TM DAILY GAZETTE: PENELMAN, REED & CO, Oflit.e, 84 and 86 Fifth ..ilvertue JOHILII 111 G. H. P. BEER F. E. PENNIMAN, T. P. BOUBTOS. r1)}10. , At. rItOrIIIZTOIII. TW,13.115 Of Talk DAILY E=l Leave:resi 61 carries. v.* .e" REUNION. OLD IND NEU SCHOOL PRESBYTERIANS. Adjoufhe&- Meeting 'el' the General Assemblies. illE PLIILIC SC11410)11ESTION -Fr7V. r Final Report of Commit tee on Reunion. UNION OE 111. E eilliittliEB TO BE DE C LARED TO-DAY Closing,. Up the Business ORDER OF TO-DAY'S PROC E EDINGS '9O TilE DEFOIIIIED AND UNITE PRESIATEMVS. Basis of.:UldoOpped.tTpon by the Joint Committee. ORGANIC' UNION NOW CERTAIN The k,eneral Assemblies of Ile Old. Now School Churches continued in nen Mon yesterday. The Joint Committee on Union , prntentep tht9r Andl 411 port, tii .and. a),l basinesi &luting iD tniti body was disposed 'of tinally. All that re nratnfto be dirs . tillputfrl ennoupee. meet thrciugli cetrenaltteas of the edop tion of the Biala of . IJulon, AveatFreaU the doularatioa, elointtaiiienalf in each bldy, of the "binding force" of tho and the dissolution Ml2!= eake•place at tem o'clock to-day, to be followed immediately rtiy the u tbßifig together" of the members In public meeting tl !Pg r Aft au f... il l ' • • The JeMiCommittee of the United and Reformed - Presbyterian Churches WAD continued In emblem, and agreed open a Basis of Union. . OLD stilitMlL . ABS ESIBLI:. Thto Assembly reconvened, Jlt the lgt pointed place, at Mao o'cloatqland was canal to order by the ?Andante; who opened the pnsseedlnp with pre — en The first hell nom WU spent In devo tional esermseri. The order of the day, the election of Trustees to file the VllCialgieS in the Board of the General Assembly, wasont motion. pestponikit umil eleven o'clock. The elretion td faculty for DauvLtle Seminary' was mixt to order:' • Tor. ernes. of Baltimore, Moved to postpone this manor unttl the Mesting of the Genend Assembly next Kay, an that next year thalietir Scheel Assembly could We a voice In - the taleatloii of the Dr. Dlckeon favored prompt and Im mediate cation.' lavas proposed ltojtold . • session of the .neoilnary.durine the winter, winch couldnot b thriereconrse without teachers. • , . Dr. Imurie co detkin the _views ad % yawed ' (thought t . that tbo - wom.m about to be mailed had linedlh: lthe man' She wnt . „about to Wed, to lot him settlelanolleli bla =nutrias/Mit OP . -be hastily_ poised over. delatienittsto no t. 'term, and wunidltparhapsi rerealfein the greater benefit. , Tito Aiodoritto; failed 'tin "piker to an wadt:cia oninf postponement for a day, but out of pal- PO'netaebt dittlllliwqxteeir*of the 04. oral I..9siunblYin biey/ - • Dr. Skirmer Nei 411 a m the Oonrcnittro. that they wereall inikvorof but this matter orgArtnallidly, tonwer.. The qtiestionotadjeauning this election aunt: Aw . Oame up.helthre the Committee, andhArmg feeling 'WU favor•of:llmtPitienielit, II lam' 'quint(' ecinsMtillets:with 'UM Mends le ,temated In disease, devetopkithialt was the IMAM opiniori That the bunter atutstd tmQflud .up an soon AS Onside. and in tordisl.Mniquid and emphatic insener.:, The committee. thOnght the - Synod.. of, Kentucky should have their wishes eoustilteti.• The trionnatlems fore au AllsemblY : were Padilla/ the 'Pune- as would be made' after - ten two 'bodice ba,l: - ,ralicd. ala bad received tho. entire approval of alt but lla•PoaPa r .l o gib' whPro , • 4[5 9dis.lia l tt le lic , Crosawai ' DOW allowed. explain -motion phst2one, bet is 'he was proceeding it .soma length? lasi Inter- Pureed by a mil to order, ihspednpbeing t Ars( Italia ....vafilinatioa Irak ,taking , the Print bfantaigument.9 . A Vote; wee I ben taken tuf, thwindlon to PalPotioakii:Wailtise. was made thatn'the election , tato volm-I.l3,srriceL , • -.; .Tbit S ometary Weaned the ' - list of nontintattonen . _ E. P. Humplipiyi;Didadle and Pa. - , Dr: Steam „Terlies;•:-.lfinioig,...s. tuna and Enigetiesi Theo Wunt,..lllbilo . unman- si " tutid eg a grts - Atstcrevi V. • . thdeey emp • and Pro:oral Theology. • On mutton the list was voted upon ee • whole, and tile persona nominated mien;, imously elected. TIIV.OI4OICAL egSlAntlin. Ur. Irsirtiliblefrd i i lead on Theological Seminaries. rePe that a great number of papers had been placed the hands of the committee by the Directors of the Danville Seminary, none of which, however, require action on the part of the.,Aksembly, e= the - ' tins re%.relog.tettlit talon of the of Directore of the Danville Semlitary, regard to their last annual report. - thin ' the Directors approve of their salon, even that part censuring the Board for the loom. and Irresponsible manner of making its report; but the Directioel think In justice to themselves It attolnd be made known that the oirrerpandble manner" had not been the habit of the Board of Directors. The following were now deldared emoted, Directors of the Northwestern 'seminary at Chicago: ' Bold. Patterson. D. D.,.13ev. J. D. Mi 11111: itev. lidarAnderaon, Rev. Robert Bear. Ealing Elders—J. L. Williams, Mai Aoring,,J. C. Oder, S. Moore, Chas A. Vanderbtud. r. Thereport Imaapopted. Dr. littlegrave at tide rd• mid. a Verbal report from the .TO t Committee OD-Conference, irt order th at the dorm , bly might be prepared to receive it, and that theldodereterAditbe him time te con o gr e i ,thii i joniAlment of certain ems • noittem recommended, if it pease& D r . H a n prooted the felloWing report • • ict4• n y pc.f) ttt: ; - . lit j • ttt l4. c . 1 • \ • • WM VOL. T,XX-X-TV WOO 15m.. on the memo 'al of the Presbyterian 'toted he thought the resolution ehould Board of Pa Lion. . not be parsed itS it would be of no pron. find effect. Mir' ro ammoiu Ai.. +.4 Dr. Blackwood coincided in the views The Committee le which wag referred i of Dr. Knox, and contended that M lle ineuausial, of the Bawd roT Publica. ' though there was something of a desire tieu touching the order of the General in the Church named for nedon, dill, AMOtribly in May leech) thesaid Board, there wee not a large body of diem In to pay the Committee ,' Of which Dr. favor of organic union with the bodies Hilmistity is Chairman, appointed by the which were now about to unite. ifs Amenably to counsel and oo operate with thought the matter simply one of paper pprtlee to at and 4 Bair, ibetaLKDl the legislation whlchabough innocent, could rights of property of the lialibiterian ! do no particular good. and would not du Cburch 'n Kentheika,Tlittultrreport any thing toward increasing the desire , 1. That the meteor .34mitirod to for union. 1 record by tlifit,AWaimbyi.: , Rev. Mr. Plumley stated that this ' 2. That, the other Or fhe Amenably i matter was arranged at the teal General 'Myrna' ?Celled shill - MA' be hereafter re. i Assembly. 11e, however, thought WI *Wed 1116_011rerollitniPlar spy eppropria oat exactly aNquostion of paper legible 11011 tiiiihelatidit Aar sold Board aside Moo, but one which, Judging from 11l home ittio• iegithdate objects of t heir history of the past, would be productiV creation. of good. and would bo received ice I.7o4lowing is the memorial. . _. ,I friendly spirit by the body for whom I -' The Baird rf Publictition magesafially was Intended. He closed by moving th begs leave to lay before the General As reference of the whole matter to a nom. eere bt., t h e selpmet Teth er; . i;+3 ollthereen:n i Ave to report to neatand , Behave' ...ilitheel mad papers fn - AMembly. Thelltnetloo Was carried. obedience to,thohailtiumititoolour vorl• Dr. Dickson reported the New . School . motile body its': Its lato evasions in the Assembly, with which he communiested, clty,of lie* / York. ma r itime paid to the tied already made provisions for a Union order of . theCM Oelltters In Kentucky, of Prayer Meeting in behalf of Home Mit. which te _lig. Dr...glaiiiplarey el chair. clans for Thursday night, and ono In ho. man; thd 'Wm of DSO thousand dollats. half of Foreign Allasioce for Friday tildrheintrthidnly Sum the Board bet night. yet peen called on to Day under the res. Dr. Skinner presented a small tract olutlon of the Assembly. In connection prepared by a select Oammittee from Withithis subject the Board asks pitt•mle. dietitian General Assembly, op .to sub. , sion, very reepactfolly, to express their loot of Systematic Bent:deem:a. Ho profound and conscientious conviction characterized it as one of the beat papers that the appropriation of the Conde of of the kind ever prepared, and moved the Board .4.0 any other objects, bow- that two printed copies be sent to each ever excel lint and praiseworthy member of the Assembly, The motion kinthelneelveethen that of eftfellpyritilting area imaierlynd the Beeretary. „ ordered - arehead end' sound rentionaf literature , teribroard the tracts asdedgested. Ys in serious conflict with' the one object THE OBSERVANCE OF TIM ISABILL.TR. aimed at In the organization and cooed "ultimo of the Beard with the principles • Rev Dr. lbx/B 6 f A Valenti lhe feilewr that should rule In the control of fonds lost circular' letter front th Congeeka entrusted by the Church ln the manage clonal Conference of Ohio, on the subject me n oft of the Asaismbly. end with theism 'r Sabbath observances' I peas directions of the Assembly as To the Genera/ Assembly Presbyterian 1b 9391 9 6 6 4 0.68 ; fititl;illittroisoo l ; Apt: „;tilatrek.Ced despot: • - --, : prdpriatlhn to' any great extent waMd Mika thitiambrat :v. At tbei elltiihnual serionely impede the Board in its wart'. - tiliebiiirg laf the OungregettonaT Confer. First. It la In conflict with the one ob once of Ohio, held at Akron in June last, jNi aimed at to the organisation and con- the underlaid:ad were appointed a Com. *Mutton 'or the , Board.. This ;appears mitten for cothispondence with different from the following facts: ecclesiastical bodies, in reference to the 1. At the ortartilm of the Board In queetleu of the better observance of the tau, the general AssiemblYi by fdrinsi, S*1161113.! Thlailetirin was rakellAD hope vote accepted this office and property of that the voices of the Chriatian Churchee the 8310.611 mi Tract end Whitby School might be more definitely beard in pint. Board on these urriost,nAil‘propercy, 1.09 t against the deseoration of the holy houses, lands, tenements and permanent Sabbath, through resolution* peered and fonds belonging - to mid Tract and 84b fully published by our minietere and bath School Board shall bo omen in the churches in deliberative bony assembled name of the Trilideerelati the General —the more especially to Influence the Assembly and Mad in'truat by them for Et.ilrotil Oetnpaniea that disregard the nee of the Beard of Pubimation„.dc. God's holy day, and on behalf of our. [See Digesst, p. 419.] This property w a s ployee who are deprived of its sacred authequently transferred byt &nth. V - sudrilegra. - . • ..• ' of the General Amemblr to the Board The following resolutions were anent. oralbreatleir;Atid ifilleateraliatitifeteted monody adopted by the Ohio General i a wit: of its c natal Conference at the inegUng above alluded To what work th e Boarder Publication to ' was to apply Itself Is seen In the initial Whereas, The Mai day of the week. "Resolution" MUM Assembly upon thls, commonly called Sabbath, is of Divine , subject to, rispeallinhentland idndtitt by appointment; and _Mimeos, Obedience its own proper authority the siert of to the commands of God is oar only hope furnishing the churches under its carer of peace, and permaneney.and prquperlty . Withenitablelgiblleationsirdtm. Digest, as a people; and Whereas, There is a page 403. painfully growing tendency among our 2. According tothe Clonstitution of the trope to desecrate the Sabbath, there , Board, the object for which It was to fore, Adilidteatliffif entrliatted.lo 1111 Manage. I. Swerved, That we urge upon parents meat moths publication of "such world{ the solemn duty of Instructing Ind train. permanent and periodical, as are adapt• log their children to reverence the Sob edtla promote soda! learning and true bath day and keep it, holy. religion. •' [Digest, p. 402.] And in 1863 2 Resolved, That - we call moan the re. the AseenUithf. - !/facto adoption of the ligbius and secular press of our country, • Report of the Special Commilbec Oath/1 ;to Oresent more fully sod, earnestly the Board, affirmed that the gnat work for elaturttof ourfjoriedlintithb4thr • Which the Board wee 'tprinartelly listab. 9. - Resolved, That the Christian pulpit liabed was to advocate the principles of ought to, ba faithful, and fearless, and; the Reformation, and' o spelled abroad . leeiftiat in declaring the command and rellgtoui truth, &a [Report, p. Ti.] counsel of the Lord In reference to the 8. In the year 123 s a hand dif bet • ...i B e itherjaday, $30,000 or 940,000 was raised end pot into dapple/neater ,resointiona offered by the hands of the Boerd for IBIS Wort. • " Rev.. Samuel Wolcott, 1" D., and passed ' Ix. appears, ilathebittultly . t eon- unanimously: Meant Judgment of your Boaid tat the I. Rceolool, That the Congregational a•loninnlY ID acerepthog Abe work and chinches& Otto. In annual State co olly. fonds of the - SynOdical Board, and ins. once maembled, offer their united and king this Board its soccessor—lo too eatemn protest .agalnet the desecration organisation_ and constitution of this of the Sabbath by the railrosd companies Board, and in the acceptance of the fund in running their trains on that day, as ~.36.1611:110te devoted totehapantiampfortn. an invasion of the winctily of the day, "iirnlWlPd.• • thief tcreyneaddrfond 11311 thaillttliDetiOr4tt poem and worship sorely in' the work'bil publishing--and as a day of sacred rest, and as a deprive. spreading s sound , religions literature, den elf the employee of the company f, and consequently that the arproprletiOd itPtalkabittPriVileri, to atillehri 1 1.7 the ' above mentioned . by the. Aides:ably In command 'of G , they are entitled May last, was a ,departure. from the en this day of rest and worship. abject eiMed at in all their sous actions 2. Ballad, That th e. H on. W on. Reuben of the Assembly ttitialidorportatit branch Hitehebek of Painesville. m. H. of emelt* • . . . • Upson of Akron, Hon. BOUpaa Putnam in the Mooed place—as tethe prlnci of Harmer, Rev. Pres. Andrewe of Ms pie that should rulehatbe mantsement_ dada, and Rev.-Pies. Fairchild of Ober of ,that trust , the Board te. dil per' Bd, hie•?ronfintiltee on the Part of the saided, and in thla pennasekriiit 'con-. Conference to lay this action officially firmed. by the: judpMitmt •of . eminent • iii respectfully before the several jurists, that all the proceed/Veer-nab , :. Pearda„__ br./„._,AliPs d dirO c te r e wl , ,n ? ) ,t rabil from slayer' fund tbrougla igai inlitinind dpfv,Z o lnionlifte• •- • . ' uilejlirW•bet or -Iniereitifita hived, -3. toed, That cuirthahlui are due to manta, profits or sales, as well as any the Grand River Conference for coined additions thereto btrillalitiff."llre tit be our edtenttot to thlit In/portant subjetti as sacredlyiteldfor die work Mr winch and that their committee which.: bas re. thesiliginerfund itself was inteuthßt, ported to us be continued as a committee and therefore the dieted.= of any triable(, ~.r4tiAbax4, , i Sag instruCted by 'Wines •. i fendstirdtkiet rohjiwitliefe a gtaillf 'betide with Other ' thictestiatlcal de rarefrom a very Impirta i sit,prl , n. bod y ies dee a m nd fein..ithee,rtoways wrehitletbenetyl Co the third place' thia &Tendon illis . contemplated In the above action, end conflict with express:ond repeated dime menthe Sabbath from desecration. lions of the General ',Assembly. txt; the According to the census of 1880, the edAritlOn or the report of the Ei=l '.. • • . church .alliniderabin .113 the Co h n lit ee. th e Amu. er the 1 / . t :Red States was- 5,035,251 rerklllebeing in 1863, the As:tenthly then expresso* it. about one sixth of the entire population, setA,WlAtterfaveilsoPirerlis and peefUs and only a small part of thorns who love be expressed in the Beards ben-mole:id thttillige 9 itofilb l l l . ol POP* WY day. ; _ppfrdtlonf.trAtepetft. cetegqiP. pal the Can we euppcse that this vast nnaiber approPriatlon of the Assembly .of dant shall speak wilts:ad effect? May withdrew just so .muck front the It is to urge your body to adopt snob :benevolent. operations of the Bawd. Measures as will he most IlkelY to secure 'Again, tberAssembly urgi33 the Board to such a protest, that we send Yeti this 's rigid sydom of econodly locorery de- letter. Vartment.xlif its outlay. Ho lier-amonir ea lrtt driglaq ~ fg 094::ella let :other thiuge;to afford their plbllcatlonui artrrgeryterfo like shah ttetrenebt the 410. the ' , towel's ... ratite. `-But the matter as your wisdom 'ball dictate. shosw