CITY AND SUBURBAN. Tan Gemnrms is furnished in the city Me six days of Me week for 15 tents per week; by mail, $l3 per annum: 8 mos., ga. Our Allegheny subscribers. Some complaints. baying reached us trom Allegheny City of the non-delivery, or late delivery of the GAZETTE, we have to say that our arrangements are for the delivery of the paper to all our _Allegheny subscribers at from 5 to 7 o'clock A. M. If any fall of delivery or are not dropped before 7 o'clock. A. 11., we will thank the subscribers to leave notice of the delinquency at the office, in order that the evil may be remedied. • The Public. Schools.—The public -schools of the city and vicinity will open on Monday, the 30th inst., for a term of ten months. Allegheny Ceunclls.—A regular semi monthly meeting of the Select and Corn- Merl Councils or Allegheny city will bo held this (Thursday) evening. The Greys.—A meeting of the Du quesne Greys will be held at the head quarters this evening, at half-pas: seven o'clock. A full attendance is desired, as business of importance will be brought before the meeting. Concluded.—Coroner Clawson yester `4a3r concluded the Inquest on the body of the unknown man killed on the rail road, near Wilkinsburg, Monday night. The body was not identified. The mry returned a verdict of accidental death. Gone to the Country.—Barney Gallaher and seven other notables were furnished with free transportation to Claremont Springs, where they will spend twenty or thirty days. All letters and papers for . these parties should be addressed to that point.- Duquesne Greys Election.—Capt. Mer ritt Batchelor, of the Allegheny Zouaves, in pursuance of orders from the Gov ernor, will hold the election for officers of the Duquesne Greys, this evening, at Company headquarters. over the Third National Bank, corner Virgin alley and Wood street. Assault and Bittery.—Charles Wil liams made information before the Mayor yester day, charging John Sher man with ,assault and battery. Fe - alledzes that the accused attacked him at Oak Dale station, on the U. &. P. Railroad, and struck hitu with his fist. A warrant was issued. That Hog.—Some days since we pub lished an account of a case before Alder man Moreland, in which .1. B. Pledge made information charging Cyrus Fin ley with cruelty to animals. A hearing was had in the case yesterday. when it appeared that the action was not simply a criminal prosecution, as there was a claim for damages, which were laid at M. The accused was required to pay $35 damages and the costs of proceedings. Slight Fire.—The fire department was called out by an alarm of fire last eve rting about five o'clock, which was occa sioned by a slight fire in the second story of McCiarreu's drug store, corner of the Diamond. and Market streets. The fire - was caused by the breaking of a bot tle containing some combustible mate rial, but was put out by theapplication of a few buckets of water. The engines did not go into service consequently the damage was very light. John A, Wills, Esq.—We learn that At the recent commencement of Wash ington and Jefferson Colleges the de gree of I.L. D was conferred on John A. Wills, Esq., now a lawyer of emi nence in Washington City. Mr. Wills is a native of Pittsburgh, where he stud ied his profession and was first admitted to practice. Many of our citizens will remember him wan arduous student and as exhibiting while at our bar each energy, .earnestness and incorruptible „integrity, as with his searching and ana lytical mind gave sure promise of ftiture professional distinction. His' Alma Mater has done itself credit in the . honor .it has so worthily conferred. Disorderly.—Patrick Bark was arrest ed Tuesday evening by officer Miller, on a oharge of disorderly conduct. Pat rick; it appears, was slightly under the influence of liquor, andas a consequence disposed to be unruly. When the officer arrested him, instead of going peacably to the lock-up, be restated and struck Miller with his flat. Yesterday morning at the hearing, the facts coming to the knowledge of the Mayor, he imposed a fine of $25 on Patrick, and took occasion to inform the "roughs" and "bruisers , ' assembled that he, ould fine every man brought before him for striking an offi cer, while in the discharge of his duty, $lO, and every man striking an officer under such circumstances, would be fined $25. Patrick paid his fr,s and oostsund was discharged. • A4leged False Pretenses. Jos;phiiitoyle boarded at Mr. George Ef unt ra where he ran a bill to the amount of V4O, which it appears he ne glected to pay. Mr. Hunter made in formation before Deputy Mayor Nichols of the 17th ward, charging Boyle with obtaining board under false pretenses. A warrant was issued for the arrest of the accused. The false pretense consists, we believe in a promise to pay the bill when,he received pay from his employ ers, which being made after the bill was contrected, is certainly not false pre tense under the meaning of the act. It makes no difference, perhaps, if the bill clan be collected in that way. Death of Mn. swang. It is with unfeigned grief that we an nottnce the death on Wednesday, at ;the residence of him father, Mr. James Ham ilton; on Beech street, Allegheny, of Mrs. Lizzie S w a nk , wife of oar esteemed , -friend James M \Swank, Esq., editoi of the Johnstown k.Tribtme, once on the editorial' corps ef tbi t i paper. • Our personal knowledge of Mrs. Swank - dates 1 back to her; childhood, and we • lave, 'rarely known a lady who in ail periods of her life and under whatever • varlet' or pressure of duty, whether in pr perous or adverse circumstances, in jo y r sorrow as a child at etahool, as a varlet 'teacher of chilften in' the schools, as daughter, wire, mother, neighbor or friend, in the social circle, in the church connectiona l , 'and in all , the -graces and amenities of life, has • been more thorough, sincere, devoted and blame less. The bereft husband and obild, the core stricken family immediate and collateral, have our moist cordial ,aympa thy—let it be their consolation that one AO env.), so good, so loved, is pow turning 41RK - saints In 'Heaven, The funeral of Mrs. Swank will pro. deed from her father's residence, Beech street, Allegheny, at five o'clock this ,sussing.• THE Tat IFOBIL Third Day of the Instltutee—Leetures, Music, Discussions and Resoltatialts. . , Institute met at nine o'clock yesterday morning, and after some music,. Miss Ring delivered an Instructive lecture on drawing, which was listened to atten tively. Mr. Burtt ofered the following, which was adopted. \ Resolved. That \ the election for Corn -1 mittee on Permanent Certificates beheld lon Thursday, between nine and ten o'clock P. M., and that the election offi cers be Inspectors, Mr. Cameron and Miss Mcbreight.hint Inspectors, Mr. Patterson and Mis. Davis. Resolved, That e recommend that, in asmuch as four st Led meetings of this Institute, during t e year, are provided for, that no mee ts gof the Pittsburgh. Teachers' Associat on be held. A drill in gymnastics, under the direc tionS of Mr. Poi was then had, after which R. H. Fulton, of Liberty District, delivered a carefully prepared address on the subject, "How to teach children to think." - A humorous led delivered by Profl the conclusion of v journed until two i Afternoon Session Opened with a song entitled •'On the Ocean." Mr. Burtt offered the follosiing resolu tion which was ado fed: i , Resolved, That in, much as the public school teachers of the city of Pittsburgh are paid yearly salaries the vacations in cluded ae well as teaching time, it is therefore their d ty to attend such s Teachers' Institut as may be hied by the authority of tli i l city Superintendent during the vacati n for the benefit of the teachers, and we request the Central Board of Educationl to take such action as will clearly define the duty of the teachers in this respect. Superintendent Luckey said it was rot the intention oftif; Central Beard of Education to everts the teachers by re quiring them to attend, but it was his opinion that all coirld attend , Institutes with considerable profit, if they did so in the proper spirit. Mr. L. H. E icon now delivered a leo. ture on the Theory and Practice of Teach ing Geography. He illustrated his method of teaching it to children, so as to make it an interesting as well as' ex ceedingly profitable study. To follow out this, or any system, perseve rance and patience were necessary. The Outline map was a very good plan and was easily understood by the chil dren.- The scholars should be taught to go over the map and point out - the prin cipal cities, towns, rivers, ikc., at the same time consulting the book to guide them. By this method it would become thoroughly impressed upon their minds. Map drawing, be thought, another very great help, and should be encouraged from the commencement of the study of geography. Mr. Kelly followed in a few remarks on the same theme. He thought a very necessary requisite on the part of the teachers was a general acquaintance with - the events of the times, in relation to different localities, which might be in terspersed throughout the lessons and render them more interesting. The Institute now took a recess of a few minutes, after which Prof. W. G. Fox, of Cleveland. aelivered a class drill in light gymnastics, the teachers acting as pupils. Mrs. Anna T. Randall, of the Oswego Training School was now introduced, and read in excellent style a poetical se lection of a dramatic character, entitled "The Relief of Lucknow." The lady then read a lecture on Object Teaching. Many teachers, she said, ask ed what is object teaching,yet all teachers I were in a certain degree object teachers. In this system the principle simply-vas to find out how nature would teach, and teach accordingly. Rev. Wm. Evans next read a selection, "The Vagabond," which was Well re ceived. The roll was then called, followed by singing the selection, •'Nearer my tkod. to thee." Prof. Horner leading the audience. Mrs. Randall then „gave an exercise In reading, which occupied about half an hour, which was,followed by light gym nastics, Conducted by Prof. Fox. A lesson in drawing by Miss Grace King concluded the afternoons exercises. The audience was considerably in creased at this session by visitors,among whom were a number of the. Central Board, present b 1 invitation. Evening Session. ~ Institute opened at eight o'clock and was opened with singing the selection commencing, "Waco the green leaveacome again." Superintendent Luckey opened a dis cussion on the question , "How should morals and manners be taught in the public schools? " He contended that the teachers should never .attempt to do more than to teach the child on the gen eral principles that underlie all moral ghvernment. Some people thought sec tarian religion, which they could not dis tingush from morals, that this matter should be left entirely out of the course of school instruction. This, however, was a mistake. There were certain great principles in morals which ebbuld be taught to the pupil by readipg from the Scriptures, (as was now the custom at the opening of school,) by precept and by example. ' All this could be taught with out the least infringing upon the preju dices or sympathies of either pupils or parents. In regard Jo manners the scholars should be required to treat their teach ers, visitors and school companions with courtesy, politeness and kindness on all =miens. All this could, be done by a little attention on the part of the teacher. The Allegheny Quartette favored the audience with a song entitled, • "Dawning of the Better. Day." . Prof. Burtt said it . was agreed by all that religious instruction of some kind should be given in the schools, but the greatest difil. cally was to avoid Sectarianism He then detailed the numerous difficulties in the matter and contended that it would be better to leave this instruction to the parents of the children, üblesa a _work could be procured which, would be free frem objections, from which the teacher could read at the proper times, to the children. Stich a Welk - could be made, but until that cornea, the re ligious instruction should rather be left with the parents altogether. In reference to manners be thought a good method would be to have a certain hour in the day when the teacher could talk, ins plain, practical manner, on good behaviour, doing right,• kindness and such topics, sotuetimee convey ing the instruction by an anecdote or a simple little song. , Mr. Harrison thought the teacher should look upon moral Instruction as one of the most important of his duties. He thought nothing should take the place of the Bible. The reading of it in pub lic schools, without comment, could not give offense. ~ The Allegheny . Quartette Club now sang .__. , ~. "Beautiful Bens ~ The dieleussion was then contintied,,wits a few remarks by Rey. Mr. Clark, who prrTsptauf G-Aur - x)i , ;: rmwD44,Y. Ali:Wu 26, 1869. The Humboldt Executive Committee Held Re weekly meeting last night, and in the absence of Dr. Ehrhardt, Major Schleiter took the chair. re on grammar was Jones, of Erie, upon hick the Institute ad_ I, clock. The Press Committee was instructed to prepare tickets and programmes for the various festivities. The price of admis sion to the picnic was fixed at 50 cents, to the concert at for, the partiiiette and dress circle and 50 cents for the upper tiers, and for the banquet O. It was agreed that all persons taking part in the procession shall be admitted without charge to the picnic grounds. The Press Committee was, authorized to prenare ribbon badges with the name of Humboldt printed on them, to be given to the purchasers of tickets and participators in the procession. Captain Swearingen, of the Committee on Procession, reported that special in vitations had been extended trl many societies, and on account of the difficulty in ascertaining their names and where abouts he was instructed to publish a general invitation In the papers. The Committee on Finance was in structed to wait no longer for the photo graphs of the plan of the monument, as they have been unavoidably delayed, but to proceed at once to collect money for the monument. It was decided to engage one band for each of the three dlvlslons, and it was suggested that probably many of the societies would have bands with them in the procession. Ground has been broken for the founda tion of.the monument and the masons will begin their work on it this week. A programme has been prepared for the entertainment on the evening of the 13th. Most of the most popular vocal talent has been secured for this occasion and there is no doubt that the following programme will be well produced: It is to consist Df twelve portions as follows: .Ist, the grand Jubel Overture of Weber; 2d, Quis est homo, a duet from Rossini's Stabat. Afater; 3d, a chorus by the sing ing societies ; 4th, a trio from Luerezia Borgia; sth, either a tableau or an ex. hibittou of gymnastic feats by the Turn ers ' • 6th, the overture from the opera of the I'Det and Peasant: 7tb, inflammatus; Bth, a solo by Mr. Apfelbaum ; 9th, a chorus by the singing societies ; 10th, a quartette; 11th, grand tableau—Apotho- Ms of Humboldt , ; 12th, concert waltz. We were unable to procure the names of most of the singers, but enough is shown by the programme to prove that a very delightful evening is in store for our cit izens. An incident (we were about to say ac. cident) occurred yesterday morning of a highly interesting character to that portion of our citizens who are so fortu nate as to be the possessors of personal property to any considerable extent, and is interesting to the community at large„ from the fact that such incidents in this city axe of very rare occurrence. We re fer to the capture of a burglar—a real live one—upon whom was found the very strongest evidences of his guilt in the shape of a quantity of wearing apparel, which had neon stolen but a short time prior to his capture by the police._ He was a good, kind, accommodating sort of burglar, and instead of putting the officers to any trouble walked boldly for ward and gave himself submissiyely their clutches when they weren't looking for burglars. Officer James Gorntoly, on duty on Cliff striiet, discovered a bouudle lying in the lot some distance from the street, and on getting prssesion of it found that its - contained clothing. He carried it to the fence and handed it over to Lieut. Craig, and started back to Lind, if possi ble, the owner of the clothing. Shortly after he left John MeNerny walked up to the fence and clainiad, the clothing, and about the same time officer Gormely returned having found a silk hat, which had evidently been in the possession of McNerny, as he was bare-headed. Upon being questioned, be admitted he had stolen the hat and had laid it off 'before approaching the officers, because it did not fit him. The fellow was then taken in charge and after further investi gation it was ascertained that he bad entered the house of Mr. C. P. Miskimmen, No. 233 Bedford avenue, through a basement window at the rear, and carried . away two coats, a velvet vest, a pair of black pantaloons, a silk hat, a shirt, and a pair of boots. The family of Mr. Miskimmen are away in the country, and that gentleman is boarding in the vicinity of his house. The next morning the boots, shirt and one of the coats were found on the pris oner and the other articles, except the hat, were in the bundle. Information was made.against him for larceny, and he is awaiting a hearing. Since he has been locked up he has confessed to the commission: of two additional robberies, in one of which other parties are imPli cated. He will probably "squeal" to a still greater extent. Basin Nln Butler County. A correspondent writes: There has been for some time past here, a general holding back, to prepare for the Fall bu siness. which prop:1101es to be exceedingly good. We have gained all the Informa tion possible, on this subject, and the testimony all points to a good Fall and Winter trade; The stocks on hand now in the stores over the county are very light. with no disposition to increase them until mer chants lay in their general supply. The harvest has been exceedingly good, never better In the history of this county, which being almost exclusively agri cultural, a good harvest is everything to merchants. • Besides, two railroads will certainly be built through 'the county within a year; operations to begin this Fall on both. This will also help Matters. New York Ctrens.--Ori Monday next, Lent's famous Equestrian Troupe from Fourteenth street, New York, will arrive in Allegheny ,City, and pitch its tent upon the Diamond, when the public will have an opportunity of viewing circus performances of a more elegant and re. tined type than they have been aeons• tomed. to see in traveling shows. Mr. Lent's company enjoys immense popu larity in New York." thought as our heist publie achoeht were in the land of Bibles it would hardly be safe to drift sway from it. It might be well to avoid comment, on the scripture read, but the Bible Itself was grandly free from all prejudice or sectarianism, and could not offend any. And the Lord's Prayer contained nothing which could not be endorsed by all sects, without in jury to their conscientious feelings. Mr. Belly closed this exercise and held that a teacher could teach more by example than precept, whether in re ligion or manners. At the close of the discussion Mrs. Anna T. Randall and Rev. W. Evans read a selection from the "School for Scandal," which elicited the heartiest applause. Mrs. Randall followed in the reading of a pathetic selection entitled, •'Some. body's Darling," which she rendered in a faultless and impressive manner, and closed the elocutionary exercises with a humorous recitation. The.Quartette Club sang the Doxology and the Institute adjourned until this morning at nine o'clock. A Burgiar Caught ExoeuUve Committee Meeting. , The Republican County Executive Committee held a regular meeting yea . terday at half-past ten o'clock P. x., in the Common Pleas Court room. The roll of members was called, a ft er which the minutes of the preceding meet ing were read and approved. On motion it was resolved that six members of the Committee should con stitute a quorum for the transaction 'of business. Messrs. W. H. McCleary and John H. Jones were proposed and elected members of the Committee. The Committee on Documents was, on motion, relieved from the duty of pre paring a circular relative to the registry law, and the matter referred to the Sec retaries. The Chairman of the Committee on Speakers reported' that the Committee bad secured the services of Gov. Mor ton to address a meeting in this city Thursday. September 2d. The Chair appointed a committee of five, consisting of James W. Murray, Esq., Hon. George Wilson, Charles Jer emy, N. P. Reed and H. C. Mackrell, Esq., to make arrangements for the re ception of Goy. Morton on the evening of the meeting. The matter of procuring music for the meeting on September secona was re ferred to tho Committee on Attendance. Mr. N. P. Reed was added to the Com mittee on Printing and appointed Secre tary of the same. • The Secretaries were, on motion in structed to have the names of the Vigi lance Committee for the Fourteenth and Seventeenth wards, Pittsburgh, Filth ward, Allegheny, Union borough and Leet township published, those districts having been omitted from the general list, and the Chairman was authorized to appoint a Vigilance Committee for Lset township. T. M. Bayne, Esq., offered the follow ing resolutian: •• Resolved, That this Committee recom mend to the Republican voters of Alleghe ny county, the necessity of prosecuting the present canvass with vigor, and that one meeting at least should lie held in every ward, borough and township in the county at the earliest convenient time after the ratification meeting at City Hall, on the 2d of September, proximo. Adopted. How It Was Done. It sometimes happens in Police Courts .hat parties get lustice when they are not seeking for it, and frequently amusing incidents transpire in which some "loud mouthed" fellow, who is clamoring for justice and the vindication of the law, when it has been violated by others, iw made to feel the weight of tbe rod him self, gfeatly to the gratification of / the community at large. An incident,,lllus trative of these facts, occurred/at the Mayor's morning court yester ay, the facts of whictriire follows: - Ed. Motiann, one of the numerous "sharks" who accommodate the travel ing public with transportation from rail road depots to hotels, and frequently to other places, at exhorbitant prices, con tracted with Mr. John Davis to take him and two of his friends, from the - Union Depot to Morgan Jenkins' tavern for the small sum of twentv-ilve cents and two drinks. Edward fulfilled his part of the contract, and Davis paid him the twenty-five cents and had called for the drinks, in order to square his account with Edward. Toe liquor was produced and Mr. Davis gave a live dollar bill to the bar 'keeper in payment therefor. When his chatigewas laid on the counter McGann, it is alleged, snatched it, and when Mr. Davis made a demand upon him for it, refused to give it up. Davis insisted ,upon his rights, whereupon Jim. McKenna, ,who usually accompa nies McGann, drew a knife and threat ened to cut him. The landlorl inter fered to prevent a light and called in an official, who arrested Da vis, who was accompanied to the lock up by McGann as a witness. On arriving at the Captain's office, he made a statement, and Mr. Davis was required to leave ten dollars for his appearance. McGann had been making himself very offensive while in the office, and the Captain on hearing the true state of the case decided to keep him all night, and locked him up. At the hearing yesterday morning, a re spectable gentleman wher witnessed the transaction made a statement to the Mayor, whereupon he released Mr Davis, McKenna, during the hearing, came forward as a witness on the part of his friend. McGann was extremely offensive and it was with great difficulty that be could be kept quiet. After disposing of the case against Mr Davis, the Mayor was of the opinion that the "willing wit ness" was worthy of some attention, and decided to, give him justice, just the thing that James did not want. He was called up, however, and required to pay' , a fine of $lO and costs, and his friend Ed. was committed 'for ten days. A few more such practical lessons may be of benefit to both Edward -and James, and they may depend upon receiving them whenever they place themselves in a position to receive them. More Mark t Facilities. MESSRS. EDITOR:: Will you allow am to add a word to t • e very pertinent sug gestions of "W." . reference to the pro viding of market acilities for the peo ple of the upper wads. Evidently a resi dent in the localit • , the writer but speaks the sentiments an. feelings of the people who are to a unit, latest. in favor of the spot recommended , and are willing and anxious to lend pe•tzniary support, out side of their regal: r taxation, toward) the • enterprise. No of or spot could be select ed which would a.•.mmodate the great est number of peo or give more general satisfaction..lf t• e members of Coun cils, individ ually, would visit the site, they would unq • estienably discover its advantages ver any other yet proposed, or which can be secured. There seems to be no question that a market house is needed somewhere to acoommodate the many thousands in" that locality, and this being settled, is it not the part of wisdom to have the other preliminaries arranged as quickly as pos sible? If the Market Committee, after reviewing all tue sites offered, and ma king a careful estimate of the advantages' of each, have finally recommended this property, that should certainly have some weight, if not altogether sufficient to settle the matter. Let the Councils, then, at the next meeting, act at once, that the people may know what they are to. expect. Came:. Picnic The Brat annual picnic of the John W. Pitkxik Boat Club will take place at McFarland's ..Grove to-day. The affair is under the management of .a Com mittee of Arrangements composed of gentlemen who have the confidence of public ad who it la wellknown will leave no n thing u n done . that should it l i be done to insur the affair a success. We notice among e names of the Man agers gentlemen with whom we are acquainted, and ave no hesitancy in saying that nude their management , the picnic will be properly oonduated, and those in the day's en- J.:Talent WILI have ocause to regret It. . . The tichutzenfest. The followizifis an official report of the result of the Schutzenfest, held Schntzen Park, Fourteenth ward, on Wednesday and Thuisdair of last week, and the prizes awarded at the same : THE MAIN PRIZE TA ROET-BLX SHOTS. First, a clock, F. Bogle. Second, a pair of vases, F. Lutz. Third, watch key and seal, Jacob Born. Fourth; a castor. Wm. Holtzheimer. Fifth, cash IN, H. Schlag. Sixth, cash 16, G. Mark. Seventh, cash 85, H. Hammer. Eighth, cash 65, F. Mnssman. Ninth, cash 53, Dr. F. Hardtmyer. Tenth, cash $2, Mr. Koch. BEST CENTRE SHOTS. First prize, clock, F. Lutz. Second, silver set, W. Holtzheimer. Third, silver butter dish, F. Lutz. Fourth, a dozen silver butter knives, F. Lutz. Fifth, cash $B, J. Born. Sixth, cash $6, W. Holtzheimer. . Seventh, cash $5, H. Schlag. Eighth, cash $4, Jacob Born. Ninth, cash $3, H. &Wag. Tenth, cash 52, Jacob Born. PREMIUMS-MOST CENTRE SHOTS. First day—H. Schlag, 31 centre shots, $5.00. Second day—J. Born, 39 centre shots, 85.00. Both Daya—Jacob Born, 64-810.00. H. Schlag, 44-87.00. a Mark, 36-85.00. M. Hagleman, 30-44.00. F. Lutz, 27-53.00. Holtzbehner, 17-52.00 Indecency. EDITOEEI GAZETTE: Last night about seven o'clock we crossed the Allegheny Suspension bridge, and noticing a crowd near the tower of one of the piers, we joined it and looked over into the water. There were five men, perfectly nude, bathing in the river. Nyith their cos tume we can of course find no fault, as it would be impossible first to find the slightest trace of any, but their actions were Indecent an their language was coarse, obscene 7i3d disgusting to a de gree. Remark unfit for decent ears, and impossible from decent tongues, were shouted out so, that none of the many people passing over the bridge above would fall to hear them. Thus ladies and children were forced on one of our/inost frequented thoroughfares to hear / language. for which, had it been Dos sib e, the utterers would have been well p nished by any of the gentlemen, who, .owever, found it impossible to do any thing but hurry away from the spot. Tho gutters of Fifth avenue would not have been a more thoroughly public place for this indecent business than the one chosen, and our police should pro tect respectable people from the mere possibility of a repetition of such a dis grace. The men were nearer the Pi ts burgh than the Allegheny side of the river, but we do not know which city claims jurisdiction over the spot. If neither, and the law cannot reach this outrage, then any man, it seems to us, would be instilled in shooting at the vil lainy from the bridge. J. AND. M. Tte Boys Hi Blue PurSuant to a call published In yester day's GazErrz, a meeting of honorably discharged soldiers and sailors was held *at the office of Major George F. Morgan, on - Fourth 'avenue, yesterday, at half past ten o'clock, for the purpose of ma king preliminary arrangements for a Soldiers' Mass Convention, to be held in this city during the ensuing fall. The meeting was well attended and all pres ent joined heartily In the project, but as the meeting was only a preliminary one, and its object not generally known throughout the city and county, It • was deemed advisable to transact no business further than a temporary organization, which was effected, after which the meet ing adjourned till Tuesday, August 31st, at 2 o'clock r. IL, when a permanent or ganization will be effected. - A Rarity On Saturday, the 28th, a grand social picnic will be held at Glenwood Grove, in aid of the new Catholic Church at Hazelwood. Besides the object of the picnic, which the truly charitable Will not tall to appreciate, the lovers of pleas ure cannot find a more delightful occa sion for innocent amusement than the 28th at Glenwood Grove. We hope then, that the people of Pittsburgh, will, by their presence at Glenwood Grove on the 28th, show their appreciation of 'amuse ment which tends to elevate the spirits and invigorate the health. Admission and dinner, 50 cents. Trains will leave the depot of the P & C. It R. at 7, 9 and 11 A. M., and at 1, 3 and 4 r. 2 AU annoyance and trouble from emir bread during the hot weather. may be avoided by purchasing Marvin's crack ers at 91 Liberty street, or at any of the groceries. Important to G. A. Et.—All members of Rays Post, No, 3, Grand Atmy of the Republic are earnestly requested to call on George W. Silvy, 75 Wood street. be fore Monday next, August 30th, where they will hear something to their advan tage. By order, P. C. 'The Evidence given in regard to tne wonderfully curative merits of the "magic Macedonian oil," by the Com pany who are now rightly advertising it, on the Diamond, Allegheny, and who are using a four horse chariot for that purpose is unprecedented. Now Is the time for preserving fruits. A large and varied assortment of the beat kinds of glass jars for this purpose will be found at the warehouse of the Keystone Pottery. Messrs. Kier & Co. proprietors, No. 363 Liberty street. Marvin'r Lemon Eller/It are simply delloions; and will be found an exceed ingly pleasant and excellent substitute for sour bread during the hot weather. Bates & Bell are selling Japanese Silks, Summer Silks, Thin Dress Goods and Shawls, at very low prices to close the stock. Eruptions, healing and all akin dis eases removed by using Milk of Violets, the most elegant toilet Lotion ever. pro duced. Bold by all druggists and fancy goods dealers. V. W. Brinkerhoff, N. Y., general agent. Figured Grenadines.—gates & Bell offer Silk Grenadines for 500,, worth 75c. All Grenadines proportionably cheap. Margin's superior crackers may be pro. oared at 91 Liberty street, or at any gro cery in the two cities. Buy them, try them. Youngson, corner of Diamond alley and Smithfield street, has the best Ice Cream in the city. Large saucers and made of the best country cream. Constltution Water is a certain mire for Diabetes' and all diseases 'tit. the Kid neys. For sale by all Druggists. ( TO-THE CITIZENS OF ALLEGRE. EX.III7BITY. To the Friinas of Reform, When Judie Mellon charged the Drat Grand Jury under the present liquor 11- cense. law, he spoke approvingly of many of its provisions, but - said "What is most likely to be wanted is Wit cer tain, prompt administration and enforce nient."- This prophecy has been most terribly fulfilled. The abuses of the present li cense law have become so flagrant and fearful that something must be done or the evils of the rum traffic will overrun the best interests of society, and make the very name of the county you renre sent a by-word and a reproach. Already there are double the number of licenses granted that were deemed amply suillq dent under the old law. Then we had 552 licensed rum stores; now we have over 1,000 ! Our County Commissioners have been so culpably careless in grant ing licenses that hundreds of improper persons have obtained them in direct violation of the spirit of the law. Not only so, but those who have had the very best means of knowing the facts in the case have estimated the number of unlicensed liquor houses at over 3,000 i • This would give one to every ten voters in the county! Can it be possible that the drinking habits of our citizens require such a proportion of taverns, bar rooms and vile doggeries? We indignantly an swer No! Do our citizens know that if the estimate given above is accurate (we have heard it placed as high as 5,000) that our fair county is, in this respect, on a level with some of the lowest - find vilest portions of the city of New York? We propose, as one movement in the direction of reform, to place in the Board of County Commissioners our tried and trusted fellow citizen, Isaiah Dickey, Esq. We propose through him to cut down the number of licensed liquor stores to the very fewest possible in accordance with the'spirit of the law. We also propose that remonstrances from citizens, drawn up and presented in accordance with the provisions of the law shall be received and regirded, and notignored or set aside in direct viola tion of the law, as they have repeatedly been heretofore. In this work of reform will you give us your , sympathy, l your co-operation and your vote? REFORM. The language of nature and experi ence demonstrates that whoever would enjoy the pleasures of food, the beauties of landscape, the joys of companionship, the riches of literature, or the honors of station and renown, must preserve their health. The effect Of foul, injurious food, -entering the stomach, is to derange the digestive organs and produce headache, loss of appetite, nnretreshing sleep, low spirits, feverish burnings, etc., which are the symptoms of that horrid disease, Dyspepsia, which assumes a thousand shapes, and points toward a miserable life and premature decay. PLANTATION BITTERS will prevent, overcome and counteract all of these effects. They act with unerring power, and are taken with , the!pleasure of a beverage. MAGNOLIA. WATER.—Superior to the best imported German Cologne, and sold at half the price. lIELELT.F. The Only Cool Spot in the city is Youngsonls Ice Cream Saloon, tomer of Diamond 'alley anal Smithfield street. His cream eicelsalrothers. Take your lady around and - try it. Special Reductlen.—Bates Qt Bell offer Shetland Shawls, a fresh stock, 25 per cent under regular prices. DIED. SWANK— kt the resides ce of her father. Mr.. James Hamilton, Beech street,'Aliertheny City on Wednesday mornlnz. Aug.ust 25th, 1554): LIZZIE, wife of Mr. James M. twank, edhor of the Johnstown Tratans. Funeral TO D • F, at 5 o'clock T. M... to pro ceed to Mount onion Cemetery. STUART—At Ws residence In Monongahela. Cttv, nn the 25th hut.. Mr. ANDREW JACK. SON SLUART, Inthes3dyearof his age. Notice of funeral In Friday 's Issue. - UNDERTAKERS • ALEX. AI JELLNi Ni: ticEiii- TARED, No. 1.65 FOGIZTII 'STREET, Lisburne, Fs. COFFINS of an AP.. 0 .2, CRA.PF4, GLOVES, snd eL ory description of Funtral Fur.. uisbing (.4,,,,,is fernislied. rooms ~" - - ",.- .--* ~ L , . 4.t is.eniages ftirw.nee for city funcrals at 89.00 each. • CE —nec.Darld Eerr. LLD., W. JacobtiF, D. 1)., Thom Evrirg, a,• . 1. 4- ' 01 ) Miller, Zsq. • ARLES PMEIZIrS ITN. A RLES AND LIVERY STABLE& come:. I 13ANDUSEITSTRIC.ZT AND CHURCH AVENUE Allegheny City, where titer BOOMS e constantly supplied wick real sad imitation ewood, Mahogany and _Walnut CaMes, at prices varying from VS to 47100. Bo • dies prepared for ingrteent. Hearses sad Gar. rlages fernislaed: also, Lando of gou,-ping Goode, If required. °dice oPen at all hours, , day and night. JOSEPH NIEVER SON, I viv]Dyrr.,t.aKir_.]fts, No. 424 PENN STREET. Carriages for Fi:Larsls, $2.00 Eae ' COFFINS and all Funeral Furntehment at re- - dated rates. au7 SPECTACLES WIEALIEE JOXT_F,'S! Persons who are suffering from weak eyes or dimness of vision can End flotillas better to re store them to their proper standard than by using THE SCOTCH PEBBLE SPECTACLES, An article we can gurantee to be genuine. and ; at such a price that %hey will come within the reach of all. All we ask is for you to call and examine them, and we will prove their minert. ority Over all others. W. G. DMISEATH, JEWELER AND OPT DIAN, aft IfTPTH AVE -3724 NIIE. • MERCHANT TAILORS. HENUY G. HALE, MERCHANT TAILOR, Would resoectiblry In form flit Muds and the public geners/ly, that his • SPRING STOCK OF GOODS • ' IS NOW 003,IPLE'rE. SOLICMING 121 EARLY CALL Corner of Penn and Sixth Streets, mb9 W HESPENHEID & CO. Ro. SO SIXTH . STREET. Gam Bt. Cgalr.) have lust received from the East the best lot of New Goods tbr Spring Sults ever brought to the market. The Inn warrant to cut and Ai and make Clothes cheaper 'and better than any first-claw house In this city. A new and spies. did assortment of eRNTLEPIEWB .11118EZ8EI. IRO GOODS are at all tames t i o be tonne at his some. Oat Number Is 10 tOICITH wrows
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers