The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 05, 1869, Image 1

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vr; O'CLOCK, M.
(By ilegrii)h to toe Pittsburgh Gazette.),
BonnoN, June. 3.--Carlist risings are
repurted : in Spain. In Vittorlit„: the
streets were filled with a revolutionary
mob, armed : with scythes and revidvers,
And shouting/;for CarloS and cabrira.
They murder ed the Aloelde and 'wound-,
'tut thirty eitizobs, mahM
liar risings are alto rePoited in. Carthage
na and Valencia. Trotsciltave been dis
patched to suppress then:
. Partkito-day
• the Mihistewirif the LaWor diid4 • •Jtistice
declared that the clergy and municipal
,authorities were ready and willing -to
.'•.take the oath ilrescribed•by the eoftstlfii-
tionioAdmiral Topete, in ,replyto a ques
tion,taid the idea of a republic was impos
aible now. kmondfcby had beertXoted
and was'rejiteserited by, the Reget4K-
Nattofitr troop byte - bead „ (Ifs
' patched against.the Carlist conspirators
in Andalusia andArfason. : - •
t Kamm, July 4.—Th9 forthcoming
changes in the Ministry are freely can
' vaased. Il r Oceputored"t4t Arada. E will,
• be applaibtell Minister of "Pinanee, and
- Marlos Minister of Justice,
• The Government has explained. that
General Pezuld, the 'lsabellist, was ar
, rested,on charges of military. dieobedi
, once anti conspiracy against the Govern
:. • r ment. The silence which the Govern,
• mebt has maintained concerning Gerieral
".IDulce's report of his administration and
of the state of affairs' in'Onba cause much
• t• anxiety. -
•• A strong Republiari',lneriffeitto
been Published in Seville: Its appear
ance was simultaneous with the depar
-: Sure from the 'city ota party ,of Republi
' i cans, numbering one thousand.' his ru
moved that they have'gone to Portugal
and will re-enter ;Spans .through. Estra
maduni..” Troops have been sent in Pur
, • - suit. •
, A number -,o_4.Cailisti.haie been
rested inA,Ndedzi 4..
,VEcAN . Cit.• j'' -.:27,.iX
- 1 1 1 0*; 40-17 &TVA clpgpatCll froal. the
Great Eastern.. dated ,Friday evening,
tr . "states that the Item:net had run 1,020
• knots front ItreSt;', and' paid opt 1,143
• knote of cable. The 'lnsulation was con
tinually iniproving.
Sixty-one more of -the recent eleetions
'for members of thirnew Corps Leglelatif
have been deeded salad
-• Bn4l s oon on Saturday
Psi '3til .
the Great,lte,steo.,htid. run ; 1.145 knots
f, :from Brest apt -paid
. 1,281„, knOts of
, • - cable. 'Everything was working well.
51iral"and several
members of the •innprity in „lhe parrs
that greater develOPM given to the'
ti..action add auttioriVarf tAO Corps , Legis-,
latif a that - ,addresses in 'reply to toe
, 2r,eecNirom the throne-1)e re-established;
that the right-Arid ,pnot i lee of jnterpola;,
tion - be brinmiquinnat ','large scale; that
• the right to - amend projects of be
extendedt.anclthat the Chambers ,have
- the right:to elect their_ own , President.
It is rumored . ;thei!GoVerninent will sc
. •
cent these,re'foras..
Negotiations between France and Bel
. gium for a'commercial treaty have closed
with a tiatielhOterY unidtirstanding on all
.Panns, 31'41'Ytram „cc .-114. Mir al has
- withdrawn his:meticinfor• legislative re
. forms. :The tipposithin :in the Corps de
manded a tesponsible Ministry and the
autonomy d'f /the .corps,l.,Jegialatif in
=order that the country may govein the
•_1; • ,Lownox, July 3.--The Times, to-day,
says the-votes in the House of ,Lords last
11 evening have had thiieffect-to-render the
Irish Church- bill more favorabler:tri the
established clinrch, and more offensively
• partial in its .Drovlsions. , •
Arch-W*ll'op Cullen -has addressed a
t fetter to the ofilPArs of the. Catholic Col
.:I Vi tt libatil the Church bill
by•the flonsikof Peers,.
nation taii* . lave it fancr*O4Toe of jot
- ••
. •••=-4.; ti •
• - ' , PORTTif.;. I .3; •
LISBON, June 3.—A vessel.„ which has
arrived here from Fayal brings intelli-*
e gence that serious dist.urbatices broke out
1,,.1n various parts of Azores inconsequence
of the increase of taxation.
QuusiviTom", July 4.—Tthe steam - •
'ship Cuba, from New York, June 23d,
laits arrived and will sail for Liverpool.,
- Pains, Idly 3.—Rentes 71 fre.,7'cent.
' - Arrrve#ls, July S.—Petroleum' firm at
49/ frs
rthezi, - .fulk. 1 3—Evening.—Console
••••_,.f.9216. , Elve.Twenty Bonds,.do easier at
• ..- sig. Brier:l9r,.. Illinois 96%.
:• .• LIVERPOOg , July . 3.—Cot . ton- active;,'
Middling ifpiands •12Xdf• - saes 16,000
bales. ' Cal:bride White Wheat 10s red` ' ,
'siresterii No. 2 , f10 ;ltd. • 'Western • Flour` I
: . 683. 0014:20; 2. muted 28r5.64 for old,
• , dud 26s fld: for new. Oats as 4d: Peas
. ' PrOVildous dull Pork: 998; Bear
908. •Lard 71s 'add Cheese , 675. Bacon
as. • Spirits , Petrol(Klm 735ckrefined b
4”; id r 448:
. Talloa • • - ',- •
.. , , . ,
, •. • Lownort, , July a-rdfferneep "Tallow
. 440 6d. , Calcutta Linseed 6186 d. Petro-
lettm at -, Ard.Werp-46X fn.. - ,•• 1
FilAleit'POßT, Juiy. •4 . - -Bonds t firm; I r . ----...-, ----, -•
Pive-twenties ~ .. • , ; • ... . Ninth Army tlorpf !Minden. ,
_'s • akreffittdy , 4.—Cotton - closed buoyant
.1 air telegraph tu the l i ttsburgh a:mew.]
.I'eatardalPfl s P?9k. o 4 spot and arrive , -p.vpracs, .134, .•;:JulytxB...--Thel re. ,..,____. ~. ... ~,„,, union of the Ninth .Arroy Corps waive
• IPIOnuao""" '' " 11 = 7 "''"''Ilfr 'or Coal online 7th inet/ A,tt ,\Roolty„point, l *4l•o 7 ,
; 1 : ~-, •••
___ ~ • • • -,' • iotnsett Bay. iliartf • fr om' Now York
7 1113 V . eTEleea: ti to the'n t r r icit zette -
~.. and. the South and West can take the
. -• linty OkOr.ANS , July a—Enongh lof afternoon boat st•N IV Yorkon•thelkh r '-
•,' 7 this, seized , sugars tot9lpeet,rreurefgbed to by the alowpartr totb.stmi.
j r aing
'prove: - hand beyond - -; tki • dpubt. ' , Tile . tune „Ilnes, and ;reach Bocky Point the
sooner; Andromeda, \lying ' at , Ruaran. neat morning. PartheettriVingin Prey.
tine loaded. - with ' 104 , , tons)gooll, to idence by, the afternoon train's of ' the 6th
• Comitotutocounty, hasp been takencharg e can procepidi t iciltockyll'lnint by tba,aiven
of by - custom officiers.:. '•= • ''''' `. ' 'o'clock 4dediffetj thee night, Wher• are'
, , ,
•, , The sinking of six coal bargelt at Mee- good hotel accommodations. `, Parties
taw Bend by the - Comet,'from some un- relishing- rioviameelhythe alpSonbgiri.: ,
explained cause, is . 'Pktfiorringinveact - dation; trains on tbe tuorpheig n ot the-7th
• ligation liY,..the;lnsplettOts. , Th e - id/Java can .takeYthie•-;teiriike,lodif d :brohttlfofithtf
duty at the time of disaster Malleful Pgiut atel•rtto,rs,la gama....4k, the eFfLing
'enspeuded-pebdi:ng the inverdigatle4.4% ` trehoi. . - •
. 1. 3 +1 ~ ='
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The Powell Exploring :Partv—Vt eather
:In the 71orth..west— in
Daage to Crops-
The Craig - Sprague Breach of Promise
. :Case. •
Car Telegraph' to the ritieharge`ealette.,-
Cmceao, July 3.—There is strong rea
son for doubting the repast or the drown
ing of Major Powell and his scientific ex
plorers, notwithstanding
setraightforward story of the pretended
survivor,-Itiadon. ,The mother of Major
rowell,.who reside's at.Wileaton, in this .
State, has received' a letter from 'him,
- dated May 28th. Maiden's account, pub
lished.-yesterday, states that : the' disaster.
party,loctirred May 18th. Major
'Powell did-botlealte Illinois 'Until May
1 .1.7 th. Airs. Powell also states that some
of those alleged -as having<been witkthe
the party when listwere net k yigh the
party a Alio. Site% does not ore it the
story, and it certainly , needs furtherpon-,
tirrnation... ; 1
"I..'distnich from Ilidothiritorl,lll., says •
that Mr. B. Gray.„9(Ethis cityilta receiv
ed' a letter from -- Major ` Powel l. tidied
Green River City, May 24th,, 1869, six
days after the pretended?'ditguster. The
Risdon story elther alebrinatlon or he'
makes a mistake as to the dite of the oc
Sunshine and rain have alternated here
today in a pretty 'lively manner, with a
liberal allowance 'of thunder and, rig t-..
ning. has been very hot; the mercu ry
now touching .ninety, 41nd (lice64lllloy
sultry all day. Dispatches from various
'points in the north west, during the day,
indicate the prevalence cdraln, with the
generally expressed fear that the crops
have antlered permanent injury, partic
ularly corn. The Illinois river has over
flowed its banks all along the bottern
lands resulting in serious damage. Nis
said that four thousand ;dollars worth of
cattle have been drowned cn an island
near Seneca.
The Craig-Sprague breach of promise
case; on a motion for'a new trial, was be-'
fore Judge Wilcox to-day - at Wheaton.
The motion wait denied, but the Judge oat
down the verdict from one' hundred
thousand Opliars to fOrty thodsand. An
appeal has been taken .toltie Supreme
Court by , Spragae's lawyers on eight
points. Dr. Beek was brought before the
Judge, and betestified that he wail not
brought, there by Sprague Or' any of his'
attorneys to testify in the case. ,
Serious Railroad Ateldent—Liat of Killed
and Wounded.
Telegraph to the Pittebnrgti dueete.j
, Cnvoiww.tri, July 4.—The do:visuals=
train goina north on the 'new -Cincinnati
and Louisville Short Line Railroad met
, with an accident at the bridge over Black
Lick' Creek, tweiSe mllea from Coving- /
List of killed and:-wounded: ,
Jas. 'Lawson, of Covington; John Malin
ger" , German, - residiagk, in Cincinnati.
Wounded—Samuel Walker, of Zatieaville;
Ohio' dangenutalv=b F`;en, Sontir
••Cincinnati, skull fractured;Hugh Roddy,
Cincinnati, seriously, leg and head; Jas.
Clavin, De Courcy, Ky.; seriously, back:
Patrick Kane, Cincinnati, boy, slightly;'
Richard •Fitzpatrick, Covington, danger
onsly; Harvey B. Dalton, Louisville, dan
gerously; C. C. Dugan, Covington, brake
man, seriously; Frank Hess, CcivingtOn,
slightly; Jacob Lon, Swede, seriously,
breast; Gustave Lon, Swede ;
v slightly;
& I
Patrick Callahan. brakeman ngton,
badly, foot; Joseph Metzner, South Cov
ington, slightly;War.'PoWers, Covington,
foot.' '
Thewounded were brought to Coving
ton at tweiVe o'clock last night t 6 tit.]
Elizabeth libspital. The bridge which
broke was constructed: of iron and wood,
was sixty feet longi twenty-five feet high
-and-built in Louisville. The, cause of
the giving, Way not known. The train'
which broke through consisted of eight
Platform cars, two of which were par
tially loaded with railroair iron. Seven
cars went -down, turning over in the
"descent and icveral, - breaking tp pieces.
The bridge is a complete wreck.. num
ber of men were buried 'beneath the
ruhr and were' not got i•Jut. for twenty.
five or thirty minutes, The train that
broke through passed over in therthorh
ing heavily loaded with stone and iron.
The afternoore.'pessenger train froth
Louisville, of live care full of passengers,
passed over about • thirty - minutes-before
the accident., , •
Latest Neirs liout Cuba.
• ... •
BY "Telegraph totlip Pittsburgh tiszotte.)
PLANA - July $.--Gen.Puella. hats been
ordered to roller° Gen: Latona. Com
manding General of the Central Depart
ment. - lie sailed -, Ulla evening with one
thousand fresh troops for Nuevitas,
whence he will proceed_direct to inlet - so
Principe. I _
The Prenzrisayii - the nciniber of limn'•
gents around the latter place haaJargokY
increased,. but the cholera and yellow
fever were making havoc among them.
Neuvitaorls as healthy tut usual at this,
seasod. r •
Captmn, Geheral De ramose is gcani ng
general JiytittiathY by his attemptsto
pacify ail classes. Sangtiluary instincts
have been Lithely attributed'to him. He
is now busily engaged in investigating
cases of.prisoners oanfined in forts,, with
the object of ordering the,,,releaso of the
innocent. Volunteers are offering them.
selves for actual sorvialtio *OP 0112 ,1 7
.111 a
district. ' ,
Captain General De'RodigkimhdaY re.,
viewed the,regular andselantear„ hump
in and around the city. He. Wit; received
by the - volunteers with 'etithusiastio'
cheers. The Captain 53eperal'.. has, l to
leased several political prfecheia".
Tephties elected to the Constituent
Cortes from:Porto-RWo•hsve sailed, from
Spain and atrivedfroni-Caricaaitincit3.-
• :' TelegTapb to tke rittatuirgh Get ette,):.• '
Wanixtuerroar, July 4, lept
. ,
, i . , he following is, cop y , of the letter.a
Pr eident 'Trout, accepting - the • reaigna-'
tio of ex-Secretary - Borie; • °:
'. Execuliimicinsion, Washingtem, D. C.,
Jdne 25; 1869.' TO Hon A.E., ante; Bee-.
retary of the 'Navy: Dear Eilr—Yciui let—
to ,o f this day, tendering ; your resigna-,
••tlon of thipOsitionf EsecrentrY'bf• the
Navy, is received. Ixteedmot assure yon
1 how much I regret the severance or our
official ,connection, nor how confident I
'am that the high-esteem I have always
felt f r ydn. , increased with further ee
-1 quail:Rance and will continue while our au•
onaintance lasts.' I accept par resigns- f
rtlon with regret, therefbre, fttd I hope
that the quiet youwill find inTetire,ment
may restore you to pailect health.
- With great respect, - , •
Your obedient. servant
The above is a correct copy of the Pres.
ident's letter accepting -Mr:Borle'euista
ignation, taken from anothevs_vy - 4f the
same sent by Mr. Boris it; tht3 ExeChtive
Mansion for the purpose ,of completing
the files,; e • •
The lettei Was Written WiiileZif: Bort°
was in the Presideutee room .and takfs/
away before a' copy tOis
this reason the press would have been
furnished with,a ,econy bero7.'
MR. 80R1E,.9 LETTER.
The following-itia;eopyiof
letter of r esignation , obtained from an
souxem ' k ' -
• Washington; D; 'C. June 28; '1869: To
, the President. • ,- Vilien‘ I- assumed Wilk
appreciative pride the highoffiee of sec
retary ot he Navy, eqiillferred , upon
by your flaittring predilection; I stated
, that I feared for reasons of &personal and
demestiq natilie'Aboti:explairkid4 itinit 4--
would not be able to retain the position
lgpg. I. now come. down
,td •ask your:
acceptance' rat Inv resignatioill.—The.
severance of my official and alwa.yitmost
attractive relationit with yon, for whom
I entertain so much esteem and _attach;
meat, Ovine, rtieisindoire pain; and•khd
abandonment of my, public duties much
regret. But the great :confidenno 2 feel s
in. the harmonious and successful pro.'
gress of the 7 :lldadulatiation,under: roar,
able; hottest and Ilhilbtis' lead, Is my
great solace, and with the Warmest wish
es and most esrnest prayers for the health
and hagidnalt pf YanY*44. MNIQW ad of
all you, I remain most devotedly
and respecttally, • • 3 -.334
• obieient servant, ,
• .ei • . , a k,„' itoells,g-
The national currency ~shipped
Ahit *reek to.rin___4(44-11,010 4,KWalie s tr ,
15.”90;' to - depository at, Pittnitirg „:
000. Treasurer Spinner holds in trust for
natiotial banksas security for circulation-
W 2,918,800; and for public depths $24;1-
907;360. Mutilated bank notes, ourned„
during the W
eek,' I (77;150;'
amount burned' to date. V14;844,871;
amount outstanding at this 'date, t 299,-
749,605. J'V
The Esenizw, Star says the Third Audi.
tor of the Treasury consented to 'eve
Dr Mary Walker a, clerkship In „Las
office, Om tfie:sppOirdinene,ibelitg tigiti
mitted to the Secretiiri o for approyal;
that official declined to SO7 autt , at_Pl:es•
eat the matter isrheld 'abeyanO6.--, Pj
. Brevet Major General'W. 13.11aken of
,the 6th United atates4ufantry r in
Upon to his. Preheat tittles' itrtht NIB&
territory, has been directed to act as Stt•
perintendent of. wian A Irp';for= the
Exx-Prestdent Johnson, accompanied,
by his eon antr,CplOner
left thiknici.ning on the Southern
for Greenville, Tenn.
There 13 authotity lbY tailv thati no
Cabinet changes are contemplated, and
all that ban lecently tenn thst
subject In` varloits newspapers' IS Merely
The Treasury office was removed to.
Jpi __.. .......49 was heart.
day from tne cld Treasury butidiurr i
!I to iiiatloo tar T terif i rd siO Mr. Eimplete,
_Chief . along the line from the moateot 'the pro-
the new deparitrisnt in North Eitettb 0 • Engineer o Cortst d ruc e tio gtin n ' e s ar ri n a g t' a ad id m ii i r n y:, .c r e n as e io i n a it ri ti e r d te e d ie tl g l a i t l i t o r n ea n e f h ea cal vi A i lle . gh n e urn oy. :,
REVI3:SIIS*E.REZ/aI7E; '7... Zll istrarive ta l e nt-
ain Tnn u e n l t i .e 3 d ter in na li f i, Re s 3 34 v ..i ti o n o u . ti . le'cliptyto-day Truhnee'efoellanoworingagerteainn4ltimonne:o'
m we r a r th w e C ., , ci m in t . t ,
r b r e a r e l i n i g va se fe v a e i r n a r l
e h o n f n t
h a er e
slidGwlls occ asion,
i, a , lw:hedir v ery
;it , t w t t n e .l
Farlltielrlft ii:: °ores of Engineteril-j-13. luxurious .' ch a rtol • _ _ nit
W.asaisu'roNt -ralY 4 , / 861 3400)10n, Chief riginear of o. , and 'I. by:four coal back horses, contrani
pirpa,rp 4 ,,i,z e . nxpdis_ Ts. 1 .L.,::. Ru hr ico on i tt w .lotat . „14 4ai ti fr ge o p a Cia d; egfleEotilierreuel:
Report No. 26, of the Deputy Special of
e r nrt,
_e ,rst p i r in eity re l d ltt ia le n t
n is in a e tti o se an d h in eth svh nn it d e
Comatissioner of Internal Revenue, nowt, sll
: qIM. A. Ander_Poet cu l r rt ed n e ' large measure of admuatiall:
road; U. lit'll*se,' Chief 'Eagitleek' of tirtdilLen Bian cibservaule43 r ,rul es
t ill he * im es po s, r g t i s v st e n e d tne eX f A i r ig te stin fo t ,th ll4l° o mo U
nt 3 h- -Zi kti d e lB f Ett “T iti °6 tietit i '''C El.. Ma la n e sas er' Pqracitalfte7nßaliball. r bear rotu ll,2 t g l ' i ln o . ni t ob il ert. llfi a dg h,e t r i e i n tb Y W e ' fia aa tt ril gih e: l4). t h _,
ending,. April 30th, 1869: Imports, 152.-
ed. padifte.tiailread3- 121 n. D. J. ranks or out of them, a n dthe
in ,
176,828; esporis,
_1 42 i 0 0 7 94 44 ;...rp - ePer/le:.
Ina. Morrelli , M.fo4,!4or-Csatibria Iron Works; iidotited.warerso atriet=ttiatti pe r son
52,980,351. For lhe den months : ;.' 7 l s u ts3i;
Aprli 30th, 1869: imports, J. R. ittulip, Chief fEngineer of Keokuk , ' 'ttre_tin n e r was perual io tted to
w leave o a r antrigaagr
exports,lB3B,3B7,74l; re-orpi t r..-„ta n t . ,494 Bridgeostli IL J,.. Thompson, :Older En: gir l ; .
814. For the tia'pistrah4•.Ts di g ea lue n sf : of l i w Ah rim enhad w,
s B4dtli th ri nie d
Pehendehredi-..lranwhidieeriralheelinvitireepart:lYT!ininnB Thi s- Stric t
' rf dli , 4B r i t li Pt ne '
sork, 1868 : imports, 5304 , 306,790 : exports,
ande, sixhrew r aici i mr. , , , tweigits gi ro% f lies preoautimes taken brt o_l4s
_ 0 _ 1 !
P. 7.3,289,595; re-exports, /18,2611803-
• Proportion of foregoing -= shipped - .h is
resiPpecPedtil!li "htindre 4t4 iiiii . i .t - 7. tour inetiopert. ,botbi cities, wbothad their full i w _o n
ing it the, ilhort .(),, •.. of, pinnies do t ty. The marching Of , the men belie f
American and foreign
and t . '4ieritaidit. = , i - ,1 a „. 1 .11 are reapec- orderly and precise as to effort' the
inu lae./. 16 1
isi during the ten months ending Apr
tivam ,lt tri mei loa i ti a l 7 * ion yeegib, thar,the great. majority of„th . , ~,.. ~ t ni_ ,
1869:' American Ireasela"?„linP°/1611,,1Va,r. 1 1,aitc cOmpletinethe ieseexatmlitritron, pating had Seen actual' sernot,la..„ l _!!
in 90 , 4 7 t 77 649 8 ! 68 0 8 2 . 9!ita vn tr 0i 1 gia 4M27 j es vl i t i l
B.... ret i = npnriTit •
atheeeeanronticsirtaid l ifi nt , back& armor The - IntittenveTiPit
_o r T, ed 'ar ti r, KJ;
Helatin,Terho tuade-li 'body_ o'llloa-10a Mani,' 0
4247,155,6e1; exports, 1228,360,726; retx- .
a Haner,wholre liberal
, auccessfullaillax at IsidePeildenat IMO' °htlf ,:t,„ s4 / 1 /4 „„,t h aill3 h td- m atters iii__MOra S*- /
ports, $7,121,121
;IV,: telling. The. prooollllola Ploatedad - to " 'els__ __ ___ stie . m i ni , p 001 21 14 10 L
.ive O r r e dimutrabrites,'ainrdi4/1,856141:,7417'1Wi1ieerie46,,.free, 1...-- tlitre rt.- 9 1 . e s v dt af t iv44 444 iA l it ere ..s lidd ts rel g ed "... I *l et fields rende red
discharge Alhimeo
.120,760,404. were entered for , 1, 03 f e ,,,Pit,1 A M:i'l7 1 ., 5014 , .--. 3 0 1 7 4. 7 0 - 3 . 4 *-^7l l , r e t r ll3 - , .- 4:l 4lvold f b or t y d h o e ti va T o Irdeatdulder, ottni=ircetiwtoz.:
autuptioal;land-.425141.8•424 Ind ere ”' da , whh, delivered' d ' 44 o. ll ?terWMh, , ''./ 1/° / 4 Flet A h m el n a t e rlboted 1 ein_satol
warehousest brought in Amerlcatt. vM- 9
!gra addr '. liih`,lsro66sl6till of iii l. :4a.9', ,1 40 1 ib Y. 1111-- i '' din( '419 st 04::
Rohl, $17,007,,205PM fbreigu 164334161 "- ' H i withparithirr4 tiaraittittla-al " r,...l;teSal . en0 52 31 %.,... -9 1.; , ,,f , th in t 4 i i„.,„, T 4,
169,515. • itio tail a Neeorrodahlkar.Botaarl :A:at
~ '- , attire ke i l3 c 7-1 - nags . 4 3 1,74ti ft
Retttrns idr . May from' sixty-tWur-po , „
iton towl oil ay t :iatathia „ Cd. ... len
ab. with ._,
_ . e ‘ r , 13 ,, ,i;
Including all the principal uustom dia. thrilogb a bia i loka
trlots, have. Palk- ihurdai - Paelfic' l ßS 1 'kW • The larloaelaign 00012 la
begiiil ' 444lll-14w .arnat- - . . 1" '*- ' read', who will leave on Mmiday on an Wifittyiritntqeolitilmullignit
ii saa 4
pOrta. (except iistala ' ' ''
t,,, ' aloaon the Rana utieitio Railroad and by sountAked,tiolperitt, litnioratA
:ton,/ exports and re-exports- tal -417,._ ! I 3 ,11,,,, d .._ . , • ~,. ..,..,,,i,,,„,, ; ;. 0 i'. ;.:; sirlfibut three tb,,,.y. ,6 rr r' 118 . 7 ?'• 41 • •:,I_9
P °49. 835.37° ' 958; (11).k1:04:! „AP.Pi41,5,417 tb - , -, ..f.T. i . ),,-_,..„-'4,0,... ~,,,,. , 4.4, , .i,,1.. ~ -....riakigoitogiymmio, ~t 1
re-exports, 8.69E43E4 ' - ' ' P . ' reartwarvc .: rosfupps..,:: , ~. ~ .. ~,„ The 'procteardde Ida
xtvertbs rant&
Berlina froevr : efevere'pOrtifihn' the , 1 , k, iii i, tit , e , lhi.eih'- ‘ ,4 4, - i-.: . „ .annonoomindbreachitd..the,rdanxidd.l
11 40 i
Northern frontier,' thioagh W4ich a %I' , LB ' T 1 eiliejitt `lB t' ,0 4 0 1100,4, ..44;v040,1,40 , „,5314igbfrom i „iat„,. . , Ilk, lout,l
siderable Ponies) of_dniqatdii lerfea ` f „ME/ift._,rett j tii • ,* ,V* II rxoloo‘,As i tivi k ado eoo , 4r douoy fa i s
• I. nty r.,f7J
ia,carrietthpw .a osi.thtfo L loAst r i t f t
Leto interact/
~,, . , oitio .
lc, Artlidaterytha liecOra - w tb.llosrjaa.,
it - 6 ' . ' imPuzl4l/0636461.19 ' q z66-661 ' ° 6. ' fhpigentitClof h Weida , . bit &stand the Commitittesit Arian&
t. 833; c_tefiPEOßl MAU. *tit- 4 1 /1470' ' 2 will ' Itolitikrni N ' REV Y ini `tlati tbrqrS6kl"..Wol,,Vdi Pot ..,
.0 : uriler. - 1114 /„.._.„._,___,_ , lto . .- I A • mir e .-liiit,ol a nd It
T4re is - Iv/wig-a ~. ' ' roted'ati Aistroacramatiute:-.77 $ 1 t r 5 . - ti a ott , e
17 ,4 N o xliwaukee, while, at Cape Yin-
my l? 1110
, IPar 4 l i :'hitviso,,,very,tem . mitt toetumexidgehdord er peeyalletlk •
imports at Chiaaltoi.POVßitc-iiim'atlSM/111 ken ' -°e - - 6 of virooldfhlk 1504 1 aktss : ' 'dtaiMelyterOadadt/et*" t'...'
li;'Gen irV ej tr tan tlgri *: 12 te" ' . 41411114 1 110001, '.'..1 , 4;01 'ftulakezeraular 4 X 1311. "
the lari'd # B ,,_ F Charleston, 4l , 4/2
Savannah, numbers.- 3 ' •,.
~-. ~. , , ~,,,,:, li; Ai a-lik la MU,. iris ' 01 41briaritY 16164 ,
..--7the returns from .7
~ _ , , - itti0 . 11..,:4' '- -, . ~,„,. -,f,.... - ,•••• a r , .,';.... tj f_, ‘,r:, A ;: 'a ... 710R •• •;?..:/• ••• :• f :;':i P F
.'; aillb..l lt, iii: Ata.l4ii,fili • . ~! ~, ds , ..j 0,...ti ..r.,-.4 1 *.J. ,' .U , ... , l *. I'M '', ;;:-,
~, . ,
~,,! ,
~.,, _ ~,_
„:. J ,.
- .
' l'."'-1
- . '''
- :, : ' ,O l ir.'ll ' s;c ' ,.ttt a lc i t,'
, ~ ,' „ 3 ~i i ii.! ....,A14.,0; ~- ;';ilt, a , Wilt '' 100 71*:,:q. , ,:i:',..',..„ - !,;.• L. .. 1,
. 2 _
~i, 0
Olit • i , , _ , .it'4l ' frSrikqi YOr .tit... ed: , - .t-iz: 0- I . : z i r
-..',„!,;..: -. .avi , :v..
• ---
Mobile. and New .orlna * silo* a very
large excess lof etporta er Imports, the I
combined amounts : ?OLD es -fallowsv 1
imntFts, $1,294,910;. expogs, $13,04;90;
t ivigN
1 ii.exports fB3 10
. , . 1
Dispatches received by "smear lady r j i< l
ative of the,general in command of the
'Cuban forces,., ow residing , near this
city, give a fall a ccount of the attempt -I
to; succor ' the, panlsh ' tomes in Los
Tanis 'A' train with a 'force of from '
11,500 t 2,Boo'inp as a guard,•was sent to
lelley tbegai,rl nAt tbitt place: They
1 I
'were tercepte by a squad of General
': - lilarmare m:Val ada a /true portion of
the• train capttir di In khe - .contest the
abilkllos.l4 , , , was oVer :Iwo. hundred::
They succeeded irti magi/Wit Los . Tunis.,
with a nOitiin of the train and pond the
gatrisbn suffering from,,z,holera .antl-*O,.
'climatifig fever, Widdh bad' almost
rendere d Atter a, few' daye
the disdialsabrehe out' among 'the' rein
lorcementvl The eneamhment'wasiitaca
tbd,,tind alter alsevererJloss = ther•garrison
succeeded in their retreats: t, i ..; . i ..
, Intlie Oineo,Villae .Diatrict. the threes
under Lesen kave been repulsed. !with
ialdereble „slaughter., and the !whole
4 - OiTtory regained to the Cuban: { atuv.
Ilbb result has giveri;coarage,ta 09 In.
habitantOnd the redent outrages home., '
trated by Lesca and-the factlhat no 'guar
ter is toblagiWildifivointiaibists,'Wheth
er actively engaged , in, the field dr in
sympathy svith this cadge, i has. inspired
.4fkinhatatantelxvith itatenie:batred of
Spanish - rob/00A iiriveu: thousandx into
the army of Quesada.. Thus reinforced,
he has orderedan active offensive move
ment by the entire army, and dispatches
rect4vcd state he has' regained anumber
of important poaltiens,andienfflo master
of the northwestern porthti,cif,the.island.
It is also reported that tbe institictions
of the-new Captain-Genefill*De ttodits are
to Carryout the-Polley crlYurce; l that of
conciliation and positiiPeffito control the
volunteer ' organizations: dud maintain
the supremacy; of Spain, and . that Orders
have been issued to,prevent the comndt
inOf each atroiddes 43 were.recently
committed by , Gen., Loaca in the Mac*.
Villas dletrict. ;The effect ‘ of , thy, policy
.upon the Yoitinthera has produce
dissonsiond thrOugboutthe entire.rgan-'
ization. ' Thee - volunteers who have kften
Attherenee rd. the. De Itedaa• ad difrliatia
' tion, by the surrender ~ o fthe- e ontral'of'
_the. for* arsenals and other. imptortant
itiaOltlOMS, are denounced tut traitors.. t.
ingrnourions TO Mpt.4.."Ei Sl —. OE . LIM
InstrteStiOns ' - folith/liter erfelilekWere
drawn at the , Depalthient of State' With
tench caution,/'arid moon• thereafter de.
livered to him ; in New York,- nnder suck
, circurnstanees mutt) Preclude thP'Posal• -
~,6 , illtY ef„a Premature disoleaureef their
mtiOnta; but from what-has,sineetiranal
pired in official circlea,it is safe to assert ;
there 1. no Instruction rerallye to thepp.r.,
Apse° of Cuba. '' ' ' ' - , t, , ,
i ..,S ' 4 .hminli.roi..a..p OATU' triVitints - /,.i..„,
The trial Went, will .autainft.torsheAt
torney General of
-44:0 General Canby's reAulitellAnt .141 i
U. m
eineberweitett - of tbe - Yirgiina X,egia.,
it ure - shellike the gim.Cledootii in order
.that netfOrnalty MOMproyai , u Tongan:
.41ting the'Sontliatml.ftaft. ;tin der there.
eonstrietimaliwig,v ,'..1 ;„ -, . ... •';
\" - i
Tate; vlansiiits. etECTION.
lezu•Van WYckleft fiir New York to.
night,,,!lisving just returned' trinia'Tire
bla.„l' He reports thacentest in That State
lekelted:ankbittnt, that ihe.Constltution
wit bon t thateat ath 4414 SisfranbbistlAS
clause will bend_ptef.b.atul that the vote
for Governor bu,very neavy and,
close' • •
The Tressurkßepaxtment has been of
ritlyteid'ot the ra-bpenlng of the
Sierchantte National Bank at Lttti BOck,
Arkansas/it being reportislin a solinitt
Ictrhige,Opealug Celebration.
(By Teltiattgt 14 the Pittsburgh tiasestri.g,
• ,IKANPAA Orry, Mo., July, 3.—Theeltrra
concourswof people ever almeniblieli
lupin ensilage present relay to witness
the opeiiiingicti' the' tligt a 'reilroali br ide
across river. it is ',esti. :
mated tlifit peer forty thO,Wiand Peillons
were After fue. Prooession,,,
eomPoisficCOr she 'Masonic Yraternitv and
a miniatitte bridge on wheels, foliewed
by a Variety representations of Arlo-,
chanicatterdue; - incl delegating 'of, in--
vited guests fiore vartbus• citisil'/Ice car
riages, had passed Over the bridge, the
struoture! ',was • put to a severe
toss , hy , ap.facing Live locomotives
and, a train tweityilir•;loaded with 'nod
one eaCh — ," - sp — Whe result was most ;
satisfaceoq;Suiittie Committee of Eiatn.
. :
The. airman Demonstration—Fourth of
July on Inc Fourth—The Procetsion
and orittiona.--a. Pleasant Day sun an
Orderly One. . „ , • , ,
• e Fourth of July has come and gone,
and the , German 'tinnday celebration
about which so much hubhub has beep
made, is over. The strong arm of the
law, which so many people piop
up preparatory to aNheavy fall, did' not
strike; no blood was shed; and <oo disor..
der t that we have heard of, , vis indulged
in,, unless. indeed, it be atisumed that the
.mere fact of such 9 demonstrultlen,,at
best, was disorderly conduCt.
, Rain had' heed' proPheiled, and; in.;
'&6O, hoped for, by many of r the: Olio - -;
nents of the movements, apd toe pros . -
peta, np to a tolerably late hoer yester
day morning, Were that the - blements
would interfere. with :the ;celebration...
But there was no sneh interference. .No
rain fell. 7 The'clandi, for, a pod:portion
of t h e time, hid the sun,: and made': the
heatless oppressive, audtile raln,wWch
haurevionaly fallen, pr evented the nui
*moo of dust.' Altogether, the
sh elceedingly pleasant one.
• azprino.nnanx,.;
The fOrenoon of yesterday ,w lannsti ?
ally quiet.' There witsletterthit the'ordi.
-nary number of people on Ihnt.streets,
aside from the elturctygoeuv. was,not
until after twelve o'clock that the . People
who amalways wanting to sokr-lodrnmen-•
cad to appSar, sail to stand, Artnigdomd
wait. The number increased 118 time
passed,'and by'the time- the PricWlicn
moved Grantstreet,Fiftb avenue; Briufth
field, Penn and the other streets forming
the : route were pretty well thronged.,
At about one o'clock the three =divi
sions, from Pittsburgh; the South Side:
and Allegheny, commenced to form at
their places of rendezveus. The Pitts'
burgh division formed on-Grantstreet; I
with' its right resting on Sixth street, '
The Allegheny division formed on Water.
street, 'right resting on Giimt:' The
Iticnith Side division formed:on Grant
street, right resting on Fourth•wqmne,
The. First,. or_ Pittsburgh diiislon, wait
under command of john
shag, thp, Second, or South Fide division, •
under Louis Wilhelm, and the Third,or
Allegheny' division''under-JacOlSßaltlin
ger." Thetbrett diCksitnieweretuideti the 4
Beral.. command, - of • Captain loquis
ger. C hief 'Marshal. 'cot.
of rittsburkli,:bati'domntand or the cav
alry,'Of winch there:was a heavy detach
ment; • • •
Thp.Precisslont ann'oureletito move
:at two Retook, hit it Was about Llialf
twowtitkihe order i to march Was given.
Tdrnere', Hall, qn Sixth avenue, was
'generaFheattpartdre, and in the build
sag and its vicinity' the utmost tietivity
prevailed. •
• AtthA time, mentioned, the ' prkession
moevdekithe fellowing•order: •
• Chief Marshal and aids; carriages con
411ling tern and Vouzittee,,ef Ar 7,,
r rangenlehtk 11016114 h InVitilonr Smith'
Divisiodi • •
The Mat shale of the, proceesiont wore
"the • 'following 'dising bad
Chief Marshal, whit t e n sagsh;ulehi Diduttionllidis
shale. dine -sash. The aids :wpre4 tri
colored rosettes and white gloyee., Sev
antral& were on duty. •
"Map route •of procession was: dovin'
Grant street to Seventh avenue. s •
field street, Fifth • avenue, Mark - et, and
'Sixth streets to Penn; along 'Penn to
r Mechanic Street Bridge; np 'Chestnut to_
Ohio street, iiewn Ohio street to Diamond
square..., • , • ,•
I Ascertaining, the-
tvveral *divisions was a stu pendous , wont,
and.iseveral of the many attempts made
by the reporters resulthdonly In Mahing'
them a 'hissing arid's by-word anion the
spectators 'who witnessed their discern
' iithre. •Meny of the participants in the
I demonstration -did not,' apparentlyp•ub6
'.delstand the qtrixttions that Were salad
1 !horn. Others seemed to take it for
granted that every question tiddressedto,.
epee though addressed in the upt . st t
suave and persuasive manner. was, a
Studied insult, and they; set 'their 1444,
,as flint againit enswering aitYthing.
Altogether, the frePOrters had a •tiptenf
tribulation, and beim it is impossibleYdr
tisthfurnish a complete list of the'
rieht secret, singing, gymnastic, -refi.
giphA and itenevolent socicties; having
large rapresentation'th the rinks. !Near
ly •all the .bratts bands in tbe city
wereip attendance and . distributed
at careful distances from intiilinther, and
the sound of spirited was heard
Lti tC t -
TEE ruocz.ssrox.
NUMBER: ..-151;
Vi t io ce wl D e r r . rVi e c * t d n e e r rltt venn 'on a - w tt' .
'stand; with a bible Under. his:arta, ',He j
was: evidently .there for. Some pttr*e.,
-and that burpose - sbon beanie ' apparent.', - t ,
`He quietly laid aside his hat,, bible and r , ,
stick, commenced an unanticipated ad
dress. He had - . taken • a position in a
corner of the stand, and the 1)114', cern;
tnittee did 'not notice him.:"..He speki
thus: ' , German fellow-cit4ens, Ilan hap
; py to address you on the reaurrenne of
the National birth - day." • [Applause.)
'He had said' that much 'when a hand
seized his coat collar and he was,summs
rlly extinguished. He wamisegtatisrlealtd
and did not seem at all re-atteured trY;the ,
applause that hailed his extinguishment.
Shortly after this little ssaturrence a
panty near the stttnct, gave yr ayr beneath
the weight of the peonie;ivhb hitdbrinvd
l..ed•upon the roof, and it slid its freight
r tgmbled. Nconewitslittft:f/m X' ' l, -'-' ;"
,- - , - . ,: 'TEEL PROCIEEDLCtie. !.. ~: ~:. !:,,-
- ,When• Alio carriages _and lharses bad
`Passed off the ground, and; thd assembly
bad settled into orderly quietness, • the •
-Great Western Maid- playikl:-th'euStet:'
SPangled Banner and Yankee Doodle,
, , •
-after which the German.sieging societies ;-
joined in shittiri,- itr sPierdid lat•Ae;'' - it -
German hymn, called "This is the Lord's
ext. Rev. Yotin WeiterilUttigen, of
Allegheny, was introduced-by Mr. U. P. • -
Bauer. ;TAP ellatentleMan stated ! A
'that-he had been open the ex...
braises with prayer, end•lbit.'hionoted - by'' ,
the dnyitation: •Aititatt3think) it a;
ehaine'not to accept. s lie ,t.#4OA d ell ye r ed,
in German, a pray,ef Mit was Wened to •
with She lidetitn'eke. ll 'Altir the
prayer he addressed. theAtitemblige
the German pontos, ye
prleflle t el'hurt., ,T
hag themlo continue, 'IA principle and ' •
action, true American •-• •zenel"' , e• .‘
Wal.ll4l)PrEcui,9 Wiks - rleaklllitaPrtutied‘
artd_''read the Declaration, of /pdepen
41ente in English:Ms - riren'dnefition of
-our langhttgezwas perfect. He
mented the reading with. a fewFenetritai I
whidh were Well 'receive& m
Mey G. , Lndliii'Wili-ilitrbdtided, and • -
after, a few.xernarker Preeeeded:re read ""
the "Declaration of Independence in Ger.
ream .
. ,
- • -
The next efieaker watt
of`Salem, Ohio, who wee introduced, by( . :o •t,
IKr. Bauer, and proceeded to addresavtlid
language. ;gills , esP/riled
fectlve speaker. and his address wasy
warmly applauded throughout. It was
with great pleitsruze, tfaviiivf2tat Imbed
noted the beaiipy hind 9:o,seclivA. , :gogdor- - ,; •
der of this demonstration. He realized,
that his hearers felt an indisposition to •
retort nPotki est-religionists :fusee for'the , 3
very unohristian ) BArit wit k wbich : 4e '
bed received - 'the "._ 'brook:Hutton to '
celebrate the day thus. Bat lie d was
nutsideriatnite w4Ulc.lnag ObtaMeArpon
ihri Church Old, shame upon the people
that wonld-turYstigtlexigalutit'ittephbilot
,lsm of the particlpant..actegtemon.-
ittration.„ Fos-, his. •11;'.. , .•- i'iNglad to
'Sea the Fourth
lo ot'
Fonith'ef -
ebrating thee • 1 •
' ho hails fr
1 1 1 nor j , k Bes, it;
430 ,
ihevt 0 ,
an the sr 4„. * dugs. F 4 Et
for the prinelp. .
.. de Imola
.opidlow •
Americart•stenple.tL‘ 4 - , 4' . acres Velars- • •
tion or Independence., •
Thii.Germaps celebrate the day with
fullhearbi: Two detifiCties•Ltiathre,' the • '
A.mericari 'Union wet hijrn, theChartuatut
struggled and suffered for.. Siberty.. In
the time of tibilip•the'Secbrid;ttskb'
llon Gerinaris wout, - ;thiwnrttot death tbr' 1-
diyiug to say they Actzed-gottschaziee bet :
,ter than the - King.. 'Me Puritans who
'had .10 deeply•finliteasialiAirnattorial hl.a•. • `'
!Oil' and charatitef.:antl - tothd,are so ttior--,‘•
mighly honored now,pecl,hera,•found an
`asylritairiGermaby btiftlfirlllieyfdundbrie
in s Amerlea k - „ -14 ill `,.*) t •:, -
' Again he would .say,phame.,iteon .the
ohnrchas' that' manifested so 'An- •
christlan - a :spirit 4ft:thie:: urine/. 'ln , his
°Solon than, s, ns liberty. Religion be
'comesa4ipo, diating_Uon between.,!•:
cl+l. and - religio despotic as soon as it dictates po
litical arid civil forms:;- There 'ean'll3llrez.
civil br political liberty,without rellgieW it•': 5
liberty. If the fathers of the natiiikhad
' declared that none could:find fit
here, save those who bowed the knee to :4;
their Baal, what kind of a country would
this be now? • •
All people must-Mathis countrjr In its
great prugess. ,Thay . must ,comeio
with their &litmus, chaficieristigi and
language, and ~ w e must asslnimilate'-
them. ifhenioUr n ationality, Its , P.
free institutlotil3.auti,rnsnifold blessings,
will-truss the T's6ltlc as it Crossed the At
lantic, and - Attieridaia •Democtacy.
crowd the despotisms of Europe into the
, .
Mr. Ellin; ; on his retirement, wag ap- -, •
plaided - long and loudly. The _Great
Western Band then playact sqlellPolum--
ban'.' and:other patriotic atilt, Old *husk
the,,nrovid was thaperalng the Singing "-
Bonletlen ,11: 411/Ihl;l,Thet prows/kat
then.referin , and the Pittr3tlrgb and •
Bona' Side' ivislons • tairched be& to
•thlis key by way of Faderal•itreeVand:
the Bt. Clair tiltree Arklge;
.. ;.4.4 Turners! : A.
Hall' they dfalianded. Tbe - Allegheny
'divitioituttirdheil•np'Ohlb ittre ldisbanded .t n 1111141"
, Altogether the _demonstration WAS U.
perfectly orderly arid *ell 'Conduettittite—
staytnlntthat eould be Imagined.' flikilhri
aa we have learuetl i , nothing ythateyer:of..
ak &Orderly - character occurred.
\ •!sa , • - • - •••=zi-• "A-
A Thinker :Bat Sot a Limner , Or ;" ' '-
s , .Pfetfer. -... . - ,-; :, -.11 . : ;
' , A Glimpse at Seienee," attoratloAde- r t .:
livered at th s il C l orqug'nocx:9# pt9iPl 4. 4.‘•
I MOW. Milt, Mileig?rAri- the.; LRukt, /an7i ,
i h ' Ma g a @ ',Y Kr. 3141 Fiesg• _..i' ° C 3 AU e r, ~'-..
1 *lteicr, 1 4/4 ' dnA44,, 18 :ftzt,/3 Oe of thl 4 3
1 itlaksst :fad' Oretileat ebliege, brioloWs We
I have everiettars'. l TheArittior istia Iliethttj- /
°/- i._ °h u, (A :I N.( Plittifle,g s q*, 1 4 : 4 1101 1 11 0 14a
Alt °ugh :gi ; a
inside to hear or tO speak he as _,...._,
*fled adtWettinsnal thinking pows;aluld ,
w i t h ° — P1 0 9 451 1 0 ... KALI! 1 R1,V41 ...... 1 1 14 1 : 1 0*inmi: N.
940 eu:pealc4 6 imat uu e .q un d er 4 4251 ( 1 ,11 . ..
. -greet tbrOpiti it
.., am row _
. .. its graduitedmiththeildgit'ent , a•u: .c.
A spirited and patriotic article
', ~" hispen, wl4otLefigtilVA._,
:iff4hese.winwnswPutfr ve t".-
Of tlib war. AgliAethitotl. sdh i l l,i ts t e,all4.. - ‘l, -
-4110c7 and ev . EnT,e4l,,,V* Jp..., t a '. l P#4 l e,-,
•dnithe prearrOf aye.
. , ever
.......,....... iltefilidOrttPW..'- A -
sates In another, and Mr. Logan is the - - 5
' bi ll t "vin g gwide lTif 3 -1 t !' 1 , 1 .1114 41 1711111 i .4,.'"- - --
11 . stmin •V°, l 'it. a ' ,
. 14 Atigni&iinG4i.9ol
,_. : 14nber. 1ii:411,4 i ;
Min *ay OW:Abe %Thigh orethe prow-
Aintiiir“, tihstriver s prlt; - ~A :_ r. ,•:-..: _ : ,nr
F Luitoe) . ...
,roai kg : ' .4.' - b , VI - .
: - .3 .t.YI 11.. ~t 1 l .1 ... -.
1 , il ,t; ~
1 4 '''''.
:1' . :4 ,1- Z...° - ;.13: , :!:::tl,-:..7.,-,..:,...i.74.'.«":.