B El ire Tfitt,tgt &Ott, CAMITDS; . . • ^. BY MILS. rf /.111t1E PHESC 0:0TY SPOPTOBD. Irish in the rare crephscultne ether, Cerrus, and flue. arri.fadine fair, A putpler film leaves All beneath her. And novering witern remoter beaver s are bare, . Dreams or the vanished light on so serene a height. And shreds her vapor into ragged air. ',lamed she erewhile on sunset's boa .m, Scarlet and plied wi h fleeciest snow, Crowning the side.skv with ruddy blossom— To son' r so her sanguine arelo r fa go. And, with this meek surreade abandoning her ;splendor, - - Bang like the iragrant breath one below ?, One long tad cloud that girls treqmst even. With half a rosy reflex brood In doubt if this be earth er tha be heaven, -And with Wild moods storn hypirt strange soli ',lnde‘ • I Still drifsa , on slumbrous tider4 and in a hushed heart hides Low tents and melancho;v i nterludes. ' . 0 changing • clouds, thatoirop t ale great sun's glory, " • Darkly through dow to d Top TM:wines, Till over you stars make the spsees hoary, And ancient spawn to hood your passing Our lives are vapors, too. ve gwherlike the dew, And fade or float wherever fortune flings. - EPNEMERIS. • .. !— . Utah suffers Just . ,.now: froixi *all, . —The" Indians - are' said to' be viiir din'? smug in Arizona. L ''' —Robert Buchanan •ial to.. pribliah -an epic poem this year. • 2 . I‘ • ' —The cattle plagaa'disturbs &Ogee nimity of Tennessee. —Prince Itnrlrlde is thdlatest candidate for the crown of Spain. —ln New York,- hippopotami can be bought for s3,oooapleCe. - • , L—ssoo,ooo in all that ,the new bronze statue Of Vanderbilt cost. . —Gen. 'Butler is abciut to write an arti cle on the „Byron scandal. --Irtfteenuents is the price of a bushel of tomatooslzi New Yorlr. Jenii.Lind's husband las; it Is said, squandered his vife's fortune. - ..-- , *lBOVinity," , the title - given by Georgia papers to Gov. BUllock.' There Is a nuainfactori of bead-or iptiOsat Grand Rapids, 311Ohigam. It is said that croquet hailti7eretl the porid ataudzu.d,ot : camp meetitias. • hat so hard the Au Indiana Clad 4euF6in that-It burst robin other dat . : • .to,Aupwlete ". „ ' FraudgPraeliees- _ • • History of England- w inter.-winter. —MadatliciTaa:glatitcf.distifiithe sum mer at Passy. She herself is passe. BUM ff 2t*Okti-twO Millions - of cigars rem : Rade last year in Baltimore. _A-- , 1n. - theNlenzut opera house the throw. lug of fflowers upon the stage isforbiddem One man out of every ten Abousand is Midair army tlommitted 'suicide .-41.ennedy, the Scottish - vocalist' is alp,giotlrt'philadelphia, at the lifisical -1.-Aneactusage-haa a paragrapb on the 4 `iist r ilot4l.ll4lnit profane 'awaiting n Virilohts),t,-c P Sowers is in Philadelphia playing fi new drains called "Reaping the Tempest.” C.=rlfoie itiliantuaccaroni used in the I* - egiOtes t itian in any other country except Italy. • z—Throiigh the Intervention of 'Mi. 14311140kdogepotuad was allowed hi Xew York this season. -The Delaware flier is now lower at Philadelpl than it has been before for VlirtY 4 wAk2YCFB , —ln New Jersey, the tires in the woods have been put out, :so have the owners of the btirted property. —iota . Allen ,:once notoricitid on ac count Of his wickedness, now keeps a temperance grocery. —Philadelphia condimns Lydia Thomp son as Personal and vtilgsx her inter polations' and actions. . . • The,. Mortality in the mole of vaccin- Peraiitis la only I..in 450, and in the unvaccinated it la 1 in 4. Philadelphia Evening Star has a new Bullock press, which, it , cid*. prints 500 copies a minute. —The Sultan suffers the frightful pangs of a gouty foot. Champagnes and French cooks are given as the causes., , -:-Chirleston;.l3. 0 4 has not 45,000 in ,habitants, aid the blacks outnumber the whites by about five thousand. . - ;-Azi lewa paper, having changed 1• bands, now: hoists at the editorial Mafit head, "Baby Billy-Smith, Editor." v:;; -The new professor of Egyptian Hie , 1 ._ ,_, , long and:Antiquities at the Academy of Vero; was imported from Goettingep. 14,744beAtk - of Spain is paying t 520,0 month for hoard at Tronville. • He funds Will give out if she goes on in tintl lray..: —ldciiquitcies are beginning to be very troublesome. September is always the lioret i 0,0411 fer themin this neighbor —Staii , atleh has baba the cause of the deaths, of almost innumerable people 19 India, Where.the drought his been almos!t unprecedented. , ‘, - , • , —The 'University ' fl f Deseret In Salt Lake City adniita as students ..nalei•and females, and has 120 of the former and 108 of the latter, 1 --Mr..Qharles Dickens' uncle Barrow fs deed. ;31his uncle was for forty Jeara member - 0 c the staff of the Londo4 The B an Francisco .Alfa says that "0 : ,t 1 . 1 0 completion ' of the'overland way the overland telegraph receipts have Adieu off 15. per MIL • - 4 ,_ 1414 , 130 0i Candialioked forward:to ,:by British(' manufacturers as fail Stating ,11 thblr'Mettrcei bf ebtainhig a great4!; . SOPIAY "of t6t In'afn cotton: , • • -7A-clerk : employed in one of the Now York city' offices has -asked '•V•4 4l. #h l 'o44 , * ( lucc , d. ' His : friends ;# , :...;...: 471 7 .. , . , 1:. '...: will probably plead insanity in extent's. tion. —lt is prorosed tdlOld a Word's Fair at Washiaon in 1871. - litan3%prord- Went gentle:then , come the conlllnitkl having the matter in charge. -The lateeq story abOnt the sch Lida, who some tlnan ago lintild hold United States bonagOn-tfiedthey tend to invest $100,000,000 in them. , t rA:ldeposit of pure native qulausilver was found the other day 111 - Alphse, ikan, but it Is Oonbtful whether the (pap tity eneuette Make the discovery of much value. , —Near Elgin, Illinois, last week, three children, . left at home while the family was at church, Set tire to a cat; which ran under the barn, when the latter took Bre and,was burned down. —The aruParatlve laundry, the most sensible ofthe-new ideas advanced by thelioble army of theoretical housekeep ers and would-be practical politicians boa been very: successfully tried in Massachu setts. 6--The North American says' "Reed birds . are late this season: , The unusii• el coolneas of the weather it is supposed has 'prolonged their stakin'Cathlina." The gunning accident session haent yet set in. ' —The champion .rat•terrier is l lill llls nois. He recently disappeared for eight days, at the end of which time he , came up. lean but ,flerce, through the ground, where he' had been burrowing in his chase for a rat that length of time. —Thirty-nine years ago Madame I Ce leste travelled in Alnericit, ' and Made qttite a sensation 'as a danseuse and ac tresa. This same lady his ceased to de pend upon , her light fantastic toe, but still - plays "young lady parts" in England. --The Chicago Post advocates , Kra Stowe's viewe of Byron. It argues: that' people are in the haigt of being;too much praised after they are dead, that Byron is dead and therefore has' been too mucl . praisek, that therefore it is proper to say dreadful things about him, and because Kra.: 'Stowe, being a womanfof Intellect haisaidabout the worst things that said,- they must be tine. These are not the t wqrds of the Post but their _are, the sense , of about the most senseless par.; airanh'we remember seeing in that gent; erally able paper.. —Dog fighting has become so poorly patronized thatiKit, Burns findsk.his don't ,Pay, tic) talks ofstartinganother prayer meeting. This sensationelizatita of piety will, we think, in future times be ; K ranked in the same .category as the ballet and the pantomime epidemics which have beett.sweeping over the country. There aridistortioris and deformities inreve4* thing in this age, and the same: general spirit whic.h produces the chignon, and the Greciaii - bend is answerable for the pot. house carousals under the mask of relig. ion, i4d the eccentric sentences in chalk, which periodically shock the-sane Chris. , tians`c;f4our Mtislittppi Monitors at Netart3rleanit, For some time past the Cuban's New Orletiiti have' been quite elated by the be lief that belligerent rights would-soon be accorded to the revolutionists lit _Cuba by both.the United States and Peru, and the arrival of Aline of the five monitors, whose departure from Mound City has been chronicled, seemed to give some color Ito their statements. The three monitors that have arrived are lying just below the city, and In'a very -dilapidated.condition —certainly not reply for any active sea servicel--aad the two others, which are, at present aground this side of Memphis, are" thought to be in a similar.-condition. - .There has been considerable - mritery about the move ments of these , monitors and thoie con nected with thf3l33; a wise shake of the head and noncommittal shrug of the shofilder. being ' abcint all that cal. be elicited Irom any_of, the officers, who, in all probability, know but little more than those who, question thein t One thing is certain, however, the Cubans here regard the appearance of these monitors as , sig nificant of the intention of the. Govern ment of the United States to accord bel ligerent rights to their countrymen and are jubilant over the fact . ' rit is ce rtain, also, that if these monitors ere meant for 'Service they will have td' be- completely overhauled, at ' coneldereble expense. One 'of these yesselals nepe4,Mecate and another Fary-4warlike mimes, certainly. IT 0. Picayune, 28th. , . THE GREAT WESTERN RaILWAY,of. Canada, it is reported, has. been cbrili-,. dated with the New York Central and Blichigan Southern. The plan of Wis ing the road, it is asserted;Was Propesed' ,to / the 'managers living„ln London;• but: Was - declined * : acid ,the- , owners of the Olds in thelinited States then purchased a controlling interest in :the Canada line.. At the next meeting of the stockholders of the Great Western, it's believed aeon ditional transfer , of•the'iallway will be 'effected.' The condict =of the Canadian Threctors is sevefelt - bla i tnetr by the journals in the tioultniott i anctit is as-. serted that the 'third rail, trufox,a nar row gauge, was recently with a view, to this consoll4oin.lAmplaint is also+ made that the Company, lias secured a; considefable tedriction • in debt and inter; est due te , the Sitelifitient' di Canada, and that the arrangement will enure to the benefit of: foreigners... The Canadian Parliament, it is asserted, - .would never have consented td thlssacrifideilf theplan had then been announcedii 'The 'sorest :point is the reduction bf'ffelghttlb ship. pert living iri Ilichigaa,'4ollethe Canal dlao . hava' to pay heivt . tatie for ,the trOli/P3llO°P o,L diegueSie Pr4fluce.. 11 2 • 'FRANCE Contabii• relatively a- larger population of adults to children'ttnin spy other European. country. " To', folicw aga i n M . Bloch's calcuhttfonk ifreiftee ,contains out of,;10,000 inhabitants about 8,500 only under„twenty years of age; -nearly B,Boo' above, , forty; Great Britain 4,600 under twenty:,l2,4oo above, :forty; Ireland nearly 5,000 under twenty, only p 2,200 above i fortyt. • France' is compara• • tlyely 4 imad without 014,Yen; Ireland ieti/d,3otho44PeOlge. 1711'1 ;1r 4i tidi PITISBITRGH G . ..,.. . , . . Grape Vine. k , "•''''.. 4 7'.‘ • ' ~.;-: aiilso (CaL) Preis -wires ..,:v Bt., - • KALave seen tql, log .-, .. • ,av t inty„,k The-, owner sayip its '.. A . 4,1f - yeirstild. 'The trunk iiitsarlY" #4' -gild -- itt;bps itchits.. (Litt- 1e9044 is Othtroine , inches , &cum dunce. at threefeet froatttegrogid, the smallest placT,' it measures forty-nix in chi:a in circumference; iindittely above this measurement:7h- - -swells out - mutli larger and-patt*,/bbiktivanchea:. - 11kluP• ported by a frame-work six to seven feet high, containing sixty-six -.posts_ from three to eight, inches, in &meter, - and, covers ,about 4,820: equate Met of ground./ ~ ."Beveralokilie limbs are nine feet, in. circumference at thirty feet from the trunk, and one of the breathes at forty:eight feet from the trunk is seven and three-eighths inches in circumfeieuce. it now has over 5000 chistirrs ,of grapes", on it, growing' finely. The owner, and others familiar with it, 4 tell me thatthe,clusters will aver age, when ripe, about two and a half poundi each; an it ' makes over five tons pf fruit from;one Vine in one year. Bev; eral persons mader ' egtimates on it last year, when the fruit wa s: ripening, bicounting vera. the clusters 41n ten' feet square, d weigh ing some tis clusters. - heir esti inates varied tro four to 'six tons. This is prObably.the I _gest grape fqine in the world." - "' ' ' '' --!-7--...w, e-,-------.-- 1 ,• • , The, .11yOn , Scandat: - ' I The Hartford Pegg sele:' Wll4 the ' 'ranee ele,ts kir a' Ageetse PePer wre sent to Mr. Mac" ,- the londoa P bir Usher, he read t am and promptly d - ded to print the bible magazine. he story witicnot u nknow n in England. And we may finther mark that ,' considering his position In E lish society ; and his own interests, be buld not -have been likely to have published the paper if he bad not ;reason to thiultit well founded. This, of course, is only,infened, for even English publishers are not always above en inclination to sensational publications. But another statement is of more conse quence. We have head that a Chancery suit is now pendiet in the English, Court which will throw light titan' the `alleged offspribg of the alleged incestuous Inter course of Lord, yron and Augusta. If is shall turn out to be tine, -It' will be Ibis moat impertant piece of evidence yet oared, and wifshall look for: its; confirJ Mallon or dthavowal with. ,profonnd interest.., ~ The' Boston 4deerfiser says: It is stated that Mrs. ,Btowe will not, reply to the criticisms on her Byron . scandal until the comments of the English press are re celvtd by mail, Wheinsithe c a n deal , with alllogether in one comprehemsire, anni hilating broadside. ', A Siam Omnibus. i A. new steam omnibus has been tried in 'Edinburgh.' The engine, with an om nibus attached , *as run up.and 'down an incline to exhibit ita'speed and"the ease with which it could he controlled. It went up the hill at.the rate of seven miles an hour; and carnet down it at the4hte of nine, It turned in' the road with - far greateiease than if drawn by horses, was ,ptille s ti up instantaneously at the word of command, and even backed up MIL The dexterity, with r which it,•plcked its way between strings of cart-horses, °mull/tugs and cabs, and the docility with which it stopped or turned, whenever it was re quired were marvelous. It ran from one end of Prince eitreen,to the other without stopping,•then turned down... South char lotte) street, and on through North Char lotte street to Forrest street, where at the steepest point; when the desoent •looked really dangerous, it was brOught to a sudden Standstill, to show how com pletely it was under command, and how entirely it could dispense with any kind of break. • . _ . Tux. Hudson River Railroad Station, hunt in New .York chi on the tract of land formerly known as St. Jointes'Park, covers four square acre's of ground, and is reported to be the -ha,ndsomest , station ever built in this or any% other country. The front of the building on Ralson street presents a bronze bas-reliek cover ing a , surface of 8,125 square feet, and weighing 100.000 pounds. ,It measures 150 feet in, length and 80 feet in • its ex treme height, and eon' 'OOO,OOO. A. bronze statue,. twelve feet in - height and weighing 'four tons, stands within a re cess, on . a bronze pedestal five feet square placed on a carved block of gianite weighing eleven tons . . The bas-reli fs on r either side represent the progress of ans. pOrtation by land and water, from the country Wagon to the locomotive, and from the canoe to'the steamship, and the whole work is bordered with a granite cornice andtmamental Benin -work. Exeunt letters mention'the departure from England for the -United . States of Mr. Henry Labouchere, nephew of the late Lord Taunton, and formerly mem ber of Parliament from the important county of. Middlesex. Mr. Labouchere was for many years in the diplontatic ser vice, and when in the House of • Oommone was active in endeavoring to reform itsl many abuses. He is an extremely clever ) man, with powers of satire and observa. l Lion which have been used to great effect in literature as well as in politics. Mr.i Labouchere, who has inherited most or the large property of his uncle, ie said to take a great interest In theatrical matters, one of the laigest ;theatres in .LoidOn lug indebted to him for opendoors. He is an advanced liberal in hie opinions, and during the rebellion was .one of, what is ailed •in England the "party Of the North." . • • EXTRAORDINARY scenes in a grave yard are reported tram Belfast, Ireland. The Privy Council had' 'ordered the dos ing of the Bhankhillburying ground, ex= cept where there could , be seven feet of earth left above each 'Coffin. For two dap, until a late hour at night, a number of,persons to evade this order, ,Mok pos.: Benton of the graveyard, and d s disinterred the remains from the overcrowded graves. Their object was to sink the graves so deep as to enable them to reinter the'cof= i fins,' and still retain the right of se ul tare in the' particular spot„ — The, sce ne was; of the ' twat theadthl ektrt ter; corpses id , all stages of decompoei on ( were, lying about, and even whie ed ,thronds. The Mayor ultimately, 1 , 1 , -police force, appeared, and. having - winced the people that they , were ',11,1 illegally, the graves 'wen; c overer _ . czn ,A , BOAT _met between a Mies " and and a Kiss Sumner, in which the atter won, Is the latest 'sensation at Martha's Vineyard.;` As :the winner, came tip 'to the floating.wharf so many people gath. e.'ed on it that II 'sunk: under them, and Sixteen men and women mere Immersed ,ta.the. nick. • . mE: WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1869, ihvitto,42AN TOPS. • SELF LABELING UIT-CAN TOP. COLLINS Sc WRIGHT, PITTSBURGH . , PA. We an now prepared - to. auDPlTTlnfierli ILO Potters. Potters. It. s perfect, simple. and as cheap as the plain top, having the names of the various Fruits stamped upon the coler4vidating from the center, and an index orßolntef ideuAhedripira the top of the can. ItlACLearly, IthithicUyad,Penualleatty 1-4A33.E.T.06.3", . „ . - by Merely placinir the numb' of the frtilt the can (*stains opposite the pointer and sealing la the customary manner. No preserver of Mit or sop& housekeetuir mill use any °Octet* . once seeing t. . tob2S PIPES. CHIMNEY TOPS: &C. 'CIVr.A.TER IP4PES,, - f v v OIEFAINET T o DRIr GOOD - , .;:1141 0 1: .: 7 i'l;• ; f i r, -1 . t . i x ,r MI mg p m = cn_. •-ti lii, i_._ _ . g E 41:1 •4 .1 1n R ' its - 4 z, ' r 14 ` ' mi r' I.• ff .. : ta w :as w 10. Ei to 41 el Vil m W EZ o , Q -- • .7, s Mome*A (ll NI .4 - 14 4 .4 is 41 ?liri t t l • ' :' , 4 . -A N .4 ing 111? t: large asaortraeat. nr 14, NOta,no, • , 5p14:26117 $l4 A enn SmAtilleld St. FALL ; IB69.;, ROMAN PLAID AtIBBoNS, LADY TANDIMDIT BOWS, In. Plain and Roman Colors 1 BIZAIITIPUZ LINE OP SATIN FR TVLINGS Black Silk Fringes. SILK BUTTONS, In all ,tlos newest styles. Also, all tbe elegant designs of PLAID GLASS BUTTONS, EMBROIDERIES—A NEW LINK Shetland Ribbed, Grey Mix and White SHIRTS AID D DRAWERS. ALL c ',ono OF MEM A fall varkity of eolo,re 04. , EAST ERI4::ItA...UNS \ sits:woos irtaisteits. Ladjei' - and Missesi ME GENTS' 811AIRR KNIT - HALF 11088, MACRUM, GLIDE & CO., 18 8a 80 Market Street. NEW GOO U: • Atm 31ACK0111& GATILISLES' No. 27 Fifth Avenue, Dress Tritemingi and Buttons. Embroideries and Laces. Elboonsand FloWers.. Hats end Bonnets. . Glove iittingend french Corsets. New Styles mantra Skirts. Parasols—ail the new styles. - :Min end Bain Umbrelles. „ Hosiery—the bead English makes." '''Agents 101 "Harris' Seitmlebta Kids." wiipring and Buttuner flirter, •.• Sole gents ti's e Be is Patent Hhape Col-, lam. "ockw " g,” -.West End." :*".Eiltit," dot "Dickens. r "Derby 6" and other styles. Dealers supplied th the above at 711,11NUFAC MRS', PRICES. OAItLISLA • ;, ,•, .„ woke ,27, , L , (7,' FIFTH-AVENUE: calm istICANDLEXIS a. (Ja i , ,'(Lato 'Wilsoo.varr 00..) 11 1 1IOLTBALT.- Dia.L2l6s poreign.as , Domeatie Dry Ooodg, , . . NO. 94 D BTRILET,, Third door above lid tiler. zt , ~ , eIM/SEITICIELIL PA• WALL APE MS. P 417411 - : 'ME OLD rAPOIop 1111EW w i p i mar las= ATINg •:•: .;••011:•, ;1. -:.• NEW WATAP•PAPER ',STOW; wit.; ; • ' ;t 101 ''Xictiork SW 4, • , 05i51011,424a1T.) MING CIOODB "RTB. DAILY. lobe .;1;;. ECOMATION S—ln 'Wood, erblS 4t , Freusr Imitations hot / Wqals anu SEIM OUDlnityt Borimi A ,a4 l ll at , Nag street. f'• • ' iIOSEPH,R. SWUM *SRO. • S t rA,IIPEO .60146.1 V 0i1er.g4.1 1 / 4 01. , at'NO:lo.lllfaskei•etreetV ' • t 371 7 • , f r itagrli u, livens same., „, • ' t, ^kW,' • CARPETS. CARPETS, - F.•l,ocii% ~Pirciot.lis, mac.a.irrrizgaris. >Wide* Shades, AT LOW PRICES. We offer many of our goods mach below last Spring's prices. Those needing goods in our iMe can sate money by buying at once. BOVARD, ROSE & CO., ' Film . ATENtrE. 3,l4:daT Nxiisr FALL., STOCK. CA‘ PET S -The First 'in the Market AND , • CHEAPE, ST. CHOICE PATTERNS . Two-ply. and Three-ply CHEAP INGRAIN CARPETS. • 'FINEST LINE .BODY' - BRUSSELS 33:Ver Offbred. in Pittsburgh, Sate time and mammy by buying tenni, , ,WARLAND & OOLLLIS. . . No. 71 aad 73 FIFTH ALVENEE• an.E:ditT - . 03aoandIrloor). NEW O.IiIitPETST - - .1" -Lit in We ar c e it l y io: f oir N tr i au assortment unparalleled VELVETS BRUSSELS THREFPLYS , The Very Netrest Designs' , Of our own reo.nt lurportatton: and selOetedtrtnn eastern manrdimnrera. . . YEDHJI AND Low 'magi VERY SUP.II34OR. - QUALITY AND COLORS AR - Extra. Quality of _Aug Carpet. We are now selling many of the above at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Iit'CILLIII 51 FIFTH .11PEXUE, jel2 11111 OLIVER II'CLINTOCR & CO. HAVE JUST 4ECKMECIA FINE SELECTION OF RBITSSELN, TAPESTRY BRUSSELS THREE PLY AND INqRkIN CARPETS. THE LAHOEST - ASSORTMENT OF WHITE,crucK& FANCY " thurnNers, FOR SUMMER WEAR, sx TBEI CITY. STOCK FULL IN ALL DEPARTMENTS OLIVER ,MeiCLENTKII & CO'fi - as FIFTH AVENUE. ,LITHOGRaPHERS. ELTAGM8LY..................PH1LTP CMS, QIN G-ERLY & CLEIS, Successors. L 7 to Eizo. P. hicaucammt a CO.. PRACTICAL' LITIIORRAPHZUS. the only Steft lithographic Riffablishment West of the Ifoluitalas. ;Business Cards, Letter Pleads.,Bonds, Label., Circulars, Show Cards, Diplom.. Portraits, Views, Certificates of Der mits t : Lavustion Carle. dic.. Nos. T $ and TA moird street., Vittaburads. . gONTEgIIJES TO TREAT ALL private diseases. Syphilis in all its forms, all nary diseases, and the erects of men:urg e = completely eradicated; Elpermatorrhea or sat eskuess and Impotency, resulting from saps =ear other causes, and which producea some er the following effects, blotcnes, bodily weakness, Indigestion, consumption, aversion to society. nuauutliness,-droad of future wrenosi, loss or memory. Indolence. nocturnal emlselon*, and dually so prostrating the sexual system sate reader marriage .unsatisisctery, and therefore Imprudent, are permanently cured. Personssf4 dieted with these or any other delicate, intricate oe long standing constitutional costpwnt should gilLt l izPootor a trial; he never nits. _ cigar attention _given to all Female coat DrainLeuoorrbee or Whites, ;Palling, 'admit. maticra or Ulceration or the -WombOlrystitit, nrudias, Amenorrhoea. lienorrksgia, - Dysment bogyucl e andbterillty or BILTIVIIIIeee, are treat-, e d ono greatest suecess. • .. - it Isis .41vIdetitat a physician who counties himself exclusively to the studyof a certain elan 'or diseases and treats thousands of cases' every • veer must acquire greater UM In that speolaitl than, on.. In general_inactice. , • The Doctor pub l ishes s media= talaPaw: 3 l: e. Z hip Pah*. that trees* lull exposition °rye* ,and gliensekthat can be bad .freir at ogles or by =au tor twO stamps, in sealeeenvelopes. Evt ry sentence pontalns Instruction to•_tlie aft Sged. t % l i t s c rr ti butz i s i o n ognigardnetne orto Mr osinjr a melit,, comorndaii ton ample , too • Waco it to not, outrank= to vtil i t s ae k tity, the DOdtor.s opinion can Imola. 'tains bit giving • written statement of the ease, and modftines can be forwarded by mail °eat. prat. In sums ; Instances. nowever. a personal examination . absoluteir 'utensil'. while la others daily personal attention Is reqt bed, and for the ageommodation s sixth patients then are aPerMents Connected with the Ofdee that are to with every requisite that is calculated to promote recovery,-including medicated valm , baths.:. preen:looOn , Aire Waliated In the Motor% own laboratory, under ni._ .j?erson .- al , ansvndon Medical paintialeta mace - free, or K mall for: two stoma, No matter who have :Med, readwhat wiYa• %Ira 9 A• 1 I=r, Elm lc to lir. 00. r•lnear Coast acraiej Tule . 131SHOPTHORPE SCHOOL for GIRLS. will begin Its zeroed year D. V. ow e -lath of biselll.llßEß next. 'she number otpopti s h am , of whom live In the house, Is lim ited to y. french' la taught by a resident governess.: and so tar as possible Is mule, the Lsnanageof the family. Addrebs, for eirrniars, etc.. MISS CASE,. ' Bishopthorpe, Bethlehem, alti3o vtisaor. BOWMAN LL . TUTE.:—.A. Collegiate School for toting La dies, No. 69 GRANT STREET. Tt e gall Term of this School will open on MONDAY, Septem ber 13th. Both Day and Boarding ItPlia re. eeived. For information or admission apply to V ' rr T snun , c FEMALE COL-. LEGE,R.Tor. I. Q. PERsHING.D.D., Pres+ 1 ent. - - . A strictly select Ladles' lichoOl for Boirders and Day rnpils The lead!. v Female College In the Sta't and the first In the United Siates. superb be Min. a. with , all the modern imp•ove meats. Every p-lvate .00m and hal and school \. room covered with carpets and Mailings. The institution his /all collegiate powers and 1 privileges, and grants diplomas te art who com- E plite the nglish-or Classical course. Thorough and well.selerted course of study. TWILN TY TWO TEACHERS. Every uepgrtment made a specialty. - Paren , s are earnestly requested to call and make themselves acquainted with the excellent accommodation. ana uniurpas.ed facilities. Fall Term commences, iir..STEXIBER 1. Bend for weatalogne. • an.Vliat Sr_M. SIMPSON, Pies. Trustees. jElifF SCIENTIFIC AND CLASSICAL The Scholastic Year or 101:eoliths begins WED. N7LSDAY. September lit next. For catalogue, apply to" . Ina EDUCATIONAL. RIP. B. J. COSTAR. Rector. an2b: INSTITUTE, at West Chester, Pa. WM. F. WYKRS, A. M., . . an7:nl7 PRINCIPAL AND PROPRIETOR. CLASSFAI ACADEMY. Mr. WM. H. WAKEHAM, ,Kwell-krown and succe.sslttl Teacher), having returned front the East, will resume his_profes. atonal duties by opening a S , lect ikhoo. for boys preparing for, College or Business - . Fall Term wilt begin on MONDAY, September Oth, In a. handsome suite of rooms (now• being lilted up) over the Allegheny Savings Bane Federal street.. Allegheny City. Apply to Principal at his former residence, 37 Union avenue, Alle— gheny, Circulars can be bad at the Book Stores. attr:n6o WIS. H. WAREHAM. Miss M. MARKHAM , (Late Maor i :late Principal of Irving institute, ) WILL OPEN A SCHOOL FOR Young Ladies and Jffisses :,..40Ni:OAlt, September 6,.1869. At'The rooms lately occupied by the Curry Insti tute, No 52 and 5181xtb street (late Eit. Circulars can be bad at all the principal Book stores. or any Inforrasuon may be obtained of Miss Marklaant, at - 3L2 rENN Pittsburgh. mile; Mc • • - • • F EMALE EDUCATION. NS. AND NH. IL N. TWINING'S. BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL, No. NH Mt. Ternon St., Philadelphia, The object of this Fchool Is to Impart a prank.. cal and meal edueation.' For 114 narpoeethe rooms are fitted up with every necessary comfort and convenience for twenty scholars only. The most eglcient teachers of French. German and . Drawing are engaged. An ample supply of Philosophic...al and Chetah cal. apparatus Is provided for the illustration of natural science. A pamphlet Prospectus of the Eichool will be famished ML application by letter or otherwise. NEWELL:- INSTITUTE, 255 and 267 Penn Street, Will re-open on 3101iTali.Y. SEPT. 6T13. Terme 640 per sersion.of live months. •No extra charges, e'prept for Irrenott and rin• slc. 'Applicants to to able to re .a THE BOYS' SCHCOL BOOMS, ig -r.o. 267, have been recently enlarged and verr much im proved.. 'The cou.ree of study qualities lor en trance into any College. Thorough teaching is given in those L:rdies _relating: to bniOness, such as . SPELLING. .riclUiltaibHlP. ,ihrtITH METIC. COMPOSITION. &c. German Clauses daily. The character if the school is Jiguaran tee for. honest, vigorous teaching. The Towner* are Messrs. Nr.witi..L. mAvistrai, SUBCH YIELD; SLOANE, and MOhGAN. The School Rooms -for the YOUNG LADIES are in No. 235 Penn street. The -Booms are spacious and elegant. The Principal, Mr. - J. B. NEWBLL, will be ass fisted by lOW SPENCER, Miss E: - 11. LIGGETT, late, of Vassar College, and Miss WAIKINS, already known in the com munity 1.8 an able, teacher. The two Depart ments, Junior an Senior embrace the usual course pursued in such institutions. THE MUSICAL DEPARTMENT will be under the care 01 Prof. DE RAM and Miss STEBBINS. Prof DE HAW- charges are $25 per quarter. and Misa STEBBINS, $l5 per quarter. Loth are known :as strictly must-Mass feathers of Music. The LADIES' SCHOOL now oilers every advantage which can. be secured byiftfU teaching and most desirable surroundings. - • The Principal may be leen daily at 255 Penn street. from 9 to IA o'clock. an4LWrig MERCHANT TAILORS. • P. 1 1 1 , 1 9 .AXIMOI-00, FASSIONABLEI MERCHANT . TAILOR, Keeps constantly on hand Cloths, Cassitneres and Vesting& .iIso,EIKNTLEUENIV PURNISHISp G01,D9. No 93 1-2 Smithfield - Siteet, - . - piTTSBORen, PA. Gent's Clothing made to order In,the latest styles.: - seaman • • •• . CLOTHING-. Our entire Bummer Stock of Boys , Youths' and Children's Clothing. closing out atgreatly reduced prices. GRAY. & LOGAS'B, No. 47 SIXTH STREET • LATE ST. MABEL stile • NEW FALL GOODS. tl sidendleknew stock of , ara 0 THS, C , ASSIMP " tI o., 41istrtagved by iikinty fear Merebant Ta Smithfield Meet. Tizazt, (Late °atter with W. Hespeakatde,) DEEXEMELIIIIpr INLEGO/S• Na ga sinwifiemstreet,pittabursh. HAIR AND' P3lll=Mmalt. . ..... - TW IN ; PBEIC: ORNAMENTAL Rom woarAN AND PEEPIIIIEKB; NO. Third mimeo; teat Ilimithoeld, Pittaborigh: ~aawatm imegag. ogLiaeol moorage= of . Ls.- dies teg_ Bile 0311,-,Anumz TB, 130 *Mazy 0 mu, Th, ae. s , , Alif i stAkmd Prim to mak SAFlitt WaiTimovuo.t. . • - dou tatatillbeattst iiii' , .- . '' z''' ', ZS . A., q,,.,1- =III
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