The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, December 08, 1853, Image 1

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    iff V .. r -
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te?i9gas-k gaiRsifeaak laaRsBak skssssssk sssa asss ws& &mm mm&Wk mm&mmm mmmm
J UmWSfl PE3JUM - . ' ' ?&ZZ2IWmM GfcrrHWHi c lfWsiWEK sSisW iriKSff Vr-SvW SSSiSi f$&;B JSS .?2tSLBL 'traV-CT
Hlrooteb to Ipojitifjs, literature, Agriculture, Science, tfloralitt), an& cttfral intelligence, .
NO". G.
VOL. 14.
jim mi a . 1 1. i rr- ... - - --- ' ' " " ' 1 1 n- i ,-L i. -L ii J I ni Hi i i i ' 1 UJiii n n 1 1 sarajagi. j i j- ujjmigj-u-JJ""! i iw.igiuimw icaJMjMjjwaawMjjMiuajai iwui agaai
JPiiblisIied by Theodore Scliocli.
TERMS Two dollars per annum in advance Two
dollars nnd a quarter, half yearly and if not paid be-
lore the end of the year, Two dollars and a half. L.MnrtT,n1 ?n n tnroti in flm infprinr of ihis
No papers discontinued until all arrearages are paid,, preached ill a tOWD in tne interior 01 IU1S
except aPthe option ot tne tunor.
lines) will be inserted-three weeks lor one dollar, und
twenty-five cents for every subsequent insertion. vTlie
IO Aaveuisemeiits not excceaing one square uen
charge for one and three insertions the same
T - - . I - . - 1.. .1 a :
si uiicoum mauc iu yeanv huvcuuio.
IO All letters addressed to the Editor must be post
' Having a general assortment of large, elegant, plain
and ornamental Tynl, we are prepared
.Cards, Circulars, Dill Heads, Notes, Dlank Receipts
printed with neatness and despatch, on reasonable
icrms, '
Of nil amusements to the mind,
From logic down to fishing,
There is'nt one that you can find
So very cheap as "wishing !"
A verychoice diversion, too,
If we but rightly use it,
And not, as we are apt to do,
Pervert it and abuse it.
I wish a common wish, indeed '
My purse was something fatter,
That I might cheer the child of need,
And not my pride to flutter;
That I might make oppression reel,
As only gold can make it,
And break the tyrant's rod of steel,
As only gold can break it I
I wish that sympathy and Love
And every human passion,
That has its origin above,
Would come and keep in fashion ;
That Scorn, and Jealousy, and Hate,
And every base emotion,
Were buried fifty fathoms deep,
Beneath the waves of Ocean !
I wish that friends were always true;
And motives always pure;
I wish the good were not so few,
I wish the bad were fewer;
I wish that persons ne'er forgot
To heed their pious teaching ;
I wish that practising was not
So different from preaching !
I wish that modest worth might be,
Appraised with truth and candor;
I wish that Innocence were free
" From treachery and slander;
I wish that men their vows would mind;
That women ne'er were rovers;
I wish that wives were always kind,
And husbands always lovers! .
I wish in fine that joy and mirth,
And every good Ideal,
May come, erewhile throughout the earth,
To be the glorious Real ;
Till God shall every creature bless
With his Eupremest blessing,
. And hope be lost in happiness,
And wishing in possessing !
at a (nmnnMrlJ en
JT Ahl,U--CZ Z Z'
There is a man up country who always
'There is a man up country wno always
pays for his paper in advance. He has
never had a sick day in his life never
had any corns or tooth-ache his potatoe
never rot the weevil never eats
wheat-te frost never kills his corn or
beans his babies never cry in'the night,
and his wife never scolds. Header, have
you paid the printer in advance?"
A distinguished divine was walking
with a friend past a new church in which
another distinguished divine was a shep-
t-.i c'.a irnr,A fftfho i) i noir-
w - - .
ingupatthe spire, which was very tall
lierU. Uaiu iuc mtuu - -j
and not vet completed: "How much
higher is that going to be?" "Not much,'
said the D. D., with a very sly laugh,
"they don't own far in ttat direction."
In one of the courts, recently; an indi-, though their pocket-books crack with the
vidual, attired in a Quakerish looking ; size of the ron 0f bills inside. , Young
garb, was called to the stand. The oneg canfc afford to seem dressed no bet
Judge, taking him for a member of the t tt tt President dresses. Middle
Priends, thus addressed him:
"Will vou swear or affirm?"
"'Just as thee d
tlie reply.
-n pleases, sir was
. ... v
lDTh0 newspapers seem to think
that the Way to keep ladies' dresses from
sweeninfr the streets, is is to "hold them
np"to ridicule.
like old trees' they
Old friends are
cannot be replaced.
The man who made a slide for the j
foot of a mountain, is now engaged on a '
lint for the head of
which he would manufacture a plume for
uisuuuiac uitvi .
General Intelligence.
VP!. - VnTn rr a fnrtf. in Tl ARQ 1T1
xue buwk - y
Franklin County, Maine, the Franklin
Washington Jefferson Madison debating
":.?;n. ,i;R,nSSW.ihe absorbing
question Wither thenow.fell af&dcep twenty., ay be an, such .a .busi
erajbotjiiffhtr''z ' " : ; iness tiieta fason able coat is essential to
Preaching a Practical Sermon.
A number of years ago, Parson B
State. A sound theologian -was Parson ,
j -p
-, as a published volume of his
sermons evinces; but like many clergy
men of the past generation, he was too jn ue can a0 is, to exercise his shrewd
much given to preaching, 'doctrinal ser-' ness in keep up ns fair an outside as pos-
'mons. to tue exclusion or 'practical
. f t . . 1
themes; at least so thought one of his '
' .
parishioners, Mr. (, .
'Mr. B-
said he, one day, to
i know all about the
tue Clergyman, 'we
doctrines by this time. Why don't you
sometimes preach us a real practical dis
coursel' 'Oh, very well. If you wish it, I will
do so. Next Sundav 1 will preach a
- v a.
practical sermon.'
Sunday morning came; and an unusu
ally large audience, attracted by the re
port of the promised novelty, were in at
tendance. The preliminary services were
performed, and the Parson announced
his text. After 'opening his subject,' he
said he should make a practical applica
tion to hia hearers. He then commenced , yarlor floor. It may be very good rea
at the head of the aisle, calling each f son why you should decline to take some
i p .i . i j
momber of the congregation byname,and i
. . .. . w ,1 rt 1
pointing out his special faults. One was !
a little inclined to indulge in creature
comforts; another was a terrible man at a
bargain, and so on.
. While in mid volley, the door of the
church opened, and Doctor S en
tered. 'There,' went on the parson, 'there is
Doctor S., coming in, in the middle of
the service, just as usual, and disturbing
the whole congregation. He does it just
to make people believe that ho has so
large a practice that he can't get time to
come to church in season, but its not so
he hasn't been called upon to visit a
patient on Sunday morning for three
Thus went on the worthy clergyman.
At last he came to Mr. C , who
had requested a practical sermon.
'And now,' said he, 'there's Mr. C ;
he's a merchant and what does he do?
Why, he stay3 at home on Sunday after
noon and writes business letters. If he
gets a lot of goods.up from New York on
Saturday night he goes to his store and
marks them on Sunday, so as to have
them all ready for sale on Monday morn
ing. That's how he keeps the Sabbath;
and he isn't satisfied with doctrinal ser
mons, he wants practical ones.'
At the conclusion of the
service, the
parson walked up to Mr. C
asked him how he liked the 'practical
yMr. B-
was the reply, 'preacb
justavhat you please after this. I'll never
-ttampt to atoet you again.'
r j o
From tlie Neio Yorlc Times.
Young America's Weak Side.
1 oung folks miss it when they think to
, start in inc upon tne same scale ot expen-
,ses that they leave the old ones living on.
, nouse-Keepers gamer arouna tuem
scores of convenient imnlements for their
labor, which young house-keepers cannot
rp.-t , -j ltr
TrtH s Kiitt r f nnnn 11 n n n nnnn tr rT i
' garret-full of rubbish in half
a dozen
years, and rooms lumbered with stuff for
1 l ,11 1 1 l
wuicu me aemana Dassea awav wim me
, i
, year that they bought it. And yet young
men generally sau uuuer neavier capiwu
than old ones. It costs more to fit out a
man oi tne wona agea twency-nvo, man
one aged fifty. Old men can't afford
J canes, and rings, and heavy watch-chains,
aged men of literary habits will buy half
a dozen clear pine-boards, and put a
book-case together for themselves, lay a
couple of coats of white paint on the front
'of it, and having shoved in their treasures
i . ... ,r .. ,
room where it is. Young literateurs must
jbave the best editions, bound in the best
'style, and a walnut, mahogany, or rose-
; hfinRG thev
fWUA vntiv w jv. ; r- j
are liable to have company in the room
irfwre they keep them.' All this is great
nonsense; the young man , -
Mr v.imtv more man ms yuimuic nuum
.'have, the face to ask for,
But very often young people persuade
themselves that Society requires a rate of j I am willing to givo him a lift. But I one from the doctor, and the other from
expenditure of them which they find it haye an errand at the butcher's. I will the dealer in leather from whom I pur
Liptuuuuiv vi lucm J . . ,1sx; . vimsnd mv last stock. Thev are both
. - , , , ... Tf ; vf1
very nara to compiy wuu. xV
true, but not altogether so.
A clerk, whether he ge&fivc dollars a
him. His employer won't have him to (
wait upon customers unless ho dresses i
neatly and even genteellj. In such case J
there is no holp for him. Ho must lay .
aside his old coat before it is half worn
out. It is one of the misfortunes of his
business, which he would have done well to
have estimated before entering upon it
! FPU n MMAticiAnnl nr n r Y lief.
mu.u me juuuy pu.iuunL maU u.u-
fi hw patrons dressed a good deal
more expensively than either his wish or
t - m:vate iudzment would dictate. But
fortunately Society has a blind sido
ways. If it makes the clerk or young
doctor wear a finer coat than his good
old father will consent to, it does not o-J
blige him to be a fop, or to live in costly :
quarters. Let him, then, when he brings
bis willing offering to Fashion, be sure
not to lay a farthing more on the altar
than is required, nor to deck his sacrifice
with garlands which arc not down in the
But in a great many points, Fashion
(or Society,- as sensible people prefer to
call this tyrant,) makes demands which
no Yankee can honestly admit. As when
it says that you, good bachelor reader,
must not marry till you can give your
wife a handsome Turkey carpet for her
certain iuiss wnom you uuvu uueu uiuitui-
j"1,111"" J , ,
ing about lately, but when you find the
who .g read tQ into partner.
certain iUiss wnom you nave oeen ureum-
ship with you, not as a silent partner, but
as an active business member of the firm,
who will be satisfied with three-ply or
oven ingrain, until your salary can afford
a more costly floor-cove ring, if you have
any of your father's blood in you, turn
Fashion out your tent and take the girl to a
clergyman's at once. When you are mar
ried, Fashion may tell you to furnish your
rooms as you can't afford to furnish them.
You want to rise in the world, and if you
ever expect your friends to help you, you
must bo able to invite them to a home of
which they will not be ashamed to enter.
If really you can make it pay in a bus
iness way, why go ahead; make the in
vestment. But don't l)e deceived. We
will wager you the price of all your fuel
for the year, that your grand acquaint
ances, your friends who call in their car
riages, will cost you more than they will
ever come to. They will encourage you
with words, but they will keep clear e
nough of your store. They will flatter
you on your prospects, but a spurious
shilling will buy all the practice they will
give you until you get rich enougb not to
need their aid; then, indeed, you will
have enougb of them. It would be good
economy to cut the whole of them. Those
who stand on a level with yourselves
require of you that a part of your
house the parlor at least should be
fitted to their taste. As their tastes and
yours agree, it will be easy to suit them.
But don't knuckle to society too much;
it isn't creditable to independant people.
1 If yur big acquaintances choose to call
J jn spito of yonr lack of preparation let
; them; but, at the best, they will prove
nftct i tt nrnnnnii nnn or n n, srrvu !
, Young America has set down his foot
1 that neither John Bull, the Austrian, nor
"joltar body, shall prosumo yith im pu-
.. itrmroner libartms. Whv
nity upon any improper liberties. Why
should Young America consent to be or
dered about like a slave by Fashion,
which is ten times as presumptuous as
"Smi "y oyu.ctj, Wu.u
j youQg wm haY(J ft Fmrth of Juljr afc thcir
houS(? over tbese grievances, they will
hnd the rigor ot tne times marvciousxy
' softening, and their annual salaries
j striding much further into each
' nn4irtr nnnr linn rXTT
;UUUiliL juui uiua uwii.
I w
Going Down Hill.
'That looks bad,' exclaimed farmer
White with an exnressive shake of the
i j 1 j l j. j ,i
j ,-oe
, B , enourTu, wag tbo reT)ly of tu0
coinpanion to whom the remark was ad-
'.Neighbor Thompson appears to uc
running down hill pretty fast. I can re
member when everything around his
place wa3 trim and tidy.'
'He always appeared to be a steady
industrious man,' rejoined the second
speaker. 'I have a pair of boots on my
feet at this moment of his make, and
they have done me good service.'
'E have generally employed him for
myself and family,' was the reply, 'and I
must confess that he is a good workman;
but nevertheless, I believe I shall step in
to Jack Smith's this morning and order
a pair of boots, of which I stand in need.
I always make it a rule never to patro
nize those who appear to be running be
hindhand. There is generally some risk
in helping those that wont help them
'fe desired
Very true; and as my wi
this morning, I will follow your example! Her perplexity was increased by And
and call upon Smith. He is no great ing her husband with two bills in his
favorite of mine, however an idle quar- hand and a countenance expressive ot
relsome fellow.' anxiety and concern.
And vet he seems to be fretting ahead I 'Look. Mary.' he said as she entered,
j in worid ' answered the farmer, 'and
UUb uciiau j wui . j , - -
At the butcher's they met the neigh- very urgent for immediate payment, al
bor who was the subject of their conver- though they have always been willing to
sation. Ho certainly prjesenieu raiuer
' a shabby appearance.'and in hw choice qt
J ,Mc o rfirrnrcl tn ppnhotnv which
. UlCilL v nuuuiyj y .
did not escape the observation of farmer
"White. After passing remarks, the poor
shoemaker took his departure, and the
butcher opened his account book with a
'somewhat anxious air, saying as he
charged the bit of meat
'I believe it is time that neighbor
Thompson and I come to a settlement.
Short accounts make long friends.'
'No time to lose; I should say,' re
marked the farmer.
'Indeed! have you heard of any trouble,
neighbor White?'
'No; I have heard nothing; but a man
al-jhas the use of his own eyes, you know;
and I never trust any one with my mo-
nev who is evidently going down hill.'
'Quite right; and I will send in my bill
this evening. I have only delayed on ac-
count of the sickness the poor man nas
had in his family all winter. I suppose
he must have run behind a little, but still
I must take care of number one.
'Speaking of Thompson are you,' ob
served a bystander, who appeared to take
an interest in the conversation. 'Going
down hill, is he ? I must look out for
myself then. lie owes me quite a snug
sum for leather. I did intend to give
him another month's credit, but on the
whole I guess the money would be safer
in my own pocket.
lTnro r.ho trmr worthies senaratod, eacn
with his mind filled with the affairs of
neighbor Thompson, the probability of
his'going down hill, and the best way of
giving him a push.
In another part of the little village
similar scenes were passing.
'I declare,' exclaimed Mrs. Bennet, the
dress-maker, to a favorite assistant, as
she hastily withdrew her head from the
window, whence she had been gazing on j
the passers by; if there is not Mrs. Thomp-
son, the shoemaker's wife coming up the
steps with a parcel in her hand. She ;
wants me to do her work, I suppose, but
I think it would be a venture. Every '
one says they are running down hill, and j
it is a chance if everJL get ray pay.' j
'She always has paid us promptly,' was
the reply. j
'True; but that was in the days of her
prosperity. I cannot afford to run any
risk.' The entranco of Mrs. Thompson ,
prevented further conversation. i
She was evidently surprised at the re- :
fusal of Mrs. Bennett to do any work for
her; but as great' pressure of business
was pleaded as an excuse, there was noth- (
ing to be said, and she soon took her j
leave. Another application proved e-
qually unsuccessful. It was strange how j
busy the village dress makers had fud-
denly become.
On the way home, the poor shoema-
ker's wife met the teacher of a small
school in the neighborhood, where two of
her children attended. j
'Ah, Mrs. Thompson, I am glad to see
you' was the salutation . 'I was about
calling at your house. Would it be con- j
venient to settle our little account this af-,
ternoon V
'Our account!' was tho surprised reply,
'Surely the term has not yet expired'.
Only half of it; but my present rule is
to collect my money at that time. It is
n r.lnn wliiJi mnilV tPflfillfirS haVO adonted
of late '
I was not aware that there had been
any change in your rules. I have made
calculation to meet your bill at the usual
I fear that it will not DC in my
power to do sooner.'
The countenance of the teacher showed
great disappointment, and as slie passed
on in a different direction, she muttered
to herself
'Just as I expected. I never shall get
a cent. Everybody says they are going
down hill. I must got rid of the children
in some way. Perhaps I may get a pair
of shoes or two for payment for the half
quarter, if I manage right; but it will
never do to go on in this way.'
A little discomposed by her interview
with the teacher, Mrs. Thompson stepped
into a neighboring grocery to purchase
some trifling articles of family stores.
I have a little account against you.
Will it bo convenient for Mr. Thompson
to settle it this evening?' asked the polite,
shopkeeper as he produced the desired
'Is it his usual time for settling?' was
again tho surprised inquiry.
'Well, not exactly; but money is very
tight just now, and I am anxious to. get
all tljat is due me. In future I intend to
keep short accounts. There is a little bill,
if you would like to look at it. I will
call around this evening. It is but a
small affair.'
'Thirty dollars is no small sum to us
just now,' thought Mrs Thompson, as
she thoughtfully pursued her way toward
'It seems strange that all these pay
ments must bo met just now, while we
are struggling to recover from tho heavy
exPenses winter. t I oannot under-
'Here arc two unexpected calls for money;
wanji iew myuiua uum x wmu uiunu ir
rangemcnts to meet their ciamis. ut
xmisfortuncs never come single
nrA if n
man gets a little behindhand, troublo
seems to Doar in unon him.'
'Just so,' replied the wife; 'the neigh-
hors tnmic we are going uowu mn, uuu
every one is ready to give us a push.
Hero are two more bills for you, one irom
the grocer and the other from the teach- i
er. I ODC0 concliido that, whatever attractive
Reply was prevented by a knock at fa women ss
the door, and the appearance of a lad, ' n r
who presented a neatly folded paper and taste in dress cannot be considered among
disappeared. ( them. The most striking novelty on first
'The butcher's account, as I live !' ox- landing in Spain is the mantilla or black
claimed the astonished shoemaker. veij hich is generany WOrn, although
'What is to bo done, Mary! So muoh . ' . 4l . ; .nn -
, X -j . i Tin here and there bonnets are creeping in,
money to be paid out and very little com- u u f c '
ing in; for some of my best customers and Spanish women are sacrificing tho
have left me, although my work has al- only becoming peculiarity they have left,
ways given satifaction. If I could only 1 n order to intimate the fashions of their
have as much employment as usual and neighb0rs. There is an elegance and a
the usual credit allowed me, I could , , ,
usual , dressy appearance about the mantilla
soon satisfy all these claims; but to meet J m
them now is impossible, and the acknowl- j which create surprise at its having been
edgement of my inability would send us ! adopted by other nations; and the Span
still further on the downward path.' iards could only be made to feel how uu
'We must do our best and trust in becoming bonnets are to them, the rich
Providence.' was the consoling remark of I . . ,., , .
i; .1:1 J . !mnlr nfe th dnor masses of whose splendid hair prevent
arousea meir lear iuu.u uuvmm wuimttuu
was about to appear.
But the benevolent countenance of Un
cle Joshua a rare but ever welcome visi
tor, nresented itself. Seating himsolf in
the comfortable chair that Mary hastened
to hand him, he said, in his eccentric,but
friendly manner,
'Well, good folks, I understand the
world does not go as well with you as
formerly. What is the trouble,'
'There need be no trouble.' was the
reply, 'if men would not try to add to
the afflictions which the Almighty sees to
be necessary for us. The winter was a
trying one. We met with sickness and
misfortunes, which we endeavored to bear
witlx patience. All would now go well
if those around me were not determined
to push me in the downward path.'
J3ut there lies the difficulty, friend
Thompson. This is a selfish world.
Everybody; or at least, a great majority,
care only for number one. If they see a
poor neighbor going down hill, their first
thought is whether it will affect their own
interests, and provided they can secure
themselves, they care not how soon he
goes to the bottom. The only way is to
keep up appearances. Show no signs of
going behindhand and all will go well
with you.'
'Very true, IJncle Joshua, but how is
this to be done? Bills which I did not
expect to be called upon to meet for the
next three months are pouring in upon
me. My best customers are leaving me
for a more fortunate rival. In short I
I am on the brink of ruin, and nought
but a miracle can savo me,'
A miracle which is very easily done
then, I imagine, my good friend. What
j3 the amount of your debts which press
so heavily upon you, and how soon in the
00mmon course of events could you dis
charge them?'
They do not exceed one hundred dol-
lars .' replied the shoemaker; 'and with
' my usual run of work, I could make all
j right in three or tour months.
'We will say six,' was the answer. 'I
will advance you one hundred and fifty
dollars for six months. Pay every cent
! you owe, and with the remainder of the
! money, make some slight addition or
; improvement in yuur suup ui uuuou, au
put everything about the grounds m us ; pretty tacos, ana very cuaractcristic or
usual neat order. Try this plan for a the Spanish countenance. They are gen
few weeks, and we will see what effect it erally very dark, and almost all havo
has upon our worthy neighbors. No, no, that peculiar projecting brow which gives
never mind thanking pie. I am only to the face quite a character of its own.
frvJnff ji little exneriment on human na- i The women liave a universal custom of
ture. I know you of old, and have no
doubt that my money is safo in your
Weeks passed by. The advice of Un
cle Joshua had been strictly followed,
and the change in the shoemaker's pros
npfits whs indeed wonderful. Ho was
spoken of as one of the most thriving , contrasting so wen wim meir ravuu aa
men'iu the village, and many marvellous j ses. Tho hair is generally worn plain
stories were told to account for tho sud- curls being seldom seen, for they do not
den alteration in his affairs. suit the mantilla; and if flowers cannot bo
It was generally agreed that a distant
Alltnn 1. rt Vk r ft'
ucathed to him a legacy,
tvhinli bad nntirelv relieved him of
ed the best pieces of meat for his inspec-
i I. ,.l nrxA irnic nf -ill v in.
pecuniary difficulties. They had never " ""o . r - - - Jl
before realized the beauty and durability ! a angular contrast to the fashion twenty
of his work. The polite butcher select- jeajs ago, when a lady who would have
Tr . ,i tiLn nfnnrmnnf Tlio and insulted by the people. Our first vis
different as to the tuno ot payment. ue , j r i
' i. ti, nWhirAn l.nmn to the theatro at Malaga confirmed my
nn nn.l CnA- in liirrli terms of their
!mJmnt. pronouncing them among
4 U4 wavfWB-iVMwj t Q
her best scholars. The dress-makor sud
denly found herself free from the great
press of work, and in a friendly note ex
pressed her desire to oblige Mrs. Thomp
son in any way iu her power.
Just as I expected,' exclaimed Uncle
Joshua, rubbing his hands exultingly, as
the greateful shoemaker called upon him
at the expiration of six months, with the
money which had been loaned in the
hour of need. 'Just as I expected. A
strange world! They aro ready to pu.h
a man up hill if he seems to be asceuding,
and iust as ready to push him down, if
UU ITOlll " L r
ity aud you will bo sure to prosper,"
And with a satisfied air Uncle Jqdhua
placed his money in his pocket book,
runriv to meet soiue oilier ciaim upon nis
benevolence, whilst ho whom he had thus
hefrieriden, with; choenul couutonanco
.turned to his happy home.
From "Castic and Andalusia" t
The Women of Span.
On the Alameda or public walk of
Malaga such a variety of colors meet and
dazzle the eye as to make the stranger at
the bonnet being properly worn, they
would cherish the. mantilla, as conferring
on them a peculiar charm in which they
are safe to fear no rivals. I know that
I shall be accused of insensibility and
want of taste, when I confess that my first
disappointment, on landing in Spain, was
the almost total absence of beauty amongst
the Spanish women. Poets have sung of
Spain's 'dark glancing daughters,' and
travelers have wandered through the coun
try with minds so deeply impressed with
the preconceived idea of the beauty of the
women, that they have found them all
their imaginations so fully pictured, and
in their works have fostered, what I can
not help maintaining is a mere delusion
one of the many in which people still
indulge when they think and dream of
Spain. The women of Spain have mag
nificient eyes, beatiful hair, and generally
fine teeth; but more than that cannot be
said by those who are content to give an
honest and candid opinion. I have rare
ly seen one whose features could be called
strictly beautiful, and that bewitching
grace and fascination about their figures
and their walk, which they formerly pos
sessed, have disappeared with the high
comb which supported the mantilla, and
the narrow basquina which gave a pecu
liar character to their walk. With the
change in their costume those distinctive
charms have vanished. The gaudy col
ors which now prevail have destroyed the
elegance that always accompanies black
in which alone, come years since, a lady
could appear in public, is o further proof
of this is required than to see the samo
people at church, and on the Alameda,
with red dresses and yellow shawls, or
some colors equally gaudy, and combined
with as little regard to taste
Although I have not yet discovered the
; beauty of Spanish women, I must say that
the JMalaguemans are fairly entitled, in
. all that docs exist, to dispute the palm
with the inhabitants of any other town
f v,u uuvu iuiwu. juu au auum
putting fresh flowers in their hair. It
strikes one much, upon first arriving, to
see those of every class, even the poorest,
with some flower or another most grace
fnlly placed in their rich black hair; tho
beauty of which is not a little enchanted
by the bright red rose or snowy jessamine
P---, S . f hrif.
. , , ,
liant and showy colors, appearing to form
thing but black would havo been mobbed
impressions of the exagcrated
' generally given of Spanish beauty.
A rash youth in a neighboring town,
who had received a much better educa
tion than an elderly female with whom
ono day he found himself in controversy,
. was foolish euough to contend with her
upon the subject of Women's Rights; a
. subject on which he was, of course, totally
During the argument, which waxed
warm, he rashly asserted that 'women
were no better than they ought to be.'
Tho lady flcw.into a rage. -
'Eh! what?' she screamed, 'who isu tl
.. - - - n
i i i J.,1 ,1 1. it
not precisely as uc iuwuubu, ...... uu tuu.u-
fore loft the room only a littlo in advance
of a two-foot ruler, a portable iukstand,
aim ouo uupj u4 j., ....g ...v...,
very nioeiy: uouuu; wuiu.i iur juat u uu
left, and not before, sm;Abiui 'ads$e1o
a very solid and uacfil WQftv
. 1 l 1 l.Z.A. J....
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! veuiuruu 11110 mu sireut urusseu iu iinv-
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