlis, umiviiuio iu ub ui ine uest quailiy, , J ' .. .u ,UiV i.c mn.u wubh- temnerancp fur ilip no nf . vjuvkis, u.oai ana band Scrppns Xm and cs hs employs none but good workmen 'mfi(iinMpo!h'" j'i iocorruptt j drinks) though it hiui shijn housandsupon ork of e"ry dSp'iot he hopes to receive a liberal sharp, nf nnhiip luie artihcial teeth on pivot and nlate. in the ih.,.,nj. -.J. M,IU8 up. " ' he hopes to receive a liberal share of nublic patronage. His motto is "quick sales and small profits." oan ana see tor yourselves. Country produce taken in exchanap. fnr worK. vv. n. r.A :.y..vm btroudsburcr, April 18. 1854. N. B. Carriage trimmings for sale, and BLANK DEEDS For sale at this Office. uiuuwa, lOTUi un uivui mm umie. in me ihnnMnn ;c o . . .. latest and most imoroved manner. Mmtnor. I "ZTir Tl " 10ttwr. c"rge wine cddiw m,rmm. sons know t.hA Jnnwr fnii f - ""'r" ccepi my tnanks on behalf iuiilr Mill lltKSSrJS. their work to the iVnnmnt J Du " ,ut 1?? asra'ed. and, believe me, your co- The undersigned has taken th. r. traveling dentist. It matters not how m ..h l , In L' L 7 Wr,i '0U are 30 acti- of Wright's Celebrated Pa tZtaZri experience an rson may have, he is liable to One cony Vsecurelv onveloned will ho ,, S?" rtic,h tho Ppriotor received rm, i . V ' r J ' 1 ' imu mot Oliver iueuai, awarded hv the FYnnk rwarded, free of nostape. in anv nan nr i;n t ,7 vu,UBlruJ "erranh invites .v.H(u u,UJf UO uujcrwise uie in- ruoiisners, or iios 13(1, lh a convenience and trouble of goincr so far n-i"iineaii n Hence the necessity of obtaining theVervicP ??B')0?.eiers' Oanvasser zlzi.: :,v" 'ruMuniuu. June as, ty - i lUm the Vint of rt . r ers and Book A- $30 in the City, liberal terms. c. tl ATVnpm Stroudsburg, Nov. 2, 1854, ' The testimony in its faror is over whe niing. The proprietors are daily in receipt of 'otters and certifiicatcs, going to prove its remarkab'c effieicnev to all casos of worms, both in chi dren and a du ts. The relief iriven. and tho immedi ate improvement of health which follow its use, has ca"cd the attention of physi cians to this artic'o, and theyjreely re commend & prescribe it in thcirpracticc. The retail price is 25 cents per vial which brings it within the means of all. -Brooklyn, L. I. January 1G, 1S47. I do certify that I crave one bottle of B. A.Fahnestock's Tirmifuge to my child, ana in seAcn hours it passed 23 large worms. Any person doubtinc this mav apply for further information at mv resi dence corner of York and Jackson st's. james McCaffrey. . PoughJcecpsie, jST. Y. March 2, 1S44 I certify, that I took two vi.ild nf A Fahnostcek's VirrairW whif.h T fnmA vo wc cue greatest cure for warms I have over used. I have benn troubled with tape worms for a number of years, and I have never found so good a medicine aa . B. A. ianestock's Virmifuge. I there-""'' fore recommend it. MARTHA CLIFT. The public is cautioned afrainsf. nmm. terfoits and spurious articles, and to put . no confidence in statements tlmt. 1 TCVilm. '' stock's and S. Fahnestock's Virmifuge, 1 are the same or as good as the only gen-' uine article, -whioh is B- A. Fahncstock's. Vermifuge. For sale in Stroudsburg, by T, Schoch OAP. Fine scented Soaps for washt , inr and shavincr a'so the celebrated. shaving oream, for sale by . SAM VAX, MjEZIQK, Strou dsburgf January 1, J855, -v
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers