F/NANculi. AMERICO E -0 . 80 1 0' %MTH AVENUB, I'ITTSIrCIRCHEL . . 'tuna cAPriaL • • • • - $200.090 Stockholders Individually Liable. SAND OF DISCOUNT AND DEPOSIT. JOHN /LOTH WK. FLOYD. rretideat. cashier. . , . ••• ' • Thee. K. Kimball, John K. 11411,114nd. Wm. T.Bgannon. Archibald Wallace. ,Jars W. Arrott, 41•Lpii4TY. Lena. Trt: Milt now rally organized and prequel 1 .40. general Dant lag basin.. %Mau GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, Bought at Bight-at Prices; VII. R. MERTZ, Banker, Cot. Wood St. aud - sth Avenue JAMES - 41 Bey & Co., 03.ocemars to 8 JOlOl3 • 00.. Caner Youth Avenue and Wood St BAN Huy utdi oelllllklads of OOLD, SILTED AND COI:WORN aIIC !Me IASURAIII.IO Tai Or Interest Allowed on Dwelt& -141 - 51oney loaned on °ornament. Bond. a fe.mc r. ntartel. rat.. Orders exeenled the the Piarehire net Nnlo of NTOCKN, BONDS nod MOLD. .I,MIARS T. BRADT & CO, _44los l Y l ,agil fiaiEttf. FINANCE AND . TRADE. 9mm, Oi Prrrentorien Ciazwrrx, WLDAaenk7, April 6, 18704 $ Cold opened very dull this morning at a decline of % per cent, with very little delng, but towards noon a firmer feeling prevailed aad tha rates advanced to 1123 , closing, however, at 112. Al though the specie held by the banks is gradually decreasing, no material ad vance is keked for kist now, and a lower premlem may prevail during the balance of the month. Goverment, declined fully one quarter per centoW last night's quotakma, but ad vanced rapidly on better gold and closed with a general improvement of about one-half to three fourths per cent, except 1881 s, which closed lower. Stocks were strong all day and sp• pear more in a' position far an advance than a decline. The cliques are strougye. and keep on buying until there la Gel dent short.' interest matted 5 17;;;, again of a little thug..4d. our local securities far prices 8 ",,, 'thinned, but it 11 the beer mantilles tbat ere selected. All _ any Valley bonds sold as high as AK at auction, equivalent to r.'allat the beet price la only 85 In for open market. • lemsoymoratictive.' tanOtatloce aa received by. Ph. R. NM= 001 '5, 112; Silver, 10e; Eighty 'one's. 1 ..14; Five Twenties. 1862, 11034; 1E9%; do. 1665, 108%; do. 1865, ' o .Y:sank 108%; do. 1667, 100%- do. 1868, Ten Marilee, 11:16t,i; Adams txasa Company, 61; Merchants Union Express Company. 6; American raCom Pe Ex nr, 88; Western . Union Teleg ph, 323‘; ,New York Central, 9235•. Reeding, 1 / 8 ; Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne dt Chicago, 9351; Ohio a MI! steappl, le. 3,,"; Michigan Southern, 86 Cleveland & Pittsburgh, 100341 Chicago, Rook Island & Pacific, 17; Chicago & North Western, 73X; Chicago & North Western Preferred. 8 , 434: Erie, UN' E t .~ '•f e t .:.~~ ;1 ' '.7`l ISIOILAMaIi. London, per .6........ ... . . ~..15,46 15,56 Par* per Irene 2134 23 11411111, Gisler ..—........ 81 83 Franktert, florins 47 49 --Cimingtprotations mowed by James .r. Brady 4 Co. Gold: 11% - United States SiXes, 1881, 114; Five-Twenties, 4362, 1.1634; do. 1864,10944; do. 11165, 109 X: Ten-Forum, 10634; Five-Twenties, Jena tory and Jay, 1865, 10844; do. do. 1867, 109%; do. do. 1868. 10934; Union Pacific Railroad, 8735; Ventral do, do, 9 0 30 Cy. Pacific, 111%; Lake Superior —. 'i ( 11 7 re:ogroeh is she Moto:rah (lunar,.) Now Yong, April 6, 187 Money easy at 506 per cent. on all. Telegrams, front Washington 'say . May Interest may not be anticipated. The Stock Exchange voted In favor of the new charter. Sterling firm at 83.e8%. 'Gold opened quiet and steady et 111%, touched 11234, and closed at 111%0112. L'arryingper cent.- Clearances 6.21,000,000. ut Treasurer sold one mi ll ion.. 1 26.1000111 89.101:10; Wu g 680,000. gr 3l - • . Governments, sarong and active : Ompons of 'Bl, 11434%11434; do. '62, .11040%11034; do, '64, 109445110; do. '55, • 110%110X; do. new,..103,44%108%; do. '67, 106340 10944%11121 0234 34; c urrency 6s, 110.10934%109 13.1 K %112.; 10 40s, Blase bonds dull and steady: Mts. lauds. 9234; old Tel2l:leneeS, 5934; new, 5234; Virginias, 69; old North Carolinas, 463; new. 22. Stocks dull but Arm, with the chief in terest in Reading, Northwestern and Pacifle Mall. lake Shore was de. pressed on the report that a bill had passed the Pennsylvania Legislature au thorising the Attorney General of, that Stale to inquire Into the terms of con solidation of the Lske Shore and Buffalo and Erie C 0.., and if such consolidation is found to be contrary to theirrespective charters, to promos the appointment el a receiver for.such part of the Buffalo and Hite road as runs through the State : of Pennsylvania. . Ganton, 6434; Cumberland, 32X; West ern Union Telegraph, 32%; Quicksilver, IN; Mariposa preferred, 12%; Adams. Exprelli, 61; Wells, , 19: American, 88; United States, 44%; Pacific, Mall, 86%; New York Central, 92%; Scrip, 8934: Erie, 2434; do preferred, 49; Harlem, • 14 44: Reading, 9634; Michigan Central, lab Lake Snore, 86%; - Illinois Con. tied. 1395.1: Pittsburgh, 100 y.: North western, 7334 ; do . preferred, 8434 ; Rhode Island , 117% New Jersey UM. tral, 103$; St. Paul, 6034; do preferred, 7434; Wabash, 4634; do preferred, 74: Fort Wayne, 9344; Terre Haute, 33: do preferred, 64; Chicago and Alton. 111%; do preferred, 112; Ohlo and Miniasippi. !MX; Dubuque, 106_X; C. C. dt 04 73K; Iron Mount, 42K; Hartford and Erie, 4%, - Boston prices: (upper Falls, 5; Frank. • iln. ft; Heels, 80; Quincy. 17. I. Bat.Traisury balance: gold, 183,154.- 3281 currency, 18,071,149; general balance, -183,318,859. - __ . • : • . i ~; ; ~:'. _.; El . LIE =I OrricE or Prrossuson GAzorro , FlanizzioLT, April 6,1670. Baldness, generally. is better, the do. mend for several of the loading commo. dittos having improved considerably within the past few days, and with re dunedatocks,and light arrivals, priors are tending upward. At no time, perhaps, within the past year has there been such an active inquiry for grain; Corn, Oats sod Bye, which a month age were • drag, are now sought alter and picked up greedily, both by dealers and oni e.dmisra, and that, too, at advanced prices. The principal cause for this Is tho bad oondition of the country roads which have prevented farmers and country dealers from getting forward to market, and until the roads Improve, it is not likely that there will be any in crease' in the receipts. The grocery trade is ilso active and develops consid erable more strength, and there ie not as much mating and slashing se there was a week or two ago, the upward tendency U prices having stiffened dealers, God they are not so anxious to farce salon. Upon the whole, things are getting into better again , and business, genet , a lit; presents • more satisfactory and healthy aspect. - - APPLn- —oonUatte alugglith brit tt. „ milt ed; sales In a regular way at-12,60 xe per bbl. as to quality. APPLE BUTTER—SaIes at 6641700. A sgEs_rardet and unchanged; Coln. MOB so S[ a Ash, 4c; refined do tie"; Pearls o(4 o ti Pete . BUTTER—Prim• to choice roll Is sell ing readily at /NW, while ' , ..oommon truck Is hard to sell unless very low prices are accepted. BEANS—Ray be quoted at 114 78 0 2 .26, t h e wayside figure for choice navy—but fowl:ales above $2. BUOIC.WHEA.TFLOUR — NomInaI. CHEESE Doll _but unchangW. Bales of Western Beeerve at leq Warn barge at 10310; Ohio Goshen, 17310; New York Goshen 1111118310. CBANBEREIP.I....ataIes of Backett's Belle Berries at 120 per bbl. CARBON OlL—la quiet and an. . changed, 23(42354c in Jobbing lots, and 25@)26c In a retail way. tXIRNMEAL—Is quoted, in store, at 90l@SI per bushel, as to quality. DRIED PlLUlT—Continues very slug gish and the market is completely glut ted, nearly every produce house being full. We mantle° to quote Apples at 6,ti@.734c. Peaches 7 , ,, , iere8}0 for quar ters, 9(a)10c for halves, and 18@26c for pared. Blackberries at 13(&1413 and pitted cherries at 2f/428e, ...EtiGS—With continued liberal re ceipts the market is slow, especially at 23, which doa'era are generally asking. 'There It no trouble, however, in telling Hai 22 • FLOUR—Market 'quiet but cloudy, with a fair Moat demand. We continue ;to quote western (Mum in nom, at 150) 6tf for spring; and. 5!„f@5„4 fur winter, and s@@ for fancy brands. Mso flour. , 5. GROCERIE3-Badness hue opened very active and buyers aro taking hoist freely at quotations. Sugars have ad tmcod % per cent (or retinal. and very firm with a tendency to still higher prices. It in pretty 'Boll established now that the bottom has been reached on all goods, and country' buyers as well as city are snaking their purchases in larger quantities. Cefee, on account of light stock in the country, Is very than, and wo expect to nes higher figures on it. Syrupe remain quiet and steady at our quotations. Perfection Drips and White Honey, being the same, (Hare. myers A Bider) wo quoto at acme price. They aro tho Muse goods altered in the market, excepting Ocean Spray Drips, which area lune better. Rice quiet and nominal.; Foreign Fruit., Spice, Soda, Soap, ,t c.i - are unchanged. dues tis -New Orleans, fair, -1034: good, 1134; prune, 11%; choice, 12; tfuba, 10%11; Porto Rico, 1034%12. Relined, A Coffee, 13; B, 12N; Extra, C, 1234; Crushed and Granulated, 14. Mot.a.sens-Now Crop New Orleans Molaanea, 75@)80c; Porto Ric0,65%75. Symms-Perfection. 80; Silver Drips; 58; White Honey, 80; Golden, 60; Lover ing, 6). Ocean Spray, 83. Coveitt--Fair to Good Rio, 19%1034; Prime, 21; Choice, 2134. Itmat-Cm - olins, 734 c. Tana-Young Hylson, 11,00%1,60, O. P., 11,10 to 1,90. Imperial, 11,40 to 1,80. Oolong, SSto 51,45. See Chong, 90e to 11.50: STARCH-Pearl, 034; Satin Gloats, 113.4c, - and Corn Starch, 12c. CONCENTRATED lirn-1,3,001.per Case. Fenixe--New Layer Maims, 14.75 per box; Prunes, tic; Currants 1434 c; Wess els Raisin., 18c. Stubs-Cansia, 650; Clorox, 40c; grain Pepper, 33; Allspice, 30o; Nutmegs, 11,40. Des Lean-1014c; Shot, 12,76 per bag. Sowes- 3 .BabblVa," 1154 c: "Onkolfe,' , 10q Rosin, 4 to 7c; tiDobblu'a," lbc; Wax, 9c; Chent.Olive, M. Quantum-Mould, 130; Star, Ho. _ B 1 CARR SODA-10 per 104 Flag-No. 1 Mackrel, ;30 per bbl; No. 2 de, ;19; No. 3 do, $l6. Lake Herring, 54,25; White Fiat, 59.00. OHMS-Little or no wheat in market, and prices are nominally unchanged, 11,10 to 11,15 for fair to prime red. Oats inactive demand end higher; salon oa wharf at 453, with 50c bid for more, and we now quote, in store, at 50c to 53c. Corn market almost bare, end it is diffi cult to give accurate quotations; dealers aro buying at 70c to 700 for oar, and 78 to 858 for moiled. Rye la held material advance: Ma le freely - offered but there are cohere Sa- w c to Barley, also, is at -oree anti higher, though the dem- - We are rev,- .4 Is Only Moderato. at 80 ...oti staltst or eholze twang or% A.V.l3lltsi Is being sold on wharf ant] track, at 11150520, as to quality, HOMINY-56@6!4 par bbl. HUSKS-234%3c. LARD OIL-Ia firmer but unchan g ed; $1,26%1,95, for Extra No. 1 and 88%90 for No. 2. • LIMN-Est:torn white, ;1,75; Cleve land, 12,25. - MAPLE SYRUP-Salts at 11,57%1,75 for gallon lugn, as to quality. ONION.i- 112.60%2,75 per bid. PROVISIONS-The only new feature we have to notice is en advanc3 In Clear Sides. Shoulders, 12 for Plain and 1334 for Sugar Cured; Sidra, Iffy for Ribbed, and 17 far Clear; Plain llama, 16, and Sugar Cured 17%1734. lard, 15 %Iffy in tierces. and 16 in kegs. Drlect 8eef,19%1934.- Mcse Pork, 52734. POTATOE3-Salon of prime Poach Blown, in stare. at 450.5.1 per bushel. .PEANLITS-Primo Tennessee quoted at 9%10°. I'EA ESL BARLEY-No. :4, 6; No. 3,. 634; "Ortutcal, 110,50 per bushel, 55,50 per half bbl. PEAS-Sales at 12%2,25 per bushel. SEEDS-There hs no change to note In clover seed, 59 t 0.1934, and the demand La light. Timothy coed,' 56. Flax need market bare, 53,15 bid. SALT-Unchanged-11,80@)1,85 in ear load lots, and the usual advance Motor°. I =71=232 Sir emu o's Primal's:mon oA7.l:llre, WEDNESDAY: April 6. 1870. % There is nothing Important to he said In regard to oil, nothing at leant deserv ing of specie: notice." The demand for both crude and refined at present quota tions, is only moderate, and, notwith• standing the market has been compara tively steady during the past three months, there being . an almost total absence of the violent fluctuations in prices which prevailed to a great extent last year, there is, nevertheless ' ma. want of confidence In regard to the eltibllity of the trade,and this Is not without its effect 011 thb business. There in one good omen In the trade, and - that Is that operators generally refrain from enter ing Into anything of a wild speculative character, and this accounts rot the steadiness in prices. Our manufactur ers are In good condition for business, as the stock of crude hero is much larger than it was at this [lino last year, but there aro two obstacles In the way, and It is hoped that they will soon be remov ed. First, crude is highcr relatively than refined, as there is no margin for the manufacturer at present prices; and, I second, freights to the sea board are still too high, notwithstanding the recent re. ductlon. It is true, our exports of re fined from January ' bit AO date are larger than they wore at the correspond ing time last year, but It should borne in mind that the shipments In 1E69 were light. Pittsburgh should manufacture and ship considerably more oil in 1870 than she did in 1869, end that It will be done If the obstacles above referred to are removed, there is no doubt. As will have been noticed, our shipments west have Increased somewhat within the last week, which la owing to a reduction in freight. It is said that the rate to Chicago has been reduced to 60e per barrel, and if the freights to the east were cut down proportional-ly there is no doubt but what our shipments would also soon ire largely Increased. If oil can be carried to Chicago, distance 468 miles, at 90 cents per barrel, there is no good substantial reason whyl it cannot to Philadelphia, distance 100bniles leas, for lees than 81,38 Per barrel. CRUDE. The mark t was n little weak today, compared lth yesterday, sellers ac cepting bids- wday-which were refused yesterday.. Sale 1,090. seller II days at 1134; 1,660 on spot at 1134: 2,000, seller 60 days at 1134. Seller May, 11K. hid; buyer all year,tiominal at 14. OEM!! Market quiet but steady, prices fully sustained, and the offerings light. April quoted at 25%; May, 2634"; April to June, 26% bid; May to August, 27 bid; May to December. 28 bid; August to November, 2814 bid, and buyer all year, 30 bid. RECEIPTS; OP CHUBS OIL BP A. P. K. R. J. Wilkins 240 bids, on account Y. A B. Pet. Co; R. L. Goodwin 40(1, ou account J. B Barbour; CBIZOCH Oil Worka 499, on account L. W. Young: Jas. Wilkins 160, on accotint J. R. Wilkins; A. B. Mills 80, on account Wrn. Bartle. Total 1,380 bide BIBIIMENTII OW OIL PIT A. V. B. It. National Refining it Storing Co., 20 ref. ell to Strathmore A Co., Phila. Fawcett, Logan, S. dr. Co, .251 bbla re• tined to Logan, tiro. A Co., Phil's. J. A. McKeo 249 bbis reflood to W. P. Logan Bro. A Co.. Philadelphia. Total 610 bbla =2l NEW Yong, April 6.—Barely 165 cattle arrived since Monday. The demand is good and high prices are anticipated for Friday. Only 6 care of sheed came to day; they are much wanted. Prices are unchanged. 2 cars 77 lb sheared Ohio selling at 630; of wool stock the poorest car Illinois 72 it cold at 6,0; a lot of 86 the at go ; a car of prime 116 lb Massa. chusetts at • 9,age, with one car of stale clipped 67 lbs at ff‘c. Hoge have fallen y.c: 19. cars arrived to-day; they brought /2012X0 dead. .Crucwoo, April 6.—Cattle quiet and easier at 15,65(46,80 for fair, 66 for medium, 16,50@7,E0 for good to choice aod 17,75 fur extra steers. Hogs In good shipping demand at 18,1235®8,40 for common, /8,45G8,60 for fair-to medium, $8,7609,25 for good to choice and 69,40 for extra. Dry Good. Market. Nsw Tons, April 6.—The market Is quiet. The most important feature in the market was the reduction by one drm in the price of Manchester percales and Armure cloths from 15 to 12No re- spectively, but this price is below the regular rate. • 'lndian Orchard Company' show-new double weight heavy brown sheeting' at 17e, DETROIT. April 6.—Wheat lower and more active; extra #1,31. No 1 selling freely at $1,14. Oats bl(p3. Barley— Bales of choice at/11,55 per centel. 'yawned t)8,7& MIIRKETS BY TELEGRAPH NEW YORK, April 6.Cottoo lower, with sales 1,800 bales at at for. middling uplands. Flours receipts 10,311 ht.'s; floor unchanged, with sales 6,100 bbla. Rye Flour dull at 54®5., Corn Meal quiet. Whisky firmer, With sales 350 bbla wesforn at ;1,050,1,06. Wheat: receipts . . 2.01.11 bush; wheat opened quiet but cloned tnoro active and ono cent better, with en improved export demand; sales 110,000 bunt:lent at 1(i...ti1,0114 (or No 3 spring; 111,06@1,11 for No 2 Chicago; $l,ll @1,13 for No 2 Milwruken, tha latter price for choice; 51,1834 for No L spring: 11,',401,243 for winter red and amber weß.ern. Rye quiet. Barley qaiet, with milts 1%500 bush Canada Went at Ill@ 1,05. Corn: receipts 62,830 buaht corn a shade firmer, With salsa 88,000 bush at $1,07,4 ®1,19 for old and e1,10(41,19M fer new yellow western and hreoy. oste: recolr.us 2,719 has, and firmer; ages 54,000 bush at 58e for western in store, 601. M for do. afloat and 62(a.65c for Ohio and State. Wool steady., with Bales of 16800 pounds at 4414@5114c for domeatic fleece. Leather: hemlock sole drooping et 28%4 30c. Coal: domestic quiet and ttrm. Rico dull. come dull. Elogor trin, with salmi of bbla t . hibit at ik c.. blo lassoa• quiet. Hops quiet. Petroleum quiet, at 14Ne for crude, had 21iVe for relined. Llueeed oil Mill, at 86(48o in casks, Turpentine firm at 47@f73.543. Sheathing copper quiet and unchanged; ngot copper quitt at Iot4@l9,ve for Bal. imore and lake Superior. 11g iron le n fair rcquoid at f:3335 fOr Scotch and 131@,:34 for Atnerican. for refined Eng Unix Bar quiet at 175 and American. Sheet Iron dull at 1 I@l2o In gold for Met al& Nails duff, at 4 : 7,;@)4 . 1.40 for cut, EGl‘@) de for clinch, and 23029 c for horse SIM. Pork Moody, with solos of 4.50 bele at 127 for Incas,. ~Td9,50@21 for prim and i22,25(422,76- for prime Wear; also, Bales of let* bole mesa, seller May and Juuo, at 126,90@27,00. Beef bteady and quiet: ealee of 180['bin and 100 t.errew. Beef 11111111 quiet; antes of 425 bnin et 5233 fur new. Cut Meats steady; salon o! 150 packages M 1034@ 1.030 for shoulders and 14H ®lea for barns. Middles firm and In moderate demand; sales of 175 Imam at 12,40 for Cumberland cut and 13,3,f(?)14c kir short ribbed. lard firmer; sale. of 425 dercea at 1.1%®163 for atoam and 1601liti3ia for kettle rendered; also, Tiles of 2500 tierces steam, seller M , April, May and June HI. 1.5%@115N0. Butter more Cativo at 14e, Ma for Ohto. Cheese firm at 12016 e. Frelghts to Liverpool hears; shipments of 35,000 bush wheat per atearner at-3d. , lest-liour closed quiet without any decided change. Whont higher sod the export demand better; No 2 spring 11,11141,13 winter red and amber writ eta 91,2341,1634. Ryo nominal. Oats firm at 080 in store, and 605.4 c afloat for western. Una steady at 91,0741,09 for now mixed western. Pork firm; sales of 1,000 tibia of mess at 127 for roller April and May, closing with buyers at 995 for April, and 927 for May, with cellar 3;c higher. -. , oaf quiet and unchanged. Cut meals firm and a fair deutand Bacon steady but demand limited. Lard firm at • 154415,15'e for prime steam Eggs - in 'good damned at 230, Clocipo,i rll 6.-Flour dull and dd_,rh.,ad;,:,./. Wheat; No 1 quiet at 87c and A° 2 active, unsettled and 34c lower at 7547514 e; closing outside; this after/ noon the market waS ir regular , closing at 011 75375%c crab and 79 ;o seller May. Corn dull and 142 c lower, closing at 77c fir No 2 and 704710 for no grade; this afternoou the market wee dull at 7734 4783 cash and - 80a caller MAy for No 2. Oats, quiet and cent lower, ; closing at 2916 c for No. 1. Rye quiet. cloning at 71473 e for regular and fresh receipts No. 2. Barley nominal at 604 60c for No.llighwlnes with sales at 91,037 Provisuons firmer. Mu* Pork 1:6,511427,00. Lard 15c. Dry salted shoulders 104103ak; rough aides lile; Cumberland middle. Oise In bulk. Receipt.. for the past 24 holies-3,2601;ns flour, 2,11/0 bush wheat, 15,310 bush corn, .3,700 bush oats, 400 bush rye, 1,900 bush barley and 3,210 head hogs. Shipments -2,281 bills flour. 10,734 bush wheat, 13,587 bush corn, 12,766 bush oats, 1,371 bush barley and 2.076 bead hogs. CINCINNATI, April 6.-Wheat 91,084 1,15. Corn 854870. Oda 504560. Rye 85490 e. Barley unchanged. Cotton steady but quilt, middling uplands 223(. Tobacco dandy; sales of 63 Wads at 140 to $22, and 8 laixer. Ohio aced leaf 14;17,25 to 142442,50. Whisky in good damned; sale. of 50 bbla at 51. Country mess pork sold at 127, and city could have been road a: this rate to a large extent. but 1.1,1,ra ,eked Cri,2s-mauy 927.50. Bulk shoulders In active demand; sales 200,000 pounds at 1041034 e, chiefly at the lnaido rate, but none to be bad below 103;0; at thee:oat; sides sold at Eliico:!ear rib at 14e and clear at 14%; but held now at 143(c. Bacon firm but not so muck done; shoulders bold at aides at 143.0 ova 16c for clear rib and clear. sugar cured hams 17418 - Lard In demand at 156 for kettle and this rate was paid for steam. Linseed oil dull ei 03094 e. Lan' oil firm at 51,2041,26. ST. Louis, April 6.-Tobacco firm, at 647 is for lug., 73441134 c for common to medium leaf. Cottou quiet; at Ble fur middling. Flour quiet; spring brands range from 13,40 to 94,16, fall extra 5425 6i4,50, double extra $4,75, treble extra 9545,50. Wheat firm, at 51,0541,08 for N0..2 red fail, $1,25 for choice. Corn firm; choice white In elevator 82c, yellow sacked 88c, white do. 9045134 e. Oats higher at 544560. Barley; nothing dour. Rye firmer at 750 for prime. Whiskey -- firm at 91,52. Sugar is steady at e344i20 for -louislana. Coffeo firmer at 193442'2346. Molasses quiet al 75430 a for plantation. Pork stiff at 927, but hold at 927,23427,60 at tho close. Dry salt. meat active end strong, but all slues private. Bacon very stiff, with lulled of 350,000 lba clear rib and clear aides on private terms and Jobbing lobs of shoulders at 114113(e, clear rib 16140, clear aides 16c. Cattle sod hogs steady and unchanged. CiatvELArtn, April .6.-Flour steady ' and unchanged.' Rye - Hoar dull at $4,75 @5,10 per Md. Wheat quiet and un 'cuanged. Corn higher; No 2 at 86c, do rejected at 010, No 1 old held at 02c. Oats firm and hold at 53c for round lota. Rye nominal. Barley quiet at 850411 for State bud Canada. Petroleum quiet but relined held firmer at 2342334 c for Stan dard white; crude a shade lower owing to the prospect of a reduction in freight from Oil City, held at 95,15 per bbl. BALTIMORE, April 6.-Whoa' firm; Maryland 51,3541,45, Pennsylvania $1,25 41;36. Corn active and scarce at 51,054 1,07 for white, 91.0441,05 for yellow. Oats active at 60462 e. Mesa pork firm ' at 927,50. --Bacon arm: rib sides 153(4 1564c;clear sides 163(41634e, shoulders 1234c,hams 19420 c. Lard firm at 1534 416 e. Whisky In good demand at 91,03 41,04. LOMSN'ILLN, March 6.-Cotton Irrogu lar. middling 21340. Flour 55. Corn 95c. Oats 63c. Rye 90c. Wheat 9425. Sugar 11340. Molasses 729 Pork 9'17, 'Bacon 1134415%010340. Bulk Meats- 10344 14:(415i/c. laud 153.40. Hams 18e. Whieky: ‘ demand equal to the supply at 51. Tobacco: sales of 264 hhde: leash 55 .45,50, lugs 18015 and loaf 912424504 72,55. fdsatenna, April 6.-Cotton qu of and ateatly at=34e: receipts for two u s 1182 hales; exports 800. Flour: a nine 94,10. Corn scarce at $l. Oats 6234®650. 1 i ar 5 20. 50@27-,00 Bran 928429. Lard 15417 c. Pork 927,50. Bacon: shoulders 114 c; sides 16340. Bulk Meats: shoulders . 100; sides 16e. „ - PHILAMCLPIIIA, April 0.-Flour very' dull and unchanged. Wheat active, and advanced sc; red 91,30, white 91,3734, Rye $l. Corn In 'held 30 higher with 'ulna of yellow at 11,08. Oats hold firmly at 1324650. !Petroleum nominally un. changed. Pork 526,50. Wlekey firm at 91,06 fur Iron bound. • Tommo, April 0.-Flour dull. Whoat dull and unchanged; No. 1 White Mich fgan at 11,25, regular. at 91,13, amber at 91,0534, No 1 rod at 91.13. Corn a shade lower,' No. let 8734 e, now at 87e. Oda a shade lower, • No. 2 520, MiChigan 53c, Cleiver seed 6 cents better, at 5 0 , 25 . . Mum,stigart, April 6.r-Flour nominal. Wheat unsettled with sales at 84e for No. 1. 77,t4 for No. 2. Oita firm it.42„t4e for No. 2 fresh. Corn easier at 690 for now: Rye nominal. Nalinviwar. April 0.-Colton steady; Low middling 210; good ordinary 20e. IMPORTS WI RAIFROAD CLICTELAND 'AND Prrisnunatt noaD, April 8.-6 care. lake sup ore. Bhoetiberger, B A Co; 4do do, Jones A L; 3do do, Brady ' e i Rend Iron Lb; 3do do, Union Iron Mill,: 1 do e s ore, Bryan &C; 1 do shingles, P E Cady; 1 do ore, Wm Clark; 28 bd.'s hides, Lindsay, El & E; 2 do wire, Canine A W; 1 car potatoes, 1 bbl butter, Volgt, 61 A Co; 114 eke pa tatoes, Bricker A CO; 114 carboys acid, .3 Irwin; lot sundries, R P Boron; 8,000 feet lumber, Cromlow A. C; 4 bra 'butter, 34 jogs molasses, Bruggerman A 0; 78 bdla rake teeth, Anderson & W; 6 bbbt b dour, Altos Works; 20 kgs P barley, Seghmyer & V; 6 bbl' do,Arbuckle' Co; 10 hale paper, B akewell & Ed; 12 bile a Iron, 1 lot do, W hUller; keg powder, Arbuckle. A Co; 3 bldri 0 22 8 , Houck, .1 A Co: 5 eke wheat. 10 do corn, 5 do oats; 2 bad onions, H Rea, Jr; 20juga syrup, G W McCune; 2 ball bet. tor, Bruggerman &0; Mt eke oats. Ora. ham A M; 2 revolving rakes, J Hare A Bon; 28 eke oats, Spencer & 61; 5 bola eggs, Volgt, M A Co; 4'do do, 'H Riddle; 2do do, Paul &;11; 100 eke potatoes, Rapport; 54 sirs corn, Mcßee° & A; 87 o bhis, 13 D Moore. - PiTrantritaa FORT WAYNN AND Cul cumltamnoan. April 6-15 bbls whisky, F Evert A Co; 16 sks kgs, B L Fehnestock; 21e bee, ReyMor &Brost bbl' 1 s oil. R E Bailers; 80 bbls do Geo Kelley; 6 bra japan, Harris &Ewing; 7 PITTSBIIIOIII DAILY GA bale chair stuft,'.7 Woodwell &. Son; 100 bblo flour, T 0-Jenkins: 7 doe Iron, 1 do cask, howls, B, D t Co; 2 bble ordain, 1 do beaus, Day t Co; la empty bbls, 1 do keg, 8 P Sbriver; sdo but- ter, 1 do onions, U his butter, 1.14 do. Volgt, 51 & Co; 1 do endow, 2 goo - do, tube butter, 1 bag do, U Rea , Jr; 58 blob; oil, 1) 1' Relghart; 20tubs butter, J A Graff; 8 do do ilfirs, Dilworth, Hlt Co; 6 bdte forks, I J Woodwell; 32 do do, B, Wolf Jr It Co: 50 do do P II Lanfinan & Bro; 13 do steel, Rowe, G & D; 2 cant stone, Graff. B & On 64 axe wool, W Barker Jr &Co; 12 do, 12 bile r paper, °Array It Clark; 2 cam ore, Brown & (52; 200 has cheese, . W W Wolcott; 100 bbls flour. Watt, L & Co; 5 care metal r hilimlck It Co; 6 do do, Brown & Col 6 BrSom & C;7 dodo, Graff, 11 Co; 8 do do, Hallman It 11; 1 do do, Rug & PITTOItuROII, CIROINVATI AND ST. Louts RAILROAD, April 3.—t011115 wheat, R Kennerlyo do staves,W Flutings; 43 tin lard. 5 tibia do. 5 ee framer; .F Sellers; 400 bge flour, T C Jenkins Bre; bbl eggs. 1 tub batter, 1 do onions, W H Graff It Cu; 2do d apples, /Enable It 2do eggs, Head & II; S tuba bolter, P Duet don; a do do, H. Res Jr; 5 bbla eggs, 7 tuba butter, F; G Craighead; 51 bre barley, 8 Hcash.B do d peaches, W 61111er; 6 firkins butter, W H Graff; • 5 bbls d peaches,l do eggs, Volgt. Mit Co; 62 cads tobs.xx, W I. Jones; 20 do do. 11 W Jeuktoson; 10 bRa soap, 3.casee lard, J Lockhart. ALM:EMERY STATIC), , April 6.-2 cars wheat, W McKee & Cog CoB bbl,, vll, W J Suodgras; 200 bids flou Geo Stewart; 1 cask eggs, Klt A Ca n; 146 bills pa per, Pi-aser & 25; 1 car lime J Holmes; I t do do, 11 & Modil; 1, db do. J P Henderson; 100 bbla flour, .1 B Keo It Co; 6 doe brooms, F Heckert; 1 car metal, Bogen, It B; I d) wheat, Ken nedy Bro; 49 eke oata 87 do corn, 13 do rye, 60 do wheat, Rose & 13; 1 car lum ber, Fratler Bro; 1 do do, J Nana; 60 bbla flour, M. Steel It Son:2 tibia onions, John Herbert, A ihurriassir VALLEY . RAILROAD, April 6-72 cars coal Klor, F t K; 44 do do, Armstrong, Dlt Co; 11 do do, Cole man, R & Co: do oats, Blaney It M; alt onions, W H Kirkpatrick t 00;-. 2 cars I atone, Hoffman; 1 B It Co; 8 bble eggs, bail butter , F McKee; 4 calves,. Vi offman; 1 roll loather, - I,bbl groom, 2 bgs hair, 1 hdl pelt% 11 Pllnfi n 23 6 hldea, 13 sheep pelts, J Gallery; 61 bbls tar, L Oponhelmer, 13 sks oats, J Royd; 268 aka oats, 18 do 110, Scott It 0; 3 cans metal, McKnight It 00; 6 calves, 2 hogs, Bonshlre. IDIPtIRTS 'BY RIVER PITINRIMOD, BROWNIWILLN AND UN NEVA' Peuic 1.2,• April 6.-36 bbl. eggs, I box butter, Johnston & C; 2 bbl eggs. J J Pettit; 50 beach bleats, A Chaurtams 60 eke oats, Emry dr. Helsel; 1 bbl eggs, 2 pkgs butter, 2 do dry apples, Little & 5 pkgs eggs, 2 do butter , 8 Heaton; 4$ bbls apples, John Horne; 13 mks rage, 21 bbla eggs, J W Baitt; 78 bite w glass, II 11 Pry; 60 do dO R 08chmorit. NtimigNl:Na Paw DELLS, April 0.-2 bble eggs, titcßapedt A; 0 do do, 2 dd 2 do d apples.. U B Edwards &Osi i do - eggs, W Bannon; 8 do do, 6 do apples, 2 do onions, Woodworth al:1;21as eggs. Gregg. - 80n A. .Co, lot stindriee, Head & IR; 4d site oats, L Jones rt. Hon; lot furniture; Myers & Ben; 0 bp timo thy toed, A Kirk patriCk.& CO; 2 bp!. eggs, Randolph A 8; 2 do do:.11 Rea Jr, 49 mks oats, Quo Weller 61 do do. W .1 Steel & Bro; 50 tone metal, J W Porter; 102 Irks, t 9911 potatoes, Vole, u Co; 20 eke rye, 2t do corn, 29 do oats, 51 Bryan. SPECIAL ' N: S W - CONPUBIrTII!ff. UN. ht./HENCE% P ULNIONIC !SE forth ! '"l'lTer!tiVllf Colas and for the care of Dyspepsia and all tho Debliltated Coit4l - It AND R•KE PI bra Micas. or the Wirer or to act s• • Heath Cur- Alt of tlia , te throe Medial lea am often redsired In caring Coneturiptton, though the Chimotdr 5 1117gc:= Trz I: . r.:l " l4=== e lH reghiattne tbc Stomach aad Liver. and help the redo bale drrup tot/lent Lad scan% through the niood vested., by Istileltraeans • core IN team cr. reeted. The... Medicines ere eortactentiorali °Erred to the - Ctibile as the only safe, nrlalt and reliable remelt) for Ca town art . Coasempthm, for all thorn morbid roaditlons or the heuly chichi. ad in that fatal obersae. Meer arnepi alai. and CNC Pcosla are often fortrunm rl of Cottauraolltd• sad .r te the- - - Irett Otto/cit. the./ MANI co they monist. the Ino prompt attentse. The Pulmoule Siren Is s medicine width hss uan a loan probason Imford the public. Havel. hat I—en provatt by the thoosand cores tr. bat mair through a .rtod of more than thirty-dm mar, ta all of wttleh time its otion hat M erry:ea. and the most mat r efitaPtielem ea' uo long. r doubt that It l• a remedy winch to. need with couddenm In all came wnich Matt .f arose. I ifhe patient will persevetinsly foltowl he dt• reefons which mamma.) elln. wn‘ Lemuel} be tamed. If ht. tangs ma om .00 memo mato!l to mar • cure pot-Lard. Even lo es, tempos...l to tn. incarsbte.. wile. friends and a jo• alma. have despaired, the use of this lie le has saved the life or the palatal, and manned him to perfect h•altim.' ur.&lnsetdoesn ld ot art my th i at all cues of rot st7.l‘lVent..'ll,llt tt:thrlV4l, pauenta bevel ' s...Smarming mPatposnA i ttt.thes=leVley„ Tse _ Oast they are oblisea to by tt, oe. and w men titel to Olen an by mels idwaietaa they may new beend No metlical treatment can create new Inns, but when the loan are very sad }diseased in.l to some extent destroyed, a met! M O 7 O.'s: - meted by Ilr. Itabts - Alt medicines. A leo. 111 ncrofoloas meat medielnet see optail} eflo cat. Pt. Schenck photo. graphs 01 a otsober of perm. who bare beet ritlitl7 titlittitit..lttttl moots, tore, and now all 1111 k,. en. Tllla Mows its porlf}los which roust be able to he. entitles In the long , to toe treitment of ConsoMPtlon It , a or ant• tlhWt iliitiOrtlitltni to Cr* tutor ma a 'tomtit) tone Its the system, Ileum It Is necessary to strenstbest the apPetlls yr the Patient and Im. prove the digestion. Pro - xr ...Ishtar.: is re spared together with mon means 'twill male the mod costly dbresUble. The articles most •altable for the diet of Congos. tire pans...ars Acolgoatt4 to Dr. debrook's Almanac, which are dleteMoted xratultootly. to general. Mt. moot bigitly natrltlons articles aro to b:pre ferneaLbut theitlavatme organs moat best ength. cued la order to make either food or medicine Serviceable. • This teeptiremeat la met gas the traw l Tonle, and for this pensfax. It was don Od When tae digestive p - wee, set Put in OPP I, order, the fsod has !to proper effect; the *Totem of the rotten. Islnvigorated Ant ti t long, be ale to c renter their thazilmas In a normal anti healthy manner. Then the hurling powers of Polmoolo Syrup will eff,ct the rots Volmon try Consumption Is alumat alwaYs MM. onset.' with Dyspepota and Liver ComPialot. n dinner: obstruction rills are is nod ed restore re move obstructions front lee Liver lts healthy action. They have all the edlesey which Ls ascribed to colonel or "blur masc.` and arr erwarranted sot to molt,. a particle of any min. a[ .lend. Them FWD once the must abstioale calett • Irk headache, piles. billow, aft* Mtn, - and all other dims., which -Ate from a tomitl or obalroeted condition thee Llves. One box of Mem }dila 1111 Drava gteacy of the medicine. In Contempt on the Nei Woad Tonle &Ad Man drake If are lovaloshic anzillary They relieve tne mitering. of the Patient and assist itt, real:ramie p In electing • cure. They hove been found us e ful In advanced stases of Consumelon, where the lung. are Melee ..- destroyed and all symptoms...idles to the judgment of the physician In looted attired! demla. The lives of natl.-its wilo were actually . In dying 'a inditiou 1,001 been preserved tor • months by the use of lkdenta4 throe great ream edlm. lir. toe:Benet.. Almanac contain. a fall trestle' on the varlet. forms of inmate. hi. nmee of treatment. a im gebess3 directions how to ...his, medicine. can be bad gratis, or s• nt by_ mall by addmming Ms Principal -011ce, No. 15, North Sixth Street. Philadelphia. rit. rem of the "cement gimpand be tweed Tom le each $lOll per bottle, or A 1,50 a half down. Mandrake 1 . 111015 runt, • box. for rale by all druggist , Ar5:.14.11, lar DOCTOR WHITTLER COX.' TINDER TO TREAT ALL PRIVATE DISEASES. That numeton•tiaa. of met resell ing Dorn' selfostouse.producing tatimenlinesa, nei - von. eruption., seminal cm(ulon., d neatly _lmpotency pemiencntlY cure.'. Per sona afelcied with delicate, Intricate an t 1 long stand'. VOlliitittaloSl COmiktir to art politely invited to call for consultation vadat come nothing Experience, the heft...DX.4oer., has resided ntm to perfect remedies at one- en. elest, WC, permanent. and which)e musics.... can b w use d without hindranoe to neatness. Med i Mine. prepared isthe retabliguesent, which cm braces mike, reocytion and waiting rooms' ai" boarang sad sleeping apertatiTia Mr patients requiring daily personal attention. and vapor and chemical baths, thus concentrating the famed Ird.t.ot spriest. No matter who have felled. state your ea.. Read • what he says in his phlet of tuu loagez, sent to may address fur two stamps in Sealed envelope: Thonsands of cane treated esinually, at oM. - e and over the coon trtdceegriipm4i)eltis fret; Personally or. PItt.OOMO. Pa. T hours VAIL o S o u ' fi! day..ll Ws to SI C. N. I . B.2llpbUlt sent to lay ad d roo• for Sue SUMP/. • pirIBATCHELNEVB lIAIRDYE. —Thla splendid Hale Lde to the best In the world. tl rtnlerr reliable. Instnntaneons. does not contain icad, our soy Idles:to pollen W ;woollen paralysle or death. Avoid the • santed and delusive prerarallons bouUng virtues they do MA possess. • The pondne W. A. b•tebelor l o lira Dye his had 31) years notarnletied Lion to uphold Its - Integrity as the only Perfect Halr Dye—Blank or Brown. t4dd by all Drug gists.. Applied at Ilk pool L htreet. N. Y. l'e7 IgirlUST OUT. • CHEERY PECTONAL T ROCHE4I." rim cot, vo.cAtum .WEE TUBUAI AND 'Wan Noneaotood. None so pleassat. None C Inv as Quick. • It MINTO CO 10 ILO:WHocure. N •New Coo oo More of slow aJnlblo tooted usaws. lu. ••11nown Cobol thing." • doN PROFESSIONAL G. W. De CAMP, • ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. burgh,ove to No. TS ORA NT STREET, Pis praetice In the U. B. Circuit .Od Diatrlet Courts, In the State Beim= and all tut Court. of Allegheny county, sun mike collec- U.O. 10 luus‘nr Mead/Went comities. JaPnlint ARCHIBALD liLARELET, a - rwoumsm-Am-x.e.w No.,l!l ; #mmr..Milillia.'7; Ml= j,Errßes.. TESTAIIENTAILL j —All verse. , Interest ed ell take not!ee that ters tntamentty to the estate .el 3UNIA 11. MCVEY. deceased bee been entatld to the anderegned •Itzeoston. All persons ihavlog claims ...yeast the...tato ell please hellcat them without delay, and peens k aowatatthe selves Indebted wilt Pine. make Perinea% to the andeestnned exegete. learned ately. J elle3 SAINT. • • JAt1)11 CI•VODE. • Yx.rentays. Ste...burgh, Pa. • • W. A. I.6l,lB,'Atterney, at No. 93 Diamond street, rlttsbauth. fendebel .g.TTEIIB 01' ADMIAISTILL TION ot , the estate - of SARAH 1NE19.• late or elegh• ny City, ever bed patted to the aSdersigked..ll perstnie lof go aald stAto MU° i.e dista. payment, having Claims g•Ms....bu tame wl I them prope,t, ay for e,ttleme,t• U. Ore 1111 l C .A ft I,IO . 2I CCKLEY. • VI 710. UM 'I tint Aveaue. . Pa. y lI • -• - • - • ittieenelware. Bristot 'Ware,EN r teEnlit , ..l3..± , Alejellmus teleeend Warshouse.3S3LIBENTYHTBENT • lit,n; /WAN iroututioatteAdod ___ • . TS U. 111cCORMICR. Attornev-at-L aw No. 611 MEANT !STREET bu ittr .. , r . ompt a!lepti . oiugivca to all kludlgiVial •RI. ; R.,NEEPER, ALDKUMAIi /Lk P.: -Orilla() .1 OETICI OT FIFTH. • OFFICE. 89 IA V }MIK- Spealid mention Jaren to imurefamellif ana collect.lonc.. Duda. Bonds and MorIATIVA nn, .t 4 . 11 ktif enzatuen attesWed to prr.F.V.7 KEYSTONE POTTER S. M.AKIER & 00., ltnnnaccnrnn Of I.ET THURSDAY MORNING : APRIL- 7, 1870. RIVER NEWS. The river Cr.lntinties to recede steadily at thli point with 10 feat 10 inches, in the channel by the Monongahela marks. Weather cloudy and raw with indica tions equally favorable for rain or snow. The Juniata, from Cinciniastl,• arrived last evening and will leave again today at noon. She la in all respects a first clams boat and admirably adapted for the trade The hiavanus, from St. Louis, was due last night, end will probably be found in port this marning. The U:endale, Copt Hare, will soon bo ready to depart for int. Louis, and the mune la true of the lamella, Capt. It. U. Mason, for Nashville. - The fderaenger, Capt. Jesse Dean, is tilling up steadily for the hlisaourl river. The Kate Finnan.' was advertised to leave Cineinnr.ti for Pittsburgh on Wed nesday. . —The Cairo Bo&fin ' of Friday, says: Boldness at ouewharf has fallen off to a most astonishing degree, and lees fitlight to being: ehtppped Ire a whole week than WM ahlpped In one day dor lug the early part of March. St. Louis Is in the same predicament, - and boats come out from that port only half laden, although there la now plenty of water for them to bring full loads. Freights along the Ohio' are also scarce, and the Robert E. Leg arrived yesterday from Loulsvihe with only hallo load. Never bafore, perhaps,' was there ever an sud den and oemplate a suspenalon of ship motto In the whole West. We mod dently expect, however, a general re: gumption lo a few weeks at the far - thest. —We clip the following from the Cin cinnati Enquirer, of Tuesday: Tho St. Mary's win leave here to-morrow fur Pittsburgh, end will try to sectire a trip of freight and people there and along the Upper Ohio for. St. Innis and the West. Capt. Swootibjr Can MOO no In ducement at present to enter the Cincin nati and Pittsburgh packet trade. —The wreck Of the Emma No. 3 Iles in 33 feet of water, straight with the mi. rent, bow up stream, and 300 yards from the Tennessee or inaln shore, and about 400 from island AO. Steamboats pass either aide of the wreck-going up and down • ' —The Hide PUtnaul, froth Now Or. leans, • bee the following items of freight for Pittsburgh: - 14 hbds sugar, Johnson C 011.10; 37 do do. .1 T Wray & Bro; 1 bbl do, J. H. Oniltott. —Tho gar West arrived at S. Louis on Monday. and - the Mollie Ebert and Lnrona passed Vicksburg the same day. ou route from New Orleans. -010. Jam:Woodburn, was at Um tionatt on Monday. It is maid ho con templates building a light draught boat bore this summer. —Robert Singleton, inlet on the - R. E. LAO, was fined .19,60 at Evansville the other day for beating Aaron Day, "a colored brother." . —Capt. Cox wag etfered 11 - 23,000 at Ht. Louie Ibr the (Mowed oa declined the offer. =it b repoltoci that J. W. Chambers is at the head of temperance league at Memphis. —The tow boat Merculesi with burnt b,lteri. wee lying at Cincinnati on Mon- Tho Sioux Pittaburgh to tho inouctslnr, lett Wheeling on Monday. ' —Tbo with an Immense tow o anal, passed try.ClnOntuitt on Sionday. f :+~v ~t;~~~:~.H MISSOVEL RIVEN F pcilLtig;,;:34.s.2Ve. CITY. 4"4ll4lleiT r At 11 I.Lti WISAICIL and WILACIAi—Tha Arm Allintantlat paaanognr . aranar ~ • . Nader. . Clerk, J. W.P.I leave for Itkr ataisind aarrmonlato porta 'ore •THEIRSDAY:••prII 7th. as try at. ^al • ffu welgbt or Punta, apply on warn or to - •: aPS , ' Ilritlittltenttr.urugl'• CAIRO AM) sr. Louis FOB CAIRO ST. Ai dgr o e bOt/IC.—Therpleneld wive. qt !Kellner ULLNDALS Copt-11MM, WM trace for the above andlutermedlate ports 111118 UAY. Aprli elk. at 4 r. For Irrlght or pu.s... apply on no.rd or t.• nrtl FLAWL • CULLINUWOUL. AlArnte. NAPtiviLLE._ FOR EVANSVILI E...saMt lIKBVIL.I.E arid NAP.H. t U.N.—Tem Any putouts bteioarr CAM.II.Ik C.Pt, It. Q ltAsOrt. Wrivr+ . 4 tFrredlatAs porti u TOlO DAY. ip4 "r tnatICII.Pr""GOLEArrOI,!4..4,IL. I=! NORI HENN LINE adroit STEA,MEIt.S. For St. Louts, Davenport Dn ., buque and St. Paul, TUIWUUN WITHOUT' CIIANGIS. STEADIER LAZE SUPERIOR, Cavtaln.g. WI/DEN .... UGENNFLL. Clerk, Will leave as shove ea T GEC./ AY.. April ICA: STEAWEIR RED WING, %Of-P.IIIIIIIT, Capt..l' FLANNIGAN, Clerk. Will leave on lATURDAY. April Cote. ; these new andenagniaceetetearneri an under charge or fu estaoleaced officers. end have aneurysms , d seaoweaslatona. offering race to deft teen se to Psatengers and helPhere• Fc".l.l,flitTia. w... ant. • FLAWS. 4 COLLIN vs OUD. A eclat s. CINCINNATI TTSBURGII AND OINCINN , PACKET LINE. The new endeplenAW ohle.mr6h.el a dr i a JIMA-TA. Capt. C. 1.. . • will 'tail, rltt•blirgh for Cluclunatl EVERY THUILdpkIC at 12 <Octal% promptly. Ilelsrt- Ipll. will tears CIO OMI NVLNIC /SUNDAY at IN M. lot 'l4" 07 FreMe . d . I nn N b ro d o .l .ll) * • b 7 DA ME 5 lik'kilit'Aq.Vrif No. 3 Wood .heel. rooscoger Agems. PITTSBURGH AND CINCINNATI PACKET LINE. Tim new and splendid oldwaheel Adr oi t Btt•IIMI, ARLINGTON. DAN/EL MOORE. Master, A. s. BtisrAOn. Clews, kn.'. Pittsburgh for Cincinnati arm TUAIIIiAY at 11l E. promptly. ileturning, 'raves Clueinnatt for r.vsborgh. at 131,N. freq . ) rh WAY. - for horrid, pas_ age, or other Information, op ply on bo•rd or to JAMES COLL'IIiS, tot YLAtIi(A oocaariuW(KM. Agents. PENDIA A EVANS, • ' N 0,3 Wood street, Passenger Agent, STEAMSHIPS • rjr , LIYERPQOL ANDAM .Q.UEENSTOWN. TIIEI INDIAN MAIL STEMISEUPS, Numbering ilateen ant-elan rends, among thorn the celebrated CITY OP PARIS,_ CITY or ANTVT:tir, CITY OT UUSTON, CITY Dr BALTIMORIc, CITx OY 16DNININ. Balling XVY.LtIt SATURDAY. from Tier 411 North River. Ncw fork. For courage or further tafonsatlon apply to WILLIAM BINWIAM Jr au If • THE MATTER OF TUF application of the (MEAT WESTERN MUTUAL BUILMNO AND LOAN AFSOCIA. VON. of ritt,bargh, for a Chartcr of laeorpo natal, ' And now. to-,.l title Minh day or IsebrearY, A. D.. 1870. th, within petition and lastntment of writing having been Presented to, bet-used and exantined by the Conti, and the objects. ar titles and condition■ Ingrain t!Unit ant* , inland appearing to be lawful and not Injurion It Is ordered uld directed that said Instrument of weltlag be filed I a the °nice of the Prothono tary of the Court of Common Mau, end that notice of sold application be Inserted la the Pitt. harsh patty Kendal, tilirrrit,' for at Meat taro. week,. eettray forth toot en eaplication hes been nude tothe Court or Common Pleasortta Comas , of Allegheny, tolgrast the raid ”The Orcat Wes era Mutual Pullen& and Loan Association of rlttsburch , , , a charter of Incorporation, and that sold charter will . be granted at the next term of eltd Court, un'ess exceptions be met to proper Mute.. BY Tnic COOMT. S. A. BA= Solicitor, 11=7:21211 =I FINANCIAL TRADESIIENN NATIONAL BANK i DUQUESNE WORKS. FORM PIPT Wood St, cor. Second Avenue. COLEMAN. EM33I & 00.. BOILER. STILL AND TANK EITERna PAID ON DEPOSEIS. wcyrua-Q,, AND SNYDER. etad, Coupons, Bonds a 1301:MET AND A. lIRAI/ , .F7. I' W. VANK11 , 1(... , ,r.S.d&F •• THE SAFE DEP OF r ITICEII3UIAG 1-1 Safe Keeping of - Valwibles, • Under guarantee , , ad the rating cd nate, to Its Mire and Burglar-Proof Vault:. No. 83 V0UR.4 4 .11" AVENUE. Premildend—WlLlAD PIMA I Vice Presidont L — lI ZMOY LLOYD.PS. DIRECTORY.. WI , LIAM PHILLII tl,:faltON H. PAINTER, HENRY LLOYD, IJOS. P. MOHILIStIN, WILLIAM 110 A, . HEOIMIE BLAcK, WILLIAM M. I.YON.'CUB.TIS ll• JAPCSEY. J as. i. itznixtrr. r. vON DONNIIOKIST. Open dolly Irom 9 o'clock A. 0. 0 4 o'clock PEOPLE'S &WINGS BANK Of Allegheny Cor. Federal' and Laeock Streets. M. H. ilAP:1111i1N, President . P. TOOK% fashirr. BANK OF DEPOSIT AND DISCOUNT. ,wkholdem lavid9ally linble. ITEBEBT ALLOWED ON TULE DF2OBITB CITY it it.N 112 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa CAPITA 11100.000, STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE WEREN'T PAID ON DEPusirs: WOREINN EXALIIAttUE nought and mid, and when titles 1 r•• Ted to BUMP. Colt...tont made on ell In • rectral points of Um United MAUI and Gan d-.•• 7,0111111(11 . 1C IttuNEN. JANNI.I MCCAW , . g r W. N. Idtmodtt. f.Maitt.x. DoteuTond. J., lirrrt,r Hug 7 01100,-• T. rune,: Catni left. J 1 1 ,31,4 it. A. rrerittl(MN 7 Mom , Rune:. • N. Crape JOS. Id.I.IAZZA.A". Pelletier. LI. nmmen. Thom. ISourke • . • Patrick sear, nits.. It. BA [1: • (1.1.. Mak lak J. Ursa.. 1111=3 HART, CAUGHEY b. CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Comer Fourth and Wood Streets, :aturday, but rITTSBURGII, re., 11., OUUCTN.`I4 IL Ti HANNA. HART 0..) ' DZALZ. Exchange, Col_, coupons, And particular attention paid to the rn ch . uf GOVERNMENT BONDS. Big ht' Dr/sits on London I swlkf.l .13A:NIFKIE.rttS, 57 MARKET STREET C fl akedn. tnitkie the hrlnet hal of WI t tales and Lattaalh, Stock K,Bends and, other Sec urities = rn: Ocular aticutton pal! , Iv tam v.chase av sic of . United States Securities jmo:at REPORT OF THE Farmers Deposit National Bank At. the close of besleesx March 24th, 1870. 17.72/111tCE3. Loans and .............41.10T,968 43 11.8. Ronda taxman circulation 300.000 00 Dee from lag and Ile sc fr o m gentl lhm other Nat'l Bank.... Bee From other Banks ain't Lab ter...— 914,054 It. Panting House ............. ....... 16.000 00 Taxes Paid 5.443 79 Premien. 3,880 83 Cash Beni Including rt.., 14681 00 Exchange for Clearing House.. 32.755 00 hills of o th er National Bank... 7.503 00 Bills of to BROILS 143 U 0 Fractional Currency, 'including Nickel.) Sprcle,Coin lagalTender 3 per ern, Certificates LlAnicrinrs. Capita/ Strte.k psl4 tn. ' $ 300,000 00 eurphts Pond 60,000 00 ProlSt mud Loss • 401.353_01 Notional Bank e1...a1/Don out slau4lost 401.1100 00 Dividends .m 951. 005 00 hollrldual itenoalts Ml.= .70 Doe Co Nat'l Banks 66,221 n Doe to other Hants and Banters ' 4444201 004,730 57 STATE Or PIGHNISYLV.An I A. 111.11011,389 18 Counri OP set.ti atm,. 1" : 1.1. L. /STEPII ENSON.eashier of the nowt. th at nßank of Pittsburgh. PA. do solemnly swear the &bore and ts tree to the best of my knowledge and belief. F. L. ISTRPHICNSON.' r. Sworn to end subscribed berme me this 31st day of Muth. 1810. h eAkell . Notary Public. Correct—Attest: - WM. WALKS R. 111.0 A. ARUM , K I.E. Directors. lA/. MARSHALL. TACK BROTEIERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS Petroleum and its Products. rittsbarg Ofnee—DALZELL"S 111 , 11,DINU rner of Du b que...Way and Irwin street, I`33adoptils Mee -131 weLtarr 31 anlmn WAGING a KING, VineEasnlon Merchsate ml Broke. Petroleum an OALZELL'S BLOCK, DUQUESNE WAY r;IMADISLCRIA.ADDRase 109 WALNUT STREET ECLIPSE PETRULEUM REFINERY. OFSBERT W. C. TWEDDLY, LEG&L Lubricating, & High Test Butning Oils. Eclipse liwEiroad Azle 011. Stella great best without engage; TCIIIIIII2. Untold mineral tempetawna. Lipeelal oil for tropical climates or hot weather. LOCOMOIIIVO. Engine, llachlue 'bop, Will cut berews. •aw HILL and Planing NlllOlll% Adapted for hit anted., /plaids 011, - Wool,Boad•Lisht OH, 011,Tanuera • SlalSollassole, rif Flials i t i l i agl i U=lgea . 111111011NARS131 : 4 to preserve Bright Iron Thesesnd Machinery from Rust.. product!. are summfacture4 under Dr. Tweddle , s patent hylepertmated Slum In Vac cue. The Lubricating Ohm an &lamb odorless, babe 17re uniform, and mostly Reticent ored, Stand a high temperature unchanged, and remain limpid during Creme old. Tice nail roan 011 s are unequalled. and are in uP. on WM] of the principal Railroad.. !temples ban be examined and ordera left at 114 MOOD STRAET. Worts at niumbetauts Bridge, rip D. EVANS, ARCHITECT. 104 Fifth Ayenue No. 424 Fifth'Avenue Plans lad specifications petnarcd with care all kinds of buildings. sob i?altß Lc mesEit i Ais4c7xrrx-:c:r74.,. ./81.11T 11017h.1t • AMOCLAMIttit Stott gl Rad St if. Oats. ibo fittsbtaith. ppodist atven t,titylKninz, tuttitttg Of Ortuttl - pot.tztt *An !,-,F1y.1 W 97 , C . 0 111 7 1. MixeAtne MOM! W. M' ' • Portlorestcorarroll.restlAtirkerrY • IarJOWN. A'SVAZIFIS. 41. CO. ,Brea as brad or prewa r. cm abort ootitro EMMA arid bum Stones. 111. g• far 2 , ldearalltry 10*.rer!. Imnttr, ra g Twn-b Kl4ne% a*. n DitlVlrtt, amt. MEIN. TnitiWilits - T. VI% .F.VA NIVIV TY.STII. IiPEUNO.PIAM ANDUULTIVATOR St NEL. STEEL W INCA AND stoULDS eat to raUdrd• I3TEEL TIRE*. STIJL!. liliA/TIND, A. dTEEL. COACH. BUGGY and WACION SPRINDLI and CUT NAIL' AND SPIKES. All floods First Class and Warranted. GM= _ OFFICES AND WOME.s: Sixteenth Street and A11ent...7 Weer and el Water Street, Pittsburgh. nag ' W M. CAC-r NET. - UF.U. W. HAZY, VARKIN. CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, HILLER, BARR & PARKIN, OFTICE. No. 310 Unity Stud, STEEL WORKS. MITABLIKI ND IN MC BEST 811PINZID wort STEEL. Or:every description. Also. best . !tinned Merman flew and Spring Stet! ‘ MALY AND fliteT b.rge.T. anienrit DUQUESNE FORGE WILLIAM KELLER. (Stoccoaor to JOS. HAIOH A CO , CO-Cl/C.ITC with the leailldf Far a. In the,Raet, and la Pc/1.c ,, U./m.1,1 ...d satisfacterrlly 611 all order. TKA I OAT EItIAPTA, PRANK., PIA CI IN IPIDA. LPN Kiln. PITHAN JAI alt. W MANTA. It/ULM/AU / I.OeuillITIVP. FRAM MX, tea/Alter with erelT detcriptinn of snArr. Wtiltli/ Unice and Core Corner of Duquene..Wayand Vint Stmt. avlA:h4o PITTSEMEIGU. re - coxonnox or TUX 01.096 70 10,081 03 00.40 00.•01 00 70.000 UO 100 LOO 00 =III OILS I=l WARING, KING & I=ll AtITOBITEOTS. STONE IRON ANDrt..pab, ME 11131 M RIB LLB, 1111111 6 1 PARKIN. 19= = M=l ANDERSON 63 WOODS, ItINOTACrUItIItr Or prirrsntarcnut :I* LITY aded A. n. 343 n. • 11001111EAB ADAMS & CO =I 11.tT71"9 Z STA. Nl)Aliilar S I'l r -11,11 PLATFORM AM, (; , .!UNTF VALES. • !UM! fl Vkt't nhrla7h:7lCie2.:l I .Orss. i4 u f % 1a liiCaOFlsT.PsmD FM SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. MICK & CO., P1TT5131513611, PA., Minalsoturens of ever, description of CAST AND GERMAN STEEL. lIAILWAY SPILINtib, , ALLIATIC AND I'LATESDI EICRINUS, AXIATIS, 12,TSICL 1111 E, Ac.., Warehouse, 83 Water and 100 First Ste. BLACK DIAMOND ' I STEEL WORKS. 4 PARK, Bito HER & CO‘, Manufacture...of ail description@ of 153• Xi. 30i., calico and Wareborsat, HIRTIETH, THUM. TIRal and EMILIA) axiom's, ==! FOUNDERS, Bp.CE(INISTS OAP FORT PITT 1 011NDRY COMPANY OFFICAII AND W 03.115, TWE F T STREET,. PETTE4BURGH. I Engines,Holling Mill Ma chinery, Nail Machines, lte torts. and Casting generally. N ATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS. Verner Carroll mud Ssallmon Mir& alls, ;NINTH. W.11:1,.1 rrx-rsuurton. WILLIAM SMITH, Ari„ ItANUEAUTULLEIt ut C IRON BOWL PIPE =1 My ripen are all east Invariably In rlu, In dry nd and 111 feet len[tpe• &Inn fall assortment I' general Castings [or Gas & Water Works. I would also call the attention of litioerlntend 'got. of 0 wi Works to my cosh. Of MITOSTO. =I C MONONGIIIIII FOUNDRY, ¶V. d. ANDERSON & CO., liseafacturs LI N T/ILA IRON FLOUR& [ROVES, WIRDOWN sad 811.1.4. and Cantinas of all Mostaiptiona Snect4 att.catioo paid to AUCHITRCTII LIAISTINtR3 and to 1.441320 for Wlttelow (nuts Holmes. OrricA AND rovannT—No. 150 WATER STREET, Fittsbunib, pa. ROBINSON, BEA b. CO., Summon to aoarosoir. uncto a mu:Laa% WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERS AND NAMES! S. PITTSBURGH, annDearer , of Boat and Stationary Stesm En -111.741.111,a5s Virtues. Mill Xseblaerr, Gearing.. Iptitrast oil Tanks and OA. f101r f 5 . .!. , % & 11 " r1 uMoo, ko. tic earner ""*"' Met and tlinithdold streets, ztvigut:Voillg..9lDTl PATMNT INJECTO TO R TROIKAS CARLIN b. CO., South Ward Foundry and Machine Works BAN )cSKY CT., ALLIMHZNY CITY, M. Manufacturers of Bultlonary and Portaldo Wan Znatnes,.idl Prows, Malan}, Grist ...... Wort, Bo ffi ns MILL and daddno Caging!, Wan. gm. W.W.1.. Waaon Boxra isUnt SO or.ler and have on head nngines of all dm. znylkqn pniminx BOLL FOUNDRY, Car. LIBERTY and 9 4TH STREET% BOLLNIAN &• BACALEY, ==l Chill Rolls, Sand Rolls & Pinions. ILLS F V 9: HOLMES, 13.11 . 1.1. h CO., ANCNOR COTTON INN.O. 1 MARV betel!a-t e!gitiVr IicILDTIJ* is 4 hllll ammo*, asp amssouta all(IXTIX•S Al"'D ENGINES, BOILERS"; amt. Ma= I 01,1.1,ED rt;Hut.Alc Llllt'F.lt WrEAM BOIL- DMIEM! l'A\s %NI/ COP - .: `t'. , _ AUMETItIth 1N.1.51l rusweipMlLl AND COAL .11 UT 7.5: ' • ri e agi d , ire:atlrt , ifar47,lt a • • rlTTsßuscul , 4.l.ordrre E.ent to the adllrees 1.11/ Or.teptly aLten.lett GH PC BOLE& C ;, Car. Met Alley suet Dolman* o , l , Uat • Engine Builders. Founders a AnwhinLWs Manutsetore RIOSAktIiOAT =WINES and STATIONARY ENIIIN ES, of ail atami. rnrltrvl to our Aew A TIVN ATKTII*. VETT ILSlonne. power. CASTINO )CNUIN Y. ANTI I'V:tT.USLL. S, °teem , kind, made to order at our Foundry. on 1011101 STItKRT, below Market. Itltid for el Writ, SIJAVTINO. HAN tiEttd and TtillAerNl bt;itrw et , mid IRON TOItACCiI A .R.LSSES, on band and made to order, at Sao • INDUSTRIAL WORKS, ' , routing on the AllerhenT Myer, &mar the I=l • Sir All orArrs promptly Mk& THY re , RIESICK. iti Fuer: & . 11UPAII .AIC-1:1100Y SAFES AND VAULT& NO VAMP. NO ItOOLD ENGINES AND 31 eICII/NEIIY, lIREIVERY WOICK, REP.61•6[11 4 4. TING.TTP litAolllliKliXt W.VBILICULIC CK Y.M.I4T. Cur. 17th and Pan Ste.,l tlitstairgb, IMO WIIABA BOUM. WORN'S. F. REPHAN dr. co.. MTEAOI 1M1.V.141,1111 , TANI a., MTIT.I.d, Al; IT T1C.1..,A 'A NA, ik.1.7 , JMETILMS. 1071 . LI NO VA AN CHIMNEYtI stICHEN I , IIIE. BEDS, .or. of Semi(' Mean and !dimity M., =Z! 'ertu .Pmc promptly. ()Myra ...m t to atm.:A.ln ,, 4111 Pt prolttl, , tlY to. • F. 10,191 AN, formerly lanagcr at CAICIUILI. .t 11 z • ne tat laa JAM. N. It ....•• .......... D. mum] JA READ M. RBA 3411 &SON, =I Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks, SnEET WON WOES: &O. 61 .Pentt H(reet, Vittatkurgh, STOVEt„ CA , ITINGS. Lto. CooK STOVER CET THE BEST. BISSELL & CO'S Tit LOU -1 . 11TU;VSOII8 411702LL;' Wnrranted 113 l : well us.nuy ether • , I PAOLI, f;o., No. 23r.i Liberty .Street.' Aldo. or , b Ara .ad for rob , . • SToVP23. ra ATI NO STOVE:, , ORATE FRONTS . TENDKIIts, COOKING ICANGKS. &o. DRAM HUMS & CO., ri•HUrAt,,IJOSOIr Or JIVZOT.Y.JI al [Tr Or S'T 4 (l) - ViES, ItOtiltan COOKING RANGE, 'ITS FIERY FURNIMI," l'oll WAEISIZIO OCIILD!X111 ' VAIE NEW ANTI-DUET C01.)121NO 4 1ExtitTATO1L , CoLIIMBIA QUO% EINIVE, VAN, . Wine Malta Pattern) PoItTAIITaI ItA.140): CAST [RON lANTLEtI. WEILL'', AN 'E REYI.ECTOR ORATEy free:tom diet and dun: ORATE 7.11 UN,,, FENDEMIL ae: 908 and SOS Liberty Street, e. 35,217 PITT3BUBOH. PA. A.. BRADLEY & CO., NO. SO WOOD STREET, ktartufacturers of the Created Varlet Tot Cook, Parlor and Heating - Stoves, =EI In oar alourttnent w 111 be (0004 all thn LATlttli PATTERNS AND lIAPROVEKENTS, and the . . rep Italian or oar Moves Is web that any one In war of a godd aoleleohuuld purchase Dune bed those amour/m.lnm! well, as they will be round the nun durable aa erooondod. Would call portfolio attention to our now VOLVAN(t for Orotund,.dr stores. Over et I 4 a In thee tme.tn, rue !t&J with or AIM!, c,Var. Ao V ....LI Wenn . u suneyor wally once . 15c•p.. c coo lour Cataloirur 11..11 . 11r, .15..• If= LIVINGSTON to. (.10..• Manufacturers of LIGHT (JURY IRON el3 a rilV 4 OrBst Light work our apoclalty. 1.0010 Joint Duns, Shutter and Gate Glues, Rash Pulleys, mid Other artful. of Ilultdors• 'Hardware always on hand. . Vince sod Worts, near Outer Depot, Allegheny CUT. l'ostorgcc oddrces, Lock, Box 301, Pitts burgh, Pg. 1531:t15 BRASS FOUNDERS. Bina DISK OUST/MC DISCO. HENRY BIER & CO., ESTABLISHED 1831. L. O OGAN, bREGG & CO., PICALERS - - 52 Wood: Street, • (Four doors above Bt. Charles liolel.) • piTTAfillitilH. PA.. - itYri r•,..il trirtYle fit • . r.r• Nurlitltzti.......! Litre.. blare pall Comoany. A fall stock of Barb folals. smiths and Varpswerea Tool*. 01 1 erl• err'. 'Files:, Leather Wilma. Loro Leather, AC, always on haw:. . ATWOOD & McCAFFILET, • - cQiL Coiner Liberty Meet And Tlar.l Avenel. BUCI.:6IWOXB TWIN M. COOPER 46. CO., Bell and Brass Founder& BRANS CARkTINGS MADE rrAntl'l'Lli TO OBUTAL Is!cable and Grey Iron Fittings, GAS PIPE AND TUBING, THIDTIO3, SAFETY AND CHECK LUTE 41.1. GLOBE PATTERN. rEtCYIN - COG I ECS, Brass Work of every descrtt!an Steam, Water. and MANUFACTUIMES 01 J. M. CO Improved dalanee4heel 8L;411 Agents u. D r eyfu s , Patent oil. a.e beat in the Market. , Omni 1101 d Work.. Corner Thirteenth and rine Streets. =I BRAM . tounns AND IRON PIPE FITTER . and' AGB.MIS for A. d. CAMERON a CO's BIAAW TUB rts AND BLOWAWL c 4: : c c JOHN . DICHABD DAVID WORKMAN & DAVIS, BUCCIOIISOHII TO Workman, Moore & .Co., lanataetarers aid Dealers In CARRIAGES. BUGGIES. Spring and Buck Wagons, Nat. 48, 44, 46and 48 Brava Allegheny. • • Repairing neatly and promptly executed. Or. den for New Work gotten op in good style and warranted to gfre satisfaction In ererr WOO.- tar. SarNewest style. of work constantly on hand. Comp " of vAiraskir 747°0 rz.V.Sand napp's Patent Valet litiLltjano Antl.Ba er for Shafts. • H. RICHARD DAVIS hay's purchased the Intereetot AI. r. Ind Wr. D. Doom In the late Ann of WcHliClikti. HOURS & CO.. the tend stuswlll bexatler be continued at the old mad, ander the -name eel style of WORKMAN A DAVIS. Order, solicited. • • JOHN Q. WORICISAN, H. RICHARD DAVIS. Late with ClUseas.l4 shows! Beek. rlttsbargh. 'IIOItIITTEIL - 15 taxes Treab WMI Bettor; 10 halt barn a. do.• lot ale J. ti:c•lf 07 _ runrilLD' RAILROADS + . l 10 V htl4l.b. itel•Tr . . Irt.rder.n Rom Ulii )11,01,. of and Llrerly 'tax., fu :tow c. Art Nix. 17n1n.... lAD sci—ouctu,cut.:l, 5:110 15 Yost 1.1nc..... 1.45 an , •Purtile Ex• as Wallis No. 1..M1 %10 . N 0. 1 ... 5:30 litintonAc Nol 7:50 Mali Irate —.. as Wall's No. 1.. 5:50 ant. Brixton cc.. 10:51: cm Cincinnati E5.14:115 am , ItraN,A.. No r 5 00.:50 Johnstown An ".0:50 acti'lrincln•ti rxi 19.10 cin Histka Ac Not ONNI tool Wallt., Nc. 1— 11:51 I'm • Pittettich Ex. INTO pro John4to . wit A 4.4 1 ,5 c, Cacific gap , . 1,50 lite. Scotus Ac Nol Ai pro Walla N0.3.-1:50 p11 . 1 : 101 , Earciuti 7 . Pin BratiteActrol . l:sl tint Watl . 4 No. N.. 341 rin Wall's No. 4. 5:50 pin Wsllts No. 4.. C. Lion Minton/tr.No.^ tato put p• Fe.st 1.150....7:4009 W ay santt. rtu'lN.ll.o , - 'Thaw trxtns limb! clit4c con ect lon at 114 t 414. taart for N alttniocc. lax 1.50.u.u. trxxo tifa744W4lllt Mallon. x,ry *un.lay .L stiels rolc/LInK ritt3ls:A}s AI 5. ma. lie turnlat: . t.rtL1.555 1 . 1 . 51 1. In. a::1 17 a: 171A.4..iNwit. at 4 1 1 n. Noutt.cr Klarcaa II•av••• la ; • I ektct dRIly ex,rtMondal• or dolly - " rad Praasylitai•atlltondt,a.r,lF tll I RR . • .••• for for -. Anna 1I• ,Inn, tad Una, ttadr tn.vonsltdalt . .1) One Pat 'dbat na' nnavalve.All t..tlne vai,; o " Ma, * mama*. In value n,dd, owner, anlata bulb ffnai*Rl , • F. 8 T •-•- , -. L . 1 E— i" ' '-‘ - : gig g i .- . PF.NNOTIA .il.t• - .... ,.- -a r .z . ... ~ 1HR112.1/.- - t..r.a , ...4"per , :...1. t4 l ..tr.i. tar paanaager Tralon 0* I..ha W.,..ra, : . ennol: ',la • ItaStroad 1r IN airlen a 1 taxa oopar. trans Iltoi '. roderrl 6trolt 'Perot. 21‘ , .. - o'l9.l r oyou. ro . t.nlt !rile, 2121a24'n No 12,41.. a nal 2011 ...n. TtCl: a 2. Imeport. No. 1 O , I U . i ii . gn.,,,, No. I ~,,,,,, , . I t ~,........ 10 a ‘.. * :ibkr,tr . , Nollllol V am ..:..).,.7pb•.; N0.11.2t0 2:to 2..r,0-naa 2,..t.: pm 1 1 rceport NO. 0 4:01 pen O. A nlog.l l e No t 2:li pro I.ll ° ..... •••—• SAM P m T Tenpt•rt 1...26;2 , 0 o. hpriral'o No 1:45:111 , 0 pl. 'ppypg l'e No 10: 7: DO Ahoy.. troj. n roll illir, i - annt ' iond ay. ' ll '' , ',-' hn ' Tb TrA.1.... .r, A livrh.y Joa<Voa tor, ....Or., at ... u a., . . :.a -1::ne; A 114 : , :ol ' COI . 1. "" , ... 1436 Pint, - p•mrl.• A nnal o• r ( 117 2 1 I:SO n.. and 24,110 at aidezt: or:1' -1. , r . tnnt at 2:00 p ..,. 1 • 1•:r:, Ir. ° . ‘ ea,. tot Al•ogho... , I. 11, at 1... • 'l ; o':' l ngtdr ilr!'''ll,':ll...l 1: : 1 ,' lN r r. i n . .V. '' l• 'l .•"11 ' . ...r:.°H." . .elet..• g t: , )lre p . pr;11,.....1 at PA. t P.r.e, ,11 . • c:. Clair otrOct..ovat Et, cOu pcanloall.l.lg• 1- . 1 1 1.50 rah, and at tbt. .1. 1.'1: - 1 '.,,,, :` , l• . , or . PLIIZGr IP foramtlol: arr., .., 41. 0. K.: , .1',.2e 21. 1:1 - .•!. /lc , :. - Ate c 'Wetter,. i . ...7.11-7.1 . r:a ::.‘•• :Lt.`, v,Il not • ...pa e, rt..t for i.A. e. ~ ... ,-, P.•,.. ,, Pe liiZ'l ' lgli thUg 'i t ' ll 1 . 15:.. 1 AT , 1.;,7... ' :.1.. .2er.(l.:g Pilo Kropp., Pk .0‘4,...,-.‘ , :t.... r... p.c . Cit 01 tto. 0-nno:, 1.:e1n , , , 0 5 v , 1:6 :. , ,. . ,- ,.. , , ,. .! . .1" . 13 , .; . . , .. 0t.15 1:3-ea oral bumr• •.. t.....nt. al. 1 1 /.. _______ —____ .--.._ . .. . . r 11.1161111, k 1 a. A.,111, stall Zl.2 . lV‘o f 4 111R . V ir , nAil satire at Meln Its blVith c:tl tl3Sa s U rallows. /anat.. Clia.ara 1t.5.....%:11* a :11.1 er 7.11,, a Via Ta.7: l lR a 1 .:•11/:38ava.INF111.111%.: As 11 1 :4 Jalca.po lia.:l-0:8H a 1.. I- Sa , t Lige. .... fl:81,1a cl.e111•1:.: 1 . ... A ?tier •., I Oa 1 .A Wh•gT.z. , l:o:llt• 1-Ihlcagolc.a.. li:M 8 ir I Ertel! - . •r. v :.V . 1:41Y.at0r..1 .1 1:e3 It. :itr.•t •• • 1.. EU NV 1:a...:a 11 ka•1.11. ‘ltt ±s's•• .4.•1111t. %• .• 111 l a ster • • •I:Nal pro 1.re.C.1',1.1., • :V.-Via. .Aa.C.,113 •• r,,r{all. • d:•11 . 1.“ , , •• • ra1.; . 1./ata ner eat- , .11.11,!LiTc: 1;11t . A. a ,;pa a ; ."." I. • Ical as 4 ..11V. ar• I.l4:fiS a.. 4 .311' 1+.1.4t • . .2.F;1 }' ,% .1 , 1" ,k b ' 'L.,. J. N. :17,11 (11.1.: 1 13 , , , , - at , A ..10. ‘11::.a.-cr. VALtril: • THE (INLY 1 1 II1ECT 1711.1 . 7" IV 11;n :1:1• itzulottmvuiltotiT cH 7: , 11; t/c end MI., NlAlNlYll.k. Nor. IR., 111 Mo. 1`111771/Uly . 704170 1/ AAA' (c 70,1 •or:••lnt I a E. leave Elttenerat enr,oo •M' ,77• fotham.llM7e rerlttOP. , 7,''il CI tr "•.1• rAlo. 1,,,! point: lyt . lros AIN LIAM/ rIITSMIrIIt. 1/111107 ln Day Ex 712 d am 1 14 y iir.7 , l 2 , 00y10 potg E.O 7:11011.. Ist Maim— ei:SO 171 . .4.1 1int...n...11:40... 1.1 1 1 0 11 00 71 ; or. 7 7 is N -DU n3d 11011 on YA:7I , at.t p in 4 41.1 :I• P.' 0 0'77,01 Ae: 1.1:37 ' l3ll!:l:fe " iikti 71 : : 3 1g ..... 7 te;l'ht.o:•• Xamme, trains 11;:n only at fmrllrMlal 47eornion.141.1on Yrato: Wm arc nom tootling •47111770PalAnnlileeplax Cars' , on onr nla 71 1E070071 trains. both mar/. trorn ' • T119.1"4: Atl . tiOrr). )11. 1 1,212!_ r ? mi l 1 7 i . 1 4 .1 • • V* . al 7 ' rAN ROUT.Y. OIL. NO c OF I'IM.L.—VD and Misr PAINVAr. No,. 14th, 11159, trnlns ielt9t F.:l • • a: sa 114117),wt, ritu.rgh, • follnny.• • l'ltObnrgh Ttme. • aPL 4. ie IMutlCrrvell:3r. to General Tteket A Errat a' FULL. Druupon. Oblo• noiG tiITITHERG 4k. t„;.'"•=;- I L L ] O LtOnewl3 yftor 511NUAY. Februatr NOM. O, arit*c nr. , l detrs e 11,031. cone* vf P. 03 f 011.97,3 .111{1t0 .4:w= Unit'' WWII 7:00 A.,. 0:00 r. 1145.5amoortArtom:5 1 5 11415 1:. 2:6.;: 14.14:44 from UOVII. 3:15 r. v. 10:00 Welt lientnn ACTOITI'd 4:31.1.r. v. 0.35 :. v. Atra444.30:14.334:11 1 5. 0:15 r. u. 7.50 r. 1714134 e. toll4s l lmort 10:30,r. .e. 0:45A. It. la . 1 : ' : 7' ;!:: ' 4413 to-ue .7 116 . 1 . 1411:c) 11 s . r1111:;11143..444.1.'. HARDWARE & CUTLERY, BEAVER FA LLS CUTLERY CO., No. 70 WoOd Atreet, =I =I Solid Cast Handle' TABLE KNIFE!. Enverlor Steel Blade, with concave hot- Att. The rectal composlng this ban 'le It cast drind, to the blade, 1...Ma,' the most strength In count net ion without ad ditional weight. it is made of the ern Or It- Wird:lege. and .will nut tarnish or lola...ken, as In the ease or plated ware. In color and brit Much, It la elinliar to In silver. Handle arid Male, as &WY.. described, att ' article of UN Mt haul Ap. patentee and west Purablliti The tonwerb Mile and U text Pitingth at this article enables heti ininerscsnrcra to reend It Steamboats. adapted for nab in a llhotels. itestsurauti., Public laattlutlons and rely.. Families. as` ~..; BEAVER FALLS CUTLERY CO., No. 70 *oodSt., f 1%1)100, m TABLE CUTLERY ur db KCTUSRNE KNIVES, uality Guaranteed. mpg CIIBLBS R. JRNSTRONti, ••••LXIII Youghiogheny and, Conellsville Coal, , And MinursetTrrer oc COALAILACE 111 D DBAULPOURIZBD CORE. Of 110 E AFI, TAll'6.corner Boller and Morton street. Liberty , :tad cinner stmts. Moth wsrd; I , so moun d street. Right& ward, and at fast Of 1:0111 street: t. & U. IL M. Doc% Second ward. . Orders len at elther of the abut. °Moot, or ad dress to ma throustt Plttsbarsh P. 0., re• calve prompt aiteatlott. . Bear to trboto oat surplltaim Rasta. Wcl.ll Co. Wm. Smi th , Polon Iron Mills, B. S. Yclr-• ler I Co., Btephenson a. Co., Bissell • Co., Graaf • Hug., Alex. Bradley, Part , Co., Park, IteCortly • Co.. Beefy, Graff!. Doll. Wm. K. Taber Co., .1 .B. Lyon Co., Jaynes Marsha/IL Co., A ll YeKeo & Co.. Pomo Pa. TAO Bute, Conaellaallle rellitZT 11'311i lie 1 1 •• Allfltheny 'talky It. It. . • (7 1 AILI COMA: CO.V1.1:! WCKSON, STEWART t; I.l.tre ress437,l Mir ea,: N 4). htr7 mummy- sTREE-V, 12 4 aVa17 CI ;:r Fiva r.6), - FreAngl Lyixg, Ira Pirol,l.l 4 , : 04 GYM k y 'NUT WA!. Oe.K.L.LGV- sti?4 , : Yswev. = t.: _ • I.ll[ ierr. sad; MIK, nCS thr.gll ell =Ayala{ LI aStoivlvlite.r. Vllllll. FISH. ': FrTel Lko ll.fll • : • No. LS tad* Markord—an,saeOPO.a7 7 ,.„ . ; Labrador blarbrrid: . T.4.:weJf, M=E 10181:2
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers