5 ,414.410 UFA If CATTLE 'MARKET. cwricilos Prrrgauson Ossurrrit, • Moms*. May 3, 1869. CATTLE=` There was again a falr sup • ply Cattle on sale to-day, about 800 head, and with some inquiry • for ship. ment, And a good local demand, the maiket ,, was stronger than last. week, an 4 if , anything, prices' ruled a shade higi a Tlte great proportion of the atc 'O r; ,r 4l # fCc"Chicago; and Opat from a oMirter:lo:4 half,,ceukmcire than the Cat- Us oft sale last week, and ibis being the °ape, dealers had to put prices up a frac tltou in. order to get out; the advance, however, was slight and onlyon the best , grades.. Medium stock ruled about the same as last week. PO MO to extra steers sold, at from 8® 83i; good to mediuth, 7®734.. There is a continued good demand for stock Cattle, and we can report sales at 53iltd. - • grairb'tir Blue sold 20 head of good to prime itentucky colis,'at 407,,ff Hedges & Taylor Bold 63 • head of . fattish Ohio steers, at 6%@7; Carr, lifcALliater sold 38 head of prime to extra Chicago steers for Kerwin, at 730413 g; Haalewood dt Black stook: sold 31 _head Chicago, stook, at sgs3i; Haines, 'Lafferty' & oo;'liadin all ' 132 ilead;'Sold itockers, at .5®13;. and fat cattle,t 5,1‘07x; L & J Shamberg 66 head Chicago steers, at 7®B; 'Trautman it !Milian 74 head Chicago steers, at 73 ®8; S Marie & Bro. 56 head • Chicago steers, at 7@iBX; Jacob Needy. 82 head Ohio and llihxds, at 71,‘®44; breeriwald & Kahn 50 head Chicago 'steers, at.734® 8q;.12 head stUlers for Guckenheimer. & Bro; held, at 7%; Chas Hartman 32 head of Chicago steers, at 7,35®8; Stakely -Bro. 7 head, et .806; Haas & Kraus whole -Baled 32 head•to a New York buyer, at • 7X; "ratidled 82, at"7%®7 3 / 4 ; Rothchilcbi & • Katt 50 head Chicago steers, at 7®81,; L • Heeftfr 16 bead Chicago steers ' at 7®75; r. lif 'Verner 88 head Chicagristeers, at 7( S; .. S Lowenstein° 88 head. Chicago steers, at 6304131. ._ . ElHP—There was again a light slip ply. of Sheep on sale, less than 800- head, and mainly, of an inferior quality, and there was not enough of the right kind •on sale to-day to test the market. ' The demand, however, is by no means ur gent, many of the . -butchers getting all they want: in.the country,, but a oonsid _ ereble nutaber of prime fat-sheehcoUld • doubtless have been sold to-day if they ' had have been here. We quote the fol lOwilig; • - ' • C. Beeler sold 30 head of prime clipped aye' ;lig lill lbsi at 7 eta, arid S lambs, •at 14 pet tread; Adam Eokert'sold 114 hea o rpt • f clipped ihr Jacob Needy, at'43® 6%; .Stakelyit Bro. 57 head 'clipped/at $1,75®13 , perf head; Neely & - Co; 70 head scalawags;-nobody seemed to wantthem. as they: Were unsoldup to 10 A. 2d. , HOGS—The market is quiet and dul lish, with a drooping tendency. . Sales in a' retail way at $9,50; to $11,50®12, per cwt gross, for fair to prime heavy aver- Markets by Telegraph. New Yam, May 3.—Cotton .ateady with a good business doing; sales 8,800 bales at 28%c for middling uplands.. Flour; receipts 8,478 bbis; 10®15c better on low grades and more doing; sales 8,400 bbls at 15,55®5,90 for superfine State and western, 18156,80 for common • to choloe extra western, 18,948,00 for good to choice white wheat extra, 18,10® 7,40 for common to choice round hoop Ohio, 87®8,50 for common to fair extra St. Louis, and 19®12 for good to choice do, closing quiet and firm for low. grades and more active. California Flour a little more active; sales 400 sacks at 18.50 ®9,75. - Bye - Flour ether ; sales 400 bole atfll,6ll®o;Bs. - Corn Meal quiet. Whisky more active and firmer; sales 250 bbls western at,98®970 free. Wheat; no receipts; more active for spring and 3®4c higher for winter and a shade firmer; sales of 84,000 bus at 11,47®1,51 for No. 2 spring afioat, latter an extreme; 11,50® • 1,54 for No. ,1 do. in store and aftoat.ll,6o for amber Michigan, and 11,90 for white 'Canada. Rye quiet. Barley dull and drooping.. Barley Malt `quiet." Corn 2® 8o better and In fair demand, , chlefty for home use; receipts -of 18,200 bus, with sales of 59,000 bus at 8834®92e for new mixed western, 70®710 old:do. in -Mere, and 9234®94c for new western yel low. Oats Id better and more doing; re ceipts of 5,800 bus, with sales of 57,000 bus at 850 for western in store, 'and 193® 883443 for-do. afloat. Rice more active, with sales of 200 tee Carolina at 8,-;®9Xo. Coffile -firm: 'Sugar quiet and - steitdy; ' sales 450 Mids. at 11%®1234 for Cuba ; 12t for Porto Rico. Moiasses quiet. Hops Valet at 6®14 for. American. Pe. , troleum qtdet at 17X for crude ; 32X. for for Refl.:phi.' Linseed Oil dull at 11.02® 1,08. -Pork- `firmer; sales - 850 bbls. at V0,75E121;00 'for new mess; closing at 181 cash; 180,75 for old do., 125,7W6,90 for ptirue; 128,50 for prime Mess. Beef dull . ; `vales', 'l2O bb - 1.5., pout for ' new plain mess, sl2@lB for new extra mess. ' Tierce beef dull aid heavy ; - salee 30 Oersted ati201323 for Prime Mete, =25 30 India' mess. - Beef Hams • steady, sales 180 bbls. at $28630. 'Out meats 'quiet ` sales 176 packages at - 12(gt18 ,Ibr shotildetti • 1535®Wgc fbr Marna Middles'are quite and heavy: sales 'BO pk'gs bagged litinatt at 20c. Lard IP a shade firmer, lisle*: 880 'derma at 17191830, far steam; 18ya)18,4o for kettiorendered; alsOsfales were Made of 250 tierces steam, lener Man at lile, and 250 tierces do. Seller to August Ist at 1110. Ike ter is dull at 25®132e for Ohio; 2.0®880 for State., -. Cheese is firmer and sold; at 12®13c. Turpentine ifulet at .47e , i8c, Freights to Liverpool area Shade' firmer with reported ' "engagementli of 80,000 bush-wheat per steamer at • 1r d., Latest.—Flour closed at 5®1.00 better for common, grades. Wheat is vary firm with a fair export demand =for, spring. Rye is quiet, at 11,81115442.. for western. vats is firm at 850 for • western in store. . . Corn firm at. 9.1.®92,1ic for . pew mixed western; 91®9114c for old milted western In store. . kork: quiet at 134 cub. and • 431.12.1 i " regular for new esst.' Beef , steady and, quiet. Cat Meats and Bacbn quiet and • nominal., Lard , steady at 18® /834 a f* ircr to PrinO' 4t 61 9 21 .• .. 48 0 sfead,y at , ®2lo. 1 • , PHIOAGO, IkraY B.—Exchange, parbtlY- Zint.a g. tul oneotenth peri rentvpreadnur Flout is *trifle , higher, under all inareased &mum,: with sale, of.SIM . barrels, at $4110€4;46 for spring super.' fine, 18.18 for spring extra v and $1,60 , for winter extra. Wheat;- favorable reports; from the east and Liverpool and the ad. vane* In gold caused& firmer feeling and Prices appreciated 808340, with sales ,of • No. 1 spring at ;1,16®1,1834, and of No. - ' 2at $1,124311,1834, closing at $l,lll. . Corn - is fairly active and higher, tinder a spec illative demand,• with salesof • No. I at. 84482 c, closing at 844 ®6lfic; N 0.2 at, 5731@f80, closing: at 48®58i0, ‘and , folo, for .new. :Oats.firmer, and:more active; 'demand • speculative; buyer 'sold atlila for Now 2; at; the close .693 i WM° were the, asking and sellinwpricex for,cashp sales : of - N0..2 at 59.&0%.1 and . 80y,.®80%0 ~thri fresh.u• Rye qiiietrlbutateady,%and - closing , at 11,18% fo.rNml;ig l atill,lB%; Baßarleyattivs.tont•-oloslng t. 11,158®1.80, u :- foe so. 2..0 Hlghatinsalbrme and , lM®2o , 14 _ stales 068 bbl: 4rottibound at:9o4, ;i , . bra Anket iduiemlOr .. . Mess 'pork, b t • Sweet.Plitkibil hams .-1934, =lan aboxilders 11%. , 81064101porkeriett . .. . . , , . 1 . .. . . . ~ . ' . . - - • •,.••• ~.. • . . 4 ... - ...--‘, ..:-.. • , ...... ,.. . , ? ,-,, .". 1 - '. -, - , -' ,, -...;,••,,... - .. 7:.•-•••.....-7 , ,,,,,,,, ••• 4 1,, ?7,7 4 ,....::. , Z" , : - .;4_,... -x ~ . .:".:', • ••'- . 6.,..„,_=. " - • 11. .. i14, , i4 ~4 4..: . _,,,k r_..„. , .. , ....,..„......,...........,,,,,,, 4 ••••••-,..t, ~.77,....,„..!..,-„,..,,,. ~,.,. .., ,,,,,,,,,,,, , ,,,, ,, 4 1...- . ....,- -. ,.17, . ., ' ,,:.-..,;•••4 * -' '-' q• -, - , t,'' 4 , .. -, .?^ , .7 , .‘-'.11 , )t-tte , ,rt. 4,0 V 'V"- ---, *--.'4' , -1 '••••••-"-- ‘44- ',' • '' ' ' , P - - '•,,.. os 4 • ' . .. -_, ...% IA-t‘....,,•.:.,...,.......,..-..,.... ;.,-,...... --.. ~.., -.1,-• , r . •^ -.- •ti• -, , ,, ` .., ; - rr---• •••:.-....-.,,:-..c.,,-,',7,,,,,,-.-.7:.",,,5,-:, -= • -'l,'-'75 . 3 . 7,3 V -- ' ,.- % ,,,, ' , F.4 . 41 . 1.''• ' 44;N:•1, - 4 4 4:-•? e,- ;'-'; `, nifi.3,l•'44. -*••.t,-,,,,,,i4.-i,4'PE.,-VVs,'''''4l'. ',*.k:der"54144.1:4'''4 '''''W:&-YS'''WA-e,,Alt„Wigf-r'l44-''' . - ''• V . ''4t4';',s;;'.l-1-'4l''''''''..Cti-'''''','icl.".(''''''''''''''s.'L.'-:."'•'-i;"'''i'L- '•:'''..':',l."'•-%`-*.q11.-e:-..-.L1:;.'"5.4.:;,....YZ'A1-V.01.4,11.'?”.Z4:g4...c•`':',1.;:1!,,,,--'i,'..le:Xtior;-- ~ - ' '' t'... '''''' - ''''' L 4 ' . " 1- ' ..' '''''' - - '. ' - !'" 1- ' .4aZ "' ' ' .'' - . 4it,i144.14 , 41t.. 2, -.' t .... _ . .„,-, .. ,t,..t,„ , ,,,........5.,.. , ... 1 ....,,,,,..-, •<---..-„ , .:.=,- , 1._ ,,,,, ..t:-......41 , -,4.,--„,,,,,,.% .; .. , ..1y.44,--4-011 ,, 0-,...—, ~,-.. .v , 1.,_,. , 0 , -- , -,.. --,-- - ....,,- - ~ - -., .,,,,,..r t.0w±.c..1:,t,....,54-1 . 1-1,.,N1-...r . Q ,.,- ~ - v . ..1- 4 , ..,,,..,—.,. , . . : - .........). .51 4 , .. , 4.-- .Is usa.k. , ,p- 1 , 407.W0 , ... . • ..-,,- ~,-. 4,,,-1....,,,..f.e...-^' _ _......... timatedat 24,000 bpi, closed. at 17A *oak on hind Usti mated at 17,000_ tie .1• sales of brown greitheritVBM. 7rbighti a ; e s and. a shatle..sttonfiell enttag.ftnents at 6 155340 fr corn. and bo for wheat to", Buf falo; 11 0 Tor wheat to Oiwego. - Recap - Ts: 9,085 barrels flour, 16,450 bushels : wheat, 61,272 bushels corn, 28,843 , bushels oats, 1,100 • bushels rye, 1;800 ki,......... Ship ments; 9,588 barrels dour, 26,643 bishels wheat, 93:866 bushebt corn, 74,809 bushels oats, 4,550 bushels rye, 2.403 hogs. . Live stock, cattle dull at 14,75®6;00' for . cows and stdokers, and 58,2507,60 for fair( to good second class steers.(( =der. ately, active; demand , chi efly : for New 'York, at P,50®9,256.4 co mon to choide. - Crwersar.yri, Niay ` 3.- - Flourunchanged and quiet; entre family .held -at 56,M® 6,25.' Wheid dall'end handle dethand; No. 2' held at 111,36; andNe,.' 1 at 51,411, but the:latter sold at 51,40. - Corn:dull at 600 for , ear: not; much: in demand., Data dull at 08@720 Ibr N0..2 to: choice • white. Rye, :;1,88@1,89.'„ No, demand for _Bar ley— .44ton,- firii, ,but quiet; saw of middling jitt , ,27 Wr • Whisk ey , , .-90@9/11 rrovhdona--hOtter ,;deman k t, 1 1 4 0 t mueb cif ein prieSs. 'll per held at riv,oo,J, ' d bUYers at 130,50. Bulk art meats held orellrmiy at 12(51434c. the latter'eold at 1/114b, but theseirstes would not . havebeen sampled at the close. 'Ba con firmer and more (doing; shoulders held firm at,43c; Akar rib , . sides sold , • at 16%®1630, and clear aides held at 170. Sugar cured hams in demand at 18,4 c. Lard held at ; 18c. 'hit not ,in Aemand. Butter firm, at 35( for fresh made. Eggs, 150.. Oils—no o • c h ange and demand aio light; linseed held at 1,95 . , and lard 'at 51,45151,50. • Sugar ateady;-Ne* Orleans held at 1834®150. , Coffee'desnly at 20® 26c. Seedsothing doufg,! the) season bel l *: over., i Gold, 1353/ 4 , buying. Ex change steady at par to 50 premium buy ing. - Money, quiet. at 91510 . Per cent,, CLEVBLAND;, May Sl—Flour •dull. and heavy. Wheat dull' :and .Xeavy; No.• 1 red winter, is held at 11,49©1,60, 11,48 being offered; No, 2 do brought 0,20. Corn: market dull and inactive; mixed is held at. 70c; 68 ®69 'were the highest figures offered.' Oats dull but firm; No. 1 State is held at 70c. ' Ry ein Moder ate-request but' firm at 11,32 for-No. 1; 11,26@1,28 for No. 2. Barley:' nothing whatever doing and market is 'entirely nominal. .:Petroleum:. the market 'adult and unehangedcholdera are asking 29® 300 r. 44; refined oar jots..., Lox:um/ma, may flie—Tobsooo; sales of 77 hogaheadscommum and good lugs at ss@e, and shipping leaf at 111,25. Mesa Pork is held at 1131%31,50: Lard;ll343. Bacon; shoulders, 1.1130; clear'rib 16W, and - Clear 'Ades at 1734 e. Bulk - Meats; shoulders, 12Me;' elear rib sides,. 18No, and clear aidea, 'MAC. Flour-su perfine, - Wheat, •• 11,80®1,46. Corn, 15@.67c... Oats, 68©70e. Rye, 11,46. $22®23. Sugar:•New Orleans. 1414 c, 91@ . for prime. Cotton, 26®26Xe , Whisky, 92c. . MILWAUKEE, May S.—Flour dull and nominally unchanged. ,Wheat unsettled at 1419 !or No. - 1, and 11,12 for No. 2. Oats Arm" at 59c for Corn horn anal.., Rye '.nominal at 11,15 for' No. 1. Barley quiet' and steady at 11.8061,85. Reifelpts— 4000 bbls flour, 86,000 bus wheat,:4.ooo by:moats. Shipments-6,000 ilbls flour, 64,000 bus wheat. SimiPins, May S.—Cotton quiet and firm; sales of low middlings at 2634 e; reeeipts.-428 bales; exports, 1,762. Flour qnlet; sales of superfine at *5,25@5,75. Corn, 72c. Oats. 700. Hay, *27,00. pork, 6.31,87. Lard, 1834©20e. Bacon quiet at 1810 for ghoul-derv, and 1730 for sides. Bulk meats dull at 1230 for shoulders, and 163 Se for sides. DETROIT, May 3.—Wheat; the demand is fair for extra white a inter at SUS@ 1,78; No. 1 do at $1,59; No. 2 $1,86@1,37. horn at 690. Oats firm at 64®650. Pota toes lower, at 40@480 for Peaohblows. Ltnts Stott Martets. Nsw Yonx, May 3.—Recelpts for the week: Beeves, 5,877; sheep, 18,780; hens. 22,427; cattle, to-day, 2,83& -The market is strong and active. All sold at a trifle advance from Friday, the weather favor ing. The range was 120 for still-fed bulls to 13c for common Texas;ls®lBo for good Blinals steers, with prime at 170. 100 Alexander's fine Illinois cattle of 631 cwt. 'brought 160)17c, with 97 TeXans of 53i OWL' It 13; a lot of still-fed Ohio bulls brought 12@140. , seventy Ohio steers, , of -ISM owt., brought 15®160; a drove of 165 Illinois ,- cattle, 7 owl., -amagen.sl,o3; a lot of 50 little Missouri steers, weig hing 100 pounds groin, sold for 143i0, to make 58 pounds per cwt. Sheep: , the receipts to-day were 4,000 fresh and.l,ooo State; marketimproving; the steckmostly sold at Me advance, or SXOIIBo for quite thin to prime lambs,s iheep; extras 8;fo; spring 15®18, car; Ohio' sheered sheep, 85 pounds brought , 7 0 x a lot •of 70 pounds brought W i er i 2 oars of good, 88 lin, at 73.0 r, lot 90 _i t s at 8 3; ,a flock of 850. head, Ohio sheep averaged $5, 85 each. • Hogs;_sales 483 , i, cars; to-day; the sales were sk)w l and prices declining the quotations being 9,j(410Xe.; one car /ill nola, 200,potinds," Sold for 100; also three cars Illinois, 182 ibe, at, 10)io; dressed . fell tol2c to-day in a weak market. • ;• ' Dry dials - NEW : May "8. —The market Oonttotteeeitremelyquiet and depressed. Be* "York? 'Bleached' 'Mnalins and Lonesdale Bleached Cambria are both reduced in price .2%c per yard to-day, and lIOW sell at 2,50 per yard, which are the only alteratiOna of importance to ob. serve. , : . RIVER NEWEL The riper mus rising Isat evening , v(itik twelve feet in the channel by lhe Monon gahela marks. , . Weather yesterday, clondy and cold. • The 'Maris from' Cincinnati and gozia:Zanesville, constitute the ar,rivals. The Messenger, its among . the Suet boats due. , ; Passengers and shippers will bear in 'mind that the Bt. Marys, Capt. T. C. SweenY, Morris Dorsey, in , the office, is .the regular packet for Cincinnati to.day, leaving promptly at noon. Although but a short time faith° trade she has gained quite a reputation for. st4d, while in re. gard to comfort and conveniences, she is hard to beat.. • The following towboats will get outto. day: rFor Olucinnati—Coal Hill, 100,000 ; bushels; Star r :l2s,ooo; Leader,Bo,ooo; Wild' CO, -80,000. , For Loiisville— I/Luther, .100,0000; SilM Roberta. 100,000; l ai r ° ' OM' New Orleans_ jq . ; - 20%000. Grand total, 1385,000 bushels:: The Ajax on' reaching Louis vllle, will make an addition to her . tow, atidit expwiedioilll leave there with Calmat 860,000, inishels for New Orleans. On her reeent.tiptrip , ,she cleared-away the, wreak of the bassinet* , by the E ll a recently at th e Steu benville bridge.. The Glendale arrived at at, Louis on Friday, and theihtlaggle Heys .left.there the,same day for Pittsburgh. _ , • The Great Republic arrive d New torlitans on illiitUrdaY.:' „." • ' The Boss recently midi' o'o'lo front /6 001 191116 to New Orielita l sitid z bitait ttrentronti days, with, towel bottrz.viiis , =it We: regret' ;to , learn 9thas leapt. ) filo= !Poe* new. basivNiakiWiiihdiMr i osarbf litWfogfiAimar fifkabribalia Cit e, •.riifilin..PlitUWiiii ~,zfotivs4. Ono roam 41. ; a.; • d • Was ;00 , .her 'ray to Fort - 13enbii;; afid prOnilsed to be one bf the Jitwitteit boats of the koluitaln fteet. Bengal Tiger., has contracted to bring 13,000 tons raiiroad fron froixi Du "bugue to St. Loma: • Li attempting to correct a St. Lords exchange the other day inregard to the Urilda. we also made • error. We stated that she hid.been tirChased ,by Com. Wb ,- .T. Koontz! and' him trans- formed iraoa•mouutain • boat. , . It Is true she was purchased by Com. Kounts, but hti " transferred her machinery to the reninshi and - then' sold *hat was , left to Capt, lL K. liatdett,whp trap (erred the machinery of the Luella on to the trrlicta. It Is a• matter of no great ''importance, though:Worthy of corredtiou. The Argosy, Capt. Levr yandergrift, is linnet:Mead to take har departare for - St. Lonisto.day. - 'Considerable' , money has been _expended on the Argosy flint° ahe was here last, and she is uow in tip ,top con di tion' for bluffness. --Capt. H. - IC. Ilarb3tt received a -letter from his brother George, Captain: of the IJF/ids, stating that no lives were lost, bat'that tlii3 boat could not be raised. . imik c e Sanford, an experien ed and well known" pilot of St.- Dada, has received the appOintnient of Inspector of Steamboats and. Xioilers in place of Capt. D. G. Taylor, removed. Capt. Sanford, , says the caneinnati Commercial, served at, the wheel in the various expeditions of Generals Grant and Sherman in the Lowee•tileedssippi campaign, and is re ported to be related to the Grant family. ratio record of the month of April shows, that seven steamboat disasters 'have ioecnrred, one Collision and, two ao chienta, and -eight ateamboahnen 'have takelA their • departure from earth. Da ring the same month the licenses of two engineers were revoked. • —The Bellevernori passed Eviintiville on SatUrday, and the R. O. Gray and Camelia, were at Louisville the same day. —The Silver Lake and Colossal put off considerable freight at Kansas. City on the Wth. —The St. Louis Democrat of Saturday says: Capt. Henry W. Smith, accoMpa nied by Capt W. H. Blake, le ft yester day, for • Washington, the seat of the national government. As there , will probably' be a good - deal - of anxiety about the object-they have in view in going- to Washington, we may be per mitted to say that the gentlinnan referred' to are probably desirous -of having-an appropriation made for Lb)) Tur se of extending a branch of the Mississippi to Chicago. - ,River and Weather. [By Telegraph to the Plitsbarkh falling, with seven feet three inches water in the Canal. Wedther clear and piewiant.., IMPORTS . Dir RAILROAD. .PITTECISDRaitg * rouvr WAYlra & DM. caw Riabacats: May- , 3,-36 -tierces hauls, Sellers dr., Col,,1" par H Plait: 1 do hay,l do potatoes, Bricker & Co; tdo corn, R Knox &Son; 4 bbls tip; plea, J A Graf4 30 do Vinegar, Arbuckles & Co; 56 do do, Duff it Son; 1 car . barley, Pier Dannals & Co; 100 bg.s feed, J 6c W Fairley; 1•oar potatoes, Woodworth & D; 25 bas cheese. Voigh hi di Co: 2 rolls leather, Flacons it Son; 54 bales hops, Spencer dr. M'Ray; 11 bbls apples, 1 do onions,. Brugge: pan & 0; 1 oar con], Scott it Gisal; /00 bbla dour, I) Wallace; 50 bales hops, Carson & Co; 100 do do, II W M'Clure; 100 do do, Haworth & D; 100 Dilworth it Co; 100 do do, Duff. & 'Son: 100 do do, Watt, L it Co; 100 do do, Segh myer & V; 800 do do, owners/50 bbis highwthes, Carr &. Co; 184 clear sides, .1 P Hanna it Co; 53 bbls flour, A Q Riddle 200 do. do, Shomaker & 14 100 do do, Carp & Shepard; '1 car oats, Scott & Gi sal; 50 bbls highwines, Littell it Mech ling; .50 do do, S C Watson. OLDS - ELAM, AND, Prrusuitair. RAIL. noel:. May 8.-18 cars blooms, J hfoor head; 5 tiara potatoes, Voigt, Mahood Co; 10 bbla oil, J C Lapps; 12 tea hams, J Lippencott; 20 bblii oil. Jas Callery; 10 cases tobacco, J C Lippencott. 1 crate, 60 bxs starch, Knox it •Orr; I crate. do, 82 bits do, J Wilaon.& Son; 50 do do, Watt, Lang & Cs; 1 oar ix:4o4m, Woodworth & Davison; 2 kegs Little whiskL ioi & ngs maple mo DayMech litg; 15 j,& Co; 50 de.do, J Po Porterfield; bbr3oat meal; Seghtnyer & Voskamp; 2 bbhi eggs; 2 do dry apples, Head dt - Aletsgar;') 1 bbl'eggs; Mcßane & Anjer; 7 cars bone, duet, Se werd it Effierson; 1 car oats , Kell dr. Ritchart; 116 eke do, H Schnell:mob; 4 bbla eggs, J Peter. ALLEGAN:Kr &Tallow, May &-1 car wheat,- W McKee & Co.;' 1 do metal, - Bpang, Chalfant & Co; '1 -do do, Lewis, Bailey & Daleen; 1 do hay. 8.0 IdaMas ten; Ido staves, Jhl Hemphill; 2 cars hay, }Byplay & Beekert; 1 do corn, hi Steel dc Son; -1:do wheat, Kennedy Bro; 85 ,hides, Ho!stelae; a tea , hants. , Ci Myers; .86 kegs. lead, Reed. Bro; 8 eke cheese, Z Baldlnger; 1 bbl 'egga, W Ard.roszsr Vara= ItartitoaD. May 8.-2 cam metali:Brown & 00;27 oats. Kell & Ritchart; 1 car fire clay; Ditbridge &Son; ,12 pkgs, LJ Blanchard; 2 cars grain, Martin,,Rrickell,& , Co, 10 bble Whlaky,,T M'Ctllough; 2 cars metal J Moorhead; S'do'rallroadlron.A RR; 480 bbls oil. R 1' Leech; 440 do.do, Fisher & Bro; 25 bbls'ekka.vwnera. - , PLANOS:ORGANS.`&O. latrY THE BEST AND CIESAP• UT PIANO 4.32 D OBOAN. • Seltimiacker's Gold Medal Plano, AND,ESTEYIS COTTAGE'ORGAIJi The 301101LMTS22 PLUM ecnnbines all the latest Tellable improvements known in the con , rtniction of a ant rises itunztuntent, and has,l4- Wall been awarded the hi* hest bremium hibitedi Its tone 'atoll, anirons and sweet 4 , Tne worianstdp,ror durab t and beauty. ses all others . Prices from to 1180 is , womag to_etyle and aahato oheatair than sit .othe: so caltec first class Tian*. 28TIVe (XYPTATIC OROLN Stands saute head at alt.:rsed instruments. in producing the most perfect pipe_auality of tone , of any similar instrument to the UUnit ed MAUS. It ismaple and compact in consimictlan, and not limo to wet out order. 042PENTERIIPATENT'S NOX 111111AN.L. TR=OLO ,I U onlTio be found in this Organ. • Price from 1 1 9 0 t0#550, Mulill,4to4Pr llte feats. , BABE, YNAKE & BIIEMSR, . •No: 12 ST. fILAIIf STREET. GRAY'S FERRY PRINTING INB 'WORM. C:E.'ROBINSON,' PIANOTAOTOIX,R or Black ad Colored Printing ok Lithographic IN S , vemusics, asp. GralN Ferry Reed and $8& street. iticese • . FRD/01 ‘ SHAD -, , :RECEIVED T HS i k .), 4, Taitattr a iffiltalfitoki Alt! :ix„sti.a. .at theor win, 011110411 hen eft' ciartg sa Igo audited erik4treeta. „ al', ,11 as ' 'of Bet 'it at tau fish -•• but; Mad. , c (Adak i Rowlock, a nt tiea „,, „ urn ": ifhWritillitiliMPl 1113 4 c atb s t cra:‘ 1 ss Sairsktavovwcatike F.orice . .1" '/ -14 ' ' fir Angiir • • illi lIS Oft II • am a trot. . RIVDR ~~Z'S, lIPPZIC FOR CAIRO AND BT: LOMS—Tbe Aneateames Alt#OSY,.. ...... VAirDsnoarrr. Mastr.r. Wlll'leive is above oiTIIESDAY, at $ P: Fortrelibt or_pasia_go apply on board or to ' FLACK. it.COLLINOWOOD. Agouti._ . - ='• 1869. .ffragirge i NORTIEERN LINE PACKETS , L FROM • . St. Louis to Keokuk and St. Paul, . AND ALL INTERMEDIATE PORTS. . • One of the splendicf Sidewheel Steamers of this Line will We've St; Lents da ly for. Reek nit, D i yen. pert, mubuque, Winonadstillwat nn Bt. Paul. :Through receipt.' for Freight sengers will be given to All points oh th Upper lamas. aisslPPi on steal:den running frcan this' portend connecting with the Northern Line Packets at gt, Loth', thus'enabling. Consignees to get their Freight through without delay and at lowest ri Us. Apply to JOHN nAcK. J. D. COLLINGWOOD,. R. C. HEAL Agents, or to 91 Water stunt. tab.28:1 4 211 s.mur paWitrno. R - P . WITEELINO AND PAR NEINiBURO I LlNlC.—Leave • Comnanv , a wharf Boat. toot otiv me Street, daily. at LS ie., WED NESDAYS and SATIIRDAYS.; • ttxffiY:E.AOLE O. •L. lissarmAN. Muter. Irelsbt w ill be received et all boars by JAMES COLLINS. 'PEACH & COLLINGWOOD, Aareutr. aplB OK WRELINfihr i arg . „A• MARTETTA,PARREUBBURN AND CINCINN.ILTL. , .. - , • Leave! Pittsburgh EVERY TIMID AY- 1.51 M, ' Leaves Cincinnati EVERY PRIDAY —4 P. 31. 'The swift and superb , Sidewbeel Steamer BT. MARYS,' T. C. SWEENEY, Commander, will leareas min/sauced above: . Por Fieight or Passage apply on board, or to • - PLCK. & COLLINGWOOD, or COLLINb & BARNES, Agents. N. 11.—NoPreight received on ' Tuesday. after ILA. M. mtVAI . . . \ SITIAMSHIPS. T 0 . LIVERPOO L , AND a ttn, QtrEENSTOWN.-' Tins trairazo mini sTmenterszps.. artaiiimo%"" wan '. ant am ireasela, among G t il l Y t t e r PAW L CITY or Armin:pp i . CITY 0 TspaToN CITY OF BALITIIO//IC, ern? or LONDON, ItallIng: ZVEBY SATURDAY, from Pier 45, North River, New York. For anomie or further tufbnnatleMsonlato , • WALi STREW LLIII BINVHAIII, Jr. /PTFT/ • TO*(Chroniclec Building. ... ilaariir Orinnsite F oil flalee. Pittatrareb 2,000,000 ACRES OF OHDIOE LANDS FOR RAM L i BY THE . . Union P c Railroad Company, ZAISTERN DIVISION, Lying alehh the Une Of their road. al $l,OO TO 85,00 PER ACRE, And on • CREDIT 01 lIVSJTZARS. For thrther particulars, maps. U., address 301tH P. DICV.Z2EVXI Land COMMISSIOIIM Topeka. /Sara& Or VEAL B. iALOGBORN, Seen elt. Loath lesitnat. UM OPTIC* OP 1113 TIHILIWOHIR OP ALLZOH 2 t COUNTY, Pittsburgh, April Lt, 11 1 69, IN PURSUANCE_ OF THE 21st section ot an AOrelating to Allegheny Conn ty, approved the lit day of May, 1061, and of the amendment to said isectionApproved the 30th day of March, 1860, I do hereby give notice that the Duplicates for the several Wards, Boroughs and Townships WILL BE OPEN, and I will be pre pared to receive the -- County, State, Poor, Workhouse and Improvement Taxes for 1869. On . said after the Ist day of May. 15 , 9. Bahl taxes can be paid at this Mike until the Ist day of August with • DEDUCTION OF FIVE PER CENT. forprompt payment to ell persons paying the whole amount olteeir taxes. There will be no deduction allowed during the mouth of Anon. There will be Ten To all taxl ream., beptianber, 1889.1 ,iiri2:d3T Tr ,er Cent. Added g unpaid on the Ist day of J. P. DIENNISTON, rer of eubeny County. SL TE. SLATE Or VARIOUS ROOFING Qualitle- and • Colors. particular attentiongiven to laying Slate and repairing St ateroora, or particulars and prince address J. S. MIMI, — " - k ---- . , o . nc. THE BA,BY EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB. BOLD MIT ST LEMON & WEISE. 4., • ' \ Practical Furniture Kaaufacturers, ita s 118.rOpirrit i.vmaNtria. 'wbere May ' be ibniid ti ltdl assortmeni or iNit.- urt. Chamber sat liftetianitrultani, ,' Aie76 El! 43 Seventh Avenue, PPPTSBMIGH., PA tallt:gsB AL L EG RE N 'ft 'INSURANCE COMPANY , OP PLITEIRHRHH. oig,Ro: Wil/IPTH STREET BANE Btoon. Insures agaluM all kinds of Pin and Marine RUMP JOHN IRWIN. JR...President. T. J. HOSKINROF, Vice President. 0:, f,t,_oll4Jit.L_ly ‘ l_rieeretary. ; : - • OA. W. Hsr..l4. General Agent. s;- , DEBEETOES: • • , _ John/min. Jr., B. 1.. .11Ahnestoen T. J. HosUason,. W. H. Everson. , _ O. e. Hussey, Robert H. Davis, Harvey Childs, 'Frauds Milers, . Charles Hays, neut. J. T. fitoekdalt. in Capt. W, man', ', T. H. Nevin: . , • OPYICI OP PITT EH6I un, iLt,iniontrf CITY. PA., April agiiiG, OTICE.—The Aestesiniefits tor • Gradingiond Paying ht FULTON EiTtIEET. OPQ Ohio to Wuhlngton Avenues; also. 10r the Grading and Paving - of 'Concord • streeri• nom Chestnut Street to Madison avenue:rind Ow, fir the Grading of Bloasoniniley, are noir ready Inr !examination and can be seen at the office of the City Engineer, until MAY eth:ln(l9, when they will be Waved IA the hands -Attire VitylEyaiteurer Mr Collection. 1_ • apfklm ••: CRA" r-, • 01' Znelneer. j _ Xotiri ON, 5(t0,„;,.• • • k, . Z . ; C..4 , 7,%.;1;: , :. pA t zo9;.o4.4llLlT u rpr • 4 114.14' ..!:'& l l, l ll , t A , fi . ;. '• • 1111-Wiliii : --,...._ • IM•PWWW,INFIWW4O6 , OOO 4.I WIWW•WaIde TO TIM • . MANUFAMAUD,I% lIIECHMCS, And Basinesi Nen Generally. SEALED PROPOSALS wlil be repelved until the 15th day of June next, by the undersigned, to employ, by hire, an the convict labor of the Tennessee State Penitentiary. ' . The Lessee Is to take all the able bodied con• iictinow an band, or who . may hereafter come into the prison doriag hls tend of lease; except those rieeded by the State to keep up the .estab. lishnient. He shall also be authorised to occupy and este charge of all the shops indwerkhOuso In said prison, to put up such machinery as he may desire, and shall have the privilege of buy big, at suchprices as may be agreed upon, all the Machinery, Tools, Fixtures and Materials on hand,: both Anished and unfinished. Said Lessee shall treat those hired with human . ity and kindness. conforming to such rules. by - la*. and regulations as may be established by the ItireCtors, and work them not exceeding ten . , , hours each day. 7or each convict so employed, . • . the Lessee shall pay into the State Trestntry the price per day bid, said payment to be made quar terly. • • He shall also girt bead. with improved securi ty. In the sum of fifty thousand nolfara, payable to the State of Tennessee, for Vie falthfu , per formance 'of- the tit ilertaking hereby imposed. Said lease to continuer for four years, at the end of widclite* newproposal from said Lessee shall have preference for the next four years; provided he shall have fa ithfully dl scharged his oblige liOns to the satisfaction of the Directors: said preference not to exclude proposals from others , manifestly more conducive to the Interests of the . . . . . . The workshops are built in a very substantial manner, with sufficient capacity for working five or six hundred hands; well lighted and ventila ted:. alio conVealently arranged: There is one slatv-Ave ,horse power engine, capable of run ning all the machinery. -The , mat Li eery has all of the most modern improvements for the manu facturing of Cedar Ware, - Funiture, Agricultural Implements, Wagons,.&c. There is also a Ma chine shop, containing nine lathes and two bolt miehines, a blacksmith shop with nine fuzee', complete-,chatie, three trip - hammers - and tools a foundry one hundred and forty feet long au4 forty-Ave feet wide, 'wit flans for making all kinds of hollow. ware, 'plow corn shelters, etc also patterns for stove and ' Other ceilings.' Mee, one building used for manufac turing bagging, containing fifteen looms, with all . the necessary machinery for spinning, etc. There is also a stone shop,. paint shop and dry Tne prison buildings are beautifully located just,outslae of the corporation of:Nashville. and within one quarter of a mile of two railroad de potvand'one mild of tho steamboat landing. There ore now about iourhund red and Sfty con victs in' 'Vie prison, !no& of whom have served some Tears and are skilled mechanics in their re spective branches of busine s. She prison is un der a Board of Directors, satin Warden, whose duty it is to provide soy the wants of the convicts and to see that strict discipline fa maintained. .Proposists mat be addressed to tile undersigned or Secretary of ritate, within case they'should be indorsed "Proposals fat leasing the Tennessee Penitent'ary-" • • •_ • Any further information desired will be fur , Waned by addressing tile Directors of the Peni tentiary, Nash, ille. WM. SHA. MIIII.II NE ELL. • C..EObINSON, Directors. ' ap.lo-d&T NICE • A-1 TO CO NTRACTORS. . . . . , prßoror. o as will •be received to build and eruct a church building for the MIST . PRESBYTERIAN CONGREGATION, • the borough of . East Birmingham. corner of ;Jelin and Sarah streets. Plans and specifications can be seen by calling on blr. WM. BECK. Sr.. at Washington Beck's Mold Ebel). on Perry. below Bingham street, Binntn shamiziter the hour of 1 o'clePic P. Sr. each day, un til the evening of the Sth day of May neut. Commencing Saturday, Nay 1. ap30:111-sr ITH RAILROAD LETTING. St. Louts,Vandalia & Terre Haute R.R. Proposals will be received until 1A o'clock M., MAY sth, addressed to MOSEEN.• • SMITH & Co., Chia! Contractors, Terre Haute. Indiana, for 4he last fifty-seven (57) miles of this road. The work Is of the most desirable character w cim. prising both very heavy and also light work. PAYmimrs, wONTIELY, Ix cairn. Profiles can be 'seen at the Wilco in Terre Haute, after April J. IIdBRIE MILLER, Consulting Engineer. .prlll6, 1859. ap2i:ll6B ' *SERE HAUT& A IPMEIOPOSALS will.be received until MAY the 4th il l Paintine and Prefer,- nor City kirgl. Also. for extending the gallery. Foe lane and specifications, call on the I:superin tendent of Markets. The Committee reserve the right to'relect any or all bids. ' SAMUEL KILGORE app , T'ittat :l22. abn.rgh. Apr1122,1E84 . Markets. - COMMISSION MERCHANTS J. L. D1LL1NG113....... A. It. 1422 1 710160 X. DILLINGER 84 STEVENSON," DISTILLERS AND DEALERS IN Pure Rye Whiskies. DEPORTEES OP t BRANDIES, WINES, GINS, &C., No. 87 Second Avenue, ariZO PITTSBURGH. PA. Ell 4 l l AllyillED BY A. & T W. N. OORMLY WHOLESALE' GROCER, No. 271 Liberty 'Street, (DrIZOTLY OPP. ZAMA nom,) larrTB3l3lMGFEt s se , n. 1111111.1. .J. A. MIMI. Id STEELE & SON, s Vonvnlission Merchants, DICALZIIB Dr IF3CsOlcrlto OULAIDT, E9F.E.11:10 ofte. No. 9$ OHIO STILENI,' near Nast Common, , , ALLEsmitisy CITY. PA. at EMIL JAS. P. D1CH.1.27. EIL & RITCELART COMMISSION MERCHAN TS, AND DIALIES FLOUR, GRAM, HEED% MILL MD, 40., 848 Liberb' SC. Pittsburgh, . L. J. • 7--1/ARD Whohub, and Retail Elmwl/2 .Zg== PIIKTLEs ./41.111) & 'PATTON, Wlsoleiate Grocers. OdmillMaidn iteahant. an Dealers- ItErodnne,l Molar, Bacon, Wet FUN Carbon and Lard OU, Iron, Naas Waal. Vottonyarns, and all . I ":csnurnn , Mant i llas ep_erauy l4 llA and 41 1 ,11. .B OND t"b° atw.i .. ... * op ...... • . N&VIPAILLACE.WhoIe• 'tat R 0021114 PRODI3tX Dam, t. 414-9#14T14 aTI4 .ri s.tualthy SOKIV• I.IIOIIIIV BONS ilinetol7s.l. 4.,,110111813 .84BROIL,Suc• Mita um IL BOUM eb' baliatWboltiti• • • , Alsro•-,Clort LS • • treilfa:.l4 ttibtrath Sitecedisor riCS • ' • • •14 0 : .": skoD *not =nMUM NM RAILROADS. rill TIRE.ANGE OFIRMININ ALLEGUENT VALLEY RAILROAD, THEIONLY DIRECT ROUTE TO THE 011. REGIONS WIMOND A YANGE. OF CA .03. On and afte„ : _May 3d, 15e9 TWO THROUGH TRAINS DAILY (except Sunday) will leave Pittsbnrel Depot, corner of Elev enth and Pike streets, ft r Franklin,l3ll Cit7,Btlf cm, and all points in tl e OR Regions. LEAPT. PITTSBURGH. ' AMBIT IA PITTSETTIZON Day Ex 8:00 am Day Ex 5:15 pla Eight Ex.... 7:30 pm Night Ex ' 0:30a m Brady's B Ac 3:15 p m Branys B Ao 10:15 am Ist tiodaWnut 9:45 a m Ist sodaW'ks 7:40 a m Ad SodaW'its 0:30 p SodaW'ks 6:16 pm Ist Holton— 0:45 a m Ist Holton.. a:5O aTO Ad Hu1t0n...19:00 M Sin Holton... R:Oli p 3d Hutton... 1t:00 pm 3d Holton... 1:05 prn Arnold'a Ac. 5:00 p m Arnold's Ac. 7:40p ni Chbren train to and from Soda Works leave Ptttsborgh at 1:10 P. E. Arrive at Pittsburgh. (Sundays,) at 9 50 A. E. E x p ress trales stop only at principal points. Accommodation trains stop at alt stations LAWRENCE, Gong Sup`t. _ THOMAS R. KING, Assn. ap.lo LENNEITLVA-aium NIA CENTRAL RAIL I, On and after April Slith. 1069. Trafmg will arrive at and depart from the Union Depot, corner or Washington and Liberty streets, as followat • • - Arrive. FRail _Train.... 12 5 ait . 1•45 ate Wall's No. 6 SO am BrintonAcoen. T. 50 sin Wall , * No. 2.• 8 ; 50 auk Cincinnati E1.9:10 am Johnstown A010:36.at0 How' d Ac No11:11./ pm Pittsb'eliii 3 SOM Phila.. ExpreseVlS Wall's N0.3.1.51:60 pia Braddock Ac.. 5:50 pm How'd Ac Not. O:05 pm WalPs No. 4. 11:20 pm Pas , 0:29 PIP *These tr a i n !make burg for Baltimore. The Church Train /even Walls Station every Sunday at 9:0 6 a. so., reaching Pittsburgh at 10:05 ; a. m. Na Vatting, leaves _Pittsburgh at 111:50 m. and arrives at Walls Station at AaOp. m. *Cincinnati Express leaves daily. All other trains daily except Sunday. - /for further Information amity to - W. H. BKCH WM. Agent. The Pennsylvanlaßallroan Company will notas. smne any risk fbrßaggage, except for wearing hp. rltsiind limit their responsibility to Ong am re. OiIIITS in value. All „Baggage exceeding amount in value will be at the risk Of Jibe en owner. twines tak by special contract.' EDWARD WlLl 4 lAilBe, spit General Superintendent, Altoona. Ps. Depart. *DayExpress.. ii:/B_ll/1 Elontnern COW - km WalPs No. /.. 640 am Mall Train 4.4:116 oat How , dAc ol 10:110 pm gOinein. , llEx - .111:40' pm wan NO. 3.. UtMAIIII Johnstown , tan Braddock', Ac. 8:4160, Phila. - Expren44llo p Wall's No. 3.. 41:50pm Wall's No. 4.. 41:03 pra *Fast Line. How 9 d Ac NO2.4l:alrpm Waire P 10.5.. 111:01)Dm se connection Harrts- • Npv - E ST:EBN-MENNIN T PENNSYLVANIA, P.A...LROAD.On and after April With; is6W,The Pi ssenger Trains on the Western. Pennsylvania Elm road will arrive at and depart from the Federal Street Depot, Allegheny_ - City.as f 0110715: rrive. I .0112 at. Springd A 'e No 113:40 a m I r ...... 7:09a al Freeport No.113:20 a in Freeport, N6.1 . 9310.1t Expressi..„..lo:4o am SharpblNol Sharpb'g No.11:90 Om Express . 2:80 pm Freeport N0.24:00 pm fiwingdiotlo I SrpOvni Mail 3:30 p m Freeport N0.23:00 - pni Springdle N023:20 P Slninri . einTikaAP Aboye trains run daily exeep _Sun *Y. The-Chunk Train I.wese Allegbessy Junction m every duxiday at 7:40 a. m., remising Allegheny City at 9:30 a. m. Returning. leaver Allegheny City at 1:110 p. m. and arrive gt.Anagheuy - June. lion at 3:40 p. m. 009m07Ation TirrirgreTrogiasle in pa of Twenty, between Allegh i e l y t O r l s C hestnut street, Mem% Bennett: Cree . .Etna and Sharpsburg and_good,o - cm e Mopping &tilts:Bons fjpet.Med 011 The traMs - leaving Allegrumy City at 7:00 a. inake.direet connection at Preepen withWal. kers line of Stages for Bailer and Biainansterwn. Through tickets ma b e ptur.lrased .tin Once. No. 1 Bt. Clair stree t,ear the Sps .-p=sionßridge. Pittshursh, and at 6 Depot, A.Mgheay. lot furiliez infbrmation.annlY to • • JAMBS LEFYEBTB, ` Agent-' Federg Steee eat. The Weatinn Peninsykratila 'Railroad / Plil' not, as same arty riskier Baggage, except Ihr !rearing apparel, and limit their Lefty to One Hundred Dollar' in • value. All- tagze en. ceeding tt.115 amount in value wlllhe at, t e•risk ad the owner, Unless *skim by epeeist eon . EDWARD ii. tiniitaialdlS aphi Geneva superintendent,. Altoona. Fa. M 1 9e UltoH. POET tr aiIIiM V I AYNE arm HO B. W. and CLEVELAND a PITTSBEUtEMIL From April 510t_.,ti 1809, train, will leave trona and arrive at the UMOII Depot; north aide, rim burgh city time, as follows" Lamm. . Chicago Ex....5:013 a m Erie s._lfgu Er."1:515 am , Cl. & Wh_ g W 1513 a m Chicago Ma11..6:514 a m Chicago Ex....9:43 a m & Whig Ex ShOlipm Chicago 2:23 pm W`e &Erie Ex*:43 Depart/roes AllegAsag, Bea'r Falls A.c.8:58 am Leetsdale " 10:03 a m ", "11:68 am Rochester" I:2l3pral Leetsdale Ace..3:sSpm' Enon .5:33 p m Bea"rFalla.." •5:53pm Leetsdale 10:43 pm FairOaka Sun day Church. 1:13 p m 11 - V.11:3313. m. ChicaS sir 19:03 p."rn.Chica, _No change of cars t Chicago. Sleep ng cars, dissuipolia and Chicago. - 3. Ai. RENBALL, aphl Gen't Vicket Agent Chicago Ex.. 1:511a m Chicago Zz..D.:o3)e el Wheeling Ez 10:48 a m 'Orestilne 11'111:33e Le El i lmi i ii . l:24: rtititicultallg./Epm c"wlL & E il.' ""xil .. Arrive 4 s .elp. 1. Leetsdale ne..o: s w-ani Beale Fails " EI:518 am Et New Castle " " 9:1310:23 ant on Leetsdale' " 1:011 am 4nn Bear Falls " 51:43 Inn Leetsdale". 4.:113 ant *3 Fair Oaks ann.- : - Dm day a:hurch. 9:158 ant . , Filmes leaves dally. , • Zzereu snivel. daily . • tweets •Plttsbargh and wltuont change, to lg .• d. N. M'OII.LLOUGN, eking Suptan't. • ' ; I r• t.l t, = . LOIID3 , PARRANDLEROUTE. 011 ANGE UT 11:61E.-0410,Afigz NoIiDAT. April. 516th, 3.8139, trains Mil Iftveaad'arriire st Um:l:talon Depou.aa falkowsz___ _ ..Depart,. ArrIIPIN 11.18s.la.151:14 a. m. iasit Lute 731 - 84i5.71. Express • ' x:33 p; m: - 4:33 m Nixed Ace'n 5:3.1.16 , M. s :6N 'McDonald's dee , n,N4:4lll:aza. [8:18 a. m. Steubenville Am:eau:sod. 3:58 p.m. ,8:33 a. m. Acr'n. No. 211q.srp. m. • • 8.1% Sunday Chnrch Tra4n.. p. 9:58 a, m. /Hp 9:33z. m. tra% WM leave (URN • 151:13 P. It. train will arrive daily. • All oilier trains will ruedati7 . Banotys except. ed. The 9:43. a. m. Train makes elose, con. nections at Newark - . Its Zaneirsillls. ••• - 8. F. tiOULL, Generitl Ticket Agent. a W. W. CARD. Supit.. Btenbeitvill - 4)1110.; MITTS• Bltilitatit augagil 'noloratta vi LL ROAD. • - _On and after TUESDAY. lioyember.. 17th. 1861, trains will arrive at and depart from ma Depot earner of Grant and Mater streets. as follows: and fro3n BOX town TOO a. U. 0:00p. X. klexeesportAcoomet'n lltDO A. B. 14:06 r, x. Ex. - to and from llnt'n. 3:00, P. Y. 10:10 4X. West , Newten Aoeom , t. • 4:30 P. x. 8:354. MI Braddock's Accomdtln. 640 p. Y. 7:50 P. X Night AC. tolicliMmort.lo:3o Y. Y. 6:I15 A. X i Sunday Church TrMn to and nom West Newton - 1:00 P. MACAO For tickets apply to -Z;X. RAYMOND, Lost. W. B. STOUT. BuDenntendent. S tatif RILI MINEMMIN UNION PACIFIC RAELWA; Eutern Divblone The SHORTEST AND •MOST SMILE ROTE [rota the East to an Paints in • . . Colorado,- - Nevada, California Utah •Arliona, Washington, New Nexito, Idaho, Oregon. Tyro Trains, lease State Line and Tress 41111 Arlds exeopted,ton the arriva t ote of • o :from tit,. Louis, and lb:nal. bat and dt. Joe road trona Quincy. con; ..eifte Inft ••at •Lawritztoa, :Topeka sad W=e110" 'ffita p,os for all points Lti Kansas. At_ end et :wen f • Ailsworth -with %ha 11Nria TATZEI EXPRESS C_QMRAISI , T*s D LDS OP tyPiiRLAND MATT aliD JEEP COLORird FOB lIINNWEIBtAIMAICICIt AND AU Points in the Tenlterieti Ang a WithalnenlBol4lB L'orz of AO fbr Patti:l)llok s Fort; yen, ,JUbuca d erve, Banta re, azte ell white in Jul. likth I the teeth . additions eißelfing itOeh ran ' agEMent, 'and- the artannementi tirade wt esmulDverlend Transportation ttom I t v w e ste rn terminus, uds fted now kill eueona„led DAMtin ins - the timutmaistqoa 101 moot to the'rer Tickets for Bale at sdi.tha principal ogllrs is the united States and vensau -Be smaand oak Cor attotese eta TREIIII.92g Mitan t h r Ej ir )N /0„1141.1,10w ;rti, • 7 - :4101111510;1 9 4160.81414.1010114115601111 El I=3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers