DAILY GAZETTE L'ENNIMAN, REED k CO., . _ jfice,S.l and. 86 Fifth Avenue J 061.0 lINCI. E. 'P• MD. I. B. PENNIMAN, T. P. HOUSTON, I= ?EfIMR OP .7115: DALLT By man, lur,<.: Delivered r.a.r) .4'5. per weak.... Oct, FIRST EDITION. .dTLIDXIG H I% TILE CAPITAL. Robert J. Walker's Ameral—Unrav wing the Tangled Skein—Mr. Pea body's Remains—Press of Business —Departm nts Closed—Court Pro. eedlinge. TIL,F...ph to the rlttatwrgh (estatt. WA9IIINOTON, Nov. 13,180. F 1 NER 11. OF ROBERT 3. WALKER The 'mend of the late Robert J. Wal ker took place at noon today, and wee attended by a large number of Masson including a great many members of the bar. Thu' funeral aerviees were conduct ed by Rev. Mr. Cbew, of St. Milan% Church, of this District. The President's family was reprebenied by Mrs. Grant, Gen. F. C. Dent, and Mr. Dent, father of Mrs. Grant. Megan. Fish, RobearM and Cox, of the Cabinet, were also present, as well ace large number of other dictln• gtdahed gentlemen, many of whom have occupied prominent otticial position In this Diet rict. The remains are to be in terred at Oak Flill Cometery,Georgetown. I= The Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, at the general term, took up the case of Garrahan vs. Brooms. The Court had given Judgment awarding the I.4Enumbe Grande, rancho, in California, embracing over 11,000 &met in which are Included the now Idria quicksilver mine', to Me .arratran. The judgment was rendered on tho Bth of July, 1889, as of the oth of February the saute year, in &mordant* with the stipulation be. tween counsel. On July Dth, a writ of mandamus win leaned and served on Secretary Cox on the ISth of .1 uly. The amount of money required Under the Judgment. ,22,210, was tendered by MoGarrnau, which the Secretary declined to accept, alleging that it won an unwarrantable interfer ence on the. part of the court to Mane said writ. They now come before court on motion by counsel' for the Secretary, Mr. Ashton, to quash the Judgment and vacate the writ. Arguments were made and cloned on both eines, and the case rested. The court reserved Its dociaton. MVIII not moot again for two woeks. I= It seems probable that the difference existing between the line and staff of the naves, about their respective rank, will be amicably nettled without an ap peal to Congress,: as was threatened. It vpas the intention ol Secretaryßoteson Op organic., board of naval officers to Bettie the point at home between the two cheses of officers, this Ward to be com posed of the heads of the different bu testis of the Naval Department, three of whom beim:lwo:l:the line and three to the staff of the nett, but some of the repre sentatives of the staff have submitted to the Secretary of the Fairy their grim , . armee and their desires, and the Secre tary has luthnated that a compromise 'will bo easily effected, the details of which he will submit to Congress in his forthcoming report. MU. PEABODY'S =MAINS The I:aey Department has Inattnete.l Admiial Radford lb detail a man-or-war to carry the remains of George Peabody to this country. Our minister in Eng land will ho instructed to inform the English Government that oar Govern ment profem to have' the hair entTleti back to Antolini by an American aran otmet, and It Is snappeted that the tog- Rah will concede forthwith. Admiral Bedford will be able to get the Incon stant ready for the trip. Where will, onoseqgentiy, be no delay. MUTILATED OLTRIMICY. • The amount of mutilated currency and hank notes destroyed daring the week weal 1309,45 h bank currency Jeanne for bills destroyed, 153070; balance due for mediated Intefi, 1310,438. =2 ' The Treasury and Postothce Depart. mental both closed today—the termer In respect to tho memory or Robt..T. Walk er, and the latter or Amos Kendall. PRESS OP ROSINEBB, The President was unable to attend the funeral iif Robert J. Walker on ac mint of business engagements. =I The Praddent lute recognized Jailin Alpedo Prinelpey' ( - Uterus u Vice Con anForSpain at Philadelphia. CHICAGO %Dike Among the Talbot s —Death before Toothache—Republican Wigs.= De stroyed by lire—lts Origin, After Vacs and End. Caws," November 13.—The Journdy men tailors of ibis city inaugurated a formal strike this morning, in parsuance of agreement last night. ROM& of the *woes yielded to , the demand* of the journeymen, and their moo continued at work. .The employers who refused to yield to thefts:muds of tholournoym en met this more ng and passed the follow ing preamble and resolution: Wanness, The Jettrneymen Tailors' International Union have in bad faith remised to ..work,ty the revised bill as agreed upon between the Committee of Merchant Tailors and the Committee of the International Unto* the same having beenrratlfled by the International Union, and bpi . ..them painted and alike to the inerthens oilers; and whereas; we beat' bemused are willing to pay throat worth , by tact bill of price& Therefore, s tlrooted, That wo will shindy adhere colour agreement, and we invite all well disposed workmen, whether member* of the Industrial Unh;lo or to agra9 our establishments for work. , The journeymen express tbernishre aanzuhts of being able to.-.bring-their - *.bosseath terms," and declare they anal remain on a strike till they perish. Aid will be furnished them from the Inter national Upton In the town of LakeneW, *.tens this city, yeateadry, DIM AIIM-Lester, aged 25 years, wife of Mr. Lester, pro, , Fddetar of a zone beta?, committed suicide by tanking a aoaararlattila: She suffered 'lb-times very severely from tooth•scrie, and was so suffering when 'ilehe col:omitted the set. The large frame 'handing knower as at; Iteptibilean Wigwain, located on the eggoaf of Lake and Market streets, took ;gird AbOat . thaws time o'clock last 'averting-: Wall entirely destrqyed, with :leafy all the contents. 'The build. wart erected itt the Spring of 186010 r the_taie of -the HhOUbtleku N Ceti. • veutton, held inlay either year, which nominated Lincoln ferr Weld. dent. Ito dimensions were one handrail by ono. hundred and eighty feet; and .-thlrtylkoot Meg. It coatAtte= thaneand dollars, the matey being oontribmed try '-theciassnisMCldcago..lt wad oOnstruMed entirely of wood. After it had been °p eopled by the Nations' Ilitiventiem „sfaii.uselidurlng the ca ..tedipa.for large rei 3 teti e ti et asd talso•forwllulon and religious gatherings. Alter the close of the campaign it was occupied at various times for fairs, feed. :vale and concerts. It was In the Wig. *am that Senator Douglass delivered his lam vetch, morns four of five Week* before his death, pirrlog the war. Mani regiment. greedeg through the city were utintairargy lodged In it. At the close of the, war the valuable groond on Which it stood .was needed for other 'now, and the Wigwam was put up at auction and pa/chased by the Garrett ~ 11 3114' 4 4 ieetittitt6 It was WOO after faro stor4, and has been de voted to tooA of commerce over since. The total laza oa the stocks is $36,00 ii - lusuranee about The value of the building real about 16.030, making a total • lose of; ISt 0.000. It iseuppesed to have beg an ineendbu7 origin. Wo learn from a,passenger who an Weil hem today over the Bock island and Paella teat - bad that at Des Melnik lows, last evening * a freight train ran into the Eset boned. Pacific Itailroad passenger train, which woe on- a side track, I mieptetelydemolbsteM the Pat • - 1123 ear Celirrede. and also two caber pas senger cars. Some fifteen to twenty ty. Meow:went wen) 410 TO Or lam Injured but cone were killed outright. We are unable to learn the name, of soy of the wounded, .• 1 • , _., - , D r 1/. , 1 _ :-, . ...: _ .4 ..„..,—; ~... / : . 5 ...-. ..-_,- „. . jtfv• 41•4 -ci : r . ' . _ ,) ' -•,- ...., . ~ - J'i"..:;•:: "" / - • •••"'. : ..i. i i i i), ; : t T =CI VOL. LXXXIV. NEW YORK CITY. The Wholesale Draw-Back Fraude— A Costly Hornet—The " Herald" Wants Greenbacks Substituted for National Bank Currency—Hard on Swindling Firms—Woman's 'Coun cil—Erie Strike Continues-The First Stone—Honorably Discharged —What Good Conduct Will Do— Match Factory Seized—Bogus To bacco and Match Stamps Captured --Anniversary of the Id E. His tionary Society [By Telegn.ph t, the 1 . 1 . 1.•hurgh142.:11,` NEw Vonx, Nov. 13, 1869 The drawback frauds in New York custom. assume au extensive character anti definiteness, through the confession of Itnenberger, one of the principal op. erators, who has turned state's evidence. Frauds-amounting to nine hundred thousand dollars have already been di.. covered. Blatchford, now deputy col lector, was formerly chief clerk of re cords, and Therrott, his successor In the latter rapacity, is accused of re ceiving ton per cent. for giving false certltiCana of export. Gray, chief clerk of the superintendent of draw backs, is charged with giving bogus ot rat:leans of landing la • foreign coun try. HowaPo,•formerlpelerk in the In ternal Revenue Bureau at Washington, received a commission for passing claims through that office. All have been ar rested end held to bail but Biatchford, who lied to Canada, and is singe reverted to have gone to Europe. Frauds were perpetrated on pretended shipments of shoes, oilcloth and railroad CUM The puttee forged internal revenue collec tors' certificates of texas paid, also tail davits of identity of goods and mani fests of cargo. They had a notary pal:o -bit° In their Pay, to attest fraudulent affidavits The examination In the case of Roger A. Mulligan, who is charged with complicity to the drawback frauds, commenced to-day before Commussioner Osborn. The prin cipal 'ark:been was Wm. .1. Korn, woo testiLitxl to Molligan's knowledge of the matter, In which Korn was et the time .ao Interested party, having received as Mae:Aare #4,600. The case was adjourned to Friday next. Francis A. Howard. the person who lactated to have.disnovered tbdtfinands fa' Washington, and to have subsequently helped ins matter along and participated In the prayed., is now under Indictment for alleged participa tion in the frauds, was then brought before the Commis/doper, and gave ball slo,ootl far an examination on Monday. The Herald rays the National banks are aiming at the control of all the money In the country. It holds that the Nation al bank currency ought to be withdrawn and greenbacks waned In its place. The west and south, as well as the east mid north, might have then as many banks as they choose—that le, banks of depoelt and loan, and for commercial accommo dation which In the only legitimate btudeteea of banking—all using at the same time the currency of the govern- Matt - end the people Inc circulation. The government would then get the benefit of a national circulation, the profits of which aro enormous: the people would have a uniform correnny. perfectly safe and steady. The Cuban Junta are indignant at Cap. tain Higgins, of the steam., Hornet, and although they are fitting out another vessel, It is not probable that he will be placed in command of It. It la said that a schooner laden with coal was sent out from Florida to supply the Hornet, - and was searching two days for that vessel at the time she ran Into Wilmington. The Hornet was carrying specie to pay the officers and seamen in Cuba at the time of bereaptare, and she Is said to have coat die Junta Biro hundred thonsand dollars. It is stated that the Postmaster (Lipner al will soon issue an order prohibiting the carriage through the mails of'the circulars gotten op by swindling firms for the purpose of defrauding the public. Smite twenty Of these lima are qa the bleak hat of the goVernmenl deteciives The Woman's Council, which looks to the WWII reformation at nociedrulliff the elevation - and edistiallon of woman; bads meeting to-day. It was proposed to es tablish branihee in all large cities, and that delegates be sent to a general par liament, to meet here at a future - time, but no action was taken. • The Erie strike continue.. Rumor lurk the, rust of the brakemen on the Delaware division will .161 n the fool gangs who struck yesterday, and also, that all the Atlantic and Great Western brakemen are about to quit work. The Erie Company says every brakeman'. position on the road Is filled, anti that they are prepared forlany emergency. The report also says a strike among the engteeera Is not improbable, In otiose. quenee of the discharge of one of their number. Saturday, Col. Whitely, chief of the secret service bureau of the Treasury, accompanied by a detective and the United Staten Revende Collector of the EirmdisiP ; city, N.J., district, walked the match fictory of Henningdt. Benback, at Hudson City, and arrested the proprie ton for using counterfeit stamps on their boxes of matches furnished them by John Ripon, of Princess Say, who. ar rest.bar Wen previously reported. They were arraigned before rotted Slides Com missioner Whitehead, at Newark, and committed foi examination In &dank of -5i0,9 0 ball each. Out of 110,000 worth of counterfeit tobacco and match stamps known to. have been manufactured, Col. Whitely hsa succeeded in canturlog 11.40 000 worth withitethe /sad three neyntha.• Tbd tint stone of the main editice of the new.ftetailloo lB qty Yell Pack was laid Instard ay aftirnidon. Edward B. Ketchum was yesterday discharged fremi Sing Sing prison, the term of his sentence being reduced by commutation Of eight months, for hie uni. forml,y,gOod conduct, having expired • Miguel De President of the Cuban Junta:under date of November 'l2tb,requesti - Commodpre 'Higgins, In considerattheof the detention of the steamer - Cuba, at Wiltatalltaa. It. C.. to notify the officers and romitinder him that theyeire honorably-discharged, but that the Junta wilrbe..bappy, t o ma t e their. serYleescia the future. The anniveniary.Of the foltudation of •the Methodist - Episcopal Missionary So. diety wag Celebrated to day by germane on the aUbjetain all ttie Methodist Mont i:opal chi/tad/1n "freee,"York, Brooklyn analerely CIO. Id the aftertgoon Bilbop Thompadn, imthe comae of his remarks, 'said than:Wein the mettbertilmbscribed nwentv-live per cent. over the sum sub. .serrited ihr Site year endingsßeceuther, ISMI, ;554000. It would be Impossible. for Atio - tainalies in maintain even the gratin . d they teed alretV gained, LOW/E. Internall... - BeveDne Receipts...ll ant.E.llb „. Stare Loom, noverabar 13.-The aggre gate receipts . oom internal revenue In Itusalistriet foe the quarter exiling Sept. 80111, warp, d.V76. Of this amount toe atighp farjOiXdpitlESlSaffged tpbacei r aia trare?flikdfie beer, -1166.- It& The receipts for October were 1365,- 929, of which 1)3,299 were from spirits, 1121497 from tobacco and cigars, and 113,998ft0m beer. Amos Cutter has brought stilt against Elampelitarlow of New York. for iitty lieditailg 'Claimed as his share in the real instate recovered froi other partite some time ago. Funeral Honore to General Wool (By Telegraph to the Pltptrorgla TROT. N. V,Pfieremberilll.,4pluopri• ate funeral boubrt were paid 'to General Wool today, and religious services bold at St. Nitre Eel* copal Church. Among the distinguished persons preaent were Reiterate Ideade. McDowell. Hunt, Ar nold, ktagnar, Gov. Hoffman and staff, and others. The military cortege was rge and the prcoession wits half an hour passing a given point. The gathering woe lmmense. It Is estimated Ong people were In the streets. All the car esakonlie wire conducted with greet ,Impressivenees and solemnity, and there t 4liiUol, Perairrstour. m nta' ifettgraffrWie littered:Med, " - trip ihrenghont the city were displayed at half-mast and large numbers of dwell ings and business Lotuses were draped to Incoming. The remains were deposited JP 90wood Cemetery. BRIEF TELEtiliAltB —Toe (onfoderate dead at Cynthians, ky., will be reiunvod to Coo new ceme tery on Tuesday. Peyton has introduced a bill In the Tennessee Senate providing for a monument to John Bell. —Jacob Lais 'a Flour In Cleve land, was burned Saturday evening. Lou, 1550,000: Insured, r 3.000. —C. C. Spencer. the extecudve Lout. Ville auctioneer, fell dead Saturday on the at root of heart dmease. —D. Pierce, a recently pardoned con vie', was arrested yesterday In Louis. for dealing, In bogus bank checks , —A dispatch Just received from Gene va, Ili., announces the acquittal of Rev. Isaac IS. Smith, charged with murdering his wife by drowning. —The British dl guy frliptte Augusta sunk to the Delaware river, below Fort Jlilltin In 1777, lass juat been rallied it a good state of preservation. —The Onolunall City Work House, to tic occupied Th.cenatier let, oast five hun dred thousand dollars. Additions for tie entire rompletion will make the total c Ise liooo,oco. —At a medical lecture in the Pentutyl vunia Hospital, Philadelphia, Saturday morning., u ehtas of thirtyznine Wore present with one hundred and forty 11.11.11:111.1aelata. —Hayti.' advice. state that the ally of Maranoate wee captured by the rebels about the middle of laid month, through the treachery of amoral St. John, who was afterwards tried and stet-med. —A c r ow fall commenced at at midnight on Saturday and continued with alight intervals till three (+clock, then steady thl noon Sunday. Its depth was three inches, but It lay but a short time. —The now Chicago Stock Board met Friday afternoon and elected tis follow. Ing officer*: President, C. B. Goodyear: Vlce President, 11. M. Thompson; Sec retary, A. S. Lea cud; Caller, Col. Chas. A. Crane. —The foundation atone of the new Cathoar Church, St. Bridget's, capable of accommodating 1,500 persons was laid yesterday in Jersey City, by Very Rev. Dr. CliLligaU. Vicar General of the Lao ease of Newark. —John Poxley who wan arrefffecl In Boat on for having burglar's tools In hie possession, proven to be an escaped con vict front Hang rbeg, with four years un expired time to serve. Ile has been lent back in charge of a New York officer. —A dispatch from Gorham. Me., say.: The extensive tannery of Stephen liinek ley it Bros., was nearly destroyed by fire Saturday night, with a large amount of manufactured stock. One or two sore housee were saved. Loss about $.10,000; insured for 121,500. —Mrs. Maxi, wife of Frank Wu!, butcher, who kept a smack house in Memphis, at the foot of Munroe street, on the levee, was found dead at one o'clock Sunday morning, with her heed crushed. It Is believed that leer bus. band In the murderer, as he has find. -I'be Met:pram _4roionche publishes • list of persons resoling its Tennessee who, It asserts, have been imported by Gen. Ames into Niessisalppl as managers of the election there In the Interest of the Radl cantl v party, n g a t n o d n e t a o l l i ti nt uj r ,o po n s t e ls e t. s p u r t e b v t e i rin —lu the atilt against the mall line com puny by thoee who loot relatives by the Ohio steamboat 0011i141013 In December last, the Judge of the Louisville Common Flews, decided on Friday that the case was not one of admiralty Juriadietlon. The salt will be argued next February. —Col. Alexander. formerly quarter. master at New Orleans under General Butler, who was arrostod there tensile ea a bogus TreasurrV agent, ham escaped, leaving behind a nu mtsor of letters from prominent parties relating to the Custom Bootie and warehouse business. They will be sent to tVashington. —Friday morning •e passenger tre In le out Nashville for Clisetanooga wan thrown off th° track near Antioch by an axle breaking and the locomotive, tender and baggage car were precipitated down an embankment, turning bottom up. Geo. Eve, baggage muter,—Nankin. mall agent., and W. J. Hartahell, express messenger, were severely bruised. —The damages claimed by the parties lowing the Louisville and Cincinnati Mail Line Campany for late of life teat cloned by the colliaton and burning of the steamers America and Cnited States last December, amount to over seventy• live thousand dollars- Should the de cision of the Court be adverse to the company additional KIWI will be brought against it. —The last annual report of the Dayton and Michigan railroad show. that one humlrpd and forty-two miles of the line In Ohio cost, Including equipment, ale million four hundred and eighty-nine thouaitad eight hundred and thirty six dollars, with a debt of P 4,417,325. ft has carried 279,777 passengerri. Two persona were killed and nine Injured. The net earnings were $876,639. —The second Committee of Conference to rerOnelder the disagreement oetweeA the Tennessee Senate and House upon the Conreqt ion Bill, reported Saturday morning that they could not agree. Propositions were then made In both houses instructing the Committee to re port a compromine providing that the illoovemtion shall be composed of seven. ty-eve Members, Instead of fifty, as proposed by the Senate, and one bund dred a proposed by House. —Loots O. Jonas, of Chicago, a young gentleman of large wealth, who died In ru. Paul on Friday, of consumption, among other bequests in rde the folios, Ing: To Joseph F. B.ntleld and H. T. Thomas, his classmates in college, 000; to a young lady in Waukegan, •10009 to W. W. Ckrrbeth editor of the Praint Fanner, 96,000; to O. P. Hawk Iris, St. Paul, 198,0001 to his servants, Patrick and Mary Murphy, 91,000 each. The balance of his estate no left to his broth• era and their children. —.A letter received In New York from Mixico says that on the 9th of October one hundred inen, women and children were crushed to death by the falling In of • silver mine at Onanalato, while Miner. ware at their dinnera, jest' brought them by their families. The day (allowing the mine disaster sixteen women, six children and twelve men were drowned in the river Meroestia They had reached the river bank and sat down to rest before undartakinpr to ford the river, which was swollen by rains, the bank maidenly slid off from the main land Into the stream and every one per. tubed. The bodies were found tower down the stream. CINCINNATI, In tttttt ing Items from the Queen City. (Pr Telex/ hto the ritOburgiz tune.: CINCINNATI, Nov. 14.—hilles Green. wood received a telegram yesterday from Nashville that Basil Dakeand Maiterson, of the Courier Jourrird, and other Louis. villians, were operating upon the Ten. healed Legislature against the Southern Rail way bill. Trestees have gone in the Interests of Cincinnati, and the chances for the bill are good. The Malted States Grand Jury closed a SeAsiOn of nineteen days yesterday, bayitig examined two hundred. and eight wirne=to. found fortY•f.iir true hi lie and dismissed twenty other rases for want of evidence. Rabbi Lilienthal, In Saturdays 'services spoke amines religious instruction In public schools as incompatible with the genlue of American institutional, and quoted decisions in Ohio. Penustimala. and New York Courts declaring Atomics not a chrfstbui country. Rev. C. L. Thompson preached to-night to yopzur mea. Subject.--Mtinnot youth a bitter Ittheritanoe for manhood." During avlvld ilinstratiop, orefaced with -the /media, nThou'art the man,i' a young map In the back part of the house sprang . tolthl feet and exclaimed: .Yea. I IBM the man," and staggering two thirds up the sobbing. and exclaimed, "Ohne. Gans, pray (or me." There was a pause for a pay& of ininplea ip the sermon, during which the congregation seemed protritisd, when the discourse waa Ished."" BY Telegraph to the Plthßough Gazette., UAN FWICISOD, November /4.—A few mlintee rat nine o'clock yesterday e fearful regrow/ acoldeut ocyuued on the Eastern 'Nettle tallway near gan - fld dro, by whiCh from ten to fifty persons lost tbelrllvea and a number mitre were ±P}Okede-abo IMXldeat Wita paused by ..e - Mliplieetnent of a switch:'lt hittn• possible to glee a correct Hat of the killed and wounded, as,..the CCial/liOn /a so grim 4 aid lb. rumors so amfiletlug. ' PITTSBURGH, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1869. SECOID EDITIOI. FOUR O'CLOCK, 4. -V NEWS BY CABLE. The Duke of Genoa and the Spanish Thronh—Pardon of Political Pris onhrs—Empress Eugenia still on Her Travels—Peabody's Last Gift —Opposition to Bishop Temple— Bishop of Havana under Arrest— Ealogy on the Life and Character of George Peabody by the Bishop of London. I By Telegraph to the rlttehureh barrette GREAT BRITAIN. LONDON, Nov. Vl.—A tow days prey'. 0. to 1. death, Mr. Peabody gave an extraittundred and fifty thouestod pound* to the Peabody tund. Meetings have been railed to organise opposition to the eantirmation of Mr. Temple as Illsho2 of Exeter. LONDON November It —ln accordance to announcement on Friday the Bishop of London to-day delivered a funeral sermon on the late George Peabody at West Minister Abbey. The interior was still hung with the drapery of mourning. An Immense congregation was present, and listened with manifest emotion to the eloquent words of the preacher In eulogy of the great philanthropist. The Bishop said no untitled commoner ever drew around hia grave as large a con moans of sincere mouroma as George Peabody. The reason was, that through a long life he had labored for other% es pecially for the poor. Simple in his habits, unambitious of rank or pow er, he found his em , yruent I u benefl comm. It was him butane. to gather wealth and his Joy to give it away. His name would be the heritage of two great oedema and would form another strand of the cord binding England and Amer ica. CEEM M n natn, Mov.ither I 3. I t Is reported that atiekipanleh governmeot today calved ■ diapatch from Florence, that the entire Italian Cabinet approves of the candidacy of the finite of Genoa Senor canoe, of the Republican Depu ties, who was recently arrested, has been unconditionally relessea. He has gone to Franc*. It 1. Raul the government contemplates relearring all poiltloal prleanota who have not been accused of criminal act.. The Blehop d Eleven& hal been errant ed el each. MIMI Cala°, Nov. la.—The I rn pre= Eugen ia, who has been In this city for ■ few days, departed for Alexandria to-day. =MIZE SOCTII).IIrroN, Suvern bet I.4.—The steamship A Romanis, from New York. arrived this afternoon. CICIiM.I OW N, November 18.—The steamship Neveuls, from New York, sr. need to-.lsy. liussuss - rows, Nov. 11.— TM, steam. ahfp &Otis arrived and subsequently lulled for Liverpool.. .NOVTII AAI 'TON, November 14.—The steamer Rhein. from New 'lurk for Bre men, arrived to-day. FINANCIAL AND COMPIF.SICIAL. Lomooe, November 19,—.Aftecvomt.— Cobsols for mooey 1134; account American securities quiet and steady: PlveAlrenty bonds, 8316; do. '66a, trtn.,.. do. 67a, 04. Ten. forum, 78 , 4. Erie. 20w; Illlnou tety,; A. di U. W., id. Stocks steady. PAern, November IL.—Bourse Arm; Renter 7lf. 60e. VERPooL, November 13.—Ootton dull; sales middling uplands Orleans 11f4Ol1%d; star amounted, to 10,000 halm Cantonala while wheat lON red western Bs. Bd.; oioter Bs, Western Flour 225, Sri. Corm wiled 2s. Oats 3a. 6d. Peas 42a. Pork 112 a. dd. Beef tide Lard 71,. Cheese lISa. Beam Ble. ad., new. Eipirlus Petroleum II Kd; Lox 13.—Tallow 46a. 9d. Sperm Oil 9lsqr,92a. Whale Oil 48.. FILUIMPOBT, November I3.—ponds flat at ESX. TW ARP, November 12—Petroleum *once at ell Vt. 113• Var, November l3.—Cotton quleP and tlnats•nged; afloat 161 f. ..:, FRAM evonv, November 14.-1.% S. bonds flat: Fore4evancbee MU, are qnotod et FM. BO lITH AMERI CA Brazilian Soldiers Surrounded by Lopez' Ferree—Paraguayan Deserter, Repro sent Lopez. Position ai 1./taperer, Arrival of the Rio Janeiro dieting ACCoarkia. Br Telegraph la the Plltehargh tinplate • / L NBON, November 13.—The mall steamer from Rlo Janeiro twinge the fal lowing news from Par•gaay: One hun dred and dirty-three Isradlian soldiers had been surrounded by President Lopes' forces at Ouruqually. Tile Prince Deo had started from Rosa Rio with s portion of his army, to attempt their release. A new conspiracy has been formed against Lopez in cons' roam* of the executions ordered by Win. Several Paraguayan °dicers came into the allied line.. They all describe the poeitioo of Lopez me desperate. Lissom, November 14.—Advicea re ceived by the mall steamer from Rio Janeiro, which arrived here yesterday, confirm the previous reports of import ant advantages gaiued by the allied army Is Paraguay. The Parignayan tram' were demoralized and deserting In large numbers. President Lopez was con vinced that a plot ezleted against him in his army, add had shot 'several officer" and soldiers. The allies conaldered the war ended awl were taking ineasume to increase the power of the Provisional Government, and to complete the tran quilization of the country. On the other hand the Paraguayans say that the allied forme are utterly tumble to follow op their anemias, and that they Lack provisions. munitions of war and meats, of transportation. It to claimed that since Inprz estabilthed his new ilPen at Ban Elanaihms his 101.00111 have Increased to 8,000 moo, and he has forty plecoa of artillery. DETROIT The fiatee eibut," b Rev. K. Laird M= =1 Dirraorr, November. it. Opera Howe was tilled to ,overflowing this , eveningto hear arm 11. Laird Collier on "The Gates Shut." 'this was the first of a series of taligionagerTieellinkagerated by the Unitarians of Detroit. for which pnrpOrte the Opera House has been se. cured every alternate Sunday during the winter. Rev. Dr. Homer, Preitident of Antioch College, is announced to oon. duct the services on Sunday evening. the 28th beet. LIEIVEN'WOIOII Sale far Heavy DamaireaLVerdiet for Novembei 14.-4.4 the me of ex-Mayor Anthony, of Ude city, eintinet Gen. Thomas Hering for false arrest, the Jury yesterday rendered a ratdlot tor detwito. able was . an ilethin for twenty thonitand della* Mb :p -ages hued on the arrest of .Anthony Whlliatayor of ihiseity during the War. an V. 8. Detective who took him to Mbinintl where be ems .dteoharged by Gen., - Ewing, 'then in command of this Muria. W hat the 4 11daro" Tames of the Antl. deaniatt Element la Cuba. fhiTTeldirisdi d Ms ilttalierairdWettel Raverea. November, 13.—The Dews thla morning haa an editorial wherein it wee n Werrethitenco of any anti.ftpardah element In Cabe la abnormal and transi tory. The enemies of Spain could not zernaln here. • • Third are titttiwoitiMODUl of population—dpanlards and fereign em." Tbes.Dtaro nays the Cubans who [war the egitillth mine ere Spaniards. STATE ITEXS AT Eransbarg, Crawford county, Rob ert J. Dennis h been appointed pow. manterories W. F. *clean, resigned, Ex Cortottsasmats 41 V. Lawrence le urging the appointtnent of Colonel Mc. Kennan, or Washington, for the United States Circuit Judgthlp in which the State or Pennsylvania and New Jersey will be included. A ' , as - daily paper Is to be issued from the office of the York True Democrat, It is to be called "TA/ Doily Boriorny Jour sof," and It will make its appearance as soon as the necessary arrangements can be completed. A CRITICAL gurgles"l operation, the re. moval of a tumor weighing Meen pounds from the abdomen of Mrs. John Henry, of Lebanon, was successfully performed by Dr. John D. !Wee, Br., of Lancaster, a few days since. Astono the persons spoken of in con. nectioo with the appointment of Circuit Judge of the C. B. Court, is OoL James B. Meyers, of whom-the Mercer DisporeA says , 'ilia is one ofthe oldest and ablest lawyers in Vertango county and politi. cally a radical Repubriegn." Tug New Brighton (Beaver county) Harold says that While workmen were engaged In tubing Mr. Boyle's well, at the Mouth of Brady's Ran, the oil burst forth with such force that for an hoar and a half the work was impeded, and that dining that time about three barrels of oil found its way tothrtservice. Tug Pennsylvania Railroad Company are rapidly pushing to completion their new shops at Altoona- The Round House will be thirteen hundred and forty feet in diameter, affording room for sigh• ty tracks and turn-table. Two mainte nance of way shops are being construct ed, and the foundations for (oar other bulidlngs are about finished. Tan Crawford county Journal says "A company has been formed In Troy township for the purpose of testing terri tory in that vicinity with a view to the production of oil. Already operations have commenced on the farm of Geo. M. Winters, and they have a well fifty feet deep at this wilting. The company Is composed of 200 membera, has plenty of capital, and under the title of 'The Sugar Creek Eagle Petroleum Company,' will demonstrate what can be done in the way of testing this new territiry." THORP:CW[7M Hrti., five miles with of Butler, on the plank road leading to Pitts burgh, seems to be infested with a mean lot of scamps A. few months ago a to. bacco merchant from Pittsburgh, named Kyle or Ellie, was stopped at this point by an individual who presented a pistol and demanded his watch and money. Tae tobacco merchant complied with the demands of the highwayman, and was permitted to pursue his Journey. Only a few weeks ago an attempt was made to stop another gentleman tram Pittsburgh, who was traveling on horseback sear the same place. Two individuals stepped suddenly out of the woods and endeavor ed to seize his horse's bridle. The travel er put spurs to his horse and made his escape. ON the 4th Mat., Clarence J. Curtis, aged twenty two years, was fatally In jured by George Values, aged eighteen years, In Beaver township, Crawford county. It appears that geese belonging to Curtis got into a lot belonging to the father of Vernet), and that while they were being driven out by Verne.' boys, (George end a younger brother.) Curtis . appeared, when an altercation took place. Curtis dared the Varner to fight boasting that he could whip them both together. This challenge was not weep ted. Curtis then caught one of the geese, and in running after another fell for- ward on Ms face. Before he could rise, George Verner rustled upon him and dealt him a blow _pith a heavy maple club, fracturing "MfThue of his skull, from which death resulted two days eI termini. Varner was arrested and cam. witted tp the Jail at Meadville to answer ! for murder. PLEBO3IIL. THE young lady clerks In the Treasury at Washington are known by the beaux u "Revenue Cotters." Tun Russian government pas Win. sue, of Baltimore, four and a half million" of rubles to give up his railroad contracts in that country. lion. Hx.sur STANDETMT wu admit ted to the bar at °saloons, Ohio, in May, 1824, and made his first fury speech at Athens the following June. Hon. Tuos. Ewnea, Ben., wu admit ted to the bar at Lancaster, Ohio, in Aug. net, 1816, and made his first Jury 'peach al Circleville the November following. Rev. Wm. STOAT, of Worcester, Mass., wu the tint regularly ordained Conan, ptional Minister west of the Allegheny Mountains. He was pastor of the Con gregational Church at Marietta, Ohio, August 15, 1792. GIMEILAL Wom. died childless; Indeed he had never had any children; and his wife is an lnyaild, stricken with partial paralysis a year ago. He was on the 80th of October, seised with the tithes, which ended with his death. . Wirer; Flak, Jr., hired his father at a salary of EB,OOO he said to him, "I want you to understand that von are my clerk; I don't want you to put on any of your damned airs;" and the aforesaid father Is now In an Insane asylum. The only family Relatives of Fisk, i f .. are • father, mother and • younger Liar, Miss Minnie. All are Bring In Brattle boro, Vermont, and the father Is hopeless ly awry In the insane asylum In that town. Fisk himself has been married a doaen yetis, but his no lawlul helm. = Hon. Amos Kendall, whose death at his residence near Washington, on No vember 12th, has been announced by tel. graph, was born at Damnable, Mans., on August Itith, 1789. He commenced his education at country academies, and having by teaching obtained flinds for his support, ho entered Dartmouth College, whence he .graduated with distinction. Hecommenced the study of law In 1811, visited Washington, D. C., In 1814, and then proceededto Lexington, Ky., where be was for one LLear tutor In the family of Henry Chty. He wai. appointed root master of Georgetown, Ey., In 1816, and while .practioing law edited the Ames newspaper, and for many years wrote continuously for political Journals. He was prominent as an ardent supporter of General Jackson, and in 1829 sou It it ted l : him Fourth Auditor of the . In May, 18116, he became Postmaster eral, and con tinned in that pardUan under President Van Huret4 until key, 1840. /dr. Ken dall then took nplds paownent residence in Washington, D.., and became prom inently connected, together with Pro. hum Morse, in extending the operations of no electric telegraph system through. out the United States. He was also the founder of the Washington Deaf and Dumb Asylur, and in memory of ids wife greeted the Calvary Baptist Church of Washington, at an expense of 9100,- 000. In 1888 Mr. Kends7 made a tour of Europe, extending his Journey to Palestine, sod before -his death was re ported to be engaged in wain* a "His tory of His Life and „Timex" He was also the author of a "Life of Andrew Jackson." THE Paha:kip. Press volunteers its advieeto the Pittsburgh operators in 01l "canters," thew: Our advice to the apt bilious operators of ?Mahwah is to stop before their mate fel this kind' of game Je' up. We give them this advice merely for their pock. eta. We leave the cue of their mottle to the General Aniemblles. AaPittaburgh hi the representative city of Gash:dam in the United BMW, of counts It would be lodes:mous In as to interfere In things spiritual at this junction. Tun statement that the Jamestown and Wanklin Railroad had been extended to Ratitubnla, Ohio, le premature, The original design wu for nth extension' and there is now a fair prospectthat the road will . be built as accomplished. UM:SAL NEWS. Tun rig-pickers of New York number twelve hundred. Eouitera has bought the Virgin Mary •s burial place for fri43,000 gold. TwacTT words are sent by telegraph to any part of France for one franc. A raoroarrtoa to call a convention to draft a new Stare Constitution is discussed by the California press. A cousin-ma Is sitting In Rome to de cide how Latin shall be pronounced in the Ecumenical speeches. Ir Is said that George Peabody has left an estate of $1,800,000, to be distributed among twenty-nine persons. Tee Ohio University, at Athena, was established by act of the territora] legis lature, passed July 9tb, 1802. EVSET time Victor Hugo gives his au tobiography to a stranger he charges one guinea, which goes to the poor. A CLEVELAND tobacco tnannfactarer paid the Government $102,961 for iitampti for the year ending on Inc Diet ult. A PNEUMATIC runs ham been laid In Chicago, for the transuniaaion of dispatches from the Board of Trade to the telegraph °Moe. AN Indian chief, of the Waahoe tribe, has filed Intestate, leaving thirty scalps and a pair of boots, which are now In litigation. THE work of demolishing the Coliseum wee begun in Boston on Wednesday last, and six weeks will elapse ere the work is completed. Jr costa $BO s day fora first•class par lor and bed-room at the new Grand Hotel in New York, provided you don't eat anything. Ton watch-case makers of New York are about organizing an association, and a strike for advanced wages is also contemplated. IT is not unusual now for pedestrians to Hush wood cock In Central Park, New York, ea these birds frequently lie very close to the pathways. Tux Cubans et Key West have Intro duced the custom of allowing their chil dren to run &boot unclothed. Key West modesty Is shocked. OVER twelve thousand Parisian work men are on a long strike, which mast last all winter, .and produce misery. They embrace nearly every trade. Tug Hartford Tones says that the "bu rial of the foot ball," at trmity College, on Monday evening, bait bet one student bee situation. it was a slur upon the fee atty. ON Monday morning last the new Methodist Episcopal Church of Mt Pleas ant, near Steubenville, Ohio, was partial ly destroyed by fire, caused by a stove pipe• Tux editor of a Kansas paper gives u • reason for the non-bine of his paper, his •ffllctlona with one of Job's comfort. era, located "just in the worst place it could be." A - CINCINNATI paper in its Money Mar ket give. as an evidence of the scarcity of money there, that the first class ace• loom have reduced the price of drinks to ten cents. Tait New York papers say that the work begun on the East River bridge is not very brisk, but enough to give hope that at some distant day the bridge may be completed. Ar Erma, Colorado, on Saturday last, David Steele wan abot and killed by Joel Carr. An impromptu fury wu impan. neled, the murderer found guilty, and bung to the nearest tree till dead. A wourrrAre 5,000 feet high, in Hemp shire county, West Virginia, seems lit erally composed of Ice. By removing the surface stone., pure crystal ice may be found at any time during the year. Tux opening of the Fort Wayne, Mun cie and Cincinnati Railroad, Mum Fort Wayne to Buffalo, twenty-four miles, was celebrated on the 10 Instant. Reg ular tralus will not be before spring. Tint pegging =chin at Wilton, Ct., now turn out enough In one day toni manufacture one 'nth th ousand pairs of shoes. Only fourteen hands are em ployed, and the wood costa but 0,600 a Tue late George Peabody named In his Will, as executors of his estate, Charles W. Chandler, of Zanesville, Ohio, Sin gleton Peabody, Esq., of Boston, and Mr. Russell, a nephew, of Danvers, Mass. QUARTRZLI, the len‘er of the Law. lima massacre, enlisted In the army and was sent to Camp Scott, Nevada. An order was sent for his arrest, but reached there too late, he and three others having deserted. AN experiment is about being tried at Youngstown, Ohio, which, it is claimed, wilfprepare Iron for rolls direct from the ore. If successful, it Is said the entire system of blast furnaces will be done away with. TICK lands of the Kansas Paeidc Rail way are being sold with great rapidity to settlers. In the month of October 1.806 acres were sold to actual settlers for $77,- 231. The Company has over nye mill ions of acres still for sale. is a seaman on the Colima's' Lottery., recently, Rev. Willard Spalding called oa the officers of the law to arrest every one engaged in the enterprise and to con ibicate all the property in accordance with the laws of Msaaachusetta. A YOUNG man and his sweetheart, re turning from a prayer -meeting in Forest Qty. Meeker county, Minnesota, a few nights since, encountered three bean Nothing daunted, they picked up a deb apiece, and soon succeeded in dispatching the duiturbers of their amours. Tunes women—two white and one colored—were surprised Ly a citizen in Cincinnati, a few nights since, in the act of robbing a verdant countryman, whom they had thrown down on the ddewalk, two holding him wale the third went through his pockets. They escaped arrest. IT is five years since the mechanics of Charlestown, Mw. opened oo•operatlre grocery and provision stores, and the ex sociation has paid, in dirldends, interest, and per centage on non•membera' trade, over $BOOO. They do a strictly cash Inn& near, and their events on a single night have exceeded $lOOO. Tat canines of Fitchburg, Masa., are contributors to the Public Library, as swim by the following vote, trased at r cent town meeting: "Vots4 To ap propriate the amount returned by the County Treasurer on account of license remitted for doge, for the support of the Fitchburg Public Library." THE Russian artillery hi to be provided with revolving cannon.- It Is said that ninety have been ordered la America, and twenty have already anived. They are to be formed into fifteen batteries, each of which will In consequence be de prived of one train, and consist in future of six instead of eight gums One statement that Judge Embrey, recertly appointed minister to Ecuador, used his influence with his brother.in.law, Senator Fowler, to secure the acquittal of President Johnson on the impeachment charges, Is erroneous. His last words befogs the vote, with Fowler, were an appal to him to row for conviction. A count:mon of rectifiers and whole sale liquor dealers is to be held in Chhm. go on the 24th but. It was called by the dealers In Milwaukee, who express the hope that they will be "Wile to relieve the traffic in !lemon from the prowent al. moat intolerable burden without diminhth. log the revenues of the Government from that source." Ix Walimesletpry of 4 4,thens ContitY, Ohio, la mentioned the following inci dent! "A neighborhood in the lowu settlement, in Ames township, In which 'Squire John Brown lived, secured the services of Elder Am Stearns, a Free Will Baptist, to preach for them once a month during the year, to be paid with Ora barrels of whisky," BIJIILIACITON'S Btaii: o rion of gmaio to the University of =lnt, that city, on' which .50, additional has been pledged, was rally made up last week, and the institution Is *now on a firmer financial bails than for along time. The Tn3stees, however, are determined to push their exertions to make the amount $100,090 by November 1,1870. THE "scratching" of the name of Hor. ace Greeley la the back towns of New York, at the recent election, calls to mind the experience of the publishing firm in Hartford, which lasued'his "Awericen Conflict," after he had signed the Jeff Davis bail bond. In three days the sales dropped off and never rallied. It was a loss of .40,000 to the publishing house. Tiris manager of the Louisville Opera House is dissatisfied with the criticisms in the Courier Journal of the performances al that place of amusement. The editor of the Journal dechnes making the paper the organ of the Opera House, and with draws his own and the names of his as. instants from the tree hal, promising to he fearless and Just in his criticisms In the future. AT at a die-grinding short In Newark, N. J., on Tuesday of last week, a grind stone six feet in diameter, and weighing shout two tone and a half, exploded with a loud report. A fragment weighing two pounds was thrown through a twelve Inch brick wall, and another in its ascent through the roof broke a heavy beam. Two persons In the building were severe ly Injured. Bows time since a man and his wile, named Cox, were murdered at Kingsville, Mo. A brother of the murdered man fol lowed through the country a man named Bevis, whom he suspected of the crime, and one night, while the latter was drunk, obtained from him an acknowledgment of his guilt. Cox Immediately drew a knife and plunged It into the other's heart, killing him instantly. Piratur papers do little good to great cities in point of teaching and modeling public spirit. Boston, with a fine news. paper press, which affects the country, and till its great papers roomy enough for full damn...ion and informal lon, is backed up by a thinking city. Philadelphia and Baltimore, with a penny press, have a public that never thinks longer than a paragraph, and that paragraph wrong. Tux widow of Edward Green, the Malden (Mess.) murderer, died on Wed. nesday. A aincular fatality has attended his family. His only child died soon after be was banged. Not long anbee. °pent Mrs. Green's stater, Mrs. Chapman, died. Mr. Chapman, who In course of time became engaged 4, Mrs. Green, lost his life at the horrible Anglo disaster, not a vestige of his body having been found. Tag statement that the Tennessee rail road cases In the Supreme Court had been compromised is erroneous. The railroad companies have Jointly prepared a bond to secure the government for Its claims in case Judgment shall finally be rendered against them. This bond has been ac cepted by the government attorneys, in place of receivers, which were petitioned for before a Justice. The cases, about twenty In number, now go beck to the lower courts, to be tried on the merits. Titz report of the Cleveland and Pitts. burgh Rdlroad shows the capital stock to be $0,642,075, all paid in increase of stock since June 30th, 1669, 1594,250, total amount of funded debt, $4,126,500; total cost of the entire road and equip nients, hp to June 30th 1E39, $10.663,142. total length of iron In Ohio, 250 miles, number of passengers carried, 535,301, total number of tons of freight carried, 901,720, total expense of operating the read, $1,596,807; total receipts of the road, $2,721,638. Tex Interest excited concerning the Cardiff giant Is Increased by the reported finding tear the spot where 4 was un earthed of a stopper coin of the eleventh century or thereabouts. At first it pre sented the appearance of a blackened reale of brass ore rusty old button, bat the Application of acids revealed its true character. On the obverse side of the coin Is the head of the Emperor lestyn, with a fall flowing beard from the chin, and the sacred heart strung from %rosary in the shape of a shield or breast-plate strung around the neck. Beneath the Emperor Is the date "1091" Around the edge of the coin Is the following In scription- "lestyd Ap Glarynni, Ty-try. en-Marganteg." On the reverse side. is the figure of the Goddeas of Commerce, seated on the wheel; at her aide, the pillar and ancient crown wreathed with the na tional emblem, the oak, the shield and spear, supported by the left hand, and the right pointing to a ship on the distant sea, with full sails eat, which she seems intently gazing at. The Inscription around the circle is In the Welsh lan guage, and reads as follows "T Been. Ain a'r GyfraWt." & rocs° GIIIL, known as Mlle. Zagrino, trapeze performer, met with a serious ac cident at Bt. Louis, on the night of the 12th. She was performing at the Varie ties Theatre, and had come to that part where she stands on one foot, with the bar in rapid motion, when she lost her balance. She attempted to grasp the bar with her hands, but missed it, and fell headlong upon the floor inside the or chestra railing, striking on her right band and breaking her wrist. A deep gash was also cut In her forehead and her shoulder was severely bruised. A cry of horror arose from the audience as the girl fell, and men started up In the win. est excitement. Every check turned as pale so ashes, and men and women be came so tremulous as though stricken with palsy. Her father, who witnessed the ocent-rence, leaped Into the orchestra, and lilted the lifeless form of.his daughter upon the stage. She was then carried behind the scenes, soon revived, and the audience were informed that the was only slightly injured. This was doubted from the fact that the fall was an un broken one of at least twenty-five feet. The physicians Lubsequently reported that both her wriTts were broken, and that her injuries were of a serious na ture. Coal Deposits Ist I , l4oialnj Territory-- Harps Wag Idtatemento. Dr. H. Lathan, Burgeon of the Union Pacific Railroad Company, has visited the Evanston Coal mines in Wyoming territory, and gives his observations In a letter to the Omaha Dairy Herald. The mines are on Bear river, In the peat bean of Utah, nine hundred miles from Omaha and about two miles from the Union Pacific track. The deposits were first dlscoyered a year ago. Last spring the land was secured by the Rocky Nontrtani Coal Company, of which Mr. Henry Simone, of Philadelphia. is Pres!. dent, and some $40,000 has ban expend. ed in driving five large tunnels in the bill , side, eighty or ninety feet above the river bottoms. The outcrop of the coal Ls near the surface, and the angle of Inclinations, or dip, downwards 19 deg. from a horizontal plane. The miners are now working in a vain twenty-one feet in thickness. Where the dip com mences the vein measares twenty-eight feet. An average specimen of the coal has been &nettled, showing It to contain 79.16 of carbon, more by fifteen per cent. than the best English coal, and superior in this respect to all other coal, save Pennsylvania anthracite and Maryland bituminone. Notwithstanding the peat disadvantages isecesaarily encountered In that far-off region, with the scarcity of skilled miners, the coal Is now being de livered at the rate of two dollars per ton. Maim Bread without Ferment Professor Hosford has palate/us' a treatise on the Theory =I Art of Bread. Making, by his new process, without the use of ferment,:by the nee of his scientific ally prepared baking powder. meth od biz the sanction of many eminent medical men, physiologists, chemists and others. The claim in its beimif la well sustained by the following good and suffi cient reasons: 1. Belting the nutritious constituents of the flour. 8. arming time In preparation. 8. Uniformity In results. 4. Moistness and am ye freedom from mould. 6. Dig -Widlity--it may be eaten warm with impunity. 6. Anybody can sue it. - It obviates the faults so usual In theme of acids and alkaline mils, and does essay Rita th e egeerable prepare. lionserbleh make "baker's Meat! so generally repulsive and unerholeamaa. This is very 'high praise, but we thls It fully deserved. NO. '265. NEW ADVE'RTIESIIICENTB IeirGRAINDCONCEILT.—By the Ce.entstn: ALLEI4I4I:/iY tiCAKTILTIS CI 11.1 n km, Ivor Hall. on Wednesday se, Log, Nov. lON, Iltt . for the betted! of k:maeue. Chu•rb, Allexbeny. Tickets st tte :gore, 1=1:0!!=1 rgir ACA DEBIT OF 111USI( Mercantile Library LECTURES. HENRY VINCENT I=l ' , Queen Elizabeth, of England,'" WEDUADIY EPBIIIID , sot. 17 ACADEMY OF MUSIC MIME= I=l I=l B=:=IMSF.I INCORPORITED 1835 OFFICE OF TILE Delaware Mutual Safety INSERANCE COMPANY. Philadelphia, Nov. 10, 1869. The hasten:lent to( Lb° aftlirs ot-th. Company I. published In conlormlty with a pro talon or its charter =A=o7=== MiMMMai 11943 795 34 16L905 95 lan I aillkb 011 Yin. Flasks • . tl 1081,701 119 Prevaluna. o¢ 1 . ./laos mat mark • ve Si. , rmber 1, 1909 •00,034 99 = Premium. muted Q aa ea bed aal.hoe. 1, 110111. to October 1. 1949 Uu Yartne.d lo law] Woos.. ..19'4,914 t. 9 On Flre Rl.te. ... 149,6519 90 -11 aaaaaa t during the sate period 1.063,961 61 — IkIINIO.I. lc ECI=E3 = = - 11. n. sad I. 1•84 NavigaLlott • • 1418.100 39 11.6 Loom. 94,246 11 Raturn Premzuvas •9.990 10 1011•euraece ..... 41 *VI 841 scone? Charges, Adverlialec Y.letle .Ic. 64.801 15 Tax,. •-I.Tutt.l Mu,. et 11001,1p.11 Tu... 519,390 94 Iv yeLta.... 23,9111 OS 1744, 054 01 =I ARSETN VP Tll6 COMPAZY. ceeniaer 19 1869. 0100.000 Ooltt 4 Bute. 5 Per eau, Loan. ten• mnlu 9216,000 00 100,060 Vatted butes 6 per per mat Loan. ,tgerrei Moaayi. 101.750 00 10,800 Unit. 4 antes 6 pe 900,009 St tta r cent. Loma, 1831 60.000 00 la 8 9. 1 cool, Loa. 812,950 00 400,000 City of 1141.4. pt , Lcen i t i bona taxi .... 900.985 00 190,000 tltata of A la Jet.- seT 6 Par 490. 1 0 9.000 00 80,000 Pe11.71,•101. Vint /Itr.ilge pet 005 t. Bond/ 19.469190 115.000 Penns, laud. a It. e.t.a! Mortgago 6 per teat • orals 93,0111 00 116,0.0 Wear l ii . Ma= ;I:aqua. 5 P 9 ' Bona, IPannsyl- Ws IL FL 006.0' •11.• 910,000 00 a"" '‘ per .1. Loan. 15.000 00 1,0 0 01 . . 3 , ;. 0 , 1 ... T 0 e t te ar7 4,870 00 14.000 Pennsylvania M. a. 430 Yon. 14.000 00 0.000 Pennsylva• nla M. Com m. 100 .......... • 3,01. 00 10.008 in:! , =:iP , tia „ r f, steanat nip C0.,10 tares s or. 1.500 00 1116.900 1.140 as throd and Mortgage, 1 , 0 Bens on 0,101 partly. 996.90000 10,1131. 400 Par. M.**.* rata , 5L.944,910 co Baal lratata Cwt,51,415,024 UT. 35,000 00 Mlle acoatratao for Insurance. 311113.100 15 nada 10am... die at A...anUesPre eemberd nu 55,091 RI poralroa., esitoa. ..tt 40 value 9,140 Caatt •..... ,11111,.$111i: Cook 0,.. '"•••• mil 1011,5111 14 =2= Putbnontrate. November IN, 1i69. The Bova of Danetare have Mb daty dectafted a 1000 IeIViDLND of TZN PLO CNNT. on the CAPITOL STOCH and 811 Pie CZWr. 10100.01 on the SCRIP of tae Compenv. lemlable on and after the Ist of December prozlatm free of National nod emus ?aim. They have also doelcroa a Sera! DIXIDMID of TIIIIIITT-7I VT. Pita CM'S. oa aim TAM TM PILLMIIIMB for tas yew andlasOetaborTl. 1114111. oarstleut• of wale• will * Isooma to the parties mauled tot* saw. oa 004 eluvial* La of December wash... ItN of Nattsaal awl litsta Taxes. Toe. have ordered, GU. that the lathOart:la• cat. of Prubta of the Coiapaay. tor the year culla, October ill, lllea, be rodelmad tr. Cash. at the om<e of um Campthy, mead eller the tat of December proximo, all Imam% taßaoa to memo on that day. ftwa provialoa of the C 0.,. ter. all carttlattth Of heti p hot preosateetter re. drothilosi within Bee than after paha< amid that they will b redeemed. ehaii be forfeit .4 and unmated oh the booth of Ute Company. No etruflooto of profit fumed soder BSC By tho gkes of Inoofyouration. do earßlLAto Woe nedeca elelmtd within the rm. Vier the declaration et t►e dividend whereof It Is evi dence. DlitlICII)/11. Timms C. Head. Parnsid Z. St k... Jake C. Dart. Willis= GI. Beldam lidisssi I A. sondes, idwird D Drastog. TwaliS ss lag, H. Jaws Draerte. Jsises ingests. [timed Latowewle. Deasy Sm., Jamb Mega', HAIRO C. jl_silstl. Jr.. Jecob o..lasig id.d. hamlet% Hold. June. I . Del Maws C. laslsrle. Joshua %We. ...pp H. Beal, B. D B . " . ilewiu m r ro ilrli th isto , :b Dees ends. Jew D. Tires, .was es. Ser. idw, .S. Slassw, .. Will.= u. H. otos, 1 )301LAS C. /IMOD. Mildest. 10111. C. DAVIS,W es Presktent. 1/IDIBY LYLIIDIt3. Seerstary. HZ, etS ISALL..l.salinsat Eleattaly. 11444411 I :4:1 OPlrc r_aca BITROLAII-VIOUP SAFES AND VAULTS. No Damp. ___ No Mould. MINES AND SACHLISZBY, BREWERY WORK, Repairing & Palling-up lilettlacry. Car. 17th mid akeSts..Plthttorgh,-EL no15:011 DkesOLRlTiOU. • The reresersittp heettetere relates lettuce; thehohtnetheet me slaw ittll nestons, intda lilliCOOl DUPP, CHILCOAT & CO., E s e WI .1 47"..2 law= Sdif UAL DUFF. At lbui Amur clica of the a mupl,litetei. ito.r a. Y. kallknna. #AidiffrpliklP. or. Li PLI.t. aron. • k 11 . 11. 0114 g Nl4 11181 1. 1 ATIONALL DA Mrlo4Calk .aacructuo Ik. IKNCIr. EVL NUM. lioccalbcr 16114 OS 11.4 o'clock.. nu! to . old on tkoodd Clock Comm 'Wiatzl,ol7r4ll6.t.rLialt:e. la ohms lickctoceilklac • boat, SO shores osOn n'o Unman to. CIO aka. stlttalko.rok Uccle Alecatok Co. cou A. MCIL • 11NZ. Anclick.Ok. FOIL THARELS4OI344. - Oa lalgo toenstCldoo; liel •• Rotate Resale. d ad B. ss ot •:, em. Os bast aokd to orelvo. at OCR lITRICI4 lit.r tone No. OR Laces tu. wpm:lw Coon CUE &Rothe.? Intr. sc3 QC TILE WEEKLY GAZETTE the beet en, etss•seeet :eomekertlal an 4 !call) nee stews, pun.sessed. Western l'enneylTanta. So tamer. true:hank: or mortsbAht et.slll without It. 11313rers Rustle nsheesslbere. II s's (Aube of al% Chelna or WO A Copy Is Itsralshod eratnltouely to the getter no os' • rill of ten. ruelZU.tere 110 requeetes3 To let It agent •. Adstrsete, PEN MINI AN, REEDS CO., yylteto. • . Fir NO TIC ES—. 71,- het," •• 1 , 1, Nola, Lost," trans," "Found," "litoontisp, dec., trot care.Lcp FOC 11 invies, onli aers oahronsa mot jt, TWENTY-FIVE CENTS; coal, actl:h down( hue FIVE CEN rS. WA,NTS TE . P.lnl i ltuNT_ it ET aTI 1 r,oxta.enda.a. Iny•tre at 34 1 I T lITANTED.-4 114 c; CARPET LOOM. U w.n OY 1.: BATOR to %be rm. A T ED.-A BAKEHOUSE T v 1 . 1.1 1S• rgth Allex homy. Addl . "... 8.. 6 sits"r 0 , 4,1 st ut sad Inealln, WAFTED--11ELP.---AT EM. PLA.ollid.NT oFYICZ, Na l B. Matt Street, NOYe kiIILLS and YKN , for Mlarral Mad. of complonatu, Penn.. waallag help M all klude eaa WI. 1N...1 on shun nob. iiirt , NTEl.--dn AG ENT for this VI ii•hTlt•il • TA UTUST tiTL Vl ' At t l b err wrrsa. .7•l 7 .l4:Cr w oott. We Call Sad ex•mler St lel Wr.o4 . Pee'• WANTED.-444ENTS every NVI.IIItI. to ...11... All LEICAN IS A IT NE. tde ooly .Isetlesi ransity olttloK errr 'orented. piles 110. L %. 111 knit *O.OOO stltel..Enlettite. Ad dress AII %Rs. B.NII TING MACHINE CO.. Boston, Ma*., 011,4 Lou Ls.. Cl= WAFTED. - MORTGAGE& - ;90,000 to Lout :a tame or mall asarouur o THOMAS $. PETTY. NUL Bond not Kral Estate Broker, No. 179 rot totem rtroOL AGENT'. , $6O per month to e only I, IEVCINZ 131- PROVED COMM. -IA o.Nt. • SIVA.OIO 11/1e ClilA E. Prlce ,eteg alit Greet Iltd=reta tea Leo.. Eltlectc any el of won that an dooe en sale nuo ben — 100.090 sold and Oa demand cow tauter Incr./mug how la tba thrla t o ul t .". o. t no, P.., 4 Iralars. ware of Ineilnaerc-ais Ad ss CV.. Boston. Mn..., PltLeb 40, Ps., 01 Br, L alr. Yo LOST. 4 0sT.—A Pair of V OLE 8 181 C. TACLIV , . ha-twee-a 1113 redeest streint, aml of war r.t l.hlo ch Age/cheat. ta.. ender .111 ue re.r.raed 1. Ina 43Si Slags ee, e... , T proompisonir 2t . EY're Tue. 11 .ee, .3 last d +rat, eror of 4. 4-13 STI SIMI( fee Iwr Luerlred glahlm 1j430). All ter ass ereaotlle,l not l . neAut' at ter the tame, as psi went tat born • tor, d. TO LET rpTlLE . T.7_llpol9B.—Tyce Fur- AlEnt r VlO I4TAT I`,•.= rR RENT —Until the lint d., of Aprl' nett, the two storied Bekk mentos Hoe., enotatele• toetve toof ia ctlee. ate oo the earnr of otocktaa avenue • Wet,- star street. with emele ritaehed. To • r tau. wit thew peen:ace. •Lli he I-t low. Hoge re of THOM a. B. UPDIKE, 909 ' ..... 44.7"11.. Atioglearf • FOR SALE R SAID—A FOUNDRY AND Ulu. fsellitles far Ulu. •• k awl koo4 !rade estatillahe.L. •ddress. ••IfOrTli DC T, •• at :kis rfrlk.. Vilt SALE —4 Counter and . I)EnKB ultable (a • Bankrtor or Is ;a : Aro . 0 , 4r . 0n at No. 60 1.01:11tTIMrio FOR SALE. ENDINES AND BOP rRs n ..e. , sr.eon.l-hand. toe stantlr ,st hand .ea boa s iz t aaLL a Rao. lArrner lit•entasalla and 1 . 1 k• stilt is. c.l6,tf rlctsburgit wen we. , ie. e eye- VOIR 8 E.—Eli/Ines and 8011... ... ess, an and account Hand. of all k 1 4. constantly n hand. Canon m all Nona or the ConntrYrotantll .111:,Rkted. JAMEn HILL ft Co., Conner rlan Amt. •P.Y.W.&C. R. W. Ana/shanty, r.... rEt SALE.— soirra umen eetOPZLITY. —A Deal Mt ICK DWELL/NU 110CeE of ttalL and Cellar, Gas H•ereat eat of Water. Lot taouty feet (root I Meet by olie Weld ed deep. Pelee Terms one.batif caaa, .•maltieltr la one year. N. CrITHCBT 9 BONN, 39 al ear.. FOB SALE.,—FAIIIM.—A Farm of 140 Darn for real or lean. inn 1110 of rim bottom: lance alas DM, inn .oro , ed; 30 miles below Plltsbargb. 0 Mir the of C 1. P. R. n. Po* farch r paritanlan &ire. • R. F. F!!5 R. Welice.lo. 0. Pax. R NALE.--SHOP OS N = OB rAN UE. • LLEOELLNY CITY, PA.— ne 311:10 teat. I. being 1,5 by Jul. Godfrey! Co. ttf • maniac:sring eatabllaloaaat. Out of tae mambos, of the arm trtaltlng to nitro Cron business on secoantof poor bout], have dealded to :lota one. thlf 1.611 of lbw bag. ens t • batafatn. Also good - will of NW= Pow (5 to 10 bx.rao power tools and tnanbilo elttnry•, would matte • :owl .a g o g maker alnt; ot 60:100 t., on 5 leara lease. Pot Au th or patticalare luttoLre at No. 414 WOO atlert. /11/s. imeny. ra VOA SALE.-A LARGE NEW SPICK HOUSE.with LOT 331110 tett, on Nat rowel. am hada. Seventeen th whit. Please. y .ocntd, In plarant ad &Tellable neighborhood savannal. eavelleat wail hula. d base. gor.ertion {lea image Stately. Itt eld will be rented. AL% floe BRICK h no enIDENCE on Proopect etzerl. /0110. DOUBLE BRICK UWILLINH Tom -tiro attest Also.a roman. et NM, HOUb/IS eel/ LOTS for sale -• • liaitale fur ;el.. 1,4/111 la Bloomfield feellejla ?op years allowed rot p.,..ea lagen•e 01 4., 0. W.:14.1AIIII peal Estate tea& reeerutee = rear *even:- e..th weed, Plus. barge. re.. opt °elle In. Jo/al.§ spl.cep.l beret, Fos SAL. 'Monte IP d Lot• E Gnawing 1118. devendt ward, r 10,000; 18. 141,0 Inns Ties. Ins atafins. 000; /886.5 and Lot, 84 Jamm street. 080; 11 bosuns on 11. reameuvut. 41,11011 meet II tianur4....l 3 .010 In Pleasant Vs An IA 300: 61411. I- Reserve tonnetdp on Sean. Fen road. 68,1100: A ote on Fremont *Meet, ,000. ammo and lot te, Salem, 1nd0,411v4 acre around In Bellevue Boro, 41:0. and lota. Lead of 8 eeeee street. 0,1150; ow. aa4 I sera. In Itllantatb Bono. aLisoco, Imetals and lot In Illtiderenetrr. 13vnver e9— sb eous. metal. sal rooms, Jot GS by MO t a OM; seta. ladens of Wm at ILA enelm Matins, 34 acme, lA, 11 .1117111F114014111. Beal Beata Anent, mead tAdo and ElandeAles mends. •neebvev. ... . . L'EIIONAL.--A.ll persons seek. IN HUMAN, or !aroma. at* Itt Neal ~.. .. save time, tor . oble. and money tua Erg% radic s tlo, : PITHIIHINUH ti...•• Ulm gtveargartilt/AIM or .111 b I rut by mall ran tout, recuottlag It, Perm. eammos 101 l to got • oat of i klmo Ito! It coatalos. CltuFT • PHILLI Pa Usdorm sod Seal Taigas Ameato, No, 189 Mlle. BRASS FOUNDRY JOHN M. COOPER & Bell and Brass Founders, 111161111P 4 LOCOMOTIVE It LOLLING Eli BRASSES Made Pronsplty to Order. BABBIT'S METAL Made and Kept on Hand. Proprietors and Manufacture= or L E Cooper's Improved Balance Wheel STEAM PUMP. Office, 882 PENN MEET. • Foundry,tbr.l7thaadßaflropdStzedta. errrssuna&. MERCHANT TAILORS. ilibiTNl/111i 44. HALE, BIERMAN? TAILIM,. Coiner of Penn and Sixth Streets, FALL AND WINTER STOCK NOW COMPLETE' GOLD PENS Gt-C:101—all:11 PNB Repalied and Bepointed, AYi W. G. DIINSEALT3O4, 60 FWTH aysxtrs. . 4 3I , Dosats Muni& Mill ♦ esitssock of Maria. T041•101•Reille Peas •IWATZ Ol nand—the best Lithe Tionflug. limy P. gvansuctd. tA- EM
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