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' ‘ \ . - • i ----'""•-• --'-' ' - --• "-• ''' '/F.,, .. , .•`, - -..1 - '-'''••=- -_ ,_ . _7_••_:_•-•• r',! 2 ,-:•; .... t . •_ .. \'•• r It-A• ,4i , _ --,....."•-•.- - A .... r . , -,-1-;-- ~ • =7- - ..1130 i'• - 7 ----- .. , -i. 7 - ~ : ..7---,--.: 7- ff!--------:, ' •, - ' ~, . .2...* ;r; , ....'"' f ; ' S :- ' . . . T • ..,-IY i.* ;. '4: , !,::: ',„ ,-• 7;4; ___.........__ • ' - i': , ' 4 "'. '' 5 v r.` , '•' ' ...' '' - ' ' ' ' ' '• '' - •111.1 . it , EV-4'..Ve. . . , . LX-XXI* VOL FIRST NITION. vr; O'CLOCK, M. nOlt EUROPE. (By ilegrii)h to toe Pittsburgh Gazette.), SPAIN: • BonnoN, June. 3.--Carlist risings are repurted : in Spain. In Vittorlit„: the streets were filled with a revolutionary mob, armed : with scythes and revidvers, And shouting/;for CarloS and cabrira. They murder ed the Aloelde and 'wound-, •, 'tut thirty eitizobs, mahM yortally. liar risings are alto rePoited in. Carthage ' na and Valencia. Trotsciltave been dis patched to suppress then: . Partkito-day • the Mihistewirif the LaWor diid4 • •Jtistice declared that the clergy and municipal ,authorities were ready and willing -to .'•.take the oath ilrescribed•by the eoftstlfii- tionioAdmiral Topete, in ,replyto a ques tion,taid the idea of a republic was impos aible now. kmondfcby had beertXoted and was'rejiteserited by, the Reget4K- Nattofitr troop byte - bead „ (Ifs ' patched against.the Carlist conspirators in Andalusia andArfason. : - • t Kamm, July 4.—Th9 forthcoming changes in the Ministry are freely can ' vaased. Il r Oceputored"t4t Arada. E will, • be applaibtell Minister of "Pinanee, and - Marlos Minister of Justice, • The Government has explained. that General Pezuld, the 'lsabellist, was ar , rested,on charges of military. dieobedi , once anti conspiracy against the Govern :. • r ment. The silence which the Govern, • mebt has maintained concerning Gerieral ".IDulce's report of his administration and of the state of affairs' in'Onba cause much • t• anxiety. - •• A strong Republiari',lneriffeitto been Published in Seville: Its appear ance was simultaneous with the depar -: Sure from the 'city ota party ,of Republi ' i cans, numbering one thousand.' his ru moved that they have'gone to Portugal and will re-enter ;Spans .through. Estra maduni..” Troops have been sent in Pur , • - suit. • , A number -,o_4.Cailisti.haie been rested inA,Ndedzi 4.. ,VEcAN . Cit.• j'' -.:27,.iX - 1 1 1 0*; 40-17 &TVA clpgpatCll froal. the Great Eastern.. dated ,Friday evening, tr . "states that the Item:net had run 1,020 , • knots front ItreSt;', and' paid opt 1,143 • knote of cable. The 'lnsulation was con tinually iniproving. Sixty-one more of -the recent eleetions 'for members of thirnew Corps Leglelatif have been deeded salad -• Bn4l s oon on Saturday Psi '3til . the Great,lte,steo.,htid. run ; 1.145 knots f, :from Brest apt -paid . 1,281„, knOts of , • - cable. 'Everything was working well. 51iral"and several members of the •innprity in „lhe parrs that greater develOPM given to the' ti..action add auttioriVarf tAO Corps , Legis-, latif a that - ,addresses in 'reply to toe , 2r,eecNirom the throne-1)e re-established; that the right-Arid ,pnot i lee of jnterpola;, tion - be brinmiquinnat ','large scale; that • the right to - amend projects of be extendedt.anclthat the Chambers ,have - the right:to elect their_ own , President. It is rumored . ;thei!GoVerninent will sc . • cent these,re'foras.. Negotiations between France and Bel . gium for a'commercial treaty have closed with a tiatielhOterY unidtirstanding on all points. .Panns, 31'41'Ytram „cc .-114. Mir al has - withdrawn his:meticinfor• legislative re . forms. :The tipposithin :in the Corps de manded a tesponsible Ministry and the autonomy d'f /the .corps,l.,Jegialatif in =order that the country may govein the GREA.I' BRITAIN. •_1; • ,Lownox, July 3.--The Times, to-day, says the-votes in the House of ,Lords last 11 evening have had thiieffect-to-render the Irish Church- bill more favorabler:tri the established clinrch, and more offensively • partial in its .Drovlsions. , • Arch-W*ll'op Cullen -has addressed a t fetter to the ofilPArs of the. Catholic Col .:I Vi tt libatil the Church bill by•the flonsikof Peers,. the ' nation taii* . lave it fancr*O4Toe of jot - •• . •••=-4.; ti • • - ' , PORTTif.;. I .3; • LISBON, June 3.—A vessel.„ which has arrived here from Fayal brings intelli-* e gence that serious dist.urbatices broke out 1,,.1n various parts of Azores inconsequence of the increase of taxation. MARINE NEW, QuusiviTom", July 4.—Tthe steam - • 'ship Cuba, from New York, June 23d, laits arrived and will sail for Liverpool., FII 4 IANCIAL AND.OOIIIIIERCIAL. • - Pains, Idly 3.—Rentes 71 fre.,7'cent. ' - Arrrve#ls, July S.—Petroleum' firm at 49/ frs rthezi, - .fulk. 1 3—Evening.—Console ••••_,.f.9216. , Elve.Twenty Bonds,.do easier at • ..- sig. Brier:l9r,.. Illinois 96%. :• .• LIVERPOOg , July . 3.—Cot . ton- active;,' Middling ifpiands •12Xdf• - saes 16,000 bales. ' Cal:bride White Wheat 10s red` ' , 'siresterii No. 2 , f10 ;ltd. • 'Western • Flour` I : . 683. 0014:20; 2. muted 28r5.64 for old, • , dud 26s fld: for new. Oats as 4d: Peas . ' PrOVildous dull Pork: 998; Bear 908. •Lard 71s 'add Cheese , 675. Bacon as. • Spirits , Petrol(Klm 735ckrefined b 4”; id r 448: . Talloa • • - ',- • .. , , . , , •. • Lownort, , July a-rdfferneep "Tallow . 440 6d. , Calcutta Linseed 6186 d. Petro- lettm at -, Ard.Werp-46X fn.. - ,•• 1 FilAleit'POßT, Juiy. •4 . - -Bonds t firm; I r . ----...-, ----, -• Pive-twenties ~ .. • , ; • ... . Ninth Army tlorpf !Minden. , _'s • akreffittdy , 4.—Cotton - closed buoyant .1 air telegraph tu the l i ttsburgh a:mew.] .I'eatardalPfl s P?9k. o 4 spot and arrive , -p.vpracs, .134, .•;:JulytxB...--Thel re. ,..,____. ~. ... ~,„,, union of the Ninth .Arroy Corps waive • IPIOnuao""" '' " 11 = 7 "''"''Ilfr 'or Coal online 7th inet/ A,tt ,\Roolty„point, l *4l•o 7 , ; 1 : ~-, ••• ___ ~ • • • -,' • iotnsett Bay. iliartf • fr om' Now York 7 1113 V . eTEleea: ti to the'n t r r icit zette - ~.. and. the South and West can take the . -• linty OkOr.ANS , July a—Enongh lof afternoon boat st•N IV Yorkon•thelkh r '- •,' 7 this, seized , sugars tot9lpeet,rreurefgbed to by the alowpartr totb.stmi. j r aing 'prove: - hand beyond - -; tki • dpubt. ' , Tile . tune „Ilnes, and ;reach Bocky Point the sooner; Andromeda, \lying ' at , Ruaran. neat morning. PartheettriVingin Prey. tine loaded. - with ' 104 , , tons)gooll, to idence by, the afternoon train's of ' the 6th , • Comitotutocounty, hasp been takencharg e can procepidi t iciltockyll'lnint by tba,aiven of by - custom officiers.:. '•= • ''''' `. ' 'o'clock 4dediffetj thee night, Wher• are' , , , •, , The sinking of six coal bargelt at Mee- good hotel accommodations. `, Parties taw Bend by the - Comet,'from some un- relishing- rioviameelhythe alpSonbgiri.: , explained cause, is . 'Pktfiorringinveact - dation; trains on tbe tuorpheig n ot the-7th • ligation liY,..the;lnsplettOts. , Th e - id/Java can .takeYthie•-;teiriike,lodif d :brohttlfofithtf duty at the time of disaster Malleful Pgiut atel•rtto,rs,la gama....4k, the eFfLing 'enspeuded-pebdi:ng the inverdigatle4.4% ` trehoi. . - • . 1. 3 +1 ~ =' , ~); ...1^,.... , ,' , ...1.,1 , • ~ ~.. .1 ..' ~,,, - ,, , ,.4/),..-:'," . i ' ',IJI , I ,t ij, V .4. 1 8 1 ' ~74-...1 - -' - -r , • , \\'• .ii:OT,A.:,; , f.'-‘: 01:.va st ti .1 , 7 ~,,, '.. - -.' 41 1'7 ,'* ' ' r . '' ''.':-- • . - ,-rt.. , :_Ti.t, , ,-;-.,_ ' ,- ~ ,i ,- _, , , . ,•,, , , .. , ...,„.1--,,,t • ..- ' .' tP r. : ... 1 ' ,1 : 'l' i"" :t ..-,' ' .o. c AA:: ,4 ,11'd k1?;. , ,1.: ii ,el :0.-: , ... ; , 1.... J., . , ~..- . , .3.4 1 , , ' • ' • The Powell Exploring :Partv—Vt eather :In the 71orth..west— in Daage to Crops- The Craig - Sprague Breach of Promise . :Case. • Car Telegraph' to the ritieharge`ealette.,- Cmceao, July 3.—There is strong rea son for doubting the repast or the drown ing of Major Powell and his scientific ex plorers, notwithstanding setraightforward story of the pretended survivor,-Itiadon. ,The mother of Major rowell,.who reside's at.Wileaton, in this . State, has received' a letter from 'him, - dated May 28th. Maiden's account, pub lished.-yesterday, states that : the' disaster. party,loctirred May 18th. Major 'Powell did-botlealte Illinois 'Until May 1 .1.7 th. Airs. Powell also states that some of those alleged -as having