iirnirryitfi irii mm i iriinw wm -! OF RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF MONROE COUNTY. IEVI SLTJTTEE, Esq. Treasurer, in account with the Couniy of Monroe, from the first day oi January, A. D. 1851, to tlic 1st dav jf January 1855, inclusive DR. Tocashrec'd of Collectors, on account of Taxes1 for the year 1812, do do do do do 1849 do do dc do do 1850 do do do do " do 1851 'do u6 do do do 1852 do do do do do 1853 . "do do do. do do 1854 , ' 'do do on Unseated Lands, for years 1852 and 1853 CashJrec'd on account of Road Tax on Unseated Lands, for years 1852 & '53 do do do do School Tax on do do do 1852 & '53 do do do do Silas L. Drake, Treasurer of Fort Penn Lodge of I. O. of O. F. for rent of Grand Jury Room, for years 1853 & 1854 do ree'd on Seated Lands Redemption money received on Unsealed Lands sold eceived of John Edinger, late V 'Cash rerei reasurer $ 12 40 33 14t 183 14 53 50 270 64 3010 9fii 2209 72A- 5857 23h 504 32 1504 95 839 89 20 20 2 00 182 28 21 23 $9045 16 CE . Uy. cash paid John Edinger, late Treasurer, balance due at last settlement 93 98 "do do Chas. Featherinan, former Treas'r do do former settlement 510 27 Administration of Justice. .By pay and mileage of Grand and Petit Jurors, 1059 59h Constables. Paid Constables making returns, mileage and attending Court 130 56 District Attorney. Abxam Harry, District Attorney 45 00 . Sarauel S Dreher do 11 50 56 50 Sheriff. J James N Durling, for conveying Fioar to Penitentiary 4 do do summoning Jurors - Witness and Constables Fees in Commonwealth Cases Commonwealth vs. Andrew Pipher do do Frederick Floar do do Christian Miller do do John Riley do do Abram Butz do do Brown & Hobcn do oo u raves . ' t$ do do A. Swinghammer - - do do C. & J. Price Boarding Prisoners. Paid William P. llallock for boarding prisoners Jail Repairs. : " do for materials and work at Jail Court Crier. do Charles U. Warnick, Court Cciei Prothpnotary and Clerk of the Sessions. do Michael II. Dreher, Prothonotary Commissioners Clerk and Counsel. 'ft 50 00 15 00 65 00 25 00i 12 98 7 7-1 A 22 74. 20 10 7 00 11 41 2 76 4 20 123 94 95 64 230 19 44 99i 65 48 do James II. Walton, Commissioners Clerk 20 00 do do do do do for 1850 10 80 do do do do do for 1853 30 00 do do do do do for 1854 10 00 do do do do Counsel 50 00 do for repairs of Court House Commissioners. do John Miller, Commissioners services do Abram Fenner do do Michael Super do do Melcnoir Dreher do do John C Strunk do do Jacob Ahemose do do Joseph Heckinan do Assessors. do Assessors for different townships Elections. do expenses for General and Township Elections County Printing. do Theodore Schoch do do do printing assessment books Auditors do C. S. Dietriek, Couniy Auditor, dd do do do do Jacob Fetherman do do John N. Stokes do do do do do Bridge Views. do for Bridge views, at different Bridges. , . Road Damages. do James Smith for Road Damages do Michael Ransberry, do do John T. Bell, do de Oliver D. Smith, do Boundary Lines do for running line between Stroudsburg and Stroud township do do do do Pocono and Paradise townships Inquisitions. do holding Inquisition on unknown person do do do William Williams do do do Jacob D Birman do do do Michael Kawalski Stationery. do John A. Flagler, for Stationery, do Samuel Melick, do Fuel. do for fuel foi Court House, Commissioners Office and Jail Judgments. do Peter Zimmerman, Judgment vs. Couniy, in F. Starbird's Docket do John Huston. Executor of Philip Shafer, Sr dec. Esq. Musch 3 do Bell & Brothers, Judgment in Esqr. Staibird's Docket Premiums. do for premiums on Fox and wild Cat scalps Redemptions. for redemption of John Bush, Coolbaugh township i-:n: I. n Ar (10 llliaill OUrtilUU" do Thomas Paschal, Price do do Philip Riggs, Tobyhanna do do do Coolbaugh do do Jos. Thomas, Tobyhanna do do Amos Taylor do do Moses Chambers, Horsefield & McCarty, and do Jacob Hendrick. Tobyhanna do Jesse Sharpless, Tobyhanna, do Christopher Heckawelder Relunueu. do on refunding Checks " " Interest. do John Huston, Executor of Philip Shafer, sr. deceased do Balser Featherman, interest on checks -j do Joseph Bell and John Bell, on Judgment vs. county Books and Indexes for Offices. do II. Hamman, books for Prothonolary's office do M H. Dreher, index and execution dockets do W. S. Rees, do deed book, vol. 7 210 60 9 00 3 00 I 50 26 50 147 12 151 70 91 68 19 50 410.00 205 77 517 Qlh SO 75 176 15 56 75 313 65 1 50 9 00 9 00 U 00 1 50 SO 00 21 00 5' 00 15 00 50 00 25 00 95 00 13 00 46 43A 16 12 h 17 72 16 96 14 12i 6'i 93 Miscellaneous. Paid II. Dreher, William Dean's charge for Books, from Easton do Amos Miller, repairing pumps, year L84S, . do Isaac Lodcr, Coflin for Conrad Cornelius (died in Jail) do A. 11. Jackson, Medicine & attendance on C. Stokcly, Prisoner do John Ililliard, Const, bringing Irishmen to Jail do Samuel Rees, Registering Births & Deaths do Mclchior Dreher for live loads of wood, and 7 loads of Stone do Crook & Pedrick, for log chain B do John A. Flagler, Merchandize and bedding for Jail do M. D. Robisou, Swearing Commissioners, do Amos Shoemaker, for Carpenter work t do Suean Tuttle, Cleaning Commissioners office. . do Chares U. Warnick, attending Court and binding Looks &c do llauna Hallock, Washing for Prisoners &c. do Samuel A. Bennet, repairing chairs . do William P. Hallock, work at Bridge and nursing Prisoners do Even Green, Carpet Blinds &c. for Court House do Richard S. Staples, boards for floor on County Well do Augustus Carmar, Repairing office & Court llouso doW.B.Row, " Jail & County Building do Charles Kutzler, cleaning Jail do John N. Durling, Jailors fees i. do Miller & Fowler, Stove & Pipe do Geo. II. Miller, Merchandize. i do James II. Walton, calculating Tax Assessment 18a3 , - do do do 18j4 do John N. Durling. for boarding Prisoners &c. , do Benjamin V. Bush, furnishing and hauling lumber to fetrouds burc and Dutotsburg "' do George Malven for Merchandise Bmd Orders Paid John Smith, Sup. of Tobyhanna Tsp. yra 1852-53 do Do do Silas Blowers, Do do Samuel Postens, Price do John Dibler, Do do Coifman & Heller. Paradise do ' Do do Frederick Siclin, Chesnuthill do Jacob W. Singer, Jackson, do do Joseph Williams, do Hiram Warner, do Hiram Warner, do Peter Smoke, do do John Frutchey, Paid Charles Frantz, do William Long, do Charles Buskirk do Geo. W. Kresge do Peter Mervine DO Do Coolbaugl, Do Do Do M. Smithfield, Jackson, years 1850-51 Price, Ross, Polk, Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Do Tobvhanua School Orders. Paid Nathan Houck, School Treasurer of Coolbaugb, 1852-53 Do Tobyhanny, Price M. Smithfield, 2 12t" - .1 00 8 00 1 50 4 50 4 GO 13 Vih 3 00 16 C9 37t 6 09 1 50 19 25 2 12 62A 9 13t 33 00 93 9 21 10 21 4 50 G 15 10 5G 1 23 20 00 20 00 " 17 87 e so .100 oo 100 oo 200 00 87 50 87 50 05 00 40 00 20 00 20 00 12 50 1250 175 00 100 00 175 00 . 40 00 25 00 10 00 40 00 9 16 5 05 9 73 15000 150 00 120 00 GO 61 15 00 90 15 87 38 234 09j 24 16 1333 99 do Do do William Ebach Do do N. A. Lisk, Do do Charles Shoemaker, Do Commission on receiving 90 15 16i do Paving out 873S 75 Jan. 4. 1S55. Balance due Monroe County, per Levi Sluttcr, Esq., Treasurer, Examined and allowed this fourth day of January A. D. 1855. JOHN C. STRUNK, ) JACOB FEATHERMAN, JACOB ALTEMOSE, V Confrs JOHN N. STOKES, JOSEPH HECKMAN. ) THOMAS M. McILITANEY. Attest M. H. Dreher, Clerk. 495 61 177 83 $128 58t $9045 16h j- Auditors. Statement, showing the Duplicates for Couniy Taxes, Payments, Exonerations, Commiss ions and Balances due on same. 5 COLLECTORS Townships 1842 Henry Whitesell Tobyhanna 1849 William Thompson Coolbaugh 1S50 Frederick Shupp folk Anthony Peters Price Robert V. Keiple Coolbaugh . 1851 Conrad Frablw Polk John Miller Jcckson Johu Storm Paradist Ichibod Price Price John Vliet Coolbaugh Bam'l .Mildenberger Tobyhanna 1652 Peter Gilbert Chesnuthill John S Fisher Polk Charles Correll Eldrcd Alexander Brown Hamilton Smith Price Price Peter Frailcy Jackson Simon Lnbar Pocono Henrv Ovcrfield M Smithfield 1853 William -Mosteller Stroud John Kelly Coolbaugh Jacob Edinger Pocono William Jones Eldrcd William Smith Rosa David Gregory Polk Lew is Decker Chesnuthil Peter Merwine sen. Tobyhanna Alexander Brown Hamilton Simon Marsh Paradinc Charles Price Price Theodore Schoch Stroudsburg Henry Albert M Smithfield Joseph A Sincer Jackson Chailes Strunk Smithfield 1851 Henry Albert M Suuthncld George Getz h"es Abraham Transuc Paradise Joseph Wilton Coolbaugh Jude Winters Tobyhanna John Alleger Pocono Elihti Poteens Price Anthony II Berger Eldred Joel Berlin Polk John Kern Slroud Jacob Dorshimer Chesnuthill Alexander Brown Hamilton Philip McCIeukey Jackson Michael Brown Stroudsburg Peter M Huffman Smithfield Am't ofdup licatc 2 80 17 92 20 73 137 87 318 22 117 94 227 88A 85 76 do do do do do -do do do do ab 15 81 13 54 21 91 15 31 15 95 15,02 15 25 53 30 25 84- 10 44 47 87 19 60 191 99 7 42 131 73 77 91 19 00 25 00 1 00- 45 00 do for Pocono do for Stoke's do for Bell's and Smithfield do for Ransbcrry's do for Henry's do for Piiceburg do for Stony Run do for Bushkill do for Mackey's do for Marshall's do for P. Keller's do for Zimmerman s do for Tannersville do for Fennersville do for Butter Milk Falls do for Eldred do Toj Kresgeville do for G. W. Kresge's 110 lOI iVUiin""" . . do for Stroudsburg & Dutotsburgido. Bridge do do' do s . dtf r do lipL '"' V do . AS do' :' ' do' ' - -do' . do' '1 do . . . , ? :, . do . . ,v, i j sburgido; 89 76 1 50 ,5 04 12 G7 ,27 G2 , 114 81t 20-00 20 37 9 26 68 18 20 70 18 67 58 50 7 50' 1 00 9 50 24189 16 68 13 98 6fl 232 27 165; 00 G 12 14.08 95S 10 514,45 2'2S 03 113,55 82,5'J 101,96 230,01 76,17 246,74 241,20 5SS.07 330,70 SU2.54 122,30 301,81 530,07 linl.due at last set'nt. $22,01 4.17 187,47 15.1'J 16,21 170,75 fcO.65 2G.57 33,24 23,36 2l,2o 144,29 20,02 32,67 30,40 22,60 40,40 91,32 155,03 702,35 29.S2 102.37 217,72 134.10 216,19 290,03 01,90 740,20 83,37 100,23 242.S2 457,20 131,43 355,17 Pay tu'iits $10,55 181,60 3,73 1,34 38,22 I9,6 Exo-nera-tions S9.C4 2,23 6,71 11,12 Com-niiH3-siona go .in 4,75 3.75 Ov'r pay- ni'nt 51 111, CO 10,19 21,23 12,23 40,00 71,57 25,00 610,33 25,00 60,30 36,75 215,00 202,00 254,52 50,00 722,94 75.U7 35,63 141,23 332,07 39,00 331,97 137,75 05,00 55,00 29,10 122,62 20,00 81,00 150,00 369,09 146,60 814,00 31,00 174,66 75.00 12,11 15,5! 1.94 G.C2 25,41 0,62 1,1S 9,92 14,96 1,31 5,6 0,71 8,63 17,13 11.54 9.17 3,70 12,50 5,21 14,69 53,27 S.30 6,90 3,20 10 01 4,34 5,40 Bal ance due 1,89 6,67 132,53 69,65 20,82 6,10 130,03 66,53 180.97 34,17 11,96 6 70,60 101,54 113,85 95,43 514,45 01, 2S 48,55 27.59 72,86 113,42 58,17 165,74 91,20 219,58 190,26 76,14 91,36 187,15 461,07 Total 22,61 4,17 157,47 15,19 16,21 170,75 60,65 16,57 33,24 23,36 21.25, 144,29 20,02 32,67 30.40 22,60 48,40 91,30 155,03 7C2.35 2V.82 102,37 217,72 246,19 290,03 61,96 746,20 53,37 106 23 242,82 457.20 131,43 355,17 544,45 223.03 113,55 82,59 101,96 236,04 78,17 246,74 241,20 583,67 336.7G 692,54 122,36 361,61 536,07 THE GREER SLAVE ! Bacchante, Venus, Plora, Hebe, and the Dancmg uirli The above celebrated Statues, together with FIFTEEN STATUETTES IN BRONZE, and several hundred MAGNIFICENT OIL PAINTINGS, from the collection of prizes to be distributed among the members of the Cosmopolitan Art Association at the first an nual distribution, in January next. Tliv Cosmopolitan Art and Lit erary Association, Organized for the Encouragement and Gen- cral Diffusion oj Juileraiure ana the Fine Arts, on a new and original plan. The Committee of Management have the pleasure of announcing that the First An nual Distribution will take place on the 30th of January next, on which occasion there will be distributed or allotted to members several hundred Works of Art, among which is the original and world-renowned Statue of the GREEK SLAVE, by Hiram Powekh, cost ing over five thousand dollars1, together with the beautiful Statues ot VENUS, JJAU CHANTE, HEBE, FLORA, and the DANC ING GIRL; and fifteen Statuettes in Bronze, imported from Paris; also, a large collection of OIL PAINTINGS, comprising somo of the best productions of celebrated American and Foreign Artists. Plan for the Current Year. The payment of three dollars constitutes any one a member of this Association, and entitles him to the Knickerbocker Magazine for one year, and also a ticket in the distri bution of the Statuary and Paintings which are to be allotted to members in January. Persons taking five memberships are en titled to five of the Magazines one year, and to six tickets in the distribution. Persons, on becoming members, can have their Magazine commncce with any month they choose, and rely on its being mailed to them promptly on the first of every month, direct from New-York. The net proceeds derived from the sale of memberships are devoted to the purchase ot Works of Art for the ensuing year. Books open to receive names at the Eas tern office. New-York, or Western office,. Sandusky. The Gallery of Art is located at Sandusky, (the Western office of the Association,) where superb Grame Buildings have been erected for it, and in whose spacious Ealoons the splendid collection of Statuary and Paintings is exhibited. The Advantages Secured by becoming a member of this Association are 1st. All persons receive the full value of their subscription at the start, in the shape of sterling Magazine Literature. 2d. Each member is contributing toward purchasing choice Works of Art, which are to be distributed among themselves, and are at the same time encouraging the Artiste of the country, disbursing thousands of dollars through its agency. Persons remitting funds for membership, should mark letters, "Registered," and state the month with which they wish their maga zines to commence, and also their post office address in fullfOn the recipt of which, a cer tificate of membership, together with the magazine desired, will be forwarded to anv part of the country. Those who purchase Magazines at Book stores will observe that by joining this Asso ciation, they receive the Magazine and Free Ticket in the annual distribution, all at the same price they now pay for the Magazine alone. Illustrated Catalogues of the whole collec tion sent on application, free of charge. 07" Offices of the Association, at the Knickerbocker Magazine office, 348 Broad way, New-York, and at No. 166 Water St., Sandusky, Ohio. Address, (at either office, for membership, C. L. DERBY, Actuary C. A. & L. A. Dember 21, 1854. New Wholesale and Retail WINE & IiMfcUOR STOKE, Stroudsburg, Pa. The undersiuned would inform Land- gj&lords and the public generally, that he continues the above business in Strouds burg, in the store house formerly occupied by John II. Melick as a Jewelry Store, and has on hand a large stock of WiNES AMD LIQUORS of all kinds and of the best quality, direct from the Custom House, which he is prepared to sell to Landlords and others on the most rea sonable terms. Our stock consists of French Brandy, dark and pale. Also, Peach, Black- borrv. Cinnamon and Cherry Brandy; Hoi land Gin, N. E. Rum; Irish, Rye and Apple Whiskey; Lisbon, Claret, Port, Sweet Mala ga, Currant and Champagne wine, etc. etc. Also, on hand a large stocK or uiuers oi ai kinds. Demijohns, from to 5 gallons; bottles, and generally any thing that can be asked for in our line. Landlords will find it crreatlv to their ad vnntnrre to deai with me. I have no hired ncrenta io sell and distribute liquors for me at great expense, which must be paid for by the consumer. Those dealing with me I intend shall be satisfied with the article they get, as well as the price, and whenever they are not I will be pleased to have them return the liquor, and make the tact Known, lor i in end to make it a permanent bnsiness, and can only do so by dealing honorably. Al orders sent me, by stage drivers or others, wil bo promptly attended to, the same as though the person was present dealing lor nimseir. July 8, 1852. P..S. POSTENS. &OOf BOOKS BY MAIL. PUBLISHED BY FOWLERS & WELLS, SOS Broadway, New-York. In order to accommodate "The People," resmina in all parts oi the United States, the Publishers will forward by return of the first mail, any book in the following list. The postage will be prepaid by them at the New York office. By this arrangement of pre paying postage in advance, fifty per cent is saved to the purchaser. All letters contain ing orders should be postpaid, and directed as follows : FOWLERS & WELLS. 303 Broadway, N."Y. Constitution of Man. By Geo. Combe. The only authorized American Edition. Wnh 20 Engravings,, and a Portrait of the Author. Price, muslin, 87 cents. Defence.of Phrenology. Containing an Es say on the nature and value of Phrenologi cal Evidence, also an able vindication of Phrenology. By Boardman. Ptice, S7 cents. Domestic Life. Thoughts on its Con cord and Discord, with valuable Hints and Suggestions. By N. Sizer. 15 cents. Education: its Elementary Principles founded on the Nature of Man. By J. G. Spurzheim, M. D. With an Appendix, con taining a description of the Temperaments, and an Analysis of the Phrenological Fac ulties. 87 cents. We regard this volume as one of the most important that has been offered to the pub lic for many years. Boston Med. and Sur. Journal. Lectures on Phrenology. By Geo. Combe. With Notes, an Es3ay on the Phtenological mode of Investigation, and an Historical Sketch. By Dr. Boardman. lllutiated. SI 25. Marriage : its History and Philosophy. A Phrenological and Physiological Exposition of the Functions and'Qualifications neces. sary for Happy Marriages. Illustrated. 75 cents. Memory and Intellectual Improve menl; applied to Self Education and Juvenile In struction. Twentieth Edition Illustrated. 87 cents. Matrimonv: or, Phrenology and Physiolo- trv applied to the selection of congenial com- panions lor Line; lnciuuui uuci-nuus iu Married for living together Affectionately and Happily. 30 cents. Phrenology Proved, illustrated and Ap plied: accompanied by a chart, embracing an Analysis of the Primary Mental Powers in their various degrees of development, th Phenomena produced by their combined Activity, and the Location of the Phreno logical Organs. Together with a view of the Moral and Theological bearing of the Science. Price, Si 25. Phrenological Almanac. With Portraits. G cents. Phrenology and the Scriptures. An a ble, though small woik, By Rev. John Pierpont. 12 cents. Phrenological Guide Designed for Stu dents of their own characters. 15 cents Self Culture and Perfection of Character; including the Education and Management of youth. 87 cenis. ''Selfmade or never made' is the moito. No individual can read a page of it wit hout being improved thereby. Com, School Ad vocate. Self Instructor in Phrenology and Physi ology. Illustrated with 100 Engravings; including a Chart for recording the various degrees of development. By O. S. and L. N. FOWLER. In paper. 30 cents; mus lin, 50 cents. Accidents and Emergencies: A Guide, containing Directions for Treatment in Bleeding, Cuts, Bruises. Sprains, Broken Bones, Dislocations, Railway and Steam boat Accidents, Burns and Scalds, Bites of Mad Dogs, Cholera, Injured Eyes, Choking, Poison, Fits, Sun Stroke, Lighting, Drawn ing, &c. Appendip bv Dr. Thrall. 15 cents. Bulwer, Forbes and Houghton on the Wa ter Treatment. A compilation of Lectures and Papers on the subject of Hygiene and Hydropathy. Edited by Houghton. M 25 Comsumption: its Prevention and Cure bv the Water Teatment. With advice concern ing Hemmorrhage of the Lungs, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis and Sore Throat. By Dr. Shew . 87 cents. Domestic Practice of Hydropathy, with a form of a Report for the assistance of pa tients in consulting iheir Physicians by cor respondence. By Ed. Johnson, M. D. Si 50 Errors of Physicians and others in the Practice of the Water Cure By J. II. Rausse. From the German. 30 cents. Hydropathic Family Physician. A Ready Prescriber and Hygienic Adviser, with reference to the Natures, Causes, Pre vention and Treatment of Diseases. Acci dents and Casualilies of every kind; with a Glossary, Table of Contents and Index. Il lustrated with nearly 300 Engravings. By Joel Shew, M D. One large volume of 820 pages, substantially bound. Price, pre-pak1 by mail. S3 50. Hydropathic Encyclopaedia; a system of iijdropathy and Hygiene, Containing Uut- ines ol Anatomy, Physiology ol the Human Bodv- Hygienic Agencies and the Preser- ation of Health, Dietetics and Hydropathic Cookery, Theory and Practice of Water Treatment. Special Pathology and Hydro Therapeutics, including the Nature, Causes. Symptoms, and I reatment ot all Known uis eases; Application of Hydropathy to Mid wifery and the iSursery- Designed as : Guide to Families and Students, and a Text Book for Physicians. By R. T. Thrall, MD Illustrated with upwards of 300 Engravings and Colored Plates. Substantially bound Prepaid by mail, S3 '00. This is the most comprehensive and pop ular work vet publishod on the suhject o Hydropathy. Ol all the publications which have attained such a wide popularity, as is sued by Fowers & Wells, perhaps none are1 more adapted to general utility map mis rich. Comprehensive and well arrange u at evclonaedia. N. Y. Tribune. "Practicoof Water Cure. Containing a detailed account of the various processes vscd in the Water Treatment, eic. jy , son and Gully. 30 cts. PhilnQonhv of Water Cure. A Develop ment of the truo principles of health and longevity. ly uaioirmo. ou cumo. New Hydropathic Cook Book. By R. T. Thrall, M. D. A system of Cookery on Hy drooathic principles containing an HiXpqsi tion of the true relations of all Alimentary Substances to Health, with plain Receipts for preparing all appropriate Dishes forHy dropalhio establishments, Vegetarian Board ing Houses, Private families, &c. It l the Cook's complete Guide for all who "eat to live." Paper. 02 cenis: Muslin, 37 cts Science of Svvimmina. With instructions to Learners. Illustrated, 15 cents. Water Cure in America. Over 300 cases of various diseasos treated with Water. With cases of Domestic Practice, $1 25. Wator Cure applied to every known dis easo. A new Theory. A complete demon stration of tho advantages of the Hydropathic svstem of curing diseases: showing also the fallacy of tho Allopathic Method, and its ut ter inability to effect a permanent cure. With Appendix, containing the Hydropathic Diet and Rules for Bathing. By Rausse, 87 cents. Water Cure Manual. A popular Work; embracing descriptions ofjtho various modes' of Bathincr, the Hygienic?and curative Ef fects of Air. Exercise, Clothing. Occupa tion, Diet, Water drinking, &c. Together with descriptions of Diseases, and the Hy dropathic Remedies. Bv Dr Shew. 87 cts Water Cure Almanac. Illustrated, 0 cts: Combe's Phvsiology. Applied to tfua Preservation of Health, and to the improve ment of mental and physical Education." With notes by US Fowler. 87 cen!s. Ch ronic Diseases? especially the nervous diseases of Women. By D. Rosch. From the German. 30 cents. Digestion, Physiolocv of. Considered witii relation to the principles of Dietetics. By Combe. Illustrated. 30 "ccrits. Food and Diet. With observations on thn Dietic Recimen suited to disordered stated of the Digestive orga'ns; and an account of ihe .Dietetics of some of tho Principal Me tropolitan and other Establishments for Pau pers, Lunatics, Criminals, Children, the Sick;- etc. By Periera. Si ore Kansas: embracing descriptions of Scena ry, Climate, productions, Soil, and Resour ce of the Territory, interspersed with Inci dents Of AdventUra anH Anxr,ln'tr nTTrarZ el. By Max Greene, 30 cents. Hereditary;?' .Descend its Laws and Facta' applied tojiuman .improvement. By O S . o cents. Maternity; or the Bearing and Nursing of Children, including Female Education, By OS owler. With illustrations, 87 cents , ""J ,Lavvs of Man- By J G Spurs tieim, Al U, An important work, 30 cents I hysiology. Animal and Mental : Applied to the Preservation and Restoration of Ue.tlili of Body and Power of Mind Il lustrated, 87 cents Sober and Temperate Life. Discourses and Letters and Biography of Louis Conard 30 cents Tobacco. Three Prize Essays, by Drs Thrall, Shew and Baldwin, 15 cents Teeth, their Structure,2isease and Treat-" ment. With numerous illustrations, 15 cts" Future of Nations; in what consists' security. A Lecture, by- Kossuth. YVnh' a Likeness, 12 cents What the Sister Arts Teach as to Farm ing. An Address. By Horace Greeley, 12 cents True Basis of American Independence. An Address, by Hon Wm H Seward, 12 cts Labor: its History and Prospects By Robert .Dale Owen, 30 cents Hints towards Reforms. Consisting of Lectuies,.Essays, Addresses and other Wri tings. Second E,ditiori, enlarged- By Horace Greeley, 1 2 Hopes and Helps for the Young of both sexes. Relating to the formation of Char acter, Choice of Avocation, Health, Amuse-, ment, Music, Conversation, Cultivation of Intellect, Moral Sentiments, social vlffec lion. Courtship and Afaniage- By Rev G S Weave, 87 cente Human Rights and their Political Guar anties. By Judge Hurlbut With Notes by Geo Combe, 87 cents Home for .'1 -4 new, cheap, convenient and superior mode of building, containing full directions for constructing gravel walls. With Views, Plans and Engraved Illustra tions. New Edition, revised and enlarged, 87 cents Theory of Population. Deduced from tha General law of Animal Fertility. Introduc tion by Be Trail, 15 cents Woman: her Education and Influence- By Mis Huge Reed With an introduction by;ilfrs C M Kindand. With Portraits, 87 cents Either of these works1 may be ordered and received by aeturn of the First Mail, postage' prepaid by the Publishers. Please inclose the amount in bank notes or postage stamps , and address all orders, postpaid, to FOWLERS & WELLS, 1303 Z?roadway, New York. iV. B. Name your Pest Office, County and State: FURNITURE WAREIiOOMS. Smiley, Sayrc & Co. Respectfully inform the citi zens of Stroudsburg and vi cinity, that they have taken the shop lately occupied by S. A - Bennet, on Walnut street, opposite the Washington Ho tel, in the Borough of Stroudsburg, where they are manufacturing r urniture of every description. Those in want of FURNITURE are invi ted to call at their stand. They have always on hand a large, well made, and fashionable assortment of furniture. They are provided with all the new and improved machinery of the day, and having skillful workmen, are enabled to sell good and handsome furniture as cheap as can be sold anywhere. The foi- owing articles can be examined at their vv arc &ooms, viz: Sideboards, Secretaries, Yardrobes, Bureau of varidus patterns, Cupboards of differ ent kinds, Card, Centre, Side, Breakfast and Dining Tables, Bedsteads of different styles and patterns, 'Washslands, Twist, Small and Lage Etagcre, What-Nots, Music Stands, Tea Tables, Fancy Work Tables, Refreshment Tables, Etashas and a general assortment of Cottage Furniture on hand and made to order. CK&SRS! CHA5RS! Mahogany Rocking Chairs of various styles, Parlor Chairs of every description and pat tern ; Boston Rocking Chairs, Maple Wind sor and every other article of chairs. Turning of every kind done at the shortest notice. Work always warranted. Produce of all kinds taken in exchange for Furniture, and cash not refused. JT. B. Coffins made to order at short no tice. A Hearse in readiness to' attend Fu nerals, at all times. November 1G, 1854. 6m. Notice. The undersigned respectfully informs tho citizens of Stroudsburg and vicinety, that he has on hand and offers for sale at low rates good Wheat flour, Reasons, Prunes, Dried Apples, Dates, Figs, Cit ron, Tea, Coffee, Cheese, Segars and To bacco, Dried Poaches, aod a splendid assortment of Candies. FERDINAND DUTOT, December 21, 1854. GOOD OYSTERS. If you want good Oysters, and well done up, call at J. II. Melick's Union Oyster Saloon. Ho intends having them at all hours, day and oveniiig.- where his old customers, as well as new ones, will as usual find him at his post. Call and try them. 0 AP. Fine scented Soaps for wash- ing and shaving a'so the ce'ebrated shaving cream, for sa'o by SAMUEL MELICK j Stroudsburg, -Tanuary 1, 1855. "irf-r''" -'-ft" "-i in kfririr 'fin f is t 3- J
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers