. v - , i . II ii ri" i:nt j mi uiit a iMr-s'i. ilules for Winter. ; 7ow is the time, in the Northern States, to ihe prcpariug for winter; and a few siuiiple rules may bo useful as remem brancer., especially to young and inex perienced farmer. 1. Keep no inoro stock than you can keep really well. If you have more, pick out the most inferior and sell them. Bet ter to winter ten head well, and have them in fine condition in the spring, than to keep twenty half htarved, which it will require all the next summer to put into condition. 11A Heat and shelter are equivalent to food. Aik yourself whether it is best to spend a hundred dollars in putting up a good shed, which will last for years; save half your fodder; and preserve your 6 lock healthy and comfortable; or to spend this hundred dollars in hay and other fodder; in wasted manure, and diseased and dying stock? It is fully proved that well sheltered animals, with racks to eat from, can be wintered and kept in fine condition, on one-half the food necessary where stock is fed out of doors on the "round, with the lea side of a rail-fence sliau oul.strjp fall and accurate intelligence : , THE GLOBE: The Official Paper of Congress, AND NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. It will be seen by the annexed extract From a letter of Gen. astiineton to David fetew art, dated New York, t?th March, 1790, that that the idea of such a paper as I propose to make the Globe originated in the mind of the Falher of his Country. He said ' It is trflfe lamented that the editors of the different G;i2ettes in the union do not more generally ana more coircctly (instend of stuffing thfir papers with scurrili ty and nonsensical declamation, which few would read i(,lhcv were apprised ol the contents) puhlish the de bates'in Congress on all great national questions. The principle upon which the difference ol opinion arises, us well.as the decisions, would then come fully before the public, and Hllbrd the best data lor its judgment." Sparks's Writings of Washington, vol. 10, p. SI. The Daily Globe AND The Congressional Globe In surrenderim? my interest in the organ of a creat political party, 1 cherished the iurpofe of continuing the Congressional Globe, and, if possible, in time, to perlect it into n full history of the action of Congress giving the debatcs.accutately and fully with the proceedings all stamped with the rerity of an official record. From the passage in the lettci of General Washington, which J have quoted, it will be perceived that he thought this office might be combined with that of a regular newspaper; and it is certain that the avidity of the public for uews of the less important kind greatly contributes to give wings to the weightier matter Which may be called Congressional news. Having succeeded in my purpose of per feeling the reports of the debates in Congress and giving them the official stamp,! now propose to send them abroad, in connection wnh the news ol the day, in such haste as for shelter, and this without takinc into Uenl -rmn lne seal of Government in any ' O I .i .i.. i. ...:n . : -. ;j - r - outer lorm v.uiiiever. it win emu uunti many other items of profit. 111. lrou cannot make your young an imals too comfortable, or feed them too pate the scraps of news forwarded to cities wnhin two hundred and filty miles ol Wash ington by telegraph. .Before the events thus transmitted are published in the morning papers, (for instance, of the city of N. York.) well during the first winter. If they arc the Globe containing ihem will have reached nnr-r. stnntAil. or star?!?. fW will nnvpr l,,e.P0S.t "ffice of that city by the Express 7 . 1 J .Mail of the previous night. The process by- recover it. This applies to all kinds of which this will be eflfocierf I now lav before I -- the public. I will have a corns of sixteen in Congress ; each in succession Reporters will take stock, but especially to calves and colts. 1Y. Therefore, make provision not on- Jy lor their shelter, but also lor their notes during hve minutes; then retire, pre- Jbod. Hay alone will not do for them. P them for the Press, put them sl.p by J slip in the hands of compositors; and thus. If you have no roots, feed them on bran, while a debate is going on in Congress, it and crushed oats, and corn. The secret w'H be put in type, and in a few minutes , . i x i ii i after it is ended it will be in print. I shall .or waving nne stock, is to ivuep uiciu at- b tMs niRans be enabied to selld by the Express iMail of 5 o'clock p. m. for the .do during summer on the best grass; and ist, w est, and iNorth, and ny that oi y o - the cold of winter consumes a great pro- clck P-ra- rr l!,e Soul, 3,1 h Proceed; i i ,1- ings of Congress up to the ordinary hour of portion ot the food eaten m producing ac: men Tha the accuraje dJebales a, Heat, which m summer goes to constitute C rcss wiU h , ciU tw0 illjridred flosu and fat. cnarse or ooin. To facilitate the circulatibn,of.ahe 4?OR-, goessional Globe, and cheapen, it'lo subscri-" bers, Congress passed la3t year a joint res olution making it free of postage. I annex it, as the law may not be accessible to post masters generally : Joint Resolution providing for the distribution of the ; liaws of Congress and the Debates thereon. With a view to the cheap circulation of Uie laws of Congress and the debates contributing to the tiue inter pretation thereof, and to make free communication be tween the representative and consdtuenc bodies : He it resolved by the Senate and House of Represen tatives of the United Slates of America in Congress as sembled, That Jfrom .and after the present session of Congress, the Congressional Globe and Appendix, hich contain the laws and debates thereon, shall passfiee through the mails so long as the same shall be published by order of Congress : l'ro.vided, That nothing herein "hall be construed to ntitubr.zc the circulation of the Daily Globe free of postage. Approved, August 6, Jtaa. As I sell the Daily Globe at half the price of similar publications, so the Congressional . .'. i i ll- . Ti- . I Ulobe and Ajypcnatx is soiu lor nan me cost of so much composition, press-work, and pa per. This I can afford to do, inasmuch as ihe subscription of Congress almost covers the cost of composition, and this enables me to sell for little more than the cost of press work and paper. It requires the sale ol about 9,000 copies to reimburse expenses. If 500 only were sold, the cost of each copy would be about $101! The debates in the English Parliament cost about eleven limes as much as I charge subscribers for the de bates in Congress, equal in quantity, and as well reported and printed. The next session of Congress will be a long one; and it is believed the Congression al Globe for it will reach 4,000 royal quaito pages, as the last long session made 3,842 ; and the long one before that made 3,901 roy al quario pages four large volumes each session. If subscribers will be careful to file all the numbers received by them, I will supply any that may miscarry in the mails. This "work increases in value as it grows old. The first seventeen volumes will now command three times, and some of the subse quent ones twice their original subsciiption price. The subscription price for the Congres sional Globe (including the Appendix and the laws) is six dollars. Complete indexes will be made out and forwarded to subscribers soon after the ses sion is ended. Subscribers for the Daily should have their money here by the 5th, and for the Con- gression Globe by the 15th of December. t. he money must accompany an order lor either the Daily or Congressional Globe. Bank notes current where a subscriber re sides will be received at par. JOHN C. RIVES. VashingtonLOctober 12, 185 FVYTY DOLLARS Forfeit. Dr. Hun ter will forfeit 50 if falling to cure any case of secret disease that may come under his care, no matter how long standing or af flicting. Either sex are invited to his Pri- ate Rooms, 38 North Seventh Street Pilad'a. ;yjthout fear of interruption fiom other pa tients, fctrangers and otners who nave oeen quantity of manure, though a few roots, or a little grain once or twice a week is better. Thus, by having a proper build ing, you can turn all your straw into wool Ml 5 cents a pound, and the richest ina Jiure, instead of burning it, or letting it rot, as is often done. ould not this oon pay for a shed! Vl. Kemcmber thut vou raise cattle in Whatever concerns the happiness and health of a people is at all times of the most valuable importance. 1 take it for granted that every nerson will do all in their power to save the lives of their children, and that every person will endeavor to promote their own health at all sacrifices. 1 feel it to be my duty to solmenly assure you that worms according to the opinion ot the most ceie brated Physicians, are the primary causes of a large majority of diseases to whicl children and adults are liable; if you have an appetite continually chargeable from one kind of food to another, Bad Breath, Pain, in the Stomach, ricking at the Nose, Hard ness and Fullness ol the Belley, Dry Cough Slow Fever, Pulse Irregular remember that all these denote worms, and you should at once apply the remedy: EHoiJcasacSi's xrorm Syrtip. An article founded upon Scientific Princi ples, compounded with purely vegetable sub -stances, being perfectly safe when taken, & can be given to the most tender Infant with decided beneficial effect, where Dowel Lom plaints and Diarhcza have made them weak and debilitated, the Tonic properties of my Worm Syrup are such, that it stands with out an equal in the catalogue of medicines in giving tone and strength to the Stomache which makes it an lnlallible remedy lor those afflicted with Despepsia, the aston ishing cures performed by this Syrup aftei Physicians have failed, is the best evidence of its superior efficacy over aU'other?. Teie Tape Worm ! This is the mosl difficult Worm to des tioy of all that infest the human system. Itgrowstoan almost Indefinite length, be coming- so coiled and iaslened in the lntes tines and tstomach atlecting the health so sadly as to cause St. Vitus Dance, Fits,&c. that those afflicted seldom if ever suspect that it is Tape Worm hastening them to an early grave. In order to destroy this Worm a very energetic treatment must be pursued it would therefore be proper to take 6 or of my Liver Pills so as to remove all ob structions, that the orm byrup may aci direct upon the Worm which must be taken in doses of 2 table spoons full 3 times day, these directions followed, have never been known to fail in curing the most obsti nate case of Tape Worm. ESofccnsack's Uvea Piils. No part of man is more' liable to disease ttan the Liver, it serving as a filterer to purify the blood, or giving the proper secre fion to the bile; so that any wrong action ol the Liver affects the other important parts ol the system, and results variously, in Liv er Complaint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, &c- W e should, therefore, watch every symptom action of the Liver. These Pills being composed of Roots and Plants furnished by nature to heal the sick: Namely 1st, An Expectorant, which augments the secretion from the Pol monary mucus membrane, or promotes the pischarge of secreted matter. 2d, An 1- leralive, which charges in some explicable and insensible manner, the certain morbid ..i . : ...u ,.i i? i? a n a vn dpit wr ti, ,ni;.,j action oi me system, ou, i oui'j, wiuco iiiuiuiJicu in uin; auiwcijiiu uiiuuma ui lj jilii jjuw i , lie 1111111.11-0 i . ,- , - 1 ... - - I (Ann n rwl 1 r.imi t tl f l , h rt nV,.fM10 ? "5 Ih nnc nno rl Was , nnlnn l,ofi,r lh nnh- UVill f tin VP in rpfiprt hofnrf. Intel no their "' "fv" 0,0 WW..V. W . ..O......W.. I ' -....fa - . , . . , lie mind at a distance bad received its first health, happiness, and in many cases their "-;1"' renewing a.m ,.yUr ,., u, Harl3, impressions f.om irresponsible telegraphic Mires, m the hands of Physicians ignorant of 01 e uooy. ui, a w " "n, mui dispatches, or by letter-writers biased bv Siroudebrirg and Eastcn PortJcrvis, Mauch. Chunch and Scranion It is morally impossible and fifty mes from tho Capitol btfore theii that a young animal can continue to grow daily morning papers are in circulation ilnrintT nnr winters nn thp. sninfi fond i he miscellaneous news 1 shall be care- w!iieh keeps it in summer. Both tbe 'ul to gamer from remote sections of the unfortunate in th6 selection of a Physician ize and health of your animals, and the l"u"1'- 1 j . c js r" VViPnTPvrv ti,i, nn.lMina(i t thai might indicate a wron ...:n ' f ' - the Executive Departments, through official! 1AIP01 EIC Through unrestrained Vs.. 8 Vu'. n.n L;. r,lr . . sources, the matters of moment transacted indulgence of the passions, by excess or -depend ou their heiug wen lea aunng jn them atd ,, jroun arrents employed for self-abuse, the evils are numerous. Prema- wnter. , the purpose, all the city news of conse- ture irnpotency, involuntary seminal dischar Y. It has been fully proved, that if quence in sufficient time to be put into the ges, wasting of the organs, loss of memory, your sheep are shut up all winter, with a the Uiolie and mailed in the Express Man a distaste lor lemaie society, general deuiuty, suSeiency of water tbey canbe kept faton traitlS- 1" this way"! hope to create a new or constitional derangement, are sure to fol- . i . 7i A,Jl iJL orivL oef era 'n the dissemination of news from low. If necessary, consult the Docior with wheat and oatstraw alone,anumase avast ... ,. ir. , , r . J' r . on an average, So a year to raise a com mon cow; in the common way, to maturi ty, at four years old, and then you bare ly set $20 for it. It may cost you S7 a year ho raise a fine grade to maturity, at three years old! aud you will get $50 for peculiar views. V ashington has now become so great a center of political interest dutinc all the year the proceedings of the Executive De paitments and the information collected by this class of maladies. It is certainly im- ln PerIe" narmuny win me otuer ingreci- possible for one man to understand all the enf.' a Tatim? on the IJowels, and ex ills the human family are subiect to. pe lmg the whole mass of corrupt and v.t.a- Everv resectable ohvsician has his ncculiar ,ed matter' ana paniymg mo Jiood, wnicn - i I J i i i i k in. nranch, in which he is more successful than esiroys Q'teas a"u resiore umhu. his brother professor-,, and to that he devotes To FcRialcs. order to make a nrofit on them. It costs, them even during the recess of Congress is most of his time and study. You will find these Pills an invaluable of so much importance to ihe interests of YEARS Or fKACHCE. exclusively medicine in many compiaims to wnicn you everv section of the country that I shall devoted to the study and treatment of diseas are subiect. In obstructions either total or continue the publication of the daily paper cs of the sexual organs, together with ulcers partial, they have heen tounu oi inesumaoie permanently, with a view to become the upon the body, throat, nose, or less, pains in oeneht, restoring their iracuoniai arrange vehicle of ihe earliest and mo.vt correct in- head, or bones, mercurial rheumatism. Jr?c- mettls to a hcailhv action, purifyinc the telligence. turcs, gravef, irregularities, disease aiising blood and other fluids so effectually to put It is part of my plan to reduce the price liom youthful excesses, or impurities of the to llight all complaints which may arise Jt: In one case you barely cet what the ol the daily paper to half that of similar pa- olood, whereby ihe constitution has become Nrom temale irregularities, as head acne, boast costs you: in the other, you make pets ; and ihus I hope to extend its circula- enfeebled, enables the Doctor to offer speedy giddness, dimness of sight, pain in the side, S29 nrofit. As regards horses the differ- iIon so a- lu n,,lc aQverusemems. i win i renei to mi who may piuce uiemseives unuer Tlnpnrl nn if nn M ttuiciuocnicuia ui uic uucnnucm STAGE LINES. The Stroudsburg and Easton mail line of stages, consists of excellent four horse coaches, and leaves J. J. Postens' In dian Queen Hotel, Stroudsburg, Pa. even day (except Sundays) at 7 o'clock a. m. ar riving in Easton before the departure of the cars fcr New York, or stages to Bethlehem and Allentown. fXp The following lines leases Postens" Indian Queen Hotel, Stroudsburg, Pa. every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, returning on alternate days: A line to Port Jervis, leaving at 7 o'clock a. m. via Bushkill, Dingman'o Choice and Milford. Returning, leaes Pori Jervis immediately after the arrival of the morning train of cars to New York, at aboul S o'clock A. M., Aline to MaucliOhunk, leaving at 7 o'clock A. m. via Brodheadsville, where it connects with lines to Wilkes-Bate and Wheit Haven. A line to Scranton, leaving at 4 o'clock a. iM. via Bartonsville, Tanners ville, where it connects with a line to Hones dale, and connecting at Scranton with the cars for the west. These lines hold out strong inducements to the traveling public passing through sec tions of the country which are as magnifi cent and picturesque as any in the Union. Having provided themselves with excel cellent coaches, good horses, and careful drivers, they feel confident that they will be enabled to give entire satisfaction to all who will patronize them. STOUFFER & OSTRANDER, August 1.9, 1852. Proprietors w v n - 'k. -si A MONROE COUNTY iVIuinal Fire lusurajicc Comply. T5he rate of Insurance is one dollar, onu the thousand doars insured, after which payment no subsequent tar wi be evied, except to cover actuaZ oss or damage by fire, that may fa upon mem-, bers of the company. The nctt profits arising from interesti or otherwise, wi be ascertained - yeary, for which each member in proportion, to his, her, or their deposit, wi have a, credit in the company. Each insurer in' or with the said company wibe amein ber thereof during the term of his or her poicy. The principe of Mutua Insur ance has been thoroughy tested has been tried by the unerring test of experi ence, and has proved succcssfu and be come very popuar. It affords the great est security against oss or damage by; fire, on the most advantageous and rea sonabe terms. " . Appications for Insurance to be ma'de in person, or bv letters addressed to . - , JAMES H. WALTON, Sec'yV MANAGERS. -!'-John Edinger, John S. Heller, Andrew Storm, Jame3 H. Walton, Silas L. Drake, M. II. Dreher, " , Geo. B. Keller, Eichard S. Staples, . Kobert Boys, Joseph Trach, Jacob Stoufter, Charles D.Brodhcad, Michael Shoemaker. It. S. STAPLES, rrcsidenL J. H. Walton, Treasurer. Stroudsburg, Sept. 23, 1852. LAW CIRCULAR. oktiiinoton G. Snetiien, Wash- ington, D. C, continues to practice law exclusively in the supreme court, and to attend to cases before Congress; to-' prosecute claims an settled accounts a gainst the departments, bureaus, and boards of commissioners; to procure pat ents for invention, at home" and abroad, and to obtain pensions and bounty landsj: to collect debts, dividends, legacies, aud in heritances in any part of the United states and foreign countries; to make invest ments of funds in loans and stocks and on bond and mortgage, and to negotiate nd The testimony in its favor is over whe ming. The proprietors are dai y in receipt of letters and certificates, going tbe purchase and scal 0f loans, lands an. to prove its remarkab e efficiency to al nntnf. r,f, :n nn ne ,0 irt,:on UI JXlIIO, UUL11 111 till IUL1I auu tl-I - . - - - . . - duts. The re ief given, and the immcdi- KaisisBgr Blood ate improvement of health which follows And Consumtlion, jxiit In the side ami its use. lms 'at!nd flifi ntlonfinn of hvsir 111 "hi Slieats. Astlttna.WhoonutzCouah. cians to this artie'e, and they freely re- pulpiUUion of the heart, Liver cimtpktm? commend & prescribe it in their practice. Bronchitis, and all disoasas of thp The retail 2'icc is 25 cents jcr vial which throat, lungs and liver cured by ahar-? brums it icithin the means of all. man s All-Healing Balsam. Brooklyn, L.I. January 16, 1847. RAISING BLOOD & CONSUMPTION I do certify that I gave one bottle of 3fr. Mine, Buider, in BrooA7yn, wad B. A.Fahncstock's Tirmifugc to my child, attached with raising bood, foowed by and in seven hours it passed 23 large a cough, pain in the side, aud all the u- worms. lion so as to invite advertisements . 1 1 "-v T . I amaa cf i I I liinntiri nn if 1 w , j it, i ir I lu iuwatiiuuis in inu units j. uupe 10 suu- one ever made money on stock by half mit such ,erms as wjH hjduce U) si-arvmg and uegleot; Dut yon cannot tail rertise their business in every village to wlike money, if you breed judiciously, ihruughout the Union, where the Globe is ad feed and shelter liberally. sent daily under the franks of members ot Yll. If you would grow profitable M-'ongress, all of whom take it, and some of crp3, and prevent your land from being his care. Medicines back. &c. None genuine unless siened J. N. Ho forwarded to any nart of the bensack, all others being base imitations Any person doubting this may sua SVmntoms of consumption. He em- apply for further information at my rcsi- p0yed two of the best physicians; they dence corner of York and Jackson st's. did i,;m no nood. and tod him hn eon.L james McCaffrey. notuv. Poughkccjmc, JN". Y. March 2, 184.4. Hearing of the wonderful cures per-J I certify, that I took two vials of B. A. formed by Sherman's Balsam, he sent at, Fahnestock's Yirmifuge, which I found 10 o'clock at night to Mrs. Hayes, 1 3( to be the greatest cure for worms I have Fulton street, and got a bottle; it operated, ever used. I have been troubled with like a charm, stopped the bleeding andf tape worms for a number of years, and I coush ! Before he had taken one bottle have never found so good a medicine as he was able to be about his work. It had A. Fanestock's Yinniftmc. B United States; Price fire and ten dollars per package. Nov. 18, 1852-1 y. impoverished, you must manure liberally. This manure you must either make or buy, if you can find any one to sell it; for our Western lands must have vegeta Me, as well as mineral manures. Now, if you allow your cattle and sheep to run Joose all winter you win inaiie no manure OFFICE TO PROCURE Soldiers' Iimd W:jsrsafs. Di' a recent Act of Congress it is enacted, fhat each of the surviving, or the widow or and a new CongrcES portends much change minorchildrenof deceased commissioned and & Shivley, Analomink- J. Bell, Experiment in the course of public affairs as the result noncommissioned officers, musicians, or pri- us Rro'dbpatl & Rm Dutot'sbiirrr H & of the next sesssion. Many vast interests vaies, wuetner oi regulars, volunteers, rang- r Kim-, Pnmrlico T MrwinB Mvin them a large number of copies I ne installation of a new Administiation U-A2ents wishinji new supplies, anci Store Keepers wishing to become Agents must address the rropnetoi J. N. Hobensack io 12U:. Second St., Phila., iJa. Asants in PJonroe Cossaity. Dr. S. Stokes and R. Huston, Stroudsburg II. Peters, ir. & co. Marshals creek: Staples - which were brought up in the last Congress ers or militia, who performed military ser- bum- Daily & Tombler Effort- Edineer & I were laid over by'ihe Democratic majority to ' ices in any regiment, company or detach- Marsh, Fennersville; Keller & Hoffman, await tne action ot a Democratic Executive. neni m tne service oi me uniieu stales, in iroiiorri The new modeling of the tariff; the new the war with Great Britian, declared by the n Hlulclru ..... u.aI1v,uu.1.u.v. , . niM. n r ; Jr.lPf Sla 1 PH (in 1 IP P o llnpnt h rnunf Tunc It you Keep tnem up all winter, you will L.,eafl, nrifi m:i.j firftrv man a Whnhlpr 1812. or in any of the Indian wars since 1790 make a great deal of it. The annual dif- wj10 may choose to become one: theanorox- Ud each of the commissioned officers who r. - 1,1 f I .-. I 1-.. . y . icrence is, prouaoiy, on a common rarm, imation ol the Atlantic and Pacific oceans was engageu in tne military service ol the 20 bushels of wheat, or, this year. S20. by a national railroad across the terniory of united btates in the late war with Mexico, That would pay 10 per ceut. interest on tne Union, reform in the Army, Navy, and and shall be entitled to lands as follows : out the county and State. Price, each 25 cents. March 10, 1853. pay S200 invested in buildings. But as you could keep 20 head of stock shut up on the Kirae food that 10 would consume running loose, we may call the difference of profit far greater than that. Till. Again, every heap of dirty rot ten straw is not "manure," though it is often called so by courtsey. Manure is of no use to a plaut, until it can be dis solved in water. Now, if you leave a heap of straw aud dung exposed to the rain and sun, nearly all that makes it use ful to a plaut runs off or escapes into the air. After a time, nothing is leftebut hwnvs, or rather, woody fibre. It is true that rotten wood may do some good in gome lauds: but why wash your manure clean of ever7 thing else before you apply it? The best preserved aud richest barn yard manurej consists Water 65 parts Organic, or vegetable matter 24$ Inorganic salts 10 ow these last ten parts are worth all the rest; and yet they run with a few show- its, as well as all that is truly excellent in the 24i uarts: and you eart to the field a heap consisting of water and rotten fctraw, scarcely soluble, Tct affording a little carbonic acid gas. But if you keep your cattle f-hut up, and have a rough cheup shed outside, into which you daily pilcn tbe dung, you save all this loss: you have the urine, which is far more valuable as well as the dung; you have it dry, and tnerelore do not waste your time in cart 'civil offices all these great questions, with Those who engaged to serve twelve a thousand minor ones, deeply affecting months or during the war, and actnally multitudes of men and every Stale in the serred nine months, shall receive one huu- Cure of Consumption, Liver Complaint, Colds, Coughs, Asthma Bronchitis t and all Throat and Lung Com plaints. I have published a brief work on Consum Uuion. will, now being matured by public o- dred and sixty acres: and those who engaged ption, winch contains an invaluable recipe pinion, come up for the Government's decis- to serve six months and actually served four for the cure of these prevalent diseases, even ion. These new issues, co-oneratinsr with months, shall receive eighty acres; and in their worst stages, when friends and phy- old pe rating ones, coining up to be disposed of by those who engaged to serve for any or an sicians have given up all hope. The Lung new actors on the scenes at Yvaahineion. ineehniie period, and actually served one aatf-sawi prescnoea in mis woric OMre-swtinou wi 1! be apt to modify greatly, if not alter es- month, shall receive forty acres. Provided, the expensive aid of physicians or injurious sentially, tie party organizations of the that wherever any officer or soldier was use ol patent medicines, ln adopting this ys country. honorably discharged in consequence of dis- item oj Cure the patient mows what he is us Io these elements of interest another is ability in the service, he shall receive the a- mg knows that he is not shortenning: hi; likely to be introduced by the interposition mount to which he would have been entitled pays by the use of anodynes or mercurials of tbe agitations of Europe. After nearly if he had served the full period for which he which may seem to Relieve but never Cure, lorty years ol peace in Europe there is -an had engaged to serve. lie knows when using this Life-savinx Dal evident restlessness that now seems fraught Under the above act, and the acts of Con- sam, that he Is taking mild, pleasant, effica- with tendencies threatening war; and ifwar gress generally, the subscriber offers his ser- cuus remedies, such as JS'ature prescribed mg water to the fields. One loud of such manure is estimated as fully worth five of the best saved without cover; and worth a very great number of loads of the rotten washed stuff too often applied. .Now, hexe, the saving and profit arq very great. Fanners Companion find Jtort. Gqg&e, ' , t comes, in all likelihood there will follow such universal change that the United Slates can searcely hope to escape its vor tex. Indeed, lioai late events it is apparent that our Government is already drawn into European difficulties. These circumstances are calculated lodraw the public mind to wards the next Congress with much expec tation. The Daily Globe will be printed on fine paper, double royal size, with small type (oievjer and nonpareil,) at five ilo liars s year. The -Congressional Globe will also be prin ted on a double royal sheet, in book form, royaj quarto size, each number containing sixteen pages. The (Jongression Globe pro per will be made up of the proceedings of Congress and the running debates as given by the Reporters. The speeches which members may choose to write out themselves will, together with the messages ol the pres ident of the United States, the reports of the Executive Departments, and the laws passed. by Congress, be added in an Appendix Formerly I received subscriptions lor the Congressional Globe and Appendix separ ately, But this has not been found satisfac tory, inasmuch as it gave an incomplete view o( tbe transactions in Congress; and there fore Miave concluded not to sell them apart, considering that neighbors can have the ad vantage of both by clubbing in case individ? nals grfls.uU. j.i oo oneroju? to bo at tiiei vices as agent to procure Land Warrants for for the ills herchildren suffer. The ingredi those entitled to receive them, as above spe- ents composing this Lung Balsam arc obtains cuied. lie may be found at bis office in able (C leanly too.) wherever consunmtion m - ' ' I I J troudsbur". Oc tober 27, 1850. S. C. BURNETT. Every Family should have a copy! An invaluable book, only 25 cts. per copy Man know thyself. FUR. HUNTER'S MANUAL & HAND 1JT BOOK for the exists, proving that Every ill has its antidote. Consumptive patients may Rely on this receipt (all Lung Complaints are removed by its use) I would not attach my name to it, had I doubt of its efficacy. The directions for preparing and using the Balsam are perfectly plain. 1 prefer selling the Recipe to making the Balsam, as it enables people to Make their oivn Medicine at a Trillins Cost. 1 wi afflicted. Coniainins an outline of the Origin, Progress. Treat- ment and Cure of every form of disease, impart the secret of making the Balsam, and contracted by promiscuous Sexual Inter- the Family right io use it, lor Si, but in uo course, oy sell-abuse, or faexual Excess, case will I sell it for speculating purposes. Aim aovice lor ineir prevention, written in there- saved his life. His daughter, residing at fore recommend it. 127 Myrtle Avenue, can attest it MARTHA CLIFT. Miss Ann Maston, of Williamsburg The public is cautioned against coun- living in Tenth, near South Fourth st,, terfeits and spurious articles, and to put says lliat she had been troubled with a no confidence in statements that ' Kolin- hacking cough, and pain in the chest, for stock's' and S. Fahnestock's Virmifujre. a lonS which at last become so bad are the same or as good as the only gen- sue was oungeu io give up neracnooi ,,?no nrfi'p.lp which ia ? A. iHi Liiestozk's iov movQ tnan a year, one tnen com- Mb.WAW, h..vm " . 1 I ar . ' I I I T ll II Vermifuge, For sale in Stroudsburg, by T. Schoch. Stroiidsbiu. Jewclrv Store. The subscriber hav ing purchased the entire menced toring the All-Healing Balsam whieh soon alleviated her symptoms. " She is now fast recovering, and has re sumed her laborious occupation as a teach er. 14 years Mr. John O'Xeil, 10th ave-- Q sl0Cr of- Cloc!:s lYaTtcl1' nue and 21st street, suffered with a cough, mL h S'ft rising of phlegm, and pain in his side. " H. Mehck, intends car- ? ,. . . . , A, ryingonlhe Watch Ma- XAU U1" g"" ui t4JUu w -"SSSLS23 king and Jewelry busi Aii-juuiuuiij ijaisani, huiuuuiuu wupuiu ncss in all its various forms, and in a man- from his side, allayed the cough, arid ner, he trusts, that will give the most entire brought the disease upon the surface; and. satisfaction, not only to himself but to those foxo he had tvJcen three bottjes, was, trusting the above mentioned articles with cutirclj cure(j. him to be repaired. He has renewed his J , ..,. stock by recent purchases in the city of New "jurist coxsumptio.v. York, which, together with his former stock, Mrs- -Baggas, a lady apwnrds ot 70, re makes his assortment at this time one ol the siding 88 Sheriff street, has for yearsbeen most splendid ever before offered in Strouds- subject to attacks of. Pleurisy, Raising- a familliar style, avoiding all medical tech nicalities, and everything that would offend the ear of decency, from the result of some twenty years successful practice, exclusive ly devoted to the cure of diseases of a deli cate or private nature. To which is added, receipts for the above liseases, and a treatise on the causes, symp toms and cure of the Fever and Ague, for Proof of its Goodness. Jackson, Mich. March 21, 1851. Doct. S.TOUSEY Sir: You wished me to let you know what effect your preparation of Medicine for Consumption and other dis eases had in my family. After the first ten days my wife gained in weight 3 lbs, relieved her cough, changed her countenance, and all appearances were better. My family would twenty -five cents a copy; six copies one dol- not be willing to "do without it. It is a med ar; will be lorwarded to any nart of the U- nited States, by mail, free of yostaaa. Ad dress, postage paid, "Box, I9G Post Office, or the Author, 38 North Seventh Street Philadelphia. tgLANK DEEDS' -For sale nt tlu.s'fiffino. icine much needed in Jacksotirthere is many cases simular to my wife's. The Rev Mr. Blanrhard will write you for a recipe. Res pectfully yours, O.FPOOL. . Address, post paid, (enc)osing $1.) Dr. S. TOUSEY, 106 Nassau street, New York. The work goes .byrjnaif underiscal. Uoto.be6-7, 185 1-m burg; among which may be found all the la test lashions in the structure and embellish ment of dress Jewelry, viz: Broast Pin3, Ea Rings. Finger Rings, Gold Lockets, Snaps Bracelets. Slides. Silver Spoons, Butter Knives, and Brittania Ware, together with a large assortment of Gold and Silver Watch cs, Clocks, Perfumery, eye, togeinor witn all the articles that can be lound in any es tablishment of the kind. Watch Rcpfth'Ins- Heing an important as well as a skillful part of his business, he Halters himself he can give as general satisfaction to his customers nnd the public as can be done by any one as he intends to keep nono but the best work men in his employ ; and feeling confiden that all shall have entire satisfaction done them, he intends to devote his whole lime and attention to that important branch of his business, Anything in his line that he may not have on hand, will be promptly procured from the city, hy calling on the subscriber at his shop, on Eyzabeth street, two doors west of J. H Melick's old stand. SAMUEL MELICK Stroudsburg, May 6, 1852. WHOJLESAIifi GROCERS. WATERMAN & OSBOUKN, N.W, Corner Second and Mulbcrvy Streets. OFrEIt FOR SALE A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF TEAS, COFFEE, At the Lowest x110I,ASSE, j Market rates. SPICES, &c. &c.J Those commencing New Stores are nar ticularly invited to calK -' v ' Uj- - nuennon given ip-rrouuce. Philadelphia, January '27j48533m;iifc j:-; JTt. of Blood, severe Cough, Shortness of; Breath, Pain in her Head and variosu parts of her body. Her friends believed past recover'. The All-Healing Balsam, relieved her at once of all her alarming symptoms, and now she is able to attend, to her work. ; ASTHMA AND WHOOPING COUGK. , Mrs. Lucrctia Wells, 95 Chrisfic.'st.ylv L. S. Beals, 19 Delancy street; W. H. Youngs, 75 Walnut st.; know the value.ofa this great remedy. -. ? f. Ask! tor- Sherman s All-Healing Jial sam, and see that his written signaturejis on each bottle. t . Price 25 cents and.s-l p0r bettlo. . Dr. Sherman's Worm and Cough iDozon geS rorsale at this office " , JHftT PALMEIi& SON " 1 ESPECTFULLY inform the McrV chants of Stroudsburg and vicinity that they have on hand and aro mnnufac turiug Kl PURE TALLOW CANDLES. - in the. Borough of Stroudshurg-, andtwilP keep constantly on h'and afull sunnl V which they oTer for aalo at as low i-atek as can bo had at any other establishment tall hotore purohasintr elsewhnrn. Stroudsburg, June 16, 185Q. Brodhcad & Koberts, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ; Costs, Shes & Straw Croois; No. 135 North Third Street, ' "'5r , , PHlLADELPJUA.-.un April 14, 1853, 3m-W-itv
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers