liitto!milt Gay& (For the Pittsburgh Gazette. 3 ECHOES FROM ET CAPT. A. AVOILL. From the sea-girt coast of Maine, From the Andro • cogeln shore; From venobscot'a roaring river, • - Don't you near the cannons roar? Ohl there are g - tod times coming, • II along the Atlantic chore: Hemphremagog's boaters echo Grant and Peace and nothing more j . Don't you hear the tread of Freemen O'er the land of pine and fo.m? _ Donn yen he r the shout of victory, Brom Katshdln 'a lofty &me y 011 there arc goo 4 :Imes coming, MI along; the Atl 'rale shor-: Bee the tens of thousands coming- Boys lu Blue, and many morel Don't you see the pennants flying . From Live enn 4 red masts or ,eore? • • Don't you hear 'be brave tan cr3 Ina: - • Gran and rommeree. nothing mere? Oh! th are good times coining. , All along the A tlantic shore; Don't you hear the scboes'hemming, Grant and Commerca , mAtting more? li What's the close of all this music, ).own In the State of Maine? Chamberlain from the Potomac • - Leads the Boys In Bind assin I Ohl there e good times coming All ' , long the A tlantic shore;-. And And the drummer boys are drumming Grant and Glorti, nothing morel 'Jo•h" has hanyel Oa^ rebel legions, And bras swot them hip ardthlght To the tune of twenty thousand, lle hai hlown ahem up sky h'gh: - Ohl there are good Ime. coming, All along the /atlantic shore' . - And the rebel hosts are running And wall Hight us never more. . i• 'see, the OopperheidS are. Hying! - •' Bee them skulk, and hide; anti whine! They their co , ors are denying. • • , a we "fight It on this liner' • Ohl there are good times coming,' - All along th- Atlantic shore: • Let the breeze font net onr banners, - And let the cannons roar! Now, three cheers for • the Union! Three eteers for Chamberlain! Three times three tor Graut and Glory! Invincible is at sine! , Ohl th •re are good times coming, • nil along the A tinntici main: Don't you hear the cannons - roaring For the glorious State .f Maine! tplionti about! till 'leaven's arches ' Meg with the mighty roar; Till its wafted o'er the mountains To the great Pacific shore! Ohl there are go d times coming , Alt o'er this mighty bind, >• - Grant and Peace • rem the Atlantic, •.lo the g eat Pacific strand: BLITZ AND THE DARHIES. Blitz I The very name is synonymous with witcheraft and roguery. What a twang of jugglery there is in its pronunciation— presto Mange—magical words in themselves, are no more identified with miraculous deeds than that of Blitz. He is the prince of conjurors, and adds to his wonderful dex terity at legerdemain, the most remarkable power of the human voice, known as ven triloquism. Blitz is an arrant joke* sod loves to - carry out a practical piece of fun. For some weeks past he has been frighten ing the market'men. in New York by cans. ing their dead poultry and dressed pigs to talk all sorts of stuff, and to make formal • complaint of the untimely end to which they haire been brought. One butcher, after throwing a half dozen turkies into the street, because they would gobble, though they were as depd as door nai:s, was saluted with a - trememAps.grunt from a young pig that .he was offering for sale, all clean and dressed for the table: Frightened half out of his wits the market man fairly "cut stick," nor iSould he come back again until piggy had been removed. - But the naughtiest thing that Blitz ever did was to disturb a negro meeting some years ago in Belknap street, Boston. The story is not generally known, as it would nerhaps have led to some personal trouble to him, had it`been represented to then au • thorities. All Boston knows or has heard of the negro pmictier; Father Snowden, who held forth to his "eullered bredderin" in Belknap street for so. many years. It was a quiet 'summer's afternoon when the house was pretty well filled—there being a -revival of xeligion going on among the "gemnien ob color"—when Blitz with some other persons (although he is himself as dark as a mulatto, and has "curly ,hair" to boot) entered the house. It was pretty warm weather, and 'consequently the• hail was not a little of fensive to the senses polite; but things went -on nicely enough until the minister had sat warmed up in his Subject, and was using - words almost too long for a common sized dictionary, when Blitz thought it was about time to do something. • . "And the Lord said unto Moses"— "Bow-wow-wow," came apparentlyfrom -b.hind the speaker. - - The congregation looked eac h -other , in face with countenances darker than' ever 'while 'Father Snowden; alter' staring .4)&4l(lMb:welt, seemed to come to the con clusion that • the _noise Proceeded from tke street; - and - so he commenced again ? ' ", • "And the Lord said unto. Moses,.." - "Stand - frism . under I" cried a voice, ap. parentiyat the top of the house. -. •' The startled congregation rolled up the big. -whites of their eyes to the ceiling in Immanent, while the minister drew sud denly:-to one side, expecting somethirg was coming down. But atter a moment's pause,' all seemed quiet, and -so Mr. Snowden re sented... "And the Lord said unto Moies—" "Ain't yon ashamed of yourself I—take your hands off of -me I" said;a voice pro ceeding apparently from, a very neat mu latto girl, who sat in the front pew and upon whom all eyes: were now turned. “I didn't touch yer," said the man next to her, in amazement. Some smiled and said, "Sam Johnson 'ought to be ashamed of himself to act so in -meeting," and the minister frowned upon biotin a -way: that would have thawed a snowball outright, after which Mr. Snoti den attempted once more to resume his re marks: ' • • .: • "And the Lord said unto. Moses—" "Well what did he say r came suddenly from the big-lips of an attentive- listener in 'the side aisle. • •• The minister was astounded. Ho bilked ' at the man aathough hie boldness hiid elec trifled him; 'while. r thej'aong n, regatio began to think-Oaten . ; er the circumataqpo l ; the inquir%lSaveril natural and appro . Iniqe cote: As' tn'tbe Minister himself, :he was a little' Ve;xed nd - tifid.,4§peitted with co phai v i : • .: . 's , 6 litut the Lord sald'unto Moses "Piro , I -fire I" roared a voice,' whichseem- ed to dolne from the entrance of 416" with startling 'enitestnem. • ' :ThieiWaslociinuelt to bear tatneli.'Syen, the minister flashed 'to the• door, end the, o f women sireamedlike mad, as they. huddled and fpusbed each 'other ontuotibs peWs linti'downl the aisle.: Sonnets suffered antne on , the Occasion, and when Abet , all vitt falriviont,lbeylboked up to the top of the meeting house, patiently awaiting to see theUner~ through,tha slated reek,. , dild'Utfire Blitz left theta 'standing, their eyede :Oiled heavenward, and Parana S now den in '1 torsifin - otor. • "'moires" said'one Irishman to another "ego drive upthfiliereeli." ist`O I p ''"eeplied the other, "an can one do it?" J•Welithen, be ja'bers' do It yeumolt" • 4.,..t' Y " , : , •' - .4'.''''' ,. !•'• , ••' ,- ‘•• , i•-•••54 ,- -,:• . 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At a recent Parish meeting in Lealltinit was resolves:lto throw open the chureliyirds .' of the parish as recreation growldi. , iTh e , Rector said what he desired to see' was' a place with pleasantwalks, green turf, flower beds, and flowe.ring shrubs, to afford grate fhl retirement occasionally from the noise , and bustle of ,daily toll, to hard wo r ki ng folks—a place where children might be sent to breathe the fresh air, .exempt from the dangers of the street traffic. There are, in all'our large citles K old and disused cemeteries in the midst of a large population. These are often surrounded by high walls and fences, and. the. public are religiously excluded from them. Indeed, in some of our cities, the strictest rules in re gard to all cemeteries are made and, only persons having tickets are admitted. 'lt thus happens that thousands of persons who have no permits, and know not where to procure them, are shut out of these grounds. Precisely why this rule should be adOpted, we cannot see, fora very little police watch ing would insure good order. 1 In Philadelphianota policeman is required in the cemeteries. At Cincinnati, in a lead ing and highly , ornamental .cemetery, the rails inclosing the lots have all been remov ed and the mounds over the gfaves leveled with the ground, so as to make the place uniform in aspect, and to leave the ipublic free to stroll at leisure. ExperienCe has shown, and most noticeably in our ) own Central Park, that people soon learn to re sped, public property, to keep their bands off flowers and. shrubs, their knives 'from woodwork, and their pencils from merble. 1 It has been an American custom to sell disused churchyards• for building lots, but some remain which could easily be made useful to the public by opening them as breathing places fora heated and overcrowd ed population. Meditations among the tombs would nettle unedifying to the living who would resort for a leisure hour to the places, underneath 'which the remains of the rude orefathers of the hamlet have long since crumbled into indistinguishable dust. The fancyof the day is for extra mural cemeteries and parks, and there is so much the more reason for maintaing the few scat tered open places which lie along our city streets. Though London Is lull of parks, gardens, commons and greens, the late par ish meeting shows a tendency to increase the number, and to add to the comforts ,of a class who have rather less than their share of the common felicities of life. This sub ject is attracting attention in Philadlphia, and the papers of that city are comma ding the London example to parish auth ities c i. there. Sporting--The Breech Loading Shot Gun. The Springfield Rept hi ken describes a new shot ghn now manufactured In that town by the Wesson Company. It says : The double barrels are attached to the stock in the usual manner, with a key. Just back of ,this key is the hinge upon which the barrels turn to throw up the breech. About two inches back of the hammers, in the small part of the stock, and precisely at this point where the thumb of the right hand naturally falls, is a littla knob. A slight forward pressure of the thumb upon this itnob raises a short lever. By this move ment the breach is unlocked and a slight jar causes it to be raised ready for the inser tion of the cartridges. The cartridge slides easily in, and no especial care to press it home is necessary, the, operation _of closing the breech doing all that. The rib of the barrels extends half an inch beyond the point of rupture, termi nating in a sort of letter H. The locking level mentioned above terminates in a simi lar form, reversed, and when, - by a gentle pressure of the right thumb, two are brought together in a strong, drawing grip, the breech is securely locked and ready for firing. The mechanism .of both locks are secured to one plate, which is also the back bone of the stock, a, plan which admirably secures the locks against injury and wear. The hammers are small and slightly sunken in the face of the stock, so as to deliver a central fire blow upon a horizontal pin that discharges the cap. After delivering us blow the hammer. rebounds automatically to half-cock, at which point it rests. This Is one of the best features of the gun. No precaution against accident could be more certain than this inavement, which.we have never seen used - before After discharge, and when the breech is opened, au ejector. throws the empty partridge' shell halt out so they can be removed with the fingers. Eley's central fire cartridge is used at pres ent, but it is intended to manufacture a car tridge in this city especially for use in this gun which will be much cheaper. The barieli are of ,the finest Damascus twist of a small figare and of a remarkably graceful - shape, or outline. They are bored so as to ocattev i er concentrate the shot, as' desired. The breech plate is ekeleton, to secure great er lightness, and, the whole finish of the piece is elegant andlasteful. The tree Crown of Lombardy. This rclet, containing An inner ring made of the 'On nails with which tra dition alleges our Saviour was fastened to the cress,.bid been carefully preserved for nearly twelve'. centuries in the town of Monza. All the Lombard Kings, and those who subsequently called themselves Kings of ,Italy, were crowned with • this diadem. •In 1859 Austria took it with _great pomp tp Mantua, and thence ' for the greater security, to Vienna. 'After the campaign of 1866, General Menabrea, now President of the Council of the Kingdom_Of Italy, went, in virtue of the treaty of pea'ce, to take poe. session of the holy 'object, and 'carried it to Turin, to. King Vicior . Emanuel. Early in December of that year, General Solaroll handed it over, by order or the King of Italy, to the. Chapter of Monza. The for eign journals, just received, announce that, fortlip first time during the last ten years, 'and In the 'Cathedral of San Giovanni, the festival of the Holy Nail, whioh ornaments this celebrated Iron crown, was celebrated from, Sei k teintier (lilt , to September Bth, at the city ,pf Monza, • The crown itself is popularly aolled tl ear° diodo--the holy , The Tidal Wave on 'this North - Patine. We printed. on the 81st..of Augusta tele= gram froyil3ariPranCiano 'winnows: Oa the 15th irist; sininlai tldiLphenom enon occurred off Banfodro, Southern Cal ifornia: aiseriesof wavescoramenced flow ing upon the coast,• , canaing the tide tn rho pinty , faufent "shove the ordinary high wat.: er mark which was followed by the falling ppf tbii,tidet "equal diabince below the usual love*/sher *4, The rise Mid fall.occur , • TAI‘IgaiLY every `4411 hour for several hour& ais• e, - , Of course, the cause .is now Clear. These. Waves were started by the great,earthquake in iPeru;t'and mtist -have traveled '. nearly 4,000 miles. within. the two days or less.that. .intepeniti , between, the shock in Peru and the,eifict in Oallthrnla4hat is nearly. 100 milei an 'hour. " 0 A. iaan dawn In , Lynn, -Massachusetts, it la said, made:so numy palre.,or shoei in mike day, MO; blunt Igo days to count theta: Ho vial a smart sme, but not equal td one nit In New o,ainpahlre, who builvio many Milee or stoge wad .% one 'day, that it took tim all night'and the next day to get home. PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : SA7I7RDA,T. SEPT FM FFR 19, WS& DENTISTRY EETH EXTRACTED • Wirrnovr I.,A.rers 10 caAsez sum WHEN ARTIFICIAL TEETH ABE ORDERED. A PULL 817 FOR 45, AT DR. SCOTT'S. ATM PENN STREET, ED DOOR ABOVE HAND ALL WORN WA.REANTED. CALL AND EX AMINE SPECIMENS OF GENUINE VULCAN MC. ull9:d&T GAS FIXTURES WELDON & KELLY, - - Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers In Lamps, Lanterns, Chandeliers - • AND LAMP GOODS. Also, CARBON AND LUBRICATING OILS, 13#NZINJE, dice. No, 147 Wood Street. aeg:nl:2 1 Between sth and Gth Avenues. CEMENT, SOAP STONE, &O. H:I9LORA AP BTO P AWO:oh) HYDRAULIC CEMENT DRAIN PIPE, Cheapest and beat Pipe In the market. Also, RO. BENDA.LE HYDRAULIC CEMENT for sale. R. B. & C. A. BROCK:ETT & CO. Alleghenyd Manufactory=24o REBECCA ST., Sir Orders by mall promptly attended to. Je22: PIANOS. ORGANS. &O. BIT THE BEST AND CHEAP JOT PIANO AND ORGAN. • . Schomacker's Gold Medal Piano • AND ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGAN. The SCHONACRER PIANO combines all the latest valuable improvements known in the con struction of a first class instrument, and has always been awarded the highest premium wherever ex hibited. Its tone is fall, sonorous and sweet. 'The workmanship, fbr durability and beauty, surpass • all others. Prices from PO. to $l5O, (according to style and finish,) cheaper than all other scs4.alled first class Piano. F.STRY'S COTTArkE ORGAN Stands at the head of all reed instruments, in pro ducing the most perfect pipe quality of tone of any similar Instrument in the united States. It Is sim ple and compact in construction, and not liable to get out of order. CARPENTER'S PATENT " VOX HUMANA TREMOLO" Is only to be found In this Organ. Price from $l.OO to 5850. All guaranteed for live years. BABB, LUKE & BUETTLER, mn9 No. 12 ST. CLAIR STREET. KNABE & CO.'S AND HAINES BROS. PIANOS, For sale on monthly and quarterly payments. CHARLOTTE BLUME, aulS 43 Fifth street, Sole Agent. HATS AND ,CAPa. FALL HATS! M'CORD & CO., 131 WOOD STNEET, ' Are now. ready with a LARGE AND SELECT tsTUCK of 73.136 1 1 1 13, 4.61i.1=:431 ) .ateAND FURS. MAI/TM LIEBLER, FIATS. CAP'S Also. Manufacturer, Wholesale and Seidl Dealer tu TRUNKS. VALISES. &c., No. 133 MUM FIELD STREET. Pittsburgh. Pa. orders ormnetle Oiled and Ilitillelekrll TOBACCO AND CIGARS. ITLIAN lALLEN, I ALLEN, DIAIJILB IN ALL 1:11:16111 07 (ZAP TOBACCO AND SEGABIN so. e SIXTH NTEXIIT, (National Bank of cow. same BaHaing.) prrrssunos, PA. ap ßranch of "11 w a t er"rerb,Mß Y i. DIVAN: t ten EXCELSIOR WORKS. , IL ,Sc .TE..ractringol% maxamitirers and Deadens In Tohaece. Snuff. (agars. pipes, gip! 6 IPKRICILIII. BT.. ALLazpitionr• CONFECTIONERIES. - FTENIELI W. HOIWACH, 1 " . Confectionery and Bakery - no. sou BBMIIIITELD BTEKET, Between Seventh and Liberty. zirr.,Arnzs , oyeTza. SALOON attached. GEO.' ISMILELEThr, Fancy Cake Baker & Confectioner, • ma, DasLan ix FOREIGN a Dolman° FRUITS & NUTS, No. r t flavors, corner Federa l and Robinson streets, gh Alla en Omni's* . on band, 10/3 ORRLM, of vas. • SEWING MACHINES. THE tinEALT ARIFJLICAN,COIII- BiNefriox. 1 - - BUITcoIGIiOLE OVERRAN:ENO AND SEWINIIVILACEENB. MAII AO 'must, • NEING ABSoLuTEL'i T EST /*LT NAOHINIC IN• • TH W OR L D _Arm TRIMIKIALLic THE ONZAFICesT..:. Witgents wanted td sett t Macklue. CHASO -4 . 3.4i491.4.103/. Vdriter - 711PTil VIDVA I PX irl f raif l otei Ilicrtlardson , eltelry Store. , : • ray.:oll a) yiTiir.l; #, :Y.ll HOP,OO I OBELL# CO! , - ANCHOR COTTON MILLS', Ple** o /F0 11 4 1 .• *snot ttarers,gprAyi! stiumnit gad wow Amnion aim. nutszolfs. `IH rq GS ANDA3AfrOfo. BAIR AND PEaFMYME JOHN PECK, OrnamentaiHaii HAIR WORRKR.A.ND' PER" MGM ,No. 133 JOHN street, near bbilindeld, Pittsburgli.o • Always on band,* senerai assortment Or Ladles WIGS, RANDS, CURL/ Dantienien's • WlCK TO* "Xiti__BOALM GUARD ORAINII,BRACIELGTG. SO. or A' good Price_ in cash wUI be given' for Ladies aad , Oeitlemen's met the neatest tawnier. mama MEM il,-,•::.7,,,':,'5',','1:,.?:t7,:i.;t':,,1;;Z:,..-i,,...z1,.-2,.5;.,,_(-,.-;:,...,,....,,,;;:.:.7.,-,..:.•_,-,-,:,-,,, ~,,., LIC CEMENT} LASTEB, ONOnTRYI TOPS. WATER nen, sizaralr H. commis, - 23 Wood street. =COI TRIMMINGS AND NOTIONS. ALL TRADE. `,, THE ATTlinali OF Wholletale and Retail, Buyers invited to our FZETENSIVE STOCK of NEW GOODS Embracing all that Is new and desirable in Straw and Millinery Goode; Aats, Bonnets Ribbons; French and American Flowers; Bo s. Feathers, Velvets, Crapes; Gr. De Naps, Frames, Ornaments, &c. AL: • TO OUR LARGE ASSORTMENT OF D .ss. Cloak and Mantilla Trimmings; Fri .ges, Headings, Wraps; Trl . ming Laces and Satins; Lops, Buttons, all shades; Plain and Shaded Velvet Ribbons; • E brolderles, Handkerchiefs: L es and Lace Goods; D tted Nets, Grenadines; Cr pe Veils, Lace Veils; Linen Collars and Cuffs. Hosiery, Gloves; ' La les' and Gent's Merino Underwear; Ge .t's Furnishing Goods; CO -tt, Hoop Skirts; - Th. "La Belle" and "Boulevard" Balmorals - A new lot Just received. Bel lugs, Buckles, Jet Chains, Wersteds; k, Ja Canvas, Germantown Wools, - K• ring Yarns, Fancy Goode and Notions, e offer et the VERY LOWEST EASTERN Wholesale Booms up stairs. Which PRIC ~ EPH HORNE ' & CO., EE 77 & 79 M %BRET iSTEEICT NEW, TIRECIIIEN,GIB, New Fringes, Sewing Silk and Blaiim. 1,200 Pair of Real, 'French Corsets . White and Colored only ISO cents a pair. A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF YAR IN ALL COLORS THE NEW PARIS "LA BELLE BALMORAL{ Gent's Fall and Winter Underwear. LADIES' AND GENT'S FURNISHING GOOD, • The largest supply and finest Ratter= of Ladies' & Misses' Balmoral Hosiery 6 ' WOOL HOODS AND SAOLIES°. Hoop Skirts, Kid and Silk Gloves. 4y - The VERY LOWEST RATES to Jobbers ti CRUM, GLYD & 0 7S and SO Market Street. sel4: PRICES MARKED DOWN! MACRUM & CARLISLE'S, No. 19 Fifth Street. ALL GOODS GREATLY REDUCED! ON AND AFTER JULY IST. 11001'43E11 M. (Ladies',) for CORSETS. (Rea) Fratieb.) LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, 3 for 23 KID GLOVES. (warranted+) PAPER COLLARS AOO Yd,. SPOOL COTTON, (good) PQCKST BOOKS, worth blo MEN'S SUMMER UNDEliktiliTB MEN'S JEAN Df4AWEIZS All kinds Bonnets and Hats at Half Cost GREAT - BARGAINS! IN ALL KINDS OF GOODS. Special Bates to Derelutato & Dealers. =anal a canus&a, El= 3T.11 ID 3 1 31 kETOI3 .WVO 3) i; 1 lin . FOURTH ST. 115. JOHN . b.. BAILEY & BRO., STOCK A ID REAL ESTATE BROKERS AND AIICTIONEKINS„ ASO remind SO Auction STOCRA z irliMit, al..pd all kinds of BBiaßitlTlllo3. REAL ATB„ HOUSZLIOLD PUUMTURIC, die., either on the premises or attention Board of Trade Booms. rartieullr attention paid. as heretofore, 0 the sale of BM! Estate at private sale. Bales of Real Estate in the °wintry attended. Oillea. No. 115 /WORTH BTREET. jytimet $lO.OOO T 4.) LOAN, • • ON BOND' AND MORTGAGE. • • OEO. M. PET'FX. 9nTl5 Real Estate Agent. 60 thnitheela Street. SLATE. ATE , MEE, TWIN CITY , ..SLATE •co., A. nwatiraciace, a on”rlor, &aisle of ~ .; *iecoovrNia - drake, 48 A. ,Seventit St., Pittsburgh, Pr. my20.0ei1..1; S. iIE)ThrIASYSS'. Preel. • ' PAPER. iIICHLIT&BURGH A EH. NANO; L OTDDINO DOMpply t Dmiulacturers of , PRINTING:AND ;WRAPPING! PAPERS.. OUNTON MILLTSTIMIICNVIL_U. Ohio. ,BRUIRTOI.4 KIL—ITZW DRINAKToN, PA. •• • ; • ;017ICM 4NDWARREIOI3B4' : • No; 82 S treet , PittabuTlAP4, I:psnCisaiArllBll NMPTle ri i ecte hrom e tt: • t J O t ALLATAt z. N, Tre s aaureT. DnestimAtterat. BRUN. JAM Alia 't3: Bartituini:Jobn Rol . • ." CAI 4 clod Or riper ?Wok, . . 149:00 • " ICE. ICE ICE t ICE: 1191. SUBS, Ice Dealer, fie. .54 ,Pittatnintb• Orders left here or at Hand Street Bridge lOU 70.. eetve prompt attention. rultdaz tzt trysail and AllootaultE. • not NEW FALL GOODS, THEODORE F. PHILLIPS' co c= i; 715 GP ,,1 c a a .7 ces ...g. .., , ii- it 0, ;T.l IW. E.. 4 4 ill! t asl CI .3 0:1 4. , i 7-4 ..t cc ) ,a .....1 "3 g 4 . 1 . 2 3 ii 0 z pa e° 1= 0 la 4-• i — ' 4 cont' o 6. , w. _. : .4 =,„, -.4 m .-car• 2. es 4 ._ cl> bQ C 7 Ir. .=,;" ;7 4 0 er::, . 7 ...I - ..a Pa si = Li .F 0 ht = : :I_ 64 "g ll = P = iri " ar4 . cc. 2 ..... i". ara a - 1 ' c - cr; g=l ..5..... -. ;A - f g l 3 , c.., 168. ••4 • ..... ••••r•••••-168 . NEW GOODS. NEW ALPACCAS. NEW MOHAIR. BLACK SILKS. HOSIERY and GLOV E S. JP. SC! ETCIC, far No. 168 Wylie Street. 4th 168. ' 168. (ar3o:nlo] OMB, McCANDLESS & CO., (Late Wilson. Carr A WHOLESALE DEALERS ER Fmeign and Domestic Dry Goods, No. 94 WOOD STREET, Third door above Diamond alley. PITTSRITROH. PA. 1 1.00 CfOALI COAL!! COAL!!! DICKSON,. STEWART & NO, 567 .11,1213.E.11/PY Are no w tn zrepared to tarnish good YOUGHIOG HE NY L NUT COAL Olt 13 LACIEt.lit the lowest morket price. All'orders left at their office, or addressed to them through the mall, oat be attended to promptly. my25:1323 A RMSTRONG & 111711111INS9N, rart. n asx.Fttrani l trYou s =tzsig Cosa CO, 111NFRIS,NHYPIPNES AND DEAL ER& BY RA.IIO. /WAD AND BIYYD, or superior Youghiogheny . , • ,CAB AND FAMILY COAL.- Ofkoe and Yazd—FOOT OF TRY NTREIGT, , near the Oss Works: 19 vim( untirr. GLASS, CHINA- CUTLER?. STANDARD AIiERWIN ARD`MiU% . - 6.3111. 00113.11IATION MEM= _ _ • the.trestalv se. NEW ix rEOirlt- MENT Patented Nov. SICIth, 1861. - %rid' Aprti slit, 1888 Everything relating to blitardsortne beat quality and. lowaat_ prices always on nand.. our. RiEW,E TRIMMER, Patentel May ittb, /SOS prlceign.69-4 great aunts.*** una tinted price Hitt !pent on aptilleritio,la, Address - //ULM AL c li PlektiNPETt;'' . ea,q15, 1 81 ma de' ortoenriw.: . • yew- mirk bity • dyit:asturrarm L:J :t tip t', i arA:111 ;I 3 4 I , lealer i ! el ifi l th 11618aD311/2 /r 244 ritycntitt wrizzt, - - L►bertY AM rani drool& Clriter4 promptly •tteh ' ded to. IMM RE 0V A 11.—T he AA,Afantifictareni National Bank will s on ' lIIIRDAY, Atiffulit WIN *anion} fci the ooroer of Pint and . Wood street& Hance formerlycupied by the reoPill'a National Ilcok i and remain oc daring the er6lllolllUt their new Banking Room: • auldivlll WOW, Cubl,ar. DRY GOODS.- COUNTRY' BAIRRID,RWNELS, AT JAL Bigicautt lt; crs, No. 32 St. Clair Street. : BLACK L - WHITE AND COLORED BARRED FLANNELS. WHITE OOUBTRY FLANNELS. RED AND YELLOW FLANNELS. WHITE FLANNELS, best makes. RED AND OBEY TWILLED FLANNELS. BLEACHED CANTON FLANNELS: 1 UNBLEACHED de. do. BLANKETS, a fall assortment. CASSIDIEBES, KENTUCKY JEANS. tEir Remember the place. No. 62 St. Clair, near Liberty St. self: 87. MARKET STREET. . Ql7 • NOW OPENING, 87 MARKET STREET, COAL AND COKE. Haring removed their Omed to (Lately City Flour kW) SECOND ICLOOL NM WOOD ina1342%, OHM, GLASS AND QUEENSINARE, ermat iDiaTzn WARD, PARIAN STATUETTES, BOORMAN GLASS, Aad ether STAPLE AND PADDY GOODS, a great variety. 100 WOOD STREXT. RICHARD E. BREED & CO =WV • 100 WOOD STREET. BILLIARD TABLES. , ;P 3 P , T O Y - ALs. A. CAR PETS AND OIL CLOTHS NEW CARPETS ! ARRIVED AND ARRIVING. _ WE ARE IN RECEIPT OF AN immense stock of every de scription of CARPETINGS, new styles, for Fall Sales, and which will' be con stantly added to during the, season. THE VERY LOWEST CASH PRICES. IffcCALLITH BROS., 51 FIFTH STREET. eel 2: FALL SPCICIK NEWEST -STYLES! TAPESTRY' AND BODY BRUSSELS,: Two Asimo CARPETS ALL WOOL INGRAM, in great variety., COMMON 'CARPETS, AT VERY LOW PRICES. DRUGOETS, all Widths. MEDALLION DRUGGETB, - WINDOW SHADES. 'Our stock is the largest and most desirable we have ever offered to the trade. BOVARD 3 . ROSE & C 0.,, 21 MITS. STREET. tplo:dhivlr . FALL GOODS. FIRST ARRIVAL OF THE QF ASON A PULL ASSORTMENT OF Velvet, Brussels, Tapestry, Three Ply, _ And Ingrait, CAJEURIETI'S, JUST OPENED AND OFFERED AT THE LOWEST DATES. OLIVER & CO., No. 23 Filth Street 71** . NEW CARPETS, la la wrlllL. x ivll3 CORNICES WINDOW SHADES, \TELL SEASONED FLOOR OIL CLOTHE- TABLE AND PIANO COVERS. THE Bar ENDS AT LOWEST PRICE McFARLAND & COMIC Nos. 71 and 73 Fifth _Street, Next 'Building tort. 8. putoui Houxi4 Post Oftli; ■as:Tre&T SURF HOUSE, zerraiNTio OITY. N. J. This first obits Hotel will open for the season :f 4181 h Ternts,_ la- BO par day;42o per wetr: -address, • kg. R. - 1110.firb(ON. QroprteWr (Formerlrof Coat Les s. Halt, Cape island, and gr riM i e u t i 4ro " :lll t r CAHI. SBNTZ. . ... ~,.. A NEW SUMMER RESORT. -•::- ' LAKE HO IIEIR; Staneboro, v 3 fen the Una of limesuorif &' loraailin Rallres''Z' ons hours ride. from Franklin., . This house t ,::- large, new sad, otosoiodkies, w tarnished, 1: , ..-, bilflard"roonia; 'ten=pin alleys' w illaneoered Drou'';-:' ulnas. It Is on the banks of the meat etaral';:i isaryjAkii ID A rne ri abousolinar in dab, and -:,-;:, ialrable Do Lenin& pillitioess. eurroueded with 11 ,7 -..; pfillritiliaga; romantic leaner,. ile. - It Is the li.;':- ensimerresost in the Ststew:' &Adroit& i'C',' .. Ili•tr.AlgliPlAFf.,kiroprletes:'.4:. COs_ _ 8( - %RYE FLOUR, --N.- -AMM-00011 li '1044 !,"" ,' ITAlsuntilmtlitrawr, ,•-.-., . o ;',-, ' l '' • ' - Retei , ` Pituibergb deehi Xiseatc* : : r , , mi.- - iv. siviikati4ori. .., IliSinectere7 tfiXotli IdEAI N RYE notra, 1...•_; - ,i CROPPED PRED. Orders deuvered he either e-, -- ' me ofic4arge. (fiela or_ ell,.klhds chopped. i ,- M cum; n short eau EES ARo a B ARR 4.1t11-OSERi. FRUIT HOUSE. 11.13SOCIATioX DITILDINGS„ Fend! 'et. Clair Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Pee uttenUou Weil to the desigubig and WM/a 0011111 P HOUSES and-PU(II4W StilLti/Ntith =I IHM HOTELS. - *" ■
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