The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, November 19, 1868, Image 4

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111"1411112614 afr •Proiastolk
~z. Mak
11 , , *spa tam
Ti; liotniVott.
OinneT i• ,
13t MID
Already' thereleort , comes to %enlist site
public hsn: been precledmed at Madrid, and
that Many leaders of the Spanish people
have rded monarchical ideas forever.
The LA rid silithnoltiriCountry of
Europe' syinpathizen "with' -iierer move
ment, reD44l43ll:italuncescasperialin to in
augur2terf._6T f3PalltlAncic,sa.c.Xilarmony,
Peace; 41: P_Torr. Wf..9 .ie4 a4 ll / 1 replace
bet among the Wang nations of 'the world.
We can to. no' —evidences that
her lOW 3:ret`, sowdlcallytenetrated
with the intelligent spirit of ti, tree Democ
racy, alto encourages, just hope that any
"ertein of a parely popular self-novernment
is about to be accepted or established. below.
the. Pyrenees. 'lle utmost that can be!ex- -
petted, from the 'Republican kOilvdonet 'Which
begin now to leaven the eases in Spain,
will be their imprint upon thelhenited con
statagional monaeclky to wilich.sher people;
are destined .to come. . The imtluence _of
English example is stronger in . Spain than
bat of any other foreign -at Ilion on- the
debe, and, although our o*. Republic in
not without its intelligent admirers ::4PB
her people, vet is is Ao En gland that the
predominant middle eilifiaep of Spain will
look for the tine type of their` own_ moat
fitting institutions, ;and Avlll feel their pre
femme to be warranted big exexiiple so
sear to them ands° ioonspicuous for its suc
eessfultombination of national power with
indiedual freedom. The "day has tot yet
mene,tolookifortherealization of a national
Democracy in anypart of the EnrOpean con
tinent, and !east of 411 upon the 'lberian pc
ilia I
risu vonuor -
• -WORRI . ;_frakcs• i g ; : ,
oppio• - ' Co •910-•%;, 1 „,,
• oruir:7474,- \ (lisivaJtira,
.r.. 43 . it e1mk=0 ) ,. 7 Iti Sits`w i ii t 7 , 10.,64,,,i
-f,„ bon!.
siatitalaT, NOVPuri lft 19 *
10111' '7'llolP"' teigettg'iliso co: Wed
vostlstOmd-OgtorfkgYs, the beet * chaff
sit fOasf iteogpotre remwtYleaFaia.
Ilmonkireh litekfrflreiitoo i a rmne ,
:14094. • Oss fM.ftalest
teen a use saestrataidemorkedgeperts of any
paper in floe /.3141- iika :awaited crap
tiosik the awls of Xleilkany etfrunto,
joiireferePogia imam doterfailie
the rutin*, pricoa maths naerketsot the times!'
buiios;tiansadiso is dispute. MIMS
'4EIO CiPisinl4 Van *Lrotli ; # 4 OW. OffiC 6 l
41* in 'dub of tat: $ll5, ! t ied_onifre•
,theletYr tir of *O. irepecimen my*
aitai free Soany,aedroa.
*8 VENT *OD tie rinsias pas!ei of
- isorlkire GireconctEliseo•
;er kanteacturing Mena. 'Third .altd
Eizkrials: -,A, 144 qt. ColivrieM e 4
i 1 / 11
Jititiifrc4itteat aeafeboai4 ?Ire. Somatlt
A Womatl onWOMen'S FafikarThSe
e Apilkatio7l4triStri2lalla Bfatiftg of
MedissassiTh 1:44h,
Got& iteee,d, inaiew York Y yet
, TIES marriage of the7Vice Presidesit e/ect,
SninTnali. eouF took place yes
- -terdaxatakndovii, Ohio. The bridal PartY
readleilthe day by lest Viellint-f, trail; $44
left* in ar fa'
the Vatet,„Ae.particuhas of -which pre noted
' .ink .
Ilteisu; 'the w' of 'Vie seasonsy sus
'Tended, .there ,will lie oconliletel over one
' - -thousand-miles of the tithe Union taifie, Rail
road, ' The :rapidity .iivitic ;which this greet.
iin**lcingtois'been . pit forward : excites
7ondetrtied-themork when cOmpleted will
form theleOndest-toonvonentin the world
' Ao ropeorkerfaise*Alul viecluulkag-abilitr.
quiteetV7ByirOc, east by,Tienifirork; t a
Ake VCei f1e0074-11:14". t 414 tho.mato
lial pro gM‘B of the 'EmP IIB -*et§ kePt
*nlitlW4OetlePltteoo with* taPan-,
Apixr,oin vote eeveste tkest (Ns ' -
"stonil4lo eeme•Poeitietiveeletti(elr , tow
Theadvance Qr theie
and iidjohianic,- Comasitivesttlis has
beeii*Bfari* 44 11 2 th e, 04tee causeji.
•werklngbeireePOP*restilte.Weg mote
t The
jounce Weitterh States hay.Vsitaved
:ra'pidly. •
: Ge+l4l34uns, of /Oboist odchibite the
:•44baclwni.tvvoy,reitdatte'Sust, on* In ii
tic:ahem. 37.nentIve,, :The: on* of the'
reelfleithe"election roleeti• the to*eliste;'
- in tn-451061"3-31**thet ljnlv e invol l44 :
cknitia-thef4eiet 00 Union•vee n ate . still
-tiling in - viie*fite the l'eders 'Oth l ni_ V;
They - feel:once skiin' Olathe iiinliouo not
leign nt
beeno94oolo•ffienOlied to? tlkti'
• terror teit•cPtielfideti, oeW three reke
I,4 , ,itt.:Tisteka - ‘ , o:4witelps '614 Oh
over f4iti.iirfio= public , sthltit*, , l l
hiogiago.=: - ..ii. ibithriseeeoen; the Judg.
atenfotilwieetriae hienieemPtly. &reified=
alm444grottng loyalty , 'sad- iisall
'the tijeWefthellSonvte *eget Wet-,
• riq:cillaitille, IreiteOlii. -TheGement
of ** '6ovt:lfeebiree in ti4EignoP • lethet
'the levirth,eir, be petritaine&mr pea. lip,
:with eAthilefite rcfe#4 , Intl iii4 Crnt lr '•
1 vorgriikel3iowigoi, je . Tiehtre, re:
eentCtf_!nblkekiietetileP 0.*4
lives Of the sister States
-_,....•..',L2--,... -1
. 4
_. 4 _.----- r —p----
• Taiiime conwielions .fddizioi - Whom
• vehave just übW, ; ii otii libilster;tB Eng.
" land, The other .tuin ,Dognio unquietly
lugus up and down the rem of the 'stage,
while the plenipotentlaxy struts. , his, : brief
hour' before ithe foot-lights If the, latter
persists in hiseeifterft tee:dal:ill" tdinialisp:
c elite the briefirsterlud'::_yet left beforeenin
exorable popular willfihwa -down th,e cur
' tale! which shall forever after hide them
both from human .enl,.iffiirstit tremble for
usequessee& - -„Per the 'Presidents not
the eo
maia t,o g' content. with a secon
''. the -
it be
be lon &11,/ pnblic•,iffidr, and will
Ithortly make 'himself heard in Berne way
sluedshall mark his , - own sense of his
sl 'dignity: In' the • meantime; the .
Ifills—ib?*.., nit'erture- • is 39 .2' e l t 3 F 9
some of hislnallah Mends that Texas is as
' ;safe toi;intaiblitig - -iiiiliti&nts, as any part
,-ef , the Union. ' Here is the way he phts it
• - " o at-'there are acts of iiioleseein: that
Stat4ibino 4kollbc trues but , not mom, I bf.
have, than occur in either of, She other
ittateigi' or in any other'ebnntry. I have no'
doubt, therefOreethat grants emilnto the
alal4will be aNisge Ss ar to
the 17,n10n.!,,--::_:..-..':,'.:.......;::_______:.:::
/- -
_ _
~ ,
• •
Ar 4 civneul, proelemetion,from the Gov- 1
erto 4if tilt Cclozon "Yealth• 6 inounP es
the election of_tvtentrthree Congressmen
, , . , , .
in Octobtr, the netneneorrespimding to the
gensallt sesugll6-itctA .1.1(114.-
os VestutorelsoV diattlOtt,4lA:Megert the
--Jtille#l44- tirtsreit;lici,golitiog iisvii
bseirsoesvid"byithe dscrtotwrof xi, 0 Poo-
MOOesith;oll/COlidt Ilifider the a ll
love etithttiltetat 400014-10-thettk.Ologileirn,
the *woof any wiOn as
belting her - 4 ro.
Owned duty 010 Wit member of the Elsnee
of Itepresentetlyo44 Or Ilaite4St ste l lar
that dtiltetet.o - - -•- •• • - -
Two Write cestliatec love. bees given
M the Itsttirtiludgei itittds district; Oro Us
il vi*
its. CovototoUtditathifitibil6Poneot,
Mf, Y0W1101., , Other 00911SteltrOtelhintIP
inn lige thet'S tefieltitalifitOt telie
Idea Brturgi.4 f&tifi.cs!CS:of :naturaliza
lion, issued istrbpsibtobia Only fnurbt-fivd
flays ,
before the eledion, are discovered to.;
babe:been voted -upon--of course, for-the
Democutic candidate , 100 distric!-
S B 4 wilds to the weight of the testimony
vbiat till satisfy oOngreis—upon 41d 0i
this settlement of the- contrcrversy
'Tave—that ,Covons has, bees elected
by a clear jaaji,nit" of thelegal 'votes of 4.19,
- -
VhepeoPle of 'England have achieved a
wonderful triumith: The recent Parliame7
tory being the first under the 're:
farmed and enlarged suffrage, have resulted
in a largely incoemed Liberal majority in
.the Omni:nen% the ' London • Tina.; placing
ibat-maiority atone hundred and twenty.
ant even , this extrwrdiam'y manifestation of
Liberal progress is not the
.• most ccmspicu
.Mis element , wlich the =vas haa display.
wad. In-the fact that the enlarged constit-
Tnencies--adaonalderable part of • which have
..exercised the privileges of
,the Toter for the
lint time—have, in the main, conducted the
' Oleo:dons with an unprecedentoi good order
'.tind decorum," ia-blba,ftiNuid, perhVs, one, of
the highest inix)fathat lhe iniases have been
oducated, by the progress of events, into a
thorougt litioss for their newly acquired
Tights of citizensbirr. Disorder, ricesaid.
Tenality bovO, from immemorial' ays, chit
011the .English hustings:' With each
inlargssuent of the suffrage quallficationshas
-come ancoally marked improvement in the
Word, of the succeeding canvasses, until
now we arelinfonned that the last great step,
-which has almost made It man and a voter
„oynonyttiots terms throughout England,
,has been istangsanted in the most orderly
and quiet diction ever known in , the his.
'• tory of the tdngdom. , ,
-; Who stall hereafter, ireEnglikbd; i that
aY '
,ininWgent and Christian People are unfit
or Incompetent to govern themselves? Who
skall estimate the ialtirnate limits of that in.
finenee,, toworda More' radical" and:
comprebansive. progress in the , direction
of a - „' and practical,. Democracy-,
renta,frOM this tethibition of
the wise self-controi,of a great people ?
'Ainerinsas, *Jere is nothing. surprising
that eiPi3riefice which 136 jit
the sling/143i, not'Only of Englishmen,
of all 'Burette; It simply gratifies our
• National - pride 'to perceive that a kindred
People havircome to share with us in sub.
inission to this. one essential princiPle which
node:gee. 811.sfightly constituted govern--
Pl-entB4e.. eFM±led 10.aut4olita# con .
lent , the goyerned. Let. us equally re.
loies3,tliat the peoPle thatland—a mother
land for so much of liiierlea-liave taken
'Ob"lorik a step 'fortiori; that
which'; will inevitably letul - them to a' still
more enlightened civilization and to loftier
national' glories. , •,
_ •
The subject of introducing daily papers
into thepublia schools in, place of , the read
ers now in use eicites conaiderable attn.-
_ '
tiou. The reasons ' urged in favor of the
proposition are more tbsa counterbalanced
by those, put forward is o pposition to t;he
innoVation. The _.. Philadelphia Prim in. .
commenting on till subject, says:
tiThe literary tone of 'a daily Paper can
not be bigb, except in some few favored im.
stances. However brillbutt, or .classicatly
-pure from time to tiine certain-articles or
selections may be, as 'a rule," a newspaPer .
-cannot be accepted as a 'model. of style.
Then,,could we rely on the average class of
teachers to select the best of such as would
be found? And, dually, there mwd,"always
be in a ne.wstiaper certain departments and
subjects which should not be brought Under
the eyes'of children, as, , for instance, the
p o llov xdualaa, the record of crimes* awl-.
cidentec.aild athousand thing's whichgrown
uppeople deinarid, but which children , had
better not be taught too y. _
it 18 a sad .conuneatary on the times in
-which we live that a daily journal cannot
be made up with just such matter sawkigh the t
With impunity be placed in the hands of
purest and most inno cent `W ith out t h e fear
of entail; illitkrOns imninquences= in
to rapid dayof prOgress and edvanal.
, I
meat the conductor of a rtewßtperi. is
-forced to give p 'tietiriii Ma Cein*i.” tO mat t ,
- . '
ter which would much remain un
written, but the demand Eby thalamic'
for mtnutepart iculani of all OA it goingeili .
about thenx-Of anthOitalmatugro tostireathe
isolcolpn,,, 14.13u00 1 a SenSterlr i V n"
Ability, the editor expunges gock, mattgr
from his paper, he is' ' , at 01101
~ w
ili it?
I taCk Of entmilie, sad lik )e .
t h
~ .
. . . .
' .
. .
~.-, ' ' .7 A i r• , "..... ,- ' l .' '-. ,-- • - , -,,,,,, --i t is i r'.i ,'. 1,3 , , 4 . 1 . , --
._ ...
''.1,45,ii-' I . lffiiift 7r
till ''
l'i' gSVA.T . . iityvE , - r ....0,,,-1868,•'' V.
willarnP‘nt tiikii Patronage On.,
Pie:74OORA 04 hk tTle banefss; Until n
11/07e correct t;414 eilstA i* the aildr ik * ,
Tger 110%01, -Oh, munch ea the reanse , .
ger of a paper, - areresPoiniiiiite 'O:4 JO *l
\tents, the Asily jool l 4, sh.vold *kit eivii.
of the schoolroom, 'and the prosy readers
retained f(_2r_Lo.:_tthe. °tin ' •' .
United States Senators fromTennsilvnuia.
As the question "Who shall be the Uni
ted States _Senatorfrom PennsylvWts to
succeed-Mr. Brickalew ?" is now:_asitating
the politicians, or rather the RepaWcans --
who have the Majority of the Legislaturti'
thanks to aid' patriotism of our oeople-it'
may be flab() uninteresting to , : know Who
have held`the honorable position.
Te following list prepared-from the OR
cial h
records by- the. Titusville Herald, gives ,
the name of,every enatot from Pennsylvat
nia from the commencementof theGovern
merit under the constitution<MarCh 4, 1789)
to the present time, with the deW3 on which
each commenced Ida term of service, and
whin, the term expired, 'either bylaw or res
ignation ' ,
William lifeclay, Xiaron a 1789,March 8 ,
1791. 1
Albert Gallatin, rehrsary 20, 179 a, Feb
ruary 28, 1794. (Mr. Geiatin's seat was
vacated by a resolution. of the Senate, he
nineeig a citizen of the 'United States
years, as required by the Constitution.)
s Ross, April 1, 1794, March 8,1908.
Meekl 1808. Re
y, March 4,
signed. _
- Michael Leib, December 12, 1808, March
3, 1809. (To fill unexpired term.)
Michael Leib, March 4, 1809; Itedgmed.
Jonatium Roberts, February 24i 1814,
March 3, 1815. (To fill unexPlred term.)
Jonathan Roberts, Marchr-4, 1815, March
8, 1821. ,
William Findley, March 4,1881, marou
3, 1827.
Isaac D. Barnard, March 1827. ne
e ,irge M. Dallas, -Decernbes 18, 1881,
„ . 13,1838. (To fill unexpired term.)
nel McSeart, March 4, 1683, 1 farch
3, lea
Sturgeea, March 18 39 1 March ,
3, 1851.1 1 ,
Richaid Broadhead,March 4, 1851 March
3,1857. 1 i 4867. Ria-
Simo Cameron, March' 4,
signed. • _
David Wilmot, March 14, 1862, March
'3, 1857. ' (To till unexpired terse.)
Charles R. Buckalew, 'March 4, 1863.
(Term expires March 8, 1869.)
Robert Morris,' March 4, 1789, March
3, 1795.
William Bingham, March 4, 1795, March
3, 1891. ' - A
Teter 31.nbi ,
enberg March 4, 1801. Re
George Logan, July \ 18, 1801, March 8,
07. (To fill unexpired term.)
Andrew Gregg, March 4, 1807, March 3,
Abner Lticock, March 40813, March
Walter Lowrie, March- 1819, March 3,
• ' Wm. Mark, March 4, 1825, March 3,1531:
Wm. Wilkins, March 4,1831, Reeigned.
James Buchanan, December _6, 1884,
'March 3, 1837.. (To fill unexpired terra.,
James Buchshazi March 4, IN 7, March
3, 1843.
James B a chman;March 4, 1848. Re
, Simon Cameron, March 13, IBA , March
8, 1849, . (Toldl unexpired-Im%)
James Cooper, March 4, 1849, March 3,
Wm. Iligler,Marck4lBss, March 3,1861.
Edgar Cowan, March 4, 1861, Match 3,
Simon Cameron, March 4, 1867. (Term
nires March 4, 1878.)
Opinions out= Preis.
.. : moo its wanton sepubucia .3 _
'Mr. Grow is now aprominent candidate
for the next United. State* Senatership His
on by
name hasbeen presented for the positi
the HePtiblican press, -sin& is *;enctoined
many - taiitinthiential journals in all Secti
of the State. We of Me; northeagetn, tier
ire milted 40011.1i414. lielleying our ,clabith
ere entitled to. ecogon, =Atha& . our in-,
terests are of sidlloient, impetuses to wax
flint our chifirdit'repreSentaLiont intim list
of honorable and respmisible positions with;
in ttie-,gtft : .-or ; the
,partj.,* - The ' p eop le- of
PennitYlffaitSiere. Mr.-Grow : a elitist/111dd
reward for thesoccesareeently ecnievedini,
der ble 'auspices. Thele iiiiiiiiiii ie..
the Legislaturosielieo, so no One re mo de-.
aerrin4.,aralmoim better tinalifiedbs, natuhepla ce re;
eduation and eaperielme to : ado flu t
'withelistingnished fidelity and credit to the
_Stater .1.,;,...., -i,lis. 1 ' . ~ 1 ;
-tiggerit'tbe nige,Sll slailer.3. L ,'
. Since' the October-electin- 'them bas - be
. . -.
more or Tess , in . the Repel's' of
,Penniiyi*iiiiii uponike object of a alleterC:•
sor to Mr. BnckaleiV i it the' Eremite of the
United States. The mania .of , some '..very
O cellent St ates .
'have .;.been =flounced, but.
none Have we aCen,that meets our =proved,
•as nukh mi that of ilia G :' W:. Bolted
of Warren Ounty: We look upon m as,
pre-eminently epialified. for AMA high awl .
sponsible position, and ma trust the • good
sense of the Legislatuts will be. shown in
his election,— If .IMige Scofield - was as well
known in other parts of the Stale as he la in
this district, we believe te..woulciscarcely
have =opponent. Where keit known kis ,
superior talents and capacity for so promi
nent a position, are appregiar. ' -
rirroai the York True Detuocrit•V
Aside from the well custom of
party regulation, 001,8rItOr Gearrpossessee
strong claims sa a candidate for re.nomina.
sip..: As an executive, lie is secondlo no
mat` esti filled the ribertniterill slier ''
of this , Commonwealth. His adminlstra
tien has „been 'marked 'by stutacity, states'.
rilftrishilli and MnswerYing fidelity; not 914.
to tbsparty that placed him in ; power, bat ;
to the rat principles of justicaand lib erty . 1,
C P role the Hollideraqurwrieeleter.y •. -,
Gelrral Geary W.:teen . .A .Bond soldie r ,
inakei an able, safest:ld exellentvort li
and the people of the gleriaus . Old Key..
stone will continne, him in his:present posi, i
tion a Oddity equal 'to' ' that 'which; She
'has j ust ki to
yen his old on:omi= in totqz -
Genral emit.' -., •,•. . . ,`.
-',: '• ' thowithe'etuto Guare4
'According to precedent established by,
the Itepiiblicois of the Legislature, . State
I Treourers are.rerelected ,fer••.; thrse:Aorpip,,
General Irwin is in his first ten= ,as "-we
. qtestion whether any man . placed at the
bead of the Treasury ever; ,in iso, short a
made' SO' ablesa so stiesesSfUl ban=
'Buse;el officer/Ille'imifortit deOrtMent; both
*ad a man and an ofilmM has been unenceo- ,
tionable. - •''''' ' ' '' '
Management of-10n0t.,,,n Elie:tom
~.. „, /
T h ere ] i s no unhorm ;lay for voting in
England as there
/ is 'were; but the limit - of
variation in time cannot Much exceed a
*WC ln every place entitled to 'be repie-
Seated in Parliament is a person called "the
returning officer," whose duty it is to man
age the election.. In counties, the Sheriff;
And•in cities end berduglis the Mayor,- Tiai
liff, or some other person duly appointed, is
, the returning officer. The writs froth tbe
Lord Chancellor of the Ilthigdom are dis
patehed to these 'returning Officers, com
mending them to electtheir members,which
they must do in boroughs • within tix days
titer the I receipt of the writ; while in the
counties twelve days are allowed, - but the
election must not be Veld sooner than the
, sixth day.- 'Upon the day fixed, called the
nomination day, a • covered platform called
thelustings is erected in thelprincipal tot;
e i.
Ini Colin es andln some,eonvenient loan
in °di' places, Upon whiChl the candidate ;
for el don and their, friends; assemble. The
return g officer takes the oath against hril,
bery and for theproper (Waage of his'da4
ties. The candidates are proposed by'one sup
porter and Seconded by another. They then
dreai thetlectors{ statiig their, political ,
opinions and their claims represent thee).
It the number of persona proposed dries net
exceed• that which the _electors are entitled
\ to send to Parliament, the* are elected then
and there; if more be I put4 in nomination,
and .a ntdst . arises. the returni gn officer
calls f or a "show of hands," and declares,'
which ctindidate has the largest nuraberheld
np ftwhiM, but as ' there is no way, of dis
covering whether ..all mhol thus give their
*fote are entitled to one, any,candidate un-'
wilTing to abide by . this decision may de
mand : a poll. 'When° th is. is . taken, each
elector appears before persOns appointed by
the returning officer as hid deputies, and de
cides for which candidate he intends to
vote. This poll is entered by the clerks la
the poll-books, which at , the • expiration of
time allotired by_law for pelting, are taken
to the' returning officer. : The votes, are
added cip and the candidate who are found
to have ,gained the highest I:mml:kr of votes
are deoluiedby him to be duly elected. In
counties the poll remains open for two d ys,
And in Citi es and boron r one only.
Jams • Pairrow r ites in l'ae ror.
Morithiy : , 1
N ,
If you look into e early life of nil
helpful men, those w make life easierau
nobler to those who Como after the yr
will almost invariably find that they 4irl
purely in the days oPtheir)renth. In
life the brain, though aboundingin v g(
la sensitive and very) susceptible-4o in tar,
and this to such a degree that a "corn I
tively brief and mbderate indulgel 1
Vicious pleasures appears , to lower the on,
and impair both the delicaky and effici cl
of the brain for life. This is not reac • ng,
boys, it is simply the truth of sci e nce .' 1
. 1 .
Dann oy A Roviscifnm.—On Sunday,
in Paris, died -Baron Slimes Rothschild,.
fifth son of Mayer Anieler Rothschild, the
founder of the gt:est Bothschlid• Boopetitt,
family of bankers. toe fitharbid tench it"
dren, , five of them out. - Jared was the
head of.the house in 'Paria. l, . Be was born
May sth 1722, and was ore tt, -fibleSill MI
brother itoieeien, in 'fermi, but erreuttially 7
i took up his. residence in . Pat*: The 4 five
brothers 6-instituted but one • firm, in which
'sill had an equal interest; =bilt condueted the
maunder fire branches, eatunrthe
. .of one of :hp brothers .fire
Vi ' 011;PmesItheenlyeunitUl 11414; ,
/bbt the putAiheri. AIM Amilr of .the Oda
rillifigiVitio l l44llo4t bow takeilizto
, . ,
- .
Supreuie Court. _
.., Suprem e .
Court met at the •usuas hour yes ' relay
morning. Present, Chief 'Justice T comp
son, Judges Sharsafood, Read an Wil
liams. The following business was trans
acted: .
W. D. Mobre, on motion of M. W Ache
son. Thomas M. IlayitO, on potion John
U. Etimpton, and John WiTaylor, n mo
i tion.of John R. Large, were' duty q e el
knd Admitted to t practice in this 130
Thefollowing cases were argued: •
Carnahan .vs. RroWn, anii_BoYe • Siert
Allegheny county Common Please. ~' Snir
matted. I . '
Foster dc Co. vs: Fowler &0., AlleghenT
county' District Court. Argued by Smith
for plaintiff
Loin-.eror, and by D. W. Bell
for J. L. wry and by Bit for Fou
ler & Co. • 1- . ,
Wainright vg. McCullough. Continned.
Line vs. Harrold, Ro•judgment'or ordered.
Snow et se. vs. Thompson Oil Company.
Judgment adirmed._. Opinion.hy Reed, J.
Lewis. Lane vs. the Conronwealth, Al
legheny county; Oyer and ermlner. Judg
-mentrrovereed and' venire/de novo awarded.
Opinion by Tisotapony/-.T: ',This opinion
will be found in fall eleawhere.] _
Chapman vs.. Chapman et - al., Fayette
bounty., Judgment , affirmed. , Opinion by
AgueYl. j.' - ; __. . - ‘.. :• , • ~
Baker's appestilli, Westmoreland county.
Decrees, made. length.„,,Opinionby 4g-
The dOurt tien adjourned to meet in
P.hilsidelphia on the first Monday in Jan
-1109 neXt. - - .6,:_... "-- '
Q. S. District ouitr-luslg6 M'Candlea.
-Henry Mollronn, indicted for _retailing
liquoru without libense, plead guilty, and
was sentenced td,psYa, fine c o stae United.,
States Of,twentv Aoll suld s
• Inthe Bankr . . .. branch ',petitions' for
dilieblage wore . e. by "Aaron Mine, Ja
bob B. Sayder; • trick' Keiran.lames S.
'Baker and W in.•lt..' Maker; of LIITATIIO
county, .and Jam es H. Fellows, of. rdford
county. and the usual orders were
The jury::yere discharged until Monday;
I Nov: SO,. Ms. ,- 7 ' • • '" '
Abatis.; Court--Judge,llsunpton. • •
Court met at the usual briar, Judge
llamptonon the' bench. •
cation of Pitts
Bulldlust and loan .Assoc '. •
burgh vs. Jacobus et a 1.., retorted - on trial
yesterday, net Yet concluded.'
Bolloyolng is the trial list ibr
• 28. - Alcheson vs. Waldeln. •
29. Wolf vs.' Marian Oil I Company. •
• Si. •Vola4..dadnitstratots of Jacob
- 131ckendor n.
Herron vd Patterson, Neel:ions & Co.
84. - Graff. vit. Spence.
id ; -; • • •
as. ollee 4irt: 7 Ditberidg7e 4
ST. Ilaiferet alj O'B wills
rie et l . •
88, MoUlargz - Vs.
.Company. . •
Walla sisllP;w—ll/4-ge Mteprett.
Conti met at ten o'clock yesterday morn
ing, Judge %erred, \ea'ths bench.. The fol
lowing busintite was transacted. •
• .- . Tip•O*l9ll2. 4132MULT. ' ~ .. , •
Susan Troy, indicted for felonious assault
and batterv,on oath of Ellen .IDripps, was
put on trial, _and plead not: guilty. , The ao
oused, it appears, had threatened to run a
carving knife through the proseontri,,but
made no attempt to wry,: her , threat into
execution, The jury found a: erdlot of not
guilty, stud the accused was , 0180 1 targed.
. . ,
The next ease taken,lip*eith Common-,
wealth 'vs.'.Tohn ' GUILTY
indicted 'for
receivintr stolen goods:, It Was'. alleged' by
the prover:diem ' Mat gni . aceinunt had TW-
A:4mnd a lot of ?inroad iron which was said
fee have been stolen from the Outer Depot
Of the PillsburgbiTort Wayne and Chicago
Railroad Coinpauy. - The trod alleged to
have . beeti stolen *is !bend in' the defend'
ant's stable, in the Sixth ' ward. The 'jury
:returned a !cutlet of' no) gulltir.
, i , , ti., .171 1..
" I ' . , YAMS I'o1 1 09/ 03, . ~ jr.
,wititgo,A; Hollis, indicted for oinitin -
Ingmohey wilder Same pretenses, was next ,
put Alan trier. - It a pp earl -. that the de
fendent Fat ent Went, 10 , the Alnerlea n
Life Ineuridoe CrompanY, at: ,In • that ear,
Racity hadAlven a policy, Christopher
'Kuhlman tor $3,0,00,,iind, ,alliti. Ruhlioan
10 not theVeatly tam* lo Tier the' pre
iriillMi dloilis adVanoedliftr dollars, tele*
tug Kabhuart's note , for the same. Before
the money was veld t° Bolliikldr. Kuhlman
'dled,•and , edr. SAM, it is allegedo clew ed
thatbeWas entitled ; to , et portico of the
1111,000 on account of having advanced, the
nnydollant , • Ms demand was at . first • re•
fused, hut, Bolds threatened la have the
payment of the polloy.,stopped, if he was .
not well , 414 end•linally sucoeeded in as
tvintnii- 1W illism Kuhlman, Om fat
'Orli or KUMMltOta ra . . 11
.!'k t : f - 1 ini bea
tioO changing him " with ootaugt, money
under false-pretences.. The testimony was
concluded, and Counsel will argue tips case
before the jury this mo'rning.
Common Ju
Pleas—dge Stowe.
. . ,
Burke & Glom vs. Francis L. Lee, et rd.,
reported yesterday. Verdict for plaintiff
for 1)201.47: ' "
Joseph - Wolsenereft, vs. Sigmund Gold
stein. %This was an action brought to re
cover damages, alleged to have been-sus
tained for malicious loosecution and false
impilioriment. "The plaintiff in this action
being desirous of taking to himself a wife,
,on tho lit of July, a fried
came to;tids city for the purpose of procur.
O n g the . tramway. outfit for - the occasion,
wentar having accomplished his miathon,
borne, and upon opening and exam
ininghla ,purchasta, found that apair - of
boys pants hal been had
in the package
instead of thOse he had purclissed and d
for. He came back to the city the next day
to have the pants exchanged so as to by
ready for the ;wedding, which was• to take
'race that everting, but instead of effecting
an exchtinke,_Goldstein had him arrested
tor larceny, alleidng that he had stolen the
panti. He was contlned in the lock-up
until late itithe evening, when the case was
discharged . bi We MaYer- Ileum the so
for damages. Jury out. . ..
The following isthe trial list foy:
179. Virurtzel & Co. vs. Duckhara r tY•da.. ' -
192". Scott vs. Grafton & Noble..
183. Slipper va N.etterin et rm
187. Hilkor vs. Cooper & Co. • .
193. Frishkorn vs. Dunning. t. - . •
202. Bauer 113. MoCharen.
201. 'Volum vs. Bart.
205. Werner vs. Brown. _
207. Idiebel vs. Bosanbach et al.
208. Carlin et al. vs. Connelly l.
210. Foley Haberman et' a
Ina Haberman
Real Estate. Transfers.
Tho following deeds.iirere tiled of record
before A. &Avely, Esq., Recorder, NoVero -
berl,7l,b, 1868. , •
.. .
Andrea: C. T_s_grast to Samuel . Maxwell, July 17,
MS; lot in . =Clore township, on Snyder street,
, '0) by 155 tes. .. ..... ... ....... . . ... .. .. . i hre .
Andrew e; Taggart to Alexand,r Maxwell,
T in y
IB64;lotin bio4 lure. township, being lot o. 5
~ Taggart's plan, on . thti north side of Snidelstreir_
. 20 by 16f feet.. . . ... .. ..... : ... .
iii ... bisi : I . ' . lio• lotr
1 . Jobn:Stoffel toavid Jarvis. to .._ _ is ..
• each side. of the Brownsville roan, .1n ti r s %Ain! ,
9 '
'AL tit°vini.J9biriPlrtilo.Vus..9.l9gg.StOtrisiallsog illitgit '27 ,.llig "
1 age S ol tan° in Daldwin township. ..... ....ea,2 0 0
. /obit N. Shiner to, Job^
; 14111749rcieirtijarglat liege
4 . ijooftlinntllVltrr:i, c c% ; L. 4, feet del'•• 1r .... il .. t s4°
'The ,ixecntors of Thomas Baluswel.,....°A9,pcl ..r!..
• , rittebnygn. Locomotive
t end Oar ,NV mks Weiner . .
f n lot Ne:•l2, in the••se
ya . re° dlttrtllt°oPpc:sicitts •Pittsbntgly: On the west
''' side of Besvelaverag.obragat:tf.rigteggitir a
„iii - ~, rverregisnAdnd lel:robes:. also anothor portatni of
L '''' Out lot lio. 11,, aAI
Onegt'glit'azitre tt9enetlgt;
ty pretierty, 440 -by d f
itnif one hundred an pejo_ hes u , With b e ttlitttngs
A . . .. .. . .... .. .L.,.. .................... ....... .1125 eV
. Job'n ....... to Win. 'O. Ilawitins..November 14.
' 1558; lot in ill ilsinsbn, g.tiPa.. containing
a- acres. more or ic t ss wit li o n iteni 4 At iiA;4 . :iii .ig a t.: o
111 Ml.
Sept Char .
. IVI f quit cm t o :
eleven lota, numbere
te l . 83 . 7 .' 8; 11133 ' s4 ' 25 5 . Cl in a tagug lll3l :.ll l4.
Y 5 etsntatsLl4esto,ll;,Rritutt was. .. c . ,
i it Nov r 13,
' l , ids ' : lot on sub-Aivision of Meratxtd,,g: Grove._
.on oar street - , 2,5 feet front by 100 reet‘fieeh—,e .
Oberlin Tits to John Wbite, Yebruary/26, , OR, Jot
No., ;0 in Winton liarbanah,s / plan, in the.
borenglr-of Sewlealey. on poganistreet, .4c, gyr 1...
feet:‘,...... . . . : .... • ... .: .......... . . ..,,t' . .. . ..... ~.
r tr
Al exanller Speer to Illeorge AO sch.,Novein be ....,'
156811ot\ln Ilatopton township. c01i1,..11.11_11..,_a t
0, et , 2 ro d. an t U perches. being tort. 01:1 0 1,.^?1
- its, Id CaintalughaneadJ4trie.t. No.._ 4... ...... .la . s.ayu
Jos. -ph Laurent, trnsled to Jacob Iteinr, aPril .1 . 0 1:
• 1863; lot No. 7.s<iti. the Zest Liberry Bituverrin
• plan, nn Ruiept. Why-212 feet. .. .. . ... I . ....ill!
James B. ikon Wjo -.Nancy W • Wilson, May. U.
1860 ; le
on Diamond alley, 20 hy,losleet.,nominal,
A 47 11013.013AG15.
.me day dire Mortgages were illed. . . .. 1 .....
_.—.......---,7-7 N.. .
• Going to 11Wats , :
. _
John O'Brien. and Owen Mclntyre started
from Mansfield On a journey to the Garden
State of-theVest, Illinois.. Their-journey
was interrupted, liowaVer,: at the ;
Depot; by one .of . AldermanStign's gnar.
duns of the • law. who insisted ,upon .their
accompanying him to the office, of- that,
worthy offichg.•llpon their arrival there,
they *informed that their late-land”
lord, Mr. Peter Allshouse; had , mada in-•
formation against them for fraud, for at
tempting to leave the State without paying
their boarding bills,O'Brien being
in that pasticplar, $28,75, - and Mclntyre,
50 The travellers were lodged in the
county jail to await a further hearing.
• . . core Diseases.of the Hidneys.
Cure DlSeillell of the Hidneya,
Cure DbleiSell of thti - EAneys ,
• Cure Direises or the Eldirys7
till of BACKACHE PILLS, „ •
• ~! ' ' Cure Diseases of tl e Bladder.
-Cure Diseases Of the Bladder.
• Cure Diseases 'ortlie Bladder,
• • • Cure Diseasei-"Orthe Bladder,
Cure'Diseasei of the Urinary, Organs,
• Care' Disease!' Of the Utinafy. Organs,
CUM Diietuses of the Urtriary Organs.
• Ciro Diseases of the Urinary Organs.
This celebrated DIU-retie Medicine can be found at ,
any dreggistand dealer to medicine. ••preeired and
sold by GEORGE A ' . KELLY. Wholesale Drmigist.
terrier Wood
- -_-____---------------,--.
, • .
' Thousands toss on • sicx.beds who Might
have been well zed heartY, had- they taten doe \ nre-,
cautions for the preservation of -that Most preemie
of earthly blessings, a sound mfrictils a sound body
Sickness, to a greater-extent UMW-West people sup.
pose, to aeoidatite. 'When' the binlffilingnid, the
spirits_ depressed; and the rervous system nitwit..
wally sensitive: it be taken f o r granted that -
Tniechior.fir blvialig. -These hints anCtearninvi, -
vOnclisafhdes Such by a kind Praviderice; ought not
to be Marie:weeded. If they are.slighted,- as is: too:.
generallYthe case; the next thing way be • frier..
a severe some otber form of acute
dtsease: , they indicate as clearly self the intlins
tion were -given iii artienlstelasplage. -that the aid-.
mil feOctiDe' aye dbordered. end the lOW= debill.
tate& 'Under these eirelllnetaiMes, the 01'14 'Mina
end the
SION Ey= tamp •101 t vat' rartzliTtot or .BICK
this way. billions remittent lever, chills and fever.
spasms. nervous paroxysms, violent attacks of in
digestion, and all the winner/ eridetnies. mar • -
most averted.' The am usually preee
ded by the symptoms described,. -and aurely It is
wisdom ro forestall them DT resorting to an antidote
at epee hartehas, agreeable and tnyWrstlng. Most
assuredly. it willioun dlestpete the unpleasant feel
logs reterred to i which. of cootie: Is desirable.
even 11' they were 'net likeky -to lead to somethhig
worse. - un hea lthyf the Pall is usually: acoompa.
Died by fogs and violent streorlDbeele
changes, and tt Is therefore • yarn when invigora.
'ton t* lint'Vel.,
We feel. in 'ychatisver ROM in illl Ulna, that We
are conferAng se benefit upon thouiands of people
who would be bencitted by its use. ,Take Leila*
audience, or gathering of peop`a, pay atientiori for a
moment. and see if one out a everi ten Ili not at
mood with a cough. There is AitOcoditi :without'
aomediniculty of the throat or lunp—tioltug it calif
beat tti!'°utaet4l)itirealiallygrojiing more god more
yeitrini. ;anti; the'enOiltutlon; at lest. Is made to
iiiiceuW.b la its yolgesi,in4 whatavulillharigiciii. _
l 'iA is the , beginning to is few or of inedinlite ban
becoinci s i Pallid leiion, Unrolling life iteit. ' b a n
one can be too careful at thisecaeon of the - yes,i. to
the first premohltnii :ai • palninnityciUsease; and
wien a remedy like the oat we have tamed,
hi iir wish
in the toevii of 3titi, the air:Airy iiiiiitee 'wch we
h a ve given eboald not bb Aierc4apled,` Bold . at the
gnat Medicine Depot, 146 Wood street . ,
DR' "'MR'S 1015u1rarrlYTTICIS foi LUNG
itiCklatiATlOl7ls altir,rittilailArmsre e r orine
ostrrnuers ussoslo'-mmuslist Is M
S. =TM # istrr i'Prrislam,, osoe.sts from
ll'ar, Nsou, r.,..
. _.' • ibo
•;_ ... ...
Novesebeip, UM.
Cernell-17niv . •
President White writes es follows: "I de.
sire here to declare my firm belief that there . •
is not any college, in this laud or any other,
a body of reamg men of equal number
mere orderlrand earnest 'With very few
exception's; they are young earnest - who have '
no money to waste, and who know the
value of time. They are nisCgdy young men .._.
whci come--notyonug men who are sent. '
I nave seen Much of students, both Ameri
cas:o,nd foreign, and I have never known a
ody of young ram so prompt to repress
confusion or reprove bad usages it the mere
expression of a-wish by the President or
Faculty. I have never known a body of
young men so ready in thought or work;
and again I ask that disgraceful transactions ,
be not imputed to Ahem without sufficient
evidence, and that for breaches of good
:taste there be some forbeantnee for a little
tune. Toward anything. really disgraceftil
or vicious, however, we ask no forbear
ance. Wobrily ask,that ciVens cognizant
of the facia piece them at onPiat the disposal
of the Faculty, and it may be relied upon
that. in such cases the: Ilnivesaity discipline
shall be slusrp, ilort and decisive."
OR, the 6th of 'November the Republicans
Of 'Kentucky held a large meeting at Lex
ington to celebrate the election of Grant
and Colfax. There, was no disturbance
during the proceedinp; nobbdy Washarmed
'by them, and • the burden of the speeches
was peace and brotherhood. Yet the
da all the principal:Union men who took
par r t
in the meeting were served with notices
from a lawless rebel organization, corn- •
mandiog them on pain of death to leave the ,
State within thirty days. And experience
will not allow us to believe that these orders
and threats are merely the empty mouth.
Inge of truculent blackguards. The Su-
Klux Klan have a fancy for murder.
, .
. .
BIICAST-SMITH—On November 111h,,st th.
rapionate of
the-Third Methodist Chitral, 1
&venue, rdr. FENDENICN. BECKETT And Us
KATE SMITH: all of Pittsburgh. • • ,
•- . • DIED., ./ .
• WILLIAMS-0n Tuesdayofovember 17tb, at Ws.
residence , in Mb srpsburg. re.,.. WAND D. Wile .
LlAllid, aged 21 rears: • .
Funeral THIS (Thursday) ArrengoOff at _three
o'clock. •
n Tumid's ~ November 17th, at 10
o'clock A. rt., 3,1 x. SAMUEL WILSON, the 71d
.yokr.of his age./
lace . • .
The furieral-mill,fike p Novemher 19,
frani his late residence •
Jefferson toarrzt,hip. ruts spasm:in,
'at 10 o'clock • - _, , . . •-• .
"V) . . . .
WAND n Tuesday. at 8 o'clock. ZLIZSBETS:
vo A , aged 2 years and 10 months.
The neral will take War. srom.4 be . resdience of
her other, Monongahela borough, • silts. AITZIII
noOH at A o'clock. lite f , tradm of the faMny are re.
spectfully invited to attend.
IrENTON-On Wedn'e.d xy morning at 5 o'elbck.
ItOBEST F. YSNTON ~ son er. It. 11. Fenton and.
Anastasia M. A. VentOU, Nt - Cg! 3 yeark, 911noatha
and 1001 s. .respectfully Invited r • . - , , -
, The friends of :eh a family are
to attend the falters' Tele alerzu3oo2; at 51 o'clock.
from 129;rulton street . .
TIVWIfr-lii Cincinnati; Ohio; 'November 17th, of
Consumption. ALEXANDRA H. IHWIH, only
brother of John M. Irwin. -..-
31AGES-At her_ residence„ rof Inch and
'4lrant streets, Mrs. MARY IIY N.A.0E.0 corne, vile of John
Magee. _l---------------
- -' ,
Ea. ILSOPOITEIIisTREET. Pittsburgh, Pa.
ESof allidnda,, CRAPES, GLOVES,' slid et.
' ery deserWaork.ot ravers% IttritishimirSoode f Ol
tabu& • s.ooms Open gag ata night. Warms and
Carriages furnished.
RiMISCIA—Rev: David,lterr..D , D..
W...Jagobus, D. p., Thomas Ewings Esg.e.latob li.
'ild 3l __llr2_.*-------- 14 -3 ' ' . -_
TAKERS M $ a r . =LB Mer—
AIIeCDTCIT tr. wiTVT:etCsOuritlaid-tatitilo. O on le ncee ,
rood, liA
ariftt it y e an d d "fraltmt Coffins. strotertsvg I
aing from, ato 4100.. Bodies 1 e sr : F g
=ea. Hearse' escot IreWid. ogate 45401
ands of Xmmwa 6
at, all hours old nigh
BET. Allegheny, seeps coustsuitly on hand a
large assortment, Of read Y-made Collins. *A the fol. . !
lowlng kinds: Win, the celebrated Amerman En-
rtal. Cases. idetallio Belf-sealtng • Atr-tisnt ..Cases , •
and Caskr.ty and Rosewood, Walnat,and Rosewood „;
Donation Coffins. Walnut Coigns from 015
wards,. Rosewood Imitation Colhtui from •$5 rip.
wards, * and no pain. will be spared-to give entire
=Diction. Crape • • an d Gloves tarnished free et
Se. Best 'Hearses and.Carrlges faroished_ols
abortbotace. Carttlaral , .
WASUrrE3 TO traitors. DEB stas
YOB fall. BT
56 1 1 TONI fintigigT.
1 Center otTemi and St.Cbdr Streets,
'Etas now In stock 01 or ttßelnegeet seitenxt •rile'
h. •
and Gocds
vier tir;it.
!ream '
manufsttate , Ana eillwa of ecs, si
pelat,est !ream an
0194 -Catainuati, OtemOligs.
'Aim, a ran use of Gastiatarabathii 60.1 a.
20 ;Q
cOnillill. 40 Per Cent. kere.gaieeriseg
TEor ‘,#ltAws
Contains SO Per Gent. Pure Glieerl,t*
Those appreelsting &line WIRE SOAP should/lee
these superior brands a brig. Imported iud 00101
only by • ,
„ - • .
earner Sinittinaid end Fourth Street&
NEw GoOlis.,. - • vole GOODS:
roa A grYLlsli DIVI:89 VA3A.T, ' •
ilitPutlifirefii!gns. -:
For sit r styles ent:CaOthre.,iusde oltbe'oest
atom an ttia loa
by Illst•elsey iron - me?. bad at Idiots
suronsmaly low. soto Ile wt;11 ttiown blerchast
vir ars
Tailor. , •
I , . . rr man.
HO. 50 5T.. 01.4,13 5T02{10, now .51xtb.
. , _
TBOB. NO DAWN N. ...... re•• 11. strrtearou
-9LI nguast, Z pe m aiTes toßethnrfor ta.
011ie, lip. 11,P IST9giTultz. kora,
zograis Ds, *lmre, , Ds
-: .: ,.;.,7,::.,5::.:,:::. ,„ f; ,!4 ' .....,r',z;..-;4`l i i-',',-,.;,,,,'