The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, August 14, 1869, Image 7

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t-.- , Subterranean • ItettMAYh
'. .. • - ..-The,Connecticut _Courant hell tt - VerY
-• interesting European correspondentiWbo
".. givect -he readers of that papertlie'foilotti
trig description of railroad trattel Linder
• -: • the crolded thoroughfares Oflon on . ,
• •-, - - "Go with me—it WS:net/e:4C ra any
, -.. tiring —to. one of the stations,: !.f. T ey , are
above ground. We mention our na
ton and purchase a , - , ticket, paying' about
' '' a :penny a mile.- - We descend/woTor
• ~ three flights of stairs, as the; case ay be;
and find ourselves in a 'reldmy:Lnder
. : ground station, well lighted "with gas.
. : . There areiseVeral reeks:, ,semetimes. two
. . .'. or three s sets of racks, for more than one
roadway hal- this . for -a - statipp. . A.
• !-',. train; with :a low engine, whizzes-;in
- L.. and out, of the dark tunnel, draw
- . rig a long train of carriages,- lull
•', of people. There is a , hasty
= ' getting in-and Out, calling of the guard,
, banging of doois, and the train is off into
, ' ' the darkness again. „It is not, our , train,
• ' . • lint one
:going Th e other. way. '-We,have
-: ; not, long_ to:wait;, trains every-three rein*
~..".. ',.
rites. Here it conies, gliding smoothly
•in. :Mu - take our seats in a comfortable
••car, lighted -with' gas; 'in which Teeple - sit
reading newspapers; the' gfiard'llalle the
• , station, t ,the door 'Wangs 41:14, we are off. .
• ; Wliat•Evriiiirflugeoblincekrtidltitig.
= 'There iitiitr - compleintrahoutthe - air': hit.;
, .
seems not specially • - or at ill" bad,
i And, with onlyihe.irery elightest , swell of
ea smoke , so elfghtlhit, it is`nO,v . airth
. ,
• mentioning. On-vileatish for three' thin
. ', ! wes t and then glide-into - another lighted
= stationi." Our tio - keVisysoi , i
:: *
Baker =street.'. We get' 'off. ,'•=.lWhere- are'
we? Where shall we go? The'•guaie,
ixiiritairip.,the - st,airtyliy; he ;has only time
'for e-gestifri., - A train is canting , in; a
, !train. is - going out, ppople Are: stirfActgi,g
. - • : tin andb,ut,- : We - ascend a,.ats4rwaytTgas
. . i '•1 lighted; go along a winding paisage,..:as.'
tend more, deacend.-turn, -go down, and'
-• ; taro is another:station,•:andlleoiße !wait- .
• ,
' . ~- fing for the train. •. =Where thepOitr st a r
1 or the sun, of -, wliichWay we alkali°
i ! -to get-out ' o f ) Minden; Wrehive no :idea. .
• 1 l,
• • ' , But the guard tells. us, .and we iretiff
. -
Again. 'Therein.the mouth otltbe-tennel
. t r! !4Vhere,we.last started, the track of another
'''' road crosses ours on the same level., As
we run we-are-sometimes over another
• ~ '. :'• .troadi - sometimes under 'one;• there it:one
. -,- • . : running parallel with us-for a little dia.,
.. ; ..• ii,ance at the same level; and knottier also
• , : ,•• . - _-iptihtliei but below i oar yivel. !We pass
.._ 1
, ,
_. ' :''• , one,. two; • - thriii:statibi_i_ t!' and-here' is the
• . =*"" ' endtif ituriostruey,andoLthe road._ We
~. . ,n,• ~,-,, . ...
go up nights of satire and come out into
.• ;', O , , • - ...:1-t ,, •: the stinaliinViiiWing - that it is no; each a
•. ;, : - ,-::;' ' 1 - 15 , ~ _
.4 d a p 0. nosy - we Lave :gt a. out l' f
' . ::, ..-• : .-1-:;:::• . , 1 . :4'.'4. ' , Sitfi,sin . )- .;
The Somerset liTearld . and Whig 'says
": 4 ';'R4411411311 third or fo - nith raw country
:lawyer; en j o ying aeplodding holiness as
?autivener' end' generaPcounty ••Vounsel.
.`tiTeinis clever, traitistes;-i i
trfed a ' doyen
.casesthat reetriTeemot practice and
646 t bre, voice has everbeen
mad the bar the &inn on *hose
•• 7;i** he aeilkiete.t4t;j7llB public
um Vein Confined to a few yoga! 4 .serwce
in the lower -s ouse of.our State Legisla
tor* where he unoliftp political repute
_ tion extensiVethatonehalfof his party
-'lournals•in the Stine; do riot even know
how to.veil
Reading Tinos sayithat, bti `Pack
er eiliteße4 e-eeleeekl fortune by grindal►D'
ihs faces of thi poor. Yeara AO- he ,mada
!mall contracts for boating coal to New
York and got a kinti,of,ntonopoly-pf_the
c.:;l(rosineas.. He carried his op on of
*4 l Prken 10fer:Aill.i . theyre ed against
him, and resorted to a strike. went
tosuth ~Easton,' where the-boatmen had
iffittigtegated, to compel them ;A:continue'
IV ins service, but so violent was the feet.'
:'-iuggigainst him that he was seized by the
" Men; ihrowli into the Lehighi= and would'
ha a been drowned but - fere' timely re -
~, Pte• - ;soexaVellite_diveo the - xvitzgPanst: l
Packer, that thcy_ttrOVe the man - who had
saved hie life the 'Oita:With stones.
„.DOU Platt in.a
seat& iCe•w p at thank - ef the Democratic
pert!„ , It the organised ignorance of
the,land, animated uy prejudiceeand
- viciotis.;passione; and • while 1.-,would
si;rizdc frowasserting that all Dtociats,
- are. rascals, I will-say;= without - fear of
---suceetefol-- contradiction,- that all-rascals.
-- "are Diliciatats:, In analyzing the - rings
I found A -- operating in Weshington • - last
'winter, I discovered that •two-thirds
• . embers bel onged to that old organ:-
izationthat claimed- to haie • •been "born;
under &rami e 'fought under Jackson
• -a and-offered death under_ the -venerable
• - Buchanan. - Whether it—will - raise again
at any subsequent period ielor• the people ,
• •
Pattie/And Kis Taxes.
Claim county • and ..,the , borough 61;
Auch Chunk, during , the , recent war
;contracted, a large debt for , bounty to
llibite w" ho kith - me, army. - 11 - obot':
...,. ..fibli tck7 eet-ti:011 debt it became necessary
r 4(lThise_mnney bytaxation.,...Tke Asses
- -- kirisselised Asa Packer with 4neniiiiiO4,
• .,of Aollars uf railroad stock, when* fact
berownesi aboutj'our millions. _Packer,
' - 111drtither residents of Mauch Chunif; ,
r,.-- paidWo4Ases thelirst year, but to ads
tv.:-'filtthJiiiijfeaentr z igeVe - out-that :lei bad
1 .- :. the city.of,P,hila!
' lielpliiw• • The alleged . ChRDSO not being
1 [•• ;Li iiware nt toady one tut hlinselL'(he, and,
his family still continuing •to occupy the.,
spadipus mansion irk Mauch Chunk as be
fealty- tbe - propei 'authdrities' 'again las
'`• ' sessedtpont•himlbe (usual Aaxes:lts ;on
1 ... olitter-reSidOMAA'.AA,-144C9-1.11,11,, 'lr
„payment, „ again,-,pPteattitA
1 ict,
s it'liiioresidence- wad' t'; the ?der
• , o 1,
Oblate Hotel, = Phijade44ll%:-,4 1 C ;1 .J.
result was Pip amount liast• Jo ,
•TtiditfiidTreßt:bidt : 'bi.ilo at l awn
\and ever since then the authorities of;
sue ;,nuh,,Chtmk, - with ,most. wonderful
dness and magiardirdv;:harelenni
t i,
poor man to repudiate the pay
ntent.okbia,sbare, of the patriotic bounty ,
*tad,' tolUegaired<r the , ; ire; men pp tbd •
town to y their own share and 'W m '
N..-. 41 ~.
.. - -r -tracker's Os°, Eiji all this pia- IA1)911 1111.
'-'; 'ktati`thai he had changed' his r al env . .
Tie fac e t le; he hassopened, a coal and rail
;';ratid! 61563 in=:-Philadebbi4'fbut there
stands, his elegant fainily residence 'id'
,;-- •• ' ;Much Chunk,. occupied by bilxiself and
_ family year after_ year, as it Alas' siwag
, ,;beep, : -lA•notpds-a misfiablesallterfU ,::
unworthy lionest"rnan?,,audidi h
;• ;•'" ' niore a i2lllll who aspires •td the big ;add
, --- bonotabler. places In .the' country? • Lit
him set an ‘, example of,„whichlhonorable,
• -.-.. men will-not he Ashamed; let aiM pay Ida
share. of the taxes,,dtl,A the sol d ier, wi,
‘ .. iiidovi, and ,hia orphan, bel'Ofe lie 'asks.
.... . their Notes:or _their influence' to elevate
• ' ' ' Widower them`as'thelr ruler '‘ ' ''
PoUticall Items.
.¶ 11:-r;
:3"'•••• 11..." 7 "Trthi 41 . 4
' grlPlat4FaX.
atTeUtPrcisPqMiligg.4; lll <tenwrg
Santa, and its untntsaufamrsPialy.
cresting rOver item thousand dollars: is
140*-- . thahands of .gle 1/4 1, luartftiz!:
master ,andabont. Ate thousand : dollars
has. been expended Charity.: •
UT annual council or. the lndiana
Christian UnionMeets` tit TIM:Lord, 'Put;
Mini County, -on'thelast . Thtirviiiiy Sep;
tetntei. 'The . ..bretbrin •at 'Filmore are
making preparations to sc.comailidate • all
who may come. .This. .organization , ex.
tends to Ohlo,lndiana,..lllinoik low?,
and; to;some extent, in Missour i ,
coisin, 'Pennsylvania West ' Viz;
gliga• ,
AT: Z3nesvtlle, last Saturday afternoon,
lust benne the beginning of the eclipse,
David Launder took up a piece of smoked
gliss for the purpose of viewing the sun,
when he was attacked with coup de sokit,
and fell - prostrate to the grotmd;. 'On re=
covering,he stated that ;he - sensation:felt
by him was. as if .a sharp pointe4 ,instrn.
menthad been - driven Omagh • tile , 1)&1)14
the eye, producing a sharp,: penttratmg
TEA ,pleyelatta Herald .1640 - -that on
Sattuday"elening, about half _Fast
seven o'clock, an 'nenenally Jar& and
brilliant - meteor Was ebserved, - omitting,
appareaktly, sparks or file, fromits body,
and leaving a long Aran , behind,.:which
doxerelilhotari 'With its splendor. When
nearly over Woodland , Cemetery ititen
isheiSitittainiMedistely afterward crash
ing sound was heard;-smia•fieriatiolite
was seen'to - fall fo.:theirtound'. Directly
afterithestone Wes_piCkad.up in' The 'gar
den of 'Mr: R. S. Evans; on Cemetery
street, by Mr.,,E. , himePlf, who stated Tat !
it was hOt:Ainst-;he could sparcely
handle it. The color of the. stone is of a
brownish cast,- and it is nearly round and' .
of a remarkable. hardness. •
, .
LOPEZ, the Passivism Dicta - far, eats
enormously; is a great -smoker,' and is an
excellent judge of 'which he
keeps a very line quality for Meows' use;
but, Mr.Thompson_ reports,
serves his
guests, and' even. Man rLynch,l with a
poorer quality., He speaks French, but
-prefers Guarani the -language • of the
Paraguayan Indians; spends a good deal
' of time in checker--playing; places no
valoe on human-life; has caused 'nearly a
thousand persons to-be tortured to death;
is insolent to all kinder his command; and
is 'lse arrant 'a coward Oat in the field he'
- depriied his guard` of their splendid peace(
uniform, dlscardesibis own favorite/car
let' poncho , and wore Saddle. cloth,
turned:v:l'9Di; side out, forfear Pikenemy
mightmake him siSpeciel mark:, .r,
To Rfisibitz-Wrimus Fi . owsab -Ac
cordingtikinei offour radian Of; if Wilted
'towers Wes aSinit half tin'irich of their
sterna otit'off,lind the stalk thus trimmed
inserted into boillog water, they Will in e
tew, momenta Semite almost their original
freshnese. , Thaprocesa is most. applies
ble to colored flowers, as roses,seraniums,
azaleas; &e. ones turning yellow.
Thick petalett.'floweis ' Show ' the - most
marked improvement.l _Another axed.;
lent methild of restoring' freshness to' old
flowers iff:to. pier's' them in :water,:. and
cOverwith a glasashade. , Finely powdered
charcoal the bottom of the water
in vases, and the stems of the flowers in
serted into it, hest marked effect in main 7
taninethem _fresh a icing time, and keep.
intthe Water aWeet. -
. I , :diartrainssn of the *amen Customs!
Forliatnent; Herr iismberger, in one of
phis - ttier's to his. Onstituents, proposes;
hifl'idjcike Ind h/dffinearnest, to lay a
tax wins. b , reason to' be
;list soya that gentl eman. "that in the
k tritory' of ' the,Zollverein, friins,the Bal
tic telha Alps, there : ate lidless thin
400,000" pianos of everY .age and Face.
Let us suppose that 80,000 of these, the
professional implements of music teachers
and' dancing 'IIItIStEREI reidain luty.fred,
forthe mine reason' that we leaie'bu ten
era', and, shepherds', 'dogs untaxed; we
shall stilliuive,3lo,ooo,' which might, be
siihjeefed.q.! aa, ordinal impost of one to
fout dialers's' according. to-their ; value.
Taking:the,- average • taxation at two
%balers per piano, this would yield an an
anaL,amdunt of 740,000 thalers." We
have no doubt that twit) , quiet, studious
people, not only-in Germany but in
America; would' give' their 'entlinsiastic
support to a measure for abating the piano
nuisance.- 7 :4 -
' DR: Gratoom.:President-- of the 1111.
nois State. Agricultural University, Writ
ing froln — Bliniicli to a friend in Spring-,
field, Illinois, _ . says: _ "I called this
,mornins uponßaron Liebig, :the father
of -AgnOltural 'Chemistry, splendid
:old man of-seventy; years, with an- eye
like an eagle's. 'I am against isolated
schools,' said the Barop - with the strong-.
`eat emphasis yen` see, our plan , for
`the Industrial `University, is, thus fir, hi;
' keeping_ 4/101' European experience:
bail I !Baia- Blebig, it is sometimes
satiated in• , Ameilea•that agricultural
edocatioVinEurope has proved a failure.."
- flow-is f•The. old -man's .eye bright:
, ened, and; grandest tones, be
replied. 'The success has been , ink
tilcuse: 1-12'lle,sscifer instance,t
tinued:" 4 fhe ialner'or the:birid 'has n-
creased thres lindted pet* ,cent„ within
the past' fifteen years 'from 'the iimplei
spread of agricultural science l =--an evE4
dance that even-an:American can appre'r,
date.” - 't; - ' •
Tun Russian' Government has just
ukalliOccowa sfof„polv, :violations on.,
,tn•q,subjett„or passports,3lbiebAi:e of far , '
000 totraVeleriln general ',pato the
'met:matodm foreign , o cotamercial
Wu:gain ,plOculaie „Even stranger pro-,
vided with a Rued= 'passport, , or a forf,
eiga one signeerby; a Boeotian atabassa,,,
dot 'or cofisol, i 5 al Palk liilPeriYta trav4l
mi r tife - likteyloCcir'pe l .tinpet: ;Sews ,re-
Incthetdountrie* etipeciallY t when
they, are the.,commacigtravelyttof rep=
• spectablotirma, are mnitiatto AO; tra
ding, and .: caanuiecturiectowtoiciand
semis! theme certain thae.,lEvery
ger entering Bussia'wlthannattportizi dud;
-fora , must present hi malt' tor- the %taw'.
ices of the princlPalltiiiSii. firaf,
government thrtnuth which hepaaes*
'fo or
Int, 'lO 6 140:place :0
find bewm ton• T ecaves neW-Vag.. 7
pOrt• enabling—ldiete_ tiiibt faith& into''
or realderlu- the interior .aft the EmPite:
Should he havos foreign passport wit':
*kabala& ase itdwill be left, intis off _
possessiotWandleleiil receive 'from the T° LIVERPOOV Arti
authoritiesan - edditional pass or a carat:47ol ''''OPEE_Nt4TOWN. #
*Bld6lf:cituestriValistitittertie „„ 6 . :
. .„„ q . - one
~ 2 0 .4s t i rr is o ns *4 9 -di s t r . ! !NnalLif 11141111618TEADISMPS'
- Z•go ahriadthastbirfe 4904 IniSoo l4 4 I' . Atitiva ' am . '
Vtlit4litlirriVirigl4APStii by, 4 0,, r , arttee , - • • .aI!"JI ,, W
faiiihwer-facilitles...gc444 I k ea , 9.cpx.*= QrT - (LP A , NA' IRV ir d
With regard ..do_reildence and return . Pr''7;i?,„V i tr Lthtlit3l 9l..
l'asports are iltiliXered to foreign Jews, ,r II .OM, liewiro rD ir ty; rAnn ge r f ar =
traveling,,tol localities wherotheir Core-, - • • -1,
ligionists are permitted to settleibut valid wiladala
for these Rlaces:it:fray. ISTRIEZT. Pittsburgh.
- • 7.4a:t
En SCifinteliV 4l lFirtaMOßlC
• : gy t at&WElCEs. „,T 1 0 . 141C, AIM
will cure Conitlin ,i'h,
iiffer, rat
Indio directiOnA, or n e ire snag Fee to be t en
at tleteaShetiMeoi ltabit th e 'Walla
lentils{ liscx &adman; o wash; then the appetite
beeomes good: theft diges3rand Make* good
biOOd u ; the padent-beglng to th e
in,fiesh :, the
eased matter ripens into' the lungs, and the
patient ontgrowS ice distwaltandwent welt... Tide.
a the only t y l % to cneeponsumption. . _ ,
• To thesemediel inid M. J. H.Schenak. of.,
Philadelphia. owes hi. unrivelet success in •the
treatment of putmaninyColsiudolion, -The Pol.`
Monk llyrtip ripens lbemortdd Matter in the
011.15itlru.ilvtelikligbrITspliliagir ormetvaeitiera;
shahs cods will throw it off.' atid the pathm the
Ten lid tlieitingebeiln 1 ,4 2 be c ti i i• ' , E il t t - d ri k
T. 40 - this,Ate Aleaweectl c. an an e
Pills must be freely used t o cleanse lbe itonutch
and liver,- so that the , PubnOnic ISlftiP Ind the
/food will make good b100d... - ,
Schenck's liandrake Pills act'upon the liver;
'removing all obstructions. relax the num i of the
gall bladder, the bile starts freely. andthe liver
Es soon relieved:, t,he stools will freely._ what the
Pills can do; not h ing has ever beeninvented ex
cept calomel (a deadly per son w. ich le very den.
/genius to use' turns with. great care,) that will
unlock the gall bladder and start the secretions
of the liver like'Scheuckla Mandrake Pills.: , ' •
Liver COMplehlt li one , pi tiarllitst prominent ,
dense' of Censumption. ' , •
Schenck 'a Seaweed Tonic Is a gentle stimulant
and alterative.' and the alkali in the Besweed,
Which this preparation Ls made of. . assists the
stomach to tarow oat the mottle 'nice to dissolve
the food with-the Pttltoonic Syrup,- audit is made
into good. Mood without fermentaidon or , souring
in the stomach. .. .. . The great reason whyphysiciats do net mire
Consumption is, theyiey to do we much; they
give medicine to stop the cough., to stop
itOp night sweats, hectic fever, and by so dOing
they derange the whole-digestive powers. lock•
ing up the secretions. and eventhal4 the patient
Sinks and dim, , _ ~ , . - •_. r
not • •
Dr. Scherict,lin• his treatnient, does *t.rtei
Moto *tough...Veit-mean, Ogle - orievey..!, ,,
move the cause,. and th ey wth
ill all.siOn of eir
own accord: go one can, be cured Of Consul:lc
tio ,11' 'Liver - Complaint, B ti
yrpepita.. , atarr
COnkerallcerated - Throat, mama the liveries
atoreact are made healthy.. . . .
'LTA person has ' consumption, of cam e .! Viti
-Unpin someway Are.disesse‘Mther tubercles,
abeesses.,bronchial - .irritation. pleura adhesio
or the lungs are . 1110.11 DIS of inflestanatiOit and dlll
decaying - In such eases White men' be dent? 7
is not only the lutes that are wasting, bet at is„
the whole body.
_TheetAinach and liver have lost
their power to mike bloodeut et to. t hr eewAte
only chance is to take gritchisigt.smedi.
doe a, which wilt brino.op atone to the stomach,
thekstienteri k li,beginle went fOodA_ILV II Wiest
eam - and - lti e good blot:bell-then. trey, tient bt.
gine to gram in-flesh. and as loon as the body: be. •
1 gins' te-growL -the lungs cum nienee lei heul up.
And the pWast get, Assay aid wed.'
~, This *the
Only way to mire Consum p tion. -
,- Wbenthereit n o lung disease and ',only Liver
Complaint - and Dystepsis, bchenck's Seaweed
Tonic and Idasuirske Pills are: iniScient, without
the Pnlmonic PYrup. Take the Mancreke Pigs
freely in all billions -complaints; as ahey are: vet
lacrtly b magus. 1 • .. ,- - if , . ' • ” ' ,' '
Pr. seheAch,wh - i, bat enitt;d titintettei
health' for may years past, and now wets. 8 SS
-pounds. wee wasted away-us A mertrakeleton, In
the very last stage or
Pulmonary Consumptioo.
lesshydclans hav,ing protounged bin case hone
r and ablindonesitim tO his fate • Eft Wllltellred
by the al g omaitli:r i p i szv , ..l4 , 4: l l , :4.44mi
Dr. ~,Renck, g reparat i on with the . e' re-
Hinarkabte imecetis. s: Pill directions accompany
•eftch, not aittolutedynecessary to per
sonailv, see Cr. Schenck, moons
patients Wish
their longs examined; and tar this purpose .he is
lirefessloaalir•al. his-Principal Ofdce. Philailei•
phis, every Saturday. where all letters for advice
; must be addressed. Reis also profeascOnarLy at
, No.- 33 Bond , street. :I..ew York. everY Other
aueolaY. and at 1 , 10:5 Hanover itrellt. Boston,
every o th er Wedne sday. lie giv es ads lecfrce,
• butfor a thorough exaseibation With his 'Semi-;
lorneter the price is 85. ...Orme basil st each city
-from VA. , St. to 3 P. a.. , , ~
Price of the Pp' - ', nit syrup_and ' seaweed - 154n.
' ii eachlil.s_oper • , ttle.'er g 7.50 Is half Oxen.
•Xandrake PliM33.cente I Oz. For sale by ail
druggists. , ~ , - , - , _ . - . . roVid:lsl.d.tir.
FRIBEAVZS. , Thap.. numerous - class *of' eases
resulting from self. abase; producing
tio v.:manliness,
aerni U ns M l W ea eitbnY .•
_and b n i a y l =m
potency, -
permanently - Mused: L Persona
ea' wl oelleate. intricate - and ± inns: stand
ing cotunitunonaleozaplaints aye politely invited,
to call for ebasultation t - whicn costs nothing..
Sxperience. th e beat 'or teachers. has enaPied
bim perilteteretmedlea at once‘effiffient._ safe,
permanent, and which in most cases can be used.
without hindrance to basineu. Medicates pre ,
pared inthe establishment, which embraces of-.
dee, reception and waiting rooms; also, boarding
anis sleeping' ipannients. for paileattrequiring
personal attention, and vapor mid chmi
cal baths, thus concentrating the Tamed mineral
springs. No :mattes who have failed, state your
ease. Read what he raysin his pamphlet of day
pages, sent to any sddreas for two stamps in seal.
ed envy ppe. Itunsands - of cases treated' annn.
ally. at office and all over the country.- Conant.
tattoo free, personally or by mail. Mee No. 9
Wylie street, (near Court use PittsburO,
Pa. Hours 9 'A. - is. to Y. Y. Munda”-/19 at.
to 51 P. ni t Pamphlet nut to any, address for hoe
.. .. .
- e:.; ' :1)11r: ; : :III: I d
Tlili cslelidld DMZ is the testis theMarld;
the only true and ye Dye; bum:less. ,ielia•
ble., instantaneonsi no . point:gent; no Z.
dlr,:altras linter remedies will erects Of bad
dyes; invigorates and leateathe Earls:o,od
beantiltd.dteoliorbrotes. bold by allDMDlasta
andPerfttmets;and properly aeplled it Battl
iflosiVis Pact,on. r.. 111 Nand stretio'Etir
York. mv2l:=
_ _ - ,
Musts on_tbe EILItOP Or Yotrr_gttjtna
EVILS,LLI P AGE, • tn. regard to bousAL
wlrrieertair. bet p tor theta•rlvE,And en
fortitnate. Sent In sealed envelopes. tree
orebsrpe. 'Address. HO WAHII AS 4 OCI ATIoN.
Box P. Pblladelpbta,Vi. • • 1ne21463.41&?
B vit, ;if s/ O,OIION
.• _
• •• •
P , • •:
• • ostrYDNISMILY. August nth. it 0 o'cloth:
will be sold on the premises.litureu building loth.
Char. s reet: Sixth, wird; bet ween grade and
Nixon' street And adloinie-111esple
Coal tr, ce. They are' each 20 feet, wide by 140
feet deep to is 40 ieet street. ; Tiny are well ices
ted for building purposes. are in it rapidly im
proving portion a the thy:. and are wel, Worthy
the special sttentiOn - of ail in vies. of vacant
property. .."I"ernts :—'f
' , Oft TVIEBDAY, AA:lutist 17, at '4. o'e)ont,
be sohL.ors.the premlses,tbe property of Thomas
Klturfelto.2ltusteil oe 311ndle street.two squares
east , of tue.sbarnsourg Illtation. Tito Lot Is 70
by 100 Pei. The hOuan o,T,Nto.etory thick, of
seven rbomrtndbalt, - •
The .Lot; ts•planted In Froth , Obnibbery and
~Tbe house Is built one year and Lin per.
fees ,eondltios,. NVash•honie 'and 'Bakeol 4 en on
rear of lots 4 44 - •
.Tbe, property good, pleasant sad desirable
1 , A place of re sideu4e.
Tinni Mit cash; balite tit one andlleoVeary,
'with =tete,
8uurtmEn ,_,8ra 44 .,..„ 4 1.1.p.
otizsrAslctr , -
itstrAY 'ltfOlt's (NG , 'Aiistirt '114111,' st
wok:Ka:Ann Are sold oittlekt prestistis. tworder of
John 11.1 , 141507. -.lLssignee ln..ttstarsptey or
tiggli B. •murpliy‘ pAteber Sten No. 9ln Ails
-I.gpenv tcltirkrposso• • • Also; one Gold WittOb:
.su IS•: I).II.,:',McILeWMAKS. Amtionter.
WALij PAP,linta '2(
WALLie PAPER: '• : .„
'''er;k7;7II4UUMEILAZI: B
TiTy„ i xAxa, --- ' 11.4 Elk, WNW
191—Liberty Street;" ;
E2114W 6 4 11 .44, 1 0r 1 i I
etibt gindirtiMb
Ile4ctt lrWOot
I f s ibh i P L at tt
L rultbt i riAki
i „, i rloW4Co 4 lo k e l i etsMet,
• It•P ." 11 S
1 , 1.1
iLE9 As ctioneer,
159 federal _
G AiletbettY•
.3 •••
qtr . :" S
ff,E:x.T.vx :: g.EN 9 s.
Greatly Reduced Pricei,
The Bahinee. oUthelr DrUntalve Stock of
mwsplw OF
Gauze Co tten Undershirts Drawers.
Gauze Merino Undershirts &Drawers.
qauze, Silk Undershirts and Drawers.
Lisle Thread Undershirts,& Drawers.
, . „
AY, Dnin7§rf Mein", .
an roil LOti Priefsel
BOW% - :
. ,
swum SCARFS,
te, Closed .OutTio
...I.'Ot',:iiitti', , '.:Cil , .. , .ti!it. - :::.5.1i1W,1 . 517
Orvvislehmie drat he Sole Agents
for this City, are unsprpasiedin
quality, stylt , ,make and excel-.
Ivaco , el -
'lt it a make of Shirts . that
has became, Standiiid, and tor
which the demand is
We have these Shirts in all, sizes
ALSO • • '
Tof Open at the Back.
% • r-• "I
, ...
. ,:.
'' - 4 1.10RWIC11 - 1101 , 10" '
,•,,„ ~ ..; Pi ,i7r; 1 1 - i et. 4 .,. 6 ., 1 -1 1 .- . :
linen 'i*-Collarsi, au , , uffsit ,
~„..,.. ,iii....,... -,,,,, :,,,:. .i i .• ~ , ..„:7 :
..- ~ i
t - AttairOGAV,i:;;,::::,',::,:;,,:,'':i,::,', ~.,1
. ` .:1 “/)" . '„.1414O r Ailii,
! ~..
-.: , :i I
,I ~,,... ,-4;,•:-..,:ite,1
t P r f r,!•trrice• - , : 1 ;
4 , % 1,
y••• 1
7:• • ?.
. •
• o
....15.irfjor.': f!•..01i
1.,;:,! '' • '
• ,
Ross and Dittniond Streets,
Fall Tani - pens September 2d.
There are Seven Deparkaients - 0 one ILe g a . -
entitle, Civil and Bleciaseleat gngineering, Mili
tary &lever, Commercial end Prepuatory: 'ln
each instraction is thorough and sYsternatic.
The Departments of Civil and Mechanical Engi
neering were organized last y ear, - and have sno•
seeded beyond AD expectation. ik bile the higher
departments of the Unrversity are well'provided
for, 'pedal care is taken that PrepatutOri
dents are supplied with the bait instruction that
Can be employed, Past anceest warrente the IC.
tertion that htudents are afforded as good otpor•
tun - ales as c.n be had at home or abroad.
Call, !or the present, from 914 to 19 A. At., 07
send fors catalogue.
GEORGE A Gouts. Li,. D., President and Pro•
lessor of Mental and Moral Science. •
JOS. F. GRIGGS, A. M.. Professor of Greek.
Non. B. W. WILLIAMS, LL.D.. Professor ef
8.. C. JILLSON, Pn. 8.. M. D.. Profcssor of
`Cliemistry,klineraldgg and Genii:la.
• MILTON B. GOFF, A. M.. Proressorof Math.
emetics.. . . _
BIM E. P. CR.A.NE. 31. Professor of Leta
and Rhetoric. - - _ •
S. P. L aI 4 I3LET Direcr or Obervatory . and
Protest or of.Plays'es and
MAJ. W. J. L. NICODEMUS. U. s. Army, Pro
fessor Military Science And Civ 1 and Mechanical
Engineering • . • • -
.1. E. Adjunct , Professor, of
Latin. - -
ALPHOwSEIf. DANSE.lnstrnetor in Frenth.
I.'N.YORMlLlArPrincipalConimercial D °kart-
LEVI Lilt/DEN: A: AL Princtpal Pritiaiert‘t.
-P. Y. NOIEBBACH&B, YrOfelkOr German awl
tradei the Cite °file Mikis of Leroy
- v•-•--
Tills Institution: Is altnated near the Potent.
Tonle Central -X4llrosekia a matt egantefttl.and
healthrisart .of Westmoreland. county, about
mileirtgOm Lstrobe. -•— •
• Thoseholastleyearlselvlddd Into two nations.
4:commencing the, Monday after the lbttr Of Au
rd and tuition pet 'sesaion,
' t
• (payable
19 5
BO r n c edewgp.r eetalel., D
Statatneir • •
. • .. .. 00
Doctor's fees ..*.• " • M
Toe Modern Langtorm Mimic. Drawing , .
form extra cnargea.
All communications-should bed r ectc d to the
.Dlrectreas of; SU, "Cagier's Academy; Bt._Vin•
cent , a P. 0., Wesimoreland county. ,
- N. O.—A cafriage Is in attendance at Beats's .
Station tgary. Weongsday, fo meet ;the morning
accommodation train from 1%0 burgh..
- studio! will eOtirMernee'Aticilet 93 i. ......'•
..• Prospectuses' caw_ be had tut application to the
.01rectreso of the•Acadern,y. - .; atemit•
.'• 'The Next Tent - 11;111 - ()pee tialtte
Persons wishing toenler Regular Classes, and
espectaliy, „former Pupils and vshers qualliled to
enter the Senipr Class, shonid apply this Week, .
Will he opeped. in Conneclionzwith thial.nstitil
tion, In which ;hey can. takes, thorough Course
in spelling', RFalfzie: Aritht etto, tieogrvitakY.
Grammar;; Writing .100 ..Book
kcepingi orany thesebrancikes. ; ,
I Sated tictiopt for Little '
Units llar igiade, - Will alio be connected with the
listUutlact. , • - • • • • .
Paren wiShiligtomakearrangeineitts ter send.
'log' their Sons and Daughters, are invited to ap•
ply this week. • I, • • • auStne
.31:, : frest Chester, • : P(;,:
The SehoiatleYeai of 10 thon.thaireginili-ND
-7.ZESDAlt.l3eptember let Aims :
• For-eAthlogne, apply
I'AL AND imOriiitiozi.
_Boarders only.) Th e eiglisn annual session
commences- hirriday. 'rentriibar Ti.e
-buildings are new and very complete in all their'
anpointments, - Wry- thorough strut:Ma - in,
40,3101.,anelena and modern. languages. Two
graauates"of the United Mites Military 'Academy'
de TON their time eicmaivelrto the detail - Smote
,of liathimetsci awl engineering Careful, at
tention Is grata tirtheinotar and - religious Cat
tomtit Wets, Circulate m nWelitained of C.
AO Wood - . Street,
or of
• - • •-- THEODORE liePTAT't
.' President. of - T. M. Academy, Citestra,
yulusti , LlorpiEo , SCHOOL
itate liana :
Will open -WPDNESDAT , Sept lat. The
Sch:ol hts elegatiS aced commodious rooms. a full
corps of sh.e Mid competent teachers. and every
faelllty!f•r a:thorough sdlscation. ',Vestries the
usu•l advantages Of Maps. Marta and Philo.
soobleal Apparattit, , pepliterfll lave tke. benefit
of a large and valuable Cabinet of:Natural Ills-,
'tort'. - ' Applications' tor admindon may be niade
rsoDally . , city/460t0n tn i the . . pylnoipt4„at No.:
:ST kirlS—Vl3r.: '
J'and 232910'3M6 STI233T,
Pa. ENOLIdIt AND '9I2IINCH.; 'For 'Thant
Ladies and ,1111 sss s Boardinrand •DarPuldis,
via , - reopen on. IIdONDAY.7I3er en tier: SO,'
FRENCH le the bun taint or the flunilyi and la
constantly spokertinshe Institute.
jr3hrrns • • ^
4~r ~~?~r;~..
maw.' ciLENN,A,
1110:5:04TILS -
. ..„„... __.
sEIIINAAY.-40eliabtfialli,ilthated on the
mike or Ohio. ' Party Ireera in'anceeseral opera.
000. ' UCRISIIII.I . 1144111114111114 M. solid and .eraa
,niestal brioche*. School Tear of Forty Week.
begins ' tieptembei 1,_1869." Entire expense
about $6 .00 a week. limit:Hire •oet ems. de-.
'duetion for daughter/ of minister& eon it for
..v,Worm .to E.E.V. CHARLES tIiP , A.TTY.
D.,. LL.O. Strperhatendent. or. &V.A. Id.
EEO, A. 31.. Principal.. ~ • - rrilirrrit
-, ,f .--;!-?....::- f:• . I. , •FISOITE(itZ -I''-----'''-':,-,•'.
EARc atiLt -- ; tiont=:-Vre
iste noir; eitenfrlng Terr.C.hnlCS , lherr
bratr i tarrekheir_Orr 'War entralt from It. •
PEAR Mitt B' vTAB. Isar ,__BISAND:.
frons'aeleettol Waite Muter Whets,. -; - • •,;
I pa. TYRA ,nßrat, BLUM SIBANI:1,- th e best
faint!)' AMP' in, the mattes; snide from eltolet
Nittrtt and Amber Wheat: •-• '- • -
a t DaNit 8 rAtti thlsßaßiNpi ade from
se, Wneiss l Sairtk ground andiraYter v. ry,
treff isaP FLOUR •is
• taltelfstni lead or any in She mart • i - •
nteantnapacapirery lib not
n the eban.yr' - L . •
sot snit illetela'aif stolen , and nids
daunt antnirdsandn•i,,,-0,,,,,- 1,5
~ , 111,011 . ;•11LEINMICIEW:iik, V *4 11. 4 : 1 -
!rad Meant .11111S,ASitstient...,
/: f .10:11Q
Vidt r.Ollll,
"stralissoll,BAszawittolts 9 ;
4 50 1 ender,-11 17.b1)1a-HaMa. aoa
bblS ICrmiDC, 170 .bbla SamteiC miler mlo.tibis
Wilton* Co.. fietYltbis Red River. 133 bbia May
3 , 60 . hb1e Ittverede.lB3 litdt Whitt. .a r,1146
eartousaratteafiltiv TP beat Flow.
.9711.1 r war AMILYI .•
JO HY- -of the
• w est.. root' at:" matattellf. A; Paragon Mille
Blagleader mid 4.lroerst. cadet Sti toots,
at sale due= ttleetiabehelgat from Ma
West. ) ; t.k te•
• .1.2 v„ AV -firtil74. nee , tnreet.'
40er a irrawAli
14_06'N litAll*A4ols: ;
yij f: 1141
-1.41713R1T, ISALaD-A30334.0.
Crt •.'
oststai. . • • , • ~,; ...„
Itirk 4 A FT, E V i If , 1W 4.4 1 7 1
N'O."6sl l llthliinue:lipi.ealte '
House, Plttatiugb. isthe coo)est
. 11114 Mika
desirable plaueof reaurte. . Llcip ore GUI ie!/1/4 1
4thla place Pure and IA ood.„ The Millard *gui . ae.,
are on the ground floor In the rear.
A:LIAGEtEN:r amnr, Pentinylvinta:
In the Mattel...9f the Estate of
JOHN BARER; Deceased.
No 1, Jute Term, IEIIO. Writ of PartitiOn
To Jonathan H. Baker. resident of 'Shasta
county. 'California; , GeOrge Esker, resident or
EOungstown,-Westmoseliind comity. Pi.; Ells.:
*both, int ermairied with Edward H. Fisher;
:Amanda Baker. interfnarrled' .with William
George; Lavina Edmondson, intermarried with
Thomas McGraw; Catherine Baker, intermarried
With' Efrain. Enlio'tif thel'est named being resi
dents 'Of , Allegheny county, 1'a•; John - Baker,
resident otEmingsOwii, iirpstniorelsOO.MmatT,
Pa.; Lewis Haney, in possession of part of Lot
40. IS: Lewis Held, in.possession of part of lot
Igo. 17. residents of ifcEeelport,
:• Yon are ttero notilied:lbattin ippvaltement
under the will of:JOhillitlitir::iieceased, will be
held upoiltlie el"
I3bro . agh of l'affeeiport,
OaTIRTRSDAT,AugaSt 19,1869``,
eT 10 'o,otOelt,
rind epprileement 'urtreniede by three dtsintee. L
ested 'pollens 4aiirrolniell y the Court, ender and
by lrytue of tie ic:iett, AtierEil)l7;approireii Apia
SoirsrET's (writ& t
•111E-colatie OF .COMMON. J.of Allegheny county. No.: tiff,
vetober Term. 1885. -
Commonwealth egret.. vs. Andrew Deainigeli.
Commistdon de Inebrietate Inqulrendo.
July 31, 1889. AcCount of tieorge
Committee, Ilk& -•-
Same bay petition of , George Commit
tee, praying forleaTeto niakc_prlyatti sales
of certain lots or green& ha. -• • . •
89. Petition
And now,. to-witi• /nil': au /8
presented is oven Cours,wherenpon the Court
award - I - citation us prated for,' returnable' to
SATURDAY, the' SW day of August; 18189. , at
10 o'clock A. M.
- BY TB* PCictnrr•
EFkom thellecotiLl
• JACOB .11.• WALT/M.Prottpnotarg.
T 6 anerew 'Definiston I*l lane:lds erfte;
Lydia A, Finley, Jane 3f.:Ruitia,tieoriree. Den
• carton. James A. Delluisigit.., , AEmy K.
ndrew J. Denolston„ Sainues, w De and
Luther C . ennhaon: You ate h e reby . ouned to
appear in Court on SAT tißLAY.'Aturitst Al.
188% at 10 otclock-A.-sr.. and' show cause. if
anyyou have. wily the pray_er. of the petitioner
should not be granted.' • - •': sub:O.2%lST
ri: ttt. O ILE AP..
PLIChTION of ...The Hopewell_Old School
Presbyterian:ChOren. ot - Findley -Township.
'AneitherrY COUnty, Yew:int/anis . " for &Charter
of Ineorporation. al No. lielk Bap ember Term.
1850. - • - -
'Notice ia herelpyitivewthat•the2 ,llo PNWELL
Findley' Town ship.; I Allegheny county. , ; Va., "
have made applicatlonito the Court of ,Comatri,
nem for • • • •
CHANTER ot ppcOtokkiiciN. ,
And that the same ,he,,easittotl at the next
term of Court, unleiiciollcipet. reason'aitould as
shown Fa the contrary, - 1
au2 . piothandarp
:J. Plates, of Allegheny; County; 'N0.4.511 of
beotember , 'Tem. 1889., Ma, the smatter. of the
Incorporation *.riEfE"'".A:aTlB 4l lo'
okuocrfatra,k,". - ‘,• • • -
Notice Is hereby alt et on the.nth 'day of
J WY. 1869, application was 'made to *Aid Court
to Rrsnt, a charter ollineorooration to sald Assn
oiatiou; and that if-no sufficient reason be shown
'tO the' Outran'. the' 'tame iillite - RtinitciLlt the
tlettteraibr um court. it .--
. • AtternWysloc _Petitioners.
18159:, . 3120 i
" " 1n35
I 111 , 011fflt111113 . 101? - : 16
- 9
i!'' ',.: ^,-,.:!:1Z•1 , :l..':' , '7,i;l4l':r i'...C. !Y!
- 111:0;iti" ..- ,tBk*Ote.4'±ite
Nog. 3M AND
Ccii•.llleitipt,h St . .; r] p Canal)
• - • •• 0. •I•
via* in. um wan Ault isgs,
Copper Distilled Pue
,117 e
. Acykylesaimi iiitoszipir•nsserim• LLB
Qllwoh ROPB.liza•rac Luablgialit
PROPOSALS;i I '.,I - 1111
.11;4.0.0:1?. MMI .IvIihevISA.I9.IO.II
r..,, , , ,, 4:...0. L‘a:i•': - , , ,L7E:. - ,...:.:
~ :•,3:..,"..,.„,....C.C.:0:1;t-4;::;
Ifilutistanrci , GAig-wirfuts, t
, ):.turr,fittleast , •
111AtIED FROP0841.84111he• reoetvedtt the
Warrieblerg Osa Werke. gutit 1116 181h111:1 OF
kOUST. the deliViof esettoaltote need
miring the next, 'mkt gp ttifiti;getneber 14 1810.
The co* mast be of the very beat eannaty for the
menufacture:bl Wind delivered et th e works.
Jut eommnniou.lns •abouldeeaddieeend to the
no4vrelteed.whovOg Or e.,414111,48, 1812,-
tioann the. inhjght: : - • r;
Gf lls/r w
I.a.p RABB &NM*
a 111 t.
21104f;1i.A44.40/ -PA'll,l2lllilltfFilie ea*
-40011 A, aftgailat 'weal t 4 gis•A*F l . ll 4 ll
ballans.:JVXMWT' iittrilla 1 41ga- .;r71 , 3 0
'.. a : ,...
z 37::.
,Y)• 1:.
',:".. • 11: , 1::-/ifi lei , • i ) . :1 ' '
' ' t • 47 i ~.' ht 2:101 1.; t r O" !:,.. f.t:
.. .
ities lors.
State and
reairing:l:pits rooti.l roy-psztica rail prided
address . f. nn
e , . Amman%
1r7=26 it
.t., .4,
* 4 - tl