CI Plittsturgt &Ott, GM AND SIIBUBBAR. lialtacrthere chaneng their realdenees or places ot Mishima mill oonimit their conventenee and oar own by Tearing - word for the carriers at our ,counties room, owner of Sixth mantle and Smith- Meld street. IA Pew ves rosin is being laid on Si mb Mid lalc to roore ori Friday. is a au- perealtton that be -generally Way. "'girded to day. .Travel over Webster avenue ls aome. what impeded now by . the laying of a new water pipe thereon. • Lot . a t for practice' jokers this momitnip is ..all roars day" and vie lesbouldrnot be made tools all day. • APrq Irsel.—Vor the origin of the term "April-Fool," see first verse of the thirty seo3nd chapter' of Proverbs. Kum. Allegheny may yet have • first clam mammoth hotel. We understand certain ng patties are conslderi the matter of leasing the upper portion of Yliteer'S block for that minas& A Laniti..—Oom Itaronangh , a tune ON was ammod at as early hour rioter day - morning on renosyivanla avenue and taken to the lockup. Ho will be re. snored to an Immo asylum. Street Comte Sooner Megrim. of Alla. 00 ties had a large force of men ea. In cleaning the street* In the Fifth end Sixth' wards for a week pelt. The improvemesdie very perceptible. A estate of one hundred gum will be Arad to-dayoaridet the auspime of our colored eltlaans, In commemoration of the adoption of the Fifteeath Amend ment. Ths amid Jubilee will not take Amend place until the fourth, Tuesday in April. ITlgho -tbe Workhouse.—The Grand Jury paid an official Tint to the .Work bows yesterday. 'Several hours were spout to an inspection of the budding andite management. The Tintons re. turned about four o'clock In the after noon. ' Cote 4 sown no lower than the prices prevailing at - Crib:lg, Follansbee & Co.'s headquarters for clothing. No. 12t Wood street, corner of Fifth avenue. Readere will macertaln this fact by making a visit to the establishment where a -mawgnifi mint stuck of seasonable, goods. ill be found. • Colotag.—The Mayor received • tee gram yesterday, from Philadelphia, stating that a Committee of the ()pencils of that city would leave for Pittsburgh lard evening and arrive here this morn ing to Investigate the system upon which our Institutions of correction are -conducted. Mayor , ' Court. There were twenty