Ztt gitt4taro CITY AND SUBURBAN SUICIDE a S n W IM S . a l3 d 4, raithl) LowePos C, allow Una as. /Sent... , A few sviol.os -ago a young wort..us nankl Elixalartia IL Ruch made infer- I Mallon borwe AidormsoldeM.sters pre ferring chart; am( adultery, and forule, lion and bastawly again.! Philip Showers., a wialthy, hig,hlyrsipeelcd and aged eiti• 21 . 11 of Allegheny. The prosevutrix re sided in thh same neigialcirimed with the . accused Mal the lritintazy sprsug up seV era: uum'ilts =gni ai 13 alle.aol. On Gat lin:Lay altern.” an odium visited the l'esiciener of sh rrori, at Spring Garden, Seventh ward, lot:betty, and was met at tbo door be 3 rs. Stmts.:N. Gle asked If 31r. Showers vas In and on belay told he was, requost . to see him Cu private I linsinesv. Sims Pot made tosanpearmise when the offleer took hiconsideandeQlll- ' muniented the object of his visit.lle expresssd a wiPttigrew< that his dfe riahouldknow all , and r:queste,l pe le sion from t h e mile, to retina to his niont for the purpose of changing I,:i clothe", after wt”-ti Le said be would MVO Tinny him,. Tho rconost Rl n emote and Showers repalrel In a bod eh her, emirs) himself in a chair, and lag a loaded gun poireori It at his he and deliberately !trot, Ile. bullet pen rating the brain and causing instant ilea h. COrMar Clawsan was sammo ed to bold an Inquest, and a Yenliet i n mord snots Willi the foots. was reader The .deeeased bore an excellent.oharec er and WWI widely known and r e sorts . Ile .was abopt sixty years of age, a I for a long time. past has been one of tin prin .eipat owners In the extensive Lafayette Founiley of Allegheny. Ile waslw nth probably 4.7,4),(03. - , Oar Tostor.larn Abroad—Row a,For mar .n.aabormb Boob alert rl.^ Ifinetnese In cuirass.- • • A:young mat, formerly a teller in a banklndhotise on Market street of this city; who got into a "ditlleulty with his employers by '`overdrawing - his :ie . mutt scree six thousand dollaM, has regain fumed at , as a defaulter in . Chico wheree_e r c cgr i e ,„ l eni t ,, : ri at forWni nhtios partnership w ith two Vrangruev,former ly residents of Pittsburgh, and for Pau ly a year -was presperonsly engaged in the forwarding furl commicsioirtinessi but his avarice got the better of 'his hon esty, and collecting, same $31,000 of '..Conuts tine the firm on the fast of Janua ry, and by a series of worthless drafts which be bad discounted at banks real ized about fgn,ooo more, with which ho -dlemppearal and has not been heard from sieve, :fin mode of °remotions 'with one of these hitter is given as follows:. En - tering the office, he sought the- Cashier, 'lnd niter a few moments' conversation, stated that their house 'had ,been doing. business with the Ilona!, Bank - , bat that 'the latter had been charging them tent notch, and he would like to change their aecount to • another place. The Cashier a,orenl. toed ! the account was immediately oprAied. in '...,Chicago.drafts with bills of lading at tabiled. are readily negotiable, and pro ' . seeding to the rounterof one he drew upon Al Pittsburgh house liar s3,Ced, attaching ; nbill of lading fora car load of .‘mitidl.•;" as side perk is often called. - This opera ' tionbesegented three times, during one day, cheekier:each time for t 2,900, leav , ing the balance, less the discount, on de pcsit. The. drafts mime to Pittsburgh, were presented, payment refused, and . protested. The, bank horn then proceed:, eel to arrest the pork in (reality, brit what was the astonishment of the Chicago Cashier • when 'the telegraph informed • hint that there leer° here held, snblect to his order, three car loads or'middlings,"' • n sort of feeo, worth perhaps $5OO aor load. . Thu young relen . MOVOli in the - best cira • des of society, wan e prerninent church znemly,r, and merged, by leis open can . duct, the respect or the entire business 'community. I= Right in the midst of the busy whirl and rush of a great manufacturing town, searroninded by the lire add light of hap pf homes of the fashionable •of • the' city, it is a strange (reek, no astounding and startling anomaly, to find • a Ifatint ed. Flonse. But the wonders of natural are not all known, nor are the fearful Fe- crets of the unknown world rosily di- I -ridged. In Allegheny city, on •on one ofthebriniispleavenue.,in mu:tithe state.' Best houses • things happen that would ; dash to the earth ail the philosophical ; thenries of any but the strimgest minded human being. That they aro supernal. t ttral, who dgre say? For nature is still a great closed book to man, and what is aboie h., powers none son tell. But in this mansion queer doings arc recorded as having occurred anti as occurring every nicht.. , Jn one rporrilint only are knockings heard, bet they are of two g distinct kinds, one es It werethotap- I pings of skeeter tin _era on the window I panes, :maitre-tither the dote/mil:nal:nip pings of sirehlitiennek les on thenaitels • of the mantel:piece- Strangdr, unsteady footsteps arc beard passing . through the corridors,and shrill' singing noiseuaire heard . Mll e strewing rooms and upper.) e lm nhe , as., front a :piano., is efistir - licanl, when the oelY instrument:a:the kind In the hon4.IX: closest ancrblielhed, and the wheezing of an-withmatiii.esingh in nee orthe corn moncst nobleitten : n 1 in ibis bonso where every :: innishatafartimate in the enjoy ment-4)f the Lett. of health. Of course thesabinanifestations are the :source of lIIUCICAITII.IO,MICe to the family, and of trouble Vial the FUT:It:29 ; but as men.' hag rmusatil hes been seen, and as the nerves of tire family err strong.. things go on their even'way and the skeleton in time household Is. known to exist by - but few persons. Ire have the story from a member of the family dwelling in the house, who however Insists that if Ire but knew how to go about it all could La explained in a natural and perhaps common place manner. . In these cesesshowever,iend they seem lobe • mete numerous than lornterly,)the - great trouble always is, Low to go about it. - Proest,ly rat.ll immulty. On Satordsy an insane old woman re. siding near Smith's Ferry, on the Cleve- land 4. Pittsburgh Railroad, hod en ex,• perience which has probably; ere this, resulted in her d ea th. 'The Cleveland , . express train, due here q;:k": r. st.,was running at usual Fpeiil 11 little this side • '• of the elation ment i oned, when the so man - ,was observed on the track ahead of the, locomotive. The whis tle 50r,i0441, Ilse - brakes were applied and the engine reversed. The old woman did not Oct MT the track, bet the train stopped Ju_et,betp.re reaching her; she then not the track end walked beside the read until the:rain had started again, when she ren fir - want nod stepped in front of their:emotive.. She was ladle dlatel v struck and knocked down. NVheti • taken up It was feud that one of her lens tied been cut olf, and lies bead had re- • - celved. frightful injuries., It is probable that,hf: is dead bvinre thR. We lirnrn that on Rath: tiAV 'morning rite seiroil her little nrunlobilif 'and throw it into the blazing- tire of the grate, . but the child mot reEcued uninjured. = Amcetiag WWI called at Rnhinson's Hall, Lawrenceville, laa evening:, for the purno , eior forming a Grant Club. Owiny; to some tnisundenslanding the Stall USA not secured, or at least .not ,opened until after eight o'e.oeli, in eon. 'sequence of which ninny 60,49 who had c.illeeind did not remain.. 'f no-o who remained until 'the Hall Yeast finally,. -opened, organized by calling Mr. S. .r. Waloright lOUs, ("hair, and Mr. S. W. Reynolun h. :int as Seen lary. . ronWclnerse: of tho attendance not being as isrgeay exj.eeteci. and not • rer great as it would /my. Leen hut for the - elreunistance-ida.ted, it wo, doeided, on motion of Mr. J. 'W. ltaltiell, to do no other brtsint, than the selection of a President (~r the prcqsascslChill, where upon 51 r. S .1. Witinright ens nominated arid unanintonsly elected. The meeting then adjourned to meet on Tucsday evenieg next at the sams place. City Mortality - Dr' A G. 11,ritadltss, rhysittiou to the 'Board of ITeolth, Ina the. fttllovr log report of the intorrnonls in the city of Pianburgh, from Fribtuary $1 to reb ., ruttry J,h, 1.040 t • • Diset.o. of SOUP, I f br , ,nehltbt, 1; de bility, 2; nxthma.• 1; moon motion, 4t perietardrtix,, - 1, drors^: of rhost, 1; eon- V1 , 11310 1 / 1 ., I;..strottleit ;axle:Den, 1; Ws:east , of lungs, - 3.i Of the above then, onder I year. 3; front 110 2, 24-front 30 to 40, 1; from 49 - • to freon 0t to Go, 2; front 12.) to 70, 4; from 20 to 90, 2. Males, 11; fernehst, whit , ; 12; colored, 1: total If. = • • On cur third pegs to-dar will be found . a fine copper faced cut of the magnificent Iron blozk occuplea by the univereally Ird3carn Dutra Illercauillo College. Tote 1[1,11141M0 is one in lebich our: city mn tres , o,JAr.,,,e'altaro of pride,. and, In deed. it. iti - Te;gorily creditable to the city. but likewise to the Stale and country at large. It 14 conducted on a thoroughly prtuaical system, and no where.else can the youth obtain better instruction and training, for mercantile life in all its branches.',, Atteropird trulrids.-Jobn Merritt, a young residing in McKeesport. it is stated attempted to coltrunltlmicide on Sunday by taking late - Lynam, It op peont, however, Kea the young Mall was meet to -notify the family with width he boarded oriels Intentions, In order. _we presume; to have them witness Ida (logic end— Of ileum° ho did not expect thattho untold be ao foolish as to in any way interfere with Ills designs upon hie Tile cane or the unhappy affair, we learn, vas the interference ofa young lady's parents In a love affair to which tha pan znazx ITU a party. • f'.MM - U Not temporary, lint heating and eilee. tire calm are secured in &most wonder. frtnie; . 7ee. bY that potent -life renewing compraind sold under the name of Dr. Keyes:Yß Blood Searcher. - Weber, pule. i lished in the Gszmi, — during, the lest some of the most as:a:ending cures ever recorded . t.r any medicine. That nf ' Titzell, of Allegheny, .C,lty, pub tislred in a recent issue, is one of diem. In his Case. the wind° system was worn to a skeleton, with 'hardly the power. 'of life arid motion. Tholl.4ool' Dr.Keyser's Blood &archer imparted tone to the stomach and full power to the digestive systetn, and in that way imbued, the needed material to repair the wasting frame. The decayed - bones - were dis charged and their places supplied with new, and each tissue. and organ pet on': renewed and wholesome vigar. lir. Keyser does not claim tor"ltis Blood Searcher - any secret.. • Any phy-.! alelan who desires to investigate leery will be made acquainted with I r y composition. He does claim that It. is the boat tonic alterative yet discovered, for he has been fable to cure - with It when eighteen hundred pages of the Dispen sary did not disclose . a remedy. lie claims for the discovery of the rootaand herbs of which it IS composed the come pleter.t combination of valuable bleed remedies within human knowledge: It really may seem strange that under, the action of Dr. Keyser's Blood Searcher the whole body shauld start to newness of life and vigor; bnt It Is no stranger than thefact that out of the same bleed that circles in the veins, bone and brain,. and hair, sad muscle, and even the lineer anti toe nails, are recreated and repro:- tinned. The many extraordinary cures performed by it here, .within almost' I speaking distance of the. Doctor's claire, I entitle, it to the appellation the. met 1 wonderful medicine of modern times. • Sold by the gross, do en or mingle lxlt tle, at the Doctor's Great .51edield Ikepot, 140 Wood street. • Dr. Keyser's consultation vicna. fel treciblenome chronle• diseases, 1... W l'etat street, from 5 a. fit. to 4 z!..sz. Dpipep.lik The stomach bee to boar the blame of a great many evilsOnd bring •pain wad other disagreeable sensations to the n man bodY. and when wo reflect over We word dyspepsia, we have a vague term, which we . undereutnd wolf enough to mean some disordered state of thelligest ism apparatus. It may. be • rlftlugs of wind which usually Is an effected a. sour j eta° of the stomach. It may he water 'brash, 'or headache, or constipation: These, en welt aa , many other. that we t could name, are manifestations of a ctn. s_clition of the etemach which' is usually expressed in the term "Dyspepsia.' They are each and every one of them remediable by applMations of medicine applied to the stomach, ar taken into it. This, to be done well, has to be done gradually and slowly; that is, tone. and vigor must be imparted by degrees so as to bring not only We tam:noeh but ths whole digestive organs up to the health standard. People sometimes my to me: "-Dr. Keyser, 410114. you Wink many, people 'Welt eternsch by over-eat ing?" Of course we do, but at the same time would add that many do ea by not eating enough. The preservation of health depends on the right quantity that the stomach and other orgao. con cerned in digestion Is able to work, up lola good hi..od. For weakened states of the stomach and an Impoverished state of the blood, there la ne medicine that weare ecrinain tett with equal to Dr. Keyser's Blood Searcher. It has restored many a tatter ing frame and brought back health which for }oars . had departes.L Do not be de ' rnived by he apurious compounds sold instead of Dr. Keyser's- Sold by the 'tress, dozen or &Ingle bottle, at the Doctor's groat Medicine Store, 100 Wood street. licctor.X•yeer's consolation rooms for the cure of obstinate chronic dtscoes, No. LO Penn streeL A KeeAteleent Ineireniest. The Well known music dealer. Messrs. Hammer & Toerge, No. .50 Seventh street, have received the so., agency for Western Pennsylvania, Northwestern Virginia and Eastern Ohio, of the ,magnificent Instrumeats known an the Porlable Pipe Organs,. These organs have been awarded the highest praise by the most eminent artists and musical authorities of the country, and are declared to be unri valled by any other Instrument of sus tained mind now before the public. Its advantages are patent to any person skilled in musical matters, and may be briefly stated: In them you have the genuine pipe tone with wonderful range, sweetness and volume; are portable and take up no more room than the ordinary parlor organ cif reed sounds; are very cheap, being furnished at one-half die cost of the organ hnlit oa the old plan. They are adapted ton wider range. of music than the piano, and SA on accom paniment to the human voice in eingaeg are vastly superior to any instrument ever inteidne d, while they are equally well adapted to harmonizing with Ili.; , piano, harp, violin, date, clarlonet, or any musical instr ument. When these organs are generally known they will have large sale, no their high merits over all other instruments cannot fail to be .aprirecta' trol. GuLkw = Ono of the most important diaccThveries in the annals of modern science is the discovery of Dr- _l:grin:tie Lgiite Cron for the core of every phase of lung ail ment. In the formlbg stag. It to infalli bly sure In its effects, and in the last stages will frequently give temporary relief, and rvialuge the pain and abevlate the munch so distressing and hart-wed og to consumptive invalids. Dr. K. to-day received a letter from the State of Ohio, , from a clergyman, speaking In the high est terms of this medicine, in which he speaks of Its wonder/ id effect., as the mie had been supposed to be beyond the reach of cure. The truth Is that in the most hopeless must, Where other or the old medicines are concerned, Do. Kgr. Lv.No 0000 works wanders. and is achieving a name as boundleas as our country loss limits. It Ps not to be won dered at that the Dcctor's medicines should be effective when we look at the =re and labor bestowed on their prepa ration. The vegetable kingdom does not contain roots and herbs of rarer value than those combined In Dogrel' Km . . I NEWS LLCo CURE. • Keyser's Conmtltatiott Booms. for long examinations, Peas street. I=l=l3 A parlous accident occurred_ yesterday althe Outer Depot of the Pennsylvania Railroad, which. ill prof:ably result . In the death of George 13:11, a colored man, aged about fittyse.ven years. Belt we. engaged to whitewashing the ceiling of the machine shop, for which purpe,se a had about twenty-five feet In height had been erected, on which k.e won standing. Ito was working vitt. Ins bark near one edge'of the platform, and taking estop backwards, fell, striking the planer in his dolmen'. breaking hie left leg ill three places and otherwise seriously injuring him. Tno Injured ' man wan conveyed to bin residence on Logan street, where he was by Dr. Hamilton. He haws family of nix children. who axe dependant tmon-itim for Ruppert. pled of hie Ilanwle..—Patrick who, it will be remembered, was Severe ly lojured by the acrident at Mill Creek, on the Pennsylvania Railroad. a full account of which was published in the Ga,tie a few- days since, died from the etferta of the Injuries received at hits res ident*, yesterday. —The SLlgiLlal. , (Michigan) Earmsriss of yesterday. pubLishee an interesting detailed statement of the business of Saginaw Valley last year, from .which w 8 gather the following figures: number of mills, eighty-two; rapacity of mill., - 81S,000,01.10; number manufactured, - 000,000; lath. sixty milt, 470.t/u0 barrels; capitol invested in lumber man• u facture, $3.51.00,000; in salt, two million dollars. The above does not Include the business of the share of Saginaw bay which would increase thee.: figures about twenty per mat. 111 , 3 received from Ilayti stating the revolution in the soothers part of the Island has become general_ (ten. Solomon, present Jfinister to k.arti , peon courts, has boon proclaimed Presi dent in- pltion of Sub ern, and all the principal_ towns art, in arms ugsfnat the government and authority of Solnave. =1:133 MILIIO Lt. ADD-CI T. SJlAS—ths 'Fburedar, Fetrnary litb. um. by Xs+. .4. C. Boyd. lir: CALEB F. biILIIOLLAND cad alga SiAGliir. F.... deciliter of the bile Dr. John Csletissa ail of Aileen.) enenth. rgne gap,. 70000 eclair,. la cleansing Sew duties and entering Into a broader sphere - of lire. bare oar heartiest end most ear - neat wishes for their .happiness sod protherfty. Boy they never know tke pines of woe, of ealsery or sad bess ; but moo th eir patte th roughllre together strewn with dowers or lore nod eontentasent. Joy and 'gladness.) 7. aSerTUN—TODD—On Thursday. February , 120. Lida by the Her. Id. H. 211.010.7011 N 11. Ha111 . 713.N, req., act .10(M1 it If. 'TODD, of Uniontown. Pa. • EIEEI YOUNII—On Fran , mtralor. at aintintr. W•LLlter., only son of W. W. MO Chia L. Ttnanit.. 'lr VAS-Yesterday (Friday,. arterusso, Feb ruary 1C JAMES W.W.I-Or. +Put SS /se.. litll,-Ou Friday. Fetuuary Nth. at his rest- Orate Ja Braver. Pa.. Xso. JA111C1111.6114 tor et Ms. Peter sad Paul Catholic Omni. of that ',cremes. HlDDLV.—Youelsyaa aaa l ebrary N lol i AII Yew.. year of be , 1 . 04 LS"rl/11,11en,1"In'611,U:titiril grew r Toonalay atomise. at 1 Velvet . P V. awl Pr, ham. sou of kagt*war Wataolt. svit al els liv• days.n* HIG.IMICOVIL —At as 7 $ Crawford strawl; .rmarrargb: yews.oft% ELL.% ailaitillfll.- u ER, td a Months and IC days. 1.11.A.511--4a Saturday, raxsar7 1511.. Isae Itr. Jolla 11. 1111.1.111 f, la the sad Tear of Ms D6.11.—1n. San Frauelsea, Cal. BLS/1111f1 tionatter. watt. t Loa. Penns3lvauia Legislature. Phut Adjournment heeolntton Amended—Proposed Stailread In So moroot—rree Halleord Rill Speen.) Order leer - Snestter next—Mlle In the nenate—A Ceraplanter In the tioute—lloneral Appropria. Ile. Rill Reported-13111 Veda Cab. stimioners—tietty ohmic 2.911)e, Aet Wpdaled—Rllle Panned In tba deans -- 4 15.1ettellorttle Ettl 1111whed by the GOTOrtter. I= /Ultras urri. - 1. rel,ruary SENATE. - s - ciAt. AIIioCIT.NMENT itraolarfloN. Tito House Joint resolution for final rutionriinsent on tho tenth of lifitrels w. mortecit'isruentlatl for do o twenty-fourth of Morelli I=i= • Mr. STCTZMAN, or Someraet, intro- . ductal a bill Incorporating the Somerset and Mineral Point Railroad Company, connecting Sontortot with thorittsburgh and . Connellarfflo 'Railroad, being nine miles In length. TIIE Tar% RAILROAD MM.. • The Free Railroad Bill was made the apevlal Order for Tuesday evening, The western members have agreed to aeeept . tbe Sd`nate 1411, If obligati to .In no. =2 Authorizing write . of error from judg ment or Qoarter Session, from appeal of ordem foe remov.l of paupers. - (l:mating aid to advanced nhd Indinary seldiene orphan achneL. eatabliahed since the act 0f1867, or-hereafter. 'Adjourned till Idondny-. evening HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES • A. Comptauter, In Intl In diau cos tume, appeared, and through Ws Inter- Pretar..penjanilu 'Milian:is, asked for more money from the State. • 1,711T10N, On motion'of 311 r. 110 NG, Philadelphia. petitlona to a largo number worn handed to Um Clerk, without being read. "-GENERAL APPROPRIATION DILL &INN. froiri Abe Ways and Means Committee, reported a general ap propriation bill for ISC.S: =I "HICK'Sf.Pi.N. ?roin the General Ju dietary Committee, returned the bills proposed by the Civil Code Cornmisaion , era; with Information that it was im politic to act on them until a further re port; and with a Joint resolution autho rizing the Couunissioners to la tlll IS7O. and make final repirt 167 t, and minor re ;snit. with drafts of bills, in the interim, and giving them additional poweri. OZTTTSINCRO' LOTITRY The Senate bill repealing the Gettys burge lottery act, forfeiting the charter end ensporrering the Auditor General to seize all Its property and make repara tion to persons who bare Invested.. was pa 4) finally and goen to the Governor 'fortis-signature. - ==! Mr. FORD'S bill relative to ti mita] putnerahips, allowing the firm name to consist of one member of the firm, passed finally. : Mr. SMITE, of idles/luny, presented a bill vaildating the loan end aeirtivige of theWhitelaonoCoelCompaay. Passed BILLS INTRODETED. Ily Mr.lllD OLE, of Allegheny, a so p plement for the 800 Franklin Insuraul, Company of Allegheny City. Authorizing theTruatece of the United Presbyterian Church of Tarentunr to re more the dead (rum trio burls' ground. By qtr. FUItD, Allectieny i opening leo ctigt streei, Pittibrrgh. Suppletoont to acts tueorporating the City of Pittsburgh. By Mr. WILSON% of Allegheny. re quiring the Stato Tr•surer to rotund monies to certain bank% of Use Co=Mot, wealth. By Mr. JACKSON of Armstrong. In corporating Apollo Cernetcry. Authorizing Margaret Fuller. cos, dims, to sell certain roe rotst, Be Mr:GA Elt.or Wt.:mato /and, granting et pension to Henry ]tiller. Supplement to militia law+. Confirming the ',antilot. of rarti of Jeht2 Taylor, de,....1..0f , :room L:u rs:, which passed finally. Enabling Truett+. of goman kno;orti me St. Vincent's, at La trobe, to .ell 711.11 elitato and invent the proceeds for building purpoecei. which. on motion' , uf Mr. I'L YlitltD, of F4y elle. peeled finally. Itutler,ohaliging the time, of mooting of Court, in Buller county, to the necenil Monday in Janu ary :m1 . April and third Monday in Juno and Cloudier, which r 1.4,41 7.`.:1C1101.50N. of Itor.ver, floor Dor: ding. Lb.. Beover Falk I; as Comprmy Yo4ooti The 6oTernor has sifined the Pitts burg:. aril Connellsivllle !Jill, and the act inrorporating the Neshannoek Coal and Ore Co. Adjourned Lill Monday evening'. Bill to Secure Mane, !standard of Rtdilliff.Nerooladda—Ratostdiar To: P , std:Lar Mate ffanko—To Cantpol l enlists to Proem,. niolanmo—Pnit , stelphin d7rl. VaIROOd-4.,031.• ::naglata of Prab—To croons Binialot Thad for Rostadallanntont of Pitio- Osman Railroad Debt—Ronal. of trawls canner llotreareaS— Ta Istearcrerate •team•bip cerapdmi —Tariff Law for • s—Silans AVM:, raltaral Braport—fianoral Passion Law. Dispatch to lititstittsgth liuette.l IlAnnistino, February. 17, 186' , SENATE. I= By Mr. CONNELL, -of Philadelphia: An art to provide for the cultivation of a higher standard of knowledge in the medical profession, Ly authorizing de grees of Master of Medical iteienees, and blendingAllepathy and Homeopathy In the pro's - tarsi Pennsylvania State Col. lege of Physicians enaltiurgeon. By Mr. Mee4NAL - G[lEl7, of Adams: Refunding triallStato Banks the one per cent. paid under the net of ISO:, which was declaredueronstitutional. fly 1rr.1.6171-11Y, of Erie:- Compell ing dentists Sr, this • State to procure di plomas. Also. enabling tiee l'hilailelphia and Erie ltailread. Company to issue bonds, seenred bymortgage. Also. for - thn propagation of fish in ali the rivers and tributaries In this State. Ity Mr. Eltit.ETT, of Allegheny: Cru sting a sinking, fund for the extinguish ment of. railroad nompronilso kends and indebtedness of Pittsburgh, arid a board of COMMiltslol.lCrfl to take charge thereof Adjourned. HOUSE OF ILEI'fiF,SENTATIVIIii.. =1 lly Mr. CLAHK,Warren: Paying So ontort Olr grandson of (ornplanto two tiondmd FITE lltty dollars. By Mr. ADAIRE, Philadelphia: G rant ing tivo thousand dullari for tho repair of 1110 Penn Churtel phi!. zidelphla. By Mr. THORN, l'hihuloluhhi: Incor porating the Philadelphia. Now York and Bonbon Steam chip Company. By Mr. DAY. \i'nehington: For the r Leer ollievrx or the Thome ,Soe rogim ot My M. PHELAN, Greene: Protecting farmere againtst. rate and vermin. = A Joiiit resolution from the Sepal° urging, Congress to chnogo the 'tariff for tho proteetiou and promotion of Amer( atn artists and artists'-produc tions Alcr, , rat resolution from the Senate to print U tree thoutand faro hundred cople. of the Sutto Agricultural Soeiely's re port. OESLItAJ. en:velem LAW'. The crn ner.d pcnnion law for mddlers, of was; under dimenselou when the Benno adjourned. The atelayeaarg rde Lastero—lterratrd for 4 latumrs. - . toy 'relevant - to tee rtureurre YnetbJ Ilattatean Feb. 14.—The Senate bill repeal:rig the Gettysburg. Lottery' Ant passed the. douse neatly to-day and goes to the Govsznzr for signature. The Auditor General le authorized. to seize the property and motets of the defunct corporation old hold them for the benefit •of Individuals Inseettng. - Guy. Geary to-day [wood a proclama ; Gott offering a reward of two thousand '•dollars for the apprehension of the nntr. .derez or murderers' of John Gasoy, a witness in the Senate contested elenzion , case of P.obtriann againatShugart. The Dauphin county Republican. Con ' ventlon met thut evening to appoint Sen atorial and flown:Mutative delegates to the. State Convention. They were in , strutted to vote fur Grant and Geary for . President eV Vice President- PITTSBURGH WEEKLY 'GAZETTE,: WEDNESi i )AY, FEBRU FROM EUROI7&:E. E=l 1212:1=1 afternoon in the House of Lords i ' ~ • • - was n full 'attendance. Lord Derbc, „se .., • ing ill, was not present-he hay.i.e. the ..wltlmat toy is.rortsut etant , . p.m, alter the preliminaries itheolot;- ' III .AIN - Th.c 1 h". 1 " 1 '; ;. LI/ eo rpening of the ;,,1 11^.11; the. Tr/,;h4; ; lv le tn. , . C. - I Ilmnse 1t.1.10111110,1 tt'flll,l.eirE, . users. v,„ e, d oc- ' any business. l charee.l It 12,4 s is out. and 12,(12 tor tribe. In the House of Commons, tlO.. Ix- 0.; „tun ta, uteh‘cgcS: Got dislerlLl, 11 rm.. Fevre gave natter of his; intention of esti. I es It., ,t.e. :4e:.1 to ea: a Cr bend up the question of the ..thilauta tient"; rat ok, but hiinaiaieen (tern on the 4th of March. 1 EDr Curt% Is relltuit t• all lids 41,1 tat. beta la dull, with bad. b. 'ell at P. ea Lord Stanley said that use dispatehAl I track.- v..}./ that subes't had 1,..en sent to Washing- to at • ton later than the one:set rilltllstte.l. Tu t u it-is Filet std aucharrea. small Mr. Hieragli trought in a bill t • pre- Isles at gerrafill to tut 1.9(110 Whrattlll:o vent bribery and o.dr apt ion in elevtinllv,. 12 co lor Wader Wham, .2114421 a for fer ry It provides far a eonunittce Of hamiry, v. I. to Sta " . • consisting of ~,,L ooooL.L j wy o ro. o , 1 ,,, I Uncawheat I. nochartrd at 1.1,2:40..t0 per pointed by the Speaker of the cwt. I. .0., but p,10... Conn:lona, which. is 'to right the place of are Itriculsr; ono bause quota's at 11l for election and investigate the chargus or She:alders; lac for' Gibbed Xidea; mod itC lon bribery. After considerable debate tlio sugar Cured Darer another quotes Snouldera bill wino read for the first Urns, 'rho letWA to le/:; Raided - Sites at t 4 tar. , 7le. llonsatlien adjourned. and Sugar Caret llama lb' to Ititio. 11'; to ll%r, ltl Ur, cce, slut trall'ir, In krt.. Lotroom, February 13—Vithtig4I—It. euazon. reported that a groat "Pan Slavic - eon ; LAUD 011.-Is arm hot uncbanged; I.e eon.. spinal-against the Austrian 'Empire has Weis toed.< Oater N0.:2, sal 111.1: lur No.l beet, fil..s.vered 1h Hungary. as the isavUniet arm Ones., and the minket LOIS noa, February IL-Lennon, who air.. '1 was convioted of treason and felony, but I ll 'r/FJ ;-T h e ' " ' 1 '" 8 " lan not. of murder, area prime to chrlee Bell at rate,. yesterday brought „war Isles of before the Court and sentenced it, int. Western nsoure at (tune, sod austmn at priaonment qt hard labor for the term of is...stm, fifteen years, After receiving lie nen- ite.v-Is selling m.• resets( wry. from lance, Ismiton made a bitter and data titcanary wiocos ai situp per too. , speech, to which he praslicted the be. IT-1. slowly but u.d.r , ged; fore ho served out the „term of his in. !111" of Pl. "'`" "''. 1 , 0 " let ' ,11. "`" , Sad 111 " un Mr Ana %/Az lot Mph, prtaonment the liritish monarchy would (MEE:: „APPLES-1a better supply. but t be overthrown. Ile gloried In the net Is unehaaseda am), p er am, • - for which lie was now condemned, and POTAIOES-Eatateue dull. notwlthatan - ‘ hoped an opportunity 'would be gloats to log the reeetpt• rend"" Ilebt; m.ll salr• .010 at Staid° per bushel, sot/ . Itaat;i per Ignite repeat it. ' Loa nog, February I 1.-.1.1eht,/ht.-- " r " l ' 110111INY-Raley to the trade at lie.?sl3C:iiP;o In dm House of touttnons this even- we, and 32 ha a retell may. - Ing Earl Mayo asked leave lo bring in IS ftEaNs_pur. Nay y iiewl are Atentr.e.itral bill to suspend the operation of the writ are balm; fend In a :c.1.1.11 nay at 0/ Per bush" , of habeas corpus for 'a short period front the Ist .of , March. Ile said the Fenian lenders had shown an utter disregard of their oaths of allegiance to the Crown.! and stated that out of two hundred and • sixty-eight Fontana who had been arrest ed ninety-five were Aniericans. Ile concluded by staying that although the' Govornutoot hadsuceeeded in retires, lug the rebels, still an extension of its powers was necessary to enable It to completothe work. Leaven) bring In a bill wets grantal. In the Commons Lord Stanley laid be• fore the members additional papers oil the subject of the Alabama chums. These documents have already leLen . pnblished. It has been decided that the British Rest India steamers shall cease at. St. Thomas, .bat some ratter place. probaidy Jamaica, will too chosen to a mail station for the steamer, . Loslooa, February lA.-Humors are current in Paris of arontomplatedchaugo tn the Mlnlstry in deCrence to the Is and wet:ant:wax of the Liber a l p a rty. • LWIDON, 17.-The Larl of herby has been very lli. An uncontnollcted rumor was prevalent thbi forenoon that bodied during the night. It now apisiars the reports w bah were printed in the rnerni mg journals, thst. Earl Derby and lodge Shoe were dead, are without any Moeda:ion, though have been dangerously ill. It ti announ ced [...night they are much letter Mot re -005 017 confidently looked for. Later advice* do not ishntirm the A bys• sinian Intelligence, sent la. evening. A dispatch to-day states no ouch move ments of the Egyptian corps as alleged tail oecurmi. Much of the [WWI. from A by mon ha is to be memirth' with matte". I .:.XlrOttt, I.ehruary 1 , ...,11 Is generally believed Lord Stanley will soon 10 , 1 . 1,1 Earl Derby at the head of the min,: re Irma I,L—Yewlertlay MOM ing Alllllll,l FAIT:I4IIc li3Vllle retmveroil from Ma otight pluese, >Corniest! z -late ititimiir at :Jett Royal Pahl", tit nhl h ho invlttittl by Kim, Viotor Itmattintl. Ti. ,, Admiral watt rec.:M.l weth air le l tomtit.v by the limn., ud trwewl with great honor and emnaMorattint by the tipotnigatielleol etompatiiy owomiil,l, arming 'Whom were enolutoim of lb.' itoli lan Cabinet, the high ottlittolo of It o- ' Royal Court tool of the City of Florenoet. ant: chief onnotra of the army airt no y. he Italian lemmata contain fret/molt reports in regard to the vi.itof Fare...got, and 'teem persuaded he i+ here on nom.• mionion of grist important - et The Met 1,111,11 . that tin appears( is that bin obi toot to to obtain na val otation. o t the Mediterranean for the Cuitoel amt dm. he Imo Mom hettroottel to apply to tho Italian government for tic mot of tl,' lout. of Sporrta. rft,ItENCE, February r..—The dinner to Admiral Farragutddrpady R. a gralld larittr. tout, tLn former Ilinister of France, toaated the_Adini al, and in htx re, narkx sal.l and 7101 Iron .c.l.ada baud Ida fame. - The Admiral in acknowledging the con, plimont awoke of Lim lore for Italy, end emitidence in In, noble pregrwe, Georg./ I'. 21Iarell, repreNeutative or the tithed Stalin in Italy, on lochalf or lib, country, thanJiod Sella for hie bop.o of eternal alliance. Depriea, the former Secretary of Alulne Atfalre, sail "azi witb.Amerlea, a country frond by Colunibon, baldired by Vevii.eci, and celebrated by Bolts, nit entirely no turaly. ( 1111A3141C- • t; February I Menubrii, Prime Minister, h4s told the Part Imo nt. to reply to a question,! that the Govern ment had dispatched seven ships to the River .1.11 Plata, South Americt, but gave no information IN to tho object of the e pe4ition. • F.vmsiso—February IL—ln the Corps Legislatif to-day an amend ment proposed to the bill for the r•lt ubillon of the press, Introducing certain reforms In the administration of Courts of Justice, was defeated after a stormy debate. The Government.. Is rapidly pudnog forward the organization of the National (laud in all the departmenta of Fromm., in nroonlaure with thr provisions of thr army 101 l recently adopted. = .bemxttor, February. IL—The 'follow ing Is the latest news from AnneAy.liny: Thu auxiliary corps. Or Egyptians main In Abriinia and are moving for wird int the 'expedition .edvanets, not withstanding, the remnwt made by the English government to the Pasha of Egypt, that they be. withdrawn. Re ports front the Interior state that King Theedorus and the British captives well, at Magdella. •00111118 ATILIZIrIa MILE ,February I:I.—It In officially stated that the Portuguese government has authorised Edward 11 edlicott, bunk er of Linton, and Thomas ltumall, En gineer of London, to lays new telegraph ic cable semen tho Atlantic. The line in to be run from Falmouth, England, to Oporto, thence to the Asoren, and Iran these islands to some point on the count of the United Staten. The new cable in tabs aubinorged on the Allen principle, and it is estimated that the total es pen.e of the enterprise will not exceed nix hun dred thousand pounds sterling. 1-1t01:11'11 AIIZBIDA Lista.,`Feb: 15.—.. The Star from Itio innerlo, arrived hero today, brings the following intelligence: Beyond the used skirmishing them has been no lighting between the Medlie armies on the Parana. Cholera was still raging with unabetal fury In Buenos• , Ayres. There was al. much sickness Bt the camps of both armies. The revolt which had broken out in Sadao, one of the provinces of the Argentine Repub. , _lie, had been sucer=ssful, the ruling tlov erument having been overthrown. The Spani.b. Government hopes fur axerieral peace from the internal di.u.saions now pro . valling In I'm,. • Callhalliantahapii •ppolated. Tiaaatsph to the rttlalairah ti.satte. PIIILADZI.PiIIA, Fah. 16.—Yosterilay the .ripoiaLlnentn of three Catholic DWl one far the dianvio of Philadelphia were received from Cardinal lisdnabo, of Rome. no Popo has clmignated the f ol l o wing: Right Rev. Wm. D'llare, of Mt. Patrick's, litabbp of Scranton, Pa.; jtov, J. P. Shanahan, of Media. Wallop o f if g vrivliarg, and Rev. Dr. Becker, of siohmond, Va., Bishop of Wilmington, Dehqs re • co al NTF.P.C.I!". 1 rrruoLzuu All A 11.1 LET Oomets 01 vus PltrOAC.lll Glmr, Alotn•Y, February al, 0411. (;I:l76S—This market cru very quiet ts;fLY. not a Ongto letneactlan reported, but Pr.., tem....toted. Spot ell Is atill quoted at , 40 1 lier Marsh and April, teller'. 11Pt1.. 1 4 °lsis; May While; and .11 the year, ..e l s option. at WWI.. The dercissol, Moth for present and future dellverYl , le b 7 he Me*ls pretstra, though there are full, as Mt. Veal , ' ets it there are sea eellets are fully Malden: about .111101 as buyer, are about buying. The Impreestan le stlll sMolos Mresesth that ih no event man {oleos go latch below le.. they are at pies.t, and the ehanemalf .y,t),les, levee alvaMe, ant this Tier at the trade seems to be quits Mut , '" uui semle dealer.. ...other armament that may be sdetheed to tarp,. Ole view of the cr., IV the fart that the carolling...ls sapolly seppeoubloc, sad rellaynt tall loos, If sea already, feel 1.1. Mock,. Iste foe Itart spring tad, tune., .optlia. SEVIN Et/—The market foe booded MI riot. •ery arm and mote whet exalted thls •settag, in mew of t mill further mit.. In Astererte, It francs being the quatatten from that petit to.d.r. At tee, howeser. rrtne are no hies. but rel.. eeemed eleposmt topold back In auttolattlan of letter pile.. and as • caste , q,,tree, there me but f.m eeVers tt pretest Be coo report se, this for aret hall of Mush, Le :se, and IMO for sit the) tauten option, me. There were errors to boy thlt mouth. mice, but no reams, sad theta would he so In 5011105 t .. U11.11 ., masa. fem. tiny 1,3 .It", mit L er, at .4 tof Mop, and sdesselos alf s mot emu attheMlnin , mouth. It tad , cult to ,ej , ettile at ttle welting what th e resent 'Mice:lnter tmonzt to. but era ars In hopes that Iry me soon. have a stsoamer mateet sod better peters. Financial Manor: , in firm Sark I= '2,l ,, ,tsgai to tits ritttbarto taw.. I p.. Tot., Yet'. 17. 1.4 • fOf•T ASV •OLR Laney 9st - han6:lnt can. 15 rl:In though quiet ic4,.;. • bait oprn• ra kt st.lvanc•-1 under I,4tt In the '11,...r11n e..n.a to ICI. ant thhonnl itesnir at 141;al1II, .11, - EXIMNT. re 'Arta 41114 w S....oklerAt U e. , leass".l. Hoary . Imun lotlo.,:id ;o;ns sl p. Cr..l rom• Y. t. Ir=.l2lW, ‘1.•• 1 4. .In openod bu.yaur. alte gnatea sa.l.,:lt :iv t. Er.. ny a ,1- , .115, 1.11 7 1 4.1. and a thaz p rat, to Ta,l aa nr the P: :61.0 rlrt Pre.a.• rhar,ett hire with rfo,..,tenot tru,tt /11 POL. 101 f I,IEO *1..1,...,1 110,Ki01 , .01010/ lit Jul.'. •,, , rurity ter luso to the road, and clauntn, that he mull return bla { - front-. tt „th 0. 111,. re-•.ral.na hint orp,.?lare. alma that rt..? hvre N.. 'York anir•l tort to Lot ..I,...quvutly 10.11 t P.. and Mastett• were v" , Y a,tf..):e-and toartot ~ ,a nrat nue Itoar,l, anti •tea. l 3" :.ut the atenn.l Iroard, eacept Lite, 2.1, out I pr . . - rn,, better salt es oft.,l, At the cr ttin ori ,- ea arra a IMIle 111 1 troin lea . tal!nt. but 1110 eat:Red. ..11t genrral:r re.,.tre. , ,1 as a op. - enfant vt a...0,M, au,l the 1a..., 121. :;':1::IrI.:11":1‘11!0":!.70't‘‘r7r,";11i 0',19 1 1.4 0114/011111i 10 Le .hurt of Erie to a large a:ouut. T tat (ntinwiug one tiro ea.riiatr prier , at 5, 1. mi Can ,n. Cuint.orland. ~47^; E rt`t 7007. , i - Mo. enAG.,12..41 ,,, , rner nit .1 !kw,: V..11..1 /Arlo, it ',W.% 43:1; MA., -O. - it , y; MO , 1.-.‘,l2lalli;•tiantir...". C 1 ~1 1 ;;K•stornl . slo T. 10,r0i0.. • :144M ~.. .; 417,,:. Pre terr-41. .o;;;6.re ,;; litalann,l4.Blls: 1.a.1111,, 90;03,11 , ., Onto Certificate. MSo:33t:it WA. I ”,/. 0.4111 t; et. Mtetiliran central, la:: Mit,:catt a.attarrn,7/ , ,tr:% . I i knots Cantrai. 1.t•6t , a01: l'lttatatraa.%!Yl C,11'01,14,111,,,;411:;11,aa I.:areim.l.trta v 5,p.600., nroferred, 11',111 Wotrne. tot WittiNt Marietta lunati 0.5 .irrtft. trrti, :X,: Calumet, I,lltratria tits Uttlen dr•t 11,,aaltal nut St. Jn•err.,. 311,1 30 1.31 , 11 flo.rtfoni *nil Eno, Itarliaaton and qutsicy. .0111Tentreme1 4 ' .1 . 45; n w .on, CV MINIIfO share , arn gunny.. am, N% W. nor). MOM, 1:.1g. Frl• AAAAA ThO reerSp.3 or rho"i;Trec.npry ti.-.lh . ) nie u rnte, 111006:1; 114 ancr, Slew York INlmilisce Marn et: tar Twreritre as OAtraburre raw.. 1 Now Yon., 17.—Cotton active, ex citf , l and fully leil‘rn tw'Crri rain e, 1,"001 tr.], at e 11442.3, For middling upland Ylocrore ,,, fpt. 7.!”41 , h1. nod here; the met het is loss active arol wipes' dervehl co knee:A.le. of eror 1,1,14, al To[ .n. yrcr4ne Slate mot retort , ;Is , e , 0 10 . 1,0 tra State; 11,10 for extra wortera slials for whits wheat extra; 119,04011,10, 17.fMnd Iloop Ohio, $l O Ol2 for [salmon to fair extra St. mule, an0er:4 17 , 7 l brawl to 000100 do, and corm,. word. • tellfonsla 111,0,0 In action with pales of 2.101 sack, al 7544,00. eon door firmer with wile" 01 111 WA, at 7,0460,44. h1.1:«y 14 nominal and or:ce. ore untenceed. ltveeinta4irf wheat 17., more Rewire witcided elianifat 44,0 Utonela Skt XII I. NaNO. 0 sprite 1•2,40 tatx• ; ee r,e v.:, No. apring to tarty,. at VAL fled Penne...l,lS for whits California. g ye e e.re. with 1.4114 torthol..sl,tl 0,010,1.79 for western. I.l.ttiey Wain. woe coning yeri., Canada went, Ilver , •d co opening naolo.ll o o, at 4:,n, and Sem, or western at et :5, dellvered. elstrfirm; wales of Irm b 051,014 stark, corn; reetilyr. of wax" ; butheler leo market le notion at A roam. ',nursed , . of 43.rfg, 1,1.1 at 11.2 , afloat; for ehoiro wad $1,r341.4 for new whi .s, r. *outlier°. It.tst teeelota wore loothel.; the mat ert I. Wore notIVO and r I , •ed urn lower, w it 11 rale. of tolahali •i Kinn for western In *tore, and Crl4o dr, Tose The follow leg is the Iptfiric re grab, In • , lil t Wheat, 1.114.131 lm.hele; corn: I hele; ryo, 1te.147 bashnitli nets, 2,041,4.111u5he1.; barley, 75,410 briahel.. eye Ir is qulot and tinermogod.• 40111•00 I. ao- • tiro ar prat, with tale , of bug. 11l Prlrato ferule buyer 1. moderately amine and Steely, with Mita% of 103 hogshead. Cuba as he r eol34.e. olusees !amour, with MIAMI Of 2.lrarrel• Now ortonne st , OSOC. lead I s , Itagehend. Cubs at p r elimrl terms. Hop. are finial. at 11410 W fOr IcPo um la Quiet at Clic for crude, and 14740 for fanned In 1,01111. Pork; lho inarect 1. a ithado firmer and there 1. e innfleratn do wand. with males of sio barrel. at FACSer2,7 , S for new mete, 5101/00 al s4, o et!: regular; Tll4 1011,11 for old rioting at ell O4 regul.r; 114,4011 , e , for prluto, and 1 01 4 21 for wino; now., 1111 , 0, ,500 barrels how at 04 LS rollor for !latch. Wulf IS gra.; sales of barrel* at 10 events price.; 1.1 tierces at 1er1.f.415.50 for prom, mole and t lO O 4O Mr India 100.4. Beef llama rdcady; .11,1011 of 301 harrole at 4.0033. flacon le quiet; .Oct of el boars Cumberlau , l i Cut Co Oral. final sale. Cf 67 , Yoaskagits at thlibleo rot ohnoldere and , 13144 1510 for ham.. t/reed. , l Hoge are firmer at 10e011 , 40. eh lob , ly ail l to for wr.tero, and .11S4/I , llfrt 140 . 11 1 ' Ifs fbr ally. Lard or stonily at 14547. list ter la Arm at 450 fee for Mato. Charier drill, at 110150. Freight. LO • Ltwerpool arc dalleud unchanged. New Taft 1)17 noires Mattel. lite Trlcerttrm U. ,to, l'lttabarsh Uatefto, l Ntite Cone, Feb. 17.—lirL• UNA. markt t fraltlr firm for 00400 g 00.% 01111 u great .carelty of farorlto brmtd. of plain mu.. Ilud: Leary Litnwn Shootings firm at !NO IS, :and second. at 10 , 4417. ost Masta folr m makes .011 readily at 1 43 13 14. and popular makes. sash I,a Corbett, and Nerd. mace Ll.ll at 1401441. Atnnsltelte Pflug let.; Arnol d . 11',.. and N am.utla Ole Ilsrf, lath, .111e.beil Jduslirre, yard multi, sell reuhly al 17; block 15 . 4; James Steetil Mph. IS; Forr.tdulo II; Ilesouvlibi "101 e; Social 14.191 , tMaalteatt A tleloi le; llfackatonu 11.1510 do 10le; Thorntlikit A lac; Pearl 111000 XYLi Aoterlewn Stripes 13011 , Amoeteelf v,4021;4, Plt.tetluld 0%; Llelmelm, brown 1144111.141 C C 21.1.1tonaknag a Scum. kraX come Jeans 13,4 Amnakeng brown drills it; Cl mow gingham. litter Lancaster 17; Masonellle plipureafehrlca 121 Keanebeck Mew TOTS tattle Market. tel sr*pu tim e YlltAttrgh tatclle.l NS u , Ynet, Tab, for the went Beeves, 4,t%, *beep. 2=o; swine, B,Stel. Memos rubel buoyant, market toter. ably antic,' 'Oa 3 , (n nigher; Exlg_s 1940110 e; prima IsOlDe; Peet quality 1:01754e; late to good Pult.”4e; ord man , intllskint r 11014, sheep and lambi tolerator active, 1,4 , 0 head on sale to-day; range Hogs Omer and yie big her, offerings "rosy light and quickly token at Valtgo. j- ,, - 4 ;4:41 ~:tt tar =I tprrarm,y, l uY . with •• o.utn I.eerwm as ! ususi, sod with seat of thcro,mora paths:3lml liwac woe coy c ! red cattle, tpe less =rat they l Soli' the I.ctrer err May are, Ws It 1. • loale: i hownms tt - west tit yawl. Compared with lost leech. some rlrirverc et prrrtld drclinodf I Pm per eret, while oihere snorted that there war a difference 01 fully did lo .l - we 1,117, k I however. that Edc ,IS about righti Prime.to I &atm fat mettle [Old at from and rood to fattish butcher.. atotk may be ynored at COI 15i, Coe Ohio. 11.11 tends to seised Cosine*. ! is the plectra: txt'reshe rmd the, are marry wools why 53 should be .0; both arra aud lortchrta see complainil3 about lucid% 011007, and it Is tally as bard ^l3 erwitursets; scsny fsmilles have to deny therrucelves.•o.l we hare on .1001 e. tome door poor h3ae to do Without meat altogether. Stock cattle wore 10 Ulf demand 331; ilrolisd supply, and may be -quoted it k4000:0, to guallty and condition. • Stately d'sold S bulls at 1; falrich item;.. at c3i; 7 head Lrlfers, averaglisd 'lllO, •r. 1 1 3 j; and ce.ws /W. 111 per head. Peter llartmaa trpotra ro tread Chicago eat.. ale at 413101!0. Marks re. Trautman sold r.,7 head Chicago Mork at .I%ler,ls; and 2v head frown Ohlo at 3 to 7. Louis Tiott.cl.lll4 Wahl 23 twad Chicago slack " TZ' t Aill colii head thrleagn stock at 0 30.1 7 1;:t 17 bona teem Ulna at, 53408-17 head lett ova, 01. Verner sold Mi!he 3d of commtision cattle at 1iit5173. • Mlles.. McAdams wholmled 11) head.. f holm. to - Platrtwar Ohio/ cow. Sol , Wren at 1.310, thar Modillater .11331 37 brad of Belmont 1 110101 starts °woad! Cbmarillornaken cola It head at 7 132i1i 1 i 00 . 11 tat Ore , Am robt. ' ! =yen 8 Needs. sold 43 head of Ohio cattier et algrau howl of 'retliaiob sic:wham at 6,700 35 hesel or CA1443041 cati.lo at 7481 i; aml ea , Ira 1,103114 Mo. alters, welt:Mug lim — rold to Fled liellsterna (hu•cbet) at to. Greenwald d g.lOlll report harrug retailed IS haul of Chloastocattle actidits L 05 head Chlmw ga cattle at 0,0051.C.i Jo, Dolan ail se of prime Chicago eaa• tie, but befog unable to get his price, ho *lll dolitolleat ablp them east. Glass, Latterly E Co. sold 71 6004 aarattale .toe 0.1110 at 010 1134; sold 2extra cattle to • Ilugh 114cIlarilson ( butcher ) at 12:. ' fledges d Taylor told 13 head tut Kaman at 11101;11 lot Brownthd at Qi and II for Keenan at Nicholas Carr retailed •53 head far Snow aller at 0401. • • , weie somewhat surprised to Bad John Km win buying Dull again today, asaletad by his Indefatigable partner, Job. bleAllisur. it Is all Mehl, boarevar. as the' animal. are brought 1111,5 to azil, and Messrs. K. d bled. on, hays gi tlo L.! I Lem a. itajo.4.l E Eat: snld 13 bead of milted Into stook for Roonbourrb at 15‘ to, 13. ' Wm. Eels, an old:dirwor, but who at pttatat II tamed In butortlng at New Cache, Ps., woo at the Taub., to-day.'sisltlag hie old theca. goof .alquolotoums. /:= Theta was se, nal:avian t:o ) large oubis of Sheep nn isle tiiiday, Lad the market.. matter 01 sourst. was a pretty hard one, ea. pealally for the asarioaer grads., of which the lileriaas m ein soi,eleftai Pram. tat mutton Sheep, of which the,* were but coy, otratlvely I.w, hiutiabt . fair _tirlee. ed to IP, tut odwavon sod inailos wild at all kinds of vritetoi-holders. its 4, amend tt.lol, Wei alqvaad 0 .rapt whatavar butte. sti , e proper to alter. Stokely L Bro. had WO bead on sale; sold M head of prim... 01.01 per cwt.. aid 111 at 1 2 . 10 pet h. 5.1.. • 1. IC. Itleflaslln -I:0 held of aria:mos Lawton.. Co. !Bleep at V to 03 aer head. I. trosoill sold VI bawl of piles Butler Ile. Sheep asaraisLoa ItOdlaw at Maitland wild lo bawl of prime fat Sheep at l , Joevh Rica had .0 Awl on crosualwiloa; sold at 1 / 1 0 to 11.:e. is... Larfowy A ifo. bad Bobtail re tale; wil.lll head, It so avisiose of So—balances WI; There sae • Isle suO•ly nl Musa no Bale toe Say. and tier rootlet tees o• 17 moderatel7 as Ile., toe trutati . “l.lllog hold Cup ipattr4l7 at tha pt twat eatrota4Vtirea. to a total! yep pile , ee realign:l from • Ito 1514. toe Salt to polar brae,. aerrarra. •i• Myer. • 'firretr yheleasloi Te hese to Em orlrla 8 /10. at an 4 Tertal/e4 AO bra.: at r la IL (Mtge. I-Mrerty A 1.:4 411.11.3 Leas al s. IC I/otter:llla at. tliesortotiol shout We brad S• )o[ the eat at a lt 11'(. , h we presume. 6014 snout their otos! :outaber, .tereeo 4C3 sad 510 re, IRON ASO (MM. E ert* aton?. FrtrrestrFebruary aa• 11. It 111.• .- IL. *sleet I.it sanatutured Itch nod Salle * p.rsurta • 61.11 eherrth. ulrewii °wire reerere to the rirsomprios rd env ieatiow Our relit trie•art putty • eutlifut of • geed ePrialt tree, which It stout l , ttritable. from the leaf teat storks the meet are . very reduced—wore et. perLepw than tdr ue. cut lute put; led dotter Wray that sheers wet rut. leittabdreh that ieti.or 112.1 metal tete gut down to point that .111 utablir her tr. ieeiain • great suit customers who Sulu . the put law years hap teen twrolne er other Ittoclu het, are et wiedlogly llght.•nd. et Mee...the cur shanufaet.o,lll to du stibat re rut:lnuit celled i•• head-ro• moetb.burineac e ar that when trade °pure op tier *l'S tot herr itrui +weave,re tiled lAth-prtred sloth, er.F he undersold to other wrotete. thri ND...rig are the earl n Ilse •12i• ',ItIP tie 04 , Het,/ )1•,1 4 u V,CO n Nate , heal Iron, In to It 'li 7•7 ... . . 114 ip • All Orals a TeS tn. selle.!.l .111*. tol to cot NAO . & eal 19 . k'onelug 6.1 4.) 111649 3% M Iz.r 15. 4,1 46.1 ...... 110155 9 ink 41 an 4 1d 3'> Cals.! .. ... .... 6 70 6.! 4..1 4 5 , Cut & 6./ .k, • II•trel N 9114-7; 4[1,9,.:3;t0. tarn, *Cho; 1070, $1,54....1 . ‘ la.b. ONO, rats. —N.I• ..7 fteerptloace at. 441 4 .. 189 entsent (On of toEthoolto :tl.• lurk; or • AlKor 3. m, pent. f..) if resalited on 1.4. P. of in•c4g. I . 4lssenta to he mode In Now lurk 1....01.,0015, V. S. Ttotoort , thttr tcutvol•ot. tt.l. to lota nt tee koto oat tiogrordo. Pot tog at NoOlsolount oo blito 5f love thou Otto ,1011•1/1. • rITTIIIIV MAU me irms t, a MIA LT, Urvtai or was Frvercermre ( Fernav, February It live The market eakthlled rem mtivlty than last week, though there wet • tall volume al bare am., marl as the 'supply or lading bramlk c rune dmerittheaa Is light, Paler. an.mtw Mined. tnlarlor grerhm, however, are meg mulatlng, and privet are Irregular and drool.. leg. Foundry Iron. are dull but unchanged. We quote Lb. lullrwleg ealm: TTT a T eclelt. . ..:60 tepee !lard Ant lareelte Sea 21-4 earm 1[0 , 3 •• Red Short 33 00— sash Ed .. N• 41.1,1 0. .....t. 40 .• they Forge 43 . eo—o mot lIIT.IIIIIIOt. COAL I.IIILTKII rro■ ICES WM . 4410 a• llabOolog Vanllay torso.. Oan 40-11•04 CO ".. 31 00-4 00— 000ta mos a. • , • " CO 44 " .. In 441-4 mon 100 ,a• 4710.0 11447 Forgo 1140-4 mo o 100 aa Opel .......... 13 40—I mo IW " Opel Choy • IS 00-4 toes • LLEOOIOOIr B.CO ton• A II0(10101 00--[0209 'Oll/MCOIL. 1001.400 Yo. t 111•[1110[ Acia....56 1 1 00-01 dY. =l= =I =1 ( fly Tclurfoth to tie ritiihuridi 040tm.1 Culennii, Feb. 11.-Flonr more active. at In.lenig M o te for epr ink e rm.. tYliewi ofariirn 15.0.1 Ifitfib Lowry; early sale. of Ni. at lit.oel,(22.to!ce, but nub fequeutly ...toned nod eiwfed quiet at 10,7); sales of No. 1 AL 12,0341.1141. Cornerilyo And leio lowan, Ades of rio:1 at •FFNClliiiii Ho. 2 At 9ui4e, and now at 0.001(jC. 0.1 , dull Awl clontror' with lozyrm at Hai and vel lum At We. 1100 very dull; 51,10 for Harley—nothing .10101. lime pork ooml mil at 1122,0‘02145 for ormin• mesa firm at 111. Bulk atent• firm and 41 vial; .310111.110 a; Fyq Cumleerland9(Ae; Mom 011104 rd hams /3 , 43, .woo plckeled Mims quiet at Me. Dozed And green meats Inac tive, Mrrmed bogs steady and linnur, At re 62.22 for light, and $.2,5009,k3 for 1110001 tiro In pond chipping demand; at $1,15217,63. Iteeetpm for Lbw pant. fortywfght !hour*— . fire,ids floor, 10,00li Dung wheat, M,LoG 11.1 , oorn, 17.0.01 inch oats, 1,541 drosfed And Loki Ilya bogs. lihipuleols-1: 10 Md. flour, 250 butt* 01.111 MAIM inch cnin.l.Llfo bush oats, 3,023 flrromd. unk1,522 Hoe hole. Clanlomat Market. illy Telensun to the rlttsbarse tlasette.) ..CINOINNATI. 0.. Itobriii.ry IL—Flour and wheat unnbangad and quiet- Corn Is dull. and ogbred at WM, without huge. fur shell ed. nun he bought It Idattati. Oat.. age nod Barley are unchanged. Cotton Is excited awl prices higher, ng at VC for inid tiling, and not much orfared. Meta pork IS in active clamantly itale• of YAW bids at gr.l for city, and iltiVor country. A Ittalai de mand fur hulk rue te; sale. of .700AoU bids at 91,1110 for city, and tiNglileXe fur country. Inactive tinmandt for llacon; Balch of Inn UM.at lolic for shoulders, and IN for olear ades, and li%o for Clear rib aides. Nothing .lunar In ha, and is held firmly at itt..e, and h o higher. Butler firm at 311.40tt. Sags WV quoted atilt. Seed ill unchanged. Oats are 'dainty. Lingered; al,01,11). bold Is quot.t at 61,11; !buying. • Clevelkod (fir ytlegrank to file I•ll 'bomb Uarefte.) CLevaLian, Yet;fussy I 7.—Ylour market quiet and steady, double extra siting at tot rs ' gr vlttf, 01111 try brands toe(11,00 below the shove nausea. Wheat, very little Inquiry, ateady and 00. ehunee,l. NO. I tel winter at 22,62 clo. at 12 5 t1(0230, and f. Milwaukee •prhto In ear lomat. $2,32. Corn weak and Inactive, 111116891' 100 ant. lots reporlad aL lifiltde for No.l libelled from the alOre. Lista quiet, but 1110 market steady and firm at CM for No. I state from' store. ILye firm, but In Paid rot nevi and bald at 11 17 for No. 1. purlay tablut. and %toady kg,20Q1,22 for No. - Male and Canada, and 111.20212. 001 0 r N. 2 elate. Petroleum lintel, but finny standanl while lit bond held at 111(y/le. Pilme 11011 straw to white trio 41041116 Alan. "" """" Ise• ■ar4M. Illy Telegraph to the l'ltteParth uartla.l San F.sotsciNTOb.l7.-.4lCrOtleatra PAN stinetrind.- 47,50. Wbrat.—elloico abirpME WI. Legal Tenlorn7l%. €1.14,ir0 Castle Markel. tit, Trieg• mph la tbe. l'lttainajb iisstlta 0n0.% Yabritt/y cattle in Ilan and nominal. 14! 8 RY ME • I 1 " 1 ' ' 61 ••• •' -- -. ;_;_..3._,..31.—'4. -c-',•-l.:-_-:-.1 l'', ..,,,,!..-''' ~,,; - . 1. . .,..F"1t-Tl : 4".7 . '*ca.:, , rn't.. -,-;----1--s-t4.i - t- - ,.- ' -. 1---:.lf',si; ~, -7 .1_.--.'--t. „ :„.'t:--• - 4 , 1 -, , 13..7.f.r•-•.i• ._ -1 , - tts - - 7 - - ___,„=,,„, . 11". -..,14;i7, -;=•:••:*••-'1':.-,;:-.,-•15-.-11..-...2%.... , rjr ,,,„ , „„ _ ., „.1 . ..„,:,, . ~..7., . .F E.4; t l .- 4,, - y. - z . c , - . - - - r — _, - yr± - 0 - :; 7 6 - .. - 14, • i nr,...vit . ,:y:r.„ ... ,i ••• , ` , .! ,, , , 1r f -. LLT, L,..5 - A, ' -- Af q rA. I ' • \ _ "--- Err i - iQ : •.., z,:., i ,•, .: . L-111...., ~ Iti • . 1 .- 44. :.; toillOittiAti i .. , ' f• r v, 1 0 ,, ... 4 . it ~_ A., •-_._...7,,,,,,- , ,, ,, —... - .4 - ,-, - 4 ; 7 - 7 " -- --- •4 1 ".-' 1 41 17 , -11- '6 1 1 . .:! *‘ ,.4 1 . ~, (Al, t !‘fl-:1' ... q T r SIZI- 1 1,. t ':14111 1; ). 1 4b 11,11.41 1 , irAl•tr ; „ r l• '4l omr , ,,' >•f, i. z : 11,..,..,..--.ikt,y. - -. •__Liligiiio o L , riki; : .4 : -'T ' •!-.1,1;0__1.'h.t...-....'rk.ct:....-!,. I. ' . ' " 1- -1- ' l.- s. - • 11 '1"7" . .. "'''. '1 : 7,(1.144 1 4 1 :4 '"- 4-, ..__,-- . 13 ,!' :.. .4:;f 6 .' i,:, it ' t. Cfk l6 ' : : : Li • ef ,--' W ":.--')",,, i' ,l • ' !;':i i -e•lf.t 1.':f. , ..f . B'l!r.V i ' 8 ' t: . ''f,t4t l Pl . ll , f•jiv , 1 t l ek t iS • rlttAt .41. lt , 'i . .• i...4 * -4/ 4 ,0 1 r;4_4 . 4 . -c.- c. .. i..10M. ,- 1-..; ;7 - V, . ',7... • ~ . ; - .7c/.. - Ft..' ': - .I" • - 4 - , i • .7.1818.id1il ‘ .-2c., \ '•i.- - -'. -:44 ......Q.Ai ~;-: .: • ' .....4 7 - ' F.,41 , ••.., i•, - ... ..tk....4 i ii ,..., , ,, It ;:;:ill - t•N• 4 -.0i11:.1.1•A (fily , W, 'c p - -. , - ,ri Y ••:.--. Nr r f.:40... v ,,-,-4FAl r ,c; i . ~ r `,vk i .,•, , : 1-do N . , ,A. g,t; ',- -,,•: _ 1 :-,„_, 4 ~,,- „, : 1 'o:g tstk ,. ' ir„Nl Tit ,W[clijc ', 1 f l'; , •: - ' 1 0 3 i .g4ti.74 , 1 1 0: 4 11 1 0F 1, - ..T4 . to; r 'i. i:44 Jr:::111.0;eli i-t-ii"?' ' 4 ..4. 4 .1 .- ' ' ) -4 .1 .. .7-1.1-tii -, : -. .ii 6 .. ERct,--. -, ..•w0 I --'-'4-'= -. '"' . t -r-.-7 .. .... ---- .21 . -, .. ~•4.4. : -- I:_. -, ..,,..,-„,-, - 7•..,,:•,, , .t..,;, t 01k; ' ' ' - ' - 4 - 4-.-; - ; - .i•.. 1 .•: — .,,,• . t• - • - i:t - . - ;; t s t :4c4iiik F. - . ' L ', "'. .. i ....i i 4r,•;' , ...7 4 ./ .. ' ;4 ' il- . ' , : l " .i' :::i - --•i . _; .- ' ;' , ,.t . a* . :,... ' '''''' - . 1 / 4 ' ' ''' l •? l " l' '..., _ 1.-.-'•ii,•t-'-,._.:..,,•4, • t ttli:,l2 .A. ,t ,A.:4r i -t-1i, ... r .7 •,5 , c,,:. g.f . .4-.;i.i..?-dk-IIM-ar...#,4v,,i144.,- : k • 7 _ ••:- , ,(% ,.• g ,. ,?,r- ..1. 1 ? 1 .._. , , 7 : . , ,-, ' ,' - - : , .• '--, . '•4 .- ,--,.- !.. - , :; •! ,, -- •- 7 -', ., -,--,---,‘4 - -. .-„,..,•:.4-..„-. -5 -.,: 4 „ 7 . , . ? -- ! , ~ !-!-•- • s, • •, 2 .--7 , 1 ,, ' •• • ....., , ~.4........., : 1it„.41...§, A ...,•,•„,;:-..,.,..,:z-,...._, . . - - -.......;‘,.----.......,...-., f., -;,...,..E.,....,..-..—.:.:.-.„...,, , .-..--.........__ -- .._ ..._ . . , . DUFF ' S . . . . 1 . . • P. • 1 ' - No.. 37 P. irth. • :street, :Politt - slai.l.rgri4 .." :1 81 , 1 , .• . . • DIRE 1 TED BY EXPERIENCED BUSINESS -A.6iC0UL.7.P.1.711. - N TQ -..i• • 'We be •e tine ple r Llro 1,, annorinfle thut our 4tamintui syrtem•U" ItumineNs 11 1 :iitioatioll so generally,enmatentied by bun - lochs men fur twimly•tioreat y...ara, iO.IIWG farther pc•rf ...Led and rextemlnd by DUFF'S NEW SIST_:•:NI Or linftfi-K EEPIN.;. pp. too, Revel 8 vo. 83.7.1, pdelago:l- .. .. c! , •1,,t1e, I,telttifilliv grittiod tono!ors. Inc Ifni - - pore, Now 'Vora_ SOld by It , ink , Leller , .• 'Phis spb!ii,lictlyork ;introllll,l, il/ V, Ihe Unitcce the theory end premier of Veonlprelsensive ilrut.trati on of NI Eltt.til'A NTS and lIANI PACTURERS BOOKS, opeiaini:, emtdneting audi I. l .o.fing SIX tilli'S 01 , ' bOttit:S. It introdueoc for, the' ittA time the 5tu...2.1 of N tEI ON.IL r..-1.:81 BOOKS, piletiealty den-ma n; bus nos from the formation of he comp', to the dl..1,1 , 1:011 or the 1 1 104 dividen.l..wlth ttlilikw.latcnt 11111../VCl..tigli and 11111ur-saving forms. In lull bet of Tv..r.BTl-M . 1.; 111,1N17-`4 Bon's, 'l"le•te Bre foil 0w,.1 . 7ty our 000.,ystem or 1tA11.110.1 I) fiCCOU NTS.liblidt Mg the SUrVeying, t' , tad Mg. flu lid.' it ingml Er tiptitent cT the lload; it,4 frpPrlal... dtqlturr..miertn. end r -;eeelp• until the denlet•ntion or the tirst dividend, pr4li4,lty e shibiting the Sttv 01 PRINCJI, I, Roues. IS newt pratent the find publi.inM not of PRIV:VV.; 1t.1N1.7.1-trtB'• Itil tii.S, pr, et itloqreting the Private !poker. Ilat.inesq, in di..ecumting hosme., paper, rAdiarilriElg, trU313ey..b.) , . 1 4 UU.I oeiling bills, mak;:ng et: v and rs.rente cmlinet ions, .1.c.. •Nb?ittitte 'rt.?: I . .U . SINKs , 130,14,. , , Sir mono treal;,o (inaeColln • N thltu - os- LeaulF: the m , .,mlent' a fqluvatinii jut., iloil.Artrnon,4 of account. nt •It ii. t: 1,1 or I ern, at t empn.,l i u Col leg,. • It is ako a etentiord.iitmli 4 referen:, tor bunion,. Al'eolln :700,, ntornhanbq nuontrarturere..ltank and ranrUa'l oille 4 r 4 . joint stn' ,oullutnie , . 0101 a I I who have to do with eennunte. Order, hoot cm's Corw•rtx.t.llctutm Iltnrms nn Dyer's f101r01..-Kr.r.Pr'SO, 1• ,r a full de-wription of MIA ',tilt. tnn i •nlic.g.. term, tic ii,le t engrevingB of our Penmen's' 1\ resin 011g1,Villgs of m: doh, with tenon Ton rnferences. send for' up elegant mow V page 1.44001.14 %WAXY. , UlftellAA It, Mu 11,1frou. Address, __-- . . . . . . P. : DUFF &S 0 N Princl ls Pittsburgh, Pa. .1 1 1 • • , --- - BEE H' 4 ('~ - • i ME • ..... Daltilmorel.74-114 letablert • i SPECL.A.L lOTICES: i ,itavrtnbenb.rettnll--Cattle--Tbitottbr- ...--- - Inge at the: moats a wing the Pet eretk .r - rir . litt . tielmti 11E.. iimicc.; L alto nated lot DO ben.' age!nat en teat week. 4=- , • I Priem to-dne tnx.ted be follows: Itbl claws • and easteerbee,lsl76.6l Otatract7 thin ruts. ttNnt end e..ro. ft.tntit4 ta e t.. ~-.ot ear b o n. COUNTY COU 11 k*. NTION. i al; est.: the iv', beat b. res. 10.4 . 1 . 10 net Ind 114 1 • . 'Lk &Tata, alee being,abaul 114... t-no et:L[4e {rem ,per pre , 11 . ,,.....,k,., %....,,,,,,,,,, The US KIN NISCUIII,IIIAN VOTE:ia ar Alie- I bep-11.5re been et estne lortattr.l caw. .t . ,; Co I nt,ere a r,aerthrl t_. meet at tiJe qv"! I/vel, Jurll24 tie plat:vett:a but ate cntette it ptat 1 t, I. AM,: ehf t, . . in t. i ...% t 4.1 antinter Ica rinality. Pitnee tebgett aa fa Itnitra, t,,,,,,. ~, , ,,...u . „..‘ , ..., i ...,...,,.... , n . lel; to erect at etfa t te. esti Raba ta exult bole . , - . 1 1 P " ' '' '" " th """ ' b"" ''''' L'a ''' d ' . ' alurtlay, 1F r <4,...r.101, iu.C.. [MGR ' ...a. ertale that:trate bre dulL I . t Haes--Tbe oubb'Y 1 . • ~. ''.." 'O . ' tin ~,,, ,et • - e, I.' 1.1.' A - e , 1 • ~'I e ll.e Am.,: Aline the act week. et. 4 Mc,. • • r t' - ts • ' -' t - " , Illearbiy Arlykr.ke • ..e . a e 'ay mete eels ILI. 1•• . , :re, I, . ~rti Ceey. atloh, ....., 1..,.1 . eettelh, se; s...Alr love, ten, b: 1, 1 . . - nar .. ., ',IT! A 1" at P , ,,hel. A. , . ' trg at thr Ct. , bet 100 pfmcla. r- r t a ~., e,.: a.' nun - .a..1:, , e 1 ,Vea th the I nit, I deer' , pt., (.Queen.. n, e.qa . ottasctteg .1....1, ..tt. r 1 , 1 dn •:- I . bllls el pl. • Martell. • l...ssittss sass.', YrY r• , ..isns ~,,, s'fd• , 'I r l's•ss.rs. F.••, :i. - :a I.: rd.,. T••••••1.h .. ...5., I 11, Tr Itst•la to 11, . r , .s T ...e . so's , ' ••PI • s .1s.•• I. I It:. I • ••• . Plets.•lsts. fild. Feb Win ra ortll and ~.. ~..b,ssy rd !Ir., 111 WI Islr, sw`ds:•• sill ssetssnrsr.li. ass.," se! ir.• A• 30.1 AS loOtls,r tAr ' , ~• : ~ s. ront 41vA:11. Ism: es e•stoSr, ,•••ra sat. ,' ..."'" ''s , d'' ,. ." ...Id ,. " . c. ,,,. .• es•d 0- I •,,,,, ~,,. .th. t „ ~,,,,; ~•;„,,,,. ~,r n mer, •••• - I,g In n. 1,1, ...s.srrlL Is 1..; d Is, w. to fbl ; 5rk,,,,,... , r sear a r r.s , ‘,/ ass:v....4i. isso tro.stl 11 , , ••1 . str. - rr... :II sde -..: . t• rs ,a • ! ,: Is ' at SICIT'.;t Hada qln Ilesnsrol us lib ad- n.....,, a• 4 , 1 f•• ',Sr. , • r`.. • WI, :,.: , .1 , ' • erns, aal. r r..! .!.•••slul 1.41 le. st, ,t., r......0ra r NI: I,dd.r., CIL v.. I : /508 ". 0 .. ... „ . . 1567. ' '..--',",- • JAVOILI ! . .t. r; ir ft•r•• . H. P. itALIJAR D L & CO. ,• ' L: ' • SHE Vi M. }..,r.1..11,155.41. I , nTici,rLif . • Produce Commission Rouse, , •:::7 — CL111.1 , :.' Iv. •:::'. 11 , 1•1Li'ms Ft, l't•rini. l'Ab F....! CI.LII ,IS. sr ISt, aurt r ajart., 1 . ...M11e.. f.., dis,•lnerd Wars'. ''''...-'• '‘ -t Rh '...•l if , r.. , , ~....,.„.,. , ~,,,,,,. ~..r , , , 1. - •-••,s ltisrs, (1,1•• - c•Ist sus. a farlari;a. rsr•.lnr• dr . •••, , i 11, s•••sa:j - astred,.• twrs ..•• 1. ,,, • .'s s's•••• • Edgy. Isn't 4 it:. K . r 4 s. Iles,. lira... Ins.: • 04 ' ..'l .• et ( . ' issr..r•r. I ..11 ...I Ores,. Fsul . .s. needs. vu, r., artd•lrs ei.•• . ,:s ...errs of rer•str, erml•lez. 1.1,(4i 1.11411 ,, . ~, „.,,,,„, .„ b „,„ made us rr,a4 l / 1 111/1110 , . str/s•lrs,lls.:S,ll3.ll.lS:llrds. r .s. I: i• worm •rs ri It aaaaaa Sr-Nu:I.MT , dant. S r..wwer; IT. and sEo•Id a: ael • end %atlas •• Ira,. J,”1 , 1 , S'4' S's llds a nI. O , - oar, No. 1 . ...aar51,4, -- ... S. I. - i - st I•l.: . ' . ' ' ' . ' : ' 1 . 11 % ; . i . 114 °, 1 ', :t7r9::f .,1 ii.L;;; Y. " 1 .' : . ...f: ' 0 ' 4 r l: . _- - I Vs. a: 4," A Irguw L4 r UGE AMOUNT THS. 1111,1( 0?' Ut MA 2:1I1.1)tit, ... atom reettle.l by t'.• friend. or the cavern, , , tarIIOFF.ATIS LITE PILLS ' ti?.. -o. to gnat, e tatus ts L.: ts: with G.' • I . gloomy IL •trateer, I a . 1. my VOW" alld the , AND 11.1 - DENTIN 'IDTTEDS 1 l',. ...I 1.. ,and km .g1.‘01,...03 .1 hl, tlr,'re first used Innr,•:. rrsette'e In 111, I hey elle• I. Sonoe it .o.forcre deterte n ~ : e tsOtt , we.e 1utr..,e..1 . ..3.Z.i..pabli, In 11,4 aim, 04.1.. i. i the astlea a end symalbs or. %tele tared. w. , Ilme. tn., rep0i,......- - :." •aten.1..... until they ! erten.. lin et , l•r toe Le, aid .w,• los: dt,,.,.. hare • male In tsertsbr It'l•.111 , ..- nttLat, le sal - allt?ese *lt red end enred into tar too t moro, , rarirging Mr.iteue.l "I It.e.- It l!tra1!)" ~,.., r i and disagr ea , ..pby tre ILT•glit if DP,, , Is. , among eiellist.l nation. - who hare u'.,, Pen' 1 - ., i White nal rlt 4.110 th- sr,' itfo ....Mt to :1.. us , .v,d,,_hce ~.f their' 1,.....,:51 tete, Ilulr g...,-at 1 bit • two tan , Chan • u or ~ .e. i ra and a ... , m. I sr,e.. ts. , o'.ug .i, Mete un:fortr. rella , ,l, In 1 alto nee/ 1 but Pate Z. cont o'o the Intel, , 1,1•4 or C^l,l,lb[lf , i. 1,111 i,.. ~,] ,1,,,,,,,, , 11 . 4 ~./....,,,,,,,,,, , ~,, ~,4,,,, .1,,,,,,. ...ay. , . whethr of' I,tug or abort duratlon. 1,, I meat ta 1./costive o.lg t 7.11 rt.. on In Itt enty.. nre t .tire;s seKateh.e. 1n,.. their rung.llll,a. and aft, Platte-. Loreto( ar,ethe.shou:d at 0, CC 1 1. ,,, ;.',• 1 ti , ten t l ts. i. latmtt. titslnv, Hen .. n reru to cdpwr recto!". w men ~ w a vi Lt. ~ u.,., . of r:,. lbe ports c: the ,tin; audit., le dtnrctie, pr0mpt1y.....1.11 onto A sufeetog and le mID) !•..` , 1 '.. ,, .• r'oPi . r t , lon of .In: t4leryt; a I sh •auele .ems. Ersisralstent At (”1:1 , . and ea-4 o, r' .."'.'""'` 101.,00134 P '''''' . L'''..l'reo darted by pludreds ttu have tail, .1 them, sand tr ,, e Ih• , Zurtt: Ci4r VreCert , m are w•rming ! ' a a:nartie, end 'man.,A: the 5t.,,,. oadl US. 1111GIA '6 LIVES PILLe. , d ~ nomunhea!ill, e crettc.,.. The, ~.m 1 b.ned alert is to ri'relate the Imnatr,..l tut,- ; In the lee n . .. I WI a.l loyst.cptla, :-.lrer ito, of thr ustcm, a, ,, 1 t, Pro , fue. , AoLtt. no- ' 1 Comp:atm . .1 .1... Wirt a I pr 'Lahti,. surety •n , ,c net aertett II ~. .all. rill, Are.. CU, nil—:h.; I p'easatt.l . cleansleg. ratOtatlng and reles,ga ,her will o ure all eomnlalott—but tn.!. r onlize.- rAttag to aidle,. malting , ly c'rentostarces ttley 'meat t ,, . rellot upon to I cute Nervon ant: r elt II .I,lsch C •tir Its 1 IP+ At JOTIAND PLZMIIIer.. - ' ' .} ' ' --" -- ""- ' - 1,,,, , p1,.., u. 1:,,,, lon. daubdlce. I.lver AU , ' i „..„,,.,,,,,.„ .. to mas., oil .....,,,,,,,.1 11111,... Compislnt , Cold, hurl), "corral en rates)they Wm.{ 4 g cted erma , labl I and; Weartnes, le. T,iey ard rapreisly mode ,f, rimed, ceta. The.. plil. cGs h.: ottttard fn.. , the••• dt•ea , •. 111 ~l on. utwn tallHoui °teem, all Itra. late 111 0/ couwee. rtaln or (cigar ' ran becltzd. In 1.4 truce laltaacc Lass. eota- 1 eoittr.l. a [...chute may 71.1. r plaint ••er c..nte 1..11.0, knowledge, waters, they I na.e rt..: ot..rated as recommended. i 7 r 10., 1 peota Per 80.. , • Thal prteted cl,ettlir Remand each to, Illly ts• --: —' ---- 'l' ——•-- ; plalne the bytunt • me. anti endets of cult titres,. ,Iquitill Propheata ; , , •, Id, treatntenti illlitabtS VtideiCtr, I.e. tIONCE.IiIiIIaI Tit END GE 11.1. THINGS ~.W, .1,4 refer. to 11 ,, r. ]lslaeider, Entul, 1 re ant ad by rettglo en bn!lts'e, and. I-n he ', Ito. N. C., Oh: was eared of Ityupensla. C. It. orb, hsid. phllom .nhers les% that tte centre Prot, of 14101.0.1 111., carol at Liver I,m -1, of th.• Earth Is a 111 k. IS. of —tlts• the Vole, of 1.1001. 11. 1 .0u ,, ' .or t`nr-ngt.l l .. 1'... 11 , ..1 th• Rani .11 oned ky [net the ettaatnr. and tL•t ~e rul...n./ h ,, t n.eerutch , .; eat cur...l Is M * i anua • grades fattlui , I al. M e Ibts to . ,h,r• 5000,. 4 ,0 . 0 . ...... of Adrian. Mich.. eery,, ~,,,,,, 1 ~,,,, p ,,,, g. ~,,,,a,.1...,.. i rum! ~ f tll,ous !tree, Kee. Henry Uraltant. rattatlll 4,. II wlll tie a. ~w ell C.l . teen mom-ter ,Il , I .,,,, Slcritto t. ,*,-,.• Gtoaosadn: Cal , . of Pe va:Y.47. o Ittie ef lc Of lls or Ler Leath, an, , Art, and Aguu. {',,,1. id. 11. .]l.,'. twontr•arst Nara (Id teat to re std. n le. Sew York, or 11`,.n.....1 am and r Ilea of _t years The ~.,,L, 0 „,„, r ,„,,, t. all „,,,,, „„,,.„ , al.soltni. ]ter. .1 110•Ces, 1.41t0i of the the prelletvation c that Inostimatie blee.trg. • , P ,, b11. 0 . 1 Mat , .Henuttllean,. was cured or ~,,,,,,r„....... ~,,,,,,,.. c ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. twrrlt In Costteenciti. 11,5. Ed. 4%.t01,..r. i,r It nattono any °the 015100 to tote 11, cou , se R....` T. N. 11. r-. 4 1 -.... , ' . ..1 ,, a10t , et , .. ~t r. ~...ag . ,a 0, S ad 11 e.in . a s sne.,,,,, ,u o ry,.. He, A hog or Mons,. Life 1'H15,..114 1,11 ekrulare. it C1:4111A. be satd l at; the me ns II pruteltlog ' " 1 '' ...L I ,L. ' ''' ..7"r ' . ` l. " °r " " E”' . ' n the systze egalnal the bredle,ollag celllell id . 001 . 0 r ,, D , 9 ,,, ,..r. ,, .. ‘, po.t l le r•amPs. dlecue "a ert bl - fl f;--TlMA.eftnatitut!ortse.ad.' -Mott,. 1.111 P1: ( 1 ire : , Omuta pee WA. tt ,, C. plat atour a: the Inart itstutem.y tut so etyma h. ; iat'a l'lnent a 131 , .,01 it P , haply. Tht4 are reed al! tortlard bra coo ma, Ifltt,-...T Er, ITV: ' toid hr oil e..es..h.e dells,, tlt`Oer , ...t Mr ISTOILA 'lt 1117 T I { lt4 atl6 ma 'er them all lot roottueuts•od tAa 1 . 1 . 5 d 11 Pc' Nc., ,,, v , IncOlncladle, nottintyto he MOO. ur (0,14, 01e i wkitrr ..i How 1,0“,, ~,,,,,„. Jo He SI re., uni IV,4 disortle to. tat atoel to tha ortllnary exuralstle , unr; -. ;,.7, l , ' L ' l ' ',lhrti Meet. * Nt w hoth. S.N. 1.11 b nrerall In 9 counts!. an lat all *gamma.. ! (...,..V...) If the Intuente Itorontaaer of Ewa' AETNA . ___ ___. .1_ •., ~ ._ _ . :LT . L i . 1; A . T D I:./ ,. ..t b, . wr w r a v, o m o , ! .. er5 . :1 , , , y d0 1 e n . .1 ,. . li t • :'''''l; TilE HUMAN NOS° alrradr tba sr ott popular loate la the at rid. i VS woo " ; very. , e f re Da VA lo , Arouo , tl. • et , a , o kr , l fi . '-' - of It . o 4 no tr. vWO4 • ar, to s• w . ,ott . I. Isit'ole roar err:, wheu Oil will he'll, • p;al.l . PEN APE TIAN NONE: • -- lorurera 7 wocovat,l• of tloo an, , . I list of Moor. lent/ ou. It [ Ebrottic Ulseases. i OULEP/A, 'EONS or roirm, Em . . o,noo 1: .. o. human body glve Way. '! . It one at a tloc. A ilhorderr.l i l I'' . h., en • I All I iseases,ot the Mucous Mom , brasotf l l:rad anti Throat . at reltatlon af the broorblal taber , ao ob. i Jar la the Mao or of the total otgaos. are t h e 1. 11 lit belly U follotatiA by pale . ml ochre i t ea, l ' SUCCed:a IIS i reatEd . by I 'ills. attalrala tall., e i lent of the *manic • fan afloat Injury. A man !Mated oath - dye. l 3Dr.,, .231, la CAMRLDIT, Plla r atlll igloo bad morn than Lb, atootarll at , . toll. The foo,l t l bat be avail •we fall. lo renew . riusu lAN Ai% D sfito.An he se oral wt. nAwaala, thr want out =Eta , a 4cpeoliel In acute nook or cretors . . where It i For ~,,.,,.... 9 1 r , th. 7 , ,,, E.r. Ii ti, " °." "r"."°'" V,."'* ' b e t " in l et to ''' i Throat Wad tie , O.lttalra wf llta.f. ll ear. We'll oltand cor I ral out of the gelato. Lilo- Areas ao.l thonastla of Nat, toeb .111 h Ira have: bt ll uIC AL. ns, ,i außti , u AL Atill.alb. CM. I lAP re..l4entl SO restored to health end •Ii“ .. , fler *ma tof ItR. /t/Ylit'a'd at./vl` No , 134 1 4 7111ithlivid Sirctt• 1 at, SO t;:ise..,blLb tat Otte Imp..m roar to the art/flllea Hoare from 0A IL tot r. DI. tlth l tllad egret", atlre bet litewtte er.. l . .1 at the blood ar I ! d Z e i r di ng ['d i n FOILE.—We will lth the elorcenc•ry ur.netu , s . a 1.1% .Mcrae of Lats., . 'dn't to "' `."`."" a t' '' '"' """ 1 0‘1,1,,L ar e heele be hl on the Itn m•-weer a Alla. the eytteet. Ile careful when yoliWelt for lt I (het,' au.l Watt:heti rt count el. T:e h. rtl.. It ler It. /I.l,:tellt 10.011 le la tau h 7 .101, ' g' P 4" SIT'ZW6 ' 0 " r ' ". ' " ''' e 0.". " ' 4 . V.7l .' t!.. P le:ftilt.. ' 4l2 V l7/; ' 3l n fl.V..ttr;:itl ! est: '..: q. 17 00011. 10.1,- 000,0 ",, "' 2 '" l ''' ', r,',,'X,f,`.. %,1'.1`.:6“;.7:'1..,.',T.' - lt.= - ..,';':i;,,f1;;',1: :.. ' a 01 .. 4404 w" br.i t u t'' . ‘"‘ Mtw.t. ! tl ' lt!:; . rt ' ..b . :t74Tlrt . gal.:il ? j4 4 ‘.Vit ' e:t L r ' itf . e ' ;:T; It we that whlcla coral. 017. 1101.1. It wt• that I ~, , , ,, . 1,1•,:;;;(;;,..,, ; ?,, , , : ,:,, , , ,,, ;1;t, t „:, ,V .,, r ,vit, , t;;.,%. l,whir .....1 Jt i llt Tltaell. It w. that wall I ' llt t. t4tgytrnt:V..lXf d int.l.7t h e %Z . otl ' ; - .i Mattarat alrarlathl. It was Dr. Kest... , '''".7 b'Unc‘.. " c ' "' '''''''' ' road". .q . ? .... "?.F .. 5 .. . . . ... ..''' NirX4rct /••• - - Blow' tleireber flick curt 4•I Om nl.l citron?, , Ni ♦ rlirjUtTv ° 6 l‘ ,. ,--- • . " 4. ,„ . ",_,. 1 , 11 A 1111 ,utivaleh ...EL* publiclaG fr.. cm I.take to I talc ; '''' .X.-S°.:b""n'"'' Italic iii"' TO" two "'-''' 'rtt' II It it se col Ince Ili. Kt T•ces Blon4 bcarc c , 1 , fared Mate Ss,. Of Ci.fonl,l alliellak• ti t i t:: - ; .1...---UNEPRI .47 . ' ----- 4, ...-"--'-----' ''-- ATiOtt": El -AT.LAIV, I . , 000 , 0 ) 00 0; 00000 , 0 _ 4 , 0.030 b. .. b.; ALAI) SOLICIFOIC IN BAN lUtliP'l'6 „„, , c! ,,,.. b0ui , 11 tb ,, roito , , ner,,, '40.1i rtrTtl tsTltt LT. riitcbcce, i lro, No. 10 Wollll 511111”. T.!, -_"":` . "'i r '"':... '. '" ' ' P''''''' / ' ..g.l. I.ltafluv• rooms, IN3 i'v•s !It. i t:l ' i;1 , ( 1 ) . ~.1 .1. 1 - ; ;•174.11,:a:. ! •i t l .- / 1 .1 1 :1 1" cia - 11. 1' .f. n . c ..1! • .2.3• Cr I . asp= ,ary Zitts r ME t BEM EEO ~.- R,,..- 1- ' - *- ,- ' 1 : 1- c't r-4 -- j- -__\'.i - -e - - -- ' Ll''" f r: l ti g t1LK...r.,i,3Al i ttih, il)4:t, MEM . • Consist-4i. . - ti tr,r,.... ~, tt,r 1,, , ~...!•!:, i !.: r....nrique its cr flit lat,4 and rapt : tivAr 1,..,r.r. 1,0.. , n lint ...., . , 1,,,...11, t',e srlre'of Lion. L , ,01l Let , t.,r.4., 1,41,1, •'..t , ...r. n Lleanc...i... the roni..y .tte tt - tr0 ,, ..4 . ik.- it7no can or t.s, it I . .; :., rs:r s ttml 41 azi,,nl or Q.k u n yriervet prr,larr4 Cll., i .. 1 1 . Mt , enr.r.. It. 14 . , t , I i LSt llortgage 61i Par lent, BoudA Laln. sol tra, ',Jur,: • 4 '..,,tit to grii.l to ant :in, ' S Ce cra ta ..t. It la ',gr. I F.-vv.:pal on.l sot,. zKva4l-e IS COLD COLA v T.• ert, Itare.. , .1.... a 4. I 4 .. 1.3 , 111. at par 1...1 accrued las.* A .. . I .;1 rola Januar, Lit. to tOreency. -..4 'P.m , ,r 11.,,1s it to 4.l.lrred. Mire. the rl4. , , nza of fa , ".y, Lcilatttlity and pront la i 4o,ra, Vial am omen class or Co r,v - ttccatitt. r e ontr crtert at. and ars thercriti • .r- :i rit I at.le t fre ate •N' lovestioents of turp , itii .i...al t . t.f lists tali tear 10 .1114 the 1'41104- tt, s.iaiut....tc: , • . .. n., :-i4 tLr. fir. livings.. on on e of stir L.,. r.tluabir anil productive' lines.of tailt4l i r.... 1., wutl.i. Li. 'i ~.r.1.41 micas iron, ince Lio,itrest .:,‘ • r.. ton irr ISt, true liars lt.,i annusl 1.. . iKtgr cirri's ..,. II . •li., , ard tart. f t . . , roll I Is oor Cai.?, 1 , 3 • .31 pr,,,ticti of mill., c.papietto'n are favq- I . . I .'. 1 tv, r..u.,n,,inir hsec 'I, I , a , 51.14141,a, ' , GO,: :Ilea. Isiirosr,ut, tLe 4r..ei wits g.t.flt I : C 1" Ihr orto•4.ll,nt Las Lt. a inctedia,4s I, , ,it nrsi fro."l.i 2 ! iVt Tn 're, alr,u ..r a 1,...50 ..I grniting Cg.- trr....r.tr, i.t etsnyisie.latrintra.L3 lite. ~.' 4 .:. :1., i.r..11 I, M . , ta .14 u 7 Irrsetlas , a , r , '• v. , lt nctits nacho' tn., ate,s4, sild ~, I. Set, principal v.. 1 DittiLsl are 1.1i;1/. t.f.l. pa10.V.., In g - ... 1,1 . , ,r, ~,N. I:. :. r arcrigatc nrar.untilf Istne L'Ati L 1..., tt-‘1 , 1!..n' :n liar°, will Mawr for tl4= ror..”...stat - tieity aan a tatxtersal azoonglitslll- ar.: • elisLl.,:. I , t.l MEM ...;:A , .• . ?.'; 1 .:- , ' .~~ ..~ -1f T:: _. WES= SEE E ADVANCED rim • - A PEI lAD IWEREST. i 1 q'entral Pacific R4lroad =I T . USK nt ACEOt3 tng .1,, • d tawar:3 by an unprcet:l .}.orrice acd It fa ee'm ta.r• tC:at the c‘..rrt , :t ovrraaNs Lc-r NCsr Yot: T f SAN N7r.2. NI MINE IN Inn. • I,4S•l,,On,:rari:nt a i:.lr3:d.za - e rsl e.,Dirtncent Ilea, Calf nvkn, f:r n !tine tt e Stain ht isiL . rc;stg t:.e:fant,il.te trrynt I'3 0 a^r , er of sal ”:10 1-1,10 , 10 ml e the 11 ctr.p•nr ,av: ,17,! Itrn t• 1 :toct.C.on. n tr, Si 0,:,ef0 The ri , eonrreae, .4, • ,r • Nhatlslat Inr t , em , nallnatn 'Cltr. , LI,. lat,:ltug Lola. zecand oy 11011 1 • c r ry.ths •••bo,c ta,t• lea; thi: U. N. 2N,•/•17• NoNdl anal':(o, Sillv th uad: ,nfaToratle et e—. around f leAlellr.,'2o Ceti , ta tiu • 1, , av0l ett. Pr.d.o.?lve at..l Valet ...vivant, t•r riae tlac =1 sty, percent. upon the ini.a.,tmeilt. Hoy. rnmont Seelmltles hare an rer ,hr.r rfeechMrin: ehtm forem.tal Ea 1, reArnte a" eq.," [re nt 1/.tarrit, yrlrripat s LurearAly secured. airfflt re eg a pr.,J, of tru to [Mee. !par tent co .t.la f..r erth Nadz tproub•Napco.4l. 1,1 , 14 ~, C...ratate, arta ee•Zite • tr cantll-Z.7 by ',item En pee, T., an ‘44e , r- tr. rtr U.k1,4 •vate.leat onr Mforrnatrea, Veal. rlr9er SI.; r, , Nrol , h:d en and:est:nazi tha tr4ke or • h • Itv.roa, • 3l ..u.1.14 - nwrierer. L• A. d f risii.a I.!,ATC*I. • Itar.,ra an De•tu:e In GoTerlint2at,2ccialts uta I.leanct 0 Agent, c.flThe C. rot. ft.t.'n..:Nu 5 Nswiu gtrve, York. .., of 1:01;INSON .V. 1111.09 S. Ile "1.,A N a cl,..A.nd .1 I PRA UY Fc - CO.. inttsburg,ol NEW poops!! NEW GOOD Es! NEW GOODSt NEW GOODS ,tLn. BATES & BELL'S; BATES & 3K[E,§, BATES BATES & BELL'S,: 21 Fifth Street. 21 Filth Street. ~, -.6 1113=MKI • 21 Ifitth Street. VALIUM E riloriArery •AI.X.-Tlir .115.,r1t: E7curin7 Mill with aim!: teen deren of ightlad, :Mllnrtie to U,relt tow,pblp, Art;gtmort- 4 ,".1 count, twoLot,-tviO 63/lea at.oro 17111 , 10 , m0,,,111 on.• fro o, matlan, Ow , 111 f, oalovaO. oslll 1511 grrol or• .r, * own •1111 or horn, wood cram ay! to,' Dow , . mat .f the:fitat Cam -1 at altweat /y a la,,ttoo, se Oadvr toad tqt Vm 1, .5, 1 a 1.,. Se. 1014, hail an et sits otl nrar uw rarer. oi DEANIS DEALER IN LEATHER;,; French and American Calf t 0•: ao.cri mac) sT., rs . ;;; , 11 Tttp LIN IN .11,- n,nrceor •Vat' taon, on .nd..t :1 825 PER DAY. AIRENTK VULST D. Male •a4l, Fecmlr, Local ar. 4 l - Trare:lre• no .000 Ilvlt laW•dy evZ , o3'. ule , t toe r.s! n•no.t. No- "swim, Adzlrtsi lt).10,1cld CO., No- :1N....gm ...at NOW You. • cts:VT El WM = M 424 24:44 • f,,,f,,, , ,, ; ,,,;„ 1 .ii , --;: 41 /,?„ --- , - 1 ,. .„ i *- c c'''6' - '' --- :„.1 k: - i - 4I - :t „ .e 7 `l,-.ltt = • ,\ ZHI _,;, rz-1:-T ; , -- ,, ,:i.zift.ii‘ - .7.-I , •i v..'4 S { - ' 4 3 .7 . ..liniZ I • F' r•,` ‘'^ tY4 4' %;.0r,"":7.;' - 7; • 1 ;! '43 / 1 r i•V'4, , , , -.../ t-r i it, `_ i' ' ,---,,,- ,-----,--, A -I , b--1 0.it ,,, 1..,,, , , ... -1 4 - , 1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, f l.l '..'• ; . Ei .j' : i .: ' ,. '' ' ' , '''7 : .. .. lC.- ! . ; '',63.".... ''r 't • , l aklitrag- , . T L: l.lt Yom. r!"11M.11T11.TO.IVI9 , O. Att.aos . s-rylon Oaring an tte t"•• tt,rfl ote..l..WLl t mml,l. vto " :1 - , ' 1 e apt .1 wt..: rm., Elanas Splint .O 1 • , 711 Ltrm , e.IT not tmt..cl ' . tuni . ...r11.er... 3/.51,1 r .l 003 . 2 . , M. 1.11." J. reC1.1.3.4115 41.tculaIrrerts. a..., Pa. . . . . . . perannw inter -• • •• wi I Ink., not.liic. :bat ii• tin it, Pi:Me J of ni•Vi•len e•tste nre qv-p.t to uirk • rayisiiint. and .W. 3.1.2,1, +ll, the prf - a .nt aer,ytoD t liki. . I si• 91, .I.ltrary, eg.. VEIL/AI N" 4Z.`: EN MUM • A.V01.1 Wif.L,M3 tatcu t . t71.= . 1:15 de era,. t • "let eet• w . .1 ink au c • it e:afraimorMrst 1`).0tIC" !: r.qtett Will n r• .1 ;11 . f • { - 1.,•- t or v 11 2 WEENT. • vti-ny , r, nuFtu 10 I. ourt: I.lVubmi,.. HARM 6.; MINS, ALE. Ni“ • Col . t:UNki .111/..11: NEW STRING STOOK CARPETS! CIL CLDTrIP, 30V1' trlAl3r; 8001):4, PiliCHASttl I All MONTR FER CASH =5 119. EIIY ACibl, COS I 14 11A111/.clD3, =I =I 1=1:2221=223211 Far 13e1(..iv Their Pr,%.cui = ,os b&tL.turl In MI. NA , II. 7 4 and 48 riftti Sur I^OrD -V3On prOPLES , • SAVINGS BANK, Capital, - - $lOO,OOO. E=l! OFFACE, 1 , 10. SO rpllll7ll F.TBEET. I I` . .evnlctent ' IITNRY 11.1.01*De Vice .. W1LL1.4.21 I t. 2111.1Hictii. • ,• • Jrcerr Wt.es= •.11.mis Lc pt. LI, K Jon", If.m. W. 21. kraal A fur Y; VON •tt per nt. t,ezt . all , ,, d'nr..ll rwd, TPA,. ,llplv.ilna , W tats O) uoVc la UOTV:Lmcntaeol Best C. 8 nu een , 1•111 , c:C`P . . 'MP , V, from o'.l ck . (..par P. ne.. s, on 'Wt., nr,av cntnrd‘o uvtlatc,, m lane. n•c'oet. A 421... NTS IV A:s'l'Ll) FOR THE BUFF-COATS ; And bow they Liked, Toni;lat nett Died for the Unto.. With Strtee• and lie ' eh:legal. In the Great Ilebellhen, . - II e.talk/ ol . er :CI . F , no o 7n,tnyttoty And Ent r t•lt;bl .' , U . l P. ' : ' ,:e.Ti ' v,o ', l , g :' if;°; " . '''''"° l'aeTlON.—nenta or try• rtttote bake taken . advantege of the greet rovul3 try and 'lucre •Ito or .lOs tont to rehe tan .1, 1, $ 110 a. d $.1.8/' 0e,01 , 7. 'l ,, rota , otd b`t'ot y nOtrded test toy One 09 tlght lo eto, Slue VIM 52.60 • Intyrt, wort, Daeht/ t. le Or el ..tlYr• 0 b.., , to •tyttr. p , ltr , -trOJITY. ,, • 1„ telny et rdtlated. and yloyYtrotorit todOootOt Am, zoo too yob, to leo t.,yt thy toot Um coo • tol, Y, 100 odenttroylno stod acc. p cr.." Ad d re , e s. ; J ..PNE I iattIYZIIV.. A Sheli.,- . . -. •. at...1.V1.: „ .... ; ; 4 , -. 1:1111a th e4.5 . e... , .-, l i ., ItEVOLECTIOAItri 4,41A7:4-11trq ,e. 3, ree.atiejot; tAti sank ,;) .46. , , Attiimit:32talliair. ; ,.. sct . , -. 1i 4 crin;,..1. - 4..4h.t. aiemk.r. Int..; Ph. .. r , .. , ne.lt 416. V 4' ealerette Tab le VI VI liVnit.o . AV:kelailUncte r =Ore.:Ts:lW elitA"Ciaritelliltrter;'«Vla reng'i worth tale pet. aletteeta . g. 5, aneneer sent A este era teal a...rye/tae. Crooners see; tree VAIL - 11.0A a., IPA i " Yae ret= ' r. v... .. . 401011100 .y cIIESEIf & Grain Commaslon Merchants, 333 2,IIISIMY*II%. ritigtbargli: OS 6,1y6c16-11i'icaM't. 66...6 ., 67 a 13^.., I.l6sbnyyli; alarry tt, a ilartle. Fhltadely6:, Itutct.er. 16, 6 Cn.. thirst; 069. 01. 110,1 e, Ca , Clortdeatl, J66C , E, 16611, 1u ', - r 06 Mc". /SMOG Titiabargh. "0k.0.2 • II 0 II II ii U
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers