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L .",g , , ---- - •------ - - ,-', 4:..Z.,-,......... -- _ ,- .;r1... - i - ,...:.. , - • _ -l:: ~„. , - -AT-v---- --- ---•• =-'s--- ---• -- - -- -7 '0 .-- .7 - "" ----------- - --- ' ''' ' ; - 1 1 _ . • \,-. i 4 i :• . . , . , -.'• 1- k . - ...t. , ..ig i • ' .1; .; e - i i: . l• C O \t' : 4 AP. A 1 %‘' /A 4 • l it qt /\., - .r . \ • _ / i \ iv . -. l NIT - -'... VOLUME LXXXIV. unTioi_i R epublican , Nomination Dele- Vilt BT . gates to State onveution Instructed : for Geary—Cour of Pittsburgh Com-. mercial ndt Sus fined. . . special Dispatch to t e Pit tsburgh Gazette.) 'R ASH! GTON, June 14, 1869. The Republican unty Convention of Washington count organized to-day by the election of J. . Alexander as chair man. Mr. L. A.\ oCracken was nom sated on the fourt ballot for Senator, by a vole of 46 to 40 f r John N. McDonald. A. J. Biliungton od Harry Vankirk were renovulnatel or Assembly. A resolution en orsing the course of the Pittsburgh C mercial was defeated ahnust unanimon ) ly, receiving but two votes. Jas. R. 'Kelley and John - Hall were elected delegates to the State Convention, and were,. on motion of Hon. 9. ,V. Lawrence; instructed for Gov. Geary, aft'er an exci4ng contest. TWELVE O'CI,OCI2C., M. TILE QAPITAL. (By Telegraph to the Plttsbuigh Gazette.i Wasumemo's, June 14, 1869. YOSTOFFICII KATTERB. As an indication of the spirit in which Postmaster General Creswell intends to deal with all violations of the Postal law, whether small or great, 'the 'following letter addressed, to;•promblent Pastime. terilittleorglit is given: 0 SlR—The 'enactments of the law de -1 fining crimes and offenses ' against ' the Postoffice establishment admon ish every persOn in the employ -of the Department that the, law • t raking power Intends that the law shall t throw around the purity of carrespon k dence the solemn sanctity of Its protec- I tdon. The highest duty the Departnient owe 4 to the people is to preserve, by all the means within its power, the absolute sanctity of a seal. ' The ena ctments of the law referred to are entirely" explicit. 1 You are required to instruct subordi nates that every violation of_ thel law ,in thirrespect, as well as other crimes, the C Postmaster General will visit with pun -1 ishment to the fullest extent of the law. '4 In this connection, and in view of facts adduded to the Department of l complici -1 t.YI if not' actual crime, by one of the 5,,. clerks employed in your office, the Post muffler General directs that said clerk be f t instantly dismissed from service. You will permit no one to continue to he em - ployed in your office whose character for 4 personal integrity may not command the ±1 confidence of the Postmaster General. R,espectfully yours, G. B. ARMSTRONG, • Superintendent of Railway Mail Service. ' • ~• .. BIDS FOB MONITORS. 1! ' The Vide were today 'opened for the • .. 4 ' purchase of the monitors Cohoes, Rake, Nansett, Suncook, Warsaw and Yazoo, ~ . • lying at League Island, Pennsylvania, " 1 1 and the Casco and Chimo, lying at the Washington Navy Yard. Only two bids were received, the first of which was `• from Richard Wallach, of this city, •i • : who proposes •to take two of those , I at League Island, as the Government may determine, for the: sum of 1160,900 . • each. Messrs. Alexander Purves and :, • Son, of Philadelphia, propose to pur chase the Yazoo for 525,275, the 'Warsaw for 523,050, the Suncook for 521,325, the ~, .;% Cohoes for 151,575, the Casco for 514,125, and the Chimo for 113,075. The proposals :. :•, will be stibailtted to the Secretary of the •:-'''Navy and the sale consummated if the • parties have bid over the appraised .1.,••• . value. 1 • MILITARY GAZETTE. i Brevet Lieutenant Colonel J. H. Exight, United States Army. has been detailed for !duty as Indian Agent. - Brevet M or General A. B. Dyer has ? been - order d. to Inspect the following Arsenals o office business : St. Louis, Leavenworth, Rock Island, Watervliet and Frankfort. - _ , By direction of the President, Brevet Major Wini F. Harney is retired from duty with !the Indians. He will, hand over to the Indian Agents appointed for_.l the several agencies at Grand River, Fort Lilly! and Whetstone Creek any moneys or property he may have on . hand, close his accounts and return to his home all an officer — of the army on the retired Ust. DISCRIBLINATINO DEITIES ABOLISHED. The Pretddent has issued a proclama tion abolishing discriminating duties against French vessels, that Government having acted reciprocally towards Amer ican vessels, as appears from the follow ing cable telegram translation received ' at Washington June 12tb: + "To ttte charge D' Affairs of France at Washingt : Discriminating duties on merchandise imported from the countries of its origua in American vessels .have this day been discontinued in the ports of the- E mpire. Ask fort reciprocity." ...:-.':, APPRAISER APPOINTED. 11. D. Stanwood has been appointed Supervisor of Internal Revenue for Ala bama and, M ississippi, to take effect the. Brat Of Jnly. _ _ ___ a. t OSTON. The Peeee - Jubilee—The Gathering Throng--instrumentai Rehearsal. (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) Bosvori, June 14.—The musical organi mations and crowds of visitors arrive in every train. All the railroads have ar ranged to run extra trains during'the five days of the Festival. The worktuen are giving the finishing touches to Mae Coliseum to-night, and everything is to be in readiness for the grand opening to morrow. The rapid sale of tickets indi cates an immense audience. _ The rehearsal of five hundred instru mental performers_took place in the Coliseum this afternoon, embracing or ganizations from various sectionCef the country. It is pronounced •by brides tiarmonions add excellent to an,, ictraor dinary dt gt ee. EOM l A. ME ME Trial of Capt. Donaldwa—Piegro Girt Beateu to' DestO. EBy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) ST. Louis, June Il.—The case of (apt. W. B. Donaldson, charged with murder, was called in the Criminal Court to-day. There was a very large crowd present and much interest manifested. Much clinically was found in obtaining a jury. It will probably be a day or two before the testimony is taken. Mrs: M:•Bansman was arrested to.day, charged ,with causing the death of a negro servant girl, thirteen years old, by beating her with on oaken club. Fifty. two outs, bruises and scratches were found on her corpse. • Negro Murderer Lynched In Virginia, Inv Tgletraph to the rittepurith Gazette.) erenzurow, Va., June 14.—Jesse Ed wards. negro. who committed a rape on Miss Susan Pyle, a respectable young Rockbridge county, Va., and then' murdered her. was taken out of the county jail by four men and hung to a tree, six miles from Lexington.l , The lynchers gained admittance to the jail on the pretence that theyiltad a despera do-under arrest and desired ;to imprison him. The negro had previously con fessed his crimes. . The Disagree) Inquiry intc Mace—Meg cal Telegraph 1.1 June 14.—Th volunteers t failure to esta. ...e projected Colonial I Government, have served to keep them [ quiet. The report that four thousand troops were coming to disarm the volun- L teers has been officially denied. The Lvolunteers are jubilant. " The volunteers are instituting a court ot inquiry for the purpose of examining into tne conduct of Gen. Dulce and mak ing a report to be forwarded to Spain. It is reported Gen. Duloe will touch at Porto Rico, for the purpose of meeting Gen. Deßodas and explaining to him the situ ation of affairs. The Vasconade volunteers left for Olen fugos very reluctantly. They claimed that the Havana volunteers should ac company them. They promised, howev er, to garrison Villa Clara. A Meeting of Spaniards was ' held to i , consider the übject of a Commission toGen. Gen. Cesped for the general purpose of establishing be mutual preservation of lives and property of both parties. The recognition of the insurgent as belligerents by the Peruvian Govern ment causes despondency. The order sending employes to Puerto Principe has been revoked, in conse quence of unfavorable news fiom that quarter. Gen. Q , iesada was coentrat ing 'his lerces closer for a siege of the place, and had captured a convoy of pro visions. A Spanish soldier, who has lately re turned from the interior, says the insur gents kill an average of three thousand persons monthly, and that , disease is making havoc among them. ST. LOUIS, '1.4 IM:3 GTON, P. h emetic.) 'a KEY WEST, The Typographical Union and the.Asso. dated Press. The N. Y. Tu nes of Monday has an arti cle on the position assumed by the Nation al Typographical Union, which demands that all newspapers be unconditicinally admitted to the Press Association. The Times says: The Associated Press is a voluntary aisociatton of several journals, for the purpose of obtaining news by telegraph, for common use and at the common expense, the object being to avoid duplicating, at an enor mous expense, news which all must have. The Association never assumed to ex clude any responsible vapeet from sharing its advantages; but in view of the im mense labor and expense incurred in building , it up, it has been thought just and proper to demand a price for such a privilege, corresponding to its value and its cost to the members of the Associa tion. No journal strong enough to go alone objects to the demand. It is only those , who desire ! to reap the prollt - of publishing a newspaper without incurring the expense of it by' that ob- ject. The Typographical Union objects to thus increasing the priceof publisning a newspaper, because it keeps printers out of work. This 'is quite in iteeping with the general policy of the Union, to secure for -- printers as much money _ for as jittle work as possible; but the hostility of a com bination, which assumes to fix the prices for which printers may work, and to regulate their hours, and degrade and brand all who will not obey their dicta tion, and which seeks legislative interfer ence to sustain their abburl assumption of the monopoly and tyranny of the As sociated Press, is simply ridiculous. They might just as well demand every person who desires to start a now newspaper man shall have the right to use the correspondence, the editorial force,' the law, mar ket and general reports, and itener ally whatever In an od establish journal he might find useful in his enteedr prise. This would greatly facilitate the starting of fresh-newspapers and so In creaiae• the demand for printers, and would be quite as just as the Union's de mand concerning the . Associated Press. —An attempt was made on Friday last to arrest the notoriour robber and assas sin, Sam. Hildebrand, of St. Andrews county, Mo. Sheriff Breckenridge, with a posse of fifteen men. surrounded the house in which Hildebrand' bad taken refuge, and after demanding hie Barren den, which was responded to by Endo brand shooting the Sheriff in the groin, severely injuring him. a desultory firing was kept up by each party for floweret hours, resulting -in the killing of James McLean, one of the posse, and the wounding of Hildebrand and one or two others lathe house. Towards night, however, Hildebrand crowded out of the house and escaped to the woods, and has not been captured. He is a very desper ate character, was a merciless bush whacker durin the war is id to have committed g seventy or and eighty sa mur ders. A large reward has been offered for him at different times. —Senator ilowe, of Wisconsin, has published a card in the Madison Journal, denying the statement, which first ap peared in the Cincinnati Chronic/a, that he approved qf'a scheme to make the Al abama elating question a party issue at the next olection. ,Ile says: "I did not know, there was any such scheme. Never wrote, a letter in reference to such scheme. Do not know or approve of any scheme. Nor do I know of any man who does." PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY, JUNy, 1869. SKIM EDITIOL FOUR O'CIADCME, A. M. NEWS BY . LIABLE. Mr. Motley Fore/idly Announces the Iteii jection of the Airibasia Claims Treaty —The Church DU:establishment ques tion—Debate In the Haan of Lords-- Facts in the Mary Lowell Lase Dispu ted—Another Massacre in New Zeal. and—The Disturbances in Paris—tib eral Reforms' Recommended—The Ent. pips and. greeclom Not Incompatible— A King for Spain Not to be Chosen Until the Regency Question - Is Settled. IBY Telegraph to the Pittsburgh eszette.) GREAT BRITAIN.' LONDON, June 13.—At the Cabinet meeting held yesterday, it rumored, though Um report cannot be uthentica ted, that an official communication from Mr. Motley was presented be Lord Clar endon. Repo c rte state that .in his com munication Mr. Motley informs tier Ma jesty's Government of the rejection by the United States Senate of the Alabama, claims': treaty, and represents that the grounds for rejection were the in sufficiency of the treaty as-a full settle ment of the questions in dispute between the two countries. Mr. Motley intimates that the administration agrees with the Senate's declination to ratify the treaty and says he is instructed to express the earnest desire of- the American Govern ment for a speedy and friendly removal of the matters in difference, by a treaty Which will do justice to all parties, leav iog question open for future consider ation. He announces his readiness to re ceive and consider with liberalty any proposition Her Majesty's Government may make for a full settlement of any in ternational questions. at issue, as claims for individual citizens growing out of the action of either governments during the War. The expedition for laying the French cable has commenced .work. (%ptain Shared Osborn telegraphs from Deal -that the steainer Great Eastern cleared all the dangers of navigation at the mouth of Thames, steaming out into the Channel admirably. She will arrive in Portland on Monday'. Her tender, the Chiltern, preceded her. The Times this Morning, in a leader on the prospects of the Irish Church bill in the House of Lords, says: "The week opens with all the elements of a dramatic situation. The action Is great. the rue dre is great,• and the end is certain. We are' conviced that the bill will pass to its second reading. Every day it becomes clearer that England, after an agitation of eighty - 30MB, will volun tarily Made Injustice so long perpet uated. No Orange dernenstration can affect the sincoeskot the measure._Tide scandal of-the--Irish Church establish ment is at the root of the alienation of Ireland. Its destruction - is an act df peace and unity between jealous aim disubited races. • Ther Tinto reviews the opinions of the - leading men of the opposition and concludes; "By such arguments justice may be as often delayed, but not when the nation is awake to a sense of its de nial, We feel assured that justice , will not be delayed. By yielding now, the reputation and authority of the House of Lords will be established firmer than ever." • In the House of Peers, to night, in an ticipation of the debate ,on the Irish Church bill, there was a full attendance. all the seats on tho.tloor being occupied. At the opening of the 'MUTT, the gal leries and lobbies were crowded with spectator's, and in the streets in the vicin ity of the House of Parliament a great throng otpeople was collected. In the House many.petitions were pre sented against the bill. Earl Granville then moved the bill pass to its second reading. He declared he had always thought the Irish Church was au 'smear alye and faded to fulfil the position for which it was intended; that it was a great injustice' and should be legislated on in a reareinable,lwise and moderate way. He traced the history of the suspensory bill of last year, and the resignation of • theD'lsraell Ministry showed their ac ceptence of the decision of the country in favor of disestablish went and disendow went. After explaining the provisioue of thei hUI under consideration, Lord Granville continued: Ihe Government did not desire to sever the spiritual con nection between the Irish and English Churches. He would leave the explana tion of the endowments to his colleagues. He declared there wall nothing in the act of union to prevent the passage of the bill. He did not undervalue the act, but maintained that it was not unalterable, nor should it be allowed to stand in the way of a measure deemed necessary to the major ity of the , people 'and constituencies in Ireland: . The bill had no effect on the Royal supremacy. After referring to the threatened opposition and comment ing on the bigotry of past times, he ate Pealedle the bench and to the Bishops to . weigh well their course. Noth log was more suicidal than to • point to the principle on which the Irish Church stands as that on which the Eng' limb Church is to stand, for this step was not the preclude to disestablishment. The dignity of the House, atter due pro test, should allow the bill endorsed by the voice of the country to pass. The House of Peers has. great power for. good; but there is one thing it does not possess. It has no more power than the e of mmons. It has not power s to thwa rt the national will. It was said that -the method of conduct ing thebill in the Commons was offers, stye, and the House of Lords had been advised to be conciliatory in their pres ent declaration. He well knew the value of conciliation, but there was no need for it here. For he would assure th that though the Liberal party a d here d d strong lto the polic of the they would g rate fully welcome and carefully consider • any alteration of detail pro. poied* be their Lordships. More than this he could not say. The Earl of Harrowby Moved :thatthe second reading of the bill be postponed three 'writhe. • He opposed,the Dill as revolutionary, in violation f the Cor onation oatb, and of the act of union• The circumstances were inst.fficient to justty its introduction, and its results would be to, diminish. the'. number of U as Irish Protestants. It wno set of • • Volunteers— ict 01 Genera Principe. nts among the and also their justice. He rePtidiated the idea that the ia rejection of them asure would be running counter to the n tional will. The sense of the country h d not been tested ()tithepoint, point, and he be ieved the country was now earnestly looking to and expecting the House of Lords to reject the bill. Lord Clarendon said he did not recipro cate the feeling of the Earl of Harrewby $s as to the result of the bill. Simil fere bodings were expressed in regar to the reform and free trade xneastires." e be lieved the sentiment of the count had been fully Amsted on the tAipid. t had been discussed for the past year and a half, and Was so thoroughly exhausted and understood that he was unable to -say anything,new on it. Asa Protestant he sympathized with his Catholic feller:- sountrymen.in Ireland in the wrongful position in which they were placed. He never felt it stronger than when he saw crowds' kneelipg outside a hovel with a handsome! parish church those by unat tended. ,fflie 'believed that Ireland was the.question of the hour. Her condition had' burdened the Government. After the upiOrsal assent of the country, and the inwessibility that such a state of things i t ouid continue, imposed on Mr. Gladst e the duty of settling the. Irish Chum grievancee. The Duke of Rutland opposed the bill, bee:A.Bodt overthrew the rights of prop ertyorAlated tho religion of a majority' of the people of the United Kingdom. and destroyed the union of church and state. He denied that the Irish Church 'was a badge of corkquest, and declared his conviction that the voluntary system would never answer. Lord Stratford de Radcliffe objected to many details; of the bill. but warned the Ilotise not Ito sacrifice the' substance for 'the shadow,. He believed the passage of the Pill as it now stood would result in ir reparable injury to the Church and would not relieve, the condition of Ireland. The relative positions of the 'two Houses 1 of Parliament, however, demanded the second reading of the bill, after which 'the upper House could go to work and emend its objectionable features. - Lord Rornilly regarded the idea that this bill would prove the • destruction-of Protestantisin wile myth. It would only deprive the; rown of the nomination of some Bishops. In the House of (Ammons, to-night, W. Otway, Secretary for the. Foreign De partment, said the facts in the case of the 'the upper of the American brig Mary well were in dispute. The Govern ment asserts that the vessel' was seized in British waters, while the Spanish Government maintains she was captured on the high seas beyond British jurisdic tion. Mr. Otway stated the evidence adduced by Spain wad in the hands of the law officers of the Crown, and it would be impossible to preduce the papers be fore the House at present. Loanost, June 14.—Lezters from Drun edin,New 7Aaland, give accounts of the massacre of three officers with their wives,lamilles and forty friendly natives by the Maori Chief Te Koote,near Napier, on' the east coast of New Ulster, Troops were dispatched to the settlement, but on their arrival they found only the ruins of homesteads which had been plundered And burned. ' The settlers' in the - country were fleeing to- tio toventipal„prutectiOa. DtritiAw„ Inns l4:-=4. great Ptiffild'll‘ roonstraUon was made, in this city last night against the passage of the Irish i Church bill. Cons, June 14.—A shot was fired from I the street into the , office of the Constite4- Ilion to-day. No one was injured. No clue to the perpetrator of the act has l i been obtained. - A e,olliaion occurred in ShandOn, , es terday, between ' the police and a mob. Three of the former were injured. Sev eral rioters wets arrested. . FRANCE. Pants. June 14.—Large numbers of secret documents, having reference' to the late disturbances, have been dis covered by the author ities. It is asserted the papers prove, that the movement was started by paid agents. The Duke De Persigny has written a letter to M. Olivere on the subject of fur ther liberal reforms.' Ile says the Em pire and freedom are not Incompatible. A just form of government can bear the existence of every liberty. Baron Hausman, Prefect of Seine, has resigned his office. Ismael Pasch. of Egypt, yesterday had a pleasant interview with Napoleon. The city is now entirely, tranquil. Pants, June 14.-The official journal to-day publishes an account and explana tion ofthe recent disturbances. It assorts that the Goverbmitit had received accu rate details beforehand of what was to take place and was enabled to take proper and sufficient precautions to prevent the agi tation from assuming a more serious as pect. The officers of justice are in pos session of the facts which provoked and accompanied the outbreaks,and L Is their duty now to trace the authors. The journal praises the patiena, .firmness and moderation of the troops, and con- gratulates the Government on the sup pression of the disorder without blodd shed, thus fulfilling its misaion for the protection of humanity. PAnis, June 14—Euening.—TranquilitV continues to prevail, n all quarters of the city. General Cluseret. expelled from France, will sail from Havre for New York on Priday. MADRID, June it —ln the Cortes, on Siturday, Gen. Prim, in reply to a ques tion, said no King would come forward wtheßresent state of , but when me regency was. tied there uncertainty would be plenty of candidates. He regretted the refusal of Fernando, of Portugal, but thought it was not irrevocable. ST, Pwrzhanuno, June 14.—An Imps rial ukase has been issued authorizing the establishment of the International Bank of Commerce with a capital of- $5,- 000,000 roubles. The enterprise is pro moted by both Russian and foreign b lao will take up all the shares. rzn GEft INAN Y. Banzaw, June 14.-1 t isunderstood the Pruedun Government contemplates In oreaiing the number of furloughs granted to the army next winter. MARINE NEWS. LONDON. Jane 14,—The steamers City of New York, Nebraska, Keda and Borussia, from New Yak, and St:Pat• - Quebec', arrived aut. iick, fro? —A. woman named Casale Welch was beaten to death at. Troy, N. Y., Sundsy evenlag, hV Thomas Donovan, who has been arrested, together with two women named Johemon and Knights TemKar at Pliliadelpliia. [By Telegranti to th t-bunith Gazette.) PHILADELPIIt,t; Jane 14.—The city is thronged with Knights Templar from all sections of the ' , country. The Detroit . Commandery. acompanied by the band of the First United States Infantry, and the Pittsburgh COunnandery reached the city this mornin. Delegations from St. Johns, N. 8., Montgomery, New Orleans, Omaha,llemphis and Nashville are also in the city. BRIEFTELEGRANS. --t---.---- —Rev. Dr. Jonas' King, American Mis sionary at Athene, Greece, died there on the 22d of May. I —Mayor Rice,' of Chicago, will leave for Europe in a few duo, to be absent two or three months. —Davidson M.lLeatherman annowsces himself as an independent candidate for Governor of Tennessee. —The total loaf; by the fire at George town,Ky.. on !Saturday night of last wee. is estimated at $200,000; insurance, $40,000. 1 —James W. Wilson, Assistant Aesessor cf the Second District Caf Ohio, was found dead in his bed Monday morning, from apoplexy. —The Halifax: (N. S.) Repeal League Convention closed its proceedings on Saturday evening, and decided to make annexation thdir policy. I —Judge Cleat, formerly Judge of the Supreme Court of Louisiana, has been appointed by General Canby Judge of the HustingsCourtOt Richmond. —The raperi mill at Newton Lower Falls, Mass.. owned by Kendall, Rice k Co., was destroyed by fire on Sunday af ternoon. Loss $30,000; insured for $12,000. —A woman Of ill fame, named Adda Gertrude Wilson, living in the lower portion of Louisville, committed suicide on Saturday, hy taking an overdose Of morphine. I -The grand jury at Nashville has found a true bill against Capt. R. T. Pat terson, Innistri Morgan and others, con cerned in the! Dickinson tragedy some months since. I t —Three daily trains will be run over the Louisvillel and Cincinnati Air Line Railroad, comniencing Monday the 21st Inst., the day appointed for the opening of the road foe business. —The Managers of the New York Hos pital have decided to locate the new In sane Asylum at White Plains, Westches ter county. "t will cost a million dollars and accommodate five hundred patients. —The Solders' Home at Albany, N. Y., has been closed for lack of appropria-. don by the last Legislature for its sup port. Two hilndred inmates have been ' taken to the 'Government institution at Augusta, Maine. . • I • —Vice President Colfax and Lieuten ant General 'Sherman arrived at West Point yesterday morning, and dined with President Grant at Ross hotel. The President leaVes for New York and Boa ton this morning. --Glynn and Cruthers, two of the offi cers of theahipJanies Foster, have been 12,210AO&04 gni. Au ..itittletts.ientier_crualty . to passengere. Sentence , will, be 'fir -a, long term of ihriprisonment and a heavy , fine in eachcase. 46 4--On Saturday, at the National Sol d' rs' Home, Dayton , Ohio. Evans, a col- n ed veteran without provocation, struck illiams, a ellowsoldier, also colored, three blows with a hatchet, cleaving his i skull and killing him Instantly, —The propeller Queen' of the Lakes, of the Evans Buffalo Line, was burned to the waters edge at her ocks, at Mar quette, Michigan, on the night of the 12th. She' was loaded with pig iron. Steamer and cargo both insured. —The factlthat Parkins, the proprietor of the RivertSide Park, Boston, who held stakes amounting to thousands of dol lars, has mysteriously disappeared, causes considerable excitement among the winnere.of purees. It is feared he will not return. . I — avn . aa k pnr;r d ee u rad e u l hawnibenet ic i as fought on Sunday morn ing at Lutidy's Lane, Canada4otween an editor of Spaniah newspaper, of New York, and ii Cuban. 'The latter was shot through both legs. The wounds are se rious. An, article styling . the Cubans cowards was the cause. - —The steamers Minnesota, from Liv erpool, anctPalusyra, from Messina, ar rived at New York yesterday. I The lat ter brought the remains of Capt. Henry A. Wise, ‘Vhich will be interred et Mount Auburn, by she side of those of,his late father-in-law, Edward Everett. — ctATaou T h—lrldleie . ataln A rlyesgla . la.tebetar Nesnutbi l Street Railr ad pro jector, in Cincinnati, on Monday assault ed Richard Smith, editor of the I Ga z et t e, with a riding whip. The latter grappled him beford he-could use it and a short souffle terreinated the affair. The cause was, editorial strictures on his manage ment of street railroad; routes. —A. special from Spring field, Ills., says: Information which is deemed authentic has been 'received here that a purse of money is being raised by the ladies of Jacksonville, to be used by them in fur nishing W. A. Roldrisoo, recently tried for the murder of Gen. McConnell, , with a stock of goods, with which to again commence business at Jackson ville. It. is also asserted that the men generally 'are very much opposed to this movement, and advise Robinson that it will be well for him to leave Jackson ville and hot to return. —Advises from Rio Janeiro by mail to May Bth I say: A. religious excitement prevails at Pernambuco, which - hide fair to cause the expulsion of the (Jesuits from the country. A bill was Intrbduced into the Provincial Adsenibly forbidding Je. suits and Sisters of Charity from entering any Provincial charitable ihstitutien, and Attention le called to' an old decree' which expelled 4lesults and forbide their return. The banking ththscetco mpleted.two oosroehfgees fabled, nrrwea, fi oloßured r urorad m onanwt, - nduihkstni o .gikewisto f elievhtrirmhsi F o s eflo et:gejalrl It: rinto e aer: town t arrangements o,nis t wpn i oti o eaoilisfxl , p woolahl, ~ ,:..aoksaptxtvoaetedßvit nuftakrageexpected Morrissey wgpooo. attendance. Tomtintrgathisdeethifight. eaaiwhich t ecl ors b to at WWII a 'secret. Both parties are said to be in fine condition and confident. There Is not much' betting, - but In what little there is the : odds are irefavor of MoCoole. Allen arrived at St. Louis on Saturday, and betlthe and McCoole are said to be aecretetEto prevent arrest, there being a very stringent law in Missouri against prize fighting. Quite a nuniber of noted bruiserstfrom abroad, and large delegar lions from . ;New York, Baltimore and Philadelphia.,are expected to be present._ SPAIN,. RUSSIA. UMUIt 134. THE COURTY. Quarter Sesalous—Judge Sterrett MONDAY, June 14.—Samuel Palmer and Samuel Sinith, indicted for larceny, were arraigned and 4lead guilty, and were remanded to jail for sentence. Lafayette Graham, indicted for assault and batteiry,'was placed on triaL The jury returned ayerdict of guilty, and the . prisoner was sentenced to pay a fine of twenty dollars and the costs of prosec,u- Lion. In the case of the Commonwealth vs. J. P. Haigh, indicted for assault and bat tery, the jury returned a verdict of guilty. Sentence jleferred. In the case of the Commonwealth vs. John McGowan indicted for fornication and bastardy, a none pros. was entered on payment of costs by defendant. Commonwealth vs. same defendant, in dicted for adultery, a none pros. was also entered. '" Thomas Parks indicted for larceny plead guilty and was remanded for sen tence. Jordan McFarland, indicted for forni cation and bastardy, plead guilty. Sen tence deferred. Gustave Rohrback,indloted for larceny, was arraigned and plead not guilty, 4ind after the case had proceeded, withdrew the plea and plead guilty to the charge and alleged that he was drunk. The sentence of the Court was that the pris oner pay the costs of prosecution and-un dergo an imprisonment of one year in the Western Penitenthiry. Commonwealth vs. Thomas Smith, two indictments for barratry. The defendant was canstable in the Fourth ward; Pitts burgh.: in 1868., and in March of that year brought suit against Mr. Voltz to recover the penalty of $5O for selling liquor on Sunday. It was alleged and proven that be had brought similar snits against several other parties, and the prosecu tion maintained that Smith had settled the cases on receipt of $25. On trial. In'the case of the Commonwealth vs. William Howard, tried on an indict ment for larceny. prevevionsly reported, the jury returned a verdict of guilty, and the prisoner was sentenced to pay the costs of prosecution and undergo an imprisonment in the Western Peniten tiarY for a term of two years. TRIAL LIST FOR TUESDAY. 83. Corn. vs. Peter Bury=linger. 101. " James Anderson. 102. " Wm. Barnes. ' 103. " -Wm. Johnston. 104. " Hugh McLane, 2 cases. 106. " Mary Neno, l 2 cases. 109. " Samuel Sackett. 110. " Wm. Ward. 111. " Isabella White Common Pleas 7 .-Judge Mellon MONDAY, June 14.—John N. Mason et aL adm'rs. va. J. Snowden & Son. Ac tiop on a contract. On trial. TRIAL LIST FOR TUESDAY. - 72. Kirk vs. Snowden & Son 92. Helsel vs: 93. Mellon Bros. vs. Moundtield. 94. Hershauser vs. Mansinger. 90. Anderson vs. Alpert, Hilt ez Co 97. Hartman h Lsrevs. 98. Noll vs. Waldschtnidt. 103. Ferguson vs. MeNish et al. 104. Rohe vs. Rothschild. 105. Owens vs. Robb & Herron. 1. Roberts vs. McGraw et Son. 17. McClinton vs. P., Ft. W. &C. R. W. Co. —Four attempts to burn a building and lumber yard were made at Syracuse, N. Y., between Saturday night and Mon day morning. Small damage was done. A like attempt was made at Baldwin vile Sunday night. Aaaltlonal - Markets by Telegraph LONDON, June 14.---.4vening-i'onsols for money. 92%; for account, 02. N. Five twenty bonds, 80%; at Frankfort, 86%. Eries, 1934; Illinois, 94. Pants, June 14.-Bourse firm. Rentes 71f . ..30c. LIVERPOOL, June 14.---Cotton market quiet; middling uplands, 11%; Orleans, 12; sales of 10,000 bales. Calilornia white wheat, 9s. 5d.; red westen, Bs. sd. Wkt m r e Flour 21s. 6d. Cor Noi 2 mired at 278. 6d. new; 28s. 6d., 222222555 id. Oats 34d., Barley ss. Peas 365. 6d. Pork 100 s. Beef 90s. Lard 72.4. 6d. Chesse 798. Bacon 62. Naval Stores quiet. Petro leum Is. 7}4d. Tallow 445. 3d. Liuseed 011 325. Cakes 93.®103. LONDON, June 14.-Tallow ,445. Tur pentane 275. Petroleum dull. Sugar 36 @)4os. Linseed Oil 31s. 3d. • ' 11.AvitE, June 11.-Cotton 1.4.43,1, on Fpot. Petroleum at Antwerp firm at .17!.. francs. .„ CHICAGO, June 14.—Wheat in the af ternoon sold to a moderate extent and priceswere the same as at‘the close of hitnge, No. 2 spring closing at 11,12q® 1,12;4-, seller the month. Corn closed at 59®59140 on spot. Oats quiet. In the evening the market was dull, No. 2 spring wheat closing at 31,12 g, seller the month.- Provisions and pork psoduets dull. There was nothing clomp, in lake freighttiol Beef cattle moderately active, offerings large, and the demand good, but pricetreasier; fresh receipts at 15,2 5 @7,35, according toquality. Hogs—large supply and fair demand, but the feeling not so firm; sales at 18, 25®9 30 for com mon to choice grades. ALBANY, Rine 14.—Beeves are 200 to 30e head short in supply, compared with last week, and prices 5f to 3,e (liver weight) higher; market buoyant, with wales of 2,500 head; the highest price realized was 934 c for very choice Ken- tucky steers averaging 1,510 lba; the top market price, however, was 9c. Go butchering cattle are buoyant at mainly d Bto 9No; stockers 634 c. Sheep in mod erate supply and.-firm at last week's prices; gales of 4,000 head sheared at 63(, &ma for extra, and 734 c. for a lot aver aging 1001bs. Hogs—receipts moderate, demand fair, and market go higher for heavy; range 994®9;ic for heavy Illinois. NEw Onznaxs, June 14.—Cotton ad vanoed yo, at 30%®30W0 for middling; sales 1,400, receipts 1,004, exports 8,284 bales. Gold 138; 1 . Exchange 152.: New . York sight > premium. Sugar at 13@ 13y0 for prime. Molasses nominal. Flour firmlat 16 for superfine; 16,25 for double extra, and, treble extra at 88,50. Corn at $1,05 for white: Oats at 75c. Bran at 11,15. Hay lower at 125 for prime. Pork held at 134,25. Bacon held at 150 19a. Lard at 19@19%c i'clr tierce. and 201,c for keg. Whisky. at 90®92%0 , for western rectified. Coffee firmer at.l4K. ®lWe for fair, and prime 111%®16y,a. NASHVILLE. June 14.--Cottlm ,baar,ket c oneijelow middlings at 280, good °rill- IM °% c _,,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers