The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, March 15, 1869, Image 4

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tly littoliugt Gaittte.
. .
PENNIMAN,RLIKD & CO„ Proprietors.
' , lttors sad Proprietors.
- ifir • Pitts
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- Out, iv...1L1,
By tilt.
' (Tram rarr
MONDAY. MARCH 15. 1869
WE PRINT vs64.ce linsuks pages of this
morning' GAzETTE—Second per: Poe
try, Ephemeris,lifisceßanegaa.. Third and
Sixth pages: Commercial, Ifinancial, .hter
cantile and River Hews, Markets, Imports.
Seventh page: Interesting Leiters from
Special Correspondents, 'Spicy Reading
Walter. ' "
11. B. BONDS at Fiankfort.
Piano',Bum at Antwerp, 57f.
GoLD closed in New York on Saturday
at 1814.
'BPEAKE.H. BLAINE, will announce the
Committees of the House to-day, and
gossip states that the Pennsylvania dele
gation will be placed in many leading
THE HOUSE resolution to adjourn Con
gress before the close of this month will
'be amended In the Senate. . It is doubtful
if the public business can be all disposed
of before the end of A.prii.
A Disiosrrion has been developed at
Washington to run General Hexcoca as
The Democratic candidatefor Governor
of Pennsylvania, this year, with the ,
view, in case he shall be successful, of
making him the candidate for President
In 1872.
TKE Louisiana sugar-growers are pros.
perons, and decline to ask for any in.
crease in the present duties on that
article. Henee there is little probability
that Congress will make such a change,
to please the refiners of Philadelphia and
New York—
Tux Spanish Treasury is exhausted,
and the Minister of Finance proposes to
replenish it by means of a loan. Con
sidering the repudiation of the old debt
by the revolutionary government, it may
well be doubted if the new loan will be
easily negotiated.
lirnE Hon. JAMES GmzenuE, late
United States Senator for Kentucky, and
Secretary of the Treasury under Presi
dent PIERCE, died on Saturday last. He
was a man of more than common capaci
lied, and exerted a large measure of in
littence upon public affairs.
Ix-ns.Pi to a conuatplator7 note from
a convention. of colored Repnb/icans in
,p4stmaster General Cit Es
-- *fax triumphantly alludes to "the noble
'stand 'alien by President Gam= in his
inaugural in favor of the ratification of
'the proposed COnstitutional Amend
ment '
TILE Conynereial londly. profeeeed to be
opposed to ithe retention in or appoint.
ment to public offices of men who belong
- to that much , abuied class .known as poll
ilcians; butlt squirms vigorously when
wet it ihs4o4ers reason to think that one
of its special set is likely to be turned out
or fail to get in. •
natal. effects a new Corps Legislatif
next month, iMd a contest of unusSkl in
terest and . excitement is anticipated.
White this choice bf a majority in the
interests of the government is conceded
as certain, it is probable that the oppost
tion will secure an increased number of
TILE XYth article has been approved
by the fieiate of Pennsy and,the
House proposes to ratify it on Wednds
day next.' : This delay is conceded to the
opposition, whose dying speeches and
maledictions - consume a good deal of
time. "A rogue; neer -,feels the halter
draw, with good.opini9w 91 . 1 the law."
• VIRGINIA Asp GEORGIA bold_different
,eatiniates on the liN;es•of .editors. Gnaler
assassinated Poizeun in Richmond, tir
ing down upon him *Om a concealed
• place. He was tried and acquitted by a
jury. Dr. Daiiratnassaisinated an editor
in Worermille, Georea, last week,
Wing GnA2ieffniethO4 of taking off pre
' cisely. He was taken to the woods by a
Committee otcitizens and shot.
_ .
GENRIfia. LONGOTREET, it is stated,
will peremptorily decline the Surveyor
ship of thi Port of NeW Orleans, and on
• -thevround that LP accept It would eipose
Ildnito the impttion of supporting .the
Government in `Aronsideration of-pecuni.
'AM Profit This elevates 011 higher the
itirpntation of the General, at the same
,„ Alms jnstifying in the strongest possible
• manner the action of the President. '
PußucrsoirrupiT in England favors
- the uppointment of Joan Bitionm as
special ; envoy__ to Washington charged
,with the adlustinent of the Alabania .
question, the entire negotiation being re.
Snitted,hither. With Kr. Mom= to rep.
._ . .
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resent us o.llb e ,Court 'of St. Jatnes, the
question would be safe in his hands,' but
Mr. BRIGHT would be welcomed here, we
think, if charged with ample powers in
the premises;
TEE POINT is well taken by the .New
York Advertiser, that the concurrence of
the Senate in the STEWART nomination
did not of necessity imply its ignorant
disregard of the law of 1789. It was a
proper inference for Senators in any
event, to presume that the name was sub
mitted with a full understanding of all
the legal conditions, and that existing ob
stacles, it any, Would be removed prior
to a legal cualilication of the nominee. _
Tint Cincinnati Enquirer (Dem.,) does
not deny the desiguimputed to its friends
in the Ohio Legislature, to re-distrie.t the
Btate for dongress, but dwells on the in
justice of the present apportionment, and
substantially insists that two wrongs will
accomplish one right. It is to be ob
served that the Enquirer only claims that
"the Democrats are -entitled,. ;by their
populafstrength, to nine of the nineteen
districts." Its friends are likely to carry
out their design, but Nee agree with the
Cleveland Leader that the Legislative
elections of next autumn will practically
remedy the intended mischief, in time for
the canvass of 1870.
NORTH CAROLINA has ratified the XV th
Article, end her action has been duly cer
tified by Governor HOLDEN. This is
the eleventh state to enroll its decisive
support for the new Amendment.
Each branch of the Georgia Legislature
has voted for ratification, but each has
reconsidered its vote,' and the question is
retained under consideration. The affair
is very embarrassing to the' rebel• D
emocracy of that State, whose' dilemma
hangs between a reluctance to accept
equal suffrage for themselves, and n vin
dictive desire to inflict it linen the
North. In 'the meantime, telegrams
from their Benaton3 at Washington im
plore the Legislature to ratify, as the
only, way to escape a more distasteful
The Arkansas Senate rat► Bes by a large
Pourzassle, like the rest of mankind,
are divisible into two classes—the good
and the bad. Many l of the best and the
wisest men in the nation , are pOliticians.
Fish, BOUTWELL, may be taken as
specimens of this class. Not a few poli
ticians are among the wo r st .of men.
Jonicson may be taken as the most promi
nent sample.'
. Many business men are. entitled to the
highest commendation for wisdom, purity
and usefulness. Some of them are so
clearly of another description, that they
are inmates of penitentiaries.
Clergymen, as a i body, have superior
training, are models of social and moral
pr6priety, and do much good , in the
`world. One of them was arrested last
week in Missouri for getting his own,
daughter with child.
Need we say more to show the.folly
and injustice of indiscriminate denun
ciation? Let each -man stand or fall,
justly according to what he is. -
OIECO is a decidedly 'Republican State;
but a very large majority of its citizens
deemed it wise, in October '67, to reject
an equal-suffrage amendment to the State
Constitution, and_ suffered themselves to
elect the "Democratic" Legislatilre which
is still in session. The XVth A'iticlehas
been sent to this body for its action, and
eve regret to announce that the "unterri
fled" majority have not the pluck to
reject it, although their present majority
is due to the local unpopularity of a kin-
dred measure. Under the specious pre
tense of a desire to submit the question
directly to the people, atanotherelection,
they seek to escape the odium inevitably
to result from a square refusal to ratify
the most perely Democratic proposition
of the day.. They are valiant - enough,
however to propose
. a project for- re-dis
tricting the State for Congressional pur
poses, so as to secure thirteen of the nine
teen members, in, the face of a popular
Republican _majority of about 18,000.
The partizan assurance which this ex
hibits may off better understood, when we
'reflect that, under the new ,census, to be
taken next year - at the latest, the regular
decennial apportionteent follow. It
is comfortable to know that next October.
will afford the right" kind of popular cont.
mentary upon this soft dr "Democracy-1!
THE PEEBTDENT and Senate will trans
act a very large amount of business this
week, in the reformation of the Johnson
ized officeholders. A. long list of nomi-,
nations.will be sent in to=day, including
several of the foreign Missions.. Tha
English mission is' the Most ' important,
and is likeip to be glven to Ifr. MOTLEY,
although the President!s inclinations
have at one time favored the selection of
The appointmtmt of Mr. MOTLEY, If it
shall be made, will be an excellent one;
and get we should tie much better satis
fied fn, the selection of_yr. GREELEY, and
for several reasons Mr. GREELEY is
the strongest and cleanest ; thinker and
writer on'political and social questions in
this nation: 2. He is , in perfect accord
with wiisit are understood to be the vievire
of the Presidential sud Republican major
ityan-the Senate, :on the questions pend.
ing with England; 3. He ie, one of the
men who Intelarnished brainitmd moral
impulse to the • Republican movement,
from the beginning to this hour, ant it is
most fit that in this moment of complete
emancipation and enfranchisement, he
and such as he should be duly honored
and promoted. 4. No party can reasona
bly expect victories in the future, that
steadily neglects its representative men.
AND now comes "the war-cloud in
Europe" again. It is seen thistime„not
half as big as one's band, in a railway
quarrel between France and Belgium,
but all the sensational journalists insist
that every leading political qUestion of
the Continent is wrapped up within its
tiny folds. We recognize, once more,
the same old story of SAPoLsox's ambi
tion, of the humiliated and vindictive
French pride, of the calm confidence of
BISMARCK, the impecuniosity of Austria,
the Italian disorders and the Russian
plots for territorial aggrandizement. Poe
sibly,it is the habit, with some of our co
temporaries to keep a variety of leading
articles on European politics standing
always in type, for reprint each quarter
day with the least possible correction.
Certainly, we have heard the same story
over and over again. It is .pleasant, in
the meantime, to know that thlaparticu
lar " war•clot}d" will be as harmless as
its nine predecessors.
Upon the promotion of Mr. HENRY W.
WILLIAMS to the bench of the Supreme
Court, Ms. Jon 3f. KIESPATRICK was
commissioned by the Governor as his
successor: in pie District Court. The
place will be filled by election next Octo
ber. It is understood that the friends of
Mr. KIRKPATRICK will endeavor to se
cure the Republican nomination for him.
We have farther heard it mentioned that
the friends of Mr. ',Thaw P. PENNY and
Mr. Dem REED will press their claims
for the nomination.
Mr. MELLON IS approaching the end of
his" term as one of the Judges in the
Court of Common Pleas, and does 'not
wish to be re-elected. As his successor,
Messra. Tames EWING, R. BIDDLE
Cou.rEa, have been named.
It may be that the some of the gentle
akin mentioned as aspirants, are not so;
and that other persons, not included in
the above lists, really are. a
The New York independent states that
"Ex-Secretary STawrom is .in very poor
health,. with only slight chanceit of .re
covery." • ' . • •
We were advised, last year, that the
physical condition of Mr. STANTON- was
such as to fill the hearts of his friends, to
whom the facts were known, with the
most painful apprehensions. Later, the
impression has prevailed that the symp
toms of his disorder were yielding to the
:kindly influences of relaxation from la
bor, of .repose from cares and re
sponsibilities Which. would have, been
fatal to. • any other man in . the
country, but which .he administsr
ed : faithfully to the last letter, and still,
survived. We still trust that's constitu-' •
tion of iron and an indomitable: will may,
cinder Providence, still preserve our great
War-Secretary, enjoy,' in agrea old.
age, the well-earned-gratitude of his coun
trymen. Living Or:: dying, the day is
sure to come, nor is it far off, - . whin all
partizan "asperities and 'eyed rebel-Ani
mosities shall fade away, and one.Amer
can people, from the the
„Lakes to the Gulf,:
shall honor the name of this roan.- Loy
ali3% can never forget him, and thOsewho
once hated the Union will yet acknowl
edge ; their . great debt_ to.pne, who contri=
beltedsifinttch to save thin. from'-them
selves. - •
The North Carolina Judge who , makes
Public proclamation specifying certain
-leaders of the K. K. K., by naine, coin,
mending their surrender to the officers of
the law, summoning the posse of their
county to aid the Sheriff in their 'arrest,
and notifying them that resistance will
justify their death on the spot, hits the
best possible method of quelling.the law
less Spirit which, has made large
districts of the South uninhabitable
by law-abiding men. Let the parish-
Judges of Arkansas, Louisiana, Tex- .
as and Tennessee follow this example,
- and there mould, be little if .any:occasion
for callingtheir Service.
Those local magistratet who know their
duty, and -dare. to do-it, are always the,
beatpossible ,Iconservators.'of the public ,
peace. The cases are very flare in which
their timely and vigorous interpohition
will not repress crime, and elicei any
tendency to lawlessness;WherisitCh eases
occur, the superior, authority of the State
iiitbitid fie iaterieiliteu** Only
in the ve r y last emergency the Fed- .n
eral power shouldlio invoked
-the laws. - - -• '
- We hold. luti the Attire taioidiffords
not one solitary precinct, not even in
Textui,i Wheri tDe ieritimeht df:obedience
'to the , written law le WhOllY ,ersdiaated•
from the popular breast. This sentiment
the universal attribute of our Amer"-
can citizenship, and is often Moat acute
and, if need be, deikotistratife, lit districts
where the rudest ignorance. prevails.
The courageous magistrate who squtges
his official conduct by the lines of his le
gal duty, never appeals to Oafs sentiment
in vain. No matter how completely , hie
neighborhood may-seem to have surren
dered itself to thieves dr assassin,
political pretexts,: ilifieend.
erd are ever found to be' really. tag taus
, tion Of- the,community, and art sepeedil y
outnumbered and mastered by the friends
of _good order and the law. These may,
1 -
- ' • *:Sfe.u•s4.7eof -&l; r iei.: W .4;--U •MI -41- "*.i•AW---, , .', , , , /..v. - VeCrw •
" •-•-• •
wait for the .proper summons, but When
it comes they swarm up from .the earth
like themen of Raomauce Dun. It is
such magistrates that the South needs,
and she will ehow that she has them;
when she finds , heihelf held responsible
for her own social and political regenera
tion. She cell keep herown peace, if she
will. And she begins to realize that she
must help herself. .
St. Paul, at the head of river naviga
tion on the upper Mississippi, Is thecen
tral point in ithe Northwestern system of
railways, several of which are in various
stages of progress towards completion.
Its connections with the Southeast are al
ready perfected. and it extends its Iron
arms toward; the North, and Weetward to
ward the Pacific- Coast. The Northern
Pacific Railway starts from St. Paul as
its initial point, and, before. many years .
have gone by, will penetrate an --exceed
ingly favorable region,and reach the shore
of great Western Ocean shove the
mouth of: the Columbia. o,f - this route it
is claimed,•and we have reason to 'think
with justice, that it presente a better
alignment, easier grades, climatic condi
tions morel. favorable, and ' traverses,
through nearly its entire , extent, a region
of larger agricultural capacity, and in
every particulac more. corigenial
. to the
habits and Physical temperament of our
ruling race,t than either of its 'southerly
rivals for the trans-continental traffic of
lx,th the Western and the Eastern world.
The construction of this great road awaits
the public decision, and it is already ap
parent that the •temper of the public 'sen
timent is rapidly taking a shape which ren
ders its early completion inevitable.
The State of Minnesota lies in the very
heart of a region which constitutes to-day
the.largest and most productive wheat
garden of these States. The locality of
the leading production of this cereal,
'which Is first and most essential of all
the grains for the food of man, has been
moving steadily, for two generations, to
wards the West and North. The Eastern
wing still rests upon Michigan and Illi
nois, bat Wisconsin, and still more Min
nesota, are, now the centre of a region
which yields the largest and surest sup
plies of this' staple, and of the most desir
able quality. And still „ the wheat-belt
slopes irestWardly. Within the lives of
our young men, the rich plains of Deco
tah, of BaSkatchewan and of the Red
River of 1 the North will , control
the wheat markets of this con ,
tinent. This remarkable movement
of the wheat-growing belt is due in part
to the impoierishing methods of American
agriculture; which rapidly exhaust rich
soils of the' elements needful for the best
growth of the wheat plant, and in part to
the opening up of new territories which
develop the especial adaptation of their
virgin soils, and the congeniality of their
climate forjthe successful cultivation of
this grain.f In the regions which we
have specified, there extends an area
broad enough for an empire, of the best
wheat land on the face of the globe, and
scarcely the scratch of a plow has yet
been given to it by the shiftless pioneer.
This region extends In the rear 'of
nesota to the North and West. Its bug- ,
ness, intravel and the traffic in its sur-
plus productions, must necessarily come
by the •shertestroute 'Eastward, touching
the valley of the:Missisaippi at Bt. Paul,.
and thence toward the sea -board markets,
by. the best route considering time and
expense of carriage. This transportation
must be by rail throughout the reglow of
which we speak, for nature.there presents
no facilities whatever fora
But wherever this water-carriage can be
made available, in bearing the bulky pro
ducts of agriculture, hundreds and thou
sands of miles onward to the markets ' of
consamptien, the inflexible laws of trade
will give to such carriage the preference
over railway transportation.
It is not surpkising, therefore, -that the
situation already engages the attention of `
sagacious capitalists, who recognize the
need for an' early and ample preparation
to meet the approaching demands of a
vast traiilci between the Btatei of the East,
which have, ypra since, ceased to grow
their own bread, and this broad granary
of the Northwist, ivhich is witidneo few
years to swarm with, the industry and
prosperity of ' Obviously,
•the eye of science and enterprise ttirnsto
the mdiest and cheaPest method of On
necting the preductlim •of these fertile
plains *ith the consumption of the Eastern
fnillions. 'Water •cairiage, by the 'great
Northern Lakes4offers its ready and ample
channel for • eleven hundred= miles, and
so nearly in the general direction Which
the traffic w ill .take, that the mileage by ,
water, from the, western.
,'extremity; of
Lake Superior te Buffalo' very, little if
any exceeds that of the shortedt railway
line yet constructed' between, the' two'
points Our Lakes are ali t connected by
rivers - or navigable ear Mia, and would;
bear the fleets of they/OM without In- ,
_convenience. . The grairi-laden barque
which' sails from Du Luth, the western
Moat port of Superior, need not,break bulk
until she reaches • Ogdensburgh, within
twelve hours of the eei•coast. It is ap
parent, therefere: that this must be the
principal Channel of the immense traffic
,which is to grow out of the present rapid
develOpment of the Northwestern States,
and of the States yet to be shaped out of
tire turbeunded empire beyond them. It
- needs only to connect the railway system
•of that, region' with , the Lake Supeklor
coast, to give an impetus almest without
limitio the Westward riio g ieis of popu7
lation and agricultural production, and to
secure a splendid reward for capital and
The distance from St. Paul, the centre
of that raipay-system, to Du Luth, the
port on Lake Superior, is but 150 miles.
The "Lake Superior and Mississippi River
Railroad Company" are now construct
ing the entire line, of which thirty miles
are finished and in use,l while the residue
of the work is much inlvanced and will
be completed by the Ist orJanuary next,
through to the Lake. Its management is
in the. most competent hands; this is evi
dent enough when wt., . that J. ED
GAR Tnosisotf, S. M. PELION and Iseec
Hincxutv are the Eat eutive Committee
of the Company: Them- gentlemen, who
are recognized as of leading Influence in
the railway world, see that they have a
good thing, and have taken hold of it to
put it through,
The Company., is believed to possess
the most valuable land-endowment ofany
railway In , the Union. Congress has
given- fitt thent 1,632,000 acres oflandi
really as valuable for its tindier and. for
agricultural. use_ as any in - the Union.
This is alarger doinain than the State of
Delaware, and, naturally, isworth a half
dozen Deltiwares. Intending to build a
first-class road, expressly with a view to
the requirements for a business which
nothing but their capacity can limit, the
Company Spares no expense. Its Execu
tive Committee know how to spend the
money so that it will tell. They offer now
a seven per cent. gold-loan of $4,500,000,
secured by a first mortgage upon the fran
chise and all the property of the Compa
ny, including therein its valuable land
grant, which would' be less 'than $3.00
per acre on the land, with one hundred
and fifty miles of firet-class railway, con
strueted and in operation, with all its
equipinents thrown in. The bonds, prin
cipal and seven -per cent. interest paya
ble in gold; are offered at ninetrfivs cents
in currency, by the agents, Jai Coore
dt Co,, who say bier never- yet sold a
bond which did not turn out a cafe, Stat
eless investment. The offer certainly
merits the favor of 'Opitalists, and hives
fora. -
This project.has our hearty good-will,
since its succeed will supply the needful
link to perfect the., continuously' connect
ing • clugnir betamen the non‘producing
States Of theEnit" and those distant but
fertiletegioris from which a half of the Re
public must draw its food-supply before
ruaother generation passes away. The
construction of this short railway link has
a pOwetful bearing on one of the most
vital questions in our social economy
—the bread-question, to which so many
others are subordinate. It is in this
view that we welcome the sure success
of the project, and congratulate the promo
ters upon a precast as prompt as It is
Washington Items.
The President had filled up the
nomination of Mr. Motley to be Minister
to England, vice Johnson, to be removed.
It will be sent in with others on Monday
Hon. James Campbell will be pressed
by his friends for re-appointment at Min
later 'tot) StOckholm, from which post he
was removed J ohnson.
Of three - applicants for the Postoffice at
Dubuque, one claims it because his wife
is a cousin of Grant; another says he can
"go him two nieces better," and the third
,wants it because he is a tanner. • ,
Senators Cameron and . Scott have in
dorsed State Senator Worthington, from
ithe Chester. and Delaware District, for
Naval officer at Philadelphia.
It seems conceded that A. T. Stewait's
voice will be potent in regard to the New
York Collectorship, and that Judge Hen
ry Hilton will be his choice. The ap
pointment of Hilton, or any other man
Stewart may t name, will he, from appear
ances. desperately resisted by most of the
New York' Congressmen.
No removals or nominations of Post
masted have been made yet where they
are Presidential, but a number 'are being
prepared. for action early next week.
It is asserted that the name of Colonel
Parker, the Indian Chief, of General
Grant's staff, will go to the Senate on
Monday as Commiasioner of Indian Af-
The mission to England is the subject
of some aniriety to the President.: It has
been his desire -to appoint Horace Gree
ley, and at one time it was his intention
to do so, but we doubt if this selection is
now made. Mr. Motley is also men
tioned. - ,
A good many believe that Judge ' Ebel
labarger, of Ohio, will receive the ap-
Ointment of ;Minlitter to Italy.
The date orWashburne's departure for
'Paris has not bed' decided upon, Re
will_first go to GoIpio: to settle.up and ar
;tinge his private of airs.
The President has decided to give the
Biglish mission ,to lir: Motley, and .his
nomination; and that of, Governor Curtin
to St. , Petersburg, 'worad tave been sent
Mato-day.if , the Senate ha&"ses
(lion: Minister Marsh will; not be dis
.turbed at Tartu. 'tv • • • t
It is said' that an immense stock of nem
inatinna have been , prepared at the White -
Monne, and will be.' sent in' on Monday,'
.ningnli tlitr.Prindiptil Ones being. General
Danielßutterfield } Alepr York, for
Minister ItOf Spain r tine
of e
city, Minister to Switzerland, and
Palmer,.of New Yorke Minister to Stock
holm... There is no end to the applica
tions for Foreign: ~Missions and Unarm
latest Over fifty .are already on-file-'-'for
Consul General to Frankfort, thirty lor
Dresden, and other plebes in proportion.
The appointments Outside the Cabinet
do not suit the politicians .any better than
the first Cabinet did,'and mutterings. are
made on every hand, not only_ on the
streets and in the hotels,, but by members
and Senators, and the map? .
are not 'ex:
ceptional. . • .•
Complaint is made that applicants' . pa
pers are filed and classified, but -not con
sidered or referred to in making the se
lections, and that personal :favor is the
ruling influence in the appointments. to
Tbe. city is crowded to, overflowing,
every Wotel and boa rding-house is fUni
and the Depatinteits are overran. Every
train brings new additions, and if the
ratio of increase - continues the city will
not hold its visitors by the- end of the
month. Such crowds of office-seekers
were never known here before. Ilia not
likely, however, that the hordes will re
main for any great length of time, forthe
appointments will be disposed of during
the coming week with astonishing rapid
ity, and every office filled will take on an.
average two dozen people from the city.
The pressure for office is 'beyond con
ception. It is far beyond tnat of 1865,
and fully equal to the . ' pressure of 1881,
when there was a radical change in the
Administration from Democratic to Re
publican. Members of Congress are be
seiged in the most unmerciful , manner.
They bar their doors against the army of
comers; they approach their lodgings
I through alley-ways and .by back -stair
cases, to avoid the applicants. They
seek refuge in out-of-the-way places, and
pass sleepless nights because of the anx
throng who beseige them at all hours
and upon all occasions. What is worse!
'about itis that in the chtiotic aphdayal of
things political here, it is impossible, even
for members of Congress to tell, witty
anything like certainty. what they may
expect. Never was there a worse time
for calculations for patronage based sole
ly on political service. States are et a
discount—they. are made and. , Snmade
daily. -Recommendations for -duce are
little better. Nothing .is effiesidlons ex
cept strong personal influence, - "which
carries with it a solid conviction of.worth
and merit. Impecunious office•seekers
are rapidly losing their patience. Their
resources are rapidly becoming exhaust
ed; and in a few days hundreds of them
will depart, sadder if not wiser men.
Very little progress can be made on any
subject•until this office pressure abates; it
occupies three-fourths of the President's
time and the time of his Secretary. Pres
ident Grant is growing weary and ex
hausted under it, andihe is &Hy:drawing
the lines closer as to the number and
character of visitors. This he plustdo,
or cease to be anything more than a mere
listener to the wants, claims and desires
of thousands of people; without power to
act. It will take about thirty days for
this state: of things to abate. An early
adjournme'nt of Congress will greatly fa
cilitate it.
Commisaioner Delano his Mikan held
In earnest, working day and night in or
der to get familiar with the husiness at
once. There will be a general overhaul
ing of all the internal revenue offites
throughout the country, t,he new Com
missioner being desiroua' of making,him
self familiar with the history andgeneral
official standing of eaels of them.. Mr.!
Rollins has given him :invaluable aid in
this respect,. pointing out the officers
whom he consideredhonest and efficient,
and those who have proved themselves
otherwise. The President expreshes
great anxiety about the 'collection of the
internal revenue, and has great expec.a
tions of Mr. Delano. The Commis
sioner'a first desire is to rid`the service of
all dishonest and incapable officers with
out regard to politics, and when 4At is
accomplished, then, ofcotnte, those hold
ing office, who supported! Messrs. Sey
and Blair, will have to give way to
representatives - Of the, Administration
party. ApplieationEr for office are pour
mg in upon Mr. Delano to-day, andthree
hundred were,received and filed away.
CHICAGO, March 13.--Evening.-,-There
was a fair movement; in 1`o. : 2 _ spring
wheat at the open board. •Prices were a
trifle higher, closing at $1;00, cash. Corn
and oats ruled dull at closir gon 'change.
In the evening No. '2 spring wheat was
quiet but firm at51,08 3 4@1,09. Other
grains w ere" lifeless. Pork products were
quiet but: - .firin; sales 100,000 bbls . dry
salted'shoulders at 120 on spot, and. 1,800
boxes,Ouluberland at 12q in St. LOuis,
At no season of thiyearis the abovelnfiticijon
of more weight than new; The changi , 4 :Of , teta:-
peratare itinheen - ho suddert`;from wenn ti4x.-
cesslve cold; that the human conititritiop:
e.verythlng elie in Ratline, feeLs the shOet,'.and
gives way to its 111*re/dupl. "Thousande:of Peo
ple who down at nigh t, , -uneciiiichnit 'he, it
were, of ii.jury to the Coristitition, waltevip with
hoarseness and coughs, whlth, ;olden,' the lint
symptoms are heeded, are -- apt to licrOlve the
lungs ors. me 'other:Of the vital engine in deep
seated and incurable„disease, -- If the kict were
as well known to our readers as to ourselves,
that an infallible nitre for Meet - oethese incipient
aliments may be procured to DEL; KEYSER'S
LUNG CURE, the Doc. ores new '
stoic would
soon be too small to meet -the exigencies re
:quired.of It In the manufacture of this valuable
mediCine. Dr. Keyser"s• Lung Cure la without.
doubt a valuable desiderattim in the Cure of dis
ease, a fact well known to thonsandi of people
who hive been relieved by its he alth. givingp ow.
er. If the proper estimate Were - placed on human
life and 'health. Watt 'whei neglect coughs and
colds would be fewer In number. Dr. B.eyse.r.
would in noels', of a. serious character, advise
the dispensing with a doc•or; butl . -oW Irony hun
dredi are tnere who, In the-beginning of a dis
ease, could be cured 'beton h doctor could he
reached. It is in these cries as well as others of
a more serious nature, that the lung cure c Ines
to our:. aid and. dispenses health- and. 'comfort,
which otherwise would Diver be obtaltied..: It la
thus i handful of roots and herbs are made into a.
.healing syrup, which 'ls often.the Precursor of
health and useluln. es. The . entering invalid
weuld often apply for relief it he knew - where to
promptly.obtain itt'anclthat 'lt can be. promptly
• obtained In. Dr. ffeystiltrlnsw Care ir no longer
a doubtful problent. Let , ntdirthesidarch winds
mike dangerous inroads Upon you' r health. when,
Svith a few doses. of this ryrup; you :can fortify
1 1 your system as wallas drive out of it tho.e
orm miasma whichttindermthe its strongholds and
render Its exertuins nugatory.
eciLD Doctott , s Nnw MEDICESP.
Brons,4:l6lLtsizrrr snouts; oats noon soots
Dr. Knyier , s,.ofElceL tor the cure of obstinate
Ohronic .oteesses••and. Ittantinattons, No. 120
Penn itreetefftito /0 :A.-31. abtil 4 P.' K.
Romp,' T . TROW
I ' •,-' :
• . nig wllol4' - liiioiili:Di A 1711T4HELT.i.
The office of the:stcinatob' is to convert the foird
Intoe entaniAlta's enditilitl. called Caigrit.': - I Tide
treffected vartlyi by the actiow ofn tolient; celled
. .., .. .
the gast ri c ,fultte.Wrtach.'exudes fret:one touting:
of the stomach. - Itud partly britmecbanitkihatove.
Inept etiiier omen i.Which . I f/tem.-rill Akt Pritere,.•
ihe dissolving:lW impet. •Thitituratit Palaleal Pont -
-the stomadhipte the duedebOro, or eutnenceto
the bowels, - where It lei stablected to-the iteiletrof'
he.pite. ancl the natal itou s portion of, iticonviat-.
ed late a iluld , callei‘ chyle, which ev e 'et he..
comes Neal. s , . • • _
li ow; It is eVldeut that if the gitiat solvebt, the
gastric juice, la net produced in suMotent quan
tity..or ,if the 'mechanical action of the st omach
cle noisuMclentiv beteg, thefirst - proctor o napes
cow wit l•be but imperfectly performed. t Lebo
AUNT vtilt U the *lntr.:which . ploys such an 1111-
portant part In thanglairtbe 'kennelling -portion
of-tue engine ...into - we. - mat of the-Kim.' is
.congested, -or In en,.tinuatural condition,' the.
e. caul &rotes& will -not be thoroughly, accom--
, pit,,iied. - The result of- the fino.fatfurett.le dye
pa .Paid. complicated with btifonettere ' ••
. Toe mode which HeITETTER.I3 Br.r4vits
,operate In such cases is this: they , lovlgetate the
cellular membrabe of thestonisch.whictievolVes
thalamic Juice. thereby,lnsurlng an Nipple suf
fielency_of the „Auld' te coMplettly the
. food. They 'deb act upon the nerves of the stom
ach, caastar,lol liteelcreition. of the mechanical
. movement ( nrcessarl,• to reduce' the. 'food. , tit' a
homogeneous Mast.. They alio, act specifically
upon the liver: sitengthentug- it and'to enabling
;it ;WI produce an ample, trail regular meanly kkf
.bile, for the puipoeuot converting the, nittralons
Particles of the Chyme Into My te, and promote
- thelassegit through the bowels of,the-useless
0 this Way. iiCre'lliTTiß'S' 'BITTERS care
dyspepsia and 11v..r complaint. The explanation
Is plain, simple, phllotiophlcal, and (rue.,