The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, April 01, 1870, Image 4

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Plittsturgt &Ott,
lialtacrthere chaneng their realdenees
or places ot Mishima mill oonimit their
conventenee and oar own by Tearing
- word for the carriers at our ,counties
room, owner of Sixth mantle and Smith-
Meld street.
IA Pew ves rosin is being laid on Si mb
Mid lalc to roore ori Friday. is a au-
perealtton that be -generally Way.
"'girded to day.
.Travel over Webster avenue ls aome.
what impeded now by . the laying of a
new water pipe thereon. •
Lot . a t for practice' jokers this
momitnip is ..all roars day" and vie
lesbouldrnot be made tools all day.
APrq Irsel.—Vor the origin of the term
"April-Fool," see first verse of the thirty
seo3nd chapter' of Proverbs. Kum.
Allegheny may yet have • first clam
mammoth hotel. We understand certain
patties are conslderi the matter of
leasing the upper portion of Yliteer'S
block for that minas&
A Laniti..—Oom Itaronangh , a tune
ON was ammod at as early hour rioter
day - morning on renosyivanla avenue
and taken to the lockup. Ho will be re.
snored to an Immo asylum.
Street Comte Sooner Megrim. of Alla.
00 ties had a large force of men ea.
In cleaning the street* In the Fifth
end Sixth' wards for a week pelt. The
improvemesdie very perceptible.
A estate of one hundred gum will be
Arad to-dayoaridet the auspime of our
colored eltlaans, In commemoration of
the adoption of the Fifteeath Amend
ment. Ths amid Jubilee will not take
place until the fourth, Tuesday in April.
ITlgho -tbe Workhouse.—The Grand
Jury paid an official Tint to the .Work
bows yesterday. 'Several hours were
spout to an inspection of the budding
andite management. The Tintons re.
turned about four o'clock In the after
Cote 4 sown no lower than the prices
prevailing at - Crib:lg, Follansbee & Co.'s
headquarters for clothing. No. 12t Wood
street, corner of Fifth avenue. Readere
will macertaln this fact by making a visit
to the establishment where a -mawgnifi
mint stuck of seasonable, goods. ill be
found. •
Colotag.—The Mayor received • tee
gram yesterday, from Philadelphia,
stating that a Committee of the ()pencils
of that city would leave for Pittsburgh
lard evening and arrive here this morn
ing to Investigate the system upon
which our Institutions of correction are
Mayor , ' Court. There were twenty
<me victims In the lock-up Wednesday
night, who were ogled before the Mayor
yesterday morning for • hearing. 'twelve
of the number not having the required
funds to lignidate the demands of the
city upon them were sent to the "Mil,"
=tithe remaining nine paid the cash.
Abused a Ctiltd.—ElitabollcPord made
information before Justice, Salisbury
yesterday, charging Matthen Muon with
assault and battery. Elbe alleges that
the moused, who is a driver far a glass
factory, struck the daughter of the depo
t, a little girl, knocked her down
and then kicked her. A warrant was
Using a Handy Bury.—fames
na and James Porter have been at log
gerheads for a few dais plat. They have
reosratly had 'errand law snits. MeKen
na made information, before Alderman
Taylor, against Porter for felonious
airman and battery, charging him with
using shandy billy and striking him on
the bead.
Discharged.—July %limp, a colored
woman, made information before Alder
man McAdams, of the fourteenth ward,
yegerday, charging Albert Burnett, a
white man,. with assault and battery,
with intent to commit a rate._Burnett
was arrested and slier a bearin was dis
charged, and the proseoutriz required to
y the oasts.
Lecture ea Africa.—The lecture of Dr.
Pinney, returned missionary from Atri.
ea, in the:Sooond Presbyterian Church,
last evening, Was rather shinty attended.
It contained many intereaning remit:its.
rimers of Henry Clay, John C. Calhoun,
S. J. Mills, Dr. Self:, and others, in con
nection with th e Colonizstlen Society,
and the mission work in Africa.
Progresslng.—The work of rebuilding
the Ylfth ward, Allegheny, Public
School HOW N 3 Is progro•Ong very Malt
fsciotily. It is now certain to be com
pleted about the latter , part of Juno or
the Ant Of July next. When completed
the school house will be fully as con
venient, attractive and stroog IN It wita
before the dlaastrous conflagration a few
month" ago.
Tile Evenblg Mail " 1111 DOW located
in the old Oassrrs building, Fifth aye
nue, which they are refitting up In good
style. We. are glad to note the greet
proeperity enjoyed by our spicy evening
contemporary, and. congratulate its en
terprising proprietors, Messrs. Kreps
Thusndwell, on the success which has
farattended their labont to make a
readable and paying paper.
tat liwresoe Hotel. —We direct the
special 'attention of the reader to the ad.
vertlesseetd of this house in another
m u m m ed n a tev is
n c i e t n o a f ayt hl c o on te s d e e r r
ruilwitya, and under the management oi
its well known and clurteeile landlord.
Mr. Ed. Borger. cannot tail to saslain
its former -ride spread popularity. It
-hes been thoroughly retitled In all its
Mr. J. C. ilicrtierwin, the per
cral boat of the East Liberty Exchange,
purchased the Rutherford Park
Hotel, on the Passaic river, Now Jersey,
tan miles from New York, on the New
York and Erie Railroad. Thla is one of
the most delightful resorts in the coun t
try, and It Meet prove popular and pros
moue under Mr. McPherwou'i manage.
SWIM The hoax will be opened about
the lath inst.
It hipped Iter een.—Catnarine Ws&
ter yesterday made •information before
Alderman Koenig against Jonn Evans
for awault and battery. The defendant
end Yrs. Weohteee eon are employed in
a gia house In the Ninth ward. They
hid a quarrel yesterday. when Evens,
according to the allegations, whipPedthe
youth and then flashed the petfermanoe
be ducking him in a .trongh of water.
'Bram will be arrested.
*tawniest' Enterprnic.o—This is the
title adopted by the AMefleatt News
Company of New York for a unique
largo quarto Illustrated advertising
sheet. The engravings. which are In
gardously designed to hold some allinity
to the advortisememta, an executed in
the, highest style of wood engraving.
and are very creditable to the artists.
Gildenfenny, 46 Fifth avenue, his tills
el • t and novel shoot for sale.
, • •
lossfers—blononsabel a borough is
rime.'" of whence elms of loafers, boys
m lb to 20 years of age, who take do
light In loitering around the corners, In
sulting pedestrians, throwing stones at
the oceupsnte of piasing vehicles, and
smash:is he with similar manly
diversions. .The benongh is not possum e
ed of a oorustable; lout if It is, the
Individual tudding that Important pod.
(lon, don't mom anxiousto snake himself
keen& Treatment.—Jruntoo Baßebore
yesterday issued a warrant for the arras
of Matthew Munn charged with smelt
and battery on oath of Mize Pool. Munn
Is employed es a dtlyer In Blrmlogham.
Yesterday be was spprosa ho hed by
ed a Intle
him daughter of M. Pool, was
for some straw, when th
proymellon It la alleged be wh ipped pp and
then kicked her out of the stable. The
ease WM be fully Investigated when the
- accused la arrested.
• A Bald—The Castle of tleptain Michael
Itughes, of the Fenian army, which is
located in the Fifth ward. on Trtnnol
street, wee stormed but night by ade
• taohment of the Mayore'a police and the
occupants, to the number of live, four
• men and one 'woman, including Michael
and his wife Mary, were ciptured and
pisoed in durance, vile. A party bad
Mainnbled Su Michael's matte and wore
esjoylog themselves In a boisterous sort
• of way, which annoyed, the neighbor%
Mimeo the raid.
.11eiions Atc/dent.
• -
Theodore Youog, a boy about twelve
years of sge, *lto been .sttealing a
yids" on a freight traln on the Pnnill-
Tanis 11311 road, was seriously injured
yesterday morning, &boot eleven o'clock e
As the train reed the Howe, h
jumped off,' pped and fell with both
fest OM the track and the wheels teased
ayes thaw. - Ohe of his heels was jeartiall
'Vat Mr,and the other foot was Daly sent
opal. probably rendering ampntsuon
-eatits'Aul: He was taken into the Bush
--- us was made. ae et:manta.
. . _
. .
. ------
tiltrill...tttes Ilistrirt Cvutt—Jalige
• .. IlleCandlema.
. ,
Tat:mutat!, March 31—The • ciao of
the United States ea. Julius Adler, Louis
Rosenberg and Pearson Fiehiller. which
has been on trial atone Mondey, wee ro•
sowed and the — teallmouy concluded.
The argulheute of counsel and charge or
the Court Mil probably occupy another
District court—Judge
THURSDAY, March 31—to the coo° of
St. Andrews Church va. Jame. Hogg,
previously reportOd, the jury *found for
the defendant.
Henry Krelling et Irv. vs. Christ 'Baker,
action in eiectluent for.p lot fronting on
the Brownsville toad. In L - rWer St. Chat
township. On teal.
TO 1,11. - Re lic FRIDAY.
110 Citizens Qi.l ng Company Y.
112 Jacoby Ti. Schoen et stl'
178 Drown, use, vs. S. 11. ..Reindeer."
180 S. B. "Grey Fox" vs. Millinger,
McClay & Co.
190 BODDer va. JOhDRon et al.
191 Parchment vs. McKee.
192 Richey vs. Shaeffer.
191 Brown vn. tiaiforth.
Common Pleas—Judgo,Ceiller ,
THUIISDA.T. March ewe of
Rankin's Executors vs. James O'Neal
previously. reported was resumed anti
submitted to the jury.
The next case taken up was that of
Drum vs. Enoch Dice. Action to
recover damages, for violation of con
' tract. The defendant sold to the plain
tiff a tot of sheep to be delivered between
the first of April and -the first ofJune at
buyers option. Before the plaintiff call
ed for the sheep it is alleged that the
defendant received a higher bid for the
sheep than the plaintiff was to pay for
them and sold them, and when plaintt it'
called for them he refused to deliver
them, whereupon plaintiff claimed dam
ages. Jury out.
51 P. h O. O. Coal Co's. Bailey.
53 Same Tn. Martin an.
54 Sams vs. Henderson.
55 Snodgrass use vs. Snodgrass, et al.
58 Cont a in vs. HasUng et al.
59 Sumner &Co. vs. Updegraft et oz.
6'J Bonner vs. Sterling. •
65 Central P. R. W. Co. mi. Oakland
Railway, Co. -
.11 Hill vs. lorethy of al.
quarter Sessions—Judge Sterrett.
THoltlinAT, March 31.—The first case
taken up was that of the Commonwealt
vs. Henry A. lierlgrass, Indicted h
larceny by bailee, Ellen Ileadgraes
prosecutex. The defendant was charged
with appropriating a lot of wearing sp.
parel, the property of the prosecutes.
The jury returned a verdict of not guilty.
John Henmlller, Indicted for selling
liquor on Sunday, on oath of Thomas L.
Dowling, was arraigned and plead not
guilty. The defendant is proprietor of a
saloonlo6 Penn street. where the
aflense was alleg 6 ed to have been commit
ted on February Bth. 1870. Tne jury
returned a verdict of guilty. Sentence
deferred. •
Wm. Nicholson. Indicted for malicious
mischief, was placed on tile'. He was
charged with shooting a gaol, the prop
erty of James Sterling. Tnejury returned
a verdict of not guilty and directed that
the defendant pay the nests.
The next case taken up was that of the
CommonwealthKelghly, in
flicted for aggravated assault and battery,
Philip Ryan prosecutor. The defendant,
it was alleged. struck the prose cutor I
over the bead wi th a "handy hilly. The
jury returned a verdict of guilty of sloe.
ply assault and battery.
Charles Ritter and Conrad Wagner In
dicted for a misdemeanor under the act
of Assembly . relating to the Board of
Health, John D. Wieder', '
The offense charged was that of empty
ing privy filth on the wharf. A plea of
write contendere was entered.
The next case taken up was thatof the
Commonwealth vs: Henry Barton, in
dicted for larceny, John W. Taylor, pros
ecutor. The defendant boarded with
prosecutor in Allegheny. and It wail the
leged that be and his wife, on or about
the 21st of March, were left alone In the
house, and when Mrs Taylor returned
she discovered that a door leading to her
sleeping room bad been broken open and
her watch stolen: The - watch was after
ward found at Chntotti's pawn broker
shop. The jury returned a verdict of
guilty. John Coyle, Req., defendant's
counsel, moved for a now trial In arrest
of judgment.
The next case taken up was that of the
Cimmonwealth - vs. James Raymond,
against whom there were three indict
mouse for larceny, Amity Yeakel,
and Robert Yanked prosecutors. It
was alleged that the defendant entered a
house near Bakondown en or about the
fourth of January and stole therefrom an
overcoat, a drew' coat, a hat and pair of
biota. Tho article' were In porereesion
of the owuers about eleven o'clock at
eight, and the next morning they. were
gone. few hours afterwards the de
fendant was overtaken in Htewartatown,
and had the stolen articles le his ponies-
Mon. The jury returned a verdict 4 .0 f
guilty in sit three maw. The Court then
sentenced the defendant in the-first cum
to pay coats of prosecution, s line of six
cents, and undergo an Imprisonment In
the county work house for the period of
one year. In the other two case. be wan
sentenced tociondnement of six months
In the county years. in each case,
making in all two
In the cases of the Commonwealth vs.
James Scanlon and Watley Hill, In
dicted for the larceny of about two
hundred dollars in gold and sliver and a
sliver watch, the property of John Pad
den; Scanlan plead guilty and Slit will be
tried on Monday.
200 Com. vsStephen Hcfitnan.
188 11
Peter Crider.
2 / 10 " Peter Wilma.
268 • " Michael hlclinito.
165 1 . John W. Renee.
204 . 1 Joseph Lierbeter.
2113 11 .1. C. Moon.
271 " Darby Holland.
24 " 'Charles Ritter, 2 cases.
TeSt Com. vs. Henry Barton.
21111 _Martin Dunshelaer.
267 Wm. B. Sterrett.
151 1 . John Stone.
184 " Andrew Sturgeon.
Man Drowned—tilironeVe Dmon.
Coroner Clawson held an leeriest ye ,
terday morning on the bodj
of Lswls
Barry, who was drowned-1n the Menge
beta river, WednesdaY night, while at.
tempting to get on board the “Semson,
No. 2." Bury It seems, is from Louth
villa, and got on board the damson at
that point a few days since on her ,up
trip and worked hle pasnage to this city.
When the boat lawn
here Wednesday
he went ashore, and according to the
statement of the mate and others con•
nected with the boat became intoxicated.
Between nine and ten o'cdock he re
turned to the boat and in attempting to
board her fell from the stage plank into
river: Some of the deck hands and the
mate,Mr. W. R. Wilbert, heard the
splas in the water and ran to his amis.
lance. They succeeded after some time
had elapsed, In getting the body out of
the river before life was extinct. Dr.
Btoneroad wee sent for but before he ar
rived the man wee dead. The jury, alter
hearing' the testimony, returned a ver-
Mot of death by drowning. - Deceased
was apperently about thirty9ve years
old. Onhie • person was found a letter
from Captain illiamson, of the almoner
Witham. .
. • Nicole Dementltd.
An agent; of the Adams Ezpross CO.
called at the Mike of the City Treasurer
yesterday, with a city funded debt bond
of the denomination or One thonund
dollars. for which the gold was demand- -
ed. The bond was lamed prior to the
pussyfoot the legal tender act, and under
the recent decision of the tiapreme Court
of the United Mates to payable in gold. •
The Trellatlier refused to pay - the bond
and sent the agent to the Controller.
There aro about one hundred thousand
dollars of these bonds out, Cud t hey will
probably all be presented for pa meat
during the present year, which will have
a tendency to reduce the "current bat
once" materially. At the price of gold
yesterday It will cestl.ho city 41 mom i n
greeubsaks to redeem the liloo,o oo of her
Itabilltted which fall due the you.
Coroners Muteness.
The foll Owing is a report of the Inquiets
held by Oaroner Clawson during the
month of March: Jacob Ambeedj . afab
bed at • ball In Blrtaingtiain; Charles A.
notchittss, killed by the falling of a
bank Di clay; John Kinsella, died from
effects of sut over dose of laudanum; David
Scott, killed by the overturning of a car;
Timothy M ack, died from ccrogestion of
the brain; John btoctostry. mod from
congestion - of the brain; Annie Mack,
died from oonvulsions; lingls (*IT, an
poplexy; Labelle Boyd, summit mum;
unknown infant, deposited in a privy
Ault; Daniel Whalen, run over by the
care on the Fort Wayne and Chicago
Kaurood; W. H. Craig, congestion of the
wee; Mhry Pryor, natural muses; and
• ••••-•-•. drowned In the Mon.
itiark Friday —The Advcut et Maytag
Tune—ltsperlencee or the unfortunate
—Cheering Anticirsii"""-
To-day will be. a genuine "black
ni'isY" in the ealender of all throe
unfurl minium who will be cent
palled to ',lnfanta a change of base.
There is undoubtedly great pro .
priety le designating the first of
April as "all haulm day," for If ever peo
ple look and feel crazed cad. Idiotic It in
when undergoing the pangs and woes of
"moving." It Is a day to be anathema
tiled for months beforehand, and see
crated over afterwards. It wall be ruin
ing or snowing, ea a matter of since",
and the mud will be poaxassed of all the
properties and virtues of Spaulding 'a
glue. will be a abut day, too, In et
of lime; far too short to acuainplash all
that Is to Le done. The sun wall hasten
his course on has diurnal round mad set
long before you are ready for it. It will
be lengthy enough, however, w point of
agony; viewed iu this light it will fully
equal n young eternity. Au age of sui
hours ring wi
of l 6 l be
w.- and comessed Y u the
II r. b You will
have a headache too—every tonty has a
headache on "moving day. It hi an in.
!separable adjunct of the occasion. The
man or women who has not au ache or
pain all the rest of the year, is aura to
feet a pang on the let of April. An aoh.
ing head is an inevitable thing upon that
occasion, became it le especially conso
nant w Ith the misery of the time; It makes
you feel so dull, dismal and humor
ed. A toothache la not unfre
fluently an imoomptuiltnent, and If you
have a hollow tooth in o it Is
morally certain to get themischief In It
ou moving day. You generally have a
twinge of rheumatism, too, and it Invaria
bly come. In your back putt when yciu
need all the strength of that part for lilt.
lag tables, stov. and boxes. If you are
predist_sed tha e t way It will generally .
manage to vials you at that time, and If
you never had It In your life before it will
be sure to choose that occasion for an en.
perifuent. If you have children they
will be all sick on (be tirat of April, no
matter how healthy they may be at
other times. They may go to bed
the night before as robust as young
Elarepeons but they will be Imre -to
get up unwell that morning and be very
ill and peevish all day. If you have
friends at a distance they will be a
lutely certain to choose that time fora
visit. Yen may have been Inviting them
all the root of the year, when you were
in excellent condition for receiving them,
but they will procrastinate and postpone
until they finally drop down upon -you
when you have everything torn topsy
turvey and are In absolute mire-mai.
There are a 'thousand other cheering
attendants and blesalngs of the ((whoa
occasion which we• have not time to
enumerate, but which every unfortunate
will experience vividly to-day. Job
must have been born on the lot of April,
judging from the bitterness with which
dracuretapl his natal day. lJndonbt
yel 'mo of- the hief
sp y
ng oat of Pandora'sc ills
boxhen which
lid was taken oft, was this day of days
the worst. It Is a well blished thece
logical rub that no mans accountable
for whet he does on the let of ApriL
is a time when all creation Le awry; When
everything is upset; when the Glen:Leas
are resolved back into confusion, and
when we have a very truthful panto
mime of what the world was before Ito
trantaformation from chaos. If there wits
more than one Ist of April in the year,
life would be too intolerable for any hn
man being to endure it.
Midget Hall Is en Amazonian female,
residing In the Ninth ward. She is per
feMly 'able to take care of heraelf. and if
the weaker sex are trot' allowed to vote,
Bridget would make an excellent repos•
seutative of her sex. She might also
take the stump with credit to herself and
profit to the candidate whose claims she
advocated. Her determination and rig.
orous, active mind, and her undaunted
courage, would all tend to make her sue
mogul. We base these remarks upon a
little circumstance which transpired
yesterday, and which developed in
Bridget some of the characteristics noted.
Olivet Olson, a male biped, offended her
In someway. Odver should have known
better than to provoke her; but he did`nt.
lie knew.. better now though; though
experience la a dear school. -
Oliver, it seems, offended Bridget In
this way. He felt thirsty, and to amuses
the same dropped In at the little retreat
' presided over by the lady. He called
for and obtained a glass of the cooling
beverage; then turned and was walking
away -without.. pay,ing for the drink.
Bridget admonished him that such wan
not the proper way of doing buel.
Hese. t han ep in langue more
forcible h elegant. She co ag ntinued
the controversy by coming from be
land the bar, inserting her clown In
the eryth of his face, thereby marring the
beauty of his co unt enance eenelderably.
To tinted the exercisea she broke a glees
lamp libido over his hea d. Ile con
cluded It wee desirable to pay the bill.
lie paid it and ramped from theelutchea
of the Arneson. Reflecting upon ht.
treatment, he eought the °Mee of Al
derman Taylor, and made Information
against Bridget for assault and batterY.
A warrant hu been issued and Bridget
• I will be arrested.
We bespeak the careful attention of
our readers to the advertisement of Itev.
Wi A. Faller, resident Manager tin this
en* of the .Erspire Mutual Lift Courant
Cin'araSY of Arlo York, wherein it will
he seen that, like everything else, the
systems and plans of insurance are pro.
greaslve. Several • new and benidoent
'features are presented by the prcepectus
of the Empire Mattml, which will com
mend themselves to parties about to in
sure their lives as improvements which
every , Judicious and prudent man will.
appreciate. Tbe Empire Mutual is man
aged by some of the beat men In l i e;
York, and Mr. Fuller, the local man r
for Western Pennsylvania, is a ge
man to whose thorough knowledgfi of
the business and Irreproachable in
tegrity the most implicit confidence is
due. Those who may insure their lives
through his agency may feel PorfooilY
sure that he will practice uo deception,
make no misstatements, and we team
that the present Institution has acquired
an enviable reputation for the prompt
adjuatments and payments of all looses.
These aro Important considerations with
persons who are not tnemselves well in
formed on the subject of • life insuranoe.
See advertisement in another column.
Pew ROW' rroposell
The rivalry between the two passenger
railway lines in Allegheny la likely to
result In more extensive facSitles of
travel for tho people. The pointat which
both are striving is to touch Woods' Run
and Pittsburgh, and at the same time
travel through the best parts of Alle
gheny. The Manchester line does 'this
now, but there is a large proportion of
the Inhabitants of the becond sod Sixth
wards who are not accommodated. The
'Pleasant Valley Railway does this Tar e
but can never succeed perfectly
until it reaches Pittsburgh. A new pro.
position, we are Informed, in now talked
of 'by the managers of the Manchester
line. They are considering the feasi
bility of running • branch from tho
main track to Wcrads' lien, via Salvor
avenue and Jackson streets, Irwin
avenue or P•al1111 , Lane and Washington
avenue. If they .procure the necessary
is probable the 'plan will
be put in operation the coming season.
As yet, however, the project In only un
der discussion. •
• Scheel Home Extension.
The Sixth ward Public School, Alto.
shany. is one among the Most fidurishing
In either city. The atmadarme of pupils
is already very large and is steadily in.
_eremites. Daring the present school
year conalderable difficulty has been ex.
rieced in accommodating all the
sc pe hola u rs, and the necessity for a -larger
building became apparent. For soma
time past the Directors have been con•
striating the matter, and at last have eon•
eluded to build an addition to the present
building during the coming semen. The
lot on which the building Is located Is
Lamplyn, w hich e enough
be made to admit of the es.
tension, of sufficient
airs to accommodate all the immediate
and prsameettve wants or the school for
years. • The work of grading the lot has
already been commenced, and the ore*.
tton of the building will be pushed for
ward as rapidly aa possible. '
And bore la another ease. Matthew
timbal= made Information yesterday
before Alderman Bowden, of Allegheny,
against James Nteraort for false prate.,
an a, au , is a 'young man from the coun
try." Last week be sold • load of hay to
Peterson, who had him haul It out to
Lswreneewille. After the hay watt in
the stable Petersen, it Is alleged, r e.
quested Grahant to watt until the next.
nextor his money. Hs welted several
days, and not receiving the amount
at lut made Information for false pretence
against Peterson. The accused was
arrested and a hearing In the ease had,
when the salt was withdrawn, Peterson
paying costa end giving his nate for the
amount due on the hay . •
Register's 110 111010. •
Tbo mnowtnit IN a ropirt of the Mini'
,10 , 0 l done In the Reglater'a ',Mao during
tio, month of March, 1870, giving tho
number of latter* of atlinhilstistlon
granted and v 1110 adnßtted to nrobato:
01/).1.1111.11.,•T1 10113111011.11.11 .
,, AD.; ea 1100 P.
Jolto ..... J. T. al 3Mo
Itartla , Wl:n.emon... • A Mein. to •,0u
Yreller Irk P0tt1e.... ., Itmetol to 11,0
Altwit Heil Ling Kurts.•.. 4,01 at
1..01 U. 1110 .... 1,1.1
wll Ilan Mart. 10,111 4.10.
Mutt of Tumult". J 41.•Itous ?Coo.
lieorge Ilnitbetionelt..ll.lllo 'Warhol .
'loot, ['outlet'? ...... Jotelth . •1,h.1
At w Not,. Jul. J. Nita &II 11111101 Joseph HOW,— . mi.
reLnele Met`ot et It—Art.lo Jot. 4 , 4t00n toeo
Midget Wiil6oll Thollll. 1n... .14
' 014 " i t .% I ' l'
Amy? y utters AI.. r • Xi! ,
. 11111 t. It W ilttotuo
tl4.i 1
I 4 Vt.l„. I'4'
Ttt.llll•Ct•rm . 1,1• 1 ••
Jot.' V•••cir It ,
"4" • ' !,717 . " ' , V
1 . 1 . .. e,. I
•••• I 11 w 1•t
001,. 1
11. 1..1141. •1 • ...M Y . +1.1.1. •
./.LOn 110CW1,40,641t.
Jolty A. 1taitth..14.... ,
Ntsmarvt tumq VI.. aset.
Mum Ktvanq 1 . 10 11. iievyol.s,
11cMel Ky. 1111604th
WI., 11. ' tt. 11. Bit. sit.
J. th, flare l.a. g .
kliktoCE, I
• •" 111,1l•Im.
0kti , 11.1,.
T. ‘ll•Apln
f. loan.
J 7 . 4
Cs ward llWore
Met. Worth .. ..........
Jaeoe BroteaMth t sine ‘betle Tiernan ...... f I
14 dm•
- - .
Our readers will observe by the adver
tisement In another column that a change
has been made In the old, reliable and
staunch house of Rigby & Co. Robert
K. Dust, Rm., for twenty years Assistant
Cashier of the Pittsburgh Rank, haws en
tered into the 00-partnershlp„ i l
hereafter be known under the style of
Rigby, lust & Co. The new firm will
continue at the old Maud, No. 189 Lib
erty street, to carry on the buslnesa of
wholesale and retail jobbers and dealers
to Queensware, China. Glass and Silver
Pla.ed Ware, itel, &c. The house of
Rigby it Co. dates back to an organize•
lion over forty years ago. During these
years; by attention to business, warranted
merchandim energy and strict probity
In every transaction; the firm hu gained
the confidence of the entire community
and developed Into one or the
'largest and most popular mer
cantile establishments in Western
The new paitner, Mr. Cast, needs no
Introduction in business circles or to the
community. Ills character for tact, In•
tegrity and business qualification* of the
highest order Is strawy established.
Under the new order of things and with
the same principles to guide, the new
Arm cannot fall to have increased success
and prosperity. .They continue to
import directly from the manufacturers,
an advantage which the purchaser will
appreciate. The stock will be kept as
heretofore, always full and complete,
and tho same moderation In prlcca will
govern all Balsa. We can heartily com
mend }Rigby, Coat & Co. to the patronage
of all, whether large or small purehasers
of anything in the line of Queensware.
°rims floras.—The audience at the
Opera House was quite large last even
ing, notwithstanding the dampness of the
'teethe , . The amusing comedy of o.t.
New Way to Pay Old Debts," was pre.
mmted, Mr. Davenport In the role of "Sir
Giles Overreach." This evening he will
play "Hamlet."
himerrstu.s.—The justly celebrated
Allen Pettengill Sensation Minstrels,
whose MIC , fIIOI was unprecedented during
their last Visit to tale city, will give an
other brief thoulh brilliant season of
their inimitable entertainments, now
mencing Wednesday evening, April 6th,
at Masonic Hail. Of course all who love
fun will go mad see them.
PA.ItErA Rms.—The isle of seaeon
tickets for Pareps Rost's English Opera
at the Opera House yesterday far ex
oeeded the expectation of the manager,
and the sale of single made, which takes
place to day, will be very. large. The
troupe is one of the beet organiratlone,
and. comprises more genuine musical,
talent then any other company kW has
ever favored this city with a visit, awl
their coining sewn, though • brief one
promises to be unusually miteeessful.
Ittal Ertate Tran.lers
Tho following detain won, filed of rod
ofd in thO ollloa of Thos. P. itunior, 1 , 3.3.,
itwoorder or Allegheny .munly; ou
Thursday, Moron 31, 11170.
11 1 .1r,°;;. 4 ,'x;. 1,6 ,:-.'! 1 2; . ..t v 0 .1,, a1g:' ,.,w.:1;
land /a Balder.. towiniodo art Ina
John It envy la n. , 11. cligy. North C. iVin Igu ,
A ji : :,,V.:;;Tcr C.. lls:1 06 1 :41X, 7, 217,0;lot
- ni ~, or n, on quarry Bt.. Allegheny. ' .•...11 77 .
J.. Wlllona to 1.. Wallace, U.. IL IBA; Imes
of land in Balnwth township "
~ 01,176
John Webs, to Mar/ 11. Boyd. Bash —.. IS70;
lot 2, ay air B. on JAI dicy St.. Alirgheny. 11.14 P
006 11. Sawyer MN • P. Hawser. Aug. .11 , , ,: 11:44:
latsrsat la you oh P.M ave.. ..... .. .... Re
/rant Sclillee to Trani: detillkn 1 Co.. melt
"A. 1070:4 lot, In lath ward, 1,c oo
nil jot P 77
to kary M CI. , January 10, 11701
lot 77 67 194:12. on Bt.. Templi111107, 1 1:
Y. O. McGregor to J maim Moll renor. Masan =4,
1.010, 17 scrag and 17 pOrctiss In north Paztg
lies. at. Healey to J. H. HOMO. 4.117, 1, 110Flot
0/ by 117 A• Oa Brosit Bt.. Ilth ward, FL taDur"COgh
sou to .101.1,4 S. tiutos. £ P , I I
I.l" ." ac h-... re - iisd fd porthes it Snowden tizz.
The Blight Thing—The Right Place
Mr. Atidor:-1. was led by your favor. I
able natio° of J. F. Belisting, and by the
testimony of a friend who has dealt with
him for more than a year, to try for my.
self the quality of the varlet:la kinds of
meat for which he la celebrated. My ex
perience la good proof that Bellsilne is
either at ids stand .79 Pittsburgh or 89
Allegheny Market, is, as you have said,
e gore plea', to get good, and only good
beef, mutton, or veal, cot and served
exactly as they should bo. Try him and
be convinced. DUMAS AT Roan.
Important to litichin,tota.—Large ono-
Lion sale of machinery to-day. There
will be sold without reserve at 10 o'clock
this morning tho entire. stock of ma
chinery, tools, pattern,' do., remaining
at the machine shop of Joseph Tomlin
son, corner of Du
LlSquesne Way and Coen
A. OLIATS, Auctioneer.
The Spring Stock of Henry 0.- Hale,
Mercbant Tailor, at corner of Penn
avenue and Sixth .atreet, L now large
end complete. Monsieur BonpalDe COD-
Unties to preside at the nutting. tf
Furniture and Carpeta.—Lugo auction
sale of furniture and cuprite al A. Log.
gate's auction house, 169 Federal skeet,
Allegheny, tomorrow (Saturday) Wpm
lug at 9 o'clock. '
The Oregon Brewery bis long been
noted for Its excellent breelnaei but
never did It turn out such excellent
cream ale as . Pier, Dant:tabs a Lb. are
now producing.
Tin Ladles' florcolo Club, of NOW York.
recently changed their litzeuesione from
woman' , suffrage to 'Hair preparations sod
Pimple Banishers. They declare that where
Ha as
had not endowed theta with beauty, it
was th eir right— yea, that duly—to meek It
where they could. Bo they all voted that Mtn .
soils Balm overctme sallowavea, Rough Skin.
sad lUegnoirkstand gas. to the eolith's/all/a •
at daffier/se (noroslan) and marbledlke
pearance (dangerous to men, no doubt); and that
Lyon's Rathairoir made the hate grow thick,
soft and awful pretty, and matron? prevented
it Prom turning- gray, If the proprietors of
these articles did not send the slaters an Invoice
they are not smart.
u • ororly=ticiLlusreo.
Carriages for Inas*lnde randaliuld
00711148 and a lonend Tarnhament at
aced rata.
c4i) ItAtr.ll V, IV A „10. at 4! o•eloek ,
will be @old Pi 'order ot Siralltot. Roque,
Floor of Colonserolill Pates Booms, lee 100tik.
Dela Fund, dm . ollynnn ,roonble neck., ...-
"I'Vggl';:4;3l'l4A r rH v iti!Plllr .
40 •• Iron Oltv
•• Mechanics ..
30' •• Allesn•n7
00 •• Senond
•• ••
• 0 •• Veopte's
510 1
44 10rd •
I,(l=4.l.loBnraiio Connan).
•- Weaterl I. tt
311 4, linatmon's
a Pt oplo4
5nt.51,11. Groin gl
llroaa erstor.
1: • I. .lfisa "ei alrntso Z
taring Co. of of
,4 01
Oas of Them
MerobaniTallof sod Mier
In Clentlemen , alforaltddno flood.; •DoUO U°•
men sod Sow Clothing oo loud and solo to
order at the abottest node. hu remoood from
Oblate stand. No. OS rovat mode. to X. DI
WOOD ItiftlllT, corner of .......
IR7 Tel.wsph w the iilt.bOrit
LuNl'oN , March al.—The Ttpva erl
mato]; that the eminiry'a Ineeme last
year arms:led the ereen 4l,l " . " elg"
The Neteettoulee that the t
will IMO trotti. to it. ,1 0.110.4)
will the reetill .0 14.
els vette eJ
1 , 1 1 / 6 1614.•
A hi., M.rnb . CI. ./qt A+ 1 6,
red laraml P ,
1r ripAIII
rre 11 uu
MI. %In 4.ll, , Ail , " o oPfiti 4 ,";!'.
grlipllr 1111 , 1 Illa •11401
witioht Old • i , ‘ Et tits: RAtio
II "". Ito O.. Itat,t.ti if 1.046 .
It tua, Noiol.k 41, , A 1 ,4 00 , 10 I k 4
11111101 t0.41$ tlto Orita.l4 Th/Pir l i f atlia
rinittilualoat , 'rho pa O lito '11.4
Litton tioya Ihrtritai s ,l
atibittit to autintiiir , ,. iirora
oanitott, and w tho krittatiloria
chow it 110 140164 ul V 1, 4 1 . 1 1 t.ii4 OA
nottouuntuttlnaltitit wilt A pririlitlaWil
agritint Wont.
It la ountortoll kiwi that the gotifoort
(boned will tho
discussion or tho althornn of littnitiltilit
In that event tint ler smolt A inintoail o l
I will not roturu to Itutna.
Join A. Z. tenni.
Mune, !darela 3l.—An animated de•
bate occurred In the t hemlMte reeesiti V
00 the question of priallegimo to one of the
twertval estblee to Atueries. The Mln•
litere were et length luetruotett to wake
could terms.
MADRID, March 3l.—The gevernroent
officially announced Ita determination to
abstain from all Interference , In the alTalre
of the Pope and the Eetunenleal Council.
LONDON. Marra IL—The steamer 11
!wriggle from Portland, Ivo arrived.
Lomax' March 3l—Etierting.--oortsolo.
935 for money; account, 93%. Arne:less
securities quiet; '(/25491i4; Ws, 90%; '67s,
KINIt 16-10 s, Frl; Fries, 21%; L 11434;
FRANKFORT, MOSCh 31.-13Onda firm at
awe, Marah St.—Bourse quiet at 74
LIVIMPOOL, March 31.—Ootton quiet
nd steady; middling uplands 101‘d; Or •
-a leans 11,4011;id; sales 12,000 halts.
CuStorni'. white wheat 9s 3d. red western
5002 Bs, winter Ss 9d ®l3s 10d. Western
Flour at 20s. Corn 261.3 d. Oats Vs. Ed.
Chases 70s 6d Pork 925 . 6 d. Beef 104 s
6d. Lord quiet at 60s. Baron Wa. Spirits
Petroleum ls sd, reflood Is 814 d. Tallow
435 9d.
Lotitain, March 3l.—Tallow Bat at 45s
Sugar 39s 3d. Linseed 01l Quiet *and
steady. Calcutta linseed Mla. Basin
ANTWKBP, March 3l.—Petroleum quiet
at 64f.
Ilsv RV, kdarchst—Cotton quiet.
ANTWSRP, March 31.—Petroleum
closed at 6334. _
lievruc, March St.—Cotton deed Etat.
-Trie Senators froinTaxis have been
sworn In. ... .. _
—Clevelandls to be lidded the list of
Dayton, Ohio, will pay 11860,000 of
Income lax for 1869.
—The public debt was reduced five
millions during. March. ~..
ro. /
—The revenutioollectiorui In the second '
Ohio district da ing March amounted to'
—Wilgus B ' store, at Mies, N. T.,
was robbed W nesday night of $9OOO
worth of silks. ' .
—Lewis Collins, mentenmal to be hung
at Baltimore to-day, has been reprlesed
until May 13th.
—The it rand Rapids Iteilmad will be
ready for use bet Ween Fort Wayne and
' Sturgis; Michigan, by Juno let.
—John Monroe e diatillery, nu' Cum
berland street: Philadelph i
. win burn
!ed Wednesday night. toes tatt,ooo.
—Richerd Tiokou, Indicted' at Phil.
delphla for the murder of two little bey.,
ham cut his ball and tied,: it is 'supposed
to Europe. ,
—Thomas L. Derry, of Gerrard county,
Ky., was recently taken from his home
and hung by armed men calling these.
selves Ku-Klux. -
—The Sheriff difliculty In Chicago re-'
mains unsettled. The proper ottloer has
atisoonded, and the Rotist'hesitate§ to de.
al are a vacancy exists.
—The Office of the Treasurer Of Perry
county, Indiana, at Cannelton, • email
town on the Ohio river, wag robbed on
Tuesday nigitt. of 120,000.
—The bark Cricket, with • cargo of five
thousand bags of coffee from BM
Janeiro, was wrecked a few due ego en
Cape Charles. Crew saved.
—William Linsey, colored, employed
in Redline &Mule's shoddy factory, at
Chicago, was caught in the machinery
yesterday and fatally injured.
—The fruit-packing factory of J. B.
Glenn A Co., on Canal street, Cleveland,'
was destroyed hydro yesterday morning,
lan on stook and building 08,000.
—A gang of roughs attacked two offi
cers on the steps of the court bowie, at
Chicago, yesterday, and rescued a prit
oner, who was, however, recaptured.
' —The Ohlo Legislature has accepted
au invitation from , the Baltimore and
Ohio Railroad to visit Washington, and
will Mill the trip after adjournment.
—The remains of iiien. Thomas were
forwarded east from San Francisco yes.
terday, in charge of a military escort.
The body will not pose through Pitts
—The Pullman excursion party left
Mobile last evenhig for Atlanta via Cor
In continuance of a tour through
the United States for the arrangement of
car routes. •
—The sentence of Philip Stelmneds,
whose execution for lbs murder of
August ileisch was fixed to take plus at
Toledo, Ohlo, to day, has been commuted
to imprisonment at hard . Mbar for life.
—The Republican Committee of Con•
necticut authorize the statement that the
Fifteenth Amendment, proclamation
came too late for colored ,lento comply
with the provhdoeis of the law at
the election next Mondert, '
—Spaniards in Cabs, In an address on
the subject of the transfer of Cuba to any
foreign powerrootialude with the dec
laration: ' , Tin Spaniards who are in
Cuba may be conquered, but ceded or
sold, never. Cuba shall remain Bosnian.
or we will abandon her When converted
to ashes."
—Alb issue of moiv,ooo third mortgage
bonds of the Marietta. and Cincinnati
Railroad Comq has been authorized
by the stock dent. The bonds will
probably be tak by parties In the inter•
eat of the Baltimore And Ohio Railroad
snd the preceeder applied t
o brinin the
Marietta and Cincinnati road up t o etint
class oxidition• A
—Advieee from Connecticut show that
about eleven hundred colored men hale
made application•.lor registration, and
aodording to the laws of the Stale the
Boards of Registration can decide on
their claims on the Morning of the oleo.
Bon, so that the: announcement of the
adoption of the Fifteenth Amendment on
Wednesday willeeoure the right to vote
to at losst one-half of the above number
of colored men, . Both Senators Ferry
and Suctringhopi were exported hones
susikuss NOTICES
VErer MTN".
OIL I.ITY; March 31.-111vnr tlaing
aloy•Iy, anti. 4 feat 9 Inchto water In the
chann*l. Vieetber cloudy. Thernimn•
eaer 43 at 4 Y. is.
• ilw,wneYst.Lic, March 31.-11.1Yer fal•
ling, WWI . 1/ teat WWI( In the channol.
Wired late .I..vneiy. Therr , 45 at G.
, sp.i.
, Li.
.1. .
i,....... • t t„.....
5t ? ,,... ,, d,, ,,,, i , .. , - , 7 - -. , —. , -- st •-t,t,....;...,i-- _
2..... , .... ~ .:.,,,.. i- ,, ~,. ., ,,,,. ot -,,,,,,,,, 1 f......... - t.V.M. a 4 2,.., ,, ..... , ME
.. UrlThi . 0 : 4 1 . PV Y .'.l•4.''''''''' 4 ' ... V. "".. ,...1, 1 ; .• .... 7 ' '.' V .II; tr. 701 I; '..
~1t. 1 .1‘ , . , Th -4 , reli ft"...!‘"t, 1.4.".." '''' pm. ~,,,,,,,,,
5,,,g( ,tloi-r. 4.0.1 A.,.. "04...r.0 - 4.E. i .0. 7e ..1., ivr... .
J•i fl,ttt vreel el Iro.lTttl'h•h# Oli ~,,,..1.1e:, I Per:CT -.' .:..... ...t . t
a fi r e; t,ll.4.^+lNt , fm , l• ,i , .. , e,....
iiitilk• 71,0(k, /I.4+R*4-(4.04A-v,t`,.. Ler
f I*"
.41.1 •
14 4 fthl P-'!4• 4 h l #
Ff gf.01.11 4, M
Fri V , els
0.14 0 r rf
WA : 44itr•-,,,-,4 ifttri l ift “Alii
A • . -,,,,-., , r 4 . ,, 110 .
.z i -
'4 , 1. ,-
AA/ 4 n'rkst. ,-'t'tit° ilJi via fa moil
irVi4 ‘ , , , , , a-r.,,1t';iu.1. ,. .A. m 4!
"gV. „ . , „,
.:,,.. ; • .14,xx1x.x. so.l O.
WA atzu:--ii yonai PITSSIg that
•1 .
~. 0
.opf4 .og ow
.141,0 , 1
, I• i
154...,•xx1 Mx 1011 Mx. "*
V 1 . ' 'trgtV:r
7711itfr.•A'Olt lt:1 IV:PX7i
Ar.„4 rerstut,-;no 1111N111 LAHO.
Is 1014 Of *fin P.l • 11/ WO Illinb, IV sy 04
,„•.. A,...10 l'A 14116 • pply sallaxi
'''''' - 7 - J '''t 1'2'..... ° 1
AirrEllh—Tvern or Thies
l e.
, :r . to.i. , lx. ilu.solxx-etilg.
Ny A IVICED.--fltti Coal av
. . _
• Ws, IX ler re. ito 4111, , fro to pay; ikekt Ix
MI Le W. Will.. is,rrai MO. Kra 1n...11W ,
'''" 1" nt:rgeoltellit tretrctiVilln
!Miieu to ttie Wed.
ter wrench t ire emanates oasts.)
fignive,lLL.,learch 31.—The waters
of . both Green mud Rock rivers are cans..
log c Me vicinity.
bilks of omunderablfdionage
laud on both in
sides of these
streams are covered with water, maths
bed of the Rook. Island and bit. Louts
Railroad is being washed out in a num
ber of ohms, and their bridge over Green
river, itls retorted, hill already been
washed away. The track of the Coal
Valley Railroad over the Rook river
bottoms la under water for tulle % It
has not been so high for twenty years.
Terrible dams. le feared. A large
number of hay Stacks, fences, de., were
swept away, and there is great danger of
the linen bridge over Rook river or
carried away. .
The track of the Chicago, Rook Island
and Pacific • Railroad, between Green
river and Golcma Station, U coveted with
water trt some pima". It rained and
hailed here all Say •yesterday, and the
weather is vary much unsettled.
The oual banks at Cleveland,
have all been drowned out by the. high
Ortarra, blarehill.LThe rivet !arising
and musing full of tee here and at Nir•
brute City. Ths Briwnsville boats are
unable to cross at the Mar place, but are
crossing here. •
14•00 a 'qv La
4..4. )4 lb. ,lzsavel.
7i.w+w•.v.K+ur a 5 a: 6
cf. .... U.... ti k.: , r;041 tall
o..A.ihstAkArorr 67 aot
boc. , , frY.• 4 . *M.
y pf•riA , OP": tr , fi
luii 604.144 I.M a f
mti4 lotiv• -
* MVO,
Do:cock m boo. Ix WI. Of soMI moss%
...Par raw of littned.•
•. DOSO sad Mesa EMMA Brater, •
11.. ITO Sautbs el.l mat.
T . ll . )NT.—Con Friaaj. March 23,
tr A it,'lritT4 ' .7.lmarte..m. T..k,rkw
BWK, rootainlor , atmot $49 43 mossy awl •
Prorol tor, 14014 op Muroran Uttivoro for ONO.
Any coo fin it, •Id rocket Book .141 be Uhler.
allr reworded Lltraillog 9A14 ~» •
Irw Matto, WP11(11110r. I'•• 3-B,
rjr. LET.--4 111410111111, 36 cheap
Xt.pare of C. T. WEBBIII, Lad et.
rro.LET.-2 Furnished Booms
tt Wo. 314 PUN rTRILIPP.
TLET —A new HOUSE of 4
rrotims Ant sure• of ground at Tlrntog
riation. miles lion Pittsburgh. on the P.
W. 2C. it. Ad rest In inquire at 169
r .... at • •
rIIOOLET. -1 Bret-class STORE
11. No. 46 Ohio
eore weal ,•1' the Dom tiO: also 411114115 . 1;e1
sal4 More room. W 111 be mated ....e or to.
gather. If 4 dlred. Ole of Me beat Diatoms lo
cation. le th e chi. Beat moderateCANCUN.. Inquire of
• W•
460 Ohle street.
1. or TINY UltridsllltNoeltb t.a.. board. No. IAN DICKSON TRIZTOVIeebear.
Alma a Veer DAY BOARDER?! accommodated.
Ott tbe premises. /4$
FR RENT.—The Three Story
rear of No. IWI Wood otroet„lbraterly occupied
No. 11 1 1. 171 W".""'
ryo LET One good Store room
sod 11WI1.LINU, No. WI Oldo street, 3
oors ream Illuadod o f
lest door to Irlsaalls
Savings Bonk. Vas of ohs best 14Klahlell la tbs
elts. pls. moderate. Also, Id - MOWS In the
n rag:;3l 4 n0"14=1417. 46 tthle net.
Batt of Booing
11171;12 Lori t7rt,-121111;a1
front gloom. 3rd Moor. Otio We. ROI Ith
two naporoonts 610 goor. ens More Boom,
Int f100r. 62 In 2.61 222 tow 0011,, Xiai
Voiotia avenge. b oo terms Inquire of A. H.
FROMM 412).. No. WI /pooh
riLET.—A Tavern Stand,
g* Wolof av Dwellings on
filth avenue. Flee B e.
Beslileuee on Oft. Washing
ton, Writ aaaaa • 11111, Item. nod paces on
porter street, Hutment N sod
• aaaaa , OAZZahI a Co..
/quo al,ow.
166 96 fifth arena,
MO-LET.-4 Story Brick House
.1.„ 6 Room. A Mil o W uti llinme,Oas nod WSW,
.1111.14,14 , 16 nelaty street. oast square from
rlemot Valley atient ears. Rant low.
TO.l.6T.—Berk Rase of 6 Boom. No 160
M 144107. star gampsoa •in et, iid watd.
0.11 190 per month.
71.PLET—il 111017 Brick Mona of 11 liciefrin.
Dal, as., Water, an.. No. 149 Market &MI,
6th W.N. only one 500500 from street earn.
Mont low.
Per farther DO ormWlCw. opPll'
w ..r. VIM&
=MB Dlamwad.
0!le of"M tne ducat boas. lathe atty. eoutatatalt
Water and Uaa tbroagbous. TbtAr hones will be
naiad Ter/ low to a good neat.
tuzsrrs COUNTINU RAO6.
16 Nitta Mew..
'Tor pia-11.14m
z■qui...t No. 1111111111.THPIOLD BT. 3.0
EOR—SALE—allegheny County
ditor emit, notalag Wee to all
gukz.alth Interest at 11 per saot.ollsa Iran
3it 4000017 "" (710 a . !Mag. Timm'.
Wily located. No. GO Olive aaaaaa , Allt•
nbeny City. containing ten rooms and bath room.'
hot iota cold water la lest and .road story. G as"
I. All the rooms mace latelien. Doing n.
•ted on corner of (trey s alley. It istrell 11090
annTentliated. Possession April let.
BAILLY 740..
1,9 No. 110 Pellet!.
wan SALE—Elegant SHACK
HOUgin. elntaining 9 rooms, modern anon,
ottb Use. /Wise. Hot ad (laid Water. Lot .76
17 131. satiate on *Out street. Tins Is • rue
opportunity for Close desiring a Windom. refl.
demon GILL A NON.
MK BALL—New BRICK liOUgur., 1 Tents
ntodiun finish. situate on 441 n street. Inure.
Mon Glynn ot Anal. .
T. H. flit It 09N.
7011. BALM—New 11141111 litiCh3E, 0 room..
situate' sear 3910 street, on linatinian meet.
Pane 114.1100. Zul
T. IL 'BILL A 0011
ir pene and 33d Meal.
121 ALLEGHENY C/ITY.-1 offer for sale
c nowt &Baleful beading loto• elo.otud lo,l°
rotT 4 elil " ltigaliiVia 'oo . l. : `,7l;lll,ritt
11rafit°07,4,117154) VA.! ► plus her
Lora can D 3 seen at sir nom No. 03 WOOD
nTECNT. The plan bee 5100 0 en recorded.
Each Lot In a 00001 lot. frontlet en ren7oolllo
reed or 00.sere_etOr1
nlfe. 44 f 1.0140
:et to d aLle . asi ' d a ;VA; P iet%
fliedDV .1313 feet: Noel of the i eta aro aold.
wellings have been erected al matelf• .Par.
sou deeirooe to 100,41 . 16 e low 'roulad
nn e
. 1 . 11 :
00001 I n the t.OO 011100, and
but tbur snleute. , wale froin the head of Weaves
4"" t i l:arir .2fZe'lliebrj...altr."7,lFl''". Tee
Mx nasal
gitful• -- •
et3ico.7l Prices low.' Enoulre Of
No 03 Wrai Weal, rturbarrh. 0 , 210. bfflitirrff
Awentic. Allentietil ertY.
AIeTKIINOOM. April 190, at 111
&clock, 1 shall offer far sale at tee Comm..lal
Balm Rooms. 106tbaltbiteld Matt. the relloela
net e.t.a.., Mate /Abloom towishlp. o•
Campbell . . Ban. WI him • moo of Mamliela
Lon, on the rlttabe rah. CI edema' Led (Memo.
Nallros4, about .le Win from elteaberge:
1. Abort 3110 aem• of coal IN a sold boa,,
kerma Y the lam. Coal Meek.
ti. A ferns of about 66 suss. arshelmte Med.
with errs awry Mem dwelliag home,l.llo twaff
04 •or 6 mum choke trait knows lee tlesJon•
elbow Item Vane.
ff. A plero 000dlame. wear the ...War on
one Camehell`a Moe . coal Main 10 sent.
4. A ram of stows II atm, 'lntl two etory ,
l o7l d lr rc l ielrorP 4:17, t 1t el " : " :11
Boss Farm.
6. A 'AIM of shoat 10 am• a. will. belch ...l
iege home. • OW bare. sod good orchard.
known as the Xsol , I 'Hose Warm.
6.A pane of ab oat lett aeree,velth • tweet.).
frame he coed hare sad wood oraleart.known
IA the Me lalline. Perm.
• more favorable owitortnally Is aeldone offend
to parsons wishing to Invest either In easier la
j:elre l t itlt ' s ti=rtiOZ . r.r
be .010 at Vey, sow Artirest,
Toe mere vs la tleseriptkon or swy meteor
'anti ;It% ePPI n ihrtr W " • j a • N O ' n
I Wawa St time of WA
EH SONALL.--All persons seelt
IN° HOW 13,41 Investomats In al Z..
1 1 ....111 save Uma, trouhir atti moocy pro
" rirlittreT,.=
or will tr. must 07=11 ran tansy pri r uistlax H.
Penns eavuot MI to at salte4 out of Um ilaV
114 It antata. CROFT • PIIILLtrs, rank
Ilimen sad /WI tttate loafs, No 129p:rank
Wan. •
O. 338P1.1V33,3,
Sealer of Weights and leasurts,
No. 5 FOURTH AVE., Pittsburg
VT Ins
Tsr. tu l r i r. r.. as vf beans.- ILaml.
11-17#1C 114 : 1t,.
6 61:16214
1.56, , 5ts
. ...
mer, 14,11 •.‘
N. Z.ll.
',WI 4.00 OCI
4 :FM POO 00
114.4.10 so
4.1,44 IS
t . .-0,
• 441.*11S
11.Pra.214 St
I . 6`,..t.f4,0 At Ms. A MorM.R-17 VIM
$4,• Gumie Om won! Mao,
*AA - , 4 4 4 ,Lry 5 .4 wf ny tars.Ast Sad
zfAls x reXtOkir-VaSts,
on-rvotyNoeS tAls
.401 ref /gin,
Saw, Tcc.4)c.
Ki " • Intttinl•
1r.1111 , /, •
,(.4y:Dirlos 01 111 Z
•t the close of badness. %Stu Kush, 1870
Awl Uliwoust. 124.483 NI
overdraft. •
U. N. 00206 Mote.. 00C•1117PP. 514.0
c OO 00
...... ~29
- PlO - ei - 0 - 97 ,- 7.
Duo from Redeemlog and U' 307.153
&OM. 107.433 73
Due from other Not Wool flout.. 33.031 Ye
Doe i rem Other Banks & Sao ten 3 1 . 1 1 1.47ar:
5603111 Hoene .
Current Zaprosee 7.030 17
Tares reed ............... -..... . 7
7 3 4 77 Al)
Cuts Item.. Melodic. stamp , —
!Exchanges ha Cicadae Wm. e.. 34,403 943
1.11. of other Nation el Bauer. • • 11,00 u 00
Irroetto oat currency. reeOloe
Coto ... ..... ... ....... ...
LegslTcvder l'
-. _---
- $2,007,911 32
Capital Stock.
inratiTl.norit Circulation out- 40
0 00
Mara gent Circulation outatand•
loolvidoal Depoette
Doe to Nett Yost Bones
Due to Halal. and Issoters....—.
Total .118,881,917 38
BTAcTaftg. tENNST (NAN LA, 1,,,•
11, J. L. BRZD A T L . L itet n . tiniler of the Citizens
National bank.ilo solemnly • above
statement is lane to lbe best of me knowledge
ed belle! J. lt. Jn., Cashier.
n i
of )latW, Notary rIIIIIIC.
CYrClatkElliVaTEPClUKthi li Illt =tor •
►t the close of bestne., Much 11,
Loans and Bimodal. 01.3138,04542
Malted Maks Bonds to atoned dr- •
ontalson 025,000 00
Otto r Stocks. floods sod Mon.
Ire Toni Itedermiag and Ns- 238.979 5111 .
serve ola other N Alt“in .
line ( r atmosi Healy,: 34,017 4B
Doe from other Hanka and Dona
to... 17.8514 tlO
Banal. House ...... .... ....... .... 4 3 . 3. 4 000 .3
4 CM) 7
Carrent it teen...
Cub items 10 798 Ile
Exchanges for Cleating Hoe.— - 44.319 03
litila or other Na o. tion ) al 8ah5e.... 0.031
•raetkoial Cerr
Spiel,llo.slo 13
Legal Tender Novo 150.000 00
Capital Block paid'
315 11146
outataptl`a 340,0U0 OP
tilvl jail ppsilt..lll44l.r!
and Donkey •
44.414.007 47
Oa Pl •
ALLaun eb NAY 1.7,5 , lA. I
ti!. First Satlonal
Bank of Pittsburgh, au solemnly swear that the
above staleatval Is trot, to the beat .of sty
koowledge and belief.
subscribed andswurn to before me this 30th day
of linicbt 1010.
S. NMITH. Notm rub
C" rltr. " 211111e 1 C.
S. rt. MeiJUILD•
And Every Description of Carriages,
Take Out Their Licenses
*rah and every Wsgoli, Care. Car. Dray.
/or ny
Cor or Carriage, drawn hi one horse
.OU the
mat 0f... SO
For each sad COM 000 of the Shots named Ve
hicles, drawn by two honer, the sum of-41 000
Tor each and e'er) one of b o n s the n md Ve-
Memo, drawn by form
For eachasia eeeee Rack drawn by two bone
the ante of W.
A 00
For orb end every Vmelboa.aad Timber Wheels
drawn by two bones. the sum of $ll 00
For each
obeys n d m d edV on h b l n t hemdf to a.ny
1 0 1 too
enc. 3. It shall tat the duty of all Livery Stable
Keepers In said city to make a return to the City
Treasurer, within twenty days atter the burnt.
of this Ordinance. and utsually thereafter on .3 -
before the bet day of May ot each and every year,
of the number or Vehicle • of every desert:Aloe.
owned and need by them In their begin. and
the bled thereof, and the same return obeli be
he made under oath.
Enc.*. All owner. of Carta, Prey. Piesone
end other 'Vehicles, who .all neglect or refire
to procure &license aa aforeeeld, shall be sabJett
te a penalty of not less than teo percent. for
Seedy thirty days the same reenter unpaid after
lb< let doy of lily of each year. All L 1.0,7131 4-
bin KeePtil Mlles to make the return malted
In the 31 Bectloo of this Ordinance. shell. In ad
ditto. to Ike foregoing, 0. strident to a Venally of
not exceeding Arty dollars. • of welch penalty
shall be reeorered before the Mayor, or occur
.the Aldennenof mkt city, by momentary coterie
Moe; ad Is dish be the duty onthe fer of ro•
lice to meek out ad erre°. who have ill felled to
comply with any of the prorhoom of Ude I.lrdi
anct and report the elm. b theelty T rrrrrr or,
for which service he .hall receive the mime of Ally.
atoll th e ch case, to be taxed and collected tt.
pert of costs, upon conviction ea Iforeeald.
for tteo•casoltnee with the ar•
dl r aticrw ' rli ll tri " Wetly artforaad after the abork
D. IsmmmuoN,
Act,itcuTatT CITT, April !, INTO. mIdl:•11
Bell and;Brass Fouders,
11111111 1 111, Looollorll a; MIMI SILL
Meglle Prosoptiy t• Order.
Made and Kept on Hand
annewn uA Itaau/k41.012 1 of
J. Cooper'dmploved Balance *heel
Oftlee, 882 PENN STREET.
rosary, awampuka soma sines,
GEO.- itEkVEN'N,
112 Patera. Sired, dileskeny
TllE Ito u
34 111 11
nll a
14/71 4*
is 012 21 ,
22 144 4
4 Yft 14
167, 168, 169. and 170
st 1 45' 09
ALM precarr: rsratsb YINEEILE
WWl= ltalttarf maze. Alunklent Is we.
1/00-147 called us our
' :WI
1 A. '4o
WI .0 MP
a -$. Itr
116 MO 63
12/9 l 4
•09 Ow
Merchant T4ilor,
[lslip. resumed budgie., If noir remising
No. 09 FIFTH AVXNUE , assort of entire
for Men's tot Sr. consisting of cloths. Cassimeres
sad Vestings, and all the new. st styles of !catch
Ind English cost nip. which he Is heehawed to
snake op to order In the most fahlonable style.
Gentiesuen dealrlng their Glothhag made to order
relyon basics them mode to their entire nn .
LsfsetiOn. both as tegstats style and gown.
1870. •
J• WeilaaSON• C. L. Yl'ouxoatnG•
/kronen& Talton, No 10 NINTH WriIISET,
selectlair) W nave reeeteed a larire..d
melt d Mods o f toe best and IMO. fad:ikons
able Good* In oar line. a great portion of erlaloti
aee oor own imporiatioa.
Peeling confident of cur ability to glee perfect
satlefset.sin. we respectfully wilclt tr to TOO S
emly cementetion of our sweep( Pine Clothe,
1 0 ' 11UNI.ANBRINO.
multi No. 10 ble.oo street.
NEW srmso GOOD&
3,223 50
3 017 N 7
745,050 00
♦ rolaid:d uovr atott 01
Jut ready ad by llMlllilf iS7sL
od: Nerohaat Talker. 1 i Iladtbaeld nrirt.
300,000 00
141.630 01
441,340 16
614.581 31
P i
N 0.107 Market S near sth Avenue.
We now offer. Lo the p bile a stock or PAPER
HARROWS mon massed n the Wee% for satiety
and beauty of styles, embracing all the Novelties
DEMURS In plain and bright colors, for Illalit.
DI oln g Rooms, Ae. Alto, WOOD and NIARBLE
PAPERS, with an almost endless earletY ol
BLANKS or Chamben , lx.' All of which we
propose to sell as low as the lowest In the market.
Call and sce, at ' -
No. 107 Market St., neat sth Avenue.
SPRING, 1870.
40 INCEOSA arid< tints at itie. see roll.
tilla—a great variety at filte. per roil.
tiLAZgla—ail kinds at iitie per roll. •
ELIO/Leff French and Anterlean Paper Haag
logs. not spreilird shove. tar/rills, to any as
•Ortinent in the rooster. Tor sale at
W. P. 39/./LIRSHALI.I3 •
New Wholesale and Retail_ Store,
191 Liberty Street.
rirruu HUH.
}Dinector:". : .
Have Bemoved to
Cor. Xlirrentb St,. (fdru. arty Canal.)
n0g.1186, 187,189. 111, 1911 196.
_ ion errßarr. rrrivreatell,
epper Distilled Pere Rye Whbliey.
Lbs. &sloes Is YOILICION s*4
SOK*. 110 VS. Se- skr.slll
Nos. 111 end lit Liberty iltreel
Oorner of Irwto. noes, w Oratrl a the trade at leW If-
Prime New Crop New Orleans &liar and
*glasses. •
Port yleo. umne yew Yort. i
Holdall Drips, Loverlngs, Amapa, Btuart'a
Adams' and Long 'Hnd Hyrm.
Yerto Moo, Cuba and English Island Watauga.
Young Hyaou. Japan, lmpetlal, llanpooder
and Oolong Teas.
Carolina and Hangoln Rica.
Jaen. Laguayra and IlloCoffes.
Tobacoa. Lard OH, gl,h. Ohm. ' HOW
Cotton Yams, Ike., constantly on KUHL
11, I POETEES el
Fine Brandies. Wines and Segare.
Ilbendsta Moselle and ODwllloß /look WI..
of tilotel 2C... In bottles.
Bparillag Moselle, Bebarsberg and Jobs..
boos, liockbelmer. Burgundy, am
Mloolenbriro Frereelflue Ullee Oil.
do do Clarets. Imported ha bo Use
do do White Wloes, In bottles.
M. Work L
COMO tloaralloo Csa Irbs.
Floe slate hen - y„ Madeira and Curt WM.
Tree Oat illogopgatiols P.; ..dskles, pore.
de Very baperlor Old cooteE do AO.
. ALSO ,
&do Art...11 , r Mixt Cbsation's Grand Vu
Tail ro d : du
a. on
a se..Ch"lnatZratd waz.
Shumfacturers of WRITE lA, D. RNI? LY►D.
Buis LNAD, ZINO!, LITR►RUV, rurry
iufi W colon, DRY AND IN OIL.
60, 4il, 414, 416 and 418, Rebuts Urea,
We call Itt , htton to the denrentee *meted on
our Strictly Pare 'White Lead. and when we thl
nthrer carbonate of lead. we mean ...them'
sally pore:• that 1 , , free from itecteta and UP'
dnde. and theralb,. to wittier and superior, tpu.
tn color and essrering properly.
eIIARANTEZD to hen parer Carbonate ,of
Lead and Whiter thee any to the mulct, sad
will forfeit the price of Ude parasite If edial""
tog the team aoulterstb
L. B. TULTON J. i. .3V9L2 1. .
riselcrrreAs. rxxnwilians.
• GAD AND SWUM irrrans,
Intik Averse, Dear 015 b Ass*At.
1Aa41.1, ens flxturon tints,
U*U* Tub . and Zak Med. JIMPlpe andoot.
Ale and Beer gulapkaud Me=
always on tune. Public sod 3 rgivate Buildings
Itied sip with Um, Water
and Stem Mesita'
Annurstua. Jobbist imnsvai .handed
3/Ax.x.,v. sorztur.
AL thole astlelehrtir 0.:::111
gri. r. ,," l , V" ' 24 I....lK6NtliAr rY
Conmi """ ...Lk .
I g r2l - OPEHA ETU U
►►RII'AY zyk.smitt. April I. 11170.
RAN E►rr of the cuter:Atte Aorarkes
epee, tri out ..... I request. la els tax
qua Airco of
Hasreet lir E. L. Dairautrort..
:Warder—Last Dureuport alatlnto. I '
Wonder Ircelsg—reltlrrA ROIIL ENOLna
°MIKA. Dor Motet now open. Stets Cell be se
cured for their entire euregeoreeri.
Or NEW orEnt novse.
Glorious and trlemephsel ream to rittsbe re%
from the meet IliaCeeeefel Opt re tear On record of
Grand English Opera Company.
CAUL 1505. (olr&Was) D•tiold.. rd.
D. de Vivo Buslced mousse,
. .Sts.Ocelsohirr..
ddhtsral ce of Mae. YAKIMA 1500.5.. 1 5 ,
rest 14010 A r_lst or the prior to err dew
tuft for Itoropo la June. c•
mein. , cur wax MX 5 ill Hi's.
l'omencnclor 11.51 DAT NNW , ' MIL Arnll4ol.
Ter 'MOMS{ ht/N RIP AN
TROVATOKr. MART. s.slos•rs'•Kl l a ltslara '''
hdd dd.) BloBhlAtig thf riumto. (repro..
litochodt) Ittrelt or cAsnLl.r. odd rot' W. , '"
al'. Utah . ' tloore. (Orst lime In Barbel) Dillt
Rednact sods I. tsrouelte. eho In Dress Clo
d, ll* sad $l5O, scoddlno to location; r
Circle 50c.
Th., Pair 0f....50u eorotneurs•
THURSDAY, Stifle oes A 111 st!. he Hos 1103,.
or the Op.'s Hesse. Tile rile for; plrgle way f•-•
VIUDAY. m45..11,'
TUE IRON . tirl:Y.
1 Of Petufsvlvatixtit.k.
Mee, 75 Federal St., Allegheny City.
on. JAY'S) 1.. tiILAILAX. : •
ev. J.S. CLJAIL. p. ii ..
pt- N.. 11.13BINWOw. •
re;.. tqL.MillirDie...s. • .
. , W. A. HALLY,_ Outlier AlliCalienl POO Ow
Jai OS HOBO, Beal lestate Aerwio
COWS DRUM. Mayor of Allegheny,
C. W. /MN NY. Ratter. •
fv. " ll l 4l= 2 . 'l .Z i e nerr.loal,
U. ISWOOXII, Insurance Apes.
Capt._ 1108 T. 11011111110 N; essl=l..
TiMisa.ittittalusk, lig=" . " .
o. B. WSIIIIW. Wrionarar. , •
Y. W. WHITE. lliricaL .1331 1 101.
. DANIEL SWINEB. Uan'l Agent.
.r . 14 . 11 il lec k at Van. Al . l . erny,.. FA..
Hey. James kollloilrrad. Laver, Pa.
T. H. Corasals. Me - yosport, Pa.
George H. Johnson. Ult . rs.
J. 8. etroyer, Johnstown. La.
Company strictly mutual. All profits secroina
to panel bow,. by dividend returned nasal dr
f rAi rom ttiee. th end of the drat year. All voila. to rt lt.
f • . o
C "11
rsularnrs Art7ILDING,
BiI.,SS MAU Avowal., Sews 4 'loos.
copitim A.ll Vold T.TTN.
yr. J. ittl i cy, i ohm PloTd. IC. Ottr*Vr.i.
fa n g l ill .lin" 11. ilia= lJis. leollill . f.
• • JNO. I. .1311N11708. Wes Traeldcat
.10.51. T. /011TCYrOtt, Secretary. ,
Cart. 8.. .1. (MAC& 13Y-101 /West.
Munroe on Liberal Terms; on all Niro
and Marine RIAU.
so rtrTil AVCNUZ
wEsTsom INEIVIt *sac con ;-
WIN. P. 111111.1111 RT. Becr rwUv u// sense.
cwrr, .LIEOHAIS NULL., Uenocal Wool
Whoa, 911. Water Wool. Bpang./A112.4 Ws. .
nre v
Ma a.
o Wham • bow he ianon 1 , .•
mhos who sit well known to m e winmant , .
and who
dtterligned proni siht in.r•
Wt/ to nisinuln ths shone. which the, hs.i
sooninal, os Ifornn the but ptoteCtiOn to WA)
who &gra to Do isured.
Alexander AtmleX. Leta* IXCriA 4 r .
dear. xtrAehrr, . Wllthun ens....
Wane= fr o la r We
Derld M. Lona.. - rn.. =Pon,
p. lardre------
Cor. Nom' It. aid Dinniond,
_ .
:till' . B I ZITA N aI . FN.. ' ' , WA.
. • JAY= N. errs .fterciary. •
u:crass: :
John A.-mysa,ifat...Mort..
U. o:iiiim;
fj. " lt gilrll.tigt IrMfri4.l4r2dl74,li.
0/110Z,IiIi In OREVTIIiT ST.,near iTas
plEopLEst rresiVRANcE COD ,
tr/TICM. 24. i UUMBIZIL Wow, a 11/Xl2 fP-!
►Hos. Or.rlmr,moaz rue iu,d Martha Ela)!
DI, 3CtDaa•
(Marisa 11% Saucier, llantecal H. LOUO
Tobias War:, ... David S. BraWD•
Smart it,
lasael.r% _
Jacob D. MTN &SWAN C.
trATLY:i B&Nt;HlSfe'Prrigent.
ir.DW. C. DALIC. Vico Drealdeau •
PI. U. bTialti.T., BecretaLey.m . . tn.
J. Ta int (MV
flatili Wert conga and Waid
- •
Ws. MUDS*.
JoLLs Math 1114.11L.f1.1nittler".
Jols. V- Parts, Chart. AytaeLle.
C. U. Lam Joxrd NL. Snub.
Wm. V. Ala,
D. V.Z.rne • klaxeL li"' N
rI. 1 1a1 212 e 4n1.7 4,
ALL EG MEW If 1111311111ANCE
(X , IdPANT OP rwrsauluen.
Inenvas wads: all lands of 7lrd dad Ilwrtad
AWN IRWIN. J. Praldesl...
T. J. 11061CINSON, Vb. Cruldeal.
41AP ' k.Ifig N . tliz,V. = .....t.
U. G. H
Hankztlaja, . tgaltewlL
Marks Hat.. . i1ard..1.T.11756461.6
cart. WU. Dem. F.M. . Nevis.
rr.izi:lllp) : I 0.; flikelati
Vino French •
CHINA ASO 01,488.
Silver PLated Goods.
ammo" AND TB& liars.
Tea . Trays and ,Cutlery.
The best Imported WHITE !Chant
WAHL and tellillON GOODS
' • •it taw pelvis.
i s. E: "BREED & Co.
I '
100 woo,
mamas or
Seventh Lvenite raidiAbeity St.,
prrTsuiraan. VA.
Wilt On &very Saturday Has
14:rM tag:4 te•lr
ea ch Of consgELS° o or botro•
each wor
and order ;V Irroma Ntt
t l.
toal.loo 1004 an will 110 139 ...
JOBB U. SIXVIARr , Aseti•seer.
roar N. trzwairr...........We• 'LTA/VOLUM.
RWIT• Ho ir&riEBSOZ! & COn,
zaviixgrar, esAiar. £WD
COLIMA?' 11111158 k LIBEL?! 0.
err manntam, rs.
Prop.:mak tbr the erection of tie. Alleglatl
County Soldiers' Monument ito bo elected "
Seminary UM, AIL ghonyo mill be neelvel at
the @Moe or the undersigned. X. , 64 6 " 61
street. (when the plans, wedge Wool end IS"'
keen of .brae can be meat no to SPRIG 1440.
1370: The contract to he mended lo the los eat
anti Mat 0144 v.
exissoN. , .
Chatham of anildimi Committee.
Braalm'soas 11DBTZAY PAULENG.
of the Boma Compsalee make. A tell
el/PDly or all Wee. The trsele sepplleit st mall•
isolators tutees. J. t H. 1.11114.111 1 .
',warn Agouti tor Coln.