6. STEEL WORKS. DUQUESNE WORKS. COMM REM di CO., Manufacturers of IRON, NAILS, BrgEl4, AXLES AND:SPRINGS, Dll 4 01651i4 ol) JtaMTA. 71A T BAB,: HAIM "AND Sollilißß TB , OH. BAND, HOOP SHEET AND TANK 1.11? N. BOILER PE ATV: AND.HEAD E * iAns, UUARD 2.110 N. DRAB and DRO PER artl4,S,„ evrixa RBABY.CXELNDER. I 11„ .. .A.VD TEAT RAIL, for Coal Roads. I -...W.a "I a WE A D°E6 erL I Tt IiL Ii t at T N ETII: ° U P OWS.ANNDDMCOULDS cut to pattern: .' ME NH, STEEL SHATTERI,IA. B. IiTTBL. ~. ME BUG GY and WAGON arituttisAnd ens AND SPHCTB. • 4111 Goo& First Class and Warranted. OPFIONS:#ND opmcs,. Ilizteenth t nd Allegheny River, and 77 Water Streets Pittsburgh. nh9 • SHEFFIELD STEEL WO MGM, Nrisaim & 00., • Orrisavnas. PA.. Manufacturers of every description of CAST AND GERM g STEEL, RA TLW SPANGS, MLLL. A X L ES . PLATFORM SPRING% REEL TIRE. Lc., die Warehouse, 88 Water andloo That ate. 16[ILLE111 BARR & PARKIN. 4Ellax-Al. rAATNKVA: WIL NSTCALP,I REUBEN MILLER, - EEO. W. BARB. 1' CHAR. PARKIN. BPZCIA7. PARTNin-15. ••CRESCENT STEEL IiVORKS, BILLER, BARR & PARKIN, 4 01110 e, No. 339 Liberty St, PITTSBURGH, PA. 3414:de WACIL DIAMOND STEEL WORKS. PARK, BROTHER & CO., Manufacturers of all descriptions of ES I T I MEEMa. DiZee and Warelionte, THIRTIZTH, THIRTY.. !MT and 8ALLE.041.1)13710=5, IRON WORKS. JAL vszenut, Fruit.— W. I...posran. ours. ANITTIIBERGH FORGE AND IRON CO _ _ sg XI.SCITAMTILICAB of Bar Ire* Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car Axles Rolled; • Railroad Car Alden Hanimorodi Locomotive Frames; Latentotive Frame Shapes; Side Rods; Yokes, Straps; Elston Heads; Steamboat Ahaftis Steamboat Cranks; Piston Rods, Wrists; Pitman Jaws, Collars, An. 'CO4 be, No. 177 PENN STREET, • ; CUSH, PA. BIAIRSItUSEN PROCESS. The Trustees are ow prepared to grant Coen. les for the Ilse of th e V.T.II:TGRSIFT AINICaI PRO CESS. The supsrier quality Imparted to good Iron, the great improvement In inferior leen. and the ,reduced Mad.commend ft to all manufacturers of Iron. Parties wishing to use it can obtain licenses by LOTainir to - • " • JAMES . P: SPEER ,• • Attorney tbr the Trustees. ROOMS 1 and 4,, Itnellsb's 'Building. 96)i Peat** avenue. • Par ties interested ' are • Invited I. visit the MORN BIERS= WORKS. where the roeeu _sow enecessint vocation. tea; db 7 EVERSON, PRESTON & CO., • Pansylmia Iron Works. ,gricr/4„..17.11.11 5 foniacin BRASS FOIINDERS. lOU x.; coorra,. JOHN M. COOPER & CO., Bell aadilrass Foundeo. BRASS CASTINGS }tADA,PIIONTTLY TO °BMX& • Maleable and Iraklegs, GAS PIPE- AND TUBING, THUITLE,FITT AND cfigcl THUS, ALL GIiDEE PATTERN. mom ccocaKs, Brass Work of every description f Nemo. Water and 011. nun 17/10TUREE!I Or J. x. cuaransi Improved Balanet-' Wheel liana Pulp. dients for Dreyftse Patent OU - ens, the best in the Market. Moe and Works, ,00nier Thirieentk sad Pike !Stmts. 142. tbet AND COKE. (losza„comcts, coAuutt • _ DICLSOY, STEWART - 1k co., Having removed their Ofitee to i - " NO, i 667 i, 'ltßliattit SZatET (Lately City Elouzll) SECOND SLOW. Axe Row weed to furnish goat YOUGHIO- RELENT. tin cOhECONSLACIS. sr, eba ;await as U . All orders l st elr °Doe, or addressed to them through the wall, will bt attauded to gromotit, ,zairEtcwkiwuntits. • 111WILINIIN CALMS QINGEItLY/s,CLEIS, Succe'sot; ;,0 Ow. P. acsucaKAN 00., livarrenkuruiti, . • ViiierailiCeam Zstiblisluient 4,49: 12 1173tain5. swum Carl% Letter • Label ir tar.9l rik eintrin ° 2 sl l f a l •mR4 street, ilttsbuith FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS. KNIP FORT !PITT FOUNDRY COMPANY. OFFICE AND WORKS, TWELFTH. STREET, prrrsstradm, PA. UrEngines, miu Ma chinery, Nail Machines, Re torts, and Castings generally. NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WO Ks. . Corner Carr4)ll and nmaarnan Merest., WARD,j WILLIAM SM OAST IRON BOWL PIPE My Pines are all cast lnvariablyln j.ritsi in dry sand, and 1 feet lengths. Also,,fdll assortment of general Castings for 08S and Water Works. I would also call the attention of Buperintend ext. of Gas Worka to my make of BILTOBTS. DUQUESNE FORGE . (Successor to JOS. P. - HAIGH -& C 0.,) Hu . facilities co.extenslve with the leading Forges in the Eut. and is prepared to promptly and satisfactorny fill all orders for STEAMBOAT SHAFTS, , CRANKS, PISTON ROLI 4 , LEVERS, PITMAN JAMS, WRISTS, RAILROAD AXLES, LOCOMOTIVE FRAMES, together with every description of SHAPE WORK. Office and Forge. Corner of Duquesne Way and First Street. spitho PITISIIIIRON. ROBINSON, REA & CO, escoeasors to ROinreOx. Minn MILLEMS, WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERS AND . NACHINISTS,FITTSBURGH, Manufactarers of Bost and Stationary Steam En. es Blast Engines, MIII Machinery, Gearing, , Camings of all descriptions: Oil Tanks and 8t a., _Boiler and Sheet Iron Work. Office; No. Lit,- corner first and Smithfield Streets. for S Agents for GI Ier* PPARIPS PATENT INJECTOR ealing Boi. THOMAS CAIPLIN & co., Fourth Ward Foundry and Nadine Works, SANDOWEY BT., ALLEGHENY CITY, PA.. Yansfactuers of Steam Engines, Oil Presses, Pulleys, Shafting, Grist and sag KW Work, Bolling Milland Machine Outings, Grate Bars, Weights, Wagon Boxes, he. Buthlto order and have on hand Engines of ail sizes. InviluSl CENTRAL FOUNDRY AND ROLL WORKS 880 Penn Street. BOLlatiN, BOYD & BAGALEY. ,ot&I ißolls. MU Malmo, Roll Lathes, Le. WARING AND RING, Colunisaton Xerebints vd Brokers is I - Petroleum and RS Products, • DALZELLI BLOCK, DUQUESNE WAY, PHILLDILPIEL4 ADDRZBI3. Boom .17. Chamber Or Commerce, 133 SOUTH SECOND BTRZIT. splo ECLIPSE PETROLEU REFINERY, HERBERT -W. C. TWEDDLE, liustris or Lubricating &Highles Barning Oils. • llpoe Railroad Aide 011. . Stands 'great beat without change; remains limpid it lowest temperatures. Special Ott for tropical climates or hot weather. Locomotive. Engine, Maeldite Shipp. 'us x MEI& WM cut Bczews. Saw llUtwad Pima= MU 01 1 h Ad*ted for highswd. i Spindle 011. Wool Bead• Light 011, 1 012, Tanners' Stuff. Genial*, kW 4tYlateltingoll, Gasoline, Barnes(' 011, Parralllne. ARMOR Villii/SR. to, preserve Bright Iron Work and Machinery from Rust. These products are manufactured under Dr. Tweddle s patent by Superheated Steam in Vac- Om The Lubricating 081 are almost odorless, perfeotly pure, uniform, and multi light eel 'red. stand a high temperetareeric ed. and remain UmPld during Wrenn cOld. The 011irere quiet:malted, and are in constant use on many of the principal Railroads. Samples can be examined and orders left at`-114 WOOD STREET. Works at nlarpstourgliridge. TACK BROTHERS, COMMISSI9N - MOUNTS, AND DIAIARB IN Petroleum and, its Products, rittobvp AMlles-SALKIpIeB , IIMLDIZO. im 0011111 T azalfail way u Itwia street& , AlldehAdADAtott—lll i t wiirn:rr NT.'' API:w110 DIAMOND iNIL:W?/#4 , H. M. LONC & CO., 'oar, DALZTI.I. BUILDU(G nuimeinelnii. Pitts'mulch. Ps. prrioßiviactit - NOVELTY WORKS. 7inuall.4l N. uxs. ADAIOW - MIME' & 00. iIZYSTOXIC BTANIMitD, YPAIRBANICPAT OM) PIATIMM 41.41r0OUNTLI! , r: - SCALES. hoes /sped Patent DoOr Loots and Latches. o AWL outQcitee a *War cootiztaklnisraltsia GitiFr Erm . Litton:irk, roan% . Yi~i~r : s PI't'T'BBIIIWB, Dianufooturer. /OR GAB AND WATER WORKS. X • OILS. NOVELTY WORKS. lICAXIIIPACTIMIIII tt7.7 I. SBUEGH GAZETTEi TUESDAY, JTJNE _ =GINE% BOILREIE, &o. HUGH N. BOLE & CO., Cot. Point Alley and Duquesne St., (arzAa nil Porn%) Engine Builders, /rounders and Machinists. Manufacture STEAMBOAT ENGINES and STA TIONARY ENGINES, of all V i ses. A y i pieljiittenta W i tt n E arI.63T R ATIoni ABLE BOILER. of 16-horsepower. °ASt/13,0t every ,d made to order stow Poondly, on THIRD BUMS_ „T below Market. RIGS for 011 Wells. BHATTING. PULLEYS, HAMMES, HOUSE and TOBACCO SCREWS and IRON TOBACCO mama, os baud and 'rads to order. at the INDUSTRIAL WORKS, /touting on the Allegheny Elver, new the Point, i. PiTTBSUNGH. sr All orders promptly idled. Toy ye :VOW PITT • BOILE.H,STILL AND _ TAME WORKS. -, CARROLL & SNYDER, 111NoTACTIJSZRS OP Ti M 1 1,1, 411. Ti(MMX.FM:YRD TUBULAR, -IPER S. E- BOX AND CYLINDRN STRAY BOIL OIL STILLS AND -OIL T CHIMNEYS, BRERCHING I ViT ) ASH PANS. ISETTLINOrPANS, BALT PANS AND CON DENSERS .• STEAM-'PIPES.. OBBOKETERS AND IRON PRISON DOORS AND COAL SHUT Gni ITH, Office and Warehouse. corner Second, Third. Short and Liberty Streets, PITTSBURGH, Pa. air Orders sent the above address will be promptly attended to. mh7:189 WM. BARN ILL & CO., BOILER MASERS - AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, NOS. mo, mm, >s4 AND ma PENN ST. Having secured a large yard and furnished it men the most approved machinery, we are pre pared to manufacture every description of BOIL ERS in the beet manner,, and warranted equal to any made in the country.' Chimneys Breeching, Tire Bed*, Steam Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Condensers, Salt Pans, Tanks 011 Stills; Agita tors,' Settling Pans, Bolleririm,Hridges, Sugar Palm and sole manufacturers of BaraMlPa Pat ent Boilers. Repairing done on shortest notice. lag:tel JAMES M. RIMER, Nos. 55 and 56 Water Street, PITTIBUBGH. PA.. ' INEANMIWRVIIIMI ' 07 IRON OIL TANKS, NETTLING PANG, COPPER MAR rum. ROLLING MILL STAMM r And BEET IRON WORK, For Steamboat& JAUD Y. 100001'.«..-.........«.IDNIND D. DAVIN JARED M. BRUSH & SON, UADVTACTURIMB 07 Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks. 7 SHEET MON won't, ao. 61. Pens Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. STOVES, OASTMOS, dto. TEE BEST STOVES. A. BRADLEY dr. CO. Manutscturers of the greatest variety of Cook, Parlor and Heating Stowe, 3 . 0 BE BOUND IN THE STATE. Sole Aaente for the celebrated Base Burning OrtentaC Stoves and Irurnaoes Dollard Coal or Cloke4B est in the World for Parlor,Ogice. Store or Church. /Ire needs no rekindling—bur= an win tee. Do =May until you see orsead for Oircular. . • No. 30 WOOD MOIST. • • Our Agents for Orientals—DEßßl:LEß 8808., grelthfteld Bt.; 010. 13I1BLICif, Allegheny City. GRAFF, 111J6118 & CO., auxuracrxrazas or Ana: vAinsrr or SEATCOIVMS, BOSTON OOOKENO. RANGE, `THE FIERY FURNACE," iroz wuunoro Binamtne. THZ NZW ANTI-DUST COOKING ',TOPIC, 41ZOULATOR.. , O TOiICO I LUMBIA C AVgrrzoßcinngmMA,lrw_ B u TA NB M ATZ 110,A MND e sad dut; 206 and 208 Liberty Street, ile15:711 PITTSBURGH. PA. COON. STOVES. CET TM! BEST. BESSS=I tti a COM TRIUMPH, !'Ott Birulklsl7ol/8 COAL. Warranted to Oink, Saks or Basil as irdl as say other litive fa the Ude* No. 285 Taibertv Street. LW as sad ftpr ;We. . • - PARLOR no e • 0 GIS, ao. TO BEILDEIIBI - • 100.000 feet Dry Me Boards.' • 00 . 000 filet /h. luck Clear Ylankt - 116,04.10 feet 11e Mob Common Plank: 115,01)11 feet Or, 1 and andch Oak: 111,000 ft. 14, 1,:fL,11 tnch Poplars _ . MUNI Lee& - Dry older hcantltolt _10,4100 feet Ir,y ellow Pine Pdbrali .100. .feet entlocikbeantllhio • - 3011.0•0 feet e. 1 /1 Mak rmerlaadllll - 000.000 No. 1 Which Ithlndlaa. awed; 00,000 No. 1 111-Inakehlndloa, iltutYddi Ire Brick; • 1,000 Me The. -= ' 100 Tons Tire Clay; • his, Saw 1111.1 Lumber, Lomat slit Vedar recta, and all articles In thence on hand and for aaIerbriLLEXANDER P&TTEIttiON: 'garde — Ne. , lo7 , llebecca street and oorner of Precis and Junta% Weets, Math ward, Allegheny, late bor eughbf mancliester. 'lPa EIGHTS AND MEASURES, B. vroar, Beater of Weights and Measures. s rouimil Loa= • (Votive& Ltbertil aid NMI stile% Oran* prompar attiiidia to. aplii BEE= & 00., LUMBER. FINANCIAL. AMERICAN BANK. NO. 80 FOURTH __AVENUE, PITTSBURGII. CASH CAPITAL - • - - • 11200.000 Stockholders Individually. Liable. BANE OF DISCOUNT AND 'DEPOSIT. JOHN FLOYD WM. FLOYD, President. - Cashier. DIRECTORS. Thos. M. Marshall, Wm. T. Shannon, James W. AMU. . Chas. B. Leech, John Floyd, This Bank Is now fully to do a general Banking jelek4.3 IJohn M. Martial:ld, Archibald Wallace, . Jas. D. Kelly, - Wm. Floyd. J • ertintzed and prepared bagnesa. FORT PITT BANKING COMPANY, No. 169 Wood Street CAELTAL, J : : : : $200,00111 STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE, DEALERS IN NIiEN SE OUR T BEOURITaI ii s A D COLD. MEREST IL OWED OE TIDE DEPOSIT!: Collieetloas on all seeeldble points i the United tilta and Clanadas. - , DIRECTOR& Jim. O. Risher , A H. King: Andrew Miller, James M. Bailey. 110131.111 BRAN, Pres% D. Hostetter, James Elordoti. D. Wallace. Z: Fawcett, D. LEET LSON. Cashier. HART, CAUGHEI BANKERS AND BR Corner Third and Wo d Strata vri-rsuuxicirx. °SUCCESSORS TO HANNA, HART i C0..1 DZAL/1118 Exchange, Coin, Coupons And particular attention pal and sale of COVERNMENT Might Drafts on N HOLMES & 57 Market _ tpeet,' •: - _ vxm-r-rsii au, Jrs. the Collec tio United States anns ma on all Ilia rincipal points o Cnada, 11 Stocks,Bonlio and oth BDIIGHT •ND !SOLD QN . Particular attention paid to sale of United States S JAY COOK ~s,nx 114 8017TH THER STOCKS BONDS et all deserlptiois bougbt and sold. Spectra &Mutton gram to the purchase aupuhWa. f Uoverament Securittiss. CITY BANS. 112 Fifth Street, 'Pittsburgh, Pa, I CAPITAL. $lOO.OOO. • . R_ TOCKIOiIiERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. ISTEKEST' PAID OS DEPOSITS. . - FOREI GN EXCHANGE . Bought and soid, mid when desired remitted to Europe. Collections made ;on all the principal points of the United Etates and Canada. .. Dosuricit lOW AN, President. JAVILS McCann. Vice President. JOltwit. ItiOIIULZY., Calltder k . . Bo rke H. Maslen, , D , 111""idl iamea McCabe, Thomas , John Savage, i. J. Donley) , Jr., -Teretce Campbell, Patrick Kane, James Phelan, °has. B. Barr, H.A.Yrervogle, Jno,,Jos.fiermann, Thomas Barnes. Hugh Keating. Jel:l6 PEOPLES'. SAVINGS BANK • of ,Allegheny. CORNER FEDERAL AND LACOCKSTREE7S; CAPITAL * • • • • • • $lOO,OOO STOCKHOLDERS INDMDUALLY LIABLE. lank of Discount and Delgailt. rt—S. H. HARTMAN. oAnniyart. I= PHUICOTOHEI. bean. N. HS Bait, doraon. ' 7. O. Patterson_ I :iB. F. Brown, B. 11..Meirrior. _ mr21:14 S. R. H• J. P. He J. Robes Seoul_ IL W. G. 01 CHINA_; OTITLEIIY. 00 - WOOD 'STREET. - NEW GOODS. VASEg, :calm NE • • errixs_ DLNN.F.• BETS ••••• • - • • • 1 11 4 • pink • larr'r 0 82d0 :4 ••• G BETS, • • large stook of S I NKR PLATED tioo S of all dooorip Wain. • 0 and Oninilni oar goods; '63a .1:i het Usnoill no one need 10111 to be suited. .E: 7 : IIREED As; Q. G 00 I,l*D' STREET. NEWS, ;I: • Bila&D rs Go - :for WARD'S Dread. Mei 'lathed. The Wash! "B. W." on Talon lime* elr.. iIIiAtITS„ Enq Ti OTPIII I UND , LAMA Ne.• 124 thsoec street, &as Manufactures of re* Owed and Morel Boollng. Ma. yg: i aroma, SILVER AND COUPONS Boftght at Highest Prices. PIE. R. MERTZ, Bankei Wood and Fifth Streets. JANES T. BRADY & CO" (thaceessore 08. JONES a C 0..) - Corner Fourth and Wood Sta., Et . ..EL N. 3EG. M Eti ~ r ~ CO., OKERS, S.:! the paroluu. BONDS. , iidon. EZ2I • [ 1 c 8 r BecullUee OIeXURSION. , 1 the purchase &it, _ • ourities. & CO., rte,: S TR 1.40,t4; unualgo lt Western, 70H; Mlesecidt North 'WI VI Preferred, 92%; Adams Express. Witt pony, 59; Merehintslinion Expiess, 15; Pacific Mail, 88; Western Tinton Tolegraph Company, 38k; Am. W. Ex press, 40. WM ALPHIA4 Closing quotations received by James T Brady & Co. Gold, 137%; United S tes Sixes, 1881, 120%; Five-Twenties, 1124 do. 1884, 116 3 / 4 ; do. 1884 118%; n-Forties, 108;' Flve-Twenties,' ;Janu ary and luly, 1885,119%; do. do. 1887, 4—; do. do. 1868, —; Seven-Thirties, par less, li; Due CompOunds, 119; Union Pacific Railroad, 92; Central do. dd., -Jill,. Cy. Pacifica, 105 X; Superior 96; nix On pins, 36%. :8y Telegraph to the Plttabergh Gazette. 2 , • ' Nsw Yoax, June 21, 1869. Money stringent at 7,per cent. , gold, 7 per cent. currency and 1-32@1-18 per centAke mission for call loans. Sterling steady at 935@9% per cent. Gold higher but closed weak and quiet; the Govern ment sold a million in one lot at 138 78 100. . Prime opened at 13635, advanced to 137 and closed at 1374. - Carrying rates at 7@12 per cent. and.l:32@3-64 per cent. Clearances, 878,009,000. _ Ett3o GoVernntents strong. Coupons 'Bl, 121 ®121(,; de. '62, 122@122X; do. , 64,11eig @117; do: , 1 85, 11834@l18 1 g; do. new, 119%14119%; do, '67, 1199`®11954; do. '6B, 1195i(4119%;• 10-40 s, .107€110734; Pacifies, ne@loox. • 1 !State bonds weak; hiissoniis, 91 bid; old Tenvessees, 68X; new do. 603. i; North Carolinas, 55k; Virginias, 61. Stock market heavy under an increased pressure to sell, and the - decline was equal to 1@214 per. , cent. from , highest point, New Yo ile Central leading the market on downward ttu'n, ,and, falling off 2% per cent. The principal activity. Was in New 'York Central, North West ern and Michigan Southern. Bidding prices •at 5:80: Cumberland, -82%;* Wells - Express, 30X; American , 40%; Aciiibete, 59y.; 17olted Stites, - 69X; Mer chants 'Tinton, • , 15; Qulcktdiver, 14%; Western - Union - Telegraph, .0%637%; Pacifti: Mall, 83%; , 'Mariposa, .78; do. preferred; RN; Neiv:York Can - Arad; 188%; Erie, 29%; dd. 'preferred, 55; Hudson. 156%; Marlem,r•444;. Readingt. !NV Terre Haute, 85; do. preferred„ 58. iW *Who A 93%:. do. 2preferred, 80; • St. Paul, , 71; do. preferred • 82%; Fort Wayne, 155%4.0b10 and Mississippi, 325:; Meal gstr -Central,. 182; ' -Michigan Southern '103%; Central,. 14%—.:Pittsburgh: 94%; ;Reck Biland„.lls%; ,NOrthwastern, 48%; do. preferred, 93; St. Joseph pre flirred,llB%; O. C. C. dr 1,73; C. a. A l. 0., _89%. • Mining shares dull. ' 1009pOr. stooks at Boston: Calumet, .50; Copper Falls, 8X; Franklin, 18; •Hee la, 84; ~fiancock, 334; Minnesota„ 18; qulnoy, 24. - • . • .. . • Receipts at the Sub Treasury; 0;102,- z 150; payments, 0,862,162 balance; ggs r 1111,751. • ta o t2i PIITSIBURGH . )MWEitih. °rites *or Pipranunela Elszarrst, MoNDAT. 'June 21,'1869. It is eel& tlytt Slonr is beintsold at from b 0 to 60 ' ets ierbbi below whatlt aan be replaceit, and it may be and : probably le It ' is apparent from tide; fiowevei; that'deitleis havi but lit-, tie confidence in the &dyne*, in the weal' - DT AND SELL ALL. KINDI9IIS--14 ! being' sustained for any length of time land .they are anxious to reduce stocks l'and thus be ready for the decline when It comes, as come it will, unless some thing unusual occurs toinjure the Wheat crop, and this, though possible; is not at all ;probable, as the season is too far advanced for frost and theta is littleor, or nothing; !said about thoweevil. Too much rain': ml = - eruduce rust, but of this the are possibility and be. 84. d ,„... 11l not be general. As we noted - our last report, the recent advance is d übtless owing mainly to the gatnipu-: D lions of Chicago soeculatora, Who are 1 e hrrying large stocks on which they are ~, n xiotu3 to realize as quickly as possible, ';.nd that, too, at advanced prices. The! ,latrio thing was attemptrd about thisl •.:11330 last year, and was partially success-, fair APPLE BUTTER-Bales at 501451,00, .per gallon\ as to quality. , BUTTER—Is quiet and unchanged at' 23@25 for good to prime. BEANS—DuII at 12@2,25. CHEESE—Is in good supply but nn-1 Chabged; we continue to quote common Ohio at 17@18;Pactory, 19(::420; end Goshen, at 21. , CARBON OlL—Small sales of stand ard brands, at 28 @30—market dull. DRIED FRUIT — Very dull and prises are nominal, and holders very anxious to realize. EGOS—Still quoted 18@)19; generally askinv RUIT--" • - /ands of • 'd. auated. Live . • quoted at 85@90, to the u t5l in a retail way. at—ls firmer Imitlhere is no itn pi', von:lent in the demand and the mar ket is quiet. Watt, Lang de Co. adver- tise choice Winter Wheat Family 'at *7,25, and choice Minnesota and Wiscon sin Springs at 0,25. Mill 'prices remain unchanged. GRAIN.—The market for all kinds of grain continues dull and neglected, and there is scarcely enough doing to estab lish quotations. The mills are buying Wheat sparingly, and as there is little or no mirgirt, dealers do not care about handling ft. Oats steady, and all things considered, commands a relatively better price than any other kind of grain, 64@ 65, for. car load lots. Rye is quoted at 11,12©416;and but little offering.• Corn nominally' urichanged. Barley none in market. HAY—la dull but unchanged;-baled is still quoted on wharf at $20®25 as to quality. HUSKS—SaIes at 3 cts per pound. HEMP—Sales at Nu). r.rNfr,--Cleveland Lime le quoted at f 2,60, per bbl, and Common White at •f 1,75. ' • LARD OIL—Is firmer, in sympathy with the advance in Lard,i but, as yet, unchanged; $1,20 for No. 2 ..and $1,50 for -No. 1-Lcity brands. PEANUTS—SmaII sales at 120. POTATOES—OId crop selling at 4010 45 per bushel, and new at $4@4,80 per bbl. PROVISIONS—Bacon is firmer with a continued fair.demand. We now quote Shoulders, at 14 . ,4@14 1 %; Ribbed Sides, "17M; Clear Sides, 1834; Breakfast Bacon, 20%; Plain Hams 18; Sugar Cured do, 2034g21. Dried Beef, 21. Lard, 20 In Ace, '2o3i in bbls, and 21 in kegs. Mess 'Pork, $33,50. -- SEEDS—The demand for Clover and -Timothy : Seeds seems to have almost en tirely subsided. Flaxseed would sell but there is none in' market. ~ SALT—Is dull • and drooping; may be quoted at ;1,70 by the car load. PETROLEUM MARKET. OFFICE OF PITTBEITREIII GAZETTE, MONDAY' June 21, 1869.. • The oil market continues dull and v9id.of anything really new or import ant. While prices generally are without material change, the feeling is rather _weak and the tendency for several days past has been downward. It ie rumored that the Erie clique have sold the most of their Jane oil and-bought heavily for July; and that the idea of a "Otorner" this. month, if any such idea was ever entertained, has been abandoned. In speaking of this clique; we 'Cannot do so intelligently, as we do not kbow awl:Lent it is composed, where located, or w het her .the men who manage it are. "b ulls" or "bears." That there is such a clique in existence,' however, is generally be lieved, and if it is in -any• way Connected with' the paampnlators of the Erie rail road, we may expect some huge manip ulations in the oil market. cutrDE. The volume of buainesa was again com paratively light to-day, and the market was rather weak, and, compared ,with Saturday, prices__ a shade lower. Sale 1,000 bbis seller July, at 15,50 on Valley cars at Venting° City; 1,000 seller SO days at 14; and 1,000 seller 'June, at 14. $5,50 at 011 City, is Considered equal to 14 eta here,' and we are cognizant of an offer having been made to sell seller_ June, at 14, late in the afternoon, without end ing a-bayer. REPINED But a single sale reported 1,000 bbls June, at 303 g. Spot oil, quoted nominal ly at 29M®30; July, 31M; August, 323; August to October, 33M; and July to December. 3300.3 As might be in ferred from the fact that there was but a single sale reported, the market was ?very quiat,, although compared with Sat urday prices have nhdergone no quota ble change. BEOEIPTB or canna OIL. Fleming & Co 1,163 bbls. Coate ercial Works. . 80 t• J. Wilkins.. .. ... .... 80 4 6 Ralston & W a rin g 4OO ' I Fiztun & Bro • 2,20 's R. T. Leech '217 g 4 Citizens Co. ' 800` 11 Waring &Ring ,140 ti { Total QM SHIPPED EAST IT A...V.14 E. Standard Oil Oo.; 986 relined to Warden. Frew & - .liontshaimer Kohler & Co.' 550 bble ref. to - Waring & King & Co., Philadelphia. 1 Lions Bro., 202 bbla refined: to W. P. Logan & Bro.; Philadelphia. ' • Braun. & Wagner. 500'bble refined to 'Waring, Kingtt Co., Philadelphia. . 4 Citizens •• Oil Co.-1119 bble refined to Tack & Bro:, Philadelphia. ' • Keystone Oil Works, 188 bbhi refined to 'Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. ' bicKelvy & 8r0., - 118 bble 'refined to • W. P. Logan '& Bra., Philadelphia. Lockharti Frew & Co. .58 bbla .refined to Warden,tFrew & Co. Philadelphia. " Livingston* Bro:, 800 Cases to 'War den Frew & Co., Philadelphia. 6 .Total Refined, 800 Cases 2794 bble. , orr. SHIPPED'' EAST 'PROM 'DIMMER DEPOT. Hutchison 011 & Refining Co., 925 bble to Warden, Frew &Co Philadelhia: Brooke Ballentine* Co., ' 28' b ole etbi oil to E. B. Hubley, Phila. Di'Kenna & Rodgers, 5 bble lubricat ing to A. P. Phipps, Philadelphia. , B. moydels,bblellUbtieitthg. oil 1).; Ckiok, , Philadelphia. . 5 • Total Lubricating ` .. 85 Total shipmenta Refined I 953 4,718 OW&
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