DI tilt littsintrO Gay*. (For the Pittsburgh Gazette:3 ""LET Ub HAVE PEACE." "Let ne have Peace," is the prayer of the Hero, Who marshaled our legions against a brave foe, And led on the trOops of the Union to conquer The traitors whose beans were with treason aglow. "Let us have Peace," is the wish of the Soldier, Brave Sherman, beloved In the land of the free, In whose thundering cannon the death and the dirge Of treason was sung as "He Marched to the Sea." . - - '•Let us have Peace," is the cry of the Soldiers, Who lived through the whirWinu and tempest of war, ' Now sick at the th6ught of the blood and the carnage, , Called heel' tto remembrance by wound angby scar. , `Let us have Peace," is the prayer of the Freedman, Who stands with the treraor of fear on his brow, And shudders to dream of the lash and the shackles, I hen "Death before Slavery" takes as his vow. ' "Let us have Peace." Is the cry of the millions, Resounding In echo from mountain to sea, It gathers In volume, as onward It passes, Columbia's call on her sons to be free. ' "Let WI have Peace," oh, God hear the prayer! Flying up on the wings of the wind to the sky; Let Peace 'with its blessings come down on our nation. Let the war-cloud, the tempest and thunder roll by EPIFYKERIS. —143 eath a s m Baltimore last week: —The Menken died of consumption. pin —Cin Ws wickedest man is nowin —An xchange writes Planchel‘e plain cheat. —Philadelphia has been suffering again with heat. —Nature's tailoring—a potato patch.—‘ Y. Commonwealth. --One of the'most noted histories - 1 carpet baggers was Wm. Penn. —New York. will, in a few weeks, have twenty-one theatres =using it. ‘' —Tennessee has a milk-giving calf; Major; Burnell should see to this. ' Lthere is a man in Vermont who has killed 200 woodchucks this seitson. —Gran's German opera troupe gives a concert on Saturday evening in Erie. —A wise man has liscovered that after all boys are only men in,a round-about way. —Foul 'play—the author's dramatization —is very harshly criticised in Philadelphia. —A Yankee paper thinks it is curious that a hard shower should yield soft water. —Heller, having gotten over his bankrup ture, is agabi. astounding London with his feats. —General Meade is now the shining mark at which much of the Democratic slime is thrown. • =On Friday last H.. R. H. Duke Wilhelm von Wurtemburg received , the cadets at West Point. —A French paper says that if you put a cask of petroleum in your cellar all rats will depart. —Philadelphia is: jealousof New York and is trying to get some of her wickedest men to recorm. —Why are cigars like the great departed? Because oilumns are raised above their heads.—N.l Y. Commonteealth. —A one hundred and eight-er has made his appearance in the person of a negro in the neighborhood of Long - Branch. —Affghanistan is a bad place for the rep resentatives of the press. A man who cor _responds with a newspaper has his head cut oil. —A nei , handsomely illustrated and beautifully bound edition of the religious poems of N. P. Willis has recently madeits appearance. —Coffee grounds wouldn't go downin "England - where twelve months imprison ment at hard labor is the punishment for fraudulent voting. • —J. Y. Boyce, of this city, was to have been ordained and installed pastor of the First Reformed. Presbyterian Church in Cincinnati yesterday. —School-teaching is in China_ considered the highest,and noblest occupation and the most successful teacher is generally the greatest noble hi the land. —A pestilent rebel writes to a (klpper bead sheet that "the ball is moving on." The fellow doubtless has it attached to hls leg. Let it move, old chap ! li a s —Offe bath keeps on writing new operas, and Pit burgh is dreadfully behind the times, - asmUch as not one of - his works has ever been performedcin public here. —Patti and her husband drive about in a .chocolate colored landau, lined with cloth and silk of the same Color, with servants in a dark gr l een livery trimmed with silver. —There is not a shadow of- truth in the report that the owner of a yacht that “ forged ahead" in a late match has been arrested for counterfeiting postage stamps. —Judy. t , —The t telescope at Chicago iti said ,to be anus and - rusty, the assistant 'as tronomer nfessing that he does not even know how o use it—such is the story of a Montreal p er. —Pour thousand Mormons are soon to be added to the Salt Lake colony. The "el ders," however, threaten "short commons" to all who are not willing to work on the Pacific Railway. —One of the prominent Parisian'jewelers is doing a good business by making all kinds of jewelry in ' the shape of lanterns. All Paris is excited and wants everythig ala Rochelle or ala Lanterne. —A. fleet of 515 vessels is now on its way from the Black Sea with grain for Western Europe, moat- of which will be discharged in England. The quantity is estimated at not lest. than 5,000,000 bushels. —New York Seymour and Blair- Clubs are trying to get a few "show" negviritem hers, but the Seymour riots of '6B have left stain which is not yet effaceable from the, Linde of the colored population. • Frenchman in New York claims to have invented a flying machine, which can be propelled rapidly and safely against any Arirrent of air. -fie sake for funds to ena hie him to build a working model. ( —Some one says that coal loses five per tent. a month by being exposed to the weather. How long must It be -exposed to be lost 'altogether ? Always ''proirided there is no picking and stealing going On —A meeting of :the cranberrylr of Cape Cod was held in Harwich last at which it was reported , from almost Section of the Cape that the present or cranberries would be much less than,that last year. —Euphemism is a high art in California. A paper of that State speaks of an enter prising and highly successful murderer as having "a wonderful talent for be reaving any family he does not happen to like." —Owing to the recent unexampled heat, all the tropical plants in the public gardens of Paris have flowered and produced fruit and seeds. The indigo, cinnamon, coffee, banana, and cotton plant are among the —The Freud' Emperor recently thought he had discovered a highly sanitary mineral spring in the grounds at Fontainebleu, but it is said his enthusiasm was abated when he discovered that the impregnating element was the leakage of a sewer. —The Grecian-bend is often visible on Broadway, New York, but it is said to be only exhibited by persons unknown in soci ety. Society frowns on such an absurdity, and it is just such apiece of •good sense as we could expect from society. —A Fenian picnic is now popular in Can ada, in fact it seems to have quite taken the place of Lacrosse as the national game of the Dominion. Canadians are not very game on the subject themselves, but Ameri can newspapers make game of them. —lt costs something to get a seat in the English Parliament. The average amount spent by the members oritsl last House of ,Commons was $6,440, and gie aggregate amount expended was about ) $3,700,000 in gold, yet no member receives any salary. - —Away down East there lives a man who for years sat on the rodk-bound coast and gazed out on to the eternal Sea; there he mused and there interpreted the whisperings of Nature's voices, and this is the result: "Can an account of a naval engagement be called the sea-news(sinews) of war ? " =Jeff. Davis is not so popular ,as has -been said in Liverpool; just the opposite, seems to be the truth, and he was recently obliged to move from his hotel in that City onAccount of the constant expressions of Contempt to which he was there subjected. He is now living in the house of an Ameri can. —The editor of the Baltimore Episcopal Methodist has been to Boston, and has given some of his impressions. He thinks the amazing crookedness of (be streets is of some advantage to strangells, since they cannot lose themselves, for if 'they will keep onward in the street they started on, theY will probably come out near the starting point. The narrowness of the streets is also a good thing—it causes a current of air to pass thiough them. There are no parallel streets in Boston, they are all unptiralleled. —lt is unfortunate that all of the tele graphic wires and cables should be given up to copperheads and jockeys. We get full particulars of races and prize fights from England, and of Democratic meetings, speeches, etc., from all over this country, while a few lines-concerning the greatest Republican gatherings is all that is vouch safed us. For instance, when Pittsburgh elected Mayor Blackmore, a full account of the great Democratic victory was sent by as sociated press reporters all over the country, while the great Republican triumph in Ver mont was condensed into a very few End. Interview Wit Yesterday a chieftain of the late Rebellion Gen. James Longstreet, arrived? it, New York. Since thel war he aCcepted the situa tion and has used his influence tncounsel and guide his people and to least' them safely back to an endearingpeace. Yester day evening a reporter of the Tribune call ed upon the General at the New York Hotel. Imagine seated at a table, a welt built man in a suit of black. The face is a kindly, pleasant one, the beard is sandy and grizzled and the cheeks at i e flushed. The forehead is high and the eyes are grey and soft In ex rl pression. The 'outh squarely cat denotes decision, and the e is that quiet resolnet air about him th t reminded one of Gen. Grant. whom he strongly resembles in looks and manner. Although suffering from an attack of fever he bore himself resolutely above pain, and after dinner conversed free ly upon affairs in the Southern S ate. As a portion of the conversation bsars directly upon the coming i campaign I givein full. Reporter.--Do on think we will have better days in th Southern States. Gen. Longslreet.—Asuredly. The cotton crop has been very large this year, and we will soon have capital of our own to work upon. Rep.—Suppose Seymour is elected, do you think we will,have another war ? Gen. L.—l caorHt Fay as to that, but I be lieve that if he is elected it will open all those old isenes, and we will have trouble; but I don't think he will be elected. flep.--What do yyou thina of Grant? Gem L.—He is my man. I believe he is a fair man. I me him at West Point, I think he above eeriness. His silence is a grand. Rep.—There is one thing I would like to ask. It is in regard to the negro. Gen. L.(smilizig)—l will tell you all I know. .M.Will he keep his co l ntratcs in rep to labor 7 Gen. L.—l can relate my own experience My men have worked well. They like to have a white man come out in the field and tell them what to do. There was always a dais oflazy mart who would sit in their houses and give their orders. These men deserve to have trouble. Rep.—And in regard to jury trials--I mean nekroes upon a jury bench? Gen L.—ln some oases that is bad for in stance, where an action involves anaccount. *Negroes generally are ignorant upon intri cate matters of b asinesss. Bat, if a district is disposed to do right with them; the jury may be divided—white and black. They (the nogroes) soon learn, and appreciate the position. Rely.—About negro supremely? ' Gen L.—Ali, that can never be; it is silly to think of it. They can never be strong er than they are to-day, and the whites of the South know it, but they are misled by the politicians. Rep.--In regard to the acts of ceoonstrao- Fen. L.—l advise them to accept them, and come into the Union and try to b r i ng about peace and prosperity. I told the peo ple of Alabama, if they would not be guided by the polititlons they would Como out all rill ht. , Rep.—And you think it will came out all right? Gen. L. I do, the crops are large. The cot tou crop laworth. $200,000,000. That is a step toward bringing - abort the desired , re snit. Chase was my man. I think if nom inated he could have been elected, and the Squthern portrait would rally about hint without knowing it; I cannot vo e for Sey mour, but any way, I think good times are not far distant. wers 1 7.ek, 3very pop of PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER. 4, 1868. h General Longstreet. -DENTISTRY TEETH EILT,ACTED WITHOUT verzr: NO CHANGE MADE WHEN ABTIVICIAL TEETH'ARE ORDERED. A FULL BET FOR $B, • • AT DR.I SCOITS. lIITB PENN STREET, 3D DOOR ABOVE HAND. ALL WORK WARRANTED. CALL AND EX AMINE SPECIMENS ,OF GENUINE VULCAN ITE.m y9:d AT 4 :4 1 11811 ni:j GAS GAS Fl ETIJBES 41.13 Chandeliers, FOR GAS AND OIL. Jest received, the finest and Largest assortment ever opened in this city. 'WELDON & KELLY, 147 WOOD STREET, COIL VIRGIN ALLEY mb24:n22 CEMENT, SOAP STONE, &O BZDRAULIC CEMENT. AP STONE. • PLABTEB, CHIMNEY TOPS. WATER PIPES. HENRY H. COLLINS, ordS:o7O S 5 Wood street. HYDRAULIC CEMENT DRAIN PIPE, Cheapest, and best Plpe In the tnarket. Also, RO SENDALE HYDRAULIC CEMENT for sale. B. B. & C. A. BROCKETT & CO. office and Manufactory-240 REBECCA ST., Allegheny.. air Orders by mall promptly; ttended ag to. r93 HATS AND CAPS. FALL TIADE'S ! M'CORD & CO., 131 WOOD STREET, Are now ready with s LARGE AND SELECT STOCK of 111 3 1.90 1 1€1, .4a..1 7:6 1E15j AND FURS. au= MARTIN LIEBLEJR, MALTA/ IN .7EXA.TS, CAPS AND ;FURS, Also, Manufacturer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in TRUNKS, VALISES. &c., No. 133 SMITH FIELD STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa. Orders nromctly filled and satisfaction guaranteed. MERCHANT TAILORS SUMMER GOODS. Boys', Youth's and thildren's SUMMER CASSIMERE SUITS, LINEN SUITS. DUCK SUITS. FLANNEL SUITS. - -; • ALPACCA JACKETS. In every style, of the greatest variety, suitable for the present season.' eentiernen will iind a tine as• sortmeni of WHI snd BROWN DUCK SUITS, ALPACCA ,and FLANNEL COATS, Ac.,every garment being specially made tor us by tie best Eastern houses. Our prices are as low as good goods can be sold at by any firm East or West. GRAY LOGAN, 47 S. CL AIR STREET HENRY MEYER, MERCHANT TAILOR, No. 73 SHITHFIELD STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa. Constantly on Mind, a full assortment of CLOTHS, CA9SIMERES, VESTINGS, sp20:0811 TOBACCO, AND CIGARS. JELLAN ALLEN, DEAL= IN ALL KINDS OP . LEAF TOBACCO AND SEOABS, yo. 8 SIXTH STREET, (National Bank of Com merce Building, ) • PITTSBURGH, PA. Strands of VIS Water street, N. Y. aptail7 DANIEL F. DINAH. EEXCELSIOR WiORKS. R. et W..7EN -Nsoiv, Manufacturers and Dealers In Tobacco, Snuff,' Cigars, Pipes, &0.. , No 6 FEDERAL ST.. ALLEGHENY' 41I•htlit , CONFECTIONERIES. _ HERFRX W. HORBACH, Confectionery and Bakery No. MOO SMITHFIELD BTEICST, Between Seventh and Liberty. .-LADIES' OYSTER SALOON attaehed. GEO. SOTTT.smr.IN, - Fancy Cake Baker & Confectioner, AND DEAL= IN FOREIGN & DOMESTIC YEOIT9 & NOT% No. 40, corner Federal and Robinson streets, Alle gheny.. Aar Constas+ly on hand, IL& CREAM, of various flavors. PIANOS. ORGANS. &C. B 111( THE BEST AND CHEAP EST PIANO AND ORGAN. Schomaeker's Gold Medal Rand, AND ESTErS COTTAGE ORGAN. The SCIIOMACKER PIANO combines all the latest valuable improvements known in the con struction of a first class instrument and has always been awarded the highest premium wherever ex hiblted.i Its tone Is full, sonorous and sweet. The workmanship. for durability and beauty, surpass all otters. Prices from $5O to $l5O, (according to style and finish,) cheaper than all other so-called first class Piano. - ESTEY'S COTTMIE ORGAN Stands at the head of all reed instruments, in pro ducing the most perfect pipe quality of tone of any similar Instrument In the United States. It Is sim ple and compact in construction; and not liable to get out of order. CARPENTER'S PATENT " VOX HUIdANA TREMOLO" is only to bet found in this Organ. Price from $lOO to $530. All guaranteed for Aye years. BARB, ENARE & BULTILER, mns No. MUT. GLAIR STREET. SEWING B.S.CIEGNES. THE GREAT, AMERICAN COM BINA.TION. BUTTON-HOLE OVERSEAKING AND SEWING BLAMINZ. IT HAS NO EQVAfft BEING ABSOLUTELY THE BEST FAMILY MAQIIINE IN THE WORLD, AND IN .INSICALLY THE CHEAPEST. aar•Agents wanted to sell this Machine. CRA.S. C. DALSIAIIar, Corner prirrn Ai N en D t f m or A rt Ke te T rn s, p r e i ta rs tv , an o la. ver Richardson , . deveify Store. mrmici64 LITHOGRAPHERS. ZINJAXIN sittozru.fi imam , Made. SINGERLY & CLEIS, SUCcesson to (izo. P. SoiloComAN £ Co.. o Th il e ti o e P il o A u bi n te en ua lini n t :L . A lt iL ß h u o l e i g i r n a T em p li litt rda r ß a , Ar b Bonds, Labels, Circulars, Show Canto, 'Diploma& I t.e lah ln2llB. t r ar ent n r ad os s !! Portraltlk 'new!, Certificates of Moody). Invildp floe thirds 414,, Noe. vi an d fig Third strati, rittaburgh: ~ ... DRY GOODS. WM. SEMPLE, 180 and 182 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY, PA., Bespeettally Informs' his Customers land the Pube generally, that the STORE IS OPEN AS USUAL, *itli a tarp stock of goods not in any way injured by nre or water, to which LARGE ADDITIONS , OF NEW GOODS Rave been and will be made' from the Store Rooms In which the Fresh Goods are stored, AT ATTRACTIVE PRICES. WET GOODS NOT FOR SALE AS 'YET, And will not be until the appriteement is completed by the Insurance Agents Wholesale and Betaii, AT WILLIAM' SEMPLE'S, 180 and 182 Federal St., Allegheny. 87. - MARKET STREET. CM 0 GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES ! TO CLOSE STOCK OF• lIIRIESS GOODS. 87 MARKET STREET. THEODORE F. PHILLIPS. ST....MARISIST STREET....B7 ' I .9. ~ . :== i 4 : 8 :, : , ara 1 .. ..23 I 4 E ig :: t g 'z it, .-c., ..., t .,b gAd ,n, .. = 1 ..- . .E5l. Qom 6 . 0 7 6 . ,' © P-4 ' es Pm -.1 . ~ 7. a-. a 1 M "02 P T I . .._," ,00 ._.l .- P=l ..,0* .—. . -•-• G :, "•-•Pa -CP C. = g" ca cp act f, g = =a cr A .: 4 - A •T' 4 168. -- ------- • ----- ----Is& NEW GOODS. NEW ALPACCAS. NEW MOHAIR. BLACK SILKS. HOSIERY and GLOVES. F. SOUCY, 16 tar Na 168 Wylie Street. an JAS. rarao:n4ol BLACK SILK SACQUES. Lama Lace Points, ; Summer Shawls, ! 808 SALE AT LOW PRICES. BY WHITE, ORR & CO., 23 Fifth Street, ruIIIR;IIIcCANDLESS & CO., Mate Wilson, Carr t (0.,) WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, No. OS WOOD STREET. Third door above Diamond alley, PITTSBURGH, PA. WALL PAPER. WALL PAPER, AT REDUCED PRICES. ( AFTER RTLY 182. We will offer our present stook or Wall Papers at GreatlyPßeduced Pries. A largo asaortausatat SATIN PAPERS, for halls, rooms, ceilings, N 0.107 Market Street, near Fifth. JOS. R. HUGHES & BRO. BILLIARD T A T;TMS. STANDARD AMERICAN' BILLIARD TABLES; AND OOMBINATION OIIBIEDNIL trndtontably the beet in use. NEW ntraovz- ICENTI Patented Noy. 110th, 1881, and Aerll 91st, 1888. Everything relating to billiards or the beet quality and lowest •prlone always on nand. Our NEW CUE TRIMMER, Patentei May Bth, 1888, prioellil.Boa great' gnomic Illtuttrated price tiara sent on application. Address PHELAN a, ocuziormint. 03. 60, 67'imid 69 °ROBBY BT., New 'Yost 93y jrigltrl4l4. • II I;l I uu• p• •~ AT MACRUM, GLYDE & 78 and 80 Market . Street. MOSQUITO NETS, MUFFLED AND STAMPED APRONS, SHETLAND SHAWLS, LADIES' WHITE UNDERWEAR; • A WHIR* of HOSIERY; - MORRISON STAR SHIRTS, GENT'S PAPER COLLARS, LADIES' Do. AND CUFFS, TRAVELING SATCHELS, A full line of JET SETS, SILK &BULLION FRINGES, SILK & SATIN BUTTONS, all colors. A Complete Assortment of White Goods, SWISS, VICTORIA, LAWN. LINEN, CAMBRIC, &a, HOOP SKIRTS, In all the Newest Styles. KID GLOVES, at all prices GENT'S & LADIES' SIEMER 'UNDERWEAR; MEN'S JEAN DRAWERS; 1.000 Doz. BALMOBAL HOBE; 5,000 Lbs. WOOLEN YARNS air Speelal Eatea to Jobbers MACRUM, GLYDE & TS and SO Market Street. \ anlo PRICES MARKED DOWN! MACRUM & CARLISLE'S, No. 19 Fifth Street. ALL GOODS GREATLY REDUCED! ON AND AFTER JULY IST. HOOP SKIRTS. (Ladies',) for CORSETS, (Rea) French,) LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, 3 for KID GLOVES, (warranted,) PAPER COLLARS 200 Yds. SPOOL COTTON, (good) POCKET 8008, worth 50c N IS SUMMER , UNDERSHIRTS jS JEAN DRAWERS ds Bonnets and Hats at Half Cost. GREAT BARGAINS! ionsiros 4:31 , GOODS. lal Bates to Merchants .1t Dealers. = OTACRMVI & mapaiszal, El= ETS CAR D OIL CLOTHS. C ETS ! CARPETS! MANUFACTURERS HERE and in Europe HAVE NOW AD VANCED PRICES, but we of fer all kinds of CARPETS for the present at the very low est CASH RATES of the past season. Having made all our contracts pievions to any ad vance,• and invariably for cashwe are enabled to sen t 't\ lower than they can be pur chased this Fall. McCALLUM BROS., 51 FIFTH STREET. CARPETS. NOTWITHSTANDING THE Manufacturers' -recent advance in prices, we will continue to offer the Largest stock of Brussels, Velvets_ and Ingrain Carpets in the city, at the lowest prices reached this sea• son. Just received, a few pieces of a new and exquisite patterns of Royal Axminster. OLIVER II'CLINTOCK & CO., N 0.23 Fifth Street. SUMMER STOCK 07 CARPETS I White, Red, Checked, Striped aad Fancy NC A 71" rr iv 43- s, IN, carmeer VARIETY. Oil Cloths, Window Shades. ilre. BOVARD, ROSE & CO., • 21 nl'lH STREET. Jaio:d&wlP NEW • AT POPULAR PRICES. II'FARIAND & COLLINS OFFER THE Ifetvest and Best Patterns AT THE LOWEST PitICES. LACE AND NOTTING/MI CURTAINS AND CORNICES. 111cFARLAND & COL INS, ' 71 and 78 Fifth Street. atackN"t N u dt w tang to U. 8. Cute= House a rootofitoe THE WESTERN UNIVERSITY OP PENNSYLVANIA. Every Parent and Guardian who has a son or ward to eduoate should know that vm have In our city Chartered Institution. endowed by the State and the, generous friends of learning to the amount of $200.000 Preparatory, Commercial, Scientific and Collegiate in character, with a Faculty ten in number, and course of study equal to that of our best Colleges. The rooms are large and high, and the apparatus and cabinet of a superior kind. The telescopes belonging to t Iraa - one of tlae finest In'the country, is endowed, is In charge of an : stronomer of great ability, and is having four new instrumets ad led to it at n expense of 10.000. All the Income from er dowment and tuition is expended in supporting the institution. The aim or the Board of Trustees, who are among our mos enterprising and benevolent citizens. Is to furnish the best advantages to all en. youth equal to those enjoyedln any of our cities. The instruc tion in all tb courses of study Is thorough, no tem porary expedients being resorted to to secure popu larity merely. Only:Professors of ability and expe rience are employed. • Catalogues or Information may be had by culling at the 'llntversitv Banding, center of ROSS AND DIAMOND STREETS, between 93 and 11. , ". A• Is. The next term will commence beptemb,r Ist. GEORGE WOODS. LL. D.. President- and Profes sor of Mental and Moral Science, Reed street. JOSEPH F. GRIGGS. A: M. Professor of Greek Language and Literature. 132 Wylie street. HON. 'HENRY NV. WILLIAMS, LL. D., Professor. or Law,' 110 Penn street. BENJAMIN C. JILLSON, 111. 8., 81. D., Professor of Chemistry, Geology ana Mineralogy, Benefield. MILTON B. Gorr, A. 31.. Professor or Mathemat ics. Broad street, Sewickley. Bay. -.EDwArtn. P. Cur...sr., A. 3f., Professor of Latin Language and Literature, ,451 Sandusay Allegheny. Ituuor..ru LEONIIAnT. A. 31.. Professor of Ger man Language & Gen'l History, Has Vans . Station. SAMUEL P. LANGLEY, Profess° of Physics and Astronomy, and Director of Observatory, Observa tory. Professor of Rhetoric and Oratory. JEILEIIIAII E. AYERS, A. M.. Principal of Pre paratory Department and Instructor in Latin, 32 Federal street. Allegheny. ALPHONSE M. DAssz, Instructor in French Lan guagP. 6 Hancock street. . I. N. FORMER, Principal of Commercial Depart ment, 163 Wy ie street. nn2:u9J WESTMINSTER COLLEGE, Near tho Ilne•of the Erie and Pittsburgh R. R., at ,PULASKI, 60 miles from Pittsburgh. The new: College Year opens FEPTEMBER. 2d, with an increasing prospectotinterett and activity. In addition to tne FULL,COi.LEGE COURSE covered by the Scholarships and Tuition of the In stitution, EXTRA. CL sSES IN ENb LISH will be commenced with this session for the benefit of the etudent.i generally. and especially of-those design ing to engage in the pi ofession of Teaching. Ticilias—P or this course including English Pram- Mar and Composition. Reading and Elocution, Or thography, Mental and Written Arithmetic and Penmanship, with lessons In the Science and Art of Teaching, for the coming session of 16 weeks, $l. This amount in dudes' the contingent fee. Terms of College gtudies, (including contingent fee,) for term of ;13. Address, 1.00 MEM pENNSILTANIA COLLEGE, GETTYSBURG, PA. The Fall Session of Pennsylvania College will be gin Oa THUSSDAY,the 24th day of September, And continue thirteen weeks. In addition to ai large corps of Professors, the Institut.on is turn- Ished with extensive Philosophical and Chemical Apparatus, and tleologicat Cabinet. The new Preparatory Ituilding will be vady for occupancy. The rooms in this Department will be furnish, d. Expenses.-exclusive of Books and Sta tionery, from ;68 to sliB per session. Music- on plsno extra. Avr Tor further particulars. address M. VALENTINE, President, or EEV. C. J. EIIItEIIART, A.M., Principal. auM:vl6.. p r E mi URGH FEMALE COL- 19 FIFTH STREET REV. I. C. PERSHOU, D.D., DIRECTOR. In buildings, faculty, patronage and all the facil ities for securing a thorough, solid and ornamental education the leading ladies school In the State, and one of the first In the Union. Twenty-two able and accomplished Teachers, su perb buildings, which have Just been repaintsd, car peted and improved at a heavy outlay. Thorough course of study. Unsurpassed facilities in mil the ornamental branches, especially music. Nall Term commcnecs SEP rEMBEtt 21. Applica tions can be made at any time, either In per,on or by letter.. ants M. SIMPSON. Free, Trustees. pEIIiNSYLVANIA MILITARY ACADEMY, CHESTER, Delaware Co., Penna. The Seventh Annual Session of this Academy pens THURSDAY, bept. 3d. The buildings are new ana complete in all their ppointments. Particular attention giCen to the morals and per nal habits of cadets. For circulars apply to CHARLES H. PAULSON, Esq.. No. 73 Wood street. Pittsburgh, or to Col. THEO. HYATT, Chester, Pa. ant: te3 NEWELL L'ISTIT UTE, TEAM:LEES: Mesers. J. R. NEWELL. I Mesus..ll. NEWELL. I ALLEN MeCRUM. W. eILOAIe, (late of Co- W. A. IturcenrtaLD, lumbia. College,) R. JOUNSTON. . A. liazisE, (French,) MISS BPIINCE.P., Mutfali, (German.) Business Will be resumed on TUESDAY, lat Asp of September. Terms as before—s4o'per session of five months. No extra charges. Application for admission to either Ladles , or Boys' cchool will be received at the rooms during the last week in Angtuit, from 9 o`clock A. at. till HS st. atiM:v3s RENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE, Very thorough instruction In Civil. Mechanisal and Mining Engineering, Chemistry and Natural Science. Gradumes obtain most desirable: posi tions. Re-opens Rept. Stu. For the new Anneal Register, .giving (nil Intermit. ion. address prof. H CARLES DELMNE, Director, Troy, N. Y. an3:tcB APOLLO INSTITUTE AND SEM INARY, No. SO FOURTH STREET, Pitts li an ENGLISH, SCIENTIFIC and CLASSICAI. SCHOOL, for Girls aed Buss. conducted by JAMES M. MACRUM and MARY F. MACItUId. The Fall Session commences MONDAY, September TM. For course of studies; terms, Ac , see Circular, which will be mailed on application. Mr. M. will be at the School Rooms to receive pupils from 10 A. M. till I r. st. during the week preceding the opening of the session. ato22:tmil t ryST RECEITEp. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF I • RUSSELL & ER WIN'S Celebrated Locks &Huilders' Hardware, ALSO, DRII3f•S PATENT SHUTTER HINGE AND SASH PULLEY' at an23:v7C 79 FEDER NOTICE-TO THE OWNER OR owners of a 14og Bari far' 7 g-art4e Alleghen arf, IPletm of Lumber 1 ying at the foot of street; also, the Hull of a nt sob at laying at t foot of Pitt street. You are ereby mitlned to PAY WHA FADE and remove the same WITHIN TWENTY DAYS, .. or they will be sold to pay charges. HOBERT A. HILL, • an28,v20 Allegheny Wharf Master. : KNAtIE & CO. l B - AND HAINE4.BROS. PLINOS, for sale on monthly sod xinarterly payments. CH&TMOTTE BLOM, min 43 Fifth street, Sole seat. • $1 REWARD Strayed az 20 Stolen from the subscriber, JOHN h uttT. on WEDSNIESDAY, .. uguat s:lBth,- thir teen miles from Pittsburgh,fon the htenbenvillt pike. a BROWN HORSE, sir }ears old, one white. hind feet: Any person giving information that: . above le r e wa rd. ry of the horse will receive the A telegram/ to Oakdale station , II 111 reach me. - JOHN SHORT, Starlaud P. 0.. Pa. KlM:v . 4od F ALLEGHENY CADENT. .. " 'he next reenlisr sestllon will commence on TEESDAY, SEPTEMBER IST, In EXOELSIOII HALL, Federal sweet, Allegheny. MR. T. E. WAKEHA'II, Principal, will recalvt pupils at the Hall, on litenday, August 81st. from Uto 11l o'clecs.- u22:v47 • [-NDLi. A ItUBILEII BELTING ANTI PACKINti.— full stock on hand at al 4 mes, and of the hest quality. Parties wishing: c At up mulls or shops where Illelting is required, I'll and our prices &s low AC .U.d be had In the Ear" an( relild saved. 41* d. StFL PHI LLIPS. - , I EDUCATIONAL FACULTY. ROBT. AIIDLEY BROIVNE, Preet, New Wilmington; Lawrence Co., Pa No. 267 Penn Street. At Troy , ' N, Y. WHITESIDES k DRUM'S, ST , ALLEGHENY
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers