ME t-.- , Subterranean • ItettMAYh '. .. • - ..-The,Connecticut _Courant hell tt - VerY -• interesting European correspondentiWbo ".. givect -he readers of that papertlie'foilotti . trig description of railroad trattel Linder • -: • the crolded thoroughfares Oflon on . , • •-, - - "Go with me—it WS:net/e:4C ra any , -.. tiring —to. one of the stations,: !.f. T ey , are above ground. We mention our na . ton and purchase a , - , ticket, paying' about ' '' a :penny a mile.- - We descend/woTor • ~ three flights of stairs, as the; case ay be; and find ourselves in a 'reldmy:Lnder . : ground station, well lighted "with gas. . : . There areiseVeral reeks:, ,semetimes. two . . .'. or three s sets of racks, for more than one roadway hal- this . for -a - statipp. . A. • !-',. train; with :a low engine, whizzes-;in - L.. and out, of the dark tunnel, draw - . rig a long train of carriages,- lull •', of people. There is a , hasty = ' getting in-and Out, calling of the guard, , banging of doois, and the train is off into , ' ' the darkness again. „It is not, our , train, • ' . • lint one :going Th e other. way. '-We,have - -: ; not, long_ to:wait;, trains every-three rein* ~..".. ',. rites. Here it conies, gliding smoothly •in. :Mu - take our seats in a comfortable ••car, lighted -with' gas; 'in which Teeple - sit reading newspapers; the' gfiard'llalle the . • , station, t ,the door 'Wangs 41:14, we are off. . • ; Wliat•Evriiiirflugeoblincekrtidltitig. = 'There iitiitr - compleintrahoutthe - air': hit.; , . seems not specially • - or at ill" bad, i And, with onlyihe.irery elightest , swell of ea smoke , so elfghtlhit, it is`nO,v . airth . , • mentioning. On-vileatish for three' thin . ', ! wes t and then glide-into - another lighted = stationi." Our tio - keVisysoi , i :: * Baker =street.'. We get' 'off. ,'•=.lWhere- are' we? Where shall we go? The'•guaie, ixiiritairip.,the - st,airtyliy; he ;has only time 'for e-gestifri., - A train is canting , in; a , !train. is - going out, ppople Are: stirfActgi,g . - • : tin andb,ut,- : We - ascend a,.ats4rwaytTgas . . i '•1 lighted; go along a winding paisage,..:as.' tend more, deacend.-turn, -go down, and' -• ; taro is another:station,•:andlleoiße !wait- . • , ' . ~- fing for the train. •. =Where thepOitr st a r , 1 or the sun, of -, wliichWay we alkali° i ! -to get-out ' o f ) Minden; Wrehive no :idea. . • 1 l, • • ' , But the guard tells. us, .and we iretiff . - Again. 'Therein.the mouth otltbe-tennel . t r! !4Vhere,we.last started, the track of another '''' road crosses ours on the same level., As we run we-are-sometimes over another • ~ '. :'• .troadi - sometimes under 'one;• there it:one . -,- • . : running parallel with us-for a little dia., .. ; ..• ii,ance at the same level; and knottier also • , : ,•• . - _-iptihtliei but below i oar yivel. !We pass .._ 1 , , _. ' :''• , one,. two; • - thriii:statibi_i_ t!' and-here' is the • . =*"" ' endtif ituriostruey,andoLthe road._ We ~. . ,n,• ~,-,, . ... go up nights of satire and come out into .• ;', O , , • - ...:1-t ,, •: the stinaliinViiiWing - that it is no; each a •. ;, : - ,-::;' ' 1 - 15 , ~ _ .4 d a p 0. nosy - we Lave :gt a. out l' f ' . ::, ..-• : .-1-:;:::• . , 1 . :4'.'4. ' , Sitfi,sin . )- .; The Somerset liTearld . and Whig 'says ": 4 ';'R4411411311 third or fo - nith raw country :lawyer; en j o ying aeplodding holiness as ?autivener' end' generaPcounty ••Vounsel. .`tiTeinis clever, traitistes;-i i trfed a ' doyen .casesthat reetriTeemot practice and 646 t bre, voice has everbeen mad the bar the &inn on *hose •• 7;i** he aeilkiete.t4t;j7llB public um Vein Confined to a few yoga! 4 .serwce in the lower -s ouse of.our State Legisla tor* where he unoliftp political repute _ tion extensiVethatonehalfof his party -'lournals•in the Stine; do riot even know how to.veil Reading Tinos sayithat, bti `Pack er eiliteße4 e-eeleeekl fortune by grindal►D' ihs faces of thi poor. Yeara AO- he ,mada !mall contracts for boating coal to New York and got a kinti,of,ntonopoly-pf_the c.:;l(rosineas.. He carried his op on of *4 l Prken 10fer:Aill.i . theyre ed against him, and resorted to a strike. went tosuth ~Easton,' where the-boatmen had iffittigtegated, to compel them ;A:continue' IV ins service, but so violent was the feet.' :'-iuggigainst him that he was seized by the " Men; ihrowli into the Lehighi= and would' ha a been drowned but - fere' timely re - ~, Pte• - ;soexaVellite_diveo the - xvitzgPanst: l Packer, that thcy_ttrOVe the man - who had saved hie life the 'Oita:With stones. „.DOU Platt in.a seat& iCe•w p at thank - ef the Democratic pert!„ , It the organised ignorance of the,land, animated uy prejudiceeand - viciotis.;passione; and • while 1.-,would si;rizdc frowasserting that all Dtociats, - are. rascals, I will-say;= without - fear of ---suceetefol-- contradiction,- that all-rascals. -- "are Diliciatats:, In analyzing the - rings I found A -- operating in Weshington • - last 'winter, I discovered that •two-thirds 'th • . embers bel onged to that old organ:- izationthat claimed- to haie • •been "born; under &rami e 'fought under Jackson • -a and-offered death under_ the -venerable • - Buchanan. - Whether it—will - raise again at any subsequent period ielor• the people , • • Pattie/And Kis Taxes. ~ Claim county • and ..,the , borough 61; Auch Chunk, during , the , recent war ;contracted, a large debt for , bounty to llibite w" ho kith - me, army. - 11 - obot': ...,. ..fibli tck7 eet-ti:011 debt it became necessary r 4(lThise_mnney bytaxation.,...Tke Asses - -- kirisselised Asa Packer with 4neniiiiiO4, • .,of Aollars uf railroad stock, when* fact berownesi aboutj'our millions. _Packer, ' - 111drtither residents of Mauch Chunif; , r,.-- paidWo4Ases thelirst year, but to ads tv.:-'filtthJiiiijfeaentr z igeVe - out-that :lei bad 1 .- :. the city.of,P,hila! ' lielpliiw• • The alleged . ChRDSO not being 1 [•• ;Li iiware nt toady one tut hlinselL'(he, and, his family still continuing •to occupy the., spadipus mansion irk Mauch Chunk as be fealty- tbe - propei 'authdrities' 'again las '`• ' sessedtpont•himlbe (usual Aaxes:lts ;on 1 ... olitter-reSidOMAA'.AA,-144C9-1.11,11,, 'lr „payment, „ again,-,pPteattitA 1 ict, s it'liiioresidence- wad' t'; the ?der • , o 1, Oblate Hotel, = Phijade44ll%:-,4 1 C ;1 .J. result was Pip amount liast• Jo , •TtiditfiidTreßt:bidt : 'bi.ilo at l awn \and ever since then the authorities of; sue ;,nuh,,Chtmk, - with ,most. wonderful dness and magiardirdv;:harelenni t i, tedth poor man to repudiate the pay ntent.okbia,sbare, of the patriotic bounty , *tad,' tolUegaired