l tly littoliugt Gaittte. PUBLISHED DAILY, BY . . PENNIMAN,RLIKD & CO„ Proprietors. it. i...ENNIDEA.N. JOSIAH KING. • rUSTON. N. P. HEHIN ' , lttors sad Proprietors. orlIOZ: (11k8E1TE BUILDING. NOS. 84 AND 86 FIFTH ST. - ifir • Pitts • - et rerr--i , n One - Out, iv...1L1, By tilt. ' (Tram rarr MONDAY. MARCH 15. 1869 WE PRINT vs64.ce linsuks pages of this morning' GAzETTE—Second per: Poe try, Ephemeris,lifisceßanegaa.. Third and Sixth pages: Commercial, Ifinancial, .hter cantile and River Hews, Markets, Imports. Seventh page: Interesting Leiters from Special Correspondents, 'Spicy Reading Walter. ' " 11. B. BONDS at Fiankfort. Piano',Bum at Antwerp, 57f. GoLD closed in New York on Saturday at 1814. 'BPEAKE.H. BLAINE, will announce the Committees of the House to-day, and gossip states that the Pennsylvania dele gation will be placed in many leading -positions. THE HOUSE resolution to adjourn Con gress before the close of this month will 'be amended In the Senate. . It is doubtful if the public business can be all disposed of before the end of A.prii. A Disiosrrion has been developed at Washington to run General Hexcoca as The Democratic candidatefor Governor of Pennsylvania, this year, with the , view, in case he shall be successful, of making him the candidate for President In 1872. TKE Louisiana sugar-growers are pros. perons, and decline to ask for any in. crease in the present duties on that article. Henee there is little probability that Congress will make such a change, to please the refiners of Philadelphia and New York— Tux Spanish Treasury is exhausted, and the Minister of Finance proposes to replenish it by means of a loan. Con sidering the repudiation of the old debt by the revolutionary government, it may well be doubted if the new loan will be easily negotiated. lirnE Hon. JAMES GmzenuE, late United States Senator for Kentucky, and Secretary of the Treasury under Presi dent PIERCE, died on Saturday last. He was a man of more than common capaci lied, and exerted a large measure of in littence upon public affairs. Ix-ns.Pi to a conuatplator7 note from a convention. of colored Repnb/icans in ,p4stmaster General Cit Es -- *fax triumphantly alludes to "the noble 'stand 'alien by President Gam= in his inaugural in favor of the ratification of 'the proposed COnstitutional Amend ment ' TILE Conynereial londly. profeeeed to be opposed to ithe retention in or appoint. ment to public offices of men who belong - to that much , abuied class .known as poll ilcians; butlt squirms vigorously when wet it ihs4o4ers reason to think that one of its special set is likely to be turned out or fail to get in. • natal. effects a new Corps Legislatif next month, iMd a contest of unusSkl in terest and . excitement is anticipated. White this choice bf a majority in the interests of the government is conceded as certain, it is probable that the oppost tion will secure an increased number of limbers. TILE XYth article has been approved by the fieiate of Pennsy and,the House proposes to ratify it on Wednds day next.' : This delay is conceded to the opposition, whose dying speeches and maledictions - consume a good deal of time. "A rogue; neer -,feels the halter draw, with good.opini9w 91 . 1 the law." • VIRGINIA Asp GEORGIA bold_different ,eatiniates on the liN;es•of .editors. Gnaler assassinated Poizeun in Richmond, tir ing down upon him *Om a concealed • place. He was tried and acquitted by a jury. Dr. Daiiratnassaisinated an editor in Worermille, Georea, last week, Wing GnA2ieffniethO4 of taking off pre ' cisely. He was taken to the woods by a Committee otcitizens and shot. _ . GENRIfia. LONGOTREET, it is stated, will peremptorily decline the Surveyor ship of thi Port of NeW Orleans, and on • -thevround that LP accept It would eipose Ildnito the impttion of supporting .the Government in `Aronsideration of-pecuni. 'AM Profit This elevates 011 higher the itirpntation of the General, at the same ,„ Alms jnstifying in the strongest possible • manner the action of the President. ' PußucrsoirrupiT in England favors - the uppointment of Joan Bitionm as special ; envoy__ to Washington charged ,with the adlustinent of the Alabania . question, the entire negotiation being re. Snitted,hither. With Kr. Mom= to rep. . ._ . . 1'.7•'.------4.4'''''''''.'7".---'`).--'46-4":".%',P•4=-I'"zwr'-%:.47-zt';;sl"--.2.--,i?rAi-4--.4-,,A74;.<-.7,,A.,,,,,-.,,,,,..,;f5,-_--,-,-x-i.,,--.,-...,,,,,,..p,„..,.. ~ ,_,,.,,_, %L.. , 5.,%;.,,44:::,:,4445...4,-.J.4!,,,%•;y.5..-_,--figa..*gali,, -,,1ii*1m.e•C1it,,,.,;••.,3•,-- •,_,`.-•?, - ',4 , '-',.--,,4.47,-•64•0.- - ... 4t,.. --, - -- 4.... - : —, • -. =.g:'-. .' s - 0 :1g . ,. --,,,,,,Afe2.,-:4-,-5-z,w,.4