t Attvuxi Dsatu. Noar Konosha, Wis consin, last wee!', a drunken man was lit erally devoured by hogs wliilo lying in tbc road, in a state of beastly intoxication. His bones and a few remnants of his clothes were found. ACPER'sRETtrilNKD. Boston has just sent back to Europe 150 paupers from the different Institutions of the State. All but 29 return of their own free will, the balance have been sentenced to be re turned. New Jersey Odd Fellows. This Order is said to be in a flourishing con dition. There are now 106 chartered Lodges, numbering 7,003 members. What Constitutea. Intemperance. Judge Pearson, in a recent charge to the "Grand Jury at Harrisburg, decided that an J individual who visits from tavern to tuvcrn, drinking five or six times daily, is emphatic ally a man of intemperate habits, and that tavern keepers who sell to such are liable to prosecution under the act prohibiting the sale of liquors to "men of known intemperate hab its." If this construction of the law be cor rect, there are few tavern keepers but are liable to be prosecuted every day in the week. Grain from California A letter from San Francisco elates that an effort was then m progress, to induce the large wheat growers of the Slate to charter a clipper ship, and load her with 50,000 bush els of wheat and barley, for New York. Ma ny of the farmers had already come into the arrangement, and agreed to ship about 25 per cent, of their crops. The freight would be about fifty cents per bushel. Interesting to Clergymen and Odd Eel lows. The Rev. F. G. Zcinner, pastor of a Lutheran Church at Pittsburg, was tried ;it that place, a few days ago, on a charge of interferinz "nub the William Toll i Lodge of Odd Fellows, while pcrformi nrT funeral service over the remains of a member of the Order. The Dispatch says : The first and second counts of the in dictment charged the defendant with in terrupting the religious exercises of the Odd Fellows, but the court held that the burial service spoken over a fellow being is not a religious exerciec, but only one of the incidents attending the funeral. There was not in existence an act of As- j . hombly making it an offence to interrupt - a funeral, and heDce it was that the first J and second counts of the indictment, which charged the defendant with acting contrary to the statute, were defective. The third count, however, contained more theu was sufficient; it charged the defendant with interrupting the Odd Fellows, not as an order, but as men, and this was certainly an indictable of fece not to bury the dead as every one Irnew it was, the person who sought to obstruct or prevent their interment, was certainly indictable for so doing. Sen tence was deferred. Fire. On Wednesday morning last, the residence of William White, of this place, was entirely destroj-ed by fire. U.ue alarm was given a nine auer lour j o'clock, and the citizens of the town were promptly on the ground. The iiaines made but little headway when first dis covered, and with a good fire engine al most the entire building might have been saved. Some of the furniture was saved but we do not know what proportion. The total loss is about 5,000. There was an insurance on the buildiug of 000, and ou the furniture of $1,000. Belvidere lutclfigcnce. In Stroudsburg, on the 9th inst., by the Rev. Dr. Boone, Mr. Adam Bush, of Hickory Run, Luzerne county, and Miss Emma Eliz abeth Msior, of Stroudsburg. PUBLIC SALE. The subscriber will offer at public sale, at iiis residence, in Stroud township, January 4th, 1B55, his entire Farm Stock and about -Ii0 tuns of Hay. Also, Household Goods and Kitchen Furniture. JAMES HOLLINSIIEAD. December 14, 1651. VALUABLE LOTS FOR SALE IN Dl'TOTSBCRG, PA. Three valuable B-jilding Lots for salo on reasonable terms, in the thriving village of Dutotsburg, suitable for private residences, and lying directly opposite the large Semina ry, now building, and only a few rods from the Railroad, which is nearly completed. To per sfOis desirous of a pleasant country residence and who wish to build on their own ;Zh, the situation cannot be surpassed. To such appli cants they will be sold low, and three fourths of the purchase money may remain on Mort gage, if desired, and be paid at the conven ience of the purchaser. Apply to Brodhead &, Bro., or to David Shannon, Dutotsburg, Pa. December 14, 1854. Is hereby giveu that letters of Administra tion upon the estate of Franklin Starbird, Esq. Jate of Stroud township, Monroe co., dee'd., have been granted to the undersigned by the Register of Wills, &c. of said County. AH persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment, and all persons having claims or demands against the Estate of eaid deceased, are requested to make known jho same to the undersigned without delav. WILLIAM STA11BIRD, ' Preston tsp. Wayne Co. Pa. j JUiiiV BVXiS, Stroudsburg, Pa Administrators. 'Dociubpr 14, 1S51. JURY LIST DECEMBER TEEBT, 1654. Grand Jurors. (Kr Court commences on Modav, Decem ber 25th, 1854. Chesnuthill John Kcrchner, Felix Storm, Charles Senscnbach, Henry Kintz, Nicholas Altemose, and Melchoir Serfass. Coolbavgh. William 13. Thompson. Jackson SilaB Reinhart. Hamilton. Joseph A. Bosserd. M. Smithjield. John Coolbaugh, Henry Overfield, and William Miller. Polk. Peter S. Hawk, and John Kunkle. Pocono. Mathias Wolbert, James Clure. Paradise. Henry Kintz. Stroud John B. Bush, Alexander Loder, John Shook, George Stone, Emanuel Groner. Smithjield John V. Bush. Tobyhanna Joseph Bonser. PET1T JURORS. Chesnuthill Chas. Trible, John Sox, Geo. Bond, and James Kresge. Eldred Jacob Engler, Adam Bfotzman, and John Fruble. Juckson George Ililliard, John Miller, and Philip Hay, and John Possinger. Hamilton Charles Frantz, Peter Heller, and Walter Barry. .If. Smilhficld. Samuel Michael, James Mosier, Jacob Vanauken, Melchoir Depue. Paradise Poter Dornblazer, David Bow man, and Abraham Transue. Price Moses Smith. Polk Philip Dotter, George W. Kresge. Ross George Lessig, and Enoch Buskirk. Stroud Daniel Row, Ashton Smiley, Pe ter Row. Stroudsburg Charles Shafer. Smithficldlsn&c Trible, Ab'm. Walter George Kintner, Daniel Depue. Tobyhanna Win. Ebach, Jude Winters. TRIAL LIST. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania at the suggestion of Joseph Keifer vs. Charles Hea n ey. Abraham Butts vs. George Butz. Joseph Keller vs. Christopher D. Keller. Abraham Steen vs. Mathcw Steen. Frederick Wagners Heirs vs. George Sta ples. Philip Hoofsmith vs. Win. F. Edmunds. John C. Briggs vs. Benjamin White. ' William James vs. Philip Neyhart. Joseph Mover vs. Joseph J. Postens. Joseph Zimmerman vs. John S. Transue. William Peirick vs. Robert Huston and Melchoir Barry. Wm. S. Wintemute vs. Oliver D. Stone. David Smith vs. John Washburn and Sam- uel Smith. Uabriei letter vs. unarms j. rrice. Nicholas Lisk vs. Frederick Deibler. Reuben A. Hirst vs. Abraham Kresge. ARGUKEKT LIST. John Place vs. Benjamin Bunnel. Juhn Green vs. James N. Durling, Charles Henry and James B. Morgan. Samuel Frantz vs. Joseph Altemose. Alexander Hornby vs. Win. S. Bogcrt. Juhn V. Bush vs. Benjamin V. Bush. In the matter of the Auditors Report on the Estate of Benjamin Slroh, dee'd. In the matter of the Auditors Keport upon -i r.. -c t : : TT l. ,1 " Liaie OI va' a7"-"'1 u- , Overseers of the Pcor of the Borough o! gtroudsbur" vs. Overseers of the Poor ofPar- adise township Case of John O. Brian. Same vs. same. Case of the two Oermans. Overseers of the Poor of the township of Hamilton vs. same. Case of Peter Stocker. In the matter of the Report of a Road view in Stroud and Hamilton townships. Register's Jfoticc. 'OTICE is hereby given to all legatees and other persons interested in the estates of the respective decedents and mi nors, that the administration accounts of the following estates have been filed m the office of the Register of Monroe coun ty, and will be presented for confirmation and allowance to the Orphans' Court to be held at Stroudsburg, in and for the a foresaid county, on Monday, the 25th day of December next, at 10 o'clock, a. m. The accouut of Robert Van Buskirk, administrator of the estate of Mary Van Buskirk, late of Hamilton township, de- cease(j The account of Joseph Starner, admin istrator of the estate of John Zacharias, late of lloss township, deceased. The final account of John Flytc and Bernard Flyte, administrators of the estate of Abraham Flyte, lato of Hoss towiichip, deceased. The final account of John S. Fisher, administrator of the estate of James Gregory, late of Polk township, deceased. SAMUEL REES, Jr. Register. Register's Office, ) Stroudsburg, Nov. 30, 1654. J btninisirator's Notice. Estate of Jacob Stauner, late of Polk township, deceased. Letters of administration having been granted to the undersigned by the Regis ter of Monroe county, notice is hereby given to all p&Tsons indebted to said Estate to make immediate payment, and those having demauds will present them properly authenticated for settlement to CnARLES H. HEANEY, AcTor. Chesnuthill, Sept. 23, 1854. LAW CIRCULAR. WoiiTiiiNGTOX G. Snetiie.v, "Wash ington, D. C, continues to practice law exclusively in the supreme court, and to attend to cases before Congress; to nrosecute claims an settled accounts a gainst tho departments, bureaus, and boards of commissioners: to procure pat ents for invention, at home and abroad and to obtain pensions and bounty lands; to collect debts, dividends, legacies, and in heritances in any part of the United states and foreign countries : to make invest ments of funds in loans and stocks and on bond and mortgage, and to negotiate the purchase and sale of loans, lands and .. n . XT patent rignts in any state ot tnc union STABLE. The proprietors of this establish' mcntarc prepaied to furnish the pub lie with all the conveniences that mn be reauircd in this business. Having lately added new stock, it will be found that our new Omnibus is just the thing for parties on pleasure trips, marriage excursions, oic. We assure the public that our stock is all rood and reliable, and aro at all times pre pared to furnish every variety of vehicles. Prices reasonable. Stable on William street, adjoining Katuz's Blacksmith shop. TCAUTZ & HUNTSMAN. Stroudsburg, August 4, 1853.1 ly. GOOD OYSTERS. If you want good Oysters, and well dono up, call at J. H. Melick's Union Oyster Saloon. He intends having themj at all hours, day and evening, wucrc ins old customers, as well as new ones, will as usual find him at his post. Call and try them. v FURMTURS WARER00MS. Suai'ey, ;iyre & Co. Respectfully inform the citi zens of Slroudsburg and vi cinity, that they have taken the shop lately occupied by S. A- Bonnet, on Walnut street, opposite the Washington Ho tel, in the Borough of Slroudsburg, where they are manufacturing Furniture of every description. Those in want of FURNITURE arc invi ted to call at their stand. They have always on baud a large, well made, and fashionable assortment of furniture. They are provided with all the new and improved machinery of the day, and having skillful workmen, are enabled to sell good and handsome furniture as cheap as can be sold anywhere. The fol lowing articles can be examined at their Ware Rooms, viz: Sideboards, Secretaries, Wardrobes, Bureau of various patterns, Cupboards of differ ent kinds, Card, Centre, Side, Breakfast and Dining Tables, Bedsteads of different styles and patterns, Washstands, Twist, Small and Lagc Etagere, What-Nots, Music Stands, Tea Tables, Fancy Work Tables, Refreshment Tables, Etashas and a general assortment of Cottage Furniture on hand and made to order. CKA2RSI CHA8RS! Mahogany Rocking Chairs of various styles, Parlor Chairs of every description and pat tern ; Boston Rocking Chairs, Maple Wind sor and every other article of chairs. Turning of every kind done at the shortest notice. Work always warranted. Produce of all kinds taken in exchange for Furniture, and cash not refused. N. B. Coffins made to order at Ehort no tice. A Hearse in readiness to attend Fu nerals, at all times. November 16, 1851. 6ni. New Wholesale and Itetaii WIiE & MUR STOKE, Slroudsburg, Pa. ftinE) no undersigned would inform Land reSfeyiords and the public generally, that he continues the above business in Strouds burg, in the store house formerly occupied by John H. Melick as a Jewelry Store, and has on hand a large stock of WS?4S AftiD LIQUORS of all kinds and of the best quality, direct from the Custom House, which he i3 prepared to sell to Landlords and others on the most rea sonable terms. Our stock consists of French Brandy, dark and pale. Also, Peach, Black berry, Cinnamon and Cherry Brandy ; Hol land Gin, N. E. Rum; Irish, Rye and Apple Whiskey; Lisbon, Claret, Port, Sweet Mala ga, Currant and Champagne Wine, &c. &c. Also, on hand a large stock of Bitters of all kinds. Demijohns, from I to 5 gallons; bottles, and generally any thing that can be asked for in our line. Landlords will find it greatly to their ad vantage to deai with me. I have no hired agents io sell and distribute liquors for meat great expense, which must be paid for by the ransnmpr. Thnsff rlpnlinrr with mi T intfinrl shrill hn stisfivi with t hprirtipln th rrnf ------- - ---- - -v w t V W well as the price, .and whenever ihc-y are not, I Will be nlpci-u to have them return the iiquor, and make the fact known, for I in end to make it a permanent bnsiness, and can only do so by dealing honorably. All orders sent me, by stage drivers or others, will be promptly attended to, the same as though the person was present dealing for himself. July 8, 1852. P. S. POSTENS. SPLENDID OFFERS. The United Slates Journal, Now in its fifth volume, and having already reached a circulation of over 60,000 a news paper of the largest class, containing fifty-six spacious columns, filled with the current news from all parts of the world, a large a inount of literary and scientific mattor, Bank Note List and Price current, and as a new and valuable feature, each number will here after contin TWO BEAUTIFULLY-EN GRAVED PORTRAITS OF DISTING UISHED INDIVIDUALS, is published on the first of each month by J. M. Emerson & Co., 1, 3, 5, and 7 Spruce 6treet, New lork, at the unprecedented low price of twenty five cents a year. A valuable premium book is sent to each person getting up a club, and in addition the following rich premiums amount ing to over 1,000 will, on the 25th day of May, 1855, be award ed to the twenty-six persons farwarding be tween now and that time the twenty-six highest numbers of subscribers in their order. The first premium, in money 8200 The second premium, a sewing machine worth. 120 The fourth premium, a gold watch worth 100 The fifth and sixth, each a gold watch worth 50 The next ten, each a silver watch worth 20 The next twenty, each, such books as they shall "select, at publishers' prices, worth 10 The United States Masaziste, Containing 32 large quarto pages, tinted cov ers, on fine paper, profusely and elegantly il lustrated, is published on the lath ot each month, at the low price of one dollar a year. A splendid premium is sent to each person getting up a club, and in addition. 93,000 is to be awarded to the 2S9 person sending the largest number of subscribers. J? or furlli er particulars see specimen copy of the Mag azine, which will be sent on receipt of six sents, or specimen copy of the Journal, which will be sent gratis to any one ordering it. Address J. M. EMERSON & CO. No. 1 Spruce si., New York. 3& it r- r f Notice is hereby given to the Stockholders of the Belmont and Easton Turnpike Road Company, that the annual election for officers to the said Company for tho ensuing year, will be held at the house of P. W. Lorch, in South Canaan, Wayne county, on Monday, the 8th of January, 1805, at 2 o'clock P. M. GABRIEL HOWELL, Secy. South Canaan, Nov. 29, 1854. 3t Tho copartnership heretofore existing under the firm of No YES, Phelps & Co., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. M. L. NOYES, SHERMAN D. PHEfPS, . . ALMON CLARK, , j August 10, 185-1. TOXBOR'S COMPOUND 0E PURE COB LIVES OIL AND LIME. A Cure for Consumption Scrofula, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Spilling of Blood, and all complaints of the Langs. The Proprietor has succeeded (from direc tions of Professor Stone) in combining the Oil and Lime so perfectly, that the taste of the Oil, which is naueseous to persons gen erally, is entirely overcome, and it can be ta ken by the most delicate females with pleas ure. And as regards the benefit of this ar ticle over the pure oil, the following case, by Prof. Stone, is sufficient to convince the most skeptical. The young lady was 24 years of age. "Her disease was one of unmixed phthisis, which. h3d been expected to terminate in the course of a few months, fatally. The upper part of both her lungB was filled with tuber cles ; and in some places were beginning to soften, The case was evidently a bad one. The treatment of cod liver oil was at first used, but without marked improvement. The phosphate of lime wns then administered with the oil, and the result, as in the case of many others, was soon apparent. The patient was rapidly getting well." Caution. On account of the great repu tation of this Compound for all Lung Com plaints, the subscriber would caution the af flicted against using any except that manu factured by him, as he has the only recipt in the United States for combining the Pure Oil with Lime in a proper manner. Therefore,-as you value your health, purchase none except that manufactured by ALEX'R B. WILBOR, Chemist. 166 Court street, Boston. Sold in Philadelphia by T. W. Dyott & Son's, and Druggists generally. For sale in Stroudsburg, by Dr. F. Hol linshead. November 9, 1854. ly. 2UtMto's Notice. In the matter of the account of Solomon alter, Administrator of the Estate of Bar net Walter, 1 lie of Middle Smilhfield town ship, Monroe county, deceased. The under igned, auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Co- rt of said County of Monroe, to examine and it occasion require re-settle saiu account and distribute the remaining assets amongst the creditors entitled thereto, will attend to the duties of his appointment on Friday, the 8th day of December next, at 10 o'clock A. M. at the house ot Jacob ivneclit, in the Borough of Stroudsburg, when and where all persons having claims are required to present the same before him, or be debarred from coming m for a snare ot sucn assets. FRANKLIN STARBIRD, November 9, 1851. Auditor, The Bucks County Intel ligeucer. Published weekly at Doylestown, by John S. Brown, at S2 per aunum in ad vance, in addition to all the local and general news of the day, tales, essays, ag ricultural reading, &o., will commence on the yist instant, the publication of an o- riginal History of Ducks County, com piled from authentic documents ana oth fir sources, beeinniurr with the earliest ' t W settlements, and embracing every thing of importance to tbc close of the eigh teenth century. It will contain the names of more than four hundred of the earliest settlers; much interesting matter relating to the Indians; events of the Revolution occurring in the country; and all the lo oal &nd general history of the country, and cannot fail to be a work ot deep in terest. Its publication will occupy auout sis months ; and as the copy-right is se cured, it cannot be obtained in any other way except by subscribing to tho Intel ligencer. Orders sent by mail, post paid, accompanied by the cash, will be attended to, if addressed to JOLTN S. BROWN, Doylestoxcn. Octobor 2G, 1354. CAUT10K! The undersigned hereby forbids all per sons not to fish in any of tho creeks or hunt on any grounds belonging to him. Those persons who are in the habit of fir ing off guns iu the neighborhood of bin dwelling on the Sabbath day, are request ed to desist, or they will bo proceeded a- gainst as the law directs. JOHN PALMER. Stroud tsp., Oct. 24, 1851. .3 The partnership in the Mercantile business, between James II. Stroud and Charles It. An dre, as the firm of Stroud & Andre, is this day dissolved. JAMES H. STROUD, CHARLES R. ANDRE. Stroudsburg, Sept. 15, 1654. N. B. The subscriber would hereby in form his old customers and tho public in gen eral that he continues the Mercantile busi ness at tho old stand, on the corner, opposite tho American Hotel, and in addition to his former stock has just received and is now opening a choice lot of JPall and Winter Gcodn, selected from the City markets, among which may bo found a varied assortment of Ladies dress goods, to wit: Fancy plaid and stripe, Delancsand Cashmeres; Galla plaids, French Merinos, wool Delanes, Alpacas and Coburgs, dress trimming, assorted ; under sleeves and ehcrslzettce; Jaconet and Rvui edging; black and fancy cassmieree; sattinets from 37 up; Kentucky fancy plaids lor Boys wear; red, white and yellow flannels of every grade; Welch do.; Shaker do.; plain and figured do.; oil cloth for tables, 6tuir and carpets do.; and a full assortment-of Yankee notions; lining and dress silks. Crockery ware, tin ware, and a full assort ment of hardware, carpenters tools, &c. glass and nails; also a fine lot oi cheap r-il ' hams and shoulders: fresh lime; coarse and fine salt, fish fire. A large lot ol Boots assd Shoes: Mens' heavy boots and brogans, water proof calf do.; boys, youths and childrens; la dies kip, calf, enameled and kid boots; bus kins and gaiters; misses and childrens do.; ladies and mis6es gums; mens and boys do.; in fact every thing comprising a full country assortment, all of which will be sold cheap for cash or produce. Call and see for your selves; . C. R. ANDRE. ; Stroudsburg, October 5, 1351. F&'icndiv to aI3 Nations WAR OR NO WAR. v NEW HAT AND CAP STORE. The undersigned beg leave to inform the citizens of Stroudburg, and the pub lic generally, that they have taken the room lately occupied by John W. Rux ton, as" a Hat & Gap Store, on Elizabeth street, a few doors below the Drug Store of Dr. F. TJollinshead, and have filled it with HATS & CAPS, of every variety and style, and are prepared to sell the same on terms that defy competition. Persons in want of Hats or Caps would do well to call and examine our stock be fore purchasing elsewhere. The public arc informed that they still continue the Boot aad Shoe business, at the old stand, in all its various branches, and are fully prepared to accommodate all who may feel disposed to give them a call. 11. SKELTON & SONS. April,20, 1854. OR. J. IiAiVTZ, BEWTIST, gp-ggsaisj Has permanently located him- VrrV coif tr fftrrtiwlelinriT nrwl mnvnil --"-t-5i . . - his office next door to Dr. S. Walton, and nearly opposite S. Melick's Jew elry store, where he is fully prepared to trea- the natural teeth, and also to insert incorruptt ible artificial teeth on pivot and plate, in the latest and most improved manner. Most per sons know the danger and folly of trusting their work to the ignorant as well as the traveling dentist. It matters not how much experience a person may have, he is liable to have some failures out of a number of caBes, and if the dentist lives at a distance, it is fre quently put off until it is loo late to save the tooth or teeth as it may be, otherwise the m oonvenience and trouble ot going so far. Hence the necessity of obtaining the services cf a del ntisnear home. All work warranted. THE GREAT REMEDY, About which so much has been said and published, is among us. Who has not heard of the Mexican Musling Liniment 1 Many millions of bottles have been sold andused to cure Rheumatism, Ulcers, Sores, Bruises. Sprains, Ring-worm, Felons, Salt Rheum. Piles, bore iNiuples. and Caked Jireasl Cancers, Itch, Corns on the Toes, Sore Eyes, Eai-ache, Pimples, Swollen Joints or Limbs, Cuts, Scalds, or Scald Head. Numb Palsey Bunions or Frosted Feet, Warts or any other complaint that can be reached by an external remedy. And it hai always has been succcessful. It is equally good in healing Wounds, Scratches, Saddle or Harness Galds, or any Sprain, Soreness or Stiffness. And it is warranted to cure Spavin, Ring-bone, Splint or Poll evil, on Horses. 11? The Liniment is put up in three sizes. and retails at -25 cts, 50 cts.; and 1.00. The large bottles contain much more Lini ment in proportion to the prices, and there fore cheapest. To CosiMly merchants. Every store should be supplied with this valuable Liniment, as it pavs a good profit and sells rapidly. G. W. WESTBROOK. (."Successor to A. G. Bragg & Co ,) Origin ator and sole Proprietor. Principal Offices, 301 Broadway, New York, and corner 3d and Market Streets, St. Louis, Missouri. Sold by every dealer in drugs and medi cine throughout the United Slates, Canadas. Wpst Indis. and Bermuda Islands. OjrFor sale in Stroudshurg by S. Stokes and Miller & Fowler; William Haytieiger Williamsbuig, A. Shearer, Richmond, North ampton county; H Peters & Co. Marshall Creek, Monioe county. June 20, 1854 ly. MONROE COUNTY illiitiial Fire IfiiMirnnce Comp'y nsnhe rate of Insurance is one dollar on -- the thousand dollars insured, after which payment no subsequent tax will be levied, except to cover actual loss or damage by fere, that may tall upou mem bers ol the company. The nett profits arising from interest or otherwise, will be ascertained yearly, for which each member in proportion to his, her, or their deposit, will have a credit in the company. Each insurer in or with the said company will bo a mem ber thereof during the term of his or her policy. The principle of Mutual Insur ance has been thoroughly tested has been tried by the unerring test or experi ence, and has proved successful and be- come very popular. It altords the great est security against loss or damage by fire, on the most advantageous and rea sonable terms. Applications for Insurance to be made in person, or by letters addressed to JAMES II. WALTON, Sec'y- MANAGERS . Richard S. Staples, Silas L. Drake, M. II. Drchcr, Win. S. White, Jacob Stouffer, John Edinger, James II. Walton, Joseph Kerr, Jacob Shoemaker, John M. StokcSj Robert Boys, John Kern, George IT. Miller. R. S. STAPLES, President. J. IL WAjro.v, Treasurer. Stroudsburg, Nov. 9, 1854. SPRING MATTRESSES. The undersigned has taken the agency for the snlo of Wright's Celebrated Patent Spring Mattresses, (tor which tho proprietor received the first Silver Medal, awarded by the Frank lin Institute, in 1858,) to which he invitus the attention of the citizens of Stroudsburg and vicinity. A sample can be seen at the house of the subdcriber at any time. Price $.'10 in the City. C. R. ANDRE, Agent. Stroudsburg, Nov. 2, 1H51. LOST. On Thursday last, on the public road, be ween Bushkill and Mil ford, a Portmonie containing Nine dollars in bank bills. Ono five dollar bill on tho Eiston Bank, one two dollar and two ones on tho Belvidore Bank. The finder will bo liberally rewarded by re turning the same to the undersigned. WILLIAM VEARCE, 'Siroutlsburg, Oct. 31, PER13A33 OtJTHOftE ! ! ' The Ncw-or!i Mercantile Giiide ENLARGED! !! Vo!mnc St. A W.EEKLY EEWSPAPEK. .. The proprietor of the -rtboTe paper wnuM respectfully call tt.e attention ot Merchants i banners and Mechanics, residing out ol tho city, to the Moderate Terms for u yearly sub- scription of the GUIDE, being to mall Sub scribers only sjc Dollar Pop YefttV making it unquestionably the cheapest Fam- ly Newspaper published in tho U. States. When desired, subscriptions for Six Moriiha will be received which may be remitted in P. O. Stamps. I IIP fCI Junius of the Guide, will contain the usual variety of Original, SpiryArticlos writ ten not only to please but to instruct, and will be replete with a synopsis oi au uiu Local ann Ueneral iews oi me In regard to Politics the Guide will main tain an independent tone, and. from time to time will advocate such measures as best conduce to the interests of the greatest num ber. Postmasters and others nrc tespectfully requoated to art as Agents for this paper, to whom wo will forward specimen copies, ireo, when dcsireu to do so. Premiums. As an inducement for persons to interest themselves to obtain subscribers for the Mer cantile Guide, we offer the following Premi ums, and upon tho receipt of the names anu pay in advance, we will forward them, per express, or otherwise, it ordered, lu tho ad dress of those entitled to them. For 300 subscribers, cash 825 QCl' For 250 subsciibers, wo will giro one splendid Fine Gold Watch, (war ranted for time,) worth 830 00 For 200, one elegant Fine Gold Lock et, (4 glasses, worth . 15 00 For 150, one elegant Bracelet, (fine gold) worth 10 00 For 100, one Gold Yost Chain, worth 8 00 For 75, ono Gold Pen and Gold Hol der, handsomely engraved, worth 10 Of For 50, one do do do 8 00 For 40, one do do do; 6 00. For 30, one do do do 5 00 For 20, Commercial do in silver do extension holder, worth 3 00 For 15, ono Medium do do 2 00 For 12. one Lady's do do 150 This Gold Pen and Gold Holder, is the LADIES1 SIZE, and is a beautiful auicle. All the above goods shall be procured from the N. York Gold Pen Manufacturing Com pany, the acknowledged best Gold Pen and Pencil Case Mauufacturers on this Contt linent. Can be advantageously formed in every vil lage and city in the Union, end a latge num ber of subscribers obtained in this way. Such as would interest themselves for the Guide, can be wstt rewarded, as our list of premiums aoove wil' show. Fartsicrs Who would desire an excellent Family News paper, should at once avail themselves of the Guide, the price being much below any oth er newspaper published. A sent Wanted fot every city in the Unted States and Canada. Rrspof! lt parties, who will act as agents for the Guide, will please fur nish us with their names for publication. To sEae Lad ios Wo would particularly appeal, knowing the efficiency of their services when energetic ally directed. By their co-operation our subscription list would soon out number any paper published on this continent, and to gain this we shall at all times strive to em body in the columns of the Guide something not only to please but instruct our female patrons. Our subscription price beinp s; low, there will be but little difficulty in their procuring for us enough subscriUers to ob tain any of the Rich Premiums above de scribed, and what lady would not desiro a handsomo Gold Wqtch, Locket, Bracelet, or Pen and Pencil! Specimen copies senlfrcc, by addressing the Lditor, post-paid. IEP All communications should be ad dressed, post-paid, to W. fcl. Bimkcnet; Editor and Publisher of the New- York Mer cantile Guide. No 183 Greenwich street." May 25, 1851. 2m Wool Cardiug and Cloth Dressing. The subscriber would respectfully inform' the public that he has enlarged and improved the old stand at Bushkill, Pike county. Pa., where he will attend without delay to all or ders from his customers. Country Carding and Cloth dressing, promptly attended to. Also, Manufacturing Cloths, of all descriptions which may be wanted; Broadcloths, (double width.) Cassi meres, Satinets, Shawls, Coverlets, Blankets, (double width;) Flannels, &c, furnished !o order. Wool Carded for 4 cents per pound cash, and if it is charged 5 cents uill be exacted. S'riros fur lautifacdiria, a rat: Broadcloths (double width,) Indigo blue, per yard 81 25 In vis. green, bottle green, and blue black, per yard 1 17 Browns, blacks and snufis, per yard 1 00 Satinets, (mixtures, and Tweeds, per yd. 40 Blankets, double width,) do Flannel, white, Ercfcs!-?3 Clolii. men's Wear. Indigo blue, . per yd Invisible and bottle green, do. Blue black, do Snuffs, browns, blacks, and drabs do Fulling, shearing and Dressing do" 314- Cents. 3U 81 25 20 12. 8 Fulling and pressing Scouring and napping women's wear. Indigo blue Madder and scarlet red Greens, all shaded Blacks and browns Yarn Indigo blue Madder and scarlet do do' do do do ..do per lb. do do 13 20 15 124 Greens, nil shades 18 OC Wool left at . PiiicliotV," Laforge s o De Witt's Store, at Cornell's Tavern, or a , La forge's or Hi Wiit' Mill. irilford. Pa.; at Dui'-man d Store, Dinjrmun'3 Choice; O. Dunmick'a Mut tn moras. Pike county; at Sto.ki-s &. Stapled Store, Stroudsburg; at Landers' or Peters" store, Craigs Meadows, Monroe Co. Pu., at Stokes & Dreher's tore, Smithfield, and at Stokes' Mill, near Stroudsnnrg, will be taken away and returned every two weeks. Broadcloths-, C issimeres, &c. kept on hand and ex changed for Wool.. MATTHEW PROCTOR. May 25, 1351. ATTORNEY AT LA Y Has removed liitf office to his dwalmg house, first door below the office, of the " JeffcrsonJan Office," and directly oppo site S. J. Hollinshcad'a kotel, Eltaboth 3 force t StrourlrMirg, Boo. IQ, 180.0 i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers