6. STEEL WORKS 101 TI SIIIIBGH A. STEEL WORKS./ L►BTABLIBRED IN 1845.- ANDERSON & WOOD S , IULMNA=tEIIS or BEST REFINED CAST STEEL Of every description. Also, best itifLned German Plow and Spring Steel. CORNER ROSS AND FIRST AVENOZ.Pitts burst., Pa. IsU/63141. MILLER, BARBAIIitKIN. GEFAuxt, Ferran:BA: WX. METCALF. i EMMEN MILLER, GEO. W. Beim CHAS. PARKIN. ersclAL PARTNER—S. M. KIER. CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, miLLER, BARR it PARKIN, OFFICE, No. 319 Liberty Street, . PITTSBURGH, PA. DUQUESNE WORKS. COMM, RAIIM.& co., lianntsoturers of IRON, NAILS, STEEL, • AXLES AND SPRINGS, lacquesisz, L X AND JIINLILTA, FLAT BAR; ROUND AND SQUARE IRON. BARD HOOP SHEET AND TANK IRON. NOLLERPL &TES AND HEADE, GUARD IRON ,__DRAG and DROrPER BA FLANGIO; OUTTER BASS, CYLINDER TBON_ W AN , D FLAT BAIL, for. Coal Roads. CROWBARS,WEDGES & HARROW TEETH. RlN___P AND CULTIVATOR STEEL, NSTEEL riOtt AADERILIZTIVarterI3I.. BUGGY and 'WAGON SPRINGS and NLB, OUT R NAILS AND SPINES. * LU Goods First Class and Warranted. OFFICES AND iirqms. regevatity SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. t • SINGER, MICK &CO., PITTSBURGH. PA.. UlnasClaret's of every description of , CAST AND GERN.AN STEEL, e itl i M BELL ..:c ATIIOII3I SPRINGS, AXLES, STEEL TIRE. dn., Re , Warehouse, 83 Water and 100 First Sts. BLACK DIAMOND STEM WORKS. PAPS, BROTHER & co., Manufacturers of all descriptions of 13 1 1 114.5W/1" Office and Warehouse, THIRTIRTH, THIRTY JUST aad ILLILLROAII STRERTAI, BRASS FOUNDERS. HENRY BIER, 817CCESSOR TO JOHN M. COOPER Or. CO., Bell and Bras§ Founders. BRASS CA TINES - MUDS PROMPTLY .TO ORDER. Pdaladle and Grey iron Fittings, _ GAS PIPE AND TUBING, IHROTTI;B, SHINY AND CHECK ULTE, ALL GLOBE . PATTERN. • • . jpr UN Ot)cs9 Brass 'Work of ever! demiption for . • Stefuni Water ,futd ,OIL • musursortimaior4..x.ooorrols 1 1 iPrOVed BalanW*l. eel . Steam Pump.' *tents for Eiroyfits' .Fatent era, the best the Illarket. (Mee and Works, corner Thirteenth and - Pike reats. • • 5024 IRON WORKS. BIARSHISBN PROMS. The Trustees are nowprl s il . to grant licen ses tor the use of the - r HADIEN PRO-' The emperier quality imp erred to good iron, She greet improvement in Inferior iron. imd the reduced cost.coinmend It to all 11111DllitetUrer. of u paitler wishins to use it can obtain,licenses by Siiiaing JAMES P. SPEER ... - Attorney for the Trustees, • _BOOM 1 and A, English's Building, 96 3 r onitit avenue. - Par ties Interested Are invited to visit the SHOE 2413EBGEtt WORSE. where the room Is =win successful operation. teed d 67 EVERSON, PRESTON 84 CO., Pennsylvania Iron. Works. ;Waretiouse. .Nos. 156 'and 16T °PlPlitekononialteliH ouse . 1p211:0 P1TT6131711011 GLASS. CRUM 01MJERY. 100 WOOD-StREET. NEW GOODS. FINE VASES; - solll,l'-U AND CHINA. i NEW 13TYLES,_ DINNEN. SETS,M g EA. OE • - • kg • GIFT 017P8, SMOKING' SE A TS, stook of LATED DS MIXER, P :6100 W - - w m pa A' of all desortpUcms. • r, • • one e owe. ON:1 sastided fla n eon so IPS 610,110 u. E. BR EED & CO. Et. • • __ ourinirir...ll-7;71 . - • . •. • , - • • ..,,.,,•,,,_•„„,•,_,,,,,,_,•••,-•,........„•,„;,.:„.-,...„-,....,...,,,,,.,,F.,,•„:,,,,,,,,••.7...,...,1.,::,,,,,:_7.7-7-•,,,,,,-;t1ci....;•?.;,;Z'5j:F.7,;•g•.4.2,,,......:,.z...,-,,i-,:••••-.....,:•:"5-0.•,•,":,„•,•••,*•:,:.,5.•,•tviKy,:;34,,,.,,i,..;••• ';,'' , :.:... ,,,,, : , ':::' ,,- ; ,-, '. : %. --7 .WT.', ,- ...% , :.' - X . .. , -:14 , i!. - ' 4 ,..4. 4 -:. - i••• ,,,,, c , ..4. , 4 , ',. , • , --,..=...,4. , -,. -0:• , - - --o-4 , 440 , - . .- o .'''' ..-..., • - _ • ,,, i• *.!....-4"4. , -.14.• •• 4 '4#490t , - • F l ''' ,,,, • .• - -.•-• - • - • •- . ••.• - --. , . ' '•-• - '---'-; ---'"'';',:,-9.4.,-',:•5',.,...*,4,',74.14:..;1i0rip,':,:t!',.',••,,,,,•-,:g.F.1:7,7.-4%411.!;,.g.A-',#.,,,i44a-tN41,1,..L-,;,Xtie:474-.",,,J-7=4,i:."-:.-.-",, ~ '.;• -• - -,..44.,,,•• , ' , ,' , V . ,• r d :!", , ',- ,• '-', ' ,'- : •.:A- . i..- § 1 3,: a3'.'41',:rl.."'"?'1 0 Z-1,,t' ''i''''' •• •- " • - - - •• : , -- . -,: •' . • •'•'- •' • - ' • - ••• ' ENGINES; BOILEMS, -ace. HUB M. BOLE & CO., C,ori,Point Alley and Duquesne EM I MIAS Tale POI") Engine Builders, Founders and Machinists. kiatinfactureSTEAXßOAT ENGINES and STA TIONARY ENGINES, of all sizes. Special attention invited to cur now STATION ARY OIL WELL ENGINE AND EORTABLE BOlLEle n _of 15-horsevpower. CASTINGB,_of every kind, =Seto order stoat Foundry, on THIRD 13THER__,T below Market. RIGS for OR Wells, MATTING. _PULLEYS, HANGEWHODREatATOBADROBORMWri ana IRON TOBACCO rszaisza, an hand and made to, order. at the • • • , INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Fronting onthb Alleging:ly River, near the Point, ANIP. AU orders promptly anew. ?BY 1781. FORT PITT BOILER, STILL AND TAME WORKS. CARROLL & SNYDER, TUBULAR, DOUBLE-PLITED TUBULAR, PIRE-BOX AND CYLINDER STEAM BOIL RS. OI E L STILLS AND OIL TAN Elk 011INNEYS, BREECHING AN LI ASH PANS, SETTLING PANS, SALT PAIRS AND CON STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS AND IRON. BRIDGES: PRISON DOOBS AND COAL MUTES 02lee paid Warehouse, corner Second, Third • Short stud Liberty Streets, or Orders gent to thcabove addream will be limoznetly attended to. mb.7:189 WM. ELABNOILL & CO., BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, $O, SS, 14 AND 26 TWIN BT. • Slaving secured a. large yard and furnished it with the meet approved machinery we are pre pared to manufacture every description of BOIL ERS in the beat manner, and warranted equal to any made in thecountry: Chimneys Breeching, Fire Beds, Steam riPes, Locomotive Boilers, Oondensers,•Balt Pans, Tanks, Oil Stills, Agita tors, Settling Fans, Boiler Iron, Bridges. Sugar 'Sum, and sole manufacturers of Barnhill , s Pat ent Boilers. Repairing done on shortest notice. 1a5:c21 JAMES M. BITER, Noe. 56" and Be Wafer Street, PrISSINIBOHS PA., Khan/imams OF IRON OIL TANKS, LITTLEETO PANG, COFFER =WI PIPS, SoLizsre KILL STACK , And EMIT IRON WORK. For Oteambosta. JAEID li. =UBE .110)X7ND D. 100001 JARED M. BRUSTEI di SON, summterossas 07 Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks. 61 Pen» Street, Pittsburgh; Pa. STOVES, CASTINGS, &o. A. BRADLEY 4 CO., NO. BO WOOD Sumer, Cook, Parlor and Heating Staves, TO BE FOUND. PMITSBURGIN. In oar assortment will be found all the LATEST PATT ENS AND IMPROVgatE NMI, and the reputation of our Stoves is such that any one in want of a good article should purchase none but those manufactured by us, as they will be- - found the most durable as well ,as economical. Would call oarticular attention to our new VoLOANo STOVE, for churches, halls sine stores. Over 500 sold In three monism. intended for with or with out casing. all who have used them pronounce them superior to any other and far cheaper. Send for Catalogue and Trice List. 030 OM, HUGUS 8c CO., • _ . Kairtirwriniiiiii or in= imam!' Or • err i CINTE I O7 • BOSTON 'COOKING RANGE, " THE FIERY TOBNAVE " 9 . • 99(n9 wAsKii9o simusss. - • v .., "BEG THa Nzitroa.,, 1 C70 4 / STO 7V_L . VAN'S (Cincinnati PattAra . 011TABI 5 ENGEM eliai N T MMT lres itionibr - t and dist* Anita% Mir* YIANDICI3. . . . - 200 and ` 209 Liberty Street, 5e215:717 • • PITTI3BIISCH, COOK STOVES. CET THE BEST. BISSEI.I4 et CO.'S tracrnapH, iioß smarmy US OQAL. Warrants* to Cook, Bake or Bout as all assay other Store la the Bolas BEITELL & 00., No. 285 Liberty Street. Almon band and !Or sate. INIBLORMW, GEL Z YKO PZN'DKRIS, COOKING 071 M, T° B-UILDERS 100.000 feet Dry Pine Boards. 150.000 feet IX, Inch Clear Plank; ' • A 5,000 feet .1X incitCommon Plank; 05,000 feet lrcy / and I i inch Oak: 00,000 ft. )1, 1.1,, r and 3 inch Poplar: 10,000 feet Dry Po lar Scantling; 10000 feet Dm! Tel ow Pine Boards: 100,000 feet Hemlock Scantling. 303.000 feet g► No. 1 18 Inch Saginad _ les. XOO,OOO No. 116. Inch Shingles, sawed; 00,0001510. 1 16-inch Shingles, simod: 10,000 Fire Brielc; 1,000 Fire Tile. 100 Tons Fire Clay; Also, Saw Mill Lumber. Locust and Cedar Posts4and all articles in thellne on hand and for 'sale by ALEXANDER -PATTERSON: yard,— No. 101 Rebecca street and corner of Preble and J ug unia f t o Manch streets. Sixth ward, Allegheny, late bor. oh o ester. awe WEST COMMON • Maahittlfiltoneforks\ • t 10, Northweit oornsrof West Comakrn, Audieu; FEED% ATVAT&B, & co. Ban on hand °r ll: on abort isotleaf tai g for Bid ouor . Tomb BUM langnin e tly tad. Prim * PITSIATitgf( - 0:: . '... ..'.. ••,:,. g.'.r.v*p:41.P!.!.,Avqt.7.5T.....281,::,1"..§1*;! PITTSBURGH. PA. it62WT4CTOIOMS OP PITTSBURGH, Pa. MEET IRON WORE. &O. Manufacturers of the greatest variety of LUMBER. .!• STONE. FOIMDERS, MAOBINISTS. KNAP FORT PITT / FOUNDRY COMPANY. OFFICE AND WORKS, TWELFTH STREET, PITTSBITRGH, IlrEngines, Rolling Mill Ma chinery, Nail Machines, Re torts, and Castings generally. NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS. Corner Carroll and Smallymandtreela, =NMI WARD,) VILTIMEUBUItGIat P.S. WILLIAM SMITH, Manufaoturey • of CAST IRON BOWL PIPE FOR OAS AND WATER WOMB. My Pines are all cast invuLablyln Pita, In dry sand, and IS feet lengths. Also, fall assortment of general Castings for Gas and Water Works. eiltnAW*vittr:Cnistlirafietughrand• DUQUESNE FORGE. WILLIAIVI MILLER, (Successor to JOS. P. HAIGH & C 0.,) Has facilities co-extensive with the leading Forges in the East, and is prepared to promptly and satisfactorily fill all orders for STEAM BOAT SHAFTS, CRANES, PISTON RUDA, LEVERS, PITMAN JAMS, WRISTS, RAILROAD AXLES, P LOCOMOTIVE RAISES. together with every description of SHAPE WORK. Office and Forge, Corner of Duquesne Way and Pint Street. ap14:1140 ROBINSON, REA & CO., Successors to ROBINSON, MINIS i =LIM WASHINGTON WORSE, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, PITTSBURGH, KannZaedurers of Boat and Stationary Steam En gines, Blast Engines, ATM RaehliterTr Rearing. S a itytiA l Cir o t i ligs a ga s l ei ltacripttm . oll Tanis OELCe — ..lio. IS, corner First and t3rultbileld Streets. Agents for GIFFARIPS PATENT INJECTOR for feeding Boilers. Jallata THOMAS CARLIN & CO., Fourth Ward Foundry and Machin Works BAISDIIBECY BT., ALLEGHENY CITY. PA.. Manufacturers of Stationary and Portable Steam Zuginee, uu eresbe,., rruleya, Shafting. Grist and Saw Work, Bolling Mlll and Machine Castings, Grate Bars, Weights, Wagon Boxes, &c. Bulld to order and have on hand Engines of all sizes. znyl44s CENTRAL FOUNDRY AND ROLL WORKS 880 Penn Street. BOLLMAN, BOYD & BAGALEL MlllllOll6, MAI Castings, 801 l Lathes, OILS. D „ OND OIL WORKS, H. M. LONG & CO.. Once, DALZEI4. BUILDING. nesne Way. Pittsburgh. Ps. WARING AND SING, Controadon Mordants end Broken In Petroleum and its Products, DALZELVIBLOCK, DUQUESNE WAY, PHIL•DELPHIL ADDRZBB, Boom 17, Chamber of Commerce, 80IITH SECOND BTBZET. TACK -111101911E118, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND =ALMS IN Petroleum and its Products, oinerrt Phltadelphls ONI.oe-11 1 1T WALM spiora . , , ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY HERBERT W. C. TWEDDLE. IWIMACITtflibli OF • •. Lubricating & High Test Burning Oils. 164111,p5e IltathrOid Axle Oa. Stands great heat Without change; remain ' s limpid at lowest temperature., apoolal I.sll tor ' tropical ellzoates or hot weather. Locomotive, Engine* limehine Shop, Winotational. • • Saw it and Planing Rill Oils. • Adapted forlaigh speed. kipendle Ull, Wool Ifead•Lighlol l , 011 t, Tanners , lituf gausaie, lava Fintehi n g Harness Oil. Metalline. ARMOR VARNISH,. to preserve DORM Iron Work and Machinery aom =alt. • These product s are manneactured under Dr. ,Tsreddiels patent by litiperheated cream in Vito cuo. 7he Lubricating Oils are almost odorleu, perfectiy puraa, un if orm. and mostly' light col. orod. sten d abash temperature unchan e(Q i ! cm m i l remain limpid during extreme cold. The Oils are unequalled, and are in constant use on many of the principal Itailends. =apples can be examined and orders left at lk* WOOD eTRICCT, Works at kluabsburg Bridge. NOVELTY WORE. ITTBBVROR NOVE/A r rir WORK& Founded A. D.• Itin. ALDAINCS. BI'KEE & 00. formmmu or '''"6 9 ArAWAVlS u atingli r42- FINANCIAL. AMERICAN BANK. NO. 80 FOURTH AVENUE, PITTSBURGH. CASH CAPITAL 8200.000 Stockholders Individually Liable. RANH OF DISCOUNT AND DEPOSIT. JOHN FLOYD WM. FLOYD, President. Cashier. I= John M. Martland, Archibald Wadsce,, Jas. D. Kelly, Wm. Floyd. organised and prepared butanes.. Thos. M. Marshall, - Wm. T. Shannon, James W. Arrott, Chas. B. Leech, Jobn Ylovd, TMs Bank is now full to do a general Banking jelok43 FIFTH AVENUE BANK Of Pittsburgh. No. 195 FIFTH AVENUE. CAPITAL 1100,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIA BLE. SIX PER CENT. INTEREST allowed on time deposits. Collections made on ail accessible Points in the United. States and Canadas on most favorable terms. Exchange on all the principal Foreign cities bought and sold. Discount days Tuesday and Friday. . Open from 0 A. sr. to 3 P. St., and on Saturday evenings from to 0 o'clock. DIRECTORS: ED. DITHRIDGE, W. P. WEYMAN, W. H. SIMS. FRANK sIE BERT, W. C. ROBERTSON, He:NRY MEYER, DAN. KINZER. . D. M. ARMOR, EhlIL POEBSTEL. ED. DITHRIDGE, President. F. E. SCHENCK, Cashier. . aulS:nSl CITY BANK. 112 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. CAPITAL, 8100,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. MEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. FOREIGN EXCHANGE Bought and sold, and when desired remitted to Europe. Collections made on all the principal points of the United States and Cacao.. DOMINICK Misc.% President. Jemse MCCABE, Vice President. W. N. MORGAN - . Cashier. DINECTON S. D. Ihmsen, James McCabe, Thomas Rourke, John Savage, J. Dnnlevy, Jr., Terence Campbell, Patrick Kane, James Phelan, Obas. B. Barr, H. A. Frercogle. Jno.Jos.liermann, Thomas Barnes, Hugh Nesting. jel:ks JAY COOKE & C 0 .,. 31381,3a3kmeres, • 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. STOOKS and BONDS of all descriptions bought and sold. Special attention given to the purchase and sale of Government Securities. mhi CAUGHEI & CO" BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Third and Wood Streets, Pr1T5131713.131-.lla, PA.., USIICOESSORB TO HANNA. HART ar 00..1 Dzimenti II! Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And particular at and tention paid to the purchase sale ot COVERNMENT BONDS. Sight Drafts on London. utvi:ser. PACIFIC RAILWAY GOLD LOAN, Messrs. DABNEY, MORGAN & CO., 53 Exchange Place, and L E. JESUP & CO., 2 Pine Street, N. Y., offer for sale the Bonds of the Kansas Pacific Railway. These Bonds pay seven per cent. in Cold; have thirty years to run; are Free from overnment Taxation; are secured by a Land Grant of Thn(Killion Acres of the Finest Lands in Kansas and Colorado. In addition to this.special grant the Com- pony also owns Three 111iiliOn3 of Acres Kangas, which are being rapidly gold to develop the country and improve the road. They are a first mortgagenpon the eaten- slon of the road from Sheridan, Kansas, to Denver, Colorado. The road in opera• : tion NOW EARNS MORE THAN ENOUGH NET INCOME ` TO PAY TILE INTEREST ON THE NEW LOAN. There is no better security in the markeV--.this being in tome resimete 'better that Government Se- militias. PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PAYABLE IN GOLD. Price 96, anifacern- ed Intend, in Currency, • Pamphlets, Maps and Circulars furnished on application. =I ARCHITECTS. Ruukaimoun,,,;: r;;' raw „wpm Apicoll. 11=di e .111.Akdk, ' tittabusk. Ps! arta ti dgimittr disdain dud wpm sad raw! FINANCIAL. c4ICOX.O3C), SILVER AM) COUPONS . Bought at Highest Prim. PH. R. DLERTZ, Banker Cor. Wood and Fifth Streets. mys HOLNIES & SONS, • . 3EI . -7- • • r• •• • 67 Market Street, IarTWESIIVRA3I.I3. PAL Collections made on all the SrthelPal Pointshi ths United States and Canada'. Stocks,Bonds and other Securities BOUGHT *RD BOLD ON 00X111128105. Particular stbention paid to the Dustbin, and a de of United States Securities. JAMES T. BRADY 8 (Sncceuora 08. JONES a C 0..) . Corner Fourth and Wood Sts., la Zit. 3Fit. BUY AND BELL ALL KINDS 07 1 ' GOVERNMENT SECITRITLES, GOLD, SEVER AND COUPONS, ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. lir Interest Allowed on Deposit& ET Money loaned on GOvernment Bonds at lowest market rates. Orders executed for the Purchase anti Sale of STOCKS. BONDS and . GOLD. JAMES T. BRADT & CO. rbtt gittAntro GaitttE. FINANCE AND TRADE, Oman or Prrrssuneet GAZETTE, Tapas DAY, August 27, 1869. Gold, which declined yesterday from 134 down to 132 X, last evening opened at 132%, advanced suddenly on rumors of the death of Napoleon and a riot in Paris, fluctuated between 133X@134 3 , and closed at 4P.M. at 133 x. A strong bull party was formed a few days ago, for the purpose of carrying gold higher, but failing in their first attempt, they turned bears themselves, thereby in creasing the abort interest still more and making it easy for them to put their own figures on the gold which they control. The principal argument of the bear party, was the necessity for the Govern ment to sell gold, in order to continue the purchase of gold, and the prospect of a tight money market. Government bonds declining with gold but advanced immediately when gold advanced, especially was this the case with the old issues of 1887 and 1862. Few bonds are now offering, and should the Government continue to buy largely for September a further rise will be inevitable. Stocks are stronger with gold, but some of the Western shares are doll - at the advance. Express shares are weak. Money easy at about .9 to 10 per cent. Quotations as received oy Pti.• R Mertz: Gold, 133 X; Silver, 128; Eighty one's, 123%; Five Twenties, 1862, 123 X; do 1864, I=X; do 1865, —; do 1865, Consols, 120 X; do 1867, 121; do 1868, 120 X; Ten Forties, 115 X: New York Central, 202 X; Erie ' =; Reading, 96; Pittsburgh. Fort Wayne & Chicago Railroad, 188 X; Ohio & Hisissippl, 132 X; Michigan tsonthern. 106 X; Cleve land it Pittsburgh, 107 X; Chicago & Rock Island, 114 x; Chicago & North Western, 83X; Chicago & North Western Preferred, 95X; Adams Express' Com pany, 56; Merchants Union Express, 10; Pacific Mail, 80X; Western Union Telegraph Company, 137; American Ex press Company 36. Excriserson . Large. Small. London, per vos ;6,68 Paris. per franc 26X, 27X Berlin, dialer 98 99x Frankfort, florins 57% 58X (By Telegraph to the Pittalmrgh Gazette.) Elm Yong, Aug. 27, 1869. Money more active at 6@7 per cent on call for loans. Sterling dull at 0%G9% per cent. Gold excited; opened at 132%; advanced to 134 V on reports of the •4 • death of Napoleon; fell to 133 X, ad vanced to 13+1X and, closed at 183 X ®1,33 K. Loand were made at 6 per cent. to fiat. Tilt; clearanoes were S94;000,000. • Governments are very dull but firm. Coupons of'Bl, 123X(g)123X; do. '62, 123 X (5)123X; do, '64, 1V..X(022X: do. 65, 122% igl22x; do. new. 120X®120%; do. '67. 121(0)121X; do. '6B, 120%@120X; 10-40's, 115®115X; Pacifica, 11654@110X. State bonds dull; Missotiris, 87; old Tennessees, 61}4; new do., 58X. Stocks declined in the forenoon, bat Were strong I and higher in the, afternoon, under the belief that the bank statement to.mor row will be faVorable, clOsing steady. The market, however, was quiet, all day, the • international boat race attracting mo't of the attention of brokers. rive-T7ifrty Priem: Canton, 58; Cum berland, 34X; Western Union Telegraph, 87; Quicksilver, 14X; Maripoea, 7; do. preferted, 12; Pacific Mall, 80X; Adams Express, 56X; Wells, 18X; American, 36; United States, 63%; New York Central, 20234; Harlem; 159 X; preferred, 168; Hudson, 184Xt Reading, 95X; Erie, 34; preferred, 54X; Michigan Central, 129; Michigan Southern 101%; Illinois Cen tral, 17; Pittabu;gh. 107%; Northwest ern, 83 1 ; do. preferred,t, 95%: Cleveland, Colton us and Cincinnati, 78; Rock• land, 114%; St. Pant, 78%; do. preferred, 77%; Tolado dc Wabash, 82%; do. Prefer . red);83;•• Pt.. Wayne. 88%;; Terre 'Haute 88; do. preferred, WM; Ultimo and Al. t0n,'.184%- do. preferred 154; Ohio `and 41111 fdlit 329 j t - C4 'PO-1 Ootrarlit'crer Pats 4 10 , Inn ay, =EI PI?TSBUBGR XIABKETS. OPTION OF PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, FRIDAY, August 27, 1869. The total amount of grain in store in Chicago on Monday was 1,196,510 bush els, against 860,443 bushels the corres ponding period last week; 953,454 bush els two weeks ago; and 2,105,212 bushels one year ago. The receipts there ex ceeded the shipments of wheat 130,113 bushels; corn, 127,307 bushels; oats, 60,- 815 bushels; and rye, 20,482 bushels; while the shipments exceeded the re ceipts of barley 2,650 bushels. Total in crease of the amount of store during the week, 336,067 bushels. The Chicago Republican of Thursday says: There were a large number of settle ments made, and the line of "shorts" out for this month has been very large ly reduced since Saturday, though there were indications of a "corner" two days ago, it is quite probable the project has been abandoned; the "shorts" spoiling the game by settling up their contracts. They may succeed in forcing prices up on the last day of the month, but it is doubtful if this combination make any further attempt to force the market, as they are large losers now, circumstances having been against them, and they have had to pay high prices for wheat that was purchased at a comparatively low figure. The receipts continue liberal, while Eastern and Liool advices would indicate that the snarkets there have a downward look. APPLES—DuII with a supply largely in excess of the demand; sales at 31,50@ 3 per bbl. BERRIES—SaIes Blackberries at 90 cents per pail, and Huckelberries at p,50a5 per bushel. BUTTER—Prime to choice is in bet ter demand but unchanged, 23®25. BROOMS—Quoted. l ,as follows: No. 5 $6,50; No. 4 $6; No. 3 p, No. 2, plain, $4,60, and market firm. CHEESE—Is in good supply with sales at 14@17 cts., as to quality. CEMENT—Johnstown Hydraulic Ce ment iaquoted at $2,25 per bbl. CARBON OlL—Still quoted at 27@28 for round lots, and 29@30 in a small way. E2l EGGS—Unchanged at 15@16. HAY—Sales at AUeghenv Diamond market of 73 loads at 515@20. Straw sold at same place, at sl2@lb. POrATOES—Sweets are dovin, and we now quote at 1145,50@6 per bbl': GRAlN—There is not much Inquiry for wheat, and the mills for the present - are pretty well supplied; we continue to quote at 81,35©1,40, though it is doubt- ful whether the outside quotation could be obtained. Oats dull, but without quotable change, 45 bid for car load lots, and 47 asked—small sales in store at 50@52, Corn is dull, which is attributed to the low price of oats; sales of prime. ear, at 95©11, and prime shelled, at $1,05, delivered. Rye cannot be quoted over $1,15, and there are no buyers above this figure. Barley is still quoted at $1,20@1,25. FEA.THERS—DuII; quoted at 80(05 cents to the trade, and the usnakadvance for small lots in store. FLOUR—The market is quiet and un changed. Regular sales, to the borne trade, at $7@7,50 for wititer wheat, and the same figures are applicable to spring, though there is little or no inquiry for the latter. HIGHWINES—Are still quoted, in a jobbing way, at $1,23@1,25. HEMP—Very dull, $205 per ton. HUSKS—SaIes at 2%®3 cm per pound. LlME—White Lime is quoted m 51,60,. and Cleveland al $2,50 per bbl. LARD OIL—F. Sellers t Co. quote Extra No. 1, atl,434and No.. 2, ats 1,05(5) 1,08 MELONB—SaIes at 15@22 per 100, as to size, condition and quality. POULTRY—SaIes of spring chick ens, at 50@55 per pair. PROVISIONS—Market easier, and Hams are lower. We , now quote as follows: Shoulders, 15%;. Ribbed sides, 183;; Clear do, 19%; Sugar Cured Hams, 23; Dried Beef, Lard, 20% in tierces, and 21% - in buckets; Mess Pork f. 31 (g)34,50. PEACHES—SaIes at V1,5e®2,00 per box, as to aualtiy and condition. PEANUTS—Higher, 14% eta. PLUMS—SaIes at t4@4,50 per bushel, or f8,50@9 per case. STR&W—Sales at t12@14 per ton. SALT—Allegheny River brands are quoted. by the car load, 1, at $1,75®80. TALLOW—Rendered quoted at 1034. PETROLEUDI, MARKET. OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, FRIDAY, Atigust 27, 1869. The oil market was, exceedingly quiet to-day, but a single sale reported. while compared with yesterday prices have .1 undergone no quotable change. There i is not that unanimity of feeling in re- „- gard to suspending business, on the part of refiners, until such time as a margin would be offered, as it was sup posed there would be when the matter was first broached. All concede that it would be a move in the right direction, and that it would result in just what is de- i aired, provided it could be made gen eral—not only here, but at Cleveland and other oil refining points, but it is thought by some that this cannot,be attained. It is argued that as soon as one point would suspend, others would take ad vantage of it, and do all the business. Be this as it may, however, it is asserted that a large number of the most promi- ' nent concerns, both here and at Cleve land, will close up at the end of this month, and will' continue dosed until such time as business gets into shape to . offer some , inducement for &resumption. ;. As rerieatedly noted, recently, the re fining business has .been very nnsatis factory thus far this year, and manu facturers are anxiously looking about for some means of relief. CILVDE. Sales 5,000 bbls seller August, at 14%. Market quiet and dull, but unebanged. Buyer all year, nominal at 15y,®1534; seller all year, 14ygg14%; September to December, that's for , Ilines," 14%—the 4 last sale reported being at ,that offers in= Oil lolly to sell at 15,89, seller 50 days. Not-a -single sale reported--market quiet and dull, but unchanged. August p quoted at 31%; September to December, r; 32%; September; stone, 32%@323j; buyer if„ all year • 333(. It looks now as if the sales would continue light until the ET, market assumes a more tangible shape. t! RECEIPTS OP CRUDE OIL.. Maher & Bro Pool & Bro Diawhinney & Bro.. Pennock & Beeson Eclipse Works T0ta1."....... ...... 1,559 bbls. k. OIL SHIPPED BA BT. BY A. V. K. b, MoKelvy & Bro., 571 <bbls *iefined W. P. Logan'& Bro., Philadelphia. Co., 45 bble refined to W. P. gsn & Bro., Philadelphia. Fawcett, L. & S. 156 bbla refined to W. P. Logan do Bird., Philadelphia. • • J. 0. Sirkpatrtek`,ll99 bbistrrefine&to Waring, 'King & Ca" Philadelphia. . to Myers &00"218 Wei to Warden, Pre* & Co., Philadelphia. ' - Livihrilitoliii &IWO tflikribillet.l , .&49Zirti!lt %CM) _ SAIRIO 164#3„ REFINED. 160 bbla. 1,000 II 240 1 ‘ 69 is 100 is
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