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The New Constitution of Spain—lts Por i; Anal Promulgation Followed by .a Rio-ions De monstrating—Marshal Ser. ..' 041, - be Den' ran , Wed Regent—The ;.'• Irish Church Disemablishment—Action 'of UM COluntriative Peers Deplored by the'Lunden Times—The French Elec. t 1 , tient— 'Napoleon Regards the Election p Tr o ,llegliefort. as -A , Personal Imult- , -;41 ',,' ''' irtulihdifeaiiirf Geiternment Thought . r °lr— Aß lth ilt r fO re ett to Itttel4 a Sc- . ' ii 1 ale ar Court In Austria. ' , fill Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) .i -, , -.,, . - , SPAM. -- . •.- .. . „;,. ,7, ' i : liiitari, June..6.-411erti* - Co'neiltri .! . thin wags _promulgated with .great Primp. , „ . • . ,'; At two - o'clock- in the - -afternoon !,the I members of the Execinivi Connell and ~,,, . the 'Deputies to the , Corten, Proceeded from the Ctuunbers to a-platform, which I was erected In front'pf the halls of Con ,. , . grestr , *here . the*cretarry-Of the Cortes - read the Constitution,. Anfl, it was re -,! ceived with loud cheers by an immense . Connie 7 ., , r. 012 of people gathererl in front of the 044ft/rm. Returning, to the Chaim bkr. the 'Deputies'each - took the oath to itufort and protect the Constitution. • When the Duputies were retiring from the phitform some -hisses Were heard hi i the strt, And a tumult' ensued among the crewd. The disturbance was in oreitaing and threatened ._ to become -eterions.kin , spite of the efforts Of. the • ~, troops Ms put a atop to it, when the Mili tary GoVernor of the city appeared, and 1 with great presence of mind rushed .:., among' 'the foremost...rioters shouting ,I, "VivaLSoverania Nacionale." This' . t changed the feeling of the mob, who. , - Joinedln cheering the Governor and the , tumul t ceased. Only two men were ''. -killed and several wounded. • •. The Deputies subsequently returned to the Platform' and , arttneased a grand ' military review.. Over 30,000 troops filed petit. he entlinsidsm manifested , waevery great. It was noticed, howev -1 -er, thitt none of the . Republican Deputies ' l participated in the proceedings. ' • i Aplyin procession followed during the 4 1 Aftenitotin and in the evening there was 1 , a grandbanuet nd. exhibition of fire. i worksPii q e At least one hundred thousand visitors from the country were in Mad ?. 'rid during the day to attend the (*le t bration. I The remains of several Spanish celeb -1 rities 'have arrived here , for deposition. t in the Pantheon. n the Cortes, to.morrovr, a bill' will i'i U ll ns.-.4. 1 / 9 .-nzaintitY..cireating , c - a currant) Regent of Spain, but 1 - without-power to sanction the /aws- or .x,' disolve the Chambers. t , Disown, June 7.—There is much j 1 Anxiety =about Cuba on every , hand. 1 , l The Government Is uoWilling to publish telegrams received from Cuba which augments uneasiness. . . GREAT BRITAIN. . • LoNDoN, Janet —The Liberal journals 1 deplore the course adopted ,by the-Min• servative Peers in respeCt to tber„ - Itish Church biff. - The Timerpredicts'ff this - whey of rejection is ....cleid Out, the re -It will be ' the libuse of`ords will be - obliged' to accept the Bathe' bill at a later - qierlrid, with a' sense of- humilitition. "The bill tinlist pass. The nation, by the I "vcrice or the House'of Cotrimons, has so pionottriced, and cannot recede. • ' I . \l,oitxkor. June 'l.—ln reply to the Con. elervative deputation tordey - Lord Derby j . "sd heripoke as a unit . in the House of Lords“ not wishing to influence 'the minds or fetter the action of others. While many friends of the Irish Church wish to amend and not reject the . bill, he was persuaded rejection was the only. course. He believed. the bill would be. rejected by II - large m jority. Such a coarse was the safest it in such a revolutionary step.' He felt satis fied it' would " receive the assent: of the Conservatives of the country, who would continue to increase their support if the coercion of the Peers was attempted. A meeting of Conservatives was held in London to-night. Resolutions were ! adopted condemning the Irish Ohnrelt • • -It is Understood Mr. Gladstone pro. poses, in case the Lerds reject the bill, • to prorogue the presentSassion of Perlia i ment immediately and inaugui atea new ;`• session, in order to ensure thee %Al. the bill. It- is proposed to create • new batch of Peers' including the Mar quis of Hartingten, Lord Amberiy, the eidestsons of the most liberal Peers, and Blithe Scotch and Irish Peers now with , out seats in the House of Lords. .., The Pall Mall Gazette regrets the bad effect the positien the Lords have assum ed will have on•lreland, particularly in regard to the land question. To rule In . the 'sense of deciding what' the nation -shall or shall not decide upon, is beyond the competence of theAftnute et Lerdeor . any othergoveraing body.; - • The prose:mitten against the Bank Di. rectors, tradithew, Mangles and- Abbe ' "fbr cobselracy Mal fraud, has OM dis. r, ekes bat Mr. Finney tuis been held for trial. -: i , "*. , ":, EIitNSCE., „ 1 , - Pests, June 7.—The balloting in', the ..cluiee-cf., undecided eleistions is going: on . Inieftyltilthe different departpaents: • , ~F!..t.tus,"-J,unel.-:-The;bay Celt. Glaneur 11 : won the .grandiseer 100,0 00 francs, Fri •Jesterdsy, beatin eleven 'homes. • \ LODIDQII4 Jana. rlrLetters from Paris , state - diet a strong ptcure is brofight to itNar, in the mulecuded electione F to , pre. vent the return of opposition candidates. Thecontests between Tillers - and Shoe, sand betweet Fevre and' Honey 'Roche ..fort, are regarded with muchjintercet. The Emperor, it is d, views the pail). able election of_Roc fort as , :a personal, ifilotleailly, Insult.- The mint result of the elections and the fleet on' the Gov .. e r nment are, regarded - with great curios, ity. - Tbe Government - 11S fully alive to , - the heavinesi•of die blow and the tilt& -:-ctiltkie they will have to meet in future. 'lto friends tender advice freely, but the !Antly concession possible is a Parliamen. laity Government, which the Emperor - intrude with partici:lbw afersitnu A - The Atiovernment is inclined to dit, g itior Ling - ')u soon as possible, and wi th in -1 - .coireetuesce. If the ballo , sin 1, ....•-•,,,,:', -'si• • _ g . =•-"••t• - • - .11 ' ff,kittl.NONW;;l4. ' ktt pg favor', of Itnehefort a step will be taken immediately. • AUSTRIA. • Viamra,June7.—Bishop Leuze having refused to obey legal summons to afpear before a secular Court, was arrested and brought to the mart by the pollee. MARINE NEWS. - • tONDorr, Tune 7.—The steamers gams rla, Colorado, Dentaohland and Paraguay have arrived out. -- • FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Lormod, - Junei-- 2 .Evening.- 7 -Consols for Money, 92%, foiscooant 9293.. Arnerlean securities quiet and steady. Five•twen ties, 80V, Railway stooks firm; Erie, 18%; Illinois, 9434; Atlantic and. Great Western, 2534. Linseed cakes, 104 Tallow, 43a 3d. SUgar quiet and steady; 50on spot, 39a 3d®408. Common rosin, Id. - ANTWIMP, 'June 7. 4 -PatMlemn "firmer at 38,;f. LivattvcoL, Jane- 7.—Cotton market active; middling uplands, 'IIM Orleans, 12; sales of 15,000 bales. California white wheat,-93 7d; red western, .Bti-7d. Mart FCCrn, Ms. Oats, 3s 4d. ' Barley and peas unchanged. Pork, 90s. Beef, 90s. Lard, 7la 3d. :.Cheese, 80s. r lBAcon, 618 6d. Spirits petroleum, -1k1; .refined, la 734 d. Tallowol4s. H&VRE, Jane 7.—Cotton active; on spot, 145 f.; afloat, I4of. Fit - s.WlES'otvr. Jude 7.1-United States bonds closed at 865.4@88X. RAILWAY, lIIATTE.RS. • Excursion of Prominent Railroad Men— ' A New= Project. By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh oss:tte.i LEAvsziwonrs, June 7.—A large ex minion party of eastern railroad men, representing several principal roads con neoting New York and Chicago, arrived . hero to•day. After a drive round the c.ity.and suburbs they partook of colla tion at the rooms of the Leavenworth Club. Their visit Is in connection with Y a direct railroad line from New York via the Lake :Shore, Michigan Southern and Rock Island roads to this city, thence to the Pacific at To- . peka. , The plan intends building a link via l Cameron on the Hannibal and St. Joe road tothsaMoines or Washington. towa, on the Rook Island and ,Pacitic. The party left this afternoon for Chicago via Council Bluffs. The. Pullman' Dthing Car'`en lU First Trip to. the Peellli. • SHERMAN. Wyoming Ter., June 6. Summit of Black Bills, 825 s feet above the Sea, June 7th, 7 o'clock, P. M.—The Pullman dining car International, the pioneer of its class over the Pacific rail road, is passing the Summit, sccompa nied by two Pullman Palace sleeping ears, forming partnt a through train to Sacramento. Among the passengers from the east are Genl. C. Cook, formerly,. of ; Colorado,. wife , and- Goir; of thb Chicago' Tribune, and wife, and . Miss Stew rt. of Chicago; Prof. Miller, of Rush Brlfidical College;Wilt, tiroprietor bf , 'Breyoort House, Neff York; Fitch, San 'Francisco But/41in. wife ,and two ohil dren; Swinton, New York; Ames Elliott, of Oregon Central Railroad Company, wife and child; Bitnotitoni-of Axsociated Press, wife, son, and others— one hundred and forty-six passengers in' all. The dining car seats forty.' eight at the table at once 'in its centre, is 'compact, but pleasant; kitchen, with ice box' and ' provi-iou cellar beneath. Danner ; is -now being: served while moving across the Wilder ness thirty' tulles par hour, over an ex 'cellent road, in cars free from dust and thoroughly., ventilated with 'deliciously soft,mountaha air. The party partaking of as luxurious a meal as any first-class eastern hotel: can afford, vote' unani mous that no railroad traveling in Amer-. ica or Enrope• equals this In comfort or pleasure for men, women and Ehildren. CUBA. Reported Surrender of 4,000 Insurgents , --Anether Expedition sailed. dly Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette./ • Nisw YOWL. June 7.--- - The Post says therels a report, through a private chan nel this evening, to the effect that four thousand Cuban insurgents have surren dered to Generals Valrnesada, &meta and fieregasi, and that quiet reigns in fik vans. This information comes from Spanish authorities, and Is addressed to persons in tho Spanish Intel est. The Bun has a report that, a clipper ship with eight hundred men on board,- under command of Col, Win. Elendeny. of Cincinnati, sailed from this port Satur day morning, to join the insurgent'army of Cespedes. June 7.—Surgeon Quinn. of the United Mateo ship : Saratoga, died yodel day of }Bel low flier. There are three cages on hoard tho Saratoga. She sailed for Hey West to-day. • • Acting Captain General pipetar has is sued a decree that for the future, when appointments are to be.Enade. to vacant offices in the service of the gOvernment, veteran soldiers shall have the, proteg enee. From the Sandwich Islands—Severe Earthquake—Leprosy, , isyTeleeraph to the Plltshurgb thzette.) Haw FRANCIECO, June 7.—Honolulu advises tollay 24th state weevers earth. quake occurred at nalalii on the 9th of April. There was considerable alarm but no seriona damage. Leprosy .P.revalled to An alarming ex tent in the Islands, At Sabath', * favor ite resort of whets ships; over half piths population were affected.: The disease Was spreading rapidly. ' Additionalby TeiPlipb ..i4 ‘nl . . °ammo, June 7..-Flor , utiehattired. Wheat dull, with o,ooobus amber Michigan at 51,47 X; SiaturiLaY 4 4 200 bus No. 1 Milwaukee Club sold at 91,813:, and 5,000 bus No. 2 4holcieiiiiring on prt. vate terms. Corn; none ln the market. Oats held at 750 for western. Barley, Rye and POW inactive.. "Corn meal .475. Mill Feed steady. Canal freights un settled; wheat to Neu+ York 83;0.: Isidte imports-89,800 bus wheat, 15,900 tins oats. Can al exports-102 bbla sour, 44,700 bus wheat. • 1 CIIIOAQO, June /.—At Opelll board . afternoon the grain markets wel l e,A .1. and a shade easier, No. 2 Wheat an ,at. $ 1 , 09 34(§)1,09% seller month.(:i , g F grains neglected. Provisions addling done. In the evening 1W = was nominal atop seller Junbi;.l43-I'-.--- SECOID OMR POUR Ci , Crixocx, A. M. THE CAPITAL. Difio erlyjl RIOTOUS CONDUCT OF COLORED VOTERS * Opposition Colored Leader POLICE ACTIVE AND EFFICIENT. Firearms Used with Effect. United States - Depesitory Robbed. By Telegraph to the Pittatiorgh ciaSetts., Virsimutoratgr, June 7, 1869. The election for Collector, Register, Sitiveydr and Members of Connell took place to-day. Major Richards, Superio. tendent of the Pollee. had taken the pre caution. to secure to every voter the ex ercise of his franchise. and 'at the same _ time to preserve the peace at the polls. Restaurants and other drinking places were closed by the same authority. Long before daybreak crowds, principally col ored 'men, gathered at the polls and formed in line for voting, although this did not commence until seven o'clock. There was throughout the city, during the day great excitement at the respee tire precincts. Towards noon a serious disturbance occurred, the following con. densed account of whiCh is taken from the Star: • In the Sixth ward, between ten and twelve, a dispute took place be tsieeti colored men in the vicinity of first precinct, corner Ninth street hest andi street. Before, however, wry conflict had occurred g the disputing parties got some distance off, and when they reached Twelfth Street East there was a fight. The police immediately went to the scene, When the parties to the tight rap. One of them, Geo. Poole, colored, was mph:tired. The others. escaped. Poole wades desperate resistance, and In the melee, Officer Greene calling for assist ance' Christopher 13ohloyer rushed in 1 and the negro it once attacked aim. Officer Greene, fa the attempt to save Bohloyer ftom being -killed, was cow l:veiled to let Poole escape. "Re- ccsnagen to reach Bobloyer intim% bus pot until he had been badly beaten said received two.-terrible wpit AS Wgie t Ill!Shy part orate WO. 10 home and medical aid Enamelled. With this exception, matters were quite orderly. - The Clttisins tickets were presented in plain white papers, and the Republicans, as in all-wards, were white faced with blue glazed backs. It having been noised around that everytnan em ployed in the Navy :Yard who voted the Citizens ticket would be spotted. the Citizens' party early this morning coca trienwd passing tickets, and finally, about eleven o'clock, there was a large number of Citizens tickets in circula tion wit h . blue backs and similar in site and appearance to t heßepu Nicer' tickets. Many of the colored men in this manner , voted the' 'Citizens ticket Ignorantly. not only in the Sixth, but in other wards. Between one and two o'clock exagger. atedreportis were afloat as to election riots In the SCitanth ward, and the at tempt to V' nue parties from the police. They originated thus: About LBO Ar thur Taylor. Randolph Cole alias . Blue akin, and Paul Girsey, engaged in a tight with sticks, scones anti other mis siles occasioned by something said about a woman in Fighting alley. and soon, the, noise being heard . at the polls a large' crowd was attracted. The police from the nearest precinct promptly repaired to the spot, when an attempt was made to escape. Pistols being fired- increased the crowd largely. The officers *greeted the parties am% with some difficulty con veyed them to the station house, and the crowd io the alley was cleared by a squad of mounted men. The disturbance had nothing to do with the voting. About one o'clock Julius Wallace, colored, and a friend wereloal-ing the polls, near the corner of Thirteenth and M. streets, In the Second ,ward. Wallace was stopped and questioned as to having stretched the. natne of Chase, the regu lar Republican nominee for Alderman, and he, facet., Borne words, was attacked ny &crowd, lwho knocked him out of his buggy aud beat him. The police imme diately entered the crowd and with cuity replaced . Wallace in: his buggy. Officers O'Hare,' Jarboe i and Bresnahan were roughlylandled and bruised with atones; but they, with otherit of the force, altqu ad of mounted men having arrived on the ground, sucoetided in putting down the riot, WallacWAnd his friend going off in the buggy at a rapid gait amid a:shower of stones. ' lin • About the same time Tim Rogers was _attacked with stones &c., and badly beaten before the crowd could be driven off. His offense was he ; had voted the Citizens ticket. These disturbances Occasioned a great deal otexcitement lathe neighborhood, end the report Xhat riots were going on Sttraoted Iretkithe precincts of the ward, ae alio tbette+eral precincts of the Third ward, almost the entire crowds, there from, and for a time there' were not enough voters left -to lbrm a resp ectable - line. OEM Hardly had the voting been resumed at the Thirteenth and sliativet polls ,before more excitement took Place, this time on Twelfth street. Stuart, one of the leaders .of the 'colored . Citizens move.. moat, was noticed sitting'ln the store of W. F. Givens, on• Twelfth street, when a large crowd of men 'gathered for the pgir. pool of mobbing hire. Stuart •got tp and amontheg the rear buil police m dings in that squa de a da ah rs• through a line In front of the store until some of the notice, not mounted, had escorted thosti who qr. peared to be the leaders In`theattadc out of the crowd. . • Latar'ins the afternoon the , crowd in 64 eased in front otatiestore and beeaute Guinn obilgtnA• ' the ielatnily' of Mr. Glr /eO, th •en to e e Ig• remises. Stuart in, the meantime had • ken refuge in an upper 14)011/. The folks Am* having arrived in ocuuddera q • " ~ ~a:,.4';~r. vfar`~ask _.3s~- ` sr`.~sk7:t4;~ F ii._sJm ~~ ,. ~~ „ '~::,..H...~-..C.a=w~ a.~=~C+a ~' = '~. 4 :c , v:a,+siu'~+v~.~G's. r• f'~~~~,Ft:i,~.w.mik'~.4 Municipal Elections. Mobbed. TELEGRAPH SURISDIOTION. Attorney General Hoar„ has given an opinion, at the instance of the New York, New Ft:andball . and London Telegraph ComPany, that the control of telegraphic communication with foreigiinations by means of cables leading from the shores of the United States is within.the Consti tutional authority of Congrfasp, to per mit, regulate or prohibit, , and that there can be mserair i Viiiior v AilltA i. enterprities while no Ruth° 7orpro on for tbein 'has beeti derivedfr om acts 0 ,„copftreß. The aspirate, States may: grawenfoy. went of their own rights of soil , and'of privileges*lthin their control, but they cannot grant sightslavhichi interfere, or limit the paramount' Conatittitionat thorny of the United States. , U. it.nzeosyroar noength • Treasurer Spinner has reCeavildis,4lB. patch front Santa , lee,,NearlitoihAf tio ., flouncing ;that the -U. El. t. lielpository et that city-was broken open last night. Loss not asaxortaihed f L. J. Callius was found deal!, Ithot through ',the; head. Government officials had poisseaaionof the betiding and such hinds aaremain ed, 'and would proceed to ascertain ascertaln'the exact condition Of affairs. , - - ERRONEOUS REPORT. -• • Tt seems the report of the payment of $lO,OOO by the State Department for cable telegrains was, erroneous. That sum of money was appropriated ; by Congress for the ..expenses of sending messages by cable, .but not a dollar of it has yet been used. • ' ILLEGAL STAMPS. Coteinhutuner Delano has decided the stanipii 'issued by the Warden of Abe Western Penitentstry of•PennsYlyinia, to be axed to boxes of cigars , made there, Are without the slightest authority of law • • ; • s, 191F4ISCONAL. , •,' Rev. , ; , ,crialertraAtet ir so l iii eel -at Lleptig t. an brb aro.l . Prealdent °Ant, ar rlv edirc day evening, soopinpunied bi„hfitT Both are stopping stlthelfigtunittstr NA* don. ble numbers; formed lines iii front of the house and kept the crowd back. Maj; Richards, Superintendent of Police, sent to Stuart to know if he wished to - come out, and received frpm him an affirms aim answer. The police were ordered tb clear the crowd from the front part of the building, which they did with eoneidera ble difficulty, the crowd shouting "Here he corneal?' the him!" "Come out here and go ,to -your dinner, your wife has strawberries and cream," etc. Maj. Richards ' Meting taken his poeition at the froht door of the store, Stuart in a feiv minutes appeared, which I was the signal tbr the crowd to make 'a dash at him, but they were beaten off by thernountednolice. , .I.leutenatit Fitt and the SismOunted..tiolice then formed a hollow equaiS around Stuart, who was In company with i Major ' Richards, and the pollee and *Rhine commenced to more off in that corder:. The men whooped, ewer° and threatened to-Mob Stuart, and it re quired all theaxertions of the mounted police to preterit him being lynched on the spot. Sitatzt-wee escorted down L street to Thirteentie,and thence to the corner of the Alle y, where the polls were held. and theri.ha cast his vote, This alley *as literally packed with colored men, as also vereethe alley on the opposite aide of the scarcely had Major Richards left the polls with Stuart when a valleys atones was thrown and several of the police,stmek. The mounted of ficers warned them to desist and charged upon thee,rowd, but quickly the attack was recommenced at the corner of K street. The stones commenced lo Sy so fast that It was dangerous for all par ties in the neighborhood and the police fired into the party engaged in throwing the stones, but this seemed to enrage the crowd, who threw stones in larger quan tities and several _pistols were fired. The officer', realizing that prompt measures shoube taken to ut downe rio tired d irectly into the p crowd, wh e n there t, was a geheral stampede and the police pursued the fugitives closely. • Wm. Smith, colored, was badly shot; and was reported killed, but at last accounts he was living. He was among the foremost In the attack •on Major Richards and struck amendej several severe Wows on Abe arm head with a club. and tired a pistol at him within two feet of ,his head.. The The wildest excitement after prevailed the firing, the negroei congregatingin masses. yelling with rage against the pollee and calling out that thilipoliceman, d ' that one was the one who killed Smith. Meantime , the polidetnen who behaved • With great, self-posse"sion, moved up and down through the crowd preventing anything likes riotous dem. onstration. Major - Richards, though' muchinjured, remained on the ground in a carriage. An titer man, _named Jno. Rohrer, received a : shot just behind and under one eve which passed through the skull out and above the opposite ear. nede Anaged colored loan, who was too, old to tik an settee pirtin the attack; re-, ceiv sahmn in thii3Ondstattgge. ekae, itrabilllPfilffierentis. - ':: Data.; Draper and Stewart were on the ground and attended to "Rohrer aud_prce ceoded with him to Freedmenra Hos pital. They exptessi the opinion that be may poadhlY recover, but there is little l le fier the riot It was found several of the policemen had been struck and bruised. The crowd did . ,. not seem in clined to leave the locality of the riot, and threats were tootle tovrards the po lice, and for a little time it appeared as IC the rioters were determined to have a regular battle, Witlathe guardiam of the peace. Mayor Bowen was on the ground soon after , the octioraice and wait busily maned in erideatoring to restore order, and quiet the excitement. .' Nce. disturbances have oecihrrevi to night, although there la the usual excite ment attendant:on elections. The vote: was lighter to-day than at the municipal election last year, the. number of regia- - tered voters now being 6,000 loss than then. The Republicans nominated John T. Cook, cold , for 'Register, one colored man for rman out of seven to be elected, and.six colored men for Common Council out of twenty-one to be elected. The result is not yet definitely known. It is believed they have been successful by a large majority. • MILITARY GAZETTB. Brevet Major R. M. 11111, of Washing ton Arsenal, bait been ordered to com mand the Arsenal at Indianapolis, Ind. ;Brevet hisjor Bite, Jr., has been relieved ,from Detroit Arsenal and ordered Majorngt Arsenal: Brevet F`..ll. Bates is relieved from duty as Chief Mustering and Dis k:milling Officer at St. Louis and ordered home. ME INDIA NA The Quorum Queetion In the Leghdatare —Decision by the eiste Attorney General. . . . (By Tel( grape to the Pitteperso Eiazeste.l ItunanArowe, June7,LrAttorney Gen eral Williamson to-day, delivered. an opinion :on the constitutionality of the specific appr opriation l bill, which was . passed by the House at the close of the before special m Maalontaftes the rergnation of the do Demoe triemberst the body had official notice of but the fact. The opinion is delivered in response to a 're qu the allowance claims provided for by the bill. He first proceeds oil the assump. Son that as no irregularity . appears on the face of the act, or of the proceedings affecting it, the Courts will not presume against ,' its validity. Second. How ever, admitting that the Courts will take notice of any alleged irreg ularity, I and allow proof of the proceedigs to show that quorum Is not si a ty-seven members, but two thirde of. a variable number, which in no session remains the same throughout. The Coru4itution says the House of Rep resentatives may consist of one hundred and the Senate of fifty members. The law of 11867, apportioning Senators and ' Representatives, supplies the number, ,' the former one hundred and the latter tifty. In considering the question as to wnatconiditiates a quo rum of a body of corporators, the Courts have made a distinction between a defin ite number of persons and an Indefinite number. 1 In the latter case a malcirity of any number• of those present may act, and that action - will bind the 'body. In the abSence of any organic rules, the common law rule obtains, and gives to the majority power to act and bind the minority,' But In this- ease the organic law of the State requires •Awo-thirda of each Houk, to constitute a quorum. It is not 'to be presumed the wise men who !'framed our Constitution'' intended t, to make that instrument so technicalthat its requirements could' not • be complied with,' and the slightest deviation from the rules therein laid down should viti ate and destroy the most useful as well as the most solemn legislation, It Is not to be inferred that they intended; to so frame that instrument as to plaCe the whole,Legis/ative powers of the State at i the will . and pleasure of a few men. It' is now insisted that in the use .of the wards "twothirds of each House," the framers of the Con stitution meant and Intended ea say "two thirds of the members as fixed by law," or "two-thirds of the members elected'.' should constitute a quorum. It is a fief; tielent answer to tht, construction to say, If they had so intended they would have ; so so written it,for by use of the worn, to wit: : "elected," the entire sense and meaning of the section would have been changed: With that 'view, a House eoindstingpf one. - Iren amagegil nstitute ieggemedowo o dwllliltdre et:TriP4 to co a quorum. Every not of the, House would be billed aqi . :Chef numberplected, one hundred; yet we anoivin point of fact that the Hoene is rarely If ever full; -that its. membership ; 1 -is constantly changing by deaths: and resignations. In the case under consid- oration-forty-two membersrmigned their offices as Representatives, thus redu cing the House to fi ft y-eight memberti. This - they had a legal right t 6 do, but they could not and did not thereby destroy the legislative power of that branch of the Legislature, for the fifty- eight meMbers still constituted the House in its constitutional sense,, and re tained all the power, necessary to the . legislation of the country. The most natural and genuine , method of elt pounding 'the section requiring "two-. thirds of each /louse" Ao constitute a . quorum,!"_ is to compare -it with other seething in the same inatrunient, thus finding out the sense of this clitiise by the words or obvious intent of others, for one of the .most common rules of dont/traction allows reference to be made to sabeequent sections in order to ex plain a previous clause of which the meaning is doubtful. By this reference to other seetiona of the Constitution it will be observed "that the words "Weill berm elected'' are - need but four times in the entire instrument, once in connection with the Ipower to pass bills and joint resolutions, again in , the section providing fo'r the passage of bills iover the Governor's .veto, • again;. In the .section conferring ;power to impeach State offlearti, and again in the drat seW ' tion of the article providing for amend ' ments to the Constitution. It le not'pos. table that f the Cotriention in'' the use of the; word "House" •in one sec tion, and the word "members elected" in :other seethe:is, intended to. visa them as convertible lterms, each meaning the emcee though used fur an entirely differ,- Out p urp os e, When they • used the fig.: Annuye expression "House" in the litia section Of the eth article, they evidently meant actual Membership; but when they ooerred power to do certain acts, they prescribed the number necessary to' the exercise of that power. Thus, in passing bills andjoint resolutions, a majority of all the "members elected" is ne-„,.. cessary ln the passage of ~bills' o ' gShe L Governor's veto, a major. Hy 'of 411 ;he, "members electedl tot allonsalik which the measure °Mgt.+ na is nedeasitry; In- impeachment tw thirds - ot ttivimembere elected" to .sac branch shall 're -in the atlinitulve: .71ti in, ':inn ettur.proposed to Abe . lothetuisO benv;reed to by, a 4 Abe ,”Mentbeers elected , ' to 1 1 . 1 1 1 111V1 3 frWt,Ousea. In every :in shore* whet* a - ' high , iitity.,..la to be peribtmed, the number necessary to the, performative trproVided; but where the term, t , House! , le diklitt. la ltilhe figura tive ,sense,, find,,hini referenee Co actual. h atr - u /O eu - o e zi rs hu h-P. b nlf ee d:lll 7 : e t i ll i switio t h e H il o:: a t c h )t e : tally redneeil by dasthisbaresignatlone below' Ilfty.One =m embers, - under the present - apportionment,' 'iit reaming a conatitntionelhody',-.l4*.eVery PUPS% except . intpeaahnient,,,Thla . rale of Senate of of thetloited iltigivg . " _ • I am, thereibmpf if e Opitdet the sne-- elfin appropriation billnful itt er Mesh urea passed by the Mettle 'after the'realg• nation' of-the itorty4we' members were in a ccord ` with all the r equirements' of the OonstitutiOn, and ought to be obeyed as.storuititAtioMil, law. I, , ' h 1 bridge celebrait ICAlntes Criy,'Juni.7.—July ho_ beau selecited.Ss the diY to; celebrate the ,Itibit oompletlon of the bridge lanes: the river ' ll Point Extensive preparations are being made and invitations will be ex tended as &roast m Baton . and west to , Matg!..n. THE INDIANS. 'arsult of a Band of Arapahoes--Loca tion and Mevenienta of Other Tribes—. xwedish :settlers 'Leaving Kausse.._AL Missing Man Party. Car moeirrsto to the rotator:* easette.l Caruso°, June 7.- , -The following in telligence was received at- Lieut. Gen , Sheridan's headqearters to-day: Second Lieutenant T. J. F. Carrol, Sev enth. Cavalry, reports having pursue*the band. of Arapahoes that attacked' and killed some settlers in the vicinity of Saline river, near Buffalo creek, Hanna,. He overtook and fired into them without effect, and night coming on they made good their escape. A few animals were captured. Major Kidd, commanding Camp Witchita, Indian Territory, *ports May 18th, that the Rna-Ah-Dah and ' Coati- Cho-Telhela bands of Camanches are near the head waters of Clear , Fork or the. Brazos, in Texas, depredating in the settlements of Texas and stealing cattle. The Lancina band; under Jim JaChet, were near the above band, and sent word to Tosiwa that they were going to Camp Witchita soon. The Klowas, under La Tuk and Little Hearty, were in the Furl river, beyond the Red river, near the Staked Plains, and were going to join the - Kiowas on the reserve. Twenty-five Elowa braves, under Lone Wo]f, have , gone on - a pleasure excursion to Fort Union ' New Mexico, to amuse them selveskilling the Utes. Late dispatches from Western Kansas say that , a courier from Adjutant General Moorehouse, who left for the Saline with scouts on Friday, reached Ellsworth on Saturday for help to take care of the wounded. The courier represents that what are left of the Swedes in that region were preparing to leave for Chicago. A mail party due at Fort Larned on the, 2d inst. have not been. heard from. They are supposed to have been captured. Guards have been sent to different sta tions on the railroad to protect life and property: Bands of Indians daily cross the railroad, going both north and south. One hundred met were to leave Hays City to-day to scout on the Solomon river. A surveying party, that was attacked on the Solomon a; few days since, came into Heys city Saturday, being unable to do anything on account of the Indians. The National Tyttographleal Convention. (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) ALBANY. June 7.—ln the National. Ty pographical Convention thle afternoon the Cortunittee on Credentials reported, calling attention to the large number of proxy representatives and recommended all such to be rejected. They also recom mended the ladies representing the Wo man's Typographical Union No. I,of New York, be admitted to seats within the bar of the Convention. The report was accept ed, when a longniscussion tooludeee oil. vo itt r r epreeetstettitelviras - litially referred to a'speciel committee. The division in the Springfield, Ills., Union was referred to a special com mittee. _ The Preaident then read the annual re port. Nine new subordinate Unions have been added the past year. The schism in the Springfield, Ills., Union continues. The difficulty in the Boston Union continues and he suggests that the holding of the next meeting of the Con vention there might have a beneficial ef fect. Knoxville and Virginia City, Neva dit, Unions have been dissolved.' Six strikes had taken place the last year; all were successful extept that in Trenton New Jersey. HO stronglyirecommend; the recognition of woman labor and • urged a charter be granted to the Union formed, in New York by. women. He re commends thesettlemeut of the eligibil-' its of press Men to become'members, and proposes that • representation to the lona ion be upon a pro rata basis of one for two htindred to five hundred members, two for five hundred to one thousand, three for one thousand, and one additional for every , one , thousand. The report was received and referred to. a committee for classihcation of subjects for discomfort. The treaeinrerreported that the receipts for the past year were 82,400.88, and the expenditures $1,87120. The Artemus Ward Fund had increased therrast year to 11,188.G2, $l,OOO of which had been in vested in Government bonds. D. W. Flynn, of Washington, offered the following: Resolved, That it is contrary : to the let ter and spirit of the Constitution of the National • Typographical. Union, subser ,vient of Its best interests, and in viola tion of the policy, principles and objects of the organization to make race or color a t test of qualification of membership. Resolved, That it will be flagrantly un just of any subordinate Union to deny adrnissiOn to any printer m erely : on the ground of race or color. • -, 1- 4 % -On motion of Mr. Murray, of 14110cOr leans, the resolution was tabled ; by a vote" of 88 to 28. Adjourned till to-morrow. . • • The Episcopal Trouble in Chicago. E 137 Telegr aph' to the 'Pittsburgh CHICAGO, 'June 7.—The week of-grace granted by. Bishop• Whitehouse to, Rev. Mr. cheeocY, Rector of. Christ Church. expired to-day, ond the case 0 011 magi" taints its ..statts quo. 1.1 . r. Cheeppy has neither recanted nor backed down, and it hi only left for. the Bishop either h> back 'down himeelf or to cite the condi inaciouk brother beibre an - Rociesiastical Court- Mr. Cheeney to-day informed' the Bashop that he adhered to this conadien timla .convictions which he expressed, when they conversed upon the subject.. • .1/3uralo Elevator Association MI/Solved. ter Telegraph to the Pittsburgh (biretta.) AUFsPar. t o, June 7.—,The Elevating As ,scielatton, of. this , city, after a stormy de bate, dissolved. Each elevator was acting independently today, and a great reduction otratea was consequent: The prospect for a new combination is very norms:Vette at present. The following are:the cfitoted rates: Mo per bushel ,te vessels, and . 1 40 to gaaln,, including five days etorage; second Live days storage . I‘c, ,and every succeeding ten days yo, ftettement, About' begruto Illy Telegraph to.the Pluaburgh LOUISVILLE , June 7.--ConshierableOz oltement prevails In the rooter porticin of the oily, mailed by‘ weekly meeiinga of*. bind of pogrom. whp,it is, alleged.ars.' uniformed and bayttheir regular Orilla. st e p are being -takett to • asoeirtatst Whetheititili'ineetinatearo of or warlike chanter. If the latter. they will be dispersed. Their headqvuirfers in a small church. , . ~ I ' Y ~ Z r. ;11
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