4. . Fttstuo - 14. 4 1 2 its. MnlMEli) BY PENN IM,MM&oo.,Propridm. rEmirdi,3, JOSIAH ICING. T. P. 1101J8TON, 21.. p. RILED. Zditois and Proinletors• oinds: 1118111 !WILDING, 84 AM 86 FIRTH AV OFFICIAL PAPER Of Pittsburgh, Allognony and. AIII s hy County., TOlsB—Datir. revit-Wes WestWA Meyear..,sip Oneyear.B2.so ISlneeeopy..O.So One mantis 75 Biz mos.. WO Seaßies,esehl. ls week Thesesnos VS ID " earrieral . andone taAnent. FRIDAY, SEPT. 24, 1869. RBPUBLICAN TICKET• STATE• 7011 aovEsszon: JOHN W. (7-BABY. JUDGE OF sr PIM= comm.: .7IE.NBY IV. WILLIAMS. COZTNTSC• ASSOCIATE =DOE DISTRICT comm. JOHN M. RIRRPATRICE. • - ANOSTANT LAW JUDOS, COMMON PLUS. • FRED , B. H. COLLIER. Ileum BsrATz—THOMAS HOWARD. SLY—IIILES B. HUMPHREYs, • _ ALEXANDER MILLAR, JOSEPH WALTON, JAMB TAYLOR, D. N. WHITE, JOHN H. KERB. Rapt!? 1113011 B. FLEMINO. Tarrsmuut—JOS. IP:DENNISTON. Miss OP CounTs—JOSEPH suosniz. Rsoorsora—THOHAS H. HUNTER. COMIIBBIOTTER— MAITSCEY B. BOSTWIOR. RunarEs—JOSEPH H. GRAY. Mans OlurEwcs, CoFar—ALEX. HILANDB. DrazoTos or Poor.--ABDIEL IdoOLUBE. — WS ram on the inside pages of Ih. ,riorning's GAzw,rts---Seeond Page: Poetry, General News. Third "and Sixth pages: Finance.and Trade, Markets by Telegraph, Imports, River News, Petro leum Markets. Seventh page: New Pub ii cations and General News. • Parra:aim at Antwerp, 561 f. U. B. BONDS at Frankfort, 86i: GOLD closed in New York yesterday at 14311@1434. BOROUGH AND TOWNSHIP HISC TIONS. Again, we remind our readers in the boroughs and country townships, as well as in the_larger cities, of the duty of pro-` viding for the election, in October, of all the officers whom they have heretofore chosen in the Spring. By the present law, the Spring elections are abrogated altogether, and all the elected officers of the people, frcim Governor down to con stable, are to be chosen at the October polls. Consequently, the usual business of the spring must be attended to now. It,ls time that the nominations were made, and for every local office, ex cept the Assessors who hold over until the election of 1870. ' I WISER'MAN THEY SEEM. It the writers 'on the Post were as ig norant as they sometimes appear to be, they would be more suitably employed in breaking stone,onldghways than in as suming to enlighten the public on imports ant questions. The Republican party exists 'for' certain ends, and no others. The ends it has is view have been pro claimed over and over again, and always with a distinctness sufficient to make mis- conception impossible. That party takes no account of differ ences hi religions faith and worship ; of divergent ideas and purposes as to Free Trade and Protection; or as to whether its members tnake, vend or drink intoxi cating ,beverages, or abstain therefrom. This is why this journal has not con cerned itself with Governor GEARY'S hab its or professions in regard to Temperance. If he sees proper to drink or not to drink certain beverages, that is a matter which does not concern the Republican party,. but himself only; unless, indeed, if he ihould see proper to drink, he should in dulge to such a degree as to affect his competency as a public officer. Except under the condition stated, it would be a piece of impertinence for us, as it is, with the rolle, to drag his piofessions or prac tice in this regard into current political discussion.. , • The GAZETTB,. supports G ov GEARY for re•electlan under the' impression that he does not drink, just. as it supports other candidates on the ticket under the impression that they do Indulge. If ever the Resblican 'party shall take ground _on the`slemperance question, either on the one or the , other, it will be time enough for us and others to determand What we ; will (Win the premises—whether we will maintain our fealty to it, or ac ,cept other affiliations. What we have thus stated to be the posi tion of , the Republican party is with equal absoluteness, the position of the Demo cratic party ' . Some of the exponents of . the latteri party talk and write as if the last National DthrtOClStie Convention' not only took ground on thil topic, but took groundatost decidedly