I 1 • Markets by Telegraph. , NEW Yortri, July 3.—Ashes; pots quiet at f7,37®7,62; pearls dull and nominal. .Cotton : quiet and firm,with Salelt9sobalet . . at 3-1;40 for middling uplands. Flour--; receipts 12,483 bbls; market quiet without ..• / change, with , sales 5,100 bb ls at 54 90 ® 1 • 4,0 for superfine, State and • western.. , $5,75®5,75 for extra, western; 5 6,80®7,20" , . for good to choice •• white wheat ' .'extra; ' $6,26®7 for common to choice round hoop Ohio; ;6,760)7,50 for common: to fair ex tra StoLortis; sB®ll for, good -to choice ~ . \ dor, closing heavy at , 16.60®6,60; sales .A' 4,500 bbls extra State. California Maur. q• uiet, with . sales 150. bbls at $6,35® 8 ,90.. regon Flour dull at ;8®9,65.• R,ve Flour in firm rNueet, with sales 860 bbl. at. 1134(0,25._C0rn :Meal . quiet. Whisky . firmer. with sales 850 bbls western.at $l.. , - free. Wheat—recalpts 183,664 bush; mar-, ket heavy; and 1420 lower, with scaler 99 .000 bush at 11.45®1;46 for N 0.2 spring; • $1.56®1,51 for.N,o. I -do: ;1,65 for: amber , Bride. Bye quiet and nominal. -Barley and-Barley Malt dull and nominal. Coin f-.7.receipts 84.987 bbls; market opened - firmer and closed quiet, with sales 56,000 ' . " bush at 64®880.--fornew "mixed western,: • "via,canalyBs(4BB for do.• via raileoad;„Bso for kilrirrdriedl - 00®920 for western .yel-, .-. low. Oats—rnceipta 31,870 bush; market .)--, ` without charige;wlth sales 46,000 bush at' . , 789 for-western 'afloat. • Linseed Oil dull . , At , $1®1,01., Petroleum dull at 16e: tor, , crude, and 8154efor refined. Hops oniet at ,9®lsc, for 'American. Coal quiet.. " . Leither—Zemlock Sole insmoderate re quest it - 30@Sb:ills:tends Ayres and BM Grande Ugh; and Middle weights;26,4®29 ' for'heavyao; 30®3114efor California light and middle weights.' 283i®28 , for heavy ado. ,Wootquiet and'firm, with taies'2Bo,- 000. ounds at 46 ®ss;for .domestic fleece; 74e4@4:1,0(1 : for scoured; --' 40®45c' for pulled; ' 24y,,®35e for' as: . 25®27Mc ' for California, • and 58 @ 6i for picklocks. Pork quiet and firmer, with sales of 525 bbls at. 532.00®32,25 ; for new mess; clos ing at' 532,25 cash, $31,76 for ,old do., 526: . - @27- , for ;prime, :: and 128,25®29,00 for , prime mess. Bef steady, with - sales of 100 bblitat sB®l6 for new plain meSs, • 11,2®18.f0r new extra mess.. Tierce Beef nominal at 520®25 for ' prime mess, and ;25®30 for, ludia mess. Beef Hams quiet, with sales .of 365 Ws at . $20®30. cut Meats dull, with sales of 125 pkgs :at " 140 for shoulders, 1631®1730 for hamar mid- dles quiet, with sales of . 60 bxs long cut hams on private terms. lard heaty and lower; 'sales ot 300 tee at' 16N ®lle3ic for .steam, . arid 193®19X0 for 'kettle ren dered;: alim;-260 tissteam, buyer August at 13)ge, and 250 ter; do., Reiter ,4111 y, at 19c. "Butter quiet at 16@32a for Dial?, and, 25®366,1 , bi State; Cheese dull at 12®143e - Metalsr•Sheathing Copper 'drooping; Li . got Copper - firm at 22cr l'orLake Supe r :Jeri-Pig Ito . quiet arid steady at 1. 30 @ 44 for Scott: ",•and.,;36®42 for American; Bar. Iron very bull at,.586®90 fer.., refined English and Athenian; Sheet Iron quiet at 1134®13 go in , goldfor; Ittinda.: Nails •, quiet . at.4go ftst cut,_ 640 for , lit(Cht and' ' 26®30c for bores Shoe. Freights to , LiVe - - erpeol e firin.er .with shipments , of ; 79,000- ' btal'whiat.at ' 40.. *, 4/ . , ~ Latent - Floor • steady ; with, fide, de.' trwict r or expert. Mitt speculation., Wheat firmer with moderate exportdemand at ;1,46 for No. 2,.;1,51.f0r No. 1 •spring., Rye quiet and nominaL ;Data steady at 79 for ,western afloat._ , Corn Arm at /35® 88 for good to prime s o und Mixed west ern via canal'eridrailtoill. ' Pork steady" at 132,25 for mess. _ Beef graft , at former. • pricee. , Cut Meats and Bacon quiet -and' without change. Lard dull at 1.9 M for • primeateam. :Eggs dull'a at 21 . Sr. Lotis,'Jtly 3.—Marketi generally heavy_and put little doing, in antic' a, tion of large receipts , between, now and Tuesday. Tobacco is unsettled but. not quotably changed. Cotton; none Offer ing,- middlings would bring 36®3614.. Hemp dull'and unchanged. - Flour active, " . foe superfines and extras , ; other grades very quiet:superfine soldatl4.so®s, ex tra f.V.5,45,50, double extra 55,26®6,25;'' choice treble extra 47.12@17.50.. fancy ;8,73; ®9,50. Wheat: dull; and unchanged; r'' common to choice No. 2 and, No. 1 sold ate 51,17®1,25, strictly, prime new and old red fall at 51,39, 001C8 old red 41,85' • , (0 1 ,3734. choice white 11,40, Corn; bay," ers hold - off and -• prices dosed easier, sound to mixed sold at 80, yellow at 84 . , fair to choice white 'at 88®94: . Oats heavy and weak at' 66®3734, white at 6$ 70. Rye; small sales at ;1®1,05. 'Whits.", key steady at 93. . = Groceries quiet and unchanged. Provisions very mill: Pork . lower at 1 , 34,79@33,25, and extra heavy: ;33,50. Bacon easy at 13%®14 , forshout.: s, dars;•lB fcir•. heavy ;tear-'hides; ' Lard ..- I M PORT S BY RALLRoAD nominal at 19. Cattle steady at B®6 l .4'for _- _____ ' _ inferior to prime. • t3M®7 tor choice'. rrrresriaare,; , . roar WAYNB & CB3. Hogs in small supply and active at 8®0: °ACK !RAILROAD . July as — / car metal, 'The ; receipts for = the-past _ twenty-eogg ' 'Rees, Graff & Dull; Ido do, Lobrias dr hours amounted 1,900 barrels of-Ilene Collard; 1 do do, Superior Mills; 100 bbls 2. 9 00 bushels of Wheat, 3.4oo'imshels of : ', flon4 Shomaker & Langenhelin; 'lOO do corn; 4,900 bushels of oats, 700 bushels of de; S-LindsaY, Jr & Co; 200 do, do, owner,. eye, - 45 0 hogs: '', -- - • - 100 de do,,Pulp &Shepard; 1 car Maven. , M P Adams & B ro ; 700 rolls paper, E " emcees° July 3. Eastern Exchange ~ . Lare &Or' fa bxs cheese, 2 ' bbls 'eggs, andfirth at ,par and L-10 discotaitiinying, -0.„ 1 ,„,.. 1 , 444 ,. ~,,,4 /4 f•,,. IQ .. ........, Putts : : and 1-10 premium etillieg, Flear_qulet, '"'ss's' ---- '" .." " '''' ..'"..'' :at $6,30;06,00 fir sPring:extres. ...19 heat; Paper Co; 26 ' bra soap, Watt, Lang & Co; 24 tigibate, 8 B Floyd & Cor.2skgatrialls, dull and 2,52ji0 rower; ' gates bf No. 1 at, Ditbridge & Son, - 11' eke rags, hicCul. 51,28®1,29' ,and 0& 2; at 81,2,501,2 W, . closing . at $1,2501,2Wt this:afternoon lough, Smith & ~Co; 10 bxs cheese, S . , quiet, and firm it 51,25 ', ,i@1,26 for No. 2, ...Ewart ., & Co ; k, 10 do do, j S Dilworth & Co; unamor,..7ohn Nans; 13 eke Wool, seller JellY. • Corn quiet, easier and Ur& •• Call 4 •• r e lower ; pales No. lat 71®73c; No , 4 .W . Barker, Jr dr c a; 31 boa ,.. - jars ~W Lit • 134:®7230, rejected (11®62,tic; no jreade tie; 52 sks'eags,qohn Hinkle; 167 bdls 50®51c; closing steady at' 71%e for No. 2; , . carriage. herdware, T Here .& Bro. • . . : - . ll44 cnanged ' this a ft ernbon . Oats fairly - LPL:mu:we VALLS ! treamsoan. July • active,'firrnandl®Ne higher; sales No. . 9 .-400 bails oil, _Fisher, Bro; 960 do ao; 2at 0.3x@65x0,1 • and rejected . at 58 , ff© . Owston do Bowers ; 320 do do, Pool Bro; , 60e ; at the close 653,ic bid , for N0."2. Iye 520 do do; J. Munhall; 5 ears Irailroad quiet arid steady; stales No. "1 at'i,os, and: iron. J BDorrington; 8 cars lime, D L _ . NO. 2 a151,02®1,,03, closing at' $1.05 for. Itsynolds; 1 ear grain, S Hood; 3 -bbls No. 1. Barley inactive and nominal. eggs,Volgt. Mahood & Co; 4do d 0,14 pkgs ", Eighwines neglected and 'nominal at 92 butters ' Be ritgerelan it O'Brien: ' l ' car , . ®9se. ' New ' Olefins Molasses .115,c® $l, metal, It Woodshles; 97 bge oats, Kei Heil; dr ', Sugar. 135‘®I4aic for,fair tOchoice iPro-, .Ritchart; 3 bbls eggs, Lit J- - Blanchard: visions Oull..Mass Pork nominal at 833. o,4p:buckwheat, W. H Kirkpatrick; 14 Lard nominal it 18;%®18)0._ ,Skoulders sks rags, McCullough. Smith . it' -Co; -48 firmer:at 12 2%e. 'Freights dull and . bgs • oats, , Adams dc• Austin; 113 - eke nochanged. , Receipts for the past tWen." wneat; Scott & Gisal; 5 roller leather,' M . Iy-four hours - 5,059 . bbls Mine . 54 g 2 37 Delange;.2-bblit eggs • H Rea. Jr; :5 car bus h wheat,' 53;140 - biskcorn, 24654 bash' limestone, Shoeuherger it. Blair; 2 cars Cate. Shipments-7,609 IRAs &or, ihs, NI metal, John Moorhead; ;2 "do de, Brown bnehwheat, - 175,813 bash , corn, 3,605 bash & Go; J. car Oarlf , Y 7 F ACetill dram . . ' oats, 688-bush barley. ° -.-, . Cumir.s.atn.artn Pr/DU:WM .' RAIL.' CLBiBLAND, July 8. - ..-Flour, citymade, -BOAD: uy: D'.—cars blooms, , Nitelek & sales ef Areblitextrawhits,,at , ;9, double CD; 6 Cars limestone ore, McKnight, -2 dr." . extra amber : at $7,75®8, double extra red ll ;1 do ore, Brown & Co; 1 do; Coleman,. :winter , - lit ;. , ;(3,7407, , extra. r ed. inter-fit -,' . 3 1 ..4C C0:1 , 00 . iron ore , ; J.:Reamer; ; 200 , P. Oettble ogra, apringtat . 513;50; r amify, ettipipoil -bbbs,. , Rayla , st 'Robertson; 3' brands range aw, follows: , double _extra- • Oral wheels, :Smith ;&_ePorter; .10 able white at $7,50®8,25, double extra red amk.llll4eorbeer,..l•KeasleriAl bdhi gas/ pipe, di ember:at leez@zas, doubliSlextraipring- i . W,.. eed 4.00 i 20 cases 40bacco, Regd.& Mr ; at $044@i 6 175. Ale ; Wheatinarketis very; Iti 4 Mll stone, J L L Knox; .86 bblkdotir, / , 3 ..- firma and hel.4.l4ghertth Sales 0f3N0..- 1-. Pr de a r b it r i l s v . er di Go; 9..laxa; cheese, Tau , Ger-, „red, atoner;-iat,,,, 4,,, ,10,,,,,g,,,n0gni;) . ~,, s .60 nabs_ chaire,,,BetifcmteCliiir • anal #1;2$®1 1 80, , T ; con , Market. is. . U 0112,4 togs oat e; 3do eye, Morrison D; . f- iirMer,butlynoininally , iinobangectsit -.7750. ILV.slis ean open, Mcßane & Ai!ss . si-3.4 - i . ~ •• fors No. '.1.: mixed i,7§6 .t0tZ10.240, .3.oatat . vlitresountes . CneOtetarrt- • AND ST. ;firaier and la Valet iiiitti, sales at 670 for; Laura July 8.-=l9' eke' i)itts, iio.l State.. In rye there; tis ,Artranii..2daßenrs , &11;40 urge w lead; Sellersi.ll. ,tien sedate Market minaligel.;7lnbarlOy dt Co; Oaks rage, BWe eggs, F G Crilg ,.; s. there lai'iti4reiefit, tno inquiry.: The heed; 44 sksbats; 8110 corn, Straub A' Co_ i petroleum:market is *doll, nisd",lnaiitftse,t 41 ears oXinersige, W `Thistiugs;'' 100, bids' c . ~ t hdise:' be no: trensaetions.4nr:refined ' 116nr, Eiegbiayei it V;. 280 eke Whaat4B • -tuid , nriceitheMinaiierade.ltelit et, # 6 , 40 .: :Liggett WpOr'6o bbls fildricE aestileten:; • ,EI tee hams, 12 bbis dry tongueitill SO " 01.140604eirh Jun e 8-, none tittle ee Ilerti'46 or 10 bra 'bacon,DaltillAti* 8 Prices arennchangedj.,..aales at tiaParflae. ........., .'...... , ..„—: , J - - . .? 5t.1.00744.90. e*rreile,o o @6. 4 o pliant- pua_ s t?!?1/F171 ! . Grier ce Co. . . . . Hy at $500(0;00. Wheat held more firn.. -7 ., ':'Alkaciribijiirti; 'ST,indi, ,"",liiiir; 30 7 -17. An .1001 gates of red wittier ;at $x1,,20; • ,fei - Oa corn, 9 do ' psis, :-2" do. rye, Nose, & .1±,70 - .;,2 antl/1.20.10.C. , N0i1: :, Vern ? ! scarce wing, keiu-',wripat_lCentiedk Brof 1 - car - - and inApinaad , att72grap for mine lumber, hini,naii`i,: - Afiska - raggsguopay; 750 fpr,w . hoN,:sok - tote#o,at.66(oWO,- . lor , 4 cars iron,orm 7 Cant litnestaire, :Oyer- , tialtedA TUye beld'bigfier , bat , fl4oAirallt , " 'Abu tei:4so eke ; Aiio boa 134 Hip. thi t taan berealitirt fOr,::,110:" 1. 1"..04,10Y" er 4 BOkartf 2 s'-'4 4 ; 4 011: WI .... " :AI, C : - ronalhal: , Whiakt.litsbl44C Ista:. ,, DOtton t " rlchi - 10 dd;ripi,,J.B;J i cillia;„: roll. , t w a= stLasd , :ititii middlings.. J=Me4ol7..:&ek ; ',l trier, J' lierY; ../l, .ifirel , ,,goD4Fo. firni`A'uta/tftltbiet; t lWßOUg ',lo,o : 6 '':fote4 t. . _ , b v i tv.T4fwxL4:4o, diat , _.: itroindlci to (o= ltakik,te ' " t . .'-'l"" , ' 'IA> ~ ••i) .. ;,i '1,,;(.1 T., lu!', , '1 , h , P.: , ,J .: .',, -, .- ":,,,,n, , 1 • ,: ~„ „.. _,, _.„.,..,...,_....,, $ 11,e: - ~.- . 'is : 1 / 2 :.::.,.:- , ~ , : , I ~, ~ ~.., . ~} ~, . e., , ~, .. , .., .., ,it. ~ ,;.; i,?,,,,,,.... '..• , : ‘ , - ,,,:,:,-.4 ' ,*': '` .1 ,,, A ,,•' . •'', 1 ... :i 1,-," ,:t..13' ,:...,it ~ r ..- , .-7 • t —.-.? , - f f ,A., 1.- .. ll %''''''''"l': 4 ' l --- -77 4—r-rf.:•' - ' ,7, '";4: 44 1i 7 . , k. ,, -..:,.: , : ,.. ' , '-'..,`,,', • 6.,i ;1.- rr . -- '•.n : '-. . ' :. ~,,. '•l, ' V> , '•f• - ff.;s.;')3lt 4 4 -,- E , , , :f- - 4 ,3 .:i2w.-.4ig . ".t.44 . p/-7 , 71- , :: ,T 1407,441.- .IA ftvilllitek.li . Y - 4- , .. - 70,;11z.i, , ,c i,, , 5. 1 ,4 ifii...f;wT-..1 ; '=.dr.....ii.i . :-:,-.P.A., ,, , , Vi., ~-re4•. s ::=t- - :, . .Prtvgfi'a,.-VV't4-': 4 tlAit,..o PX,...Vetk4lo-W,* s. :'Zigkt,t:rl:FYrjr ;'740 .,, i-`: *'''' ' 1' 4; F: r4 g - g ':S tek. 4.- tA t'.4: VVITiN Z 44, kPi; :.'.,,,i , ''.''' s ''' ' ''' 'l. II 111 16%c for clear rib, and 16Nc for clear sloes. Lard sold at 19c for city but is not . easy to bay at this price. Money - etrin-,. Sent; exchange dull, par selling ~, 1 10 dye ,1 eount - briying. • NEW ORLEANS, July 3.—Cotten stiffer, at 32%033 for middlings; sales 169, re ceipts 1,654 bales. Gold 13735. Sterling, 51%. New. York sight 14 premium. Flour—superftne at 55,62®5,75; double extra at 66,20, and treble extra at 16,35. Cortiat si. pats 78t; Bran at ! 61,023%0 1,05, Hay, at 626®27, Pork $34,70. Ba con, retailing. shoulders at. 193.0; clear rib at 18 1 4 c; clear sides 183!.c. Lard 19X(4)2034c for tierce, and 21®22c for keg, Sugar, none in first hands; com mon 9%0610c. and prime 13c. Bibby. axi nominal fermenting; prime 60®64c. Whisky .97c®51. Coffee fair 1434®15%c. . - PHILADELPHIA, July ft —Flour in fair demand; sales of 2,000 barrels of north , western extra family at $6,25®7, Ohio and Indiana at $6,76®7,75. Wheat dull; • sales of 8,000 bushels ofrad at $1,90®1,97, amber 81,50, white 11,690)1,70: Rye firm at 51,35. Corein limited demand; sales.of 8,000 bushels of yellow. at 94, high mixed :%! ®99, mixed :western 85@ 87. a Oats steady, western at 76. Grocer ies and Provisions unchanged. Patrols 'um dull, refined at ' 31;‘, crude at 22. Whiskey dull et 93c®11,011. , ' Osivzoo, July 3‘,Plour firm at 56,50 for No. 1 spring ' , 57 for amber, 58 for white„ and 58 , 75 for double extra; salea 2,000 bbls. Whdat firm; sales 25,000 bus' prime white Canada at 51,78, and 3,000 !bus in bond at 61,50, and 5,500 bus red State on private terms; No. 1 Milwaukee is,h"eld at 61,97. Corn firm and quiet; sales 5,000 bag rtt 52,82. Rye scarce and nominal. .Lake - imports-94,500 bus wheat, 11,800 bus corn. Canal exports —38,600 boa Wheat'. . • MILWA uert• ' July , tir dull; choice lowa and Minnesota 55,5e@6 3 00. Wheat; 81.23 for, No. 1 arid $1,246 for No. 2. Oats firm, at 036 e, for No. 2. Corn entirely nominal, at about 710 leir No. 2. Rye steady, at $l,OO for No. 1. Barley nominal. Grain freights unehanged_. Reeelpts-3,000 bbls flour, 58,900 bush wheat, .8,000 buss oats; Shipments.... 1,000 bbls flour, 99,000 bush wheat, 500 bush oats. TOLEDO, Julys S.—Flour quiet and steady. Wheat , ' Opened 1;4(20 better arid• active, and closed quiet; amber 11.43)4@1,44; . N0. 1 red $1,3334; No. 2 red $1,33.. Corn 1©1 ; lio better;. No. 1: 1 75o on spot and 70jo, buyer July; No, 2 rejected 690. ' Oats a shade' better? and quiet; Michigan 66c, at. the close held at 660. Rye held at.sl,lo;.small sales of No. tat $l,OO. • Barleydull and nbminal. • LummiLmt, July 3.-41ealty bagging i22c. - Flour in lair local demand at 14,25. steady.. Wheat.--red- $1,16;, white 11,25. Cern4lifilk 66c. Oats— bulk 70 0 . $1120: , Lear totraccosteidy; sale 4 154 hhds at 15@124.50. :Provisions grdet.• Pork Baccin_,shotilders 1444 c; clear sides 18c; glear jibs 18c; barns, sugar cured, 193 c. • liard—tlirline' leaf 193ic. High- Wines: firmer.. • BALTIMORE, July 3.—Flour dull. *heat weak; prime new red $ 1 , 7 3@51.80; do white .11.60®1,80. Corn dull; prime 'white 95®9643 yellow 920. _Oats firm at 700 for light., Mess pork quiet at .134. BaCon firm; rib Sides 19c, clear aides 18X®1833c, • shoulders Mo.' Hams 22c. Lard quiet "at 20c. Whisky quiet at 11,02. MEMPHIS, July 3.—Cotton quiet. and firm at' 3214 ®33c; receipts SO, exports 124 bales.' Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat--new $1,10®1,60. Corn' 92®93c. Oats 90(41920. Hay $24®25.• Bran 21® 26e. Pork $34,50. Lard 20®21c. - .:Bacon weak; shoulders 14%c; aides EBXo. i DETROIT, July . 3. Wheat market 30 higher; No. 1 while at $1,55®1,56; No. 2 do 11,34. Corn firm' at 78®80c. Oals firm at 68®69c. NASHVILLE, 'J uly 3.—Cotton quiet at 31c for low middling, and 30c for good Ordinary. n,. -Dry. Goode Market. NEw YORK, 3ply 3.—The market is very dull, yet steady and find for all staple styles of cotton. Mercy . Brown Sheetings of the best eastern makes bring 1634@17c; Stark 11314` Augusta 16%c. Printing Cloths,-.6-4 square, 9c. Prints irregular; Atuoskeag range at 10%®1234c, the inside rate being for poor old styles: other standard makes of fancy brands are selling from 12© l4Mc, the latter being an extreme, obtainable only for fresh styles. Ellenton Brown Cottoullannels eel/ at 81c for jl, 27c for N, 24c for 0,2234 cs for ,p, 1734 c for T, 42c for Bieephed Fy H, . 30c for R. 0,26 c for 23ic for P'and 190 for T. . . . ‘•.. • - *3.:0 4 e 44 . 4 . . . . . . • . .• . mei c - PITTSBURGH The river abo u t :-' six inches • yea last-evening:the Wake in dicated eight feet and a'• half. Weather - continues .cloudy' and hot—mercury at 5 p.x., 85. The Hew, State, from Wheeling, is the only arrival - since Saturday. • The Kate Putnam, from Cincinnati, and Julia No. 2 from Zanesville, are due to-day. '„ • The Glendale, Capt. J;ll.,Hare will be the first boat ou t for St. Loins, leaving on Wednesday or Thursday next-, The Camelia la still laid up; also'the Bellevernon, • The Kate, Putman le ft Cincinnati for Pittsburggh on Thursday, with 250 tone., nearly, all of which *as reshipped on httr ,by the Armadillo; Pliots--Hamilton and Henderson. • The' Tom Rees, R. C. Gray; Petrel. No. 2 and Iro des were at Cairo on Thura day e Leo das left Cincinnati for , New Orlians, l hursday, • with' an -excel lent trip, 60 tons. . —ln the case of Bainbridge ve. the U. G.' Mail Line, for 'damages [4:Phis wharf property, the jury gave the, plaintiff 0,000 damages. . • —The Vicksburg is to be towed to Lou isville and dismantled, and inir machin ery placed in a hew packet for the :Ouachita trade. -- ,Capt. Levi T. Dix has sold his one third interest in the Robe Hambleton to the other owners, at the rate of 81.600 for the entire boat. . { —Captain Ho'croft on Wednesday sold his one-eighth interest in the eteatrer Virginia to Captain Chaa. Schutz, at the rate of $36,000 for the whole boat. .1 letter from Little Rock, dated June 2d, says: "River rising; and high. Somefears of an overflow, but most too : bite in the season. Crops tip-top. —The Arkansas River . Packet Com pany has withdrawn one boat from that river. • Two boats per week leave Mem phis now, on Mondays and Fridays: --The Memphis and. St. Louis Barge Line has effected a permanent "organiza tion by the election of J..McNamara as President, and A. L. Cummins Secretary and Treasurer. • —The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad is at work ou the bridge across the Ohio from Parkersburg to. Belpre.. Over one hundred mid Ofty hands are employed, an Wo d rk- twice that many will soon be set at .• I Terre Haute (Ind.) . :Exprecs, of Tuesday, says: The steamer James Gray. came in 'yesterday. Just this side of Marwin . she ran afoul of-a snag. and knocked whole in her hull, naming a' few hours'• detention. . • —Capt. John A. WilHenson, on Wed nesday, purchased one-half of the steam. er Anna, for #B,OOO, as follows: One.sixth from Uriah Shinkle, and ; two•sixths from Capt. O. P. - Shinitle. Capt. B. still owns one-half, and will continue to ocona —On Tuesday, as the Ohio Net:. 4' was making a landing at . Crown city, he; crew discovered the dead body of a man floating in the river. .The body was re= covered, and proved to be that of a erect man, and was buried , there by the authorities of the town. • - —The New York and, Flew✓ Orleans steamship Wilniingtork, has been 'char , tared at New Yerk 'for a trip to St. Louis, and will leave that port as soon as ladened. She has all the freight engaged that she carry. Insurance for 100,- 000 on her hull has been secured. —On the 15th of June Messrs. Bussey, & Co. shipped from St. Louis, by the Mir, sissippi Valley Transportation Company, a loaded barge, to be delivered 'in good good order in New -Orleans, usual ex captionsbeing.specified. The barge and cargo were sunk opposite New Orleans, there being no delivery. The consignees have entered suits for damages totargei and cargo, and Judge Theard, Fourth District Court, has given judgment in favor of plaintiffs, on the ground that the company did not use the amount of care necessary on the part of oommert Pi:terriers. RIVER PACKETS. UPPER MIRSISSUPPItit' , DUBUQUE. and 4.11 L-1 he steamer . GLENDALE....-. .CapL JOHN Nr. WIU have for the above ports wiCI.Vp. , IICODAY. 7th lust.. at o'clock P. - • ' ror freignt or passage apply on bolud or to • -.VLACH a COLLINOWVO/1. Agents or CHAS. SA4NIi9, Agept. iitTR.B 'UR 6 , 111 ,Agab. WHEELING -AND PAR KERBURG LlNE.—Leave Comnanv,!. Wharf isou !OM Or %v ow Street. daily WED NESDAYS and SATURDAY% ' RIMY, &MILS.' . . .U. Mums. Ryon% Sleight will be re c e ived at 'm noun by . . , JAMES COLLINS. • ' ,nacac a coLtuteWOOD: aBlB . Aram& STEMASHIPS. ToLIVERPOOL MID ...igrilt. — , , , adon , . QUEENSTOWN."; :-- TEN •IPIRIAN MAIL STEAVISffirk Rumberhar sixteen ' Iratkilasa Teasels, taws; tu• lathe celebrated • • ' ' - CITY. P PAilll% • i. • taw r OP Atur wEEP, CITY OP BOSTO_ ,II ' CITY OP BALn.MOE, CITY OP , LONDON,: , - • -•• ..‘ sailing EVERY SATURDAY, from Pier 40, berth River, New Int: , - Par mange or further inform talon aunty tr • •• _ WHata nal BINGRAirIi Alia • ,tiu TTETR STREET" (OhrotaMe BullOtag. • uparly annewlte P et °M,., PitfOnsrvb ROCK "THE BABY : • EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB. BOLD-ONLY BY LEMON& WEISE. • grietical Futaittire lisuudiseturers t &e n 119 roicrivila A.viOrtm42. • Wbese Zia , . be Admits:4U iiesertzebt of Pa los, Chamber and KI runtidees••:, deZ clictivslpenivit . • . P '7Ol. 4M15 WQRII4. 7R 0131 N 5.01 6 4 , 1ain 17 4 0 7 17111 a oz 'ark ami,Colored Printing*lithognp I ‘lNgervantalitutg /ha , Gray's -Fern ! ' Road - and- 8841 . 1)trirt, remeao ~ • : Anmrriu.. KITED AITATES.,IIOTr44.I: CAPE MAVkait i ri.x;' 114- , . : bcopemed for:UfalissonlATUßDAY: A9tb. in al am class pp •ototaneats.Aulti tb any and Tet alordht 10 famines all . rbe - comforts of a Late. • treat eat brut YlllOl4O It 2 oat* si y inid-wtit atop swum IILAA ,I t t lanieMlwAtigitliVitg,*9l444Anig 1 , --1064 , ri n eson =.: " • • Laiiiiiiaszeurmingraa. b • • ME -;; .;:::ri , .. ) •i'i*i - ,.- - 7-i .. : 7f;i:',•l'!",(AJ . :),.'4). kiwi( 'I v) . ef•.,i7 )%.:: lIM MEE . ~:. , 1 ' GA ZET PE : MONDAY, JULY 5. 71869 RIVERIgEWS. PA iMfUitSB COMMISSION MERCHANTS J• z. sz:zryaspz. .DILLINGER it - STEVENSON, DISTILLERS AND DEALERS IN Pure" Rye Whiskies. IMPORTER OF BRANDIES, WINES GINS , &C., No. 87 Second Aventle, ap2o - 'PITTSBURGH, PA. "ES X ABg i itt l y...ll) BY A.: & T W. IL GO 111' 'WHOLESALE GROCER, _ • No. 271 Liberty Street, mnuimar OPP: .EAGLIJIOTIM : II rirmEmiriniamr. se ' • IC VIZZLX .: . ...i. A. 432Z1110111 la STEELE & SO , commission • M Santa, • ', AND DIMIXRB .: ' X7..01711,, GRAlN. wrin•Ti..se.o. N0..93 OHIO BUM% near East Common, :. ' . ALLEGHENY CITY, PA. ILBAISTRONG, Succeuor to Fetzer & Armstrong, PRODUCE COMMISSION. NERCIEART, Ming No. 25 MARKET STREET. • 382118 8311. J. 13. =crust • K EIL & BITCHART, • COMMISSION hILERCUANTS I ' D DZALDBEI FLOIIII, GRAM, SEEDS, MID!. BEIM ac., 849 Liberty Bt., Pittabcuich• m724:b87 J. BLANCHARD. , • Wholessde and Retail Grocers, No. $96 PENN STREET. asJl:xte • iirrnw, BAIRD 'b. PAT'rON,, Wholesale Grocers, Commission Merchants an .flealeratin Produce Ylonri Bacon atm!. Fish, Carbon and Lard 9 011, Iron," Naha, Cotton YAMS and all P'Ltsburgh Nano etnre.s generally. 118 and IE4 isc:,CO.ED .8-14413.1 CT, .FittsbarglG'.. . JOHN SHIPL'OIT WALLACI. §: UPTON & WALLACE, Whole . SAGE 0 RODERB AND PROD lIC3 DEAL . No. .6 EUXTR SMEET. Pat enrol'. lothri3 • .1:013:r 1. 1101781..RDW: 110111 8 / 1 ....W1RV1E1. 11017811. .TORN I , HOUSE 48R05., Sue. eeisors JOHN I. HOUSE & CO, Wnoie. eala Proem...aid 00161111651011 Merchants. Cor. ner of Stnithileiti *ad Water Streets. Pittsburgh. PROFESSIONAL. G w..lie ATTORNEY. AND . COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Office, No. 137 am:nail AVENUE, Pitts 'burgh, • (formerly occupied by Hon. Walter H. Lbwrie) will practice in the U. S. Circuit end District Courts, in the State Supreme and all tue Courts of Allegheny county,. and make collet lions in most of the adjacent comities. Ja29:dll -WM. B. NEEPEII, .‘• ALDEsitel; AND El-OFFICIO .1 OBTIOE OF THE PEACE. OFFICE. 89 FIFTH AVENUE. Special attention given to conveyancing and mdlectiona .Deeds. Bonds and Mortgages drawl up, and all legal easiness attended to promptly. and accurately. gAitunt, 11101.4STEBS, F.° ALDERMAN, Ex-Officio Justice of the Peace and Police Mu , trate. Office, GRANT STREET, opposite the Cathedral PITTSBURGH, PA. Deeds, fonds, Mortgagee, 'Acknowledgments Detosittons, and all Legal Business executed with promptness and dispatch. mhlll. JOHN A. STRAIN, AX.AXIMIMAN. ZI P riI°I9 I IIC I T L E P A" t" POLICE Meal% FIFTH STREET. opposite the Car Amoral; Pittsburg:4. l Pa. D i seds ld lirds, M d ori re g g e s s, Basiner l ixeem e tetwltt P nronitt li nen and • - ,: :,, Justice of the Peace, .. • . CONVEYANCER, # REAL EaLAYE AND , INSIJi . ‘ R Ri.k. Affzuri. . oAßsozr STREET; EAST BIBMIROHiIit. COUCCtIOII al. Banta 'Waited aadprompUy at.: t ended to. - - m73:780 • 011 a 1111. ) 11 4WELLy ' ATTORNEY-AT-tAilir. Oak*, 11411 MaMond Street, ' (UpDoane the Oolut Haase.) fets:t44 PITTSBURGH. Ps. ApC,IIIIIAI4I IILAKELET, ArrPronprvar-srmaAwfv, rrrnt ~_ • NO. CS STREET;' aiiihnsi:dai ITTfiBUROH. PAI WINES. LIQUORS, &J. S X,DT & FkLIDAY 3 IMPORTERS OP . . WINES, BRANDIES, GIN, &C,- • _ WOIOLZBAIGE DEALERS 'IR - 'I4JER.S . . ; • ". „ 409 PE NN STREET. ;Rave, ligenioved t .7 • • 45108,08841 MID 884 PENN I Cor. Eleventh st.',.'dciiniekii'd;4lll:. LTOREPH , II. - ,FIIICH & 11:10,4 v ;' 't • /' illt9a2 1 1 8 14 , 114; 110 A it 1.193 and 195. ' < Lir/sift iiTziamrrrnssußeEk , Voila ;fare: iThlskel t ; 'mow dealets in ; rusates- wurzs ate ; 'LI. Q1:10 Ra• ums.nss i , 4 • , TRADE'IVIARIC. 91 firaitiv.ixtztocur . . . 1.;.1 Lamp( ; , 3 _ ; roe ys him 0,3 PIM THE . IRON, CITY MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. 1 ., Of Pennsylirania. Office, 75 Fedeval St., Allegheny City. Dnuccivas. Hon. JAMES 1.. GRAHAM, Rev..l. N. CLARK. D. D... Capt. IL •ROBINSON. • Rev. A. K. BELL,D.DiI Rev. S. H. IvEaBIT, D.U., W. A. REED, (bushier Allegheny Trust Co. JACOB RUSH. Real Estate Agent, SIMON Daum, mayor of Allegheny, C. W. BENNY. Hatter, . A. 8. BELL.' Attorney'. at-Lam • D. L. PATTERSON, i•unlberßeitatult, • D. MODER. Insuratee Capt. nowr. ROBINIION. Preeldent. Rev. J. B. CL A Big, D. D., Vice President. JACOB RUSH, Secretary, • C. W. BENNY. Treasurer.. • D d. N W. WHITE, b E n ß ni cAL ADVISER. • AFI WO,kn *gent: This isattome con:unity. conducted untie mhtnal Principle, each policy bolder receiving'an equal share , of the pronto of Compsuiy. Policies will be Issued on all the different plans Life Insurance, and being conducted matt economi cal basis will afford a safe investment to each policy bolder, and thereby retain the money at home to enouurage home...industry.. mb.29:02 BR's nweriuo `,INSURANCE_COMPANY„ qr. ALLEWII2cT, PA. - • ormort Dr i niterciii e r. y llieS BANE 4.1 0;1 : 10 Bt., A.Uefthenq. A BOMB CKMEPAST, Managed by Difeetore wen known to the community, who trust by Pair dealtur toinerit a share of your patronage. • HANDY PRAVIN.' GIL.O. D. -Secretary, Henry Irwi• Geo. E. Bid dle; Airoon Drum, Joe. Lea W. M. Stewart, ner, •P10:o35 I: INSURANCE COMPANY, , - PHELAN'S BUILDING; . S , No. AA Fifth Avelino. econd Ftoor, CIASR: • ' . • 1 • ''' PITTSBURGH, FA. Capital A.U. Pal - di:fp. .' I , . DIRECTORS. N. J. Higley, ; H.W.ollver, jrildapt.M.Balley, Drn , l Wallace, IS H. Hartman. A. Chambers, Jake Hlll. - El i& ll , Charkan, Jas. M. bailey , Thomas Smith ' Jno.S. Wllloeh , ROB TH. AIN 0, President: JNO. P. JENNINGS. Vice President. JOS. T. JOHNSTON, Seertmary...c. Capt. E. J. GRACE, Gang Agent • Insures on tiberal Terms -on Fire and Marine itlalaso' pENNstLvAivius. • :___ , \ w U ONSRANC . E COMPA NY , OF PlTlTS i fillftpli \ Oiritrit. No. umi uo7ll STREET, .BASH 0o 0011HEBOE ItIJILDINEL , ~ . Thlt bra' Home - Company, and Isumiee airabut loss by Pireexelusively, /JSONABD tLT.EB, , Prerldent. ',. . C. C. - BOY t Vice President. . EUEER.T PA 10K, Treasurer. . : • L 11170 H KeELHECEL Secretary. •• • , . • . DEo2olona: '', ' Leonard Walter, - - Heorse Wilson. C. C. Boyle, eleor - W , Evans Bohert - Patrfeh,r., ' J. C. Lay Pe. Jacob Painter, J. 0. lile ner, • Amish Eins, . . John Yoegtley, Jam. H. Hooting, A. Ammon. - Henry Sproul, . ill: DENINITY ri AGAINST LOSS BY FMB. FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO. OF PHILADELPHIA, 0r11CZ,436 # 437 CHU:X . 24In' BT., n • .. B Charles_fl. Bucker, Mordecai H. Louis' . Tobias Wagner, David S. Brown, Samuel Brant. Isaac Lea. Jacob B. Smith, ' • Edward C. Dale, reorge W. Etch G eorge pales. CRAM.ES B. B - Preaident. EDW. C. DALE , Vice President. W. C. 5 LE Secretan.two rms. , ..,, n J. GAIIDNEE 0017 IN, Maim ,• n Bo West corner Thintand Wood Streets.; . anti2l:wls , , NATIONAL • • • INSURANCE 'COMPANY. Car. Federal EL and Iliamonil, Office, In the BECO.ND:NATIONAL BANE BUILDING. . 1 •w. W. 'MARTIN, Presteen JOHNjrresidenti aiciil:B - ii:tiViNfiritsoii:OeCiiiir - 1.7 :''. -^ sndarout. , John A. Idyls; Ja e. Jas.. Lockhart.lJos. Weis, - Jas.L.Oraham. Robert Let'. " - 0, C. Boyle, Jno. Brown.Jx. Rearms (hest., Jacob koPP. O.H PIO Winne Jno. Thompson J. MeNaugher. litiv oin ESTEIIN EVIIIIRANVE CODI• PANT OP ETTTSBUBOII. • ZB lillli1116; President.- riZZEIZBT. ••••e• CAPT. EIIMMUS MENLO, =jowl Agent. Olbee. 916 . Water street, Swig A Co. , a Ware* acilvlM 241..Ma Pli ost ibl irLis of 714 an ' ' ili ittok Itilla Atka. A. labile 1. - nation, managen• try-Di rector' who are w4l known ,to the onniconjty, and who an:determined by ptonietness and liber ality to malt tali:tibia character which they have aastunect, as Witting the beat protection to those' who Square tobwineared. -,' tr, , P[: 4. ;:i - m aMmmiey a zZ.s edek,li tZOTJ z o a hn & J. Ne l aerinA fß ane. McAuley. Willi= B.Zs- ' Alexander eesi J lUck • Andrew Acura, • ' P Ravin IC Long, • Win. pEO zsg tEEPi IMIVRANICE Con. 037108, N. N. color= WOODS pirnt SomeO Ara and Marine Maks , • • •, ' Dimm:mo2B: ' -..1;• Wm. PM:IUDs, • , . Capt. John L. Rhoads, John Watt, • • Samuel 1'; Shrives% John P. Parks, Charles Arbuckle, Capt. James Miller; Jared M. Brush, Wm., Van Kirk, Wm Y. Lau, 'James D. Verner Samuel McCrlckart WkI,pHILL4 eldest: • JOHN' WATT"Lce dent. ' W. `'.l A AVtitArito B l7lltetiftil A.rent. tAtiL L E fb) Pi NSURANCE OOMPAMy PITTOMURSIL, (MN°. ;77IYTH STEMS?, Banns Bum. ' sass against all Made of Plre and Marino Risk. • d .z t , JOHN ntwnkaa... Preddent. T. J. HOSKINHOM I , VIce President. DOWMICLLic _mammy. 047, Ny:M. MEAN, GeneFal Agent. DrithAndiulf • •!. T.'o J. Hos 0.4; Hool Hum MO, • Oltarleo'Han. Opt. Wit,,Hailh• i g ti 4.ti I/g'• ,f', P. V t!. I, lt .11 - . V ... i= '',.; 1:1(1 . ‘: ~-;1q • .... ~T z, 3: `I , :' d ili• '.' a :,. ! .: . 11100FPflt • ' .5 ,. ., L.. ,A T1:0p.... .1 111 , 0J ) B , t / Qualities andC . 7 1olors. Aithiniarittintioa _Liven to iti*itii thate and , repairing fia,ta roots. aormartleamrsian4 scrim. address 'X ' B. , NEMNYER I " - ' • fi . .. _. ' 1 .: 2 ,' 80. 43 lievaas9s Limpet% olahn:a6l , - -; .: ,;. • PITTIORE4III. PA ' 1t,.. E,vouniNG ~.11ORSECI‘ 1,111.11' EL , , '-I RP E oc irgi tjitit rectei - d anti tar We at low e' : 3111 4etikk 4 ' 1 'II; 'S . '. W 6 W: 1N074 1 , * gruNgE4-410 beam iratabrst . sun Si WA* goon driethaag t• BE =NE INSURANCE. DIRECTORS: - .. . 1 j D. L. Patterson , Wm, Caoper, _ Jacob Franz, Gottielb r aas J. B. Smith, .. acob Rush, Ch. P. Whlston; Joseph CrsJg, H. J. Sintana. 'Tern.; Robert. R. E. HERON, GENERAL AGENT.. not/ ratmestock W. H. Kira:lion. Bosiert H. Davis; Tamale Wien, ream. J. 7.9t0C1d-ke. RIB RAILROADS. nit D. W. and CLEVELAND & PITTHBORGH E. 3, From. May 9th, UM trains wilt Idave from and arrive at ih,e Upton Depet r soltilld#. rittw burgh cit=e, as follows; • L:" I Arne& • Chict 2:08 a m.Chlisige E,..188 aln Erie Y0Ex.7:211 a m Chlcago Ex..12:03 p M Cl. & _ g1d. , 10:13 a m Wheeling Ex 10:48n - 4 Chicago Mall-6:88 a m Louis Ex 7:08 1) MI Chicago Ex,- .9:43 a miChl`go,ExiMitiOBP wn , g Ex 2:08 p CleiVen*Ex e1:33 P m Chitin° Ex., 2:23 pin 'Erie& Y n 113c5:48p m W & ErieEx4:3B pa. Cl. (kWh g Exo:93pm Dmitri/rout Atteglutsm. 'Arrive ta-Alkesclif Beal? Falls A.e. 8:58 ans Leetselabs no.. 8:118 ant Leehsdal• " 10:03 a m Falls " 8:28 am " 1.11:58 a m New Castle "10:23 ant Rochester " - 1:28 p m Enon " 9:13 AM Enon " .3:58 pla Leetsdale • " 1:08pm Leetsdale! Ace.s:l3 pm " 2:43 pin Bea , rFalla "• • 8 / 3 1)211 4 Leehkade " 4 :33 PM Leetsdale "10:430114; "4:23 ton Pair Oaks Sun. I Pair syn _ da Church. 1:13 p m W m,CW Sip 13413 p. Ire.O . bl- KIMEIALai inyl t fi e enn TLekist4gen riELANGE:: or i gimm 'ALEGENY VALLEY ILULROAD, THE ONLY - DIRECT ROUTE TO THE OIL REWOBO - WITHOUT ORAMHZIEII OAKS. 'On and after MONDAY. Jane 1 ,Sith 1860 TWO 'THROUGH-TRAMS EFAMYtTeltiagfrilandayj 'ClL...leave Pittadze -Depot, __earner Elev entaftd riU streets, ibr.Wasti,M,oirpity,But• and all Pointi in ti VII Regions. LEAVZ /ITTISSIITIVIT. AMU"? IX PITTEIBLIBan Day $x.... . ...8:00 ats Dal 'Ex 6:15 p m Night Ex.... 7:30 pin Right Ex 8;30 aat Bradra B /Le 3:00 pm Brady, B Ac 10:15 am Irreeport Ae.9:4A.m IstgodaWlti '7:40 a m SodaW , lts 15:30 pin lr eeport Ac. 0:16 pre .idßolton... 6: CI ain lit Rtdtoill. R: 5O m H01t0n...12:00 - ns Halton.:: 2:00 p m 'Ed Hulton... 1 t:00 3kl liplton... 1:O6 pm Arnold's Ac. 3:01) p m Arttold's Ac. 7:40D m Chnrca train to and from soda Work& leave Ptttaborgb at I : l o ;..y.zitiyev, ritteburet. man d aye, l It 9.50 A. M. Express trains stop only. at principal points. Acctuninodation rains stop at all !tattoos J. J. LA WRENO2,•Geng dupl. apile THOMAS M.. RING, AWL Supit. LIENN.SYLV N CENTRAL D. On and after will arrive at an(ide comer of W follow.: - 7 - 1 x5tb..1669, Tram from tht Union Depot. and Liberty streets, as Arrive.--.' • - • Depart Mail Train.... 1:99 am MayEapress.. . :1§ air Fast Line... 1.45 am Sontnern Ex.. 4-:b U ant Ro. 520 as: WalPs No. 1.. 5:30 am BrintonAcc , n. 7:50 am Mail Train • 8:15 am Wall's No. 2.. 8:50 am ilorodAe ol 19:20 ant Cincinnati Ex .9:10 am • CMcin'ti Ex r41:30 gin Johnstown Ao10:35 am Wall.' No. 2..11;51 Mt How , d Ac Nol 1:19 pm Johnstown At. 3:05 pus Pittsb'sh Ex. 1:30 pm Rraddocka Ac. 3:40 pm phlli. Exigent:so pm Phila. Express 4:2OpM Wails No. 3...2:50pm Wall , . No. 3.. 4.:somat Braddock Ac.. 5;59 pm Wlaft No. 4.. 13:03ina How , tlAGNo2 9:35 pm *Fut Line.. ... 7:30r0a Walls No. 4. 1:20 pm Mow so N o Way Paesn , r.lo:2o pm W.aine N 0.5.. 11:00 pa *These trains make close etnniectitm'at Harrill 'burg for Baltimore. The Church - Trani leaveeWalls Station mier7 Sunday at 9:05 a. -111.. :reaching Pittatargh 10:05. se- m. turning,; leaves Pittsburgh 4 L9:5018 m. 'and' arrives at. Walls Station • 2:10 p. • - - *Cincinnati irairess .1107. All. Ofild train r dally ex c ept Sunday.. • For ftirther information apply to - W. H.BECHViTTE, Agent: . The Pennifliardalialirtmd Conrail , will not as enure any ries ibrilaggaile,t7cep for wearinitan parel, and limit their responsibility to 'cue Hon. are. Dollars inyalne.- - Baggage exceeding t amount in - value will be at the risk of tine owner. :inlets taken lw ;meal contract. • tad eenerm superth.tem ,E B NAM !Amami v•PENMCY" stn 1 4021.D..-A.211111 AM% th.ll36o,the Pass eusex Tratzts op e Weetertk Zoom:grade • Rah road *6l \ arrive at Mid :.depart'Veht _ Federi 1 Eitreet,Depof,,,4lMom art vity . pws; : :, Arrive. . 1 - •'- Dep gorlngdie Nta 6:40 a in a Treeport No.111:20 am Freeport No. 1 ' 0 66412 Baprees • 10:40 am Shaekal.titill.Pr am Elhatph , g NO.11:60 m Kap . 41: pm Freeport:No. 2 4:00 pm Elpiingd , el 4 (2fastal Ban • 5:504, m Freeport No. 26:00 pm Spring:re No 46110 Er theringd , e No 26:30 pm Aboy_e train Train aiexptiandaY. The Church leaves - Miegbeer hnction ever) Minday at T:4O a.V:ir-noning Allegheny City at 9:50 a. m. Returning, leeaaveeAlleEheny City at LSO p. m. andartiVeatAlleghen , Jege. lion at 3:40 p. m. • - • \ - Comattrremort Tiogire-For sale in packagcs of Twenty,: 'between - Allegheny .o,lo', Climb= Street. Herr% Bennettrine Oreai Erna. and • Sharpobarg Aunt rood on ly. o n the trains stopping at Stations spec:Med on - eta. The tr4 lll l l l 3 avitilt leghea t i4 4 rlitt 1:012 a. en. make direct eonnee on 40 pot; \with_Wal. hero lineal Magee Beroatlar aeld:Hasinahatenra. Through tickets maj: e t purchased at the Oblog. No. -lbt.tilafr etre 11 221 app •Pittebur. and at Depot, etleghgy., FOrftallier I.lifllx i to. thi • - 17eVeral Street The Western Pennejlvitsdantailltill. eume any risk ler Baggage, except forwearni oppesel,. and, their One Hundred Dollar; in value. 7d: 1 1 halinte, reeding tt la moottakiti Value ivilibe l at i nil Of the owner. unless taken by cm: PA t i ' • BMW H. WIL • apNGeneral Bneeriatendent. 4445ecka. CIDOIIINATI 1 'A . LOW)) fteTT.WAX. - ; • .1 •••• JARVI I RENTIMO unit —thi and eiter MONDAY. Sprllo6o /869, TrUbleavennd naive as ttot Union Depot, ne fbilowsk eis 1:04 AfiVi/4. Mail ••••••••• gl4 1.51 :13 a. nit Past tai:lntit mufti/ m Express p. *lda a. 214 iced Ace . __ - a.aa a. la., ovsa p. m. .roaaisraLAgataiNcaiistsgss:vm sils a. ma Steubenville Accommod. 4:58 D. nip Vtg.3 Lan . leelhmata te Mem, I allaVota.f'- g bilge Sunday Monti ,Train.. I.l4;altp. 4u n . Ettp S l ap ma • . ,4. • \ Wrill 133 Inte matey/a deity. - 'Wawa hut atilt traity: All Copra tin CMS vettAlehr, fty_ll except. ed.", - tte tont =en 'Main mite eon. neaten : aft r Saneavitte.,.. e. 7 "15U mad. illetteta Ttekar &rent. IV' CAR*4Tiptt•t Ine 3o 9l‘ l l4M.Ritiepzi. • _ • noNN674BllllllE sodv rri n.l 4 44ll ~s 3 . lnid atter TIIBBDAT. 1 her. tart t. 370.* wtliffltt eltlin't. e ft3l33the Depot nankeen!' unutt an step 'a et% am Intim/k r • • .; 9 Depart; Arrivin. Maine andfrosn Math. " • '"“ t 4 Wirar at . ) A. pis iiioo 1 . , X. , McKeesport Accomdtsn A: K. , ;13:55 , to and from Untm. 3:00 p w 10 :19,A, West Newton Accomod 4:30 P. 14 .1 83 444 X. Braddock's AccoradVD. 340 P. „ 7:50 P. K Night- Bundas Ate. toldcß.'i r i a grt.lo:3o P. N. '0:45 A. MI I Church to - and from West porton P. IhilthiJO A. N VACll94 ll Xdr.tla s • Stoic Agen t W. B. STOUT. Onnennkandent. wri „, 143 S m itatit BILL , UNION PACIFIC 'RAILWAr Eagterii Diyiskm, 'rue 13NORIEEST AND DON? EALtADI DUD ZAr Tom taa Sast,to potakte California Mak , Arizona VlNiebionten, New Neii irie bit .tOreg9u. 'tie, Trams Teift etaifttivind Lena werertb 1, 1 lalndlllirrlig" 4 "r"'clilit°,4 r. ac tla tat dip m t I,mti . Ilmd . baL . /VAVair: w rvii teni a t r it Matta. Iwo I, Id etizet De a &Diego DIA etude ;tar,,au-Dskte tat gum. - Dx L eept_eit ty o riti tract.. ww DI Nemeth - UV tti rErzto Etl elPoWitiND- A .111 0 ZO e weir zo? a . Mid igitn SANDlllll3ONeaVitf-WRIZKLY LINE of COACHES fir' on. 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