The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, September 24, 1869, Image 4

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    4. .
Fttstuo - 14. 4 1 2 its.
MnlMEli) BY
PENN IM,MM&oo.,Propridm.
rEmirdi,3, JOSIAH ICING.
T. P. 1101J8TON, 21.. p. RILED.
Zditois and Proinletors•
1118111 !WILDING, 84 AM 86 FIRTH AV
Of Pittsburgh, Allognony and. AIII
s hy County.,
TOlsB—Datir. revit-Wes WestWA
Meyear..,sip ISlneeeopy..O.So
One mantis 75 Biz mos.. WO Seaßies,esehl. ls
week Thesesnos VS ID "
earrieral . andone taAnent.
FRIDAY, SEPT. 24, 1869.
7011 aovEsszon:
JUDGE OF sr PIM= comm.:
Rapt!? 1113011 B. FLEMINO.
Miss OP CounTs—JOSEPH suosniz.
Mans OlurEwcs, CoFar—ALEX. HILANDB.
DrazoTos or Poor.--ABDIEL IdoOLUBE.
— WS ram on the inside pages of
Ih. ,riorning's GAzw,rts---Seeond Page:
Poetry, General News. Third "and Sixth
pages: Finance.and Trade, Markets by
Telegraph, Imports, River News, Petro
leum Markets. Seventh page: New Pub
cations and General News.
Parra:aim at Antwerp, 561 f.
U. B. BONDS at Frankfort, 86i:
GOLD closed in New York yesterday
at 14311@1434.
Again, we remind our readers in the
boroughs and country townships, as well
as in the_larger cities, of the duty of pro-`
viding for the election, in October, of all
the officers whom they have heretofore
chosen in the Spring. By the present
law, the Spring elections are abrogated
altogether, and all the elected officers of
the people, frcim Governor down to con
stable, are to be chosen at the October
polls. Consequently, the usual business
of the spring must be attended to
now. It,ls time that the nominations
were made, and for every local office, ex
cept the Assessors who hold over until
the election of 1870. ' I
It the writers 'on the Post were as ig
norant as they sometimes appear to be,
they would be more suitably employed
in breaking stone,onldghways than in as
suming to enlighten the public on imports
ant questions. The Republican party
exists 'for' certain ends, and no others.
The ends it has is view have been pro
claimed over and over again, and always
with a distinctness sufficient to make mis-
conception impossible.
That party takes no account of differ
ences hi religions faith and worship ; of
divergent ideas and purposes as to Free
Trade and Protection; or as to whether
its members tnake, vend or drink intoxi
,beverages, or abstain therefrom.
This is why this journal has not con
cerned itself with Governor GEARY'S hab
its or professions in regard to Temperance.
If he sees proper to drink or not to drink
certain beverages, that is a matter which
does not concern the Republican party,.
but himself only; unless, indeed, if he
ihould see proper to drink, he should in
dulge to such a degree as to affect his
competency as a public officer. Except
under the condition stated, it would be a
piece of impertinence for us, as it is, with
the rolle, to drag his piofessions or prac
tice in this regard into current political
discussion.. , •
The GAZETTB,. supports G ov GEARY
for re•electlan under the' impression that
he does not drink, just. as it supports
other candidates on the ticket under the
impression that they do Indulge. If ever
the Resblican 'party shall take ground
_on the`slemperance question, either on
the one or the , other, it will be time
enough for us and others to determand
What we ; will (Win the premises—whether
we will maintain our fealty to it, or ac
,cept other affiliations.
What we have thus stated to be the posi
tion of , the Republican party is with equal
absoluteness, the position of the Demo
cratic party ' . Some of the exponents of
. the latteri party talk and write as if the
last National DthrtOClStie Convention' not
only took ground on thil topic, but took
groundatost decidedly <against Temper
ance and infsyor. of , bidulgence; but if
ire were „ep to stAsul4 the, Poit would
la as slamierere of our
IS IsOT OPIt would haverendered us simply nfat
The oo ff enereid explains that what it in the judgment of an enlightened
hopes to'accomplish by a People's move- humane world.
meat in opposition to the Republic , an or- That, misled by a palpable trick,
ganization in Allegheny county, is "the Republic shonldbe foundupholding
abolition of the fee system and the estab. In the interests of slavery against th •
lishment of a scale of fair and equitable utary application of that great di gi
salaries for every official at the Court of universal freedom which has just we
House." We have no objection to the another splendid apotheosis' in th
change proposed, and presume that no birth of the Spanish people, has
citizen of the county has except the hold. us, as to all thinking and right.thi
era of the offices in question or those who men, a Proposition too monstrous • be
expect someday to hold them. Bat, that endured.
the attainment of the end aimed at, even if The Gazette has not been alto: Cher
that was the real and only one, justifies alone in its fidelity to the princi ales of
ceseeless attempts to bring the Republican republican freedom in these pre ises.
paitk into contempt, we do not believe. But we can count upon our finge • the
A change identical to that which our whole number of the leading Am - ican
neighbor proposes in the pay of county journals which have stood with us upon
officers was effected a few years ago, in our proper relations towards ,this nban
the national consular system, and easily matter. That number will be larger, now.
enough, without resorting to a raid on The fraud which has just been expoklat
any political organization; and all other Washington will strip Cuban "sympa
changes of similar character, which shall thy" in this country of all its inert
be fairly presented to the popular atten. torious pretense. Those journals which
tion, will surely be accomplished, without have been vehement in urging the
"just" claims of Cuban freedom upon
resorting to the extreme measure Urged
Commercial. the regard of the American people, will,
by the
The law as it now stands, and has stood for the future, stand dumb. If Cabinet
for many years, requires all county offi
councils have been divided, they will be
to keep a fair and accurate account so no longer. When Congress assem
of the fees received by them respective- bles, it will know clearly enough how to
ly, and to make returns thereof to the
deal with a question which has never con-
Auditor General under oath, who shall cerned us in any aspect whatever, and
examine ,the accounts, and exact of the which now, more than ever, repels the
humane sentiment of the Ameriean peo
officers, fOr the use of the Commonwealth,
one•half of all the fees amount to in each pie.
case over fifteen hundred dollars annually. Intervention of any sort in this quarrel
We do not know that all the accounts is quite out of the question. - But we do
thus rendered are accurate, or that all the not hesitate to affirm that if such a poll
oaths thus taken are conscientious, or that cy were justifiable at all, it should rather
one-half of the excess of fees above fifteen prompt this government to uphold than
hundred dollars a year for each office- to seek the overthrow of the Spanish au
holder is all the State ought to exact. Nor thority in Cuba. For it is clear that only
are we clear that it is best for the public in that_direction are we justified in look
that these fees should be made a source hag for the extinction of slavery in the
of revenue; though it is clear that what- Spanish islands. Since the foreign poll.
ever may be relinquished from this cy of a nation cannot be solely humanita
source, must be made up in some other rian, we may not be permitted to inter
way. vene for that cause, butit is plainly our
The intention of the existing law is duty to avoid the opposite mistake. The
clearly to reduce to a reasonable point freedom of all the Cuban populations, ir
the emoluments , of the county officers. respective , of race, color or condition,
Perhaps it comes as near attaining that must not be postponed by an inexcusable
end as any one that can be framed, blunder of ours!
Greedy men in public employments are
pretty certain, by operating on the igno
rance of citizens, to get more than they
are entitled to. and such placemen are
not likely to let their illegal gains appear
in the returns they make to the Auditor
General. No effectual remedy can be
found against these practices in any
statute that can be-trained; but only in the
character of the men selectee for public
It remains for the members of the Re
publican party in this city and county,
each fot himself, to determine whether
the motive avowed by the Commercial
for its chronic spleen against that organi
zation is the true one, or whether a flimsy
pretext iabrought forward, either because
no other exists, or because the time has
not arrived for an honest disclosure of
A Washington dispatch of the 22nd
It has been discovered by an official at
the State Department that the Cuban
Constitution, published in May last in
the United ' '
States, differs from the one
promulgated in Cuba in July. The form
er is anti.slavery in its sentiments, while
the latter contains clauses reoosinising
slavery and upholding It throughout the
island in case the insurrection is a awl.
Months ago, this journal invited public
attention to the palpable fact that this
Cuban revolt was a movement purely in
the interests of the perpetuation of Afri
can slavery upon that Wand. We have
never hesitated to speak of the so-called
Cuban Constitution, promulgated by Ces
pedee and his insurrectionary junta, as
a bald sham in so far as it purported to
declare the abolition of slavery. We
have often denounced the trick which
sought to engage our republican syrups-
thies, by its high•sounding proclamations
in behalf of human liberty, while the
maintenance of every odious and wicked
feature of the existing institution,
in the districts commanded by the flag of
revolt, gave proof of the real policy which
seeks the perpetuation of slavery in the
overthrow of the Spanish authority. We
have as often directed the notice of our
readers to the equally undeniable fact
that the armed resistance of these insur
gents has presented the only obstacle to
the immediate liberation of all the Cuban
populations, under that great charter of
universal • freedom, the new Con
stitution of Spain. And - we take
pleasure in rememberine that *e have as
steadily and faithfully remonstrated
In the twelve months past, against the
tidally mistaken policy which sought to
embroil the Government of this free
Republic—where universal freedom has
just been secured at so fearful a cost—ln
a foreign controversy and, of all things
the most disgracefully unfortunate, upon
the side of those who uphold and main •
Min the same accursed blot upon Christ
tan civilization,which nearly dragged the
Great Republic to its rain.
Instating, as we have, upon these
views, we have constantly deplored the
current efforts of a portion of the eastern
press to mislead the American public, as
to:the retti . merits of the Cuban question.
Our protests hive neither been few •nor
mild against the ignorance or thewicked
nen of those Journalists, who hive spared
no efforts to plunge our government into
such overt`demoastralorus, la behalf of
the Cubafl ,
as would, in 'Wei
of • the . Witty° tOt, not 'only have de.
fasted Ott diplotolefvdt/VEng l o l , 141
Tub WILSESBARBE Record of the
Times, in reviewing some of the absurd
propositions of New York journals for
ensuring the safety of workmen employed
in mines,: makes hard hits. Take this
as a sample.
“Take the Dundee shaft in Hanover,
eight hundred feet deep, and as fiery as
Pine Ridge, with a large stream of water
pouring igto it from some point nearly a
hundred feet from the surface. When the
company shall conclude to work it, how
are the men to find two ways to get out
and in before they have worked out at
least as much coal as at Avondale? We
should like the advocates of coal at V 5
per ton in New York to try the expense
of a shaft 600 feet deep, and they would
decide on seeing where a second shaft
was needed. Then we should like to see
them engineer a coal operation with all
the breakers and machinery at a distance
pleased the shaft. Indeed, we should be
to see the wisdom of the many
writers on this subject in the city papers
shine over this land at their own cost, as
they will not accept the experience of the
neihbors who have learned in other ways
than •Consumers' Benefit Schemes.' "
Pennsylvanians know how stupid and
uninformed the best of the New York
journals are on all matters pertaining
specially to this Commonwealth and its
ongoings. They begin more than to sus
pect that in other matters concerning
which their knowledge is not as definite,
and in relation to which those journals
are equally oracular, they may be just as
Ignorant and unreliable.
Tnz Somerset Whig says "the spirit of
be mass indicates an old time, majority
or our nominees."
The Altoona Vindicator (Dem.) was
sold b the Sheriff on Monday, for
$1,530, 0ut
and j,
was bought by Messrs. Valee
and Rawlins, of Philadelphia.
kr is announced that Mr. Stutsman has
withdrawn from the Senatorial nomina
tion in the Bedford district. His succes
sor upon the Republican ticket has not
been named.
A. LARGE meeting was held in Blair
county. at Williamsburg, on the 16th
inst. Mr.; P. Vandevender presided. and
the speakers were . Messrs. John Dean
and L. W. Hall.
THE Republicans of Mauch Chunk and
and East Mauch Chunk nominated their
local tickets on Saturday last, undo: the
Crawford County System, It worked
well, and gave general satisfaction.
LAST Tuesday a very large meeting
was held In Somerset, In the court house,
which was quite packed with people.
George G. Walter presided. Hon. T. J.
Bigham, Hon. Mahlon Chance and Hon.
John Cessna were the speakers.
A GRAND Republican rally opened the
campaign in Lancaster, on Wednesday.
Five or six apeakers were present, patri
otic resolutions were passed, and the
meeting finally adjourned with three
rousing cheers for Geary, Williams and
Tux Carlisle Herald has changed
hands, Reeham & Dunbar, late proprie
tors, having sold to Wheakly & Wallace.
It will continue the same energetic Re
publican organ of the Valley, it has been
under the old firm. •
Tun Raftaman's Journal says Judge
Williams was defeated in 1867 by the
coffee-pot naturalization papers. Let
every Republican see to it, that justice is
done by his election in 1809. He is an
ornament to the bench, and an honor to
his State, and should be kept in the J
dal office for which he is so preeminbritly
A REPUBLICAN mass meeting ;is an
nounced to bo held t Harrison Oity,
Westmoreland county a ,
Oct. 6th. Ho n.
John Scott, Hon: W. EL Kuhns, of Som
erset, Gen. William Blakely, of Alle
gilenY, A. M. Fulton and J. A. Banta;
Yigs., of Greensburg, will make speeches
on the occasion. 'A prize banner is : of.
fared to She township in the
adjoining *titles, bit it the 'nil:lW
sad handeoaiest delegatiort.,!.
NEXT Tuesday the Masonic Grand
Lodge officers will visit Pottsville for the
porpoise of instruction. .
WasarsoTos Titßeaman's farm of
120 acres, in Berks county, near Baxter
station, has just been sold to Dr. Berg
ner. of Reading, for $40,000.
Eio'ns. parts of Lehigh and Berks coun
tiesll are overrun with grasshoppers. In
many, lo ' sties they have taken posses
sion.and mtroyed every particle of grass.
Os Mo day of last week Mr. John. T.
Crusan, of AIMBITODg township, Indiana
county,. fell, from a peach tree and re
ceived injuries which resulted in his death
on the Friday following.
Tan Schuylkill Navigation Company
have' requested the Philadelphia , City
Council to indemnify them with the sum
of $400,000, for the use of their water
during the late dry spell.
N. W ACKLEY, Esq., fatally injured
by the railroad accident at Athens, on
Monday last, was not one of the Repub.
can nominees for Assembly in Bradford
district, but resided at Dushore, Sullivan
county. -
The Coroner's Jury. in the case of the
railroad accident at Athens, Bradford
county, censure the conductor of the way
train for disobedience of orders, and the
train dispatcher at Towanda for running
a fast train a few minutes behind a slow
As alligator escaped from a schooner
from Mobile, is enjoying himself in Mill
Creek, West Philadelphia. People who
used to swim there swim there no more.
The idea of losing a four poond chunk out
of the fleshy portion of one's person-is far
from plessint.
ROBERT Tnoma,s, aged about sixty
years, a native of Wales, residing at In
diana, was killed on Monday last. He
was riding in a wagon from which he was
jolted, and the wheels passing over his
stomach and breast inflicted injuries from
which he died in forty minutes.
LANCASTER county grows more tobac
co than any other county in Pennsylvania,
the annual value of its crop being esti
mated in a general way at "several mil
lions of dollars." Many of the farmers
raise tobacco—just enough for their own
smoking, but not as an article of com
merce, except in very few cases.
Mn. S. W.,Suntpos, of Spring town
ship, Crawford county, invested one dol
lar in a pound of Early Rose potatoes
last spring, the pound consisting of three
potatoes. He planted them, giving them
the usual cultivation, and last week on
harvesting his crop he found he had one
hundred and thirty pounds, measuring up
over two and one-half bushels of good
sound potatoes.
are popular among the Germans residing
in hew York city. A tract of land com
posed of 50,000 acres, in Potter county,
has been settled on this plan, and has lo
cated upon it a thriving village, called
Germania. The farms of twenty-five
acres each are sold for $3OO, and are paid
for in instalments of $2 a week. The as
sociations organized for the purpose of
obtaining farms at low rates, consist of
fifty members each, and purchase large
tracts of 1250 acres.
ON Friday of last week a citizen of
Beaver got into the cars of the P., Ft. W.
& C. It. R., at Pittsburgh, to return
home, and while en route went into the
baggage car, seating himself on a chair
near the door, too near, unfortunately.
After being thus seated for a few mo
ments, he made an effort to lean himself
back against the edge of the door, when
one leg of the chair slipped over the
threshold, precipitating man, chair and
all out of the car and down over a slight
embankment—the train running at the
rate of thirty miles per hour. The cars
were immediately stopped, and upon go
, ing back for the unfortunate being, it was
discovered that he had escaped without
any serious injury.
Turin is a colony of that rare insect,
the Stinges Grandis of Say, located - the
present season on the south bank of the
turnpike, east of Crawford's grove, about
a mile above Norristown,, Montgomery
county. This curious insect—a mammoth
hornet—burrows in a bank to the depth
of one or two feet, making a smooth hole
of an inch diameter, into which it depos
its one or more of the Cicada, or annual
locusts, as food for its young, after the
fashion of the mud wasps, the eggs of the
hornet being deposited on a little cist
besides the prey. By frimminieg the
bank the holes may be found by the hand
ful of fine earth thrown out by the exca
vation, and a foot or more digging will
unearth this curious lion of the insect
Is Philadelphia there is trouble about
registering. The Board of Aldermen, at
a ranting on Tuesday, instructed the can
vassers to issue eubpcenas to all persons
whom they may have reason to suspect
have been surreptiously or illegally plac
ed upon extra assessment lists, command
ing such persons to appear before them
and produce a receipt for taxes, and if a
naturalized citizen, to produce his papers,
and also two qualified electors whose
names appear udder the head ef "private
householders," who shall be examined
under oath or affirmation, and evidence
shall be required-of them that such m
son is personally known to them,
he has all the quelificatiens now required
by law and if such person fail to . appear
and p r o duce such evidence as is' by law
required, to strike the name of every such
person from the registry, drawing a red
' line through the same. ,
Tun Bloomsburg Oeiumbion, (Colum
blacounty),relates"A. Mysterious Affair."
Some twelve years since a man named
Moses Savage returned from California,
having in his possession, so rumor said,
a large amount of gold. Ile stopped one
night at the house of Wilson Ager in
Robrersburg, and upon following
II morning his brother, Joshua Savage, on
calling at the house, was informed by
Ager that Moses had his departnre
let daybreak. From that day he has never
been' seen or heard of. At shoat this
time Ager closed up a well On the prem.
waterhad always furnished good
declaring it to be in an unfit coa
-1 dition for use. On a subsequent day he
peremptorily forbade the cleaning ont of
this well, work having been commenced
by directions of Mrs. Ager. Ager left
'home a short time after the disappearance
of Savage, stating that he was going to
California.- On hie return, which was
thought to be too soon for so distant a
journey, he had with him a large amount
of gold in &bag. A few days since the dis.
used well _was cleaned out and bones
were found therein, which medical men
Bnounced to be the bones n - nf, human,
canoes. Of 'the dieep
an •
• -oe of savage , the closing of= the
id% Agoten reboil to /me it opened,
Eltißp- -244
his possesflon of a large amount of gold,
his speedy return from a long journey
and the finding of the bones in the old
well are considered very suspicions, to
say the least, and a full investigation of
the affair will likely be made. It is un
ton City, od that Ager is now living in
Washingy, or in Virginia near that
Tits Sews cos ting t. Petersburg are to build
a synagogue 1,000,000 rouldes.
A POOR Frenchman, looking on at
Marshal Neil's funeral, remarked, "What
a splendid hearse! How happy these rich
people are!"
Russie is bound to crush Poland: In
future all the Polish public clocks are by
decree to keep no longer Polish but St
St. Petersburg time.
MATERNAL (photographs are a Paris
notion, and lashionable establishments
keep a well ordered and nice looking
baby on hand for general use.
Tan Vienna Common Council has voted
to petit:on the Government to suppress
all convents and religious communities
of every kind whosa customs are contrary
to the , organic laws of the empire. Aus
tria has 676 convents, with 6141 monks
and 4914 nuns, and Hungary has 295
convents, with 2630 monks and 770 nuns.
Tan London Times appends this notice
to its report of the Norwich musical fes
tival: "Mr. Barclay, who gives no ad
dress except in London, and who has
suited our musical reporter at Norwich
by writing him a letter enclosing £2O in
notes in order to influence his criticism
on some of the performance at the festi
val, is desired to Wild our office for
those notes, whiph will be delivered to
him after he has described them, and
'given their numbers and his address."
Wu° is the American citizen of whom
the Paris Temps tells this story? He pos
sesses a pair of old boots worn by Presi
dent Lincoln, and not being a man of
sentiment, instead of putting them into
a glass case, he undertook to put them on
his feet. They would not go on, so he
cut them into strips, and had the frag
ments manufactured into a cane, with the
aid of which, says La Temps, if he does
not walk in the path of honor and virtue
there will be no use in expecting any
good from relics hereafter.
THE popular impression about Italy as
the land par excellence of assassination,
has, it appears, some basis In fact. The
proportion of homicides to population is
the highest in the - tienineula, being 10.82
for every 100,000 souls, while in Spain it
is 8.24, in Sweden 2.02, in England 1.95,
and in Belgium only 0.16. About a
fifth of the cases of homicide in North
Italy are infanticides, the proportion di
minishing as we. go south. till in Sicily
it is only 2 per cent., a reduction probably
in inverse ratio , to the importance attached
to chastity.
Tag draught that prevails almost every
year India, it Is stated, is caused by
the stripping of the country of the trees,
in consequence of the increased demand
for timber for making railroad ties. It is
asserted that the actual quantity of rain
has diminished in the plains; that the .
clouds break only on the hills; and that the,
rainfall, instead of fertilizing the land, is'
wasted in rushing floods, which deposit
more sand than fructifying soil. 'The
volume of water in the rivers has de
creased, the level of water in the wells
has receded, and- the slightest decay or
failure in the annual supply is fatal to the
crops of the year. The remedy proposed
is the encouragement of the planting of
trees by private enterprise, as well as the
cultivation oil the forests by the govern
The Code of Honor.
The code of honor is a code which puts
gentlemen at the mercy of bullies. In
the most plausible case that can be sug
gested it does this;; and as the feeling
which justifies it Is wholly morbid, you well reason with a miasma.
Still, this may not seem to dispose of
the question. In the present states of
iesce i
feeling you insist that it is a very serious
injury to man to acqun an insult.
If at a public table, say at Saratoga, at
Newport, wherever it may be a person
suddenly arrests attention by loudly ex
claiming to you across the table,"Sir, you
lie • you are no gentleman," and then
swishes a bumper of port into your face
and over your most miraculous shirt-front,
what is to be done ? Yon declare that if
the insulted person merely changes hie
shirt the stain remains,
won e
or cris aloud
for vengeance, and he ill find that he
had better leave the place if he intends to
do nothing. Very well ; what might to
be done ? Let the opponent be of his
own circle, and not a recognized adven
turer or hick-leg -0d still, what shall be
be done? Shall he :demand an apology,
and, if it be refused, ,blow out the brains
of the offender : or take any of the milder
measures, such as turning his - nose with
some vehemence. of mining him in the
sheet ; shall he o ff er the person who has
insulted him a chance t to kill him also?
And if you who are the Insulted per
son, as it is ckled, do any of these things,
why do you do it? If, inde;ed, in hot
blood, you fly at him across the table, or
fling a, dectgiter at him as a Roland for
his Oliver, you do as all men do who lose
their tempers. But that is quite another
affair. If, however, you proceed in any
of the manners we have mentioned, you
do it because of a certain public - opinion.
The real question for you, then;le whether
it is a right or wrong public opinion,
whether you ought to yield to It or pro
test against It. That is a question upon
which it should seem that few gentlemen
ought to differ. The business of gentle
men is obviously , to elevate and purgy
public opinion ;;and this is done•in many
ways, but in none more effectividy than
in guarding their own conduct Boston
Gentleman No .1 Is perhaps generally sup
posed to have resented an ,insult in an
amusing -and' appropriate manner. But
i wkigras not his behavior, in irritably
g and pushing at the bags and baby
wagons 'of _a passenger who had stated
his intention to vacate the seat, quite as
insulting as the remark w hich that passen
ger made upon rising ? Upon a fair re
view of this leading case, then, ought not
a gentleman to decide that his duty is not
to assert his gentility by turning the nose
of the doubtfhl Thomas, but by quietly
despising the public opinion which re
quires him to turn it ?--F ti Y Cumn, /for
per's Magazine for October. •
. CHICAGO, September 23.—/it the after
noon board No. 2 wheat was active and
higher,_with sales at . 11,18: cash, $1,17X
seller October. Corn quiet and easier at
78Q)78 }to seller the monthil9o79Xe sell
er October. Oats quiet • and arm, 42;0
seller Weber. In the evening nothing
vimdone In the , grain. zealot., Lake
Might* dull end vessels wanted, but oar.
dent refused the rate& Plutildoni dull
and undo:4l4
The President Gone—Result of file
Visit—The College—The runty Fair
WAsamapoN, September 22, 1869.
• i
General Grant and his ramily le ft here '
yesterday, going by way of Wheeling to
Washington city. A dispatch took them
away a day or two sooner than they had
purposed to go. While here the Presi
dent endeared himself to the people very
much. He is emphatically one of the
people. and wherever • he goes he must
make boats of friends.
Onr Annual Fair began today anspi
cuously. I to-morrow should be a
pleasant day there will doubtless be 31-_
great gather ng of the citizens of the
Washington and Jefferson College is
now opening its fall term. Dr. J. I.
Brownson is acting as President pro tem.
The injunction is, fox the present, a
troublesome thing: It will be cheerful
ly endured till it can be removed. R
can work but temporary disadvantage to
the College. The final adjudication of
the matter will set all right. The pros
pect for students is rather cheering.
The political campaign is slowly open
ing. The Senatorial question has been
;an incubus. It is difficult to create en
tklasiasth. Mr. Ratan is now canvassing
this county in connection with other
candidates. He reports signs encour
aging—is confident he will be elected. if
the Republicans carry the election in this
county they must work vigorously—must
leave no stone unturned.
THE particulars of the murder of Fran
lein Tinne, the Dutch lady, while travel
ing in Africa, are given by a Malta cor
respondent of a London paper. For bet
ter protection, she had engaged the ser
vicetrof two chiefs to escort her to Ghat.
The chiefi quarrelled. or pretended to
quarrel, when two Europeons in her
service indeavoring top acify then - got
first mutilated and then slain, whereupon
Miss Tinne, nothing daunted, made her
appearance to pacify the contending,
chiefs,who, seeing her with uplifted hand
and fancying that the she was about dis
charging a revolver, aimed a cut with a
scimetar, and chopped off the lady's hand,
and immediately alter a 1.19.11 pierced her
breast and left her lifeless. A young Al
gerine girl in her service was carried .
away, but all the others, men, women
and children, 2dohamedans, were spared,
and were on their return to Mourzourk,
to which place they will endeavor to carry
the body of their mistress, who had ex-.
pressed a wish, if anything happened to
her, to be interred in Mourzourk. Not
only was the body stripped and plttadered
before it was cold, but also her'money,
jewelry and baggage shifted out among
the lawless escort. The news reached - -
Tripoli August 18th. T,wo of her nephews
have gone tai' look site; her body.
—lt was reported in Albany, New
York, last night that Adam Van Allen,
cashier of the First National Bank of
that city, was arrested on a charge of
defrauding the United States Govern
ment, by using cancelled revenue
stamps, - and taken before United
States Commissioner Frothingham, who
admitted him to bail in $5,000.
One of the truest and most suggesttve ideas
an be obtained from the caption at the head
of this &Mae; for of all diseases which impair
buman health and shorten bursars life, none are
snore prevalent thin those which affect the lungs
and pulmonary tissues. Whither we regard lung
diseases in the light of a merely alight cough,
which is but the ionrrunner Of s more serious
malady, or as a deep lesion corroding and dis
solving the pulmonary structure, it is always
pregnant with evil and foreboding of disaster.
In no class of maladies should the physician or
the friends and family of the patient be more
seriously forewarned than in those of the lungs,
for it is in them that early and efficient treat
ment is most desirable, and it is then that danger
can be warded off and 'a clue effected• In DR. '
KEYSER'S LUNG CUBE_ yon have a medicine
of the greatest value in all these conditions. An
alterative, atonic. a nutrient and resolvent,
succoring nature and sustaining the recupera
tive powers of the system, Its beautiful work: .
Ingo, In harmony with the regular Maims, can
be readily observed by the use of one or two bot
tles: it will soon break tin the chain of morbid •
sympathies that disturb the harmonious work
ings of the animal economy. The harrowing
cough, the painful respiration, the sputum
streaked with blood, will soon give niece to the .
normal and proper workings of health and vigor.
An aggregated experience of over thirty years
has enabled Dr. Keyser, in the compounding of
his LUNG CURL to give new hone to the con
sumptive Invalid and at the same time speedy
relief In those now prevalent, catarrhal and
threat affections, so distressing in their effects!'
and so almost certainly fatal in their tendencies,
unless cured by some appropriate remedy. DB.
KEYSER'S LUNG CUBE is so thorough and ef-'
ficlent, that any one who has ever used it, will
never be without It in the house. It will often
cure when. everything else falls, and in simple
Cases will cure oftentimes in a few days.
The attention of patients. as well as medical
`men, Is respectfully Invited to this new and
valuable addition to the pharmacy of the man.'
MR. sitrall mai , be consulted even' der
until 1 o'clock Y. M. at his Great Medicine Store,
161 Liberty street, and from *to 8 and T to it
at night. '
It is much easier to keep the system in good
Condition than to restore it to that condition when
shattered, by disease. The, "House of Life."
like other houses, should be promptly propped
°t rend sustained wheausier it shows style of
;giving way. The drat symntem of physical de-
Witty , should be taken as a hint that a ttiMulant
is required. The next question is, "what shall
the stimulant be?" •
- A wbolesome vepetable tonic. the stimulating
roperties of whil,h are modilled by the juices
Ind - entracte ot antl.febrile and -laxative roots
and herba-something vrhich will regulate. soothe.
and purify. as well as invigorate-le the medicine
required by the debilitated. There are many
preparations which a e claimed to be orthis de
scription, but 1108 'ETV!: STOMACH
Titeg. 4 . the great vegetable preventive and resto
rative that has won its way to the contidence of .
the nubile and medical profession by a quarter of
a century of unvarying success, stands nre.etol
neat among them all. unvarying
vxpatiate on itamapti
lark, would be to repeat a'turice• told tale. il ls
only ntoessary to cent nit the rec3rds= of the
United States s evenue Department to learn that
its consumption Is greater than that of any other
proprietary remedy of either native Or toreign.
As a means of sustaining the and
strength under a eery temperature, the BlT
inmet have spusmount claim to consideration.
It has the elect of fortifying and bracing the
nervous and muscular systems against the ordi?
oinary `eouseqlsences of sadden and violent
changes of temperature, an 4 is,therefore pews,
liarly useful at this season. whaCtinstilna
by day and lee•cold dews by alte rnately
peat and chill the blood ht thee! e
t O oirrirrrEcrs nontioa iri iota.
taboWes ohly.' : Toisvoldbeing by conn-
Clltirs=V:ql °lttbik
and On nvane mop our thetior k .