The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, January 26, 1870, Image 3
AMERICAN BANK, NO. so FOURTH AVENUE, PITTSBURGH. CARR carTrAi. .... * 200,0 " Stockholders Individually Liable. 9I!♦3 K chip DIN(X/UST AND ncraorr. JOHN YLOYIs WY. /WYO. • President. Cashier. . . . .. ?boo. Y. yur.b..4.4 John K. Kenlaud, Wm. T.l , baboon, MeeMeld Wallace. Jame. W. Arrot.t. J/411. D. Kelly, Chas, B. I.ett.h. I WA. Hord. Job. Floyd, Tbie Pau k le vow WIT oreaulted .(pesPered to doe/central Denims batlaeui. JelOtea PEOPLE'S MIN OS BANK O f Allegheny. Cor: Federal and Laeock Street& HARTINALII, President:- E. P. YOUNG. Cashier. BANK OF DEPOSIT AND DISCOUN Stockholders larldnally Liable. INTEREBT Amino a min DEPOSITII GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, I:totight at Highest Prices. PH. B. MERTZ, Banker, Cor. Wood . St. and sth Avenue _2121_11 JAMES T. BRADY 8c Co - . Memnon to J 021211 t 00.. Coiner Foirth Avenue and Wood St., Bay saieell all Mad., of 1 GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, GOLD; KILTER AND COUPON& ON van rAvoluats Teas. rer Interest Alloweloa Deposal. l owest arMonev loaned on Goverment !loads at market rater. 0,40r0 ozeorated for She Purchase awl Saba of STOCKS, BONDS BOLD. JAMES V. BRADY & CO, gittshro Gay*. FINANCE AND TRADE. Orrias or Prrusurnuni cLuorrri, TOILIDAY, Jan. 25„ 1870. • Gold was Strong to-day, opening at nt, selling up to MX, and closed at 1215(. Government bonds were dull, but a little firmer on the advanoe li: gold -Quotations from Europe are s shade lower on the impresalon that further hangs or4papor would depreciate the value of the bonds and cause an advance in gold. This, however. Is not intended by the bill brought in by Mr. Sherman nod any additional Issue of currency will be counterbalanced by a sufficient withdrawal of temporary issues. Stocks opened dull and heavy, but gradually advanced and closed strong for Reading and New York Central.- The balance of the list fluctuated rapidly. Rock Island sold as loei as 107 and as high as 108 k, closing at 107 k. Money in fair demand at lower in. 'rarest. The extreme rates are only paid In exceptional eases. • Business dull. tinouinoni as received by Ph. R. Mort= Gold. 12114; Silver, 118: Eighty we' s, 118, Ave Trends., 1862. my.: dd 1864, 11154; do 1885, 1165 ;do 1885, Comsals„ 114%, do 1857, 114%: do . lBBB, 114%; Ten Forties. 11254; Adams Ex wens Company 63%; fderehanta Union Expriasa Company. —;.• American Ex- prose Company. 5734; Western Union Tole/7.1h, 84 . K: New York Central, 9434: Reading, 954' Pittsburgh, Pint liV syne et Chicago. 87%; Ohio Mir ada duel. 26: Michigan Southern, 84%; Cleveland .t Pittsburgh, 91%; Chicago. Rock Island & Patine. 197%; Chkago Math Western, 72r; Chicago et North Western Preferred 619; Erie 2254. s rt tOArialL. tottalj. London, per A tel. p 6,06 Pada, per trans • ......... 24 2534 Berlin, dialer ....... 90 92 Frankfort. dorine 62 54 --Closingquotations received by James T. Brady & Co. Gold: 121%; United su i te! Sixes, 1881, 118; Plve-Twentles, no, 1163tP do. 18 8 4, 116 34; do. 1886,116%; Tott.Ybruos; U 234; Ylve-Twentles, Janu ary and July, :865, 114%; do. do. 1267, 1143{, do. do. 1868. 114 V Union Pacific Rail road, 85 Control 40, do. WA Cy. Pacitind . 111; Lake Supwitn . 96. air taiiirses to the alttaborati oagette.) • New Yoga, January 25,1670. Money easier at 4@7 per cent., chiefly 6EIIB per cent. Call loam: some trans. actions reported at 3 per cent. Sterling a ehadellrmer at .B(iarlh". .Gold without decided change, opening at 121, advent. tn. to 12134. and c lo sing at 121.4'. Clear ance., 640.000.000. Government firm; Coupons of 'Bl lie 1834; no.. 183041614; do. '64. LW@ 111%; 1534018%; do. new, -14,40g1 1434 i do. '071434@1434; do. '6B, 1434(5 14%; 10-40 s, 12%@12%. Padden, ISM@ timte securities heavy on Tennessee. and Virginias, and Missouri' higher: Miirsouria. 811141 old Tennessees. 34: new do, 48%; old Virginias. ES; new do. (II: old 'Worth Carolinas, 4054; new do, 24; Louisiana Levee ele. 63. Moak market heavy, except In Van derbilt shares. They were stronger on the retort, that the Directors would meet tomorroar to pay off two millions bonds and to convert scrip Into stock. At times during the afternoon there were some heavy operations In North Western, and some large holders of preferred ;hares sold out their stock and bought common shares, owing to the great difference In the price. Tnere was also a large bud. nest. in Rock Island and Lake Shore. Itzpress stocks dull. Miscellaneous stock. are more active. A report le current that all the steam ers of the Pa.:1130 Mall Steamship Com pany are to be withdrawn except those on the China line. The effect has been a decline in the Pacific MaU stock nod an advance In the Central Pacific Railroad bonds to 92 bid, id Union Pa. elfin. to 83, and In Union Pacific and grant mods to 63. Jame.27strtyPriees—Cianton,fiek; Cum berland, 35%; Western Union Telegraph, nem; Quickanver. 14%; Mariposa, By‘: do pnaforred. 17; Adams Express. 833 i; Wells dt Fargo. 20; American, 374; United States, 55; Nettie Mall, 19% ; New York Central. 941‘; Erie, ,; do preferred. 49; Harlem. 139; do pre ferred, 341; Hudson Scrip, 90,0 Read ing. -95; Magma Central 11714; Lake Bbore. 81%; Illinois Central. 138; Plata. burgh. 118%; North Western, 72%; do pro. bored. Rock Island. 107%; St. Paul, 72%; do preferred, 863‘; Wabash, 15.11 ; ;; Fort Wayne, 87%; Terre Haute, preferred, 95; Chicago and Ain.m, 145; do preferred, 145 H; Ohio and idle thwippl, 26%; Dubuque, •1093 i; St. J05L1.2,50 C. C. dc1.C.,17. Demo prices Calumet. ak Copper Fells, 6: Frank lin. 8; Hecla„ 77: Quincy:2s. 50u7'reaaury balance: Gold, f 75,891- 618; currency, p 3 ,619,47 7; general balance, $711,10 437. nu , steamer Holasild. for Europe, took g 1.249.000 In hi az than dollars retsalved yes. terday from Vera Cruz. Pdvitto advioea from . London and Frankfort aro In favor of higher prices ler United States b ends. London let ters enpcclaUy note the growing demand from the more conservative clue of out glish inventors, who are selling out bleier priced securities to Invest in United States bonds. Illttiotoo, January 25'—Live hogs, quiet and Irregular at $8.25@8.76 tor common: $8,80@9,00 for fair to medium; 19,254219.85 for good to extra amino. Cat tie ady; bast grades fairly &caveat #4,80, 05,00 for cows and !teem PAWN for' fair to medium and 11&60€77,6 2 .% for good w extra shipping steers. aiaf Fiurroisoo, Jail. 25.—Flour quiet 5. Wheat—isles ofeholoo NM. .posll tendon M. r , t , - re,4--v 4 rv ,4 pk. A .4.Att ,,, -4.ert .. • r -!!\'4C-7- \ riTrintinca MULHICSTtIi 011101 01 Pl/711311/011 GAIII7III, Tosenai, Jan. 25. 1570. If the weather would only turn in cold and dry, there not much doubt but what business would improve, but as It Is, the markets, generally, appear to be a little more active,. though there is still plenty of room for 'lmprovement. The arrivals of dour, grain and produce generally, appear to be on the Jncrease, and the indicathms are that stocks, which were pretty well reduced, will soon be up to the usual standard. We &rein hopes that th 4 demand for every thing will Improve, and that the stagna lion which has prevailed rim some time past will be succeeded by that activity and bonyancy which 'Should and usually does prevail at this season of the year. In regard to values, there are -no changes worthy or special notice. APPLE BUTTER—Quoted at 75086. APPLES—In . fair demand and /daub , but unchanged: sales at 112,50%3,60 per bbl, as to quality. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR—DuII; 11,,(a BUTTER—In dull with a supply In ex cess of ttie demand, and prices are lower; good to prime roll may be quoted at 28@)30. BEANS—The demand Is light and market dull; we continue to quote at Pa 6 4 2,75 tun bushel. BROOM CORN—Sales at 131414 eta. • CRANBERRIES Dull; $121:3115. ClDER—Oontlnues dull and nominally unchanged, at $5,00f0,00 per bbl, ,a to CHERiE—Is firmer, bat not quota bly higher. • Western Reserve, 17(017) Factory, 18®18V, New York Dairy 184619: Guinan, 20. .. • CARBON OIL—Ia quoted at 28Wakti eta., for round lota, and 28Q)29 eta. In a retail way. DRESSED HOGS.—In better supply and dull at 11@lt3i eta. DRIED • FRUlT—Quiet and un changed. Apples at 8190. Peaches at 7(49 for quarters, and 10@tio for halves. Blackberries 14 eta., and pitted cher ries SO cis. EGGS—DuII and lower under the in flame° of increased arrivals: Fresh cannot be quoted above 250. FEILTHXIiB—In better demand and higher, and we now quote at 86@90 to the tr ade and the weal advance for small lota in store. . . . FLOUR—The market Is firm and the demand somewhat better, though u yet prices are not quotably higher. We Con done to quote et $605,50 for spring. and $5,76.(46 tor winter. Rye flour 1505,25. OftLlN—The arrivals of wheat Lucre been unusually . large within the . past day or two, but it Is all owned by mil lers, and therefore I. not for wile. Deal ers are getting but very little; .we con tinue to quote at • $1.150108, for lair to prime Red. Oats dull with sales on track at 47; wiles in store at 49800. Rye, is very dnll—aomedealers are only °flar ing 85, but we have 92eard of no ealea as yet below 90. (kw &Is Irma active and drooping, We quote at 78080. Barley is quiet and nominally unchanged at 81,00 far spring. HAY—Is selling from country wagons at 517025 per ton, sa to quality. HIISIES—HaIes at 3 twins per pound. HOMlNY—bales at 16,00(ig6,50 per bbl. y.rigli—Hales of Cleyeland white lime at 1142,26 Dor bbl. ONlONS—fists at 12,60(§4,00 per bbl, the outaide figure for choice. LAND OlL—City brands No. I extra quoted at g1,43@1,44 and No. tat 331395. Fancy Cincinnati and Chicago brands held Maher. PEANUTS—Quoted at IWO eta. PEA —Danz 1450 Der buabeL PROVISIONS—PIace Shotildera, 14@ 14; Sugar Cured do, MX; Ribbed Sides, 165 i; Clear do. 173‘; Sugar Cured Ham., 1934®19%. Lard, 1736 in tierces. and 18®18if, In kgs and nails. Dried Beef, 2034. Mesa Pork, IMO. Market quiet. and, If anything prices are lower. POTATOES—DuII, but unchanged; may be quoted at 600 in bulk and 560 sacked. POULTRY Market almost bare. Dressed chickens, 190)14, and dressed turkeys, 18@20 SEEDS—Clover seed Is In demand with small lairs at 28.26@2.60. Timothy Isquoted at 11, and flaxseed at faao@ 2,16. SALT—Ie quoted 10 1,75 by the car cad. RTlcallr—fillea at 114015 per ton: WHlSKY—Highwthee firmer et 98@ 51; reclined, 51,00; proof rckt.fled, 51,10. Old whisklea scarce and firmer. =MEI 0171011 OF PITISIMIOII Gazgrik, Termsnay Jan. 25, 1170. 'The oil market oontining dull and neglected, and devoid of a single new feature worthy of special notice. There are :Mow, however, who regard the pres ent stagnation as a goed omen, fore boding a deterrolication on the part of the trade to do a legitimate business; and if this, If rigidly adhered to, it Is contended that the trade st large will be greatly benekited thereby. As we have repeatedly stated, manufacture:a, gener ally are disposed to discourage any movement tha: is calculated L.:intimidate wild speculation, and to this feeling may be attributed the Inactivity that now prevails and about which there le coneid• arable complaint being made. From this standpoint, therefore, It is fair to conclude that the trade la In a healthy condition, notwithstanding business la very dull, with but little prospect of any laimediate Improvement. It may seem strange, yet It Is Mated to be a fact, that those operators In oil last year who did • legitimate business, made money, while those who devoted their time and money_to- speculating, nearly all lost money. ' MIME. . The market hi dull. and while thenff erings are moderate, the demand is light, and compared with yesterday. prices are unchanged. Bales in lota of some 8000 bbla on spot kt 12K; and 1,000 seller 30 days at 12K, Future deliveries dull and unchanged. Not a single sale reported in this mar get—lt was metered that there had been some sales east, but the terms were pri vate. January was gtwted down to 30= February Ely; end March to July was reported as offering at sty,. Advises from Europe are not encouraging, and as stocks are large and the demand light, the tendency for the • present 11 down ward. RIZZIPTS OP OLITDIII OrL ET J. V. R. R. Liberty 011 Rorke 80. en .comsat W. Robinson; Peerless Oil Works IA on so• oonnt B. B. Duncan; TarenWim Oil Works 160. on account P. Hutchinson; Ju. Wilkins 240, on account Phils. Boston Pet. Lb. =PH/OMITS 07 OIL 117 A. P. B. IL Forsyth Bro. dt Clop. 494 Dbla reflood to Warden. Frew alt Co.. Philadelphia. Citizens 011 Co. 816 bids relined oil to Tact Bro. Philadelphia. Total .......... 1,310 bbls. OIL •BIPPZD ILUIT DIIQUIOIRI DEPOT. Pleating d Ca 482 bble refined oil to P. A. Dilworth, Phtladelphla. Livingston 8r0'..•90 bble tar to N. G. Jenny. Philadelphia. D. Blv d Co. 20 bbla lubricating to Stoned Dart; Philadelphia. MARKEY'S BY TEILIEGRAPE, Naw Tour, January 25.--Cation firm er, with sales al 4,600 bales at 25%0 for mlddling• °plant. Flour; receipts. of 4 335 bbis; less a vs and without change In priori. with sales of 6,500 bbl, at 14,110 01,85 for superfine State western, 0,25 WA for extra State, 35,05®8,;6 for extra western, 13.8006.40 'for white wheat ' extra, 182506,50 for R. Ft., 0., 35.5 0 ® 6,25 for extra Eit. Louis, 18,2508,50 for Loud cholas do. - Rye flour . quiet, with taloa of 100 bbbr at $4,5005,20, Corn meal quiet. Whieky lower, with males of 250 bOsewesterti free at 99100111, latter for Iron bound. 'Receipts of wheat, 12,280 bushel*: 111011 and,lo lower; sales of 44,000 bush at 11,18 for No S. spring, 11 20 for No. 2 do, 11,11201,33 for winter red and amber western, 11,15 for winter rod Illinois, and 11,50 for white State. ~Rye quiet. Barley dull and de clining. Barley Malt dull and heavy. Corn; reoelpts 3.010 bash; 'came and one cent better, with stales 31,000 hush at 950 frir new mixed western 11,08 for old do in store, SW for new white motithcrn, and 3100301,04 for new southern yellow. Oats; receipts 4,630 bush; dull and hoary. with aides 10,000 bash at 570690 for western, and 610630 for • State. Rico dull. -Coulee quiet. Sugar doll, with glee 150 MAD Cuba at'lo3o. Molasses dull. • Rope quiet and firm. Petroleum dull at lie for crude and 315t0 for re. fined. Linseed Oil!et at 9 0 g 91 c. Spirits of Turpentine ruler st 46047 c. Pork steady, with melee of 1,000 bbls at 171,50028,50 for new mew, 123023,25 for prime, aod 124,25025 far prime mess; aloe, two new mew. seller February. March and May,. at 127027,75. Beef Usady, with sales SOO bbis at $lOOl5 for new plain mess and 114017,50 for new extra mew. Tierce ,Beef tirm and quiet: with sales 150 tierces at vzsgas for prime mesa and 127081 for India mess. Beef Hams quiet, with mks 200 bbls at pa@ 32 for nevi. Cut Meats doll, with sales 190 likes at 113310120 for shoulders and 14,1‘015,1i0 for lams. Middles Arm, with lea 860 boxes abort ribbed at 15c; also sales 300 beim Cumberland cut dn. ilverable in Chicago at I.llq 100 boson do. deliverable In Milwaukee, at 13c, and 100 boxes long cut hams, deliverable In Milwaukee, at lie. Dressed lbws dull 11;illy,c for western. Lard firmer; salmi 600 tierces at 16,4(®17‘.4c for steam; 17V2)18e for kettle rendered; also 500 tierces dO. seller March on private terms. Butter steady at 17@310 for Ohio. Cheese Luiet and steady at 18(6)18c. Freights to iverpool dull and less firm. Lafest.Flcrtir closed dull and un changed. Wheat doll and lower, ship pers and mlllersholdlog off; No. 1 spring sold st gi,13®1.2.0; winter red and am ber western 51,3001,32. Rye dull and heavy. Oats lower sod dull at 670580 for western. corn quiet and .firm at 95c @II for new; $1,0841;08 for old mixed western. Pork steady; males 250 bbls mewl seller February at $27. Beef quiet and firm. Cat meats and bacon In fair request without material change. Lard ratner easier; sales 500 tea prime steam seller February and March 1730. Eggs rat her.beavy at 28®300 for from. In Dry Goode there we. but little do ing owing to the severe rain Morn, and prima remain unchanged.— Croce!" January 24.—Eastern ex change 1.10 per cent. off buying and 1-10 per cent. premium selling. Flour quiet and steady at 13.75@5 for spring extra.. Wheat quiet and carder: sales No. 1 at 930 In favorite houses; No. 2 less active and 1@1.!...(0 lower; sales at 811y,@)8134c., cloning quiet at 8034@80.. this af er. noon the market is unsettled; sales at 80fic@81a, cash and seller February. Voilri dull and 1(32o hiwer; sales at 71,ia" (4)730 for regular and fresh receipts No. '4 closing quiet at 71(47150 for regu ler; rejected 71c; no grade 55@56a; this afternoon No. 1 nominally at 7134'4217134c. Oats dull and .f,‘® lower; roles at 3934 ®4oe, cash for No. 2, closing at 39340. Rye quiet; No. 2 has declined 2c. sales at 720 (or strictly fresh receipts. Barley dull; No. 2 nominal with sales at 77@ 85c. Highwines Steady and firm at 93 a. 9.3340 for wood and iron bound. Sugar 1 IR, (gilaiso for common to choice Orleaus. Provisions leas active; mess pork 82650 cub, 92611734. buyer February, and 428 25 seller March. Meats 'steady: rough aides 23c, short clear middles 1434 e, dry salted shoulders 1014®10,10, abort rib middles 14c. Cumbernuerhi, seller Febru. ary, 13c. Lard dull at 15340. Green hams 130, sweet pickled 150. Dressed hogs firm at ;lOW° 76, closing strong at 810 25@ 10 50. Rawlins past 24 hnure, 6176 tibia flour, =AM hus wheat, 27,450 bus corn, 18,716 bus oats, 4958 butt rye, 4288 bus barley. 12.832 hogs; shipments. 7922 bbla flour, 20,452 bus wheat, 6146 bui corn, 1690 bus este, 1089 hue rye, 1590 bus barley, 2889 hogs. • ST. Loma, .Jan. 25.—Tobscco in good local demand and price. unchanged Cotton firm et 2434®2430.. Hemp nom'. nal. Flour firm; super sold at 11.15@)4,20, extra 14,90134,76, double extra $4, treble extra 1.5.904g8. Wheat firm: No 2 sprang rejected 900, No 1 do 98c, No 2 red fell 91 (VAS. choke 11,204/1.25. Corn steady: mixed and yellow 75(3;78c. white 80(488c. Oats firm at isompio In bulk, 55457 c sacked. Barley dull at 513150)1,15 for Minnesota spring, 11,40@1,45 for prime fell. Rye steady at 800. Whisky heavy at 940. Groceries are qtriet and on. changed. Pork quiet; sales at 127,50 @29. Dry salt salt meats Jobbing sales; shoulders 17c, clear rib et 1434 c clear aides at 16c: also sales of 500,000 pounds loose clear rib at Alexandria buyer March at 140; also sales 20,000 pounds loose clear rib at Chicago dolly. ery and seller lest half Feb'y at 1330. Bacon: jobbing at 13!..‘a for abouldere: clear rib at 160; deerskins at 1634(114%h Seger cured hams at Ir2oa. Lard firm. er at. 16(40144'0 for tat, 7c for keg. Re. celpts of 3 &10 bbls our. 4.300 bush whea— 10,900 bush corn, 10,080 bush oats. 200 both barley. 500 head bogs. . Cattle In good demand and firm at 2 34 ig ,3 340 for luferlor and common, 4053ic for fair to prime.6@634e fdr choir*. Hoge demand good and prices are stiff at 8341 e, (liner:MATZ. Tan. 25.—Flour steady: family $ 5 ,20®5.50. Wheat steady, at $1,1001,12. Corn quiet st 75®76e. Oats 50®56c. Rye dull at 85cafitle. Barley unchanged and genet; apring !jog I 2n. winter $1,25®1.30 Cotton dam, at 2.11,t' ®2434c. Whiskey firm and in good at-- runtid.'at 950.- Hors quiet and steady, a , $4,75®950; gross re:elpta 1,600. Green manta dull: shoulders 100, *idea 124.j® 124 c. and ham. 14,.;®14 tic. Bulk mean , quiet: shoulders aides 14,,,'et 14.4 , 0 for clear rib and clear louse Bacon dull and prices, dreoping: shoulders 12N'®13c, sides 153; and 16a for clear rib and clear packed Sugar cured hams dull at WM ®193.4,4 Lard dull and firmer under the foreign news but there was no improvement in the demand: It was held more firmly at 15%®16c for prime steam, and kettle 16)4 @i6,4‘c iteked. Butter In good angel. and null at Pne.'"e Fags dull at 24® 25c. En change to oil: 'Linseed Poe: Lard 1111tin,42 ed ®1,45.. Petroleum at 80®3;o for re Locum - tux January 25.—Tobacco so live, with sales 125 bbd. at 115(8forlutts. and $2,501328,60 for low to fancy leaf. Bagging quiet at 25,50. Cotton higher, with ulna middling st 244. c. Flour in demand...with sales extra fatally at 55 Grain quiet oud unchanged. Wheat: red 11.05; white 51,10. Corn 95e to sacks. Oats 55c. Rye 950. Provisions steady. Mesa Pork 123.26; rump 124,50. Bacon: shonlders lSja clear rib 160: clear "Mee 1850. Bulk bleats: shottiders 1154 c: clear rib 14.4‘c: clear sides hams 20c. L ird 170 in tierces: Whisky 95c. • Nastmurr, Jan. 26.—Cotton active; low middlings aggro. and selling at 23)4c end good ordinary at 23c. Wheat: red 11.05, amber 51,10. white 11,16. torn: 850 for loose and 98a for Racked and de livered. Oats 650. Rye 51. Barley. 11,20. Flour 54,60 to 56.50 for superfine to fancy. Bacon: clear sides 150; shoul ders 1330, hams 175(c ' city cured plain 180, sugar cured 20c, Lard 1834 c., January 25.—Flotir on dwsed.,Wrielt nominal at 80a tor No. and 800 for No. 2. Oats firm at 400 for No. 2. 05rn nominal.: Rye firm at 70e for No. 1. Barley nominal. Dressed HMI Ant' at $1013.10.50. Receltos—; 2.000 bbls flour, 14.000 bosh wheat: Shipments-3,600 bbla flour. Tomroo. January 25.—Flour Inactive. Wheat dull and heavy, No 1 white Mich. [lran 81,22 amber Michigan 81,27, No 2 red 81,00. Corn heavy; new, 70 bid, held at 73r; no grade altic. Oats firm: No 1 .held at 48@49c, Michigan do 47c.• Dress. ed hog. 10,4011 a. Clover seed held at $8 25; no buyers. DICTROtT, January 25 —Wheat firm; extra white $1.20. No 1 do 81,14, amber 8 1 , 60 , regular 240141.10. Coro, old 930. Barley sl,Boper rental. Dressed hogs dull at 810.150011, tending downward. PHILADELPHIA. JIM. 25.—Petroleum lower; crude 21Me: refined Pro= visions unchanged. Whleky steady at $1,02 for iron bound. CLVAIGLAND, January 25.—Petroleum lowa Ann and a shade lower; relined held at 2654@27c; crude weak and lower, $5,70 per bbl. BALIIMOnI, Jan. W.—Provisions' nu. ebanged. Whisky quiet; males at $l,Ol for Iron bound. • Iterintre. Jsousty 25.—Cotton firm at 2.43;e; receipt. 2,1811. tales, exports 260. IMPORTS BY RAILROAD CLISTSLAND AND PITTSBURGH RAlL sami, January 25.-4 earn wipertor ore, Mao'set, P & Co: I do do, Hussey, Wells & (b.; I do do, McKnight & Co: I do do, Coleman, Rohm & Co; 1 do do, Union Iron Mills; 1 do do, J Reamer & Co; 9 do Iron ore, Simenberger, Blair & Co; 1 do oats, W U Miller; 4 do pig iron, Nimick & Co; Ido millfeed, P Duff & Son; 1 do lumber, W F Richardson; 1 do do, Ido posts, R A Clark & Co; 4 kV, 1 bbl batter. Volgt. Mahood & Co; 20 tuba tobacco, B F Weddle; 8 bak frame, Pickeragill, L& Ce; 123 ski oats, Air buckles & Co; 50 bbla MI, J Spear & Co; bdis gas pipe, Evans. D & 0; 9 tes meat, Watt, Lang d Co; 135 sks ear corn, tdcßsne & Arisr; 804 do do, J & W Fair ley; 40 Ulla apples, W H Graff & Co: 21 do beans. 17 pkgs sundries, H Rea Jr; 2 bbla egg; lists dry apples, Head & 141; 193 No rye, W .1 Meek. P15T203178071, 012(0r2rNATI AND ST. Lours RA ILSOAD, January 25.-3 cars staves, M P Adannk- 5 do blooms, Nlm mit & Coy 1 car malt, nos Collins; 25 obis blabwines, W Millar. Oor 25 do do, Halloo & Adams; 1 car meat, W B Hays & Son:' BCO b.c starch, 60 do candles. Arbor:Ales & Co; 6 bbla whisky. Hun hall & Megraw; 87 pkga tobacco, R F Weddle; 26 tea grease, W H Howard; 10 Urn candles. J 11 Sawyer; 80 pkgs to. bsetsi.R it W Jenkinson; 19 do do, J 61 Mabel; 15 do do, Carter, McGrew & Co; 8 hhds do, A Schaub; 2 bbla apples, 2 do eggs, W H Graff it Go; 8 do dry apples, 7 dressed hogs. J A Gran 6 hdlg pelts, G H Anderson; 2 bbla eggs, fd W. Rankle,: 1 do do. S Davis; 5 bbla oil, Harris & Ew leg; 65 bdis' brooms, McElroy & Co; 1 oar wheat, R T 'Kennedy .8 Bro; 6do staves. Hastings dr, Davie; 60 tibia Hour, J E Jenkitun 10 bbls whisky, J Bryon 25 tea barns, F Sellers & Co; 1 car mil Med, Behnelbach; 165 bga oats, F Schield; 20 do corn,, 2 bbla apples, Bigger & Lewis; 80 aka wheat, Meanor & Harper. PriTatrtneur Pour Waxisit moo Cal. CABO RAILROAD. January 25.-.1 oar bulk mos; E H Myers/ Co; 1 do Parley, ley, Borggerman & 0; 700 bb'a floor, 10 do oil, Watt, L d Co: 5 do spirits, 8 H Wataon; 10 do do. Milligan it ti; 9 bees broom corn. Kellenbergor d Co; 50 bbla b wines, Little &M; 2 cars bone dust, Seward d E; 1 car barley, 3 bble eggs. Polgt M d QC 400 Ws flour, D Wallace; 1 oar bulk meat, J H Parker. 648 bdls paper, R Christy; 2 can wheat, J 8 Lip gets d Co: 2 bbls tallow, 36 bag chew, Cau6old dK; 1 bbl whisky, Rodolhem *Molder; 1 car. hay, 10 bpi p floorl PITT R EURGII DAILY GAZETTE: WEDNESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 26, 1870 Bricker t Co; 100 bbls flour, E Ballston, fi do batter, 8 Henderson; 5 bales hop.; J White, Jr; 1 bbl eggs. Woodworth & 1); 52 eke watoes, l 3 Trumpeter; 45 doe brooms. J 8 Dilworth & Co; 10 do do, 151 W Rankin; 1 bbl butter, - A Kirkpatrick 5 Co; 1 d hog, H Rea Jr; 10 be. batter, Volzt, Pd. & Co; 9 pkg. do, W H Graff & Co; Scars wheat, J EI Liggett & Co. AL/XIIIIMIT STATION January 25.- 3 care metal. Spank, C & On; 14 do do, Graff, B & Co; 100 bga oats. R Knox & Son: 5 bble oil, Schwartz & 323 sks flaxseed, M B Suydam; 10 bbls flour, Mercer & Robinson; 2 care lumber, John Nanz; 500 pigs lead, .1 Schomaker & Son: 2 care barley, Smitn 6: Co; 1 do do, M Hecaelman; 1 do cooperage, J M Hemp. hill; 1 do wheat, W McKee & Co; 70 bble flour, 120 skit co, S C McMaster,: 325 hides, A & J Groat zinger: 1 car mlllfeed, Hack & Si 5 bag soap, O'Henlin; 10 bbla flour. Sam Dyer; 8 eke corn, 138 do oats, Geo Stewart; 2 cars cooperage, Ralya & R; 4 cars wheat, Kennedy Bra; 2 do ore, Graff. B & Co; 15 pkga tobacco, R& W Jenklnson; 1 car corn, R Knox & SOn; 25 Wolk flour, Dt Steel & Son; 2do lumber, Waltere 6 Hon. ALLIEYEENY VALLEY RAILROAD, Jan. nary 26-1 car metal, Rees, Graff & Dull: 3 dodo, John Moorhead; 1 do do, Mtn lek dt, Co; 7 aka buekWheat flour, Brug german .t O'Brien 51 bgn rye, 159 do oats, 63 do milt, 13 do wheat, Scott &. Weal; 6do buckwheit flour, Henry Rea Jr; 4 aka cloverseed. Shlpton & Wallace: 21 eke oats. W Welsh & Co; 50 do do, 10 do feed, Graham & Marshall: Maks corn M F Bright; 1 car hay, Duncan: 14 bee grain. D Campbell; 19 do oats, 3 do rye, Adams & Austin; hides, Seibert & 114 64 cars awl, Kier, Foster & Kier; 40 do do, Armstrong, Dickson & Co; 3 bga buckwheat flour, 3 do flaxseed, Dardel Wallace. RIVER NEWS. The river is again rising under the in fluence of the recent rains with 8 feet inches in the channel by the Mononga hela marks hut evening. The weather lad evening was considerably colder, an/ as the wind was . from the north west. It - Is fair to infer that the rain atm m, for the present at over. Business was moderately active at the landing yesterday, though freights wore not offering as freely as amid be desired. The following tow boats were in port last yesterday: Ironsidea, Tom Farrow, damson N 3. 2, Niagara, Wm. Stone. Wild Cat, Fearless and Whale. Capt. Andrew Ackley left on the Ar lington yesterday. Be will make the trip to Cinalitinatl and return, to.see how she performs. Tho Belle, le the regular packet for Wheeling and Parkeeeburg to day. The Mollie Ebert arrived from New Orleans yesterday with a good trip. The oumerous friends of Caput. Ebert and Peppard will be glad to learn that they - ore both in the enjoyment or excellent health. The New steamer Arlington departed (or Cincinnati at 1 P. x. yesterday, with a good trip, including quite • number of passengers. She moved away from the wharf very gracefully and there la no dont* but what she will make packet time. Pilots, W. J, Abrattamaand G. E. Dever. The Nick Wall. Capt. Poe, will he the first boat out for Bt. Louis, as will also the Kate Putnam for Nashville. and the Messenger for New Orleans. - . The Wild Duct and bargee, from New Orleans, with a big trip, may be expected here tonight. She has among other items over 1,700 bbls molsausis. • • The Glasgow for Nashville: and the Maggie Rays and Bellevernon for New. Orleans; left Cincinnati during Satur day and Sunday. MO Leonidas arrived at New Orleans on Saturday. —The steamer Clara Scott was sold at Evansville, recently, at the rate of 518, 000 for the whole boat. —A host, containing 2.500 buihoht of coal, belonging to Linos Ogle, was :tank, lest week, at Marietta. Lom, about MOO. —The steamers Bradish Johnson and Julia A. Rudolph collided but Sunday, near Harris' wood yard. No damage of consequence. —The steamer Hope and towboat Boaz collided, last Friday morning, at Wheel ing, creating considerable excitement, out doing very little damage. LTbe steamer Alert bee been purebaa• ed by the S. T. A: Va. Railroad, and Is stialyied to the upper, trade, between London and the paints above. --Captain. Chas. N . M'aiker died at Ocean Springs. Mix, on the 16th ~ `aptain Walker was well known be tween New Orleans and Mobile. —Mr. B. C. Huntington, pilot of the M. Mary., died suddenly met Sunday, at Trenton, I. ills remelts were burled at New Orleans, by the Pilots' Benevolent &radium:6 —The Lady Gay, sunk a few days Gino. in the eilasissippl, was commanded by Capt. Isaac Jones, formerly well known In the Pittsburgh and Cincinnati packet trade u clerk of the Mononga hela, Capt. Ches. Stone. - -A. light steamboat is being built at Columbus, to ply in the Scioto between that city and Chillastue. It is not Intend. ed to carry any frelgitt, but will be given entirely to the business of carrying passengers. It is ansetructed so as to carrying about litty.' —A county official, who bas given the matter much attention, says the story of the coal discoVered on Campbell'a Chain being fluty. the cargo of a barge, sunk yeara ego, is incorrect. He says discov eries of veins of good coal have been made, and steam what be mays. —The fret that tbreo reata— Gm:. Rate Robinson and Ltdy Gay— have been slink within a friv weeks by stiiklug a single otwtructton in the ?dim aissippl, below Grand Tower, should suggest the propriety to anag-boat 'au thorities of making an effort to re move it. —When the T. L. McGill passed the Lizzie Gill last Monday eho was lying %%might in pretty . deep water, and the river rising very fast, with heavy drift floating. The McGill stopped and offered assistance, but none was required, all the passengers having. been already taken off. —lmmerse quantities of beef are be• log cured, packed and chipped from Jefferson, Texas, this season. Every steamer carries out consignments of hides, tallow and beef. Freights out to New Orleans are: • it for tierces, 76e for barrels, ge end 510 for live cattle, and 52 per bale for cotton. —Sdarday evening a guile of wind blew the Lotdsville packet United Staten loose from the wharf boat at the foot of Fifth street, when she was blown against or collided with the Edinburgh, bound op from Evansville. The United Buttes' bow struck the Edinburgh on the ler. board side, forward of the cylindeni, stripping off a portion of her guard and tearing away her fantail. The United States, being pretty sharp, came near going through the Edinburgh. The Edinburgh proceeded to the wharf be. low the bridge, and shortly after land ing, strange to relate. her lower guard around the bow fell off. She will re. main here for repairs.—Cin. Commercial. I —Mr. Sneed Strong. Pilot on the Lady Gay at the time of the disaster furnlahes the Cairo correspondent of the Cincin nati COVIRIC7 Cid{ with the following In ! Westing particulars: Mr. Strong was at the wheel: The time was 1 P. It.; sun Maiming brightly. Place opposite Pre s. . ton's landing, live miles below. Grand , Tower. Knowing the locality to be a dahgerous one, the boat was floating ' down stream, her entries, stopped, or only giving an occasional revolution to assist in steering. The leadsmen was carrying eight feet, and the boat draw ing seven. Everybody was on the look out for breaks as the Arthur' and Kate Robinson had sunk only a abort dia. tattoo below, but all seemed clear and smooth. Suddenly the boat flosteu on momething which careened her tonal& evenly, and hopes were entertained that she would go over It without damage, but the obstruction was too eharp, and crushed through the bull, filling it rap , idly. Fortunately she did nut stop on it, II the Current was very swift. Mr. Strong Immiately heaed her or shore, bat she ed struck' bot t om , full .of water, when 30 yards distant. She lies straight fore and aft, but •Is as badly careened that the water Is up to her cab. In floor on the larboard side, except at stern. No liven wore lost among panen• gone or crew, as the °Moors showed great presence of mind, and prevented' confasion, which might have occasioned many to jump overboard and drown. It should be generally published that It is always safest to stay on board a boat when she Is sinking, unless life boats or the shore can be made available with certaintity. If the water is very deep, the cabin or hurricane deck will • break loose and float, saving all who can reach such points of safety., The owners. of ' the stock on the Lady Gay, with great coolness, cut the animals loose while she was filling with water, :and not more than 60 out Of 100 . bead ''on board were drowned. The remainder swam ashore and scattered' In the' woods, where the greater proportion will be recovered. Those which drowned were vary weak and In bad Order, sod, therefore, not very valuable, although good pasturage or feed could have made them so. Capt. EL H. Jones remain.. with the wreak un til the uncerwriters are heard from. 30 CAIRN PEARL MU IN na. and tor sale. by J. P. fIJR/rytn BUTTER -10 Hall bbl prime roll batter, a J. a oairsilzo. SPECIAL NOTICES, OrpONSUMPTION. SCHENCK'S PULMONDI EY RD! for the core of Coughs, Cola. and rioesp.pp op. DN. elCii CM'S SILAWkila ToNld for th e mire of Dyspepsia and all the Debilitated Condi. tion• of lb- lib • orb. DS. eCENCIi'd .MANDR &Mk PILLS. for Diseases of the Liver or to act as a (tenths Per. geUve. *D of them three Medici rot arc often reaebred le curing Conthmption, though the Pulmonic Wee= 'MI= kralsYratMilinstren re...metin s y ru p tomach and Liter. gad help the Pilmouk to Want and sessch through the blood vesarle. by which means • cure Is •00A2 ef fected, These Medicines are conseleatimialYoffered ta t h e r e ici e ag the only we. certain and tellable remesy Sro Pulmonary Cousumpt lon. and for all the.. morbid dthdltions of the bedy which had to th at fatal iseme. Liver Complaint and Dye peptic are often 'forerunner. of Consempu e e, and w they manifest themselves they moire tbe t prompt scent:on. The Pulmonte Ocean is • medicine which ha. bao • long probation before the public- Ito value las been proved by the thousand cures It has mad* throush a Period of more than thirtysave P.m In all of which t me Its reputation hes In creased end hst °vet mate skepticism can ho inane doubt that It Is a remedy which may e aced with confidence In all Mille. which admit of •Mtra. If the patient will perseveringly follow the di reetiorts which accompany each bottle. he will be cured, If his bangs Ire not too conch wasted to mute • cure pos.l . la. Even in eases supposed to be incurable. whe•drientle •ndelby hgleans have dmpeired, the U 46 of this Medicine as saved the life of the patidat and reWOred him tO perfect h- huh. Dr. Schenck does not that it eases of Puts mynas, s. onsumetlon are wattle the reach of medicine. but be emphatically assert. th at often when pa tient. have tee nr-Walarming et - mince., suite as a violent cough. creeDing bigot sweats. general deblity, evi n tin adch a drama that they are obliged to b y It bed, nod whet. they as e given up by teeir physicists then Melt still be cured ice med Cal treatment can creete new 'elicit but wgZ.lll°,l=r47:l,lg leered ay lir. brbettik , Also. In iferofu Discues, these medicines are smelly ewe eat Lir. Schenck has pooto tretlh. of • number of pereins who have Men nearly covered with running Soren mid after all beat. d ey. This thew. Its petrifying papacies, wekb must be able 'o beaten 11 Les la the lungs la the tee tment of tionsewptioa nut at um utmost Importance toyilve vigor and a oealthy tone to tee eystem, Hence It Is neeesseey to museetben the al:moils of the patient arm Im prove the dies Won. Proper amigo:neat le Ivo galled together diges t ible mettle as will wake the toed easily Vie article. moat imitable for the diet of Cousum tire patrons are dealgeat. d la Dr. Schenck. A 111216 width are dietrNuted erataltously. Be general , th molt highly nu or tritive. artetlee are to be pre forrodbattbedtgotta °ryas. muidbe st death. need in oraer to mete either food or medicine serviceable. This Ispuirensent Is met by tie neaweed Tonic, and for this purpose It was des 'Petted Wnen the digestire it were ere .frot ln good order, the food has its prorov erect; the system Of the patlea Le Inyhh.ratedthd o lunge be gin 00 therrlea Sher fonctlotte in a norrthl and Allhealthy h7men h wan he mar et t ner. rs will h aff Tte heal e. ing power. or Palm..ry Consumption le almost tipsy. eon. pit,yed with prcrepem and Meer Complaint. bebeneVe Mammal. Tills are la ended to re move obstruction. Rom the Liver and reetore its health, *ethic They have all the efficacy which la !written w ealweel or . ..bine mew" and are warranted n Thewt I en. ild. of arty min eral yedsoa. rillthe most obstinate eostimirms, get headset.. Piles. hi lona affee Lion, sad all other &seam. which - rIM from a torpid or obetruwed condition. f the Liver. thte bet of these Ditto wl/1 prove the ellimay of the neclictith. Commaiplon the Pea Weed ?oak and Man- Ante Pills aro invaleable maxillary =edition They roller. Um soft rings ef tia• netieht and assist the Pulmenic syrup effectlog a mire. They it the been forted metal In thraveed stases of Oothemption. where the longs am almoet ete. eestroyed and all symptoms amonlind to Lb. J odgment of the physic!. I Jested a needy death. The ave. of patient. we.. were actual) In a drier c amnion have been occurred for month. by the the of echenet'S these great rem. . Dr. Bebe:v.l[4 Almanac contents a full trestles on the Various forms of dlsen e. mode of treatment, tee gene. 02 d. etloas how to use Ins medicine, mu be bad 'malls. or • et by moll by oddment,/ his Illusion' When, No. LI, North Meth • erect. Philadelphia, Pe. Moe o the Pohnotue sirup and Seaweed Tot. le each 111,110 per bottle, or $7.50 stuff dome!. Ifeberste PLI. hi tests • box. /or tale by all drusend der:dalr 'DOCTOR ttnirriEn CON. TUMID TO TBILAT •lAt. PEIVALTN. DINISENd. flat numerous. lam of cases result- Ina from self-abac, pre,aelne monsaltaem IGITOU. debility, imitablltty, emotions, seminal malselons. dually Impotency penamonue cured. Persons &Meted with dental, Malmo sad long stadia conelltutt-nm eonotal le are politely hotted to rod Mr coastal -too. 4114 coatatoildu him ingternenee. as bet of Matters, ha castledto cleat, W. perman pn adw m hi a h e aa t oinmom eefmfi- Mime museewd wdh athhentae oto e b s u I s . i nwhiesc hN em tame°Mee. remotion and wallas room; 0100 to 0•41101 and sleeping sputa eats for patient. ' a t er eh e b ritg li tTa risrigiVeototigatog t sP:I amnia ad N age. o matter who have failed. elate poor ease. Bead bat be ass to hie mum pallet of /fa pmea. pa t to any address for two Velitrelll=traglinltr.''.%°l7l,`,Vu°l Cana try. Caution on RON oemordinv by ma. °Moe No, 9 Wylle street. (near Cart Home) Pittabarith. Pa. Hoare 9A. m. bar, as Bon dam 19 N. toll P. at. Pamphlet seat to ay a mmo dolma 010450. IarBATCIFIELOWS HAIR DYE —TIM rale It Till WunLD—doea not contain i•ad—On Ttaflu7 1401.0 , 40 to paralyze the cistern or prOdUrowra th . It 111 .ILYYZetLi ICtinaLlßM — reliaole — lner•rraxioro. •Vuld the vaunted and deladva Orroaratloaa ' , outlet rinses they do not noun., yan would escape tag danger. The ge”atne W. A. laehelor, Hale bre , HAI 1 . 1.1./rrT Oboes a•reT/VrIoN to nit It• eend trtnagt , ... AP ,pitect at le BOLKI Street. te 1. tent farJUST OUT. • .CINERBT PECTORAL TROCHES.. rya OOLDS. COMMA. SORE. THROAT AND BRONCHITIS. . Norm Do wood. None so pleasant. None Can m Qu S iet. RUHTON CO.. 10 Actor Ilona. Neer torn. • Ups no more of ghool horrible M m ated sea. u. c •`llrolve Cabrb dela RIVER PACKETS. CEMME2 PITTSBURGH AND CINCINNATI ; PACKET LINE. • Adroit The New and Splendid Side-wheel St'r ARLINGTON,. DAN'L Mc:PORE Master, A. S. SHEPARD Clerk, =AIM prrrissustori /OR C".,t:L Every 111112. DA nunsS 11. onsotly. P•rara leo I , eree Claclor PITTSBURGH at 1.11 M. 'veer 1 .1 WAY. Tale doe 4e...eels redle'e Bab even. employ.. and COUTttlitt,, KIM 30 Mtn. WI l be to reader ee Mc lltUf.ttlee to 001hPa4.1)ffer• add Wader& 1 . 01 . 11 .• ...MN Or °north:ors/41os, ape PIT on b. 1.141 or Ho AMI 3 Otir,Lugo, JOHN FLACK 1.21'J. D. cotLeibwooo. I=l 'FOR NASHVILLE.- a dir m t -76eline osaseager comer KATZ PUTNAM' JAB. Rtiamt, Com r, WU! leave for ter mono and Intermediate torts WADADADAY. the 281 , 1 hut. For Mellen or osseaoe *poi, on board or to ja24 PLACA CULIAAMINUULD, Agents. CAIRO AND NT: LOUIS. Fog CAIRO AND 81 . 1 4a fir im b LObld.—Tha Otis pantos siseespr NICK WALL Capt. Tilos. W i re t. Ppoo7r soTH u IW f AT9IthWeAA aistatdas . s .• Tor nalghtor_passassApply houd or to 1.14 'LACY 4111.1.1N0W4.109. Assists. MEMPRIS AND NEW ORLEANS EOR RIEIRPHIS,adge . VIEKVIIMiI and NEW OR Y:in.—Th.lns pass eeeee atemefr MIZZIENGZU No. 9....Ca0t. Jailili Dnx, Will hears tor the above and Intermediate porta on WEDNESDAY. 96th Inst. Nor totri t a n o k r i mo r ow t oit , board., or to Jur . PLACE t COLLINU WOOD. Agent. STEAMBHIPS TO LIVERPOOL lANDAME--- .Q.IIEENSTOWN. TEE trietax Nut. STEAsisnips, lieutberteg etzteene gest,elltee Tease* men/ them the celebrated DIT T Y ti•"r►Rtß. CITY Or AIfTWICIIP_,_ 0= or BOSTON OITY UP BALTLIIOSZ., III? or ',lss • . BMW, WEN% SATURDAY. from Pier 118 North Itlvor. New York. Nor muse or Amber Intbrauttlon apply to 14U4Lii BINGIIAIL. Jr.; 14] NWITRIPTILLT WILLIAM MIER & • Noe. 231 and 222 Liberty Street. Omar of Irwin, ztow coa x cr the trwloi at low ar- Pr[me New Orleans • Sugar asi Nahum Pork; Rtoo, Cuba and 80xItsh Maud anagu. New York. Pklbuklpala. and Malkin,. /40- lined do. tioldss Mips. Laverlsm Brukuji, Adult.' &act Lowg J.51.411510.0m. Porto Moo, Cala etaartv apd 1611g.1.h lalsod Mame& aar , 0 471r.L...T.P 11 4 mperlal, eilnapowdat Cangloa sztl Amman Wee. IbJa Lytuayr• and RIO Off etIN b a, Stber. LAM 011. Nish. C Nall4, Blau, Soap, Cotton Yarns, lc., onsst.tlf oa Mad. ALSO. wows= OP Fine Ithindes, Wines and . PS'..°.ll' A P : :kii ! l hilfV•4 blparkhoOf Hinttl g Morella, bcbmberd and Jaime be a. tiorabalroaragoody. - Hradatiburir Wave - Floe Moo OU. do do Choets il bapor ted la bottled do do Weed Into. to bottle.. M. Work Roes , npar Cat , rba. Tide Old 001 r7. Madeira dad Port WM.. n e . V ary oaeogaboia ...Lela% Dorf do Osparsor &Mae do dd.' ALSO, Sots Meats for Mast I Mandan% ORM Vue brur. anew sad 'Mier/ Clisal,MgaiN. Brandies or our own magma sad inmated 110:510 •ArnB7lAllaril ELIXIR. Mud.% =Ern wits MLR 81UDA421.1. AMALL , II Xiarll WILL CPU mYeltrO4l.. imms WILL COLISTY MIMS. roe Of Marsholl'allloo Cull er ppm.. • g'l Yorkot .I.aset. .IHatitaLl. nu i tn. Mallets.. ex t ra= sail istallacutiTraf. FINANCIAL. TRADESMEN'S NATIONAL RANI, Wood St., cor. Second Avenue. INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSIT& Gold. Conpms, Bonds - and Stooks novairi AND souk A. BRADLEY. Breaßleat. **dal, gfEtlrraithE'.l7o.P."‘Mat. S. McCLEAN & CO BANKERS, IMIM=EI Government Securities No. 7& Fourth Average, PITTSI3I7III4II, PAL Personal and , prompt attention given to every. thing In the bitters.. Collection. Inade. Cer tllleates Issued, and 'lit nat allowed oa Time Dimwits. Advanee, made on Prime Collateral. and Governmest deeuritles at liberal rates. DeGers In Fortlgn and Immestle Exeßanges Gold, lideer. Bank Note., do., de. 111 local or other Mixer' '.neon'. etoeke, Bonds. Mortgsges, Commemlal Pa. or. to., negotiated at the meal rater of eommlmlon. lass THE SAFE DEPOSIT CO. OF PrrT'S3I3IIIC.O.ILI, YOB. THE Safe Keeping of Valuables, Ender guarantee. and the renting el Bah, le Ile Fire and Burglar-Proof Taal% No. 83 FOURTH AVENUE. !Pre.IdeaI—WILLIAM PHILTIPM. vie. President—lMAM" LLOYD. WIT LTAM PHILLIAB. RYININ N. PAINTER. HENRY LL , TI). AM. R. MORRIeu.N. WILLIAM RICA. - UEOROR RLACE, WILLIAM M. LYON, 4..11LT1n O. LIURREY. .1•8. RANNErT. BEe...y TARA 4-15. P. ON BONNIO)RIT. upon daily from 9 o'clock A. 9. To l o'clock T. Y. N. HOLD & SON& 57 MARKET STREET PTTTSUVUGR, ra. Collections mute on an the mlnellnaNto of the Untied Buten ann Camden. Stocksjionds and Other Securities BOUGHT AND COLD ON COMMUNION. thle of Particular attention pant in the menthe the Vnited States Securities. 0:41 Hitrr. CAUGHEY & CO" BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Fourth and Wood Streets, GU, PA., OHNHOOMININ TO HANNA, HART • COO Exchange, Coin, Coupons, VO particular attention paid to the posolaft and sale of GOVERNMENT . BONDS. ittilp Drafts on London. CITY BANK. 112 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. CAPITAL, 1100.000. TOCKHOLDEBE INDIVIDUALLT LIiBLE INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSIT& 74 , 111L10N EXCHANUZ Hoontit sad note], nod whet. desired Mottled to Mumps. ColSectionsmade on a C ll the prlnelpall . P.M Of the United etate and anada. DOlnixten InWand, Pres'demi.. Jolene licCasa. Pr.aldest. W. N. Mosoax. Csithier. Z.thamez, . .. . . -....... a.... 4.4 - itair le i suas bN , _ Patriot Kama Terence Camaball. ens, B. BUT, James Phalas, [mai. liaLlaa. IL A. Friel - wog* E J. Brace, Thomas/lama. lohka Jrik. :,7izzA v. Solicitor. STOWIJS..OAbTINGS. &o. - ---- ITO VEIL CET THE BEST. BISSELL & CO'S TRIUMPH. FOR BITUMINOUS COAL, Werranted to Cook. Bake or Roast as well as say other More ht the Woo. • BISSELL & CO., No. 285 Liberty Street. Land and fir PARI.oIt OTOVIK. HEATING STOVE% -. ORATE PRONTO. PENDENT. COOKING KAMM. tn. GRAFF, HU . GUS & COI, MAIM/AV/VMS 07 111•13 LY TARIM 0/ S r rfiNMW, BOSTON COOKING RANGE, 'THE FURY FIIRNAbE," VON. WAllirnte BUILDING/. 4M M letnAe e t 4 t"°°°rlW l l a L UITTOI u RA... ASTInOA Pat n) PtST.I.aANOCCR WELIAII•N 'EI linit z m iltt u Ali s b fre« MAMA and Quit: 208 and 208 Liberty Street, sesur PITTSBURGH. PA. A. BRADLEY St. CO., • • SO. SO WOOD STREM iguana...a of the Greaten Vartatyof Cook, Parlor and Heating Stoves, TO BL POUND. too assortment Intl bo than/Witte LAM= PATTIC6NI3 AND INPEOVILINIESTP, and the repot/di:lu of our eitori• la each that any one In want or • irood article should purchase none but those enanufactured try us, se they 1011 be found 1...0 mail durable g• well as eernannteal. Would call particular &swoon. to our new VOLCANO tsTOVIL, tor dwell. a. halla and Mores. UT, SOO sold In inv. w 00 1... Intended It with or .110011 t Cmi/IA All woo hare used thorn mew noun.- th• super or so any oilier and IR ann. er. rend for Catalonia sod Price Llat• let 1 tAi'i Jll9 wW.lii 3:4-1 pITTSIIIIIIGH NOVELTY WORE& remommpit A. D. IW. 11001111 MADAMS t CO. WAsuraCIVIIIRS 07 CZ WPI T A A M trig i ro Wa r"- SCALES. .tans Vaunt Patent Door Lock. lad Latakia. nun or.Wreilli'llhaelin orrotobunrer. P* a. STONE WEST COMMON • Machine Moos Mika. NarthwustooraerotlreatOammace. AMOK!11. PUZDIII. ATVATIDRi VU. dm on hand ofwiz: anon nail** RIMY and Stop Mem% eldowilk.. EMMY 5, 911 . 4, Head ma billows. It. ALRONITECTEI BARR & MOSER, faun norms meocumax sumrazial. Clair Strait, Pitentrarsh. r.. *mai atunakm stria to U. &Mauler sad torlplisi of Gomm Inntsti rintl,lo .•••• ••••".". EMI= BEErEiLI FULTON & MAIN , ris.A.crrmax. PlAMLEtrate, Ch STEM IFITTERV, !Mk Mru■e, Rear ali = PITT‘BORGII. PA. 1.01 pia. Baia Hoge, Gas Fixings. stall, Sid! Tabs sad Igssa Stoat. Los Pipe sad Mitt.... ♦l. sad Boer Puna* sad Pm. omta stwalS anima& Public sad Plint• HIM up with tia. Wain ■ad Mum Hestia/ ittlorstio. Jobbing 'inaptly Wooded to. ENGINES, BOILERS, &o, FORT PITT BOILER. STILL AND TANK WCOIEtIKS. CARROLL AND SNYDER. XA.N OTACTUILIES OP TUBULAR, DOUBLE-FLU/SD TUBULAR PIELE-BOX. AND CYLINDER BTLAM BOLL rO STILLS AND OIL TANKS. CHIMNEYS, BRELCHING AND AM MN% SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AHD CON DENIZIt.s, STEAM PIPED, GASOMETERS AND IRON, BRIIHI ES, PRISON DOORS AND COAL BRUTES, Otte and Wareham., carper Seemed Third, Short sod Liberty Street, 1F1TT81317114311. PA. • !Orden iletit to the above silken be D.rtnotly attended to. rotinia HUGH N. BOLE & CO, Cor. Point Alley and Duquesne ID, = Engine Builders, Founders and Machinists. • Manufacture - STEAMBOAT ENGINES and STATIONARY ENGINES, of .11 slant. Sbeslal attention Invited to our new STATION. ART OIL WELL ENOINE AND PORTABLE BOILER, o fib horse power. CASTINtin, of ever, kind, made to order &tour Youudry, on THIRD STREET, below Idnrket. RIOS for Oil Wells, SHAFTIP.O, puLLKI[B. HANGERS, HOUSE and TOBACCO SCREWS add lUDS TOBACCO cItESSILb, on hand and made town., at the INDUSTRIAL WORKS, ttenUng as the Allegbesty Raver, near the Point. I= %PAU Wan DAmptly filed. TIT ITS O'HARA BOILER WORKS. F. REPHAN & CO., Mennfaetareis of IMLAY BOILERS, OIL TANKS, STILLAG aToIan. SALT PARK, UASt/METZIfaI. ET 'MING VANN PRInON DOORS. Wilhaf•lfla, BollnlEN PULE BEDS. *O., Car, of second Avenue Illd Liberty st., PrITYIBITEGEI. PA. R.Vldeillt well prolaptly. Orders nest to the above addme be promPtly attended to. P. RaPHAN, formerly Menem at CARROLL • 13NYI)Litis. oemplal Tie =HICK & 1180. 1 _ mut • soner.,••-r•oar SAFES AND VAULTS. NO DAMP. NO MO IILD. ENGINES AND MACHINERY, BREWERY WORE, REPAIRING AND PUT TING.UP MACHINERY. Cor. 17tk and Pike Ste., Plttsborgi, Pa. WilL BARNHILL & CO.; BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, NO6. SO, 99, WA AND 96 PENN BT. Having Bemired a lark* yard and furnished it with Ms mast llPP.ved machinery, we are pis— pared to manure. tare every description of BOIL. 1118 In the best meaner, tad warraated equal to any made in toe Doc airy. Chimneys. Breeetilag, Flee Beds. Steam Loconsouve Ballets. Condenser.. ea/t Pank Tanks, Oli Afil.4 tars, t o Pas. Boller Isms, Bridge 81Yrki Pans. ano sole manuiacturers of narmatirs Pat. ant Batters. Itepairlng done on shortest nails*. Jake= /JIM X. BRIM. =aim) D. MIMI JARED !IL BRUSH & SON, MASIMAOSITHEBEI OP Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks. SHEET :son WOES. &O. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh. Pa. FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS, NATIONAL FOUNDRY • AND PIPE WORKS. Corner Carron sad 190.allmaa Ntroelts. WARD./ . . rrru-simicatcan. PA. • WILLIAM SMITH, NIANII/AOTIIREE 0/ CAST lIZON BOWL PIPE 1011; OAA AND WATER WORM uNny rp 2 w f e e e N t I lengths. a Also. y la M wr I t n : M Of general Castings for Gas & Water Works. OAP FORT PITT FOUNDRY COMPANY. orrrus AND worms, TWELFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. Er En gines.Rolling Rill Dia. chinery, Nail Machines, Re torts. and Castings generally. W. J. ANDERSON H. A. ITSTVIGI.Z. MONONGIIIBLI • FOUNDRY, W. J. ANDERSON & CO., Manufacturers ol IRON HOME /ROSS!, WINDOW LINTZLS and MAW. sad Castings .r all Desert glom Mr Brenta attention paid to ARITZCIII- Ras. CAUSllitiii and to Outlast (o 0 Window elm Houses. B • Orrin. Mu AND ba 11rak. PizNai ISO . I ROBINSON, REA /tie°, summon t? Ecasimisox, NWT a ltrizaws, WAMECINGTON WORKS, FOUBDERS AND NACHIIISTS. PITTSEIUNGH. Mannitectarers or Boat and Stationary iiiirun ghsta n ßlar . l, In glum Mill Machinery, q.E . 1,1 ; rA n .'ac t tatra r a%l.ll;VlV.lik ° ""r . 4 =1.14 . ia. .rner TOn and enelithield ib t . tggraLll . ..AZD'3 PATENT INVCC/011 THOMAS CAMAS & CO, hulk Ward Foundry and latidao Works, deNDIIBEY IT., ALLZIMINY CITY. 'Pa., l I Pelim.,lsoullictlirrs of gtatlonary and, Portsble Stem leeliees.. II 11111ale r Belither. Gnat sod haw Mil Wort. golleltigtll sod Maetilas CuUngs, Wats Hats, Weights. Wagon Boxes ge. nails toorder sod turreog bang Matinee of tisss. • 4 tor14:411 • .atUBTAYB !ASCII IHO HENRY BIER & CO., eucoxmosa so worms a Co., Bell and Braes Foundent. BBASS CASTINGS If ips rzourror To cizose. laleable and Grey Iron Fittings, GAS PIPE END TUBING, TIIIOTTLE, LUSTY MID GUI MITE, ALL GLOBE peTtamme. IRON CCICI:iii; Brass Work of every description for Steam, Water and Oil. MALWOTAOTITIIIM OP J. W. C9orza a coil Improved Balance-WWI Akan hill 4 Agents fry Dreyfus' Patent Ott ers, the best in the Market. Olite sad Works. cots rr Mamma sad Pin Matsu. ATWOOD a NIcCIOFIREIG— , COMM' Ltbeetr atnet sad Third AMU% illttatntrik. P... , BZA 10UND/333 An LION PIPE Firrium Mad AGROTTIS en A. E. chug: max • INV STRAY P IM/11 AND BLOW.SIOI. WHOLESALE GROCERS. &c DILWORTH, II,IRPHR & CO. 243 LM'ERTY STRFSL ( VPI:oolte hood of Wood. An rt.1013(1•11It ..Z 2 oolttit. Of New Crop New Orleans SUGAR and MOL ASSES tar They, give 12 per cent. tare on al/Sugar by the hogshead ESTABLISHED BY A. & T. GOMM 1812. W., N. GOEIIIIY, WHOLESALE GROCER, No. 271 Liberty Street, (Diascrup OA,. KAMA Harsi..) PIPTsBiIECIE. PA. Y. IT/LIME l A. EITZZLZ.. M . STEELE & SON, Commission Merchants =EI FLOUR, GRAIN, FEED, Bo No. 98 OHIO LIMY-ET, neu Yam Common. =O3MI PlTlrit KEIL JAM P. RICHART. KLiL h RICHART, 01SID11138ION DIEBOHANTS, to D S IX FLOUR, MIL IMDS, YELL MD, 46 X 49 Liberty Xi" Pitteberxii. artier MEANOLL & HARPER, PLOW; GRAIN AND PHODUOZ Commission Merchants Ns. 329 LIBERTY =1 W. C. ARMSTRONG, (3.ooessor to Fetzer 11 Armstrong.) PRODUCE 00IIMISSION MERCHANT, • 071 Pro. oo Market Street. 11 J, BLANCHARD, L. Wholesale and Retail Groeer, No. 396 PENN STRUM soLkarn LITTLE, BAIRD & PATTON, Wholesale Unseen, Commission II erebanla n, Deslento rstslaele noes. Bacon, Chew. hb.. & shoo an 4 Lard ' OIL Iron, Walla gala ss Yarns and all Plltabary/h Maaelhesanss n 70 46 .112 and 114 8000 ND BMW, OLIN I. nOII6/..ZDA. N. COOL. OHM I. HOUSE a BROIL, Sue • • liewors to JOHN I. HOUsit • CO" Whole. sale Grocers ILIP. Cossralstlon Merchants, Corner of Smith geld end Wafer HMI., Pittsburgh. JOHN 8F112T311 •. IVALLACZ. HIPTON B.WALLACE.WhoItr SALL i•ftg , CER.l ANDJrIIOIIIICZ DEAL• M. NO. 6 HTXTH HTNELT. Plttahureb. POiTOTPTCE OIPARTYENT. WASUINGTON. October 16. 1E169. pIIOPOSALS lOU MAIL LOCKS.'. SCALED PROPOSALS for furnishing Mall Locks and Heys of new kinds, to be substituted for the Lochs and Heys now used on the United motes malls, will be received at this Depot went 00111 9 o'ell rh a. the 3d day or 71SH -1911• RV, 1079. It Is desirable to obtain Locke and Heys or . nett anstructlon tor the excletslve use of the United State. taatts..darpractietble. invented exormsle for that purpose. •s ex posure of • model Lock sod Hey to public - Ination would Impair. if not e estroy, Its IltY for the malls • the Department prescribils no model forbidders, but reties for Its selection en the speelm. ns of mechanical chili and Ingeliulty which a fair eompettt•on among Inventors, here by Invited, may develop. It Is lankiest to do. salte the principal Teo ulsltes of a Mall Look, as fol/wws yell-Loains noiform`l Y. security. I redness, strength, durability, novelty of eon- sten :Mon and flaunty of um.. Two kinds of Lochs itir , Kers , one of brass and the other of Iron, different In eaterlor form and imerlor construction or arrangement. are required: and Proposals should specify separately the price of each bra.. rack, each Hey for the same. each Imp Loon and'each Roy for same. Duplicate - • samples of each kind of Locke and Heys pro posed. ere required to be ant/united with the Proposals; one of each setup's Lock tote rivet ed up and finished. and another to be open or unriveted, so that Its interval structure Sod ar rangement may easily be examined. Leery sample should be 'plainly marked with the bid der,/ name, utd, if the rams or any part of it be nisvered by • patent. the date of with patent and the name of the patentee moat be also at. tacked thereto. ===!!!1!=1 • . , offered. and the particular shows of :he Key re• q ohne to do en theta, mon not be Ilke any nov or he retol In nee. • They must be warranted not to Infringe upon or conflict with soy patented I lon of which ha bidder Is rot the.. wee.. prefer... will De elven to talar.k. the Key of whim han not been caromed to general obii nation or bees publicly deeeribed. dtaelOe. d or iniggested. decialon la the various ape... and en. wash will be made on or before the 3d day at MARCH, 1100: and utiles. the Portnisster oen eral I hall deem It to be for the lotereita of thr Department to rcpt..' the Proposids.d ape.. meets eubmitted under thin advertisement, tie rget hereby espreasly reserved to him.) con tracts will be e Into as went/area/texas practicable, with the noceestul bidder whom Looks ghat h. ad , pled. fer . forntahlug 0101001 Locks sad Heys for four years, as they may be realpervd'..l ordered. If matually agreed to In writing • y the coctractor and Postrouter era) for the time being, not leas than ale months before Its expiration, the contract may be en. minded and coatlnat4 for an a altional term of four years. But on sod after the eggirah.n of either term of the antract, or on and after Ise rightist straulmeet at 1111111.1324. the Pogue.. ter U en. rat shall have the right to eontract with or •tee ay say other party to furnish the same, or soy other lUad of Locks an I Kam and If be stud. dam prover to demand and replye from thi tate or detailsag centractor all galatted emaitlabrol KeYs and the haw hat parte or the Locks contranted for, sad all dirs. gamgs and deelgtor, (which vrosud .nanle others. make or forge taco Looks and Hips). the possession of sock oontactor. who, altar their surrender to toe Department shall ha paid for the mute, at such price as may be siatertalned by All ala preteens.. The contractor Mgt Ws. and be able tOlvitt" siltn, It rerintrtd sad ordered. )10.000 Bram Lockaand 3,000 Bran Keys ellen a... months tram the time oral:Moine Into contract. and BILCOU Lon Looks and 60,040 Iron Kaye wl la ten mouths such time.. Bet the Pon muter tl-norms y Ut reserve /be "lib t to Increase or ellsoadsh, no the mule or Is tektite of the set , Mee insy demand. the qoantitles of the Locke and L, ye •bore specified. with a proportionate ellowince of time to banish Cant. .M 0 the Locks tratthed by therantractor eras be retrained to beep le rood worklag order fe two . years In the Ordinary a alba Navies when not suldectad to obit - violence; such as become defective within that time to be ,placed with perfect Laois without charge.. All the Locks banished rader eratract and to he, each. distinctly marked "U. t. Mall," la either sunk or :at If/letters, and all the Keys are to be num bered in the ,►aural order; each Key baying Its appropriate number distinctly stamped upon one side of the bow rad •!U. I. Nall" on the oppenite elle. The contractor will he required to delyer the Locks at his expense at the Teethe:the Depart meta. Wastungto a. D. C., put op on sticks,farm the separs'e bundles ot tae Locks eath, and ae eunea Puked In wooden boxes containing not more than. Iwo hundred Locks each. The Key. ari to Ise delivered toms mantel the Department duly and strolally authorised In Crab rase, to take charge of and .cenvey the same from the contractor'. manufactory to the Department, when both Locks and Keys an to be Inspected and approved be fere they shell be paw tor. Ibe contractor will be requored to give hoed with mettle security in the mom of Tilly Than. eaad Doi Be., to be Porte Ited to the Unlthuntstm as Liquidated damages, la case of his (Alan to Malian) Perform the toatmet, either no to Da nia/in the rapplthe ordered within a na►oname time, Or as to readier the man abet are ot the Mell Looks sod UM doe privacy. Integrity sad care. Po proposal will therefore be ace" oted Lf not accotepenied with a hood of toe penal aeN ol Twenty Thousand Dollars, duly excreted by th e proposed ...settees (whose responsibility rant be canned by a Judie of &Court of aboard nearest to their Place of reeidence s attested by the Cleat of ends Conn ander the seal thereof.) and conditioned I', tbetr gnome , ' reepontibl• as enrollee on toe Modred bond fnr tee fainlitnent of the contract s Is case each Prnvosal shall be 100' Dtcd. The - manateclore of Mall Locks an .111i'fas'ss'n '.t°=l4?°4l4:latt obid&lgte ~P also Ida to n r fad name Propoula In sot also setennpinled . whit testisionta/s ud goon Own,- ta • thedetrt the Propoeals and stmenteens Poe seer thieve' nay deeoslienoeuillent to eelect the Breas Look of o. bidder and the Iron Loot of enottler. 80, t 0 of reserees tint tient of eoturactleg verb different 17 , 4•16. cats he each Wiesen, • Inds of Loeb. use may select • Proposals sh• old be easefully araled and ad dressed to the • tiecond Ant tent Peetioastets Note ra. red endorsee on We envelope .pro. ...ale few Nall Laces." JOSIA A.. J. 120500 WlLL* ni sOlllOlll Postmaster Om. PROPOSLALS SEALED PROPBSALLq WILL be ranched at the °Dire of the Chief Quar terroast.r. Wilton. Division of lie retwoort, Chicago, Dihal., until la IL. on TlllinDaY. FLbruary I, 1810, for the traraporin los of Government troops, million. Goreram. at and Indian appales bemoan the following /NADU. as I dic•t..l donee the time from Ma eh *O. INTO, to October 31. From Si. Louis, Ma, to I`lol/I. City, 1 oaks°. Agency, Fort Ranall. Whetstone Creek. Lower Benin ad Crow Creek Agencies,. Fort Bally, 'L• IlLs Clieyerine ad Grad River /acacia, lona floe, Stevenson. Buford, Camp Cooke. Or ay Poet that may be established et the math of the liusnesbela river, and Fort Beebe. • From Wandotte, Kan.. to. Snag City. Yank. Lon Agericy, Fort Barden. Whetstaae Lowtr Brines and Crow Creek A....nria, Fyn 801 17 , Rig Cheyenne and Grand Diver figaelta. Forte Rare, gleans.. Lathed, Camp Co. la, or any post that may be established at the month of the Itoseleshal raver ad Fort Santee. From Fort Leavenworth, Kan.. to Sloan Cite. Yankton Asenev. Pon Readout, Whetstone Creek, Low,. Brain end Crow, Creek Agana, Fort 80117, 111* Cheyenne and tinted Mar A.encit a, Forts Rice, bte•11111,021. Buford, Cam Cooke. or any poet that ma, be anon abed at, the mouth of the Muselan ell river and Fon Beams. From Cmob. , bleb., to Sioux CWT, Yoakum Agate, Fort Itandail, Whetstone Creek. Lower Bales ad Cro• Creek Asada. Tort Bally. 1111 Cheyenne and Grand River Agetteles, Farr Rice. titaventon, Beard, Camp Cooke, or ay post that may be established et the mouth of WO Ilinclahell Rive ad Fort Nenuin. From Moue City, lowa. to Yankton Agency, Fort Randall, Whetetone Cilia Lower Bales and Crow Creek notnelvs, Fortindly. Ii Debt). mane and Grand Elver .11gencle s, ?vets K o rtevenson, Hoard, Cams Coolie, or any poet' that may be atablieged at the amnia of ShiS aeirehell neer, and Fort, Benton. From Yankton /teem to Fort Bend•l.Whet- • stone Creek, Lower Broke and Crow Creek Agencies. Fort Doily, BIN Cheyenne and Grand Baer Apostles, Forts Mee. !Ramon, Buford. 'Damp Cooke. or nay poet that may be establish. ed at the mouth of the Museleshell neer. and Ton Benton. From Fort Randall to Wheatone Creek, Lower Brutes and Crow Creek •geneles, Fort Belle, Big Chelan) ad Grand River Mezelea Forte Rice, Stevenson. Buford. Camp Co be. or MY poet tint may he este' Bated at the Month of the Muscieshell river. and Port Beaton. From Whetcorie Creek Annuity to Lower Braes ad Crow Creek Agenda, Fort Bally. Big Cheyenne and Grand River Aureoles, Farts ea, litereneon.. Da ord. Carp Cooke, or any poet that may be established at the month of Ne llatilnalell river, ad Fort Baton. Freon Lower 'Bala agency to Crow Creek Agency, Fort Naly, Big Cheats. t ad Gregg War Agana., Tone Bla, Mews mom, Buford. Catnip Cooke, or ay toot tall may be estatillebod at the month of the Ifirecialtell raver, ad Port • Baton. From Crow Creek Agency to Fort Bally, Big .Cheyenne and Greed Haver Itireaeles, Fort. Shy Bunn., Cana Cooks, or ay poet that may be atabliehed at the month of the Musanhell river. and ion Benton. From Tort tally to Big ra and Greed River Agencies, Forts Rice. have... Berard, Camp Cooke, or ay post thatunsy ba atablished at the mouth of Muwiesball elver, and Fort Benton. From Big 'Cheyenne Agency to bud Blest Agency, Forts Mee, literenson. Burnt, Cup Cooke, or any , pos. that may be eubliiled at the mourn or the Muselesholl river, and For Britton. From breed River Agency to Forte Wu It.. Tessin. Buford, Camp Cooke, or any poet that may be eget:dished at the mouth of the Mule. glen river and Fort Benton. From fort Blur to Forte litevenson. Sttibal. Camp Cooke or any poet that pay be established so the math of At aseleettell , rivet aad loft Benton. Prom Fort Stereneon to Fort Buford, Cau Cooke, or any yost that may be established at the month of the Museleeliell river and Port Beaton. from Fort Bnibrd to Camp Cooks or any post that may be established at the mouth a 4 the Warclethell river and Port Benton. From Camp Cooke or any post that may be *nab:ldled at the month of the lluaeleitheit river. and Furl Benton. Proposals are Moo Invited for the transperta. tion of troop. and supplies, during the reason from BArch 90. 1070, to October al. 1510. Rom Chicago, I linear. vial) our. City. lowa. on through bills o. to all the points above Sioux l lily that are above startled. Biddy ri will state the rue, e..psratoly for rook month from Much 90th to Ocloo. r 31st. 1510. Inclumve. the date of rtartScg to determine the rate to be paid. at wh'ch they will infra .= the service from each of the raving poled. to the several points of dent.tion . aboreqtairmsl, ea . Ist. 100 rue at which they .111 tr...rt each emovr and sold:,. (coda pa,vaae to be provided for officers. and far soldlers nectars, y.f.lllties far cooling their ratifies. which will be sap.. by the Government). • Rd. The rate per 100 pound• at which they will transport...lies. 3d. Tao rate at obich they wry trensport horses, melee. cattithambulancila.e........ tic., (troughs ior feed!ng the at treat to be pro vided by steamboat.) A ...preference will be given to tartlet who own .d control boat.. Beate will be .prebed to always goo the Gorernmett fre•ght the pr.. endue, and In no cage will be Wowed roomy to the excin.lon of Govern mast freight. The ountrac or will the• required to transport stores by land In the event of failure by water' and all stores melted br the contractor 03r transportation mast to delivered at their Out& twos with. the year 1110. Bidder. wl l l please give the rule et which they will furni.o transportation down etreene— though for that tact...s parpowno beet will be required to go ati.itream oaten to bring down at toast 160 to. of Gaierument freight. The contractor fur transportation from Chicago will not be required to furnish any down stns. trahrportatlon. fa case the contracting party fells to tarry freight as neqvirr d. the Government reserves the right to turn!. the transportation as the ex.. Dense of 'Me contractor: and nothing herein contained shall Dew egaustraed as to peeve. the Government from tna.po,Uugltssnpptles on any of Its own boatr. Bidders ere Informed thin.o boat loaded with tiovernmeut 'stores will to allowed to go •here Mont City, lowa, drawing net thr*sando.u. ball feet water. Anno boas will be required to go to points above bleu: City with In. thane.' hundred tong. bidders will state the rare at which they will transport dr tachmesta of troops of 100 or letv ni without Might. Bidden should give their mantel la MI. as wet as their places ot residenee e 9ad each pro ws. most be absompanted with a bond In Ills arm of sitheao, .100,7 by two or Mort tortes. Bible perm.. LIMMILCtiII. that. In ea. the cont.. Is awarded to the penes prorodu. It will be accepted and catered tato, and good seat suillatent acconty furnished by aald party, la accordance with the termsof this The contractor will be reqaued to give bonds in the nun of (5100.0.0) one bandied Moused dollars. The party to whom the award is made, sus .be prepared to axe.. the DOOMS& at ogee, sad to give the required bond for Its falthfal pep. formance. The Government reserne the right I. Meet say or all bids that loar le offered. Copy of b sok feriae , ermixect both for treas. Psnatton from at. Utile. Ito.. and Mikado. 111., to be entered tato In the great of award, sad blank forma of Tropoaee, caa be had be evidiee. Boa to this office. to the otilee of th. Cedar Quartermaster. Department of IT. Idissostrls 1. Look, Mo.; Chief Quartentiuter. Maine meat of the Platte, Omaha, Bob.; I. Brevet Lieidenant Calorie& Junes ht. Moore, Quarter :ander, Fort Leavenworth, Kea.. and tO tlabtaln Jame ennu, A.t.taakQuankrinzat.i; ell at City. low* ' Proposals for traneporiatlon from FL Leah. rte.. should be ludo...ed. •.Propoute br AMY T amportation en the Itiodieri River. hum de. Loots. Ito • sad those for SI allarefteUM tree, Chleado. ••E renown for Army tattoo trot. Chlearo. to plants tia T itiO: wart Elver "- sod addressid to 10 , usal.rehreed. By order of 'the QoAIM muter Gemara I • D. H. R.'CLKIL, Amistant Quartermaster Genera. Unit d -terse Arm,' and Uhler cluarterniamer hillitary Ds ., vision 1' the itlasoen. CARBOLIC SALVE! The Important discovery - or the CARBOLIC ACID as a CLEANSING, PURIFYING, and DEALING Agent Is one of the most remarkable results of modern medical V b. During the late chill war it was extensively used in the .Hospitals, and was found to be not only a - thorough disiu fectant, but also the most won derful and speedy DEALING REMEDY ever known. • it is now presented in a scientific combination with other soothing and healing agencies,' in the form of a SALVE; and. having been al.' ready aced in numberless cases with most satisfactory and ben. ellcial results, we have no ben.. Onion in offering It to the nub` lie. as the most certain, rapid. and effectual remedy for all Sores and Vicerl, no matter of how long standing, for. Earn* Cuts, Wounds, and -ev ABRASION of S KIN or and for Skin diseases generally. Bold by all Druggists. Price SS cents. JOHN ', Sae Prut M 9.8 CO LLECE PLACE. Newyork. iT RADaMARK. Difililling rmizi. vnioos , Lamp ORKNEYS, OM Ell