Ili I - 4b - ' tit Y 1 111"1411112614 afr •Proiastolk ~z. Mak 11 , , *spa tam Ti; liotniVott. Pit47-1-ar*Priet4". OinneT i• , 13t MID TUE NEW Already' thereleort , comes to %enlist site public hsn: been precledmed at Madrid, and that Many leaders of the Spanish people have rded monarchical ideas forever. The LA rid silithnoltiriCountry of Europe' syinpathizen "with' -iierer move ment, reD44l43ll:italuncescasperialin to in augur2terf._6T f3PalltlAncic,sa.c.Xilarmony, Peace; 41: P_Torr. Wf..9 .ie4 a4 ll / 1 replace bet among the Wang nations of 'the world. We can to. no' —evidences that her lOW 3:ret`, sowdlcallytenetrated with the intelligent spirit of ti, tree Democ racy, alto encourages, just hope that any "ertein of a parely popular self-novernment is about to be accepted or established. below. the. Pyrenees. 'lle utmost that can be!ex- - petted, from the 'Republican kOilvdonet 'Which begin now to leaven the eases in Spain, will be their imprint upon thelhenited con statagional monaeclky to wilich.sher people; are destined .to come. . The imtluence _of • English example is stronger in . Spain than bat of any other foreign -at Ilion on- the debe, and, although our o*. Republic in not without its intelligent admirers ::4PB her people, vet is is Ao En gland that the predominant middle eilifiaep of Spain will look for the tine type of their` own_ moat fitting institutions, ;and Avlll feel their pre femme to be warranted big exexiiple so sear to them ands° ioonspicuous for its suc eessfultombination of national power with indiedual freedom. The "day has tot yet mene,tolookifortherealization of a national Democracy in anypart of the EnrOpean con tinent, and !east of 411 upon the 'lberian pc ._ , ilia I risu vonuor - • -WORRI . ;_frakcs• i g ; : , oppio• - ' Co •910-•%;, 1 „,, • oruir:7474,- \ (lisivaJtira, .r.. 43 . it e1mk=0 ) ,. 7 Iti Sits`w i ii t 7 , 10.,64,,,i -f,„ bon!. siatitalaT, NOVPuri lft 19 * „ 10111' '7'llolP"' teigettg'iliso co: Wed vostlstOmd-OgtorfkgYs, the beet * chaff sit fOasf iteogpotre remwtYleaFaia. Ilmonkireh litekfrflreiitoo i a rmne , :14094. • Oss fM.ftalest teen a use saestrataidemorkedgeperts of any paper in floe /.3141- iika :awaited crap tiosik the awls of Xleilkany etfrunto, joiireferePogia imam doterfailie the rutin*, pricoa maths naerketsot the times!' buiios;tiansadiso is dispute. MIMS '4EIO CiPisinl4 Van *Lrotli ; # 4 OW. OffiC 6 l 41* in 'dub of tat: $ll5, ! t ied_onifre• ,theletYr tir of *O. irepecimen my* aitai free Soany,aedroa. *8 VENT *OD tie rinsias pas!ei of - isorlkire GireconctEliseo• ;er kanteacturing Mena. 'Third .altd Eizkrials: -,A, 144 qt. ColivrieM e 4 i 1 / 11 Jititiifrc4itteat aeafeboai4 ?Ire. Somatlt A Womatl onWOMen'S FafikarThSe e Apilkatio7l4triStri2lalla Bfatiftg of MedissassiTh 1:44h, Got& iteee,d, inaiew York Y yet • , TIES marriage of the7Vice Presidesit e/ect, SninTnali. eouF took place yes - -terdaxatakndovii, Ohio. The bridal PartY readleilthe day by lest Viellint-f, trail; $44 left* in ar fa' the Vatet,„Ae.particuhas of -which pre noted ' .ink . Ilteisu; 'the w' of 'Vie seasonsy sus 'Tended, .there ,will lie oconliletel over one ' - -thousand-miles of the tithe Union taifie, Rail road, ' The :rapidity .iivitic ;which this greet. iin**lcingtois'been . pit forward : excites 7ondetrtied-themork when cOmpleted will form theleOndest-toonvonentin the world ' Ao ropeorkerfaise*Alul viecluulkag-abilitr. quiteetV7ByirOc, east by,Tienifirork; t a Ake VCei f1e0074-11:14". t 414 tho.mato lial pro gM‘B of the 'EmP IIB -*et§ kePt *nlitlW4OetlePltteoo with* taPan-, Apixr,oin vote eeveste tkest (Ns ' - "stonil4lo eeme•Poeitietiveeletti(elr , tow T.:Wald:loo4w,eau: Theadvance Qr theie ,trest and iidjohianic,- Comasitivesttlis has beeii*Bfari* 44 11 2 th e, 04tee causeji. •werklngbeireePOP*restilte.Weg mote t The jounce Weitterh States hay.Vsitaved :ra'pidly. • : Ge+l4l34uns, of /Oboist odchibite the :•44baclwni.tvvoy,reitdatte'Sust, on* In ii tic:ahem. 37.nentIve,, :The: on* of the' reelfleithe"election roleeti• the to*eliste;' P - in tn-451061"3-31**thet ljnlv e invol l44 : cknitia-thef4eiet 00 Union•vee n ate . still -tiling in - viie*fite the l'eders 'Oth l ni_ V; They - feel:once skiin' Olathe iiinliouo not leign nt beeno94oolo•ffienOlied to? tlkti' • terror teit•cPtielfideti, oeW three reke I,4 , ,itt.:Tisteka - ‘ , o:4witelps '614 Oh ot over f4iti.iirfio= public , sthltit*, , l l hiogiago.=: - ..ii. ibithriseeeoen; the Judg. atenfotilwieetriae hienieemPtly. &reified= alm444grottng loyalty , 'sad- iisall theOnatea 'the tijeWefthellSonvte *eget Wet-, • riq:cillaitille, IreiteOlii. -TheGement AS of ** '6ovt:lfeebiree in ti4EignoP • lethet 'the levirth,eir, be petritaine&mr pea. lip, :with eAthilefite rcfe#4 , Intl iii4 Crnt lr '• 1 vorgriikel3iowigoi, je . Tiehtre, re: eentCtf_!nblkekiietetileP 0.*4 lives Of the sister States -_,....•..',L2--,... -1 Mil MU 1111 . 4 _. 4 _.----- r —p---- • Taiiime conwielions .fddizioi - Whom • vehave just übW, ; ii otii libilster;tB Eng. " land, The other .tuin ,Dognio unquietly lugus up and down the rem of the 'stage, while the plenipotentlaxy struts. , his, : brief hour' before ithe foot-lights If the, latter persists in hiseeifterft tee:dal:ill" tdinialisp: c elite the briefirsterlud'::_yet left beforeenin exorable popular willfihwa -down th,e cur ' tale! which shall forever after hide them both from human .enl,.iffiirstit tremble for usequessee& - -„Per the 'Presidents not the eo maia t,o g' content. with a secon ''. the - 4:lari3piwt it be be lon &11,/ pnblic•,iffidr, and will Ithortly make 'himself heard in Berne way sluedshall mark his , - own sense of his sl 'dignity: In' the • meantime; the . Ifills—ib?*.., nit'erture- • is 39 .2' e l t 3 F 9 some of hislnallah Mends that Texas is as ' ;safe toi;intaiblitig - -iiiiliti&nts, as any part ,-ef , the Union. ' Here is the way he phts it • - " o at-'there are acts of iiioleseein: that Stat4ibino 4kollbc trues but , not mom, I bf. have, than occur in either of, She other ittateigi' or in any other'ebnntry. I have no' doubt, therefOreethat grants emilnto the alal4will be aNisge Ss ar to bt the 17,n10n.!,,--::_:..-..':,'.:.......;::_______:.::: /- - _ _ __ El ~ , • • = " .`` ~lj WWI 1111 Ar 4 civneul, proelemetion,from the Gov- 1 erto 4if tilt Cclozon "Yealth• 6 inounP es the election of_tvtentrthree Congressmen , , . , , . in Octobtr, the netneneorrespimding to the gensallt sesugll6-itctA .1.1(114.- os VestutorelsoV diattlOtt,4lA:Megert the OistifilAthst CecorernOr --Jtille#l44- tirtsreit;lici,golitiog iisvii bseirsoesvid"byithe dscrtotwrof xi, 0 Poo- W MOOesith;oll/COlidt Ilifider the a ll love etithttiltetat 400014-10-thettk.Ologileirn, the *woof any wiOn as belting her - 4 ro. Owned duty 010 Wit member of the Elsnee of Itepresentetlyo44 Or Ilaite4St ste l lar that dtiltetet.o - - -•- •• • - - Two Write cestliatec love. bees given M the Itsttirtiludgei itittds district; Oro Us il vi* its. CovototoUtditathifitibil6Poneot, Mf, Y0W1101., , Other 00911SteltrOtelhintIP inn lige thet'S tefieltitalifitOt telie En Ell Idea Brturgi.4 f&tifi.cs!CS:of :naturaliza lion, issued istrbpsibtobia Only fnurbt-fivd flays , before the eledion, are discovered to.; babe:been voted -upon--of course, for-the Democutic candidate , 100 distric!- S B 4 wilds to the weight of the testimony vbiat till satisfy oOngreis—upon 41d 0i this settlement of the- contrcrversy 'Tave—that ,Covons has, bees elected by a clear jaaji,nit" of thelegal 'votes of 4.19, 43striCt. Gaititt; =Oll mmenna Ell - - TUE ENMESH ELECTIONS: VhepeoPle of 'England have achieved a wonderful triumith: The recent Parliame7 tory being the first under the 're: farmed and enlarged suffrage, have resulted in a largely incoemed Liberal majority in .the Omni:nen% the ' London • Tina.; placing ibat-maiority atone hundred and twenty. ant even , this extrwrdiam'y manifestation of Liberal progress is not the .• most ccmspicu .Mis element , wlich the =vas haa display. wad. In-the fact that the enlarged constit- Tnencies--adaonalderable part of • which have ..exercised the privileges of ,the Toter for the lint time—have, in the main, conducted the ' Oleo:dons with an unprecedentoi good order '.tind decorum," ia-blba,ftiNuid, perhVs, one, of the highest inix)fathat lhe iniases have been oducated, by the progress of events, into a thorougt litioss for their newly acquired Tights of citizensbirr. Disorder, ricesaid. Tenality bovO, from immemorial' ays, chit 011the .English hustings:' With each inlargssuent of the suffrage quallficationshas -come ancoally marked improvement in the Word, of the succeeding canvasses, until now we arelinfonned that the last great step, -which has almost made It man and a voter „oynonyttiots terms throughout England, ,has been istangsanted in the most orderly and quiet diction ever known in , the his. '• tory of the tdngdom. , , -; Who stall hereafter, ireEnglikbd; i that aY ' ,ininWgent and Christian People are unfit or Incompetent to govern themselves? Who skall estimate the ialtirnate limits of that in. finenee,, toworda More' radical" and: comprebansive. progress in the , direction of a - „' and practical,. Democracy-, renta,frOM this tethibition of the wise self-controi,of a great people ? 'Ainerinsas, *Jere is nothing. surprising in that eiPi3riefice which 136 jit ,aWakened the sling/143i, not'Only of Englishmen, of all 'Burette; It simply gratifies our • National - pride 'to perceive that a kindred People havircome to share with us in sub. inission to this. one essential princiPle which node:gee. 811.sfightly constituted govern-- Pl-entB4e.. eFM±led 10.aut4olita# con . lent , the goyerned. Let. us equally re. loies3,tliat the peoPle thatland—a mother land for so much of liiierlea-liave taken 'Ob"lorik a step 'fortiori; that way now which'; will inevitably letul - them to a' still more enlightened civilization and to loftier national' glories. , •, _ • NEWSPAPERS AS HEADERS. . The subject of introducing daily papers into thepublia schools in, place of , the read ers now in use eicites conaiderable attn.- _ ' tiou. The reasons ' urged in favor of the proposition are more tbsa counterbalanced by those, put forward is o pposition to t;he innoVation. The _.. Philadelphia Prim in. . commenting on till subject, says: tiThe literary tone of 'a daily Paper can not be bigb, except in some few favored im. stances. However brillbutt, or .classicatly -pure from time to tiine certain-articles or selections may be, as 'a rule," a newspaPer . -cannot be accepted as a 'model. of style. Then,,could we rely on the average class of teachers to select the best of such as would be found? And, dually, there mwd,"always be in a ne.wstiaper certain departments and subjects which should not be brought Under the eyes'of children, as, , for instance, the p o llov xdualaa, the record of crimes* awl-. cidentec.aild athousand thing's whichgrown uppeople deinarid, but which children , had earl better not be taught too y. _ it 18 a sad .conuneatary on the times in -which we live that a daily journal cannot be made up with just such matter sawkigh the t With impunity be placed in the hands of ~_ purest and most inno cent `W ith out t h e fear of entail; illitkrOns imninquences= in to rapid dayof prOgress and edvanal. , I meat the conductor of a rtewßtperi. is -forced to give p 'tietiriii Ma Cein*i.” tO mat t , - . ' ter which would much remain un written, but the demand Eby thalamic' for mtnutepart iculani of all OA it goingeili . about thenx-Of anthOitalmatugro tostireathe isolcolpn,,, 14.13u00 1 a SenSterlr i V n" Ability, the editor expunges gock, mattgr from his paper, he is' ' , at 01101 ~ w ili it? I taCk Of entmilie, sad lik )e . t h , ~ . . . . . ' . . . ~.-, ' ' .7 A i r• , "..... ,- ' l .' '-. ,-- • - , -,,,,,, --i t is i r'.i ,'. 1,3 , , 4 . 1 . , -- ._ ... ''.1,45,ii-' I . lffiiift 7r till '' l'i' gSVA.T . . iityvE , - r ....0,,,-1868,•'' V. willarnP‘nt tiikii Patronage On., Pie:74OORA 04 hk tTle banefss; Until n 11/07e correct t;414 eilstA i* the aildr ik * , Tger 110%01, -Oh, munch ea the reanse , . ger of a paper, - areresPoiniiiiite 'O:4 JO *l \tents, the Asily jool l 4, sh.vold *kit eivii. of the schoolroom, 'and the prosy readers retained f(_2r_Lo.:_tthe. °tin ' •' . United States Senators fromTennsilvnuia. As the question "Who shall be the Uni ted States _Senatorfrom PennsylvWts to succeed-Mr. Brickalew ?" is now:_asitating the politicians, or rather the RepaWcans -- who have the Majority of the Legislaturti' thanks to aid' patriotism of our oeople-it' may be flab() uninteresting to , : know Who have held`the honorable position. Te following list prepared-from the OR cial h records by- the. Titusville Herald, gives , the name of,every enatot from Pennsylvat nia from the commencementof theGovern merit under the constitution