The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, December 19, 1868, Image 1

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SENATE: Bill to Abolish Frank
Privilege--Further Guar
antees in Reconstruction—ln
vestigation of. the Recent Bat
. tie with. Indians—Resolution
Pledging Payment of Public
Debt in Coin Maid on - the Ta
ble -Bill to: Rjpeal Act Admit
ti•ngGeorgia to Representation
in Congress—R lution of Sym
pathy with Spain Adopted—
Death of Thaddeus Stevens
Announced—Adjournment till
To-day. HOUSE: Pension Bill
R eported--Credentials of the
Colored Member from Louis
iana Presented and Referred—
Resolution to Extendi Bank
rupt Law—Southern Mail Ser
vice—Legality of the Appoint-
Ment of Assignees in Bankrupt
• cy—Resolution to Adjust Affairs
of InsOlvent National Banks—
Perpetuating Testimony in U. S.
Courts and Regulation of Cb al
• lenges—inquiry as to Detached
Army Officers and Enlisted Men
—Retrenchment Committee to
- Report ; on Monday Next—Bill
to Extend Homestead Act to
Soldiers' Orphans--South, Caro
lina Citizens Elected to Office
Relieved of Political Disabill
ties—Death of Representative
' Finney Announced.
• aly Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l
WAsmarorow, December 16,1868:
4 :
t' A bill abolishing the franking privilege
was reported from the Postoffice Commit
tee, with a recommendation for its passage.
Mr. EDMUNDS offered a bill repealing
the act admitting Georgia and providing a
provisional government for that State. Re
lit ferred to Judiciary Committee.
The PRESIDENT presented a memorial
_from manufacturers of Detroit in reference
to the tariff, currency, ,sc.. •
Mr. TRUMBULL, from the Committee
on Judiciary, reported Mr. Sumner's rase
lution declaring the necessity of certain
Ihrther guarantees in the reconstruction of
• -
rebel States, recommending its indefinite
7; Mr. MORTON introduced a bill in refer
• •;• elms to public buildings.
;, Mr. WILLIAMS introduced a bill to pro
vide for the better administration ofjustiee
"! in the Territories of the United States. Re
' ferred to the Committee on Judiciary.
Mr. ABBOTT introduced a bill- to pro
,. ! Tide for the payment of claims of loyal
citizens in States lately , in rebellion. Re
ferred to the Committee on Judiciary.
• The Senate went into executive sessiont•
which lasted about a quarter of an hoar.
Upon the opening of the doors
• M. HARLAN introduced a resolution
requesting the Secretary of the Interior to
communicate any information in the pos..
session of his department in reference to
• 4: the hostile or peaceful character of the In- -
dians recently killed or captured by troops,
and as to whether they were at the time re
- Mr-DAVIS moved to up the oi
resolution pledging the faith take
of the Un j ite nt d
States for the payment-of the public debt
in Coin ' or its equivalent; which was done.
• Mr. DAVIS then moved to amend b
• $ making it declare the true and equitab
t i measure of liability of thev, 'United States
upenthese bonds is what was received by
. 1 .1 the GOvernment for the bonds, with inter
' 7 ; 4 est thereon. Laid on the table. '
Mr. WARNER introduced a resolution
:,instructing the Judiciary Committee to
inquire whether the bill removing the
•f political disabilities of certain citizens of
Alabarita, passed before the ratification of
11 the Fourteenth Amendment, o per ated to ,
:•• • remove disabilities imposed by tha amend- •
'moat and by the later reconstruction act.
Mr. RAMSEY, from Committee on post
offices, reported back, with merely verbal
,1. amendments, thejoint resolution declare
•' 4! tory . of and amending the act to provide
' for an American line of mail and emigrant
• , steamships between New York and one or
:4, more European ports. It directs the Post
:1; master General to contract with the Corn
' '• :.1 1 , patty named according to the true intent ,
and meaning of said act, and;extends the
time for completing the steamships one
year. authorizing the Company to hire and
empplev others in the meantime.
. TRUMBULL, from Committee on
Judiciary, reported adverselyon the joi n resolutiont t?exentiogctize2sor' ouisiana and Arkansas t,provisions
the act of July 4th, 1868, limiting the jails
--5 diction of the Court of Claims. On his mo
lion it was indefinitely postponed.
•131 r. EDMUNDS introduced a bill to rei
.4,l peal , the act of June 25th, 1868, admitting
Ii Georgia to representation in Congress, to
s.provlde a Provisional Government therein;
•.•.$ and for other purposes which was referred
4to Committee on Judiciary. It • premises
F that the legislature of. Georgia has violated
. tee fourteenth amendment 'by refusing to
- If•urge itself of ineligible members, and
bag, in violation of the constitution and
;',:the fundamental principles - upon which
'4.; (A:lngress consented to the restoratior of
,f" the State, expelled a large number of ,reg
'...nlagly instaßed ,members, on the sole
• ••.; ground that they were persons of African
r blood, and that the local authorities of the
• :"State appear to be wholly unable or unwil
, Ziing to protect the lives, liberty and pro
gperty of ite, peaceful and anoffending clti
9zens from lawless violence, and refrain
yvarposely, or from want of power, from
_;:brusging such offenders to. justice. The
4reamble therefore declares it appears
„lona the people of the State of Geor.
- flrist have not complied with the terms, or
•)confornied to the principles on which its
i•xestoration was provided for, and that the
;government therein is not, in fact, republi
can or regular. and the, bill provides that
much of the act Pasted June 25, 1868, as
'r elate.s to the State of Georgia, be repealed,
and that the military' government hereto-
A resolutidn to print thirty thousand
copies of the eulogies delivered yesterday
was adopted. ;t''".
Mr. WA.SEIBLiRNE reported a pension
bill, which appropriates twenty-thiee mil
lions of dollars. Ordered to be printed
and the consideration postponed until the
sth of January.
Mr. SYPIEER presented the credentials
,of J. M. Menard as a Representative from
Louisiana. Referred to Committee on Elec.
A bill to admit Midshipman Joseph Moor
,head;of Ohio, to theNVashington Insane
Aitylum, was passed.
Mr. TIFT 'introduced a resolution in
structing the Committee on R,evision of
Laws to consider the_ propriety of extend
ing the time ,in which bankrupts may
avail themselves of the provisions of the
bankrupt act and reducing fees. Adopted.
Mr. BUTLER, Tennesse, introdueed bills
establish pension (offices in Tennessee
and to provide for drawback in certain
cases. Referred. • •
Mr. SCHOFlELDintroduced a bill:giving
officers in the military and naval service,
commissioned but not mustered, pay ac
cording to rank, of commission. Referred
to Committee on Military Affairs.
Mr. WASHBURNE desired to offer a reso
lution for a select cornmitte to investigate
the election frauds in Louisiana.
Mr. WASHBURNE, Illinois, objected,
unless it be referred to Reconstruction
Mr. NORRIS offered a resolution instruct
ing the Postoffice Committee to inquire
what further legislation is necessary to se
cure greater efficiency in the mail service
in the Southern States.' Adopted.
Mr. WILSON, of lowa, offered a resolu
tion instructing the Committee on Revision
of Lows to inquire as to the legality of the
appointment of Ass ignees by United States
Judges in contrantion of the provisions
and spirit of the Bankrupt law. Adopted.
Mr. ELI offered a resolution instructing
the Committee on Banking to inquire what
legislation is necessary to enable the Comp
troller. of Currency .to wind up the affairs
of the banks that have no officers or place
of business, to stop the payment of, interest
of banks on debts they owe to the United
States, and present insolvent banks being
made depositories by Government disburs
ing officers. Adopted. "
t o t ff ee e r on
P r u s l o c u Ln n s
to x in
uire into the expediency of amending the
homestead acts, by allowingfore final proof of
settlement to be made be clerks of
Courts of Record. Adopted. 6
Mr. CHURCHILL, from the. Committee
on Judiciary, reported a bill to perpetuate
testimony in United States Courts, and a
bill to define 'felonies and misdemeanors,
and to regulate peremptory challenges in
United States' Courts. Recommitted and.
ordered printed.
Mr. SCHENCK offered a resolution di-.
recting the Secretary of War to inform the
House how many officers of the army de
tailed for duty in quartermasters', sub
sistence, pay, medical 'and other depart
ments of the service and about the city of .
New York, how employed, and whether
the number of enlisted men and civilians
so ePloyed cannot be reduced. Adopted.
Mr. JONES, of Kentucky, offered a res
olution directing the Secretary of the Treas
ury to inquire into the probable cost of
erecting a suitable building tor . United
States Court, revenue office and postoffice
in Covington Kv. Adopted.
Mr. MUL LINS asked leave to offer re
sointion in reference to the Ku Klux Out
ELDRLDGE objected.
Mr. VAN WYCKE obtained leave to
make a report on Monday from the Com
mittee on Retrenchment, and haye it
printed. • . -
Mr. JULIAN, from the Comtee on
Public. Lands, reported a bill to co
extend the
provisions of the homestead act to the or
phan children of deceased soldiers who are
under the age of twenty-one years. Passed.
The SPEAKER presented 'various Eir l
°cativo communications, which were ro ll
forted. • •
The SPEAKER announced that under
the authority given him by the House, he
had asked the senior member, Mr. Wash
burn° of Illinois,to preside as Speaker
pro te r n, on Mond ay next.
On motion of Mr. BROOKS, the Reeon
struc: ion Committee was authorized to
send for persons and papers and to examine
witnesses` in reference to the States' of
Georgia, Mississippi, Texas and' Virginia.
• Mr. BOSWELL, from the Reconstruct '
tion Committee, reported back the Senate
amendment to rellevelrOin disabilities °or
fore provided for by law be revived, sub
ject only to the limitations now prescribed,
that the government organized under the
new Constitution of Georgia shall con
tinue in operation; during the pleasure of
Congress as provisional only, and the ex
pulsion of African members s hall be consid
ered null and void; such expelled members
shall resume their seats, their successors
vacating , the same, and no person shall be
a member of the Legislature or bold office
under the provisional, government who is
ineligible under the terms of the Fourteenth
Amendment. It is further .provided that
the Circuit and District Courts of the
United States shall have concurrent juris
diction with the. Courts tinder said provi
but su ch government of all offenses
shall a no t torts
United States Courts
proceed therein unless beh a lf s haw l
or some one on his behalf. shall make oath
before a Judge or Commissioner that justice
cannot be obtained in said prosional
Courts. Finally it is made the duty vi of the
President of the United States to cause to
be stationed in the ,State such part of the
land and naval forces of the - United States
as shall be sufficient to carry , the foregoing
provisions into execution.
On motion of Mr. SUMNER, the Senate
took lip the resolution expressing sympa
thy with the people of Spain.
Mr. DAVIS did not like the latter part of
the resolution recommending the abolition
of slavery, and characterized it as a piece
of officious interference.
Mr. SAULSBURY agreed with him.
The resolution- passed—foity-one yeas to
five nays.-
It Is in these words :
Resolved, That zingp of the United
States, sympathi with the people of
Spain in their effort to establish a more
liberal form of government, express their
confident hope it will be conducted to end
in such a way as to promote the triumph of
liberal institutions, and they earnestly ap
peal to the people not to allow the present
opportunity to pass without securing the
immediate emancination of slaves and the
final abolition of slavery throughout the
Spanish dominions. • •
At this point the Clerk of the House sp.
peered with the House resolutions 'on the
death of Thaddeus Stevens.
Mr. CAMERON formally announced the
death to the Senate, -end read a brief ad=
dress, tracing the history of the deceased,
reciting his past services, offer ed t h e
his character. He then offered the resolu
tions usual on such occasions.
Messrs. L,
and SUMNER B followe W d w it h eulo T. gies,whe ., n )
the Senate unanimously adopted the reso
lutions offered by Mr. Cameron, and ' ad
journed till to-morrow.
Finn IterH, SAT Q ; lc DA
tain persons elected to office in South Caro
lina and other States. 1.
The'amendment was concitrred in by the
requisite two-thiids.
Mr. TERRY,: from the Postoffice Coal
mittee, reported a joint resolution to allow
to Lewis D. Smith, Postmaster- at onia,
Michian, $136,1, the' amount of üblic
money g and stamps of which be had been
After some discussion, a vote by t Hers
showed there, was not a quorum present.
The death of Mr. Pinney, of Pennsylva
nia, was announced by his successor, Mr.
PETTIS, and remarks in eulogy of de
ceased were made by Messrs. Pettis, o'-
- Neil, Randall and Woodward.
One of the resolutions offered by Mr.
commit tee of nine to recei g ve p the remains
of the deceased at New York, on their ar
rival fromtirissels and accompanying
them to Pennsylvania, the Speaker ap
pointed as such committee Messrs. Pettis,
O'Neil, Randall, Woodward, Lawrence, of
Pennsylvania, Dawes, Blair, Cullom and
The House then adjourned until Monday.
Arrival of Gen. Rosecrans—Gold Hines Not
Taxed —Oll Wells Discovered —Earth
CBy Teissrapik to the Pittitearsh Gazette.)
SAN FRANCISCO, December lB.—Advicas
_from the City of Mexico to December 3d '
state that General Rosecrans, accompanied
by General Stuart, bad arrived, and Ives
cordially received.
Coaclusle has been- acknOwledged by the ,
President as a sovereign,' State under the
name of Cohaulia.
• The government has eXempted gold
mines from taxation.
Another town had experienced several
shooks of earthquakes within a few hours.-
A California company is preparing to'
work the newly disoovered oil wellsin the
State of Oaxaca, now running one hundred
and fifty to threw hundred barrels a day.
Foreign merchants at Colima threaten
to /saint unless - the - Legislatttre repeals the
oppresive law= levying monthly contribu
tions on them.
ißy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
NEW YORK, December 18,1868.
The World to-day in a leadine editorial
proposes the abolition of tax on tea, coffee
and sugar.
Augustus Marsb, who was arrested at
Memphis for having defrauded H. A. Heiser
and Sons of 115,000 in bonds, on a worth
less check, was yesterday discharged, hav
ing restored the bonds.
A rumor which had gained "circulation.,
to the effect that the whisky ring were
about either to fire or blow up the United
States Court building on Chambers street
for the purpose of destroying important
spidencle against members of .the Ant ,
proves entirely unfbunded.
—The nine hundred and sixtieth mAe
post on the Union Pacific Railroad has been
reached. •
obtain oon yesterday a jury had not
been ed in the Twitchell-Mll homi
cide case at Philadelphia.
—The body of Mr. Wm. Garvin, of Louis
ville,-has been recovered from the wreck
of the steamer United States.
—Gov. Swann, of Maryland, offers one
thousand dollars reward for the apprehen
sion of the assassins of Douglas Love.
,The Cincinnati and Louisville Mail Line
Company have directed their officers not
to accept petroleum as freight upon their
—Heavy shocks of an earthquake were
felt at the island of Hawaii on the 16th
ult., and subsequently the air was filled
with sparks.
—The Sheriff of Warren county, Georgia,
was shot and seriously wounded by un
known parties while on his way home last
Monday night. -
-The PhiladelPhla"Coancils have passed
an ordinance authorizing the erection -of a
City Hall and other public buildings Lu In
dependence Square.
—A bill will be introduced in Congress
to abolish fac simile franks, and giving the
privilege to Senators and itepresentatlyes
only while Congress is in session.
—Gen. Grant arrived in Cincinnati 'yes
terday morning. He was tendered a pub
lic reception by the Mayor, Which he de
clined. He left last night for Washington.
—The latest information from Augusta,
Arkansas, reports the place nearly deserted
by the citizena. Those remaining expect
an attack upon the militia hourly from out
alders. -
—Henry Clay Morrison, a one-armed sol
dier of Philadelphia, is supposed to have
been Murdered for bonds and money to the
amount of about $l,OOO, which' he had in
his possession.
—The Alumni of Princeton College in
dulged in a dinner on Thursday evening,
at which speeches were made by Ex-Gov
ernor Pollock, Dr. McOlosh and other
prpininent men. ,
—Chicago detectives Von had a desperate fight
in'a Saloon on Clark street, in that city,
Thursday night, in attempting to arrest
Thomas Cody, a despe rate character. Cody
was mortally woun ded..
— Americanresidents at Honolulu, Sand
wich Islands, had a torchlight procession
owthe reception of the news of the election
of Grant and Colfax. The . shipping in the
harbor displayed bunting.
—The father of }King Hamehameha, of
the Sandwich Islands died on the 24th
ult. Twenty-eight flags of foreign consul
,ates were displayed at half mast, also
those of the shipping in the harbor.
~ —ln the United States District Court at
-Pfilladelpnia, yesterday, a verdict was
found against four hundred hogsheads of
Sugar, which were invoiced as;molasses to
defraud the revenue. The amount involved
is 180,000. , 4
—Democratic members Of Congress have
petitioned the President to issue a procla
mation of amnesty to all persons engaged
in the rebellion now under presentment or
indictment. It is believed the document
will be issued. : •
—The farm of Ex-Governor Wis e, e in
Princess Anne county, Virginia, 'so long
held by the_Government, has been surren
dered to the owner. The Government has
also ordered payment of rent to the owner
'of Libby Prison.
—lsaac D. Young, one of the oldest
merchants of philadelphia, died on Thurs
day. He was in. General Scott's regiments
at Chippewa and Lundy's Lane, and had
been in business for more than forty years
on Chesnut street.
Mary Brown, one of three young ladies,
was fatally injured on Thursday, in at
tempting, to cross the Norristown railroad.
north of Philadelphia. The others were
severely bruised and stunned. Edward
Feeghan was killed on the same road on
the same day.
CONSTANTINOPLE, December 17.—1 t is
officially announced that the Sultan has re
solved to enforce his demands on Greece.
Four frigates , have sailed for the Archi-
LONDON. December 18—Evening.—The
following dispatch, dated Corfu, December
16th, has been received hire:
The government at Athens hag called out
the military reserves of the country, and
the mobilization of the national militia has
been ordered. A battalion of students is
forming at Athens and ten battalions of
Greek, subjects of the Sultan, are to be
enrolled. It is said a command bas been
offered to Garibaldi. The instant invasion
of Epirois is loudly called for.
The Times, in an article on the impending
war in the East, holds that Greece is• the
aggressive party, because she ordered her
vessels to fire upon all Turkishinen-of-war
who might attempt to overhaul them. The
Times thinks the Powers wilt bring such .
Pressure to bear upon the Athenian gov
ernment that peace will be speedily re
The Standard and Star both attribute the
outbreak in the East to the obstinacy of
European Powers in maintaining the statu
quo of the Ottoman Empire. - -
A dispatch from Constantinople charges
the Greeks-with. commencing hostilities.
It asserts that in the recent naval encounter
in the A_rchipelago the Erosis fires} the
first shot. The Turkish man-of-war re
turned the shot with effect and the Erosis
put on all steam and run into the harbor
of Syria. The dispatch adds that the Ero
sin was struck several times, and her mast
and smokestack badly damaged.
PARIS, December 1 8—Evening.—It is ru
mored the Turkish Admiral, Hobart Pasha,
followed the. !Greek , steamer Eros's into
the Port of Syria and sunk ber.
LoNnorr, December 18—Midnight.—The
following is the latest news which has been
received from the East:
The Greek government has dispatched
two men-of-war to Syria to demand of Ho
bart Pasha that he shall not obstruct the
free entrance of the Harbor. Three for
eign war vessels are at Syria, belonging
respectively to the French, British and
Russian navies. Hobart Pasha does not
attempt to blockade Syria. Be has already
allowed Greek ships to enter the Harbor.
A letter from Athens, dated December
10th, represents the city was the scene of
great popular animation.' Banda were
flocking from the interior and parading
around the city. Great bitterness of feel
ing was shown against the Admiral of the
French fleet in Plraccas, on account of the
energetic demands he had made on the
Greek Government to preserve peace.
PARIS, December 18.—The Patric has
special dispatches reporting that Turkish
ships have been sent to Greek waters to
establish a blockade, and that Turkish
troops are collecting on the Greek frontier
to prevent volunteers making irruption
into Thessaly and Macedonia:
PAers, December 18.—The' lifoniteur an
flounces that Loretta has been appointed
Foreign Minister in place of Moustier; Fos.
cade has been appointed Minister of the
Interior in place ofoFinarsi, and Grissier
Minister of Police. INfoustier has been
made a Senator. Pinard, who has been re•
moved, is said to be responsible for the
recent severe measures against the press.
host regrets the breaking out
of ties between,Turkey and Greece,
and hopes common action on the part of
the Great Powers will shorten the duration
and circumscribe the consequences of rap.
A Carnet conspiracy2has been discovered
in Navarre, and several persons implicated
in the affair have been arrested.
Penis, December 18.—The Emperor and
Empress to-day made a visit to Ex-Queen
Isabella, of Spain.
cia L l OJNouDrOnNa lDecember
i F n re the ch 'Mifnil
istry are a confirmation of the Emperor's
programme of policy, Which is liberal at
home and pacific abroad.
MADRID, December 18.—The elections for
members of the Cortez commence in the
cities to-day and in the provinces in a few
days. The Provisional Government reports
the public peace not likely to be disturbed.
The Government remains neutral in the
elections. •
A slight demonstration at Miranda, yes
terday, in favor of the Carlisle WaB soon
suppressed, and two of the leaders were
arrested. Miramon, bearer of the'Repub.
Haan Mad proclamation, was arrested yesterday,
at eira.
Pears, Deoambei The people of
HUngary have presented an address to Mr. •
Drake, thanking him for his services to the
LONDON, December 18--.E'ventng.--Con-•
sole 92y. Five.twenties 74,i. Erie 27M.
Illinois 96t.(.
Penis, December 18 . --Bourse is weak.
Relates have declined 69 francs,9o centimes.
, JELtvnit, DecemberlB.—Cotton lower, 122
franca on spot. -
Y, DEC},MBER 19, 18!8
O'CLOCK A. 31.
_ .
The Outbreak in the East--211111-
.tary Reserves in Greece Called
OUt'and Mobilization of Mili-
tia OrdereM—London Tunes and
and thiAntericau Debt—Earth
quake at Gibraltar—Change in
the French !Ministry—Elections
for the Spanish 'Cortez.
;By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.
LONDON! December 18.—The Marquis of
Salisbury denies the truth of the report
that the Government has determined to
recall Earl Mayo from India.
The Times. in an article on the recent pro
ceedings in the American Congress con
cerning the National credit, fears the ambi
guity of purpose apparent in the resolution
against repudiation, and argues if the world
was certain the United States would surely
pay the interest on their debt i gold, as
England and France do, the annua n l
of the country might be reduced one.half,
for England pays no more interest than the
United States, although her debt is twice
as large.
The Standard exults in the completion of
the, postal treaty between England and the
United States as a triumph of the Tory par
ty, and declares the benefits to mankind
by the Convention are immeasurable.
GIBPaLTAIt, December 1 8.—There was a
heavy shock of an earthquake here to-day,
but it caused no damage to life or property.
tGy TelegraDh to the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
WAsnixo.rou, Deeern ber .18, ISA
The Senate today confirmed Charles N.
Poor as Rear Admiral in the Navy, and va
rious other appointments in that branch of
public service.
All the members of the. Cabinet, except
Gen. Schofteld,'were present at the regular
Cabinet meeting to-day.
The bill introduced in the Senate by Mr.
thirtyrovides for the purchase orabout
acres of land on Iferlditu2 Hill, a near
Washington, as a site for an Executive
Mansion,and appropriating $125,000 for
such purchase.
The Senate Committee on Judiciiry
formally considered the Georgia question,
but came to no conclusion, owing to the
'absence of one member. I t • was decided
that the bill prepared by Senator Edmunds
should be presented as it was today, and re
ferred to the Committee to be taken up
'after recess. This is rega rded as foreshad
owing Congressional action orr the subject.
There may be some addition made to the
bili, such as that proposed by Mr. Stew
fortinishment for holding office con
to t he Fourteenth Amendment. The action
of the Committee thus far is in accordance
with the views presented by Gov.'Ballock
at the commencement of the session. •
A number of documents in relation to
the Union Pacific Railroad were presented
in the Ronde to-day, including one from
J. L. Williams, General Director of that
road, who says the Secretary' ottbe Interior,
judging from a paragraph in his annual re
port, misapprehends his meaning in a com
munication on this subject. RN estimate
of $35,000 a mile for railroad and telegraph
was only approximate, and whatever
Anther sum per mile required for the road
should be added. '
Unanimous consent was given in the
House to-dlty for General Van Wyck to
present on Monday a report from the Com
mittee on Retrenchment. •It is
understood the report willjustify Mr. Rol
lins, while it censures the-President for his
suspending indictments against the Ken
tucky Bourbon ,Company. A full state
ment concerning one of the New York dis
tricts is made.
The section in Senator liforton'i bill
which authorized the Secretary of the
'treasury to issue thirty year bonds, with
which to procure the balance of gold that
might be necessary for the redemption of
legal tenders, does not fix any rate ofinter
est, but leaves it a blank, tosbe filled in the
Senate. The report published in western
papers that - he had fixed the rate at 7 per
cent. is an error.
returned to — his practice in the Supremer
Court to-day, remarking to his friends that
he had withdrawn from poßtics.
Thirty-seven storekeepers wereappointed
ibr the Internal Revenue district of Ren
tticky yesterday.
The senatorship—specie Payments.-
Eulogies. • _
:From Our Own Coreespondentj
Weannforon, D. C., Dec. 17, 1868.
Correspondence by letter, from the great
centres of political and eommercial news has
been almost saperceded and rendered un
necessary:by the electric telegraph. Before
any epistolary comm' nnication can reaehl ta
destination by mail, the news it contains,`
if of any National importance, must neces
sarily be a very stale model to those who
regularly devour the columns of the daily
press. The case is different, in many in
stances, as far as regards matters of local
political interest and importance. In regard
to these, as well as other matters, we may
sometimes "go ftom home" to get informa
tion. .
I am not sure that at this time, even after
the most diligent inquiry, I can throw any
light upon a subject which is now readying
much attention in eastern, central and
western Pennsylvania. I refer to the
It is pretty generally admitted that West
ern Pennsylvania is entitled to the henkor of
the next United States Senatorship. It is to
be hoped that her claims in this regard will
not be overlooked or ignored, and that no
existing complications, or any that ' may,
hereafter arise, will be allowed to deprive
her of that , honor. Of all the counties in
the Western'portion of the State, none can
present higher claims than "old Allegheny."
It is due to her political record as aiell as
her commercial and manufacturing interests
that she should be permitted to send a Sen
ator to Washington for the next six years.
In conducting the canvass there are two
things that are worthy of more.than &passing
consideration. The Senator should be sound
on the tariff question, His orthodoxy on
the - subject of protection to the industrial
and manufacturing interests of the country
should be &Wee suspicion. Again, he
ahould be such an one, if possible, as will
co-operate heartily and harmoniously with
the present Republican Senator of Pennsyl.
yenta in all, measures that will . not only
advance the 'interests of the State but of •
the whole zonntry. Want of co-oferation
between the Pennsylvania Senators for the
last six or eight years has, in the •present
condition of the , country, been a serious
drawback. -Senator Cameron is sound to
'the core upon every distonctivepolitical doc
trine thqt has been enunciated by the great
Republican party.
So far as soundness on theiariff question,
and I may say:on every other, is concerned,
General J. K. Moorhead is all that could be
desired. Reis pressing his tariff bill with
great power, and wields no small influence
in the HOUSO of Representatives, Yester
day he succeeded, though not without much
opposition, in hiving it considered by the
House in Committee of the Whole. He is
largely identified with the manufacturing
interests of Pittsburgh, and his earnest - and
indefatigable labors on the Committee of
`Ways and •Means demonstrate that he is a
protectionist not merely by profession, but
from conviction. He understands thor- -
oughly the whole.routine of .nationallegis
lation, having served for the lastliecade as
the Representative in Congress of - the.
Twenty-second District of Pennsylvtufia.
During all that period' he gave, I am Der
,suaded, general satisfaction to his constittt
eats. As a Senator he would, doubtlesr,
discharge his duties faithfully and give
equal satisfaction. lie has, as his friends
claim, "a tower of strength" In the Eastern
part Of the -- State, and, in the• •
opuuon of
your, correspondent, lacks but Lone element
of support to secure his election. Unless
that 'element: comes to his aid, and that it
may is not beyond the range of probabilities.
I think he cannot be elected. Time will
demonstrate whether it will lend its support.
I am not conversant with the views of the
other gentlemen in Allegheny county whose
names have been mentioned in connection
with the'United States Senatorship, on the
question of protection. But I suppose they
are as sound as those of General .Moorhead,
and either of them, if elected, would be as
earnest in support of a protective tariff.
The matter of harmonions co-operation,
so faras personal feeling is concerned, Will
not, it is thought, be difficult of accomplish:
went. Notwithstanding the fact that will
be admitted by many, that General Cameron
may have had some grounds for complaint--
his actions and motives havirre, in a number
of instances, been misconstrued, as time has
sufficiently demonstrated,—he bears no per
sonal grudge to any. He said yesterday
that he bad not, as . yet, and did not, intend
to take any active part in the canvass for
United States Senator. in this resolution
he shows that prudence and sagacity which
have, so generally characterized his, career. _
He is willing to leave the whole matter to
the wisdom of the Legislature, and any one
whom they may elect will be perfectly ac
ceptable to him, provided he will carry - out
the true principles of Republicanism. This
is, the language of a true patriot and a wise
and sagacious statesman, enunciated, ad I
-believe from - an honest heart.
In this connection I may be permitte? to
say that I have not found any Senator who
is more firmly devoted to the great, princi
ples of the Republican party than General
Cameron, nor enewho has a more fixed and
honest purpose to secure their triumph.. He
has not, since he took his seat in the Senate,
been found to falter or vacillate in any in
stance. A goodly number of Senators have
told me that the more they see and know(
him, the more they esteem and reverence
him. One Senator said to me in converts
,yesterday, "We have got to look upon
Mr. Cameron as a kind of father, whose
paternal counsel we regard very highly."
The article which appeared' in the GAZETVE
a few days ago in vindication of the Gener
al is universally 'commended by all, with- -
whom I have conversed, that have read it.
As to the candidates for Senatorial honJ ,
ere in Pennsylvania, the following; in addl.
lion to -those in Allegheny county, are the
most prominent: Galusha A. Grow, Daw
son-Coleman and John Scott, of Hunting
don.. I think I have good authority for
saying that John Edgar Thompson, Esq.,
is not a candidate. I was assured by
several parties that if he ever has been a
candidate he has retired from - the contest
He is perfectly satisfied with the honor and
glory he has won as one of the greatest
and most successful railroad men of the age,
and declines being a candidate for Senato
rial favors. Should his numerous friends
at any time propose him as a candidate, it
will be in opposition to his wishes, and, in
the event of an (election, he would in all
probability decline to accept the position.
It is riot at all indelicate for your corres
pondent to say that he has been asked by a
number of leading statesmen and others if
the Hon. F. B. PENNIMAN, of the Gazv.rrri,
would allow his name to be Mentioned in
connection with the Senatorship. To this -
question I could not give either an affirma
tive or negative answer. I ' r ather held o
the idea, however, that Mr. PratimplAY, m ac
cording to his frequent declarations, ade
in my presence, does not desire honors of
this kind. As editor-in-chief of the GA
ZETTZ, he is accomplishingc niore• for' the ,
country and hpart than he could on
the floor of the Senate. But if he would al
low his name to be enrolled in the list of
candidates, none would be more delighted
than myself, becidse, of all those named
for the position, none is better qualified to
fill it. His minute acquaintance with local
and national politics, his ripe scholarship
and powers of persuasive eloquence, pre
eminently qualify him for becoming a Uni
ted States Senator.
Who, then, it is asked, will be the Sena
tor from Penn , rania? In the midst of I
. . . .
so many conflicting rumors, it is difficult
even to guess who shall be the successful
candidate, Those who are supposed to
wield the greatest influence in controlling
matters of this kind have not, I believe,
decided as yet upori the candidate they will
propose. Admittinilhaithe Western por
tion of the State has "some claims," they
[ cannot think of giving their influence to
any of the candidates in that region until
local difficulties are settled. Thee;• if the
matter is not arranged soon, they_ may
have settled down upon some Eastern mart !
In the present aspect of affairs it Is not'
likely that the matter will *amine any
tangible shape until after the organization
of the Legislature. This, it is said, owing
to existing complications, is the first thing
to be attended to. After that event It will
be time enough to take into serious consid
erotica the election of a' Senator. If those parties who Wield the most po
tento influence in matters of this kind have
determined upon a candidate, they have
not, up to this time, revealed (his name.
My own opinion is, that nothing decisive has
yet been arrived at. -
4 , max. Paltemsx. •
Governor Morton read a speech in the 1
Senate, yesterday, in support of his bill on
the resumption of specie payment. The
reading occupied about an hour and a ',half,
and was listened to by a hill audience in .
the galleries. Secretary McCullough was
on thefloor of the Senate during, a part of
the time. It is said he did not relish the
speech very much. -This is not at all un
-1 natural to suppose; inasmuch as the Secre
tary was characterized as a repudiator.
Senator Sumner took a seat near. by Gove
-nor Morton • during the delivery of the
, speech, and paid close attention 'to every ,
' word. The speech of Mr. Morton is a very
nice theory on•paper, and• sounded, well, -as '
he delivered it with a clear voice and
In a very impressive manner. It would be •
difficult, however, to carry it out practically.
The resumption of specie payment will never
prevent the flow of coin or bullion out of
the country until the balance of taule is In
favor of the United Statei.•And this will
never take place until we get sucha protec
tive tariff as will prevent the reckless im
portation of merchandise of foreign manu
facture. It is unnecessary to go over the
Senator's speed, as you have received a
liberal synopsis of it through the Associate
Pine, and has tbeen published In full in
soof the eastern papers.
The death of Hon. Thaddeus Stevens was
announced 'in the House to-day by Mr.
Dickey. A number of eloquent eulogies
were delivered. Among the ape/dress were
Judge Kelley, of Philadelphia; and Hoe.
J. K. Moorhead, of Pittsburgh. ". •