EFT OF RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF MONROE COUNTY. IEYI SLUTTEE, Esq. Treasurer, in account with the County of Monroe, from the first day of January, A. D. 1851, to the 1st day of January 1855, inclusive. DR. To cash iec'd of Collectors, on account of Taxes- for the year 18-12, do do do do do do do Lasn ret do do do do do do do do do dc do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do 10 40 1840 33 1850 183 11 1S51 53 50 1852 270 Gl 1853 30 10 S)Gt 1851 2269 72i- 5857 23 591 32 do on Unseated Lands, for years 1852 and 1853 ce'd on account of Road Tax on Unseated Lands, for years 1852 & '53 do do do fechoollax on do do do 1852 iV 53 do do do Silas L. Drake, Treasurer of Fort Penn Lodge of I. O. of O. F. for rent of Grand Jury Room, for years 1853 & 185-1 do ree'd on Seated Lands Redemption money received on Unseated Lands sold Cah received of John Edinger, late Treasurer 1501 95 839 89 20 00 25 20 182 28 21 23 CE. By cash paid John Edinger, late Treasurer, balance due at last settlement do do Chas. Feathennan, former Treas'r do do former settlement Administration of Justice. By pay and mileage of Grand and Petit Jurors, Constables. Paid Constables making returns, mileage and attending Court District Attorney. " Abiam Barry, District Attorney " Samuel S Dreher do Sheriff. 44 James N Durling, for conveying Floar to Penitentiary do do summoning Jurors $9015 IGh 93 98 51G 27 1059 59t -15 00 11 50 50 00 15 00 130 5G 56 50 G5 00 Witness and Constables Fees in Commonwealth Cases. Commonwealth vs. do do do do do ilo do do PaM William P do do do do do do do do Andrew Pipher Frederick Floar Christian Miller John Riley Abram Bute Brown & Hoben Graves A. Swinghammcr C. & J. Price 25 00t 12 98 7 7-1 22 7-1 20 10 00 11 ill 20 11 Boarding Prisoners. Hillock for boarding prisoners do for materials and work at Jail Jail Repairs. Court Crier. do Chailes U. Warnick, Court Criei Prothonotaiy and Clerk of the Sessions. So Michael II, Dreher, Prothonoiary Commissioners Clerk and Counsel. -do James II. Walton, Commissioners Clerk 123 91 05 Gl 220 19 4 1 99 Go IS 20 00 do do do do do for 1850 10 SO do do do do do for 1853 30 00 do do do do do for 1851 ,100,00 do do . do do Counsel 50 00 do do do do do do Repairs of Court House. do for repairs of Court House Commissioners. do John Miller, Commissioners services do Abram Fenner do Michael Super do Melcnoir Dreher do John C Strunk do Jacob Altomose do JoseDh Heckman 4 Assessors-. H do Assessors for different townships Elections. do expenses for General and Township Elections County Printing-, do Theodore Schoch . v do David Keller do do do printing assessment books Auditors d C. S. Dietrick, County Auditor, dd do do do do Jacob Fetherman do do John N. Stokes do do do do do Bridge Views, ; do for Bridge views, at different Bridges. Road Damages. do James Smith for Road Damages do Michael Ransberry, do do John T. Bell, do do Oliver D. Smith, do Boundary Lines Urn for running line between Stroudsburg and Stroud township do do do do Pocono and Paradise townships Inquisitions. (fie holding Inquisition on unknown person do do do William Williams " do do do Jacob D Birman do do do Michael Kawalski . Stationery. ida John A. Flagler, -for Stationery, tie Samuel Melick, do Fuel. do for fuel foi Court House, Commissioners Office and Jail Judgments. 0 Peter Zimmerman, Judgment vs. County, in F. Starbird's "Docket do John Huston, Executor of Philip Shafer, Sr dec. Esq. Musch's do Bell &. Brothers, JudjjmeiH in Esqr. Starbird's Docket Premiums. Ie ibr premiums on Fox and wild Cat scalps Redemptions. -a for redemption of John Bush, Coolb3Ugh township Ho do tie do do k) de, do 4o do J47 12 151 70 01 G8 19 50- 210 SO 9 00 3 00 1 50 26 50 410 00 205 517 Gl "SO 75 17G 15 5G 75 313 G5 1 50 9 00 9 00 9 00 1 50 30 00 21 00 5 00 15 00 50 00 2d 00 95 00 13 00 -16 I3h .16 12z 17 72 1G 90 14 12z G4 93 2 SO 17 92 20 72 27 87 318 22 1 17 91 227 8Si 85 7G do William Shannon do do Thomas Paschal, Price do do Philip Riggs, Tobyhanna do do do Coolbaugh do do Jos. Thomas, Tobyhanna do do Amos Taylor do do Moses Chambers, Horsefield & McCarty, and do Jacob Hendrick, Tobyhanna do Jesse Sharpless, Tobyhanna, do Christopher Ifeckawelder Refunded. do on refunding Checks Interest. ' i i 0 IISto Executr of Philip Shafer, sr. deceased do Balser eatherman, interest on checks do Joseph Bell and John Bell, on Judgment vs. county Books and Indexes for Offices. do H. Hamraan, books for Prothonolary's office do M. H. Dreher, index and execution dockets do W. S. Rees, do deed book, vol. 7 Bridges. do foi Stroudsburg Bridge - 'i do for Brodhead's do' hs do for Pocono - do do for Stoke's .' do do for Bell's and Smithfield do do for Cherry Creek do' do for Cotanic' . . . do do for Ransberry'a do' do for Henry's do' do for Pxiceburg do do for Stony Run do' 15 81 13 51 21 ,91 15 31 15 95 15 02 15 25 53 30 25 81- 191 99 7 42 131 73 10-41 47 87- 19 CO 19 00 25 00 1 00- 91 45 00 f. do for Bushkill do for Mackey'a do for Marshall's do for P. Keller's do for Zimmerman's do for Tannersville doifor Fennersrille do for Butter Milk Falls do for Eldred do for Kresgeville do for G. W. Krcsge's do for Jvunkletown do for .Stroudsburg & Duiolsbjurg do. do' do'. ;. do , jfal-A& -": do - ' ' . dp:-4""' ' " ' do- : f I - ....... do' ' ; ' - do do do' . ' 9 7G 1 50, 5 04 i2 07 81i 20 00" 20 37 ; 9 "26 08-18 J0 70 18 67 -08,50 7 50 i 00 24 89 16. 68 13 98 rGO" 232 27 165 00 612 14 08 f 95S 10 "t T It Miscellaneous. Paid M. ir. Dreher, William- Dean's charge for Books, from- Easton-4 do Amos Miller, repairing pumps, year ISIS, do Isaac Lodcr, Collin for Uonnul Cornelius (OioiL m do A. R. Jackson, Medicine & attendance on C. Stokely, 1 nsonei. do John llilliard, Const, bringing Irishmen to Jai . , , . vlo Saiuuol Rees, Registering Births & Deaths r ciAmTv k do Melchior Dreher for live loads of wood, and loads ol atony, v do'Crook & Pcdrick, for log chain do John A. Flagler, Merchandize and bedding lor Jail . do M. I). Robison, Swearing Commissioners, do Amos Shoemaker, for Carpenter work - ; do Susan Tuttle, Cleaning Commissioners ojice. ;,;;: do Charcs U. Warnick, attending Court and binding Look Ac do Hannallallock, Washing ibr Prisoners &c. do Samuel A, Bennet, repairing chairs VrUmwrs - ' do William P. Hallock, work at Bridge and mir.sn.g I n.oneis , do Even Green, Carpet Ulimls Arc lor uouri uu -do Richard S. Staples, boards lor floor on County ell do Augustus Carmar, Repairing office & omtUoxw ,in v n i?mv Jail & County Building do Charles Kut.ler, cleaning Jail do John N. Durling, .lauorrf iubs do Miller & Fowler, Stove & Pipe ' ' do Geo. II. Miller, Merchandize. do James II. Walton, calculating Tax Assessment lS.,.i a-,,-.s tl0 do do ' ,v' - do John N. JJurling. for boarding Prisoners &c. Xvow& do Benjamin V.Bush. furnishing and hauling lumbci to btiouus burg and Dutotsourg do George Malvcn for Merchandise luiad Orders. Paid John Smith. Sup. of Tobyhanna T.p. yrs 1S52-5S do do Silas Blowers, do Samuel I'ostens. do John Diblcr, do Coll'man & Ileller. do do Frederick Siglm, do Jacob W. Singer, do do Joseph Williams, do Hiram Warner, do Hiram Warner, do Peter Smoke, do do John Frutchcy, Paid Charles Frantz, do William Long, do Charles Btiskirk do Geo. W. Kresge do Peter Mervine V 'tStJ" TOO', Paid Nathan llouck, School do Do do William Ebach Do do N. A. hUk, Do do Charles Shoemaker, Do Commission on receiving 90 15 IGZt Do Do Price Do Paradise Do Chcsimthill Jackson, Do -Do Coolbaugh, Do Uo Do M. Smithfield. Jackson, years 1S50-51 Price, Boss, Polk. Tobvhanna School Orders. Treasurer of Coolbaugh. 1S52-5U -Do ; Tobyhanny, Price. M. SmithGeld, Do Do Do Do Do Do Do," Do Dor Do Do Do Do. Do Do Do Do Do Do Do ;r do Jan. 4. Pavins out S73S 75 1 50 4 50 4 tiO :13'12t ' 3 00 Hi tJ!) A7h C. 09 .1 50 19 25 2 12 ' C2i 9 13 33 00 93- 9 21 10 21 . 4 50 (i 15 10 50 1 23 20 00 20 00 17 87 6 SO - 100 00 100 00 200 00 S7 50 87 50 l5 00 10 00 20 00 20 00 32 50 12 50 175 00 100 00 175 00 40 00 25 00 10 00 . 40 00 9 1G 5 05 9 7S 15000 150 00 120 00 00 Gl 15 00 90 15 S7 38 234 09 24 1G 1333 99 1S55. Balance due Monroe County, per Levi Slut tor, Esq., Treasurer, 495 Gl 177 S3 S128 58A Examined and allowed this fourth dav of January A. D. 1855. JOHN C. STllUNIv. ) " JACOB FEATIIERMAN, JACOB ALTEMOSE, V Com'rs JOHN N. STOKES, JOSEPH HECKMAN. ) THOMAS M. McILHANEV. Attest M. 11. Dkkhkk. Clerk. $9015 lGt Auditors. G005 I200KS BY RIAI& ; PUBLISHED BY T0WLEES & WELIS, 308 Broadway, New-York. In order to accommodate "Tho People," residing in all parts of the United Stales, the Publishers will forward by return ol the first mail, any book in the following list. Ihe postage will be prepaid by them at the iNew York oflice. liy this arrangement ol pre paying postage in advance, fifty per cent is saved to the purchaser. All letters contain ing orders should be postpaid, and directed as iollows : FOWLERS & WELLS, 303 Uroadway, N. Y. nnnciitution of Man. By Geo. Combe The only authorized American Edition. VVnh 20 Uiiaravirics. and a i'onraii oi me Antlmr. Price, muslin, 87 cents. Defence of Phrenoloev. Containing an Es say on the nature and value of Phrenologi nil ttv-iflpnrn. also an able vindication o Phrenology. By Boardinan. Price, 87 finnts. Domestic Life. Thoughts on its Con cord and Discord, with valuable Hints and SucTfTPstions. Bv N. Sizer. lo cents. Education: its Elementary Principles fiiiindpfl nil the Nature of Man. By J. G. Spurzheun, M. D. With an Appendix, con taining a description of the Temperaments and an Analysis of the Phrenological Eac ullics. 87 cents.' We regard this volume as one of the most i Diet'and Rules for Bathing-. By Raussc, 87 .cents. - ' " . Water Cure-Manual. "A popiilarVVdrk, embracing descriptions of tho various .modes of Bathing, the Hygienic? and curative Ef fects of Air. Exercise, Clothing, Occupa tion, Diet, Water drinking, &c. Together with descriptions ot Diseases, and the Hy dropathic Remedies. By Dr Shew, 87 cts Water Cure Almanac Illustrated, 6 cts Combe's Physiology. Applied to tho Preservation of Health, and to the improve ment of mental and physical Education. With notes, by O S Fowler. 87 cents. Uhronic Diseases: especially the nervous diseases of IVbmen. By D. Rosch. From the German. 30 cents. Digestion, Physiology of. Considered with telation to the principles of Dietetics. Bv Combe. Illustrated, 30 cents. Food and Diet. With observations on the Dietic Kegimen suited to disordered states or the Digestive organs; and an account of Ihe Zhetelics of some of the Principal Me tropolitan and other Establishments for Pau pers, Lunatics, Criminals, Children, theSick,. etc. By Periera, $1 25. Kansas: embracing descriptions of Scene ry, Climate, productions, Soil, and Resour cis of the Territory, interspersed with Inci dents of Adventure and Anecdotes of Trav el. By Max Greene, 30 cents. Hereditary"1 -Descent: its Laws and Facts applied to human improvement. By O S Fowler, 87 cents. Maternity; or the Bearing and Nursing of Children, including Female Education, By O S Fowler. Wiih illustrations, 87 cents Natural Laws of Man. By J G Spurz heim, M D, An important work. 30 cents Physiology. Animal and Mental Applied u; the Preservation and Restoration of Health of Body and Power of Mind. 1U lustratcd, 87 cents Sober and Temperate Life. Discourses and Letters and Biography of Louis Conaro 30 cents Tobacco. Three Prize Essays, by Dcs Thrall, Shew and Baldwin, 15 cents Teeth. theirStructure, Disease and Treat ment. With numerous illustrations, 15 cts Statement, showing the Duplicates for County 2"axcs, Payments. Exonerations, Commiss ions and ISalances due on same. Ain't llal.dui; Exo- Com- Ov'r Ball- Townt-liitis otiliii) at last X'av- nt:ra- miss- liay- ancc hcatu fcol'ni. ln'ntd tions sinus in'nt due 3 COLLECTORS 1812 Henry Whitcscll 1S4!) William Thompson lc.")0 Frederick rrhupp ' Anthonv Peters " Robert VV. Kfiiplo ie3J Conrad Trable John Miller John Storm Ichibod Trice John Vlict Sam'l Mildenbcrger iej-2 Teter Gilbert John S Fisher Chmles Corrcll Alexander Crown Smith I'rice Peter Frailey Simon La bar llenrv Ovcrfield 1853 William Modeller John Kelly Jacob Ediiife'cr William Jones William Smith David Gregory Lewis Dcr.ker Peter Mcrwinc sen. Alexander Brown Simon Marsh Charles Price Theodore Schoch Henry Albert Joseph A Sincer Chailca Strunk IEj4 Henry Albert Geon;e Gctz Abraham Transuc Joseph Wilton Judc Winters John Alleger , Elihu Pojcens Anthony H Bergcr Joel Herlin John Kcm Jacob JJrshimfr Alexander ilrown Philip McCIeukey Michael Rrown Peter .11 Huffman Tobyliannn Coolbaugh Polk Price Coolbaugh Polk Jcckson Paradise Price Coolbauph Tobyhanna Chesnuthill Polk Eldred Hamilton I'rice Jackson Pocono M Smithfield Stroud Coolbaugh Pocono Eldred Ross Polk Chcsnuthil Tobyhanna Hamilton Paradise I'rice Stroudsburji M Smithfield Jackson Smitlifk-M M Siuithlield Ross Paradise Coolbaugh Tobyhanna Pticono Price Eldred Polk Stroud Clip? iititlnll Hamilton Jackson Stroudsburg Smithllcld lal.due Exo- Com- it last Pay- nera- iniss- et'in. m'uts tions sinus $22,0 1 $10,55 $'). S2.42 1.17 i,2d js7.it rai.go 15.1U 3.73 0.71 1.75 10,21 l,:i4 11,12 3,75 170,75 38,22 f0,W5 2(i,57 I9,G C.71 33.21 'J3.3I) 21,25 51 12,11 S.03 1U.2-) 111,00 15,51 17,13 20,02 :f2,f.7 10.19 1,91 U,5l 30,-iO 21,23 9.17 22,60 -12.28 C.C2 a,70 10,10 40.00 91,32 71,57 7,25 12,50 155,03 25,00 702.35 CI0,SS 25,41 29.S2 25,00 9,G2 5,21 102,37 S0.30 1,1S M.S'J 217,72 30,75 1S4.10 21S.0O 210.19 202,00 9,92 290,03 251,52 JO.g 23,27 01,90 50,00 740.20 722,91 14.9C 6,30 S3.37 75,07 1,31 0,99 10G,2S 35,05 212,82 141,23 457,20 332,07 5,05 131,43 39,00 355,17 331,97 23,20 10,04 4,31 22S 03 113,55 62,59 101,90 230,01 7S.17 210,71 211,20 5Ss,07 330,70 692,51 122,30 301, SI 530,07 137,75 Of ,00 55,00 29,10 122,02 20,00 61,00 150,00 309,09 1 10.00 614,00 31,00 174,00 75,00 5,40 1,89 5,07 132,53 50,05 20,02 0,10 130,03 00,53 160,97 31,27 11,9G 0 70,00 101,51 11S.S5 95,13 514,15 91.2S 45,55 27,59 72,60 113,42 5S.17 105,71 91,20 219,58 190,20 70,14 91,30 167,15 101,07 FURNITURE WAREROOHS. Snjiloy, Sayrc & Co. 3n5Sv Respectfully inform the citi 11 isvcKJ, K vana nf Sf rniirlhitrrr niiil VI- cinity, that they have taken the shop lately occupied by S. A- Bennet, on Walnut street, opposite the Washington Ho tel, in the Borough of Stroudsburg, where they are manufacturing Furniture of every description. Those in want of FURNITURE are invi ted lo call at their stand. They have always on hand a large, well made, and fashionable assortment of furniture. They are provided with all the new and improved machinery of the day, and having skillful workmen, are enabled to sell good and handsome furniture as cheap as can he sold anywhere. The fol lowing articles can be examined at their Ware Rooms, viz: Sideboards, Secretaries, Wardrobes, Bureau of various patterns, Ciqtboards of differ ent hinds, Card, Centre, Side, Breakfast 'and Dining Tables, Bedsteads of different styles and patterns, Washstands, Twist, Small and Lage Elagorc, What-Nols, Music Stands, Tea Tables, Fancy Work Tables, Refreshment Tables, Etashas and a general assortment of Cottage Furniture on hand and made to order. CHAIRS! CMA3RS! Mahogany Rocking Chairs of various styles, Parlor Chairs of every description and pat tern : Boston Rocking Chairs, Maple Wind sor and every other article of chairs. Turning ot every kind done at the shortest notice. Work always warranted. Produce of all kinds taken in exchange for Furniture, and cash not refused. N. B. Coffins made to order at short no tice. A Hearse in readiness to attend f u ticrals, at all times. November 16, 1854. 6m. The partnership in the Mercantile business, Detwcen James H. Stroud and Charles R. An dre, as the firm of Stroud & Andre, is this day dissolved. JAMES II. STROUD, CHARLES R. ANDRE. Stroudsburg, Sept. 15, 1854. N. JJ. 1 he subscriber would Hereby in form his old customers and the public in gen eral that he continues the Mercantile busi ness at the old stand, on the corner, opposite the American Hotel, and in addition to his pacs, substantially bound. mnortant that has been offered to the pub lic for many yews. Boston Med. and Sur. Journal. Lectures on Phreuolosv. By Geo. Combe With Notes, an Es3ay on the Phonological mode of Investigation, and an Historical Sketch. By Dr. Boardman. Ululated. SI 25. Marriage : its History and Philosophy. A j Phrenolo2ical'and Physiological Exposition j of the Functions and Qualifications neces. snrv for llaonv Maniap.es. Illustrated. i - u 75 cents. Memory and. Intellectual Improvement; applied to Self Education and Juvenile In- I uture of JN'alions: in what consists its fiimrMinii. Twentieth Edition Illustrated, security. A Lecture, by Kossuth. V:tl 87 cents. a Likeness, 13 cents Matrimony: or, Phrenology and Physiolo lVhat the Sister Arts Teach as lo Farnw ay applied to the selection of congenial com- ing. An Address. By Horace Greeley, 12 panions for Life; including Directions to tne cents Married for living together Affectionately True Basis of American Independence. and Happily. 30 cents. An Address, by Hon IVm H Seward, 13 cu Phrenology Proved, Illustrated and An- Labor: its History and Pro3necta- By plied: accompanied by a chart, embracing Kouert Jale Uwen, 30 cents an Analysis of the Primary Mental Powers Hints towards Reforms. Consisting of in their various degrees of development, the Lectuies, Essays, Addresses and other IVYi- Jhenomena produced by their combined tings. Szcuml Edition, enlarged- Bv Activity and the Location ot tne rtireno- Horace Ureeley, 1 23 logical Organs. Together with a view of Hopes and Helps for the Young of both the Moral and Theological bearing of the sexes. Relating to the' formation-of Char Science. Price, $1 25. acter, Choice of Avocation, Health, Amuse Phrenological Almanac. With Portraits, ment, Music, Conversation, Cultivation of 6 cents. I Intellect, Moral Sentiments, social .4 flee - Phrenology and the Scriptures. An a- i ion. Courtship and Afariiage J?y Rev G b!e, though small woiK, JJy itev. jonn n'eave, 87 rents Pierpont. 12 cents. Human Kignts and their i'olitiral Guar- Phrenological Guide Designed for Stu- anties. Bv Judge Hurlbut With Notes by dents of their own characters, lo cents .eo oombe.o cents i ii r i ' I . i t r i ii bet! Uuitureanu reriection oi ouarin:it;i , nome ior jin- A nevv.rfieap, convenient including the iliducation anu management and superior mode of building, containing of youth, o cents. I full directions lor construr-ting gravel walla. "Selfmade or never made is tne motto.- ah Views, Plans and Engraved Illustra- No individual can read a pageiof it without tions. New Edition, revised and enlarged, being improved thereby. Lorn, school Ad-S7 cents cocale. 1 heory of Population. Deduced from the -Self Instructor in Phrenology and Physi- General law of animal Fertility. Introduce ology. Illustrated with 1UU engravings; uon by JJr 1 rail, 15 cents including a Chart for recording the various Woman: her Education and Influence- degrees of development. By O. S. and L. By Mrs Huge Reed With an introduction X. FOWLER. In paper. 30 cents; mus- by rs C M Kiridand. With Portrait, 87 lin, 50 cents. cents A nr-iionto nnrl TV.mprfTPnr.?Rs: A filliflft.l containing Directions for Treatment in Either of these works may be ordered and Bleeding, Cuts, Uruises. Sprains, broken received by aeturn of the First Mail, postage Uones, uissocations, uauway anu oieuui- prepaid by the P ublishers. Please inclose ooat .'icciuenis, uums anu otiuus, uhm u mc nmouni in oanK noies or nostaoe stamnr. Ill I . . . -..i . i in rt i I ... . . . " 355 17 :lad UZS noiera, injury r,yes, onoiving. and address all orders, postpaid, to 511,45 Poison, Fits, Sun btrolie, Jigliting, Urawn- inor. &c. Appcndio bv Ur. Ihrall. 15 cents. Bulwer, Forbes and Houghton on the Wa ter Treatment. A compilation of Lectures and Papers on the subject of Hygiene and Hydropathy. Indited by Houghton. i$l-Jb Comsumption: its Prevention and Cure bv the Water Teatment. With advice concern ing Ilemmorrhage of the Lungs, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis and Sore Throat. By Dr. Shew . S7 cents. Domestic Practice of Hydropathy, with a form of a Report for the assistance of pa tients in consulting their Physicians by cor respondence. By Ed. Johnson, M. D. $1 50 Errors of Physicians and others in the Practice of the Water Curo By J. II. Rausse. From the German. 30 cents. II vdronathic Family Physician. A j - ... Ready Prescriber and llvaionic Adviser. with reference to the Natures, Causes, Pre vention and Treatment of Diseases. Acci dents and (Jasua ries ol every Kind; with a Gloisarv, Table of Contents and Index. Il lustrated with nearly 300 Engravings. Bv Juel Shew, M D. One large volume of 820 Price, pre-paid Total $22,01 1,1 187,4 15,19 1G,21 fcO,G5 10.57 33,21 23,30 21.25 144,29 20,02 i-J,07 30,40 22,00 40,40 91,32 155,03 7C2.35 29,82 102,3 217,7! 210,19 290,03 01.90 740,20 1CG.2S 212,62 457.20 131,43 113,55 82,59 101,90 23G,()4 7S.I 210,74 241,20 555,07 33G,7G 592,51 122,30 201,81 03G,0 FOWLERS & WELLS, SOS Z?roadway, New York. X. B. Name your Post Office, Count- and State: JAKES H. WALTOIT, Treasurer of the Monroe County Mutual Fire Insurance Company, in account witt the same, from the first Monday of Sep tember, 1853, to the first Monday of Sep tember 1851 Inclusive. 3r. To amount in hand at last Settlement as per statement of Auditors. 77 GO " amount received for Insurance and plates from the first Monday Sept. 1650 lo the sameday in Sept. 1S5I. 235 5G "amount of Initiation fees paid in during the year. AMOUNT Cr. Ill Otf 477 10 12 o: 1 07 former stock has just received and is now by mail. 62 50. opening a choice lot ot Hydropathic Encyclopaedia; a system of Full and Whiter Goods, Hydropathy and Hygiene, Containing Out I Knsw 1 A n!fnrntt Ol. tioiiilitn ir f ta Ilirn ill beicc eu irom uie v,uy marKeis, among wnicn . iiv?ripni- Aannr,P, and lhn Prese, .. i, r i . . i- rj- i i o --o f.n.ln f tmr- n a nl.,.l .1 I ' J uiwaa yuuuo, wiL. x-uuyjr (iiaiu uuu uu iu, CanknrV . Theorv and Practice of Water- w i i r 11 i t t i i j - Lieianesanu oasnmeres; uaua piaids, irench Treatment. Special Patholonv and Hydro ... i a i l rt i . . - uxuiuius, vuui uviauui,, .'wpuwis mm uuurs, Thpmr.euties. nr ni ino t ir N'nturR. f7;iusRs. .!, .: : . j " r ' uicca uiiiiuuiiy, usaunuu, unuur biuuves mm Svmntoms. and Treatment of a known Uis chemizettes; Jaconet and Swiss edging; black Pnsps. nnliPation of Hvdmnathv to Mid and fancy cassimeres; sattinets from 37-i up; WIfery and the Nursery. Designed as a i i x- r i - i i . - . . - ivemucKs, iancy piaius ior uoys wear; reu, Guide to Families and Students, and a Text white and yellow flannels of every grade; I3ook for Physicians. By R. T. Thrall, MO VVelcn do.: bhakerdo.: plain and fip-urcd do.; lllustratod with unwards of 300 Enpravinss on ciom ior taoies, stair anu carpets uo.; and and Colored Plates. Substantially bound. a iuu assortment ot lanKee notions; lining Prepaid by mail, 63 00. Notice. The undersigned respectfully informs he citizens of Stroudsburg and vicinety, that he has on hand and oflers for sale at ow rates good Wheat flour, Iteasons, Prunes, Dried Apples. Dates, Figs, Cit ron, Tea, Coffee, Cheese, Scgars and To bacco, Dried Peaches, and a splendid assortment of Candies. FERDINAND DUTOT. December 21, 1654. 00D OYSTERS. If you want good Oysters," and well done up, call at J. II. Molick's Union Oyster Saloon. lie intends having them at all hours, day and evening, where his old customers, as well as new ones, will as usual find him at his post. Call and try them. This is the most compiehensive and pop- ularj work yet published on the subject of Hydropathy. Ot all the publications which have attained such a wide popularity, as is sued by Fowers & Wells, perhaps none are more adapted to general utility than this rich. Comprehensive and well arranged En Y. Tribune. and dress silks, Crockery ware, tin ware, and a full assort ment of hardware, carpenters tools. &c. fflass and nails; also a hue lot of cheap hams and shoulders; fresh lime; coarse and fine salt, fish, &c. A large lot of cyclopaedia. N. I I" A 1 r r a-a IKrtnttt !bbii! Isfno. rractico oi u ater oure. uontainma a IrinfnMRft nfpriiint m Ih( v-nrmiic nrAnojcoc f' T . . Vin.n 1. . I . . . ... ... . n-avv uuuia uim uiuimiitj, waiur vaprt m I ir Wntnr ' 'rMlmnni otr Kv Ur rr If .1 . ! .1 , .IM 1 , . .. J ... u"' uvy. youina unu cnnurens; la- snn nm (in v. Hh r.i. , i- r. -, . .... : - j aies hip, cair, enameled and kid boots: bus- Philnsnnhv nf WntRr Hum A rwlnn .: i . , .... , r..j una uimguuers; misses ana cnuurens do.; ment of the true principles of health and mom& uim misses jjurns: mens and bovs do.: ono-ov tv. iv a h m n. no nnnts .' - n " ' O Jm ' u laut uvory uiiug comprising a iuu country nw n.,nir Tt I? T - . t mi i . " I iit iiiuiu iiuiiiv uuoa uouii j uoruuenr, an or wnicn win ne sold cheap Thrall, M. D. A system of Cookery on Hy- vttu anu dlu ioi . vour- (j.onath r nr nc u es. conta ninsr nn uxposi- - - r i - Paid Jno. Edinger and Jno. N. Stokes Committee. " Peter Miller witness fess " Iheodore Schoch for Printing Blanks, &c, 1852-53-. 21 00 " Geo. II. Miller & Robert Boys Committee. 3 00 " Jacob IC. Shafer witness fees 1 54 " Keller &. Alleger, printing, &c. 7 50 " Silas L Prake, 5 50 " C Say lor Manager, &c 7 l() " John Casebeer, witness fees 1 Gl " RS Staples Prest &. Manager 10 00 44 E II Walton, painting signs 3 75 44 C U Warnick, painting signs 3 75 44 R Houston, signs y 00 44 Geo II Miller, &, Silas L Drake Committee G 00 44 Jacob Stouffer Manager, & Com 2 93 44 Miller &. Kern Committee , 4 37 44 Hannah Bush, witness fees 02 44 J II Walton, fees as Sec. and Manager, &c 31 00 44 Managers fees H 25 44 John D Eck's loss S 00 44 Theodore Schoch, printing &. Blanks 1G 50 44 tho Secretary Lr making 111 Policies 111 00 44 Treasurers Coimmis'ssions for . rec. &. paying out 390 44. 19 97 44 E II Wulton obtaining Policies 3 00 44 Policies applied for, not taken 'out or fees paid. 11 33 selves. C. R. ANDRE Stroudsburg, October 5, 1854. 44 Auditors fees Balance due in Treasurers hands settlement $314 34 1 87 at SPRING MATTRESSES. The undersigned has taken the affencv for the sale of Wrights Celebrated Patent Sprin" tion of the true relations of all Alimentary Substances to Health, with plain Receipts fnr nrfitmrinrr nil annronriato JJlshes lor Hy- , --r a - ,1 1 .-: 1 Ti . ir dropathicestaoiisiimenis, efjJi'"iu u.iiu- tie xlon ing Houses, Private families, tec. It is the Cook's complete Guide for all who ueat Paper. G2 cents; .Muslin, 37 cts 160 95 S-177 16 Mattresses, (for which the pronrietor received to live." the first Silver Medal, awarded bv the Frank- Science of Swimming. With instructions lin Institute, in 1858,) to which he invites to Learners. Illustrated, 15 cents. the attention of the citizens of Stroudsburr; Water Cure in America. Over 300 cases and vicinity. A sample can be seen at the of various diseases treated with Water. House or tne subscriber at any time, 830 in the City. C. R. ANDRE, Acrent Stroudsburg, Nov. 2, 1854. Price Qpls. Tstrnciilinu -KJsaio by F. 1IOLLINS1I EAD. Stroudsburg, Marc h30. 1851. With cases of Domestic Practice, $1 25. Ivatar Cure applied to every known dis ease, n new 1 neory. A complete demon stration of the advantages of the Hydropathic system 01 curing diseases; showing also the on hand and for fallacy of the Allopathic Method, and its ut- ler inability to effect a permanent cure. shavincr eroavn. fnr kjlIr Kv U'ith Appendix. containinr the llvdronathic " .1 titti? r We the undersigned Auditors appointed by - Monroe .Mutual Fire Insurance Commnv do ccrtifg that we have carefully audited settled and examined the acconnts of James ii vvaiion, .treasurer, ot said Company and find a balance" in his hands from mnnip re ceived Ibr said Company the sum of S160 95 vuness our nanus uec. IS, 1854, uauitiiti tJ. MILLER. ) i2fS5 N' ST0KS Auditors. ROBERT BOYS. $ SOAP. Fine scented Soaps for wash- auu auciviug a-so uic cceDratca MELICK
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers