The Jeffersonian. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1853-1911, November 10, 1853, Image 1

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jDrootcir to politics, literature, Agriculture, Stitnxc, iHoralitij, onb cneval intelligence.
VOL. 14.
Published by Theodore Scitoclt.
TERMS Two dollars per annum in advanceTwo
dollars and quarter, half yearly and if not paid be
toiethe end of the year, Two dollars and a half.
No papers discontinued until all arrearages are paid,
except at the option of the Editor.
IO Advertisements not exceeding one square (ten
lines) will be inserted three weeks lor one dollar, and
tw enty-five cents for every subsequent insertion. The
charce for one and three insertions the same. A liber-
nl discount made to yearly; ad vei Users.
IE? All letters addressed to
ine tailor musi ue yusi-
Having a general assortment of large, elegant, plain
and ornamental Type, w e are prepared
to cxecuteevcry oescnpuonoi
From Eliza Cook's Journal
My Old Straw Hat.
Farewell, old friend, we part at last,
Fruits, flowers, and summer, all are past,
And when the beach-leaves bid adieu,
My old straw hat must vanish too.
We've been together many an hour,
In grassy dell nnd garden bower,
And plait and ribbon, scorch'd and torn,
Proclaim how well thou hast been worn,
We've had a time, gay, bright, and long,
So let me sing a grateful song,
And if one bay-leaf falls to me,
I'll stick it firm and fast in thee,
My old straw hat.
Thy flapping shade and flying strings,
Are worth a thousand close-tied things,
I love thy easy fitting crown,
Thrust lightly back or slouching down ;
I cannot brook a muffled ear,
When lark and blackbird whistle near;
And dearly like to meet and seek
The freeh wind with unguarded cheek,
Toss'd in a tree thou'lt bear no harm,
Flung on the sod thou'lt lose no charm;
Like many a real friend on earth,
Hough usage only proves thy wroth,
My old straw hat.
The world will gaze on those who wear
Rich showy pearls in raven hair,
And diamonds flashing bravely out,
In chesnut tresses wreathed about;
The golden bands may twine and twirl,
Like shining snakes through each fair curl,
And soft down with imperial grace,
May bend over Beauty's blushing face;
But much I doubt if brows that bear
The jewell'd clasp and plumage rare,
Or temples bound with crescent wreath,
Are hall so cool as mine beneath
My old straw- hat.
Minerva's helmet! what of that ?
Thou'rt quite as good, my old straw hat,
For I can think, and muse, and dream,
With poring brain and busy scheme.
I can inform my cravincr soul,
How wild bees work and planets roll,
And be all silent, grave and grim,
Beneath the shelter of thy brim.
The cap of Libeaty! forsooth!
Thou art that thing to me in truth,
For Blavish fashion ne'er can break
Into the green paths where I take
My old straw hat.
My old straw hat, my conscience tells
Thou hast been hung with Folly's bell's,
"Yet folly rings a pleasant chime,
If the rogue will "but mind his time,"
And not come jingling on the way
When sober minstrels ought to play.
For oft when hearts and eyes arc light,
Old Wisdom should keep out of sight,
But now the rustic bench is left,
The tree of every leaf bereft,
And merry voices, all are still,
That welcomed to the well-known hill
My old straw hat.
Farewell, old friend! thy work is done,
The misty cloulds shut out the sun;
The grapes are pluck'd, the hops are off,
The woods are stark, and I muFt doff
My old straw hat but "bid a wee,''
Fair skies we've 6cen, but we may see
Skies full as fair as those of yore,
And then we'll wander forth once more.
Farewell, till drooping harebells blow,
And violets stud the warm hedge-row
Farewell, till daisies deck the plain,
Farewell, till Spring days come again
My old straw hat,
Passionate Man-lUn in a pass,
uhould bo treated like kettles when they
boil over, they should be taken' off.
Punch. 1- The following is one of the toasts
SSTSS' KWM-o r Gasper, (who by the way will be the ' than all others: and it was soon rumored . noble heart as my ownf Uan the happi- me on, ana x rounu tno resc on o u j
cards, circulars. Bill .Heads, Notes. Blank . Receipts , f, fitnpr of ln, ' ,w - W . would shortly ness of my own life be enhanced, by ren- family at the si cms House. 1 hey said
S'K are but leave for California. Joring happy tt of the lovely one ; Whom the eler told t m all Ute rooms was
was early Taught the impostance of know- He immediately made the necessary I address? What say you Sarah?" full, but they could have one long enough
AT THE OFFICE OF Lhow toJrk. To his parents was he arrangements, and prepared to start. But reader, need I speculate upon the to change in. feo thcy's been changm
that renonsive pressure ever since: and lvesiah saia sue was
cri-pn at a celebration of the 4th of July j fice 0f her own feelings and will that it
- American youth-may their ! had caused her.jnueh anxiety of mind
out west, - J . J : to alleviate which, she had accepted the
ambition reach fi& their 8tand,l,fiMS of 'her uncle, designing to re
YouHiful Couple." On
marriage took place at Manchester, N. H. j
?n -wliiflh the parties were respectively,
" "
ate,y Lr the y tho, started on
a bridal tour.
i. J;.nnonf.ffl. TmmoHl.
Apples witbont seeds or cores, are
without seeds or
grown in Tennessee.
There is good -sleighing in .portions of,
Few York State. j
From tJic Record of the Times.
or, Casper's Courtship.
Somewhere in Wyoming County,
Penna., (in the Beech Woods for aught I
Ifnnw.l xtnA t.liA linmoatn.iil nf flasnfir .
. ij - i-
it never was characterized by
its stateliness and crrandeur: but. on the .
'contrary, by the simplicity of its appear-!
J ance, and the generous and obliging dis
particularly mueuieu iur uiiiuy usi-im
Lsions, who early impressed upon his 1
mind the rrenuine worth of habits of in- '
ncfrw linnoafr find nolif nnflss.
! But 'the sun of his life approaches near 1
! ifa mnrtHion homht nnrf wp nnn nim nn- ,
tering the sphere of manhood, enjoying
the blessings of friends, a good reputa- j
tion, good health, and flattering prospects. ,
And yet, notwithstanding all these, he !
wAftiinhUir. I
-1 " f -. " i i iii
r-r-'J- I
how could one be unhappyjfwhen enjoy
inp: the richest boon of heaven the so
ciety of kind, relatives, fond brothers,
lM'inir ctcfnra A nlinvo nil n flfnr onil-
These had always been to him, a source
of pleasure, but now, there was another
Unhappy, did I say? Perhaps the , was nearing the western horizon, sccm
expression would not bo justifiable; for 1 cd unusually beautiful. The verdant mead
Vinro onnlil ono hfi iinlmnTW'"vIlPn PniOV- I l,f crvroorl nnf. Mrntind the dwelling. nC Or
thought that seemed to sway its potent approached the house,
sceptre over all these, and continually J3ut reader, ere he enters, let me de
mar his wonted peace. He was happy scribe to you one of the apartments. It
only when lost in the reveling of imagiua- s not ostentatiously adorned, but rather
tion, strohng through green tields, resting
beneath some shady bower, or taking an
evening ramble in the moon-light, wuis
pering into the ear of another, the ardor
of the blaze that was burning within
Need I say he was in love? Ie3,
wildly, deeply, devotedly. He had for a
short time, been residing in the vicinity
of Rockport, where he became acquain
ted with a Miss Sarah J. S , yet in
her teens, who was the ideal of beauty
and grace. Her externar accomplish-
ments were not her only excellencies;
within her bosom glowed a heart pure j loved to wander amid its mystic lotus.---as
a crystal stream, abounding in noble 'But that forehead, what a world of tho't
and virtuous motives.
Casper, from their first meeting, was
smitten with her charms, yet vainly en-
f.fif flamf. of love he
felt kindling in his bosom, and despite j form wa3 slightly below the medium
alibis efforts to conceal his feelings when ; height, yet the perfection of grace and el
in her society, he could but surrender ! oquence. The delicate lips part, and
himself up, the victim of Cupid, and the j she murmurs, "Can it be that he will
willing slave to all her wishes and de- ' leave his friend, and even me, and go to
sires. And the attentions of so manly, , that distant clime, from which compara
beautiful, and deserving a youth as Cas- I tively few ever return, for the sake of
pGr Q. j could not fail in produc- i paltry gold? impossible! The rumor
ing a favorable impression upon the heart mUst be false. 2s o he would not be "
of the amiable young lady; and there A gentle rap at the door arouses her,
seemed to spring up a mutual electro- and loaving the sentence unfinished, she
magnetic union of minds, giving a fire to bids them enter, whenlo! her lover stands
the eye, a fervor and beauty to the cheeck, before her.
and an eloquence to the tongue, that af.- "Good evening, Sarah," said he, as she
fectation never knew. rose to meet him. "But why is my sweet
With feelings inexpressibly elated by Sarah sad to night?" continued he, taking
his recent success, what was his astonish- ; a seat beside her.
ment, and mortification, when one even- "I am not particularly Ead, I guess you
ing, the cup of bliss was dashed from his ony think so, Casper," responded Sarah,
lips', by his fair one's positively refusing ' "However, Casper, it is rumored all a
his society. ' round, that you intend leaving in less
Could he believe it possible? 2so,' than a week, for California; is there any
soliloquized he, 'how can she for whom I truth in the assertion?'
would even die, thus give a death blow Well, it is not altogether without foun
to all my happiness, blasting with a single dation," replied Ca?per.
stroke all my cherished hopes, all ray an- "But how can you leave the society of
ticipated felicities, and all that renders ; friends," continued she, 'and go so far,
life sweet? No, it cannot be. j having no associations but those of stran-
Oh ! the utter miserv of a soul, when Lrers. I should think you would prefer a
hopeless despair settles upon it; when the
vountr heart dream3 are forever fled; and
1,o nV,ipr.f. nf if. would have clunf to thro'
life, is forever, forever gone! A
bitterness, a feeling indsecribable by
words, and onlv known when felt, con
snmns ,hf nTistifinne.
v:i, pBcnf fi.ino nnnmnnd in tin?
state for sometime, when, one day, hear-
innr flmt. Miss S . had taken a short
journey, to visit an Uncle, he determined
to unfold to her by letter, the state of his
mind and demand her reasons for the
O ... 1 .
mind, and demand her reasons for the
treatment he had recently received.
The worst can but be known,' said he
as he sealed the billcl-douz, and sent it on
its message.
A few days of suspense, and an answer
was received. With contracted brow,and
trembling had he opened it, but as his
eager eye glanced over the page, a ray
f ,3n,.fnrl nnmcs iiis fpfifiirfls. a bright
, " -;s and1lis
ib . swelled with the emotion of his
soul. She therein acknowledged that he
had been wronged, but the fault was not
uerJgthat it was in consequence ot an
; fniunction of her relatives, at the sacra
main in his family a short time that not
withstanding what had occurred, her love
Thursday 'maincd unaltered.
Hope sprung up anew in the heart of
r vou champion, dispelling the cloud
J O , A ' "I i.
that ob-
nnfl aiSllPPUlUUiiuui,
sc.ed MgW rt,-
1 , nncn(ir m;frht asain have been seen
.i": j the viciDi,J; and
,it was the common opinion, that
They did love as ever do,
vcrs thafrprovc each other true.
Gasper was in possession of a reasona
ble patrimony, but insufficient to consti
tute him independent; he therefore had a
nnnfinnnl tliirst.inir for ricllCS. that he
'c it in his power to'render ,to
Ind him all that can be expec-
wonUI, ThU seined his all-
might hav
those arounc
ted from wealth.
fiWrfctncr flinnirlif:. find mauv schemes
" 0 ; j
iauy buuuuii;
cnted to his
and enterprtzes were pres
mind, bv which this predominating desire
might be speedily gratified.
zzlin" treasures of the 'Land of ! or, can the bliss of my existence be aug- pulse beat like the tilt-hammer in a roll
!cmin to be more prominent mentcd by claiming this fair hand, ami ing mill. But the 2 o'clock train took
The da
wu me uvunui" uuiuiu uw "'-""'""
he went to bid his'fair one,' a 'good bye,'
till his return.
Tf. mn In flip rnmnnfip. month of OetO
ber, the foliage of the forest had already
nnmnH t.hnf. "n nJisiTiff v.irinLV oi iiuua
that Poets sometimes tell us about. The
orchards were bending beneath their
weight of golden fruit, some of which, e-
yen seemed to blush at being such an in-
nnmfcrGn. The declinins orb of day that
v - w
i,rn nnrnirrfl arrived in such a becom-
IjlllAU kp.v - c?
I uviui i r
inr dress. All nature seemeu to present to
his mind and fancy, beauties indiscriba
ble by pen.
'And am I so soon to leave all these
loved scenes?' murmured Casper, as he
presents that appearance oi mouest re
fiuement, that is characteristic ot a juct-
cious expenditure for this world's comfort.
At a window, is seated the fair one of
our story. The parting sunlight fell u
pon the rose colored curtain, which re
flected their hues upon her lovely cheek
and lit up a countenance, classic and beau
tiful as the Madoua's. She was leaning
her cheek upon her hand, and her full,
iet black eye was fixed in melancholy
musing upon
the setting sun.
j.ier nair
I was of an auburn hue, or sort of twilight
brown, and it seemed as if the sunlight
unon its pure, shining surface of snow!-
The brows were delicately arched, the
nose spiritual as that of JariesNlaughter,
and f lift mnuth extremelv beautiful. Her
pleasent home and good cnployment, to
, being tossed about by the rough tides of
1 thP. world entirely among straugers--the
vicious and depraved. And further, how
many go there but return no more."
"I acknowledge," said Casper, "th
Has of friendship are very strong, aud
' n. t in nYmr flm rlip.tntftf? of inv own
' feelings on this point, I should immedi-
' ntolv rwrtvo from the desien; but this
, T-V. T . I.
' I daro not do. Duty and justice to my-
' self, prompt nic. I am too proud to live
and die a poor man, if health and strcnth
anU Uie a POOr mail, ll uv;aiiu auu ouiiii"
are mine. I shall have to encounter
hardships and dangers it is true, but lam
better qualified now to endure them, than
I will be when the declining autumn of ago
has settled on my brow, and the vigorous
and provide against the evil day; than
pass ray time in syren pleasures, insensi-
ble to my true interests, and in old age
to go, wncn uo you &uaii-s
ambition and buoyancy ot spirits, that madder J. got, the better nc seemeu to
now cheer me onward, have deserted me. fccl. Says he, 'It shall all be right,' and
T had better make a sacrifice in my youth savs I 'Let's drink.' We'd just turned
"Why, you astonish me," exclaimed train swifter than a hungry hound goesiciteth0 ervous system. Some men have
arah, surprised at the eloquent manner to dinner. 'AH 'hoard thinks says I i ri(jh . t , QUQ of thcge b Mr
her lover; " but since you are resolved ,f they're not tut ooica ui. j. midimci ifj hc a a ig one of C1U . DUt x
i j. i.9J r t.,t1.r nnvfirff fnrl nnvnnw. . . ' .1 .
"If circumstances permit, I take pas- j ijn0WGa it was a plan of the striped jiuveiltcd 'lladaways Ready Relief,1 and
sage atG o'clock, tomorrow morning, at ' pantc(i viHian to leave me, and delcnmn-lthc Healin' apple Sass,' each had
Wilkesbarrc, for Philadelphia," replied C(J Jf ong lcgg ana a willing disposition j onQ 0f ora Tiny nim a little tunc cal
Casper. I would do any good, to overtake him. tied 'The fools is not all dead'yet.' Ev-
"Sosocn! why, really, Casper," said Tits steam was up and so was my dander; ery body's buying one. He calls 'era
she, "it docs not seem to me that you are and I felt aa though I had a little loco- bgg.
in earnast; but as you never have given motive in each leg of my pantaloons. I tho omnibus for lne Fcnix
mo reason to doubt your word, I suppose ralIj I leaped, I scratched gravel, I elon- ( J J. youw truly
it is true."
"Yes, dear Sarah, said he, taking her
I I H3. UUill l7illtil, ' J 1 ' J O . . . , , , I .
Unft hand in his right hand, and genuy mre sim " ; r- - r--- . , .
soit hanu in uis b" i.fa J nn i;l,fnmf, TJut t wouldn't do. I've A dying A
lencirclinc: her waist wiui uiu uw, e .0- T , , . fn -
at 1 nnwnrthv ns I. have the in- peon the day wnen j. couiu najur
. ring insolation that, during n,y pro. Vboforo W
I ''l""uh . , it.,- l,n line: stihnnofi lie.
longed absccncc ot several years,, uiuru sincu uiu -i - - -r , f - . .
1UU . ',,., cn,. nuA .Tonmcs and Kostah CflnuOuug nim
is one who lorget me noLi auutwumi ijfjiuM. . - i mNnmoon
10 o p , , u-n-i .c-nhioh nTKi hnllnrnri an you 00ll
' difficaltios and danger -surrounaoo me wayeq i" uiM"ftvvi ''""
my safety? That when misfortune and
sorrows overwhelm me, there is one who
can sympathize with me? And that when
' prosperity Hows in upon me, there is one
i that will rejoice at my success? Can I,
! thou idol of my heart, have this conscious-1
nncc fn umAntli mrr toi,t nnrl Illnmirmto
J i
t WW'S "j " "j ; -
1 my path? to cheer my soul, and render
my paiui to eueer my sum, mm 1 unite
my arduous task, a source,of enjoyment?
And wheu I have trained weatlh and hon-
, ,
, of the hand, and in those speaking eyes,
I as ho bowed in assent, he read volumes .
for the future, and
j you will infer the sequel from the follow
. illii ijulu.
THIS certifies that in truth and sincor-
other durin separation, and when the five
1 years have expired, if it please Heaven
1 to nrolone lives till that period, we will
14 - - .
! bo joined in holy wedlock.
In testimonv
whereof, wo subscribe our names.
Whether Casper ever went to Califor
uia or not, I am not able to say; but one
thing is certain, and that is, that one ot
those five short years has already passed,
and it is said that baran continues perma -
nently faithful
Kingston, Pa.
A Rich Letter.
The following description of
the Ohio State Agricultural
a visit to
find in the Portsmouth Tribune. It
one of the best things of the kind we
have read for a long time. It is a real
'laugh and grow fat' yarn. Read it.
Ohio State Fair, Dayton, Sept. 2nd, 1853.
Mister Tribune Hatmas Clippers
Dear Sir : We are here on the affair
grounds, all well and hartsomo, close to
the double cylinder Battering Ram on
ono side and the Patent Cement Man and
Perpetual Squirtin' Jenny on the tother,
M. ; 1.rnj ornnMtl'
with wimmen ciirdin , chickens crowin
babies cryin,' & policemen cussin all round
us hopin' you enjoy the same blessing.
T- oc lUn Qnintn wnc fOTTIff ftllf. VfiS-
terday, Mr. Taylor, the gentlemanly clerk,
saw us on the Springvillo landing, and
very perlitcly stopped the engine, rever
sed the bilers till we got on. Next Morn
ing we was at Cincinnaty, and in a few
minutes was transported to the car3. The
cars is a great sight. Imagine all the
OHO StOrv UOUSUS U luiusmuuui v i. i t . i i. 1
, Li fncfnt, uii fiJous certificates showing that persons bad
irecuei, aim uuuiuu wem "
o . , .
stables and pi"-pens ana tnen people at
a nthe windoPws,Pand a team running off
w th the whole' procession, and youwill
know a little how they look.
While the Captain on the platform was
screwin' his wheel and the iron horses
b owed their noses a few times to get a
good start, I tried to buy some ginger
bread for Jeemes. But just as I handed
over my quarter and the boy reached out
the refreshments, the cussed cars started.
I perlitely asked the little spider-legged
conductor at tne wneei, n uuu u
stop and let me recity, dui ne oniy
unscrewed and went the faster, saying he
guessed I'd been takiu' too msuh of tho
'rectified' already. Mr. Hannas, my
blood biled; and if it hadn't been that tho
striped panted sorpent had to do all the
screwin' for the whole train, to keep the
nnra from rnnninrr off the track. I'd a
knocked him off the masheen- My wile,
. Sarv Gump, and Kcsiah Iriimp, my
nephew, was both afraid 1 d break the
car, or tear my clothes.
At Xcny, they stop to cat a bite and
fihancc bilers. and I hadn't got down
mnro t.liftn three or four cups of coffee
j and a plate of bisket, when I seed a man
, at the head of the table dashing out
I 1 , . 0 ll.Inl.ll
, some kind of gravy or soup. So tl
' sayS I, that's the sQup-crintcndent,
he's the man to tell of concerning
HUH LUU uiau iu yjM. .....q -..w
: striped-panted cuss. v line uie wimmen
; got on the car, and the crowd bustled, I
slipped up to the soup man and told him
how I'd been treated, lie seemed like a
clever feller, aud tho more I scd and tho
round to the bar and lilted tne glasses,
-when, as I said, 'Here's luck to the Rail-
r0ad Soup- some one holloaed
11 aboard!' and away went the
vjump a uauij .a
i gatca anu em-uumuu, u,
pated space; i e oped, i biupuf u..u. -
10, 1853.
Phile!' but I laid down
rolled over and sweat and swore worse
nor General Washington in Flanders.
, The last thing 1 see was the stnpeu yam
fading in the distance until the critter s
'legs looked like two garter snakes.
Mr. Hannas, I was so sizzen hot that it
- - . . . , . T,
I d .1 hnnn dlllTlftd in the OllIO TIVCT 1 U 3
, -rr -
taken the 'chill off the water' from 1 itts-
unvu vum vu. nm-v-i
burg to Paducah; the very railroad sills
smoked where I touched 'em; and my
. , , , ,, . i . .
bound to change all night but wl lat ah d
keep the room, lie ay we ve seen all
sorts of sights
and beam all kinds of
pounus. i a jikc to ten you uie uau,
but, between drinkin' beer, and Congress
water, and Cinonade and Sody water,and
eatin' cake3 and cheese and hcrrin' and
1 Tit Tl . 11 ll. I If
crackers and apples and peaches and
!SraPes " paw-pa, my mau uu
complicated than a crazy 'monkey s,and
my ideas spin round like troth in a glass
i c - T i i. t." ,.A
oi ginger-pop. jl louit xvusiuu iuuuu iu
the patent, double-acting water ram,
and was going to show her, where, if
you'd turn one spigot the water would fly
out, and if you turn another it wouldn t;
, DUt ju tae bustle I turned the wrong jig
ger j gUes jt was some Dutchman's
i Deer barren and I didn't see the mis-
. taj-e tjjj tjie poor girl was nearly drowned.
We passed on to the self-adjusting ap
pic butter biler, and sot down to let the
beer dry; but the feller at the masheen
let the string slip and before we could
jump back, the wheels threw about half a
barrel of the cussed sass over us. Kesi
ah said that clapped her climax. I
isiknow'd nothin' 'bout her climax, but I
know'd it kept me from meetin' with the
committee on beans.
One of the most natural curiosities on
the ground, was the 'calf with two legs.'
They charged a dime to look at the one
under the curtain; but I thought there
were enongh outside to bo seen free.
Another interesting thing was the 'sub
dued Fizzle-jig.' It looked like a jar
with a hole in one end, and the bottom
knocked out of the other. The inside
was lined with looking-glass. The in
ventor claimed that it was very useful in
persons afflicted with constitutional mean
ness. The patient after an attack, is on-
ly required to look m at one end until the
sight of his own countenance makes him
puice out at tue otuer.
The 'Nincompoop Cordial' seemed to
attract a great deal of attention. It was
intended for persons afflicted with the
simples and weakness or stiffness on the
top of the head. The areut had numer-
, , ,, , , , c -i i i-.
Itt n,A oA fniilrl nns5 for sensible at least
j - i , ,
ten minutes after each dose. One weak
brother' had overloaded his stomach and
imagined himself a new machine for 'run-
mng the thing into the ground.' It
took two to hold him : I he 'Nincompoop
Cordial' took the P-a pair ot
j leather specs, 'warranted not to cut in
the eye.
While I was scraping off the apple-sas?,
;t was discovered that one of the premium
r0js 0f butter had disappeared; and some
knowing looKing iruiviuu;u vumuicu mi-
opinion that it had been taken out by tne
man who had boon round offering to 're
move grease spots!' A member of the
swell head club promptly handed the fel
low a bright button for the informashun.
Jeemes got down on what looked like
a little box, to eat a bite; but it was somo
new contraption of a blasted bee hive.
The child had jtst kivered the opening,
and Sary had to slash round right lively
to knock the bees off. As it is, his coat
tails are all stuck together and the child
looks like a fright.
The stocks aud cattle and other agri
cultural implements is very lively. One
horse, saifl to bo as gentle as a ram,
kicked my new hat clear across the ring;
while I was feeling h'i3 windygall?. And
I seed another animal they called the
Sheep-o-ass-a-muss an on-natural curi
osity on four legs. Some times it makes
a strange noise, and at other times it
didn't. His owner said ho had him six
teen years, and expected to have him six
teen years longer if he didn't die. He
was half sheep, half ass, and half asleep.
But the band is playing 'Hail Colum
bus,' and I'm too excited to write any
more. There's a fellow here making
money selling bugs, lie says they are in-
dispeusible in every family, and serve to
keoD un a healthy ciricciation
idon't know him. lie say
, Philandeu (Jump.
rest India planter, groaning
negro servant, sighed out
miu'd, massa' said Sambo,
, 'him all de way down bill,
reach de end.'
t? the man that
The Standard of Statesmanship
and its app'cation at the BaIJt
Are brains, learning, and virtue requ
site to form a thoroughly-furnished legis
tor. or is it enough to commit ourselves
,to flunkeys and nobodys, and then expect
that Providence will work a miricle and
bestewd the gift of common sense upon
them, at the proper exigency?
It is a marvel, that in a country like
ours, where there is so much legislation,
where the community is a law-abiding one,
where the contact between the govern
ment and the people is close, there should
nevertheless be such a low standard of
legislative capacity. Laws are the ulti
mate and authoritative expression of pub
lic opinion. Law is the basic conception
of a form and mode of government. The
codes which departed nations have left to
us, are, perhaps to a philosophic observer,
their most significant and interesting rel
ics, for in them are emlpoided the customs,
beliefs, polity and spirit of the people.
The Legislator ha3 ever been considered
as occupying a position of the most solemn
and responsible character . He requires
certain qualificatioas. The history of the
people for whom he legislates, their laws,
customs and institutions, should all be fa
miliar to him. He should be acquainted
with the history of other nations, and be
I able to draw therefrom such lessons aud
; illustrations as their fruitful experience
; may suggest. Legislation should present
itself to his mind as a vast social science,
a profound study, a problem with whose
riht solution are bound up the most pre
cious hopes and the common weal or woe
of the governed.
1 A low order of mind, and imperfect ed
ucation or none all, real desires, base
propensities, tricking strategy, vendibility,
dependence, subservience, aud jobbing
these may, and mostly do, characterize
those who take up the trade of Legisla
tion as a handicraft; but the time, we fain
hope, will come, when these corrupt parts
shall slough off from the living body,
when the community shall properly appre
ciate the true qualities of a legislator, and
put no man at the statesman's post who
is not gifted with statesmanlike character
istics. It is time for mind, not craft to
enter upon legislation, as an arena of
Thought. On that vast stage are to be
discussed all questions of law, of liberty,
of trade, of finance, as they may affect the
resources, the wants, and spirit of the peo
ple, and bear upoh the manifold forms of
their social, industrial, and political de
velopment. What resources of knowl
edge, what purity of purpose, what en
largement of views, what acquaintance
with the stores of wisdom laid up in the
works of the mighty reasonera, ancient
and modern, upon the various subjects of
. civil polity, and at the same time what
practical familiarity with the daily life
i and doings of the people, are required to
f make up a thoroughly-furnished states
' man! To the hands of such an one, we
may confidentially commit the helm of
State, assured, if we may have any faith
iu man, that the goodly ship shalt not be
1 tossed adrift, like an ill-guided bark.
" Which angry waves, cast out on distant
And then retireing, leave it there, to rot
Aud moulder in the winds of heaven.
Astatcsman thus oquiped, will not only
be the passive expression of the times, but
will himself be a creative power, and en-
I ablcd to explore new paths or progress,
' to call into being new elements of pros
' perity, and to suggest original concep
tions, to be craboided into legislation.
If we seek to realize this lofty ideal of tho
legislator, the Senate-house will then be
j come an object of honorable ambition.
At present, good men, great men, wise
. menavoid it. Jotham's fable seems to
be rehearsed in our midst. Voters, like
; the trees which went forth on a time to
1 anoint a king over thera, havo been put
: up by the olive, the fig-tree, and the vine,
, until in very despair, they have been con
j strained to say unto the bramble Como
' thou, and reign over us! It is high time
! the people of the United States should a
i mend this state of things altogether.
I Conventions cannot make statesmen. A
IlUIUllKlliUil UilllllUl. liltuiuiui uwv. " iv.ww. ,
a dullard, a mercenary noisemakcr, a hab
erdasher of the most petty intellectual
wares, or an ale-bench politician, into a
competent legislator, though it would
seem that, when a political party puts a
ny Doe or Roe on its legislative ticket, he
becomes at once a thoroughly qualified
law-maker for a great commonwealth of
two millions of people!
Refuse to vote for tho suspicious medi
ocrities and half-cuts put forward of latn
years on the partizan tickets, and you may
thus purge the halls of legislation, We
see no other way. We should form somo
adequatn conception of tliejtrue character
of a law-maker, and then discriminate ac
cordingly at the ballot-box. Thus we may
magnify and make honorable, and not be
little, the high-calling of a legiator; and
then the proper order of mind, confident
of being duly appreciated, will come for
ward to the service of the people, in'eut
on nq, object but the general good, Dai
ly tiPgiste
n-'Hn i1iiffiiiifriiftifiWriir