THE DAILY GAZETTE OFFICIAL PAPER , Of Pittsburgh, Allegheny City and Allegheny County 4IAZETTE Camera( 9121 i. Meese e Mltblfrld Pqrre. TIIIIIIIOAV HOSNING: MAY 12. 1471.. 110\n9 in 14;inkfort, henry PTKnoi.tali in Antwerp, 544 riot.o closed in New. York roller:any at 115. Tut Shoeppo CAW .Wllll again under re view In ti Supreme;CoUrt, at liarrisburg. yesterday. . TOR Northern Padre Lili will become a law. The hill for n don the South. em line, or 32nd Funnel of latitude, Will be reported from the t'ommittee at an earl) day A DIVTINarIBII6D rititen of Maryland, Hon. FILANCI4 THOMAt, declines to be a candidate for Congress in the Cumberland District. Herrin, we feel a loss not only to Maryland but to the whole sunntry, which needs just such men an he in its councils. EACH of Wear is . advertised Ell 4 . gmd" for sso,ooo—and the ten arc bundeturn for State Treasurer Irwin, in the aggre gate sum of lIWOMO. Here arc the names , of Allem capitalists: Dombirger. Harrisburg . Geo. K. An derson. Titusville: Wm. Vanlark and S. 11. 1 1 41.1 1 bVIL Ille .b rla r inLlZlth, K l;e n fr i anil Ntirl7. A.' P. Lacook . John McDonald and Lim F. • MSC% of Deaver. A REPORT from the Committee on the tieorgla question need not be expected before to-morrow, or even a day or , two later. Sit or seven propositions are be. fore the Committee, and the choice seems to be an embarrassing one. There in more unanimity on one point, however, and \ we are glad to report it. The Committeedoes not, favor any extension of the present term of the Legislature. TIIE Chicago Journal vary" r another of the prominent men mid to ° 4llgtified with tbe au-cated revenue re form movement at Washington have denied any oonnectlon with it. It h. nt I.t been discovered that outside of the agents of im porters and foreign manufacturers. the ...move smelt- Is the work of a couple of newspaper eorreepondents, ram a drunken loafer. mint clued by the respectable members of the Wash ington press fraternity:And the other %Iwne yd. blackguard of only ottantegree better. Teter are soon to be reinforced by the Special Commlaskmer. of Internal Revenue, whose term of Deice will expire the current month, and *rho has ,prostituted otsit WOW uses of the foreign monopolisteion to the. - —Apparently, the Journal had not seen, when the above paragraph was written, the Free Trader. authorized official report of . the Washington meeting in the Mien:dant thin .'movement." The correspondents and the Commissioner, no.doubt, merit all that the Journal says of. them, but .it in quite on clear. that. its own neighbors of the Tribune and the New York Poet were as deep in the mud as were the "drunken and swaggering" corresponderds in the mire, of that nastily impudent intrigue"to reform the Republican party." Let time of its participants be denied their due share . of Repnbliain gratitude! NMI DOMINGO. It is admitted to be dear that the :fen Domingo treaty. can never be ratified by our Senate In any . method satisfying th 4 spirit or the letter_ of the Constitution. Bat we hear that a Representative Intends to persist in hiseforts to secure the con currence of Congress. in a repetition of the tricky irregularity by which the pro. slavery influence forced the Union to re ceive the Mexican priiitriceof Texas. We shall take it for grunted that in this per sistance the Representative alluded to is animated by an eagerness to illustrate his own auperearviceable _and obsequious afileMnsnese to the President, rather than by the expressed wishes of (len. Onnor hisioelf. We 'lull have to confess our. eelVes grossly deceived in our estimate of the Preildent's character and of the prin. 'tiles by which his official policy is 'raided, before we can concede that he lends him self, directly or Indirectly, express ly 'or impliedly, to any such dlr. -re . • 'contrivance to evade annul the plain constitutional conditions for anj public question or duty whatever. Such a mistake—to give it no harsher de algruttion-Lvonld be not only a novelty in the Prealdent's experience in any depart ment of the public service, but in this arse, lewould have tome unfortunate re sults in the future of :the great party which has called tinAliT to the t'hief Ma gistracy.. Neither the llepublican party, nor any respectable number of the people desire the present annexation of San Domingo to the Republic on any terms. We must first know more of the actual readiness of the islanders, as a whole, for this • absorption, and of the facts which am to justify um in accepting the gift. Thus far, the country either knows nothing of the actual situa tion, or just that little which should in. spire the moat wary caution in closer in vestigeriot's, before we shall be too far committed to a step which is more likely than not to prove a costly one. We doubt if the President has the least sympathy in tide Ballerian pmpositiori. It contemplates n pt•itifogging device; the like of which has not yet disfigured an Adminlitration thus far, !min its first hour, symmetrically in acconrwitit'the good sense, the -patriotism and the settled policy of an' honest, loyal and intelligent people, It is comfortable to feel a strong conviction that a majority of the House regards; as we do, this proposition to force an annexation, over the heads of the .Oori stituticeal treaty-making power. as a piece of officious servility to theknown "hems - of the President . ; for which . Its' engineer can no where weare. l'ottler contempt than at the White .; ME 11 . . . Illit •Sieltaltt..ann vitmoncv-TIUt Lear IMMIX TO WOMAX, ~ • s . , k' . Is SPOtIiSTI 4 en-state ' rto .; wee and tree smesible—no mach bekrw tbs . , intellectual grade of Masculine humanity,--tie insensi ble to the moral obligations which HIM- Ten, (perimpe by some titersight), enjoin -7 'trig upon the race, has forgrittern to define t ~,a. .as incumbent upon 112111/1 alone,-iod more. devoid' I a .conmience, marl, --00 much has strong to t temptations .to sla— w invariably t e victim and 'never, oxen an equal participant in the sexual Milie— u* far behind the stronger Pes , in the ad vance of the race, through all the centuries, from that brutal savagery which the del uge did not wash \ out from the earth,—ls woman to -day the inferior being . whom 'Divine :injunctions. bestial . lairs, and her own conscierithnu responsibility for ter ..deeds, are Medi \ mate to - restrain toms wrong, to shield from temptation, and to mot* froth her own proclivity to lurparity; except she be supported by oar brute fince,avenging her. vreekroi! , in the - m ar - ansitietion of thopartners of her Milne? Here: wer-worild have the morale of the uteinbeast, dui birdal instinca of the low * animas in theenaidormlial..ion—whose *Wiens ready to perish in confllets With . each other;the females being lawful slab lade of the victorious survivor. Was it foredo only, that Heaven gave an intellect, • aMatienee, clear perceptions of duty, II y S y i 'Mt a keen sense of blond ascuuntability to woman as well as lonian? Swirly has heen.much agitated, of late, hr the suggestions of womart's absolute equality with mon. It it high time that the-aincere champions of :Woman should sle.•nk for her intellectual ; and moral title 4 that ei oaths . ; that rho 6/1 well knows right from wrong; that, mere. physiiMl fere...apart; she ran equally guard herself with the same pure Impulses, with the same power of ieltassertion, which, right. ly e%ercised, protects either sex NV Gamut degrade woman so . iiiiii .ti be low the level upon which our 0 ....."1 1 Creator has placed ht , r, as We plinnld it agreeing that She be released from tie personal responsibility of which she in not (noble, and thenceforth remitted, for the solo safeguard of her virtue, to the walls of a louvre, to the devices of the Abvain ion . Arabs, to the brute force of her ,trod, relatives, to the penalty of astutssinntion for l (lier partner in impurity, while she get* free from temporal puninitment. Shall we believothat of these two participants in one guilt, Clod pardons one and limits .all ilia judgments to the other? Not un til we are better pertimuled than ever of the woman's exception from all moral ws ility. fall A man who hail for years been, a dijunken brute, abusing his wife with physical violence, and at last driving her from him, to seek the relief of a release, by what she . supposed to be law, bond which he MA made a bond of hell to her—this Man assassinates. another who bad come to befriend the outraged; and des,date heart. For Ivhich a jury lu;,, just acquitted the murderer of all offense. Conscientious jury! They even mulct not coat N. -high. or sink so low, in. brutal sympathy withbis crime. as to justify its commission by a man clothed and in his . right mind.. No! they invented the shocking farce of a memo:nary insanity -to excuse what that plea admils to is• lEEE Henceforth, husbands, lordly animals, great bulls of the herd,, ohms, these poor 'wretches of the inferiorsex, your helpless wives, as you may wish! Degrade them with blows, disgust them with your drunken self-abuse, starve `them, live yOurself in idleness from their scanty earnings, outrage them by your own more or less potent infidelities; (are TOR not Sul tans and all women your mere slaves?) deny to them every pleasure, forbid them even the hope of a release except by the pitying hand of death—and, above all, don't fail to assert your inalienable right to murder other Men who shall venture to aid in their rescue from this living death ! Cluard irell your wires, huslimuti to whotonlone Owl I given to know right 'wrong They Ate weak to 1,4,4 temptation, helplens to protect themnelves from the impurity which they lore no much more than yon do! Remember that yUur Wins, your sisters, pita daugh. tern, less fortunate than you,. hare not the tame liod's gift of—ceneeienee to guide them ; that Heaven has created them with an inferidr serum of 'right or wrong, ordaining for them a lower plan of redemption, and reserving fur them. no doubt, an eternity corresponding to the Mohammedan ides of liamdisel The brutality which thus rvganla wo man is mom than disgusting; it is du- grantly at war with the fundamental ideas which are the basis of all human civiliza tion. The sexes are equal in all things but,mere physical' atrength. God gave to us the same brain, the same eonscience— equally we comprehend the Divine scheme for our government, here and hereafter. The same plan of rewards and pnatildt meets will meet us at His bar. :Snit= worthy of a pufd and true womatis into will agree to hei moral inferiority here or there. Say, throughout christendom. it is found that woman everywhere exhib its a keener-and more faithful , apprecia tion of the Divine teachings, illustrating it by her worldly walk amt. conversation so beautifully conspicuous in she in that regard above the harsher sex that we might be persuaded. to believe in a vast predcmdemnce from hcq• sex among those myriad throngs which shall have entered at last into all the joys of our laird ! This McFarland verdict is; simply a fresh outrage upon the sex. it, time, the meek and unresisting victim of man's brutality, she hears, iii this judgment, a a fresh Invocation of murder upon all who shall dare to countenance her redemption from suffering on this side of the grave. The laws of God and of man alike pie scribe 'penalties 'for mixed impurity. Whatever may be man's 1 f bortenmingn In their enforcement, He till make good the last tittle of what He has written. Hem, on earth, in a well•ordered society, let all who believe in His. name, hold either sex alike amenable to His decrees, capable-of comprehending His injunctions, sensible of the nicest distinctions of right from Ivrong,and alike responsillle, here as well as hereafter, for a miscondiact which each equally recognises, and or whirl' each has earned an equal penalty. • For the seducer is of neither sea alone, nor is the fatal power of temptation 'refined to either of them. Since the first transgres. , sloe, every sexual crime has had two Participants. Is it otherwise today! —We believe In the equal moral re• sponsibility of each sex, for all. voluntary acts, and we abominate that' modern doc trine which goes back to barbarism for its moat brutal forms of redress for any per sonal or social wrong whatever. = The Ariaorml(l Ile; of April 16th says: . - We had ouppostel that the wily sav ages of thin county—eatisfied with the bloody work of the past Winter,' would keep quiet and give our people a renting spell thin spring, but in this we were WO. tally mietaken. Thursday of last week, A party of copper stained thieves androur derers swooped down upon a herd of mules belonging to Mr. Artois, of Vulture City, in this county, killed one of the herders, wounded the other, and drove ' seventy-five head of mules. ' At the time, orthe attack they were quietly griming, about one and a half miles from the Vul , tune Mills, and there being but two herd- era with themt the ravages had nothing i to do but to kill or cripple the herders, and By sway with the stock to the moan- 1 1 mine. They were pursued by a party of 1 Mexicans and workmen from the Vul tare, Mills, bat were not, we are wiry to iap t bt l idtiLrß7who arrivedee 4vle;Ti Wickem burg „end Vulture Cite. hays, the -.lndians Note' the =AM up the east'. sida pt the Ihumayampa to a point near the mouth of a cannon, when they the river and took an meetly name. While lament ing the death of a civil being and the wounding of another, w can ray, by the neveeto be forgiven A °kit would be wrong Is our, -Prors' to. thhold their sympathy frau! Atiola who, inside of the past year, bp lost a nt 140 bead of bailee. . ~ / . , . We are setry , to have to eay that It ie I the general hammier , ong citizens and soldiers that this td of Indiana are en the eve of so outbreak. We earnestly hope not, but, at the tame time, counsel our people to look sharply after their lives and property. The Wallapals must have seemed lots of • ammunition while playing good Indians, and all know that they have many guns. - Tmr, New York Gtobe. mays . "Rumor has it that the. editore of several of oar morning daily ,papete we not .as tempo,: rate in matters of living as is compatible with dignified.jettmalism If. a n oun in. dulgee in too much wine, or is fond of midnight debauches, he if pretty sure to publish a black, guard sheet. If the truth was told it would be found that bad ruin is at the bottom of much of the bad Jour. naliem of thin City. Vtltaterer eine the Tribune may be, it is sober. Can an much be said for the Sun, the Time. and the World f' -PITTSBURGH DAILY G A ZETTE : THURSDAY. MORNING, MAY 12, 1.870 OCR ,GIIfLNIAN stint. Tim Frei/Kits Frrund sa3n no one be. Neves that the - Jencks tivil Service bill will come to anything-In the present eon, glens. There are many people who do not believe It. will ever be atiopttxl; , and_ whit do not snob that it should. the principal ohjetion vontle . io it is that t h e examination of randidates for the loiter ~ilia* 1. not necessary, met great learning is ltardiy necessary in order properly to. 0 11 n clerkship in the imatoffice, T dila the Frellotil objects that the principal line of the charge will be to protect us from that sort of loafers' till°, without culture, but armed with a double partionof cheek, push themselves,...very place whore there is anything to be had, and look upon the offices as the 'Minder which trust fall to them alter a certain amount of political service. For prcdection against these, the tiovernment funk not illeNly demand sufficient knowle'dge to earn . on the du ties of the ollice,lbut enousk to rtrl'unt tine but those Who hays , - itecoted their itia= tion;and not to political betaltschnekery from being eligible. On this idea, tht bittern...air examination p. VAPIII • • • tcit intuit mire extensive lontNileAge is do unaided of 'an itietitdate there than i ever likely to be needed in his actual call ing; hut in this manner they secure a highly cultivated, and, at the same time, hourat class of otticiala•—for the knight of industry or loafer has selaom time and incliftation to gain foihiniselt the neces sarrknowledgh Mid the introduction of this system here is the cure for the uni. cereal emnplaint of the corruption of our otlicelfoldem. The Freinid has an article on . the Pli;- iiiscittutt: and a flattering letter plaint Carl Schurz, taken from a itettait paper, which it introdtura teitit int, remark that .• if our eentiiryman, Carl :churn, does not went imagine latuself to be (led Almighty, It will not he the fault of hie American admirers:' rolkWatt thinks it is high time for the defenders of Pennsylvania industries to bestii iltentselves nod battle both in and out, of rongrenn with the smatnents. of the fiee-trade party which to working . so actively while protectionists seem to sleep. In England there In rejoicing over the_prospeetn open.' to their montane-, turern hy. the free-trade party here. Whit, in this roped, in Wislted for there is to beicared here and we moot fight against it—for with our hands in mil pockets we can dprertitlng. The Ilepublikanrr follows up its attack upon - Poogrens with another article, thought to be original and too taken from New York! papers. tr also roundnn lead era upon the Mormon and Indian wars and the Red River rebellion. =I Captain Berman, of the Florence Pope, bound froni logos, on the Went coast of Africa, for I,iverpoul, which was aban doned at - see in January, irk. his report of the-loos of I the ship gives the following fearful aeotunt of the voyage: •'We left Lagoa on tbe 4th of September, and on the 2:14 of October one of the-seamen, named Themes Welsh, died of Africnnclrver. On the 27th of December we shipped a heavy sea amidships, which made the rep sal heel considerably to the statboard, rind shifted the cargo. All our soils were blown away except the nutintoptstil, fore. sail, and taionvjib. On the 29th of Decem ber France Antonio, seaman, diode( fever. On the 221 of 3 nary Edward William Croslv, chief o err. al so died of fever. Ito toe Nth of J mum:, I made the Skelligi Hocks Light, b the wind being about S. S. E. I could t weather the land, and consequeotly la ked ship and stiid to the westward. Th wind kept veering to the eastward and on the 27th commeneed to *blow very heavily, the ship laboring end making considerable quantities of wet er,el - the pumps were constantly at tended to. On the 20th two of the re. training crew became completely, et• hausted, in consequence of the continual pumping. At eight o'clock, some evening, the reset was hereto under close . ..reefed maintoptail, About midnight the Mail war blown completely ont-of the bolt ropes. The gale continuing. the ' boat. imam and myself attended to the pump. ' as much as we could, as we found that the ' water continued to gain nphn the vessel. On the 31st, about eight A. it.. the ship was struck with a tremendous sea, whirr'' stove in the long boat. By this time the water had gained on Ws so fast us do be running over the cabin deck. I then 'I dc- tided to abandon the vvreeLend ourcei4lert in, launching the remelting boat, hand finally left the vessel about two r. N., in lat. 273 N., long. 14 W. During the night of the Illst,• Edward Ilallisay died from exposure ; and on the night Ist February John Carroll al. died. The bodies of both men iron: thrown riterboard, and on the 4th the boatowain and myself, being the only survivors of the crew of the Floe cote Pope, reached the inland of Innis!' turk." Write.; Dierover; .fear Co.rium The hilliiiiles beyond our city. says the Corinne (C. T.) Breen. of April 241 d. which have hitherto been admired only as part of the grand panoramic view around Cerrinne, are to be henceforth the'eoeneof active operations in mining. Thu impres sion.„od Jamie g existed that in the mountain ranges aro and this valley rich deposits of precious etals lay ltiOden from view. Travelers ho pascal ' fiver the route VI California many years ago were in the habit of mnouncing the Wasatch hills the seat o uadoubted mineral wealth, and we have so heard that fine prospects have been discovered in this vicinity, which for reasons were abandoned it' •at the limo WC have ourselves noticed the indicati main this vicinity, and have more than once suggested * that parties might stet over and determine for thentselve 'f we were really located in the heart of a mining region. Thls great fact, however, is already proven; and while we Sat lazily looking acme the river and wondering why the mountains were placed six miles away from us, a party of gentlemen front Ogden dime up, and after a few days' prospecting have developed a ledge of silver ore that is likely to exceed in richness anything ever before seen in Utah or Nevada. This important discovery was made just eight miles northeast of thin city,nmithe claims were tiled day before yesterday with .budge Toohy, Recorder of tit ` Corinne (old and Silver Mining Distri t. Thu namesof the discoverers are S. t. Beebe and George IC Bemis. - They ha vi named their mine the Corinne bode, 'and the fol lowing persons have taken up Uml filed claims of "J3O fret each on 'the ledge, Daniel Jenkins. James Brans, John Bees, I).:1. Jenkins, Robert Wilson. P4 ni ter Mc- Farland and W.. fingers. Mr. vs in forms on that °nen experiments assay of the ore taken out by him, the result showed a product in alive'. of $lOO to the ton, and he is of the opinion-that this ex traordinary result will continue in the working of the lode. These gentlemen named propase to erect reduction works on the Corinne lode immediately, being fully satisfied that 'their discovery will bring them immense profits. OE:IF:HAL SHERIDAN, in replying to a j letter from a newspaper correspondent, gives his views on the India question as I follows, in a private letter dated Chicago, April 48, and now for the first time made 'I may sac, in reference te the manage ment of Indians, the reservation systera is the only one offering any prospect of sw arm, but ail experience has shown that the wild Indian will-not adopt it until be is forced to do so-. AU the to bes on the northern Pacific mast boil to be subdued And forced on to the reservations, which was accomplished between the years 11355 and 1860, then peoce ensued. Latterly the same policy Tine been pursued In ir on' to the Comanches, Klowas,Cheyennes and Arrapahoes. After the wild Indians are. put upon the resereathms 'a strong military force mill have to be kept there, to protect the agents and. others required in the work of cultivation, and also for the subordination of the Indians and their protection ainst the .encroachments of OA whitesettlers, who otherwise , would • take possession of their lands. ' Tug National .Photographere Conven tion will be held in Cleveland, Ohio, com mencing on the 7th of Jane, to generain ued for fi ve days or more. Evertate in the I;0100 wlll. be represented, letters having been received from California and other distant points, stating that prepara tions are being made to exhibit the finest epeeimene of the photographicnit: Om - Pena has Pawed the , entry of foreign worke free of duty, and Mr. 130gardne, of New York. 'president of the National BiOtOgrapbers' Soul_ ety, ad. vice. fnma foreign lita shoeing that sev eral European capitals' winkle represented specinmo: The exhibition.will be given In the. Central bank.. . • - • • SF.TaTalt. Ehrtnatart says that "oven it the Tariff bill shouldpaas tho HOW., It stands no chance -whatever' ef ' being con. aidered by the Senate thin aemion." It in Mr. Sherman's opinion that the Senate will do nothing with the tariff, but cow der only billa reducing internal taxation. ,111141 M MARK TRAINI CURIO US DREAM Containing a Moral. icanchulot from lent ,trek's Buffalo Exprrs,l [ln the chapter preceding this, was set forth how certain shrouded skeletons crane mysteriously marching pant MY door after midnight, carrying bettered lombntnnes, crrattlillng 'coffins, and such like property with them. and how one sat down by me to rest, °wing also his tombstone with him, and dragging after him his worm eaten cotlin by a string,) anti complained at great length of the discomforts of his ruinoun and long-neglected graveyard. This convermtion now coutinueth.l - .Yes, friend," said the poor )..eltdeton. "the facts are jilsi. as I have given them to von. Two tif these Old gratc,yards—the one that I reside in and ono further along -have teen deliberately - neglected by our descendanta Of .to day until there in no oc . enpying !trait any longer. Aside from the osteological discomfort of it-and that is no light matter this rainy weather-,the present state of things). ruinous toy pro. pert;. We have got to move orbit content to see our effects Wasted awe and to -1 let-1y destroyed. Now you wilt hardly believe It, but it .is true, neverthe I less, and there Isn't a -single coffin in gnat repair among all my nomaintance- I now that is nn absolute fart. • I do not I refer to people who collie in a - pine box mounted on an express wagon, hut I ant talking nbont your high-toned silver. innunted burial-ease, monumental sort. that travel under plunies at the head of a procession and have choice of cemetery lots-1 mean folks like the • Jarvis'e, and the Bledsoe's and Burling'it and 'such, They are all about ruined. The meat substantial people in our set:they were. And now look at thenv- e -utterly used.up anti poverty-stricken , tine of the filed itoe'tt actually traded his monument to a late barkeeper for totitte fresh shavings to put under his head. •I tell von it speaks tolitniem,' for there is nothing a corpse takes so much pride in as his monument. Ile . 10Vini to read' the inscription. lie center niter awhile to believe what It says Ithitself, and then you may see hint tatting on the fence night after night enjoying it. Epitaphs are cheap and they don poor chap at world of 0).1 afterhe is dead, especial- Iv if he had bent luck while he wasalive. I wish they went used more. Now I don't complain, but confidentially, I do think it was a little oltabbv in my descendante to give me nothing but this old slab of a gravestone-anti all the more that there isn't a crenpllment on it. It Used In Lave "IiONE TO MS JUST REWARD" on it, and I wax Kona when I first raw it, hut bye and bve:l noticed that when ever an old friend of mine •alllle nlong he would hook his chin on the railing and pull a long face and read slung down till he came to that, and then he ;could chuckle to himself and walk off looking satisfied and comfortable, SO 1 SendellSil it Mint gm rid of three fools. Bet a dead man always takes a deal of pride in his monument. Yonder goes half a (101.011ot the Jarvistts, now, with the family monu. went along: And Smlthers anti WHIM hired spectres went by withlis a while ago. Hallo, Itiggina, goodict old friend! That's Meredith Higgins-decd In '4l - our wet in the cemetery - -fens old family-greatgrandmother was .an Injtau-1 am on the most familiar terms with him.s-Ite didn't hear me wan the rea son be didn't answer me. And I am pm, ry, too, because I would have liked to In, You would admire hint. He is the most disjointed, away-lacked and .genemilv distorted nhl skeleton you ever saw, built.. is full of feu. When he laughs It sounds like rasping two stones together, and he always starts it Mr with a cheery screech like raking a nail across a window pane. Iley, Jones! That is old Columbus Jones-slinmti mat fourhundred dollen.- entire , trousseau, including monument, twenty.weven hundred. This was in the spring of '2ll. It was'etwormons style for those day - s. Dead people came all the way from the Alleghenies to see hie things-•the. party that occupied the grave nett to mine remembers it well. Now do you see thattht individual going along with a piece i l l :clow his under knee neego n h e is ' an rm i . and °l)r. le hee sttting I: the world on' Pleat is Barstow Dalbouse, and next to Columbus Jones, be was the :lawn sumptuously outfitted person that ever entered our cemetery, We are all leasing, We cannot tolerate the treat ment we are receiving at the hands of our descendants. They open new cemeteries. Inutility isliVe.US to our ignominy. They mend the streets, but they never mend anything that is about us or belongs to us, Look at that coffin of ntino-yrt I tell yon in its de, it was a pie, of furniture that I would ha, attracted attention in any' ilisWillg Sisini in You may have it if you want it-I can't afford to repair it. Pot a new bottom in her. and part of a new top, and a hit of - fresh lining along till. left aide, and you'll find her shoot as comfortable an any receptacle of her species ymt ever tried. No thankn no, drat 'mention it-you have been civil 10 1110 and I would give you all the prop erty- I have got before -I would scent un gndeful.• Now Shia windingehret is a kind of a sweet thing in Stu way, if yen would like to---. 'soi Weil, just as you soy, but I wished to be fair and liberal-- there'm nothing mean about we. Good- I bye, friend; I mast tat going. I may have &good way to go to-night--don't know I I one thing for certain, and that is, 1 that I am on the emigrant trail, new, and I'll never sleep in that crazy old cemetery again. I will' travel till I find reepectablo quarters. if I have to hoof It to New Jemmy. ...All the boys are going. It was decided in public conclave, last night, to emigrate, and by the time the sun mitten there won't be a bone left in our old habitations. Such sestet der may suit my surviving friends but they Bo not suit the remising that have the honor •to make these remarks. My opinion is the general opinion. If you doebt it, go and see how the departing ghonts upset things before they started. 'Flirty were almost riotous in their demon. titration* of distaste. here are en= of the Bledsoe.; and He ll o , o will give me a lift 'with this tombstone I guess I will join co duittny.and jog:along with them -mighty respectable famil the Bled sine,nd used to alwava com y, e out in ain horse hearses, and ail that sort of thing fifty years ago when I walked (Ilene streets in daylight. Good by friend." --s-------- • MIC:::: About midnight, when we wen , either lost in 'deep, or dropping away, a fearful scream, that made the blood curdle, brokek upon our ntartied . ears. Tide d came from a female throat, and was fol lowed by cries of "Ohl sto k Otint." "Mild him." "Don't let him go,' and the wild mt oonfunion emoted. All the men - sprang to their feet, and all the women screamed. Bunning along the pansage-way, I found a woman clinging to a male specimen of humanity, and begging him to go to bed. and learned, through a great deal of in co. herent exclamation, that the man wan a sleep-walker. "oh, James, do come back to bed; d waken up—please do l" nbc cried, pite o ounly. "Why, I am awake, you fool," ?moiled the huoband. "No, jou're not. That is the way he al ways answer., and he'll 'go out and get killed under the ears. -*Won't some body mop the train 1" ' • "kite; cotes; my good ' waken op; waken up," roared a stout inch shak ing the nupposed sleep-walkers° violently by the shoulders that ho must have had a free adnilinlon to the fireworks. In this he wan assisted by oar KenttickY who appeared in a tearful suit of red flan nel.' Mils was too much for the afflicted man, charged with the crime of sontruinr. •bulism. He went to fighting—shaking the stout man off with, each force that cor potence-went down in a sitting position, and hitting lied Fla/mein in the stomach. Blazes disappeared from sight through the curtains of a section from whence eth er female Saralee went up, and immistak able evidences of a general engagement I The sleep-walker, after whipping ail within reach, explained that ha had got up with no intention to walk in hie sleep, .I but to get a drink of water. But, being given to somnambulism, hi. wife bad ta ken the alarm; and with' this Information , he retired to his couch In a very sulky manner. Our . Kentucky friend came tumbling from thelection he had invaded,' with bin face scratched, his rod flannel '1 Shirt tom, and giving evidence of having infrared from an encounter: -die told me nest day, that when he raided in on the' bed he rolled - over a fat woman into the arms of &thin one, who went at him tooth and 01" di,lo the great damage of his un derclothes and emintenanec.--Cineinneiti CoMeisrciat , Tree MU whichluteaed the !louse . tame time ago, in' eve aoldiera artificial 11Mbe, or the met of the same iu money, wm nmended by the Committee ao at-to•allow them the artificial limbs every five years, bat not the allowance in money. - - c? . - • - '; . , • ;Lk,. . , - '''''*a:4'^--$4.-P.Pir-Si''o-K4VFA44AI,--;;.':;,*" • 4 0114 ' • . , "Tit; FINISHED =1 Peuent7f ll ai la all the world %Fa. said. That Ineedern dwelt upon Columbla's shore. And hearts rejoiced. e'en they. that deal bald Tre Price ',united, in yonar and manly gore. Ae lme rolled on; each year wnut nn th e .1 That Freedom wept a s"tr weinht lllains, And monarch, wined. and to to• the . And asked from whence upon your nag tnuati stainer • .• A few true heart; reviled the work smod. But home condemned their bets rind to o t the •Wror And by the whrh they and ahem Akin, But Freedoms wail war, auskriiied ht the lAirn And forth went hall. the Iron hall with nee. Star,atlon, too. and desolation's hand. ' While doleful pealll were rung from dome nird POW. As blood la floods was drench Wit rat the !end. Agula Wall the word the net went. That not • blare shoold dwell upon the sod. And thousands overjoyed kr hornurittwort The toe, and cried: "Mme tonic lower En•ed•im's Then returned, content. to tato her cent. But Freedom still In sorrow *merged stis And eirld.• . let Justice now the work complete For which we parry our trewure and our Moir: . •••.• k ! • • • ilpt {it the weNH iioil here: Whet N cry nom of every human Mee. Who septa a home. or Maims a birthright here.. Shell hare ills right In proper IMO anrrilace.' t'Amen!amen! amenr was,thrkAnlP9.9 . And Freedom cried "Tie Vermeil. tom pralsed:" • • While Peace Winestice sealed Om mighty bond. Loud ltalleall the people Olik10•011 eu IVarnan • • • God did not create woman an a 1101(4. to smell sweet, nor ma tut.; ip osend• forth harmonies, biti as Ile created man, in im mortal soul; and as inch owing ditties and responsibilities to every ether imortal soul. The scales of everlanting j m ustice are held in the hands of God, and must owing down at last. I do not expert miracle to be wrought; I do not Islieve the millennium iHll dawn When ii'oitian receives the ballot. What women - nerds is the broadening of the brain, the ex. partition of character .14-mined thmugli the power that will - conic with the ballot. \*man mum help man .as well no lxe helped by into. She must inspire him as well as he sumoned by him. The nat . thins of the earth Will rise up stud call such an one blessed, and God Himself Will say to her, "well done." No good will tome to man dr-woman in keeping I them asunder. There ix no work a man I can do hut that will be better done by I having a woman at his side. PREEN 'S CONIEDONE V AND PIMPLE DIM ED, • This Is the only Infallible remedy known to ad: enre for that unsightly . disease of.the neerollons known as Comedonein Olsen Worts.. on the nose and fat.. It alas cares those disilortne disease., Acne And Syeosis, Red, White and Maltreated On any part of the testy. It leaser the skin sof t.smooth and healthy. Sold at JAMES E. BURNS & CO.'S DRUG STORK. Conner Peas. ad Klatt. fold Kt. fl•Ir) Ni TIIB WEAR AND TEAR OESCHINEEN LIFE. The cares and labors of business life are apt to tell severely upon the health and constitution of the ardent. energetic business man. and when the need of some sustaining agent Is felt, when he musii,only • lemponry exhllenathon. and knee the system In • state of partial collarsse when their first eitigt ha. passed °C are too often resorted , to. As Certainly as ere Ivor. behind It a residuum of ashes. the use of the adulterated liquors of min meree produces premature exhaustion and decay. Touch them not. TonOand regulate the overtaxed vital machinery with Hostetter. Stomach Bitters. In that wholesome elixir, the alcoholic element. which Is the tiniest derivable front any tempered by the choicest Omni, aperient, ant.i.bil louS and and-febrile vegetable extracts and Julrei. Ti, strengthen. retivitsolace and portly the syi. tem Is the miwion of the great vegetable specific. When thestomach is In. a healthy stale. the bile Rows regithirly. the bowels perform their 441 a. property. and the telegraphic Mires of the mayo. system so. In perfect weeder: order. an rmous amount of labor van be borne withoet. etch Or In emaireoltince, and the direct effect of the eaters lo to pounide this eitromus condiWyri of the unctions ikon which the noarkhinent ep of the body. an greet d its name ronmeyded forlta remarkable stnnisthenlng prop. ernes, to all upoisw w hom the responsibilities of life fferherllll4ll, s t ptta rrie de sti t , h in e . fatigue. • =anent , . agility to withstand fatigue. see ageing the blessings justly ascribed the renovating operation of this Palakideand Pow cordial. Indeed there is mottling In the materis 'ogles that ran be compared with it. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS VAN 1)()11EN 3.67 Liberty S : tree PITT,41"011101. SI'EA NI EN - ( 1N Es IRON AND,WOOD MACH I+ ItY, Steam' 1 3 binps, Engineers and Machinists Toids, STEAM FIRE ENGINES, Woolen Machinery, Machine Cards larXanntacturetu' and MIII Sup pHs& A constant supply on hand and tarnished onabort notlcr. 40111DEUEI 001.1CITEMI "HILL& Ana SEWER PIPE CO 65 and 67 Sandusky St, A Heal' en ' , ICH AND VITIUVIE° "..',ky TOPS. ittrM•nutmetwrte 4-ro . • andDitALTLIC 'K. C. G. MoBTILLEN, Agent yime To Oil Capitalists. The DRAWN{ MIND IRON COMPANI 'erlU I= thin? to the new flowing well on A They will HELL lA)T nn the bank of t• e A hen, River, near the new wel ballalns stte. W. D. SLACK, Naperintaident. 8.W .v.. 11 . 4 D. X../ 50th. 1870. m710...03 KING WASHER. Thl• =whine tiae bane the anti Turk. New Jersey and hutent Pennsylvania. and rearanteetl - A Perfect inn Family Working Machine, R. WALNOX, Side Agent, GARDEN PLANT Flower Trellises The hasetaeosest..llo.l. cbe.Peet preen :lEI I= lif Liberty airoart. Pltlaburgh, P. WARNER'S PILE REMEDY. WARNEWS PILE REMEDY hot never felon (not onon In ow ('lw) to two the Tort` ynnot.sonon of Elton. Miklos or Bleeding Moo. Thaw whoa(' Welded shout.] tromedletelY Ou oe the , &MEW and get WAIENERE PILE REMEDY. It ie ex prolate Ice. the Plles.luld le hot recommended to am other disease. It he. cored 113.1 thhil TOWS IftlfatnA , nim. Si. r. gists everferhere: GARDEN VASES I=l =I LAND PLASTER; GUANO, AND AXMONIATI SIIPZR.-PHOSPILATS OF LIME. Aiwa?* la gore. w. w. KNOX. 1311 lawny attest, rlttaburall. Ps. VEROLIITION - Or . .PART E R. 6,. .r .2 2ontaptkirresoPrshaiat u , o o . 444 . ot Pat eisi: T 4. ,11101 4117 diNankt by amtual &mem fea r ieWAßOL Pnivarrstrtn, April Re. 1870.. aP'O:.3l 14. i) N .FRANKSTOWN ROAI,May 2d, 1970.-7104. nt.. ONE DARK BROWN hwd. leg. ETU* of Lieut. D. at Den y r Mayor mile , 1 °Wm MoN WM. ~Di NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Diesday, Nay 10th, AVM. SEMPLE'S, so aild Federal tit rect. Anti:ll(l%y A FRESH STUCK UT NEW • DRESS GOODS. WASH POPLINS, Beautiful Cherie Mixtures AT VKIIV I AV PRICES. i N ‘1" piCAS IN POP ALL FASUI , .N A MIS COIMIUL FOR SUITS, VERY CHEAP Plain and Figured. Silk Poplins Bipck tt , aid colored D 1 I+;s' LLKS A LARUE AM) CI)NIVI.K I l': PATIN). IW Striped and Figured P. K's CASSIMERES AND JEAN . • CoDona& and Linen,Drills, AT POPUI.AII PRICM AT TM. / 1 41. 11 SFISIPI ISO and 18t Federal Street, alleghen NOTICE! • Third Arrival of Spring DRY GOODS. Bell & Moorhouse FIFTII AVENUE, re Offering. (heat Bargains Goods, Hilk +. 4}iawl~, Linens, Piques raid Chintzes tEA I) THE PRICES JamesAg, Jes 174 Federal St y , Allegheny • Al 10 cents. 30 _pelletal. Wall Papers, bright dor, g. .l at the Nice. • Al 1.1 Beery-Bright Duff Wall Myer,. g • man. At 13 cent.. line White iNtpers. At .13 cent, yortt•tride White and Ott Holland (dr Window Shade, tided at the price. Eine 011 lleth Window Ilh.det at tear prices. 'font Wide Floor (loth. bright CORM, 45 meta. Wide Ott Cloth. eel to et balls. rdema. hr. enema Geld and Ilaad Made Wall Parer, at I , prices. JAMES HOAG, J No. 174 FEDERAL STREET, ‘LLEMIENI THE BEST BARGAINS This Season elfin' Heavy British Conan Blackings Ladles' Henry British. Colton Stinklngo = AT 3 PAIR Tole $1,40 adid Soper British Cotton litorkingL AT SO CENTS. Ice's Rail British , Cotton Socks AT 23 CVNTS. Ma's Ilcavy French Cotton antis LADIES AND XVI 8 MERINO GAUZE UNDERWEAR AT VERT ..riticsis I.IIBM, BOTtl - /V4VCIIILDREN COTTON STOCKINGS AT GREATLI REDUCED PRICYR AT Morganstern&Co's, ESE SUCCESSOR TO MACRITM, GLIDE di CO Nos. 78 and 80 Market Stree I 1.101:RTC STRISET. HORNE & CO'S. Hosiery ! Gloveis, ! W. W. KNOX, Extensive and choice asauriesenla at Prices Unknown Since 1861 ALEXANDRE'S RID GLOVES—a full assort. meat at 31.73. COURVIORSIEWS SIDS at 21.73. LONG Tor KIDS. thok. Obsdes. at. 2111.02. REGULAR MADE . BIUTISII. HOSE. Demi, 33 MAN AND RIBBED corrox BOSE. 10 cents and sm. DOMEIGIC COTTON HOSIERY, by muss or dos. GENTS' SUPER STOUT_ BALI . BORE. 23 pats.. GENTS' SUPER FINE HALF DOSE. 23 ants. Also splendid assortments SASHES. SASE and BOW RIBBONS, LADIES' FANCY BOWS. Large Additions to Stock = %IMI 'pee efrUtoe. to odeth ere Invite the .Ueetloe of Olemde sod fteull Cuh Helen. - 77 AND 79 MARKET STREET .d= ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL ED. BARKER, Proprietor, Cot. Penn M. and 11th, formerly old Cana NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. • BARGAii` T o.`" I Every Department, IVII. SEMPLE'S', I So ;Ind IS2 Federal St roet , A Ilegheny Spring and Summer Shawls, PANNIER AIWA Cipeti Ceut.rC t7311".!Av1:3, ''--LR;IITSUMIER - SlilllTS , HATS . AND BONNETS S4ndONtins, OHS and 110 We 'A FINK STOCK OF Pai•astk and San " Umbrellas. . Houo.keepillg Pty Goods . IN EVERY XA 4 lETY AT ATTRACTIVE PRICES. - Wholesale and Tietai 140 and ISt Federal tit reel, A Ileche o,n a Par with Goli WE NOW OFFER 0 ur New Stock DRY GOODS EASTERN 'PRICES. Ex amineour Goods & Prices. ARBUTHNOT, SHANNON &CO., N 0.115 Wood Street BUY THE GENUINE T T N. T. " 0 N r SPOOL C,01.101\. GEO. A. CLARK SOLE AGENT Sold Everywhere. SIECTiICLES. Pr. FRANKS. the celebrated Lecturer on the fir, and Ilannfacturer of extent and Improved Spectacle, has returned to Pittsburgh, and Is now at the XT. CLAM HOTEL. where ho Mlljusta his far-famed lipectaclee to defective risk.n from an esomlnallon of Alie.eye alone,. no in suit equally well by day as by artificial light without fatigue. from 13 to tl3 years. ler. P. may be prole... ll y consult.] on all diseases of the limner , Eye, and has a large so wk of his Spectacles and Eye Glasses for sale. About 4.000 pair* of the. SPociacirs were sold 41 lir. Franks last Moll In the *pone of three months, Mrlng the most entire satisfaction to all.. the niedleal gentlemen and fifteens Of Pittsburgh hare by centric.° testified.. Be particular and enquire at the ladles' entrance on Penn street for fir. pranks lAO,IIOOII 1111 IL (la. lintel. OFFERED THE CIItHtrEST PLACE In the C r TO BUY WATCHES, = =2 Wattles &Sheafer's, 101 Fifth Avenue. A Immo PM& ul AMERICAN and IMPORTED WAIN, 11E8justroselveditod for saIcatORKATI T RIMMED MRCP*_.__.RV IMPORTER AND RETAIL DEALER IN• FINE STATIONERY, 'WEDDING. VISITING. PARTY and BUSLNESS CARD RNURAVING, MONOGRAMS. ARMS, LUMINATING, A. • • Said for maples. 1033 Chestnut St., Phila GiORliE I. TROUPE, Silk 'Hats, AT _ Nrrs NEW ADY/ 1-1 8 : F211X. - - Pitryie Railroad. To Railroad .Contraetiots, Pealed Propionls will be received of the ritticed the NORTIMBN CACIFIC lIAII ilt lAU COM. PONY. So. 'l/0 BROA VW AV. corner of (et! street, New Sort, until WEDNESDAY.the lat dity of. June. 15470. nt ...clod,. noon. for the lint ding. Nintiniry. Budging and Ballasting of thin por tion of the Nollf-m Stelae Bolivian In the Stole of NiiflllCS.ll, extending fel , . tOo Dulles of the St. river to the Bell river, the .12.t7ir ~.lml tiexuU 1 .. distance of shout 130 1=39 dock ftt Doluth.3li enesotet. or at the CM:trios, of the 311 , I •Ippl rl 4i I lank f hiyles nt the I.4:cht IRO BROADWAY\ ne , ntyor, S F.)l 1) I,VS. NOTIONS LIVEDE AltE INVITED TO CLARK'S THE - EYE 111311 DREKA, di - Orders by mall receive prompt. at %Thelend,' and Renal. No. OW Flrgli AVENUE, Pittsburgh. Ps. Old lists renovated .4 remodel ed to present style, blocked and repUlul. fists etted by the Ametion Comforter. All enters promptly attended to. . CHARLES P. STRIHHT, Carpenter and Builder, allnodw~ lam ag:nue. corner Wooster treat, Allegheny. ng. 1131*17 GEORGE FIEFLICK, HARD WOOD WORKER Ito. 4F Frorros Bruisreornar. of Webster Imo DUO. FRONT •nd VERFLBULE DOORS mole to order. Mt kinds of Furniture repaired arid var nished. Refers by permission to David litissirl Measurer. DANEPOLES. I lures ens eseartment of Mee Poles left ores from beet seer. which I refer sea 'cellos Isle. Mlles wasting should eider emly.eoss to Insure thole boles - JAIIICI3BOWN „ 136 Wood Street FLUTING MACHINES. and em pest Fluting Machines to the market. ma 6.40 Heti mwdni. Cell me see them et JAMES BQWNIS. 130 Vocitl Street. pIINCHIMI IRONS. • I have lint received an aaeortinentof Pinch ing Irons. an article used WI tench Intim eaat by tee ladle. for cciiing their hair. For. We try • . JAMES isowx. 130 Wee 4 Street. BUTCHERS, TINE NOTICT,! here the firma amortment of CI s pr i ng it.tppeee, with elan melt mot • fronts. complete In 00007 Pert end • de. JALES BOWN. 136 Wow Stfl. NORTHERN !IIM!= Mi'.l=Ml ntil soperstrucititt: ay hill lIIR. receive Proposals. et Id place. for the timber croye-thet. r11!2!1=1 rid the ties received seeerdpig which will be ready for dlrleihn- WEDNY.9I/A Y. May 4.11470. 1 t the office teeteetty. tt% anorp where plant the ips and tWhllles the hmtl, with ran then he •rrn. and the tinle I=lllMil y reserve ttse Ila to reject 01 0 crowd to be fort lnteren t, ut th contalnlnu full Infornaff, I be tarnished on br ruell or othe to NNW'S F. Chief Engineer, he Pi4tldent of the Company. tit the office, N ~E( ORY SMITH; President No9llllll ruffle Po. Affil Ili. II:70. .12rri :7 Per Cent, Gold Loan FREE Or U. S. TAX,) lEED3 WIILINGTON, CEDAIt I1A1)11/$ MINNESOTA R. R. CO'S First, Mortgage :Al YEAR CONVERTIBLE BONDS. A I.IMITMQUANTITY FOR SAI.II. 90 and Accrued lntere• payable May and N.,vember. ttIYIII I VAT' N. t TrLe.- i7V. . r. The greater part of the egad Is &trendy completed and she.. large carnlOgs. end the balance of the work Is rapidly pn , rec4ng. We unhesitatingly amend these Rends. the safest and Pert Investment In the tuarket. U.S. FlTC•4l,oliell. stxurrent price, only.retu tire per cunt. Interest. ere there pay eight nrs one-dusrter per cent. 11l snd regard the security ednallY Scud. HENRY CLEWS & CO Bankers, ' 32 Wall Street, New York S. M'CLEAN CO., No. 65 Fourth Avenue PITTSBURGH, PA Q.:WOILKM.V:n. 14CUAltD11.i.Y1 WORKMAN SL• DAVIS ME= 2==Ml Carriages, Buggies, SPRING & BUCK WAGONS It, 11, 16 and Is Beaver SI., Allegheny. Itepairingneaily and poimptly executed. Or ders for N e w Work i gotten up in good ' , Qin and warranted to glen ant olfaction In ewers cutriteular. 7411* N:::= on hand. pan y's wake or. SARVINIB PATENT WHEELS. 7: . l , lappli Patent Quick Shifter and Antl-Dattler • • " iticaAnn DAVIS having purchased the I tt Moore. In the tale a ra . llVK A :t e Llra v, r:i: l k hereafter he enntlnned at the nod etand;undre mand alyie.tif WORKMAN A DAVIS. Wale whetted. --.. ll ' .l7(llZai n g./7. ollt y_ . late with elttrena'NSMOrial rant, ritmourw STONE WATER PIPES Chimney Top, HOT AIR & I•IIIMNEY FLUES, Ste. A large and full innaortment nonalantly on hand. HENRY 11. COLLINS, T. T. . T Trego'sTeaberryTooth*Tash the most plensant,chespest end beet DentlbOre Ti:l s, anted free front InWidow, !luredlents. It preserves and w h liens the Teeth ! IggßeZn t d a :s3l2 7l =liTt e d . : :ig Prevents nevem:dation of Tartar! Cleans and Purifies Artificial Teeth! Is a superior article for Children! Proprietor. A. N. tVILOOY , gg:delphia. For rade bY all tnuarii.P , At A RSIII ALL'SELINIR. • . • 34/110111A1.1:14 EIJM tan WILL CV.: 111u0ACTI E. MAILAUALI:B ELIXIR Wll.l. CVitc Iretiebrat A. M1110LI:6 SEISM WILI:CI'IM CoTna Vona, Price of ltarsbaWs ItilsirJl.oolLaulintliea,,, Dert. 1301 Market street. It. MAI. lir="WareTlrad retail. by GEO. A. KELLY. ' Pittsburah• letufitYPTira _ • GLASS, QI7r.ENSWARE &.c. 100 WOOD STREET. ...?-7Q-CEMVXRETI VINE rar-Not China and Glass -.. 1. MIXER PLATED 11001,9.1,111 N EA a AND TEA SETS, TEA . TRAYS, r r ;T; AI'iDCUTLERT Ked WHITE tiTONE g The LettGOODS at how pq prico, R. E. BREED & jpp WOOD STkEET. REYNOLDS STEEN & 124 Wood Street Importers &act Dcslantn FRENCH, Olin FINE CUT GLUE AND Queensware girThe larßfat ametaaent at New Port ESTABLISIIED 1828. nsioar 111[0137...ALSElit nitut...xoFr. K. MT, RIGBY, OUST & co., No. 189 Liberty St., Whoknole'end Potsll Dealers 'end Jabbers In CUINA,_QIIISISI•SWARE, GLASS sue SILVER.- MATED WART. ' The attention at all Mena." es V e eny hoe IP dlreeted to our Mock. men...-.we • . 3.0. fawn the nt teropean markets, and rftebrioit fresh and desirable Int ot the p above , elma Kends. . PAINTING, GRAINING, &o. JOHN T. - - HOME AND 81011 PANTED, CillAlN'Ers /AND Enr_.A.zuEn, namoled Led. f. r No. 61 NINTH EMMET iakt27- UAW fluid street,) Pittsburgh, CARPETS, OIL CLOT/1S CARPETS SPt ) il l\U SIR Fine, Medium and Common RP ETS. 00r Stock Is the largest ne have ever arered to the trade. Bova J, Rose & Co., 21 4VE N U E April Ist, 18'i SPECIE PAYMENT , Resomea r - Varian(' &Coßill's CARPET STORE, 71 and 7314'iltb. Ave. trOur Arleen see the hetest in thts netrket. - CATIPETS. New Rooms! New GoOdst NEW . PIIIC. , ES . ! .i. Inmegunkted the °peeler- N.rg h the • Vlia:PiT DISPLAY OF Ever Offered in this Market. IffWEST PRICES SINCE 1861 OLIVER. McCLINTOCK & CO, Filth A vcmue NEW CARPUS. Reduction in Prices TO CORCLESPOND WIT'S WHOLESALE RATES McCallum Bros., No. 51 FIFTH AVENUE_ ABOVI WOOD 13T6EST. UPHOLSTERERS. M a d M,IL we iniureb Citable°, Cornice Mouldings and W i ndo w ‘4lall'grlLT 11=s1:.anAi1I';h1lr'rr,:iigdZr:7. P.rtiellita attention Is given to tak ing up. elesaleg and brushing. altering lust relef tnAr7= of gleaning carpet Is the only way In which you an feel assured that the colors are err , served and the grinds thoroughly freed freno dust and lrx7;4n. The prim too e e Iv hu ly tr . , goods free alarm. ROBERTS, NICHOLSON - k THOMPSON, I Uphutsterera and Prolklekkrli of Steam Carpct Heating Establishment, NO. 127 'WOOD STREET, entaneel Nnir Pllth Avenue. PUtabuigh. P. REMOVALS.._ Ir C IOVAL.. S. P. SHRIVER & CO. u "~29 utrtiiiti.p,,iotbelf~Tnia4oOre~nee Nos. Y.ZI and Liberty M., t. *llO been wf W 4 lon STItEKT. where they win he p 1. 1 ,1,111. YCOnli their ~ vid frionao and cue- S. P. SIIIIIVEIt CO., 2321 REMOVAL. TUG OFFICE OF TIM Allegheny Insurance Company Ilea been removed tonn N 0.37 Fifth avenue. to No. 67 FOURTH AVENUE, • BETWEEN MARKET AND WOOD REEMETO I= EMOVII,---YRED'E SCHROEDER, blendiant Tudor and Miller In Gentlemen's Famishing Goode; lbw, GeaUemeu slid Boys' Cliithlng on band and made to order nt the short- • eel notice. has removed hem his late stand. Nn. • booth avenue, to No. 31 WOOD STREW. .5 lowner u[ Third avenue. • - tnhlle7o-1, ZEMOi AL. The rittsborgh Bank for Savings Ras removed from 50.6 . 1 to 61 IOUItTII AVE. 14116, in tae Merchants and Manninctorcre Rant tnOldlns. R . EMOT I • ALDERMAN JAMES LINDSAY Has removed his ninon. fn,n'corner of Weider avenue and Washington street. to No.'s? rime AVENUE. ; asUwigi ENOY R. The Monongehela Insurance Company itas removed front No. 98 Water street 10 N. E. earner of Wood street and loonith avenue isecood ."""' 71rITIVIMATiti ard;v6l DR. WI-111 - TIER CONTINUI:3 TO TURAT ALL rat VATIC DLISISA. • FICA. Syphilis In nil Its foram all urinary diseases. and the elects of mercury are rofiggter:r b er . ttherthlr h i ...Sh lri potency. res ling rem self me or other dam hel which produce 000141 of the following eoects. ga plateaus, t o othy askew. indigestion. non- theptieu aversion to society, unmeliness, deed of fatale loss ittimisory, itammiggeg. taj="einl'io4:•ntoltr rr=ger ' anitiTs n''' f b eeteri ° eel teethe linerodent. are permanently mire . Moans Wand with thew or any other delicate. nt In atandrg , methadone' cons*.ent 1 • "A'AC:l2:4=l:.jrl:4.bit`rii Yemal I eaten. laremerhosor Webs. Palling. Indadornee tricppl. of the Womb. Othritls, Prwritls. Amenontme. blennitagia, llorrnerenthate. ono spoon, or Barronans,ec treated with the ere . ItV=vident trot is ' physician w ho tonnes gi,../.lesclusively 10 OM Ptady of • • w certain des of Messes and Inas thousands of cases levee Teat mast wale greeter skill In that spailwitY than one in equal pretie. The rhl.4...."`...areediel pamphlet of anpagc t that give a foil [ideation of venereal and 1 pithate Meese that can int had free at cede or be mail fur two name. In ailedenvelopes , . _Every 1 sentence contains instruction le the sect.. se: enabling them to determine the precise mane ot Oar complaints. o • The establishment. oloprirlog ten ample eroodilo. Is central. When It is nog convenient to ant the eity. the LaMar , eel non can be obtained braving beritten statement of the ooe. and mean. !. forwiteled by mall or PIMA,. In some Clinton. I en, lawyer. • pawed asammation is ahaohdely neweary,,while in others Maly persons' attention t threadred, and for the elf such patents then are shuliv acoommodstlo n etow tworwwied with the 4 no that so presided with °Very requisite that A Is calculated to Tannage eatery. Inclodlng nail- A cried Taperbaths. All peselptl un ons arc Peered In the Doctors own laboratory, der his personal , by mall menet pthophins at once free, or r. by mall ow two serum, do ratter why to , have faded. 3 "" ay. . h t s o " . "". . is n . ' (TiloVitit Trol'lTE InvL I Z% if ) PIIIMU•Sh. • • ' .* It 1 1 7 • '
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