WrtP i.tw, , l.tot - 1,.;:4.0,# - .1.:- . • q.Pl.Pb°_anti••• We: established a . iTokeres• moCiety, and fined'iryeryidember who furnished in 1:111; • beatably had jai. We tried one pan fur his . (theiliajah of Borneo )f for building a conu i idrtind , of unwarranted atrocity. Kr. Cohen - disliked trunk,sand often ipoke • angrilytif its .- smill 'size. The conundrutii . tottelielf *Kin this matter : ' • ,' "Viriti- . one, - of the passengers, .or his , trunk, like a certain geographical, algebra'. ail, geometrical, technical term ? •Answer, Because he is a trtuicated.conci (trunk-bated Cohen):" We hung hi n t dinner,.'one day, in, the steamship Segment°, on this 'side, I said sopiethbig of my ;win-mate while he was erring apiece of yea], •A member of, the %defy said "Beware remember the sign in' the pllot-liouse,:" 'No' converse ' pion "with 'the man 'at :the Wheel' veal .!':-: We bung him, also:" One night the iiist officer brought the tears to many _e es .with a touching story of a, shipmate ofhle, Whoseleg was bitten or by a shark.' 'AL young lady said, "OlyhoW shocking 1" A member of the Society said:: "Indeed, it was ---• it waevery" sharking:7.! •Be was publicly executed. r : A merchant from Clibui told u.s estory sf a tiger thaOtte up a Chinaman; and . then ate up his iguitboo . wt. A inetber :Observed that it was the first tbne..he had :eYer,heard of a tiger dining a/d carte; He *Moro. This nonsense reminds me •of a circum stance. Once in ;Waahington,,, during the winter, Riley, a fellow-correspondent, who staid in the same house with me, rushed into my . BClllll4r. Costume—it was xaidalght-,-and said, "Great God, what can the matterbe I , What makes that awful • .• - • I said, "Cahn yourself, Mr Riley. There is no : occasion Tor alann.• You smell about Bet be **id there *aerie Tokeebout this tortttorthelichiee was fall of smoke-Ais had heard•dreadful screams--he recognized the odor , of -burning ,litunan flesh! We. soon , found that he,was fight. • A poor old-negro ,wornimi a servant in the next house, had fallen on the stove and burned herself so badly that she sots died.. It was a sad case, .and at breakfast all spoke,. sgloomily of the disaster, - atidlelt low-spirited. - The land lady even cried, and that depressed us still 'more. She said • . ,2 I "0h,..t0 think of.such a fate! She was so geod and so kind; and so 'faithfhl. She had worked hard 'and honestly in that family for twenty eight long years, and 'now she is roasted to 'death—yes, roasted. to' a crisp, like's° much beef." _ . • In a . grave 'voice; and *ithont:,even the shadow of a smile, Riley said: _ • "Weil aoni, good and faithful servant." •It sounded like a benediction, and the land-lady never perceived the joke, but 1 never came so near choking to, deathiA my Ot::Gepige . with the GUt Off. ' This pink of chivalry was born about the beginning 'or the fourth century, , , in, or shortly before the reign of die, Great Con ,staittine. His .patents, who had emigrated froM, Csp,padocii to L7ptpluinia, in Chicle, were employed , in furhnmble branch of the cloth, trade, arid . George himself was born, not in an enchanted castle, but in a fuller's shop in thilt town?-a pleasant bower of half-cleanechogte and small clothes of those ..4 days. Aniied at man's estate, George ob. tained an important contract to supply - the ,i. imperial army.with-prmisions: - , - So fares wer -can make out ; this was the gallant George's only cohnection With the' : t profession of arms.: -Instead of riding about, : E on fiery steed4 . -peildrining miraculous feats ~" of arms?} spaying; , dirMINS: and delivering '., damsels, the fuller's son was engaged in de.! ' • ' i i iretiOg =bacon to the amperial commissary; and yery.badlyhe performed that dutY:, His .• 4.. bacon wait He was and the qtruiti . ty short. He was a true member of the ar- I3 ,in y contractor race; one: of the sort that • :Wellington would have- liked to hang, to encourage, the others. Hp made lots of 1 money hi thebusinestt" ''. ' - - f• •• For , a long time she powerful i friends whom his Oft of 'flattery, kept around pro ' - teated him from the anger of the authorities, :. and the Tiny .of the - ifoKieri. 'The former : has to ' wink at short weight delivered by * the favorite of the rabilstert; and the latter .: • • . had to 'chew their `rancid baiori'nnd curse I "the rascally,eantractor beneath their 'breath. - At length, however, there arrived a time . - when We sort Or thirig.could be endured no 1 longer. " George hid he d to:flee. He narrowly :' '-• escaped death at the hands Of the soldiers, • whose commons he had so shamefully .rob- bed; and he was sought after perhaps not .... cl, 'very Yilligently v bythe'htilied;d . officers of justice. ri He managed to,oonocal both himself and his money, and to reappear at the proper tinteitt hinenVdiatinguishelifd: lucrative sphere. Thus the great George of England t the greatest knight of Christenthnnittie peer less champion of virtue and valor, retired from' the militsayl'aervice=cabitriumntrir.: What would those thousands of stout knights vihti •errilacinWoithe inspiring mpfic. j of biki,told who sought death on tim fields cinicotlaiid in his honor, have Said if you had told, them Abet „theyi were shouting themselves hoarse in the worship's ot,s tascalw woo 4otqa--ponakreejoun " J. • A • . Bone' time ago a - package containing I.s9,QOQ,war,atolen, from .a 4e4 IW, the Canal Bank of New Orleans; in'a meslaaystetions manner. Oa a careful examinatiOr} .- fff the premises, the detective discovered the nut* of a voltileJtuPon",tlitt effge,of a railing, on . 4firak - th - elhiet must ve placed his r . foot, and ,that he mpst have/nen ktall They concluded the nail thelteeld gi robber's boot, and that the wear of the er had left Ikenaff-heact pgojeeting so that, it would mark whatever he would step Op-. : on. The officers became, henceforth, the' g 9-11 41! 1 1;rgo„l§kboot bre l l% and AIL; feenlany - o - ortninf 'happdned Into' the City Hotel. Among the crowd a man' warn *Wilk witkone foot, raised upon !Ili krfe liikaget to lioor or ( )break off a PrOitiktiiigffitaffni hare / 1 0,1)00L: A glance showed that he was tall litiougli;,: and forthsitk ; ..offlopis arrested him,. .oharging him "with the robbery. He cOtty, greas ed; said he wont to the bank to inquire the ate b biAtioatek tia*lltheifikkito lag upon the disk, and, when the clerk. turned his baokfor sinoment, reached up, angohed the money and left. He had not elsentimilidstri k ao t inky '6l . it; lifer thewhol l ii oi,it Nal reooyered. • , F t .;-,, Thamkpaeins to be no longer say . dodbt r : 9 4 floc Itt e MfaS- lOr lioNt. the • ••• c ° 14 94,* , 1 0. 8 0144 4 0 ti ; tlv.a.: 3..g rs . ...,_ ...t hr, •, • 4 ,.....540 4 1f L tt1 : east: ' ~nutYJ.N .13 1 4.11yompww:Wgi_...0.1 * ate % ' i` sa•the snairmorn has. neararlefors 1 / lgo flu* . Mid as the destructiotoof en:o - liantrnalt been An'tptoportitinDto •thsaini•jjej vpsszsataresitha ,- Worta; 'tt'S rest . 114fft I n - theitlfernaidilhis' Ofit 4 stilt raft '“; that ' ,i 3r :N l C:iltr4Arig,, .. 4 .. , * 63 ' : •*: fil , f ; try. `:. ..... ffi N f l o rA...... •, • .ri Jiillr a t vO , 1•••••••• tealupis;,'s W. y _,.. g ear ' y has found timi niall - traceialift . 4 ll 4 l 9 . 4' e• listless march. EZEMEI . Tax lollowing•clever bit of irony . is from, the London Spectator: "Sir Robert Napier; to whom the =exam pled- Success - of the• Abyssinian expedition is mainly due; will; , it is said, be offered a peei age — which )Ye will probably he obliged to deellne;leving , many children and slenderfortnneTrlilllre r ..' ceive from Parliament the; Sualpensioikfor, three lives, and will w „ succeed - -air '„k na .,, field as Commander-in-Chief in India. , He is:the first engineer, indeed' the 'brat selen tifically trained officer, evcr appointed to in dependent command, and his,snecess lemon sidered. at the Horse- Guards, ambit, a'btw lemitY Imagines luarywho - 144fatudied mathematics,' and Is„lin&iimtill with any. great finally,- beirig,gelpoisliulgol, in the British = 1 944 1 1 greet , kiellerel:r- Waghell have commands distributed according to capacity --nett,. etul..then,!where will the British - Constitution' .be 1 -The Horse Guide; hOweyetoloeli no: venture to resist the nation 'openly, -and accordingly Sir R. Napier, who has conquered a kingdom, has been, witkmatiellons premlititude, gazet ted to the 4,:C.13.-ship, which he ought to levelled; and ,would have had if ,he had been ; uneducated,• . after, his China cam paign." , . CuTruvo Tint Hain.-There ie a common but false notion that frequent cutting of the hair is favorable to;its health and . growth: Mothers thus often. despoillheir infants of their first silken locks, wttb,the ideathat the. second hair will be much more rich and abundant. "This is an error. The most beautiful- - and abounding . heads of hair - I ever saw," saye Dr. ' Cazenave, "were those; which the scissors had never touthed." Mothers, not satisfied with trimming the hair of their children often have it Shaved ' or cut close to the seal' , _ when . they.,find it losing some of its br illiancy Or Mang cut. ' Except in certain rare cases, -of, disease, the total sacrifice of the hair is unnecessary, and the second growth is never equal to the 'first. Getting 'the hair trimmed - from time to time may be allowed as a 'matter of con venience, but it does not produce the lene- fit,. generally attributed it:—Harpers' Monthly. • : • ,• W • PAPER.. . ONNYWNeeIrIe,INRI WALL • , . - For sale CHEAT' AS THR CHEAPEST, at . . . . so. 101 Market : Street myl ' idEA.D . AND COLORS. '6FIRWirt TIMILLOW, FOR - • ,11421 PACIPPIS t McCOY'S MIAMI GREEN ; : BOB.SALE ot . imAluati; WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS • Corner of Liberty and,Wayno Streete a. prrrrsircriustia. ,VARIQUI3' , OI,IDS OF GUNPOWDER;; . 11 U , A r n POWDER COMPANY , .otice, Ilia sad 1 4 ramt.iz; th,iu;izi; CANDEEE POI9ER., Eleetrio 2A , A ff:su ( d 5 krahli `in Square, Pants -tem lb. 44 ~, each AP•jos••40), `American ,Sporilus, gral,Caulaters„ of lb. , Dusk Shooting, Nceo-1,- 2, and 4 grain, in Oval Canisters of gh Alm 3 4- Indian 111414 - in Oral amiable of j lb. each.... Kentucky Sae, In Oval fbudinera of 1 nr ,, 41 1 5 1 1 ' 'Kent:whin Idle, InDvalcalusten dr,ii lb. each Ltioneits.oval angular, in Arum) (10 half lb. , do. ; do. „ , dog , f x•. 2 0,0 •••,.11 • • •.•E I . l itft 'ld' •. I , . kaitteki 1116, lipid' #34;landAllikii *if Jul?' MVP ..... ;Eunuch', WIN ir7.91 r 7 S Pug ,i 1 #0.094417 , Ig i Cm j akeAget'Ag en a nos, elty 1L11 1 33 70 sill r?p , •44+frprl43ol?.t Wirtiitg r L ri W• 2. -r; 41 / 1 1,71 1111011i' di only bur II ...gni,' _ry Safety , o4.44,e.,Dhvotm of-au Ur ipta4thr 1../hPaciraloffeilbetiddlive Delivered free ataxbeasehowbosni or , MIA it 4.4/1zood; ku,P-14tillgirs4 41003Fge,1 =pt, 'Mk . tikaai,= : • • ' l24ilkW 6.'i-er riNt r iraliglii;l7ASSllt • 'd"r Me laka4 l r :On atth •foT " " !1,. PUT oft, tat onalgt. 11 U..Lyo'tit; 'lWioer ' bt Ir detta ) 1 4 4 11118116th'iii 51 t • (.1 . -.jlt; ilynnnl2l3lPritrrTi t . i• r/6 -. ?"' 'Pill 4 ' •144 L 19177,3 , , • order. promPti** ooll44l4 '144 %Mud `•l 'nfl,t, to. " C *St MOM' 491612.8 a? & PHILLIP!, sigs Solo siesta en voaas. 7677-4...724 ,- . - zn - --..-- , p- , -----..---• ....- . '•: - lift"'Pei , :st 2,, '' 01,, c -, ' ,- ... - k' i•,,.r .+k -: tip . 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C.5-C.....'-4.7,,,),:`-`:,,,,?-6,':,-...„1, ..,4.4-• .-...-,7-..,„i,,,,,,,...,„?..,,,_w5,1,;,.,,w4,,,--v,a--#,,v,:4c,:244a0.f,,,-474;4;-..if,,,.1? 7' , ,..4 , 54- :i. , .".4. ~V3KiXaivq,,klA-4v7,4,',4,4),•:-..?"4,45ti.z:3),1r5,..; ~__‘',-1-,1•:;?..1-7-,--71A,01.'.4teri;WFA,,':=VAdvitiV3'.,-;',"4- '”' ' .. , z...'" - 1 - ''' ''' 'P".-t,:,....zin-.,,:,-,z,tr..4r4..--e,-,74,:-3,g45w...,"3::44,1i5L.,4.7.,ki,-4Vgx...;Qokcy47.-i*,i,V-;-.,1-I,f.:',..Cl7rll.‹tvze.::'.*ik,4_oulk-,4,•:'-Tgz-,,;"-r;s4.6!fr-44‘...;:g0-1.1.P.4.0.‘.50‘.,:5-4,-,,,'" ' , p ' ' .- '' ''''''' 41,7..rj'al'if.E4.**-T:4‘,N,.5.-t,.:77a-!-:.,,A',Wr'ESA',...%OPA;.-oga-i.;`-t"k_44..;.4,V.,..,k--c,P... .-' i 1 . 4 -7 - • .r• • i . 411 :riA 1 WME 4 V , . • For HALLS, PARLORS, CILLIIBBES find KITCHENS, In (MEAT VARIETY, • JOS. R. HUGHES & BRO. OF .THE 11Eli 211A.ITUTACTIMED; BY THE • ' IBM ARTHUR= 161Rfri.i 'Agent, +ii• _, i i T~i4► '.. .. ~ . rffitiM ADP MinxOcE • 7 , ' , ••Ite4cientiug Second Street, Eiglethirertt reozalthe lUrsitteigliam Bebtre gene . ' . . 4:a street. - 1 EilkTICiN 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the City bf Pittsburgh ,in &lett and Common , :Councils as-, I .sembled. and bis hereby. ordained and 'enacted by' theanthority of the same; *That the 'City 'Engineer 'be tad It hereby authorized • end directed , to make pu and get n_p plandlor changing the; present Jo. Cationof. Second - stroeU• Eighth ward. from Bit , 'wingingm bridgeOtatitwardly toward Seneca street, so that it shalt runparallel with and. adjoining the . south line of She tabtirghnnd Connellseille Bau road Co , s:promrty;* and' 'to appraise the damages from and asses the benefititising therefrom;', JOIlee; Stark,4o../dekannia are hereto,' &P. .'pointed in accordance with an Act of Assembly, air" proved January Bth, 1884. - That anr ordinance or •pirt :of ordinamen -coniticting with the passage of this ordinance at the. present time, be and the Bantle Is hereby repealed do tar as the same athlete this erg:Mance. • Ordained and enacted into elm in Councils, this Sloth day of May, A. D. 1888 • • - JAMES McAULET, • ' President of Select Connell. Attest.: E. S. MOB. ow, Clerk of Select Council. • ' W. A. TOMLINSON, ' President of Common Council. Attest : .11110.11 31C5Winfl, Clerk of Common Council: mr23 ... . , N - ORDINANCE • A To Prevent , the Erection of Wooden Buildings within Certain • Parte of the ' City of Pittsburgh.: B..ECTIOIi I. Be It enacted by - th e Clty Pitts.. burgh, in Select and Common Councils assembled, •and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same, - That hereafter it shall be unlawful , for any person or 'persons to erect, or cause to be erected, any building - -or addition to or reStoratlon °fatty part of any, build,-. 1 ^8.' unless the outer walls thereof be made of brick, stone, mortar, iron, or other inconsbustl btriterial, within that part of the City of Pitts •b included within the boundaries- of the ten wa sof the cityas it: xisted prior to the passage of the act approved April' 6th, .1867. • , 82c. 2. Any building Whirl ma ord i na n ce. sha ll id /Sion of the.proyisions of this be and Is hereby declared to be, a public nuisance, and , may be abated - as suett, 1• ' ' • - • Bac. 3. Any. w h o shall violate the provis ions of this o inance bylerecting.. or causing to be eretted, any Or addition to a restoration of, ' any building, contrary td the said -provisions. in ad dition to the penalties prescribed by law for.maln mining a public nuisance, shall be liable to a fine of one hundred dollars, to lbe collected as other fines are:by law collected. Sac- 4. That any ordinance or part of . ordinance conflicting with the passage of this ordinance at the present time, be and the' mune Is hereby repealed so Or as the same affect's this ordinance. Ordained and enactedFloto a law in councils, this ; 65th day of May, A. DrlBBB.- _ JAMEB McAULET. Y • resident oftelect Council. Attest: E. 8. MonnoW, • • • • Clerk of Select Council. i• . • . . W. A. - TOMLINBOM, • ' . • • rreildent of Common Council. Attest: HtOm ItclfxsTan, - • - • • Clerk'of Common Council. zay3o N otiron • ANCE .For , tonating. and.. Openi ng ; ng Hill Street, . • from Kirkpatrick St. to Addition St. aiscilmil..Be It ordained and enacted by the City of Pittebtugh, In-Select and Common Councils as sembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the Authority, of the same. That the City Engineer be and Is hereby authorized and directed, to survey and open Hill street to the full width of forty (40). feet, from Klrkpatrickatreet to Addison street, in accordance with the plan In the City Engineer's Of fice, approved this day. Ste. 2 That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with Sha - passage of this ordinance at the present time, be and the same is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted Unita law In Councils, this 95 th day of KAY. A, 15. JAMES McAULEY, "President of Select Counell. Attest:. E. B. MORROW. • ' . • Clerk of . selec t Council. *. A. TONILISSCIN, • - PrestUent of Common Connell., Atteet: Ryon MckfAsTrirr. Clerk of Common Council. my3o AN ORDINANCE Openimg . Washington St., Lawrenceville SECTION L • fie it ordained and enacted by tlre City of Pittsburgh. in Select and Common Councils as. sembled, and it is hereby-ordained and enacted by the auttioritfof the same, That the City Engineer be and he la hereby authorized and directed to sur vey and. open Washington street, Lawrenceville, from Bellefontaine street eastwardly to old Borough Line, to a width of 50' feet: and to appraise the damages caused thereby and assess the same on pro_perty- benefited, JAN. McCLITUE, JAS. SCOTT and WM. SMITH archereby appointed.• • Sse.*4. That all ordinances or ptits of *ordinances conflicting with thesage of this ordinance at the th present time , be and pas e same is hereby repealed so Tar' as the same affects Ibis ordinance. • Ordained and enacted Into a law In CatulaiLt. this 20th day of May, A. D. IEI6B. - JAMES MCAULEY. • President OrtelecS Council. Attest: E. B. monn Clerk of belect W. A. Walt UsSON. President of Common Council Attest,: /Inert Tiro. Clerko reanonC IT • nazi AN ORDEIANCIp :For Constructing a Public Sewer on Diamond Alley trout the Diamond to Wood Street: - • - ' ' • SECTION I'. Be it ordained and enacted by the City of Pittsburgh, in Select and Common Cot - mulls as sembled, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority ot the same, The City Engineer be, and is hereby authorised and directed to advertise . fin proposals for the construction of a public Sewer on Diamond Alley from the Diamond to the Wood street Sewer, and to let the same in accordance with ordinances of,Counclis relating, thereto. - Sac. 2. 'And to assess the cost. thereof on property benentted thereby. " SSC: I. That any onlinatieti or .post. ' of Ordinance conflicting with thestre of this ordinance at the present time, be an e same is hereby repealed so far as the sae aflectS t is ordinance. • tiniained and enacted into a law in Coundls;, this 84th day of Ilay,'A.D. 1868. ' • JAMES IIicAULEY PreeldOntof Select Council, Attest: E.. /Fortuna, • . Clc kofSelectCouncil. ' :". '• W; A. T0111,13T80.15, . • • President of Common Connell. • AllestvDriollirchlasynn, t • • rtqln. 'Clerk of Cottonton (IRDINANCE: . . , tirientfttir the Weitechm 'VW's* Teleigemph t t or the Privilege'of Eireetlett Avoitott..-• Bncrion.l; Be it ordained and enacted by. the City Of.Pittsburgh.lo: Select and Common Councils as= 'set:nixd,' and it.ls hereby_ enacted by the authority ofltitn same,' That: the 'Western' • Union „Telegraph ,Compartr W I /Unwed the privilege of erecting four (4) poles on' ellerpiganlne street - , fLawrAntetillea above , Butte street, the Councils-resietivtng the right to'reasove.thets on slur defs'inillial.' They oleo reserve the right of attachibic Fir_e Alarm Tel egraph'lriree theret o, the poles' to beof such a aim and description ••es.may be - satiefamory to the. :8 •2. Ths%any ordinance or part of ordinance 'contlictingivith the passage of - thie ordinance at the present Mate; be and the same Mhererepealed, so .par so he sam die s this ordinance ordained an nacted jeto - a law ;in Gowncila, this gsUE4hirof ;May've. IN TIMM . c' a ..:rteoldent of. Select' tlo,uncll Aittiiili: S. Itteitnew,- • , • • , ; • , of Select Connell.: ; • ••... • ' • • . W.A.TOM.LINSPIT,, .' • Preoldens Commoe C'euhell Alltedt: , titters • •‘. • Clerk of Cowmen Connell.% al - ;01 A N ORDINANCE - ‘; • ::••11 • $•,, $ (Irtskrag Amirante tor Otnapeteetettern rfM eat litapeotort and placing him On'the•Liet of Ileslatitlea•Olneem. , -.. • • -: • • • •••• , ii N 1:" isp I o aloe etioota(bY thee My' Pitts argh; In Select nod. dtatat% ooditelis' ac t : :sestsbledmtnelt Is berebrienictedlorttbrunttip or ,ttio .Ml33lli.Ttiatrihe.da i tig L at,tho, 1400 -In Or . shall be • • and lisberebt 11% lbd man 'or fleet!, lloodrtittiotlitaistst ants at, PISMO 41261 ratir- ' V 3 t E lijtit r lrd l c glltr '" rt t ii:Ft e t:' t t:o i ttiVe a Mtle i gtl! a. 1 Mit,. • Pr., b. A rept don No: ,511'...m the (pitmen of shersoattea rl • ••, „ ; I tilte.l94 :That, An y: ordinate% or, part, of ardltiande • cournet tt Wttelh a n d palette br is ordluarseeltt the sseeseettletts,• , ho 'n therms:Me laberebyrepealed ao ,Far: t thcaamaffeeta , thls Ord lusupth„., ttlif ottoctegiltat o ,r, !hp 77/ °fro meAtaii . • Preesde f 13-114 c ciU ontcll' ' Clerk or de f ect CoinOll: . %' • ifj W.A./TOKLISSONs": hitt :I Velar; hi.slll l o Qf ' I .0 - .R . lfl. , :•alefflabfeomnaoseounelli ;,;., us 1,, lA i lt . O*o4o4or, . •;‘, ‘.; , .Y. Fe : thi'iiitiiiiiii'liiVliiiiiiii4iiii m ,' „ ~., • . Fad Mbet.fov , i `-'t :''' ' • '1 * , siert& v isTtl _oilliihoq age himottly, the city: or Pltaeburilk 1 , nel y aiutiluOli cWistuilli e l7 sambaed; unit s' here y eurtuxby,kke - anth i c i , 1 firbal a t i a Mir in • . cPm7 V fiii al rel. A i n 4, 4 4. sue, Llb io eitk from NT il .to Solos, etreetit i le4n.li w 14. 4c ie fiT11 t e d il lair rai , T IltilU. "Fie ' li.V. -4 ,ap' - Ole Aliiwere to i uitlitlinir I . ll lftWabOritr 4r u rdiAl ffi) srl b ad, 4.4 , ~.„4ksusin , Appel . :, fli 1, 1864. -..'• ;• ; .., 14, • (I/ tnany dlintuiViii.haft f ordinance ett i tairtrir a lliftni i iiiimpl Gitlin erfd nines at the . present timed). op ligkAppos hereby repealed Mr mr as the same nlfee rtliwordloanee. ~. ,' I , t iltr 4 4; 4 lt i viliatg MO VITA Councils, . Ut4ii liiry of , n'. .11111 . ' ..; .o.fcr, ilt.lTlsl t; -: , ..FAMXBrifeitIILIDPL: ,`I , n I •I . t r --,-- .---'1 1 , f f is . g, .i z . oV...4at:ealldn PO ileleekcfopen.b. .1.*.-rlf iiroii fi ri ) 4 ,, ti 1-: :118.44 Te3Mtnll6lB,, , ' ..:. f! f ik 0 4 1 4 1 % 4 PY3, 1 !••••. itii; tr it t iiiii i f S ur lMp > • Clerk of Comm on Council. my 1111011 AN ORDINiNcE Fog, a .selver. 011 Ctiestnui. Striet (Lavil! renoeville) froth Davidson *meet to. the "Wiens , Atver:' -• • • • , . SaCriOn - 1. Ile if ordabied'and enacied by the City of Pittsburgh, in Select. and Common' -Connell': as and it is- hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same, That the City , .Engineer be and he is herebyauthorized to advertiser for pro posals' fbr the construction oft Public e '' lre " li Ch eat nut Street (Lawren villeLfrbm Davidsonr Street to the Allegheny' riverand to let the same In accord ance with an act of sembly approved January Bth, Sac. That forte payment and epenses of said , Sewer, It Is hereby :tined and enacted that the • property benetitted the construction of said Se*- er, shall be assesse equitably and fairly. 'and the Councils do hereby _point REUBEN MILLER, Jr., WILLIAM JAUN Y. ROST.' WHITEMAN to make said levy and asses ent, and return the same in ac cordance with the act 04 Assembly o 3 January 8 th. 1864. • Sac.-2 That any ordinance: or part of ordinance teondicting with.the passage of this ordinance at the present time, Wand tbe same. Is hereby repealed so far as the same affects - this ordinance. • ' Ordained Ind enacted Into a law in Councils, this Aiith 'day - of May A. 1). 1888., • I JAMES MCAULEY President of Select Council Attest: E. S. Monnow, Clerk of lielect Council. W. A. TOMLINSON 'President of Common Council, Attests Henn Malta. TAR, tuy3o, Clerk of Common Council ORDEOANCE • • . • I .II7HORIZING THE . . Grading. Poising and Curbing of Gum litreeti from Webster' Street to Cliff St. ..,. . . . SECTION 1. Be it ordained and scatted by the Oft. of Pittsburgh, . tn. Select and Common Cermet/a qe semt,Lect; and Uto hereby enac ed by Me authority of the same,: That the City Engineer be and be ls here by authorised 4414 directed to.advertisa• for ProPO , sale for the grading, paving and curbing of Guru street, from Webster street to Cliff street, and to let the same In the manner directed by an ordinance concerning streets, posses August 31st 1857; also an Act concerning streets, approved January Bth, Skc.l. That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the.passege of this ordinance at the present time, be and the same is hereby repealed so far as theaaMe affects this ordinance„. ..,.. • ' Ordained and enacted into a law . in Councils, this. '2sth day of May, A. D. 183E1: . •• ' , , • : L JAMES WADLEY, President otibelect. Council; Attest* E. - 8. MORROW, ._ Clerk of Select Council. •__ W. A. TOMLINSON, . President Common Council. ' Attest : HealtlieMayrEn, . ' ' I __. ' Clerk of Common Council.'. 'mY3O AN ORDINANCE -AUTHORIZING Tin; ' Gradiog,LPoolle and Combing of ions lastroftreollle. from Lewis Al. ley to the Allegheny Valley B. R. • - • . • Sac. I. Be U ordatned and inactixt by the City of Pittsburgh, ,Se lect and Common Councits assent bled, and a It Urt, enacted Si, the autAaritY w the same, That the City Engineer be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise for proposals for the grading, paving and curbing .of Lang alley, (Lawrenceville,,, from Lewis alley to,the Allegheny Valley Railroad, end tto let the same in the manner 'directed by an ordinanft concerning streets, passed August 31st, 1B57; also an Act concerning streets, : approved January eth, 1E164. • Sac. 2. That any 'ordinance or part of ordinance Conflicting with thenassage of this 'ordinance at the present time, be and the seam la hereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance, Ordained and enacted tato a law in Councils, this ,25th day of May, A. D, 1183.• - • •• • • JAMES Me.A.IILEE, • ' • President of Select Council. Attest: F. B. MOzurow, !, • • .. Clerk of Se lect Council. - • W. A. TOMLINSON, 'President of Common Council. Attest: HUGH nrcItAsTER. - Clerk of Common Connell. .iny3o AN ORDINANCE •• - . Opening Rose Street, Seventh Ward, front Overbill to Dinwtddle-Street. crtog I. Be it ordained and enacte Cou n te City Of l'lttsburgh. In Select and Commonils as setabled, and It 'thereby enacted by the authority : of the same, That Rose street, Eleventh ward. from Overbill street to Dinsviddie street, be - eleclared open. as laid down In the Cltj District Plan, and Abet BOUIERT WINO, MINAS TOWLE and JAS. TRIMBLE be and they are hereby appointed to ap- I toralse the damages and assess the same on property benentted thereby. in accordance wish au Act of Assembly approved January.Oth, 1864. Sec. 2. That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflictin with the passage of this ordinance at the present t ime,be and the same is hereby repealed so far as the sa me affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted Into a law In Councils', this 25th day of May, A. Di 1808. JAMES McA.ULEY. . President of Select . Council. Attest: E. S. Moturow. • - Clerk eidelect Cr. W. A. O.IIt.INSCIbT, President of. ommon Attest: lIVG El McMAITIMIIi ' • - Clerk‘4,Canoit CF rinell. tay3o A N. OIIDEIAN - AUTHORIZING. THE 00441 arg, Parting:and ("yielding of Ni. Nft. Pre Aveirtsetlinerresseevitlle, from But. ler Street to Allegheny , Valley B.E. - Sae: 1. Be it ordained and. enacted by bay Ptlidentrph, in Select and COT4lltotl Connate alitera bled, andit in hereby wedded - by Me aistliorUe of the sante, That the City Engineer be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise tor_iprcipsals. foe the grading. paving and curbing of in. M ary'. avenue, (Lawrencoville,) from Sutler street to the ' Allegheny Yalley Railroad, and-to let the same tn. 'the , manner directed by an ordinance concerning streets, passed • August 3lst, 111611; - also, an Act. eon earning_ streets , Approved :January oth, 1K04... . Sac. 51: flat any ordinance or start of ordinal:CC conflicting the passage of this ordinance at the pres-' ant time, be and the same Is hereby repealed so far as tbe same affects this ordinance. • Ordained aud enacted into a law In Councils. this 5115th day of May, A. D. 18619. ••: JAMES McAULEY, ,Presideat of Select Council. Attest: E. S. 3lonnolv; • • Clerk of Select Council W. A. TOMLULSON; . Rresident of CcuMnou'Couitell, Attest: HMI MCMArtrat, ' - `Clerk:or common Council, . , °6 4 61/41 ."CiP . ' • ...AUTHORIZING THE, • • Gradinrottiariteit Alley llNei St. Avenue to,Chestitut St., Lttwimittevple, . Sac_. 1. - Be it ordained 'and enacted 011.4 e 014 le Patibtesch,- Rant and Common•Connettsamemd .bkd, and it es hereby enacted by the amthraityOf the same, That the City Engineer ,be and be .Ishereby authorized and directed to advertise tbr pro:yosals .for. the grading of Onrden allery, ,- trore St:. Mary:. - avenue to Chestnut street, (Lawreneertille,l and to let tee lame In the manner direcilbr an 20 1 11 11 Pfle concerning streets, passed Angina Ist, leo!: sigh, an Act - concerning , streets,' approved:January put, ac: 2. That any ortirninco or part of ordinance coullieting with the passagOof this ordinance at the present time, be and the ISMS Ls hereby repealed !A far as the same affects thin ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law la . elnincilr, this' Stith day Of May, A: D. IMO— • JAMES MOAULEX • president et Select eettneM • Atuaatt.t.-SdiffOnnow, • tetra of Select eeramiL A. TO N, • President of canatu ld 9Ml Atka:- Hirim. Mc/Canny,: t,. • - Clerk of-CommOn Connell. • MYEL, AN'ORDINAricir Atrriio/11X11110 .THE streaks tor rairoe* 01,01 r• . ale& • 1 11 1 0 111 tC:11'•111 , 1.1;-1L'V 1. • v s .ite a-iirdactied Car of ParativrAV.l4, flijati. and •-•Ctiototott faraiw feno% 4 " ll .enaigaimi a e er ie (aim, That tbir Cirii . thtnesrbe - and lie fur anthoritedand :dfreow - to a atertloti 4ar, iv fir tthe ,rrading,of alien; Moore 'and ta b l l t l e t T l tha tower Ingle rallef Ottertedr fin or. ainan donternlng. stree .patitrd•••Außt t- INV. so Ast ,eoncierttnir:Arte,tao apprtrrotti .t.4lr2BllfiltiPtlror;ifilLii4 Orriiiicande , rt Van Ingsitgettf t "ordttosititold, the Va e it l f, 'or trirclexii Ott gin= 47...:6,141141e,,,,.., ' Ordained an 'otM d enacted t tit a ~ • • / is -, • •"' Ps...den JAl t of golO tCo ot Con cll. Attetttar ark idon of ntkwe ,• -- ' 1" - fri', •• ' „Ai TONLINSO 7 , .• 1, .• Treslaentior COIXIMOtI , COMM • Attest; titrait -31c14AsTra.,- , • ` Clerk of Cokorriortriounall. AN ORDINANCE, . -,,i t -,i l A , ; ' , -. .•. . ' ' xiill. 1'.111'..., J''' ' i !I , . 1 t t.mtp r i v iv ir : s 4,l . . . 4/ -..-1 ll ' '1 1. , ,,tt ,Yrl 4 ”"” 4 - ..,,- ilkipl• , , f pi T ifyir 'of Waal - liiirkitiivfni :.1 1 irilf4114' ~' lv i liteZoiliti`brOokrll4(llgoeet4oltd ' ' 1 ~„ * Arlis -e . t r.7011-. 7 J r Th - /r1 . - /1/"0 . 1t.' . .. , rz , 1 21c;!ft Clay ' -.I anig 4 9, l e j.,,.. 2. Itogood lout ooaded , oir losta qt• 44 t • ..,, Nemo = ted ebiera i: Rot 61441 F . a l illa llellirbilligl. a 0#34 VE41.11 1 ,, t y."0".,, 10 i ettg,4l4a, rrap. , 4l=4T,Actt_e; 4,...., .... ...-suiertitenkace, FiriprlNV 1 7; I Vgg f Ar li yl4ll L i t t ' _ , I ) r 6parrha ati lltialujirag e t At. , rgerebrztpealTfa'' . 111 . 1 - 1111 1 1 . 1 .1 111110 /tlualkciun.ro .fr.-1. /... "i ° r itit7M l 4l l q.M l PPiwflov , thl! , ' 5 .m.) 4 A ti orma k ti o r . . 4 . . 1i tiar..-1 garfthoutyliOaleoll coolies. i; i II( .".,,. TirbiErarial e gi 0446410 :-! IL , / c , r /t/. - - . I,_. • WraatealtratriOir i ' t -1! '4Eitiaithiaveilattgi r, V_1 44 44" C 1 1" 341 17. Cork of Cumoton voueu. atno o;umr4rimcw. A N ORDINANCE AA ' FOr Openin g LOCElft Sired. .. • - 82. - Zriostl. Belt ordained and enaetedby the City of Pittsburgh, iu Select and Common Councils as sembled, and It is bereby emitted br the authority of the same, That the City Engiincerbe directed and ordered to survey and open Locuat street. Eighth ward, from Cooper street to Gist street, inelusPree' In accordance with the City District • Plan. and in accordance with an Act of Assembly passed January, eih. up 4., and a &Pedal Act approved March -••••:,-• ;3888. _ Sac. 2. That J. 3f. be S, ANDREW M ILLER and JAMES TRIMBLE be appointed viewers to MI. sees damrges and benefits for opening :the'above named Locust Street. • • SEC. 3. That .WM. GRIFFIN , JAII. D, KELLY' and MINAS TINDLE be and are hereby appointed 'Commissioners to remove, or cause to be removed. • • the bodlesinterre-any graveyard on line of said Loeust street, and tonassess coati:thereof. • 872 c. 4. That Locust street be only fifty (50) feet In width between Pride street and Stevenson street, and any portion of said street timing vacated shall be on• the south tilde of said . Locust street, between pride and !Stevenson streets. • - 8.20, a. That •any ordinance or pmt of ordinanee mutilating with the passage of this ordinance at the present time, be, and the same is hereby repealed so' fir is finedame irects this ordinanc. - • Orda and enacted , Into a law in Councils, this 25th day of May, A. D. 1868. • • JAMES WADLEY, • , President of Select Council. Attest: E; 8. 3rolltiow, • - • .• Clerk of Select Council. W. A. TOMLINSON. • - President of Common Council. Attest: 'Boon 3leMasTan; Clerk Of Common Council. my3o • . ORDEVANCE - "-• -AIITHOEIZING THE . „ . , Grading, of . Colwell StreeL fiom the Eastern aide•of, Dinwiddie Street to Glimbert's Line. , • . Sze. I...ite it ordained. and enacted' by the City..4f, Pittetrurgh, in &teat and'Commod Councifs (mem . bled, and it is hereby.enacted, by the author:tits/ the: same, That the City Engineer be and be is - hereby authorized and directed to advertise for proposals for the grading of iCotwell street, from, the eastern side of Dinwiddie street, to numbest's line, and to let the same in the manner directed by an ordi nance concerning streets, passed August 3.11 t., 18573 also. an Act concerning•streets, approved January Stb, 11364. , Sec: 2.' That any ordinance Csvpart - of ordinance , contlictingwith the passage of, tab ordinance at the' present tJate, be and the same is hereby repealed so air as the same affects this ordinance. •• Ordained and enacted into a Taw .in Councils, this Obit: day of May, D.. 18851- _ JAMES MeAIILET; '• ' President of Select Council. Attest: E.B. 3fonnow. • . Clerk of Select Coun cil. _ W. A. TOMLINSON, President of Common Council. Attest: EMIR MCMAEITEX., Clerk of COMMOILCOUIIOII AN .ORDINANCE FOR THE PARTIAL Grading of Madison Street, froni Penn.- . syleania'Avenne to Forbes Street (Oak land Township): • - StiCTION J. Be it ordained and enacte Coun c ilsity. of Pittsburgh, in Select and _Commonas sembled, and !tit: • hereby ordained and enacted by , the authority Of the same, That the City Engineer , be and la hereby authoriz ed and ; directed to adverr Ilse for proposals for the partial grading of Madison • atreet (OakLbnd township) from Pennsylvania ave nue to Forbes street, - .to let the "sane '1.12.: accordance with ordinances of Councils, and assess. the cost of the same on property fronting thereon: SEC. 2.!That ling- ordinance , or part of ordinance conflicting with the passage of this ordinance at the present time, be and the sante is hereby repealed so far as the same affects tbhi ordinance. • • . . Ordained and enacted into a law In Councils, this Atith day of May, A. D. 11308. JAMES MCAULEY. President of Select Council. Attest: E. S. MottnOw, • Clerk of Select Connell. W. A. TOMLINSON, _ President of. Common Council. Attest: Ruoit alciissezn. • Clerk of Common Council. my 3 o • • AN .ORDINANCE For Locating and Opening Wainwright Street (Lawrenceville) from Lafayette Alley to the Allegheny River. , SECTIONI. Be it ordained and enacted by.the . City of Plttsburgb in Select and Common' Councils as., sembled, and It is hereby ordslued and enacted by the authority of the same, That the City Engineer be and is hereby directed to survey and open Wain. weight street' (Lawreaceville) to the, full width of fiftY 00 feet, from Lafayette alley stress Wale vrright's Island to the Allegheny River, In accord since with the • plan "in the • City-Engineer's olllCe, approved this day. aEC. Z. And to appraise daniages caused thereliy„ and assess the 'same on property benefitted. Jancey, R. hillier, Jr., and Robert Whitmalrare hereby appointed In accordance with an act of Ast, semblysipProved January.6th, 1854. • I SE°. a . That any ordinance or part of erdlnance• conflicting with the. passage of this ordinance 'at the present time, beand the same - is hereby repealed as far as the carne affects this ordinance. (Irdsined and enacted Into a law in Councils, thls . 25th day of May, A. la, 1828. , JAMES MeArIILEY. " • President of Select Connell. 'Attest: E. 13: MOnnOw, • • Clerk. of Select Cou ncil. • W. A. TOM.LTNSOI , 7, Presklentor Common Council., . Attest:, If Can. hicALLETEIt, Clerk of Commod.Cdeacil. • hIY3O AN ORDINANCE • • • • /IntTHE PARTIAL Grading' of Forbes- Street. fon 'Brady ToStreet wnship. to Bindlson Street. Oakland Siteridst I. Be it ordained 'and enacted by,the City of• Pittsburgh, in,Beleett and•Commed Counelle eembled, aud it l• hereby ordained • and enacted by the authority of the same, That the City, Engineer be and is here b y authorized and • directed to•adver- Uselor pro posal s tenth* partial . grading of Forbes street, OD laud township );from Brady . street to ltiadliodetreet; so As to put the street in passable Condition, to lot the same; in actordance with ordi nance of Cormells, and asses( the tame on property fronting thetton, ~ • • Sze. Thar any ordinance or part of ordinance with the passage-of-Mit ordinance tit the presen'time, be aud the same is hereby repealed so far as t same affects this ordin‘nee. Ordained and emoted into a lad , In Councils; this Stath day of May, A..D. 'SOS.. • • • ~ JAMES McitIII;ET; 'Preslaent of 'Select Connell, Attests B.S. Monnow,% • • - Clerk of Select Connell. . • . W. A. TOMLINSON, '; • ' President of Common Council,. Attest: BtrOitlffehlAarraii Ctcck uf,Common•Councll.. my3o AiEFOIIDINANCE.! Mra . Per the Location and Opening of Liberty Avelino IffOXi: W‘Ofini .fibriseli • to Centre - fliteristritil;4lL 4 oidained and enacted by the City =Ol l'lttablifth. in Select = Colmnon Cannella ail- - ambled, audit•la; hereby ordained. and enacted by tire authority of the Sable,. Thgt the City Engineer be and la hereby authorized and directed to survey and open gt ni sirtystenge to, the fall - width. of eighty, ASO: feet Wilson. street to "Centre avenge, In - accordance:di the Id the City Engineers omen, approrett i lll 4 *,== .!: ,• = rdy=s9 fianteAres,eaused thereby,. seats"and'a tbp Hitine Pre r pertY henelitted. tad: n:=Thid any ordina nceOtsr•=nart =of' ordinance entliactidc with the paSsage of tilts arrilasnee at thd rn t t rtcrtniretnrt:byrepefled so jr a :r iles t naeei r crdtee , Ordained and'enasted Into a law in 'Cannella; Ca; `lto day of May, A. 114,111388. • , • - • • 'JAMES NTI:MY,: '• ' • ' 'preildent ileleet t'onne,ll. .! 'Attest:, Y. S. Monnow .. = • Clerk of Select COuneli. • .; - • - .• ...W.'AyromrAftiti*; .; '., - Preston% Oftommon Connell. „ =Attest: Amin 41101441111111,t . i=== • Clerk. of Comniod Connell. • my3o •,' _ . . 41 : 41 Pr;i: - • - 'llo l lo6llr 1 1 110 YntireAWO L ffillikAP. , l'id 4.15111 0.11,a.N." - G 1 . 1 .. ,-2 c.'7..' 1 7-IT:i. , : -; Seltpin~s - qtatt - :ritedaFPlant i " , . ~.,..,...„.„,..„, s 0 it ~., „,,...!,..., _, , , .. ;...,; „ .lApiritsTErs,co rn o. ol4N ../ ,:,.. The. stlfolliarstirplAlßL, eidelifietio al 00,, latest lothob , Amertoremeola macre* la Atre e ieou- - Atm:titleo toJees i t utw a t i makel NV bete. , lrde It Ad_g_h r ex+, ;MAW: I Itit es iv mr, Sonorous-end smettio The IworlutakatAikti feriA.arahllA•ead haaatYo toi etPeVt noritliTguerigle&AMitre ad 2a l!ratalaaarita4ll,=pm . 1 m.4ft , .. , ~. „ . t lii iikia tattle ilercierl/4WW. nitittii_;oo - *del. ' Priagrttr*tade Vgia, !statisurOrapsnino hi qv% . I 44_ • lie' M t:r id : ca nal itt, 5 ` 9 .441 1 f.4 '. • , - M cl ta P4l . Is ' . tor o r- ~ • - • . '.• ' - lA, zjini.ll% .MIIIIIT If tarOZ to 0 It ge,petv he. , rop4,l,lo,tithi fulW 'oe mo, 00, Alt arinteek -Iva , ,;. , . , ,,.;:..041 ;LI - ~,...c.:c1,.)". r.,,,i.1 7'''.-- '31h1111.11,14,113111:114110EMEgii ' l''':_' &ft iivitlisiriutlet: 5i1x..,,,,.. ......,:5 tiv0 , 40 „,• 00 .L i0t04H ,,.,... Ia perfect order, tr eat PO ito " ~,,. rn. ~../1 . 71:.::;,,11i , , , 1..'‘ ,,- Ii: ' itL , ii - o• , ": . " BlArk • • ~1'• ::, -* *, ii,,A,, f. - ?i 1 4 '.! A! . 1P , , , w ' I, .• .... .... ... i. , A A li e ,*pi ci p (rx 3.'r_t ': ~‘..if IA A; v... c.rta .01'4 ft,tlt} , •; , 4l •b. .F lllLiz,i.:{ll ;j: '-;4 1 1 .4 411 0/1110:**MVAllighlign I eji i.. lturrarrtirPatrattainabg ti eil as u toy, is and theputi , M oos iatan in timlALlberttituraai 'the Paatit'aban• tullugtta'attlattiasatazgr Sarguti l atirrilwaya at the &Bop from Tta if A. at. aad from lto a P. ilt• MY21:0414 .%".r . . _' c ' ' 344 0 1/1311 , 11111111 t , 34 arPrITSIIIPAGO TILKALTRE.A num ATVS - • UM W* I THIS EVENING, grit reriresatitatibiOf THEM Y. THAW '3-laughable Durbin:ie from the play of .. •w Undl entitled UNPIN kftqlte peat :buziestine.. Ithont ne, exceptions ever. primuoeil. to, ,, lPlttebotub. Me-appearance °Utile great TOTIHNOUH. Tgiemphant sneeeta or HipoRPRANK. DREW. fitarsare engaged am: Weill sooi ap at. • NEW OPER 4 LBOUSE. - - TWO wEpis. CoMmemelltm Moudtty, Sane ,t 18118 8 - • ' TUB .F.AMOUS..oinimmAL AND ONLY 14: RUE* CARNIV igaNSTEMII4 A mammoth organization. 18109_in Greenbacks Oren:sway nightly. AdiniaMeNO44_ and Siti-,eents. Matinee on Saturday. when $3O In tireenhaeks will be given away.- Admission tO Matinee, Age.; cwt. e mgiy ne- mod ' D. C.itk DUE,' Manager. 107 1 / 1 P 9 R4g44V 8 , MUSEUNVOCHISITION COmpitstneWOßKB 00• AEI` 4:4I,EktNAT. InterL' LIST ti. CIRRANK.LI:IEIO9IUP IN. % • - • AT HALL, . ll'Utti street,' opposite rlttsber_gtt neatro. , Cards Or Admlesicm 418 'ettitar DOOll5 . OPft trout 8 o'clock A. Y. to 10. E.. " 18 SPECIAL NO DICES ta r- MARRIAGE 211111 - CELIBACY er Chi . : . —A.n Esair Air Tan Men on lhme of filodtod e,;. and the DLSEAS . and ARMlN:which cr,Re Impedhnenta, to MARRIAGE,. _with: min means of relief. Snt. in aaided letter envelopes, free of chargei Address Dr. , 4IBEILLIN HOUGH-. TON, Howard Association, Pldladelpbiai PellW&I ja3o kb7R . WOUIDE ..TO. AgARRIAG.E.- Young -Men , . GithiC3o Happy • Marriage and Conjugal Felicity. The hanutneviews of benev olent Physicians, oh the Error?, and Abuses ineident to Youth and Early hienhbodAtienr in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. A dress HOWARD A. BOCIATION, Box P., Philad phis, Pa. mylB:g36 Nr#ATCHELIOR'S HAM DYE. • • This splendid Hair •D ye is best in, the world; the only true end perfect "Dye; harmless, reliable, instantaneodi;, no dlsappointmen4 no - ridicul ous Until; remedies the. ill effect*: .of bad'. dyes; invigo rates and.ieviree the , Hair,ooll land beautiful. black or brown. Sold by all Druggiebt and Perfumers; and properly applied- at Batchelot , e.Wiir Factory, No. 10 Bond street,' New ' York, - ap2B:p2S BEN_ FRANKLIN 4 4 . . , _ _ ~. - I.- " ' ' - INSURANCE COMPANY or ALialliEn - , TA. -..- Office In Franklin Savingti lisuaillaildings g No. 43 Ohio St., Alliiirardity.l a. HO= DOEPANY, managed by Directors well known to the community, who trust by felt dealing • to merit a sham of your patronage. HENRY,IRWIN , President. GEO. D. RIDDLE J. .. . .. ....Seereptry. Henry Irwin, D. L. PattersOn,Henry Gerwig , Geo. R. Riddle, , Jacob Franz, i , Gotthalb Paas, Simon Drum, 'J. B. Smith, , Jacob Bush; W. M. Stewart, Ch. P. Whistda, Joseph , Craig, 1 Jos. Canner, H. J. Zlnkand; Jeremiah, Kahan. Zly33 NATIONAL INSICO.; MANCE C 0 OP iu am- OP mammary. , Office. , 'in ALLEGHENY TRIII 4 COMPA,NY 9 B .BUILDING. , ..FIRE .INSViLet.2OVE ONLY. . , . W: W. ht TlCH,"Flesbrent. JAB. E. STEVENSON: • ' DIRECTOR*: ' - A. H. English, . o.H.P.Willisana Jno. A. Myler, Jas, Lockhart,: Jas. L,:Grahain, Robt, LtA - -i- Jno. Brown, Jr, Heo,,fie ' . mh2s'n&l. - ' . I.: , • ivy: I :ASTERN - -INSIIBANCE , (Colli ; -PANY OF PITTSBURGH. • XANDER NTHICIE, President. • WM: P. HEBUIRT, Secretary.l CAPT. GIDORGK.NERLD4PeneraI Agent. • Office, 951 Water street, 9patiii. k .C0.,7s , Ware. home, up stairs, Pittsburgh. r . - - . , Will inure against all kindslet Fire iniklimine Hiskr. A home Institution, managed by Hirectons who are well known to .the cordniunity, and who are determined by promptness and libera lity to man. ;Cala the cliaractm which - they have. aiumnie ,d as of fering the beet protection, to those who desire to be Insured: . , , • DlltZlaOEgg ti, • 1 Aleaander Nbnick: .' .Jo B.'2iicaine, -I" B. Miller, Jr., - . ChM. J. Clarke, . , James McAuley. ' . William_S.Evanji,! Alexander Speer, - ' . Joieph Kirkpatrick. Andrew Ackleu, Phl l / 1 1, Bernier, Devici 31-Lorig, , .. ~ With llioarison, . . INSURANCE COMPANY 0r t PI s , BAKE BLOCK. Tbisib'alloiner.Comparrr, arid iltunsreaarcalno b7 tAVlDlNV.tz'ist, pre.iiaet; - - C. C. BOYLE, - Vita President. - r ROBERT Pa-TRICE,- Treaaiger,.. HUGS MCELHENY, &ere . tau t • J:u. • . . • Leonard Walter, - • Wilson. , C, Boyle.. : , klecg, Evens. .Robert Patrick' s , . J. Jacob Painter,' ' - . Plelaer Josiah Xing.. : Joh n Voeetley, . Jas.,ll. 'Hopkins, A. Ammon. • Henry 8 .roni, NDEMN'ITI'.! • • • AGAINST ,LOSS .IERY FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO OF PHILADELPHIA: OFFICE, 435 & 437cann.litT BT.; N&Lit!'int. Charles Ar. Sanaa% .-M9rtecal H: 1 . 41 " , Tobias-Wagner, -• • r - -Da* dB. Brown, • Samuel Grant„ . . • -,lsaae Lep • • Jaebb R. &Lath ' ' Edcalkril. . Dale, FeortsW. Eiciarde„: Ilieorj, ales. . • CHARLES 41, BA-NC/ERIN xresldenp. EDW.. C. DALE, Vice Prqsldeut. • ; C. STEELE. Secrets . pro tem. , .• 2 . 1 J. CIABDNER•CWIRM Aasztir, North West corner Third sp.d.W.olodEtreets. , mh2szarlS . - • A LI-E - GAIENY IN , C:ECONI• A - A: P.4.lpcw, mnßiawase = ._. ~ i ,frunne.Tp.:3lo47 44. F.. TH'Err444 ~/42i1C___ .BLOC! , Insures against a ll kinds of 1 1 1.0 and bkatiaptiWin. t ' ••• ._, l ) JOHN - iIt:WINR'4 II -i PTeig•O ' flnt. i: 1: - 1 -, ' Joillit D. McCOBD, vkallespe*, ~..) P l4 4 4 ' , ChAer. ll 4o!4r? 3 ~. :. - J H Oa-h r b - v - eh, r, win U • , - Jr. n—' n • n•• s • c {Ro t .. W n i fD ..v a 1:4.; , Jobn D,lcC y On, , .'- : B. Habltm- C.o.an Cb no -W. 081•1E4emor.1 atnrn. , -"aw4"4-1Dr1.,:l P rie '' l e. ' )01PLEB , Dirilliteiw -- ' CE' bin. osylog. N R. CORNIEWOOD &rsprets. [ 4 11 ° 333 0f 1 . /Vann Y i klnitillem s ?PkY;PI , i _:- ~ I,'l, e , . Dz i n g e mi s r 0 , L . , If ,ft , i 1 Wzn. Phtllipa, Capti .7o LI Elwin% John Watt, ~„ . Samna D. Shriner, JohnE. Parka, .., gnaties Albuctlez ' Capt.-Janata AMIGA •, . 4 aNzi( l l!&-Millahr , James gr i tt r , ~.......I :rei t 4r .i rsta, l ia. _ .__ . illlDLlPlt vice ' %WEIN-W.4T% exesldent; v „-,;,-..) W. P. GARDNER, SMOOT,. i,.7f ,, ,i,,,L. -• °M T , riAth AICoRP9N V ., ,., 1111,As!, Tksl4`cdo '010411€;;• A 1412011 4 MAP, TOBACCOANDiatin4 ,? , ;',171 gum-m..61%w, posprfti4.4;ms: combi • .pnlvivacm,•vs. cht‘Atowsteratnitatiki^ • m 77:,.. c D • I: AN. wromm4,4l c MICW 1411 0 : :, jut -" JrivitiC - , - ' r 31200 1 0101 anti *bro.' „ ''' Snit ”" `ll*CO I`o4o/11," • ; 47111101104: s e --14011A004ZURAPIatit • ism* , ate: QIN_NIMILI ID:LEREL n leoeimavicabeggiara,eo. PIBACTICALL WIRE96 I The tat i tsgdo iter tan! the A n d LvVglyw, Dllgoisulas 4IV ..wavitam ,3" BQ• Pk4 CriNilrigra IVVO l s r ael* bylettiaoPeticb. rtitm i t ti rad 8 4 1 41* Pit a nY u ckbVtaiN - ur Jai Puirstrah. pr. IDISUAATOE; J;o, .Tbompsoo. Joe. Mien, C. C. Boyle, Jacob limp, noV
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers