The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, November 12, 1869, Image 1

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Oflit.e, 84 and 86 Fifth ..ilvertue
r1)}10. , At. rItOrIIIZTOIII.
TW,13.115 Of Talk DAILY
Leave:resi 61 carries. v.* .e"
Adjoufhe&- Meeting 'el' the
General Assemblies.
-Fr7V. r
Final Report of Commit
tee on Reunion.
UNION OE 111. E eilliittliEB TO
Closing,. Up the Business
Basis of.:UldoOpped.tTpon
by the Joint Committee.
The k,eneral Assemblies of Ile Old.
Now School Churches continued in nen
Mon yesterday. The Joint Committee
on Union , prntentep tht9r Andl 411 port,
tii .and. a),l basinesi &luting iD tniti body
was disposed 'of tinally. All that re
nratnfto be dirs . tillputfrl ennoupee.
meet thrciugli cetrenaltteas of the edop
tion of the Biala of
. IJulon, AveatFreaU
the doularatioa, elointtaiiienalf in
each bldy, of the "binding force"
of tho and the dissolution
eake•place at tem o'clock to-day, to be
followed immediately rtiy the u tbßifig
together" of the members In public
meeting tl !Pg r Aft au f... il l ' • •
The JeMiCommittee of the United and
Reformed - Presbyterian Churches WAD
continued In emblem, and agreed open a
Basis of Union.
OLD stilitMlL . ABS ESIBLI:.
Thto Assembly reconvened, Jlt the lgt
pointed place, at Mao o'cloatqland was
canal to order by the ?Andante; who
opened the pnsseedlnp with pre — en
The first hell nom WU spent In devo
tional esermseri.
The order of the day, the election of
Trustees to file the VllCialgieS in the
Board of the General Assembly, wasont
motion. pestponikit umil eleven o'clock.
The elretion td faculty for DauvLtle
Seminary' was mixt to order:' •
Tor. ernes. of Baltimore, Moved to
postpone this manor unttl the Mesting
of the Genend Assembly next Kay, an
that next year thalietir Scheel Assembly
could We a voice In - the taleatloii of the
Dr. Dlckeon favored prompt and Im
mediate cation.' lavas proposed ltojtold
. • session of the .neoilnary.durine the
winter, winch couldnot b thriereconrse
without teachers. • , .
Dr. Imurie co detkin the
_views ad
% yawed ' (thought
t . that tbo - wom.m about to be mailed had
linedlh: lthe man' She wnt .
„about to Wed, to lot him settlelanolleli
bla =nutrias/Mit OP . -be hastily_
poised over. delatienittsto no
t. 'term, and wunidltparhapsi rerealfein the
greater benefit.
, Tito Aiodoritto; failed 'tin "piker to an
wadt:cia oninf
postponement for a day, but out of pal-
PO'netaebt dittlllliwqxteeir*of the 04.
oral I..9siunblYin biey/ - •
Dr. Skirmer Nei 411 a m the
Oonrcnittro. that they wereall inikvorof
this matter orgArtnallidly,
tonwer.. The qtiestionotadjeauning
this election aunt: Aw . Oame up.helthre
the Committee, andhArmg feeling 'WU
favor•of:llmtPitienielit, II lam'
'quint(' ecinsMtillets:with 'UM Mends le
,temated In disease, devetopkithialt was
the IMAM opiniori That the bunter
atutstd tmQflud .up an soon AS Onside.
and in tordisl.Mniquid and emphatic
insener.:, The committee. thOnght the
- Synod.. of, Kentucky should have their
wishes eoustilteti.• The trionnatlems
fore au AllsemblY : were Padilla/ the
'Pune- as would be made' after
- ten two 'bodice ba,l: - ,ralicd. ala bad
received tho. entire approval of alt but
lla•PoaPa r .l o gib' whPro , • 4[5 9dis.lia l tt le
lic , Crosawai ' DOW allowed. explain
-motion phst2one, bet is
'he was
proceeding it .soma length? lasi Inter-
Pureed by a mil to order, ihspednpbeing
t Ars( Italia ....vafilinatioa Irak ,taking ,
the Print bfantaigument.9 .
A Vote; wee I ben taken tuf, thwindlon
to PalPotioakii:Wailtise.
was made thatn'the election
, tato volm-I.l3,srriceL , • -.;
.Tbit S ometary Weaned the ' -
list of nontintattonen . _
E. P. Humplipiyi;Didadle and Pa.
- ,
Dr: Steam „Terlies;•:-.lfinioig,...s.
tuna and Enigetiesi Theo
Wunt,..lllbilo .
unman- si " tutid eg a grts
- Atstcrevi V. • .
thdeey emp
• and Pro:oral Theology. •
On mutton the list was voted upon ee •
whole, and tile persona nominated mien;,
imously elected.
Ur. Irsirtiliblefrd i i lead
on Theological Seminaries. rePe
that a great number of papers had been
placed the hands of the committee by
the Directors of the Danville Seminary,
none of which, however, require action
on the part of the.,Aksembly, e= the
- ' tins re%.relog.tettlit talon of the
of Directore of the Danville Semlitary,
regard to their last annual report. - thin
' the Directors approve of their salon,
even that part censuring the Board for
the loom. and Irresponsible manner of
making its report; but the Directioel
think In justice to themselves It attolnd
be made known that the oirrerpandble
manner" had not been the habit of the
Board of Directors.
The following were now deldared
emoted, Directors of the Northwestern
'seminary at Chicago: '
Bold. Patterson. D. D.,.13ev. J. D. Mi 11111:
itev. lidarAnderaon, Rev. Robert
Ealing Elders—J. L. Williams, Mai
Aoring,,J. C. Oder, S. Moore, Chas
A. Vanderbtud. r. Thereport Imaapopted.
Dr. littlegrave at tide rd• mid. a
Verbal report from the .TO t Committee
OD-Conference, irt order th at the dorm
, bly might be prepared to receive it, and
that theldodereterAditbe him time te
con o gr e i ,thii i joniAlment of certain ems •
noittem recommended, if it pease&
D r . H a n prooted the felloWing report
• •
n y
pc.f) ttt:
; - .
lit j •
ttt l4. c . 1 •
\ •
on the memo 'al of the Presbyterian 'toted he thought the resolution ehould
Board of Pa Lion.
. not be parsed itS it would be of no pron.
find effect.
Mir' ro ammoiu Ai.. +.4
Dr. Blackwood coincided in the views
The Committee le which wag referred i of Dr. Knox, and contended that M
lle ineuausial, of the Bawd roT Publica. ' though there was something of a desire
tieu touching the order of the General in the Church named for nedon, dill,
AMOtribly in May leech) thesaid Board, there wee not a large body of diem In
to pay the Committee ,' Of which Dr. favor of organic union with the bodies
Hilmistity is Chairman, appointed by the which were now about to unite. ifs
Amenably to counsel and oo operate with thought the matter simply one of paper
pprtlee to at and 4 Bair, ibetaLKDl the legislation whlchabough innocent, could
rights of property of the lialibiterian ! do no particular good. and would not du
Cburch 'n Kentheika,Tlittultrreport any thing toward increasing the desire
, 1. That the meteor .34mitirod to for union.
1 record by tlifit,AWaimbyi.: , Rev. Mr. Plumley stated that this
' 2. That, the other Or fhe Amenably i matter was arranged at the teal General
'Myrna' ?Celled shill - MA' be hereafter re. i Assembly. 11e, however, thought WI
*Wed 1116_011rerollitniPlar spy eppropria oat exactly aNquostion of paper legible
11011 tiiiihelatidit Aar sold Board aside Moo, but one which, Judging from 11l
home ittio• iegithdate objects of t heir history of the past, would be productiV
creation. of good. and would bo received ice
I.7o4lowing is the memorial. .
_. ,I friendly spirit by the body for whom I
-' The Baird rf Publictition magesafially was Intended. He closed by moving th
begs leave to lay before the General As reference of the whole matter to a nom.
eere bt., t h e selpmet Teth er; . i;+3 ollthereen:n
i Ave to report to neatand ,
Behave' ...ilitheel mad papers
fn - AMembly. Thelltnetloo Was carried.
obedience to,thohailtiumititoolour vorl• Dr. Dickson reported the New . School .
motile body its': Its lato evasions in the Assembly, with which he communiested,
clty,of lie* / York. ma r itime paid to the tied already made provisions for a Union
order of . theCM
Oelltters In Kentucky, of Prayer Meeting in behalf of Home Mit.
which te _lig. Dr...glaiiiplarey el chair. clans for Thursday night, and ono In ho.
man; thd 'Wm of DSO thousand dollats. half of Foreign Allasioce for Friday
tildrheintrthidnly Sum the Board bet night.
yet peen called on to Day under the res. Dr. Skinner presented a small tract
olutlon of the Assembly. In connection prepared by a select Oammittee from
Withithis subject the Board asks pitt•mle. dietitian General Assembly, op .to sub.
, sion, very reepactfolly, to express their loot of Systematic Bent:deem:a. Ho
profound and conscientious conviction characterized it as one of the beat papers
that the appropriation of the Conde of of the kind ever prepared, and moved
the Board .4.0 any other objects, bow- that two printed copies be sent to each
ever excel lint and praiseworthy member of the Assembly, The motion
kinthelneelveethen that of eftfellpyritilting area imaierlynd the Beeretary. „ ordered
- arehead end' sound rentionaf literature , teribroard the tracts asdedgested.
Ys in serious conflict with' the one object THE OBSERVANCE OF TIM ISABILL.TR.
aimed at In the organization and cooed
"ultimo of the Beard with the principles • Rev Dr. lbx/B 6 f A Valenti lhe feilewr
that should rule In the control of fonds lost circular' letter front th Congeeka
entrusted by the Church ln the manage clonal Conference of Ohio, on the subject
me n
of the Asaismbly. end with theism 'r Sabbath observances'
I peas directions of the Assembly as To the Genera/ Assembly Presbyterian
1b 9391 9 6 6 4 0.68 ; fititl;illittroisoo l ; Apt: „;tilatrek.Ced despot: • - --, :
prdpriatlhn to' any great extent waMd Mika thitiambrat :v. At tbei elltiihnual
serionely impede the Board in its wart'. - tiliebiiirg laf the OungregettonaT Confer.
First. It la In conflict with the one ob once of Ohio, held at Akron in June last,
jNi aimed at to the organisation and con- the underlaid:ad were appointed a Com.
*Mutton 'or the , Board.. This ;appears mitten for cothispondence with different
from the following facts: ecclesiastical bodies, in reference to the
1. At the ortartilm of the Board In queetleu of the better observance of the
tau, the general AssiemblYi by fdrinsi, S*1161113.! Thlailetirin was rakellAD hope
vote accepted this office and property of that the voices of the Chriatian Churchee
the 8310.611 mi Tract end Whitby School might be more definitely beard in pint.
Board on these urriost,nAil‘propercy, 1.09 t against the deseoration of the holy
houses, lands, tenements and permanent Sabbath, through resolution* peered and
fonds belonging - to mid Tract and 84b fully published by our minietere and
bath School Board shall bo omen in the churches in deliberative bony assembled
name of the Trilideerelati the General —the more especially to Influence the
Assembly and Mad in'truat by them for Et.ilrotil Oetnpaniea that disregard
the nee of the Beard of Pubimation„.dc. God's holy day, and on behalf of our.
[See Digesst, p. 419.] This property w a s ployee who are deprived of its sacred
authequently transferred byt &nth. V - sudrilegra. - . • ..• '
of the General Amemblr to the Board The following resolutions were anent.
oralbreatleir;Atid ifilleateraliatitifeteted monody adopted by the Ohio General
i a wit: of its c natal Conference at the inegUng above alluded
To what work th e Boarder Publication to '
was to apply Itself Is seen In the initial Whereas, The Mai day of the week.
"Resolution" MUM Assembly upon thls, commonly called Sabbath, is of Divine
, subject to, rispeallinhentland idndtitt by appointment; and _Mimeos, Obedience
its own proper authority the siert of to the commands of God is oar only hope
furnishing the churches under its carer of peace, and permaneney.and prquperlty
. Withenitablelgiblleationsirdtm. Digest, as a people; and Whereas, There is a
page 403. painfully growing tendency among our
2. According tothe Clonstitution of the trope to desecrate the Sabbath, there ,
Board, the object for which It was to fore,
Adilidteatliffif entrliatted.lo 1111 Manage. I. Swerved, That we urge upon parents
meat moths publication of "such world{ the solemn duty of Instructing Ind train.
permanent and periodical, as are adapt• log their children to reverence the Sob
promote soda! learning and true bath day and keep it, holy.
religion. •' [Digest, p. 402.] And in 1863 2 Resolved, That - we call moan the re.
the AseenUithf. - !/facto adoption of the ligbius and secular press of our country, •
Report of the Special Commilbec Oath/1 ;to Oresent more fully sod, earnestly the
Board, affirmed that the gnat work for elaturttof ourfjoriedlintithb4thr •
Which the Board wee 'tprinartelly listab. 9. - Resolved, That the Christian pulpit
liabed was to advocate the principles of ought to, ba faithful, and fearless, and;
the Reformation, and' o spelled abroad . leeiftiat in declaring the command and
rellgtoui truth, &a [Report, p. Ti.] counsel of the Lord In reference to the
8. In the year 123 s a hand dif bet • ...i B e itherjaday,
$30,000 or 940,000 was raised end pot into dapple/neater ,resointiona offered by
the hands of the Boerd for IBIS Wort. • " Rev.. Samuel Wolcott, 1" D., and passed
' Ix. appears, ilathebittultly . t eon- unanimously:
Meant Judgment of your Boaid tat the I. Rceolool, That the Congregational
a•loninnlY ID acerepthog Abe work and chinches& Otto. In
annual State co
fonds of the - SynOdical Board, and ins. once maembled, offer their united and
king this Board its soccessor—lo too eatemn protest .agalnet the desecration
organisation_ and constitution of this of the Sabbath by the railrosd companies
Board, and in the acceptance of the fund in running their trains on that day, as
~.36.1611:110te devoted totehapantiampfortn. an invasion of the winctily of the day,
"iirnlWlPd.• • thief tcreyneaddrfond 11311 thaillttliDetiOr4tt poem and worship
sorely in' the work'bil publishing--and as a day of sacred rest, and as a deprive.
spreading s sound , religions literature, den elf the employee of the company f,
and consequently that the arproprletiOd itPtalkabittPriVileri, to atillehri 1 1.7 the
' above mentioned . by the. Aides:ably In command 'of G , they are entitled
May last, was a ,departure. from the en this day of rest and worship.
abject eiMed at in all their sous actions 2. Ballad, That th e. H on. W on. Reuben
of the Assembly ttitialidorportatit branch Hitehebek of Painesville. m. H.
of emelt* • . . . • Upson of Akron, Hon. BOUpaa Putnam
in the Mooed place—as tethe prlnci of Harmer, Rev. Pres. Andrewe of Ms
pie that should rulehatbe mantsement_ dada, and Rev.-Pies. Fairchild of Ober
of ,that trust , the Board te. dil per' Bd, hie•?ronfintiltee on the Part of the
saided, and in thla pennasekriiit 'con-. Conference to lay this action officially
firmed. by the: judpMitmt •of . eminent • iii respectfully before the several
jurists, that all the proceed/Veer-nab , :. Pearda„__ br./„._,AliPs d dirO c te r e wl , ,n ? ) ,t rabil
from slayer' fund tbrougla igai inlitinind dpfv,Z o lnionlifte• •- • . '
uilejlirW•bet or -Iniereitifita hived, -3. toed, That cuirthahlui are due to
manta, profits or sales, as well as any the Grand River Conference for coined
additions thereto btrillalitiff."llre tit be our edtenttot to thlit In/portant subjetti
as sacredlyiteldfor die work Mr winch and that their committee which.: bas re.
thesiliginerfund itself was inteuthßt, ported to us be continued as a committee
and therefore the dieted.= of any triable(,
~.r4tiAbax4, , i Sag instruCted by 'Wines
•. i fendstirdtkiet rohjiwitliefe a gtaillf 'betide with Other ' thictestiatlcal
de rarefrom a very Impirta i sit,prl , n. bod y ies dee a m nd
fein..ithee,rtoways wrehitletbenetyl
Co the third place' thia &Tendon illis . contemplated In the above action, end
conflict with express:ond repeated dime menthe Sabbath from desecration.
lions of the General ',Assembly. txt; the According to the census of 1880, the
edAritlOn or the report of the Ei=l '.. • • . church .alliniderabin .113 the
Co h n lit ee. th e Amu. er the 1 / . t :Red States was- 5,035,251 rerklllebeing
in 1863, the As:tenthly then expresso* it. about one sixth of the entire population,
setA,WlAtterfaveilsoPirerlis and peefUs and only a small part of thorns who love
be expressed in the Beards ben-mole:id thttillige 9 itofilb l l l . ol POP* WY day.
_ppfrdtlonf.trAtepetft. cetegqiP. pal the Can we euppcse that this vast nnaiber
approPriatlon of the Assembly .of dant shall speak wilts:ad effect?
May withdrew just so .muck front the It is to urge your body to adopt snob
:benevolent. operations of the Bawd. Measures as will he most IlkelY to secure
'Again, tberAssembly urgi33 the Board to such a protest, that we send Yeti this
's rigid sydom of econodly locorery de- letter.
Vartment.xlif its outlay. Ho lier-amonir ea lrtt driglaq
~ fg 094::ella let
:other thiuge;to afford their plbllcatlonui artrrgeryterfo like shah ttetrenebt the
410. the ' , towel's ... ratite. `-But the matter as your wisdom 'ball dictate.
shosw<Vpriatlodiin am far as it goes, [Please sand notice of your ectlau to
is Ire confllts with theimportant Rev. Edward Anderson, ,Asiblebuis, 0,
aim tiff r acing thopridethlthiPPublics. that wp may be able tOtriptirt to our
.don 6I thilßoard, :-..- 4. body at' bar fiend Meeting, to be held at
--; Fourthly, that rineh ' appdtptiatlen . Oberlin, 0., in June, 1870.1
;Saidetrokthe'verypastidtts prtnelole tn. AttrAstyntstely_,y.our brethren,
:Volved to, AAP grearcesteete:wetild • - =MAIM Amastasort,..
seriously filterferelidth tile worikof
e , - J. 0. BURNELL.
BOWE/ MOAT:is form, die -did. ibel A ,:i - . • AMP 4).-15.411nen,
the i rd morging vpittg `of . the Committee on Sabbath, of Cangteo
, la;tandy irifildent 111' enable hotted Conference. Ohio.
gto itienthe Oath& open it leah 0" , -, - - ' limos? cAtaari ;vim
,ptaWrltdde which has thisqar : dhe . _ 8
.degehmeothopeotteem The pew/. . ,Th stport_at t_ts Stated
_e we:o4 loa In re.
'Monthly Wanner inf lba =hands is about letrelthe ln lbw bum. AI the r erne.
a the Babied of unto% was called fns
.19 2 . 000 t and "V ent diSAlua V 9ll4°lll3l. ' ' 9 . Tiii... Mtn! :Objected ow the reglad
sumby .41prdp sitcom to„, othet:otiocill that the paper had been referred tothe
mc4d:imPe der O uld . „„ inar i i- 6 ,,. w0 ..t.%. : 4;1 -00trariltton Conference, who still bald
r" These !hots an _ara' ..ce . n r _ er _....,,,, * ' ~"'; it, and he bad reason to believe that they
swam submits , wmp alt.. . natty "''' desired. trudit.benot reported until the) ,
respect to your venerabldbodya-an they had prepared their report.
request that should [DOLES001311:0 COW. Mr.MEIRSOD contended that the per.
eiderithShe Scald In these *ewe pose of 'Ma meeting of the Aateentay was
would by %final " t° rZtesl, principdly to consider trite matter' of
of rep
__,. f Mope ----•-- -That , what people were here
for the purpose of replambit,
*us withdrawn, and aprsoint..a special
committee. to' secure :. , the , necessary.
amount, and pass a mob:Wont° the effect
. i . th e said approprialkirs shall nerne
held asap cs-wdent - for Dance aetiort.
• • This course has been sugnelted by the
, math! emalthy
members of our belovgal Zion airs wit. -
lingliesa to ruCin 'the contribution; e of i
ema aor this ebjpet, endOwimilye Ma
Itrliole Mater Trent aH'lter PhViesities,
eri ov i=of principle ar.preetirel Mom
-Z it .order of the Board of, Publication, ll
'Pa adelphia. -- -W. , . Rica.
• .26, 1259. ' Reermiliiin Clerk. , .1
7_ l ''..74*T - 2AirITTNK 4
gair':' - '..L" iVidftehell apnea — ne was
requested bythe Presbytery of Carlisle
to ask permission to enter the Dame of.
Rev. Joseph Nelson, who had been on
probation in that Presbytery for the past
44AACZADrf , fl C. 11311311 the mulct
The Moderator stated that it bad:been
ungsered that a Union Prayer Meeting
in the First Church coutd be held 'With
ant profit, similar to the presto" one
in the Third Church.
i Dr. DiehmitlitemOlbehleaser, eftert,
1 that arrankehienta be made the trach - a
meeting. and that the Committeeof Con.
ihrence be requested to appoint said
The suggestion was agreed io and thr,
Dickson was appointed to confer -telti
the other Assembly in relation he the
Bev. J. M. H. Knoz presented Sta Mt
lowing roper:
wirEuxas, Ths.lialkalberrifindathimm
, ..-• , ealtonagthf states good dew* A h e
... . . al God's atordjudd bvftr on
in common with the other Ketwoul
Churches, and Inasmuch as the ito.
o fdform Oats Dutch) Church has JIM
k i
f its Ganond Synod formally _
the shorter catachism of the Weal as!
ler Assembly by th e side of this, i ts -• ,
utoodorri, allowing its churches to Mak*
I use of either one at their option, thitisle'
fora, belt
Resoivext, That this Msamblr is of
°pluton that if any churches desire to
ampleiglnthirilietr their :eta.
dran thh 'ffntdalbergi'mthohlent, Midi
mow may to parosilte4.
The gauge:nazi, In offering the Mar,
rudnrit 4 was ` _
fer-e,report should have been ;pro
tademWednesday morning. He atztrn
ly luidtted upon the reading of the rsit.t
Mr. P lu mley uktveit that Ike Matter be
, ensued Wrest until the report - of, the
(buntline° on Conference. ,
Thy Moderator ahrted it had been rep.
resented to turn that if this matter was
'brOtight upend acted apcm new that It
would necessarily close the business of
the•Ateembly. according -to the basis of
union. which provided far the reception
of this vote, and, if favorable to union, a
conuminiatton ;temptingly.
" Judge 'Skinner - *intended that the
opuunittee op Conference had thought it
heat ttvnirdporie Ole metier, anti Qua ho
MOO Moir judgment should lx) MM.
The debate 1165 interrupted by the
sMal orderer tiled:mit itanceiesp
o'clock, the electiorukto till 5355115451 ICI
the Board • of
L. Trilittees of the !tenant
petemblp.— •
In* short time Dr. Dietterait from: the
Coniudttee on Electlons,preeenttideS the
"result of thts elect i on the following per,
eons sleeted:
moddera-000. Hall D.D . D. A. Dun.
ninghem, 1. Findley, Archibald Man.
Ruling Bklers--lion. Robert 'Cornelius,
H. Lennox Hodge, D.D.
On motion of Rev. Dr. 110111taaSie,i,
Rev. Jristudi Hawthorne, D.D.
13111,mid.liklek.Balknap Were; appointed
a committee to notify the:nett/F o chrucit
Faculty _of. Danelile Seminary their
sleek= " •
Dr. Dear presented the following
repeat of the Select Committee on Anna ,
itlee forego:ince to hairiest. of Roy. Jo.
8° ?? C l l'i'
teirr , :iterorrtits. ,
The epeatlf committee 'to *tufo*: in;ti
referred matte= pertainlai , to certain
in Mites 1000=0d by D . er; James
.(be. deod to each of Ihis,ffvel3aards;
. of Firotalytertan ohurch_ln the united
:States, kidiviai amaguated ssOnpld
School - Branch , of the PreabYteden
Church, Mc the Board of Forithe m e.:
Ketone.. -Board .of porrieatte
Board of Eitanistion,
Lien cad Church Xatepeitni Committee,
ealdknielttee tieing tbb sum of one
Lam per, annum to eel% of ,
repaUsetbllbwel That the slid
Boardit be , endaere hereby-direetal
the Gomel Membly to - Matte by
- - -
their prover officers to the heirs and ex
ecutors of the estate of Jetties Coe, Ms
.:waved, a tun release of all their claims
upon said Wilde on the payment by said
halts and executors of the stun of one
hundred thousand dollar to each of said
Dr. ithigill, Stated Clerk, presented the l
following report of the vote of the Pres-
byteries on the subject of union.
The Presbyteries in connection with
this General Amen)ly hive attieported
In writing on the overture of reunion as
ordered to the "Eiriek Church" et New
York, except the following twelve, viz:
Austin, Crisco, Knox, Knoxville, Logan
sport, Maury, Mliwriukee, Ogdensburg,
Stuust, them, Stockton and Western
Arc Ma. The Stated Clerk of the Santa
L i t
Fe reehrtery Ins . reported b y . letter
that It Is linposidble for the Presbytery
to ye er meetlogin .preeaut ammo.
eta ea& The Presbyteries of AMMO:rad
sod Canton, . tieing unable to meet
within the time specified, have
sent circulate, signed by a ma
jority of each; to indleate their 5111
of the favor of the renniun as now pro
posed; but these are not counted hi' de.
chering the result. Another Presbytery,
Lahore, ibruied!try the Synod of North
ern India In December last, but not rest
' olarly reported es yet by any ofilcer of
that Synod, has sent Its answer to this
overture, In writ= form, and/ttns•has
been counted, on the presumption that
• -the. Miserably will recognize -at this
meeting the existence of that Presbytery
on oar roll.
bntilv;tbuti one hundred and forty
four Preebyteriea. One hundred and
twenty-five of these have answered the
cryortutep Inuit down sithrinatlveky In
writing. Throe, visa Hudeon, Rio de
Janeiro and Wert Lexington, have an
swered In the negative • Fifty-eight
have been UnaDirriOus 111 the vote. Not
Weltufittlf Presinterles fn which The dI
tided vote le net apectfri ted In the an
swers sad - those In which the want of
unanimity is expressed only by "non
%vet" and "bummed from voting,
there may be counted two hundred and
hely-five negattee votes, detailed ,in
these returns and distributed among
sixty Presbyteries and in about atrial
uruportion of ministers and of ruling
elders The Presbytery of Neiman has
reported a formal protest, along with the
detail of negative voles.
The answers have been made to great
divereilly of form. They have oat•gen
erally come wtth the categorical probs.
lon, which seems to be required on the
face of the overturei and. hung of them
Must be Teaffaltillg 'with' the whole ac
of the Assembly, to be understood.
tilPenetiosse it is "lb. *ism", sometimes
"the overture;" le3meUrnee "the qua*.
tour." sometitum "the hula," and some
times merely the oentrjeettrof reuttlot."
which has been reported u carried In
the affirmative, without any precise
reference to the Sd articled the let part,
in the document the Assembly adopted
at New York.
That whole document was printed and
sent down in due time, without any se
lection of a part, by the Stated Clerk,
that the Fred:Weal= might Judge for
therilselltelt what the Assuilltd7 intended
they should answer. In the printed
minutes of proceedings at New York,
[p Sill] we bares reislution "requiring
the Commissioners to bring to this meet
ing certined copies of their action on the
olanoitsuden... - Now 'the plan of re.
ASIOII allitiesstkeignsteal by,. the Joint
committee and adapted the day before, Is
a whole series of six articles or subsc.rfp.
tions. The resolution referred to, unlike
theapecitio archon. drat rnadeund car-,
Mac& to esti fa a categorical' answer to
one question seems to have minters,
plated action by the ernabyteries
bra the whole sixparticulars em
bodied In lhe edopies by the
Aiseenbiy, and embracing of course the
details of Article sth, relating to the
method by which the moceasion to ar
ranged and coneulidanou effected. This I
view minus to have guided the Presbyte
ries largely. And white awry affirma
tive vote evidently amain* an antiwar
to the "categorlad question" distinctly
painted out in the ling requirement a!
the Assembly, the more general form of
the vote covers the white plan, with •
ma)oritystillideptly large) to givent coo-
'Monona! sanction and require that the
reunion be consummated precisely es It
was ordered In May last at New York.
I . Signed) Amt. T. McGirr-L.,
Jkatel Clerk. •
[That ipoitioe or the report from the •
was elimensted by amendments car
No action wasSadrenk it being deferred.
By request, the Committee on Mlle and
Overtures were discharged from further
ormalderation of the Colorado represent.
The readlogOT the report of the Stated
aegken the ruts of theft:Oyu:Me& In
rsfarLLaacetonnlbh, wee again 4sillad for.
Rev. Mr. McClain moved that all Pre,.
byteries not having reported be allowed'
to do seat onsets wdrthg.
Several minor detalleand ma d e , eottle
1 of the report were then" after
white, by require Of-weveral members
who had Just come In, the paper was
read thoeecand time. • '
On motion the report was accepted.
Elder Tay Surfed that a certain- pop.,
bon .of ther report welch followed the
dear/allot of' the *vote' be' eliminated,
bee:SURD it *as not gofers's& The Clerk
bed been instructed to soul down to the
Presbyteries et tele overture, and it
wes thh ee of the Clerk to
decide upon w t the-vote Vas taken
wheeber,ou.that Grottos or something
else In connection with the planet union.
Tile only, an inference, spat It , should
not on Ito seeped inst.. al the et*ed
cies seesnlito think. those PrrehYturiew
tZtiot v9tel SS they should on the over .
Rhin& .He Debrahouldhaiel otooft=
ed the fact that be sent the overture, and
that each a vote was returned. Nothing
dies stiosild be` allowed trammel the
report. All other explsnatiorra and such
ibftnp ww l 4). ortir ebribulethe Minds of
the people Mulch. o doubt
should be thrown upon that rote. If the
Assembly allow ibis therein be putting
the knife to
gedtheir throat . Every must&
oration M t vote Oauld
made simpla, s O o that he
It was a fair one. be
Every other word was only lumberinelt.
Dr. WOO. the Steed Clerk, said the
'docent were her% led It was the
duty of th s e Clerk tatell the whole truth
In the matter. The evolution .of the
General Assembly Instructed the Stated
Clerk to report the Cote and all the Dicta
counseled therewith, es he had =dal
docuMonte li , r. He bad expurgated tall
that amid be done, as a hropeat,derit,, In.
thaticegit DeilitecoritenDi
Rev. Mr. McClain said when the reso
lution, in certified 'mist of
the vote was pawed. sub MeV, btu*
tetstPlited ;Ma Pe Set •Matettd.
beirepotted tor-Chet General -Auembly.
It was because Mut Assembly thought it
would tot do kart= the sending Othello
rePOnbcdtroePtMe r MOD, tWid it *se
' thus provide& to make the matter SUM
!habit shonkt bes <welled and presented
Pm eerl./:
tiev. fez. Beer Mild, by Ike plan of the
union. it LUCIA be simply the anarrer to
the one question—the ototttult—Sad that
waa. ea the Stated Clark 'should report
Dr. Imhof& thought theakated Clerk
had' dose' + duty Jest *egaittly_ea the
tierneal Assembly dashed, Me bad
atSt%a complete and prover answer.
ias bed .heeis he Opelika.
h the Assembly • SWAMOOd
It, n should not go out to the world
in that form. It would Mho a glut MY,
'arid -queithpuing and , doubts 'hot at ail
relative to the Union. What the peege'l
wanted was a simple statement hoWthe
Presbyteries voted far a reunion of the
Presbyterian bodies as contemplated.
Senator Drake Muted theinsdefiver7
elmpie an' sisflpeleposeld'ef Vithent
carting the elighest imputation on the
Stated ClOll.. ,EvarY, report th at sees
be lb Assembly. MUM either be
adopted, or amended at the Assembly
tho 'record
IMe...tertOf land I and ebb nittixt z rgr t ui ITS
reco of the General Assembly one word
more tharewagoardef In the vote
edtplidlt: of that should Dot
receive the adoption of Abe Assembly.
DA. McClain -thought 'lke discussion
entirely out of order. The paper' was
Want *a Joint, Comrsittesi:ttsty Were
-Ong Serelland. toband it to, and star did
so Ugh the express andengentlker that
jii'f9llsl.-INF-dlequ!lb bla
. .Th• hiseimator etated,Shitgethe DOM.
lad bane tObittirehoirse sines lbs
2= C ii=ad -i ri=ght .tg.
have en opipsoniity to give an opinion
&Ahem Was no
'hunt big e ,coport ;as. the'.
1:11111.1 F latin
Mese th e Met simply was
'thet.llo.-eacied arnsgelleeserht ,•
bitiderstor should be made Of the vote.
lialtelitihjz=rtikl3ll4 red
axacitaii.fts, Ho '
lug out that 100/11n of the report beyond
a more statement of the monk of the
vote. At this point the report Whould
stop. Alt that Is neededts the shitement
how many have voted In fayor ttf it and'
how many_ NOME. Be thodght all
ohm should be attleken out. ,As to
the run of union In the details
there might have been a varlet] u pf opin
ions, bat In the main tune, wh h was
all that had to be decided by 6 Pres.
byterlea, there wan none.
Dr. Cross stated the i report read
merely as a Waller of n,
It should have gone beak tc—the
. ,
Senator•Drake—lt belongs to the hoiee
Rev. Idr. Cross—Tea, air.
The Moderator —The report lathe prop.
arty of the house and can bedispsed as
they dee m
truoi thought further that It wee
but the duty of the Stated Clerk to give
all the fact' of the business.
A vote was then called on • moth=
made by Elder Day to strike out, all that
portion of the report after the ward
The stated Clerk replied to the eensairo
of Dr. Musgrave, by stating that he had.
only sent down to the Presbyteries the
Plan of reunion. He could only seed
that, and could send no lees.
Senator Drake elated that thiPonte what
not on the plan of reunion, buLupon the
baste, which did not include the pI.M.
The question of union in the -heels was.
simply the reunion on Theologidal
Judge Hall, of Carlisle. faitored the
reference of the paper to the Ofinferance
Committee, together with all the papers
((Cries of «question," "question.")
'rite Moderator stated the hour for ad
journment had arrived.
Dr. Dickson thought the matter should
be &spoiled of before adJourmtmt.
Dr. Rodgers moved to extesdijihe tints
tifteon minutes. Carried.,
Elder Sheets, at this eint, amid cries
of "queettnn," .let us hare a vote." "Ito
more talk," obtained the !loggia stated
that there were greve legal questions lo
the matter which he thought should out.
weigh all things Mee. He wartarrsid the
affection of the members or thbAlisem•
biy would lOfille200101:0111411 11 1
The Stated Clerk stated that it the ro
ping were returned he would cheerfully_
make the desired earrectoina,
The paper was scent to be referred
back to the Clerk, when 'it was stated
that too much time would be thus soon-.
pied and it would be bolter{ to at once
settle the matter. The ffierlithlt perfect.
ly satisfied with any dispealtion of it
and the vote was accordingly takes on
Elder Day's motion to stgLke out the
Potion lodinated, which i was carried
The Assembly was then tad .1u prayer
by the Ser. Dr. Hall, of New York. who
r. turned thanks to God for the happy
result of the vote, and the glorious na
ture which seemed now to open up be.
fore /liar beloved church.
The Stated Clark asked PrAVilege to
record the vote of Lisbon, Presby hi tery.
among three already presented, Presbytery .
agreed to.
The assembly Mau adicarned, with
doxology and lamedietiOticAlil three
At the bour of three o'doek the Mod
erator called the Aseemblz to order and
called upon the Boy. Dr. Miller 40, laid
In prayer.
Several matters in relation to business
submitted to theOommittee on Bills and
Orertures were first nreuinted, after
which. the committee was finally dia.
charged trottesay further consideration
of business referred to them, as they
bad no further time to .tend to them.
Bequests were made Sheathe Presbyte•
rice of Ogdensburg. Milwaukee and the
Pacific be allowed to riOord their votes
waye , ' in favor of the`;basis of union.
They could not do so officially, as no cep
tided oJpy had been received by the
Stated Clerk.
Anztarrunit gait' . Arts.
"Dr. MIL D -from the committee Oil-Ar
rangements. stated that they had ar
ranged for two meetings, one at ten
o'clock this morning In the First Murat,
and another at three o'clock at the Third
Church, at which time Sacrament will be
if wan requested that every member be
hi his 802 , 1, W. Pins o'clock this tttorning
promptly. that the proceedings might be
gone through with harmoniously and
'Dr. Rodger, Secretary of the Board.
read an invitation from Mr: James Bees
Snowden, Clerk of the Sessions of tha
&lavender Church. Philadelphia, omit
Nadel; 11104dt/bat atiberileptwal of
theGeherst Assembly of 1810, in whirl
to hold their meeting In May, 1810.
Dr. MosamYre IManthe the ,laint,Cbto•
=MUM suitite•Ma Mat they had already
flied that matter by deciding to recom
mend Oa West Spruce bisect. church, as
a r _ of meeting :am "
_the c
mitten men PlilyLMte.servants of
the Assembly, and the matter could be
referred to thent,buttheranald notmettle
U so summarily [laughter] He therefore
dewed that the invitation resia by him
be referredto the Joint Gamralhee and ,
that tbetbanksof the witalan te tendered
them for the land offer. Stroller Invi.
fathom Were recedied Orem other Ptilla•
delphis churches, and vets& a( thanks
Senator Drake . said be wished to
Mike a inotkurnot An mord cat the
He' think Moled that • the
thanks of Ito meansbly be tendered In
advance Mall Moms of Matches who
extended non invilitlone to meet in
4heirhuilding. thalghter.] -
Binderatca—TlLsra hardly in order at
the present time.
Dr. Ball grasenled • paper wallah he
maid the Oommlttes Q 0 Reunion had
received -but could pot now tell what to
do with. • -
Zaereading of the doonntentwaa called
for, which was responded to by Dr. Rodg
er& The peer Wails timeliest that two_
%mode. "Ohl" dad ..New" School, In
Saussabetturdted.maditadtblimptl for
a oonsolidatlen meeting, bat , that it the
OeuerahessemblYthoughtit best, they
Amid change the lime Mak they might
f rau arrangements, beforethenMeting
1 Met.
The toper was left WOG hands of the
1/olamit tc4,
, Tu. lielfrtrati ktte Oonittli' tire rev Ar
rangement, tepOrted that' limn .1. B.
skinner. Robert Cuter, John McArthur
and Ron, Madan C. Draherhad Wen
appointed to assist in distributing the
elements stthe Elacrsinent ails" Lord , i
Suppu, to be obsessed this afternoon in
tilTlikre°"%7l4l7:74 -0 1 1 1 2 : 114161; 171ill buelheit ''
at thlasnant, wlttamillenaddenly. broken
into by une of the Members starting the
••CorMirdien," •
"pat esti tha ecox . i r. IV Cam,
sl 9 l Ofroloon,
Awl mown bin ,Anne na ¢inkOtat
Which was immadlately taken Myby the
audience, and,• sun _el .11r,8011 voice.;
After the drat verse had been gondl
rooih with all fn the house, merObe.-
o f the Ammar and audience. arose sod
mpg the remainder or th,ql hymn, gab&
Inibitnth tkelDloit efferit 4
imposer ay, TOTS ADOPIZD.
!Eider Dail otite York. rooted that
thereperVor tie Stated {7 ork. to refer .1
enottio' the vote of presbyteries, ai
lot been-sinended. be . nOtr - attOpted,
insiaciorlosis ant= won.
TiClern entail tbr inatinCtiOns wbetb..
er he Oman record alt the moan&
mime nude. to the report &wind- tbs
morning iessinn.
om eltimail emmed on this pew,S nco d tendru tro
idt the amendments,
to be reterdedrOlAtts 11 10 2 d 1 On a la
Otlllll-nlattrallnlial moment, lied only
=rto; the ardnnten. nneny.
emoved that the • repent; be
amended sou to atn!lttonr art !mamma
ma nor.
Dr bbiiireste move& that MS minutes
reed—. •
..Tb e wont otibe StibA r efferkriaiiie
yap by ,Preabyteries , then lead,
minded, and mile to raid soft to dm.
Mve the to - ed Mort! an faL
This istotlon Won ea aW111212.0, ~wee
eafried. and the! Qs* so tretroMsd,
Bev. Dr. flallsOmgested thattibus the
aniennbtrenall waning for the report or ,
the JointOomminse they should etypme I
IRV nriatfkW 01331inifoli:
Rev:lde. naivete Mated that the &en.'
mime to-erbonibid bean refined the '
mnecatoalt sn e d b o f o r d atoernet Ant, in
to the oblysigglo•idetbOdist
that the obtect of the paper was
to send delegates to this body to give
them enomxragement, should they desire
to unite with the body of Presbyterians
of the Newland Old Salient to be nutted.
Ile explained that these Methodists
were not Armenian in doctrine,
be. strongly Derranbstio, and exact
ly accordance with the doctrines and
usages of Presbyterian& They were
principally Weimar, and an &Moot of the
'Walsh Oalvsnistio Chetah, organised in
Wales 'by Wbilefield. They bad four
aynodein America. In England they
were contemplating a onion the
Presbyterians 'there, amts strong feel.'
trig existed in t his. country towards the
wattuend. The Synod of St. Pant there.
foreleoonarnended that delegates be sent
either to each of the Synods or to their
General ausembly, which would meet in
Pittsburgh m 11370. •
On motion the Miserably reaoltred to
send twO delegates to theGeagral Assam.
.bly, one Minister and one Layman. Rev.
Me. Roberti, Minister, and Melon
Ruling Rider, appointed.
colBniti4sriON Or as-moo.
Elder Day then presented the report of
the Joint Committee of Continence, as
• The Joint Committee of Conference on
Ron mot onabe.lollb of November,
am at the lecture room of the Pint
Presbyterian Church.
The following resolutions and plans of
procedure for the consummation of the
re-union of the churches were adopted
and reconsidered as proper to be passed
by the respective Assemblies.
1. That each Assembly should declare
the vote of the Presbyteries In the fol.
lowing language:
This Assembly having received and
examined the statements of the several
Presbyteries on the basis of re•tmlon of
i the two bodies now claiming the name
l and sightsof. Presbyterians to the United
grates of Amerke, which beds is In the
r following words:
The recusion shall be effected on the
doctrinal and ecclesiastical taxis of our
common Standards. The Scriptures of
the Old and New Testaments shall be
acknowledged to be the inspired word
cif God and t
acticsy infallible rule
Of fai th end pr The Conflation of
Nth shall continue to be sincerely re.
calved and adopted es containing the
system of doctrine taught In the Holy
Scriptures" and the Government , . and
Dlecipltne of the Presbyterian Church in
coUnited States shall be approved as
ntaining the principles and rules of
our polity.
Sic hereby find and declare that the
wild bans of .reuniou has been approved
by more than trro,thirds of the Preabyte
rts..kMnected with this branch of the
Aud wheneel. the other branch of the
Presbyterian Chneshin thelJnltedritatee
now sitting ln• the Third Presbyterian
Chunsb. Pittsburgh. Ina reported to this
Assembly that said beds tam been ap
prove& by more than twothlrds.of the
Presbyteries connected with that branch
of the church, now therefore, we do
solemnly declare tha t geld buts of re.
union is of binding foroe.
2d. That this Committee do recommend
that empanel committee of Ave from etch
Wench of the Church shall be appointed
to take into consideration the affairs of
the Hoards and Committees of both
brooches of the Church, to recommend
to the gassentioly oLthe United Quuch
next to beheld. Neir changes are re
quired in said Boards sod tkunenittees.
ad. That each Assembly also pass the
Wass.," It 4 apparent from the site
of the two Assemblies that soars changes
moat be made In the method of repro
septistion, therefore
- Resofeed, That each of the Assemblies
of 1.869 du appoint a committee of five to
constitute spirit committee of ten, whose
duty It is/mills, to prepare and propose
to the General eraembly of the United
Church a proper adjustment of the boon
denies of the Preabyterlte and dynode.
and the ratio of ropreeentation, and any
amendments of the tkmatitation which
they may think necessary to secure efli
dewy and harmony In the aduingstrer
don of the Church so greatly enlarged
ander rapidly extending.
S. _nisi the Aleseinblke do meatst nine
o'clock on Friday next, and that the vote
of the Presbyteries be declared In each
Assembly at ten 'clock, and that mu%
Assembi=en o dissolved in the usual
manner bed by the form of gov
That each Assembly do Immediately
repair to 3d Church. there to hold a Joint
meeting for prayer and praise, and that
a Joint communion service be held on
the same clay at three o'clock in the af
That all business before each Assembly
shall be amended on this Thursday
evening, as no new business will be
' taken up.
That a committee of lartingementa
of two from each chard:, be appointed to
decide upon the form, wanner and place
or our public:meeting. and to prepare a
' endemic:don the subject of raising fluids
for 'the use of the church be also pre
' pared for said meeting by said oopunit.
1. , tee of arrangements, mid that the Bev.
Semi. W. Fisher, D.D:, Bev. A. O. Hall,
Mr. Robert Carter and Hon. W. a
Dedgecomprtie said a:comities.
That the And matithigef theActiandy
of tbeTinlied Church be bobbin Iberian
thsbyterian Clanickef Philadelphia on
e third Thursday of 11ay..1870.
That acommitthe in dee be appointed
from each branob of the Church totake
Into rtinsideretion the subject of arising
fonds for the use of tbe UnitetiChurch,
end thetas:. method* of doing and the
objects to which thermale shciald be di
rectal, width report at limpid General
AlneMblyi apd moreover.. that aJoint
molding on the subject of the Home
Wickert be lial‘this muting at the First
Church. tad - tomorrow evening in the
Third Church on Foreign Missions, at
,T 1; o'clock.
Dr Badgers moved that the report be
aooepted to get It before the hints&
The retort was tirtn adopted. -
Elder Morris Patterson, treat the Dam .
contra on Mileage, presented a report
showing that PM had been collected.
and over M2l in claims allowed, leaving
a balsams In bend of Treasurer. Report
accepted end Wed.
- Dr. Musgrave now took theatand and
stated that the New School Assembly
hid declined to adopt.* reeoluticui, pass.
ed by tat body on' Wedneetlsy, al
Resolved, 2. Tbat until sub desirable
union shall be scoompllshed, we will
gladly welcome toour church mainectimi
allscmgregationa, pastors and members
who embrace the doctrines. of the Coo
fewdon Atm of government.
etiAtedthhi resolution bed cans.
ed some unpleasant feelings, tut basing
been made of it not contemplated. It
insane of three adopted by thla Areem
bly on Wedneedly, and acted on by the
Nee Reboot Assembly today. [See pro.
eeedints N.S. Amembly.]
He thenmwred that the second reso
lution in relation kith° reception of in
dividuals and ministers be stricken out.
The resolution wee read.
Tie Moderator stated the question was
upon the adoption of the second moth
lion. •
• Dr. Skinner thought the resolution
photild be eyunged. He dietet it
rattier undignified fora Wrong body to
hold out the Idea that theywonldreoethe
any stray member. or officer, or weak
struggling organisation. They would'
gladly receive them as • body, but not
in this form.
A twiny*. then taken and the second
resolution Was expunged.
Bev.-ldr, Beer then mimed to expunge
•the third resoltitiod on the ground that
At merely wait dependant upon the sec
ond. •
• - Dr. Hall, of New York, made a ferw re.
Multi against the passage of this third
reaqintion. He would be very glad to
papanythbig which would show a fkr
cereal belles toward any , other belly,
but he thought it rather undlioiLderland
indelicate take ' a position which
awned lobster that sac laarrigee ratutited
body. they were
ngdown. glad to 800 the other.
Dr. WatterPrry favored the Pea.
manta upraised by Dr. Hall.
Dr. Seer moved to refer the pirpr to a
committee. of three, with . Dr:. Hall as
chijimozartdistert • paper efriliTe
at thotentiments of the Amu= •
Benatiar Drake;-tre bete no time for
that now.
Dr. Taytai;of Philadelphia, said In the
committee ithed been said that the re.
united body would not tolerate paint
singers at all with them,'End 'hence the
beostelty Pike resolution.- Now, If after
being adopted:. it owe reconsidered, it
( • old. UT, a bad ludoence. • -
OlissAtere,brielly referred to the
resolution. aftermhich s vote aras tsken,
add lt Sita PUI3gOI -The report* thus
&maiden WAS then .
Boaters *Mired tesointion
appointlug Lafayette Cotten. now travel
ing in Europe, &Moot* to the Bobs.
mien Ateembl! ,4 of the Presbyterian
Church. Adopted.
Elder Day offered a resolution preview
tag fur the appointment of a committee
of three, to set in conjunction with a aim..
liar committee from the other bodj. to
make arrangements for the meeting Of
the General Assembly in hia
next year. Carried, ,and, Bet delp
Bead. D. D., mirdster,. and Morris Pat
tenon And Mr. Gardner, rullneeldare.
kP ro= of Dr. Rodgers, the..thanha
of the Assembly were returned to rail ,
way managers; the entertainers of dele ,
gates, the trustees and pastor of the
Firat Presbyterian Church and to the
members of the press for kindnesses and
attentions received.
Elder Day moved the appolutniemt of
a Committee of two to acquaint the New
School Assembly of the result of thevote
on the question of union, as it hid been
recorded fn the
Carried, and Rev. Dr. Musgrave and
, Elder Henry Day appointed.
The Moderator now announced. the
following ootomitleeses Provided for in
the reporter the Joint Committee
Church Entensfeet--Rev. M. R. Wilson,
D.D., Rev. Oscar anise, J. C. Hoovers,
Jesse L Williams, end Rev. A. E. Tay
Disabled Afiaisters—Rev. Dr. J. H.
Skinner. Rev. Dr. Hall, Rev. Dr. Alex.
ander Reed, Robert Carter and A. R.
Preedmen—Rev. A. O. McClelland.
Rev. B. E. Swift. Rev. A. McLain, J. E.
Brown and Wm. McArthur.
Reemsatruenon—Rev. Dr. Musgrave,
Rev. Dr. Beatty, Cyrus Dickson, Beery
Day, Wm. French,
Portion Missions—Rev. Dr. John - C.
• Lowrie. Rev. Dr. Wm. M. Patina, Rev
S. P. Scr,vel, Elder Judge Skinner, and
Julio Ryerson.
Demesne .fission—Dr. Musgrave, Rev.
Dr. D. A. Cunningham. Rev. DT. W
coy, Rev. Dr. J. T. Bacchus, Elder H. D.
Dr. Schenck. Rev.
Dr. Craven, Rev. Dr. Beer, Elders J.
T. Nixon and George Junkie.
Education—Rev. Dr. Speer, Rev. S. J.
Nicholls. Rev. S. C. Logan, Geo. Bill,
and Judge Kennedy.
Cbmrsittee to Raise Pundr—Rev. Dr.
John RAIL Rev. Dr. Irninie, Elders W.
H. Oilman, R. ki'Keigh and J. D. Ver.
Announcements for the evening meet
mg were then read, and the prelimi
naries fur the meetingto.daymsdeoifter
which the Doxology was King. and the ,
Assembly adjourned with prayer, by the
Moderator, until this morning at nine
The General Assembly or the New
School Church met at the appointed nine,
nine o'clock, and spent en hour In der&
none exercises, commencing with the
Mar orr. tOnrr Of nee are .pokell
Z u., d y rr elt. et, .
Rev. W. E. Moore (oocupylog the
chair In the abeenoe of the Moderator)
read u e Scriptural lesson the /sth chap
ter of the Gospel according to St. John.
Be,. Mr. Moore offered ups prayer.
lilts I.rve, the law:Orem meat
Oa 'ditch the Priam or Waxy thee.
At ten o'clock, Rev. Dr. Yowler, the
Moderator. called the Assembly to order
for business, and offered up s prayer.
The minutes of Wednesday afternoon
613611e1013 were read and approved.
The Moderator announced ea the Com
mittee on Damned litlinatera, Bay. John
Waugh, of Utica Synod, Rev. Levi ?ar
m" of Genesee Synod, and Elder Al
bert A. Luce, of Michigan Synod.
Absentees at Wednesday" Sessooo
were called and a number reported them•
Tag eIIBLIO ele/00.1.3.
Rev. Dr. Henry Darling, of Albany,
N. T., called the attention of the Aram
bly to the:subject of public schals,:sup•
ported by states, and mentioned the fact
of antll hating been Introduced In the
Legislature of New York. last winter,
and paned to lie third reading, before
Its real object was discoyered.
was carefully and shrewdly drawn, .and
was nothing more nor less thane propch
attic.* for apirroprisitione for the mond
of Roman thdholle Schwa Madam of
the city at Albany went prevailed upon to
enter their protest
. strairia it, end tothis
more than anything else freCthd defeat
of the measure siirthutible. Tbliaticalter
deemed ft his duty to all the subject to
the attention of the Assiribly, tit& had
been solicited so to do bye distiogulthed :
politician Mamba theapeikafrhadbeen
in sitemisnee at tli reaeat sethion. ' Be.
had preparing and would:rend:a retbdte'
on the sublet% which be bad horns-pre
pared Ind desired' to lea*" referred in a
combilttee fbr their Isdnaidaati. - The
paper wee read' .
B. W. Chtdlawnsede a few rampadta,
heartily concnrrtnir the' pro,
peed actlern - endmthg that the
Presbyterian Church had ever been
the friend of popular adrusillorl.
and repudiated the ides of entry
of Church and Mate. :H6• hoped.the
subjusazresonted would meta maser
attention, and that prompt stollen might
be had.'
. dinetion was aide to reit thepsper'l the Committee en Bills andOvertaren
en amendment was Ofreeed that It be.,
'referred td the /dub Domehlttee on
Dr. II
paling opposed the amendmento
If reference was made to that Commit..
the, he feared no action. amid. he taken '
at this time. That Committee had quite,
as much on their heeds , es they nada.;
well dispose of. and the matter' now tin; 1
der antaidasticas could not receive. le '
consequence, that attendon-Dmno,f4ant
that tt deserved and demanded:"
Tbe atelmdenent dloft ea creed; aaa
the csigAtial motion wee also lost.
It seeming to be the &idol of tho due,
that the pithier 'Wald go td
Committee, emotion a -that of•
fete wadatercd and arried,,- The .hiad
anstor announced as the Committal HOT.
Dr. Darling, Her. Dr: 'Sunderland; Be,.
'Dr. Johnson,' end Eidas...bisailey and
' • :
armours gr 40*1111111,516
- --
Dr. Booth presented a met from the
Penne:tent Committee or the American
Board, embracing the follMiftrdVreseder
Remitted. That our Chairman. Be,. Dra , tl
Booth, be requerded reepeetraly tortoni.
sent to the emend -Amemblvat Pinot
bozo, that the appropriadsimt of the.
American Bound to she support of the
Innadonat7 work for the entrolog ymr,
have been made. relying' 6n the metal ,
buttons 431 our churches, aadterstoDtros.i
to enable the Board to meet trostrApproe,
prlaticam And torthes, t 9
the Asserubly will WIMP:a Mr=
tee to mired out Omahas not tu dived
their smustanied omitribrithatts frOmlttat
Board daring thirteen% thilamigyitai. - :
The resolution MP(Aratrad :,,tn
stanithur Committee on Mtw7ois
Dr. Coaster read a raptly :Wm atm
Conuoldee on.' (tradurre, which *se
amended slightly and 5d 0 1 44 4....
Dr. Booth presented. a Radon reiart,'
from ''the Committee ou. Deltol to
British ebtuthes, which indadOpted:
The Clerk than mad a report *rib*
Committee - on Maishis, scoompanyill
which war the Miming remlnWir -
Besoixed,, Thai a special Committee be
!appointed uttiovilre of the videstaftal - ,
b.l"riße what andl l l4M__...g done
by the towards prortinegr
matuktelbr, rppnora.the report of the
same to bosons up lathe negt,Aasentbly,
The repeat was attoptialigter which
Rem Hr. Wilson, Who has taken a deep
interest Mani suhleot, was:lntiod=aq ,
sod deliSseed irrary intoredlogaddreas.
oxtoludbrg by .nsVng. thri shushes tot
take hold otike movement, w taaciratist
minister wilt bent Mantra. manette.ti
The Assembly then joined liialnaldg
three stanzas of UM 32d hyunt,ccorp.
*mous iasinunam sum ettralsel.
After "Web Bev. - Mr. WO' 01.1:1#11' •
"soon= or =moot
Item. DT. Adana. from the Joint OM- i
scab* on Renolon; he :nada big .1 1 1 v,
'manatee. , Ito cabal that the Comthlttee
bad w very protracted 'arattatn, that'all,
= 3
matter" bad been carabi ll y mouldered;
and that on every , legal -point tbe NM
talent that: could be, obtain ed -, matt
mired. He elated that It bad --
44 Prormt Witt Port mmerall3r3O tbir. '
•Brubly. but tjaplAbs farattkoptampo
be presented.' iftisald that the nomad '
tee bad weed upon tbe mode In whl
the reunion shall be ..
NO. 263.
Among the armagements made were:
Thtt all the business of the Assem
blies Mall - be finished today, af
ter which DO new badness Man le
Intpaduced. That a Joint aerrice with'
special reference to home evangel:Mon
wilt lee - held this evening to the That
clmrch. , The both Assemblies vitiates*
tomorrow morning, and that at to
'o'clock ptecisely Wthehall,beldmalteme.
oast, dies:dyed In legal Rum. TWO tot
mongol/ afterward.tlui two bodies den
dew together, In si Public Meeting. the
arrenectfleartthr which hand yet hem
perfected. That a publettelabretlon, of
the union will be, heid In the nrognl •gr
and that' Itt - the afternoon a stecrune
service. will be held In the Ering Chbrett,
Wood street.., ID theArremba s Put;
meeting in ratan's:es hi Foreign BMA
would be held.' lieable stated - •
the- ommittee had agreed n •
suggesting the appointment of ti a4
. o:lmmittee of five from *Leh r;
whose duty It shall be, In the
between the present time and the meet ,
I Inc of the Assembly In May next,
prepare a report on the changes .in
Bytodi and theebytehts. and char
I ,Deceassry In the constitution In refers cc
to ratio of representation. A john rp ;
,mites of fiveltrom each Maywool
suggested too:lnsider the pent:co. of
the several Boardsand Containtheee w
are now the channels of evangel
ant lon, and a joint coctunittee of thesarne
number, to prepare and report mem
method showing, one desire to accora- -
OM, with greater reel, our work of
Dr. Adams report weaker the p
of apprising the Alitembly nf the I ,=
taltenty , the Joint Otennalttes, se-that
! noaction was neorectMcia the Patiar
the Assembly,
The Acsembly then took it Vitas* until
bait past two o'clock.
, The lowa:ably wee called to order at
ball-past two o'clock. and bantam te•
awned after prayer by the Moderator.:
The minutes of themorning seaslnn
were read and approved. ' '
Alt AI7TOOTtITH 110011 C.
Rev. Dr. Rodgers of the Old Reboot
Mandl, was introdweed and Made •
few remarks on the 'abject of the nolpii .
about to be commternated. Be eM.
nottnced that a book had bemaraMided
whicie•every member of the ,AMOWI.
toy would be permitted, and was .so•
hutted,, to subeelrientett. ln
order that It may be known to tinuehr
come who those were that ;Obligated.
to the work of bringing about the union
of the two churches after a separation of
thirty yearn: The book had been pos .
tented In the other branch and over two
hundred names subscribed therein.' fie
proposed that- Ma body • begin at!,
other end of the bookln moordhig their
autovaphs, and meet with the members
of the other body In the middle: Theme
would be only one book, whit* would
be lithographed, and then glared with the
archives - of the Presbyterian Rhetorical
The Moderator announced that an sr
eangememt would be made for members
to reeord their 01.02011 without interfer
ing with the badness of the Assembly.
r: site OCltooLe scud.
Rev. Dr. Dvrling presented the remmt
of the itrwdel Committee on Public
Schools, es follow,
The Oetkeral Aseembly. observing with
do profoundest concern the attampta
that ere now bans merle in various fer•
dons of Oar gauntry, not only to remove
the Bible from the pled that it hereto:t
ide generally tam ladle our 00:teolOa
fichOole, hut also tow:cure from the dote
the peen:dor moon -of sectazitur
schools-schools under the esalotelve
control of a Clorrch whom rion la to
teach the peculiar tenets of ha theology
and eadottudeitnna, &mires to drew
these huo lie apeedal attenticm of I
13hoti tb i e movement .be '
it mane wordy vitiate, in the coarrdets.
.tilaintetratiacr.amk..tbral :dettenettim of
oar, present_ admirable system of corn.
ado oboollistruotion, a system that is
the wy of • oar land, and that lira
already bmuSa tad ineatimable blow
lags. Moreover, aa this movement for
sectarian' legislation is entirely in the.
intender Itomanhoo,lt VAR saymak
di, he so far a virtual washliattnerd or
ChM `religion as the State religion - of our
Dad, securing from the gado tremenry,
to which all our ottizens.codrlitite.lis
rePOl ll l l let well as the secular adoration
au ste Youth. " •
The nionnhty arotild, therekno, - iw
guest of ita. ontadtutrusa lo„empley
the inortunerdahtito within their reach
to avert' from our connixf eo 'fearful O
a calamity. Through *emirate and.the
pros:Wind by the presentation is cur
State Lbsielerunts • of - petition" and
remonatmnoot detour pooch, speak- On
tolaiiroefoutbdoet es Veil to the higtoetk
ititereollpt aulanw and liberty., 4
' The 'onion weeseeepted. -•-• , 1
Dr. Crosby, of New York, saldlianiate
Bled Dr., Darling had . Intraduced the
anbject:' Be desired, barecti, So - yak a
alight inichasterlow •of the -report.' by
Orating t ,ont the chinas Winn refer:
end to thelltible in the, Paalle Schools,
The Object ' aimed at by the Coomittne,
wairnommotardnisarin the isehools..o is
to the ortettion of the Bible intheatthrele
therewas an earned differenbe of opinion
among ecatudatlcal 'men. and liport l ert
ting ortereara Wit, the, blow
would, oktlttesto r &. , 11413 .. " .1 14 .
after econetil n itie :Diatig - ' ate:
tut perassetityrior lot lefelletti itte shit
comrades In belerdni tlie-clausPv'O n k
it would bes wester initlicity , dr ' they
treltabry to atrikblt Ont. ' Upon' ezern , .
fig= the report it would , twitting=
thardatum Wu only.toorted in et
tat of thtigeneral moretnent;referret ida l it t
•Coladderallne feeling Macus
Stithrecerst to the matler; ar. _Oiagby
said he.would Irldarew ,
_hls modal So.
Mike oat the clans% althoug h be let
tbit Hie mole weitonod - the•targit.
=at oPttus usitq public West/ lir
seetariarratheobi. ' -
fir. tkerellkie - Enitarir, iadiatiokt6l4i
withdrawal of the motion. . • , e37,_ .
The hicderator,ntated twradolon hid
loot racEjoirdrot, touttl=oo.
don Ode lithe been Ili •
A. ants, toads to,dedol=
peet " the wholes:ll46lZ, _ . ~
'dodge 'tiwookid*W oala -
fainnetttif _ Were
, The =Nod
MO, much .thipoitanat toe thit
member, dot to be oatrookenuptin It, 1 4
,tlA:llladthereleaddated !thei.lgailles.
ri.,,iggsszkosoribek •Xlibletio- • the
oole Val Patine an inannent in
*lag de Weld outddtbelltr W,
dividatird.the whoa hande&Tie
0 14 4 hI';IPP-7 1° !!. 1 - 1 9M1 111 4.21 , 7.
"-Tem were :snow Anther' • '
,andadtpteildett-rooddigodAe . • •
the cubmialon.
Dr. Croat* odd if tiiiiiinehWtrinii
dtartmetiOnowcadit Airmen, buss
tuedi,f , 0.• •.. ~•- • ~ -••-• put •
'1 '
The motion to * , pampa* wie . „
look and 'the report ad "es for,
tulaudatotudi...ll.:,. ••• ..';•.t_ g •7 - 17:
tern The_thiontiltes on li onttployed,blll4.
rep , recommenemg that. the
matter be defected untilthe'nextOtm
at easembly.
.., The Permanent :Clerk ,reed • Oxide
',Tomlin Committee on Miadose‘Ohletti
were referted - ta the • Onahrdttee i , to he
tibettle on ittorsood :}illkienrevla ;lie!
Fhurc ,„ ; , 3- ~,,_ •. 1 ,- v:.. - .!
" • t ineVit 'i i i ! z .Vg f ' .s 7 a.PePluo. , '
-Draieber offere the f olbaw •ing smiO ' ;l
lu tiou g i , P M ,i' rtar Pc ßk, A t r u ' ll l cm•
riesobx4 ,l . T1141 , 6.0E:ft i . t.isi
doe. ridded:of .the lap.
holies so g sepinsted.werroul
Icall*TaniPrigbytitaitti teelonectacidstg
tilbranthee oft harreetTilerlow fel
holdibetylin isemethotheelee ci
and foratofkoct.' ,
_ de ,
2 4
rlihnevedit That undradieb .
a n on o '
gladly Welcome to' oar wgio 4,-4, c osi n eo•
Ron all obagrogatiokeintatamendme nte
ben whohnobraretito doetrbtow a Up ,
ondosies scrm of goverettsratt, • :
Reselied. S. "nal dicta:tither with U
may freely erdoYtke reitilbge' at coin
as coop ot PribMstoltindlint Gail"
'tbetr ecnotenotinstr a dietttei'es there!
la already,elloweale Mut thinnuebtr ena
leattottnit 4 Wi ll* . .5911M 11 / 4 1 I k
w ,
WM to OnteoMl2l • • .
l'' tICTOOtit difitlittneini
l klieus it , ... Cetlitt
erattnbiT pn . ~ /n visw , eff
'thews' that the ‘resolatiodttat ,
l i d adtgisr"
the membered ehundmertnesed
Ital ug utral., - r .- 1 . 1 , -;b e
~,,,vcti.b.„ .....thir7
win a bki for &eruption of other
The Tote vas - dead, sad she
Is the hest sae ehetteete tegehaserelel malt
myspaper pubasbed la Western ft:WMOM.
No WNW. loO o b°4%° 0r:144z01k44.4P
mite sable:OF& ... µ•.
Clubs Ot Rat' 1 IS
• tfor7 u tozethaed pazattcsal allot jaw
oasts dab di tea. rodiamtin arestequetri
6EEO a CO..
oseetoiiis4lo66sEiciettrOliqiliii 3 thas
being adopted. _Pi 14!) t to
The Cotarnitteel'oulkoteowearentbas
,of, tha 41.tdeuhly made a reimi r Bd.
Bine° the meeting et this Meriedirds•
seknolldNow York. In the
great Head _of the, Church. who sari
"Behold I - cane qtdokly, and My no
ward la arftb Me to give onto mei man
VA Ws work shall be," baatokon PAW UV
Ahree tteste.who yaillelpated *kb no
in - Shai memorable gatbertntilankely:
,tier. F. Ft..fiellaber. otColdwittee Prue
orrery. Elder „Rondo 0. :TorbeM. of
Mica Presbytery, • and - Elder laering
Danforth. of Buffalo Preabytkey.illlrklls
we rementlair-tkostews-merstottunandod
of to aOrr° ll :4 o ;..gvie= l 4rilla
saMpp Nam . ,we t ut
tom" , withdrawal''- or , irneft , ,"
Worm Crow, the , Thieeteett
gi r olor=sl i ndM
boos•peeitiitted to wtuates• .
matron of reigileeforerblekthopreystl
hod voted; th# Deverthelewi, u VP le'
gmd th - ts githeretit - thiaikeldas
or all sali em ne% fitorerwe Inaleht leper
our toed lUldellpttaiOU: etmateeets Ike
the dear solatlona they hATC.IBIt,JAWN
deprived oftbetr teilloweldpandkapport,
an wray,that Oodtwillanareldilbosk to
Mar lea bylLa ,WAteAllAi r pro
and patemM love, and enable a,agro
h m .ppedsited , , w
The report ma Adopted, ..
MO; 02‘ititnrlon. ._. •
• Dr! *Mak -DO= the SOOM=itil...' . on •
Itennton, presented a re'Obli; mous: to
the orilitotreddeol , Id : the - 1- 4314 tErtioor
- AssentWy; atulseintei ,ht:ther-PreSea&
ifg a l e os T rwai r tecl i t iai
... I, L 10-,Lt
Dr. , Malsof trots Fe "iBhlstle
on itenaloa, wade a partialmmtM ae.
tonententa forthe rcitrual unUiiDftba
re wrinot itteelenr. , l'Yisrie
The report. of delegates to on=
tog bodice werepool and
1 ljtc.
1/ CPI C•Ti um 1 ill - 7, 161l 4 , a
1 3Xf P a b U 4atA t
gr i t =A*? 'Et
T 1
Churoh Polls ,
y, presented or reporrrito a
paper zeferrok sofelassM__ , In: ,r_Jr4,
5.E031.1714 /01,111.-BOT‘ n•AM -
To the General Ausestq i y :6,24 rter.
• 'fait vitaim: U. J5,t , A. , '- -t 'Y
- Vow petitioner. - an alder in the XL B.
yreebyterian ( hurrithithis eilik.liries.
huh Preebytel7,) hereby cidageitelike
AsSembly to secure stormsdidanatUas
- • • ..: 1 r atioattlitenet
asthma tolurnusucCorlhat nUPit'IC----1
misemblies as to the in
"Wan two 'PrestrytaiLin.JC
MO ;NOT IienDOU:4A,OI O otototqgle ,-- •
each haTtnt a r rh t it i l l=46 a , 1 0 : 40.:
erry',-rogy come together andVansa.-One
waned chamber n - ---
....... ,I.
Specifier dlrectlann or ..
hoof ire dinned its to what' ..
should be pursued by theTWo 'pogers,
and by the Bald elderie-iter where euebi
church Ms enough tbr the . _ united
church, and also whether It' ovoid be
Eighteen' law= for either chart& town
heproperty prior lo_ the_ Anion, end
apply the tuomedsTowards (ho nreetket
of • new house of worship tbrthe tuned
church. _ __,
There are many places to.thOlroar:
where two each church's - now - silt la
the setae town, (but Where, sluntehes. tt
will. be for the teat Intelsat of ,the
churches that there be • Mama and
where these mitten I taro sitad
will. immediately after the •inet Die
union of the Aseemblies; besellis =
cal qeestions, and It 't submit
not ne left unprovlded or, 4., ~, •cs ire
And that .0,1 . 011 - inivo
aornething.sishulte, to_ent, I
.lu tk eali
berebr,respacthilli non said body to
rerotronena hint' such , rimed- thats bath
ponoviand &Weldor* of• bandiuttnhaa '
resign, and the , united 'churches, then
choose se hest.= and eideri Wham they
- ease; and =first each '..e.bureelbe
ulnae, wurendes.thell34.o l
united church.
ric =l
EL boor rHoweterAiiii;
~: Its Comeatteeig2,llhuttisikPelltere
soautemdi That 110 iaxasneigoinia , be
made as this time by. hq Aesetabitupqn
the subject pressuited, but that thelian.
Jest boilers tor the stottildertokto , ICUs
Aesstabirof the United ebAnttlfsf., lll7ll .
end . that In the meantime. seeks
*Swum die dtle , to • vo ws
churches be , askew., „ tabs •
advice/aid with the consent of Pren.
'hitery with which Slur cituretreetsXlnli
such *Won are how ortdretedn'x t*o•
1' Therelayrtsrtaantlettalhatt Ilit/i l i* ' '
mama 1 31' AVIEWAN.II:zzit .
There heingme , fustier mew bed
ess,4l32t Woo '4 AttPr li fet ir er
road e, anis aperbut4L - _
Oa Mellott-id dreigniltrOnet Ihniiitii- -
cram, eria hottartalattnjacolitactow
=Mee ,or..tbree, to.ct l ult ,ozlintar
Committee Attu theother
i v . =
=414 1:, r ; it T A 32 ;16 Z.
ht. Elm and lashar MIN
noport,end staked.= 4
thut hemhad their
flea repxt tolbestshisAtarYi . -
Aquae WM gtIIXOWLi ja . lif) tzty. O*
Beettlutious Of tn -..
their benatalftri nelthtna
Ibraheir tit -W.aindetetbs promettbr ,
itietr.-rePati 4 1 " -1413°Siding*411-0-11 ,
Aesegapw, mete pi - NO-.t-W1114. 11 . 1 .5.91 10 !
.ado atm' dins
oiled% upon ,Xer se_ pl,Aulleltelleet :--
zon• to °Cary were o . 3ll thuVaii - Abe -
'There no thrtkia - ef* -_
Meeseely iitsfe,Hr..lfassea
Ae5 1 4410 11 .0 1 1 PrIMFIaI et est. . .
---_ , -;_, l -.5"'...- . . - =' - '7r'''':7:- 7 't5..1.4.1 ftit .-: --- 1
~,x I OI4 F A L I PP..MI I. I r# 74- t it - 4
gramme, i grand:; . .., ~ "
lo behalf pfßonsi
mewl. 4 . s
n 4 4° rM a t 64 4ate: agliC
44. 0 4 1 /4P , Oat " 16 d '
.. . Vkaitti" efibitiVeftufiklbielei •
IVeliesdir Waite , : lie jW.;h**ollll'
.1 2
'priehrea l owir'trytitiP tier , - hilMisiikle
1 110. tllVlNir.7),Teoeliwciamli; -4 01 1 1:. : -
lug -Be?. P. H. - Fleeecre-D.. , 14 eltair
Illamoi. uzi 1,.. vft.,;:. , , , f-Kl-u . taarAsq -
I ha.ause:andle MIT - o'eketk ibskiner• - 'f
ella were caouneocea wtt.b.e ept4a
by - he eboir,lntiewerbythe ilia of
uhodatriliymtb...••l: LlJi.q: I. ; r bei,oLa -._
" tli roarulnifft risll"4"o4
•'-• Sires DisHaricilithnehtlihilkiinhe .
enallince taproot.: :tn.) won m .// 1
Dc. Follbir Xend.the.ll -
try wtitels he beleasdas Ego _______
izr, Q)D I S SFId a a nt rAIME: '--
erkfek , be• ettoM4 - o.4llPoeNretder , - 1
L l V , r u t sgku l lar.,.alll . .ig at ir -
...a.-.110- , ft , .......-
i.1.n.. to LUC hatato zaliatoß a ittlek.l , ,
Ha dwelt peilleuleig a t_
°OP:km.lkm ikthe see ...... '
the demeilliceilff austodestt
hireldiarthadahnnti‘OlSillibM -
M r it tr a i isMS -
uttei bs
dpitdnahle , -
nagrishoesiaheitao erstagentShilqi
-- lier:lrr. , Crielii, of ice w'' , -
tire-spirit ol' . '
whicts,etwanal le Ausod,seioWths
tneotbetewoisiewlinthia Werksfgaae
' hillehird. - 1111111001hildin fUlMaittle...
meseptaleteettelwreekaws illa M e
-pie ,1 :uve!i , 04 - -kr7 Oft 049*, MP* _
WE the Pqfn iVI ' ' '' - 4. 01,3 ..
- -,Oiewrenteasts Me • _ .
14fee. inntril. Wilson. fliiiie.
yea eletswes speetesthei..4 o .
111° "IP- t r W mall " - Mil=
- needed or ^wedu ---"
accreh shoat *Wks
,1 21 7. 1 g= 144 :‘141.1";
~....11 : 'VLiirts,c0 linano . ii; ielHeiledir7 --
gq_ i riag.a.A.PA".444t,
..,„,, ..
sese.rl,,,llstasloaed thersdaree
, Tbeesete g sPau
l inn iti ; i l= l 4 o "Inn.
tanfOge were Ofithille'
bettedhlibliSbYDr.abillenlaule ar...- I'
t;A :,,. e; 1 a 2rlr , .. -Le!'' - 7, * 1-.11.41 , 511 •
' VII of veir..swavade..
IL nom Aratimam VOIPIPIUMIT.
An.. 11111lictx1. - z. , .." -.t ..... - .1. ew.c.1,.i.0 _ •
i:Pleintukie l ~ vi n skt bSW ,lloll -
1121*#11,10.414.N_t*JAAwAri 4 - t , 7.:a
poofew4o 4 l l l444 l s. 4 Fo7tAttita
1 it Mansion, tiew „end --
beaded bY the Moderator -
mratum4 p ilmirla eio6).