ME NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. L._419/IgtAAP GU M NOS THE PEOPLE.... TM SWEAT WESTERN GUM WORKS 111:tos:bees ossiorsd to N 0.179 SMITHFIELD STREET where slit always be Mont Ms mast comptds assortment Simms, Pistols, Ammunition and Sport- Hate:Jai, ach i in tee city. Ail kinds of'guss AR/11" Pist° 117 18 FLEJ e Trt s tjt V 2 . 1 Pollifrat u ttest ag gaiit o ; =kr trell e s d s eifre4liar: Age, is .-rozz ETON. 179 alositi6l4/4 Strut, r i Nftlatmroh. • tip-JOHN" N. PLIIIIIILANCE, Register in Bankruptcy for lid Dietrict. , • • toes. cis ozDAILAL STRICT, ALLEGHENY ar Oflke boor --4&. N. to 6P. Y. IPOST 85y 0• A. B.—The next regular meeting of POST 85 G. A. it. will ..beheld on THURSDAY EVENING. November lis, et Sold t ersaearne nail. LACOCK. STREET Alio. - - Men It - 1 -ni - 11 . led that ' y. ses es y neat t at every mem. will be present, as business of Importance will be brought before the meeting: . - ..,....‘ . hole:sal - PER ORDER. tarBARBECUJE.The • Republi cans of scam, ROBINSON an NORTH aad t3OLTTII - PATZTTIC TQWNtiHIPO, will have ox ROAST, at MANSFIELD, on THURSDAY. November FF. ENS. eornmenelng at IA o'clock, noon,. as s Jubl.• lee over Grant's eleeßon. Every Republican Is In vited. A splendid fat Ox will be routed whole and served for dinner. . The Panhandle road will *air passenger, at half tare. st any point ora t e of the road.'aom O h o to attlibetrePle. • • • • • ' the -411:.* Demo,rat will pay hte beta by pelt tliettiblican with whom he bet from to Whiek7 Sun and back in a Wheelbar '- • n017:a.37 IN Critics or errs' Samarium Aarr. straviiiron, . :Pittabliairh, Nov. 18, 1888. :1 1 1ZOT.10 . Ike assessment for -41-` theJticoision pavement on SECOND AVENUE • . froni"Wooit to Smithfield street. Also for Grading, ..:Paying and =bin/ TWENTY-PIRST, late Alle etehry street, from Canal to Lifierty street, are now ready for, examination, and can be seen at this of- See- mail SATURDAY, November 1868, , . when they will be returned'to the City Treasurer's *zee ro;ollection.. J; . • no 18: • City Engineer. ' F d OIEIRTEENTII LIST.IIB6B--LIST OP APPLICATIONS TO Bak!. LIQUORS, " in the Clerk's *face. , • Pittablwath. Samuel Williams, eatlntlitonse. First ward. ...Michael Lange, tavern. Tilth ward. George atictinger. other goods, Sixth ward. Patrick Deify, other goods. Seventh ward. Jells Bil,gsllen , tatiug house, Eighth ward. • Allegheny. • • - . Maria Reed, eating house, Second ward. . Boroughs. /Reheat Williams, eating house, Lawrenceville. Townships. • • .d an Welsh, tavern, Lower St. Clair. Wm. Wringenzoth. tavern. Wilkins. The License Board will sit on WEDNESDAY. the 25th hum. at 9 o'r.lock, A. is., for hearing the above applications. • t - noiSta 2 JOHN O. BROWN. Clerk. • • PAGE, ZELLERS & DUFF Pommy extraordinary !Mantis .ROCK THE BABY EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB: isms OFLT LEMON &WE E. . ftactield Furniture iltanufs urers, Ate., 118 *orrirrix Axriinvicrm. Where may be failed a tall / eiumtment of Parlor, AGArZEILLERS' &DUFF. / Glass Manufac WE HATE RECEIVED 3 E; ANICOMPLEVE STOCK OF 1,1 • 61313 C.34.01:742.19 7 C)LOAKINCS, SHAWLS, &C. WHITE,' & Co.,' Street, • ' no? AGE!! ZEiLEBB & DUFF war rant au their work. • •t IVIIT RECEIVED. es, Style. LADIES LINEN COLLARS AND - COPPS. reaicy RIBBONS COCK/MEI AND BOWS. All widths of SATIN' AND SATIN PLAID GIBBONS. . ,LADIES BUZ{ SCARFS, la all widthg. Also, toll neat of Ladles , and Gents 117ndtaWinie 7 - • ' AT EATON'S, DA : I2 sTo. 17 Fifth Avenue. • AGE, ZELLEBS & DUFF. Stained. Enameled and Ground Glass. REIP , IFOVA Ei II , tif 'OR BEFORE , W. P. lIILIIISHALL Will remove his Mort of WALL PAPERS, frost the old .stand No. 87 WOOD STREET; to the • newlyst.ted and elegant store home," NO. `I9Z -LIBERTY' STIM.ET, &few doori abliveAT: CLAIR pm. t • L cam "bine •Gtus istWalng with Glass zbaklng. in - ALL AND EXAMINE THE . - !Li large sulsortmtnt of FANCY COAL ;HODS "AND VASE% • FIRE "IRONS, .All D STANDS, xviziwrikitta, ao. Also EARNS' PATENT. 'CHURN ATTACH MENT M theßardware store of W / 111 *DES I li: DEVI TR FEDERAL ST.. ALLEGHENY: 100 AGE, Z E LLE HS*, DUFF make ,L emery yarkty btalned Emote led•Glus. aol7 LAMES' 1471181 ' ' MISSES' , FIRIBI CHILDREN nuns, straws FURS! Signet auortwent and the lowest prices at M'CORD & moo . - 131 WOOD STRUT. VIAG1113; ZELLERS 414 DUFF pos • , e,it fess exemprainary atirtuttei. • • slw grAliza *EN. 1 ' N . CHANCE. ', •A R • limuurs • 'wir We— itinro SALE. AZIMIR DAILY Beitibucin d'asiii .ff 'is the - o nly lisir A sii Tbe DISTb, sad hs , a eresimion g 71; 4 -.,t- Sorb' golargruslat Ptrailisilr Ile :LW /4 r°11,,..i.144 or ca 111011............. Ipor pul.l4l2l±zi .„---.74,gwaLlritill,P ps. • , -i ‘ - A. V. AMIPIO giiiett,l s 1411 ling, * ,_ cantor "Mil non rmg, trnsAi;e ES WHING• - R Whote.altrandllehtll. at inatitifuttueiti • at audfillfilstb strtet,_ -, , . • '' J.S Et. rairt•Lriv, Bb. *gm to-this COUntrir ' ME 7V314 . IDAGIe r Meta/Attu & purr war. — Wit work. • Y.7; 4 . • , . -- • • . . NAP` Abii - Ettili EN t4:' nPitNING ON SATURDAY, - 214 N., Instant, a splendid assortment of WINTER *ft:LIMN - EMT. and LADIES EVES, pore...turned In New York lest week. RIBS. NI. 'KITCHEN; . nots:a43 • - zoo Federtil •treet, AllerberlY. ;CHEAP HOMES-ill THE WEST.= We are awtborized to offer two thousand acres good z irld In Missouri at the low rice of seventy dye ce Fifer acre. .div ided Will be into forty. dear,y one bundred and:arty sere !mama tomtit the Purcnaser. Title good Inc all taxes paid U. This offer to remain open only one week. For WI particulars apply to B. McLAIN & CO.. noIB corner Fourth and Smithfield streets. $92 000 TO LOAN ON'I3ONb AND MORIVAGE.- . - on:GOOD CITY ITIOPILWIT.. Itddress,.with de.; ectiption of proreriy, Lock Boi 04, Ilitaborgh Pottothee. _ ' ' DEfiltIES I. DIARIES FOR. 3.84!3€10.. . _ . , A. fine assortment of DLLBEES In every style o binding, including the "SE "CLOSINCII , .7PORSI, ' Banging In price from 90e. to $3,80. For sale wholesale and seta!) by ROBERT S. ',DAVIS, nolS:wYtts NO. 93 WOOD BFDE.ET. TRY GOODS: - • DRY 52 ST. CLAIR STREET, [NEAR LT6E/in' STREIT, West side . —.— . STRIPED .POPLilitS, new and beautiful'. Haired Countri nt iltatinela, t Bed Twin , edriam at i lksuntry Planne,o, White ritoutois. cire T "me ' l 11 7 1"1 " BLANKETt3 FROM $2 UP. / . BOYS AND GETS CASSIMERES: ' • BREAKFA i r ' B I3E.W 5. , PAIRLEY r es!D PLAID / . - CANTON FLANNELS, Whlte / and Colored. A. full assortment of new goodijost o'Pened, The cheapest 1n the city. - .- ear Libirty / , St. NO. ii St . Clair 1/ . . , RED •yi TE AND BLUE FRONT.' n / non . pITTEIDUIIGII LEAD PIPE / ' ( A. 3 D SHEETk.EAro WORKS.' • I .. . BAILEY, FARREL &= CO., MANUFACTURERS OP ' LEAD/PIPE, SHEET LEAD, . . , BLOCK TIN PIPE, TIN LINED LEAD PIPE, BAR LEAD AND LEAD WIRE, • Also, PIG LEAD, PIG TIN and PLUMBERS SOLDER. . No. 167 Sudihileld 814 Plitibuzlh, noli:lre , DESIRABLE CITY MANSION, N4C.‘ 80 CLIFF STREET, FOR SALE. That desirable city mansion at No. 30 CLIII7 EiTREXT, consisting of a TWO' STORY REICH DOUBLE HOOll3, with ail ths. modern linprove. manta, double parlors, dining room and kitchen on diet door, four large chamber', bath room width:mu room on se.snid door, andlirkwell furnished base ment on ground floor front, with additional outside . entrance; elegant marble mantles In parlors, gas throughout, hot and cold water in bath room, new range and water in kitchen. The whole house re fitted and papered one year ago; °memento' grounds front with shade trees and elegant portico, com manding an open and magnificent yiewof the river. the richly cultivated . slopes , of distant pis; a oar. riage way from front,. and die back porch. - The lot his a front on Cliff street of Clare et by 147 feet deep, with bearing fruit trees and shrubbery. !Also lot across the street In front of house on north side of CLIFF STREET of 83 kei, and running to ARCH STREET, 108'feet. The locitlon is unsurpaised In this city. and Is for all time secure In its advantages of pure air and mag Wilmot views. Possession given Immediately. For terms, &e., In quire of , . C, B. SEELT, NO. ST ?MTH AVENUE nol7 AGE, Z : LLEIRA, &AMITE Glass Man • au era.. . • . • O T 1 C E-4he subscriber re , spectfully Informs. his iiiends and the public st helm now prepared to receive them as venal-at his new stand, NO.. 61' :WOOD.. STREIGT, nOl7 Lafayette • Hall Banding ',bare eau be bed fresh every day, *duo aud Image assorte e rjd CA-1ECIM•8 AZI"1:10/311MAJCP. of all deserlption_g. Beart constantly on hand the VERY BEST CONIFEOTIOBEET In the city. • PETER SIViDECIEER. AMP-Orders for parties will be Inptilled at the short ! ' t notice. _. noinzin ' . , 11PA r GE • ZELLEIN & DIUFF, Stalned,'Enameled and Ground GIGO. wm. mwomEsi LATE 808 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Inform■ big gWendi and patron. In Pittsburgh that Lnis now tounectediilih EDWARD P. KELLY, South-east corner of CHESTNUT and SEVENTH STREETS, the PELNCIPALIDIRCHANT TAILOR " PH/LADZLPHIA, and can now furnish. them with clothes SUPERIOR In every reitiect -to those he has heretofore itiven them, and at 110E2ERATE rams& r. commas DAQE_, ZELLERS & DUFF cont .& Sae wan 2. talaing with Glass =tang. • ' ' cowneoLtaays orsicA.. j • ern' Arasoumr. Nov. FUT §rece - fy i erl l 2: 11 11 02 1 , Outlet! 3 o'ciciiiii%lll.l 0 1 . DUSDAT i - 19ch,t er buildings , PrlpirCl UtlitBE3 WAGON\ . , for the sae of the FIRE DEPJUITEENT OP AjiLBOHENT aTT. Speeldratlons and Intermattcniirill be fornilbed by JAMES R. 0130 W, g.Fq., Chief of. the Fire X)6. , DaZ.lneat, , By order of c ounc3s. , noltain A.AGE, ZELLER 4 num P , men extrac rseilltise. • Orrun or Orris Eminummestrolonyler2s• r _ PlSUburrb, Nov. zoo.. iukT I C E-411e assessment for •• - Gradlnir. Paving and Curbing FORTY-MTH 31 bTSZET. Nate ES. mews ammo; le now ,resay for examination_ and ean be seen at this ales until. THORISDAT. November 24Stb. wW .it be returned so the city Treason:es oftse ror ado 001 M nol7 • J. it City P aGI A " I "Wl &Diit r irs GUM $ I GTEc AO r• " EMN.ESD NOVEMBE ASSETS, . . , Bonds and Mortgaras, being -fret' liens on Beal Estate ' .... ..... 5433 803 81 11, 8. 1881 Bonds at par ' 55,000 00 11. 5. 10-40 Bonds, at'par. . • - • 00,000 00 Real Estate 511,7011'45 OftleaTurniture ' 418 60 Cash • ' —39 118 00 l i ma 1 ..t— ' . • WISCI' 063 88 , LIAI3 8 g _ ~_, Amount due Depositors:f s, wa57,354 38 Amount due Deposit° taterest . Novemberlst. . 1.568 is,osa ail • . . • . Tbe undersign? And4ing Committee, have ex amined Mil 1100 k of th e Bank. th eMonds, Mort gages and Securitiesostill , counted tiirsCasb, and find 418 ab r ' lll ß liat e a n g M r ti f iLY. JR. WM. H. SMITH/ ', • H. CHILDSi. • . • • President-ISAAC JON E S Vico President-Wm. H. Aura. Accountant-B. C. PARSE: liolicitor-T. BRADFORD TODD. TRUSTERS: ISAAC JONES, I NICHOLAS VOECITLIn Hon..f. E. MOORIDEAD WM. H. SMITH,' Hon. TH-S M. HOWE, HARVEY CHILDS, JACOB PAINTER. 0. 11. MUMMY. . D. W. C. (DWELL - 'INTREST ALLOWED on Deposits in thus Insti tution, at SIX PER CENT. PER ANNUM. payable to Depositors in May and November. widen. If not drawn. will be added to principal and eoisrotnnizo. - open DT De its from 944 X to Er. x. daily air Oe on ay evening from Bto 9 o'clock. • OFFICE. at FOURTH AVENUE. utl2eati PITTSBURIMI. piwg,zieur.mas & DUFF, btained. , Ennsneled and o,ol'o Ulan. H UVH, pracitical Cook, Bouttothity , Wonnoe to the zniblio flat he wnt , On ontnionyond sendnysnnc Oiten to Vie oats thii; • DELINIONICOIIOIISTAURAWG ' to el:immix oilit . ' i t ~ , be idiurnart, 'Maim tit ft,;shili littplk , irons atilill timo k s i rth 111141,m II peak/Alt Trim I % ElVClaL , Rizlnsot=ii =MI lit: 4 4, 0 , iivw tuefr ewe recauvoil eiders or ifte ClooPie tor ed and outer yestainge, .111111 t WI ailintititbre,' be - Pll7 and oar 10"1*-2."4"1119141""nratia,,. n; a MILtIiCIISt tilt, Controller., • •• KiIYSTONE*CITTERY Juke , girl Co. ovsimpowmuk liousvoz. , wain .:460, asociaditinogniessitainagroinotr. ApirAu..ndas PT0PP, 11,1 . 1014 . 401 5 0 0 - ' • =I t**:::'.''l ''.ohfitlSEMENtit.'7 OFFICE OF THE DELAWARE MUTUAL SINITY\ iNSURINCE CO. • Phllldelphia, Nov. 11,1868. prtsan Th inc e inis fc pum il u o rb: w lis, l n n b l eird Bta i November 3, 3 ber 111. 186$: On Idarine mid Inl On : X Ire Risks ement of the affairs of the Co . is i conformity with s provision of • ED from , to Octo- d Risks. ssizaos 74 toes,fie eo cies not • 406.485 71 PreMims on Pol marked off Nov. . rums ARICSD , OFF toed Gdm November 1, to Oct2l ul M r 91, 12M: . trine six laltake. $746.606 ?i f Ire BL } . 148,317 72 • 1 04 , 923 0 107.498 Pa --- $1.012,4=1* M Ist daring .P 'game --53;_ p dod 'ages; ite...'"'.. . - .IES, E ENS Hg, it c, wring the year as abuts , . . . M ne and Inlandl,lrstrigt-.,,,,,i_:_„,' tion Losses ... . .... - f...`......; alut,w;;; •il Fire Losses., —. .. ........c.. new 137 Return Premittms. ..''..,,44. IMAM 02 • • Re-insirrances..-..,:-.1 - ' 30,106 51 ke, • .Asenor Charges. .adlterthr- , • ./r'; • ' ins, :Printing. Sco..-..• .. .'...: 1005643': ' 'lazes—United Statia'as . tate,' Municipal Taxes. .... ..... 43,553 89; Expenses • • ' =.9118 65 ~. ----- 1714097 si AisszTs..oxecH7 COMPANY, November l, 1888. 8200,603 truited.States Fiveper Cent. Loatr,'.lo-10 , s 1rM8,500 CO . 120,000 United States tilx Per Cent. ' -Ebert, 1881 i • 136,800 00 30,003 United States Six Pe. Cent. - / LOAD. (for Pacifie Railroad). 2c0,000 State of Pennsylvania 831xper / - Cent. Loan, 211,375 CO • 000 City of Philadelphia Six Per . e l, Cent. 'Loan (exempt from • ~- •tax .128, 50,000 State ) of New,lersey, Six Per 03 Cent. Loan - 51,500 00 20,000 Peninlivanits railroad First . . Mortg . l age !, Six Per Cent. Bond • 25,000 Pennsylvania Railroad Sec ond mortgage tali Per Cent. Bonds ' 25,030 Western Pennsylvania Rail road Mortgage rixPer Cent. bonds(Penn.R.guarantee) 20,625 00 MANI Statea of Tennessee .Five Per Cent. Loan • 05,00000 7,000 State - of Tennessee Six Per Cent. Loan. .5,03126 - 15,000 Germantown Gas Company, • . principal and interest guar . antesd by the City of Phila. , • • > delphia,2Misheres St oct. - ..; 15,00000 10,000 Pennsylvania /railroad Com-• ' pimp. 200 shares 5t0ck:...... 11,030 m • 5,000 Worth Pennsylvtusia Railroad - . Company no shares Stock. 3,500 00 21,110 Philadelphia! and Southern Mali Steamship Co.Bo shares Stock ....".1 , 15, 00 0 00 277,900 Loans on Bendy ;;Yd and 0.1- , • gage, first ,liens on City PropertieS 207. coo au $1,103,500 tar. • 'Market vaae EA" US 13 Cost, f 1.093,604 W• . Real Estate Bills Reeable for Mint -i-- ance ma de Balance dubat Agencies— "Premium,lon Marine Poli cies AcOmed Interest. and othe , debts cue the , Company: • 40,178 kSt • Stock and, crip. of sundry ' Corporsti n5,.511.155. Es timated y ue 1,813.00 Cash in Bent- ' 4 1118,180 Ott Cash in Drawer l " 413 65 • . PMLADILLPHIA., November ii. 1868. ,' The Board of Directors have this day declared a CabH DIVIDEND OFTEN PER CENT, on the CAPITAL STOCK. and SIX PER CENT. Interest on the SCRIP of the CoMpany, payable on and after' the first of December proxinto, free ef-National and They have also deels•ed iSCRIP DI END OF THIRTY PER CENT. on the ZARYMD PREMI UMS for the year ending October il , 1 8 6 6 . eertid cater 01 Which will be issued to the_perties entitled to the same. on and after dist of December prox imo free of National and State Taxes. __ _.., They have ordered. alio that the SCRIP CER TIFICATES OF .PILOFITO ' of the 00111711n7. for the year ending October 31..1364; be redeemed In CASH at the office of the Company. on and after first December proxlme. all, interest thereon to cease on Abet day.. /Kr By a provision of the Char ter. all , Certificates of Scrip not, presented for re demption within Ave years after public notice that they will be redeemed, shall be forfelted . and can celledl.o on the 'Mete oft e Company: :the certificate of p fits issued et:Merida. Be tbe Act of Incorporatlo "no certificate shall luxe enleu claimed within two years after the declara tion of th e dividend , w . ereof It is esidenct. , DTEECTOES: Thomas C. Hand, - Edmund A. Bonder, John C. Davis, ilvainelE. Stokes, James C. Hand, Henry Sloan, Theo Files Paulding, - William C. Ludwig, Jose IL .Seal.‘ • ..George 0: Leper,' Hug ' John E. Penrose, . John D. Taylor, Jacob P.' Jones, George W..BernadOU. James Traqualr, William G. Boulton, Edward Darlington, Jacob Riegel. H. Jones Brooke. , ' Wellvalne. James B. McFarland, D. T. Morgan, Pittsb`h Edward Lafourcade , Jno. B. Semple, Joshua P. Eyre. , A. B. Berger •• THOMAS HAND resident. • JOHN C. D AVIS. vice President: HENRY LYLBUEN, cresary, HENRY BALL. Assistant Secretary. no18:440 AGE, ZELLERS & DUFF make every variety Btalno end Enameled .Glass. STATEMENT OF THE REAL ESTATE SAVINGS BANE, . _ OCTOBER 31st, 1868. Total Total 6469.407 72 Mauve Contlugeu fund , 36,658' 16 . . • • • The above fa a true tateteeet 6526,065 88 2_L- At. ei.‘oeuslar., Titulars?. AGE,' ZEL )811 & MIFF erarA -" m om thew work. uAvis 1111111EIRTERS BOir, CLOTHING. & Logan •1.553.657 i VD1,585 CO r ttn (lemon ent wl3l find the nest uso of CIInTON MADE DOUBLE BREASTED II:EGLI:ON JACKETS in dia elty of PLAIN AND .P BEATERS. CRICH/L -*M. 00000 BE 20, 2C03 eq $440000 e: WE isk our patrons and the public to call ind CRAY & LOCAN. 41 ST. CLAIR STREET A T WILLIAM SEXPLE'S, ss.ixo oo .4 94 ( • Nos. 180 and 182 Federal Street, -41=13131113NY 116,&13 73 01.60:30 01 AT 11i3fist0.77D8LATNEB. good ailles• AT 313i0.011AM310ABLIII ALPACAS, do bio • °Width._ AT MM.—DOUBLE WIDTH MOHAIR& AT TIio.—BALWOBAL BEIBTE. AT wk.—now SKIRTS, good quallti. AT 2343..-REATT PLAID WOOL ITAWNEL. AT illic.-0.1917 ,TWILLZD FLANNEL. Man. WDITI COII.XTRY BLLNIZTL GI3I3LiIIICIPPS." • BLUE BLANK/ITS, 1111APP PLAID COMITRY-DLANNELB.. Mara COUNTIIT FLANNELS, £e., WHOLESALE min RETAIL, at WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, Nos. 180 and 182, Federal ,Street, . • • - , , ALUDFAIIENY CITY. BLACK WATERPEDOF CLOTH. BROWN WATERPROOF CLOTH. HOLD NMI D WATERPROOF CLOTH BLACK 'LYONS. BILK MANTEL VELVETS. SEMPLE'S, Nos. 180 and log. Federal Street.; AW4IOIIIIINV CITY. • LAB` EATS,' " ilau,nnzzi , s HATS, DRENCH nowsza and PLUMES. • itABBONB, 'ad., I / • wacitniza - ArD . artiat AT WILLIAM SEMPLIVEIp 808,81 Hall/ 4,1 'STREET, ALLEGHENY. nab • ' . . joy n t ot , RV- ASS `BQPRBIOS` TO . ANT =Et: or IN- THU CITY. , • CIatiT I MEI TICI Ld B LVA 1 1 11 11Mir DA ' For Bale- by Every Gtocor in the City. ao • Balsas N 0 •91 Liberty St. AGE t ZELLERS & DUFF coin.. P tante ulass Staniar with Wass making. WOONOMIZE TOUR FUEL, by Ali _using the • • ••• mina oinirranimut aannzaron, the true sad cosily regulated Governor nude; perrea ILI operations and trait tellable. A lame size Governor WI be seta at the °thee of P VAL BzoKETT,Yeobanteal 11Pdlneor had Z ie O of Pstelitso NO. IV Werth greet. AlleVag oitr, theolgy meat tbr this Governer 111 the Wa l t. seianSlS • - TTNION ENTERPRISE •) -9 .', i,VouND - rey, • . - ,.. „ 1 firaL:at..souirimms., x etol jinn otelnimattoooleats. aii i :ta s k s 4 41114 1- ft ral6ll *Pia h • nagrnmas imulariSOF „EMI •;11411X0 IMP. , %IV enasnatam awn Nor doins 'may waskl_ g _ l9 UN beat No s r Yla won - - iiiimbeil es quo imr o u f Z r ud t vowel by t. a 0./._ i. X D IL , - - lUTIIIIIMR, L.- , lIELTING, gon, - BTZAN .. PACLUNG, AIM - ItOP/O. id tMID IllitrA; to 41 1 010: 0 i la nd.; o the true Cu ai goal terms aa ean be bad , . . thilmiarillnlatuer. - -, , rs..a H. PHILLIPS.' ' laustz, mammas & lIIIFF a*ake iirtry,y4m4.l .'cant vie laameled etas& , , ,I-FAL, 1868. FOE • BRN FRANKLIN & BLOUSE IN OUR BOYS' DEPART MENT will be tonne the 'Metro politan. nroanwar and Blarney salts.. Also tbe , new BUMBLE BREASTED REEF let El JACKET. • , YOUTHS' DEPARTMENT. 15‘leadtd assortment of • ENGLISH WALKING , COATO, surazoroLmar Sacks and the ' I D. B. ENGLISH JACIEVT OUR OVERCOAT DEPAILIZTICEN contain. all Bites of medi um and due goods, In great variety. AND =TAIL AT, EM 'NEW - .MOVERTZEI .. aj3 ull II o. 37 FIFTH AVENUE PrrTsnunciat, PAL Ar . .IS 1,17131.4.11311 Pa) DUFF'S NEW SYSTEM BOOKKEEPING, . . A Elegantly printed in odors by MARE= & BROTH. leas, New YOrk. Pp. 400. Crown Yro., 113 TS. Postage 35c• The first American work that 11MT illustrates the Accounts of • MERCHANTS, . RAlLuOaAuffj, lii.tworAtatrazng,, B.urig and JOINT STOCK CoY- PB, PRIVATE. BAliues. "Undoubtedly the most ebtborale, and carefully prepared text-book upon Bookkeeping accessible to the student."—Bostou Joarnai. • "It has brought Bookkeeping to perfection."- Baltimore American. "Includes all the latest Improyements."—Rieh mond May. "Altogether a remarkable twxik.b'—Phfiadaphirs 6lty Item. Pres s. u p on this - "The beet book upon this sublect. l, -7bissy's 1 . "The most complete Treatise extant.''-81. Louie Repubtfcan. i "The most perfect now before the public."-41- bany Express. , "It may be the salvation of many business men." —lssots4llessenger. : . 'Tor complete, clear, accurate and precise expo. 'Mons. it bids never been-equalled. ,, I. N.. IFORNEP., Professor of Bt okkeeplOg. Western UniversitY, Pittsburgb. • "Tnl7 ',model work; on the setenee of accounts. , J. W. TROMPriON, • Martinsburg academn Ohio. Ell "The most perfeot'system ofrlotical Acconnts.t , i . L. RAINBOW. Bookkeeper Mechanics National Sauk, Pittsburgh. After a coMplete comparison of this Work with Bryant & Stratton's, ;Smith' , & Jelll.lllS, Marsh's. Fairbanks and itobrer , A, to Duff's book, I award the hlehest probe over all others noon the subieet.** • I WM. R. NIXON,-. *Bookkeeper for C. S. Matteson 4-Co.. hew Orleans,' La.: late Prof of Bookkeeping in Bryant, Stratton.' Chalmtan's Commercial College. - tuition he was the best investmeni I ever made. I had no Idea 1 wtostever of Double Entry Bookkeepibs when ; Centered ions Ooll t~p Bookkeeper to Jarret Wilson,. _ Merchants, McGregor, lowa. • • . • .After a earefelexamination of all =Sera works anon Bookkeepin I prenounte years the best ex taut.- We have a d opte d opted it In this depastment of the University." I Principal Commercial Denartmen_t, - Christian University, Canton, Me. . To thilispartaxtt imProieuiettra In !Maness edu cation, presented for the drat time to the public in our slew work, we•havouowsdded our NEW EDUCATIONAL ENTERPRISE, ,sombinlog our long tested and Perfected clue !n• struction with comgrehousive exercises; # - !MI IN REAL. !BUSINESS, the test attempt of the; kind In America. This im portant department of oar business, with its obvi. oes advratages to our graduate.. aadthose who em . ( ploy them. fs tally deuwelbed In oar new elreulariust issued. In ' - OUR witrnNo DEPARTI ENT • No laboror expense kiai been spared to attain the highest' efficiency, and nb other establishment ot the kind has educated an equal number of Ant class. business and ornamental penmen. All who Inspect. the new and elegant d magus of , - • . pvm now exhibited at the College, will - Admit that in business writturt. -- fancy lettering, end all kinds of decorative work, we have no equals in th e w est, and no superiors in the Union.; We also invite an Inspection of , ';, EEEAL7MEE'S NEW COUNTERFEIT DETECTOR, 'hem design• flan:dished tr► the United States Treas ury Department, now used In our dual for teach , Ing the • DETECTION OF 'COUNTERFiIi MOSEY. 11frYoe 'terms ant all nartlrulars send fie our r 16 PAGE:DOUBLZ QUARTO 0.111(113Lall. malled l Lroe Dr •-• . , 'P'''DttrE4t - sioN . . ~.• ntoron.Aus;, , prrrsmraes, PA. „ft ; Our IWitreroc!as la* SIFIJOiID ATZNVE, Pitts. .llr itt ' •s . / I)ITJEIF /St SON, pow sailor Itei•boafsl Whole we ,r. in Flo*, firithii ami au • kiidii of Prodeite.: Agitta fbF Plttaburiti lainuflictores. 'tjafoments of to Undo or pr Solielted; pashirbrasoUnadet , - • miptind fOT oolWOolillf PilesCotrwt . NEM-A4/1 - FEIiii•IBMUDNTI3. gilt- ORDINANCE_ Changing the name - of Bank •Imiter in' the Night! , Want ,to ver avenum. ;_-, -•• 4, ~- ,..- - ''.-. . .._,"--'—' 4','4" '• I Sac. 1. Be it *Mama and•ansmeem by pie Selo*. and Common Ostasetito/theatkr o ilirs*J. a" a t r , Ambit esaaat by ma , the ram. That tbenameof Baia La ney Abe lahtli want. be and is darer, dinged ,to L iatver,iartatili, to ear respond with the balance of the street: ..; , ~_ Ordained and enset;:t e , into* tinvattialiM i ta i t* *IT of November, 11188. JANXIS Hap residenrof Select Connell.. ' - JOHN B. SLAOLE, President of Common Council. latest: • • ' - - .. , D. YAM:1110W: Oterit of Select OcianoU.. Y. Dm,monms. Qerk of OommonOesmalli not 1111 ESOLVTioN.TO WIDEN.WEIIor AA, STAR STRUT. ttaaotmen. By the Mat mut Co.,mos. Costnette ef tits Ottyif Allegheny _That, eberAir Atom be widened to the width of 40 feet from Belitoh alley to North matte. for tbeDurnosoOrOnallillanivit_li nalferin width thronsthent, and thittli. , Br I. J. llernma and amebic% Vdf alter. .frerb era, bet slid they are hereby anpointed , vleWtte tie ew and suet, the damages and beaefits in accordance with the provisions or the Act of Aliefltdar. Approved A. D.lBBl, and that the Clerks orConn cite notify them of their appohltaidet- Ordsitted and enseted hittsolawthis the qui day of November, A. D. 3.1188. lIMI .c ,• • 4.AXDS , • roonooss or the Sore Xcl aMcD. • JOHN 8. 'oI.AOLD. PzooldesO of Cowman Aitoote • I • _ . •D. TIACIIwasON. Ulu* or sClett Donnell. B. DuAroure. Ciert of Common Donn el l. non 'A N - ORDINANCE GRANTING Mthe right of way to the l e ederal-Strect and an: ' , relief Passenger-Railway Co=natty over certain streets, with sUpnlitions relation ttierete. VICTION L Be it ordained 'and - reacted by the -• Select and Common Ceintotie of the ChM urditsghes4 AV: and it it Mrebg tRaMM by uWitorito the sales.. That the eonseat of the Plume:Roof he City • of Allegheny is herebritivett to the Wesel Street and Pleasant Valley Passenger Illoftway Company • today out and construct orallway,.end for that par- • pose to enter upon lad;occupy the following streeta —viz: Starting at the minter of SandnahY stre.t. on the tionth, side of Ohio street; thence along Rendus-, • ky street to Laoeck street', thence along Lacock , street to Anderson street,' - thence along Anderson • street to the bridge; - (known as Rand • street bridge); the same to oe constraeted_ with double track, and to traverse said streets with their horses and cars, anklet:llo the regulations and-re strictions hereinafter menthlifed , and Telescri bed. Stec. R. Said Councils shall havethe right, frOm time to time by ordinance, to establish such rev., lations. in regard to said railway, as wily be re quired far the paving, repaving, gr tiding or culvert ins, see ming, and laying Of Mims along Bald streets • aria prevent obstructions thereon. Sic. 3. That said Railway Compsny, iri con structing th, it road. shalt conform to the:node now established, or hereafter - be established. of the said streets. and to keep said streets in perpetual repair from curb to curb. from the time the road tope; In runn , ng order- always subject to the di rection of the City Rngineer. with nriviTgent ap peal to Street Committee, whose decision shall be anal; and from time of the running of their cars, to keep said street, clean under the direction of btreet Commissioner, With right of appeei as before stated. inc. 4. That for and during the lire period of the . first five years ofter said Company shall commenoe running their ears upon said road, they shall pay to, the Treasurer of Said city twenty dollars per year fbr *soh car, and three per cent. of-tbe dividends declued; and for eke Second period-Of five years. thirty dollars per year for each car and 'five per cent. epos all 41Pridends declared; and thereafter the stun of -forty dollen per ear and Ave pea const.'of the dividends declared. The payment of the sum' assessed opon each car to be mad/ one month after the beginning of the first periods& five years, mid at the same date annually tbereaftez and the ears shalt be numberedunder the or dinances of said city regulating licenses of sate vehicles. The President of said Company shall am nuttily. on the Ant Monday of July In each year,' make a written return under oatb to the Controlle. of said city, of the number of cars which may. at anytime during theyear, run upon said toad, and the books of said Company abaft at all times be open to the Inspectlen of the Finance Committee or any other' OomMtbeee. appointed . for that purpose - by -,•. , ( Sac. 5, That said Compiny stipulate to construct their railway and run• cars upon the route , within three months from .their acceptance of.the Provis ions of this ordinance. Sac. 6. That the sai d Company shall use In the construction of their said railway, rails of a pattern to be approved by the city Enguner and sue Com mittee on Streets, and slant lay downthe, same to a gauge of gee feet- d e e r the -one-half inches. The same to be done under the utperriaion and direetion of the City Engineer, who shall be paid for his ser vices by the Company while employed by . them. Bac. T. The said Compsay shall put down at all gutters crossed by said railway. Iron culverts of a pattern to be approved bv said gineer and Street Comulittee, and said culverte sh alt be the entire width of the streets between' the line of - trooerty. and the rails shall not be laid untilthe said culverts shall be put down. _ Sac. S. That this ordinance, and anycontract en tered into blyirtne of it, shall be subject to motif• lisation or Outage any time after the expiration of ten years from the time of its acceptance hereof by said Company . , by the city giving said Company three months' notice of the intention so to do. Sec? 9. The city reserves_ the eight at AMY .t.e after lifie_itxnftittiOn of Minty years ftom the We hereof; by elfin:geoid Contain" oneyearve notice of such iatention, to possess said road and stock;by paying for the same. at a rate fixed by live disin terested appralee to be appointed at the request of said el by the dent Judge o f the Quarter Sessions Court of Alleghen,s county. • SEc. 10. This ardbulate shall not go into effect, - neither be published nor recorded, until said Com pany *ben ale lathe ,oface of the%Weller an agreement. anderthe Mak of the T. accept ing this ordinance, with all its provi and con ditions. and covenanting that any failure to comply with the lemur herraf shall, at the option of said city, work a revocation of the privileges herein granted; and should the said Company to give the city notice of their acceptance of the ordinance - entitle tan days after its passage, said neglect , will work a forfeiture of all the privileges herein greeted. Bea 11. That nettling !titbit ordinrance shall be ' construed to give the said Railway. Company the privilege of running any otherthan passenger cars on said road. Sac. 111. As &further condition of this grant by Coat ells, the nr mbers clCoenclisr,and the Messen ger of Councils shall be allowed the unreserved privilege of riding on any of the cars of said Com pany free of dune. • . Sac. 13. The said Pleasant Valley Railway Com pany la autborized to niske ad atrangetricnt with she President and DireCturs of the Pittstairgh, Alit tinny and Manchester Railway • Company to pass over that tortion'of their trock,iyina between l ed eral 'treenail. Sandusky streaton Ohio street. Ordained and enacted into a law this the twelfth day of November. A. D. HMS. .JAMESIitBRXER, I President of the Select tounclL , 40His S. tsLAGJLE. President of Common Council. Attest: • 11, Sfeerzettoir,-Clerk of Select Council. Dit.Wonrit. Cterirof Cortimon Council. nolii CHOICE COFFEES. 00 bap pholee White Lapayrit 510 bags OldWbite Itto; 10 bus Government Java; Wes tine Mocha—recetrud and b d;or age by the bag or single pcut v id at reduced rates JNO. A. itEN3IfAtV Caesar Liberty and rtand AtireAS. QM GREEN (APPLES-4W- barreis in store and fur eats b - noiT : . • B. CANFIELD & SON. • IDEARL A111—,50 casks No. l in .11. store sad for Sale by nol7 A - . B. OkbilrfELD &AM. SODA Ain-400 tons choice r brands in store and pro OA le ea . NFIAD & SOW TerLESE-: 100_ bblEi. East- Wh E .nal t lme Ist store and toe age by *o ' • J." B. CANFIELD & nON. • Pl6l. LEAD--504iPigs SoftGa.'elm( In store and for sale • for/ B. CANITELD & SON. (IEIIIEIW-60 barrels Ilyilrauli( Cetient In store and tbr sole b y _ not? J. B. ' FIUD 'a 30N. -- ANTED-A'rming nthn hasr• ENE ' $1 500 01011 HAND ( t . . desirous of Investing in some safe- and Profitable business, to wuleb b would give all his attention; Pa a resident'of this elty and has 10/1 guallfiratioas for business. Andress, B DI, GAZICTIII Office. WANTED -Two or more S . - G 001) BIACEIMIIarkS to canvas for the sale of a Steam Govenor. ADS! persnally. P.. DECICUTT. Ilieetvinteal rngineer. Yio. MDBRA.I. BTRJEIST, AllerlealcitY• noe:sSt WANTED -0111 COMNIMION, ( ONE gITN.D.ZtED TONS OF . . 3 P015rii..4 4 90aV 4 • FOR 'THE' HOLEDAYS.. , Tke hlghja r earkist pied, and iejok - gweranteed. k packsges and feed Yokel by U. P. HALLILALIIIOI Commission lierthasts. Wasbuivni ''''°*" • New York . , noinedt WTEI "A" Main to take tke B MMTENDEga OF I aw,,PACTORL moat be I ttiotoosnly exDei fenced in tbetonal 11,s111 snit be.tiblit to take ani;iton:so ot tram To eampeteut lista Utwastlaittacemcnt *MI be Glared. Adder* 0111:01.0S ROBINSON -11antiss. :w4iNTS';v" . . ,.. ''. sa,ooolto -$5,09,17 13 El
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