II ' fr lt- II :CITY SUBIJRBAN. II Five draaka and two disorderliea bred Miyor Drum% levee with their pres vhee Yesterday morning. • - • The hothrays'fari-Tgt s -capproaelllng now, and ladies virriiWirwlmow where to brig cheap goods, had better all at Macrum, .Glyde & Vo., 78 and 80 Marhet street. Surety of the. Peace.—Patriok McKenna made information, before the Mayoraes terday, against Thos. McKenna for sttre v t ty Ute peace." 'A - warrant - was hatted.. The Republicans of the Third Ward, Ai legheny, will hold a primary meeting Sat urday, evening, the 12th • inst., at! Cot Greo." laarst's, to place in Miinination wurd °Moen. • commuted—Juane° . 'Mitchell! yesterday nonunitted Thomas idaloney-tri , t,hei county bil, on a charge : of riot and' 'assault and attery, preferred against him „ by Thomas .I!etteraoni • • .., , . / 'Coroner's ilt ittst--Coironilarson held an Inquest yesterday..on the body of Thos. Crawford, a notice of :whose death IVO Pub- Utilzesl 'Yfolterday. • Tho jury returned 'a verdict of death Prom natural causes. - Is= Ite,,,,Holliay Goods .at lifacrnm, .GlYde fir 78 and 80 Market street. . Watch Statrd4lagar Stands and Calms, Writing _Vesks, Mcossaires, fancy Glovc Boxes, alummeht of leSee Goods, Ob.' • • Asianltithditittery.--Henrylifiller mtuka, information' before the"' Mayor. - yesterday, Sig unpin named. Hartman %with as sault and battery, alleging that the accused struck, hint in .the face with his fist:: warrant -was leaved. • Fined, . —winhunivhite; a colored min, created a row in a laget beer saloon, in the Tird ward, Allegheny, ,yesterdity 'after noon, for which he was arrested, and fined ten dollars by Mayor Drum. Repaid the fine and was released. - c Accident-to a ittorse... -Last evening about five o'clock # Valuable horse ; belon to Mr. nackensiein,•' briekmaker, 'fell- gin d own at the corner of Federal andJaokson streets, Allegheny, and was severely injured. The aninial will in all probability: die. -Bowser, of Irwin Eltation some weeks since brought suit assinsi Reenan-of.the .Greensburg Demo. erat s in one of ourtliountv..coartsi for. libel in an article recently published on him in that sheet. The trial comes , off next week. 1 r i Executive Committee Meeting.—.e publican Threcutive Committee or Alleghe ny City :will: hold's meeting at - the - City Treasurer's office, Monday evening, De= cember 14th„ .to transact sorstepreliminary businewrelativ‘to ttie ierus — Mig primary elections. • - Lectures and Concerts.—A project is on foot to,get Militate entertainments to be given at the V alleyehnrch t nmiley town. ship; ok atthe; church i n Fay ette. • The 'ent ertainments will consist' of lectu.ressnd- music, and the 'proceeds will be expended in the purchase of a library. - ek Agato.--Jaraaa W 0.142, a veteran • disordinly who had just been reliased from zeirmiated . yesterday - afternoon andiesnanded back. to that institution . bi **di Drum, In default Of fine of $20.00 for kicking up a row with his - liamily attempting tooAleirtidiall' their hciusehol d furniture.•„ „ •., • t . Held roe TriaLg-Johrt Boyle and brickAariEibs; 'Charged with having committed a felonious assault and bstterypu thsper l son of John McD6nald, on Friday Sight/ had a hearing yesterday, which resulted jin their being-held to bail fok. their aPPoar ewe at Court, in default of which they were Oonimitted • - • t 3 Boy lajured.--Yesterdity afternoccin tie/ boy named Wm. Cruel, while taking Wsled ride down Lindetistreet, lathe Third an •ftrd, Allegheny., collided , ,With a tree box the,sidewalk. "His, leiwas very badly braised and he sustained - other severe in jtwies. Be was taken to his home, In the vicinity, where his _lnjuries were . attended to by a physician. - • ' - Grand Bali. Mentiskucts Hoes piny, No, 1, of Birmingham, an organise. lion justly celebrated fer, the clover - .. and enterprising spirit of the members, are ar ranging to hold their third annual uniform and citizens dress ball,,to be lied it the Town Haiti Birmingham, on Christmas eve. A very pleasant and enjoyable dine' may he anticipated/ Larceny as Ettplie—e.-,Mary Ratiffraan made information yesterday befOrit Alder matiMcMastera, against Mrs. Rodgers, for larceny Sa . balleci. - -. The -ortiseoilkir alleges that the defendant borrowed !tom her sev eral articles of household furniture valued at *7,00, which she now refuses _to return. The accused resides in a court in the rear of the . African.church' on Wylie Street. Warrant issued. Brownen Dealh.—A man named Jainss fell dead in the bar room of ths. Western Hotel, lon Tenn street, near the canal, last'evening. about eight o'clock.. The• man was about twenty-seven years of ago, and had anived dining - the afternoon from, anCinnati. Fromyapers found in ids pok, session It appeaied•that he was a resident of, Law rence , hbuisseausetta. The Meaner will hold n hos aeatto-dar. Hindoo thin of idols, , nurthatties,' manners. cos: fumes, ; caurtehip„ by, Rev. Andr ew , Gordon, ten years missionary in tudla;_and. hie-daughter, to-night at t the church of Rev. Kerron Ridgeatreet, Allegheny city. Mr. Gor dond and his gift ed daughter will appear in full Rindoo dress, converse and athgln the'llindostanee, language, and exhibit- interesting and: in, structive scenes 6f Hindoo form ing an exceedthgly raja entertainment • • !serious Acchielq.'.i.Asi 'Col: Jatneit A. Grey, of Allegheny eity,, accompanied by hie wife and ,two daughters, were rid- . ing in their • - barouche/ down ;Federal street _last nht ,about nine o'clock, , . the, aliatt , broke a nd the horse took frignt - and dahhed at a fearful rate of ,speed down the stiecit. •At the corner; of Robinson street the vehicle wag overturned and the wen - pant' thrown violently out upon the street. Tile ladles escaped•injury.l Col. Grey was severely wounded, about the lead and face and the driver bad his right leg broken bel low the knee. pr. Rankin _attended the 'earelefas Worknum engaged in repairing building Ito. 141 Wood st ga ree, ad- Joining the *ell known far , emperium of 'William Fleming, built a fire -in a room onithe third floor on the hearthstone, there being no goate, and left the premises,with out putting< it. out. The embers :burned. thmfgh a jolce and falling,* tha Second Boor set fire; to ' some: shavings and scraps ; of lumber. The fire was, discovered' abOut• half-Tait eight o'clock end bye the aid of a , few steam' engines was. speedily queriChed.', I Had it raniained undiscovered much longer the banding, together with Fleming's great fur house, must soon , have been destroyed. 4 ,! • , Taken' Met on a Tridn..--A , Baltimore paper says: A 'lady named Mrs. Mary E. Rodgers, lately 'from Pittsburgh,' while • traveling in a train of the Philadelphia Railroad, was taken sick last" evening be:. tween Melvin, • de Grade and • this city. On the:arrival:of the train shortly ' after, eight ' o'dloek at OW President Street. `her;Dap:4 brother, Thomas•;Riebards, • who • was. to have met her, not appearing, it was thought I advisable that she . should be !removed to the Eastern station, where Captain/I.en ned, Pinvided:nouifortabjy. _Mr her. The services( of Dr. Erich ' were availed of, and by which , she was somewhat "ittlitoYect,' Sheluid recently lost heriAtiabOctin Pitts- , , urgh, ~. ,: , - „ ' - . • ,_ , 'll46Riati eoVieli* A"regular meeting of Allegheny City Connell*, Waitheid last evening Select Council. ' ken:khan Present . —illeatirs. Black, Brown, English, Faulkner, Gang, Gwiniaraahn, Krebs, Myler, T.' C. Patterson,, A. Patter son, Phillips, Reiter, A.' D. Smith, Win. Smith, Weise, WattaCh, and Preiddent Murkier. ' • " The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved. • . Mr. Brown presented a petition from - rens residing on Beaver street, asking for the construction of a sewer on said street from Strawberry alley to Montgomery . , avenue. Referred to the Street Committee. Mr. A. D. Smith, from , the Finance Com mittee, presented a communication from the Controller, accompanied by a conimu t nication from R. H. Smith, protesting against the city having any more lamp posts constructed of the pattern nowin use, he having obtained- a patent on said pa tern. Referred to,the'esanunigee on. Gas. Mr. Myler Presented thareport of the Str eet.cortimittee,"acoompanied by a reso. intim granting permission to Melons. W. and H. Walter to construct s private sewer on'Tbill street, and'also a resolution ittt thbrizing the appointment of a special com mittee of five to revise the present sewer age - • The report was accepted and the resolu tions adopted.' - On motion of Mr. Brown, the resolution relating to thpappointment of at:tamp:lMo°, was reconsidered, and the 'city • ',engineer and the, city golicitor were added to the Committee. • '„lf.r. Riddle offered a 'resolutien4Ovid ing that the first grade proposed fbr her street, be adopted. The resolution was not adopted. Mr. Brown, from the Water Committee, submitted the report of said Commit tee, accompanied by a resolution authori icing the , Controller to pay ovpr . to the Spring Garden Water , (.15Mpany - three $l,OOO water bondtin full, of consideration for water'mpes furnished by Said Company. . .The retion was _Accepted , and the resolu tion adopted. ,On motion of Mr. Myler, the nges were susrnded and the revolution passed CONTROLLER'S P.EPOIIi. Aix. A. D. Smith preEiented the of the Controller, 'or which the folloWing Is recapltnlationpf the eximaiditurets for the month of 'November: Np. & Engines. .. : b: - Streets ' 9. Contingpnt, li. Witte/ -works .13. Gar • ' Total' illl4lbr _ owe Air November, Paid Polleefor November Paid .. Paid City milkers . Mary Geed:Mew Cpenaiono.... . .; . Previously paid WarrAnts outstanding Theto dote • • / $265,651,24 The report`3vas accepted. and the' several bills referreato ordered:to be Paidi and the necessary transfers made. ' • Mr. English presented `ll report of the Police Committee which was ."accompanied by a resolution authorizing the emplop of ant . - ment additional polibettialt to be off-. tinned in -the Seventh ward. The. report was received 4 and the resoNlion adopted. ' - `Mr. htyler preiented au ;ordinance rftru.4 biting the assessment`foremerage moonier lots, yrhich,wrzs,adcid.- • r Mr. Philips el fi ncallp.the reieri of the Committee on Engines. laid over at a pre ' vionirefeeting, anttasked the iptiointment of. -a committee "of: oonfevmme. Messrs: Phillips attd.Hallwereappeinted.' Mr. Mjler Wanda resell:Wes authoris ing the City Engineer to prooeed with the work necessary .for the constructieir of a I complete snap pi the city, for the .Engi., neer a office. ' • .. Mr. Patterson - .offered ..`a resolution in structing the Street Commissioner to till up an excavation on Franklin street. Adopted. , • I Mr. Erebbs offered a resolution instruct - frig the Street Committee to prepare an ordinance for having the houses numbered in - the Eighth ward. Adopted. C. C. non concurred. I - nie•Cciinmitteeof Conference retails% to the purchase of a lot Adjoining the Colum bia Engine House, reported. The Commit tee recommended that Select Council re cede from former action arid" concur with Common Council. The report was adopted. Mr, Phillips ceibred . a xesolption direct. Ina the Comtnittee on - city _property to have new. supply gas Pipes P.Md in. ths City Hari. Referred to .the Committee .one city property. - • r , , ; Mr. Riddle called up an ordinance • for the grading of Jalleppa street, which bad been laid over it a previous meeting and moved its adoption. A vote was taken and the motion was lest and it was again • laid over. Mr. A. 'Patterson offered a esolUtion directing that an ordinance ' be r reported, creating two street districts, and providing for the appointment of two street ; commis. sioners. Adopted. • ," 'Mr. J. C. Patterson presented a resold tine slirectiulat au ordinaae - be repoited dividing the Wharf Into two districts, and tha llritmeat sr 'Pre Wharf -.Mestere, Ado ln all business not otherwise noted the Common Council ; concurred. Council adjou'rned. Coalmen Gennep, • • Counoil came to order at seven o'clock, Pneeldent Slagle occupying the Chair.. , At , the !calling' Of the roftby the cleik, Robert Robert Dilwmth llisq "the folkoWing mien bore answered to their names Mesirs: • Blair, Comley,.. Clark. Eyiter Groetzinger, Hanna, Hastings, Hochnly, Kennedy, LindsaytLey,-Megraw, McDon ald, McNeill, Ober, "Reynolds. Heed, Rich ardson, Heineman, Saints, Seldle, Slack, Tte, VOe a gtlYt - Wbttel Warner And Ptei de nt Slgle, - • - ' On motion of Mr. Tate, the reading of the minutes ofjhe weceding„ meeting-was AB& pensed ' " 7 Mr. Blair _presented a petition froni residents on South Canal stree4proteeting ;against the assessments for the gradinicand paving of sale eked: Referred tit Commit tee on streets. Mr. Warner presented a resolution *trading the Street ComMiasioner, to notify the:contractors for the paying of Franklin' street to place the sidewalks onsild street its passable condition, or hats• the contract cancelled. • • ro • • : `Cun: Tate moved to amend by •striking ha part relative to the penalty attach edle their nms.compliance with, the order. The amendmeht. was lost 4nd, rhe reso/h -tion adopted. " -• t Mr. ester, a resolution authorizing Mr. W.MailyelL to net es Bark ' measurer in the city until the next, regular election.. The resolution *as ado_pted. , Seidie a resolution instructing the Street , Committen to have the' houses •fu 4the"Eighth Ward nutribered and have the names of the streets lixeduhthe housesCin the uksteldmimer Mr Consley - momed to amenstby Author. icing the Committee to Collect:the Coat of the saute twat the ocenpauftofthe. houses. The resolution as amended was adopted. ! . . ,ZEroltat OF ;COMMITTEE OW :CM , Mr, Hastings from:the „Committee on gas presented ' theif;report;; stating -that they had found it iinrieoeuary to- inquire Into the reason - 01' the shorti supply 'of gas 1 throughout the•eity as the Gas Compann is making extensive a s Oils works., The following petitions for gas posts, at ilio. following- -po ints , Were xreesived: , on 'Sheffield ,Street -corium , of. Manhattan, cor:., - , er of ehartiens and miditray betymmithese Points, ~cogiiir- i it ?itell,,allev and .Isioptik street. , Resolnidorut,•instranting 'the 'ere& tien of 'theOtripsoltgat - the points named; - :'; • kap 15*-144ttritte sill oit" . Itint a trip e '' „AL .1883.. =ES were offered[ thsreport. . e report was accented andihe resolaticmeaclopted.. REPOT OF cDlamTnE ON FIRE =or:axial- Mr. ht ,.chairman of theConunittee on Piro', ' ~,i nessioted ft heir 14:Perk stating that, according tojnstructions ;of Councils, tiny had irppointed ft Superiu.. tendent of the Fire Alarm at a salary of $800... The gentleman appointed is the foil ' mar attendant, Mr. L. D. McCandless. The report was accepted, and the appointment 1 of the Committee confirmed. ....n REPORT OF 919 E COMMITTEE ON POOR FA H*. Mr. McNeil, from the Committee on Pods. Farm, ppresented their report as follows: ~> _ • .IThe Committee on PdOr Farm wonld - respectfallyrepeit in 'regard' to the severil farms proposed to the city for a Poor Form, aud which -were referred by Councibito them; In a former report, we recommended: the 'purchase of, the place • known as the , Braokinridge farm, for the reason that,there was no other proposition before us,. Since 'then the Directors: and. Connaki visited and viewed the above mentioned farm with that of Coffin and lifeKesrefi ' and,"also, the property of Messrs. Bqpd, all on.the Western Pennsyl vania Raihtod. roperty of Judge Mrdt;Bricksmidge The we p think. very uns and aita. ble, on acosunt ofits great difitance from the city with In corresponding advantage what ever. Thorium offifessra Coffin & McKeon being very hilly and uneven' and in no way adapted for a city put farm, we would not reconinend Its purchase. .• The farm whioh,Wiltam Boyd proposes to:ell. the Is city con about one hundred and thirty acres, (at e rate of $5OO per acre,) fronts On the astern. Pennsylvania Railroad, and is very favorably 'situated. - Corincils lowing Ben and examined the ni it le needless br,rus to say. anything naming the advent:Os; lie there/bre revrespectfully recommeid the adoption of thefollowing resolutioms ,__Kedolvel. By the : Select - and Common Councils that the Directors of the Poor be and they are hereby authorized and re quested ;o purchase the- anti 'Of Messrs. David and William Boyd, situated in In diana toviishilk - - - • " Mr. Hcchnly presented a communication from Jacob Huddle ct Bro., containing , a rirOpotitionofferint them their farm in In diana township at two hundred and seven ty-five dollars per acre, and citing the ad vantages possessed by - the same. The pe r was teferred to the Committee on Poor Farm. Object:in-was made to. the reception of ihe repert, because it was signed by bat four members Of •the Committee, Consid erable discwsaien,ensued on the. question of accepting the report.. , . The President finally, to - bring: the r e port, hebefore the Councilaf signed the report, he beingby virtue of his office, a member of the mittee. ' • Objection was -stilimade by Mr. Cowley, who elaiinedthat'the President of the Se lect Conscil was a member of the commit tee by the same right, Width wotild'make the committee consist of ten members, and as there Were but five signers to thereport, it was not yet legal- -, • Mr. Tate ` Stated that having the same feeling in regard to the matter as the Pres ident. lrewould also Riga the report, which made the report regally presented to Coun cils:For their•action. - . . 1 „ •.. - • On motion of Mr. Megrim the report was The question of adopting the aciCompany resolution was. then teti up. ;; Megraw Mr. Megrim moved the adoption of:the resolution authorizing the purchase of the Boyd Farm. Ilire trate-mord am the resoluticuS Systriking out the to 'wordends ”Witilata snit !Mild 80yd,V,,-_ and . inserting the ,words, “The Breckenridge Ffirm."'. -•.• ' '' .. I The Cheir deelded the nifitien out Wisdom; uit drairoYelthe original'itinalutioMl_:- - Mr. Hanna asked the ream:mot the Corn mittes for Bele:tin the 'Boyd FAirms. a - gated ~' • Mr. McNeil that - the oothmittee hed decided to recommendtheßoyd %hum, be cause of its nearness to the. city. It laid, well, he a front on thecriver and railroad, i was fertile:and easily ,workedvandseemed 1 in all respects to be admirably adapted for the purpose. • , Mr. Tate objected to the purchase of the Boydfarm. The river frontwhich was spoken of as an advantage, would require protection from.• the freshets of the river, and would therefore bean • expense. Then the farm was cut up ' by the railroad and township road; all of which ground was counted Brac k 'a farmcres lo tte d _; Wm. The enridge was at a longer distance from the city, bat is possessed of other advantages, such as a well laid out , farm, fertile /and, good ,springs, was not cut up into parcels, bat in one large Plane. - - Mr.• Megraw said the city would only have to pay, for what- land they bought. He considered , a farm located but eight miles from. the city worth considerable more than a , farm twenty-two .miles, 1 The question was discussed at greaf I length by Messrs. Tate, Megraw, Warner. Reynolft; Hanna; Slack - end others; which weefinally. out short, by :Mr. Slac who moved to refer. the matter back to` the k, Com mittee, with instructions that if a majority of. the Committee could not agree, in' reference to a resolution authorizing the - 'purchase ', ' of "S farm, that the not nor/Sy of, the Committee bring in a re= port to, the- Councils ,setting ,forth - their, views in regard to the matter. ' The motion waelost. • - • - MayMvrawr called fertile ,yeas and nays °lithe original motion for the . adoption of the resolution, with the !Mowing result: : ' Tinis-- - , Mesars IftairvEyster, Groetzinger, Hastings, Lindsay, Ley, Megraw McNeill, Ober Reynolds, Keine:moo, Saints, Seldle,•, Doe:Illy-14. ' " '' I` r . • Nays—Mesas. - Ccnaley, CLark, Hanna, Hochnly, Kennedy. McDonald, Richard lon, Slack, Tate, White, 'Wailer and Pres:' idenlfilagle-12. • ' . •-• • ' ' So the resolution Isms adopted. . _ . Pa= Ow TVs "CoIirMITTIM ON =circirmai, , Mr; Hanna, Chairmen of-the Committee on Mithets, presented their'report : . Gentlemen: Your - Corrimittee on Markets present 'the following - report' of 'receipts, from the hereinafter mentioned sources,., for the months of October and November; As followi: - .. , .. ' I\ Dalian i) Ilat,lerit of Market.- ''-• • ' ' October ... ' $2,V0,45 . November. 1,299,M Georgl Tots!. . " .......... .. ..... ... ~. - 7 --- 83,588,55 11 e e r * * sityp:Amotio ss.,:iieg, 87 fir t ienkben - . -.' . 'a. ....:.4, ~ Total.. .... ...- ...... .............. osa,9; . John totoo ' Weir tad ward Peach . October .... ' '‘, r. . ... .. t 28,00 , 580,17 2 ... F, To r t i e be l r". ---- '413,M , riotg ham ail source .' 14,914,77 A Mr. M' ld presented a petition from • propertyown ers intim' vi c ini t y 'asking for the erect! n of, a fire' plug at ,the ..corner of 'fitedgwick street and Ohlb avenue. Re !erred t ot e Committee on Water. 1 • Mr. tulip presented ,an ordinance changing:the grade of Fairmont street,sind moved Its adoption. ..7, . -t: ,-: ' Mr. Slack moved to amend by referring [_the matter to the Street Committee. theOmle:p offered a resolution instruct=' lug Committee on Markets to keep the pavements around the Markets clear of slush and ice. Adopted. ' In all other business not rioted; C. C. concurred, after whioh, on motion, ad- - journed. ...II Mk% •• • /.441.15 • • • 11. 25709 •• 0%. 42 •• 5547 15, =B,ll •V 1.551,25 4,149,n • " F. 24 .a $L1,60:4151. ..1f 252 ,372.81 • 675414 • • ' Bodies Recovered, The 'bodies of Mr. Fahriestoek end, dough. : , ter, who were host on board the ill-fhted . • • steamboat United States, have been reCov ered and will be forwarded. toPhilidelphia -for interment. The body of miss . P• was so , shockingly burned as to. reader it utterly impossible for her friende to recognize it as the r one they were in, search of•: Several other parties elatined the corpse as that of =some missing friend. ,Fprtunately a ring wa found on the finger of the , mutilated and burped body with the • name "Grace" eugraved inside. A telegram-to this city :asking 'if Miss - F. had. stich%a :ring Vas `promptly answered in the affirmative, as .she was,,,known to have possessed one of the deseription, slid thus wet the body rec-k bgnized and given to friends. I yrice Carrent of the Popalax, Wholesale aag,„lletall House of W.llllaffilFletning, _ tylo 139:1,Yeed Street:';- - _ Mr. Williatr- Fleining,--who.inS large measure leads the far trade of these parts, has just Waned from his popular emporium a bulletin of prices, which must prove a • mattet:of convenience and information to our - reader& - The hotise has on hand a large, magnificent and judiciously assorted stock of hire, which tot' Variety. beauty and excellencecan no where else be sarpossed, • if approhed. All the styles are wimple, nously shown in the commodious sales rooms of-the magnificent-building occupied by Mr. Fleming, and the, visitor will also find all the various grades, colors and qual ities known to furriers„ Sets neat; .rich and comfortable range in price, as , will be .0b- Seieved by:the annexed. quotatlons, at ft)* five up to two,hundred db - llars. -There - are a few polite in the'busineas system of this great establishment that commend it An strong-terms tothe confidence of the reader, and accounts f6r the great share of patron age. .thet - -,18 directed ,towards ',lt at. all seasons of. the year. These maybe briefly stated : 1. largeSfid numerous sales with !small profits are preferable tolew and small sales at exhbrbitant profita: 2.. Allsoods are warranted. No cleilk is permitted inder - any consideration to make false repreientations in order to sell goods. This rule inspires all purchasers with con fidence and enables'the house to sustain a high - and enviable reputation for honorable 8. -The advantages procured by the pre prietor through his large purchases are shared with his patrons, affording them opportunliv i r to 'save from 15 to 25 per cent. on all the ones , the,yleave with hishouse. 4. The , ock is never .permitted to run down, but 4s always kept , up to the outside requirements of the wholesale and retail trade. " Other houses might with conalciera Ede ad vantage folio* these rules, and, in due course of time would , in all probabilit y do perhaps as large and successful briefness as is now transacted at Fleming's.. Here is the price current just issued : , WM. PLEDiinGII BIILLETpf OP PRICK& FrOOOh Coney Sets fore 5,00 ,worth 7.09 Water Mink •6 6 7,00 g' 9,00 St ti ,61 Si 10,00 It 13,00 AniericatiFiteh '` 7 • 0 0 . f! 9 . 0 0 c 6 German Fitch 66 18,00 •• 24,00 se is 26,00 30,00 IS 'Si 6L 'IS 40,00 . 6400 Siberian Squir'l 66 66 9,50 66 12,00 Is ft SS 12,00 is ; 16.00 64 if 16,00 ; 2000 2400 800,0 . 4,50 . 66 • 6.00 •, 66 30,00 66 • 86,00 IS CS 40,00• II 60,00, si It 60,00 60 ,00 IS •St ti IS 76,00 St 00,00 .11 125,00 4, ,s 4, 160.0 0 . ,200,00 Two striped Mink Muffs, 16,00 ..• • 66 20,00 Three " 20,00 ' 25,00 Four " ‘ 1 28,00 , " Men's Beaver Collars, 5,50 7;09 Si 64 Si 6,50 11. • • 9,00 GlOves, - 6,50 ' 9,00 Caps, . - 4,50 " . 6,00 116 6,00 66 . 0.00 ~8 ,00 66 "., 1100 All new styles of Hats and .Caps re, Calved daily at Fleming's, 139 Wood street. Chil@en's sets Mink Sable, -s4 Otter Censer's Inquest—AßM Case.' We made brief mention yeaterday Of the case of Samuel Grady, who'was in the lock up, supposed to be in a dying condition, and hazarded the opinio n that be would not re cover, althofigh a 'skilful physic i an:and kind nurses attended him. Our fears *rare , rea-' lized, the unfortunate man dying about three o'clock Thursday morning. Coroner Clawson was apprized of the fact and yes terday afternoon held an inguest; at which the following facts were eli cietd: The deceased was a resident of Wilkins. burg, aged about forty-five years, a cc a widowg er a hi nd o byo sta up m n , c a r o roborat Ac bydih ers, he had been drinking to excess, and WAS laboring ender the effects of delirium tremens. On Monday evening alled at the office of u ll .D. Cowley, in Ea s t Liber ty,' and p red some medicine.. ff.he Doctor, 'who: is called before the jury, tea tilled that the deceased told , him he had been on a spree "for ten weeks," and, he 'was .convinced that he was -then • on. the verge of delirium tremens. - The Doctor prescribed and the indict left. He is next seen by :policenaan Tithothy Ke ll ey, on. Tuesday night and • Wednesday morning., -He told the policeman he was cold and was conveyed to Shoenberger's blast ftirnace and was left standing in front of the boilers. After a time he took off his coat and climb: ed, up and laid down on the bricks between the boilers. Believing that the man re quired proper care and attention, word was sent by the mill hands to the Mayor's of fice, and after some delay he was conveyed thither. Here he remained from about two' o'clock in the afternoon until ten at night before medical attendance was procured. At that time Dr. Julian Rogers was called and did all in his power to-tave the life of the poor man, but his efforts, and these who kindly assisted him, proved fruitl ess. The Doctor testi fi ed that be died from ' ex haustion and exposure. The remains of the deceased were taken in charge by his brother-inlaW, Hugh Ward, and conveyed to his residence, No. 40 Palo Alto street, Allegheny city. We give the bete without comment, yet their simple recital affords abundant food, for thought. The Coroner's fury returned a verdict that the deceaaed came tohis death' from destitution and exposure.: , . Important to Pensioner's. By the limitation of the Ach of Congress, July 14, 1862, known as 1 118 ,1 Tel:talon Act," application for'invalid pension it not made within one year from discharge, commenc ed from the,date of filing the application,' and the intermediate Period from discharge to making application web lost, and by the limitations of the'Act of July'4, 1864, ap plications by widowei, minor children or other heirs entitled to the.- benefits of the pension lairs; were required tio'be made in' 'less than three year* nem the death of the. soldier or sailer • on whose behalf the pen sion was claimed. If not made;within that period, the, commencement of the pension Ishould date from Ming of the last paper in 'the case. The Act ,of julY 27,1888, extends the time in both olassee of pensions to five years from data 'of discharge or death. Those who have not drawn a pension from the date of their discharge from theaervice,, or fro% the death of their relative, can coi-f led the arrears for the intermediate period. • Soldiers , of the war'of 1812 and the.Mex lean war, or their heirs, are entitled tb the samepension as those of the recent febel lion. For further 'information we refer toltir. Halli Patterson, sttorney •at law, 71 Grant street. The Bevlns-Heausings Imbroglio. James G..Bevitm, of New York, arrived , . .In the city yesterday--Morning and made information before the Mayor, alleging that ticeorge Hemmings , was a fugitive fr om •justlce from 'the State of New York, and that_ requialtion, had been .obtained from 'Governor Fenton , on Governor ' Geary .for his return. He further alleges that !Hemmingti is obarged with grand - larceny, • on path of James Itynch‘ • :Hemmings =was arrested,,and;before he had obtained ball, John U. Kerr, Eeq, obtained a writ of habeas corpus, which was made returnable this morning .at. ten cOolook. , •Hemmings Was then placettin the lock-ttp. Azialcas poccu in the case for &dates against Mr. and Mrs. Bevirts was issued and Rifted in the' hands of , the Sheriff, and 'Fill probably. .he served:this morning. No ftirther developments.., : -." • MIS. Where and What to. Pkrehase. The near approach of ChrisimEuriltb its attendant joyeand preen - Fes young with antleipation. There is no.more gladsome, heartwarming and welcome hol iday in the whole calendar than the anni versary of the birth of Christ in the stable of Bethlehem. It smoothes the wrinkles on our brows, takes put the gray hairs from our locks, • loosens our heEtrta and makes children of us alt. In In its presence we forget business cares, throw aside anx iety and glve ourselves -up to pleasure and enjoyment.. With Christmaa comes the happy, season for present - making, and few there are who do not expect, some offering of love, gratitude and friendship from friends and relatives. The custom is a timo honored,:and - hallowed one and, we think there is no reader so lost to generous im pulse, and so self:tab, as to refuse to ac knowledge it as the very -poetry .of grati tude.' Presuming that all are anxious to become donors during the holidays, a few words abcent what will serve beet for pres ent-making will;be appropriate here. For mothers, daughters, wives, nieces and sweet hearts, the gentlemen can purchase nothing that will please better than a tea eiet, a pair of china - vases, - a 'statuette, or any of the numberless articles. of use and • beauty embraced in the splendid stock of Breed. dr. Co., No. 10 Wood street. Thil firm has made special arrangements for, supplying their w.holesale and retail Patrons with geode suitable for the holi days, and in ew have' largestesh from- the imp ortersone of • the and finest assortment of china, glass, silver plated, part= and queensware ever opened in' this city. It embraces byerythlng that is rich, new and novel, and it would be ut terly useless and vain to attempt to give the reader any proper idea of the general ex- tent and beauty of the thousand and one different articles which crowd their com rnedious building from cellar to_ garret. Those desiring to, purchase anything in the- line should themselves visit the honse, alit our word for it, they will see ad much bi - -admire that they will wish they • were worth 'a million of dollars so that they could purchase all that charms their eyes and satisfies their tastes. ,The assortment on the first floor-is exceedingly large and fine, I embracing fine Bohemian glass vases, toilet sets. mantle sets; cologne bottles, ex guillitely fine cut glassware,- Parisan busts and 'statuettes, rich china dinner and tea set% handsome and elaborate chinavases, elegant mounted . vases, beautiful articles of lata ware, such as vases, figures, smok ing seta, dec., wl4te and gold baud- granite_ ware, parlor flower p3ta of charming pat terns and designe,' and ak splendid assort= rnenVcifchina preference cups. • The firm retake a specialty of silveriplateil wares, and have an elegant supply ton hand. The stock of staple goods is immense, and af fords admirable -choice and sale:Mon t but as we •before remarked, the reader anust visit the establishment himself to gain . : a proper idea .of the general beauty, , corn - pletenest andvariety.xtr.theratock. offered to, heliday purchaseits.;: This',liciniss is the pioneer, of tile huitiness in Pittsburgh and has weer *Maine(' high and - enviable repu tation.';', Its present- proprietore - fair dealing, courteous find obliging gentlemen and we bespeak for. them ttuttlarge- shake of patronage their business emterprise in laying in so large satockfor•the season so eminently merits and , deserves, . , AIIMERIpUbI. OPERA. Housa."The attendance, at the . Opera House was quite large last ,taght. "Narcissi), the. Vagract," :wee reprodneed ,,, with Mr. Adams in the title role:, To-night' Mr. Adams takes a compliment benefit, at which will be 3tresemted• the I "Soialphir's Dream, • or. the Marble Heart," is whiah' Mr. Adam! sustains two .01111ridisereca On. Monday evenitur Mies Maggie ltateheawill commence an engagement. att t his- estao-dell. lishment. Mtrezum.—The attractions at Burnell's Museum are quite numerous and htuidreda of persons, young and - old, visit it daily. ACADEMY OF Music.—This evening Ole Bull, the celebrated Violinist, assisted - by a hence ofeelebrities,the Ac *ill giye one of their excellent concerts at ademy of Mu--' . Rim As such opportunities for hearing ex- cellenthiusie are few and seldom offered, the Academy will doubtless be crowded to the extant of its capacity. • - • Pezaps Ross, the. iCknowledged Queen of Song, will give one of her grand concerts at the Academy of Music, Wednesdeyeven ing, December 16th. She will be assisted by a corps of vocalists, whose reputation Is second,only to Parepaz .11/Pme. Pampa is on her way East from California, from whence she came by the overland route, after one.of the most brilliant and aucceaa. fulopera seasons. Bier • name is sufficient , to tiq any hall' in - the - country. • ' -- PITT/Mt:MON • '.1.7/EATRII.--MigEr Bate Fisher continues to be the attraction-at the Old Theatre. The attendance- was ,very good last night and the entertainment a most ,excellent one. .."Scamps of London: or Atter Dark" was the piece played, and it was so highly appreciated that the Man ager conelteled 'to repeat - it to-night. TA/KBLES Veattirriss.—The attraction at the Varieties are as brilliant as ever. "The Female Forty Thieves" is the • after-piece to-night, and we learn will be preceded by a local drama of great i n terest. . Great Isulucententa, Mr. Tr:tier:nen, the' extensive and popu lar clothing merchant; proprietor of tbe , . original big No. 11, on late - St Clair Sixth, , . ..,. . .• atreat,,advertises in another column a rare inducement to purchasers.• Hehas a aplsra did stock of new goods in the way.of seas onable coats, - ' pants and ' Testa - on hand, which he offers at aperfect sacrifice. Every article of clOthing is' marked with lar cards atthe lowest caskprices, and `pur chasers may rely on being fairly dealt with.- Any persOn wanting :we ll tilde and Stylish clothing, at very cheap prices, should cut out the card found, in. another column, whiekise,s, good as . wo dodge lo the pur chaser- 'cif tvreitty-five dollars ' ( Worth of clothing,and• at :once visit- this large and well conducted'eStablishment. Mr. Tratter r man believes in treating everybody fairly and squarely land the utmost confidence cal] be reposed in his word at all times, and as he advertises such rare inducements this reader can put faith in them and benefit himself thereby. . . . . Reit . Eatate Transfers. - . .. The following deeds were. fil , ed of record , • before H. finively, P.sq.,‘Recorder, Dec. 10, 1868. t Matilda Ronhisti i. 3 oberlin Tete, December . 7, 1831: lot on Dtrialo4 street, Sewkkley. 866 y 48 feet.‘ , 76o Joseph B. cubbage to Immo Hunter, April 1,1368; two lots in tirMffl tare.. Robinson township, on, Fourth street, 40 by Ite feet two Casper Roth to Christ Baker, Nov. 14.1868 lots ho. 4 And 6ln sub-cllyialon of Cool Hill tract $' Henry Gernet to William Young, June 11. le&I; lot Boo on 'Wharton street. Rut Birmingham, 20 bye° fea .... r Dr: A:Lt.: Murdoch to M. & M. Nat. Bank of .ffilto burgh, Juno 3..1867; part of lot 3411, Woods Dian. Wood street, Pittsburgh Leo achaildt to Adam Kredasels, Nove mb e r9o. 1864; lot In the .Beren tb ward Al egteny $690 Joseph L. Duncan tollfalcolu. 'Henry. Decembers, 1868; lot on the 'Corner of Pella street and Irwin alley, Fourth ward,T/Itsburgh 4 M by 110 fret,— : ...._ ... .. $l2, Jr . seph Walton to Eltlah Puker September 7, M olo t lot in Scott tpurnattlp:. afijolnitig Mansfield, 100 E by IGO feet i William a lexander to 7 hOmaslllll, et al, N.. Pena. ber =, 1668; lots No. 8 and 4, in Block's plan, Fifth spode J. V. Davie to William Wilson, June 11, 1868; !Ica. in " • Sass township, containing three acres $1,020' • Terpsichoresai.Prof. Cooper, ' at" his hii fashionable Dancing Academo.,fil,nith street, is now - forming new dayand even ing classes fora the second time. In addl.. . tion to . the varied_ Curriculum of - dance studies, special attention will' be paid to three *pular quadrilles of 'the day,-!the'. Empire, Parisian an German, which are all ' the rage in Europe and the' cities of Amenca. • • ' -, - ' - Call and see the Patent Loeuge at T . . B. Young tir Co's, No. 38 Smithfield street... PRISSIVE3. Base Of Fed . eral ninth& no* Aliction.--That rare •old stankcornet the Diamond and Federal- Reit, 'Ane.'„, gheny. Is to be sold on Monday ext at - twO o'clock. Such an Opportunity ti secures -first rate business footing sold m occurs. See advertisement on tifth,pagery vs A. LEGasxv, mrioneer.- _ The Long Required Want.—r.ent • Rett. Lounge, combining beauty, duri(llty cheapness. For sale at the inantketu T. R. Young & Co., 88 Smithfield Teet..-.. Deafness. filindliess, Citart, , And all 'affections of the. Throat, Ltuigiv Heart, Stomach, Liver and. Herne Sim tom, treated successfully at Dr. bowie - Medical and Surgical Institute, Smithfield street. , tt, The cheapness of the Patent Lowe; ft) sale by T. B. Young & Co., makes horn& within the reach of all. Call and seitqte. Smithfield street,. . , It Is a luxury and a 'commit to Jte, shave, or have youi luur ent or. dressdak the elegant establishnientor H. B Wan* son, No. 190 Federal street, Allegkoy; Combination LoMige'and Bed with smg mattress, an invaluable article for the i>}• eery. For sale only at T. B. Young do 4441 ; No. 88 Smithfield street' • • ' Shoe Dealeri and store keepers sup& with Miller's Leather' PreseirvitOr. e ea; at Thompson's Bruen and licition attire. 1•. Bert Patent Bed Lounge in the conntri at T. •B. Young dt 38 13ndttitiel Try Millers Leather Preservitor td Boots and Shoes, sold' at 240 Liberty Streit Ileatquarters'fdr lirtiatimA3lacking, litatabes—T4onipson's, 240 Libisrty • The place to , get White Lime, Calc/Mit Plaster, Hydraulic Cement. is at Ecker fil: Cluakey's, 167 Pint street. - :I No Hotuiiia complete•without one of Patent Lounges. For nate at B. Yce de Co's, Nu... 38 Smithfield street. LCKFA.II-_-211A8T1N—.63 tha' realdeaqal:of OW bride's pareßts t Ttusakagtrlag Nave Walk 28th, by Hev Jaka 8, Clark, ILD4 Ilapg/itta Alt 1 itev. Sarnaiil CoBkaa,ktr. JOSEPH Muss FANS 1f:31A41,11N, all of Ausikaay l v#,: No cards.' _ ' ?: WEI'. AIELVI___________VIIMERTAICEE4 No. MI FOVREnisrmazTt_ Pittatntrgh. Pa 4 NS of all kinds. CBAJEI93: IitCOYES. azidffvl ery description of. Ftseral - itindshlng Goods fur. Edited. arriages Booms oPen ALT sad , Eight ,:liearse AI4 C fandsiked. • • itzramaiseze—Bev. D a vid ' Zen, D 15:, ker..* W. Jacobus.•P l D.j.-Thomas .4wlng, Iraqi. iattub 334 - Miner, Eta. ' - . . ,L . , , . .. . . . .. . &PEERLEITRE4 d '' SAKILIO3 AND ET Lfiimr_ll3T.4.l3 R . corner goinstimisp OftyvabdeirroititatetraGOVlN llCl:effai._ wood, Nalc i r iPP osny and Walt r gm (1411* atimhses'lns. rying from ft to 1111X1. - Bodies founts:N. meat. Hearse* and bi, . ..... also. ,OW mnds of Xournlng Goodarireontred., mums per;; Si all hours. day and nigh{. : • , • • ~.. :-- - . k ;" , ,t ' Aril ,'EIVII:11:. RODNEYTIMM* TAXER AND *MR T 1411. ' No. 4E:, gee Ito=4 T, Allegheny . 'maim eettetltsdly oin MAAS" -lar assortment or ready-made Coe= 'oi tika TOW -lowing kinds: BIM, the , celebratetilmerielnlhts , nil eases, Metallic._ Belf-seaunir Alr-tism cieess and Caskets, and Rosewood, 'Walnut mod Hosemset Imitation C offins.. - Walisufrvoiens DIN& $ll5 ay wards. Rosewood Indtsition . Cottz 4510.104 wards, and no palm will be apared_ta re einsiV satisfaction.' Crape AnditHoves ed troe r charge. Best Hearses an ,4C A l tie ssrlages !brushed alli moat notice. -Canis/Ms ed to- tanerals *LI -00 OT.cii.. , :.REiliti : .• : ,::., * . wnserimp Tv- ' IIEPR9VE • THE stfinrf .DUNSEATIi . .&.:H*B4ETT... -4 ENRY- G. !WM • ITEROELUIT. TAILOIL Comer °filen - on* St. Clair Btreet l / 2 , Has rtmentsmow hs stock ono at the lastest sad most ar Fall acid *inter Goocis ever brotirht to this stock- embniees tra the laturffremth and linglisit atususaistoses of f acepra,auumais 40 'fisro oo 4l7 l BeB Also. a faiths. of Gent's Assalsidnit Good& DOWN ROES 111E,PRICES4 I* 0/i.0.7161 TO 7418.. - ej..solt WITH TEX -1 DOWNWARD _TENDENCY. oR Itiregfv! Yx C. A. • norcitign. _ ORIGINAL BED FRONT TEA 'WARMAN:MA I4 114 sammennELD ,firnizet, . ..- . .-! OPE •I.TD DOSTONNIOR.! . witzezty -ALL Teas, .. Coffees, Sugars, SPite4 .ricktiri cep.4 , &Cif ' tit . . Ai.mp . c.H• z.ourxeit\iatEs fi' , ~, than heretofore:..GoDda r marked doint thin mor n lag. Buy 'where yet( can eke beat Iat!LOWIDI f r•EXCES , .' ' : 2.1 1 ‘.,. :t: _i • WITS'rvLL W~IGS!. arGoods delivered 'protOpUy to all puts of city 'and sorrow:idiot boroughs flee of' chaige. s t 0 ,.,.::.,A.V:-.:30.V . C.T1.ER, RED FRONT -TEA -'W4IOIIIOEDE GOODS. - • • ; - - FOR A STYLISH OVERCOAT 1 1 Pon A STYLISH DR.RBBSAA_ A y' : FORA STYLISH BUSINKaa covr A t• • ; . • BUR A rrYLEM WALEINU CL - FORA STYLiaa PAIR Or PAN i _ 7: '. i FOR A BTYLISH'VEB/0/ ALL a, . 4.- FOr all the lagrat style* eat clothes, made of the mad - :4 material. and by first-class workmen. sad at price, sa a ralagly low, go to the well known-Merchant - '', 1111111MENHEED. Y • NO. 's° ST. CLAIa STIMET t flow Sixth. Taos. S. DAL:. x. D 41717DX. X. it , THE ENDERSERAIED HAVE 451. • BOCL&T3D themielves seitethez ter the " PRACTICE OF' ait]ra)tarns.. • ZoltaLl ea,:310. 19 STOCrroN T A ' HOB. P 1M13,Wif49 s - 8. SUTTON, MARaIE= tTh7DERTAIIMRS; HEIM SPECTACLES, Fort Jrazir as m , wf iMmm. , AT ,IR 1 1413MITHTIVLD STRUT` " PO! , 3WW,.4AMMI MU ISE IL I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers