El littsb4TO Gaittts. ONE SEAR AGO. Br MRS. M. XS, STOWE One year ado a rllighte voice, A clear blue eye And c , ustfrrlng cJrls of sunny hair, Too fair to die. Only a year—no voice, no smile, No glance of eye, • •- No clustering curls of golden hair, Fair but to die. . - One year age, ;hat levee, what schemes •• Far tato life:" • • • What Joiou, hones, what high resolves, )• What generous strife! The silent picture. on the wall, The burial stone,' Of Of all that beauty: life and Pay i Remain alone! • ' • I -One year, one year, one little year. - • , And so much sonei ' - &nd yet the Veen flow of life - . Moves calmly on. The grave grows green, the dowels bloom fair L P Above that bead—' ip No sorrowLuttr.t of leaf or s ray days he is dead. - , • • - No pause or hush or Merry b • rds, - , 'llint sing above, Tells us how. coldly sleeps below - The fonn we love. - ' • • 'Where bast thou been this year. beloved? _ What halt thou seen ? , What rlsingTair, ;hat glorious life • Where thou host been? - , :,The.v 3 Vl w i l li t ie u r a l t ll toit i gt , in, so strong! ~..Th'e m_ystierveill when shall , it fall, , That we may see, •Not dead: not sleeping, not even gone, • • ' And Ivtia 414 sw stonrtialtilliaaning tour Of 00ee e t will. • • • Lord of the living and the dead, pur Saviour dear: ' • -- We Il 'i . ht t i ld e . e at fl a y 'r e a h r e. feet • ' EPHEMERIS.: --Gen: Spinner is ill. • —Chicago seems to be devoid of aensa • _.Whisky; s now called bug-juice irksome places. —The skating rink at Bostonhas proved a great - success... —The lawyers _of Paris intend to erect a statue to Berryer. • —Heavy teams cross the HudEon river at Albany on the ice. -4,307 buildings were erected in Brook lyn during the past year. —4. S. Clark, ' . the cOmmedian, will re turn to America in March or April. —Florida has indulged in ice an inch thick his year, and cOmplaina loudly. —Oregonians intend. to make doniestic claret out of the Scuppernang grape. —The Bowagqr Baroness James de Roth schild has a dower of $300,000 a year, —The supply _ of water in San _Francisco is limited, and San. Franciscans grumble. —Fifty-five more days and Andrew John. son will pi off our minds and out of the —The trial of Mrs, - Camilla TWichell will take place in Philadelphia on MondaY —Monogrant kid gloves "arc ' - the rage in ,;New York." ' Monoiram chignons willhe the next things. —Gen. Grant is soon to - visit Ballinnire, l and, while there, to be'the guestr. of Mr. William Albert: . - • —Scene one, has, found out that persons who defraud the revenue might. be called revenue cutters. `--Miehigan.:lo a lady whe,thinks 'she is ,107 years old. , None of her friends remem ber exactly when shewas bOrn: —A switch-Of, human •hair five feet one inch in length is for sale in New. York. It is slid to be the longest ever imporied. —The King of Sweden is ; trying to getup a bear liant for th amusementofthe Prince of Tiiles, who le at Stockholm with his IVi Adrian Mazel, :iietie:rtiu . ids to ; Washington, married ' on Ne!..Year'i Eve to. Miss WRiteL, of Bai ttmore • ' _ ' —An excliturgelto4. s '- , is • hots , to make a noise in religkina'cirilles l :-' Walk into chirch 'late with ft pair offing boots; blowing your nose noleatl r y• • —The association for the propagation of game in Pennsyliania have now more than' 95,1300 birds of various kinds ready to be let loose lathe Spring. Glove-stretchers are considered. FIS con cealed weapons in Hew, Orleans, at feast" a dry goods clerk was arrested in that city the other day for carrying a pair --Hobert Browning gives public readings from his own work& This is especially • kind, as the general public funks much dmi. crilty in reading them for themaelves. —Boston is to'haire a tremendous concert on the Common next Juuei 10,000 vocal ists and 1,000. instrumental performersa re. pected to joinda one sweet harmony. ) ttutch - paintin i g;lift qair old master," represents one of the inen :we :ring a ' ituritlift and ipurs; presenting the model of alatto. frigate ,to the infant Snvionr. —The newsboys of Fiquston, Texas, re . fusert.o.sell copies of I.ler: Union, a Repnbli ‹ can paper- published', in that city, and the editors sell it on the street themselves'. velocipedist of LyOni offers to , bet any amount that he, can beat; the fastest trotter-in a race. - This a chance for Mr. Boniter GI ; shim the excellence of Dexter. —Two and a half millions of unmarried females:pep:date England; When such' is the case, no wonder Englishraen lay claim to much Watery, forthey need all they can get. —A magasinist calls Mr. Hurlbut, the sa, triad writer Of the TV:ortd, the Heine of the Americoa. Pressi. vilieriulio.n. somebody oh , serves that le:does %write ar- tides. • Eastern, Btar lethe ' name of an, English paper puklished in Alexandria, - Egypt, Its -edltote ? -wesUppose, are "wise audtkire l: -Ority '! i e-itriumvirate of •- . A` lefprittir**_firorthern part of liew fuli:Oliik...fonnal notice to -mithorltidathat'she will hereafter wear male persisto",in so doing notwith , 1, standing seve ral - • —A Chicago paper' of Tuesday has pri VitO infolOitibn:to gra effect , that kr. Grow Wig lie the next "'jilted States,retenatOr-from riennsyltionia. The private infomation bad nof.heard of solin !Ott: -rho present Month a Na - florid Convention of bee raisers will ke held he. eveland when 013*-110rAble delegates. rf 'will prokakly endeavor at last ,to decide • "How loth the little busy bee improve. each shining hour 2" --z There are two thousand members of the . Leta Psisecret SOltiety scattered over, the country and at various - colleges, and H. T. Thomas, of chicago, has been chosen Pre& ident of the general organization. —pokey Hall, Mayor of liew - York, does not want to be called "Honorable" or "His Honor," and has issued an order to that ef fect. Such being the case, we think he shout be called Sensible. instead. —Tie Blair family manages to get a posi tion, veil in Gen, Grant's. suit. There be ing no other apparent way of doing so, one of Montromery's daughters is going to marry Gen. Comstock of Grant's staff. —The trains laden with supplies for the Indians of Fort Wadsworth have failed to -reach their destination, the teamsters having found it impossible to haul heavy loads over the drifted tracks in Northern Minnesota. —Queen Olga, of Greece, behaves, in -a very unqueenly - but proper manner. -- She gives her _infant an . airing by walking the ,streets bearing him .in- her- arms,. and stops to talk with every mother she.meets. —The questionin Washington now is "Did the ;Iliesidertt (Meaning, Mr. John , son) wear white. cotton or pearl_ kid gloves at his New Year's reception 2" a question of such vital importanee should not be hastily decided. —Mr. De Bilk,. the Danish Minister to Washingten, is about .to marry a young lady from New Jersey. It seems to be the fate of most batchelor diplomates who'come to this. country, thus to be caught in. Hy men's noose. The late • English minister only escaped bi deatk; —The Philadelphia - Ledger says Messrs. A:, R: MeLienry & Co. announce that ar rangements have been completed through the Pennsylvania Railroad Company and friends in Liverpool,.to place on the route between that port and Philadelphia a line of first class steamers, to sailfrom each port every two weeks. , • • —An eastern cotemporary says: "It is easy enough to find villages in New Eng laudwhere thereare twenty admirable gif.s under thirty years of age, and not one mar riageable young man." Young men who are not afraid of Yankee - girls have excel lent opportunities here of laying in a stock of Pilgrim Fathers. . -There is a disadvantage attached to the publication of birthsin this country ; for in stance the following notice appeared in a .• • Philadelphia paper The notice-, in yesterday's paper of the birthof a dailghter. to Jno.'l3. and Johanna Coin, was wholly unauthorized by us. - • Jig°. S. Com, .., • • • joiunrse Cops. Caroline Proud, Qe_South Nash ville, Tenn., saw the &ost of her father on the'evening of December 30th. As the old gentleman had been dead exactly six years, and as Mrs Proud is ..a lady of strong mind and excellent eyes, the: affair has caused no little . commotion among ,her friends and neighbor& She wasin a store room, look ing up oldlashioned 4 clothing for a family masquerade at - the time, and was so effected 'by the apparition that she seized with a severe fever from which she was several days recovering. —The 'goal oil exported from the port of Philadelphia during 1868- amounted to 40,- 595,620 gallon& Tha, following are- some of the. foreign ports to which .it was sent: Antwerp, 8,430,077 galons; • Cork, 3,856,- 744 do; Liverpool, 1;153,044, do; Ilotter- Alain 8 722 467 do- Bremen 6,514 496 do • , I 'Gibraltar, 1,898,852 do; Hambisrg, 2,528,- 901. de; Marseilles, 1,914,696 do; Havre, -1,711,225 do; Genoa,. 1,490,250 'do; _Stettin, 730,543 dO; ~Triestei - 610;258 do; Leghorn, 705,726 do; Naples, 183,93 ff doi Barcelona, 185,930 do; London; 721M3 do; Dantzic, 259,860 do; bunitirk,266,sB2 do; Falmouth, Eng, 299,792 do; :Venice, 168,512 do; -Al -tone, 361,294 ' do; Serdeaux, 127,186 'do.— Phila. Ledger. - • Tire - WAY Naw YEAR CALLS are made n New York •is -thus described by the Tri bune: . bune: While there - were but few forinal calls yesterday, still there were plenty of nice young , men t ; who -With, the , help ,of hackney coaches went perseveringly through thelr.list of calls. , Each one introduced his three frienda, all of them enjoying, per. haps, but a sliga acquaintance with their hostess. It has often been the case that the Carriage Containing the quartette of nice 'young men has stopped at' the wrong house, the driver baying received the wrong num ber, when only after /several Inquiries the house iaLformd- Ottlxing upon -their place of descent the quartette • commence taking their cardamon seeds c or -snake•root, arran'g ing their neckties, stroking , their cheveuz faroris, and then they alight. Passing into the parlor they are , each introduced to the Madame and daughters, to a cousin:front the country, find probahly to some young lady friend whose family are “not receiving calla,"* After the introductions -are' con cluded; which occupy several Minutes, ev erybody seems' embarraiged: Pretty nearly the fallowing dialogne then takes place: , i• Madame. The gentlemen have a very *unpleasant day for makihg calls. I should hardly.think they woUld venture out. Nice gotiog man (who has Madame on his list). Very, indeed. , Have you received many calls? • Madame.' 0 yes, quite a good many. I have not kept a list, Aramanda, my dear, youhave kept a list. , Daughter. 0, ma; I attempted to; but there have jbeen so many. I think we have had a hundred. Madame. Full as many as that, lam sure. Gentlemen; will ,you walk into" the back parlor and partake of refreshments? The madame now conducts them to the table, and points'out the various decanters. A glass of sherry (or whisky, alaal that our ladies•think this not a miss!) and the young gentlemen depart,wlshing madame and her Manly-and guests ,a "Happy New Year." , This is, the common way of making , New Year calls ,e Tan citizens of Austin NevidS, have held a meeting to erteare the 'constrpeton of a railroad'from the HumbOlt river to the Colorado. This road . connect with the Pacific Railread' on the north, and through that with the railwqstoldaho and' Oregon as fir as the Cdumbla river; ancron the south would reach the head :of naviga tion on the Colorado, ultimately intersect ing the railroad` projectedthrough Arkansas and Arizonw to the solithern boundatyof California: It would pass through the 'White Pine and' Pahrttriagat country:and :serve a stretch of productive- mineral coun:. try over five hundred miles long. PITTSBURGH GAMTE: FRIDAY; J.A.NVAII.I" 8, 1869: _ . TEETH.EBTILICTED • . 4 3;rrruotlT ' , exert NO. CHARGE DUDE WENN ANITIRCIAL TEETH ARE ORDERED. A PULL EVE TOE Oh AT i)R. SCOTT'S. WI! PENN WIEZT, ID DOOR ABOVE. HAND. ALL WORK wAssAwrarto.' CALL AND BE IAMINE BP.ECLEMNB OF OENITIIVE TuLoAtt i MIL • - - - 117tittiET GAS 'FIXTURES WELDON & • • laanufKligers hill/ Wholesale Dealersla Lamp's; Lanternisjaandeliers . AND. LAMP GOODS. Also, CARBON AND LUBRICATING OILS; a 0.,•• . , Nci.l4'7 7 . cioa Stree. 5e9:13.12 . ' , Betwegn 814 an 6th LiellUell. * PIANO'S. 0 G EST PIANO MEL B *2W . Sehonuicker's Gold AND ESTEYIS COTTAG ORGAN, The SCIIOAA PIANO 00 ••Idnes 'IF the latest valuable improvements kn• . in the con struction of a warde d first class Instrument and has alwaYll been awarded the highest Dretain wherever ex hibited. Its tone is Dill, sonorous • d sweet. Tee workmanship. ibt durability and .. uty, corpus all others. Prices from $5O to sl6l(recording to style and Clash.) cheaper than Other ao.caßeo drat class Plano. TIMMOU'UoTTiq6O:GAN Staudt at the head of all reed In •••• eats. in pro .duelngtbe most perfeet pipe quail of tone of ant similar Instrument to the United tea. It is aims pie and compact in construction, d not liable to get out ol order. CARPENTEIPS • PATENT X RITIWIA rftElf.OLO ,, Is only to be (bun in this Urger . price front 1100 to WO" All guaranteed for Ave BARB, HBAKB & BIIETTLEB, No. IA ST. CLAIR STREET. 11CRANOS AND ORGANS—An en tire new sto - k of SNABE'S UNRIVALLED PIANOS; HAINES BROS.. PIANOS: • , PRINCE a:CO'S ORGANS AND MELODEONS and TttEAT. LINSLEY k CO'?IROANS AND JALELODEONS.oniati orlit Etunnii. 43 Fifth ayenne, Sole agent. deS CONFECTIONERIES. TT RICH, Practical Cook, ilr' - espeetfully announces to the pre that hewn On Saturday and Monday Next, Open to the public the DELmoNico RESTAURANT, . .. FOE GERTLENIM ONLY. • -. , • it will he his earnest endeavor to furnish bla pa trons at lall times with the most palatable viands which• the market or the season affords. Ti e I LitalJOlt , NNE'S of various dates, ALS. BEER "&474 1 , 1 4 ; t tln e e ir o=lar for Weddings , and other Festivals will. Mr' heretofore, be promptly and eltesply traded to, renuds tang patronme. . or-9:y6S . kl• Ug. • GEORGE REALVEW, ODD AM CANDIES AND TAFFIES, . . And dealer In all kinds of FILIJITS, )WT4.. max LES, SAUCES., JELLIES, £c., dc.. , ptvilN;(o:cylaijoi(s i el i j B TIEGEL; " (Llte Cutter with W. Hespenhelitia DIF-ateiiLitairT TAILOR. No: 53,Smithlield Street, Pittsburgh VEW FALL GOODlii; A splendid new stock of CIATIELS, CASSEIEEIMS,&o. FIFA itY MEYER.., Jiut received by Merchant Tailor. 13 Smithfield street. Mil SEWING MACHINES. TILE GREAT, AMERICAN COM- NA.TION. ' • Buriosanoix one :mime AND SEWING 1MA.0131142. . rr kiss No EitrArg - BUNG ABSOLUTELY THE BEST FAMILY MACHINE IN' THE AND IN ; TRINSIOA.LLY Tat CHEAT/In. • %resents wow/Ay:Lt. sell Ms Machine. 33ALSZarr, Agent hor 'Western PennolvialA. Corner PYrra . AND MARKILT STAZZTI3, ova Illetianison,sieweirT Stors.;; N E W - WALL 'PAPERS, For Hod, rivrierB anajaambers, NOW oTipaNii. AT - 107• ffiathet St.9;iifia* 'OM Ave., • : Jos; R. KUGEES & BRO.. DYER AND SCOURER, inar J. LANCE, • DYER AND. SCOURER. 110.8 ST. CL AIR MUM= . And Nos. 185 and 187 Third Street, COAL AND COKE. DICKSON STEtaid &CO . , BMus remoited,Shelx 00304 0 , NO, 1567 :14413311iitTirlEOXI%*MTN 4LatelY eit i , r (m x moo ProniP.FFR9I4 4: -- Axe now incanted to nunlshiood.l6l:loslo ol it t . NY Line. 24 ,17 C o a , / , qUa-14.4P1p at th 09 94 11 morket price. • ill :orders Jena& thetv Moe, th e m througit the Tan.rat!eattAmilea tarPtfitaP t4l ' - Vorfat,cctif.anu,oza.. • int WAR** EE._ VIECEM • sOrti L.A ar b‘ , l4 a te ., ,;13111,211 " F* ;ILGO 4 nr. • alqam - pitszta ar ! MOSpil t • , •1 leal4sltrrmariet, . „ PERT NOOSE ASSOCIATION WCILDINGS, Nos. and 4' St. OW Streut, - Pittsburgh; Pa; Specie - attention even`fo the designing and building o cc= OWE: miet rllttacznot2ciku 1):1)1.14 ai Piauo, karopAcrtrnia or 11 TSDZRAL BT.. A.Urthenv WILL PAPERS. ARCHITECTS. CHOICE t;oons Mal JOSEPH HORNE & CO. RECEIVED DAILY, BIR_NVIT-VELVET •HAT 'II4 j . E A R N NPA 1 1 7 MI T VA 5 L 1 4: .8' N ZEPHYR AND K IT fING YARNS. BLACK VELVETEEN. • BONNET VELVET, ijii4C•I&4.A.T.CIVHTIF.ES:‘,A, TINS' SASH AND BOW ItlottON. 4 . AND BLACK SATIN RIBIIuNS, nil widths. ALEXANDRE'S XID GLOVES. In While, - Opera, tind Dark . . `Pdi Topped Rid Glows. Wool Mitts and Gloves, Ribbed Fancy and • noSmarr: • * HARDICIERCITIEVS. • EMBROIDERIES , , • " 'POCKET B DES. _ .*ALLETS. at BT:MI-PIIRTHER REDUCPZIONB IS Wttiool4lbi GOODS, 1/111 1 4LINEILT GOODS, HOOP SHIRTS. AO CORSETS, 77 AND I 79 MARBET STREET, NEW . GOODS AT GREATL Y itEDITCED PBICIES. ONE MORE CABE 0 - F rINE STRIPED F!LT SKIRTS JUST RECEIVED CASIIKERE SCARFS, in all colors. WOOLEN HOSIERY at very low prices. LADIES & GENTS FINE FUE-TOPPED GLOVES A large vartf ty of Woolen hoods, Shawls and Children's Sacques, Ladies Hemstitched Embreim dered and Lace handkerchiefs, Gents Silk handkerchiefs, . in all styles. • HOOP SKIRTS. BALMORAL SKIRTS, PAPER COLLARS AND CUFFS WOOLEN MITTS AND 'WRISTLETS. • 31AC51731, - GLYDE & CO. ikud SO. Market Street. deal 1U IN & CARLISLE, NO. 19 FIFTH AVENUE, THE NEW SKIRT, rimine PERFECTION." . ''T HE IPAVORITE," "THE POPIFLAR„ , • "THE! RECEPTION,' THOMPSON'S TWLN SPRING, "WINGED ZEPHYR," "tILOVE FITTING," CORSETS AND PAT ENT "PANIERS." THE NEW GORED OVER SKIRT, "BELLE HELENE," richly embroidered; an elegant street or Shatin Skirt. RICH lIIBONS - FOR' ROWS, SCARFS AND SASHES. ROMAN STRIPES AND PtAIDS: SATINS. all shades end widths. FLOWERS. -PLUMES, HATS AND BONNETS. LADIES AND CHILDREN'S MERINO UNDER- The richest and !stead ninrellles to •OIMPS, rumor.* Ati D ItUTTONS. , We caper:tally direct attention to the great excel lenee of the HARRIS SEAMLESS (RouillotO KID . GLOVES" over all others. and for which we are the I Sole Agents. A complete line of GENTLEMEN'S "STAR" SHIRTS: , SUSPENDERS, GLOVES, HALT HOSE, ONDEIVSUIRIS AND DRAWERS. SELLING AGENT'S FOR LOCKViOOFOtS PAPER (100094 , arid all other popuLer makes. 1111C111131 & CIBLISLE, NO.lB FIFTH AVENUE. noZ A 11ERRY CHRISTMAS NEWj GOODS FOR THE HOLIDAY DENNISON IL I ittliEllt, NO. 27 FIFTH AVENUE, USTO just received a large and judiciously assorted TlllB4 EMISRdIDOBtIIDIB. m , Kid IGlover. llandherehtet., Flipper Patterns. Zephyr Geode, IScarts and. Gents Varnishing std NfAtotts :generally. A splendf.i selection Is elerded Ia epeelatioielties sultattle.for - .!110LIDAY , .PRESENTS, tc;wliteh the atteatlon of lady resdire epeeleilT celled DENNISON & DECKEIIT,. „ - 68 .NO. 27 FiFTIt AVENUE. inialcies MARKED DOWN P • BABOAINS IN ALMOST. EVERITHING. ' BliTi UFA( STITOI4, all Linen. nAtIDEX,R -0111AFFS,-176, 19e, Nlfio and.upwarde. L./Jlf, so aL; Emu) 1,4•4 trait. HA4m ax#EcurErli3 ego, Seto 800.- • it oar Li.tai stone-bait ,regularmtices.f Jlltt ." ttie 118 M, Ilt : LUt IRAS. • MK i ILTS and 1131saleY's (44101 W 13/Ettatli it Of Lowest gnats In the • :+. „14)1, 0, Vatta and DitAliMatt wool 0., *srezidp. - BILLIARD TABLES. AND4UIO) ,itiCAl( BTU' TAU TABLES r', dill .001133131AT10N "comuoNs. .7 idlontabig the best "NINTUrP ECEVE. ns, Patented Noy— 2604 1607. and _pril 4 1888.. Everything relating totilblards of the ,Analittand l iewest_ prices always on hand: r. , NEW CUE TRI MMER, Patented Kay idtl4 price great success. - nitrated price lists sent ea application. s • VICEILAN tic-CIOLLEINDEI • I IT tit MEN + A eitl ;On d 89 ow:gay BT., aiew Tort 471!7 ,_~..-..,._ ~~su~,_. - Barred Flannel, rqc)w. conreresa; ItELROY, - DICKSON & CO. 4m-c:)cluois, • ,i.,., o tll -. , 0 m 10 P.l 4 •4 0% n g M I'6 SI A cio Ei C l 4 5 1 1 111•E't l a: Si A Aft 2 rL i g to a i m 43 1 ipipt3 4so I t ivi 5w 4 0 0 04 ok 'igpi ri=Nr.2 1 04 ag B 4o 0 10 a It, . o N 4 I:1 / z . , iMEMMMIM LACE GOODS. WADLEY, '3?_a'+=.-ter ",o::f ~w~Kn.~+%'SXr. 54. KITTANNING EXTRA HEAVY , -A VERY LARGE STOCIC, IN GOOD SWELES. WHOLESALE 4541. WOOD ,STitEE.T. DRY GOODS AT COST, FOR THIRTY . DAYS O?,ILY, TO GLOBE 13 OC; IC. THEODORE T. MLLIPE, 87 ALIS ILET STREET. ' .00.00 01.0811 0 . 1 OF OUT SALEipr DRY GOOD J. - • 11111011 FIELD it CO'S . N0..450 sr. cLAnz. IST/LE-ET, . All Wool• Grey Tolled Flannel for 37 worth 63e. Detainee for 20e.vrcn•th 35. • • • _ • Slightly Soiled Blenkkets $l,OO 'worth $6,00. • Waternrolf for $1,25 worth al, • • 'Poplins far 3754 r. worth 50. • _ Kid Gloves - for 81,50 worth $71,00. Finley Shawlvsl3,6o worth 010,00. Velveteens 2,00 worth $1,73. - Bleached Dinelln , lsll%O. worth 16. • • Uunbleacied Muslin worth 17. - Cheapest and beet &teak in the city. No. 53 ST, CLAlR...near Liberty street. • - • • dere •• - • -168. NEW GOODS. NEW ALPACCM", NEW MOHAIR.. BLACK SILKS* HOSIERY• and.GLOVES,I, iSf •v`r 005it.Tov . Aa tea' Wine . Wed , E 1 163 . DicCANDLIESS b. CO., (Late Wilson, Cur & C 0..) ' - WBOLEBALI{ , DEALZBN IN Foiejgn Old Domestic Dry 'Uootts, . No. 94' WOOD ' STEMS'S, -; ; Third door alarm 069 4:1110:f-14:1*.il GIUMI.II.IIIN tax gait THILIP MIT& SDIt4EILLY & CLEl3,l . ,SuccpsAoxi t.o CO. - • pßAcricumb -Lrrnoeilaillitzus. • The ouJy Steam-Lithographic Zstablistuatlat West of the M0U111.111.1111.. Butting,. Cada, I,,atiae Beath, • Bonds, Label', Circulars, Show Cards, Diptoulaa. Portralte Volvo, Certificates of Deposits, Invite. tiew,CsAi: asc., Won., TA asul TIF WltlrCitresh gaiMmusAA .:ti:_ AllifFiVl ntrmot. e OUR REGITLAB Dvcratnics CLEARANCE .1 SALE I%IOW rially Inaugurated , at MICE'S that Se• ; rare BE TER. BARGAINS THAN ' EVER BE- i - Ft/RE, In , . - CA.R.PFIrS, OIL CLOTHS, ItIATTINCS, &.c., &c., &c., t • Good Carpets for 25 cents alard. OLIVER NOLINTOOK AMY COMPANY No. 23 Filth Street• , • ...IELVADUCTICII.NI.! CARPETS, _ dieo.• cfcCii We offer our stock at reduced 4 prices for a SHORT . Primp before commencing to take stock. I Now is the time to Puy. . , BOV.A.RD, ROSE & CO., 1 21 FIFTH AVENUE. . I d F4:11&wIF GLASS. CHINA, CUTLERY MMel=2=i 100 WOOD STREET; HOLIDAY GIFTS. FME VASES, 80.11.43fiA1f A.N:p : 0 0 13 DINNER SETS, TEA SETS" 'ciFT SMOKING ' SETS, SI \J~ . j _Call and.-examlne our gOodes and.welPAl iattaned no one need fall to ue. suited. Iti:t.,.)3lttp:;i4 -. 0 - 0, 100 WOOF STBEE,III.! TNISSOLVTION NOTICE. -"" ' ll Notice is bereby"gllienthattbe:railtieraliip lie ,l etofore existing under the liviticgid style - LITTLE. PATTOlctirbelesare qv:leers.. is this day dissolYA by mutual eonennit. SAMUEL IV BAIRD is imtborized tosettle tile business gibe/ , firm ut tbelt: office. Ids ii wand 114 BRpOppl A.VIINTrE. AMA - OEL I Bilk% V ,13 ; , ;JAMES PATTOS: JS . , • ~ : ' ' ' • ' ' , MABY LlTT.tlei L- '• - I • • • . . . JOHN kutiT.EWART„: • A • • , TBDISA.B,LITTLE,,,In.,,} y l i ' • ' . ''' ' 'BABB:FEL - kJ, BALED, I ' . 'Executors of - Thomas Male; er. r deceased:l Pittsbnreb,' December 16.1868. • .., . * HL` it: WHOLESALE 4 ROcER a ..,L: neatness will be curled on at Bos. 112 mt,l4 2.I4:ISECOND.A.vF,NIig, as heretotbre, under fOrm name of - . . i.arr'rfsE eft , - 13,A.I.itte V' r 9 ILT AVI/Cti . BOLD :' • ': OIUT My ,IN.. teres't In the firm of ' - ' ,' .LITTLE, BainPii:PATT9./!... ~ '• - i to my Partner. SAMUEL; M. BAIRD, I _take plena-, ure in recommending him to,,the patronage ernpri customers and the trade generally. ls . des:b 6 7 . JAMES PATTON. ilt: , CIRAVEI FEE . III . I( . •- • :, .. - I ! , , ILA. . . . .. lb / PEtiNTINC INK WORKS, Grey's - Ferri Road and Thin- Streets, Streets, Philadelphia. Pa. G. E. ROBlNlSON,lxtannfactussr•of -BLACK Sit COLOttED l'Ant4ns end.lst&ographle Inks. V nlsbes. &c. . . ' aeignsaitti CLOTEUSEEDs --16$. JUST RECEIVED J. 1iiii; . 7.3 1 7 Liberty-Street4 no2B:TTII8 11 ItESH. FISH.--, 1:W110in:di" PAL • PRES 4 still cootLnuu to nir au eft', and oop order for • - - i • - • 'FiIESII WHITE LAKE FISH; SALMON AKEI B ASS. ` ; . , ___, , tend ?A No. 45 DIAMOND MARKET: Pitts Z. burgh; or Ms old well known TWIN CITY 'STAND.: Allegheny market cow • "IgOTICE.—To - Persons En_, _LA • gaged in Hauling or Wbetling Rubbilb orl 'Lakes: You are hereby - notified nos to Tibiae any; rubbish or ashes on the wharf. Alltribbisher ashes ; must bets). en the Point. Any _person (Wight sly casting the above notice's/1U be deslt With to ,tallest extent of the law. - , ' ROBERT A '-: HILL. Atkaheny wharteri del9 G ' 'ooo . NEWS.; • ''INTIO'BREAD IR , DAIS Enquire for,:WARD , I3 . 11 beat. initials "IL W.! , on JelM i r t T i i n kenoeeff i et 1443;" ~.. pi ... , LOOR OIL CLOTIIS— We. , in stock. a lahie 'assortment orstyipe and • i It . \widths 'of .thuroughti seasoned • Ri4x)r. 01 , 1! Cloths. whlen. we are offermel to tt a wholt aale an "., retell trades t prices lower. 'attn. quality Unto non . t ,- • 'elderatton, than eatlie had la Illicit•. . ,T. J. a )1. PKILLIPB. - - , -k, WAR - fie gaol 0:11 =A kMecto:_ -: ' lI=O NEW, STYLES. A large stook of •-• PLATED: 4100DS . . - ; - 1 1. 'x 11. ,•:::•:;.;•73 of •ll descrOtlool, - ;•:1' ''FV.-I}, • , A. CAIOICIP.? LOT Eli U U gi 1 1 i '* HEM
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