Sljc Ifcffcvsonitm., T2iui'Ml;iy, August JS, WH!C NOfVIiNATfONS. IOIi CANAL COMMISSIONS, , MOSES lOVViAB.t., Lancaster County FOR AUDITOR onXKRAL, ALEX. U. MrCliUKK, Franklin Co. si rvkyor oi:ni:kal, CIIK2STIAIV i?3 YE ItS, Uhrion Co. Hcart-Kcnditiff Accident. o "Vc are called upon this morning to chronicle a heart-rending accident, and one too, which should he a lasting caution to all who are employed ahout machinery; and by which Mr. Pktkr Hutu, a citizen of Hamilton township, lost Lis life, on Monday last, lie was employed as a hand at the Tannery of Messrs. Keller k Sumncy, at Ivellcrsvtlle, and at the time of the accident, was tending the liyde-fullcr or breaker, and by some mis hap became entangled in the machinery and was instantly killed. llis breast bone and ribs were crushed in a most hor rible manner. Wc sympathiso deeply with the bereaved family. Mr. II. was about 22 years old. A call for a Temperance Convention, to be held at the Court-llouee in this place, on Tuesday next, will be found in nnothcr col umn of to day's Jrffcrsuniun. The Conven tion will be organized at 10 A. M. Several able speakers will be present. . Potato Rot. We have been informed that the Pota to disease has mado its appearauco in Coolbaugh township, and also in some portion of Stroud, and fro ai appearances, home pieces will not bo worth digging, and the present state of the weather is very much against the prospect of recov ery of any fields which already shows symptoms of disease. We shall feel ourselves uudcr obliga-iion-5 to all who will give us early infor mation of the proguess of this descase. The Ilonesdale JDcmorraL says the rot has made its appearance in most parts of "Wayne count, and that the crop will be short and iuferior, if it shall escape com plete destruction. Mifflin Comity. The Whigs held a public meeting at Lewistown on the 2d inst., and Gen. War 31. Inwi.v delivered an able address. Kesolutions denouncing President Pierce for his Abolition and Disunion appoint ments, and Gov. Bigler for increasing the State Debt, and pledging a firm sup port to the Whig State ticket were adop ted, attended with the following declara tion of principles :. Resolved, That the Whigs of Mifiliu rounty adhere to their cherished princi ples, as advocated by the great Orator and Statcmau of Ken tuck y, Henry' day, as well as other .distinguished patriots who have held duty to their country su perior to personal ambition. Anions these principles wc recognize. A Tariff, having just regard to the La bor, Industry, and Manufacturers of out own country in preference to all others; A distribution of the Proceeds arising from the sale of the Public Lands among all the States; The Kight of Petition. (From the N. 0. Piayune, Aug. 0 ) The Epidemic Deaths and Inter ments Remarks The following is a table of the inter ments for the week endiug at 0 A. M., Friday the Oth inst., as furnished by the Secretary of the board of Health. The reports arc made up to G A. M., each day. Total. Yellow Fever. Saturnay, July 30f Jo 4 Suuday, " 31, 157 Monday, Aug. 1, 142 ; Tuesday, " 2, 135 Wcdnc'y, " 140 Thursday, " 4, JG6 Friday, " 5, 150 12G 137 100 105 123 143 128 Total, 1050 879 The total interments for the week end ing at G A. M., on Friday, the 29th ult., (the week previous to the above) were 720, of which 5GG were of Yellow Fever. The interments of the two weeks, coni- parrod, present the following tabic: Week ending G A. M. on Total Interments. Yellow Fever. 3-ida3', Aug. 0, 1050 879 Friday, July 29, 726 5GG Showing an hi crease for the week end ing yesterday of 324, total iuteruicnts, and 313 interments of yellow fever over the week ending the 29th ult. JG"A Woman's llights Convention is to be held in New York city, in Septem ber next. J5S?An immense crop of wheat and corn, it is said, will be produced in Illinois this year. jSgyThe real property of the city and County of New York is estimate ated at 6D0,Ot)0,O.0Q. w Khistrated News. "In consqeuencc of the increased space required for the Crystal Palace Illustra tions, the Illustrated News will hereafter be published permanently thefull size of 10 pages. A magnificent presentation plate, the largest engraving ever issued in A meiiea, will be published in a few weeks and sent gratuitously to all subscribers. We confess wc cannot see the justice of the opposition which has been raised to the News. If Beach & JJarnum publish a paper worthy of support honorable to the craft let it be patronized, wo say, whether the proprietors be rich or poor. Some editors talk as if Glcason, of the "Pictorial Companion," had an exclusive riiilU to this fie M of literature and art! and that all others are poachers upon his premises ! Such a principle would arrest all progress of improvements in this bus iness, it would have broken down Dr. Franklin" in the very outset of his career as a publihcr for there was already one paper in the State when his was com menced ! The News is 3 a year. Number of Railroad Accidents, 117A the Allied and Wounded, during each Mouth of the Urcsent Year Months. No. of accidents. Killed wounded January, February, March, April, May, J une, July, August, 12 20 40 0 G. 1 1 11 24 G2 4 25 54 8' 54 49 5 6 19 11 8 22 5 2G 70 05 17G 333 Total Aug. 12th Go Siciy-Jive cusulties, a hundred and seventy-six deaths, and three hundred and thirty-tit rcc persons injured! There is a total which should put our civilzation to the blush. N. Y. Herald. Piomtlie Wayne county llcraltl. Who will be our Judge? Wc arc accosted with the above inter rogation many times each day, br per sons of all parties, and they are compel led to leave us no wiser from our answer. As a matter of course we know nothing of the result of the judicial contest, and very little of the prospects of any candi date. In this county the matter is seldom mentioned, and from that fact wc mast conclude there is but little interest taken in the issue between rival candidates; t .i '. i" i ii. . wnne in ine remaining couuues oi District there arc unmistakable signs of a more zealous contest. However little, wc aro free to acknowl edge, wc know of the prospects and do ings of auy candidate, wc arc not willing to say we liave no choice in the selection We have "a decided choice, and that is for him who can reach the Lench, free from political blemish, and unsurrounded by "friends to reward or enemies to pun ish." c arc therefore opposed to any candidate who is unable to secure his nomination and election without mingling iu a personal and bitter political canvass for, however pure may be his motives as a Judge, there is something in the na ture of the inner, man, that allows him to imbibe prejudices, which will work injus tice, unpcrccivcd by the oppressor, though notuufcli bv-tbc oppressed. It is a wise and well settled maxim, that a Jud whose opinions and decisions in court, arc supposed to be tinged by his political considerations and prejudices, is pronoun ced unfit to hold a seat upon the bench. The deep feelings that politics excite in the human breast, arc experienced by too many to be denied. I he ties of blood, church, marriage, and business, are all too weak to rule the strong preferences of a politician. They may modify his ac tions, but seldom separate him from his political friends. Some may say this is a novel position for a democrat to take in a never failing democratic district, but it is nono the less the only oue that should be taken by the Press. The best, and wc sometimes think the only argument ever produced against the elective judiciary, was that it induced candidates to seize upon local political prcjudicies, to sccuro their elec tion, and thereby carry with them upon the Bench those biased feelings towards persons and localities, that must wrap l hfir iiidminioiit and make their luuicial acts obnoxious and oppressive. Hence it is that every preventive should be regard ed in the selections of our Judges, and when it is impossible to find a neutral pol- itieian qualified for, that high trust, we should be sure to discriminate between an honorable parly man and a managing po litical demagogue. To carry this point a little further, we will say, that auy law yer whose popularity as a gentleman, and a scholar, is insufficient to procure him an election, without a resort to low manage ment and pcrsoual electioneering, should be comddered unworthy of that office, and consequently a proper subject for an effectual opposition. Wc are strongly inclined to that belief, and if wc do not mistake the general feeling iu this coun ty, there are many others on the same platform. There is no officer in the government who has so direct and unchecked a power o vcr the property, liberty aud life of his constituent;1, as that of a President Judge. If his heart is agam:;t a party in Uourt, his power to crush him is equal to his dc- sires. lie can wieiu ine secpire oi ms office for ten long years, and his victims may pray to God for redress, for in most cases there is no other superior to repair the wrong. The lengthy tenure of a Judge, and the almost unlimited power reposed in his hands, should induce the utmost scrutiny of the Leart aud of the a bilitics, before any candidate is pronoun ced worthy of the Bench. We trust the good citizens, not only of this county, but of every county in the district, will move with proper care in the primary elections, and by no act of theirs, nor from any pro fessions of candidates, be committed iu behalf of an .unworthy and unqualified as The Public Debt. Wc hope every one of our readers will give the following .article an attentive nnrsnal. It is coined from the regular orgau of the democracy of Westmorland eouuty second only to Berks in the strength and steadiness of her democratic majorities. As will be seen from a per usal, it is written and published with a view of producing a reform for the sake of preserving the ascendency oftho party in our State; but the facts it contains are not the "less important to every tax-payer, without reference to his political predi lections. In fact, it is time party was laid aside in the contemplation of the con dition to which our finances have been brought by mismanagement extrava gance, aud frauds, on the part of thepub. lic agents. It will be observed, too, that the writer is candid enough to admit, wLat the Locofoco organs -generally have Che hardihood to deny in the face of irrefrag able facts, that the democratic party are responsible for the condition of our finan ces. Of the 42,000,000 of public debt under which our State Government and our tax-payers uow groan, only $400,000 of it was contracted uudcr Whig rule: nnd this comparatively paltry sum was bor rowed under Governor Johnston's admin istration, for the improvememnnt of the Columbia llailroad in such a way as to effect an immense annual saving to the State. Under the latter part of the Adminis tration of "Honest Frank Shunk," who, wc believe, deserved the appellation con ferred by his friends, the rapid increase of tho State Debt was arrested ; and the credit of the Commonwealth began to be restored. His successor, Gov. Johnston, devoted his superior abilities and energy to the same purpose, aud actually reduced tho debt about three-fourths of a million of dollars, through the operation of his much abused "Sinking Fund;" and if his policy had bcon continued, and anything like co-operation on the part of other branches of the government extended to its aid, we might now spread tho gratify ing intelligence that the Debt is fast van ishing and must eventually be extinguish ed. But opposition to Whig policy was made a "Democratic' measure" and must be carried out. And it has been carried out, with a vengeance. We hopo the peoplo will get their full satisfaction of it. According to the Locofoco authority we copy below, the State Debt has now reached the enormous sum of 8-12,000, 000. When Gov. Johnston went out of office, let it be remembered, it was only a very small fraction over 840,000,000 Thus it will be perceived that one of the most prominent fruits of Gov. Bigler's Administration will be an increase of 82, 000,000 of the permanent debt of the State. Where, how, and by what means, the reader may ask, has this occurred? We poiut, for answer, to the frauds, corrup tion, and favoritism on the public works The remediy lies in an eutiro change in the policy of the government, and in a sale of the Public Works. Without these, all hope is delusive: and with them, de livcxance from the desolating evil may be speedy and certain. But read tho following; nnd remember that it is " democratic" in its origin and purpose: From the Westmoreland Argus and Republican. Gov. Bigler and (he State Debt. Mr. Editor: The financial affairs of our State have now reached a crisis which demands the serious attention of the pco pie of Pennsylvania. The construction of public works involved the State in a heavy debt. The hope has long since been abandoned that the revenue derived from the works would pay even the inter est on the money invested: and although the necessity of eventually paying off the principal by direct taxation has been ap plied, and the debt has gone on increas ing until it now amounts to over forty millions of dollars. It advanced in ad verse times ; when the whole business of the country was prostrated ; and when ever' branch of industry is flourishing, when tho gold of California is pouring by the ship load into the country, in the midst of a general prosperity, heretofore unequalled in the western world, the State debt is still increasing, and the old Key stone keeps plunging deeper and deeper into debt and difficulties. Business men who became involved during previous years, taking advantago of the general prosperity are extricating themselves from their former liabilities. In other States, old bonds are being cancelled and paid off, and Pennsylvania alone anords the melancholy exception of a great State, whose financial embarrassments are yearly owing worse and worse. Possessing natural advantages unequal led in any land on the face of the earth, a healthy climate a fertile soil .abund ance of pure water immense deposits of limestone building-stone iron ore bituminous and anthracite coal vast forests of timber numerous navigable streams occupying a commanding posi tion bordering upon the 'great lakes the inland seas of America, placed at the head of navigation of tho valley of the Mississippi, her seaboard receiving tho commerce of Europe and A'Bia, inhabited by a population unsurpassed for industry, energy and enterprise, why is it that Pennsylvania, wearing the tetters or the money lender, continues in hopeless bon- lage? The honor of her citizens has al ready been assailed, and on the first great pressure in the money market, notwith standing all their sacrifices, Penusylva nians may again be stigmatized through out the world. as repudiators and bank rupts. The amount of taxes raised in this State for tho last twenty years ha3 been enormous, and if mismanagement and mal-adminisrtation continues as hereto fore, it will be impossible to estimate the burdens that twenty years hence will be imposed upon our citizens. raueniiy and without a murmur have the annual stipends been paid, long and anxiously i lave our honest tanners looked lor some diminution of the State del for some streak of light, however faint,-on tbe dark horizon, 3 JKlJlLUMOlBfimO iJkUtl But they have looked in vain the clouds have grown darker and more gloomy and while our farmers arc now paying a larger tax than is paid in some of the European States, and' although the amount paid by many of them yearly, wpuld perchase a small farm in the west, yet they would cheerfully make any ad ditional efforts if they could but see any prospect of the final extinguishment of the State debt. In Europe there is a class of politicians who advocate a national debt as a na tional blessing. No avowed specimens of. this class have yet appeared in America, but they will show themselaes in due time. When an individual becomes in volved he is at the mercy of his creditors; when a State is financially embarassed its finances and credit are controlled by monied men and corporations. Unfortu nate' is that nation whose destinies are in the hands of brokers, and whoso legisla tion is controlled by such influence! A great, public debt 'should be the dread and terror of a free people. They can defend themselves from enemies without and traitors within, but taxation will break down the energies and destroy and subdue the noblest peoplo on the face of the earth. , It must be admitted that the adminis tration of Governor Bigler has proved a failure. The ship of the State is still drifting before the same unpropitious gales as formerly; he has not proved him self "the pilot to weather the storm." From every indication the State debt will be increased from three to five millions of dollars during his term; a mammoth appropriation bill of over five millions of dollars passed the last Legislature, and received tho Executive sanction. A diminution of the State debt was the plat form on which Gov. Bigler stood before his- election. Ilund reds, of Westmorland farmers heard his financial views, and hearing they had faith in him. They have been deceived. If a man dccicvcs us once, it is his fault; if twice, it is our own. To the farmers of Westmoreland county the State debt is now the GllE AT QUESTION. They havo no faith in the Democratic professions of any Governor whose recommendations and acquiescon ces cause an increase of tho State debt in time of peace. In 1837, by a report of the State Treas urer the public debt of Pennsylvania was 824,731,243. The State then held the following pub lic property, viz : Bank Stock, Turnpiko and Bridge Stock, Navigation Stock, Balance in the Treasury 1st May 1837, Estimated amount of money due on public lands, 82,108,700 2,597,098 410,000 1,904,209 1,000,000 8,020,007 Of these resources at least one half were equivalent to cash. The State Debt may be. estimated in 1837. at no greater sum than 821,000,000. In '1853, the debt is near 842,000,000. Has the debt increased because less taxes arc paid? Previous to 1840 the amount of State taxes collected from this county was very small. 1842, 1843 and 1844, Westmore land county Stato tax duplicates amoun ted 831,400 In 1851, '52 'and '53, the Stato tax duplicates in the same county, amounted to over S'o.uuu io per cent, since 1844 a corresponding increase has ta ken place in other counties. Thus taxa tion increases, and the public debt, instoad of being in part liquidated, grows larger. Even the selling the good dividend-pay ing stocks the Commonwealth held, only afforded a temporary relief. The tide delayed for a moment burst onward with tho greater rapidity, and although the State has disposed of tho resources she held in 1837, and immense sums have since then been levied from the people, yet what great necessary enduring public improvement has been constructed since 1837? What have wc to show for our vast expenditures? In all quarters is distrust, dissatisfaction and want of con fidencc. The present Canal Board bus tain to the letter the reputation of that body a reputation uneclipsed until the late developments of the doings or Now York Aldermen. A publio informer in Ireland enjoys about the samo degree of confidence that a Canal Commissioner (with few humblo exceptions) does in Pennsylvania. Fraud, corruption and speculation have become interwoven with their movements and tho lato robbery of the laborers on tho Portage, accidentally exposed aud to be quieted down by pre tended investigations, is but a slight glimpse behind tho curtain. Had Gov. Bigler proved true to his pledges, had he stood up nobly and man fully in defonce of tho interests of the peo ple, and by virtue of his high position di rected public attention to the frauds aud speculations on tho public works; had he been as truo to tho tax payers, as ho has been to the interests of certain Philadel phia Banks; had ho showed more consis tency in his exercise of tho veto power, and abovo all had he given by his veto a death blow to that Bill of abominations, the appropriation Bill of tho last Session, and thus prevented an increase of the Stato Debt during his term, ho would have been more deserving of the praises bestowed upon him by tho worshippers of the .Powers that be. His patriotism, otatemanship and integrity, eo highly vaunted, would havo been much moro ready discerned. The Democratic party is responsible for ths administration of affairs in Penn sylvania. Let the party do its duty. It owes nothing to any man. Let it select candidate who is unconnected in overy shape and form with the plunderers who have preyed for years on tho Treasury oue who fears them not but detest them, a candidate who is under no pledge, promises or obligation to any section or faction of the party who will throw the Executive influence agaiust the present organized system of corruption and pro fligacy, and who above all .other consider ations will be ready and1 willing at all times to yeto any aqd every bill the ob- ject or tendency of which will be to in crease the State Debt of Pennsylvania. With.such a man we can enter the con test with a clear conscience and confident of victorj'. The principles of the Demo cratic party are deeply imbedded in the hearts of the people of this State. Firm ness, integrity and good faith on tho part of our standard bearers will strengthen that attachment. A TAX PAYEE. More Wholesale Murder. At half past four o'olock, on Tuesday afternoon, 9th inst., the 2 o'clock P. M. train from Philadelphia, and the 2 o'clock P. M. train frpra New York, whilo com ing round a curve, at or near Old bridge, on the Camden & Amboy llailroad, came into a terrible head and head collision, whereby some four or five persons were instantly killed, and a large number wounded, some of them, it is feared, fa tally. Horse expresses were immediate ly sent to the two nearest stations where aid could be procured, and locomotives and cars were immediately dispatched to the terrible scene. The sceno is descri bed as baffling all description, but the ab sence of all screaming and unnecessary noise was most remarkable. It is said that the cause of the accident was that one or both of tho trains were out of time, and making for some station at which to turn out and let the other pass. The engineers were seen to jump off their respective engines immediately ,be foro the collision. The name of the Phil adelphia engineer, is said to be Isaac Da vis, neither of them were injured. The two locomotives were rendered useless, and now lie amid the wreck, jam med close to each other. Both of the en gines are said to be now having been on the road bnt a few weeks. The collision was so forcible that it tore up the track for a considerable distance. Tho locomotive of the N. Y. train was bad ly broken. The first and second passenger cars of that train were driven into each other, and broken so much that the oppo site ends of the two cars were driven within seven feet of each other. All the dead wcro in this crushed car. The pas sengers in the car which had thus slid into the other, could not be taken out but by removing the side of the car. One man, in the N. York train, had a splinter run un der the leg of his pantloons, tearing them open to the thigh, but received no injury. A man who sat next to him was instantly killed. Another gentleman states that he was asleep at the time of the accident, found himself thrown among a mass of splinters; and crawled out under the bot tom of the car. D. II. Durkin, Esq., of N. York, was on tho train, accompanied by hi3 wife, threo children and a white woman as nurse, all of whom were caught under the two cars which lapped on each other. Mr. Durkin was slightly bruised; his la dy was moro severely hurt, and the two older children severely bruised, while the nurse and younger child, about two years old, were instantly killed. An unknown woman, apparently Irish, was sitting in the same seat with Durkin's nurse and child, and was instantly killed. A German, name unknown, was also killed on the same. He appeared about 50 years of age, and had in his pocket a gold watch and some money, which were taken charge of by the Agent of Ludiura & Co s Express. In addition to these, about 20 persons were more or less seriously iniured. A bucket of water was wanted for the wound ed. and one ot the engineers, who was throwing water on the engine fire, was re quested to give it for this purpose, but he churlishly refused. Ibis eo exasperated the passengers that they were almost ready to lynch him. The people of the neighborhood and tho uninjured passen gers were most attentive to the wants of the wounded. The disabled car3 on the train from New York were piled on top of each other. Those on tho other train had their floors torn out, and tho scats en tirely racked to pieces by tho hind wheels and truoks becoming loose and flying a gainst the floors. There were many very narrow escapes ot lito, among which was that of Chas. T. Fuller, of Baltimore, who fell through tho floor on the track and es caped without injury. The indignation of the passengers was unbounded. A meeting was called on tho spot and resolutions denouncing the Company and its offiicers aB guilty of the most reckless carelessness, adopted. The Engineers and Conductors were immediately arrested, and will be held to answer the result of the Coroner s inquest The name cf the New York Conductor is Mascharuss; that of the Philadelphia train is Graham. Another. Tho Boston Express train over the N. Y. & N. Haven 11. 11. ran a- gainst a rock which had fallen upon the i m 1 t iracir, on xuesuay night throwing ine en gine off tho track, and killing tho engi neer. Tho tender was thrown ten loot over tlio engine, and tue ureman was thrown a still greater distance. The rock was carried some twenty rods Irom the placo whore it fell. Still Another. Providence, August 12. This morn- 11 1 1 - 1 Tl mg a collision tooK piace on tne provi dence and Worcester llailroad, near the Boston junction, between the regular train, Iwhich left this city at 7 A. M. and an excursion tram, coming irom Urabridge, which left there at G 20, whereby some 1G persons were instantly killed, and a- bout 25 wounded: some very badly. $2TA young boy of Marietta, about four years of age, we are informed by a gentlemen of that placo, who had been in the habit for some tune past ot procuring bread from his grandmother, to feed his 'long-tailed monkey,' was recently dis covered petting a snake, holding its head in one hand, and dropping crumbs of bread into its mouth. Of courso his pet was destroyed; but he allegfis that he has 'another long-tailed monkey which they shant find out, Mr. Geiger, of this place, a fewuays since, fired fivesucccssivo shots at a tar get two hundred and sixty yai'rds distance, and the aggregate length of the five shots from tho centre, was but three inches, string measure. This, if true, is an ex- traordinary feat at marksmanship, and we doubt whether it can be beaten in this section of the country. Mr O. used a rifle of his own manufacture. Bradford Reporter. Two living Giraffes were brought from Bremen by the steamer Washington, which arrived at N. Y'. last week. It is said that we have had no Giraffes in this country since the two, imported at an ex pense of 840,000, about seventeen years ago, died off so suddenly. The two now here, have been brought from Egypt by a Mr. Hartman, and havo cost him only .25,000. One is seventeen feet high, and tho other fifteen. Both are very beautiful. j8STlfn Irishman named O'Donohue. was tried last week, at Homer, Cortlandt Co., N. Y. for the murder of a family by the name of Kinney. The jury returned a verdict of guilty; and tho prisoner be ing asked if ho had anything to say, de liberately placed his hands behind him and said that "there might be "many, things said but it's no use." The Judge then pronounced sentence, that Patrick O'Donohue be hung, on Friday Sept. 2, between the hours of 10 and 2. Patrick immediately repled to the Judge, " And be Jasus, I hope you'll not live to sec the day. IUAKRIJCD. In Stroudsburg, on the 11th inst., by Daniel Jayne, Esq. Mr. Leonard Labar, Jr. and Miss Margaret Yansicklc, both ot btrouusnurg. In Centreville, Upper Mt. Bethel. Au gust 0, by the liev. T. W. Simpers, Mr. William Sheerer, of Warren countr, N. Jersey, and Miss Mary Ann Spragle, of Monroe county, Pa. (jpVOISONIiSGn) Thousands of Parents who use Vermifuge composed of Castor Oil, Calomel, &c, nru not aware, that while they appear to benefit the patient, they arc actually laying the foun pations for a series of diseases, such assuliva tion, loss of sight, weakness, of limbs, &c. In another column will be found the adver tisement ofliobensack's Medicines, to which we ask the attention of all directly interested in their own as well as their Children's health. In Liver Complaints and all disordes arisingfrom those of a bilious type, should make use of the only genuine medicine, Ilobensack's Liver Pills. 0"'ic not deceived" but ask for Hobcn sacks' Worm Syrup and Liver Pills, and ob serve that each has the signature of the Pro prietor, J. N IIOBENSACK, as none else are genuine. 160,000 Bridi Just burnt and for sale by the subscriber. These brick are of a large size and of a su perior quality, and will be sold as low or lower according to quality than any other Brick in the county. A portion of them ate pressed or front brick. Said brick are made of the bcst material and will stand the liro with impunity, thus answering for the pur pose of building Hake ovens, &c. All of which will be sold as low as any in tho neighborhood. All kinds of Produce taken in exchange for Brick. SIMON CRUDER. Stroudsburg, August 18, 1853 ly A MASSMEETING. MO?4ROE COUNTY TEMPERANCE CONVENTION. At a meeting of the friends of Temperance, held in Stroudsburg, on Tuesday evening last, after listening to the fiblc and eloquent lecture delivered by the Rev. Mr. Torrcnce, the Bible agent of this State, on the evils of the License Law, and the means of redress, it was unanimously resolved to call a Con vention of the friends of the Prohibatory Law of Monroe county, to act in general concert with the friends of the Law throughout tho State. The undersigned were appointed a committee to make the call and appoint the dny of meeting. After consultation, they have appointed Tuesday, 23d inst. (August) The Convention will be held at the Court House in the Borough of Stroudsburg. Tho temporal and moral interest of this County being intimately connected with the 6ucccsa of this great moral enterprise, we therefore. make a strong appeal to the friends of Pro hibition and the lovers of morals and sobrie ty, to attend. It is desired that every Town ship in the County will be represented in the Convention. Come one, como all, irrespec tive of name or party, the Convention will be organized at 10 o'clock A. M. Several speakers will be present. JNO. P. BOONE, JOSEPH KERR,' JOHN MALVEN, JOHN L. STAPLES, SAMUEL A. BENNETT. , Committee. Stroudsburg, August 12, 1853. UtMtor's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned. auditor appointed by the Orphan's. Court of Monroe county, to audit, and if necessary, re settle the administration account of Rudolph VVeiss, administrator of Henry Weiss, late ot- Chcsuuthill township, deceased, and also tov eport what amount be deducted from tne Real Estate to pay the debts of the said de cedent, will attend to the duties of his np- nnlntinnnt rr tfirt t litrtnmifli iln ir rtf .Qnntnm '. ber next, at 10 o'clock A. M. at his office, in the Borough of Stroudsburg, in said county, when and where all persons interested can ISWUlbltll'lib U1J IIJU Villi irlllll lU T Ul Ul. liUJ" - attend if they see proper. A SAMUEL S. JJREirER, Auditor. August 11, 1853. 4t. Notice to Teachers. Four Teachers wanted to teach the Com mon Schools of tho Borough of Stromteburg. Teachers desiring the Schools will hand in their proposals to M. M. Buknett, Esq. by the 20th of August, inst., stating the amount they are willing to teach for, and designating which school they desire. Uoctor William D. Walton has been ap pointed examiner, by the School Director, and those applying must have his ccrtifiicato of their comnetencv to tanch the ordinary engusu branches, viz: Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Geography, and Grammar. isy urderof the. hoard of School Directors, August 11. 1853. .w"-- N. B. The Schools will be opened tjiQ, first Monday in September, t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers