122:E1 E. nit-tr im d r gli 3r tactammtatm MP °Atacama. - Light s upon the water - Bias beneath the stioantain glancing, • • Words anolreit low: Filled my heart wit. tender faxicginn, . Long, long age, Clouds shove a dark ilea bending, Sigh , With sad sea breezet Dimdlng, _Wards wild with woe, - • 111 ing heart with fear* were residing Doris, 104 .Lso• • • Taal. that Drought with theirs estranging Hopes and raisclas all deranging, - Hearts altered No; Zara, like Itte, form= cliaggliig. • . r_hisicalong ago. • EPHEMERIS • -tWisconsln has abolished Kerosene from railway we —.Pinnam o l Is growing in interest. The New Y rk Keening Post ups so. ...:-Batletand Banks. are both willing 'to succeed Mr. Sumner in the Streator. ial cheir next year. —General Butler takes It ass personal bunk if salt young man becomes spoon ey oa his daighter. Barnett has his show at the As. sembly Buildings in Philaielphilt, -sad seamanlike it, as he stays. —The best ivis'y to get down froni a church - steeple',is given by a cotempor. aryin one wor--Perspire. —Conneetictit used to have blue laws, LB every one knows ;now it has blue birdies the Hartford Pos: tells ua. —Women are allowed to practice Jaw In Kanavt, but thus far they haven't done so; though a few of them preach it. —Dolby Is a father, by cable. The telegram cost CIO. If he was plensed or net weare unable, personally, to state. —Bev. Jame Gibbons; of Baltimore, .has been appointed 'Bishop of North Carolina, by the Pope, and will soon be consecrated. —The Cincinnsa Common .Cettnell petitions to be abolished; whether es common nuisances or common scolds we have not heard. '• —lir. Murdoch, the eminent trage dian, is suferluk from congestion . of the Tangs, and has been obliged to - poatpOne his Boston readings. —Hogs and hominy are sold to be very scarce In the South. We believe probably that hominy is, but have our doubbs about the hogs. • —MIAs Eellegg is moving in the best society in Nice•', if she moves rapidly or otherwise we do not know, but that she does t gracefully who can doubt. —r,genie has had ao many American _friertls that she his become passionate] fond Orittopplrig, a vice which gensially exists in perfection only_ In American cities. —Califorais ! has 'en eight hour bill. A ISAR once .won en elephant in a lot tery. California and the men resemble each other in not knowing whet to do with their prize. —The Boston , Journal- soya that Mr. WeDs's Grant Johnson letter reminds it of the Dutchman's answer when asked his opinion, clinks tat you Wake. Vat you disks ? eh !" —The French Academy thus speaks of General Jeha Meredith Read, Jr., the brilliant author of the article on Charles Dickens in the January number of the liortAern /tenthly. —A Toronto paper perpetrated a quiet bull recently when It said that small pox was raging fearfully in all claims in that city, and that but Tery few peo• ple were aware of the fact. —lon. Robert Dale Owen is prepar ingn new 'toluene on spirimaliam; a new series of footprint', which hire probe bly by this time, gotten a littld , ways be yond the boundaries of - the other world. —The rasaamanuaddy Indians are not so liberal as they might be with their officials; they pay' their Gorentor t5O a year, a sum on which be is not likely to Mee riotously or to sate much for the future. —A native - canoe midi of the hide of a mill= la attracting much attention at the Tre.i... , try Department at Wal:ling ton. It was brought fro.n Alaska by Captain Howard of the revenue cutter Liucola: -6 Hew Yorker has hit on a way to sane 420 a year, he. iOCIS home in a crowded Cu and so eludes the conductor as to Irate without plying his fare, which, remarks an exchange, is not fair to the conductor. —The King of Bavaria kas gotten over his psnekent for Wagner, and al lows los people to have a little' of the music of the peat and present now; they having become rd e himself, weary of that of the future. —The distribution of tickets fur the Dickens reading at New Haven was awl: en obvious fraud that Sir. Dick ens was obliged to sucannii to the hon est popular indignation and Postpone bis reading until a fair distribution could bi made. —lf General Grant drinks, and we shan't commit ourselves on the question. even this most coppery sheets admit that it is done in a genteel and expensive manner. The Boston Post says that he does it only when champagne cocktails are abundant. —The Boston Post says "Geary does not care to be Vice President just yet:" We den't like to accuse any paper of mirospresentation, and we have no Idea of saying that the Past did not believe , what it was saying, en we will let the statement pan. - —Mrs. Lander we " feel sure has been prosperous,. and we are heartily glad of it, for she is a noble woman. We feel sure site has been . prosperous, lemma she has jest:added two thousand dollars worth maimed/ to her costume, when as Elisabeth eke is ex Preinele tissue. —General Shesidem denies that he is to be married, and we really do not be lieve that any One knows more about it, or can be more interested in it personally than he is. Bat the New York papers. smart that he is to be married, and so we hum another fine question of terecity. —The Cunard steamer on which Mr. Train went to Queenstown made act quick a passage that his agent seat over on a steamer.of a rival his, several lays be fore, led barely time to make the proper arrangements for , his arrest end G. F. nearly lost the eclat he went over for. - —"The Anderay, which was not a stranger to tie literary works of the distinguished author, hes Welcomed with lively Interest his historical researches anicernixtg ''Henry Hudson,' and it has recommended to the attention of its members the study of the-precious v 01..- ..- —A Boston newspaper_ calls Stein buries "Luna Venerts" an obscene book and nsnks it with the filthy papers plashed in Boston and New York. It would be just about as well to class the works of Solomon, Dante, Shakspeire, Goethe and In fact all the most stupen dous literary men of the world in the same category. I —Mr. Eegene Haywood is only twen ty-two years old, yet he' owns fifty then:nand', acres of land .t.L Illinois and twelve thousand in Nebraska. Ills ee tates equal in site some principalities, end mum= In she that one which was offered by the Emperor of, Austria to Napoleon, when but a - gerrend, as a bribe or a sop to Lis ambition. —L New 'England sheet, Soied . for its attempts at venom, asserts that In order to render Gen. Grant's recent reception a norm eye thousand . °Mee holders Were orders:l to attend It. We know,-or carat least Imagine just how much or-' Orlag it, needs to get a crowd at the house of a man who, in all probability, will be the next Chief Executive of the nation.. • —The King of Greece is the 83n of one King, the nephew of another, has ' an Emperor for a father-in-law, and oc-' 1 curries a throne himself, and yet when ever 'the weather will permit he and his wife calk to church, time affording an example to Americans who ought to re member that s fall day of rest occasion ' shy la as pleasant and as necessary to their cosehnuis as to themselves. lard COVIRM . A COLD, OR A 'M I "SOLT eel.svoimmilati tentlon. &mid be r ebated alloeme tentless. .• . . I rr ita ti on aoc. of tJa• taaLigia, st;Persusasoin Thrtoat Mom.. or Co pales. • la oftantloa nod BROWN'S BRONCHIAL 1 ROCIIRB 1 Having • Moot, Saloon. so V. 0a1.• r3,* IS. EloOlsto ia. For Brezleklalda. /Lathan. Catarrlo, Cosamaseptiv• nd TaLe•f4 01in..... ?Mad. •r• .te a ? IS awm goo. au.v..a. Blaiger• and Palate OpoEors in. Moo to cleocaad wee 0 er...1.1 eel !].1.111 poly •• ISTARI.I. 11•0•Carl•l. 210. canes and do 5015.54 anv Of UN 1101211..'.• latlrrnOlts ad.irsT I.olratad• 1 tlfsin rwalararallatt. .01:Oar IarBUCEII7. if it (nisei Bid _let) f • BUCHU LEAVES, Prepartles.—Their odor la ateval. e,me.n.: 110111. U.• their tuns laittertab. (Fria pilauivy 010SMI CEN.TA,. EMMMISEI laavca are slat') s (Jam' sat, with a peculiar ten. dance otha Canon Ortrionct DMA, ming dl.vv• als, aaS. ille other al mime medittnes. tinitint • They ara given In complaints tie Ullman Orr an., anch at Orsini, Chronic 'atarrh of the Stunt,. Mocbli Irritation of Mat Bladdaf ud Ur e ads, Damn of Ina Pro' tatiOand Batantitnt or incontinence of trim from a lon. of cone la the parts concerned In its emanation. .The teta ad)htsalso tutu recommended In Dynyeplis. Chronic N"'^ m, Culancou Aliestintin and Dtopay, 111.13101.D . E EZTnsCt Brtere Is %See by Pos in. Irma Use apse of ls Lose, and from 31 is tsr the ,eeitne or ensure of urn: ense Oct. nrmen%ai Labor Bad watalars la elll• area. In A froollows Peen.llar to Fa>aNa IL. Extract Lluehu us a:equalled try soy other rem. ods. as InChlarooLe or Motet:U.oo, Irsosalarltr, Pren [Ore r• or Troydrelialon of Customary th e loss, Illoarosed ur dealrroua litam of the Uterus, Leucorras a or Whites. Ltlia•••• Of Ili. Sladdsr..BllPoispa. Graysl and Dropsloal ;mei ilago-'rlal meet:co. rowe• of 01110 on. and exeoe. to, aloortocata taro healthy action. Irr alt lob the Way"' or Calr•al coos dr toodylont. aad uunt.oral linlareolneata a: le reduced, weL • • se Es's and loissossallon. fielenboln , e - Extract Machu has cured Tevery ns.e of tr.aboe• In whim It has Lees Irritation of the Neck al the Bidder the Iplants.a.Jos of the Shlrefe. Weesetteh..f th tau !Mt 51.40.11. 5.0.1100 of Oriel. rOteeset t.l the Ertotats .1.04, Stage to the /Eichler; Crlettals, tirssel. Utast Out Deposit. too Massa or Sitar Illtehargas. and Zr terse toed an.) VellEll.4 • Oplitttet. Otte, or Oath eon.. att. oded Isiah the followlas arm tort. t — dhath nosltion to Exec.'s. Los. r oss Of /lessors. DILL etc' of Broatblcs. W es t!ec.. olest.llol. Horror of Insawnt Ws•efalansa. 111mte. of Vulon. Ealn la the Eget. Hot 110.12100 of the lithlr. Ilryneas of the Okla Erout.o.. on +t Vase. Valid lhan.estance, thAtectal LateltudS of the 1100c0las vyntaa HELISBOLL'a EITILLOT BIICHTI IS DILI . BETIO /AD BLOOD-PTILIFTLIFG, And canes alI Drat.ee silslng from linblto of 1 Is.lnt:lan.' a d Impennenno In - LI te. Pronrltl , o of the Mood, •o . rCops' ba n 240103 for IL I. use, onus olinzon 10 be. Illeonnwhich of toad ..ending, .4 On hank. Affections—la those as, au anon In tounemlon with 11111..11n01.11'al ICUS BOLD A.T HELMBOLD's DRUG LBD CaEYIOII. WAIVIOIMI3, 1213=^3 I=l PIM3 HT.I.IIBOLD'S. =I BCIVAILM CdT COON2EBVZITS: tiaorr LIF PEZFUSIE FOR THE ILINIMERCHIEI Nigh. Blooming Comm alesio "111g - 1.1 Alleassiug Cereaw. Phulea's "Night Btosmisag Cemn• Phulmes ••7igkt 61weiii (ku¢t• Pim Night 01. ming 0 A rewt eroddle. dame, and Fragrant Peen • i.tulcd from dm rare and b. tit t dearer fro !Zed It take It earad Manufactured only by • PIIA.LO7I & 3614, !few Int. BEWARE OF COUNTERVEM. ASK FOR FRALOWS-TALL NO OTRXM rar-Wyr. ILAIL'iIIII.LA co., BOILER &CARERS SRELT ILON. WORKERS SO. 12, 44 and VI Pena rt. D.volon me a a largo Tara lad fangshod 11 with toe moot aDDioven imilitacrr. in aro Dio rama to raar.= Dictum ea oil 4csCrlptlosofßoll nlallobootmulet. anal oracinamell acme to .T 0040 is the montry. Chimaera. Bmooo - Coat. Dam en Pipes. Locomotivo Bolt e. 0000001 0.0000 Pus, Taalo, Olt 1511114 ae Datum, million Coma Boller Lm. BOWS.. mem Pooh aaa mio amantactumrs or BARN KILL'O PATCNT BiALDIM. • it==l ~, ""13.011E770N, REA & CO, tra u ::911turil4X. a YELLSII4) WASHINGTON WOBXS, eenvae,..ndlummt,o4uhpuumush Atountr.erz of ZOO% ud NiatlonoarY Item 1 , 1141rc0, 11lor.Erjanes. Nlll Noontoot7, Our o Sbotzlrt, Caranso of ail Gool3ll/Woo.; 011 ?ants Lod atinJ. EOuel and Nix": iron Wort. 'Moe: 2,0• 14 .roar Tr.-ot oral thaltallold Oto. i;NAgeu:s fur tilrrAlll3 , 2 l PATENT IN -1ECIT:111. for feedlm/ boVers. 0011=53 srmnton I,T7PF.R HILL k SRiELTINZWORU ' immunizer". P. a, IIeCITEDY CO., ft 0....f0r Loren or tita..tior, Unzips , ' artrl SOU r,rorer. erear.4 Copp.. Itoturs. Herod dal I;01100'.5 ~ ±.7-I.:tr 1,041,r. Alm Jo:lens:0 Wry.lr. Ma Pl., 11.Sol= " 4 1. ?N ' Constantly or, larsol "floncrt • Madames Irmo Tcols. V.,rebonse, No. 140 ruisT *TRU? rod 190 .1.1:C00/ 3 STAXIrt. rll.laborrro `rorettl Olden qoppor cot to ar, ..14 de:dw?an.; Arrt. f''III4III3IAGE trCELII3A n Emu tor Yo.vic lhnoetbe Crime of Solitude. awl lb. DIaLLOYSi and ABUSE% which create latowilicteuis to 1//I4D , 11.03. with wirc mesas o IltL Sotti to wale." letter tocelocec. tool Ouzo. Address Dr. J. ti/iIL.LIN NUU II HtO N. Bowar7m u, 1.110. Philadelphia. Pa. W ,:/ oirctrucv A. SCOTT, DENTIST, .VO. IMS PRXX 8 TREA'r WEEKLY GAZETTE, THE LARGEST, 150 ACANOWLIZIti.ID T 0.83 TEL BEST PAPER IN TEE STATE lo clubs of ton aid apWairio. 0115; SlPlta.lne.,llll.6o. .. • A P . Oll ieE 111 MILT 0111111011 IT HAS TIO EQUAL., It it 1,1 mum cased wituirletkei to be tie HAMPION PAPER FOR MAIKET REPORTS IT CONTAIDB ►LL TELL NEWS OF THE WEEK CAILITLILLY I'UL?LICD I=ll C2=3 E:2Zll=l3 CM= SEIAVES t .tILITES I SHATESS • I b the receive etherger,: the clthopethe el the bat i ce! oreL I T I MSS Levi offered In thln l reltyirtrnreM lirTVitr,,lg very n uperoronall t orA eta PAIL Alm LADIES' SKATES bom. of •em Oa aced 'taloa owls in to4te • tonsioriablo eons -dad Intl Sly store. •ratni Watts ran at on melt Slake before porobSalnr. so that sasy .10 lot baaanogt4 la atisag %to ri oa Wit, the7:t•.:! a. let. E 13102311 === JOLLY 11. BAILEY ts nao., STOCX ANO REAL ESTATE CROIEME 115 D *venom=fis. • Are plernand to eell st HOSttOni Stool. Hoed/ and all kinds of kisonslitoo. Heal in We Hotisks remises., Ac.. eltber a the We a . et thy goon/ of Trede Booms. r.sylookss ouseiaios paid. YWadies% SO tne ale of Lies/ =tote atso /MIA We. r ales of Heel [mate in the eoinktn alteselea. 00041. 1 / I,OIIIMH eITHZET. at SCHOOI9IWIER 4 80N, X.Z.TWO 9I33I7 XLCFME White Lead and Color Worke, • wiccrs,,,,,ANDarD l 'r"jjetne isiaN za . vzsarrase And all colon/ erl of moll - oC7ee, No. Cl 'ova= 450. 'ls*. 454. , 151 11.5 135 unnenn• !Quin. sad 49. el 1.2511111 1 r„ Alleshiror TO_ BUILDERS AND Binam- LAT EU. • IMPKIBBIN & WHITE, liastswood Brick rant, sow ornored ftlraislith• best wealltr Of t117.,1t110,13 ,r ?Arnie BRIC. Is gm , Woo rovlonn. Organ WI all WHIT/. lit6Us.Solloth strut, T.O. wilt be ploOri.4 faloO. daesairris Y GOODS. VMINGS. spEcLILL LNPORTATION 2 SPECIAL IMPORTATION S IPECIAL IMPORTATION! COW .IEL7/14111.• XaAONLIN OF Nrizi.a.x.. =ME! I= =I =I I= =3 =E=ll3l3 iIIOLUMI, akvi PRICES REHARKABLY I,OW ! F 1= MACRUR & CARLISLE, 19 Fifth Street. BARGAINS! BARGAINS: NEW STOCK, - GLYN & CO'S, =2= ?Dee]. Coreeta at VA°. lisadtertblefe, rare Linea. for ee. H tao 7 Canon Xthbee Hose. for Do. Hese - , Heaton fleeced Hae. (Curia l% All WO3l /Mb. BOW, ne. • • ilexandre's Kid Gloves, $1.85 a pr., 'THE BELL BB LND =lE= I=l =1 We sre •teuta toi the Normrtek iSoll , e4 Paper Collar Co. Crescent Passer Collar Co. ••• 'Myers:Ole Pope. Collet Co We Wye a largo walla y of LADIES , LACIII SACS Ella kJ W e ME WEEE W. • very low Lou. We am also solllng Mutinies Star Shirts at $1.75, Pape nellaril. tea a Doz. 11. Good 800, attn. 604. altertatnitt and lane) Goods. Glint lowest potalbla.Mtes, at GLYDE & Co.'s, IS & 80 Biarket St. NEW scone! I= J. M. BURCEITIFID & CO.'S, = BLE4CEIED.I XUSLIX7I, CALICOES AND CRASH, = IIVIaCIFNIX:ISSCIR. OMIT. To mate room fat extending the eten Mom hack. =I No. 87 Blarket Street. 1868. FEBRUARY. 1868. ARBUTHNOT, SHANNON & CO. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS, No. 113 Wood St., Pittsburgh Yaea now open a LA.MUE I.IIW 'STOCK. which ear at • LEAS 'HER PRI&Ert SitTiRIS PHICE3, ■erekaata destrirg to meet: up, sad .ark the eAtesnee, .kola all et ef!f==:= DEIETHON k HECKERT. SI Filth strut. Vise Faro for iloliday Presentee ELIZEEM:2I I= 11 - 088IEUtili STAR 3nurzn =2 FOUL & MILBINII lINDtXUAJIMINIa. LID GLOVZS, lILNDELICIUMS. Uta6lll% NICE lUD. DODPZNDIR• 001.ZTS .4 HOOP ISILIESS I All lOM an gal l ter goods al. reggeed to order So oar winMsg.-. O&u1z. MeCANDLESSI & CO" to WM.. Cur • C 0..) WkIULIZIALIS PSALM= LA DRUGS AID DOMESTIC DREDGER& I...sit WOOD MINIM. tul bocus •Dm• Iltamorto TrITI51:111671. liki.ter,i):;:l SPECIAIL /NOTICE, To Purchasers of Clothing. CRAY & LOGAN, 47 Bt, glair Street. order to elm. oat Matt stal tato assort. atof Boys', Youth's and Children's CLOTS x a ,. art offeriss roods at ULCIDT.X. HAL BOYS' SUITS FOB $5.00! Omar Eads WWII GRAY 4k LOGAN, 80. 47 OIL 1111•17142~1 =1 Worircs GOODS. E HOUSTON & CO. Fasbionable Merchant Tailors, RO. 37 EMS STREET, • Ulm JuArtoellael • second sondf of Winter Coatings, T.,..ber Tette fon Illnea of CIAMIIf, 0•1$51, II •ES and VlidlTl• flta guaranteed sad vier was 7 I..olllabilt, cAar.M171401.1111.111:17::0171D4 V.! 001:1110 i~ McARDLE. Merchabot Tailor, No. fl SultbSeld St., Pittsburgh, x.o.commt:, oa Mad s fla• mottmal et CLOTHS. CASSIELERM St VOTING% ILSQ, GINTILMETS FURNISHING G'olll, OT.NDS ctaruisd JILLOS TO OILDIJI, ■ M isueetetylee. MERCHANT TAILORS. • /ORES & DUFF, notePT. 511TILZT. bays Plat L7,7,1:11,1.14Mt r 744 , MAga. ete.. which they are prepared to oat taa maks op la stylo Meal to way shop to the east or west. They art deteendsed tO &Hoare ash hop. to weearre a Mon TAW. aeo. 5013334 il7-1:1,44A1A:1f5: 4 1 ~Fscn~x~ LIVERY AND SALE STABLE. J. W. NICHOLSON. PROPRIETOR. 4108. 141 AND 143 :now 141113.21, IppyWu XerelaatA. ELDIaI.) SOWN& CIA.RIIIABIZI. is for him TY• lo pnreaue sad W Of iaCdtall =MUM.— --1/.4.1116 I. arrrAnsaa. ROULAND fit Llveli and Sale Stables, . isamiaxmrz arrrarr, omits. numerals marolia imp% • • PITTIBURCH. rartisalar 'antics patel to has nixing M . sad cumisins for to norm tat It WM. awl:74 PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE: TUESDAY, FEBRU O AL MR. 1 7,0 r • A• IUTI-11011. 1/AUPEII, • " Jos. 11.41ir... FLOUR, DRAIN AUG PRODUCE " Cominissiou Merchants,. 3klo LIBERTY ST., rrrrsevann!. Coutgiament• RIIIIIM”Crt--4. 0. Kent. Cutler lieeleo illre;:goAzaertee• Z. imeorse • FROM =GLAND. WE RAVE' /EFT RECEIVED artansn e ig:lnVlWZ VAC of English Brussels Carpets, VELVET RUGS AVO MATS, ENGLISH EXTRA SUTER INGRAINS ma hest asseritneat. latest 111111 and invest vines In no alp• OLIVER NE'CLINTOCK & Co ., NO. '23 Fifth. Street. SPRING SALES. CARPETS HAVE CERTAINLY REACHED BOITOM PRICE: BROS., f al I lauds o 1 CA' I ' McCALLUM 'Offse large — suartmeet of PSTEL, . I._ Vlle" paioot.los_ traZtryli OIL CL' 'Mg=l T 1 8, Of eve.n goods. an I deeldadly the I arge at sleek In say Yonne in the cal. MeCALLIIIL BROTHERS al rink W 4.4. . • • REDUCTION . =2 CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, lIITTINGS, WINDOW SHADES, &c, BOVARD, ROSE & CO'S, 11 Filth Street, Ml====El FIgHlIVA!111-- NEW CARPETS 1 008 013001161111 WILL SIND Our New Spring Stock, Mash yrs sre last events,. a•equi. led lsk es Leas Sad Tames. sad the paces Lower than any New or Old Goods = McPABLAIND & COLLINS, =I 111=1 118211 OIL WOB.S8& COffiPANTEE ~~f46~H:1I~~~~i'[~~~ Eureka Carbon OH, =IS Sperm Imbricating (hit. CHIMIOLL LINSEED OIL, =I Lisbrleaslas 01Ina Lard, Opera, llll■ls and fish Oil.. S. C. MACBEEINEY, Agent, 19 Irwin Street, WARING & KING, COMM Meson en Isuti,rl Petrolewn acid Its Products, Dalzell's Bleck, Duquesne Was, rimmoununom eIfILADAIZILLA ADDIIMES; WARING. KINe. i CO., MM=MWM! K. M. LONG 49E CO., =I PURR BURNING OIL. Brand-"LIIC1711a." 0111ce, No. 2 Nome Way, ormosoamon. TACK BBOTHKRS,c COMMISSION MERCHANTS, =3=l Petroleum and Its Products, errrau uze a Or/ICI—Pa seiVall4l.4 ems+ of Dawns. Way ma Irwin lomat. PIIILLUS Lrnuurnaz — ury W slant r, RN. Ankit.Cll EAGLE OIL WORKS, Lo►W=Of aovlll*. WICHTMAN 8 ANDMRSON, Definers AGA Dealor.flu PETROLEUM. °MCI. IZOOND may. cx.mmts HAY MIX Milt AND DLQUIZNI War. 1. u scnITIIi..C. 4. Klarlu..u. U. WZITRIEUD SOllO OIL worms, Udastodtan gad hays UT sold ail Icluda of icianicartira ozLs, 5. 1 MT. CLUB STI , Err. sorrom, ;Lamm a 00, SESECT TI 117 ANDCOMFORT for Tilt TZLVILLIOMMUNITY. • , J. B. - 131 — A.1EIBIS' SAFETY FIRE JACEIT, • • Car Heater and Mcdenitor, For SMOKE AND NOT AIR •LUES. dlniens lag with the ars if cloys* tad fires In or r... ..oar or Bum* Oats, with the at. taNatest gradaate brat to usy tempera. sera at 131•7 ba douse 1•11hOht thirposeintilty or Oar Or GM to orllll &eke( =sr no attaatied. H•ong Grooseet ut the United Stat. Letters Takeo ine Morty ccccc t errata istearran tad to resist tba tailings hat tb•t marl. sp. wird td It In the potheita wed Dorian. its* able: ILL Ithraded. n lea mare nrotretlea (row saeldants try OM orillaatbs , from defective lace. or Wheal,. pipes are and so eaada aura for omits or neat. ISIS eppileable all ninthq th Away broana eniarbeated. and 1. *Manua eo po Pee rPot sourastos WOO, wood or oiler nar•stibla morel may be winced le Oath noun oasts, railr m. oad cant. Se.. warns.? D p i p .. as ,adaelor , are mad* dowry , . bY With aytetteated, mad antali &litre& 1 wlll sell, or, appticatlon, rights to notatilbetare or to ass the &bora Invaallon ',Mortal rbrbtB,-to roan as =sr wish to *esthete willing belting., thaw by Mate or county • • T. S. Mir91114X 15,, ATOM. at the "NZ PLAYS Mina PAINT WurtarraY . earner Korrh. etre. wed the AU. grassy Talley Bahrtrart, 211etri Ward, Pitts tit. Pe- rell:hro NOT/CE TO CONTRACTORS. Staled Proposals will be received, fat Inees days Res date, (rebraal7 eth,) at the ottee,of the aldaridgeed, for te•OSILI/ING, CCSDINO sad PAWS° of Ski IC 1.41411. 66inOE 6P., SeSADDLI =SZE?, PINS aTRIST, SLAIN rnutZT, TSUI" erawr seal/910N ALLSY. Speclacallose tar t to soot at the oil. of the =EIZE:2I Ham. of Moscow Zonasib Mk/ B' & 11110SEEI, Asolaiteotiel, main? IOU!Z ArioNDIALTION BUILIHNO, so.. II gat * It. Vollr stmt. Vitubargb. Ps, 14..1.1 muesli*. rya to I he dedgolO, Wahl' of Court 80 1000.00 poollobollajogi. ..... MM.. M . STEELE & SON, DIALMILI FEDER, FEED, Gil4lX, tg . vm . raggl , ,,, , , ctl:No. 45 ()Ulu sTr.z.r.. - r, .A1.1.f.4111K.NT CITY, PA. raTza it:Town KELL & ILITCHART, • UONEESSION MiGHANTEL I +.3a , ... ttans &lour, rain, Seeds, RIC dm aau LISSbTT bTHEET. vn - reguautt. Pl. ROBERT KNOX, Jr.' cotzwinsion arisCHANT, And denier in FLOUR; GRAIN AND'ellonaCE, omoo. 413 I.IEILIITY PT.. Plltibursb.. L . J. EILANCEL&RD, WHOL.9IIA AND arum, 'L3• Clo ( 0 laR 09- 398 Penn Street. 1.1.2 1 6./ MACS. b. b. 10114. 3 1 1 1 0ANE k ANJER, Covsmatastors Merchasstai Ilealen! lu W 14 . 1173. URAIN and. raOInION. reaerslly, No. 1U WATILIi, abos• Cmithf.uld avtrl, Vittslmre!, 411 FETZ . EII Lc enmstnose, TORTILDING C+llllElOl 1116111111, • or /icor, Urslo. ascot.. Lant,Batto seed.. IlNel Fruits. u,t Producegenerally, No. It Norrre.trreet, Oorcor of Flret.rtttsbutill. ra. forr2rorl SCROMAKEB & LANG, Whole •aln dimlart Intiroe,aries. Sane, Proust?,s, nab. Claw., Wt. c.rws 01 - Not. it .n.l f t X oat Iltroe.:.. Nur LIN•117/3trall, elttla.rtro.n. Pr. noemNl man. norm •OwArtn U. Sony. JOFIN I. 1101 7 SE es. BI1014" etc- TO JOull 1. tfoVela • CO.. Wkolo rata sod Conroltalon Ifinelouts. not aat at .2.lr.lthfl Ott sal 171•MCIMat./. rlttgrOrAl Sll3 RIDDLE,rfo; tkli Liberty Bt., Flttsbare Comedmaton Ideredast,and W 1 1 ,34.110 De.lct Coural7 Omen.* rasa Vaal - stranewl C.nstgamants, imid lam mom. anln RKNOT 80 - 1, - 6omuidulos • UCH ANTS sad Maim la /LOUD -, MILL TreD and rwouuca gaa•vg ly, :lc. T IMercard, ov;Oella (11“13•11, LW stmay ,i__ ll7u r DAV. CIIAVITODID.' Comraig- ClOtt MO V RSAL NLOOlf• lilt WFWVOIII . SCRAP IRON. 71.41. BRIO? and CLAY, Warebovvi and Oliva Nos. SIM and 91114 FICWar CITTPLET. nterme farelaba4 (Vaal nment. solltited. • an• - urrnizt ItAIRD & .PAT'rON, Wbolualeenc.ra, Com:Onion Maraamnia. and 4.e,, In Pa-odor.. Floe, Ewan. CT... Thb, carbon wed Lard OIL loon, rialla Cotton Tarns sea :all Plttabetratt Inallansetare• ecnorsllflasnd 114 mooed atraoL Plttabortn. 11.1 Wen. —WV. D. MINI REIMER a! BMA., (Bimetal° r to Erin.' A 'lliclenlon.lNVlAlagiml• Deltic ronaim rnou., epiros, ; . ..1.111./tre.oeu, V(0/1. 110 sad I WOOOl btrect. abo7e Fifth l'lttebare, 1•11tI joilN 11. cilsrizt.D.conunts- OtOrt and Toreessalas Iteavikaot sad erltole tale Q.V.. Wuster2 lirstrea Cheroe. WU: :a. Len! root. U.too. no., I'M, Tot sad V. 011AsLel, .! + Air., I),lni Tralt, o . .nert.., St .4•114 141.Tr01l .trzet. 1868 • • • . ...• Q,HIPTON WALL E, .IeUROCK.•NUMJIMCCDIALLICUII Mittn I•11:r111 LNSURANCS CIVENTERN INSURANCE: CO (JP rn-psnulan. .l 1.11.1 i Si ivEA ,acit Lary. . orcnail ::1:1S141, acaral .I.aatt. 2: Water carect, Cv+az A Wan f at.Urs..l*.ttat..r.L. 1111:same a.-alc-c: a Ire a 44 Pti•s. ill. LrlaV.l.l. • ,c rho x..--.mrr. !be cosomsll7. 43, s•C amterm.,l t 7 suslistalu tt.e ttarac.es *tact ?dr.? Ware a... 1. a s •, [Pe I tr., . . - . . JOGA 11. leaCasit. Xtlie:. Jr • ch.. J. t.,...111. - • ; roar: , . U. ..ter. I m• BEN FIitAN!NLIN • DiSUBANCE COMPLNY, FPANKLIN SP/IN6S BANK. No. 43 Ohio sL, Allegheny, Pa. DIL • 1 11eorllrmo, 4.c lc. ltlelellt. nalaws Oran.. liar...cr. J. 11.-ne,ll. U IX). D. ILlDVLle....creury. I 11.1 N Vrea M.ll • pltiti,tr.VANlJll 7% !liTll:4i;itiii... I= wal.4 C. 4. . F.t., esairittr.L. row., / I al I. 11==1;1 !NUE:Winn , ' AGAINST . LWI3 , BY FIRE IKS , ,;RAhCE. LiJkiPkilY PIIILAD13.1" 1 / 1 9. .19.1% 117.3 an Q,4:7 CIIRSINUT NT... . , Jar,. Wo..icer, 11.14 %mat. t , ' , •71. , , DA.s.c lissid C. De. 54 ,-Irge ,u, • 4:11/lq. ItAN Cis ft 11 • 011 W 1 . ,11.1 LS, lc. I . reilitrit. 11 Y. U. J. Ei.I.IIDNEU COFFIN, Axesa.' 2.10•0 vo; c.r. it Wood M.' NCI: CO .rcet Lta.r.a T., OtIN iilW 04. I JORN 0, VW rrest4..t. tpr.. "4 11.% ;' ,• j .; r• 17•SilvitocY. a. .••.,1 , Oa, • Is sr e. ....V!C CO. MIME Mi%IIMI v. Ilk nv a la r-. F 4 . I vs r. v•!•-q- • n 1 S KU TOBACCO. CIO ABB, Ito, fpnAcco! TOILF.t'L~: TO HNC t: 0 FIVE HUNDRED GIDDIES, ihtsoll74l) 13111;;Di, JUIT OCraIIINXILNT two, elfin MACE MI eIdETIO As low as 600. par pound. Tobsecoolots. Orneore and tai l who tto:lgn . ?oboe., woold do woll to tail sad salmis Coot. St ROBERT F. WEDDELL'S boo tstablided hism Irich Cor.thoilibileld &Water MN JOHN IViEGReiW, • ataa,r,,%nr.r planet Whole tale a:1(114 , 4W Deal“ in all 13t.11 of Tobacco, Swalf And Cigars, 416 i. 3 A.= =Pr NOMMUL". gen tz..t aar..or tiske.l.ft r EXCE tsion • Ci d2:-..nottsote. ..,rzetnreng•lld dllcl lv Tobacco, Snuff; flgan, Pipes, Ac. IM No. lILI/Lttkl.n . LLIMIUTT. LiTHOEiIiAPHERS. instrclircr SIN or,aos SINGEBLY (aurcessors to tiro. r. Orcoutaillia a Cosa ree PRACTICAL LI lz Fr HOORAPHERSA: arcane" Curds, Latter Beads, Drcl o Lobola , circulars, tillow . Cards ea , plpluroltaskts. V.! str,rl', GILA& A. MILLIE LITHOGRAPHER, . No. BU inOilltTle/IT.. Apialo Daslldlag CHT.I.IBII. Ditarrr . . }tow, BILL and IST Ttlt MMUS, dn.. done In all alylea. at:Ullman %2,000,000 ACRE' lillONil LIMOS FOR SUB EY VIZ Union Pacific Railway Co. I= LylA, slzas the Una a their road, at ,1 3' *l.OO to *5 00 er Acre. Ledo. • Oni.l3lT 07 1 3 TIAILI, /or putlaultrp, mAps . Ls. addreall Jen P. ocizar.us" L. 4 (}pmm~~•l4.4 Toixam,E.. Or, ellitt. It t LAMOKIZZ,I.O.I. FRAME. COTTAGE. • 411UATE IN MT. WASHINGTON, • Wl'hin 26 telautee• etas tlxe 00000 shell beltlge. The house cOre relools. - 01 , eben. eel er an esalt. - Lot 191 ties hoot br 93241 JN fueltal on tease etreets. Ho tits let ere 400 101 l beuust grape g 'beteg.. wlttk ell-bled. of shrobbern each aa ROosebeiries. blackberries. strawborriae not corneas; alio, berets, swer, apole t Cherry Veer. Will 00..4 champ. /wools., of STEEL & WILSON, Brutes" and Reid L.uie ROO BALE ASTI TO LET.— .. 1L... and Lots for sale la parts g ood the city and soincbs. Also. 000000 Yams to good location. Also, a mall Woolen Factory. with tweatr acres or land. sad good vista t will sell cheap and on re...able terms. ntulosaa Houses to Ns on good streets: Private Daclllog Hansel for flat la both cities. Ter thither partionlars Innate* of WI.L.LIK WASP. lint/ A mat street. !ant otnabliae the Ctatbedral. A COAL WORKS FOR SALE. sapable of conning 16,000 FOR gaily, In cluding tenant bosuns, store house. nays. s.- in.. moles. and all the necessary atlases for sm buslasss and Imnleglata operatnns. There IM se of eoa/. 751 s It one of glie most Yluble worn, on tbe Monongahela rivet: will W aolO low nag on good Senna. • alinlY La M. I.'IOIE2UN. Beal Molise Wk., No. NO Want at.. apooalte Donn klono. GITIOCERY STORE TOIL SALT-31Inted oa on Of the leading greens In Lawn...rills. Tee 11001 IS en plate an nil seleenl. tad the owner gas geld anti to e amount f Medi On e eit , WM. • malt s sedi th tion to tee n 5.0110 the nest can be t o eslargad• 1/11121. for store and dwelling POS; or will nelange for dweiLlog In or near nAt4 l 7. &WTI! If. Metal& &C 0• PLII3d33ING. GAB FITTING. ATROOD,WSO3II /0111.11..1. 111`CAITali7 ITWOOD &' lITYPRBY, • BRASS FOCIDERB STEAM AND GAS FITTERS, Cor. of US and Liberty Streets, Above Uarroll A 4.4cre, Mttebaret, Amu. LIAM .4 tionyy melba lei to , motri to Meer. !Special eMentioa paid tae MU. OM .0 gte r g: M i r Itennestes, Iftenaboate. COMM Agents for A. &Cameron St Ce.'s STEAM P MAPS BLOWER IEiNGLVIES, TU. Pampa R.le.apertollmr_SV . V . Tirg "." '"'" V d d. F ' fairolo team. Vines Nangt.f.lf oa .101.1 0X.1 . 11., -406. sum .....118/fIIT Ern. JOHN mi coorsu a co., BRASS .FOUNDERS, Stiam and Gas Fitters, . Woootootorers of atlldra aRp a&...lin/M. oI every deacriptlaa; dealers la Ulll /IX 1111 J TI/111,J, al all alum , . • . Canter of Pike and tiatiini Sinew miu: gITTO3URCH, PA. CONFECTIONERIES &o RITSDAV PCROOL CELEDRA PICNIOS, DINNER rAILTIIIII, &a. !unlinked with Lt. be.c. LVi 01.1•11, CIJN ft1.;12. , P 4 • KIM,. at Wa lavre.l prtris and as lea:6 r outs el, b 1 • CO WALSCYJCLICIOLIFC • so. IS 1/1/LISCI:10. Alleft... firsni ilonflacai, Confentienery and Bakery, V. IMO BMITIIII[I.D errar.r.T. vaath an 4 I.lDerty MrLAMM' 0111Tiy. "•LIMN attached. GEORGE BEAFEN, CANDY MANUFACTURED, . and' tu r tles and AMC7I.II OttMTS. Nur.. Ake., 001GU‘S . PATENT, ECU= BRICK MACHINE etsr., THE, DOUGLAS BRICKMAGHINE, Trtx e KIN U KM:off , / VET l'AfeetTlfft. Is •eo , to roll operatto• IS YOlool onbto. et TARP, No. MS .11212141•0 dose. sue *orator ont Item Ml,OOO to 40 000 6y14400 Per Day TV* only etePhfoo of int. ittoi Der ID oar out of tbo lio11.•112•. pre.. P.P. too toseblee to tbo ells, lbe expean and dolt of orytor. Yor LOCIATY kUl1141114•4 4.7 Information, 5447.65 . A. A: DOVULAPA Sooto 'mutat ?Areal, !OM ' ILLA,ou.rmAL. CUM= lIII=I . wsrrsusts4 b Cool. miss., Os moms ss wen as ssy MATO V the Osten. Y]! hIIIZILIT EITAZICT. Also osi bawl And fOr sate. PARIAPS STOVIIII 11FATIlets IiTUVLA ()ROTA TAUNT*. INVUTILO.LL:! , .MCINO lIANtI ULNCEBS POSITIVELY CURED Without lea q`ta ot tbo Mari or OAO6TIO, uJ with I ConaparativelT Little Pain. Pable gstraled t 31 etr•ou . l f 9 ALL (LOIS. Do PIItIYIIIIILITT Of AlOOOfT. Betp.l fur (liralion, Zefermoa, Add.. I=llEl --- - • HAZARD POWDER. lABILICLOWPREPARED TO an, 4 .t.ta 10 . 1 00. an ?Mao tor luso or .." 'Vr i i ci:' ! 1 i . 4 ItitZati*CEL !MATED POWDER. ill ordon it!iVOr sent by i an _to ort nm. rioo. IVY sod Ulf 7/.1)/nOtt. lITIUMr. Ana ttagg.:l : ::;Zir , glVr A g :n11 1 0:: i ARTHUR KIRK. 1 oolniro , - ---!----- D. R. JECIILF_Art, • ' DIALCR CLUXXT, PIRG AWOL krill TILE, • VI.VA. X 1.41114,_ . 011IuxIFixxd m To I. WM= LIM x And Uses and Warehow.,. 11311 XIX= Wrunx to mete Artomosurattela House,. JB, Y LYON, Sealer . of. Weight... , and Measures No:s YOUR XII 5115ZZT, • detweou labartY laid Tint Order. Deem " attend.. le. 1011131 WEST ' COSITIONI MACHINE !nous worms, N.ttwest We. Commas, AL110631111, /UZIPS ltilVATklt as CO. Rare o. ease or ♦NI) OSEPTrifir . V . l:4 'n 4141.EWNHY VAUWAr a.. I 4 ,1 173r1 . 7, DrororgolVirjg: tai ;11 $15 , 000 TO L 0417, 119E3 TO W, EAT EpsEsit Am Super-Phosp THEALI~EOHEHT SE WARD k. • 1 PiLOP . 356 1 i Peon 8 I= . Tbe best Yertallaar le all /armors Who have gr rtaaaard for tartar lug' Data. Com rotatooa. oYaratoltooe clroolatlor resttor a d 'vitiator lllaer, Copies ;of which Odin. Oa %hair aadreas. MYERS, HO IMESMIEMIMMIZZO PICCENITIFRE I I- • Of Every Description. BOHOL AND OFFICE FURNITURE tiO. 45 Smittilleld Sired, E3rl StrA.Seu tared Warattu CUBA LIGIO 0. L. MIXF.II. IDISS:TIL w8C73r... / 130aNn9 iINIVERSAL. wisHiNet bompouND. ' ' • AN llfitT4tltta: NEW PIIISI'AILSTION, We am now engage 4 in manufasturius valuable artlOle for cleansing bortmach mtdoll we bare esuileenee tangly. maitre satlametiou. HOUSE I4EEPERS, Pl l iIEASE TRY IT. Etta It yos van save o.t lewd from area to eve homii , bard labor on pi* waaNboarill. Wald. '''' /Tr T i rit e I'VN I Nit Is Invaluable, Wotan It 01 721 0 . t or: itiVlVo a r " istrlVl ItN b t r iV.Mllll. Wantilliti Dllllllin. 16. It la warranted to miutain I LIME, or odd? bildrion• &Ate. For .11. by 000. Uinta mtd UttlitiftlnTri general,. and Whole -69 OVETI/ E e mad retall stout M elee ET. and nalearamn. No. 69 fr PIM= I S,COIDTI& FRIDAY, 'woos:sum or • • DERNIAII, FRE II CH AND SPANISH : WINES' ?). LIQUORS, _ i • _ • -109 Penn St eel, Pittsborgit: • 1 • (Mr JUL I' CHMIDT 11l Miamian from La mpe. rtm meow Frehmea. md perfected arrangement. witS e fotlowlag Ant mass h'f ' llllL . 4.[ll. AT ae tthmnPmtne. islENt g A CM.I. 4. , ... C...... J. PRONLIC le • CO. Cognac .1 Mor tmax: CIIA.I. LaMßLlNl....t . ettm Clan :Mai Atflt;.P.V:4. ~ i..: L. galtriet.fl - - cr''''''" 'P.r . "'S SAM I rwe. ewe.. Klee. . lf URN 1.1111• 0 , .. Wu. Al.. • 4.1. imonmettt of NAM ULU 111 tifflnteST constaathe on hang. letelng nerteete d smagente nt. eel tit UM stew noon.. we am swot of • or the cholewst br.lo or WINOS ind LI UVES. Itzanacation 1.10.7 .4 cpumarts. of p.m. whetted. oellm.• i I _ A NEW SLITAIIL , Giveb G atis r all Subscriber& ro LrrL 10.V111 !' , auto Eamon et CHAS. DICKENS' WORKS, On rocelptiof h 1 . 60 • we estll il, .Ti T otr go . :Lr t r a o tl th liteXTATlA ! 'WIN UT 141:K16.2ie... Inm...ten volumes, to. triter wan?. elegant Impessiton e!> or Diclural" I ne at the best la executed at! the .11111.111nolab e author. •12even raltoars of this catllois of ds,en BOW V 1,41. ••14st with vv..," al cents; ..ciLy•r rWlit." centa: "Am...len Notes," It !stets; at apeetations. , • mitts: ••N Wholes Nlckletre," yea.; "tast mu el...nits!" n [AO.; ••001114•T 411. e o n " cents. A Wants Is Is: carry weak. The v^lutnea, goiter as 1 , 44.4. toe eth.t with the roe trait. caret .1, wrapped, will be stalled I.l\ clataie. on the receipt or the , WI., as above • •ents wttated la a.I parts of Oa country. to sell 1015.411101 cl Xlieten, iTtry lani', and rrrrr appetstles. knarhaale. )ectrvernan. lac par had elapk. .1:1 cc ,. alai, boy Dlcli sus st Ibis ow price. ^..sadteLtiCashers for special tense 01 ;1, r? N b e lLi w br. o . , FOR BRA! MI 12.0] Fifth Street. THE ITHIE FOR RECEIVING, A L LID Ong/IMO PILLIFIRSALS 11: . fog a r ail !reds; st Bissell's relit, I Two Illgt flenice and Two Low Servicel ramping Engines, I 1 US NaTiN DSO 'UNTIL II O'CLOCK. rf 00X. of Fat i hrdav; Feb, 161 h, 186 S. ny On [n or run BOARD. No. j BISSELL . t 4 CO., _. . 1n7. 1 . '9,11! I TIiVELIJITZ -, PRINTiIIII AND WRAPPING PAPERS. clairs ,41...BTAUBILYVILLIG. OHIO. BILVALTON Idlid., Haar 131211111Tt1N, 1.46 ofrivi , Auu wa.usuovax. No. BS Third Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. ... Ur 11 . 7 .. :1!41.917 itittfig+.7l . ,"" t; n LtatUtt, /I.IL/IMA,BruolarT. Iflr aa h Ogterig;gl t 4 ' £ " 4 " . Clash P a le r ..- .-..per bildoe=.. t / idiidla al - ii7: - ..... -tieridaariaiirfAini.. KIM, --- 8 1111VALITZ, . r tarsaand Brian alanatantal err or Tin, *opp e and ebeet Iron Ware, And 4.a.ers in COOKIN4.I STOVE:S.d 110U[[ 1 11.1/I.NlalllNtl i IIAuDIVAIIt. ill 141136 ¶lll 1011 VIE POIE TO OSSit. lbri•Jrut;i . :,lUr gir triMax"tr. naz i lrznel. I . P111T57.711.011. P.A. IT: 17.1-C1.311 AJAX/SID/1 02410 JACIKON — dr.- FREW • r .,,,•• to /.0170113MT a•lllIW.) • ILt ILlTAClfrUliblia AWL/ DIAL= IN I ' HAMM, Saddlery, Trunks,. &e., I.l ° ..M.e.ll. l ltrat late th =2 lmarovedaan la liiiketi, Ow, Isn ui btu lirtipse, At anz now Wareroom. ra..4....3. treot • srsiip. far Ina PrOUIMAXIIKX lIIT r Waner_a_arrlrnala. nol:T . PHOEfill i t STUN BREWERY. 1 . Vr. T.J. G 1172030 ON BOND AND NOILTOI.OI. 471+. mx. rirrnrr eo . Prattlgeld Strui. - 1114 RY 18. 1868 11:13 JOIE BIcCLAILIM, Attorney J .at-La wow.. 71 enrai arr. lailalmial6 0041e0242.1/Pftialtr atteuled " GROWERS. ONUTED BONE R . A. CAMEIbri, Attorney-at-L.lo'i ate of Lime. ITECIIM = R . BIDDLE ROBERTS,, Attorney-at-Law. Offtee, He.= GEM =UM FERTILIZER CO., *ATIPBkLL taDltym lal titan gi. took 1.19:•13 WSTACE S. EiLIBBOW, Pittsburgh, Pa. Ex-011iclo,JustAee of Mei vac*, /IND POLICY:KM/I!MATT— • nee, k huilltiiis bens. rftiaidli. Ddlat Thad.. Illaaagadweakaolatadamuats, Dapoal ass sad all ugal liaalsau wish OVAIMIL•11,12.1 dlapatel. Ctt olfd .m.tritv,v-trig e tiara Atun artil to seat Ma Co .7' Jaunt N • OALzw M'MASTER,I2OII PER & CO., AND SOLICITOItB BANPIDPITY I=l 11=13 A. AMNION, Donveyenees, Seel trial.; end InAmrenne agent, CAISSON ISTSEXI. last. Ileetlen of lieut.. sonelltd and prelently attended t.a. 1 nwerreo H. nunum, IMMO& Or TIE PMOB, - - • CUNTISI I MSOXII, £. Z . (Jam, 018.6021 5T1616T, aeutzlr ovDt-Al. the trusted to Smolt rttuburith. Ilnalmedi St mr • trusted to lila ear. DroIDPU7 •Zt... 1 . 4 to, • :vel riesTainumarr, ra • •rtrtaptof rlLlsber,th re .n.ia.tly on )tSOdIL LOW/p3T DANIEL !admix., M. PRACTICING PHYSIC/LW ulna .ad Sub:taxa, N 0.1150 Graaf 64., near WO: T.V"!'& ppjl* ME J S. FFAIGUEr. Attorney-at-Law, NO. NUTS ISTIRE.T. • aIICCHWD 11001. PIIOII7 BOOS W . A. LEWpt i , . ATTOgriney Alr LAW, Diamond Street, Li:Teta JOIES[ W. BIDDELL, .• ATTORNEY AT LAW, EILIMIVE POICETII miss: la C. RUMMELL, ATTORNEYA WOUNIELLOR AT LAW No. 69 Grant 6troot;, prrrsownom , A. I JOHN A. STRAIN. I:=== PORTING HOUSE LIED vise. STE L ENGRAVESI;Cdg AS, DICKENS, 7 `Felt rELAMISO, , NOW 81.1.5111N4.1 pRANTITIS, 01E COFFEE, E SPICES, 1 • BINSOW Sp =I ===! r'i1T...1011117 =MILTS spEocER,.IWKAT STSRS IND BRBWIIR' per and Brown 13tont, )ITTSBURGII, £TUN, Maltase. ooli =m, Mi AY FOR ALL.— SUOMI BAMPLICSAddIess .prlsyglatd. . No. 9Writth Street. ALDERMAN. sorimmx. 1.,17P4 MiIIUTTERHELD, =0 Attorneys & Co MIGHT ASDZOLD OU 00k141118101.. Particular atteutlce Dala to unmans , . ..1:! also! U. S. SeouritieEs,, O. E. sixty 01/ do. do. &AM.: U. 6. was ia. , sog. • ' u. a. ora-nrioAmcs or I.BI32JiTZJJZ4AIe: rpsa PI:UM I -SMldd , .. d Vottotandoaddi Colluct.ll i .ei 011011. LA GEM srmn' 01111ap, OS GS SITS SIR = = • PITSISBITSUII. EL. E3[-Officfo, Ji4tice of the'Pelo:4 AND rower. malarerriwri. • Oft*, 112 rah et. oppedte Catttedret, 1=132213:1 Li ntots m= w• ar. tar-g=r, Wtch promv gal dlspateb. =ISM JOHN C. 111ce , 1 0.111319, LITORNEY INDICCUNSELLESI7 LAW., . No. 8 4 It , 8i:root - Alrean. 'gnu 010001:0110 0 11 O. . 00:00000 1 4 AINTKR8. IMILTZII.---..—.--10as laws. COVLTEU . Horuse and Sign Painters, 100 air.o.arr eYQST, Platobon ll . . 40poodul Cath•drsl ) 41LaBli 01IIDEI done to eider. _ w. ...w. a. nuts ROWLAND a peagrug, HOUSE AN2 SINN PAINTERS, ORAINAB.A AND lILAZIEZN. 6111.11111E0111D. ALLESHINT, CALCIMINING dOact Is Mal.. manner: J. K. HAMILTON, Jr., Howie and Sign Painter, Mo.= THIUD ens.e.npe. Graining, Glazing and Gilding PIATIA IXILOUTZU. 111.6 tftlath V6 - %b4. rutty. (ii•ia. Brutus, I . ..p.sklise. Winn. Load. Act. naratriv. HUTCHINSON & HEPBURN. Eon& NO IEI ISCAFUTIE ?aria OLAZIETAIS. Po. as 'ram IVA ATENlTl,Pllttdossra4l. All brain+ by till prompar W.. 4.1 M. sons.. McCOWA...4. b. SNYDER. . i • I 11005.)11BION AND Oil /.11111111. PAM. Eaa: AND 1311.111E23 ArD GLOM/IL N. North .td. or Titazasad. 31111mber7. Coninernal glass dame aadt onier. omen reenntroily mounted sad proemial a noint. tined rams, WIVINNEN.• aNd r.NI Nmstasll, an Imagd. CARPEN*ERS, BUILDERS. - - no. RUM IZAICLU. & 8. • CARPENTER ' AND 'VILMA Cloatracta taiga Par Mon 11 , 313. WelT " P= Tra=lll4l7l,l ° gL Sat E 66 ni 161 law Et. MOIR tity, Pi .017:11.64 Z. 74...P.A.147 1 1:FaTe., Douse Builder and Carpenter. ockw . trvr EpauciaitAua.zrN4utr. lj 0 64_66.. r Th paillag 6060 viti eitneka . . .161:6711 wra..a. DICK, • Carpenter. and Builder, • N. 114 riNNBYLVANIA AMEND& .4444.14 a lfe b srsg. P 4_ ".17fitt. 1 :1.. .).5b.d0n•Dwith......44141.144.. All onlors promptll att.r.454 lA. .4 5511.5.51. 44.1.ettect. .1111:0117ntyr 11OUSE Br- MILDEW( AND ,I2PENTERS. - Le , l Wants promlsl; uoILIII2iki ed to, be imnsersos s !tam. , .to tla llb Id .trtes P ig.°9' 7 l ‘.: 6 l TOE MANSION BOMB • THE UNDERSIGNED beg toga noane• tbatiftlends .4 tbe 4.11 n MU they this OLD ISTABLUDIAL .4 POeuDall Ilv • No. 344 Liberty Street, 11.4 lad eontlauo Us Kam It la tail best atra. Lb. ILkNataN tillUalt has one ant hundna room.. all .0017 tarahhed th• beat aryl*, aaa only two adulates , wait Leon UK Railroad Pe. pot. Tasvalara will dad this heats an aznallaat ne to atop aad t.-seeotaxaodated 1107 boat. dap or 01 Connected with the Hovel. 9;10414 LUI: Mr Canaan. - pandas %An to boardt Ilia An'. whet or month. 0110 or Intim& roam S. WAGNER, • M=JT2 et= FONDIIOIII6 ,0111 SHE EITEOPILUI PLO ST. JAMES HOTEL; Aols & 407 Liberty St., 0PP0.143 the Union Does. rims - alum • JAJIES •h. LAN NAN, Proprietaa • Shia tun« is *owl,. Nan ad oleadlely e:Nr i thil a t:lti " V `* l. ` nrg .""` llta ' aiiy. wo taloa 4i7 eonveamaz anYtteeKnalaa. Ole. Tom sectite your roma and gay en you meat. lee goo get them The Itgaaaraht eon• heeled with Ulla hotel Is oyes at hlitteere el the day sad lambi. Balls earl puttee naphtle4 livers dthorttst, pollee sad rerLeabll ST. LIMIENCH BOTBI (( TEL nunortAn fLan,, N. E. Oor. Penn & Canal Eta, "TIMM Latialpt., VA. JAS :OHNOII,. :Propristah Tu. low 6Y Urn Mamaly rellttsd aSO tursaturtbila {hroactumil. ma la zOW .70.• • in NOTICE TO lIIRICOMAILT.IIII. —ELAN BANK PDX BAWL OK BENT. I kayo fur .ala or Eget /LYN AND oNsataLlF ACNAS (Onarystoyy ORMOND, la AIWA..? E1tX....M.1 to the 010 arcpartr. r•sidabo•ot W. IleCliatock. 0 0 the Yasysolla algal - m.4W leek aad neeelMe back to the Obeereatary flee Cl 801 r ut di aUKAI WA r: a dof clay !roma to ciao. y WA lot tocl . partlea. t roal t pa go !tem ‘""T iIitte7OZTarINITIA Iteltt.e. 1. HART, CAUGHEY & • Banker:44nd Brokers, I CORNER THIRD AND WOO. STREET ,1 rrrrszingi a. PA.. (3170055C30E3 TO 11111111, kW CSO ; 'change, Coln, Conponi, Aid put/Pala , salami. paid it. tPa Da.• • clan and sal* or GOVE.WEITIENT BON Pl. lIIIDIGHTI3II.II2O vs LONDOIC sorl:sai .511 N. Hums 81 SONB4 ISltatC33.lEakell No. 5'7 market Street, rrrxtouram! D•poait. recalTe.4 In Par rstmts oureuc7. CullerXons troLde on all Ile Dr15c11411,0 0 . 1 . 0 taa Ili/tea Stn. and Camiza Stocks, Bonds and Other Steatitic ] armasorac BALL.. . ELEVEN NIGHTS ONLY. 61111(111 !CURT . 11111*, februsy. LO6BENll,ibe Royal Conjurer, I. rpth 6D isinOnalsorips of . . PICALNRD 'WHIM I •I L &AHED WRITS PEETURSIVNO PLUESULN COTS. 100 VALIILBLE LID, lISETIIL P1M85.11,70 Will b. distributed to the audience at-the Close " tirVdlattngeWlSlPOßD itY. fume a< aim. no/soon of Ladles and Ehlifteri. TAM eblid to r ! "'".. pli r tar or ADICISSION. • Vett ---Zree?M. Referred Preis Elek.ts, Grim/tete , Chlldrenis Tickets. lot Plai to lc ommen Il l. cent*. p.PNEHWan..Lnseer. 470. PH/OVER. Es's Arran Monday, NOveinber hued lag-PROF. COIYPEIrd 133ViONIEVINK11110 298 Liberty Street, PIITABURGEI, PA. =I General Ganking Buslnels I! 14E1 wr HAMM= Accounts of Bunts. 13ankers sod YrachantU A lustiest., 'ollectlo• made 411 all palate la the Usatort! Collections States and Canada. Interest allowed on time Depoetts. UNITED STATES SECURITIES BOUCRT AND 1001 GEO. T. VAS DOILLN. oudder. MISTER] 8011V68 Oro. 50 Fourth sired. 033C46-7Cri . =3E1.3 511 . 00 LEAS O.; ut•niat raid me Time Deptalta lay Moe resolvad hofa Oss Dollog s •pwood. Modals sabi•st to CM‘ek. v./Raoul:1 Ignorer& DIISOOIIHT DAILY. n'U'OLUGX , PreSidente—VlONPSON BELL. %Ia President---A. BL BIABBILILM;$ I/1011-lalf 111.1.,., J. J..011..L15.1... j..= JOMI 11.11...... A. M. XLIVILLILL .1 JO. A.L11.1.. At • I.", Ilt.tbolders tow%•:!tiavreVe ".. Jo.;ph lIRCRUS. W W l ' : C r :l "Tt- dvrall, Rev. David Kerr. WILLte /TaROL Theo. ding. p :111URGI1 , 5 • BA'' K FOR SAVINCS,o. formerly the DIME SAgIiiI3SINSPITUTI I O O _, 6 Fourth Street, , ! Nestig Opposite Mont'of Pittsbsurgb.: MUSTERED 111 1162. - N .... . OPEN DAILY from 1 to 1 o'clock, end Of OJLDNI.BI)Ag AND BATUNDAN EVININUE f l r ro o ll ' r:feTbrr irt v tnil; gt;t: :Valet "i ..... lloote of By•Lmes. Cc.. furniehe4 et the ollei Tule Institution mpeelelly eget'. thom whOse earnings are 11.1. the opportunlty to am at menet, by e ma lt ec'posits, malty owed, •seni mil. will be • resouree when newlee, .4 haft, I no interest Insteed of remanent, emproduetranj 13411111.Tna. CA' 31/Saisuoirerrmil nillillilliT: . '' 11 GEORGE A. BERN!. : 0 Mei rinsingarrst • td EL H. HARTMAN. JAMES PAWL ISO. IMOliiliri AND 1111.48171121 M b D. E. ilelilNLlY. L. snAuLry, WlO. K. NINICX,r A. 5. BELL, Y. HARM, JNo. B. DILWORTH JOSHUA RHODEISiI ' I . 0. TOLLAND SPE, JOHN SCOTT , .. JAS. L. GRAHAM IL C. NADIA ILTIL,I calms ibr tn. 070. ~ Woucirous—D. W. CA. 4. BELL. mlttimltir 'DOLLAR. 1, ', SAVINGS BANK, RI No. 65 Fourth Street, I f! CHARTERED IN 1855.5 MIINSTI9 =mine i o - , open Milt from Vto 1 O'clock. also on Wedlr . : 4•1 and Ceramist evenings. from May lit to vemberart, Dom 0 tO. o'clock, and Item a imilmi let to N.Y Ist. from Gto i o'clock. t rar l Z's rtitilir. ft rrre 4 ell : IV:rill ill:Tr . :lV, :Mr. tetra • year. In June and December._ • termt Ms been declmetl smalmuunelly In JIMA and Decemmr ranee the Rank wen orgenbeiltat me rsm of six per et. elm. ... Interest. if nen Awns. .pl.. to Ote. emelt of the depositor es pried .4 beers Um mine Interest from th e Mu ye of Jose .4 December, poutorang twice • year withAel troubling th enlimit. to teen. ur even Wpm/4M laipww boot this rate Moria7loll doubt. 800. bostaleing the Charier, By.lawn, Ere and Iteguletions, ternithargrails, tmappilea on 01 tit office. • PactlDixt- - 81 0 SGE MANX& 1 toe. Mtimilinrinil Bohn O. Hacker., A. K. Pollock, gi.ll:,i' Benj. L. Fahnestortk. Hobert Robb. ', lento. Llerlimik, John H. Choenbers 1 S.M. IleAoi et , Junes Skittle. lames IL D. Deeds, •lessmim Maar. !'I Lome K. Pomo., Christi. Tetegert ' 0017111 - IMt. ,1 W m:J. Anderson. HoberiC. Loomis. '- CDs. *MM. Henry J. Lynch, d to. M. Blimllaf. . Peter A. Plaestrm . .4 l ' ilTlT.,r ,'" ll. .. Joh. ilarsh.all, 1 . Ommo ...Lt.., rottr 13. P licitLan ' g lAmiles L. Gallia. i. (Mosby Phillips. - a John Coon.. Hceryl... illngsr.o John J. Gillespie. , I tor. Z. nelmarta.•l Wlllittet C. iNVIID• 't Alennedef Pindleji Peter H. Hilitii, WIIUMIL 1000100, u ilicherd liags,lsaac wtatusr. 1. Janes D. Yelly. Wm. P. Welmale , u I To.....—CHAPLEC A. COLTON. ~, lincturrirarr-JAB. B. D. MELDS. yra PRICE ADVANCED 'Pia AND MEREST. Central Pacific Railriad The beat end pr1uip•1t. , 14 , ...0 thit Silllolll Tan UU ACKB ifii COMM, Is being rsyldly earricil forward by an 13461:13- dented Working force t and It inreasonam* ter tale that tbe conirtirnocre ovanzads natilts)AD cOniteGirldis r.on item lons ra nos — tuns Mama Wild. Da Mann to ICS. • ibe Milled !Gates Government to ratiihrsGrip all a enbaidillaie and contingent Ben. lush' the means far non structlan the Main Diem Lis'iik and. braider an abs Ante gnat •0 10,1 0 acres °train. able public lands Der mile, the Central esatfte R• 111.0•11 Varmint) , nava wired from nla source.. donaUens and contesslonoiportli morn Ulna OM/IAM The art 'Lille ZO•00...11. Of this Company arn• therefore abardlna.igir tba parpese, amounting to 11177.03 FM on the 'int 72s miles of the Line, including Loan, seawall by 11 11. t Bolivar open the whole inoiserly.ilo the isms amount only an this U 1 n. debtlily Binds. The 10.0110 itirendr 1rt1.111.A.1. alibi isabinzder tomyarntiveir DnLronble eircninstanco, af ford solotantlal ground far belln , lnif ilik,effN• TRAY r• 01710 be the' Most Favored. Prodietloo mut lrtt bN natlrood.lintrrorlso.ta Country. == ore...lntegra Hod, tae orb. of the. Boids bee been adresced, an, the 031)4 ally are net ofrer• leg for sale • Inuit aronuet at their !1 First Mortgage Hi Per tentfitends Priaelpat as4l inierert payabiato tiotA COM, e tuns et et.ocdaua. 114 pas and aecreo.),lntar est trent )annul Lttn currency. 4.; • .rtrree fonds, It to bettered. jtke ate- mutt. of tallety. rohahlllty had y rorti. troater Gape.: temp aaf other close of C rite notarial•. now olderad. .ad are *ttars ran clearable for atacly Mire adoenta orMirolan Capita. Investors will 0.0 la mind tbdilialon. ai aclvaniacles'i • 1. nay are".be Prat mortgada on oust UM most valuable lad productive Ilam ifisiiroad It. The actual omelet. ivoto Meta tuMI, vv. iti! 111ervera more lean' four time. tea eptionl te; tenet impact:acute. .334 Thu lard part cf the road le actitt, dome: and the prospects or rapid Isom • salon • roe. abbe. _ • IV. The Conspany herellteral supsldirtl. whieh enalr:e them to prO3CIVID the wort ert;ih great TM* , V. The nehnesenstut Ism been azeiealsid7 bred.% and Mega. • ' fr. Vt. There ls already a large and groeting ;lament on the completed end graded WM. TU. The lauds nor& mlm to be eseAlasseM veto, C.Cen acres haring reels alreadriM4. • Till. Both prinetpal and 'lnternet ate rkpl etUy made payable in gold coin: • L7l ' IX. Both the aggregate sdnoniat crane as melt smutting in Somme will insureltsr the continued W 4.117.01 ahlstt ranges:Meg steads and eeesultles. s . At Ms time they yield smarty Mtn* per opal. 'apse. she pnithiettf. , . Holdenof Oov, motet Stenrittee /ch op, ;methane of exchinplhrthem for CwAtrel ra dio Bo.da. totrint u edeal r.te wilat.n.t,' with the principal alnuidestily mew*. and 0: fealishte a Volta/ tea Co, oMea Pe h 0000. 10 sadttiv. Olden *cuter:3D the feuds torongb:awtpousi- Die Beats 4.lloprtuo 00.09.0100 141 receive Watt.. ponds semi 97 qt.'. ha i„o„,,,,,rte 'tr eee adorers to the UOlOOO2 platee,ltt ear MM. , Thibresstion: De.ariptne "sistpalets, mum ie., Welshed an apolteettes nisi:moral 7 1 a * Battrosnel tlolnithe, _„. erntxrr.l Asa of ruts & HATCH. is Simian WO Deily. La Goverwacaiiisurtti.. FLusacts.l Aria& at** C. T. 111. *, . C0..8e: *ma. N.. TVt. AU*. of 1101118110.11 & WWII. 4 I. IetILIGAM& CO.,llad • JAUELII T. &lIADY & OM, Pltranit4 " I • 1 I I VIM -- --- RIAD AND rUSITIVELY L .ST was". mo, Dal" LIMNING isibraary Int. WS, .11.4 WYtti="lit. 41's • 4 17001 .4 .1 hu 1f o t put tw.o. n klokrztv i r::4l ale,l by COO.. NYIVWVIT..—•ZitIeI COO . nLacx taeox Tb• I`lngentartaas ANTONIN() and MU,. ArE'r-11.NNOYAII, lon geaber:O? Wibt Carl yll•• • and Thirty' Altai!. la t ry . le !au . . and Dane .. tbi• Neat. •mess st A t ' igeliii,WaV: L a .T 4 l" nal '"" lnb . WINOS. ander Um duantrea t' r r ods ‘ r•balne i da ""rd".. .renAllashne• - _ OrßOu'ril CELEBRATED' • OPERATIC CANTATA, THE HAYMAKERS, Is COSTUME. with DM OtchsaUs. min be Dad• Saved at Me ACADEMY OF MUSIC, (Oa Tneadv Eve DION, Vi,b. t /MIMS EAU= AND 101111/1 At acted by a bloater of rololttil bbd ISMO C.•oros. ' 'Clete. , 'octal. , at C. C Mellor's Ilottetto4. No. S. Wool,/ tubs,. wht. cu..% bc secured on and t er Monaay monavy, Ycbrokry 17th, at 10)1 o'clock. tee nano ote , tobthis ocet•lon no of thb towers Liteloway's Yquare Urand , kl o odly ral• abb.? br thc *curt. /ticker. Wood treat. fel, 1.34 Fashionable Danelog Academy, ♦tbl, He. •eretablr $OOllll6 5 I PIFIR hT., ?Print?, 11:21t1.1illiit7 4 atiZE3Tl,ll°,lll .ATUittOATr. antes*,' Names. and Mime . Mess at 3 P. at.enthaten , a Clue at 8 Welt et r.. no( . 05518 , Marcel he teen cel ty at the exedenly, or at Cl. (Marl. Hotel. arbetenftea lets eta be obtalned. Hell to let to Select Par tin, . • i (e12:111 garPROF. CAIIPENTEWEI • DANCINC ACADEMY, PHILO HALL. No. 73 Third street:no. open for•the reception of pupils. ilsys of Wilco, Vs duet tiny and MS.= ay. atf F. ur.. for Ladles. Plairnrs and Wu., Term. WO. Nveniner for agirl cesday an d Friday. ata diem*. Term , noires over Thunelay *venture atv • LEGAL ORPHANS' - COURT SALE. • - THE lINDEUSIGNED. Trustee, THE G 11010144 Ft' the Orphans• Court of Abe. ebihl Looh , T. •.. thepartlllon of the Seal Ina. of wig. B. night. decessed. late of Be. gtr 6415enr4rrettirerY. :in "*" On Wednesday, March '4, MO,. = hoot tea YR VrALrAlWT(Nite.'*alingar Ins. itlekley Honest. on the none tide or Banter lateet. adjoining laid of A. Were pain, on vehlett IS erected a • One Story Slone Dwelling House, With 'bar Improventedia. and which V planted nab :afce a raft Trees: Plrubrp it. Tna Yocaeesion wlll h elect pol*Nbel , E . stnf April nest. TERMS or BALE. Urie half at confirmation of sate and the bat. In one year. with haunt!. secured by bond admortgage on the premix.. • SAMLITEL CiISION, TKOslee, (45:111:7013 0111.11 A 111 b, COVET SALE. ' • Splendid Mansion and 4NOunds: Cln TMC4I/11 - ,, rebruaiT lerd, order o'cock F at.; will be sold at &nether. by of Orphan. Court, an cedlot on the lthstern• border ur the Borough of Deaver, containing about TEN' th e about ons-ball Is a bean slog grove. the residue mall improved ane plaattd,rlW murk end relthlt Ireesv the! • Tua . ety of smell trans and 7. Tee Improve_ nv,verosrirtgrf t oo nl an Eden excluthe of kltsbea, wash house and Nal bees. a. good well thd cistern and large tin. 1 lot but is ass of w ol7. mu pleturesque Sheview of le Bearer cou commending: l s flee view of the 0h1.% and Beaver Oven. awl of the several to that el ..... r their ten tlathco• it also extremely eligible with ref erence SO ncloula Oharche.. lthltroth Maidens, WeedFrb no blithe cow in the markvt Om so rutty conuniences an 1 attrutleas I suited so a tientiszoth Mat degree for bin rut dente 4 PPOt at the • Me lime seelnded from the colts and 61001 bulge.* rid atielly sudeeelly thleseible from, of t blobs This p_relertY wU the homestead of I rtone. gee.. lots of tearer. Terms, which mbll be 44.4 Ts =the evot at time of lisle. esore 'batted this gelato will be attended tendd all questions answered by Ottht. H. TONIC, ltheeator of the ltstate of ['hulas .tone. midi , ' on ndi pinion lot. 1501.k11a U. r.llk EDI AWN orri ,, Z. Weetere District of reunerlystola, • FrrrenuiDiu. le:unary if, ISM TRIP 11 4 TO GIVE NOTICE that on the tan day of February. .. D. leek • Unseent is lianaceptcy swat tamed itralast in - ESTATE OF WILLIAM F. SEISILIFF, • it " M. C at: f or on els own petition; that the payment of any debts uld del:very of p city Wowing. to such baultinfd, if: him. of Dif bla nee. bad toe transfer of DU Property fhe are forbidden by tan• that a motto of the creditors of the said bankrupt, to riots Otto debts, as to el:Di:aeon , : or more Aulineet orb:a esMete , will be held at a Court of Bankroptc7. to be hoiden at the ante of the :'rimer, no. Olemotd street, in the flty of Fitubsrep, he. 'tor:Y. 4 ;l;J THIOILILO A. 1110111L814 . • fe1311:3 U.S. liantbai. Y Menenter. WESTERN DISTRICT PENN. • symvAINIA. Sas . nadanligssed banal atvaa aintsa of Mg: aPPolatascat of ASSIGNEE OP ROBERT HERM of Me tOretisti:Oi Tareatat4 la tam county Of AlMEluny, sad. Statti of,Yeustmliaalsoilthla * : sitel , DlMrlM, vim bU bean Mitadired t4.bast.t.-; rapt anMs own mt. 1110: try the Dldrict IMM 41 mad • . inrOGLI M. BOLL .1441.0140. exact Slat AIM) mad Dwane Way. TN THE DIMTRICT COTTIIT OF l'll2 UNITED IRATE , . TOR TIM VrZfrr • ERN mammal . O. PENNeYLVeriLI. ILICELLif, a Baskroot aseer the 'act of Csioness of Marra ed. Le, Imolai elnslise far a atsalerge frau dobto. one oilier claim provable tater ail set. Sy eviler of Ike Coort. mitten Is lanky [loon to WI erode nen Olio 1.17* pravad 'their debt. 111 otkor Damns laionoted, to sinew an Um 000 gay of ...brassy, INN, at le o'clock N.,before MANOR. Realatai at. kb. Cleo. au ata, ek Manama Meet In tee City of PIN. tomb. t• einriy.osase, if aay t+* .late. why • etesaid met be /frank I to tee We mums. And forinev,oesto.llatrat7 Vat lee Neead sarl sal. Neel of_ereilis • :Volro A t rt alr,VitneVail b lirrif Ur= slater. are tee email arbat...znia..6,,. • • Clerk at O. S. DistNet'onalt far tall 1111:tirear VII THE DEVERIE t CUUST OF TWEENITICO STATE:I -s ' for els Wenteens I.Ostrict of Prano. .111 „r l o . f.. ROSS, Sutras t. • Fs. WILSTLIIN I.llslolrff INCENSTLVANIA. St. At Po City or Ilitavargb, Its ash tom% of JAlinseTe A. E. ME • • • TO ireEne Maur: ososser e ' • _ .. • Tim nadtrstased Unity glees - aotlee et Ws seeetansiezt /Itslassit.ol tl.. h. SONS. el ratr7`P.A."l:.:C." , :iflthvpatit:l, eremites b•en stiedged • Daaltrait epos Credi tors, Retitle.. s' the District Court of 'hald I:nettles. ' Dshtli SZCAFICLD. jaitNittil •sslisee. \IENTERN DINTRICT OF P6sNISTLVANIA, 65. I . At nt'Atlrattt. at, rt. 16111. - The entatted litere t by alves settee Otis ' A. Sall 617,V1,11°Att.t".13';:tr-7, of Lilt j giNe sat Stela et °.,gagalgt*.rja atte.a panne.. Irr 131.ttlet ...Xun of Sal Dittet.t. Jqn 11.11ULET, J•MIESIzto . Attar., Lttr.■tittst tt. WEST ERN - DISTRICT OF' PANNSYLITAELA. HS. An Pittsburgh, the Arth As, of ',Sassari. A. ta. WS. "As isadariThd Mashy gives sollos V. b lar. V=.lgruel:1 4 7.= ..t Alleitam and atata of Pains • lasatArtaith• la said District, whirl. tiers 14008,4 it sat. V o tt li or =s pi er potttlan. Dialstat JVtltl lIAII;2T,' Assigask . talltAirtin tlernspAnktiam. Itilitrasta - .RxEcuTons , NoTictr..Luten. Testamentary ateso the'lut Wilt •nd'hiss morns of Bagel Woods, Woof Swordsn Allegheny smutty. YN delgad. having to .n lined to tbs nwlerthwted..l pawns Wising rialtos seslast sold undo will pressitt t he m. dal, satnentlewed for aettlessul. sad Owens. deb.! ars notified 10 fjg,on • the andersirned. nnorden towns:up, ;Il tj, constr. ra. . - SA ' WLLLI WOW!. Sr.. 6..41t3 t ADMINISTILfILTO tio* Met WS All persons tote na tel.:sof adtaint aterested stredne have Dees grassed to the tract - dined on the eltSit• d 17SW,Lit0 tr . PENste of Ono linriastdp. d[[[ated. All g i rse . r .. d . s4eX i lela as or paronslisx Dr" , " t ts .5 , 110 swirmirr,. kasoi. •thravity. Or her reTTEBEI - OF 4 Ti t, 0 1 Itonssrtri , WI. f t W ' est the twat. of LtaBILLLA KULL.. Wm . italdenn township. deoesson. Sil forams th d e tbena n t on s d do w m . ts ; a e n i o g * n Ws:Woa m % dspewallim-mM winOht y i p w . s. entll=forSettleSOtßEST E ayo NV - • 11$1.Townslal. • NOTICE 111 41411161 5 that f&1014811 OCELLZLIIN ses =ado NV appllcaUcats the Mama Board of *Arnow (Aratty (Ca • Lt. 3110 too Ic.go ma Lulus Mare .at ti 0.40 I etlemi itrett.ro..h.rara. /31110.1` gliOlehr tLn!‘"Ky i W d . 4/ 4"' • A rnevy LOT OF, • WATCHES AND CLOCKS,. I.A.Tio"Tdirbt so. Ix* rsormil. tr. • sons strmatt: TrrALL PAPERS! yy La. r ociudL ul .t t- 1 , • " • VI N MULE!, saw El ram
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers